
2017年上海高考英语真题2016年In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor, one of the key thinkers in the art of management, developed the mow famous Theory X and Theory Y. Theory Xis the idea that people instinctively(本能地) 51 work and will do anything to avoid it. Theory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfaction in work.In any case, despite so much evidence to the 52 , many managers still agree to Theory X. They believe, 53 , that their employees need constant supervision(监督,管理)if they are to work effectively, or that decisions must be(impose sth on sb把…强加给某人)impose d from 54 without consultation(咨询). This, of course, makes for authoritarian (专制的) managers.Different cultures have different ways of 55 people. Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to 56 to this process. This is management by the collective(集体的,共同的) opinion. Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things, which are based on general 57 . Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional 58 managers cannot.A recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative(首创精神,主动权), to make decisions on their own without 59 managers first. This empowerment (授权) has been part of the trend towards downsizing: 60 the number of management layers in companies. After de-layering(减少员工层) in this way, a company may be 61 with just a top level of senior managers, front-line managers and employees with direct contact with the public. Empowerment takes the idea ofdelegation (委托) much further than has 62 been the case. Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to 63 that the overall business plan is being followed, and that operations become more profitable under the new organization, rather than less.Another trend is off-site(不在现场的) or 64 management, where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses. Project managers evaluate the 65 of the team members in terms of what they produce for projects, rather than the amount of time they spend on them.51. A. desire B. seek C. lose D. dislike52. A. contrary B. expectation C. degree D. extreme53. A. vice versa B. for example C. however D.otherwise(反过来也是一样的)54. A. outside B. inside C. below D. above55. A. replacing B. assess ing C. managing D.encouraging(评价,估价)56. A. refer B. contribute C. object D.apply(~+to有助于)57. A. agreement B. practice C. election D. impression58. A. bossy B. experienced C. western D.male59. A. asking B. training C. warning D. firing60. A. doubling B. maintaining C. reducing D.estimating61. A. honored B. left C. crowded D. compared62. A. economically B. traditionally C. inadequately D. occasionally(不够地,不够好地)63. A. deny B. admit C. assume D. ensure(假定,承担)64. A. virtual B. ineffective C. day-to-day D.on-the-scene65. A. opinion B. risk C. performance D. attractiveness2015年If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect(探测,察觉)interest in romance among the artists. 51 , you would see plenty of animals with people running after them. Life for ancient people’s earned to center on(集中在) hunting and gathering wild foods for meals.In modern times, when food is available in grocery stores, finding love is more 52 in people’s lives. The53 is all around us. It is easy to prepare a list of modern stories having to do with love. An endless number of books and movies qualify as(作为…合适)love stories in popular culture.Researchers are studying whether love, a highly valued emotional state, can be 54. They ask, what is love? Toothpaste companies want us to think attraction is all about clean teeth, but clean teeth go only so far. Scientists wonder how much the brain gets involved. You have probably heard that opposites attract but that 55 attract, too.One thing is certain: The truth about love is not yet set in stone.(一层不变,板上钉钉)First ImpressionTo help determine the 56 of attraction, researchers paired 164 college classmates and had them talk for 3, 6 or 10 minutes so they could get a sense of each other’s individuality. Then students were asked to 57 what kind of relationship they were likely to build with their partners. After nine weeks, they reported what happened.As it turned out, their 58 judgments often held true. Students seemed to 59 at an early stage who would best fit into their lives.The 60 KnowsScientists have also turned to nonhumans to increase understanding of attraction. Many animals give off pheromones(信息激素)—natural chemicals that can be detected by, and then can produce a response in, other animals of the same species. Pheromones can signal that an animal is either ready to fight or is feeling 61 to partnerships. In contrast, humans do not seem to be as 62 as other animals at detecting such chemicals. Smell, however, does seem to play a part in human attraction. Although we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones consciously, we give and receive loads of information through smell in every interaction with other people.Face ValueBeing fond of someone seems to have a number of factors, including seeing something we find attractive. Researchers had people judge faces for 63. The participants had 0.013 seconds to view each face, yet somehow they generally considered the images the same as people who had more time to study the same faces. The way we 64 attractiveness seem to be somewhat automatic.When shown an attractive face and then words with good or bad associations, people responded to 65 words faster after viewing an attractive face. Seeing something attractive seems to cause happy thinking.51. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise52. A. romantic B. stressful C. central D. beneficial53. A. priority B. proof C. possibility D. principle(原则,原理)54. A. tested B. imposed C. changed D. created55. A. appearances B. virtues C. similarities D. passions56. A. illustrations B. implication s C. ingredients D. intentions(暗示,含意)(配料,材料)57. A. predict B. investigate C. diagnose D. recall(判断)58. A. critical B. initial C. random D. mature(批评的,决定性的)59. A. memorize B. distinguish C. negotiate D. question(谈判,协商)60.A. NoseB. EyeC. He artD. Hand61. A. open B. alert C. resistant D. superior(警觉的,灵敏的)62. A. disappointed B. amazed C. confused D. gifted63. A. emotions B. attractiveness C. individuality D. signals64. A. enhance B. possess C. maintain D. assess65. A. familiar B. plain C. positive D. insulting(侮辱的)2014年Research has shown that two-thirds of human conversation is taken up not with discussion of the cultural or political problems of the day, not heated debates about films we've just watched or books we've just finished reading, but plain and simple __51__.Language is our greatest treasure as a species, and what do we __52__ do with it? We gossip. About others' behaviour and private lives, such as who's doing what with whom, who's in and who's out-and why; how to deal with difficult __53__ situations involving children, lovers, and colleagues.So why are we keen on gossiping? Are we just natural __54__, of bothtime and words? Or do we talk a lot about nothing in particular simply to avoid facing up to(敢于面对)the really important issues of life? It's not the case according to Professor Robin Dunbar. In fact, in his latest book, Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language, the psychologist says gossip is one of these really__55__issues.Dunbar __56__ the traditional view that language was developed by the men at the early stage of social development in order to organize their manly hunting activities more effectively, or even to promote the exchange of poetic stories about their origins and the supernatural.(超自然的)Instead he suggests that language evolve d(进化) among women. We don't spend two-thirds of our time gossiping just because we can talk, argues Dunbar—__57__, he goes on to say, language evolved specifically to allow us to gossip.Dunbar arrived at his cheery theory by studying the __58__ of the higher primates(灵长类动物)like monkeys. By means of groom ing(打扮,梳理毛发,新郎,马夫)--cleaning the fur by brushing it, monkeys form groups with other individuals on whom they can rely for support in the event of some kind of conflict within the group or__59__ from outside it.As we human beings evolve from a particular branch of the primate family, Dunbar __60__ that at one time in our history we did much the same. Grouping together made sense because the bigger the group, the greater the __61__ it provided; on the other hand, the bigger the group, the greater the stresses of living close to others. Grooming helped to __62__ the pressure and calm everybody down.But as the groups got bigger and bigger, the amount of time spent in grooming activities also had to be __63__ to maintain its effectiveness. Clearly, a more __64__ kind of grooming was needed, and thus language evolved as a kind of vocal(有声的)grooming which allowed humans to develop relationship with ever-larger groups by exchanging information over awider network of individuals than would be possible by one-to-one __65__ contact.51. A. claim B. description C. gossip D. language52.A. occasionally B. habitually C. independentlyD.originally(习惯地)(原本,起初,独创地)53. A. social B. political C. historical D. cultural54. A. admirers B. masters C. users D. wasters(挥霍者,废物)55. A. vital B. sensitive C. ideal D. difficult56.A. confirms B. rejects C. outline s D.broadens(概述)57.A. for instance B. in addition C. on the contrary D. asa result58.A. motivation B. appearance C. emotion D. behaviour59.A. attack B. contact C.inspection D. assistance(视察,检查)60.A. recalls B. denies C. concludes D. confesses61.A. prospect B. responsibility C. leadership D. protection62.A. measure B. show C. maintain D. ease(减轻,放松,安逸自在)63.A. saved B. extend ed C. consumed D. gained(扩展,提供)64.A. common B. efficient C. scientific D. Thoughtful65.A. indirect B. daily C. physical D. secret2013年Over the past few decades, more and more countries have opened up the markets, increasingly transforming the world economy into onefree-flowing global market. The question is:Is economic globalization 50 for all?According to the World Bank, one of its chief supporters, economic globalization has helped reduce 51 in a large number of developing countries. It quotes one study that shows increased wealth 52 to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries as a result of integration (融合) of local economies into the world economy. Home to some three billion people, these twenty-four countries have seen incomes 53 at an average rate of five percent—compared to two percent in developed countries.Those who 54 globalization claim that economies in developing countries will benefit from new opportunities for small and home-based businesses. 55 , small farmers in Brazil who produce nuts that would originally have sold only in 56 open-air markets can now promote their goods worldwide by the Internet.Critics take a different view, believing that economic globalization is actually 57 the gap between the rich and poor. A study carried out by the U.N.-sponsored World Commission on the Social Dimension of2012年People on a college campus were more likely to give money to the March of Dimes if they were asked for a donation by a disabled woman in ariders in New York saw a man carrying a stick stumble(绊脚) and fallsometimes he did not. In this situation, the victim was more likely to2011年Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining (留住) customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But, 50 , words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted customers they often 51 the second half of the story. In the excitement of beating off(击退)the competition, negotiating prices, securing(固定,使安全,获得) orders, and delivering the product, managers tend to become carried away.(冲昏…头脑,带走,冲走) They forget what they regard as the boring side of business— 52 that the customer remains a customer.53 to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. It has been estimated that the average company loses between 10 and 30 per cent of its customers every years. In constantly (不断的,经常的)changing 54 , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to(意识到)those lost opportunities and calculate the 55 implication s.(暗示,牵连)Cutting down the number of customers a company loses can make a big 56 in its performance. Research in the US found that a five per cent decrease in the number of defecting(流失的) customers led to 57 increases of between 25 and 85 per cent.In the US, Domino’s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is worthmore than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a poor quality product or service on their first visit and 58 never returns, is losing(使…失去,可接双宾语) the company thousands of dollars in 59 profits (more if you consider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experience).The logic behind cultivating customer 60 is impossible to deny. “In practice most companies’ marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with little attention paid to 61 them”, says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University’ School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close relationship between retaining customers and making profits. 62 customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price 63 , and may provide free word-of-mouth(口头的,口头传达的)advertising. Retaining customers also makes it 64 for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market.50.A. in particular B. in reality C. at least D.first of all51.A. emphasize B. doubt C. overlook D. believe(忽视,俯瞰)52.A. denying B. ensuring C. arguing D.proving(确保,保证)53.A. Moving B. Hoping C. Starting D.Failing54.A. markets B. tastes C. prices D. expenses55.A. culture B. social C. financial D. economical(经济的,节俭的)56.A. promise B. plan C. mistake D.difference57.A. cost B. opportunity C. profit D. budget58.A. as a result B. on the whole C. in conclusion D. on thecontrary59.A. huge B. potential C. extra D.reasonable60.A. beliefs B. loyalty C. habits D.interest61.A. alter ing B. understanding C. keeping D.attracting(局部轻微的改变)62.A. Assumed B. Respected C. Established D. Unexpected63.A. agreeable B. flexible C. friendly D.sensitive(可弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的,灵活的)64.A. unfair B. difficult C. essential D.convenient2010年The first attempt of even the most talented artists, musicians, and writers is seldom a masterpiece, If you consider your drafts as dress rehearsals(彩排), or tryouts,(试用,预赛) revising will seem a natural part of the writing ___50___.What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the out-of-town preview s(试映,预告,预习) that many Broadway shows go through? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, reordering, ___51___ revising. Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent(经历)such a process.When Lloyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting production. However, when Phantom opened in London in 1986, theaudience saw a moving psychological love story set to music.(被谱曲)The musical had___52___ several revisions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup (戏服和化妆). For instance,Lloyd Webber ___53___ some of the music because the Phantom's makeup prevented the actor from singing certain sounds.When you revise, you change aspects of your work in ___54___ to your evolving(进化的)purpose, or to include ___55___ ideas or newly discovered information.Revision is not just an afterthought(事后想法) that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. ___56___, it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way. Even your decision to ___57___. topics while prewriting is a type of revising. However. don't make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows ___58___. Always make time to become your own ___59___and view your dress rehearsal, so to speak. Reviewing your work in this way can give you ___60___ new ideas.Revising involves ___61___ the effectiveness and appropriateness of all aspects of your writing, making your purpose more clearly, and refocusing or developing the facts and ideas you present. When you revise, ask yourself the following questions, keeping in mind the audience for whom you are writing: Is my main idea or purpose ___62___ throughout my draft? Do I ever lose sight of my purpose? Have I given my readers all of the ___63___ that is, facts, opinions, inference s(推理,推断) --- that they need in order to understand my main idea? Finally, have I included too many ___64___ details that may confuse readers?50. A. technique B. style C. process D. career51. A. in particular B. as a result C. for example D. in other words52. A. undergone B. skipped C. rejected D.replaced53. A. rewrote B. release d C. recorded D. reserved(释放、赦免、发行)(保留、预订)54. A. addition B. response C. opposition D. contrast(反对)55. A. fixed B. ambitious C. familiar D. fresh56. A. However B. Moreover C. Instead D. Therefore57. A. discuss B. switch C. exhaust D. cover(开关,转换)(使筋疲力尽,耗尽)58. A. drafting B. rearranging C. performing D. training59. A. director B. master C. audience D. visitor60. A. personal B. valuable C. basic D. delicate(纤细的,精美的,微妙的)61. A. mixing B. weakening C. maintaining D. assessing62. A. amazing B. bright C. unique D. clear63. A. angles B. evidence C. information D. hint s(暗示)64. A. unnecessary B. uninteresting C. concrete D. final(混凝土,具体的)。

When Michelle Obama became first lady of the United States on January 20, she began to join her husband in a partnership to transform the public face America presents to the world. In the process, she is expected to ___41____ a new role that offers exciting opportunities and challenges.Although the position of first lady is unelected and unpaid, a president’s spouse has many official duties, some practicaland some ceremonial or ___42____. As first lady, Michelle Obama will ___43___ her country when traveling overseas, and she will preside(担任) as hostess at White House state dinners and other important functions. In addition, she will ___44___ continue meeting with citizens across the United States, much as she did during the 2008 presidential campaign.Modern U.S. first ladies often devote part of their time to a public-service agenda of their own choosing. Michelle Obama already has indicated she is ___45___ interested in the ___46___ of military families, and her efforts on their behalf almost certainly will ensure that those families’ needs receive high -level attention.On a more ___47___ level, the first lady has told reporters she intends to ___48___her obligations as“mom -in-chief ” tothe Obamas ’ two young daughters, Malia and Sasha, as the girls adjust to their new home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Her balancing act should be familiar to working mothers everywhere as she strives to meets the ___49___ of a fast-paced job while carving out time with her husband and children.41-49 B J F G D H E A CForeigners often fail to appreciate the formal code of greeting in France. The French shake hands with everyone(family, children, strangers), at home, on the way to work, at work, on leaving work, on the way home from work, etc. Thus, in an office , perhaps a dozen people, nowork will be done for the first halfhour while41 who have not met since the daybefore, remind each other who they are.However, it is important to remember with whom one has shaken hands on any one day. The French 42 it asextremely bad manners to shake hands twice, as though one had not taken enough43for the first time.It is still the44to say “Bonjour ”and “Au revoir ”to others when entering or leaving a shop or bar. This is notbecause the French are too45 . It is because they see acknowledging(注意) the existence of others as a way of46 being rude. This may seem unbearably slight to others, but to the French it is most important. Manners mean civilization tothem.Kissing is not so much of a(n) 47of French life as others supposed. But when it does take place, it must be done48 , according to the rules. The49 order is left cheek, right cheek, left cheek---very formal, very stylized. In Paris fourkisses are sometimes permitted: left, right, left, right. 41.BC 42.B 43.BD44.AB45.CD46.A47.AD48.D 49.CA. majorB. determinedC. promotionD. prosperousE. stressedF. surprisinglyG. impressedH. questionsI. cooperationJ. increasinglyBarack Obama has been a hit in China. Apart from holding talks with Chinese leaders,the president ___41___ the Chinese with a lively question-and-answer session with college students. In fact, he is the first U.S. president to visit China inside his first year in office.“The United States insists we do not seek to contain China ’s rise,” he told Chinese students in Shanghai. “On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and ___42___ and successful member of the community of nations.”The U.S.-China relationship has opened the door to partnerships on ___43 ___ global concerns including economic recovery, clean energy, climate change, and the ___44___ of peace and beyond, he added.Indeed, given these pressing issues, China and the United States have ___45___ found their future linked together. They discovered that the largest developing nation and the most powerful industrialized country have to work in concert.A. fulfillB. assume C . demands D. particularlyE. personalF. representG. possiblyH. welfareI. presenceJ. symbolicA .avoidingB .regardC .correctD .properly AB .customAC .anyone AD .feature BC .those BD. notic CD .politeObama’s visit to China on November 15-18 highlighted the complexity of arguably the most important bilateral (双边) relationship in the world. Moreover, for all their differences and disagreements, Beijing and Washington are ___46___ to manage their relations in a way that will contribute to world peace and development.Obama kicked off his first state visit to China in the country’s financial and economic centre, Shanghai, where he held a“town hall”meeting with more than 500 Chinese students. The one-hour discussion, during which Obama took ___47___ ranging from antiterrorism to recipes for success with his signature charisma (领袖魅力), was broadcast live on the websites.He ___48___ that young people could help build bridges in U.S.-China ___49___ — a process that he said must grow beyond the two countries’ governments to take root in the people.41—45 GDACJ 46—49 BHEIA. equallyB. recycleC. portionD. dissolveE. threatenF. countlessG. capableH. convenientI. approximatelyJ. comfortsThe pollution of the earth’s soil and water has become an issue of great concern. Until recently, most of that concern has focused on the land 41 of the planet, where pollution directly affects people in their daily lives. Now, however, we havebegun to realize that marine (海洋的) pollution is 42 important. According to S.A. Patin, marine pollution is the condition that results when people introduce into the seas substances harmful to life, health, resources, activities, or 43 .Marine pollution is far from new. For over a million years, people have thought of the sea as a 44 place to throwtheir garbage. And it is true that the sea has a great capacity for absorbing organic wastes. Some of these wastes are eaten directly by the larger fishes. Others quickly 45 into a kind of organic soup that provides food to 46 species of single-celled plant and animal life.As civilizations grew, more different pollutants were dumped into the seas. Still, this pollution did not really threaten themarine environment. The seas seemed 47 of coping with anything that people could throw at them. This situation changed, however, when suddenly factories began dumping enormous quantities of materials into the seas. Especially in somecoastal areas near large cities, ocean pollution began to 48 marine life. For the first time, the oceans began to fail in theirability to 49 humanity’s waste.Section B41. C 42. A 43. J 44. H 45. D 46. F 47. G 48. E 49. BA. influenceB. devotedC. physicallyD. circumstanceE. affectedF. overallG. financiallyH. decisionI. positiveJ. striveHappiness, according to the Oxford English dictionary, is based on luck or good fortune. Joy on the other hand, is described as a vivid emotion of pleasure. Thus, happiness depends on __41__; joy, on our emotional well-being.If you know joyful people, you will probably notice common traits among them. Joyful people are often healthy,-- suddenboth __42__ and mentally; they value strong __43__ relationships, and they don’t allow the extremes of lifehighs or sudden lows -- to __44__ them too much. Joyful people lead a more stable life. But these abilities do not justarrive; they have to be worked at.Teaching ourselves to be joyful may be one of the greatest things we can do to enhance our __45__ health. However, it is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not __46__ by the thingsthat happen to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we must __47__ to find the joywithin. We must educate ourselves about joy and work to enhance it in our lives. One way to start is to make a __48__ towake up every morning and find joy in our lives. Think about a special person or a __49__ pet. It is our choice to be-- our lives will be both happier and healthier for it.joyful or fearful. Let’s take the time to train ourselves to be joyfulVocabulary 41-49 D C I A F E J H BA. handsB. qualitiesC. downD. curiosityE. prettyF. looksG. ashamedH. appliedI. ruinedJ. informationWhen I succeeded in becoming a part-time employee of Nokia China last summer, many friends asked me how I survivedthe interview.I once asked myself the same questions. Many of my peers also __41__ for the job, including some very competitive andintelligent students from famous universities.But why did the interviewer pick me instead of them?Finally, __42 __ pushed me to ask the interviewers after we became colleagues. The answer was that I appeared confident but humble, responsible and communicative. They evaluated people not just on their academic certificates, but on the base oftheir __43__ and abilities. I happened to be the right person.To be frank, I once felt __44__ of being a student from an unknown college, and I think this may apply to some of you. I thought my future was ruined. It was only at the time of my successful interview that I finally understood the famous saying --- “You decide where you go.”A wide range of skills is important these days. I used to work for Master Kong. My job was to cook instant noodles for customers. I had regarded it as a piece of cake, but I failed constantly. I had to cook the noodles for the right amount of time to make them taste good. Moreover, the noodles could only remain in a plastic cup of five minutes, or the taste would be __45__.This experience taught me never to look __46__ on anything, and always remain humble.I also worked as a volunteer for a beach volleyball event. My job was to help foreign visitors experience the beach. I thought it would be very easy because my oral English was __47__ good. But when I went to talk with a group of foreign guests, I suddenly realized that I did not know a single beach volleyball term. I was embarrassed.After this, I read brochures in both Chinese and English every day to learn the terms for facilities and related words. This allowed me to deliver accurate __48__ to foreigners, and I was happy to work responsibly.After these experience, I’m more confident and I strongly believe that my fate is in my __49__. It has certainly helped me make a giant step closer to my dream of graduating with prospects for the future. I hope my advice will benefit you as well.41-45 HDBGI 46-49 CEJA。

2017上海英语高考试题容易走的路都是下坡路!加油哦,祝高考成功!下面是店铺为大家推荐的2017上海英语高考试题,仅供大家参考!2017上海英语高考试题第I 卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.18C. £9.151. How much money does the man have?A. $18B. $10C. $202. What’s the problem with the man’s apartment?A. The water can’t be turned of f.B. It is dirtyC. It has no hot water3. What will the woman do?A. Take the man to the managerB. Give the man a new watchC. Repair the man’s watch4. Where does this conversation take place probably?A. In a hospitalB. In the kitchen.C. In a shop5. What does the man do at last?A. Leave without helping the womanB. Try to stop the carC. Help push the car.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

英语试卷 第1页(共12页)英语试卷 第2页(共12页)绝密★启用前上海市2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英 语第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack.B. Frank.C. The woman.2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone.B. She didn ’t take him to the hospital.C. She forgot to tell him the message.3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customerB. Passenger and driverC. Wife and husband.4. What is the woman ’s opinion about the course? A. Too hardB. Worth takingC. Very easy.5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizingB. She is complainingC. She is worrying.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

