



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源经管人员》(助理人力资源经管师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效经管15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employeeson how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in orde r to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in mak ing the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organizat ion will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5.aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promoti on from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that mor e reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate planswhich indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Jobform the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its st udents’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satis faction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers,employmentinterviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as.A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can i nfluence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs?.A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gainsharing plan?.A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gainsharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change?.A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment。



市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employeeson how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and at titudes.8. Extrinsic include direct pensation, indirect pensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectivelyor ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will bee an ‘employer ofchoice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5.aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing prehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the pany to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together tovarying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial pany operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. Whendealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy mayhave to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate planswhich indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negativetrends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规15. 间接成本1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one pany as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more prehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are pared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the parison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Jobform the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson parisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolutemeasuring device. The three most popular parisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired parisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in remending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired parison approach pares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired parisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is pared against every other, but itcan obviously bee unwieldy when many employees are being pared.Multiperson parisons can be bined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurateinformation about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson parisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular parisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired parisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. remending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired parison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is pared against every otherD. each method of multiperson parisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoffor reward. Many of these rewards – salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments – are organizationallycontrolled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more plex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct pensation. But there are also indirect pensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction withhis or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct pensation, indirect pensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct pensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct pensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be parable to the direct pensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect pensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless ofperformance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect pensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are oftensidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct pensationC.indirect pensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect pensation.C. Employees will expect their direct pensation to be parable to the indirect pensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct pensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct pensationC.indirect pensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect pensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect pensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. pensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate pression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fillspecific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in acplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which pares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired parisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as.A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs".A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important ponent of a meaningful gainsharing plan".A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gainsharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change".A. suggestion systemB. downward municationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or mercial knowledge. Or it may be about themercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skillsare built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.petences – the behaviors’ petences needed to achieve the levels of performance required.attitudes – the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work. performance standards – what the fully petent individual has to be able to achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in orderto perform the task successfully"A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. petencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or mercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the mercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to behave or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with therequirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards(二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials;Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates);Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets.Mathematical modeling techniques aided by puters can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where prehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. puterized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and calculates the number required as in the following example:1. Number currently employed 702. Annual wastage rate based on past records 10%3. Expected losses during the year 74. Balance at end-year 635. Number required at end-year 756. Number to be obtained during year (=5-4) 81. The word -“attrition” in the first paragraph means .A. retention ratesB. supply from within the organizationC. supply from outside the organizationD. labor wastage and retirements2. According to the passage, forcasting the future supply of people should be based on the following except .A. forecast losses to existing resources through attritionB. forecast changes to existing resources through external movementsC. the effect of changing conditions of workD. sources of supply from external labor markets3. The author of this passage might disagree that .A. The demand and supply forecasts can be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus.B. The demand and supply forecasts can provide the basis for recruitment, retention.C. The demand and supply forecasts can’t provide the basis for downsizing.D. A spreadsheet can be used for demand and supply forecasting.4. In a pany, if people currently employed are 300, annual wastage rate is 20%, and number required at end-year is 350, then the pany should recruit .A.100B.110C.120D.1305. This passage may be extracted from the paper about .A. human resource planningB training and developmentC. recruitment and replacementD. international human resource management。



