
P-P ③ Greet Eddie.
3. Learn: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? / I’m fine, too. ① Greet Miss Fang.
to your classmates or
(4) Show some pictures
(Kitty, Alice, Danny, Eddie,
Miss Fang.) 2. To teach: evening (1) Show a picture and ask:
Look at the sun. Is it afternoon?
preparation you?>
2. Look and say.
2. Look and say.
3. Quick response.
Morning, afternoon, etc…
Good morning.
3. Quick response.
Good afternoon.
Good night.
Good evening.
missing. What do you 2. Read
3. Say a rhyme.
(2) Read
4. Make a rhyme
Post-task activity
(3) Show a picture (a girl says “Good night” to her mum and dad.)

Unit 1 Where I livePeriod One Teaching contents: Clean the desk, please.Clean the classroom, please.Teaching aims:1、知识目标:Drill: Clean the ________ , please.2、能力目标:提高学生自然运用英语进行交际的能力。
Difficult and key points:句型的灵活运用。
Teaching aids: tape, some rags and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod TwoTeaching contents: I live in Shanghai.I love Shanghai.Teaching aims:4、 知识目标:Drills: I live in ________ ・ I love ________ .5、能力目标:提高学生实际运用英语的能力。
6、 情感目标:激发学生热爱祖国热爱家乡的美好情感。
Difficult and key points:句型的灵活运用。
Teaching aids: tape, some pictures and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod Three Teaching contents: 1. Look and learn2. LettersTeaching aims:7. 知识目标:To learn the new words and letters.& 能力目标:Read the new words and letters properly.9、情感目标:教育学生热爱家园,保持家园安洁。
Difficult and key points: Pronounce words and letters properly. Teaching aids: tape, pictures, word and letter cards Teaching procedure:Unit 1 Where I livePeriod Four Teaching contents: Where do you live?I live in Pudong.I love Pudong.Teaching aims:10、知识目标:Ask and answer: Where do you live? I live in ________ 、11> 能力目标:能自由问答练习12、情感目标:激发学生对祖国对家乡的美好情感Difficult and key points: Where do you live? I live in _______ . Teaching aids: tape, some maps and so onTeaching procedure:Unit 1 Where I livePeriod Five Teaching contents: RhymeTeaching aims:13、知识目标:诵读儿歌并加以表演14、能力目标:能创编儿歌15、情感目标:教育学生做个讲卫生守规范的好孩子Difficult and key points:朗读技能的训练Teaching aids: tape, a toy binTeaching procedure:Unit 2 A snack barPeriod One Teaching contents:Lefs act.Teaching aims:1、知识目标:学会招待客人吃东西的2句简单的祈使句.2、能力目标:会用英语发命令并且根据命令做动作。

牛津2A Unit 1 Where I LiveTeaching aids:A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiB. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s …C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects.Material:1. Student's Book 2A page 2--62. Cassette 1A and a cassette player3. Wallcharts4. Photograph page 15. Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A. Basic aims:1. Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb2. Be able to give simple instructions3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts4. Be able to "point to your home"5. Read the rhymeB. Further aims:1.2.Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus:1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiPeriod 1Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objectsPeriod 2Teaching focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate factsUsing the simple present tense to express interests and preferencesPeriod 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify objectUsing proper nouns to refer to placesPeriod 4Teaching focus:Asking ' Wh-' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person Using the simple persent tense to express truthUsing the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesPeriod 5Teaching focus:Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesUnit 4 Going aboutTeaching designing:Teaching aids:A.Words: letters Gg—Hh, plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.B.Structures: Get ……How do you go to……C.Functions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add information Material:1.Student’s Book 2A page 17-212.Cassette 1A and a cassette player3.Wall charts4.Photograph page 145.Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A.B asic aims:1.Be able to identify the letters Gg--Hh2.Be able to give simple instructions3.Be able to introduce oneself using I’m.4.Be able to write the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.5.Sing a song.B.Further aims:ing more information to introduce oneself2.The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructions2.Asking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicate meas3.Learning the words: plane……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Teaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Asking How questions to find out mean Using prepositions to indicate means Using formulaic expressions to take leave Teaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify forms of transport. Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using formulaic expressions to indicate how people travel Teaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify different forms of transport Teaching steps:Unit 5 Crossing the roadTeaching designing:Teaching aids:D.Words: letters—Ii Jj, stop, light, go, fast, slow.E.Structures: Look at the light. It’s…, Go! / Stop! / Wait! /F.Functions: Using imperatives to give simple instructions; To give simpleinstructions.Material:6.Student’s Book 2A page 22-267.Cassette 1A and a cassette player8.Wall charts9.Photograph page 1410.Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:C.Basic aims:6.Be able to identify the letters Ii--Jj7.Be able to give simple instructions8.Be able to introduce oneself using I’m.9.Be able to writ e the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.10.Sing a song.D.F urther aims:ing more information to introduce oneself4.The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructionsing adjectives to describe objects6.Learning the words: stop……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Teaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objectsTeaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using nouns to identify thingsUsing adjectives to describe objects Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using imperative to give instructions Using adjectives to describe coloursTeaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objectsTeaching steps:。

