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risk “风险”,普通用词。指可能发生但又难以预料的危险,也常用来表示活动中的风险。

1) He run into the burning house to rescue the children at the risk of his own life.


2) Light beer drinking seems to be most beneficial form of alcohol in reducing the risk of high blood pressure.


danger 普通用词,泛指所面临的一切危险,危害,威胁。

1) The South Polar explorers took every precaution to minimize the dangers of their trips.


2) The new techniqe increases the chance of survival and reduces the danger of branin da mage.


peril 语气比danger 强,指严重的危险或灾难,隐含危险极为迫近,使人非常可能遭受损失或伤害。

1) Many species of animals are already in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitats.


2) Becayse of the political peril of touching Social Security, broad reform demands the sup port from the general public.



1)Traffic congestion and jams have turned to be a nuisance to most of city dwellers, and their lives are put in greater jeopardy.


2) President Bush’s Republican Party is in jeopardy of lossing control of one or both house s of Congress.


hazard 指潜在的危险,有时用于表示对公众的危害。

1) Exhaust fumes from that plant has been a hazard to the surrounding towns。


2)Failure to take proper account of these factors can cause the system to ripaidly becom e a health hazard.






(1)道德危险因素(Moral Hazard)。指被保险人或者受益人出于谋取保险金赔款或给付的不良企图,故意制造危险事故,以至形成保险标的受损结果,或在保险标的受损时不采取减轻损失的有效措施,故意扩大保险标的的受损程度。如纵火焚烧房屋、凿沉船只、毁损车辆、受益人为谋取保险金蓄意谋害被保险人。

(2)心理危险因素(Morale Hazard)。是指由于人们思想上的麻痹大意,以至增加危险事故发生的机会和损失的严重性。凡是被保险人因有保险而怠于保护被保险财产的事实,均可纳入心理危险这一概念中。

(3)实质危险因素(Physical Hazard)。指足以引起或增加损失发生机会或严重程度的物质性条件。如房屋的建筑材料、所在地点、使用目的以及消防设施等,都可视作导致或增加火灾损失的实质危险因素。

Peril, risk, and hazard: What’s the difference?

Peril, risk, and hazard are three words used frequently in my business. And according to the O xford English Dictionary, they have very similar definitions:

Peril: Serious and immediate danger.

Risk: Situation involving exposure to danger.

Hazard: Danger or risk.

You could get away with interchanging these words in day-to-day conversation. But in insurance and financial circles, they each have a distinct meaning and it’s important to understand their differences.

Consider the same words as defined by the Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms: Peril: Cause of loss.

Risk: Uncertainty arising from the possible occurrence of given events that would result in loss with no opportunity for gain.

Hazard: Condition that increases the probability of loss.

To summarize: hazards increase the risk of a specific peril.

The distinction is important because in modeling there is a difference between modeling risk a nd modeling a peril. Hazards are built into all models as a modifier to the chance of somethin g happening.

Risk models for natural catastrophes (flood, wind, wildfire, earthquake, etc.) generally model the chances of something happening, but also the financial ramifications of that something. That fi nancial component makes them “risk”models because risk is measured in costs. These risk mo dels are called cat models, which you can learn more about in my last post.

Modeling the perils themselves is a way to understand the likelihood of that peril affecting a s pecific location. Peril models are the first aspect of a cat model, but certain tools (such as Insi tePro™) focus on the perils specifically. Some perils, especially flood, can be modeled with relia bility if the right information is used for the model. By limiting the modeling to a peril, far fe wer assumptions are needed –much of the input into a peril model is derived from direct me asurements, historical records and science. There remains some work to be done with assumpti ons (as in any model), but the results of peril models are much less prone to errors caused b y surprises (i.e. bad assumptions) than risk models.

To ensure a little bit more confusion, and to close the triangle, these peril-focused models are called “hazard models”.

There are distinct uses and purposes for risk models and for hazard (peril) models, and it’s im portant to understand which tool is the right for the job. Cat models are used widely and wis