——选词填空Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Ask Siri if she’s a woman. Go ahead: try it. She'll tell you she’s____41____. “Like cacti, a certain species of fish,” she might say. So is Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, Samsung’s S V oice, and Google Now. But, man, do they ever sound a lot like women? ____42____, we think of them as ladies too. In Old Norse(古挪威语), Siri translates to “a beautiful woman who leads you to victory”. We assign female pronouns to them, and, in turn, they fold female turns of phrase into their robotic and occasionally silly answers to our requests.If we prize gender diversity(多样性) in other areas of daily life, why does our tech sound so____43____? The biggest reason for the female phone fixation rests in social science. “Research indicates there’s likely to be greater acceptance of female____44____,” says Karl MacDorman, a professor at Indiana University who specializes in human computer interaction. MacDorman and his team played clips of male and female voices to people of both genders, then asked them to identify which they____45____. The researchers also measured the way participants responded to the voices. In a 2011 paper, they reported that both women and men said female voices came across as warmer. ____46____, women even showed a subconscious preference for responding to females; men remained subconsciously neutral.Why the____47____? Stanford University communications professor Clifford Nass wrote that people tend to see female voices as helping them solve their problems by themselves, while they view male voices as authority figures who tell them the answers to their problems. We want____48____ to help us, but we also want to be the boss of it, so we are more likely to choose a female interface(接口程序).This tendency suggests that companies will make a better impression on a ____49____group of customers with a woman's voice. But not just any voice. It has to ____50____ a brand’s personality. For help with that, companies often turn to Greg Pal, vice president of marketing, strategy, and business development at Nuance Communications, which licenses its____51____of more than 100 voices. Pal insists that some brands choose male speakers. He turned on his iPhone and pulled up the Domino's Pizza app, which has an assistant, Dom. He sounded like a high school English teacher--educated and helpful but not ____52____. That's about right for a brand attempting to ____53____ guys ordering pies before the big game.As voice technology improves, though, designers say diversity will too. Many devices already letyou ____54____ a voice interface. For example. Homer Simpson, a famous cartoon character can tell you where to take a left on our GPS device. And Siri can become a sir, if you take the time to____55____. Want to know how to do it? Ask her. She'll tell you in her uniquely warm, helpful--and female--tone.41. A. robotic B. high-tech C. genderless D. creative42.A. Culturally B. Obviously C. Grammatically D. Undoubtedly43.A. female B. ridiculous C. professional D. reasonable44. A. charm B. professors C. speech D. participants45.A. accepted B. misunderstood C. studied D. preferred46. A. In practice B. On the contrary C. By this means D. At first47. A. neutrality B. prejudice C. authority D. conscience48. A. interaction B. technology C. personality D. society49. A. more sociable B. more talented C. broader D. wealthier50. A. improve B. develop C. admire D. suit51. A. market B. business C. research D. library52.A. strange B. bossy C. reliable D. unique53. A. appeal to B. look into C. meet with D. run after54. A. educate B. customize C. leave D. answerA. buildB. tailorC. playD. improve(宝山区只有54题选项单词与长宁等3区不一样) 55. A. repeat B. assist C. reprogram D. communicate41-45 CAACD46-50 ABBCD 51-55 DBABCDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Good news for awkward teenagers around the world. As time goes by, you could ___41___ up like a completely different person.This comes from the longest running personality study ever ___42__ by scientist. According to researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, our personality changes so much from youth to old age that most people’s personalities in older age are barely ___43___ compared to their younger selves.The researchers analyzed results from a study in 1947, which gathered 1,208 teenagers in Scotland aged 14 and asked their teachers to ___44___ their personalities based on six traits(特征).Now, more than six decades later, the University of Edinburgh team has managed to contact 635 of the ___45___ students, and 174 agreed to have their personalities tested once more.At an average age of 76.7 years old, the group were asked to ___46___ themselves on the same six personality traits, then pick a close friend or family member to do the same.By ___47___ the then-and-now test results, the researchers found that there is hardly any relationship between traits people had as teenagers and those in their older years.It was “as if the second tests had been given to ___48___ people,” the study’s researchers wrote in their report, which was published in journal Psychology and Aging.The results were a surprise because research in the past found personality ___49___ in people tested from childhood to middle-age, and from middle-age to older age.As the team explained, our personality appears stable over short intervals -- ___50___ so throughout adulthood. ___51___, the longer the interval between two tests of personality, the ___52___ the relationship between the two tends to be.It’s clear that more studies are needed to find out what’s going on here. But it could be the first ___53___ that it’s not just our cells that are being ___54___ throughout life – the way we think, feel and behave might no be as ___55___ as we once thought.41. A. hold B. wake C. end D. cheer42. A. carried out B. applied to C. participated in D. made up43. A. incredible B. accessible C. changeable D. recognizable44. A. assemble B. assess C. assume D. access45. A. alternative B. individual C. original D. separate46. A. score B. rate C. comment D. remark47. A. comparing B. reviewing C. presenting D. observing48. A. young B. similar C. amateur D. different49. A. combination B. stability C. transformation D. flexibility50. A. increasingly B. strangely C. subsequently D. obviously51. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. Otherwise52. A. stronger B. closer C. further D. weaker53. A. option B. sign C. symptom D. cause54. A. replaced B. exposed C. divided D. cultivated55. A. stuck in mud B. buried in sand C. lost in thought D. set in stone41-55 CADBC BADBA CDBADDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Boxing is a popular sport that many people seem to be fascinated by. Newspapers, magazines and sports programmes on TV frequently _________boxing matches. Professional boxers earn a lot of money, and successful boxers are _______as big heroes.It seems to me that people, especially men, find it _______because it is an aggressive sport. When they watch a boxing match, they can _______ the winning boxer, and this gives them the feeling of being a ______ themselves. It is a fact that many people have feeling of aggression from time to time, but they cannot show their _______in their everyday lives. Watching a boxing match gives them an outlet for this aggression.However, there is a ______side to boxing. It can be a very dangerous sport. Although boxers wear gloves during the fights, and amateur boxers ______have to wear helmets, there have frequently been accident in both professional and amateur boxing, sometimes with ________consequences. Boxers have suffered from head injuries, and occasionally, fighters have even been killed as a result of being knocked out in the__________. Furthermore, studies have shown that there are often long-term effects of boxing, in the form of serious brain _______, even if a boxer has never been knocked out.I am personally not at all in ______of aggressive sports like boxing. I think it would be better if less time was _______to aggressive sports on TV, and we welcomed more men and women from non-aggressive sports as our heroes and heroines in our society. I believe that the world is aggressive enough already! Of course, people like _______sports, and so do I, but I think that ______other people in an aggressive way is not something that should be regarded as a sport.41. A. broadcast B. cover C. host D. design42. A. kept B. individual C. thought D. treated43. A. appealing B. subjective C. violent D. challenging44. A. pick up B. believe in C. identify with D. long for45. A. winner B. spectator C. inspector D. trainer46. A. ambition B. aggression C. energy D. strength47. A. positive B. indifferent C. deadly D. negative48. A. otherwise B. somehow C. even D. barely49. A. dramatic B. eye-catching C. emotional D. special50. A. court B. ring C. pitch D. yard51. A. loss B. drain C. damage D. disorder52. A. favour B. process C. charge D. power53. A. shifted B. transformed C. given D. delivered54. A. competitive B. quiet C. cooperative D. regular55. A. invading B. insulting C. teasing D. hitting41-45 BDACA 46-50 BDCAB 51-55CACADSection BDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.To Apologize or Not to ApologizeWhy difficult?When we do wrong to someone we know, even not 41 , we are generally expected to apologize so as to improve the situation. But when we’re acting as leaders, the circumstances are 42 . The act of apology is carried out not merely at the level of the 43 but also at the level of the institution. It is a performance in which every word or expression 44 ,as they become part of the public record. Refusing to apologize can be smart, or it can be stupid. So, readiness to apologize can be seen as a sign of strong character or as a sign of weakness.Why now?The question of whether leaders should apologize publicly has never been more 45 . During the last decade or so, the United States in particular has developed an apology culture—apologies of all kinds and for all sorts of wrongdoings are made far more 46 than before. More newspaper writers have written about the growing importance of 47 apologies. Meanwhile, more and more articles, advice columns, and radio and television programs have similarly dealt with the subject of 48 apologies. Although they are not carried out in the public place, we can’t neglect the importance of this performance. Why 49 ?Why do we apologize? Why do we ever put ourselves in situations likely to be difficult, embarrassing, and even risky? Leaders who apologize publicly could be an easy target for 50 . They are expected to appear strong and capable. And whenever they make public statements of any kind, their individual and institutional reputations are in danger. Clearly, then, leaders should not apologize often. For a leader to express apology, there needs to be a strong 51 . Leaders will publicly apologize if and when they think the costs of doing so are lower than the costs of not doing so.Why refuse?Why is it that leaders so often try every means to 52 apologies, even when a public apology seems to be in order? Their reasons can be individual or institutional. Because leaders are public figures, their apologies are likely to be personally uncomfortable and even 53 risky. Apologies can be signalsfor admitting mistakes and mistakes can be indication of job insecurity. Leaders may also be afraid that 54 of a mistake will damage or destroy the organization for which they are responsible. There can be good reasons for hanging tough (硬撑) in tough situations, as we shall see, but it is a high-risk 55 .41. A. immediately B. intentionally C. occasionally D. accidentally42. A. simple B. ridiculous C. abnormal D. different43. A. individual B. company C. family D. society44. A. conflicts B. matters C. appeals D. deceives45. A. urgent B. possible C. necessary D. simple46. A. interestedly B. patiently C. frequently D. hopefully47. A. faithful B. trusty C. immediate D. public48. A. sincere B. acceptable C. private D. positive49. A. bother B. reduce C. regret D. ignore50. A. promotion B. criticism C. appreciation D. identification51. A. personality B. will C. reason D. desire52. A. attempt B. involve C. commit D. avoid53. A. financially B. professionally C. academically D. physically54. A. avoidance B. admission C. involvement D. elimination55. A. fulfillment B. statement C. occupation D. strategy41-45 BDABA 46-50 CDCAB 51-55 CDBBDDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Paris agreement to fight climate change became international law Friday. The landmark deal aims to deal with global warming among growing (41)______ that the world is becoming hotter even faster than scientists expected.So far, 96 countries, accounting for just over two-thirds of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, have formally joined the agreement, which (42)______ to limit global warming this century to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above what it was before machines and (43)______ appeared in the late 1700s. The United States (44) ______ entered into the agreement in September, and more countries are expected to come aboard in the coming weeks and months.United Nations Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon celebrated the event, talking with nongovernmental groups at U.N. headquarters in New York to hear their concerns and (45)______ for the future.“This is an emotional moment for me. It is a credit to all of you. And it is (46)______ for the world,” Ban said in his opening remarks.He praised the (47)______ for getting hundreds of millions of people to back fighting climate change but (48)______ the outcome remained uncertain.“We are still in a race (49)______ time. We need to move on to a low-emission and climate-sustainable future,” Ban added.Scientists praised the speed at which the agreement, signed by 192 parties last December in Paris, has come into force, saying it shows a new commitment by the international community to (50)_____ a problem that is melting polar ice caps, sending sea levels (51)______and transforming vast areas into desert.“(52)______ the real effect of the agreement after it goes into effect is still uncertain, it is a simplesign that the international society is much more open to alter economic and political behavior to control climate change, which is (53)______ positive,” said Feng Qi, executive director of the School of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences at Kean University in New Jersey.Scientists and (54)______ say the agreement is the first step of a much longer and complicated process of reducing the use of fossil fuels, which currently (55) ______ the majority of the planet’s energy needs and also are the primary drivers of global warming.41. A. applicants B. fears C. observations D. comments42. A. seeks B. allows C. assumes D. seizes43. A. institutions B. laboratories C. committees D. factories44. A. formally B. instantly C. particularly D. generally45. A. prejudices B. approaches C. visions D. concepts46. A. spiritual B. historic C. appropriate D. valueless47. A. agreements B. groups C. headquarters D. emissions48. A. apologized B. denied C. warned D. overlooked49. A. against B. on C. for D. without50. A. avoid B. find C. address D. ignore51. A. falling B. rising C. disappearing D. remaining52. A. Until B. Since C. If D. While53. A. under no circumstances B. on the contraryC. in no caseD. by all means54. A. officers B. policymakers C. employers D. technicians55. A. remove B. preserve C. supply D. restore41-45 BADAC46-50 BBCAC51-55 BDDBCFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Being Bigger isn’t Necessarily Considered BetterThe film, which famously started life in 1939, has now declared a new age, that of smaller start-up. By 2014, when Ms Whitman announced HP’s decision to separate its computer and printer business from its corporate hardware and services operations, the company had grown into a clumsy ____41____Its fortunes started to ____42_____with a series of expensive and much criticized purchase. By 2012 it had lost its position as the World ‘s leading supplier of PCs to Lenovo. The dramatic ____43____was aimed at helping the firm adapt to the new age of mobile and online computing, responding to shareholder demands for more aggressive ______44_____.“ I would go from laser jet printing to our big enterprise services contracts where we were running the back end of IT for many big companies and organizations. These two things are not like each other. So the ability to focus and engage with customers on a(n)____45____set of objectives and business outcomes.I can already see the differences.” Ms Whitmannn, who now heads the new spin-off. Hewlett Packard Enterprise ( HPE) selling servers and services, says the change has already ___46____her performance. “One big change is it ____47____each of the divisions to pursue the strategy that is right for them. ____48_____, there is ‘no way ‘printer and PC company HP Inc’s decision last year to by Samsung’s printing business for $1 bn would have happened when it was part of the larger firm. So it’s that ability to drive your own program, not ____49___by other businesses that don’t have the same characteristics.” MsWhitman is so convinced her strategy is working that she’s ____50_____HPE further, spinning off both its business services division and its software business into separate companies last year.Her assumption that bigger doesn’t always mean better seems ____51____. After all, a larger company should find it easier to dominate the market it operates in. But the rapid rise of much small start-ups, competing and often overtaking these established powerful companies means the accepted wisdom that ____52_____equals success is being challenged.____53______in 2014, eBay carved PayPal , the electronic payments arm it bought in 2001, off from the main online sale business.Box, a cloud storage company, is another case in point. Founder Aaron Levie says,” Whether Uber, Airbnb,those same lessons _____54____, which is if you can build something that’s cheaper, faster and more scalable and delivers a far better customer experience than what the traditional sellers were able to do, then you can be extremely ___55_____.41. A. appearance B. construction C. giant D. possession42. A. decline B. increase C. stay D. vary43. A. adventure B. combination C. development D. split44. A. behavior B. growth C. markets D. policies45. A. ambitious B. complex C. narrow D. overall46. A. delivered B. improved C. measured D. standardized47. A. allows B. employs C. reminds D.threatens48. A. All in all B. For example C. On the contrary D. What’s more49. A. held back B. kept on C. looked over D. taken down50. A. dissolved B. expanded C. operated D. shrunk51. A. fundamental B. reasonable C. surprising D. widespread52. A. diligence B. discipline C. profit D. size53. A. Comparatively B. Generally C. Similarly D. Unexpectedly54. A. apply B. fail C. hide D. increase55. A. friendly B. miserable C. motivated D. troublesome41-45 CADBC BABAD CDCADFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.More Parents Shifting Careers to Achieve Work-life BalanceAs a television news host, Cynthia Demos’ schedule made her home life a challenge. Working nights and weekends meant she rarely put her 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter to bed, or spent Saturdays at the park. So, three years ago, Demos began testing the waters to see if operating her own business making marketing videos would create an option for more 41 time.Last month, Demos took a leap. Instead of renegotiating her 42 , she left her job to take her venture to the next level — building her own video production/media training company. It’s a career shift on a path to work-life balance that more 43 are making.New research shows the top reason why people leave their jobs is to 44 opportunities with a better work-life balance. Those who make the 45 say there almost always is a main cause, either work-or home-related. It could be a life-changing event like the birth of a child, or it could be a new demanding boss, change in job responsibilities, or too many missed milestone events. It might even be a more 46 job offer.For Denie Harris, the main cause was the attraction of a better 47 situation for a mom with young daughters. Harris had been marketing director for two companies in South Florida when an opportunity came her way to hold a similar position at her daughters’ school. It was a decision that required 48 all factors. The upside included seeing her children during the workday and sharing the same 49 with them. The downside was leaving the corporate world and earning less. “Everything in life is a give-and-take,” Harris says. “For a mom, working at your children’s school is the best possible place to be.”In the 50 to achieve work-life balance, working mothers having been “quitting” jobs for more than a decade, choosing to stay at home with their children when 51 possible. But today, both men and women are making job changes, choosing work options that better fit their 52 lifestyle. The shift often means serious consideration of 53 , including salary, advancement and fulfillment.Doug Bartel, who left his job as a TV news producer more than a decade ago, says that what working fathers often look for is predictability and control over their schedules. They are starting their own law firms or becoming self-employed consultants to gain that 54 .Big salaries aren’t necessarily the golden handcuffs(手铐) they used to be. With the traditional 40-hour workweek becoming out of date, a survey of nearly 9,700 full-time workers by the global firm of Ernst & Young found that most parents are willing to make 55 and financial concessions (让步)for work-life balance.41. A. balance B. business C. family D. entertainment42. A. issue B. contract C. future D. contribution43. A. employers B. employees C. children D. parents44. A. give up B. seek out C. act on D. substitute for45. A. change B. mistake C. difference D. effort46. A. budget-friendly B. female-friendly C. family-friendly D. business-friendly47. A. work B. living C. security D. education48. A. identifying B. understanding C. describing D. weighing49. A. idea B. feeling C. value D. schedule50. A. struggle B. permission C. decision D. ability51. A. physically B. medically C. financially D. logically52. A. past B. desired C. interesting D. modern53. A. jobs B. hobbies C. sacrifices D. partners54. A. power B. support C. skill D. control55. A. identity B. career C. mental D. considerate41-45 CBDBA46-50 CADDA51-55 CBCDBFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Robots’ IntelligenceAs Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly complicated, there are growing concerns that robots could become a threat. This danger can be ____41____, according to computer science professor Stuart Russell if we figure out how to turn human ___42_____into a programmable code.Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks, it’s necessary to translate our morals into AI language. ____43____, if a robot does chores around the house, you wouldn’t want it to put the pet cat in the oven to make dinner for the ____44____children.” You would want that robot ____45_____with a good set of values.” said Russell.Some robots are already programmed with basic human values. For example, mobile robots havebeen programmed to keep a ___46____distance from humans. Obviously there are cultural differences, but if you were talking to another person and they came up close in your personal space, you wouldn’t think that’s the kind of thing a ____47____brought-up person would do.It will be possible to ___48_____more complicated moral machines, if only we can find a way to set out human values as clear rules. Robots could also learn values from drawing patterns from large sets of data on human behavior. They are dangerous only if programmers are ____49____.The biggest ____50_____with robots going against human values is that human beings fail to do sufficient testing and they’re produced a system that will ____51_____some kind of taboo (禁忌). One simple check would be to program a robot to check the correct course of action with a human when presented with a(n) ____52____situation.If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave, it has the opportunity to stop, send out beeps ,and ask for ___53_____from a human. If we humans aren’t quite sure about a decision, we go and ask somebody else.The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe in ____54_____, and how to create a set of ethical(伦理的)rules. But if we ___55_____an answer , robots could be good for humanity.41. A. avoided B. revised C. increased D. rejected42. A. personalities B. behaviors C. intentions D. values43. A. Instead B. For example C. After all D. As a result44. A. special B. demanding C. bright D. starving45. A. preloaded B. downloaded C. uploaded D. upgraded46. A. comfortable B. private C. sufficient D. noticeable47. A. literarily B. independently C. properly D. naturally48. A. manufacture B. install C. introduce D. create49. A. careless B. senseless C. powerless D. thoughtless50. A. doubt B. threat C. concern D. prospect51. A. subject B. prohibit C. observe D. break52. A. similar B. familiar C. unusual D. ideal53. A. permission B. guidance C. feedback D. comment54. A. principle B. moral C. standard D. technology55. A. look into B. pick out C. turn to D. come up with41-45 ADBDA 46-50 ACDAC 51-55 DCBBDDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Why College is Not HomeThe college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy (自主性) and the development of adult identity. However, now they are becoming an ___41____period of adolescence, during which many of today’s students are not shouldered with adult _____42____.In the past two decades, continued connections with and ___43____on family, thanks to cell phones, email and social media, have increased significantly. Some parents go so far as to help with housework. Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family toautonomy,universities have ____44_____to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.To prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility, college need to be a time of ___45____and experimentation. This process involves “trying on” new ways of thinking about oneself both intellectually and personally._____46_____we should provide “safe spaces” within colleges, we must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views.____47_____ growth and flexibility are fostered by strict debate and questioning.Learning to deal with the ___48____world is equally important. Because a college community (群体)differs from the family, many students will struggle to find a sense of ____49___. If students rely on administrations to ___50_____their social behavior and thinking pattern,they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity,within a larger and complex community.______51___,the tendency for universities to monitor and __52_____student behavior runs up against another characteristic of young adults: the response to being controlled by their elders. If acceptable social behavior is too strictly defined (规定), the insensitive or aggressive behavior that administrators are seeking to minimize many actually be _____53___. It is not surprising that young people are likely to burst out, particularly when there are reasons to do so.Our generation once joined hands and stood from at times of national emergence. What is lacking today is the _____54____between desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. Therefore, there is the desire for their home to be replacement homes and not places to experience growth.But Every college discussion about community values,social climates and behavior should include ___55__of the development importance of students autonomy and self-regulation.41. A. expanded B. educational C. expected D. extended42. A. responsibilities B. abilities C. knowledge D. experience43. A. concentration B. dependence C. influence D. decision44. A. give up B. give away C. give in D. give out45. A. instruction B. exploration C. reflection D. preparation46. A. When B. While C. Since D. If47. A. Intellectual B. Spiritual C. Logical D. Psychological48. A. adult B. virtual C. real D. social49. A. satisfaction B. duty C. belonging D. curiosity50. A. understand B. train C. protect D. regulate51. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. Thus D. However52. A. change B. criticize C. shape D. motivate53. A. encouraged B. challenged C. agreed D. realized54. A. difference B. tension C. balance D. conflict55. A. observation B. recognition C. determination D. judgment41-45 DABCB 46-50 BADCD 51-55 BCADBDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Throughout history, many lives have been lost at the hands of severe weather. Meteorologists (气象学家) and scientists alike are always investigating new ways to increase the warning time for storms, with the。