Unit 1 Where I LiveTeaching aids:A. Words : letters Aa --Bb , bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiB. Structures : I live in …. I love …. I see …. That’s …C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects.Material:1.Student's Book 2A page 2--62.Cassette 1A and a cassette player3.Wallcharts4.Photograph page 15.Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A.Basic aims:1.Be able to identify the letters Aa -- Bb2.Be able to give simple instructions3.Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts4.Be able to "point to your home"5.Read the rhymeB.Further aims:1.saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another placesLanguage focus:ing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objectsing the simple present tense to express interests and preferences3.Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiPeriod 1Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects Teaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate factsUsing the simple present tense to express interests and preferences Teaching steps:talkanswerlove Get student to say you recongnize any Sitting on the bench next to them were some tourists(a woman and her son). The boy asked Sam where he lived and Sam replied ' I live in Shanghai.' The boy said ' I love Shanghai.' Sam was pleased. Children, do you love Shanghai If you do, you must help to keep it clean. Do not litter. Throw all rubbish into the bin. Can you find a bin in this picture (Point to it)B: Ask questions such as the following:Where does SamliveWhere do youliveDose Sam loveThe students look at the book and listen to the tapePost-task activitiesDraw a picture of the place they live in.say something about pictures by using the sentences ' I live in …,I love … 'Talk aboutConsolidationLook, listenand tick thecorrectShanghaiDo you loveShanghaiWhat isthis(point to abin and abuildingrespectively)C: Hold up a stamped envelope and say ' My friend in Canada sent this to me. She had to write ' Shanghai ' on it because Ilive in Shanghai.Say ' I live in Shanghai. ' and ask students to copy you.D: Hug a toy bear and say ' This is my bear. Her name is Sally. I love Sally. 'Show the picture of Shanghai again. Hugsentence.Listen anddraw.HomeworkRead the 'Let 's talk ' after the cassettePeriod 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify objectUsing proper nouns to refer to places Teaching steps:Post-task activities students have just learneds1: I see a bin.S2: That' s a building.Homework Workbook page 3:Colour theword in thepuzzle.Trace theletters.Read the ' let' s learn ' after the cassettePeriod 4Teaching focus:Asking ' Wh-' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a personUsing the simple persent tense to express truthUsing the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesTeaching steps:Look , think, talk about and answer the questions .The students into groups of four, one student ask the question ' Where do you live'the other three answer it. (change roles.)The students to come to the front and actThe students to repeat.HomeworkWorkbook page4:Listen and draw thelines to find wherethey live.Read the ' let's play ' afterthe cassette.Period 5Teaching focus:Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferences Teaching steps:The students practise saying a new rhymePractise in pairThe students read the new rhymeHomeworkRead the ' let's enjoy‘ after thecassette.Make a newrhymeUnit 4 Going aboutTeaching designing:Teaching aids:A.Words: letters Gg—Hh, plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.B.Structures: Get ……How do you go to……C.Functions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add information Material:1.S tudent’s Book 2A page 17-212.C assette 1A and a cassette player3.W all charts4.P hotograph page 145.A lphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A.Basic aims:1.B e able to identify the letters Gg--Hh2.B e able to give simple instructions3.B e able to intr oduce oneself using I’m.4.B e able to write the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.5.S ing a song.B.Further aims:1.U sing more information to introduce oneself2.T he sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:1.U sing imperatives to give simple instructions2.A sking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicate meas3.L earning the words: plane……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructionsTeaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Asking How questions to find out mean Using prepositions to indicate means Using formulaic expressions to take leave Teaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify forms of transport. Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using formulaic expressions to indicate how people travel Teaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify different forms of transport Teaching steps:Unit 5 Crossing the roadTeaching designing:Teaching aids:D.Words: letters—Ii Jj, stop, light, go, fast, slow.E.Structures: Look at the light. It’s…, Go! / Stop! / Wait! /F.Functions: Using imperatives to give simple instructions; To give simpleinstructions.Material:6.S tudent’s Book 2A page 22-267.C assette 1A and a cassette player8.W all charts9.P hotograph page 1410.A lphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:C.Basic aims:6.B e able to identify the letters Ii--Jj7.B e able to give simple instructions8.B e able to introduce oneself using I’m.9.B e able to write the sentence Hello, I’m <name>.10.Sing a song.D.Further aims:3.U sing more information to introduce oneself4.T he sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:4.U sing imperatives to give simple instructions5.U sing adjectives to describe objects6.L earning the words: stop……Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Teaching steps:Period 2Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objects Teaching steps:lookthe The students pointlisten A Put up the wallchart for page 23. Tell a story something like this,,,B Ask questions such as the following:What did Sam andhis father dobefore crossingthe roadWhat did Sam’sfather sayWhat colour wasthe light Whatdid Sam sayWhat did they dowhen they sawthis lightThen what didthey see on theroad What didSam’s fathersayC Point to the bus on the wallchart and say ‘The bus is slow.’Point to the car on the wallchart and sayPeriod 3Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using nouns to identify thingsUsing adjectives to describe objects Teaching steps:Period 4Teaching focus:Using imperative to give instructions Using adjectives to describe colours Teaching steps:Period 5Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objects Teaching steps:。
二年级英语教案 上海版牛津英语2A教案

I’m fine. Thank you.
How are you?
I’m very well. Thank you.
While-task 1. Teach: How are you, ...? 1. Learn: very well
I’m very well.
① Follow the teacher and
I’m fine. Thank you. / And you? I’m fine, too.
Language focus
To greet others fluently.
Teaching aids
media, mask, cards, etc.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Song<Good morning to 1. Sing the song.
