



发展汉语中级口语第十五课最难忘的课件标题: 探索汉语中级口语第十五课的魅力第一部分:引言 (200字)汉语中级口语第十五课是一堂令人难忘的课程,充满了丰富的内容和精彩的互动。



第二部分:课程内容介绍 (800字)第十五课的主题是“生活方式”,内容涉及到日常生活中的饮食、购物、休闲娱乐等方面。



第三部分:学习资源推荐 (300字)为了帮助学生更好地学习第十五课内容,我们特别收集了一些优质的学习资源。



第四部分:课堂活动设计 (500字)为了让学生更好地掌握第十五课的内容,我们设计了一些富有趣味性的课堂活动。



第五部分:总结与展望 (200字)汉语中级口语第十五课是一堂充满魅力的课程。



结语 (100字)通过本课件的介绍,相信大家对汉语中级口语第十五课有了更全面的了解。





Lesson fifteenSection oneTask 1 Capital punishmentA: Did you hear on the news today about that ... uh ... murderer who was ex ecuted?B: I can't believe it.A: Yeah. That's the first time in ten years that they've used capital punishmen t.B: I just can't believe in our society today that they would actually kill anothe r human being.Nobody has the right to take another person's life.A: Oh, I don't agree. Listen, I think capital punishment is—it's about time it c ame back. I think that's exactly what killers deserve.B: No, they don't deserve that. Because once you're killing a killer, you're th e killer, too. You become a killer as well.A: No, listen. You take a life, you have to be willing to give up your own. An d also, I think thatif you have a death penalty it will prevent other people from killing. I think i t's a good deterrent.B: I don't think it's a good deterrent at all. My goodness gracious. I mean, fi rst of all, are you sure the person you've convicted to death is really guilty?A: Well, I think that's a very rare ... very rare incidence.B: I don't think it's rare,(I don't think it's ...) with all the cracker jack lawyers we have today, (Well, no ... I ...) and the judicial system the way it is.A: I think it's a rare incidence, and I think it's more important to get rid of t he ... the bad seed, you know?B: But you don't get rid of it. You rehabilitate somebody like that.(Oh ...) You don't eliminate, you rehabilitate.A: Listen, studies show that criminals are never really rehabilitated. When the y're ... when theycome out of prison they just go back to a life of crime, and they're hardened by that crime.B: Because the rehabilitation process has to be more than just what's in jail . I mean,(Oh ...well.) when you're in jail you do have to work, but when you're out of jail there has to be anextensive program. We have to expand on the idea till it works.A: I don't agree. Listen—and, anyway, the jails and the prisons are already ve ry crowded, andwe have to pay, the taxpayers. Our money goes to maintaining murderers' (I ...) lives.B: I agree with you. That's why it's important to look at the problem on a mu ch larger scale.The real problem is a social problem.(What ... no ...) There are other problems that causepeople to kill. Look at poverty, drugs, discrimination.A: Some people are just bad. They're just evil and there's nothing you can do .B: No, there ... it is ... no, it isn't true. There's rehabilitation.(No.) And they ... we're allit ... for ... to humanity. That's one of the reasons ...A: Well, but in the meantime you have to take care of the people who have al ready committed...B: I agree with you there.A: Preventative is different, but ...B: I agree with you there.Task 2 A new way of lifeAnnouncer: On 'TV Magazine' tonight we're looking at people who have given up regular jobs andhigh salaries to start a new way of life. First of all, we have two interviewswit h people who decided to leave the 'rat race'. Nicola Burgess spoke to them.Nicola: This is the Isle of Skye. Behind me you can see the croft belonging to Daniel and MichelleBurns, who gave up their jobs to come to this remote area of Scotland. Dani el was the salesmanager of Hi-Vita, the breakfast cereal company, and Michelle was a succes sful advertisingexecutive. Michelle, can you tell us what made you give up everything to co me here?Michelle: Everything? That's a matter of opinion. A big house and two cars isn 't everything! Danand I both used to work long hours. We had to leave so early in the morning and we camehome so late at night, that we hardly ever saw each other. We should have co me here yearsago, but we were earning such big salaries that we were afraid to leave our jo bs. In the end wehad so little time together that our marriage was breaking up. So two years a go, we took aweek's holiday in the Scottish Highlands. We saw this place and we both fell i n love with it. Itwas for sale, and we liked it so much that we decided to give up our jobs, and here we are!Nicola: How do you earn a living? If you don't mind me asking.Michelle: We don't need very much. We keep sheep and goats, grow our own vegetables. We'vegot a few chickens. It's a very simple life, and we're not in it for profit. We're still so busy thatwe work from five in the morning until eight at night, but we're together. We' re happier than we're ever been and we're leading a natural life.Nicola: There must be some things you miss, surely.Michelle: I don't know. We knew such a lot of people in London, but they wer en't real friends.We see our neighbours occasionally and there's such a lot t o do on the farm that we don'thave time to feel lonely. At least we see each other now.Nicola: The motor-bike I'm sitting on is a very special one. Special because it' s been all the wayround the world. It belongs to Luke Saunders, who has just returned to Engla nd after a threeyear motor-cycle journey. Luke, what led you to leave your job and make this trip?Luke: I worked in a car factory on the assembly line. All I had to do was put f our nuts on thebolts that hold the wheels on. It's done by robots now, and a good thing too! The job was soroutine that I didn't have to think at all. I bought this Triumph 750 cc bike se cond-hand, fitted two panniers on the back and just set off for Australia.Nicola: What did you do for money?Luke: I had a bit of money to start with, but of course it didn't last long and I had to find workwhere I could. I've done so many different things—picked fruit, washed up, w orked as a mechanic.Nicola: How did people react to you? In India, for example.Luke: Everywhere I went, the people were so friendly that problems seemed t o solvethemselves. There was such a lot of interest in the bike that it was easy to sta rt aconversation. You know, often you can communicate without really knowin g the language.Nicola: Did you ever feel like giving up, turning round and coming home?Luke: Only once, in Bangladesh. I became so ill with food poisoning that I had to go to hospital.But it didn't last long.Nicola: You've had such an exciting time that you'll find it difficult to settle d own, won't you?Luke: I'm not going to. Next week I'm off again, but this time I'm going in the opposite direction! See you in about three years' time!Section twoTask 1 the work of Sigmund FreudHere is an extract from a radio talk on the work of Sigmund Freud by Profess or Eric Watkis:Sigmund Freud developed his system of psychoanalysis while he was studyi ng cases ofmental illness. By examining details of the patient's life, he found that the ill ness could often betraced back to some definite problem or conflict within the person concern ed. But hediscovered, too, that many of the neuroses observed in mentally ill patients w ere also present,to a lesser degree, in normal persons. This led him to the rea lization that the borderlinebetween the normal and the neurotic person is not nearly as clearly marked a s was once believed.In 1914 he published a book called The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. Thi s book goes along way towards explaining some of the strange behaviour of n ormal, sane people.A glance at Freud's chapter headings will indicate some of the aspects of behavior covered by the book:Forgetting of proper namesForgetting of foreign wordsChildhood and concealing memoriesMistakes in speechMistakes in reading and writingBroadly, Freud demonstrates that there are good reasons for many of the slip s and errors thatwe make. We forget a name because, unconsciously, we do not wish to reme mber that name.We repress a childhood memory because that memory is pa inful to us. A slip of the tongue orof the pen betrays a wish or a thought of w hich we are ashamed.In these days when every would-be doctor or writer has access to Freud's acc ounts of hisresearch, it is worth pausing and remembering the remarkable scope and o riginality of his ideas.Task 2 cheeseCheese is one of those foods that we tend to take for granted as always havi ng beenwith us,and it's odd to think that someone somewhere must have discovered the process thattakes place when micro-organisms get into milk and bring about changes in it s physical and biochemical structure.Obviously, we don't know who discovered the process, but it's thought that it came from South-West Asia about 8,000 years ago.Early cheese was probably rather unpalatable stuff, tasteless and bland in t he case of the so-called 'fresh cheeses', which are eaten immediately after th e milk has coagulated, and roughtasting and salty in the case of the 'ripened' cheeses, which are made by add ing salt to the softfresh cheese and allowing other biochemical processes to continue so that a s tronger taste and a more solid texture result.The ancient Romans changed all that. They were great pioneers in the art of c heese-making,and the different varieties of cheese they invented and the tec hniques for producing themspread with them to the countries they invaded. This dissemination of new te chniques tookplace between about 60 BC and 300 AD. You can still trace their influence in the English word'cheese', which comes ultimately from the Latin word 'caseus', that's C-A-S-E -U-S.Well, things went on quietly enough after the Roman period with the cheese p roducers in thedifferent countries getting on with developing their own specialities. It's amazi ng the variety of flavors you can get from essentially the same process.At this stage in history, people weren't aware in a scientific way of the role of different micro-organisms and enzymes in producing different types of cheese . But they knew from experiencethat if you kept your milk or your 'pre-cheese' mixture at a certain tempera ture or in acertain environment, things would turn out in a certain way. The Roquefor t caves in Franceare an example of a place that was used for centuries for the ripening of a ce rtain sort ofcheese, before people knew exactly why they produced the effect they did.In the nineteenth century, with the increasing knowledge about micro-organis ms, there camethe next great step forward in cheese-making. Once it was known exactly whi ch micro-organisms were involved in the different stages of producing a chees e, and how the presenceof different micro-organisms affected the taste, it was possible to introduce them deliberately, and to industrialize the process.Cheese started being made on a large scale in factories, although the small p roducer workingfrom his farm dairy continued to exist and still ex ist today. Cheese-making m oved very muchinto the world of technology and industrial processes, although, because the a im is still toproduce something that people like to eat, there's still an important role for human judgement.People still go round tasting the young cheese at different stages to see how it's getting on,and may add a bit of this or that to improve the final taste. Whatever the scale of production,there is still room for art alo ngside the technology.Section threeRecognizing the main idea1. All cultures change, even modern ones. As a matter of fact, change occurs most rapidly inmodern cultures, since science brings us so many new discoveries every day. It is rather difficultto follow these changes clearly, since they happen so fast. The civilization tha t I will discuss today is easier to observe.2. No formal history was written for these early Indians, but Navajo Indians w ho came alonglater found evidence of their great civilization. The Navajos called these pre historic people 'the Anasazi', which means, 'the Ancient Ones'.3. Descendants of the Anasazi still live in the Southwest, and many aspects of their culture aresimilar to ancient times. Today these people are called Pueblo Indians.4. There are four different time periods in the development of the Anasazi. Sci entists havelooked for the one most important theme in this story, a kind of unifying idea to organize allthe facts. The most critical and influential improvement in their lives was the way they used containers to cook, store, and carry food and water.5. The most important job of the man in this society was to learn, teach, and perform thereligious ceremonies associated with farming. Women worked in the fields an d prepared all the food. Women also wove baskets out of yucca fibers.6. We don't know what the final problem was. It might have been enemy atta ck, sickness, lackof rain, or over-farmed soil. But in the year 1300 the last of the Anasazi left t he cliff dwellings,never to return again. They left behind their beautiful puebl os, which still stand as a monument to them。