Anxiety disorders –defined by extreme fear, restlessness, and muscle tension –are carefully considering, disabling, and can increase the risk for___1___and self-murder. They are some of the most common mental health conditions around the world, ___2___ around four out of every 100 people and costing the health care system and job employers over US$42 billion each year.People with anxiety are more likely to miss days from work and are less___3___. Young people with anxiety are also less likely to enter school and complete it –leading to fewer life ___4___. Even though this evidence points to anxiety disorders as being important mental health issues, insufficient ___5___is being given to them by researchers, clinicians, and policy makers.My team and I at the University of Cambridge wanted to find out who is most affected by anxiety disorders.To do this, we conducted a systematic ___6___of studies that reported on the proportion of people with anxiety in a variety of contexts around the world, and used accurate methods to keep the highest quality studies.Our results showed women are almost twice as likely to ___7___ anxiety as men, and people living in Europe and North America are disproportionately affected.So why are women more ___8___?It could be because of differences in brain chemistry and hormone(荷尔蒙) variations. Reproductive across a woman’s life are ___9___ with hormonal changes, which have been linked to anxiety. The rise in oestrogen (雌激素) that occurs during pregnancy can ___10___the risk for uncontrollable disorder.This is ___11___by disturbing and repetitive thoughts, impulses and addictions that are upsetting and less effective. But in addition to biological mechanisms, women and men seem to experience and react to events in their life ___12___. Women tend to be more likely to stress, which can increase their anxiety. Also, when faced with stressful situations, women and men tend to use different coping ___13___. Women faced with life stressors are more likely to think about them seriously, which can increase their anxiety,___14___men engage more in active, problem-focused coping.Other studies suggest that women are more likely to ___15___physical and mental mistreatment than men, and this behavior has been linked to the development of anxiety disorders.1. A. symptom B. depression C. misery D. frightening2.A, infecting B. stimulating C. capturing D. affecting3. A. productive B. progressive C. positive D. passive4. A. adventures B. insurances C. chances D. programs5. A. conclusion B. attention C. solution D. contribution6. A. ignorance B. outlook C. discovery D. review7. A. suffer from B. deal with C. fight against D. result from8. A. superior B. inferior C. probable D. enormous9. A. characterized B. confused C. performed D. offended10.A. equally B. similarly C. differently D. terribly11.A. shortcuts B. strategies C. standards D. samples12.A. because B. unless C. if D. while13.A. experience B. respond C. ignore D. persist14.A. because B. unless C. if D. while15.A. experience B. respond C. ignore D. persistDirections MatterMultitaskingWhat is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products 41 at the entrance? Or the soft background music?But have you ever noticed the smell? Unless it is bad, the answer is likely to be no. But while a shop's scent may not be outstanding 42 sights and sounds, it is certainly there. And it is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to 43 .A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines. A smell may be 44 but it may not just be used for freshening air. One sports goods company once reported that when it first introduced scent into its stores, customers’45 to purchase increased by 80 percent.When it comes to the best shopping streets in Pairs, scent is just as important to a brands 46 as the quality of its window displays and goods on sales. That is mainly because shopping is a very 47_____ experience to what it used to be.Some years ago, the ___48_____for brand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants’____49___ attitude and don’t-touch-what-you-can’t-afford displays. Now the 50 of electronic commerce (e-commerce) has opened up famous brands to a wider audience. Bui while e-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar stores (实体店)can offer a full experience from the minute customers 51 through the door to the moment they leave. Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a(n) 52_________. And scent is just one way to53______ this.Now a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder 54_______ through the kid department, and coconut scent in the swimsuit section. A department store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store’s windows to smell books, pots and drawers, 55________their perfect scent.41. A. engaged B. delivered C. displayed D. located42. A. connected with B. compared with C. combined with D. came up with43. A. purchase B. wander C. appreciate D. identify44. A. instructive B. attractive C. expensive D. informative45. A. expression B. demand C. intention D. attention46. A. profession B. project C. relation D. success47. A. different B. elegant C. inevitable D. generous48. A. focus B. account C. check D. schedule49. A. determined B. careless C. objective D. disapproving50. A. view B. rise C. trade D. effect51. A. step B. Inspect C. strive D. proceed52. A. occasion B. moment C. destination D. department53. A. apply B. achieve C. mention D. observe54. A. appears B. inputs C. chases D. floats55. A. in terms of B. in the form of C. in search of D. in common withA Cashless SocietyThere is nothing worse than feeling around in your pocket trying to find some small change to pay for a newspaper or a coffee. So it’s good to know that new __41__ is making cash -- banknotes and coins -- a thing of the past, turning us into a cashless society.Today, many of us already use credit and debit cards for __42__ transactions (交易) so there’s no need to carry around huge amounts of money. And now it’s __43__ to make contactless payments using tap-and-go cards which are regular bankcards but with a built-in chip. The card reader __44__ a radio signal and, when you bring the card close to the reader, the chip picks up the signal to make the payment.__45__money this way or spending on “plastic” -- an informal name for a credit card -- can put you at risk of fraud (诈骗). Criminals try to steal cards, or the information on them, to make __46__ online or in shops, which, as a result, adds too much difficulty to the police’s detective work. __47__, contactless payment is capped -- in the UK the limit is £30. And, if someone does go on a crazy spending with your card, your bank covers you against the loss. Also, the __48__ of chip and PIN technology has even been helping businesses by cutting the time people spend at the cashier’s in shops and has led to a(n) __49__ in fraud.But, if getting your bankcard out seems like too much trouble, there’s now a __50__ using wearable technology -- something you can wear that include computer and electronic technologies. Kenneth Cukier, economist and technology expert, says “this is __51__ for people who don’t want to take their card out of their wallet, or use their phone, or use their watch. People are going to be making more purchases more of the time -- __52__ for small-valued goods.”And, although our mobile phones are another way of making payments, BBC reporter Kate Russell says that when this is __53__ you can use the fingo-pay (指纹支付) system which “reads the unique maps of veins under the surface of your finger.” The trick is remembering which finger you __54__ with in the bank -- that’s whe n good old-fashioned cash might save the day! What do you __55__ to use when you buy something?41. A. experiment B. evidence C. technology D. analysis42. A. financial B. equal C. economical D. moderate43. A. definite B. possible C. formal D. legal44. A. work out B. makes out C. gives out D. sends out45. A. Refunding B. Depositing C. Paying D. Withdrawing46. A. bargains B. purchases C. preparations D. troubles47. A. Similarly B. Meanwhile C. Furthermore D. However48. A. introduction B. contact C. cooperation D. extension49. A. rise B. drop C. change D. increase50. A. question B. reason C. concept D. solution51. A. reserved B. provided C. intended D. chosen52. A. particularly B. specially C. simply D. purposefully53. A. inexact B. unnecessary C. impractical D. inconvenient54. A. cancelled B. registered C. tested D. restricted55. A. attempt B. demand C. prefer D. aimAnimal RightsEvery conscious being has interests that should be respected. No being who is conscious of being alive should be devalued to thinghood, dominated, and used as a resource or ___41___. The key point of the idea known as animal rights is a movement to extend moral consideration to all ___42___ beings. Nobody should have to demonstrate a specific level of intelligence or be judged beautiful to be given moral consideration. No being should have to be useful to humanity or capable of accepting “duties”in order to be extended moral consideration. ___43___, what other animals need from us is being free from duties to us.Animal rights is about letting animals live on their own terms. It can be written into our laws, but is not an actual list or bill of rights as we have for human society. It begins with our promises not to act like ___44___ of others. Animal rights is about justice ─treating animals fairly.Why is animal rights ___45 ___? It is because we humans often act as though we are the only beings on the planet.Although we depend on other animals for our very survival, humans are the only animals that have upset the balance of nature. There are lots of ways that humans ___46___ animals. We domesticate them and use them for food, even though our nutritional needs can be completely supplied by a(n) ___47___ diet. Although other materials are available, we use animal’s skin and other body parts for clothing, furs, hats, boots, jewellery and even pet toys. Humans can talk about it but animals cannot. All animals wish to experience life in its fullness. Unlike many animals who have to kill to survive, humans do not.Why should humans cause ___48___ to other beings when it’s not necessary?As we do, animals protect their children; they feel fear; they warn each other of dangers; they play. We might differ from other animals in some ways, but that doesn’t give us the right to ___49___ them down, take their lands, pollute their waters, or use them for our conveniences. Animals also experience pain and it’s not difficult to observe __50__ of pain in the way a conscious being reacts to it. We take advantage, cause distress, and act __51__ when we use animals for amusement. Lots of pets are ___52_ on the streets when their owners no longer find it convenient or affordable to keep or care for them.Whether we admit it or not, it’s a prejudice to think we are ___53___ to animals and that it is our right to control them, which can only make people act mean, hateful or neglectful. However, each of us has within us the power to ___54___. We can adopt a different attitude, one that reshape our destiny. This will have wonderful effects on the planet’s other communities, for life is ___55___ avoiding suffering. It is interacting, singing, pursuing joy. We humans can learn to live responsibly, with respect, kindness and love.41. A. companies B. goods C. insects D. providers42. A. active B. conscious C. intelligent D. strange43. A. Indeed B. Moreover C. Nevertheless D. Otherwise44. A. followers B. friends C. masters D. tutors45. A. necessary B. neglected C. respected D. revolutionary46. A. distinguish B. eliminate C. exploit D. raise47. A. animal-free B. eco-friendly C. low-salt D. well-balanced48. A. conflict B. confusion C. isolation D. misery49. A. calm B. chase C. pull D. tear50. A. signs B. symbols C. symptoms D. performances51. A. differently B. enthusiastically C. gently D. unfairly52. A. abandoned B. chosen C. oppressed D. spoiled53. A. accessible B. appealing C. reasonable D. superior54. A. change B. dominate C. persist D. proceed55. A. contrary to B. more than C. owing to D. rather thanA new idea called …business at the speed of thought‟ is quite popular in business world. It makes quick marketing progress, but it also presents a 41______ way to run a c ompany. Here‟re the main 42________ : The businesses today that will succeed are those able to jump around in high spirits. Chances must be seized immediately and decisions made quickly. Everyone needs more immediate answers, and the window of expected 43 to any questions has dropped from weeks to days even to hours.The problem with this way of thinking is that too often such quickness comes at the expense of 44_____ understanding the details of a situation. Sure, the networked society allows us to gather information within a short time, but does it really 45_____ up our ability to make better decisions? How do you balance the 46______ for speed with sharp and correct thinking? That5s the 47______ on the minds of a lot of people these days, including Future Shock author, Alvin Toffler, who studies the idea in our cover story. It‟s also a ___48___ of a new study by Kepner Tregoe. It reports that 77 percent of managers believe that during the past three years the number of decisions they made each workday has increased. But 85 percent of those same people say the time given to making those decisions has either ____49__ or stayed the same. Result: Speed kills. Different opinions are not shared. Other choices are 50______ too easily. Aims never seem to be clear.____51____ , good records aren‟t kept about how successful decisions are made. If your company really does well, the Kepner report suggests ___52___ the decision-making process and figuring out what you did right. Study your successes, as well as your failures.Fast decision-making is a necessity sometimes-no question about that. But decisions are only as good as the 53____ go into them. By that measure, many of today‟s decisions are weak and could 54_____ some companies at the knees. Business may be keeping the quickness of _55_____ ,butit‟s going to be torn to pieces if managers are not thinking with great care and patience.41. A. numerous B. clear C. dangerous D. bright42. A. points B. matters C. solution D. barriers43. A. response B. rejection C. acceptance D. methods44. A. rapidly B. properly C. timely D. widely45. A. arouse B. cultivate C. decline D. speed46. A. technique B. thirst C. passion D. need47. A. idea B. thought C. doubt D. puzzle48. A. subject B. aim C. project D. discovery49. A. decreased B. changed C. increased D. lengthened50. A. made B. accepted C. dismissed D. discussed51. A. Otherwise B. On the contrary C. For example D. Therefore52. A. setting aside B. breaking out C. turning out D. taking apart53. A. questions B. thoughts C. eyes D. brains54. A. cut up B. cut off C. turn down D. turn off55. A. expanding B. running C. thought D. explorationThe two most common organizational patterns of the family are the nuclear family and the extended family. To a large extent, these patterns 41.________ a society's primary subsistence (存在) strategy.American social scientists have generally agreed that families everywhere fulfill four crucial social 42.________ : (a) reproduction of new members, (b) child care, (c) socialization of children to values, traditions, and norms of the society, and (d) intimacy and support for members. Although we can define the family 43.________ its functions, the emphasis given to each of them varies widely both geographically and 44.________ . For example, in nineteenth-century America, people married mainly to have children. Today, emotional support among family members has now become the dominant function of the family, and the family has become an economic unit for consumption rather than for 45.________.In recent years, social scientists have discovered important 46.________in family types, such as the single-parent family and the nuclear family fixed within a network of kin(亲戚). American families also 47.________ according to social class. A couple's social class affects the number of children they will decide to have, if any, and also the likelihood of 48.________to the family because of illness, death, or divorce. Social class also influences the amount of stress a marriage is likely to undergo and the way parents raise their children.49.________, the extent to which American families now differ by 50.________appears to be much less than it was fifty years ago.The American family has been 51.________ in a number of ways over the past few decades. Many people are marrying later, having children later, and having fewer children or none at all. These social changes have 52.________ diverse household patterns, including single-person households and childless couples. Role changes are also occurring as both partners pursue 53.________ and share family responsibilities.Many innovative family arrangements are attempts to enhance the commitment of marriage while increasing individual freedom and fulfillment. In this way, families are 54________ such broad social trends as delayed marriage, greater participation of women in the job market, and a rising rate of divorce. Undoubtedly, the American family will continue to be subjected to such pressures, but how 55.________ will these future adaptations be?41. A. reflect B. change C. confirm D. replace42. A. performances B. activities C. relations D. functions43. A. with regard to B. in terms of C.in combination with D. for the purpose of44. A. racially B. financially C. historically D. spiritually45. A. inhabitation B. competition C. connection D. production46. A. variations B. units C. arrangements D. characteristics47. A. develop B. extend C. differ D. evolve48. A. contribution B. destruction C. combination D. application49. A. Therefore B. Also C. Contrarily D. However50. A. family size B. work pressure C. economic status D. social class51. A. expanding B. divided C. valued D. changing52. A. focus on B. resulted in C. appealed to D. called for53. A. trends B. study C. careers D. goals54. A. adapting to B. dealing with C. worrying about D. getting rid of55. A. sociable B. available C. extensive D. natural8,闵行区Celebrities, in other word, famous people, have become one of the most important representatives of popular culture. Fans used to be crazy about a specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption on the interest of celebrity attached to a specific ____41____. Besides, fashion magazines have almost ____42____ the practice of putting models on the cover because they don't sell nearly as well as famous faces. ____43____, celebrities have realized their unbelievably powerful market potential, moving from advertising for others’ products to developing their own.Celebrity clothing lines aren't a completely new phenomenon, but in the past they were typically aimed at the ____44____ consumers, while today they’re started by first-class stars whose products enjoy equal fame with some world top ____45____. The most successful start-ups have been those by celebrities with specific personal style. As celebrities become more and more experienced at the market, they expand their production scale ____46____, covering almost all the products of daily life.However, for every success story, there’s a related warning tale of a celebrity who ____47____ his consumer appeal. No matter how famous the product’s origin is, if it ____48____ to impress consumers with its own qualities it begins to resemble an exercise in self-promotional marketing. And once the initial attention dies down, consumer interest might fade, ____49____ returning to labels which have proved to be reliable.Today, celebrities face even more severe ____50____. The pop-cultural circle might be bigger than ever, but its rate of turnover(逆转) has ____51____ as well. Each misstep threatens to reduce a celebrity’s shelf life and the same newspaper or magazine that once brought him ____52____ has no problem severely criticizing him and taking everything from him when the opportunity appears. Still, the ego’s(自我的) potential for ____53____ is limitless. Having already achieved great wealth and public recognition, many celebrities see ____54____ as the next frontier to be conquered. As the saying goes, success and failure always go hand in hand. Their success as designers might last only a short time and as a matter of fact, fashion - like celebrity - has always been ____55____. So the next time celebritie s introduce their lines of fashion, let’s just wait and see how long they will stay.41. A. film B. character C. product D. magazine42. A. abandoned B. promoted C. enhanced D. developed43. A. All in all B. As a result C. Above all D. On the contrary44. A. wealthy B. famous C. special D. ordinary45. A. technologies B. brands C. studios D. producers46. A. rapidly B. moderately C. reluctantly D. carefully47. A. ignored B. disapproved C. overvalued D. estimated48. A. intends B. fails C. manages D. strengthens49. A. loyalty B. promotion C. regret D. disappointment50. A. depression B. failure C. punishment D. embarrassment51. A. slowed down B. called off C. speeded up D. faded away52. A. fame B. fortune C. trouble D. risk53. A. information B. knowledge C. reputation D. expansion54. A. audience B. fashion C. charm D. performance55. A. admirable B. productive C. temporary D. respectable9,浦东新区Everybody loves to hate invasive species. The international list of invasive species—defined as those that were introduced by humans to new places, and then __41__ — runs to over 4,000. In Australia and New Zealand hot war is fought against introduced creatures like cane toads (蔗蟾蜍) and rats.Some things that are uncontroversial (无争议的) are nonetheless foolish. With a few important exceptions, campaigns to __42__ invasive species are merely a waste of money and effort — for reasons that are partly practical and partly philosophical.Start with the practical arguments. Most invasive species are neither terribly successful nor very__43__. Britons think themselves surrounded by foreign plants. __44__, Britain’s invasive plants are not widespread, not spreading especially quickly, and often less of a(n) __45__ than vigorous native plants. The arrival of new species almost always __46__ biological diversity (多样性) in a region; in many cases, a flood of newcomers drives no native species to extinction. One reason is that invaders tend to colonise __47__ habitats like polluted lakes and post-industrial wasteland, where little else lives. They are nature’s opportunists.The philosophical reason for starting war on the invaders is also __48__. Elimination campaigns tend to be __49__ by the belief that it is possible to restore balance to nature — to return woods and lakes to the state before human __50__. That is misguided. Nature is an everlasting mess, with species constantly emerging, withdrawing and hybridizing (杂交). Humans have only quickened these processes. Going back to ancient habitats is becoming __51__ in any case, because of man-made climate change. Taking on the invaders is a(n) __52__ gesture, not a means to an achievable end.A reasonable attitude to invaders need not imply passivity. A few foreign species are truly __53__ and should be fought: the Nile perch – a fish, has helped drive many species of fish to extinction in Lake Victoria. It makes sense to __54__ pathogens (病菌), especially those that destroy whole native tree species, and to stop known agricultural pests from gaining a foothold. Fencing off wildlife reserves to create open-air ecological museums is fine, too. And it is a good idea for European gardeners to destroy Japanese plants, just as they give no apace to native harmful grasses like bindweed and ground elder. You can garden in a garden. You cannot garden __55__. That is universally accepted.41. A. multiplied B. shrunk C. disappeared D. harvested42. A. conserve B. eliminate C. investigate D. prioritize43. A. healthy B. intentional C. harmful D. profitable44. A. As a result B. For example C. By contrast D. In fact45. A. attraction B. dominance C. annoyance D. substitute46. A. increases B. destroys C. reveals D. targets47. A. oppressed B. disturbed C. cultivated D. preserved48. A. acceptable B. needless C. mistaken D. convincing49. A. fuel(l)ed B. organized C. interrupted D. greeted50. A. civilization B. interference C. interaction D. maintenance51. A. tolerable B. impossible C. beneficial D. critical52. A. reluctant B. disorderly C. invalid D. unbalanced53. A. damaging B. flexible C. doubtful D. outstanding54. A. pick up B. take in C. keep out D. turn down55. A. agriculture B. vegetation C. atmosphere D. nature10,普陀区A Question of JudgmentHuman beings are, in principle, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance, this might seem like a strength that __41__ people the ability to make judgments which are independent of __42__ factors. But in a world of quotas(配额)and limits—__43___, the world in which most professional people operate—Dr. Simonsohn reported in Psychological Science that it was actually a weakness since an inability to consider the big picture was leading decision-makers to be biased(有偏见)by the daily samples they were working with. For example, he supposed that a judge fearful of appearing too soft on crime might be more likely to send someone to prison ___44___ he had already sentenced five or six other defendants(被告)only to forced community service on that day.To __45_ this idea, Dr. Simonsohn. and his assistants turned their attention to the university-admissions process. Admissions officers interview hundreds of applicants every year, at a rate of 4% a day, and can offer entry to about 40% of them. In theory, the ___46__ of an applicant should not depend on the few others ___47__ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr. Simonsohn suspected the truth was otherwise.He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews ___48___ by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had rated applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale ___49___ numerous factors, including communication skills, personal drive, team-working ability and personal accomplishments, into consideration. The scores from this rating were ___50___ used in conjunction with an applicant's score on the GMAT, a standardized exam which is __51___ out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.Dr. Simonsohn found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one _52_ that, then the score for the next applicant would __53__ by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to reverse the effects of such a decrease, a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been necessary.As for why people behave this way, Dr. Simonsohn proposes that after accepting a number of strong candidates, interviewers might form the illogical expectation that a __54__ candidate “is due”. Regardless of the reason, if this sort of thinking proves to have a similar effect on the judgments of those in other fields, such as law and medicine, it could be responsible for far worse things than the __55__ of qualified business-school candidates.41. A. grants B. equips C. denies D. delivers42. A. minor B. external C. crucial D. objective43. A. above all B. not to mention C. on the whole D. in other words44. A. if B. until C. though D. unless45. A. test B. emphasize C. share D. promote46. A. decision B. quality C. status D. success47. A. found B. studied C. chosen D. identified48. A. inspired B. expressed C. conducted D. secured49. A. put B. got C. took D. gave50. A. instead B. then C. ever D. rather51. A. selected B. passed C. marked D. introduced52. A. below B. after C. above D. before53. A. jump B. float C. flow D. drop54. A. stronger B. weaker C. better D. worse55. A. rejection B. reception C. reputation D. recreation。

2017-2019年高考英语真题语法填空汇编2017年春季高考Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.“Zootopia” Broke Disney RecordsLast weekend,the latest Disney movie, “Zootopia”,broke records.The movie had the largest opening weekend for a Disney animation(动画片).People across the United States bought more than $75 million worth of tickets. “Zootopia” is a city of animals.The movie stars a rabbit police officer and a fox criminal (21)__________ team up to find a missing otter(水濑).He is among several animals that have suddenly disappeared from the city. “Zootopia” (22)__________ (praise) for its sharp humor and strong message since its release.The film explores racism and other issues in its description of relations (23)__________ two kinds of animals in the city.Jared Bush and Phil Johnston wrote “Zootopia”.They told reporteres that it started out as a spy movie (24)__________ (set) in several different contexts.But they changed the story (25)__________ they found the animal world especially interesting.They said to (26)__________ something like this.“What’s this world like?What’s the history of this world?”And then,Bush said,they went to the experts.Not only (27)__________ the writers speak with people who study couture(时装) and group behaviour,but also they talked with animal experts like zookeepers.The creators have noted that the variety of animals was not easy (28)__________ (produce) in drawings.In the movie,64 species live in multiple neighborhoods (29)__________ (represent) different animals’living environments.Disney says “Zootopia” is its (30)__________ (complex) animation yet.The extra effort is certainly paying off at the box office.【答案】21-30:21.who 22.has been praised 23.between 24.set 25.because 26.themselves 27.did28.to produce 29.representing 30.most complex2017年秋季高考Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In the presence of animalsA professor of public health at UCLA says that pet ownership might provide a new form health care. As far back as the 1790s, the elderly at a senior citizens’home in England 21__________ (encourage) to spend time with farm animals. This would help patients’mental sate more than the cruel therapies 22__________ (use) on the mentally ill at the time. In recent years, scientists have finally begun to find proof 23__________ contact with animals can increase a sick person’s chance of survival and has shown 24__________ (lower) heart rate, calm upset children, and get people to start a conversation.Scientists think that animals companionship is beneficial 25__________ animals are accepting and attentive, and they don’t criticize or give orders. Animals have the unique ability to be more social. For example, visitors to nursing homes get more social responses from patients when they come with animal companions.Not only do people seem 26__________ (anxious) when animals are nearby, but they may also live longer. Studies show that a year 27__________ heart surgery, survival rates for heart patients were higher for those with pets in their homes than those without pets. Elderly people with pets make fewer trips to doctors than those without animal companions, possibly because animals relieve loneliness. Staying with animals is believed to create a peaceful state of mind, 28__________ (result) in a favorable environment for everyone.Research confirms that the findings concerning senior citizens can be applied to restless children. They are more easy-going when there are animals around, with 29__________ company they tend to calm down more easily. They involve 30__________ in playing with animals and the presence of animals conforms them greatly.【答案】21-30:21. was encouraged 22. used 23. that 24. to lower 25. because26. less anxious 27. after 28. resulting 29. whose 30. themselves2018年春季高考Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.My Kid-Free LifeI had expected to have more free time after my sons,Evan and Alex,each left for college,and I do.The kitchen calendar looks spare.Rarely (21)__________ I need to prepare family dinner every day.There is a lot (22)__________ (little) laundry.When the boys were infants,I wondered how I (23)__________ (spend) all the hours before they were born.(24)__________ __________ I have those hours back,I can focus on my own needs.I had also expected to worry about them when they were away.And I do.Did they get their flu shots(流感疫苗注射)?Will they remember the talks about “good choices”?On the other hand,the worry is mixed with relief.I have seen (25)__________ vigorously they grow without me.Do I missed them?Yes.Both more and less than I’d guessed.Do I feel united for having lost my primary role in life?No,because over the year,I took great pride (26)__________ the fact that my identity was not dependent on theirs.But,surprisingly,yes.(27)__________ (be) a different kind of mother defines me now.The missing comes at unexpected moments:seeing the school bus drive by,starting to put too many plates on the table...When they have doubts about friendships or job prospects,I can only say, “I’m sure you will figure it out.”And yet,the spaces (28)__________ (empty) by loss are more than filled by what I’ve found.I now have the chance (29)__________ (see) them as the whole world does but also like no one else ever will.As adults I happened to help create.The rooms (30)__________ the boys used to live look vacant.I feel sadness but also joy.I knew they would leave,but they will find their way back.My home is empty.But overflowing.【答案】21-30:21.do 22.less 23.had spent 24.Now that 25.how 26.in 27.To be/Being 28.emptied 29.to see 30.where 2018年秋季高考Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A comprehensive study of 4,500 children conducted by the National Institutes of Health in 2018 shows that children who spent more than seven hours a day staring at screens showed evidence of premature thinning of their brain’s cortex—the outer layer that processes sensory information. “We don’t know if it (21)__________ (cause) by the screen time.We don’t know yet if it’s a bad thing.It won’t be until we follow them over time (22)__________ we will see if there are outcomes that are associated with the differences that we’re seeing in this single snapshot,”Dr. Gaya Dowling. “What we can say is that this is (23)__________ the brains look like of kids who spend a lot of time on screens.And it’s not just one pattern.”The problem isn’t just screens (24)__________,but also the way screens tempt kids (and adults) away from something far more important:physical activity.More than 23 percent of adults and 80 percent of adolescents don’t get enough physical activity,and according to a 2019 report from the World Health Organization (WTO),these patterns of activity and rest arise (25)__________ habits we develop early in life. “What we really need to do is (26)__________ (bring) back play for children,”says Dr. Juana Willumsen,a WHO specialist in childhood obesity and physical activity,in a statement about new WHO guidelines issued in April 2019. “This is about making the shift from sedentary time to playtime,while (27)__________ (protect) sleep.”Of course,children aren’t completely to blame for their screen addiction.Sometimes,the parents (28)__________ complain about the role of screens in family life are just as guilty of spending too much time in front of one.A 2016 study (29)__________ (conduct) by Common Sense Media found that parents spend up to nine hours a day in front of screens,mostly not for work-related reasons.While 78 percent of parents said they believed they were good screen time role models,the study found a disconnect between their behavior and their perception of their behavior.Parents need to limit screen time for themselves and especially for their kids—(30)__________ it means playing the bad guy.Our mental and physical health depends on it.【答案】21-30:21.is being caused 22.that 23.what 24.themselves 25.from 26.bring27.protecting 28.that/who 29.conducted 30.even if/though2019年春季高考Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Start With the End and Work BackwardsWhen Jason Hoelscher was an undergraduate of fine art studies, there weren’t any professional development classes. So ambition and the timely realization (21)_________he would have to determine “what’s next”on his own urged Jason to engage his future self to find direction. It was 1996,and he was finishing his BFA(Bachelor ofFine Art) in Denver. He was faced with the choice of sitting back to wait for something (22)__________(happen),or pursuing a path into the unknown. He chose the latter.Jason set up a plan that in five years he (23)__________(show) his work in the top gallery in that area of the country. This five-year goal gave him a starting point (24)__________ which to work backwards.By setting the goal, all of Jason’s efforts (25)__________(point) in the same direction. He showed up at different art show openings, and researched as best he could to make (26)__________ familiar with the market environment. As a result of showing up, Jason took opportunities (27)__________ got him closer to his goal. He sent work to a student show and was accepted by Robin Rule, the owner of Rule Gallery.(28)__________(inspire),Jason spent the next month making new work.In April of 1997,Jason went back to Rule Gallery with his new work.(29)__________ scared to death, he looked confident at the gallery meeting. When he left, he left as the newest addition to the Rule Gallery roster (花名册),He had his first exhibition there one year later.Jason could have stopped with the show selection, but what he really wanted was gallery representation. He struck while the iron was hot, and in (30)__________(do) so, shortened his five-year plan into a year-and-a-half.【答案】21-30:21.that 22.to happen 23.would show/would be showing/would have shown24.from/on/at/after 25.had been pointed/had pointed/were pointing/pointed/were pointed26.himself 27.which/that 28.Inspired/Having been inspired/Being inspired29.Though/Although/While/Not 30.doing2019年秋季高考Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Millions of Baby Olive Ridley Turtles Emerge in OrissaNature is full of wonders.In (21)__________ is one of the most breathtaking sights in nature,millions of baby Ridley turtles broke out of their eggshells under the sand at one of their mass nesting grounds in coastal Orissa.The baby turtles started their journey towards the Bay of Bengal (22)__________ __________ __________ they emerged from their nest in the southern district of Ganjam,about 175 km from Bhubaneshwar.Orissa is the home to three mass nesting sites of the Oliver turtles,a species (23)__________ (threaten) with extinction,and one of the sites,Gahirmatha,(24)__________ around 70 to 80 million turtles lay eggs on the beach every year,is considered one of the world’s largest nesting sites.The female turtles drag (25)__________ up the beach from the sea,dig a nest,lay at least one hundred eggs,cover and conceal their eggs and nest,and then return to the sea.The females never visit the nest again to take care of the eggs that (26)__________ (deposit) in the warm sand.The baby turtles emerge from the eggs after 45-60 days,then the babies grow without their mother,which is a rare phenomenon in nature.Interestingly,it is on the same beach where they were born (27)__________ the females lay their eggs.In the recent years,sea erosion has led to many turtles’ next (28)__________ (damage) or destroyed.Also,somefierce animals such as dogs and birds (29)__________ (reduce) the number of nesting turtles.And of course man has also had a negative impact (30)__________ using engine-powered fishing boats near the turtles’nesting grounds.【答案】21-30:21.what 22.as soon as(the moment/instant/minute when or so/as long as) 23.threatened24.where 25.themselves 26.were deposited 27.that 28.being damaged29.have reduced 30.by。