2. Look and say.
2. Look and say.
While-task procedure
3. Quick response. 1. Teach: How are you, ...? I’m fine. Thank you. ① Show a picture about Miss Fang and Eddie.
1. Listen to the tape and read the new words. 2. Try to greet your parents.
养成课后复习、 坚持听录音的 学习英语的好 习惯。

Module 1 Getting to knowyouUnit 1 Good morningThe first period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说Good morning. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good night.及回答。
二、Teaching procedures Pre-task preparationWarmera. Say hello to everybodyb. P.4 songc. Elicit Alice:She is Alice. While-task procedure1.RevisionmorningafternoonGood morning.Good afternoon.a. Listen to a dialogue(It’s 8o’clock in the morning. Alice is going to school. She meets her friend Kitty.)Good morning, Alice.Good morning, Kitty.(It’s 14o’clock in the afternoon. Alice is having an English class.) Good afternoon, Alice. Goodafternoon, Miss…b. try to say the dialoguec. play a game:according to the pictures, Judge the words2. IntroductioneveningnightGood evening.Good night.a. Listen to a dialogue and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue(It’s 18o’clock in the evening. Alice is having a dinner.)Good evening, Alice.Good evening, dad.(It’s 21o’clock at night. Alice is going to bed.)Good night, Alice.Good night, Mum.b.Say a chant in groupsEvening, evening,Good evening.Night, night,Good night.Post-task activitya.Listen to the whole dialoguesb.role playact out the whole dialogue in groups三、Assignmenta. Listen to the tapesb. read P2,4The second period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说How are you并能回答I’m fine./I’m very well. Thank you.学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Aa, Bb.能力要求:学会礼貌地问候别人并且礼貌回应别人的问候。

..Module 1 Getting to knowyouUnit 1 Good morningThe first period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说Good morning. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good night.及回答。
二、Teaching procedures Pre-task preparationWarmera. Say hello to everybodyb. P.4 songc. Elicit Alice:She is Alice. While-task procedure1.RevisionmorningafternoonGood morning.Good afternoon.a. Listen to a dialogue(It’s 8o’clock in the morning. Alice is going to school. She meets her friend Kitty.)Good morning, Alice.Good morning, Kitty.(It’s 14o’clock in the afternoon. Alice is having an English class.) Good afternoon, Alice. Goodafternoon, Miss…b. try to say the dialoguec. play a game:according to the pictures, Judge the words2. IntroductioneveningnightGood evening.Good night.a. Listen to a dialogue and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue(It’s 18o’clock in the evening. Alice is having a dinner.)Good evening, Alice.Good evening, dad.(It’s 21o’clock at night. Alice is going to bed.)Good night, Alice.Good night, Mum.b.Say a chant in groupsEvening, evening,Good evening.Night, night,Good night.Post-task activitya.Listen to the whole dialoguesb.role playact out the whole dialogue in groups三、Assignmenta. Listen to the tapesb. read P2,4The second period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说How are you?Ask and answer Who is she?..并能回答I’m fine./I’m very well. Thank you.学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Aa, Bb.能力要求:学会礼貌地问候别人并且礼貌回应别人的问候。

Module1GettingtoknowyouUnit1GoodmorningThefirst period一、Teachingaim认知内容:能听懂会说Goodmorning.Goodafternoon. Goodevening.Goodnight.及回答。
二、TeachingproceduresPre-taskpreparation Warmera.Sayhellotoeverybodyb.P.4songc.ElicitAlice:SheisAlice. While-taskprocedure1.RevisionmorningafternoonGoodmorning.Goodafternoon.a.Listentoadialogue(It’s8o’clockinthemorning. Aliceisgoingtoschool.Shemeet sherfriendKitty.) Goodmorning,Alice. Goodmorning,Kitty. (It’s14o’clockintheafterno on.AliceishavinganEnglishcla ss.)Goodafternoon,Alice. Goodafternoon,Miss…b.trytosaythedialoguec.playagame: accordingtothepictures,Judge thewords2.IntroductioneveningnightGoodevening.Goodnight.a.Listentoadialogueandtrytou nderstandthemeaningofthedial ogue(It’s18o’clockintheevening .Aliceishavingadinner.) Goodevening,Alice. Goodevening,dad.(It’s21o’clockatnight.Alic eisgoingtobed.)Goodnight,Alice. Goodnight,Mum.b.SayachantingroupsEvening,evening,Goodevening.Night,night,Goodnight.Post-taskactivitya.Listentothewholedialoguesb.roleplayactoutthewholedialogueing roups三、Assignmenta.Listentothetapesb.readP2,4AskandanswerWhoisshe?Thesecon dperiod一、Teachingaim认知内容:能听懂会说Howareyou?并能回答I’mfine./I’mverywell.Thank you.学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Aa,Bb.能力要求:学会礼貌地问候别人并且礼貌回应别人的问候。

Module 1 Getting to knowyouUnit 1 Good morningThefirst period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.及回答。
二、Teaching procedures Pre-task preparation Warmera. Say hello to everybodyb. P.4 songc. Elicit Alice:She is Alice.While-task procedure1.RevisionmorningafternoonGood morning.Good afternoon.a. Listen to a dialogue (It’s 8o’clock in the morning. Alice is going to school. She meets her friend Kitty.) Good morning, Alice.Good morning, Kitty.(It’s 14o’clock in the afternoon. Alice is having an English class.)Good afternoon, Alice. Goodafternoon, Miss…b. try to say the dialoguec. play a game:accordingto the pictures, Judge the words2. IntroductioneveningnightGood evening.Good night.a. Listen to a dialogue and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue(It’s 18o’clock in the evening. Alice is having a dinner.) Good evening, Alice.Good evening, dad.(It’s 21o’clock at night. Alice is going to bed.)Good night, Alice.Good night, Mum.b.Say a chant in groupsEvening, evening,Good evening.Night, night,Good night.Post-task activitya.Listen to the wholedialoguesb.role playAsk and answerWho is she?act out the whole dialogue in groups三、Assignmenta. Listen to the tapesb. read P2,4The second period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说How are you?并能回答I’m fine./I’m very well. Thank you.学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Aa, Bb.能力要求:学会礼貌地问候别人并且礼貌回应别人的问候。