Vocabulary Work
portable record player:可提式电唱机; mono-music player:单声道电唱机; realistic reproduction of music:给人以身临其境感
觉的音乐; high fidelity:高保真度; transistor:晶体管; hi-fi stereo system:高保真音响设备; compact cassette:小型盒式磁带; magnetic tape:磁带; hardware:硬件;
Industry 15-3:遗传信息 Genetic Information 15-4:左脑之优 Left Hemispheric Dominance
15-1:睡眠与梦 Sleep and Dream
irritable:烦躁; emotional:精神上的; psychological rest :心理休息; alternate:交替; passive/active sleep:消极/积极睡眠; heart beat:心脏的跳动; slow-wave sleep:慢波睡眠; the still body:纹丝不动的身体;
第十五单元 科普性口译(英译汉)
Unit 15 Interpreting Popular Science
Speeches (English-Chinese)
Unit 15 Interpreting Popular Science Speeches (E-C)
15-1:睡眠与梦 Sleep and Dream 15-2:音响今昔 The Sound Reproduction
每天晚上我们以积极和消极的方式交替睡眠, 以求在体力和精神两方面都得到休息。



中级英语口语教程:我们就爱挑战极限01. Would you like to try any extreme sports?你想尝试一下极限运动吗?02. Bungee jumping is just for thrills.蹦极玩的就是个剌激。

03. Are extreme sports popular in your country?极限运动在你们国家流行吗?04. Extreme sports are very challenging, but once you overcome them, it's a big success for you.即使极限运动很有挑战性,但是一旦你征服了它,对你来说就是巨大的成功。

05. Cliff diving is really exciting.悬崖跳水相当剌激。

06. That ski run is for the experts only.那个滑道是高手专用的。

07. Ouch! Major wipe-out!哎哟!摔得好惨啊!08. Let's see what you've got.让我们看看你有多大本事。

09. I'd like to try my new board.我想试试我的新滑板。

10. I really want to try out the half-pipe.我真的很想试试那个U 型滑道。

11. How did I ever let you talk me into this?我怎么会被你说服来玩这个?12. You are a good natural.你是个天生的好手。

13. I can't believe you do rock climbing for fun.我真不敢相信你把攀岩当做休闲娱乐。

14. It just feels so good not to be dead.大难不死的感觉超爽。
































第干五单元科普性口译(英译汉)-Unit 15-Interpreting Popular Sciencepeeches-English-Chinese
Unit 15 Interpreting Popular Science-Speeches E-C-15:睡眠与梦Sleep and Dream-15-2:音响今昔The Sound Reproductionndustry-15-3:遗传信息Genetic Information-15-4:左脑之优Left He ispheric Dcompact disc:光盘;-digital format:数字格式; audio tape:音带;-compact cassette:微型盒式音带;-minidisc:数码微型 盘;-mutually incompatible:互不兼容;-÷obsolete:废弃的;
15-2:音响今昔The Sound Reproduction-Industry-*From record d time,man has been fascinated-with music and the har ware of sound-reproduction.-有史记载以来,人类一直痴迷于音乐,痴迷-于录制音乐 音响社会。-建议:注意词组的翻译。
15-1:睡眠与梦Sleep and Dream-冬irritable:烦躁;-emotional:精神上 ;-psychological rest:心理休息;-alternate:交替;-passive/acti e sleep:消极/积极睡眠;-heart beat::心脏的跳动;-slow-wave sleep:慢 睡眠;-÷he still body:纹丝不动的身体;
Vocabulary work-portable record player:可提式电唱机;-mono-m sic player:单声道电唱机;-realistic reproduction of music:给人 身临其境感-觉的音乐;-high fidelity:高保真度;-transistor:晶体管;-hi--f stereo system:高保真音响设备;-compact cassette:小型盒式磁带;-magn tic tape:磁带;-hardware:硬件;