2017届上海英语高考11选10专项练习The Vernadsky scientific base – a handful of grey huts ________1_________ by penguins in Antarctica – was once home to some of the world’s most important _________2________ science. It was here, in 1985, that British scientists did some of the key work to _________3________ the hole in the ozone layer. But today, it’s home to something altogether different: the closest thing Antarctica has to a rock star, a 44-year-old long-haired Ukrainian geophysicist called Bogdan Gavrylyuk.“Here it’s a special place for writing songs,” he says, standing in his laboratory, where musical instruments are propped up among the scientific equipment. “We’re like prisoners, ________4_________ up for 10 months in the cold. Alone! But it creates a special mood.“I write all kinds of songs: about pirates and gangsters; about _________5________ hard at work; about the salty, sweet taste of kisses; about hope and love. I can’t write about those things back in Ukraine – there’s too much noise.” When you visit Antarctica, music isn’t the first thing that comes to ________6_________. One of the most striking things about it is its very lack of sound.There are no revving cars, or people __________7_______ into mobile phones. There aren’t even trees for the wind to rustle. You only hear sounds in snatches – when you stumble into the middle of a penguin colony, or the ice cracks and sends part of a glacier _________8________ into the ocean. That silence may seem ________9_________: Antarctica is the world’s last __________10_______, a continent of over 5.4 million sq miles (14 million sq km), almost all of it under ice. But nothing can prepare you for the strangeness of it.Chinese netizens are known for coming up with creative terms for people and things making the news... and they spread like _______1____. From "skinny blue mushrooms" to "melon-eating masses", we now take a look at what has ______2_____their imaginations this year.National swimmer Fu Yuanhui not only won a bronze medal at the Rio Olympic Games, but also _______3____a win with viewers in China in a now-iconic TV interview. When told she had _____4_____for the final, Fu pulled a comically exaggerated face and declared: "I have used all my prehistoric powers to swim!"'Prehistoric powers', or "honghuangzhili", was adopted as a term for a(n) _____5______force, while Fu became an internet darling.One man's ________6_______ in love turned out to be a goldmine for netizens, when a man from Guangxi province uploaded a video of himself talking about his ______7_____while his girlfriend was away. Unbearable, I want to cry," he moaned -but thanks to his heavy accent, it ended up _____8______more like "skinny blue mushroom". "Lanshouxianggu" was swiftly shared more widely and took off as a meme(文化传播), mostly as a way to mock the southern Guangxi accent.A term whose closest equivalent is possibly "popcorn gallery", its _____9______expression is "the melon-eating masses who don't know what's really going on".Its _____10______is unclear, but netizens often use this - sometimes derogatorily(贬低) - to describe a passive group of bystanders at a major incident or event.counterfeit(仿造;伪造) goods sales. Alibaba was taken off the list four years ago, but US ______2_______ say the firm's online platform Taobao is used to sell "high levels" of fake goods.The company has rejected the allegations, ________3_____ it polices its market place better than in the past. The firm also suggested the "current political climate" in the US might be why they are back on the list.US President-elect Donald Trump had, during his campaign, repeatedly criticized Chinese firms for stealing intellectual _______4______. Alibaba Group President Michael Evans said he was "disappointed" by the decision , ______5_______ whether it was "based on actual facts or was influenced by the current political climate." The Chinese online retailer and its market place Taobao have long been ________6_____ of being a platform for counterfeit goods.Taobao said earlier this year it had _______7______ controls on its sale of luxury goods, requiring sellers to show _______8______ of authenticity. In May though, Alibaba was suspended from the International Anti Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) watchdog over piracy(盗版行为)_______9______. More than 250 members, including Gucci America and Michael Kors, had threatened they would leave the IACC in _______10______ at Alibaba's membership. Alibaba -by far China's biggest online retailer -floated on the New York Stock Exchange in September 2014 and broke records by raising $25bn.The sleek, speedy cheetah is rapidly heading towards ________1_______ according to a new study into declining numbers. The report ________2_______that there are just 7,100 of the world's fastest mammals now left in the wild. Cheetahs are in trouble because they range far beyond protected areas and are coming increasingly into ________3_______with humans.The authors are calling for an urgent re-categorisation of the species from vulnerable to endangered. According to the study, more than half the world's ________4_______cheetahs live in one population that ranges across six countries in southern Africa. Cheetahs in Asia have been essentially wiped out. A group estimated to number fewer than 50 individuals clings on in Iran.Because the cheetah is one of the widest-ranging carnivores(食肉动物), it roams across lands far outside protected areas. Some 77% of their habitat falls outside these parks and _______5________. As a result, the animal struggles because these lands are increasingly being _______6________by farmers and the cheetah's prey is declining because of bushmeat hunting.In Zimbabwe, the cheetah population has fallen from around 1,200 to just 170 animals in 16 years, with the main cause being major ________7_______in land tenure(土地权). Researchers involved with the study say that the _______8________facing the fabled predator(猎食者) have gone _______9________for far too long. "Given the secretive nature of this elusive(难以捉摸的) cat, it has been difficult to gather hard information on the species, leading to its plight(窘境;苦境) being ________10_______," said Dr Sarah Durant, from the Zoological Society of London, UK, and the report's lead author.If you've ever struggled to walk across the deck of a boat as it rolls in a choppy sea, or tried to stand up against breaking waves at the beach, you'll have felt the might(力量) of the ocean. It feels like there's a lot of power there too, so getting energy from the waves of the sea sounds as if it's got real ________1______. For World Service listener Michael McFarlane, it's a question that's been on his mind for years."I live in Jamaica and we are never very far from the sea… Electricity generation here is mainly based on fossil fuels," he says.So why isn't the ocean ________2_______ Michael's home yet? In order to ________3_______ this question for the World Service programme Crowdscience, first, there was a language problem to unpick. Deborah Greaves, Professor in Ocean Engineering and Director of the COAST Laboratory at the UK's Plymouth University explains: "We've tended to use "marine ________4_______ energy" to describe wave and tidal energy…it's energy which can be extracted from the ________5_______ of the oceans in the marine environment."Large tidal power generators already exist in ________6_______ locations around the world - the La Rance River estuary plant in Brittany, France, opened in 1966, and the world's current largest tidal power station is at Sihwa Lake in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, ________7_______ 313.5 billion South Korean Won (£212 million GBP or $263 million USD). Expense is one of the factors that currently ________8_______ the worldwide number of tidal power plants. Environmental ________9_______ are another, as some places with particularly strong tides are also sensitive ecosystems, such as estuaries(河口).And there's one more detail that's particularly relevant for listener Michael: As anyone who's been lucky enough to spend time on a beach in Jamaica knows, the tides there don't go in and out that much. It can be by as little as centimetres, _______10________ with metres at a time in other locations around the world.then as many houses were built using wood. The equipment and ________1______ were outdated, consisting mainly of horse-drawn fire engines. The firemen of the Singapore Fire Brigade were also _______2_______as they were made up of volunteers, policemen, soldiers and convicts.Things changed for the better with the _______3_______of Superintendent Montague William Pett, a professional firefighter from England. He championed the building of the Central Fire Station, _______4_______the horse-drawn fire engines with motorised engines and improved the _______5_______of the fire service.Completed in 1909, the Central Fire Station was Singapore’s first proper and modernised fire station. It was a three-storey building with a(n) _______6_______lookout tower. Did you know that the lookout tower was Singapore’s tallest tower until the 1930s? The tower was used to spot fires in the vicinity. Besides _______7_______the firemen and their families, the station also had an engine house, a repair shop, a carpenter shop, a paint room and a training yard.During World War II, the building’s _______8_______red and white facade was painted green, to camouflage it from being ________9______by Japanese aircraft. The building, unfortunately, received numerous direct hits from Japanese bombs. Nevertheless, the station remain functional. Now that’s one tough cookie.During the Battle of Singapore, the firemen, including those from the Auxiliary Fire Service, played a significant role in _______10_______to the numerous small fires caused by Japanese bombs.A total of 1,114 people involved in 1,881 cases of school violence and bullying have been arrested from January to November, and experts _______1_______ for a law on school bullying amid the country's increasing efforts to protect juveniles. Middle school students ________2______ for a higher percentage among underage suspects of school bullying.Separately, recent cases show male students are the _______3_______ suspects in school bullying, but bullying cases involving female students in middle school are rising, according to Shi. About 99 percent of 915 underage suspects being prosecuted in South China's Guangdong Province are men."At present, the primary task of tackling school bullying is to adopt a ________4______ law, as the current law on the ________5______ of juveniles does not fully cover the current situation of bullying on campus, Xia Xueluan, a professor of sociology at Peking University, told the Global Times.A total of 7,300 procurators in China have been ________6______ as deputy principals in middle and primary schools to help improve the legal _______7_______ of school bullying, Zhang Zhijie, the director of the SPP's minor procuratorate department, said at the briefing. Twenty-four procurators have also been appointed as lecturers on the prevention of and _______8_______ against school violence since June, Zhang added. More than 16,000 lectures have been held across China for more than 7.7 million students. The SPP said they will also arrange related TV programs.Recent juvenile crimes mainly involve physical harm, troublemaking, robbery and public _______9_______, said Shi. Juveniles under 14 who cannot be held criminally liable but are involved in bullying and violence on campus can be sent by the government to _______10_______, Shi said. According to a document released by the State Council in May, school bullying is defined as behavior that causes physical and mental harm to students through body contact, language and online.When you hear from Tim Wu that the Internet is dark, you know it's really dark. Wu, a professor in the Law School of Columbia University, is a(n) ______1_______ of the Internet in my eyes. An expert on media and technology, Wu was the person who _______2______ the term "net neutrality" in a 2003 academic paper. Through his career, he has defended this founding principle of the Internet that allows all participants ________3_____ opportunities in receiving and distributing information, no matter who the participants are and what the information is.Wu offered the depressing _______4______ about the Internet last week at a panel discussion with New York Times reporter Amanda Hess held by the think tank New America _______5______ his new book The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads.The book is about how the media _______6______ from selling the attention of the general public to advertisers. It talks about the history dating back to Benjamin Day, the founder of New York Sun newspaper and the first "attention merchant" who realized in the 19th century that he _______7______ lower prices for newspapers to attract more readers, and then made money from the advertisers who needed the attention of the public.And it talks about the present. That is, of course, about the Internet which has been sucking up more and more attention from the public with much stronger _______8______ than any traditional media.Indeed, Wu said the _______9______ for the book is from his own experience of lingering on the Internet for hours when he just wanted to spend a few minutes checking e-mails. The vices of the Internet became a focus during the Q&A. That was when Wu declared the Internet has passed its innocent childhood, failed many ______10_______ expectations, and is now very dark.。

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Pennsylvani.Avenue.He.balancin.ac.shoul.b.familia.t.workin.mother.everywher.a.sh.strive.t.meet.t h.___49__.o..fast-pace.jo.whil.carvin.ou.tim.wit.he.husban.an.children.41-49 B J F G D H E A CA.avoiding B.regard C.correct D.properly AB.customAC.anyone AD.feature BC.those BD. notic CD.politeForeigner.ofte.fai.t.appreciat.th.forma.cod.o.greetin.i.France.Th.Frenc.shak.hand.wit.everyon e(family.children.strangers).a.home.o.th.wa.t.work.a.work.o.leavin.work.o.th.wa.hom.fro.work.etc .Thus.i.a.offic..perhap..doze.people.n.wor.wil.b.don.fo.th.firs.hal.hou.whil..4.wh.hav.no.me.sinc.th.da.before.remin.eac.othe.wh.the.are.However.i.i.importan.t.remembe.wit.who.on.ha.shake.hand.o.an.on.day.Th.Frenc.4..i.a.extremel.ba.manner.t.shak.hand.twice.a.thoug.on.ha.no.take.enoug..4..fo.th.firs.time.I.i.stil.th..4..t.sa.“Bonjour.an.“ A.revoir.t.other.whe.enterin.o.leavin..sho.o.bar.Thi.i.no.becaus.th.Frenc.ar.to.4. .I.i.becaus.the.se.acknowledging(注意.th.existenc.o.other.a..wa.o.4..bein.rude.Thi.ma.see.unbearabl.sligh.t.others.bu.t.th.Frenc.i.i.mos.important.Manner.mea.civiliz atio.t.them.Kissin.i.no.s.muc.o.a(n.4..o.Frenc.lif.a.other.supposed.Bu.whe.i.doe.tak.place.i.mus.b.don..4. .accordin.t.th.rules.Th..4. orde.i.lef.cheek.righ.cheek.lef.cheek---ver.formal.ver.stylized.I.Pari.fou.kisse.ar.sometime.permitted.left.right.left.right.41. BC 42. B 43. BD 44. AB 45. CD 46. A 47. AD48. D 49. CBarac.Obam.ha.bee..hi.i.China.Apar.fro.holdin.talk.wit.Chines.leaders.th.presiden.___41__.th .Chines.wit..livel.question-and-answe.sessio.wit.colleg.students.I.fact.h.i.th.firs.U.S.presiden.t.visi .Chin.insid.hi.firs.yea.i.office.“Th.Unite.State.insist.w.d.no.see.t.contai.China’.rise,.h.tol.Chines.student.i.Shanghai.“O.th.contrary.w.welcom.Chin.a..stron.an.___42__munit.o.nations .”The U.S.-China relationship has opened the door to partnerships on ___43 ___ global concerns including economic recovery, clean energy, climate change, and the ___44___ of peace and beyond, he added.Indeed.give.thes.pressin.issues.Chin.an.th.Unite.State.hav.___45__.foun.thei.futur.linke.toget rges.developin.natio.an.th.mos.powerfu.industrialize.countr.hav.t.wor.i.c oncert.Obama’plexit.o.arguabl.th.mos.importan.bila tera.(双边.relationshi.i.th.world.Moreover.fo.al.thei.difference.an.disagreements.Beijin.an.Washingto.ar._ __46__.t.manag.thei.relation.i..wa.tha.wil.contribut.t.worl.peac.an.development.Obam.kicke.of.hi.firs.stat.visi.t.Chin.i.th.country’.financia.an.economi.centre.Shanghai.whe r.h.hel..“tow.hall.meetin.wit.mor.tha.50.Chines.students.Th.one-hou.discussion.durin.whic.Obam.too.__ _47__.rangin.fro.antiterroris.t.recipe.fo.succes.wit.hi.signatur.charism.(领袖魅力).wa.broadcas.liv.o.th.websites.He ___48___ that young people could help build bridges in U.S.-China ___49___ —a process that he said must grow beyond the two countries’ governments to take root in the people. 41—45 GDACJ 46—49 BHEITh.pollutio.o.th.earth’.soi.an.wate.ha.becom.a.issu.o.grea.concern.Unti.recently.mos.o.tha.c n..4..o.th.planet.wher.pollutio.directl.affect.peopl.i.thei.dail.lives.Now.howe ver.w.hav.begu.t.realiz.tha.marin.(海洋的.pollutio.i..4..important.Accordin.t.S.A.Patin.marin.pollutio.i.th.conditio.tha.result.whe.peopl.int roduc.int.th.sea.substance.harmfu.t.life.health.resources.activities.o..4. .lio.years.peopl.hav.though.o.th.se.a...4..plac.t.thro.thei. ani.wastes.Som.o.thes.waste.ar.eate.dire ani.sou.tha.provide.foo.t..4..specie.o.single-celle. plan.an.anima.life.A.civilization.grew.mor.differen.pollutant.wer.dumpe.int.th.seas.Still.thi.pollutio.di.no.reall.threate.th.marin.environment.Th.sea.seeme..4..o.copin.wit.anythin.tha.peopl.coul.thro.a.them.Thi.situatio .changed.however.whe.suddenl.factorie.bega.dumpin.enormou.quantitie.o.material.int.th.seas.Espe rg.cities.ocea.pollutio.bega.t..4..marin.life.Fo.th.firs.time.th.ocean.beg a.t.fai.i.thei.abilit.t..4..humanity’.waste.Sectio.. 41...42...43...44...45...46...47...48...49.BHappiness.accordin.t.th.Oxfor.Englis.dictionary.i.base.o.luc.o.goo.fortune.Jo.o.th.othe.hand.i. describe.a..vivi.emotio.o.pleasure.Thus.happines.depend.o.__41__.joy.o.ou.emotiona.well-being.mo.trait.amon.them.Joyfu.peopl.ar.ofte.health y.bot.__42_.an.mentally.the.valu.stron.__43_.relationships.an.the.don’.allo.th.extreme.o.lif.-.sud de.high.o.sudde.low.-.t.__44_.the.to.much.Joyfu.peopl.lea..mor.stabl.life.Bu.thes.abilitie.d.no.jus.a rrive.the.hav.t.b.worke.at.Teachin.ourselve.t.b.joyfu.ma.b.on.o.th.greates.thing.w.ca.d.t.enhanc.ou.__45_.health.However.i.i. importan.t.understan.tha.jo.i.a.emotio.tha.arise.fro.withi.u.an.i.no.__46_.I nstea.o.lookin.fo.externa.thing.t.provid.happines.i.ou.lives.w.mus.__47_.t.fin.th.jo.within.W.mus.e ducat.ourselve.abou.jo.an.wor.t.enhanc.i.i.ou.lives.On.wa.t.star.i.t.mak..__48_.t.wak.u.ever.mornin .an.fin.jo.i.ou.lives.Thin.abou..specia.perso.o..__49_.pet.I.i.ou.choic.t.b.joyfu.o.fearful.Let’.tak.t h.tim.t.trai.ourselve.t.b.joyfu.-.ou.live.wil.b.bot.happie.an.healthie.fo.it.V ocabulary 41-49 D C I A F E J H Bs.summer.man.friend.aske.m.ho..s urvive.th.interview..onc.aske.mysel.th.sam.questions.Man.o.m.peer.als.__41_petit iv.an.intelligen.student.fro.famou.universities.But why did the interviewer pick me instead of them?Finally.__4._.pushe.m.t.as.th.interviewer.afte.w.becam.colleagues.Th.answe.wa.tha..appeare.c municative.The.evaluate.peopl.no.jus.o.thei.academi.certific ates.bu.o.th.bas.o.thei.__43_.an.abilities..happene.t.b.th.righ.person.T.b.frank..onc.fel.__44_.o.bein..studen.fro.a.unknow.college.an..thin.thi.ma.appl.t.som.o.you. .though.m.futur.wa.ruined.I.wa.onl.a.th.tim.o.m.successfu.intervie.tha..finall.understoo.th.famou.s ayin.--.“Yo.decid.wher.yo.go..e.t.wor.fo.Maste.Kong.M.jo.wa.t.coo.instan.noodle.f o.customers..ha.regarde.i.a..piec.o.cake.bu..faile.constantly..ha.t.coo.th.noodle.fo.th.righ.amoun.o.tim.t.mak.the.tast.good.Moreover.th.noodle.coul.onl.remai.i..plasti.cu.o.fiv.minutes.o.th.tast.woul.b .__45__.Thi.experienc.taugh.m.neve.t.loo.__46_.o.anything.an.alway.remai.humble..als.worke.a..voluntee.fo..beac.volleybal.event.M.jo.wa.t.hel.foreig.visitor.experienc.th.beach. .though.i.woul.b.ver.eas.becaus.m.ora.Englis.wa.__47_.good.Bu.whe..wen.t.tal.wit..grou.o.foreig. guests..suddenl.realize.tha..di.no.kno..singl.beac.volleybal.term..wa.embarrassed.Afte.this..rea.brochure.i.bot.Chines.an.Englis.ever.da.t.lear.th.term.fo.facilitie.an.relate.words. Thi.allowe.m.t.delive.accurat.__48_.t.foreigners.an..wa.happ.t.wor.responsibly.Afte.thes.experience.I’.mor.confiden.an..strongl.believ.tha.m.fat.i.i.m. __49__.I.ha.certainl.helpe.m.mak..gian.ste.close.t.m.drea.o.graduatin.wit.prospect.fo.th.future..hop .m.advic.wil.benefi.yo.a.well.41-45 HDBGI 46-49 CEJA。