Oxford English 2AOxford English 2A M1 U1 (2)Oxford English 2A M1 U1 (3)Oxford English 2AOxford English 2A M1 U2 (2)Oxford English 2A M1 U2 (3)Oxford English 2A M1 U3 (1)Oxford English 2A M1 U3 (2)Oxford English 2A M1 U3 (3)Oxford English 2AOxford English 2AOxford English 2AOxford English 2AOxford English 2AOxford English 2AOxford English 2AOxford English 2AM3U1 (1)themselves.5) guessing gameswiswi6) Say a chantBlue swing, red swing, One and two.Blue swing, red swing,I see you.3. Teach :seesaw1) Play a flash then ask:: What’s this?Yes, it’s a seesaw. Do you like the seesaw?2) Read it follow me3) Ask students read by themselves.4) Ask and answerT: What can you do?S: I can play the seesaw/…5) Say a rhymeThin boy ,fat boy,one and two.Thin boy ,fat boy,I see you.Thin boy up,Fat boy down.You like to play,Up and down. swing,One and two.___ swing, ___swing,I see you.3. ee-ee-seesaw1) Students can answer.It’s …Yes, I like the seesaw.2) follow the teacher3)little train4) a. T-Sb.S1-S25) try to say and act outPost-task activity 1. Listen and choose. e.g.I like the …?What dose Alice like?2. Look and say.3.Pair workS1:What’s This ?S2:It’s a …S1: What can you do ?1. Listen the media andchoose the right one.2. Look and say.3. Act out the dialogue.通过听对话来完成答案的选择,培养学生收集,分析整理有效信息的能力。

上海版牛津英语2a教案全册Unit 1 Where I LiveTeaching aids:A. Words : letters Aa -Bb、bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiB. Structures : I live in …• I love .... I see .... That s ...C. Functions : Give simple instructions; Refer to specific classroom objects.Material:1. Student's Book 2A page 2-62. Cassette 1Aand a cassette player3. Wallcharts4. Photograph page 15. Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A. Basic aims:1 • Be able to identify the letters Aa - Bb2. Be able to give simple instructions3. Be able to use the simple present tense to indicate facts4. Be able to n point to your home”5. Read the rhymeB. Further aims:1.2. Practise saying a new rhyme substituting 'Shanghai' with another places Language focus:1. Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects2. Using the simple present tense to express interests and preferences3. Learning the words: bin , park , road , building , ShanghaiPeriod 1Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing the definite article to refer to specific classroom objectsThe student performs the actionThe student performs the action.The students repeat and mime the actions.Post-task activitiesOne student give the comma nds and the other mime the actions.Change roles the front. Let the moreable student give thecomma nd and othersdo the action ・(Repeat with severalgroups of students.)D: Clean theclassroom bysweeping the floor.Let the more ablestudent to come upand say thecomma nd 1Sweepthe floor, please.f(Repeat step 3)E: Open the book topage 2 Play thecassette tape. Let thestudents listen to theinstructions'Clean the desk,please.1 and * Sweepthe floor, please.' Askstudents to repeat andmime the acti ons.A: Divide studentsinto pair. Have onestudent give thecomma nds and theother mime theactions. Then let themchange roles.cooperative learningbook cassettePeriod 2Teaching focus:Using the simple present tense to indicate factsUsing the simple present tense to express interests and preferencesWhile-task procedureLook and listen Shanghai1 slowly)T: That' s right . We alllive in Shanghai ・Shanghai is ourhome .A: Put up thewallchart for page 3.Tell a storysomething like this :Sam and his fatherwent for a walk onSunday. After a whilethey sat down to restand watched theferries go by. Theycould see theOriental Pearl Towerand a lot of tallbuildings. Can you recon gnize any?Sitting on the benchnext to them weresome tourists(awoma n and her son).The boy asked Samwhere he lived andSam replied ' 1 live inSha nghai.' The boysaid 1 1 loveShanghai.' Sam waspleased ・ Childre n,do you loveShanghai? If you do,you must help to keepit clean. Do not litter.Throw all rubbish intothe bin.coachi ngWallchart forpage 3The students talk about and answer the questionsThe stude nts to copy 1 1 live in Shanghai.'The students repeat '1 love Sally.' Can you find a bin inthis picture?(Point to it)B: Ask questionssuch as thefollowing:•Where doesSam live?•Where do youlive?•Dose Sam loveShanghai?•Do you loveShanghai?•What isthis?(point to abin and a buildingrespectively)C: Hold up a stampeden velope and say 1My friend in Canadasent this to me. Shehad to write 'Shanghai * on itbecause Hive in Shanghai.Say ' 1 live inShanghai. ' and askstudents to copy you.D: Hug a toy bear andsay 1 This is my bear.Her name is Sally. 1love Sally.'cooperative learningmodeling a toy bearConsolidatio n• Look, listen and tick the correctRepeatGet student to say afterShow the picture of Shan ghai agai n. Hug it and say ' I love Shanghai.'The students look at the book and listen to the tape E: Open the stude nt'sbook to page 3. Play the cassette tape to letstude nts hear thebookcorrectpronunciation of the words and sentences ・ Then ask in dicidual stude nts to say 'I live in Sha nghai. 1 and 1 I love Shanghai.'cassettePost-task activitiesDraw a picture of the place they live in. say something about pictures by using the sentences 'I livein …,I loveTalk aboutA:Give each student a sheet ofwhite drawing paper. Ask them to draw apicture of the place they live in. B: Ask students to say something abouttheir pictures by using the sentences f I live in …, I lovemodeling cooperativelearningwhite drawi ng paper.Workbook page 2 ExplainthePeriod 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify objectUsing proper nouns to refer to placesLook and answer: 1 building ' A: Still referring to thewallchart・T: What you can seein the picture ?Introduce the word *building 'Hold up the picturecard for 1 building cand say ' building 4(Ask the students torepeat)Wallchartpage 4forThe stude ntsrepeattoB: T: ' What things doyou sometimes seelying on thepavement?'coachi ngShow examples ofrubbish that peopleLook , think, talk throw away 一softabout and answer drink cans, plasticthe questions . bags, food cooperativewrappers, etc.T : 1 How do theythere? Dose itmake Shanghai lookbeautiful? Whatshould we always dowith our rubbish? 