上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 15

上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 15

Unit 15. Part one. First aid. 2. Exercises.1. Listen to the passage about first aid. And then choose the best answer to each question you hear.The most important thing about first aid is to do only what is necessary, but to do that is carefully and quickly as you can. When an accident happens, don’t rush or get exited. Stop and think first. If the injured person is in no immediate danger from fire, water or traffic, leave him lying where he is. A rolled up cope or pull over placed under his head and a cope blanket over him is the best treatment you can give while waiting for help. If the person is unconscious, loosening his clothing and especially around the neck. If an arm or leg lies awkwardly or looks out of shape, trying not to move it. Remember that you can do a lot of harm by trying to do too much. Of course there are times when you can’t wait for help, and you must do the best you can until a doctor or ambulance arrives. If the injured person has stopped breathing, you must start artificial respiration as soon as possible. If he is bleeding badly you must act immediately to stop the flow of blood. If he can’t stand the side of blood, take a few deep breath through your mouth, this will enable you to think clearly and act calmly.Questions:1) What is the most important thing about first aid?2) What should we do if the injured person is in no immediate danger?3) Which of the following is not an act of first aid?2. Listen again and supply the missing information in the following passage.Part two. Statements. 2. Exercises. Listen and then choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the statement you hear.1) I am really not interested in seeing that American film, although it has already won so many awards on international film festivals.2) As more and more people come to big cities, it’s difficult for me to find affordable housing in New York.3) After we had waited for more than 2 hours, the airport announced that our flight to Sydney would depart in a few minutes.4) According to the company board it was necessary to postpone the annual general meetingof share holders.5) As the head of the financial department of this company, he never manages to hand in his budget reports on time.6) In the restaurant where I often go with my wife the unhappy dinner had the undercooked meat sent back to the chef yesterday evening.7) The coat I tried on was really nice and reasonably priced, I would have bought it right away if they had my size.8) Rarely do new employees take such initiatives as Mr. Jonson does. Usually they will wait until they get familiar with what was going on in the organization.9) The auto mechanic indicated that the repairs to my car would be quite expensive. So I bought a new car instead.10) She is considering taking a part time job. Next semester tuitions will be increased more than she can afford.11) My boss had me finish all the math and reports, so I was so late in getting home from work these several days.12) He’s got a dental appointment for tomorrow afternoon, so I am afraid he can’t come to this meeting.13) It’s impossible for me to read all the books on the reading list within such a short time, because there are more than 50.14) Do you want me to recommend a hotel in New York? Well, I can think of several. What’s your budget like?15) Unfortunately he didn’t get high scores in the entrance examination. So he wasn’t admitted to the university he was planning to extend.16) He has to spend 2 days every week off campus to supplement his scholarship, he has a part time job in the law firm down town.17) Did you hear the weather report for today? The temperature is going to be so high that they recommend stay indoors as best you can.18) We really ought to take some of the furniture out of here, or maybe we should look for a bigger apartment.19) I’d like to inquire about some of the charges of my electricity bills. I can’t understandwhy it is so high this month.20) The medicine the doctor gave me seemed to have helped, but it’s making me awfully drowsy when I am working in the office or driving my car.中级口译听力教程第三版7AAn intermediate course of English listening. Third edition.Unit 15. Part 3. 2. Exercises.1. Next patient please. Listen to the following dialogue, and then choose the best answer to each question you hear.W: Next patient, please. Come in.M: Morning, doctor. Sorry I am a bit late. But I felt really awful when I got up.W: Don’t worry. It’s Mr. Barnes, isn’t it?M: That’s right.W: Is that BARNES?M: Yes, it is.W: Right. Now, what seems to be the trouble?M: Well, I have had this awful flu and a terrible cough.W: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?M: Oh, about 3 or 4 days I suppose.W: And have you been taking any medication?M: Just the normal things, aspirins, lemon, and hot drinks, but it hasn’t done any good.W: Are you a smoker?M: No, I gave up 3 years ago.W: Have you had a temperature?M: Yes, for the last couple of days or so.W: OK, I will just take a look at your chest. Take off your pull-over and jacket, please. Right, now breathe in and out slowly. Then again. Good, once more. That’s it. Pop your clothes back on.M: Thank you.W: Well, it looks as if you got touch brown kidus. I will give you some cough mixture and a prescription for course antibiotics as well. Take one capsule every 8 hours for the next 5 days. M: OK, doctor. What about going to work?W: No, you will have to spend a couple of days in bed until it clears up.Questions:1) What’s wrong with the man?2) Why did he apologize?3) What’s the man’s name?4) When did the man give up smoking?5) Which of the following symptoms does the man not exhibit?6) What was the man most probably suffering from?7) Which of the following is not the woman doctor tells the man to do?2. First aid for young children. Listen to the following talk about first aid for young children.And then choose the best answer to each question you hear.As any parent will tell you small cuts and minor grazers are unavoidable among small children. Such cuts and grazers were usually needed little or no treatment. The bleeding will clean the wound naturally and it should stop within a few minutes as the blood clots and dries. More serious cuts may need to be gentler cleaned with soft cotton and warm water. They should then be dressed with a clean cotton bandage. Follow this simple check list of questions. Ask yourself each of these questions in order to make sure you treat cuts and grazers properly. Firstly, is the cut on the face. If it is, call a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the eyes injured. Secondly, is the cut near the eye. If it is, put a clean piece of cotton wool over it and press it on firmly for about 5 minutes. Thirdly, ask yourself if the cut is still bleeding badly. If it is, dress it with a clean cotton bandage and call a doctor as soon as possible. Fourthly, is the cut a deep one and is it wide open. If it is, clean the cut gently with clean cotton wool and a little warm water then hold it close with an adhesive dressing. Fifth question, was the cut made by a nail or a long sharp piece of wood. If it was, there may be some dirt in the cut. Let it bleed for a while to clean itself. Then clean it with cotton wool and warm water and dress it with a clean cotton bandage. Finally, don’t forget that young children can become very easily upset or shocked by a cut, especially if it is a serious one. Try to keep them calm and quiet. Don’t give them anything to drink but keep their lips wet with a little water.Questions:1) What should you do if a child is cut near the eye?2) What should you do with a very deep cut?3) What should you do if the child is nervous or upset?3. How to keep fit? Listen to the following interview and then choose the best answer to each question you hear.W: Could you tell how we should keep fit?M: Well, really what we should do is to try to keep fit or round. Now what do I mean by that?I mean such things as keeping up our strength and our suppleness and our stamina. Now you may say why do we need all 3 of those things? Well, strength is usually really just so that we don’t strain muscles or pull ligaments and tendons when we suddenly have to do somethi ng and be energetic, like to lift a heavy suitcase or perhaps shift a wardrobe or even get out of a chair or a bath. Suppleness is important obviously, so that you can bend and move freely and reach things, again without injuring yourself. And stamina is particularly important so that you can sought of keep going without losing breath, so you have endurance. One other great plus about developing stamina, is that you maintain your stamina over a period of years. It actually has an affect of protecting the heart against heart disease.W: So out of those three which is most important?M: Well, it depends who you are, and what you want to do. I mean the reason for keeping fit is to keep it for your way of life, the life you choose. Now you may say, “Well, if I choose the sort of flop about in an armchair all day watching tele, I don’t need to keep very fit, do I?” Well, that’s unfortunately not true, because there are always times when you have to make a little bit of extra amount on your body by force of circumstance. You may have to suddenly lift something heavy, or move something, or may have to run for a bus or whatever, in which case you do yourself at injury, and you may even actually harm something important likeyour heart. So it is important to actually try to keep your fitness a little ahead of the sort of way of life that you have. Just to push yourself, just that little bit harder, and get yourself just that little bit fitter.Questions:1) According to the man being interviewed, for which group of people is keeping fit important?2) According to the man being interviewed, which of the following factors is not included in the idea of keeping fit?3) Which of the following is more important for protecting your heart?4) Which of the following is not true according to the interview?Part four. Listening and translation. 2. Exercises. 1. Sentence translation. Listen and translate each sentence you have heard into Chinese. Then write it in the space given below.1. Sentence translation.1) Railway service is now being improved in many parts of the world to meet competition from road and air transport.2) Reducing population growth rate is particularly important for developing countries, because their economies cannot support too many people.3) Com puter games can improve children’s health despite research that shows excessive playing causes aggression in the young a new study claims today.4) Researchers have found that women and men do with pains differently. Women tend to focus on the emotional aspects of pain, while men tend to concentrate on the physical sensations.5) As we enter 2007 the economic growth is stable. More than 7 million jobs have been created since August 2006 and inflation and interest rates are low.2. Passage translation. Listen and translate each passage you have heard into Chinese. Then write it in the space given below. You may take notes while you are listening.1) On a whole, I find television commercials extremely annoying. I mean you are watching a film on television perhaps, and suddenly you are interrupted by the stupid commercials with a silly format which has nothing to do with the film you are watching. And it can completely destroy your concentration. That really irritates me.2) Mm, my favorite kind of clothing is T-shirts and jeans. And, you know, pink is popular now again. I love pink. And I kind of like baggy jeans and platform shoes. I am kind of shorts, you know, I love wearing platform shoes and something comfortable, but yet really cool. And you know some kind of clothing that people notice me in. That’s the kind of clothing I like.Unit fifteenPart one First Aid Emergency treatmentPullover 紧身羊毛衫Respiration呼吸; 一次呼吸respiration rate呼吸率Part twoChef厨师; (尤指饭店的)厨师长Initiative n. 为解决困难而采取的行动/ the initiative [sing] power or right to take action 采取行动的力量或权利; 主动权/主动性; 自发性; 积极性To supplement to sthPart threeMedication The act or process of treating with medicine.To pop on ????Bronchitis支气管炎brɔŋkaɪtɪsCough mixtureCough medicine is liquid medicine that you take when you have a cough. Antibiotics抗菌素, 抗生素(如青霉素); 抗菌的; 抗生的.CapsuleTo clear upTo clear up a medical problem, infection, or disease means to cure it or get rid of it. If a medical problem clears up, it goes away.Antibiotics should be used to clear up the infection...Acne often clears up after the first three months of pregnancy.Graze指牛﹑羊等)吃青草/(在田野里)放牧(牛等/v. 擦去某物的皮; 擦破To clot使某物)凝固/液体结成的)凝块Bandage ?带(包紮伤口或患处的纱布带).Adhesive n. 胶黏剂Supple ness易弯曲的; 柔软的; 灵活的人sʌplStamina 精力; 耐力; 韧劲To strain拉紧、竭力; 用全力(做某事/因过度伸展或用力而损伤(尤指身体某部位): strain a muscle, one's heart肌肉﹑心肌劳损Ligament韧带: tear/pull a ligament撕裂[拉伤]韧带. lɪgəməntTendon腱: strain a tendon扭伤腱EnduranceTo flop about(沉重地而不受束缚地)悬挂或摆动: flopping stirrups 垂着的马镫* Her hair flopped (about) over her shoulders. 她的头发披散在肩上. (因疲劳)重重地﹑笨拙地坐下或躺下: I'm ready to flop. 我要累倒了. (笨拙地﹑不由自主地或松弛地)移动或落下: The pile of books flopped noisily onto the floor. 那摞书劈里啪啦地散落到地上. * The fish we'd caught flopped around in the bottom of the boat. 我们捕到的鱼在船底乱蹦.Part fourTo disrupt将(某事物)弄乱; 扰乱(某事物Format书的版式, 开本, 装订方式/某事物的)总体安排﹑计画﹑设计等/ Platform shoes木屐式坡形高跟鞋/厚底鞋1. railway service is now being improved 铁路服务正在盖上meet competition from road and air transport 以适应铁路服务和空中运输的竞争2. reducing population growth rate 降低人口增长率their economies cannot support too many people. 因为他们的经济无法承担太多的人3. computer games can improve children’s health, despite research that shows excessive playing causes aggression (敌对的情绪或行为; 攻击行动)in the young, a new study claims today.今天一项新的研究宣称,尽管研究显示过度游戏会导致年轻人的激进行为,电脑游戏可以促进儿童健康。