助理人力资源管理师专业英语(三级)例题一、选词填空1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8.Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9.Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.二、单项选择1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC.The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization wil l become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans toachieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing11. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as a .A.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation12. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time13. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing14. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description15. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis16. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method17. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers18. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis19. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)20. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:1.The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organizationwho can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.2.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and internationalmarkets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually anumber of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably.Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal withthem, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from.A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not.A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘M ake or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:anizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.2.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and management training needs.3.Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.4.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.5.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.6.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.7.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.8.Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.9.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except.A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.(三)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also berelegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked f ourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(四)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards – salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments – are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源经管人员》(助理人力资源经管师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效经管15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employeeson how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in orde r to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in mak ing the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organizat ion will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5.aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promoti on from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that mor e reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate planswhich indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Jobform the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its st udents’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satis faction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers,employmentinterviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as.A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can i nfluence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs?.A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gainsharing plan?.A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gainsharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change?.A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that a re key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organizationwill become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organ ization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ po licy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have beenrecruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. internationallabor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. Theseare:Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is goingand, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectationsand results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developingIT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on onetrait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasingall-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increasein pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job contentover time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiper son comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absoluteand relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, o r E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where nextto one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth outof thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee issameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything,they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferredjob assignments – are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Eachof these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesignor restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course,an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premiumpay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However,where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation givento other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardlessof performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee maymake his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. criticalincidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gain sharing plan? .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gain sharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge–what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.Competences –the behaviors’ competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required. attitudes –the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work.performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be able to achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. Acc ording to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully?A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to behave or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards(二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials; Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates); Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets. Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. Computerized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and calculates the number required as in the following example:1. Number currently employed 70。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化Answer:1. 学徒制2. 职业支持3. 外包4. 数据库5. 员工授权6. 目标7. 人力资源信息系统8. 工作轮换9. 学习型组织10. 心理契约11. Wage and salary survey 12. Task analysis 13. Recruitment 14. Performance management 15. Job enrichment二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8.Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9.Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China‘s economic reformers have used material in centives in order to stimulate . Answer:1.D2.B3.I4.H5.A6.J7.F8.C9.E 10.G三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator‘s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC.The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organiz ation will become an ‗employer of choice‘.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasingAnswer:1.B2.D3.C.4.A5.B.6.B.7.A8.A9.B 10.C四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:1. The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within theorganization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.2. The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national andinternational markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‗employment proposition‘.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization ma y have to formulate ‗make or buy‘ policy decisions. A ‗make‘ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‗buy‘ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‗bringing fresh blood into the organization‘. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‗make‘ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from.A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not.A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‗Make or buy‘ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planningAnswer:1.C2.B3.D4.A5.C(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:1. Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.2. Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and management training needs.3. Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.4. Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.5. Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.6. Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.7. Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.8. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.9. Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market newproducts or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except.A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.Answer:1.D2.B3.A4.B5.C上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives (MBO )9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本Answer:1. 集权化2. 评价中心3. 文化冲击4. 外派雇员5. 计时工资制6. 实习计划7. 工作认同8. 目标管理9. 工资政策线 10. 自我评估 11. 360-degree feedback 12. Selection 13. Performance appraisal14. Job specification 15. Indirect costs二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.Answer:1.H2.A3.D4.C5.F6.B7.J8.G9.E 10.I三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as a .A.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. ―headhunting‖ assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. detailsAnsw er:1.C2.D3.C4.B5.B6.C7.C8.D9.C 10.B四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual‘s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students‘ p erformance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a ―B‖ in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says ―ranked fourth out of twenty-six‖, while the other says― ranked seventeenth out of thirty‖. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systemsAnswer:1.B2.C3.D4.B5.A(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments – are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker‘s satisfaction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any effort s to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating r ewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can‘t be considered as a motivatin g reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal wor th to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis. Answer:1.C2.A3.D4.C5.B上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简Answer:1. 奖金2. 报酬要素3. 扁平化4. 预测5. 收益分享计划6. 工作分类法7. 最低工资8. 绩效反馈9. 人员配置表 10. 工资压缩 11. Training 12. Spot bonus 13. Pay structure 14. Labor market 15. Downsizing二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager‘s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it‘s the line manager‘s responsibility to specify t he qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee‘s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment andemployersseeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted. Answer:1.F2.C3.J4.E5.A6.H7.B8.D9.I 10.G三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known as .A.similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC.leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD.critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee‘s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee‘s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gainsharing plan? .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gainsharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluationAnswer:1.B2.A3.A4.A5.B6.D7.D8.C9.C 10.C四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:●knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercialknowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.●skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achievedand knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or oth er experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.●Competences –the behaviors‘ competences needed to achieve the levels ofperformance required.●attitudes – the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordancewith the requirements of the work.●performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be able toachieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn‘t the characteristic or attribute that the individual。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1.refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the peopleor personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively. A. The group order ranking B. Written essay C. The individual ranking D. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the followingways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identifytraining priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities. Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements. Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.Management requests for training which set out perceived needs. Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device.The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who ea ch got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives outa lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards – salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction with his or her job. Tec hniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increasepersonal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资构造14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were thoseofprevious generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known as A. similarity error B. halo effect or error C. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mentalability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gain sharing plan? .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gain sharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge–what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.Competences –the behaviors’ competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required.attitudes –the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work.performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be ableto achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully?A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to behave or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should bebased on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards(二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials;Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates);Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets.Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine。



上海人力资源管理师三级英语4一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship:学徒2. Career support:职业支持3. Outsourcing:外包4. Database:数据库5. Employee empowerment:员工授权6. Goals:目标7. Human resource information system (HRIS):人力资源信息系统8. Job rotation:岗位轮换9. Learning organization:学习性组织10. Psychological contract:心理契约11. 薪资调查:Salary survey12. 任务分析:Task analysis13. 招募:Recruit14. 绩效管理:Performance management15. 工作丰富化:job enrichment二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)A.feedbackB.benchmarkingC.rewardsD.Human resourcemanagement E.benefitF.on-the-jobG. performanceH.downsizingI. Direct costJ. output1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instrumentsfor .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menuof options.10. China's economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator's attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an 'employer of choice'.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is knownas .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:1. The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.2. The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. Thereare usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive 'employment proposition'.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate 'make or buy' policy decisions.A 'make' policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A 'buy' policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- 'bringing fresh blood into the organization'. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice-they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A 'make' policy means that organization prefers to promote peoplefrom .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it maynot .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. 'Make or buy' policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:1. Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.2. Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and management training needs.3. Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.4. Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.5. Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.6. Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.7. Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.8. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.9. Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Walters, is (are) major training priorities.A. human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviews上海商品房预售管理办法内容第八条开发经营企业申请预售外销,除提交本细则第七条规定的证件及资料外,还应提交:一有偿出让或;开发经营企业批租地块是毛地或生地,还需提交动迁及市政配套合同。