1lear ningThe stude nts to Show a toy bin andrepeat. say' bin, slowly.(Ask students torepeat.)modelingC: Show the pictures the picture andof a park and a road・ T : do you often goword cardsLook , think and the park?answer the To elicit the newquestions . words ' park ' and'roadSay the wordsThe stude nts to repeat.the students read the wordsOpen the book to page 4・Students listen and repeat.the students to point to each picture as the word is being read out.The students look at the letters and listen to the tape slowly.(Ask the students torepeat.)D: Put up the pictureand word cards on theboard in randomorder. Thenre-arrange them byputting the word cardsbelow theircorrespondi ng picturecards, as show n intheir Stude nt' sBooks. Read thewords with thestudents.E: Play the cassettetape.Ask the students topoint to each pictureas the word is beingread out.F: Show stude nts thepicture cards for capple' and say Applebegins with the sound' a '. Show the wordcard for 4 apple* andsay A..'Apple' .(Repeat)Show alphabetcards ' A' and ' a '.Have stude ntscompare the capitalletter 4 a Do thesame with ' B b…the picture andword cardsbook cassettetape.letter1 A a * ' B b'Period 4Teaching focus:Asking 1 Wh J questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person Using the simple persent tense to express truthUsing the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesThe students into groups of four, one student ask the question 1 Where do you live?1 the other three answer it. (change roles.)The stude nts to come to the front and actThe stude nts to repeat.Homework •Workbook page4:Listen and draw the lines to find where they live.•Read the ' let* s play ' after thecassette ・various answers・Encourage them touse the structure 1love ...D: Divide studentsinto groups of four,Have one student askthe question ' Wheredo you live?' and theother three answer it.Then let them changeroles.E: Invite groups ofstudents to act out thedialogue to the class.Workbook page 4Explain theWorkbook page 3cooperative learningthe Student' sBookWorkbookPeriod 5Teaching focus:Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferencesevery day.coachi ngThe students openthe Student's Book B: Get students toto page 6. open the Student' sPlay a game Book to page 6. the Student* s Discuss where Sam Discuss with Bookand May live and students where Sam cooperativewhat they are doing and May live and lear ningnow. what they are doingnow.Two students cometo the front C: Invite twomodelingstudents to be Samand Mary putti ngrubbish into the bin.The Student read the Student' s the rhyme slowly D: Read the rhyme Bookline by line. slowly line by line.Practise saying bothverses ・E: Explain the wordsLook and listen and phrases ' use,every day 1 and 'keepit clearf in stude nt' smother ton gue ・F: Play the cassette the Student' s The students follow for the rhyme. Bookand read the rhyme・cassetteThe students read cooperativethe rhyme in pairlear ningG: Invite pairs ofThe stude nts to students to act outUn汁4 Going aboutTeaching designing:Teaching aids:A. Words: letters Gg—Hh z plane, ferry, train, taxi, car, bus, van.B. Structures:Get ..... How do you go to- ......C. Functions: Give simple instructions; Using connectives to add information Material:1. Students Book 2A page 17-212. Cassette 1A and a cassette player3. Wall charts4. Photograph page 145. Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:A. Basic aims:1. Be able to identify the letters &g—Hh2. Be able to give simple instructions3. Be able to introduce oneself using I'm.4. Be able to write the sentence Hello, Im <name>.5. Sing a song.B. Further aims:1. Using more information to introduce oneself2. The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:1・ Using imperatives to give simple instructions2. Asking How questions to find out means and Using prepositions to indicate meas3. Learning the words: plane ...Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructionsTeaching steps:prepara tion:The students listen to the teacher and actThe students copy teacherII. While-task procedure: Practise with more st uden ts.The students actA small group of students line up in front as if they are ready to get off the bus. commands taught inthe previous units・Say the commandsand ask students.B Show a toy busand a toy car. T: Doyou often see them onthe road? Do you goto school by bus? Saythe words ’bus" andear'clearl y.A Put two chairs in aline. Ask student to sitin the front chair andact as a car driver.Pretend to get in thecar by bending overand sit ting in the backchair. T: Get in thecar.Practise withmore students.B Invite individualstudents to act aspassengers. Say thecommand and askthem to perform thescene・Make surestudentsunderstand thecommand 'Set in thecar.C Have a small groupof students line up infront as if they areready to get off thebus. Say 'Get off thebus' and prompt themto walk offcoachingScaffolding andfadingPeriod 2Teaching focus:Asking How questions to find out mean Using prepositions to indicate means Using formulaic expressions to take leaveTeaching steps:Period 3Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify forms of transport. Teaching steps:While-task procedureThe students look at the teacher and listen to the teacher.Whole class read the wordsFour groups sit in circles・ When they name the mode of transpor t /the whole group has to stand up and repeat it plane.B Ask questionsabout differentmodes of transport,including plane,ferry, train, car, busand van. Askquestions such as thefollowing—A Put up the picturecards