Lesson 18How to Keep FitText ATen years ago I used to be very fit. T cycled to work and I got a lot of exercise at the weekends. I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days I didn't earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasn't a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing.Then, about eight years ago, I got a much better job. The pay was better. But the hours were a lot longer, too. I bought a Far and drove to work every day. I began to take people out to lunch. 'Expense account' lunches. And I began to put on weight, too. I stopped playing tennis and going for long walks at the weekend because I just didn't have any time for things like that any more.There's a lot of stress in a job like mine. Perhaps that's why I starred drinking more than I used to. For example,I used to have only half a glass of whisky when I got home, then I started filling the glass to the top. Then I had another glass , and then another. I started smoking a lot , too. I never used to smoke at all.Two months ago I had a heart attack. At first I just couldn't believe it. `I'm too young,' I said. Luckily it wasn't very serious. I was in hospital.a few days and they did a lot of tests. The doctor advised me to stop smoking and to eat less. He told me to do a lot of other things , too. But I don't see how I can do some of them and keep my job. For example, he advised, me to work less, and get more exercise. But I just havern't any time! My job takes everything out of me!Sometimes I wonder if I should get. anather jab. Perhaps I could do something like I used to do. But if I do that, I won't earn as much. I have a family to support: I have to think of them, too. I just don't know what I should do. What do you think?Text BHere is one person who really believes in keeping fit. Her name is Mrs Laura Taylor. She is 45 but looks at least 10 years younger. Let's listen to her story.It all started about two. years ago. Tn those days things were very different. I was overweight. I used to smoke a lot- about30'cigarettes a day. I never got any exercise. I used to stay at home all day: I never went out into the fresh air, except to do the shopping.. And even then I used to take the car.One day I looked at myself in the misror.'My God,' I thought. `I look terrible t' I tried to touch my toes. I couldn't.do it. I found an old dress.I couldn't put it on. It was too small. Or rather, I was too fat! The next day I tried to jog a little. At first it was terrible. I mean I just couIdn't run. Not even a short distance. And at ftrst people used to laugh at me.`Why are you running? Are you in a hurry?' they shouted. But now I've completely changed the way i live. I've stopped reating meat and I've statted,eating far more fresh vegetables. My husband and daughter have started that, tdo. At first they didn't like the new food. But they've changed. About six months ago I sold my car and bought a bike. Recently I've started doing yoga exercises. My husband often goes cycling with me now and my daughter jogs with me in the evening. 'They've both lost weight and are much healthier than they used to be, too.Additional InformationYOGAHave you ever tried to hold your breath for a long time and then let it out slowly? This is one of the techniques of an ancient Indian discipline known as Yoga. For thousands of years , people have used Yoga to help search for happiness and contentment.Students of Yoga often study for as long as 20 years before becoming masters, or Yogis. They learn many different physioal exercises. These exercises are designed to put the students in good Physical condition. Then they can concentrate on deep religious thoughts without worrying about physical discomforts.Many Yoga exercises involve putting the body into difficult positions. Some of them are very hard to learn. Have you ever tried to fold your legs over one another? This is one of the basic Yoga positions. It is called the lgtus position. Most people find it difficult to stay in that positio for even a few minutes. But Yogis train themselves to remain in the lotus position for hoursor even days. They are taught to overcome the physical discomforts of holding these positions. Other exercises and rules teach concentation- Yogis feel this is the key to finding inner peace. This kind of concentration is called meditation.Yogis and many other people practice meditatjon. They claim that it makes them feel relaxed and peaceful. Some people say that it makes them feel better - just as good exercise does. But other people claim that it is a way of achieving a strong religious feeling. These peopie say that meditation helps them feel much closer to God.The word Yoga itself comes from an ancient Saqgkrit word meanin "union". What kind of union do you think the word refers to? Why would peoplewant to have this kind of experience?。


学生B:嗯,没错,听得很清楚。 学生C:对,前边那声心跳很清楚,我完全能听到。 学生D:嗯,难得听得这么清楚。
• 学生E:对极了,还有后边那两下微弱的心跳, 不仔细听真听不到呢。
• 学生F:谢谢您,我也听到了。
• 老医生:你们都听到了吗?
• 学生们:听到了。
• (老医生什么话也不说,他打开学生们用过的那 个听诊器,听诊器里填满了棉花,原来,这个听 诊器什么也听不到。)
limited; not much; restricted
pure; real; typical
catch sb. on the raw; find out sb.’s
adept; expert; good at
kind; type; variety
skill; handicraft
老医生:这位病人得的是一种很典型的心脏病。谁能告诉 我,这种病有什么特点?
学生A: 我知道!这种病的心跳很有规律。 老医生:什么样的规律?
学生A:先是一声很清楚的心跳,接着是两下微弱的心跳 。
老医生:完全正确!好,你们来亲耳听听。给,用我的听 诊器,一个接一个听,然后告诉我你听清楚了没有。
o 说说你在中国留学的经历: ァ 你在中国生活多长时间了? ァ 有什么事情让你难忘? ァ 如果你要回国,你打算对你的 朋友说什么?



汉语中级口语教程教案教案标题:汉语中级口语教程教案教学目标:1. 通过本课程的学习,学生将能够在日常生活和工作中流利地进行中级水平的口语交流。

2. 学生将能够运用所学的语言知识和技巧,表达自己的观点和意见,并能够理解他人的表达。

3. 学生将能够运用所学的语言知识和技巧,进行简单的辩论和演讲。

教学重点:1. 提高学生的口语表达能力,包括流利度、准确性和语感。

2. 培养学生的听力理解能力,能够理解不同语速和口音的汉语。

3. 培养学生的交际能力,能够在各种实际情境中进行有效的交流。

教学准备:1. 教材:《汉语中级口语教程》2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、音响设备3. 教学资源:录音资料、图片、视频素材等教学步骤:第一课时:1. 导入(5分钟):- 通过播放一段有关日常生活的视频,引起学生对口语交流的兴趣。

- 提问学生他们对口语交流的重要性和困难的看法。

2. 教学新知(20分钟):- 分发教材,并介绍本课程的教学目标和重点。

- 通过示范和练习,教授一些常用口语表达,如问候、介绍自己等。

- 引导学生进行角色扮演练习,加强口语表达能力。

3. 拓展活动(15分钟):- 分组进行小组讨论,让学生讨论一个有争议的话题,并展示自己的观点。

- 鼓励学生使用所学的语言知识和技巧,进行简单的辩论。

4. 总结与作业布置(5分钟):- 总结本节课的教学内容和重点。

- 布置作业:要求学生准备一个简短的演讲稿,下节课进行演讲。

第二课时:1. 复习与导入(10分钟):- 学生进行演讲,展示他们准备的演讲稿。

- 提供反馈和建议,帮助学生改进口语表达能力。

2. 教学新知(20分钟):- 通过示范和练习,教授一些关于日常生活和工作的口语表达,如购物、旅行、工作等。

- 引导学生进行角色扮演练习,加强口语表达能力。

3. 拓展活动(15分钟):- 分组进行小组讨论,让学生讨论一个与他们感兴趣的话题,并展示自己的观点。

- 鼓励学生使用所学的语言知识和技巧,进行辩论或演讲。



现代录音行业的诞生旨在满足市场对各种音 乐(如古乐、古典乐、管弦乐、流行乐等音 乐)的巨大需求。 建议:注意专业术语。

15-2:音响今昔 The Sound Reproduction Industry

The widespread use of electricity led to the invention of the portable record player, while the rise of the electronic industry fed the growing demand for hi-fi stereo system.
被誉为录音之父的美国发明家托马斯· 爱迪生发明了 留声机,这是世界上第一台录音设备。时隔不久, 爱迪生的这项发明的音乐应用价值便为世人所知, 并被推向市场。 建议:注意形式主语的翻译。

15-2:音响今昔 The Sound Reproduction Industry

The modern recording industry was born to satisfy an enormous market for all types of music: folk ,classical, orchestral and popular.