2017 年上海高考英语真题2016 年In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor, one of the key thinkers in the artof management, developed the mow famous Theory X and Theory Y. Theory Xis the idea that people instinctively (本能地) 51 work and will do anything to avoid it. Theory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfaction in work.In any case, despite so much evidence to the 52 , many managersstill agree to Theory X. They believe, 53 , that their employees need constant supervision( 监察,管理 ) if they are to work effectively, or that decisions must be ( impose sth on sb 把强加给某人) imposed from 54 without consultation (咨询) . This, of course, makes for authoritarian( 专制的 ) managers.Different cultures have different ways of 55 people. Unlikeauthoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are wellknown for the consultative nature of decision-making —all members of the department or work group are asked to 56 to this process. This ismanagement by the collective (集体的,共同的)opinion. Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things, whichare based on general 57 . Someexperts say that womenwill becomemore effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional 58 managers cannot.A recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their owninitiative (开创精神,主动权) , to make decisions on their own without59 managers first. This empowerment 受权) has been part of the trend(towards downsizing: 60 the number of managementlayers in companies. After de-layering (减少职工层) in this way, a companymay be 61 with just a top level of senior managers, front-line managers and employeeswith direct contact with the public. Empowerment takes the idea ofdelegation ( 拜托 ) muchfurther than has 62 been the case. Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to 63 that theoverall business plan is being followed, and that operations becomemore profitable under the new organization, rather than less.Another trend is off-site (不在现场的) or 64 management, where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects fromtheir own houses. Project managers evaluate the 65 of the team membersin terms of what they produce for projects, rather than the amount of time they spend on them.51. A. desire B. seek C. lose D. dislike52. A. contrary B. expectation C. degree D. extreme53. A. vice versa B. for example C. however D. otherwise(反过来也是同样的)54. A. outside B. inside C. below D. above55. A. replacing B. assess ing C. managing D. encouraging(评论,估价)56. A. refer B. contribute C. object D. apply(~+to 有助于)57. A. agreement B. practice C. election D. impression58. A. bossy B. experienced C. western D.male59. A. asking B. training C. warning D. firing60. A. doubling B. maintaining C. reducing D.estimating61. A. honored B. left C. crowded D. compared62. A. economically B. traditionally C. inadequately D. occasionally(不够地,不够好地)63. A. deny B. admit C. assume D. ensure( 假设,肩负 )64. A. virtual B. ineffective C. day-to-day D.on-the-scene65. A. opinion B. risk C. performance D. attractiveness2015 年If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls andyou tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect (探测,觉察)interest in romance amongthe artists.51 , you would see plenty of animals with people running after them. Life for ancient people ’s earned to center on (集中在) hunting and gathering wild foods for meals.In modern times, when food is available in grocery stores, findinglove is more52in people ’s lives. The53is all around us. It is easy to prepare a list of modern stories having to dowith love. An endless number of books and movies qualify as(作为合适) love stories in popular culture.Researchers are studying whether love, a highly valued emotionalstate, can be54. They ask, what is love? Toothpaste companies want us to think attraction is all about clean teeth, but clean teeth go onlyso far. Scientists wonder how much the brain gets involved. You haveprobably heard that opposites attract but that55attract,too.One thing is certain: The truth about love is not yet set in stone .( 一层不变,板上钉钉 )First ImpressionTo help determine the 56 of attraction, researchers paired 164 college classmates and had them talk for 3, 6 or 10 minutesso they could get a sense of each other ’s individuality. Then students were asked to 57 what kind of relationship they were likely to build with their partners. After nine weeks, they reported what happened.As it turned out, their 58 judgments often held true. Students seemedto 59 at an early stage who would best fit into their lives.The 60 KnowsScientists have also turned to nonhumans to increase understandingof attraction. Manyanimals give off pheromones(信息激素)—natural chemicals that can be detected by, and then can produce a response in,other animals of the same species. Pheromones can signal that an animalis either ready to fight or is feeling 61 to partnerships. In contrast, humans do not seem to be as 62 as other animals at detecting such chemicals. Smell, however, does seemto play a part in human attraction. Although we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones consciously, we give and receive loads of information through smell inevery interaction with other people.Face ValueBeing fond of someone seems to have a number of factors, includingseeing something we find attractive. Researchers had people judge facesfor 63. The participants had 0.013 seconds to view each face, yet somehow they generally considered the images the same as people who hadmore time to study the samefaces. The way we 64 attractiveness seem to be somewhat automatic.When shown an attractive face and then words with good or bad associations, people responded to 65 words faster after viewing an attractive face. Seeing something attractive seems to causehappy thinking.51. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise52. A. romantic B. stressful C. central D. beneficial53. A. priority B. proof C. possibility D. principle(原则,原理)54. A. tested B. imposed C. changed D. created55. A. appearances B. virtues C. similarities D. passions56. A. illustrations B. implication s C. ingredients D. intentions(示意,含意)(配料,资料)57. A. predict B. investigate C. diagnose D. recall(判断)58. A. critical B. initial C. random D. mature(责备的,决定性的)59. A. memorize B. distinguish C. negotiate D. question(谈判,磋商)60.A. NoseB.EyeC. He art61. alert A.D. HandopenC. resistantB.D.superior(警备的,敏捷的)62. A. disappointed B. amazed C. confused D. gifted63. A. emotions B. attractiveness C. individuality D. signals64. A. enhance B. possess C. maintain D. assess65. A. familiar B. plain C. positive D. insulting(欺侮的)2014 年Research has shown that two-thirds of human conversation is taken upnot with discussion of the cultural or political problems of the day, not heated debates about films we've just watched or books we've just finished reading, but plain and simple __51__.Language is our greatest treasure as a species, and what do we __52__ do with it? We gossip. About others' behaviour and private lives, suchas who's doing what with whom, who's in and who's out-and why; how to deal with difficult__53__ situations involving children,lovers,and colleagues.So why are we keen on gossiping? Are we just natural __54__, of bothtime and words? Or do we talk a lot about nothing in particular simplyto avoid facing up to (敢于面对) the really important issues of life?It's not the case according to Professor Robin Dunbar. In fact, in hislatest book, Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language, the psychologist says gossip is one of these really__55__issues.Dunbar __56__ the traditional view that language was developed by the men at the early stage of social development in order to organize theirmanly hunting activities more effectively, or even to promote the exchange of poetic stories about their origins and the supernatural . (超自然的)Instead he suggests that language evolve d(进化) among women. We don't spend two-thirds of our time gossiping just because we can talk, argues Dunbar— __57__, he goes on to say, language evolved specifically to allow us to gossip.Dunbar arrived at his cheery theory by studying the __58__ of thehigher primates (灵长类动物) like monkeys. By means of grooming (妆扮,梳理毛发,新郎,马夫)--cleaning the fur by brushing it, monkeysform groups with other individuals on whom they can rely for support in the event ofsome kind of conflict within the group or__59__ from outside it.As we human beings evolve from a particular branch of the primatefamily, Dunbar __60__ that at one time in our history we did muchthe same. Grouping together made sense because the bigger the group, the greaterthe __61__ it provided; on the other hand, the bigger the group, thegreater the stresses of living close to others. Grooming helped to __62__ the pressure and calm everybody down.But as the groups got bigger and bigger, the amount of time spent ingrooming activities also had to be __63__ to maintain its effectiveness. Clearly, a more __64__ kind of grooming was needed, and thus languageevolved as a kind of vocal(有声的)grooming which allowed humansto develop relationship with ever-larger groups by exchanging information over awider network of contact.51. A. claim language52.A. occasionallyD.originally individuals thanB. descriptionB.habituallywould be possibleC. gossipC.by one-to-one__65__D.independently (习惯地)(本来,开初,独创地)53. A. social B. political C. historical D. cultural54. A. admirers B. masters C. users D. wasters(挥霍者,废物)55. A. vital B. sensitive C. ideal D. difficult56.A. confirms B. rejects C. outline s D. broadens(概括)57.A. for instance B. in addition C. on the contrary D. asa result58.A. motivation B. appearance C. emotion D. behaviour59.A. attack B. contact C. inspection D. assistance(视察,检查)60.A. recalls B. denies C. concludes D. confesses61.A.prospect B.responsibility C.leadership D. protection62.A. measure B. show C. maintain D. ease(减少,放松,安适自在)63.A. saved B. extend ed C. consumed D. gained(扩展,供给)64.A. common B. efficient C.scientific D. Thoughtful65.A. indirect B. daily C. physical D. secret2013 年Over the past few decades, more and more countries have opened up the markets, increasingly transforming the world economy into onefree-flowing global market. The question is :Is economic globalization 50 forall?According to the World Bank, one of its chief supporters, economic globalization has helped reduce 51 in a large number of developingcountries. It quotes one study that shows increased wealth 52 to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries as a result of integration ( 交融 ) of local economies into the world economy. Hometo some three billion people, these twenty-four countries have seen incomes 53 at an average rate of five percent — compared to two percent in developed countries.Those who 54 globalization claim that economies in developingcountries will benefit from new opportunities for small and home-based businesses. 55 , small farmers in Brazil who produce nuts thatwould originally have sold only in 56 open-air markets can nowpromote their goods worldwide by the Internet.Critics take a different view, believing that economic globalization is actually 57 the gap between the rich and poor. A study carried out by the U.N.-sponsored World Commission on the Social Dimension ofGlobalization shows that only a few developing countries have actually58 from integration into the world economy and that the poor, theuneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind.59 , they maintain (保持,养护,断言)that globalization mayeventually threaten emerging (新兴的) businesses. For example, Indian craftsmen who currently seem to benefit from globalization because they are able to 60 their products may soon face fierce competition that could pot them out of 61 . When large-scale manufacturers start to produce the same goods,or when superstores like Wal-Mart move in, these small businesses willnot be able to 62 and will be crowded out.One thing is certain about globalization —there is no 63 . Advancesin technology combined with more open policies have already created an interconnected world. The 64 now is finding a way to create a kind ofglobalization that works for the benefit of all.50. A. possible B. smooth C. good D. easy51. A. crime B. poverty C. conflict D. population52. A. contributing B. responding C. turning D. owing53. A. remain B. drop C. shift D. increase54. A. doubt B. define C. advocate D. ignore55. A. In addition B. For instance C. In other words D. All in all56. A. mature B. new C. local D. foreign57. A. finding B. exploring C. bridging D. widening58. A. suffered B. profit ed C. learned D. withdrawn(赢利,有利于)(撤回,撤离,取款)59. A. Furthermore B . Therefore C. However D. Otherwise60. A. consume B. deliver C. export D. advertise61. A. trouble B. business C. power D. mind62. A. keep up B. come in C. go around D. help out63. A. taking off B. getting along C. holding out D. turning back(腾飞,脱掉,开始成功)(伸出,坚持)(返回)64. A. agreement B. prediction C. outcome D. challenge2012 年People on a college campus were more likely to give moneyto the March of Dimes if they were asked for a donation by a disabled woman in awheelchair than if asked by a nondisabled woman. In another 50 , subwayriders in New York saw a man carrying a stick stumble (绊脚) and fallto the floor. Sometimes the victim had a large red birthmark on his 51 ; sometimes he did not. In this situation, the victim was more likely to52 aid if his face was spotless than if he had an unattractive birthmark. In 53 these and other research findings, two themes are 54 : we are morewilling to help people we like for some reason and people we think 55 assistance.In some situations, those who are physically attractive are morelikely to receive aid. 56 , in a field study researchers placed a completed application to graduate school (研究所)in a telephone box at the airport. The application was ready to be 57 , but had apparently been "lost" . The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of a very 58 person and sometimes that of a less attractive person. The measure ofhelping was whether the individual who found the envelope actuallymailed it or not. Results showed that people were more likely to 59 the application if the person in the photo was physically attractive.The degree of 60 between the potential helper and the person in need is also important. For example, people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner. In one study,shoppers on a busy street in Scotland were more likely to help a personwearing a(n) 61 T-shirt than a person wearing a T-shirt printed withoffensive words.Whether a person receives help depends in part on the"worth" of the case. For example, shoppers in a supermarket were more likely to givesomeone62 to buy milk rather than to buy cookies,probably because milkis thought more essential for 63 than cookies. Passengers on a New Yorksubway were more likely to help a manwho fell to the ground if he appeared to be 64 rather than drunk.50.A. study B. way C. word D. college51.A. hand B. arm C. face D. back52.A. refuse B.beg C. lose D. receive53.A. challenging B. recording C. understanding D. publishing54.A. important B. possible C. amusing D. missing55.A. seek B. deserve C. obtain D. accept56.A. At first B. Above all C. In addition D. For example57.A. printed B. mailed C. rewritten D. signed58.A. talented B. good-looking C. helpful D. hard-working59. A. send in B. throw away C. fill out D. turn down(递送,提出)(填写,长胖)60. A. similarity B. friendship C. cooperation D. contact61. A. expensive B. plain C. cheap D. strange62.A. time B. instructions C. money D. chances63.A. shoppers B. research C. children D. health64. A. talkative B. handsome C. calm D. sick(健谈的,多嘴的)2011 年Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining ( 留住 ) customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But,50 , words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted customers they often 51 the second half of the story. In the excitement of beating off (击退) the competition, negotiating prices, securing(固定,使安全,获取) orders, and delivering the product, managers tend to become carried away . (冲昏脑筋 , 带走,冲走) They forget what they regard as the boring side of business — 52 that the customer remains a customer.53 to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customerscosts business huge amounts of money annually. It has been estimated that the average companyloses between 10 and 30 per cent of its customers every years. In constantly (不停的,常常的)changing 54 , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have anyidea how many customers they have lost.Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to (意识到) those lost opportunities and calculate the 55 implication s. (示意,牵涉)Cutting down the number of customers a company loses can make a big 56 in its performance. Research in the USfound that a five per cent decrease in the number of defecting (流失的) customers led to 57 increases of between 25 and 85 per cent.In the US, Domino’s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is worthmore than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a poor qualityproduct or service on their first visit and 58never returns, islosing (使失掉,可接双宾语)the company thousands of dollars in59 profits (more if you consider how manypeople they are likely to tell about their bad experience).The logic behind cultivating customer 60is impossible to deny.“In practice most companies’ marketing effort is focused on gettingcustomers, with little attention paid to 61 them”, says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University ’ School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close relationship between retaining customers and makingprofits. 62 customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usuallycost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price 63 , and may provide free word-of-mouth (口头的,口头传达的)advertising. Retaining customers also makes it 64 for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market.50.A. in particular B. in reality C. at least D.first of all51.A. emphasize B. doubt C. overlook D. believe(忽略,俯瞰)52.A. denying B. ensuring C. arguing D.proving(保证,保证)53.A. Moving B. Hoping C. Starting D.Failing54.A. markets55. A. culture B. tastesB. socialC. pricesC. financialD. expensesD. economical(经济的,节约的)56.A. promise B. plan C. mistake D.difference57.A. cost58.A. as a resultB. opportunityB. on the wholeC. profitC. in conclusionD. budgetD. on thecontrary59.A. huge B. potential C. extra D.reasonable60.A. beliefs B. loyalty C. habits D.interest61.A. alter ing B. understanding C. keeping D.attracting(局部稍微的改变)62.A. Assumed63.A. agreeable B. RespectedB.flexibleC. EstablishedC. friendlyD. UnexpectedD.sensitive(可曲折的,柔韧的,可变通的,灵巧的)64.A. unfair B. difficult C. essential D.convenient2010 年The first attempt of even the most talented artists, musicians, andwriters is seldom a masterpiece, If you consider your drafts as dressrehearsals ( 彩排 ), or tryouts , (试用,初赛) revising will seema natural part of the writing ___50___.What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the out-of-townpreview s(试映,预告,预习) that manyBroadway shows go through? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, reordering, ___51___ revising. Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent (经历) such a process.When Lloyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting production. However, when Phantom opened in London in 1986, theaudience saw a moving psychological love story set to music. (被谱曲)The musical had___52___ several revisions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup( 戏服和化妆 ). For instance,Lloyd Webber ___53___ some of the music because the Phantom's makeup prevented the actor from singing certain sounds.When you revise, you change aspects of your work in ___54___ to your evolving (进化的) purpose, or to include ___55___ ideas or newly discovered information.Revision is not just an afterthought (过后想法) that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. ___56___, it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way.Even your decision to ___57___. topics while prewriting is a type ofrevising. However. don't make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows ___58___. Always make time to become your own ___59___andview your dress rehearsal, so to speak. Reviewing your work in this waycan give you ___60___ new ideas.Revising involves ___61___ the effectiveness and appropriateness ofall aspects of your writing, making your purpose more clearly, and refocusing or developing the facts and ideas you present. Whenyou revise, ask yourself the following questions, keeping in mind the audience forwhom you are writing: Is my main idea or purpose ___62___ throughout mydraft? Do I ever lose sight of my purpose? Have I given my readers allof the ___63___ that is, facts, opinions, inference s(推理,推测) --- that they need in order to understand my main idea? Finally, have Iincluded too many ___64___ details that may confuse readers?50. A. technique B. style C. process D. career51. A. in particular B. as a result C. for example D. in otherwords52. A. undergone B. skipped C. rejected D.replaced53. A. rewrote B. release d C. recorded D.reserved(开释、赦免、刊行)(保存、预定)54. A. addition B. response C. opposition D. contrast(反对)55. A. fixed B. ambitious C. familiar D. fresh56. A. However B. Moreover C. Instead D. Therefore57. A. discuss B. switch C. exhaust D. cover(开关,变换)(使疲惫不堪,耗尽)58. A. drafting B. rearranging C. performing D.training59. A. director B. master C. audience D.visitor60. A. personal B. valuable C. basic D.delicate( 纤细的,精巧的,奇妙的 )61. A. mixing B. weakening C. maintaining D. assessing62. A. amazing B. bright C. unique D. clear63. A. angles B. evidence C. information D. hint s(示意)64. A. unnecessary B. uninteresting C. concrete D.final(混凝土,详细的)。