for this unit.Introduce the newvocabulary bypointing to each 计em.Ask 'What is this?'Then say the words inEnglish and put up theword cards beside thereleva nt forms oftransport. Repeat thewords.B Get students toopen theirstudent's books topage 19. Play thecassette tape to letstudents listen to thepronunciation of thewords first, and thenpractice saying themafter the beep.C Divide the class intofor groups. Eachgroup's name is aform transport theyhave learned. Havethe groups sit in grouphas to stand up andrepeat itProgressivelyCoachingCoachingCooperativelearningPicture cardsCassette and wordcardsPeriod 4Teaching focus:Using formulaic expressions to indicate how people travel Teaching steps:While-task procedureThe studerrts open the book to page 20 and listen to the teacherThe students listen to the tape and read Review thedifferent forms oftransport using theWord and Picturecards. Then write thewords plane, 'ferry:'train, 'taxi:car,'bus: and van on theleft of the board. Onthe right, write thenames of a fewplaces. Point to aplace and ask thestudents to tell youhow they go there.Remind them to usethe structure *1 go 十0,,,by,,,'A Open the studentsbook to page 20. SayThere are fourchildren in the picture.They want to go todifferent places, butwe dont know whichform of transport theylike to use. Let'sfollow the rood to findout.Ask students todraw the routes andsay l I go topretending they arethe children in thepidture・B Play the cassettetape for students tocheck if their answersare right・CoachingCoachingCooperativelearingPicture cardsPictureCassettePeriod 5Teaching focus:Using nouns to identify different forms of transport Teaching stepsThe students read two times.The students look at the picture and listen to the cassette.The students to sing along with tape.Post -task activity The students are singing played. song.C Read the first verseline by line forstudents to follow untilthey are familiar withthe words. Then gothrough the secondand third verse in thesame way.D Play the tape againand show the pictureof the relevant type oftransport at theappropriate time.Draw student'sattention to thesounds at the end ofeach verse.E Invite students tosing along with thetape. Encourage themto imitate the sound ofeach type of transportAsk groups ofstudents to mimeeach part of the songin front of the classwhile the tape is beingplayed. Students cantake different role. Letstudents say whattype of transport theyare driving.CoachingCooperativelearningCooperativelearningPicture andcassetteCassettecassetteUnit 5 Crossing the roadTeaching designing:Teaching aids:D. Words: letters—Ii Jj, stop, light, go, fast, slow.E. Structures: Look at the light. It's..., Go! / Stop! / Wait! /F. Functions: Using imperatives to give simple instructions; To give simple instruc tions. Material:6. Student's Book 2A page 22-267. Cassette 1A and a cassette player8. Wall charts9. Photograph page 1410. Alphabet CardsTeaching times:5 timesLearning targets:C. Basic aims:6. Be able to identify the letters Ii—Jj7. Be able to give simple instructions8. Be able to introduce oneself using Pm.9. Be able to write the sentence Hello, I'm <name>.10. Sing a song.D. Further aims:3. Using more information to introduce oneself4. The sorts of the alphabetLanguage focus:4. Using imperatives to give simple instructions5. Using adjectives to describe objects6. Learning the words: stop ....Period 1Teaching focus:Using imperative to give simple instructionsTeaching steps:匸Pre-task prepara tion:The students look atthe picture and copy to teacher.The students listen and act to teacher.II. While-task procedure:The students to stand in a row facing the teacher・A Show the picture ofthe red light・Say'Red light! Repeat f orstudents to copy you.Ask If you see the redlight, what should youdo?Say stop severaltimes so that studentscan follow.B Repeat step 1 withYellow light. Wait!1and 'Green light. Go!'C Tell students thatwhen you say 'Go!、,they should run on thespot. When you sayx Stop!',they shouldstand still. When yousay 1Wait!19 theyshould be ready tomove.A Say Lefs play agame. Get threestudents to come tothe front to help youdemonstrate ・Tell them to stand in arow facing you. BExplain that you aregoing to show thempictures of trafficlights.When they see thered light, theyCoachingCooperativelearningCoachingPicturePlay the game w计h small groups of students.Students listen and follow in the books.III. Post-taskHomework Read the 'Let's talk after the cassettePeriod 2 Teaching focus:should say "Red light.Stop!and stand onthe spot. Repeat( Yellow, Green )C Play the game withsmall groups ofstudents. When theyare familiar with thegame, the winner cantake up your role.b Get students toopen theirStudent^ Books topage 22. Play thecassette tape to letthem listen to thecorrect pronunciationof the commands.again and keepscore this time.L et's see whichgroup wins!Say It's important topay attention to thetraffic lights. 厶eTsplay the gameCooperativelearningCoopera tivelearningcassetteUsing imperative to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objectsTeaching steps:HomeworkListen and write the correct number in the box.The students point to the wallchart and say.Students listen and follow in the books.III. Post-task• Then what did theysee on the road? What did Sam's father say?C Point to the bus onthe wallchart and say 1The bus is slow.'Point to the car on the wallchart and say 1 The car is fasf Repea t several t imes so thatstudents can follow ・b Play the cassette tape to let studentslisten to the correctpronunciation of the expressions as they point to the item in t heirStudent's Book.CoachingCoaching Wai I chartCassetteTake the class to asafe spot where they can see a road and the traffic lights Ask them to call out 1 fast or 'slow according to how fast the traffic is moving; and 'stop to according to the flow of traffic before the light.Cooperative leaning