单项选择题(1-50 英中对照含答案)1、The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is outplacement (B)帮助失业的员工重新谋职的过程是一个新的职业A、replacementB、outplacementC、releaseD、downsizing替换重新谋职发布精简2、(D) Critical incidents focuses the evaluator’s attention on those Behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.关键事件将评估者的重点聚焦在那些在有效或无效地执行工作行为的区别上The group order ranking B、Written essay C、The individual ranking D、Critical incidents集团排名书面描述法个人排名关键事件评估3. The recruitment plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the org anization will become an 'employer of choice'. (C)招聘计划应该包括吸引优秀候选人的计划,确保该组织成为“首选雇主A、outplacementB、 evaluationC、 recruitmentD、training重新谋职评估人才招聘培训4、Organizational goals and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going. (A)组织目标和公司计划指明了组织前进的方向A. goalsB. resourceC. resultD. process目标资源结果方法5. Job rotation aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department. (B)轮岗的目的是通过将人们从工作或部门转移到部门来拓宽工作经验。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means th at organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It i s a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who ea ch got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction w ith his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications emplo yees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gain sharing plan? .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gain sharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.Competences –the behaviors’ competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required.attitudes – the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work. performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be able to achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully?A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to be have or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards (二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials;Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates);Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets.Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. Computerized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and calculates the number required as in the following example:1. Number currently employed 702. Annual wastage rate based on past records 10%3. Expected losses during the year 74. Balance at end-year 635. Number required at end-year 756. Number to be obtained during year (=5-4) 81. The word -“attrition” in the first paragraph means .A. retention ratesB. supply from within the organizationC. supply from outside the organizationD. labor wastage and retirements2. According to the passage, forcasting the future supply of people should be based on the following except .A. forecast losses to existing resources through attritionB. forecast changes to existing resources through external movementsC. the effect of changing conditions of workD. sources of supply from external labor markets3. The author of this passage might disagree that .。


10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborer, the par es concerned can apply for
__I_mediation_ or arbitra on, bring the case to courts, or se le them through consulta on.
1. Interna onal human resource management includes __H recruiting__ qualified personnel for
overseas assignments 国际化人力资源管理包括了为跨国任务招聘合格的人员
5. _ F Human resource planning_ determines the human resources required by the ogic goals. 人力资源规划决定了组织为了达到战略目标所需要的人力资源
basic _H. goals__ 职能经理被授权来协助也建议直线经理来完成这些基础的目标。
7. determining the nature of each employ’se ejob i s_B. job analysis_ 我们是通过工作分析来决定每个员工的工作本质的。
8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanita on, and observe labor discipline and profess_ioDn. ael thics__



⼈⼒资源三级英⽂单选1-50题英汉版单项选择题(1-50 英中对照含答案)1、The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is outplacement (B)帮助失业的员⼯重新谋职的过程是⼀个新的职业A、replacementB、outplacementC、releaseD、downsizing替换重新谋职发布精简2、(D) Critical incidents focuses the evaluator’s attention on those Behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.关键事件将评估者的重点聚焦在那些在有效或⽆效地执⾏⼯作⾏为的区别上The group order ranking B、Written essay C、The individual ranking D、Critical incidents集团排名书⾯描述法个⼈排名关键事件评估3. The recruitment plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the org anization will become an 'employer of choice'. (C)招聘计划应该包括吸引优秀候选⼈的计划,确保该组织成为“⾸选雇主A、outplacementB、 evaluationC、 recruitmentD、training重新谋职评估⼈才招聘培训4、Organizational goals and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going. (A)组织⽬标和公司计划指明了组织前进的⽅向A. goalsB. resourceC. resultD. process⽬标资源结果⽅法5. Job rotation aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department. (B)轮岗的⽬的是通过将⼈们从⼯作或部门转移到部门来拓宽⼯作经验。



市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1.Bonus奖金2. pensable factors报酬要素3. Delayering扁平化4. Forecasting预测5. Gain sharing plans收益分享计划6. Job classification system工作分类法7. Minimum wage最低工资8. Performance feedback绩效反馈9. Staffing tables人员配置表10. Wage-rate pression工资压缩11. 培训Training12. 即时奖金Spot bonus13. 工资结构Pay structure14. 劳动力市场Labor market15. 精简DownsizingAnswer:1. 奖金2. 报酬要素3. 扁平化4. 预测5. 收益分享计划6. 工作分类法7. 最低工资8. 绩效反馈9. 人员配置表10. 工资压缩11. Training 12. Spot bonus 13. Pay structure14. Labor market 15. Downsizing二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or human capital lies in the fact that such Workers must bemanaged differently than werethose of previous generations.对于管理者,培养智力或人力资本的挑战在于,这样的员工必须有不同的管理方式,而不是以前的几代人。