2017年高三英语一模汇编——选词填空Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on developing stronger science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum(课程) and programs, as these discipline are widely ___31____ as the means to help innovation and support national economies.This trend reflects a shift in how school discipline are being looked at; schools are ____32____ on subject that have traditionally been isolated from each other -----science, mathematics, and art --- in favor of deeper, interdisciplinary learning. K-12 education leaders are pioneering new methods for combing the arts with STEMS activities, ____33____ the ways in which subjects naturally connect in the real world. While this new movement is being discussed almost clearly and directly in an education context, its roots are planted across nearly every industry. In many ways, technology is the connective tissue. Similarly, engineering new transportation technologies requires artful design. The growing ___34____ of the important unions between different skills is paving that way for STEAM in schools.Some doubts of this movement have dismissed_____35_____ as a mere fashion driven by artists who are concerned their profession is losing critical support in an increasingly technology-focused society. However, the Hilburn Academy argues that STEAM is not just a contemporary program of learning, but an important life philosophy----____36_____ for higher education and career success. Schools should provide students plentiful opportunities ____37_____the complexities and complicated layers that indicate concrete knowledge. Early examples of STEAM learning include teaching students how mathematical concepts such as geometry(几何学) are rooted in artworks.While the rise of STEAM learning is relatively new, there are already figures that prove the integration of these seemingly ____38_____ disciplines is supporting student performance at school. A study conducted by the University of Florida _____39_____ that students who are engaged in music class do better in math. For example, female high school students enrolled in music appreciation class scored 42points higher on the math section of their SATs. Formal experience with the arts is proven to cultivate innovative thinking, adaptability and other problem- solving skills that are necessary for mastering STEM abilities. in other words, _____40______ is a pioneer for students to understand, use, and apply technologies in new ways.31-35 KBDCH 36-40 EIFGJSection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be use only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Smart Phone Application Tracks Mental HealthMilitary service is obviously rough on a service member’s mental health. According to some 31____,30 percent of service members develop some type of mental health issue within four months of returninghome after leaving the army.The military is spending more money than ever to 32____mental health issues within the ranks, and their latest attempt is a smart phone application called the T2 MoodTracker application, which helps service members keep track of their mental health after leaving the army. The app works like a high-tech diary, allowing users to 33____ emotions and behaviors that result from therapy, medication, daily experiences or changes happening at work or in the home. The smart phone app isn’t supposed to be a pocket 34 ____, though. It serves more as an extremely accurate and 35 ____record of a service member’s mental health.Perry Bosmajian is a psychologist with the National Center for TeleHealth and Technology, where this smart phone app was created. He says this smart phone app will produce much more accurate results on the36 ____conditions of service members who have returned home. “Therapists and physicians often have to rely on patient 37____ when trying to gather information about symptoms over the previous weeks or months,” Bosmajian said. “Research has shown that informat ion collected after the fact, especially about mood, tends to be 38____. The best record of an experience is when it’s recorded at the time and place it happens.”The app specifically tracks anxiety, depression, general well-being, life stress, post-traumatic (受伤后的)stress and brain injury. The daily expressions add up over time to produce a(n) 39____ that can be observed by physicians and therapists.The app has been downloaded more than 5,000 times since it became 40____ on the Android Market a year ago. Users of iPhones can also have access to the app some time next year.31-40 DJFIC BKGHASection BDirections: Fill m each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Donald Trump 31 his place as the United States’ 45th president after crossing the 270 electoral votethreshold (门槛) on November 9. The 70-year-old Republican will take over from Barack Obama, a two-term president to occupy the White House.The rise of Trump, a celebrity businessman with no previous experience in the 32 or elected office, surprised nearly everyone in politics. Trump’s victory over Clinton will end eight years of Democratic33 of the White House. He will govern with Congress fully under Republican control and lead a country deeply 34 by his campaign against Clinton. Given the numerous Republicans who never backed him, Trump will have to face divisions within his own party, too.As he claimed victory, Trump 35 Americans to “come together as one united people.” “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans,” he said in his victory speech. Striking a gentle tone, Trump continued that he would reach out to a few of those who had chosen not to support him for 36 and help so that “we can work together and unify our great country.”As president, Trump’s government agenda remains unclear. The president-elect has promised to bring changes to the United States. He said he would build a wall along the U.S-Mexico border to stop immigrants from coming into the country 37 , 38immigration from countries with ties to terrorist groups, and bargain with foreign governments such as those of Russia and China. Trump has also promised to prioritize the economic growth that creates jobs and 39 incomes for all Americans.Trump is a wild card, many voters said, but the definitely has a chance to be a successful president as long as recognizes the responsibilities he 40 and follows through on his promises.31---40 JFACE HKGBDSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Why Aren’t Women Happier?Why aren’t women happier these days?That’s the question raised by a thought-provoking study, The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness, __31__ last month. The research showed that over the past 35 years women’s happiness has declined, both __32__ to the past and relative to men even though the lives of women in the US have improved in recent decades by most __33__ measures.The research, by University of Pennsylvania economists Stevenson and Wolfers, and made __34__ by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found the decline in happiness to be widespread among women across a variety of demographic (人口统计的) groups. The researchers, for instance, measured similar declines in happiness among women who were single parents and married parents, “__35__ doubt on the hypothesis (假设) that trends in marriage and divorce, single parenthood or work/family __36__ are at the root of the happinessdeclines among women,” they wrote.One theory for the decline in happiness is that expectations for workplace and general advancement were ra ised too high by the women’s movement and women might feel __37__ for not “having it all,” as a Los Angeles Times columnist recently put it.The researchers acknowledge that’s a __38__:“If the women’s movement raised women’s expectations faster than society was able to meet them,” the paper says, “they would be more likely to experience __39__ in their lives.” But they add things could change for the better: “As women’s expectations move into adjustment with their experiences, this decline in happiness may reverse.”Readers, why do you think women are unhappier than in the past? Do you think that if expectations for “having it all” were __40__ to “move into adjustment with experiences,” women might be happier?词汇:DKHAF JBGECSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.First Aid: Difference between Death and LifeFirst aid is emergency care for a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skillful medical treatment is available. It may save a life or improve certain ___31___ signs including pulse, temperature, and breathing. First aid must be ___32___ as quickly as possible. In the case of the critically injured, a few minutes can make the difference between complete recovery and loss of life.First-aid ___33___ depend upon a victim’s needs and the provider’s level of knowledge and skill. Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as important as knowing what to do. For example, ___34___ moving a person with a neck injury can lead to permanent health problems.Despite the variety of injuries possible, several ___35___ of first aid apply to all emergencies. The first step is to call for professional medical help. The victim, if conscious, should be reassured that medical aid has been requested, and asked for permission to provide any first aid. Next, ___36___ the scene, asking other people or the injured person’s family or friends about details of the injury or illness, any care that may have already been given, and ___37___ conditions such as heart trouble. Unless the accident scene becomes unsafe or the victim may suffer further injury, do not move the victim.First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to determine whether ___38___ conditions exist. One method for ___39___ a victim’s condition is known by the acronym ABC, which stands for:A – Airway: is it open and clear?B – Breathing: is the person breathing? Look, listen and feel for breathing.C –Circulation: is there a pulse? Is the person bleeding ___40___? Check skin color and temperature for additional indications of circulation problems.31-40 KAGEJ BIFCDSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.This invention, commonly used in offices and households throughout the world, came about as a result of a series of accidents. In 1968 Spencer Silver, who was working for a company called 3M at the time, was trying to produce super-strong adhesive, a substance making things sticky together, to be used in the building of planes. This, however, wasn’t successful and instead he succeeded in creating an extremely weak adhesive that was 31 to pressure. This new adhesive had two advantages: it could be removed from surfaces quite easily and it could be reused. In spite of these two 32 features, nobody could see any practical use for it. In the end, the invention was 33 .A few years later, Art Fry, a product development engineer working for 3M, decided to use this adhesive for 34 use. He stuck strips of paper in a book as page marker and a whole new concept was born. However, the idea still wasn’t without35 . The challenge was to make the glue stay on the sticky note itself, rather than peeling off and staying on the surface it was 36 to. Two more 3M employees were brought in and set the task of producing a coating for the adhesive so that it wouldn’t come off and they37 just that.Unfortunately, 3M bosses still believed that this invention wasn’t going to be 38 successful and people would continue to use crap paper(小纸条) for their notes rather than sticky notes. This is why sticky notes were only tested within the company, where t hey became extremely popular. It wasn’t until many years later that 3M bosses finally decided to give out a vast amount of free 39 to other companies to see if anyone would be interested in buying them. To their surprise, 90 per cent of the companies approached went on to order more sticky notes. This went beyond anybody’s 40 . Nowadays, sticky notes come in a variety of shapes and colours and are sold in more than 100 countries.31-35 JGKFE 36-40 ADBICSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.NINE people died and 43 were injured in two rear-end crashes on Shanghai’s S32 Expressway that occurred during heavy fog yesterday morning.Two were 31 dead at the scene in one of the accidents, and five were found dead in the other. Two more people died in hospital, police said.Police first received a report at 5:54 am that 32 vehicles had crashed on the S32, near a ramp of S2. The S32 links Shanghai with Zhejinag Province’s Jiaxing and Huzhou.Two people were killed after getting out of their vehicle to see what was causing congestion ahead. They were hit by an out of control tanker, police said.When police arrived at that scene, they found a further five people had been killed when a construction vehicle was crushed by two large vehicles from both front and back. The crash was about three kilometers away from the accident that killed the two people on the expressway. The injured were sent to local hospitals.Some drivers reported that the road was very 33 and braking had led to vehicles losing control.“The fog was very heavy,” an unidentified driver told Shanghai Television Station. “When I saw the accident ahead, I wanted to slow down and 34 . But once I hit the brake, the vehicle went out of control.”Zhoupu Hospital treated 12 people. “One of the 35 died on the road to the hospital,” Ding Fuhao, a doctor with the hospital, told the television station. “Three were36 injured.”The city’s meteorological authority 37 an orange alert on heavy fog at 6:06 am, meaning 38 would be lower than 200 meters in some areas.The dense fog hit coastal areas in particular, including Chongming Island, Pudong New Area, Baoshan and Fengxian districts. The alert was 39 at 9:44am. This was Shanghai’s first orange alert of heavy fog since the arrival of autumn.Several expressways in the city were closed or subject to speed limits yesterday morning.Pudong International Airport was also affected by the bad weather. The airport’s traffic was about 60 percent less than normal in the morning but picked up the 40 after the orange alert was canceled, the city’s television station said.31-35 DCIAB 36-40 HCKJESection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can onlybe used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.In late February, a mainland tourist caused a disturbance on a Hong Kong subway. Thereason? Eating in public.In Hong Kong it is 31.__________ to eat on the subway, and when the tourist was scolded by a Hong Kong local, the situation escalated(升级)into a verbal slinging match.In New York City, eating on the subway is also controversial. No law bans the practice, buta Democratic state senator(参议员) introduced one last week. The 32.__________ law would ban eating on the subwaysystem and 33.__________ first time violators $250 (1,579 yuan), according to the New York Times. Proponents of the bill argue that eating on the subway attracts rats. Others say the broader target should be litterbugs, rather than those who carefully sip their coffee and eat their bread on the way to work. They also argue that "street food" is an important part of New York's culture and history. Banning its 34.__________ in public areas such as the subway would have negative effects.Street food, and eating in public places is a deep-rooted cultural practice in cities as diverse as New York, Beijing and Paris. While 35__________, it has been traditionally thought of as the behavior of the lower classes. Eating in public was (and in some places, still is) associated with 36__________, poorer people. In the 19th century, eating in public was seen as a threat to morality and public health. Putnam's (a popular magazine at the time) stated: "Eating in public may cause a certain 37.__________ofmanner and disinterest in little ladies and gentlemen. It was something people in the Victorian era did not want to 38.__________. A recent New York Times article drew a link between this moral 39.__________ about street food and concern over the growing populations of Irish, German, Italian and Jewish 40.__________ who ran food carts in the 1800s.Whether you love eating street food, or have to eat your breakfast on the run, it's best to be considerate when enjoying a bite in public.31-40 EFKHB CIAGDSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.There is distinction between reading for information and reading for understanding. Thus we can ____31____ the word “reading” in two distinct senses.The first sense is the one in which we read newspapers, magazines, or anything else. We can get ____32____ to the content of those materials easily. Such materials may increase our store of information, but they cannot improve our understanding. And clearly we don’t have any difficulty in gaini ng the new information, for our understanding was ____33____ to them before we started. Otherwise, we would have felt the shock of puzzlement.The second sense is the one in which we read something that at first we do not completely understand. Here the thing to be read is at the first sight better or higher than the reader. The writer is communicating something that can ____34____ the reader’s understanding. Such communication between unequals must be possible. Otherwise one person could never learn from another. Here “learning” means understanding more, not remembering more information.What are the ____35____ in this kind of reading? First, there is inequality in understanding. The writer must be “____36____” to the reader in understanding. Besides, his book must ____37____ something he possesses and his potential readers lack. Second, the reader must be able to overcome this inequality in somedegree. And he should always try to ____38____ the same level of understanding with the writer. If the equality is ____39____, success of communication is achieved.Besides gaining information and understanding, there’s another goal of reading - entertainment. It is the least ____40____ and requires the least amount of effort. Everyone who knows how to read can read for entertainment if he wants to. In fact, any book that can be read for understanding or information can probably be read for entertainment as well.31-40 DGAFI JHEKBSection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be use only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Imagine an urban neighborhood where most of the cars are self-driving. What would it be like to be a pedestrian?Actually, pretty good. In fact, pedestrians might end up with the run of the place.In a new study published in the Journal of Planning Education and Research, Millard-Ball looks at the __31__ of urban areas where a majority of vehicles are “autonomous” or self-driving. It’s a phenomenon that’s not as far off as one might think.“Autonomous vehicles have the potential to __32__ travel behavior,” Millard-Ball says. He uses game theory to __33__ the interactions between pedestrians and self-driving vehicles, with a focus on yielding at crosswalks.Because autonomous vehicles are by design risk-averse, Millard-Ball's model suggests that pedestrians will be able to act with impunity, and he thinks autonomous vehicles may facilitate a shift towards pedestrian-oriented urban neighborhoods. However, Millard-Ball also finds that the __34__ of autonomous vehicles may be hampered by their strategic disadvantage that slows them down in urban traffic.“Pedestrians routinely play the game of chicken,” Millard-Ball writes. Crossing the street, even at a marked crosswalk without a traffic signal, requires a probability calculation: what are the odds of survival?The benefit of crossing the street __35__, instead of waiting for a gap in traffic, is traded off against the probability of injury or even death. Pedestrians know that drivers are not interested in running them down -- usually. But there is the chance a driver may be __36__, or drunk.Self-driving cars are __37__ to obey the rules of the road, including waiting for pedestrians to cross. They could provide the most __38__ transformation in urban transportation systems. Parking, street design, and transportation service networks are likely to be revolutionized. In his latest study, Millard-Ball suggests that the potential benefits of self-driving cars -- avoiding __39__ of traffic and traffic accidents -- may be outweighed bythe drawbacks of an always play-it-safe vehicle that slows traffic for everybody.“From the point of view of a passenger in an automated car, it would be like driving down a street filled with __40__ five-year-old children,” Millard-Ball writes.Alternatively, planners could seize the opportunity to create more pedestrian-oriented streets. Autonomous vehicles could start a new era of pedestrian domination.31—40 K H B D A I C G E FEleven普陀区Section B 10%Directions:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. gluedB. guiltyC. luxuriousD. portraitE. proudF.reflectedG. removed H. doubts I. reveals J. shadow K. suggestCould It Be a Work by Rembrandt(伦勃朗)Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters.However, there are ___ 31 ____ whether some paintings attributed (归属)toRembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as attributed toRembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the woman’s face isvery much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. Butthere are problems with the painting that ______ 32 _____ i t could not be a work by Rembrandt.First, there is something inconsistent(不一致)about the way the woman inthe ____ 33 __ is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that onlyservants would wear—-yet the coat she is wearing has a ______ 34 ____ fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects' clothing, would not have been _______ 35 _______ of such an inconsistency.Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and __________ 36 __ , but in this painting these elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminated(照亮)by light 37 ______ onto itfrom below. But below the face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appear partially in shadow, which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never have made such an error.Finally, examination of the back of the painting ________ 38 __ that it was painted on a panel madeof several pieces of wood ___39___ together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels (面板)s no painting known to be by Rembrandt was painted in this way.For these reasons, the painting was ______ 40 __ from the official catalog of Rembrandt’s paintings in the 1930s.31-40 HKDCB JFIAG’Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The rise in stories describing events that never happened, often involving fake people in fake places, has led to Facebook and Google’s (31) ____ to deal with them. But are we really so easy to fool? According to several studies, the answer is yes: even th e most obvious fake news starts to become believable if it’s (32)_____ enough times.In the months running up to the US election there was a surge(大浪) in fake news. Accordingto an analysis by Craig Silverman, a journalist, during this time the top 20 fake stories in circulation (33)_____ the top 20 stories from 19 mainstream publishers.Paul Horner, a creative publisher of fake news, has said he believes Donald Trump was elected because of him. “My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time… His followers don’t fact-check anything –they’ll post everything, believe anything,” he told the Washington Post.Silverman previously (34)_____ rumours circulating online in 2014 and found that shares and social interactions around fake news articles dwarfed(使...相形见绌) those of the articles that exposed them. According to Silverman, fake news stories are engineered to appeal to people’s hopes and fears, and aren’t (35)_____ by reality, which gives them the edge in creating shareable content.You might think you’re immune to falling for these lies, but a wealth of research disagrees. Back in the 1940s, researchers found that “the more a rumour is told, the more (36)_____ it sounds”. They suggested this means that a rumour born out of mild suspicion can, by gaining currency, shift public thinking and opinion.This false impression of truth was (37)_____ practically in 1977 when researchers in the US quizzed college students on the actuality of statements that they were told may be true or false. The researchers found that simply repeating the statements at a later date was enough to increase the (38)______ of the students believing them.Last year, Lisa Fazio at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee and her team found that students become more likely to believe a statement that they know must be false if it is repeated.word格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持“Our research suggests that false news can and likely does affect people’s (39)_____. Even if people are conscious that a headline is false, reading it multiple times will make it seem more trustworthy,” Fazio says.Reassuringly, the team found that a person’s knowledge still has a large influence over their beliefs, but it’s still a worrying (40)______ given that falsehoods appear repeatedly in our newsfeeds every day.31-40:BEAJF/ HKCGISection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be use only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Good news for giant panda lovers: the cute and cuddly creature has just been brought back from the edge of extinction.The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) __31__ the species from “endangered” to “vulnerable” as the union released its updated Red List on Sept. 4 at Hawaii with their __32__ growing by 17 percent in the decade leading up to 2014.Chinese conservation efforts, including forest protection and reforestation, are considered to be the __33__ force behind the animal's re-prosperity. The number of panda __34__ in China has also jumped to 67, from 13 in 1992. Nearly two-thirds of all wild pandas live there. Restoring the panda’s habitat ha s given them back their space with food available to them.Apa rt from giant pandas, the Tibetan Antelope has also moved from “endangered” to “near t h reatened”. According to a statement from IUCN, the animal's numbers have shrunk severely - dropping from around 1 million to a(n) __35__ 65,000 -- 72,500 in the 1980s and early 1990s - due to commercial poaching (偷猎). Rigorous protection has since been __36__ to protect the beasts and the population is now likely to be between 100,000 and 150,000.Despite the improved __37__,wild animals like the giant panda and the Tibetan Antelope still face challenges. The IUCN warned, for example, that ongoing threats from climate change could eliminate more than 35 percent of the panda's bamboo habitat in the next 80 years, which would __38__ the species recent gains.Good progress has been made but there is still work to do. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is devoted to __39__ species from around the world and their statuses in relation to their risk of extinction. The list currently has eight categories, including extinct, extinct in the wild, __40__ endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, least concern and data deficient. These categories are based on criteria relating to populationtrends, size and structure, and geographic range.31---40 G E H C F J A K D I。

2017年上海高考英语真题试卷_上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AAttending college can be expensive, and applying to college can be costly as well. With today’s college application fees averaging around $ 80, you can expect to spend hundreds of dollars on college before you are even accepted into a school.One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. To save money, try to limit the schools to which you apply to about 2-3 reach schoolsand 2-3 safety schools.At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure you a free application. If you are applying to a school where one of your parents or grandparents is a former graduate, check to see if you’ re qualified for it.Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Some schools offer free online applications, yet charge a fee for paper submissions. This is because online applications save schools the cost of employing a staff member to physically enter the applicationinformation.Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Be sure to contact the schools to I j which you are applying to see if they participate in College Application Week and when the program takes place in thatstate.Apply for early admission. If you have already decided on which college is your top choice, consider applying under an Early Action or Early Decision admission program. If you are accepted, you won’t have to submit applicationfees to other schools.For more information regarding college applications and the fees associated with them, contact your high I school advisor or the admissions department at your school(s)of interest.21. The passage is mainly written to______.A. introduce famous universities in the United StalesB. show some practical ways to apply an ideal collegeC. advertise for successful applications and advisorsD. offer tips to save money on college application fees22. What does the author advise to do in the secondparagraph?A. Write down your favorite universities.B. Reduce the number of your university choices.C. Apply to two universities each time.D. Mind your safety when applying to college.23. Some schools offer free online application to______,A. receive fees faster than beforeB. employ someoneelse to workC. cut down the cost of employmentD. enter theapplication information24. It can be known from the passage that______,A. application fee might be canceled conditionallyB. many countries attend College Application WeekC. applying for early admission is the best policyD. admission departments determine your futureBEvery year, some 6.9 million children under the age of five die from diseases like malaria, pneumonia and HIV. The untold story of child survival is that the global community now has the combined knowledge, technical know-how and affordable tools to end such child deaths. Evidence shows that it is possible to decrease under-five death rates in developing countries to levels approaching those in wealthier countries.That is why 4 years ago — June, 2012 — the US, Ethiopia and India joined the United Nations Children’s Fund (or UNICEF) to launch Child Survival Call to Action, a global effort to save children’s lives. The goal was to lower child death rates in the hardest-hit countries to 20 deaths per 1,000 live births by the year 2035.Zambia started a plan focused on nutrition and immunization (免疫) that will save more than 26,000 children each year. Congo is distributing pre-packaged supplies to prevent and treat the most common killers. They hope to save the lives of half a million children by 2017. Similar efforts are taking place in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Yemen, and elsewhere.Child Survival partner companies are also developinglife-saving vaccines (疫苗) and treatment for diarrhea. Private enterprisers and medical professionals are training and equipping health workers in 54 countries with life-saving tools. Still others are developing and delivering safe water treatment and storage products. “This high-level forum inspired a global movement —Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed,” wrote UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. “Four years passing, it continues to build and, today, 174 countries and over 400 civil society and faith-based organizations have taken up the charge in their own commitments. While we still have a long way to go, the first 4 years haveseen impressive gains.”25. The underlined word “those” in Paragraph 1 refersto______.A. 6. 9 million under-five childrenB. affordable toolsto end child deathC. deaths in the developing countriesD. death rates ofchildren under five26. Child Survival Call To Action was founded to______.A. improve the living conditions for poor childrenB. decrease under-five death rates in some countriesC. raise some money to save children’s livesD. savechildren in the poorest countries27. What can be inferred from the passage?A. All diseases can be prevented or treated.B. Governments and partners joined the initial effort.C. Nutrition holds the key to lower the death rates.D. Only governments made their best to reduce the deaths.28. How does Anthony Lake feel towards Child SurvivalCall to Action?A. Time-consuming.B. Wasteful.C. Positive.D.Cold.CHow you feel and react to your environment on a day-to-day basis can be measured by your behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Your personality gives you away!There are four fundamental characteristics of personality. First, it is constant and people tend to behave in the same way when they meet similar situations. Second, personality not only influences actions, but it also actually causes people to behave in specific ways. Third, personality is influenced by both psychological and biological factors. Finally, personality isexpressed not only in behaviors, but through emotions, thoughts, social behavior, and close relationships. How the world distinguishes you is a direct reflection of and reaction to how you present yourself to them. Race, age, and sex are qualities you have no control over, but certainly contribute to your personality because of how the world senses you based on them. A person who continuously experiences racial discrimination may guard himself against it by at first seeming cold and unfriendly. But once he opens up, you may discover someone completely different inside.Physical ones, which you develop over time, also contribute to your personality, and include walking pace, eye contact, and facial expressions. How you want the world to see you influences how you present yourself to others. Characteristics such as altitude, response and general mindset create the surface of your one-of-a-kindpersonality.If you’re like many people, the aspects of your personality you choose to show might depend on the people you meet. For instance, the personality you exhibit around your boss is probably a lot different from thepersonality you show to your closest friends. All of these elements make up the “you” that only you truly know. And only you can decide when to share these parts of your personality with other colleagues.29. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Some aspects of personality.B. Ways to developpersonality.C. What contributes to personality.D. Why personalityis important.30. It can be known from Paragraph 2 that______.A. one’s personality is merely determined by birthB. personality consists of behavior, thoughts andrelationshipsC. personality has nothing to do with one’s career lifeD. the environment and the situation influence one’spersonality31. The intended readers for the passage areprobably______.A. receptionistsB. studentsC. office clerksD.police officersDFor many. Daylight Saving Time (DST: 夏令时) simplymeans remembering to change the clocks and twisting your sleep schedule. “Even though the time change is only an hour, it is something that causes much more destruction than people believe,” said Dr. John Sharp, a psychologist and psychiatrist at Beth-Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “It’s not just an extra hour of sleep; it’s more of a fast-forward into winter.”With days getting darker earlier, Sharp suggests making a to-do list for activities after work ahead of time. “Any plans you have, say, going to the gym after work, require much more effort and determination. It’s much better to plan more carefully and not just rely on how you feel, especially when it is dark out,” he said. “Figure it out in advance and stick with the plan.”In addition. Sharp says in the weeks after Daylight Saving, some may feel like they have a bigger appetite. “Eating more during this time is not the answer. People need to stay on an eating schedule and keep up healthyhabits. ”However, Sharp said there are ways to better acclimate yourself to the time change. If you are having trouble sleeping, he suggests taking some melatonin (退黑激素)in the evening. In contrast, if you find yourself feeling sleepy. Sharp said there is nothing wrong with adding an extra caffeinated drink during your day.A word to the wise? One sure way to better adjust to the time change is to start going to bed 15 minutes earlier starting four days before Daylight Saving, adding an additional 15 minutes each night.32. Which is probably the best title for the passage?A. Are you prepared for DST?B. Why DST was introduced?C. What DST has brought to life?D. How DST has beenpopular?33. What does John Sharp suggest in Paragraph 2?A. Getting up earlier than before.B. Sticking to thedaily routine.C. Being aware of quality sleep.D. Gettingwell-prepared for DST.34. The underlined word “acclimate” in Paragraph 4 canbe replaced by______.A. adoptB. accelerateC. adaptD. acknowledge35. The passage is probably taken from______.A. a scientific reportB. an interviewC. a speechD.a statement第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