workbookPeriod 3Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instmctions Using nouns to identify thingsUsing adjectives to describe objects Teaching stepswords The students look at the picture card and say Students listen to the tape. II 匸 Post-task1.Find the correct wordforeachpicture.2. Tracetheletters.Homewor k horizontal row. Callstudents up to draw picture of the words. Revise by reading the words together. C Show students thepicture card for 'ice-cream and say Ice-cream begins with the sound T. Repeat step ^ce-cream 1for jelly. Play the tape forstudents to follow in their books. Make a matchinggame for small grouprevision word. Make sets of cards-one with a word from this unit and the other with its picture ・ Punch a small hole at the top of each picture card and at the bot tom of each word card. Then the two matching card can be joined with a string fastener.Coaching Picture card CassetteCooperative learning Word cardswordbookPeriod 4Teaching focus:Using imperative to give instructions Using adjectives to describe coloursTeaching stepsOne student say and the other actThe students play the game in pairs・Students listen and follow in the books.HI. Post-task Ask the at the back toclose his/her eyes.B Explain that whenyou say K look at thelight!and point to apicture of traffic lightsin one of the corners,thest udent in the frontshould say 77£〃'(colour of the light)Then the student atthe back with his/hereyes closed shouldsay 'Go!or 'Stop* orWait1 according to thecolour of the lighthe/she heard. C Playthe game withpairs ofstudents. Whenthey are familiar withthe game, you canask some more ablestudents to take upyour role.D Open theStudent's Book topage 25. Play thecassette tape ・Students listencarefully to the correctpronunciation ofthe expressions.Put up the word cardsfor this unit on theboard. Ask students tofollow yourinstructions and readthem・ SayCooperativelearningCooperativelearningcoachingCassette tapeWord cards.Period 5Teaching focus:Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using adjectives to describe objectsTeaching stepsIII. Post-taskThree students listen and copy to the teacherStudents listen and follow in their books.Students mote for the best performer.。

上海版牛津英语2A教案(共85页)-本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-Unit 1 Where I livePeriod OneTeaching contents: Clean the desk, please.Clean the classroom, please. Teaching aims:1、知识目标:Drill: Clean the ________, please.2、能力目标:提高学生自然运用英语进行交际的能力。
Difficult and key points:句型的灵活运用。
Teaching aids: tape, some rags and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod TwoTeaching contents: I live in Shanghai.I love Shanghai.Teaching aims:4、知识目标:Drills: I live in ________. I love __________.5、能力目标:提高学生实际运用英语的能力。
Difficult and key points: 句型的灵活运用。
Teaching aids: tape, some pictures and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod ThreeTeaching contents: 1. Look and learn2. LettersTeaching aims:7、知识目标:To learn the new words and letters.8、能力目标:Read the new words and letters properly.9、情感目标:教育学生热爱家园,保持家园安洁。
Difficult and key points: Pronounce words and letters properly. Teaching aids: tape, pictures, word and letter cardsUnit 1 Where I livePeriod FourTeaching contents: Where do you live?I live in Pudong.I love Pudong.Teaching aims:10、知识目标:Ask and answer: Where do you live I live in ____.11、能力目标:能自由问答练习12、情感目标:激发学生对祖国对家乡的美好情感Difficult and key points: Where do you live I live in _______. Teaching aids: tape, some maps and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod FiveTeaching contents: RhymeTeaching aims:13、知识目标:诵读儿歌并加以表演14、能力目标:能创编儿歌15、情感目标:教育学生做个讲卫生守规范的好孩子Difficult and key points: 朗读技能的训练Teaching aids: tape, a toy binUnit 2 A snack barPeriod OneTeaching contents:Let’s act.Teaching aims:1、知识目标:学会招待客人吃东西的2句简单的祈使句.2、能力目标: 会用英语发命令并且根据命令做动作。

Unit 1 Where I livePeriod One授课人:时间:Teaching contents: Clean the desk, please.Clean the classroom, please.Teaching aims:1、知识目标:Drill: Clean the ________, please.2、能力目标:提高学生自然运用英语进行交际的能力。
Difficult and key points:句型的灵活运用。
Teaching aids: tape, some rags and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod Two授课人:时间:Teaching contents: I live in Shanghai.I love Shanghai.Teaching aims:4、知识目标:Drills: I live in ________. I love __________.5、能力目标:提高学生实际运用英语的能力。
Difficult and key points: 句型的灵活运用。
Teaching aids: tape, some pictures and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod Three授课人:时间:Teaching contents: 1. Look and learn2. LettersTeaching aims:7、知识目标:To learn the new words and letters.8、能力目标:Read the new words and letters properly.9、情感目标:教育学生热爱家园,保持家园安洁。
Difficult and key points: Pronounce words and letters properly.Teaching aids: tape, pictures, word and letter cardsUnit 1 Where I livePeriod Four授课人:时间:Teaching contents: Where do you live?I live in Pudong.I love Pudong.Teaching aims:10、知识目标:Ask and answer: Where do you live? I live in ____.11、能力目标:能自由问答练习12、情感目标:激发学生对祖国对家乡的美好情感Difficult and key points: Where do you live? I live in _______.Teaching aids: tape, some maps and so onUnit 1 Where I livePeriod Five授课人:时间:Teaching contents: RhymeTeaching aims:13、知识目标:诵读儿歌并加以表演14、能力目标:能创编儿歌15、情感目标:教育学生做个讲卫生守规范的好孩子Difficult and key points: 朗读技能的训练Teaching aids: tape, a toy binUnit 2 A snack barPeriod One授课人:时间:Teaching contents:Let‘s act.Teaching aims:1、知识目标:学会招待客人吃东西的2句简单的祈使句.2、能力目标: 会用英语发命令并且根据命令做动作。

Language focus To greet others fluently.
Teaching aids Media, mask, cards, etc.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Song<Hello! How are 1. Sing the song.
1. Say after the teacher
then read
2. Do more exercises
2. What is missing
3. Clap or repeat
4. Look and say
5. Look and choose
. Good ____. (picture)
1. afternoon 2. morning
4. Role-play in the evening evening 的 词
(Kitty, Alice, Danny, Eddie, show (animals’ masks) 形。
Miss Fang.)
5. Work in pairs.
2. To teach: evening
1. S: I see…
I’m fine, too.
② Learn: I’m fine.