15-2:音响今昔 The Sound Reproduction Industry

American inventor Thomas Edison, who was considered the father of sound recording, developed the phonograph, the first device to record voice in the world. It was not long before the musical uses of his invention were recognized and marked.



An Intermediate Course of Spoken English中级口语教程Unit 1 Campus Lifefreak out 震惊,畏惧awesome 引起敬畏的,使人惊惧的the scoop (尤指详情鲜为人知的)最新消息syllabus 课程提纲overlap 部分重叠intimidating 吓人的hectic 忙碌的land a job 得到工作freak out aboutbe on trackhelp you outskip classbe duedivide upbe on the testacademic advisorcome second tohold yourself up to high expectationsmajor ingraduate schoolhotel managementsupport yourself through schoollive offin terms ofspring fromtear roommates apartget on your nerveswear and tearfeel 'tied up in knots'have the final saybuild a good relation netlighten uptalent management systemmove economy forwardUnit 2 Presentationstart–up 刚成立的公司coauthor 合作伙伴feedback 反馈uncluttered 整洁的,整齐的freeze up 惊呆clue 线索take an increasingly active roleget off on the right footdo fineread their expressionsbe clear aboutin favor ofHave uncluttered slides and view your slides as emphasizers and reminders about what you want to say.be a slave toin real timeget up in front of an audiencean outline of about 80 wordsa rough draft of main ideasMay you succeed in tomorrow's presentation.in the learning processbuild up a logic cluecomb your thoughtsfunctional transitional signalstime and againday in and day outon the minds oflight rail trainlook–and–see approachUnit 3 Be Creativeintuitively 直觉地,直观地synthesize 综合,合成autism 孤独症plausible 似是而非的foster 培养,鼓励ethics 道德规范innate 先天的,天生的perseverance 坚定不移stonewall 妨碍,阻碍pop up 突然出现executive 经理,主管formula 公式,规则CEO(chief executive officer) 首席执行官visionary 有远见的salesmanship 推销术empower 使…能够,授权予…stand backsooner or laterinsiders are always wedded to orthodoxy and the inside success formula listen to the voices of peoplelook everything uphave a memory bankbounce backmove away frommarketing mixcareful listening, clear writing, close reading, plain speaking, and accurate description will be invaluableModern education stresses how to learn rather than what to learn. Everyone can teach the cated man something.Keep your eyes open and your mind at work.Questions are the root of all knowledge and creativity.we fuel our creative fireseek outtake overNothing sparks the mind like learning something new.in most casesmetaphorical thinkingmultimodal instructionUnit 4 Urbanizationburgeoning 增长迅速的infrastructure 基础设施dispute 争执requisition 征用expropriation 征用urban sprawl 城市扩张envision 想象,预想enthusiast 狂热者speculative 投机的rural–urban migrationoffer both opportunities and challengesbe in line withsecond–class citizensLand Administration Lawcrowd intosewage disposal systemsurban sprawlduring peak hourste current trendhave a futurethere's such a vast number of peopleby the way of the futureUnit 5 Tourismalleviation 缓和multiplier 成倍,连锁recipient 接受者guise 面貌,装束renovation 更新,修复amenities 便利设施the Changing of the Horse Guards 英国皇家卫队换班仪式Madame Tussaud's 杜莎夫人名人蜡像陈列馆observatory 天文台,气象台souvenir 纪念品bazaar 市场panoramic 全景的,全貌的tripod 三角鼎warlord 军阀nomad 游牧民renovate 修复ridge 山脉designate 指定archetypal 原型的quintessential 精华的,精髓的undermine 逐渐损害graffiti 涂写,乱画vandalism 恶意破坏公共财产的行为make a significant contribution toin one way or anotherwith no signs ofdirectly or indirectlypromote a better understanding of peopleTravel is one of the noblest human occupations.with a sincere desire tobuild bridges of mutual appreciations, respect and friendshiphave a positive effect onhave a multiplier effect onin its many different guisesget away fromcheck–inI have a reservation for tonight.You must have two guests under the name.Here we are.a roll–away bedThere has been a cancellation for this evening.I should get a discount for the inconvenience.a ticket for a free continental breakfastI'll throw a free room for the next time you visit us.the Speaker's cornerin that caseI've long heard about them.And I don't think you should miss the British Museum and Madame Tussaud's.if we can spare some time for thatdecide our routejade stonebrush up on their bargaining skillsTourists may climb the tower for panoramic views of the city.give visitors a opportunity tothe Monument to People's Heroesthe Bundthe Oriental Pearl TV Towerthe Pudong business districtThe Forbidden City has been home to a long line of emperors.be forced out ofkeep out ofa Key Cultural Relics Protection Site of Chinaballroom dancingWalking beneath the red flags of Tiananmen Square is quintessential Beijing.further considerationbe on the decreaseIt's a great honor todating back toHe who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.If any of you have questions, please feel free to ask me at any time. pack their bags to travel abroadthe sharp increase in numbersgo into effectUnit 6 Aging Societydiminish 减少,缩小diabetes 糖尿病dementia 痴呆demographic 人口学的quadruple 使成四倍fiscal meltdown 财政危机rein 控制,勒住rejuvenate 使年轻tailored service 合适的服务offspring 后代prenatal 产前的discernment 识别fetuses 胎儿(fetus的复数)feticide 堕胎Allowing couples one of whom has no siblings to have a second child 允许单独二胎one–child policyin real termsas things stand nowthanks tomassive transfer paymentsincremental fundstop–endCrossing the river by tiptoeing over the stones ahead.antioxidantat its rootpsychological counselingthe warning markoutnumber…by 10 percentmarriageableon a trial basisnursing bedreach the thresholdin its 12th Five–Year Planprivate capitallong life spanIt is not the years in your life, but the life in your tears that counts. Tsinghua Universitycolossalbridge the big pension gapUnit 7 Low-Carbon Societyresources–saving society 资源节约型社会aggregate 合计megawatt 兆瓦特ecological 生态学的depletion 耗尽optimization 有效利用endorse 认可,赞同along with rapid economic developmentIf we want to realize the goal of comprehensively building a moderately well–off society with gross demestic product(GDP) quadrupled and continously enhancing the capability of sustainable development in the year 2020…in the development of renewable energy resourcesbiomasscyclicgreat efforts should be made tostrengthen reserch onthermal energy ceramiccompatiblea resourves–saving societyraise the efficiency of resources utilization throughgasificationliquefactionsum upstrive forWhat measures should be taken to…curbadd heavy pressures onunveildemoteengenderdepletionencompassintertwinedsustainable developmentbe copied fromchemical oxygen demand(COD)environmental colonialisma harmonious, resources–saving and environment–friendly society hegemonyvie forresolutelydraw uponwork tirelessly tosupervisionpreachextravagancefrugalityinculcateEvery single grain on the meal tray is the fruit of hard work. unconsciously establish the awareness ofif all the people are actively involved in this campaignmake a long–awaited stepthe State Councilmore importantlygive a huge boost tolose its dazzling shineUnit 8 China Dreamrevival 复兴indomitable 不屈不挠的rejuvenation 复兴,振兴egalitarian 平等的aspirational 有雄心壮志的dwindling 减少的reconcile 使一致wade 蹚(水或淤泥等)preciousness 珍贵humiliation 耻辱,蒙羞bullying 恃强欺弱trillion 万亿franchise 特许经营权replicate 复制epistemological 认识论的pomp 盛况make persistent effortspress ahead with indominable willby means ofa service–driven economypopular concernsput a strain onbureaucracyHowever deep the water may be, we will wade into the water. PR(public relations)give back toa great vision for the futureHow's it going?be always on the movemake steps to achieve that dreama part time lecturerThe Chinese Dream not only steers a strategic blueprint for China's future development, it also reflects China's peaceful foreign policies in the new era and has far–reaching implications at home and abroad.However, China's basic national conditions remain unchanged, it has a huge population, a week economic foundation and unbalanced development.Development remains the country's top priority.commentatorpatronizesleep on the same pillowtry to climb out of povertyreliveMercedes–BenzBMW(Baravian Motor Works)This dream guarantees Chinese automotive industry a good future.villawe are at an age of information exlposionLong distance seperates no bosom friends.hit