2. In summary, is Human Resource management an integral part of every manager’s job.总之,是人力资源管理的一个组成部分,每一个经理的工作。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means th at organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It i s a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who ea ch got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction w ith his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications emplo yees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gain sharing plan? .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gain sharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.Competences –the behaviors’ competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required.attitudes – the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work. performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be able to achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully?A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to be have or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards (二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials;Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates);Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets.Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. Computerized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and calculates the number required as in the following example:1. Number currently employed 702. Annual wastage rate based on past records 10%3. Expected losses during the year 74. Balance at end-year 635. Number required at end-year 756. Number to be obtained during year (=5-4) 81. The word -“attrition” in the first paragraph means .A. retention ratesB. supply from within the organizationC. supply from outside the organizationD. labor wastage and retirements2. According to the passage, forcasting the future supply of people should be based on the following except .A. forecast losses to existing resources through attritionB. forecast changes to existing resources through external movementsC. the effect of changing conditions of workD. sources of supply from external labor markets3. The author of this passage might disagree that .。



catti三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(四)一、词汇翻译(每题2分,共20分)1. 社会主义核心价值观(core socialist values)2. 人工智能(artificial intelligence)3. 共享经济(sharing economy)4. 精准扶贫(targeted poverty alleviation)5. 绿色发展(green development)6. 一带一路(Belt and Road Initiative)7. 网络空间治理(cybersecurity governance)8. 创新驱动发展(innovation-driven development)9. 自由贸易区(free trade area)10. 智能制造(intelligent manufacturing)二、短语翻译(每题3分,共30分)11. 全面建设社会主义现代化国家(comprehensively build a socialist modern country)12. 脱贫攻坚战(the fight against poverty)13. 互联网+(Internet+)14. 新型大国关系(a new type of major-country relationship)15. 人民币国际化(renminbi internationalization)16. 智慧城市(smart city)17. 社会主义核心价值观教育(education on core socialist values)18. 生态补偿(ecological compensation)19. 中华民族优秀传统文化(the excellent traditional Chinese culture)20. 公平竞争(fair competition)三、篇章翻译(40分)请将以下中文文章翻译成英文:随着我国经济社会发展,人们的生活方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。



上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源经管人员》(助理人力资源经管师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效经管15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employeeson how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in orde r to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in mak ing the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organizat ion will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5.aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promoti on from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that mor e reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate planswhich indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aA.job enlargementB.transferC.promotionD.job rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .A.task analysisanization analysisC.resource analysisD.skills analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .anization analysisB.individual analysisC.job analysisD.task analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Jobform the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its st udents’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!1.Multiperson comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. false2.According to the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisons3.From this passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneously4.The following statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely grouped5.This article might be extracted from the paper about .A.performance appraisalB.recruitment and replacementC.training and developmentD.reward systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satis faction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.1.Rewards are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.A.planningB.leadingC.motivatingD.controlling2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichmentB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards3.According to the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.4.Perquisites which the organization provides employees belong to .A.intrinsic rewardsB.direct compensationC.indirect compensationD.nonfinancial rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A.If indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.B.If indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.C.Techniques like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers,employmentinterviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as.A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can i nfluence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs?.A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gainsharing plan?.A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gainsharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change?.A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment。



一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship:学徒2。

Career support:职业支持3。


Database:数据库5. Employee empowerment:员工授权6. Goals:目标7。

Human resource information system (HRIS):人力资源信息系统8。

Job rotation:岗位轮换9. Learning organization:学习性组织10. Psychological contract:心理契约11. 薪资调查:Salary survey12。

任务分析:Task analysis13. 招募:Recruit14。

绩效管理:Performance management15. 工作丰富化:job enrichment二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)A.feedback B。