① Put on the mask of Thank you. And you
Miss Fang on the head ③ Learn: I’m fine, too.
and greet with the T-P
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Module 1 Getting to knowyouUnit 1 Good morningThe first period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说Good morning. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good night.及回答。
二、Teaching procedures Pre-task preparation Warmera. Say hello to everybodyb. P.4 songc. Elicit Alice:She is Alice. While-task procedure1.RevisionmorningafternoonGood morning.Good afternoon.a. Listen to a dialogue (It’s 8o’clock in the morning. Alice is going to school. She meets her friend Kitty.)Good morning, Alice.Good morning, Kitty.(It’s 14o’clock in the afternoon. Alice is having an English class.)Good afternoon, Alice. Goodafternoon, Miss…b. try to say the dialoguec. play a game:according to the pictures, Judge the words2. IntroductioneveningnightGood evening.Good night.a. Listen to a dialogue and try to understand the meaning of the dialogue (It’s 18o’clock in the evening. Alice is having a dinner.)Good evening, Alice.Good evening, dad.(It’s 21o’clock at night. Alice is going to bed.)Ask and answerWho is she?Good night, Alice.Good night, Mum.b.Say a chant in groupsEvening, evening,Good evening.Night, night,Good night.Post-task activitya.Listen to the wholedialoguesb.role playact out the whole dialogue in groups三、Assignmenta. Listen to the tapesb. read P2,4The second period一、Teaching aim认知内容: 能听懂会说How are you?并能回答I’m fine./I’m very well. Thank you.学会认读并且学会正确书写英语字母大小写Aa, Bb.能力要求:学会礼貌地问候别人并且礼貌回应别人的问候。
二、Teaching procedures Pre-task preparationWarm-upa. Greet the childrenHello./Hi./Good morning. /Good afternoon.b.P4songc.introduce 2 puppets While-task procedure1.IntroductionHow are you?I’m fine. /I’m very well.a.Listen to a dialogue. Puppet1: Hello, I’m a little pig. Oink, oink.Puppet2: Hello, I’m a little dog. Woof. Woof.Puppet1: How are you?Puppet2: I’m very well. Thank you.b.Hold up a puppet and tolearn’ I’m very well.Thank y ou.’A teacher asks, and has the students answer.c.Hold up another puppetand to learn ’How areyou?’d.Act out the dialogue inpairs.Thank you.Try to say with good friends.2. Learn the lettersA aB ba.Learn to say the sound ofthe letter.(Hello, I’m the little pig’s friend. )What’s this?It’s A. It’s an apple. Look, ’A’ in an apple.A, a.An apple. An apple.b. learn the chantP.5in pairs.c. play a gameshow a letter card and ask students to say a word with the letter.d. learn how to write the letters.Revision: P3 Look and say a.Listen and repeatb.Act outPost-task activityListen to the tape and readP3,5三、AssignmentTalk with your classmateshow to greet to people.Module1 Getting to knowyouUnit 3 I’m eightThe first period一、Teaching AIMS:1. To learn the new words:seven eight nine ten2. To learn the newsentencesandext e nsi o n :Seven, eight, nine, ten3. To learn how to describe things with numbers.4. To be able to use numbers around us.二、Teaching AIDS: cattle player, word cards , 三、teaching procedures Ⅰ. Pre -task Preparation Warming-up1. Song: Ten little paper rabbits2. Rhyme:One, two, three. I am a bee. …2. Revision The numbers:One, two, three, four, five, sixQ:How many pencils?/rulers?/apples... Ps spell the wordsAsk and answer (T-Pn)Ⅱ. While -task Procedure 1. Elicitation Content1: seven T asks and ps answer 1+2=__ 2+3=__6+1=__2. Mechanical Practice a. Ps follow T b. Spell the word Content 2:eight 1. ElicitationHow old are you? T asks and pn answer 2. Mechanical Practice Ps follow T ps spell3. Meaningful Practice Hello, ... Hello.How old are you? I’m …Content 3:nine, ten Ten minus nine is eight. 1. Elicitation 8+1=__ 9+1=__ 10-1=__ 10-9=__Ps fill in the blanks 2. Mechanical PracticePs follow Tps spellWhen I am sad I sayWhen I am happy I say.3.Meaningful Practice4.5+4=__5.10-3=__6.7-0=__7.8-6=__Ⅲ. Post-task Activity Activity 1One, two, three, touch your knees.Ps read after the tape四、Consolidation1.Listening: SB P102.Speaking SB P103.Reading SB P104.WritingWords: one twothree fourfive sixseven eightnine tenThe second period一.Teaching AIMS:1.To learn the new patternsand extension:You’re…Are you…?Yes, I’m…/No. I’m…Sorry.That’s OK.2. To learn how to use model phrases to communicate with other learner二、teaching AIDS: media, computer, pictures, word/sentence cards三、PROCEDURESⅠ. Pre-task Preparation1.Warming-up1. RhymeOne, two, three, touch your knees.2.RevisionI’m Jojo. I’m twenty-four. I’m a girl.I’m tall.How about you?Ⅱ. While-task Procedure Content1:You are…Are you…?Yes, I’m…/No. I’m…1.ElicitationElicit by previous practice 2.Mechanical PracticePs say/Bs say/Gs say3.Meaningful Practice Guessing gameI’m ten years old. I like toswim. And I can swim fast.I like to ride the bicycle,too.Content 2:Sorry.That’s OK.1.Elicitation1and 2 on P112.Mechanical PracticePs follow TBs say/Gs say3.Meaningful PracticeDialogue on P11Ⅲ. Post-task ActivityActivity 1P11-12 Ps read after the tape Activity 2 Dialogue on P12Pg say and act四、Consolidation Listening: P11-P13 Speaking: P11-P13 Reading : P11-P13 Writing: words:Sentence:Pic2 , 4(P11) Pic1(P12)Module 2 My familyfriends and meUnit 4 Can you swim?The first period一、Teaching aims认知内容: 能听懂会说run write swim fly这四个单词。