上海高考英语题型训练:选词填空Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.There’s been a lot written on the theme of failure and how essential it is to success. In a world wher e ____31____ is given for people’s accomplishments, failing feels dangerous. The fear of failure can stop people taking risks that might lead to success. Heidi Grant Halvorson, a psychologist, points out much of success is____32____ not on talent but on learning from your mistakes.About half of the people in the world hold that ability in an area --- be it creative or social skill --- is natural. The other half believes, instead, that someone might have a preference or something – say painting or speaking foreign languages –but this ability can be improved through ___33___ practice or training.It’s almost impossible to think rationally(理性地) while shouting at yourself, “I’m a failure”. But when you ___34___ your thinking, you will probably see what you can control – your behavior, your planning, your reactions – and change them.The primary ___35___ between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster approaching you, take another look.Success is as scary as failure. Researchers report that satisfaction grows on challenges. Think about it – a computer game you can always win is boring; one you can win ___36___, and with considerable effort, is fun. In pursuit of success, failure exposes areas that you need to ___37___. So the failure serves as a brick wall to test how you apply yourself to ___38___ your objectives and how much you want them.There is a way to distinguish whether a failure ___39___ you to double down or walk away, says Halvorson. If, when things get rough, you remain fascinated by your goal, you should keep going. If what you’re doing is costing you too mu ch time and energy or it’s not bringing you joy, you should give a second thought to the ___40___ of your goal and even set a new one. 31-40 DEAHB FCIJGenvy-as‘the gift of the Nile’. The Egyptians depend on the river for food, for water and for life. The Ancient Egyptians were able to control and use the Nile, creating the earliest irrigation systems and developing a prosperous ___31___.Snaking through the deserts, the Nile would flood almost ___32___ each year in June. Once the water subsided, a rich deposit of sand was left behind, making an excellent topaoil. Seeds were sown, yielding wheat, barley, beans, lentils and leeks. Drought could spell disaster for the Egyptians, so during the dry seasons, they dug basins and channels to deliver water to their land. They also devised simple channels to transfer water at the peak of the flood.An early system of ___33___ a Kilometer, was used to de determine the size of thefloods. Later, during the New Kingdom, a lifting system called a Shauf was used to raise water from the river--___34___ to the way in which a well is used today.The Egyptians took up some of the earliest trading missions. Without a(n)___35___ system they exchanged goods, bringing back timber, precious stones, pottery, spices and animals. Their efforts in medicine were also ___36___ advanced: surgeons performed operations to remove cysts(囊肿). Mummification gave them great understanding of the human body-yet they also relied heavily on various medicines to prevent disease, and discoveries were often confused with superstition (迷信). And while a great deal of time was dedicated to ___37___ the Egyptians thought the stars were gods.By the 16th century Egypt was under the Ottoman Empire until Britain seized control in 1882. What is now mostly Arabic Egypt only won ___38___ from Britain after World War Ⅱ. The Suez Canal, opened in 1869, __________the country as a center for world transportation. But it, and the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1971 ___40___ the ecology of the Nile, which now struggles to satisfy the country’s rapidly growing population, currently more than 76 million-the largest in the Arab world.31-40 G J A B D C E I H FUnit 3.Dogs make puppy dog eyes for the benefit of humans and rarely use the pleasing facial expression when on their own, a new study has shown.It has long been assumed that animal facial expressions are involuntary and dependent on emotional state rather than a way to communicate.But scientists at the University’s Dog Cognition Centre at Portsmouth University have found that dogs mostly use facial expressions when humans are present, as a direct response to attention. Puppy dog eyes, in which the 31is raised to make the eyes appear wider and sadder, was found to be the most32 used expression in the study. Researchers do not know whether the dogsare aware they look sadder, or have just learned that widening their eyes invites 33 and affection in humans.Dog cognition expert Dr Juliane Kaminski: “We can now be 34 that the production of facial expressions made by dogs are dependent on the attentionstate of their audience and are not just a result of dogs being excited.”“In our study they produced far more expressions when someone was watching, but seeing food 35 did not have the same effect.”“The findings appear t o support evidence dogs are 36 to humans’ attention and that expressions are 37 active attempts to communicate, not simple emotional displays.” The researchers studied 24 dogs of various breeds, aged one to 12. All were family pets. Each dog was tied by a lead a meter awayfrom a person, and the dogs’ faces were 38 throughout a range of exchanges, from the person being oriented towards the dog, to being distractedand with her body turned away from the dog.They found that when a human was not watching the animal, they 39 facial expressions. Dr Kaminski said it is possible that dogs’ expressions have evolved asthey were 40 . “Domestic dogs have a unique history –they have lived alongside humans for 30,000 years and during that time selection pressures seemto have acted on dogs’ ability to communicate with us, ”she said.31-40 HDFKE GABCICanada, February 2017: I stood in the snow on a frozen lake, watching as the sky twisted in front of me. Green bands of light______31_____ out in the darkness. Slowly the colors twisted and broke and reappeared elsewhere until, suddenly, a whole band flowed and pulsed across the sky,____32_____ with delicate yellow, pinks and purples. It was as dramatic as thunderstorm, yet calm. Gentle, yet_____33_____. Most of all, it was a gift.This was my fifth aurora trip and the first time I had seen fast movement and bright colours. The calm, green aurora displays that many people see are driven bya(n)_____34____stream of particles(微粒) from the sun, called the solar wind. But when the sun throws us extra hot, fat particles, this process goes into overdrive—we get much more movement and colour. It is glorious! Aurora-spotters long for it.But for some, the wild movements of the heavens can have serious _____35___. Satellites’ electronics are affected or damaged by incoming fast particles,____36____ industries that rely on them. Flights may need to change course to avoid radio___37____ around the poles, or to protect aircrew from enhanced radiation exposure. During a solar storm, aircrew may receive their annual radiation limit over a single flight.Stormy space weather affects us on the ground, too. A large solar storm in 1989 caused a 10-hour electrical blackout over Canada’s Quebec Province, costing the economy a(n)___38____C$10 billion. Disturbance of the atmosphere causes problems with radio broadcast and GPS. In September 2017, a huge solar flame____39____ just as Hurricane Iran hit the Caribbean. The resultant HF radio blackout help up the emergency response. Meanwhile, beautiful aurora displays were seen in England. Place its beauty aside, then, and the auroral _____40______ is nothing other than a giant planetary disturbance, more of a worry than a wonder for some people. Yet seldom do such disturbances have such fascinating side effects as that of the aurora dancing across our Arctic skies. 31-40 JBAED KCFGIwhen the person is engaged in vigorous activity. Heat (31) _______ usually occur when large amounts of water and/or salt are lost through over sweating following exhausting exercise. When the body becomes overheated and cannot (32)_______ this over heatedness, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are possible.Heat exhaustion is generally (33) _______ by sweaty skin, tiredness, sickness, dizziness, plentiful sweating, and sometimes fainting, resulting from a(n) (34)_______ intake of water and the loss of fluids. First aid treatment for this condition includes having the victim lie down, (35) _______ the feet 8 to 12 inches, applyingcool, wet cloths to the skin, and giving the victim sips of salt water (1 teaspoon per glass, half a glass every 15 minutes) over a 1-hour period.Heat stroke is much more serious; it is a(n) (36) _______ life-threatening situation. The characteristics of heat stroke are a high body temperature (which may reach 106° F or more); a rapid pulse; hot, dry skin; and a blocked sweating (37) _______. Victims of this condition may be unconscious, and first-aid measures should be (38) _______ at quickly cooling the body. The victim should be placed in a tub of cold water or (39) _______ sponged with cool water until his or her temperature is sufficiently lowered. Fans or air conditioners will also help with the cooling (40)_______. Care should be taken, however, not to over-chill the victim once the temperature is below 102° F. 31-40 FHIAG JKEBCThey’re still kids, and although there’s a lot that the experts don’t yet know about them, one thing they do agree on is that what the kids use and expect from their world has changed rapidly. And it’s all because of technology.To the psychologists, sociologists, and media experts who study them, their digital devices set this new group 31 , even from their Millennial (千禧年的) elders, who are quite familiar with technology. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older bro thers and sisters don’t quite get. These differences may seem slight, but they 32 the appearance of a new generation.The 33 between Millennial elders and this younger group was so evident to psychologist Larry Rosen that he has 34 the birth of a new generation in a new book, Rewired: Understanding the ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month. Rosen says the technically 35 life experience of those born since the early 1990s is so different from the Millennial elders he wrote about in his 2007 book, Me, Myspace and I: Parenting the Net Generation, that they distinguish themselves as a new generation, which he has given them the nickname of “ingeneration”.Rosen says portability is the key. They are 36 from their wireless devices, which allow them to text as well as talk, so they can be constantly connected—even in class, where cell phones are 37 banned.Many researchers are trying to determine whether technology somehow causes the brains of young people to be wired differently. “T hey should be distracted and should perform more poorly than they do,” Rosen says. “But findings show teens38 distractions much better than we would predict by their age and their brain development.”Because these kids are more devoted to technology at younger ages, Rosen says, the educational system has to change 39 .“The growth on the use of technology with children is very rapid, and we run the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how they think. We have to give them options because they want their world40 ,” Rosen31-40 JEHAG KIBFCUnit 7,used to treat burns. Different types of artificial skin differ in their complexity, but all are designed to ___31___ at least some of the skin’s basic functions, which include protecting against wetness and infection and regulating body heat.Skin is primarily made of two layers: the uppermost layer, the epidermis, which serves as a protection against the environment; and the dermis, the layer below the epidermis. The dermis also contains substances, which help to make the skin___32___ and maintain its biological functions.Artificial skins close wounds, which prevents bacterial infection and water loss and in result the wounded skin can ___33___. For example, one commonly used artificial skin, Integra, functions as a support between cells that helps regulate cell behavior and causes a new dermis to form by promoting cell growth and collagen(胶原质)___34___. The Integra “dermis” is also biodegradable(可生物降解的). It is gradually absorbed and replaced by the new dermis.Aside from its uses in the clinical ___35___, artificial skin may also be used to model human skin for research. For example, artificial skin is used as an alternative in animal testing. Such testing may cause ___36___ pain and discomfort to the animals and it does not ___37___ predict the response of human skin. Some companies like L’ Ordeal have already used artificial skin to test many ___38___ ingredients and products. Other research applications include how skin is affected by UV exposure and how certain substances in sunscreen and medicines are transported through skin.Today new technology has been developed by growing ___39___ of skin taken from the patient or other humans. One major source is the foreskins of newborns. Such cells often do not stimulate the body’s immune system-a mechanism that allows babies to develop within their mother’s body-and hence are much less likely to be ___40___ by the patient’s body.31-40 FCEAI KJGBDIt is said that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but even if you manage to bag a bargain meal, it will not taste as good as a more expensive meal, according to scientists. A new study has found that restaurant __31__ who pay more for their meals think the food is tastier than if it is offered for a smaller price. The experts think that people tend to associate cost with quality and this changes their __32__ of how food tastes.Scientists at Cornell University in New York studied the eating habits of 139 people enjoying an Italian buffet(自助餐) in a restaurant. The price of the food was set by the __33__ at either $4 or $8 for the all-you-can-eat meal. Customers were asked to __34__ how good the food tasted, the quality of the restaurant and to leave their names. The experiment __35__ that the people who paid $8 for the food enjoyed their me al 11 percent more than those who ate the “cheaper” buffet. Interestingly those that paid for the $4 buffet said they felt guiltier about loading up their plates and felt that they __36__. However, the scientists said that both groupsate around the same quantity of food in total, according to the study __37__ at the Experimental Biology meeting this week. Brian Wans ink, a professor of __38__ behavior at the university, said: “We were fascinated to find that pricing has little impact on how much one eats, but a huge impact on how you __39__ the experience.” He thinks that people enjoyed their food more as they associated cost with quality and that small changes to a restaurant can change how tasty people find their meals.In a(n)__40__ study, scientists from the university showed that people who eat in dim lighting consume 175 less calories(卡路里) than people who eat in brightly lit areas. 31-40 IEDCJ AGKHFNew Oxford University study finds that parenting interventions(育儿干预)for helping children with behavior problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children. There is a dominant view among scientists and policy-makers. They believes, for the greatest effect, interventions need to be __31__ early in life, when children’s brain function and behavior are thought to be more flexible. However, accord ing to the new research, it’s time to stop focusing on when we intervene with parenting, and just continue helping children in need of all ages.Just published in Child Development, the study is one of the first to __32__ this age assumption. Parenting interventions are a common and effective tool for reducing child behavior problems, but studies of age effects have produced different results until now.A team led by Professor Frances Fader __33__ data from over 15,000 families from all over the world, and found no evidence that earlier is better. Older children benefited just as much as younger ones from parenting interventions for reducing behavior problems. There was no evidence that earlier interventions are more powerful. This was based on __34__ data from more than 150 different experiments.What’s more, their economic analysis found that interventions with older children were __35__ more likely to be cost-effective.Professor Gardner commented: “When there is __36__ about behavioral difficulties in younger children, our findings should never be used as a reason to delay intervention, otherwise, children and families will suffer for longer.” She continued, “As for __37__ parenting interventions for reducing behavior problems in childhood, we shoul d stick to the principle, ‘it’s never too early, never too late’, rather than ‘earlier is better’.”The study draws the conclusion that it makes sense to invest in parenting interventions for children at all ages with behavioral difficulties, because they are no more likely to be __38__ in younger than older children, at least in thepre-adolescents. Of course, there’s more work to be done. The experiments conducted were __39__ to pre-adolescents, to shorter-term effects, andparent-reported assessment of child outcomes. Future studies are needed that focus on adolescents, longer-term outcomes, and using multiple sources for __40__ child behavior problems.31-40 FKBAG CHEIJ。

为你祝福,争分夺秒:考试顺利,马到成功!下面是店铺为大家推荐的2017年上海英语高考题,仅供大家参考!2017年上海英语高考题第I卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
ALaw of attraction helps people attract everything they desire. We offer you online resource for Law of the Attraction Practitioner Certification! Don’t be misled by other programs that make similar claims but don’t have the specialized knowledge of the teachers we have. We present you with the most excellent and up-to-date information to ensure no time is wasted in getting your certification successfully. As a graduate, you receive lifetime support from the Global Sciences Foundation.Location: Internet.Date:You may start anytime.Pace: Three months is the shortest allowable completion time. One year is the longest allowable completion time.Cost: original price: $375 current price: $247 (includes 5 training manuals).Registration deadline: None. Register anytime.Instructors: Dr. Joe Vitale, having a good performance in the hot movie The Secret and also famous for his 50 books including The Attractor Factor and The Key, Steve G. Jones, master trainersand so on.Textbooks: As part of the course, the price of the textbooks is included in the total price of this course. You will receive 5 study manuals and each of them has about 20 pages, written by Dr. Joe Vitale and Steve G. Jones, as well as the master trainers.This course is for anyone looking forward to mastering the Law of Attraction to the level at which you can teach it to others and have them effectively attract everything they desire. You can learn how to reduce your stress and increase your energy. Even if you are not interested in using the material to teach others, you should still take this course.21. What is the main purpose of the author?A. To teach people the law knowledge.B. To promote a certain kind of course.C. To display their Law of the Attraction Practitioner Certification.D. To prevent people from being misled by other programs.22. How much could you save if you take the course now?A. 375 dollars.B. 256 dollars.C. 128 dollars.D. 247 dollars.23. What can we learn about the course?A. You can complete it in more than one year.B. Its textbooks have about 80 pages in total.C. The earlier you register the less money you will pay.D. You can start and register it whenever you want.24. The course is unsuitable for those who _________.A. want to become a famous writerB. have a lot of pressure in their daily lifeC. are dedicated to learning the Law of the Attraction wellD. are not interested in using the material to teach othersBWhen Mrs. Gabica went out of the teaching building after finishing the last class in her career, she saw a lot of pupils on the playground, wearing uniform clothing, like an activity of celebrating the coming Teachers’ Day. Before realizing what happened, she was presented a bunch of flowers by two pupils and led to the playground. Then the loving words “Thank you. Wish you health and peace!” from the broadcast wafted (飘荡) over the playground. As she stood in the middle of the playground, teachers switched on an iPod and around 350 schoolchildren, aged three to seven, broke into a specially designed formation. The teacher was moved to tears when pupils broke into a flash mob dance to mark her final day after 25 years.In fact, taking her health into account, the leadership of the school has advised Mrs. Gabica to retire from school many times, but she refused firmly. Despite having diabetes in 2011, suffering from pain after being hit by a car in 2014 and even having a sick son to care for many years, Mrs. Gabica persevered in teaching and staying with her pupils. If she did not come to the age for retirement, she would be bound to stay with her pupils because she has a deep love for her career. Her pupils spent three weeks learning their routine to The Lion King’s He Lives in You, which was one of the music lover’s favorites, being careful not to let their secret out of the bag. Obviously, Mrs. Gabica wasn’t prepared for such a memorable send-off.The headteacher Luke Mansfield said,“It was a wonderful way to celebrate all that Mrs. Gabica has done for the school. Since posting it we have had so many messages from former pupils who remember their happy times in her class. It’s a testament to the hard work and I think she deserves everything that she receives.”25. Which words can best describe the scene of the send-off?A. Surprising and inspiring.B. Touching and surprisingC. Sorrowful and unforgettable.D. Educational and memorable.26. Mrs. Gabica had to end her career because of ________.A. a car accidentB. a serious diseaseC. her retirement ageD. the need of her family27. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Mrs. Gabica is an experienced music teacher.B. Mrs. Gabica directed the flash mob dance secretly.C. Mrs. Gabica’s family may need help after her retirement.D. Mrs. Gabica is thought highly of by her leadership.28. The passage mainly tells us Mrs. Gabica _________.A. received many gifts on Teachers’ DayB. has achieved many honors in her careerC. was given quite a surprise on her final teaching dayD. was extremely welcomed by teachers and pupilsCUniversity can be the most sociable time of your life. For most students, social media is the glue that holds packed social diaries together. Facebook will let you know if a game is cancelled, Twitter can promote your DJ set in 140 characters, and your Instagram account will remind you when there are new photos.These tools have made the world increasingly connected, and most students wouldn’t consider shunning them at such a sociable stage of their lives. But social media is by no means a requirement at university, and many do without.“I’m a private person and don’t feel the need to share everything with everybody I know,” says Caty Forster, 20, a student at the University of Manchester, who has never usedFacebook or Twitter. Despite social media’s benefits, Forster is largely indifferent. Bethany Elgood, 25, stopped using Facebook after she discovered she had developed a bit of an anxiety towards the social media platforms that contain lots of personal details.”I quit Facebook when I was 13. I left because, not only was I bored of passively involved in its Newsfeed, I was also experiencing anxiety. To me, Facebook meant clicking and nosing around people’s lives.People would ask, “How do you keep in touch with people?” and “Won’t you miss out anything important?” I was in agr eement with Forster, who says, “I never feel like I’m missing out too much. I don’t feel like I’d have anything valuable to share or gain from it.”Adrienne Jolly, a careers advisor at UEA, says, “It’s hard to prove reliable statistics on social media. But it’s generally accepted that social media networks are pretty influential in this process—for better or worse.”You might decide quitting social media isn’t practical in the long run. However, if its ugly side is bringing you down, why not consider taking leave? By doing so, I gained confidence and a strong connection with reality.29. The author listed three kinds of social media to prove they _______.A. are important for him and others like CatyB. have the power to make students learn moreC. are frequently used by many university studentsD. should be used by all of the students in universities30. The underlined word“shunning”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “___________”A. avoidingB. choosingC. usingD. adding31. Why doesn’t Bethany use social m edia?A. She hates to share everything with others.B. She hopes her personal information is safe.C. She buries herself in the busy studies every day.D. She doesn’t care what has happened to her friends.32. What is the attitude of Adrienne Jolly to using social media online?A. She is completely against them.B. She herself refuses to use them.C. She is completely for them.D. She is objective.DMany runners and gym members feel that music makes exercise more enjoyable. However, they might not know that scientists have found that some kinds of music can improve people’s energy by 15%. This was discovered by Costas Karageorghis at Brunel University’s School of Sport and Education in London. Karageorghis has worked with organizations like Nike and with many champion athletes. In the study, 30 people listened to inspiring music by Queen, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Madonna. They did exercise at the same time.When they were doing exercise in time with the music, people showed higher energy levels. Even when they were doing very hard exercise, they were positive about how they felt. When people are doing exercise, their nerves send messages saying that their body is getting tired. However, when they are listening to music at the same time, these messages are blocked. Karageorghis thinks this is because the music causes part of thebrain to send different messages to the body that make it feel happy and relaxed.Karageorghis’ work shows that different types of music can have different effects on different people. The effect of some music can also depend on how tiring the exercise is. Karageorghis said that outgoing people prefer faster and louder kinds of music compared to reserved people. This is because, for the music to have an effect, the brains of outgoing people need more stimulation than the brains of reserved people. Reserved people want to feel less worried and so have better results when the music makes them feel relaxed.Karageorghis was asked to provide music for the “Run t o the Beat” half marathon in the UK. “I have lots of other exciting projects that I am working on.” said Karageorghis. One of these is to find out if the speed of the music we listen to has an effect on our heart rate while we exercise.33. Why do people feel less tired when they exercise with music?A. Music makes people’s muscles relax.B. The brain blocks the part that sends messages.C. Positive messages instead of ones about feeling tired are sent to the body.D. Their nerves stop sending messages to the body in the process.34. According to Paragraph 3, which statement is TRUE?A. Reserved people do not want to be stimulated.B. Relaxing music worked better with reserved people.C. Outgoing people feel less worried about their lives than reserved people.D. Louder, faster music had a better effect during exhaustingexercise.35. The passage is mainly written ______.A. to recommend different types of music for different peopleB. to report on a study about how music can improve energy levelsC. to explore the different effects that different types of music have on peopleD. to describe our brains when we exercise while listening to music第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19. 15.B. £9. 15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
1. Where are the speakers?A. In a hotel.B. At home.C. In the office.2. What will the young man do tomorrow morning?A. Help his mother.B. Go to Peter's house.C. Do his homework.3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Professor and student.B. Advisor and researcher.C. Tutor and student.4. What color are the gloves?A. Blue.B. Yellow.C. Green.5. When will the next underground arrive?A. At 1:55.B. At 2:00.C. At 2:05.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave in the movement that fought to end slavery in the United Stales. He became a___41___voice in the year before the Civil War.A few weeks ago, the National Park Service (NPS)___42___Douglass's birth and Black History Month with the reopening of his home at Cedar Hill, a ___43___site in Washington. D.C. The two-story house, which contains many of Douglass's personal possessions, had undergone a three-year___44___. (Thanks to the NTS website, however, you don't have to live in the nation's capital to visit it. Take a tour online.)He was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to a slave mother and a white father he never knew. Douglass grew up to become the first black___45___to bold a government office —as US minister and consul general (总领事) to Haiti.As a youth, be never went to school. Educating slaves was illegal in the South, so be___46___taught himself to read and write. At 21 years old, he escaped from his slave owner to Massachusetts and changed his last name to Douglass, to hide his identity.In the 1850s, Douglass was involved with the Underground Railroad, the system___47___up by antislavery groups to bring runaway slaves to the North and Canada. His home in Rochester, N.Y. was near the Canadian border. It became an important station on the ___48___, housing as many as 11 runaway slaves at a time.He died in 1895. In his lifetime, Douglass witnessed the end of slavery in 1865 and the adoption of the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution(美国宪法修正案), which___49___African-Americans the right to vote.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. contentsB. takingC. carefullyD. plasticE. packagingF. declinedG. freelyH. typicalI. contractsJ. registeredIf the package looks pretty, people will buy just about anything. So says an advertising executive in New York, and he has proved his point by selling boxes of rubbish for the price of an expensive bottle of wine.Justin Gignac,26, has sold almost 900___41___presented plastic boxes of rubbish from the street of Big Apple at between $50 and $100 each. Buyers from 19 countries have paid for the souvenirs(纪念品). The idea has been so successful that he is thinking of promoting it around the world.It all began when Mr Gignac was at a summer workshop, ―We had a discussion about the importance of___42___,‖he recalls.‖ Someone said packaging was unimportant. I disagreed. The on ly way to prove it was by selling something nobody would ever want.‖He searches the streets of Manhattan and typical___43___include broken glass, subway tickets, Starbucks cups and used___44___forks. ―Special editions‖ are offered at a high price. He charged $100 for rubbish from the opening day of the New York Yankees’ stadium.Mr Gignac denies___45___his customers for fools: ―They know what they’re getting. They appreciate the fact that they’re taking something nobody would want and finding beauty in it.‖Some___46___customers include people who used to live in the city and want a down-to-earth souvenir. He claims he has even sold to art collectors.Realizing that the concept appears to be a real money-maker, Mr Gignac has___47___a company and is employing his girlfriend as vice president. He___48___to discuss his profit margins: ―It’s actually quite a lot of effort putting them together-but yes, garbage is free.‖Mr Gignac is considering more varieties of souvenirs. He maintains that he has signed___49___with people interested in similar projects from as far as Berlin and London.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Forests in the northern half of the globe could be growing faster now than they were 200 years ago as a result of climate change, according to a study of trees in eastern America. The trees appear to have faster growth rates due to longer growing seasons and higher concentrations (浓度) of carbon dioxide in the___41___.Geoffrey Parker, a scientist at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre in Edgewater. Maryland, said that the increase ha the rate of growth was unexpected and might be___42___to the higher temperatures and longer growing seasons documented in the region. The growth may also be influenced by the significant___43___in atmospheric CO2,he said."We made a list of reasons these forests could be growing faster and then excluded half of them," Dr Parker said. Their study suggests that northern forests may become increasingly important in___44___the influence of man-made CO2 on the climate.Dr Parker and his colleagues have___45___out a detailed record of the trees on a(n)___46___basis since 1987. They calculated that due to the global warming the forest is producing___47___tons of wood each year.The scientists___48___the land with trees at different stages of growth and found that both young and old trees were showing increased growth rate. More than 90 per cent of the tree groups had grown by between two and four times faster than the scientists had___49___from estimates of the long-term rates of growth.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.How would you like to wear the same underwear (内衣裤) for weeks? Owing to the work that has gone into developing intelligent materials, this may not be as___41___as it sounds. Self-cleaning clothes have now been created, and these new materials provide___42___resistance to dirt as well as water. As a result, they require much less cleaning than traditional materials.The creation of self-cleaning clothes provides an example of how nature helps scientists develop better products. This self-cleaning nature is k nown as the ―lotus effect‖. The name comes, of course, from the lotus leaves, which are famous for growing in muddy lakes and rivers while remaining almost___43___clean. By observing nature, scientists are___44___the qualities of the lotus leaves to the materials they have engineered. Because of this, some remarkable new products have been___45___. Among them are special windows that are resistant to dirt and water. A special___46___on these windows not only prevents dirt from sticking to their surfaces, but also allows dust to be easily washed off by the rain. In fact, these new windows have already been ___47___to some cars. Even when traveling at high speed through rain, these cars never have to use their windshield wipers (雨刮器).Although we have already seen some practical applications, even more dramatic___48___will be made in the future, and they will, perhaps, change our world completely. Undoubtedly, technology is an important development, and it will have an even bigger___49___on our lives.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Filmgoers should be told how many calories there are in the popcorn, ice cream and soft drinks that they buy in cinemas, according to the Food Standard Agency.Smaller popcorn buckets and drink cups should also be made___41___, the nutrition inspector said.Tim Smith, chief executive of the agency, told TheTimes that cinemas should help to deal with the country's overweight___42___."There is a misbelief that popcorn is calorie-free, but that is not the case. It is a___43___to us," he said. "Portion sizes are also a big issue, and there seems to be increasingly big packs on sale."He spoke as a number of food chains such as Pret A Manger, Wimpey and The Real Greek___44___to put calorie counts on all their menus.A trial scheme(试行方案)with 21 food companies took place last summer, and___45___are that consumers altered their buying habits when they realised the number of calories in a product.A consultation(征询意见) on the trial ends next month but Mr Smith is already planning the second drive for American-style calorie counts and is___46___to win support from cinemas and other entertainment places, from football grounds to concert halls.Government___47___suggest that two thirds of adults and a third of children are overweight. If trends are not___48___, this could rise to almost nine in ten adults and two thirds of children by 2050, putting them at___49___risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.As infants, we can recognize our mothers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the___41___of our mother’s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It’s___42___how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don’t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old. By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to___43___such a simple thing as a phone number? The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes___44___for facial recognition.Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in___45___a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA), which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from___46___in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been___47___thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but___48___involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person’s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us. And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex___49___is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Let's say you've decided you want to eat more healthfully. However, you don't have time tocarefully plan menus for meals or read food ___41___ at the supermarket. Since you really___42___yourself to a healthier lifestyle, a little help would come in handy, wouldn't it? This iswhere a "choice architect" can help___43___some of the burden of doing it all yourself. Choicearchitects are people who organize the contexts in which customers make decisions. For example,the person who decides the layout of your local supermarket-including which shelf the peanutbutter goes on, and how the oranges are piled up—is a choice architect.Governments don't have to___44___healthier lifestyles through laws for example,smoking bans. Rather, if given an environment created by a choice architect-one thatencourages us to choose what is best-we will do the right things. In other words, there will bedesigns that gently push customers toward making healthier choices, without removing freedomof choice. This idea combines freedom to choose with___45___hints from choice architects, whoaim to help people live longer, healthier, and happier lives.The British and Swedish governments have introduced a so-called "traffic light system" to ___46___foods as healthy or unhealthy. This means that customers can see at a glance how muchfat, sugar, and salt each product contains___47___by looking at the lights on the package. Agreen light ___48___that the amounts of the three nutrients are healthy; yellow indicates that thecustomer should be___49___; and red means that the food is high in at least one of the threenutrients and should be eaten in ___50___. The customer is given important health information, butis still free to decide what to choose.II.Grammar and vocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Considering how much time people spend in offices, it is important that work spaces be well designed. Well-designed office spaces help create a corporation’s image. They motivate workers, and they make an impression on people who visit and might be potential , or ___41___, customers. They make businesses work better, and they are a part of the corporate culture we live in.As we move away from an industrial –based economy to a knowledge-based one, office designers have come up with ___42___to the traditional work environments of the past. The design industry has moved away from a fixed office setup and created more flexible ―strategic management environments.‖ These ___43___solutions are meant to support better organizational performance.As employee hierarchies (等级制度) have flattened, or decreased, office designers’ response to this change has been to move open-plan areas to more desirable locations within the office and create fewer formal private offices. The need for increased flexibility has also been___44___by changes in workstation design. Offices and work spaces often are not___45___to a given person on a permanent basis. Because of changes to methods of working, new designs allow for expansion or movement of desks, storage, and equipment within the workstation. Another important design goal is communication, which designers have improved by lowering the walls that___46___workstations. Designers have also created informal gathering places, and upgraded employees’ ___47___to heavily trafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.Corporate and institutional office designers often struggle to resolve a number of competing and often ___48___demands, including budgetary limits, employee hierarchies, and technological innovation (especially in relation to computerization). These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors(内饰) that in some way enhance, establish, or promote a company’s image and will enable employees to ___49___at their best.All these ___50___of office design are related. The most successful office designs are like a good marriage--- the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Golden Rules of Good DesignWhat makes good design? Over the years, designers and artists have been trying to___41___ the essentials of good design. They have found that some sayings can help people understand the ideas of good design. There are four as follows.Less is more. This saying is associated with the German-born architect Mies van der Rohe. In his Modernist view, beauty lies in simplicity and elegance, and the aim of the designer is to create solutions to problems through the most efficient means. Design should avoid unnecessary___42___.More is not a bore. The American-born architect Robert Venturi concluded that if simplicity is done badly, the result is___43___design. Post-Modernist designers began to___44___with decoration and color again. Product design was heavily influenced by this view and can be seen in kitchen___45___such as ovens and kettles.Fitness for purpose. Successful product design takes into consideration a product’s function, purpose, shape, form, color, and so on. The most important result for the user is that the product does what is___46___. For example, think of a(n)___47___desk lamp. It needs to be constructed from materials that will stand the heat of the lamp and regular adjustments by the user. It also needs to be stable. Most importantly, it needs to___48___light where it is needed.From follows emotion. This phrase is associated with the German designer Hartmut Esslinger. He believes design must take into___49___the sensory side of our nature—sight, smell, touch and taste. These are as important as rational(理性的). When choosing everyday products such as toothpaste, we appreciate a cool-looking device that allows us to easily___50___the toothpasteonto our brush.II. Grammar and VocabularySection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The iPhone X, Apple’s new smartphone, is equipped with facial recognition. ___31___, its scanner can unlock the system. It requires no buttons to pressed, being always ready to read to read your face. Android users can expect similar ___32___ as well.For the millions of people who will soon depend on facial recognition to check their email, send a text or make a call, it will be quick, easy and pretty ―cool‖ to use. However, as we grow ___33___ to the technology, we cannot become numb to the problems that come with it.Facial recognition is already used everywhere. In China, police use the technology to identify people who jaywalk(乱穿马路). In the United State, more than half of all adults are in a facial recognition database that can be used for criminal investigation. Governments, however, are not the only users of facial recognition. Retailers use the technology in their stores to identify ___34___shoplifters. One social media app in Russia allows strangers to find out who you are just by taking a photo of you.However, different users of facial recognition produce different levels of accuracy. Camera distance, lighting, facial pose all affect the accuracy. Officials at the New York Police Department, for example, have ___35___ at least five misidentifications by their facial recognition system. If the iPhone’s new system is similarly ___36___, no one will consider it to be acceptable security for our personal information. ___37___ it probably won’t be. But for many of the systems elsewhere, mistakes and ___38___ of privacy might be unavoidable.上海市2008届-2017届高考英语试卷题型分类专题汇编:选词填空As the smartphone of choice for many users, the iPhone’s ___39___ of facial recognition may encourage consumers to accept the technology elsewhere. However, even as we choose to we explore the convenience facial recognition might offer, we should also be suspicious of the many ways it can be used. Facial recognition may well be ___40___. Its risks need not be!11。