benchmarking C。

rewards D。

Human resource management E。

benefitF.on—the-jobG. performance H。

downsizing I。

Direct cost J。


refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job。


Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly。

of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4。

助理人力资源管理师-三级 HR专业英语10套试卷

助理人力资源管理师-三级 HR专业英语10套试卷

上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job.2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between e xecuting a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitment4. Organizational and corporate plansindicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goals5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.analysis B. Job rotation satisfaction involvementA. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .managers more control over their subordinates managers increased skill in managing their own careersgreater retention of valued employees an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are: The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions.A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practi ce, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefer s to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor marketto the passge, management consultancies .less mobile than people at a junior level be recruited from external labor marketbe promoted from within the organization not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .their own staff training programspeople from within the organization more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .resource planning and development appraisal analysisbest title of this passage is .organizational context of human resource planning of human resource planninglabor market context for human resource planning of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs. Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managersto the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本1. International human resource management includes qualified personnel for overseas assignments.2. Rapid through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in one company as a very important motivational mechanism.3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasing all-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increase in pay and status is known as aenlargement rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in job content over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .analysis analysis analysis analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as . analysis analysis analysis analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assista nce programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and the individual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one gr ade it says “ranked fourth out of twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. falseto the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisonsthis passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneouslyfollowing statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely groupedarticle might be extracted from the paper about .appraisal and replacement and development systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards –salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments –are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s sat isfaction with his or her job. Techniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .enrichment compensation compensation rewardsto the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.which the organization provides employees belong to .rewards compensation compensation rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or lies in the fact that such Workers must be managed differently than were those of previous generations.2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify t he qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group and individual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s respons ibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs? .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gain sharing plan? .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gain sharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change? .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.Competences –the behaviors’ competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required.attitudes – the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work. performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be able to achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully?A. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to behave or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards (二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials;Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates);Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets.Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. Computerized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and calculates the number required as in the following example:1. Number currently employed 702. Annual wastage rate based on past records 10%3. Expected losses during the year 74. Balance at end-year 635. Number required at end-year 756. Number to be obtained during year (=5-4) 81. The word -“attrition” in the first paragraph means .A. retention ratesB. supply from within the organizationC. supply from outside the organizationD. labor wastage and retirements2. According to the passage, forcasting the future supply of people should be based on the following except .A. forecast losses to existing resources through attritionB. forecast changes to existing resources through external movementsC. the effect of changing conditions of workD. sources of supply from external labor markets3. The author of this passage might disagree that .。