the jackpotbecome an overnight millionaireluck of peachhover overmisfit second–hand clothesrain–leaking roof of old adobe housestill echo in my dreamfill my cooing empty bellysucceed in the national college entrance examinationmy success set an example for my folksThey came to realize that schooling is a good way to change one's fate. based on my toilgive awayUnit 9 Environmentoutstrip 超越endow 赋予litigation 诉讼,起诉judiciary 司法部NGO 非政府组织extinct 灭绝的phase 阶段devastating 毁灭性的be more concerned withThe speed with which we are polluting the environment far outstrips our efforts to clean it up.the right and interest of the peoplelitigationjudiciaryon behalf ofout of concernwe will be hated by future generations for not saving "Mother Earth"a tiny bit of convenienceUntil you give something up, nothing will change.transientIt may be costly to be over optimistic—but more costly still to be too pessimistic.at the dawn ofMontreal ProtocolOzone Layerplundersanitationterrestrial aquaticbe at serious risk of extinctionat an alarming ratereefmitigationin terms offossil fuelno worse for the wearThis problem should put many more cities on guard.applaudobsessIt is undeniable that…Unit 10 Job Marketreadjustment 重新调整underpriviledged 贫穷的rationally 合理地gratis 免费的consultancy 顾问,咨询referral 推举,安排,介绍women's federation 妇联maternity 产期premium 保险费township 镇区tax break 暂停缴税pool 把…集中在一起利用probation 实习preferrential 优惠的recuperation 恢复,复原alleviation 减轻,缓和have a vital bearing onprerequisitejoint efforts should be made and effective measures should be takenYou'd talk it through?I've be meaning to talk to you.What's up?be laid offgratisreferralfederationat grassroots levelstax breakspooledin line withattach great importance to this problem inject more money intotake a proper attitude totake outIt is high time to…surging food pricesyear on yearWhat we need now is more action, less talk. be duty–bound toUnit 11 Culture Awareness culture shock 文化冲击jet lag 时差反应stereotype 刻板印象,老套crescent 新月static 静态的discrete 不连续的,离散的calamity 灾难sovereignty 主权stud 嵌钉posthumous 身后的picturesque 独特的altar 祭坛slab 厚片,板层In which aspects and to what extent?Mandarinpass onpropensityDingling MausoleumCircular Mound Altarterraceconcentricslabimperialthe difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages gatepostdoor panelauspiciouscelestialdemongoblinferociousintrudingritualaristocraticmeritoriousshow off their wealthsymmetryeulogizeinteractiveclerkirritatedfuriousstereotypedUnit 12 Sports and Games tone 调节stamina 耐力cholesterol 胆固醇diabetes 糖尿病harness 利用bounce 弹跳endirphin 内啡肽tournament 锦标赛humph 哼(表示不相信) cardiovascular 心血管的a positive body imagestretchingturn out to bea good body workoutput to good uselower blood pressurebe at a lesser risk ofbe less prone tothink with a cool headharness your planingthere is no match tomoleculeopen many employment avenues for cheerleadertherapisthubsports parksice hockeyYour country is very strong at table tennis, I think.nopehumphI'm not that out of shape.watch your dietcut back on the fatty foodstake up a little weightmy personal fitness instructorobeseillicithave unwanted teen pregnanciesmeet the developmental needs of adolescent girlsa sense of belonginga sense of mastery over one's bodyaccrueaggresivenessmediatedelinquentsprintdowngradedthe gaokao—the national college entrance examthe Ministry of EducationTime spent on sports is time worthwhile.If so, going for sports is never a waste of time.sedentarythe five "C's"—competence, confidence, connections, character, and caring the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionthe American Heart AssociationUnit 13 Harmonyamity 亲善,和睦fraternity 手足之情beef up 加强rein 控制,支配yawning 扩大的impoverished 贫穷的hinterland 内地supervision 监督fairness 公平justice 正义revitalize 新生tertiary 第三位的beneficiary 受益者backdrop 背景benchmark 基准bolster 支持prefecture 县councilor 委员macro–regulation 宏观调控subsidy 补贴monopolize 垄断Gini coefficient 基尼系数disparity 不一致,不等give full scope tolet outbalance different social interests and avoid social conflicts judicialideologicalmansionbe key toinitiativepose risk togravethe sense of missiontake up their responsibilities in the construction of a harmonious society The growing gap between the rich and the poor, corruption, and lack of protection mechanisms for some social groups are three of the major challenges that China will have to overcome as it sets about building a harmonious society.reduce the yawning gap between the rich and the poor and between China's wealthy coastal regions and the impoverished hinterlandbig challenges for China to take upget easy access toa systematic anti–corruption campaignWe will endeavor to develop a cycle economy, lower energy and resources consuption and build a resource conserving and environmentally friendly society and ensure sound balance between economic development, population, resources and environment.ensure steady growth in farmers' incomethe uneven distribution of resourcesbring hope to the poorThe pr oblem also lies in the fact that…by no meansBut scale does not necessarily mean competitiveness and equality, and quantity does not equal quality.So long as the problem of uneven distribution of resources continues to exist, the rapid growth in, and large scale of, our education system is no cause for satisfaction.consensusin the near futureconcertedtake into accountstated–owned enterprises (SOEs)exceed the danger level ofadapt to an average societya minimum living allowance systemcofferbuild a well–off society in an all–round waysubstantiveUnit 14 Foreign Affairshue 叫声benign 亲切的,和蔼的disparity 不等,不均衡devoid 缺乏的protract 延长,拖长pillar 柱子,栋梁accountable 负责任的unswervingly 坚定不移的giddy (使)眼花,(使)眩晕staggering 令人惊愕的outsource 外购appendix 附录inalienable 不能剥夺的premise 前提call forpluralismeradicateplay a ket roleDo you think it will become more influential or less?viableWhat's your view on…?At our current times, peace and development remain the theme while multi–polarism and globalization is developing in simuosity.I think the people of the world should share the opportunity and shoulder the challenge to achieve common development.China will continuously strictly abide by the UN Charter and other commonly recognized international norms, and forge friendly relations with other countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence.hegemonismtangibleChina adheres to the policy of expanding domestic demands and takes it as the basic pillar for promoting the economic and social progress.in a bid torecurringoutsourcingthe policy "one country, two systems"Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory.covetwe should spare no effort in building a new international political and economic order characterized by peace, tranquility, justice, respect and common prosperity.In a harmonious world, the understanding that "we share a common earth" should be universal.prongedregimenUnit 15 Science and Technologybewildering 不知所措的expedition (短途)旅行toil 辛苦工作groom 使整洁glitch 小故障doom 注定grievance 抱怨dashbiard 仪表盘fixture 固定事物,常客tabletlike 很小一片的paramedic 护理人员haptic 触觉的find the needle in the haystack 大海捞针distill 提取prototype 原型usher in 开创But now, traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the horse–drawn carriage, and we waste our life stuck in traffic jams. syndromeslip into a comain the generation ofuraniumsidingberthcollierbargeresiduedeftlydashboardhumanoidproliferationtelemedicinediagnosticfiber–optichow to find the needle in the haystacka knowledge–based economyhave a promising futuregobblerUnit 16 Businessseniority 资历criterion 标准veteran 老练的,有经验的career ladder 职务级别L/C(letter of credit) 信用证L/C at sight 即期信用证CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价格aspiration 热望,渴望substantive 实质性的,重大的the deciding factorbe more prone toto meet their needsbring to outside talentseniorityspeculativemake a note oferodeProducts are built in a factory, but brand is built in the mind.seek our views onmake clear toperiodicSome men are born with a capacity for leadership.They support local arts, build parks, raise funds for charities, and try to put back some of their profits into the community that has made their success possible.shoddyshunLabor Contract Law。