A. fulfillB. assumeC. demandsD. particularlyE. personalF. representG. possiblyH. welfareI. presenceJ. symbolicWhen Michelle Obama became first lady of the United States on January 20, she began to join her husband in a partnership to transform the public face America presents to the world. In the process, she is expected to ___41____ a new role that offers exciting opportunities and challenges.Although the position of first lady is unelected and unpaid, a president’s spouse has many official duties, some practical and some ceremonial or ___42____. As first lady, Michelle Obama will ___43___ her country when traveling overseas, and she will preside(担任) as hostess at White House state dinners and other important functions. In addition, she will ___44___ continue meeting with citizens across the United States, much as she did during the 2008 presidential campaign.Modern U.S. first ladies often devote part of their time to a public-service agenda of their own choosing. Michelle Obama already has indicated she is ___45___ interested in the ___46___ of military families, and her efforts on their behalf almost certainly will ensure that those families’ needs receive high-level attention.On a more ___47___ level, the first lady has told reporters she intends to ___48___ her obligations as “mom-in-chief” to the Obamas’ two young daughters, Malia and Sasha, as the girls adjust to their new home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Her balancing act should be familiar to working mothers everywhere as she strives to meets the ___49___ of a fast-paced job while carving out time with her husband and children.41-49 B J F G D H E A CA.avoiding B.regard C.correct D.properly AB.custom AC.anyone AD.feature BC.those BD. notic CD.polite Foreigners often fail to appreciate the formal code of greeting in France. The French shake hands with everyone(family, children, strangers), at home, on the way to work, at work, on leaving work, on the way home from work,etc. Thus, in an office , perhaps a dozen people, no work will be done for the first half hour while 41 who have not met since the day before, remind each other who they are.However, it is important to remember with whom one has shaken hands on any one day. The French 42 it as extremely bad manners to shake hands twice, as though one had not taken enough 43 for the first time.It is still the 44 to say “Bonjour” and “Au revoir” to others when entering or leaving a shop or bar. This is not because the French are too 45 . It is because they see acknowledging(注意) the existence of others as a way of 46 being rude. This may seem unbearably slight to others, but to the French it is most important. Manners mean civilization to them.Kissing is not so much of a(n) 47 of French life as others supposed. But when it does take place, it must be done 48 , according to the rules. The 49 order is left cheek, right cheek, left cheek---very formal, very stylized. In Paris four kisses are sometimes permitted: left, right, left, right.41.BC 42.B 43.BD 44.AB 45.CD 46.A 47.AD 48.D 49.CA. majorB.determined C.promotionD.prosperousE. stressedF. surprisinglyG.impressedH.questionsI.cooperationJ.increasinglyBarack Obama has been a hit in China. Apart from holding talks with Chinese leaders, the president ___41___ the Chinese with a lively question-and-answer session with college students. In fact, he is the first U.S. president to visit China inside his first year in office.“The United States insists we do not seek to contain China’s rise,” he told Chinese students in Shanghai. “On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and ___42___ and successful member of the community of nations.”The U.S.-China relationship has opened the door to partnerships on ___43 ___ global concerns including economic recovery, clean energy, climate change, and the ___44___ of peace and beyond, he added.Indeed, given these pressing issues, China and the United States have ___45___ found their future linked together. They discovered that the largest developing nation and the most powerful industrialized country have to work in concert.Obama’s visit to China on November 15-18 highlighted the complexity of arguably the most important bilateral (双边) relationship in the world. Moreover, for all their differences and disagreements, Beijing and Washington are ___46___ to manage their relations in a way that will contribute to world peace and development.Obama kicked off his first state visit to China in the country’s financial and economic centre, Shanghai, where he held a “town hall” meeting with more than 500 Chinese students. The one-hour discussion, during which Obama took ___47___ ranging from antiterrorism to recipes for success with his signature charisma (领袖魅力), was broadcast live on the websites.He ___48___ that young people could help build bridges in U.S.-China ___49___ — a process that he said must grow beyond the two countries’governments to take root in the people.41—45 GDACJ 46—49 BHEIA. equallyB. recycleC. portionD. dissolveE. threatenF. countlessG. capableH. convenientI. approximatelyJ. comfortsThe pollution of the earth’s soil and water has become an issue of great concern. Until recently, most of that concern has focused on the land 41 of the planet, where pollution directly affects people in their daily lives. Now, however, we have begun to realize that marine (海洋的) pollution is 42 important. According to S.A. Patin, marine pollution is the condition that results when people introduce into the seas substances harmful to life, health, resources, activities, or 43 .Marine pollution is far from new. For over a million years, people have thought of the sea as a 44 place to throw their garbage. And it is true that the sea has a great capacity for absorbing organic wastes. Some of these wastes are eaten directly by the larger fishes. Others quickly 45 into a kind of organic soup that provides food to 46 species of single-celled plant and animal life.As civilizations grew, more different pollutants were dumped into the seas. Still, this pollution did not really threaten the marine environment. The seas seemed 47 of coping with anything that people could throw at them. This situation changed, however, when suddenly factories began dumping enormous quantities of materials into the seas. Especially in some coastal areas near large cities, ocean pollution began to 48 marine life. For the firsttime, the oceans began to fail in their ability to 49 humanity’s waste. Section B 41. C 42. A 43. J 44. H 45. D 46. F 47. G 48. E 49. BA. influenceB. devotedC. physicallyD. circumstanceE. affectedF. overallG. financiallyH. decisionI. positiveJ.striveHappiness, according to the Oxford English dictionary, is based on luck or good fortune. Joy on the other hand, is described as a vivid emotion of pleasure. Thus, happiness depends on __41__; joy, on our emotional well-being.If you know joyful people, you will probably notice common traits among them. Joyful people are often healthy, both __42__ and mentally; they value strong __43__ relationships, and they don’t allow the extremes of life --sudden highs or sudden lows -- to __44__ them too much. Joyful people lead a more stable life. But these abilities do not just arrive; they have to be worked at.Teaching ourselves to be joyful may be one of the greatest things we can do to enhance our __45__ health. However, it is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not __46__ by the things that happen to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we must __47__ to find the joy within. We must educate ourselves about joy and work to enhance it in our lives. One way to start is to make a __48__ to wake up every morning and find joy in our lives. Think about a special person or a __49__ pet. It is our choice to be joyful or fearful. Let’s take the time to train ourselves to be joyful -- our lives will be both happier and healthier for it.Vocabulary 41-49 D C I A F E J H BA. handsB.qualitiesC. downD.curiosityE. prettyF. looksG.ashamedH.appliedI. ruined J.informationWhen I succeeded in becoming a part-time employee of Nokia China last summer, many friends asked me how I survived the interview.I once asked myself the same questions. Many of my peers also __41__ for the job, including some very competitive and intelligent students from famous universities.But why did the interviewer pick me instead of them?Finally, __42 __ pushed me to ask the interviewers after we became colleagues. The answer was that I appeared confident but humble, responsible and communicative. They evaluated people not just on their academic certificates, but on the base of their __43__ and abilities. I happened to be the right person.To be frank, I once felt __44__ of being a student from an unknown college, and I think this may apply to some of you. I thought my future was ruined. It was only at the time of my successful interview that I finally understood the famous saying --- “You decide where you go.”A wide range of skills is important these days. I used to work for Master Kong. My job was to cook instant noodles for customers. I had regarded it as a piece of cake, but I failed constantly. I had to cook the noodles for the right amount of time to make them taste good. Moreover, the noodles could only remain in a plastic cup of five minutes, or the taste would be __45__.This experience taught me never to look __46__ on anything, and always remain humble.I also worked as a volunteer for a beach volleyball event. My job was to help foreign visitors experience the beach. I thought it would be very easy because my oral English was __47__ good. But when I went to talk with a group of foreign guests, I suddenly realized that I did not know a single beach volleyball term. I was embarrassed.After this, I read brochures in both Chinese and English every day to learn the terms for facilities and related words. This allowed me to deliver accurate __48__ to foreigners, and I was happy to work responsibly.After these experience, I’m more confident and I strongly believe that my fate is in my __49__. It has certainly helped me make a giant step closer to my dream of graduating with prospects for the future. I hope my advice will benefit you as well.41-45 HDBGI 46-49 CEJA。

英语试卷 第1页(共12页)英语试卷 第2页(共12页)绝密★启用前上海市2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英 语第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack.B. Frank.C. The woman.2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone.B. She didn ’t take him to the hospital.C. She forgot to tell him the message.3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customerB. Passenger and driverC. Wife and husband.4. What is the woman ’s opinion about the course? A. Too hardB. Worth takingC. Very easy.5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizingB. She is complainingC. She is worrying.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

2017年上海高考英语真题F JEDHW puop]。
jay EhaT ihs key to hccommp. hw+i happy unJ SUCS^S^+L J I*>附"cl口whal you lovc.'L Hut marring a skill, ntncnclhal vont deeply love, 41___________________________________________________________________ ;i I IIL^ amount □I'diqlt'dTufcAnyone vho w r ant to i naster a &klll miss( run ihroi尾3 cyvk of 力raede已42feedbac^fmodination, and irirrn4ing iinprevenieni ugairu jgjin and again. Seme people mm able tu qon汩中斗与an pr叩ikirng an中汩I 取■;小、他F ,与苹占司口嫉1我工『「"中四中旬「脸『耳侬加川u»pkivemc»l. Yel cllicnj I I IK I dns kind (if fiseu^etl.tmid-iniensiw vorlc (ci be 45or btwing,科1"hy?The diilcr^nuc mav kmi pis ihc ”卜油ily ifl enter intt> a stilt;♦甫"ihhw; ^llin^ of being coinplcicty 44in whai ygi】art ikiin^. WTieihur yon £”ll it Ixinj; "I TI ilic zflnc.tb OT somcihingeb已“ flow shier i$ a ^ptrcia I caperlenct. Sirwe Milialy Csiks-Eenhnitifil;i JevflIcped the 15 of nuw in ttii? 1 灯。
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2017上海高考英语选词填空专项练习Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Beyond two or three days, the world’s best weather forecasts are based on guesswork, and beyond six or seven they are worthless.The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather — and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and snowstorms—any ___41___ fails rapidly. Errors and uncertainties ___42___, gathering upward through a chain of unstable features, from dust devils (尘旋风) and windstorms up to continent-size eddies (旋风) ___43___ satellites can see.The modern weather models work with a network of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some ___44___ data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot ___45___ all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly ___46___ readings of temperature, pressure, dampness, and any other quantity a meteorologist (气象工作者) would want. Exactly at noon a(n) ___47___ powerful computer takes all the data and ___48___ what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03 …The computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton, New Jersey, will have sun or rain on a day one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will ___49___ alterations that the computer will not know about, tiny variations from the ___50___. By 12.01, those alterations will already havecreated small errors one foot away. Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale, and so on up to the size of the globe.Keys:41-45 KJIGH 46-50 AFDECSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Rain forests, found in Eart h’s temperate and tropical(热带的) zones, are some of the most biologically varied ecosystems on the planet. All rain forests share certain ___41___ features, including a closed canopy, thedensevegetation of thetop branches that forms a roof above the forest floor, a damp and warm climate, and ___42___ constant temperatures throughout the year. Most of the forest’s insect and animal life grows well in the canopy’s leafy and sunlit environment. The forest’s groundcover, by comparison, is small. Less than 2 per cent of the sun’s light makes its way through the canopy and the darkness below. This darkness, along with the poor quality of the soils, ___43___ plantgrowth.Rain forests are a(n) ___44___ part of Earth’s total ecology. Huge amounts of water are absorbed into tree roots and ___45___ into the atmosphere from the tree leaves through a process called transpiration (蒸发). Tree roots also fix the soil in place and slow the runoff of rains into rivers and oceans. Through the process of photosynthesis(光合作用), rain forests absorb more carbon dioxide and give off more oxygen than any other ecosystem.The rain forests are ___46___ shrinking at a rapid rate as a result of the profitable ventures of farming, logging, and mining. When tropical rain forests are ___47___ in order to raise cattle and crops, the nutrient-poor soils are quickly ___48___. When farmers move on to new areas, heavy rains and baking sun leave the land fruitless and lifeless. Logging and mining cause similar damage to the land and destroy the territory of ___49___ millions of birds, insects and animals. By some ___50___, an area of tropical rain forest the size of the state of Delaware disappears in this way every month.Keys:41-45 F G K D J 46-50 I H B A ESection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.“In wilderness is the preservation of the world.” This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of environmentalism. The frequency with which it is borrowed 41 a heated debate on environmental protection: whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out, there is a strong appeal inimages of the wild, the untouched; more than anything else, they speak of the nature that many people value most dearly. The 42 to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong, and the danger exploitation brings to such landscapes is real. Some of these wildernesses also perform 43 that humans need—the rainforests, for example, store carbon in vast quantities.Lee Lane, a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, takes the 44 view. He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services, such as water conservation. But that is not, he argues, a reason to avoid all human 45 , or indeed commercial and industrial exploitation. There are ever more people on the Earth, and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives, rather than merely struggle for 46 . While the ways of using resources have improved, there is still a growing need for raw materials, and some wildernesses contain them in abundance. If they can be tapped without reducing the services those wildernesses provide, the argument goes, there is no 47 reason not to do so. Being untouched is not, in itself, a characteristic worth valuing above all others.I look forward to seeing these views taken further, and to their being 48 by the other participants. One opinion is that both cases need to take on the question of spiritual value a little more directly. And there is a 49 question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited without harm.This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings, but also the guidance of reason. What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously 50 much more serious thinking.KEYS41. E 42. H 43. B 44. J 45. I 46. K 47. G 48. A 49. F 50. D Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A drop in the sun's radiation can cause cold winters in parts of North America and Europe, scientists say, a finding that could improve long-range forecasts and help countries ___41___ for storms.Scientists have known for a long time that the sun has an 11-year cycle during which radiation from the sun reaches a(n) ___42___ then falls. But detecting a clear link of the cycle to the weather has proved much ___43___ ."Our research notices a link between solar activities and regional winter climate," lead author Sarah Ineson of the UK Met Office told the reporters in an email.Her team focused on the data from the recent minimum solar radiation period during 2008-10, which was a(n) ___44___ calm period for the sun but at the same time, ___45___ winters in the U.S and Europe were recorded which brought troubles to many businesses and made people’s lives difficult.The researchers found that a reduction in radiation from the sun can affect wind patterns , ___46___ cold winters."While radiation levels won't tell us what the day-to-day weather will be, they provide the exciting ___47___of improved prediction for winter conditions for months and even years ahead. These predictions play an important role inlong-term weather planning," Ineson said.Ineson's team used the data in a complex computer to ___48___ long-term weather patterns. It successfully reproduced what scientists had observed happening in the upper atmosphere during changes in solar radiation. More study was needed, though. The key ___49___ in the experiment lay in the satellitedata used, because it spans(跨度) only a few years. "So there are still questions concerning whether the current research results are accurate and whether they can be ___50___ to other solar cycles," she said.41-50 JAHGC DBKFISection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Not so far in the distant past a study on water pollution found that common, everyday makeup products being washed down the drain was ending up in well and drinking water. Now a study has found that people pollute themselves. Many of the pollutants are linked to cancer and other serious health 41 . What’s the key cause of this pollution? Common household items, 42 ,appear to be used more by women than men. These include makeup, hair spray and commercial, chemically-made perfumes. These are perfumes that are 43 advertised as having some sort of beneficial effect on the body and are even suggested as a replacement for natural essential oils. Studies on the effectiveness of fragrance oils and health benefits have been 44 , something neglectedto be mentioned. If the chemical scent has cancer-causing properties, it may not make sense to try and use it for helping you sleep or 45 your blood pressure. Manufacturers argue that the risk is non-existent as the levels of chemicals found in the tests were so small. However, with over 60 chemicals being found, many of which were non-existent before the turn of the century, researchers make note that these chemicals may be enough to cause problems.Since the products mentioned are often used by women, it leaves one to wonder if conditions, 46 unheard of before the turn of the century, are linked to man-made chemicals? Perfumes in particular, when chemical, have been linked to asthma(哮喘) and other sensitive 47 . Some groups are asking the government to order manufacturers to place 48 labels on each bottle.Essential oils and real fragrance oils provide a wonderful 49 to commercial fragrances. They also have other properties and effects on the body which have been scientifically proven. In addition, you can actually formulate your own scent quite easily! There are many books on perfume 50 and the use of essential oils, some quite in-depth and others rather fun. Nowadays there are also many companies making perfumes from pure essential oils.Keys:41-45 BIFEA 46-50 DGCHK。