助理人力资源管理师-三级 HR专业英语10套试卷

助理人力资源管理师-三级 HR专业英语10套试卷

上海市职业资格鉴定《企业人力资源管理人员》(助理人力资源管理师)专业英语试卷1一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship2. Career support3. Outsourcing4. Database5. Employee empowerment6. Goals7. Human resource information system (HRIS)8. Job rotation9. Learning organization10. Psychological contract11. 薪资调查12. 任务分析13. 招募14. 绩效管理15. 工作丰富化2. Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly. of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4. Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for .5. Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing to employees on how the organization views their performance.6. The of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification.7. Coaching is a personal technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.8. Extrinsic include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards.9. Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of options.10. China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate .三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .2. focus the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC. The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitment4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goals5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department. analysis B. Job rotation satisfaction involvement6. .HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except . managers more control over their subordinates managers increased skill in managing their own careersgreater retention of valued employees an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can be promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supply in these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resou rce planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from .A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor marketto the passge, management consultancies .less mobile than people at a junior level be recruited from external labor market be promoted from within the organization not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .their own staff training programspeople from within the organization more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .resource planning and development appraisal analysisbest title of this passage is .organizational context of human resource planning of human resource planninglabor market context for human resource planning of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:Organizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and managem Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.ent training needs.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers. Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managersto the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Centralization2. Assessment center3. Cultural shock4. Expatriate5. Hourly work6. Internship programs7. Job involvement8. Management by objectives(MBO)9. Pay-policy line10. Self-appraisal11. 360度反馈12. 甄选13. 绩效评价14. 工作规范15. 间接成本3. refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales or manufacturing to new markets abroad.4. Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between and employees.5. determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.6. The provides information on the nature and functions of the job.7. The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the of an individual onone trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits.8. Training is concerned with fitting people to take on extra responsibilities, increasingall-round .9. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties contained in theinto the detailed tasks that must be carried out.10. In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborers, the parties concerned can apply for or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or settle them through consultation.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The placement of an employee in another job at a higher level in the organization with an increasein pay and status is known as aenlargement rotation2. Key jobs have all of the following characteristics except .A. they are important to employees and the organizationB. they vary in terms of job requirementsC. they are used in salary surveys for wage determinationD. they are likely to vary in jobcontent over time3. A process that goes beyond TQM programs to a more comprehensive approach to process redesign is known as .A. job redesignB. process redesignC. reengineeringD. rightsizing4. The job specification describes job requirements relative to .A. skill and physical outputsB. skill and physical demandsC. age and physical demandsD. experience and physical description5. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .analysis analysis analysis analysis6. The job evaluation system in which specific elements of the jobs to be evaluated are compared against similar elements of key jobs within the organization is known as .A. the point methodB. job rankingC. the comparison methodD. the Hay profile method7. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to .A. the HR recruiterB. the HR managerC. line managementD. co-workers8. Determining what the content of a training program should be, based on a study of the job duties, is known as .analysis analysis analysis analysis9. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .A. downsizing programsB. “headhunting” assistance programsC. outplacement assistanceD. employee assistance programs(EAPs)10. Job form the basis for the administration of applicable employment tests.A. outlinesB. specificationsC. requirementsD. details四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)Multipe rson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. It is a relative rather than an absolute measuring device. The three most popular comparisons are group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparisons.The group order ranking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. This method is often used in recommending students to graduate schools. Evaluators are asked to rank the student in the top five percent, the next five percent, the next fifteen percent, and so forth. But when used by managers to appraise employees, managers deal with all their subordinates. Therefore, if a rater has twenty subordinates, only four can be in the top fifth and, of course, four must also be relegated to the bottom fifth.The individual ranking approach rank orders of employees from best to worst. If the manager is required to appraise thirty subordinates, this approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is the same as that between the twenty-first and twenty-second. Even though some of the employees may be closely grouped, this approach allows for no ties. The result is a clean ordering of employees, from the highest performer down to the lowest.The paired comparison approach compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair. After all paired comparisons are made, each employee is assigned a summary ranking based on the number of superior scores he or she achieved. This approach ensures that each employee is compared against every other, but it can obviously become unwieldy when many employees are being compared.Multiperson comparisons can be combined with one of the other methods to blend the best from both absolute and relative standards. For example, a college might use the graphic rating scale and theindividual ranking method to provide more accurate information about its students’ performance. The A, B, C, D, or E. A prospective employer or graduate school could then look at two students who each got a “B” in their different financial accounting courses and draw considerably different conclusions about each where next to one grade it says “ranked fourth out o f twenty-six”, while the other says “ ranked seventeenth out of thirty”. Obviously, the latter instructor gives out a lot more high grades!comparisons is a(an) measuring device.A. absoluteB. relativeC. accurateD. falseto the passage, there are three most popular comparisons except .A. group order rankingB. individual rankingC. graphic rating scalesD. paired comparisonsthis passage, we can infer that .A. recommending students to graduate schools often uses individual rankingB. the paired comparison approach assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is sameC. group order ranking ensures that each employee is compared against every otherD. each method of multiperson comparisons can be used simultaneouslyfollowing statements about individual ranking are false except .A. it rank orders of employees from from the lowest performer up to the highestB. the result is a clean ordering of employeesC. it assumes that the difference between the first and second employee is differentD. this approach allows for some of the employees who may be closely groupedarticle might be extracted from the paper about .appraisal and replacement and development systems(二)Our knowledge of motivation tells us that people do what they to satisfy needs. Before they do anything, they look for the payoff or reward. Many of these rewards – salary increases, employee benefits, preferred job assignments – are organizationally controlled.The types of rewards that an organization can allocate are more complex than is generally thought. Obviously, there is direct compensation. But there are also indirect compensation and nonfinancial rewards. Each of these types of rewards can be distributed on an individual, group, or organization wide basis.Intrinsic rewards are those that individuals receive for themselves. They are largely a result of the worker’s satisfaction with his or her job. Te chniques like job enrichment or any efforts to redesign or restructure work to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.Extrinsic rewards include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. Of course, an employee expects some forms of direct compensation: a basic wage or salary, overtime and holiday premium pay, bonuses based on performance, profit sharing, and/or possibly opportunities to purchase stock options. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization and, additionally, will expect it to be comparable to the direct compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.The organization will provide employees with indirect compensations: insurance, pay for holidays and vacations, services, and perquisites. In as much as these are generally made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they are rally not motivating rewards. However, where indirect compensation is controllable by management and is used to reward performance, then it clearly needs to be considered as a motivating reward.are often cnsidered as a function in human resource management.2. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .enrichment compensation compensation rewardsto the passage, the following statements are false except .A. Nonfinancial rewards belong to intrinsic rewards.B. Overtime and holiday premium pay belongs to indirect compensation.C. Employees will expect their direct compensation to be comparable to the indirect compensation given to other employees with similar abilities and performance.D. Employees will expect their direct compensation generally to align with their assessment of their contribution to the organization.which the organization provides employees belong to .rewards compensation compensation rewards5. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .indirect compensation is controllable by management ,then it can’t be considered as a motivating reward.indirect compensations are made uniformly available to all employees at a given job level, regardless of performance, they will lose their motivating function.like job enrichment or nonfinancial rewards to increase personal worth to the employee may make his or her work more intrinsically rewarding.D. Each type of rewards can be distributed on an individual or group, not organization wide basis.专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Bonus2. Compensable factors3. Delayering4. Forecasting5. Gain sharing plans6. Job classification system7. Minimum wage8. Performance feedback9. Staffing tables10. Wage-rate compression11. 培训12. 即时奖金13. 工资结构14. 劳动力市场15. 精简that such Workers2. In summary, is an integral part of every manager’s job.3. In the area of and hiring, i t’s the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions.4. HR manager also administers the various (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on).5. Performance evaluations are used as the basis for allocations.6. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic .7. Determining the nature of each employee’s job is .8. Laborers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and professional .9. Labor are agreements reached between laborers and the employer to establish labor relationships and specify the rights, interests and obligations of each party.10. In a public employment , which served workers seeking employment and employers seeking workers, employment interviewers were appraised by the number of interviews they conducted.三、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. The tendency for an evaluator to let the assessment of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that person on other traits is known asA. similarity errorB. halo effect or errorC. leniency errorD. single criterion2. The performance evaluation approach which compares each employee with every other employee and rates each as either the superior or the weaker member of the pair is known as .A. the paired comparisonB. the individual rankingC. the group order rankingD. critical incidents3. Determining whether or not task performance is acceptable and studying the characteristics of individuals and groups that will be placed in the training environment are known as .A. person analysisB. demographic analysisC. individual analysisD. group andindividual analysis4. The lines of advancement for an individual within an organization are known as .A. career pathsB. job progressionsC. career linesD. job paths5. Freedom from criterion deficiency of performance appraisals refers to the extent to which .A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organizationB. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilitiesC. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over timeD. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance6. The Hay profile method uses which three factors for evaluating jobs .A. knowledge, skill, and responsibilityB. mental ability, skill, and responsibilityC. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibilityD. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability7. Which of the following is not an important component of a meaningful gain sharing plan .A. establishing fair and precise measurement standardsB. ensuring that bonus payout formulas are easy to calculateC. ensuring that bonus payouts are large enough to encourage future employee effortD. depending on top management to develop the gain sharing program8. Giving employees more control over decisions about who their co-workers will be is known as .A. empowered selectionB. collaborationC. team selectionD. group development9. Which of the following is a technique used to elicit employee views in order to make decisions and initiate change .A. suggestion systemB. downward communicationC. attitude surveyD. empowerment10. Assessing the degree to which what employees learned during the training program is translated into enhanced employee performance is known as .A. results evaluationB. reaction evaluationC. behavior evaluationD. learning evaluation四、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)A training or a learning specification is a product of job analysis. It breaks down the broad duties contained in the job description into the detailed tasks that must be carried out. It then sets out the characteristics or attributes that the individual should have in order to perform these tasks successfully. These characteristics are:knowledge– what the individual needs to know. It may be professional, technical or commercial knowledge. Or it may be about the commercial, economic, or market environment; the machines to be operated; the materials or equipment to be used or the procedures to be followed; or the customers, clients, colleagues and subordinates he or she is in contact with and the factors that affect their behavior. Or it may refer to the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with.skills –what the individual needs to be able to do if results are to be achieved and knowledge is to be used effectively. Skills are built progressively by repeated training or other experience. They may be manual, intellectual or mental, perceptual or social.Competences –the behaviors’ competences needed to achieve the levels of performance required. attitudes –the disposition to behave or to perform in a way that is in accordance with the requirements of the work.performance standards – what the fully competent individual has to be able to achieve.1. A training or a learning specification is a product of .A. job structureB. job evaluationC. job designD. job analysis2. According to this passage, which of the following isn’t the characteristic or attribute that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfullyA. knowledgeB. mental abilityC. competencesD. attitudes3. According to this passage, the knowledge that the individual should have in order to perform the task successfully may include the following exceptA. professional, technical or commercial knowledgeB. knowledge about the commercial, economic, or market environmentC. knowledge about the job descriptionD. the problems that occur and how they should be dealt with4. From this passage, we can infer that .A. In order to perform tasks successfully, individuals need know more than their professional knowledge.B. In order to perform tasks successfully, skills that the individual should have are built only by repeated training.C. In order to perform tasks successfully, the disposition to behave or to perform in a way needn’t be in accordance with the requirements of the work.D. In order to perform tasks successfully, performance standards should be based on what the average individual has to be able to achieve.5. The best title of this passage is .A. job analysisB. training or learning specificationC. job descriptionD. performance standards(二)Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available from within and outside the organization, having allowed for attrition, absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, and changes in hours and other conditions of work. The forecast will be based on:An analysis of existing human resources in terms of numbers in each occupation, skills and potentials; Forecast losses to existing resources through attrition (the analysis of labor wastage is an important aspect of human resource planning, because it provides the basis for plans to improve retention rates); Forecast changes to existing resources through internal promotions;The effect of changing conditions of work and absenteeism;Sources of supply from within the organization;Sources of supply from outside the organization in the national and local labor markets. Mathematical modeling techniques aided by computers can help in the preparation of supply forecasts in situations where comprehensive and reliable data on stocks and flows be provided. As this is rarely the case, they are seldom used.The demand and supply forecasts can then be analyzed to determine whether there are any deficits or surplus. This provides the basis for recruitment, retention and, if unavoidable, downsizing plans. Computerized planning models can be used for this purpose. It is, however, not essential to rely on a software planning package. The basic forecasting calculations can be carried out with a spreadsheet which, for each occupation where plans need to be made, sets out and calculates the number required as in the following example:1. Number currently employed 702. Annual wastage rate based on past records 10%3. Expected losses during the year 74. Balance at end-year 635. Number required at end-year 756. Number to be obtained during year (=5-4) 81. The word -“attrition” in the first paragraph means .。