Lesson 22Tell Us About Your HobbiesText AJOHN: Whatlike most,suppose,the fact that it's so unusual.mean, when tell people whatdo,they just look at me usually as if I'm mad.Maybeam, anyway whatdo is this.get up aboutquarter past six every morning.leave my wifebed because she's not as mad as me - andput my trunks under under tracksuitdrive downpark with my clothesa case. It only takes about five minutes .because there's no trafficcourse at that timethe morning. So, whenget there leavecarthe car parkrun roundbit.I usually runabout tenminutes till I'm nicewarm, then comesinteresting bit.run overcar,get my casethen overthe pool.take my tracksuit off-injump. It's pretty coldcan tell you especiallythe middlewinter-but docouptequick lengthsthenclimb out, get changeddrivehome,just get backtimebreakfast - andnormally feel I've earnedtoo.JACK: Well, it's very detailed work you see, butfindvery relaxing. It's strangesuppose that something like this where you haveconcentratelot can be relaxinging, but you seemy job I'm always making decisionstelling people what do butnever actuplly see what I've done. Thiscompletely different.You see, here I'm actually making something myself.start withkite, usually it's got allbasic materialsit. Then you havecut out allshapes fromwoodstick them together. When you've madeframe, wingsthe fuselage, that is, you cover them with special paperpaint. Of course if it's goingfly properly, everything hasbe properly balanced, you know..must say really though.thinkenjoy actaually making them more than flying them.JANE: Wella sensesupposedo itsave money.mean things are so incredibly .expensivethe shops nowadays days, aren't they? But that's not only reason reallyNo,beautiful thingthat you can make what you want when you want-and in material you've chosen.mean you don't havedependsome paris designer say whatfashionable. If you like an idea you see thencourse youcan copy, butgives you much more independencedoyourself.mean obviouslytakes time , butenjoy,withsewing machinedoesn't take all that longmake even quite complicated things. And then finally you know that you've got something really unique. Especially if it's something you've designed yourself.HARRY: Well,gives mechancebe alone-andme that's reallymost It important thingsuppose,after being with crowdspeople all week.gives you timethink, you know. And another thingthatgets me outdoors.supposeisn't very energetic really after all.mean youdon't do very much except just sit there, but at least it'sthe fresh air.And that's more than you can saythings like darts, isn't it? No,that's really whatlike about it.I like having timethinkthe open air.I'm not terribly keenthe man against animal bit, you know manhunter against nature. No, actuallydon t usually catch very many you know. And ifdo,always throw them straight back.Text BJEFF: What'sthe telly this evening?feel like relaxing.MARY: Why ask me that? You knownever watch it.JEFE: Too busy withlatest hobby, are you? Whatit this time, knitting socksyour nephews? Or collecting buttons?wishhad as much free time asyou do.MARY: Men! Asmatterfact, you probably have more thando. But you wasteall watching your telly.JEFF: That's notwastetime. I've gotrest sometimes.MARY: Sometimes , maybe , but not alltime. And anyway ,I relax with my hobbies.A changeas good asrest.JEFF: Well,telly's my hobby, andlearnlot from it.MARY: Butdoesn't teach youdo anything, does it? You ust sit therestareat it. That's not lerning.JEFF: Butdo learn. There are lotseducational programmes.MARY: But you don't watch them, do you? Whenever an educationalprogramme comes on, you eithes switch ovethe other channel or gosleep.JEFF: Whencome home from work.needput my feet up, at least forwhile.Life's not all work, you know.MARY: Hobbies aren't work, Jeff.like putting my feet up, too, atendtheday,butlike doing things whilerest. Life's too shortuswaste time.JEFF: Mary dear, as I've said many times, we're different. There are two kindspeoplethe world. . .MARY: know,know. Those who are never happy unless they're running about doingthings. . .JEFF: That's right,those who are never happy unless they're doing nothing. I'monethe latteryou. . .MARY: know, dear. I'm onethe former. And proudit.JEFF: So now we agree. Live,let live. You can go peacefully backyour -buttoncollection, andcan watch TV.MARY: If only you organised yourself better, there's so much you could do, really.You're wasting your talents. And one last thing I'm not collecting buttons.JEFF: What are you doing then? Making sculptures from potatoes?MARY: No, I'm learning howmake Turkish cakes,the first ones came out very well.Of course, if you're too tired,won't insistyou trying them.Additional lnformationA hobby can be almost anythingperson likesdohis spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave baskets, or carve soap figures.They watch birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate,swim. Hobbyists also paint pictures, attend concertsplays,performmusical instruments. They collect everything from booksbutterflies,from shellsstamps.People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge,relaxation. Sometimes they even yield financial profit. Hobbies help people relax after periodshard work,providebalance between workplay. Hobbies also offer interesting activitiespersons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can followsatisfying hobby, regardlesshis age, position, or income.Hobbies can helpperson's mentalphysical health. Doctors have found that hobbies are valuablehelping patients recover from physical or mental illness. Hobbies give bedridden or wheel-chair patients somethingdo,provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves. Many hospitals treat patients by having them take up interesting hobbies or pastimes.In early times, most people were too busy makinglivinghave many hobbies. But some persons who had leisure did enjoy hobbies. The ancient Egyptians played games with balls madewood, pottery,papyrus. some GreeksRomans collected miniature soldiers.People today have more time than ever beforehobbies. Machinesautomation have reducedamounttime they must spendtheir jobs. Hobbies provide varietyworkers who dosame monotonous tasks all day long. More people are retiring than everbefore,at an earlier age. Those who have developed hobbies never needworry about whatdo with their newly-found leisure hours.Sir William Osler,famous Canadian doctor, expressedvaluehobbies by saying, "No manreally happy or safe withouthobb.y, andmakes precious little difference whatoutsidc interest may be-botany, bcetles, or butterflies; roses, tulips, or irises: fishing, mountaimeering, or antiques - anything。



英语中级口语教案第一章:介绍与问候1.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语进行自我介绍和介绍他人。


1.2 教学内容:常用问候语和告别语,如“Hello, nice to meet you.”、“Goode, see you later.”等。

自我介绍和介绍他人的句型,如“My name is”、“This is my friend”等。

1.3 教学活动:让学生进行角色扮演,模拟在不同的场合进行自我介绍和介绍他人。


第二章:询问与回答2.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语询问和回答基本信息,如姓名、年龄、工作等。