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121._ D. Human resource management _refers to the practices and policies you need 3to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job4人力资源管理指的是对组织的人实施的各种操作和政策。

56bor turnover rates provide a valuable means of B. benchmarking the 7effectiveness of HR policies and practices and organization.8劳动变更率提供了一个有价值的方法来衡量组织人力资源政策和操作的有效性。

910bor turnover can be costly. __I. Direct cost __of the recruiting and training 11replacements should be considered.12劳动变更的成本很昂贵。


13144.Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for 15__H. downsizing __ .业务流程再造技术可以被使用来作为规模精简的工具。

1617185.Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing __A.feedback__to employees 19on how the organization views their performance.20绩效评估还是实现了这样一个目的:它告知员工组织是如何看待他们绩效的216.The __J. output __ of the job analysis should be a training or learning2223specification24工作分析的结果可以使培训或学习规范书。

.25267.Coaching is a personal _ F. on-the-job __technique designed to develop 27individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.教练式指导是一种在职的技术,它被用来开发员工的技能、知识、和态度。

2829308.Extrinsic _ C. rewards __include direct compensation, indirect compensation,and nonfinancial rewards. 外在报酬包括直接报酬、间接报酬、非财务性报酬3132339.Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of _E.benefit_ options.3435灵活的福利计划允许员工从一个福利菜单中作选择。

363710.China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to 38stimulate __ G. performance __39中国的经济改革家曾经使用物质激励来刺激绩效。

40414243444546471.International human resource management includes __H recruiting__ qualified4849personnel for overseas assignments50国际化人力资源管理包括了为跨国任务招聘合格的人员512.Rapid __A promotion__ through an extensive staff ranking system is seen in5253one company as a very important motivational mechanism.54快速晋升通过广泛的员工的排名系统是一个公司作为一种重要的激励机制。

55563.__D_ Globalization_ refers to the tendency of firms to extend their salesor manufacturing to new markets abroad5758全球化指的是企业把生产或市场扩展到海外市场的趋势。

594.Developing a high-trust organization means creating trust between6061__C_management_ and employees62发展高信任的组织意味着创造管理层和员工之间的信任63645._ F Human resource planning__ determines the human resources required by the 65organization to achieve its strategic goals.66人力资源规划决定了组织为了达到战略目标所需要的人力资源67686.The __B_job analysis_ provides information on the nature and functions of 69the job70工作分析提供了工作本质和职能的信息71727.The halo effect or error is the tendency for an evaluator to let the __Jassessment__ of an individual on one trait influence his or her evaluation of that 73person on other traits.7475晕轮效应指得是评估者过多关注被评估这某一方面特征从而影响到对其他方面特征的评估768.Training is concerned with fitting people to take one extra responsibilities,7778increasing all-round __G competence__培训指的是把员工调整到能承担额外的责任,同时增加全方位的能力。

7980819. A training or a learning specification breaks down the broad duties containedin the __E_job description_ into the detailed tasks that must be carried out.8283培训和学习规范书细化了包含在工作说明书中的必需完成的(措词比较简单)的任务。

848510.In case of labor disputes between the employer and laborer, the parties 86concerned can apply for __I_mediation_ or arbitration, bring the case to courts, or 87settle them through consultation.在雇主和劳动者的劳动争议中,双方可以申请调解,仲裁,或到法庭上打官司,或者通过咨询8889来解决。

90919293951.For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or _ F. human capital 96_ lies in the fact that such workers must be managed differently than were those of97previous generations.98对于经理们来说,培养知识型员工和人力资本的挑战在于现在的工人和上一代大不相同。

991002.In summary, _C. Human Resource Management_is an integral part of every 101manager’s job102总的来说人力资源管理是每个管理者工作中的组成部分。

1031043.In the area of __J. recruiting__and hiring, it’s the line manager’sresponsibility ot specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific 105106positions.107在做招聘和甄选时,直线经理有责任给出某个空缺岗位对求职者的要求。

1081094.HR manager also administers the various __ E. benefit program __ (health and 110accident insurance, retirement vacation, and so on)人力资源经理还管理大量的福利项目。

1111121135.Performance evaluations are used as the basis for __A. reward__ allocations.绩效评估还用作薪酬发放的基础。

1141151166.Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line mangers in 117accomplishing these basic _H. goals__.118职能经理被授权来协助也建议直线经理来完成这些基础的目标。

1191207.determining the nature of each employee’s job is _B. job analysis__121我们是通过工作分析来决定每个员工的工作本质的。

122123borers shall fulfill their tasks of labor, improve their professional skills, 124follow rules on labor safety and sanitation, and observe labor discipline and 125professional _D. ethics__126劳动者要完成他们的劳动任务,提升他们的专业技能,遵守公司的劳动卫生制度,遵守纪律,127以及职业道德。