学会使用常用的疑问词,如“What’s your name?”、“How old are you?”、“What do you do?”等。

2.2 教学内容:常用疑问词,如“What’s your name?”、“How old are you?”、“What do you do?”等。

询问和回答基本信息的句型,如“My name is”、“I am years old.”、“I work as a”等。

2.3 教学活动:让学生进行角色扮演,模拟在不同的场合询问和回答基本信息。


第三章:表达喜好与兴趣3.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语表达自己的喜好和兴趣。

学会使用常用的表达方式,如“I like”、“I enjoy”、“My favorite”等。

3.2 教学内容:常用的表达方式,如“I like”、“I enjoy”、“My favorite”等。

表达喜好和兴趣的句型,如“I like listening to music.”、“My favorite sport is basketball.”等。

3.3 教学活动:让学生进行小组讨论,分享自己的喜好和兴趣。


第四章:描述人与物4.1 教学目标:学会如何用英语描述人和物。



Lesson 30Who Did It?Text AInspector Chester of Scotland Yard soon arrived on the scene of the crime. When the newspapermen saw him getting out of the car they immediately realised that matters were serious. Inspector Chester had a fine reputation. He had solved many difficult and complicated crimes during the last few years. Most of them were robberies. This one concerned the theft of jewels belonging to a famous film actress. She was reputed to be a millionairess. So it was not surprising that the missing jewels were valued at a quarter of a million pounds.The newspapermen were eager to question the detective. He stood on the pavement outside the house and smiled at the photographers. "Have you a statement to make?" somebody asked. The detective - tall, thick-set, middle-aged, clean-shaven pushed his way through the crowd, climbed a few steps to the front door, turned round and said in a cool, clear voice: "I have no statement to make.As soon as there is anything fresh to tell you, I'll let you know. " He beckoned to a policeman, whispered a few words in his ear and went into the house. After a "Move along, please" from the policeman, the crowd gradually dispersed.Upstairs , Inspector Chester walked over to the French windows. It was probably through these that the~thieves had come.They had left no clues, no finger-prints. It had apparently not been difficult for them to break into the safe. Just as the detective was about to examine this once again, the telephone rang."Hullo, Inspector", a soft, monotonous voice said. "If you want a clue, why don't you talk to the servant? The one with a small scar on the right cheek. "Was this a trick? Would it put the Inspector on the right track?Text BInspector Robinson was swearing aloud when he arrived at the fine, old house at the top of the hill. The past few weeks had heen rough for him, and it looked as if there was more trouble ahead. It was raining hard , and Carruthers , his assistant, who was waiting for him at the gate, was wet to the skin. As they walked up the path together, Carruthers explained what had happened.The woman, Sylvia Fortagne, a daughter of Lord Arthrington, had been found dead in the sitting-room by one of the servants that evening. The police doctor, who had examined the body, was sure that it was a clear case of poisoning. They had not moved the body; it still lay face upwards, where it had fallen.Underneath her body they had found the photograph of an unknown young man.There had been no signs of a struggle. The woman's husband had not been seen since lunchtime. According to the cook he had left the house "in anger", as she put it, after a quarrel with his wife, and had gone for a ride on one of his favourite horses. Carruthers pushed open the front door, and the two men entered the hall.Inspector Robinson took off his hat and went into the sitting-room.-We'll have to wait, said Carruthers wiping his glasses. -It's no use waiting, said the Inspector. I don't think he'll dare to come back. It's pretty obvious he did it.Saying this , he put on his hat. They were about to leave the house when they saw a dark figure approaching them from out of the shadows. It was Nigel Fortagne.Nigel Fortagne's story-Yes, it's true that I knew that my wife was in love with another man, but I trusted her and believed that she would forget about him sooner or later. But when she returned from a weekend in Paris this morning, she told me that she wanted a divorce and threatened to do something terrible if I didn't agree to it. I refused, of course.She drank heavily at lunchtime and even opened the bottle which she had brought as a present for me. She insisted that I should join her for a drink, but I didn't, because I had taken my medicine. I'm not supposed to take it, with alcohol. I suffer from a weak heart , you see. She was in a terrible state, so I put some of my pills into my glass when she wasn't looking. Then I exchanged the glasses.It was not really rriuch, but, of course, I should have known how dangerous these pills can be. But at that moment I was so angry that I didn't care. I was sic'k and tired of the argument and left the house.She was so drunk she wouldn't have noticed any difference in the taste of the sherry. I came back to see how she was. And , besides, there's no point in running away, because life doesn't mean anything to me without her.James Highsmith's storyAfterwards, James Highsmith, the young man in the photograph, was questioned by Inspector Robinson. When he was told what had happened he broke down.-Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit that we were in love. We had a wonderful time in Paris, but I was afraid of losing her. Sylvia often talked about killing him because he would never agree to a divorce. I begged her not to do it, but she said that one of us had to. Then I found one of his prescriptions in her hand-bag. I bought the medicine, put some of it into a bottle of sherry and told Sylvia to give it to him as a present.It was him or me. I wasn't anxious about her drinking from the bottle because I was fairly sure that it wasn't really enough to kill a normal, healthy grown-up. I must have killed her, though, and the only comfort I can find in her death is that I don't have to share her with him any longer.Sylvia Fortagne's storyJames Highsmith did not know that the police had found a message on a slip of paper in Sylvia Fortagne's hand-bag.Dear James,Please forgive me for the terrible thing I am going to do, but it's the only way out. I have considered everything carefully, and I know it's very selfish, but W. has destroyed my life and made me thoroughly unhappy.When you receive this letter he will have been found dead after a heart attack with a glass of sherry in his hand. I tried to phone you earlier this morning, but couldn't reach you. In case they examine the body they will think that he took an overdose of his medicine by mistake. His family will come over to comfort me and will probably stay for a few weeks, so, please,don't try to get in touch. It will all be worth it in the end.All my love,Yours ever,S.Additional InformationCrime and PunishmentFrom the court notes of a local reporterIn court at 9 0' clock.Apart from me there are a few old ladies who have come to sit in the warm and a class of 14-15 year-old with their teacher. 9:00 Court starts. First case: Henry P. , 47, divorced, charged with beingdrunk. He refused to leave a pub at closing time and caused a bit ofdamage when the police tried to arrest him. P. said he had had anargument with his boss.and could not face going home to an empty flat.9:20 Mrs F. , 72, shoplifting. Apparently Mrs F. had stolen a frozen chicken,which she had hidden under her hat (At this the school children burstout laughing and even the magistrates have difficulty keeping a straightface). The chicken was so cold that she fell unconscious. otherwise shewould probably not have been caught. Mrs F, in tears, says she had noteaten meat for three weeks. It torns out that, although she has theold-age pension, she does not know about other forms of support.9:40 James S. , 42, a teacher, charged with beating his wife and two youngchildren. Mrs S. is in hospital in bad shape; the mother-inlawis taking care of the children. The neighbours sent for the police-onecase, thank heavens, where neighbours did not "mind their own business".Mrs S. had already run away twice, but S. had promised to change and shehad gone home again. S. said that he was ashamed of what he had done,but that he often lost his temper with his wife, who was quarrelsome andhad no sense of duty. The school children looked thoughtful;theyprobably thought that teachers do not do that sort of thing.10:30 Peter D. , 19. D. stole , or rather"borrowed"a motorcycle , intending, he said, to give it back to the owner after trying it out. D.'s fatheris at sea and the mother is left to bring up four children , of whomPeter is the eldest, by herself:11: 00 Mrs A. , 45 , a doctor's wife , president of a local ladies' club , was caught leaving a fashion shop wearing two dresses , only one of which belonged to her. Admitting that'she had wanted to steal the dress, she could not explain why.。

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Lesson 15 Remembering My Grandparents Text A When memory began for me, my grandfather was past sixty-a great tall man with thick hair becoming gray. He had black eyes and a straight nose which ended in a slightly flattened tip. Once he explained seriously to me that he got that flattened tip as a small child when he fell down and stepped on his nose. The little marks of laughter at the corners of his eyes were the prodnct of a kindly and humorous nature. The years of work which had bent his shoulders had never dulled his humour nor his love of a joke. Everywhere he went, "Gramp" made friends easily. At the end of half an hour you felt you had known him all your life. I soon learned that he hated to give orders , but that when he had to, he tried to make his orders sound like suggestions. One July morning, as he was leaving to go to the cornfield, he said : "Edwin, you can pick up the potatoes in the field today if you want to do that. " Then he drove away with his horses. The day passed, and I did not have any desire to pick up potatoes. Evening came and the potatoes were still in the field. Gramp, dusty and tired, led the horses to get their drink. "How many bags of potatoes were there?" Gramp inquired. "I don't know. " "How many potatoes did you pick up?" "I didn't pick any. " "Not any! Why not?" "You said I could pick, them up if I wanted to. You didn't say I had to. " In the next few minutes I learned a lesson I would not forget: when Gramp said I could if I wanted to, he meant that I should want to. Gram hated cruelty and injustice. The injustices of history, even those of a thousand years before, angered her as much as the injustices of her own day. She also had a deep love of beauty. When she was almost seventy-five, and had gone to live with one of her daughters, she spent a delightful morning washing dishes because, as she said, the beautiful patterns on the dishes gave her pleasure. The bird, the flowers, the clouds-all that was beautiful around her- pleased her. She was like the father of the French painter, Millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son , saying , "See how beautif ul this is ! " In a pioneer society
it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value. The softer virtues are considered unnecessary. Men and women struggling daily to earn a living are unable, even for a moment, to forget the business of preserving their lives. Only unusual people, like my grandparents, manage to keep the softer qualities in a world of daily struggle. Such were the two people with whom I spent the months from June to September in the wonderful days of summer and youth. Text B He always rose early to enjoy at least two hours of solitude in the house and garden before the rest of the family came down In winter he spent most of the time reading and writing. In sum mer he liked to get out of doors to work in the kitchen garden or to take the dog for a walk in the neighbouring woods and fields Whatever the weather, there was plenty to occupy him. Although he was a creature of habit, there seemed to be an infinite variety in his pursuits. He wrote book reviews regularly for two of the national weeklies. He worked conscientiously his special subject, Indian History, and was thus one of the world authorities on it; he collected modern abstract paintings and so had a circle of friends amongst artists and sculptors; there was hardly anything he did not know about traditional jazz and he often entertained both British and America n jazz musicians He was a superb cook and knew a lot about French and German food. His family adored him and in a sense he was spoiled by them. At first glance you would have taken him for a retired army officer-his bearing was erect, his。
