语文复习题1. 请解释“一言九鼎”的含义,并给出一个使用该成语的句子。
2. 阅读下文并回答问题:《岳阳楼记》中的“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”表现了作者怎样的情怀?3. 请写出一篇不少于800字的议论文,论述“诚信”在现代社会的重要性。
数学复习题1. 解释什么是等差数列,并写出等差数列的通项公式。
2. 如果一个圆的半径为5厘米,求其面积。
3. 解方程:3x^2 - 5x - 2 = 0。
英语复习题1. 将下列句子翻译成英文:“他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。
”2. 阅读以下短文并回答问题:What is the main idea of the passage?3. 完成填空:He is a man of few words, but when he speaks, he is always ______ (有洞察力的).历史复习题1. 简述中国封建社会的主要特点。
2. 论述“五四运动”对中国近现代史的影响。
3. 描述“一国两制”政策的基本内容及其意义。
政治复习题1. 阐述社会主义核心价值观的基本内容。
2. 讨论改革开放以来中国社会的主要变化。
3. 分析中国特色社会主义进入新时代的内涵和要求。
高起专复习资料成人高等教育招生考试复习资料高升专目录成考高中起点语文复习 1一、《语文》主观题怎么做可以拿高分? 1二、文言文如何复习? 1三、诗歌阅读如何复习? 1四、做病句题应当注意什么? 1五、高起点《语文》备考建议 1六、高考作文话题 2七、语文作文素材集锦 6八、成考语文预测试卷及答案 13成考高中起点英语复习 18一、考试常用短语 18二、复习重点 19三、成考高起点英语模拟试题 23成考高中起点数学复习 29第一部分文史、理工科必修基本知识 29一、集合与简易逻辑 29二、函数: 研究函数的问题一定要注意定义域优先的原则。
29三、数列 32四、三角函数 33五、平面向量 33六、不等式 33七、直线和圆的方程 34八、圆锥曲线方程 34九、直线、平面、简单几何体 36十、排列组合和概率 37第二部分理科选修内容基本知识 38十一、概率与统计 38十二、极限 39十三、导数 40十四、复数 41第三部分文科选修内容基本知识 41十一、抽样方法、总体分布的估计与总体的期望和方差 41十二、导数及应用 42第四部分难点归纳 42第五部分数学(理工类)预测试卷 46第六部分数学(文史类)预测试卷 51成考高中起点语文复习一、《语文》主观题怎么做可以拿高分?先说关于主观题,主观题在语文考试当中一部分是阐释题,一部分是作文题,阐释题包括现代文学阅读和古代诗文阅读,其次就是作文了。
高升专语文复习提纲一、语文知识1.下列标点符号使用没有错误的一项是(A )A. 世界上只有具体的、相对的民主,没有抽象的、绝对的民主。
B. 这件事,十之八、九是办不成的。
C. 我认为:这首诗很好。
D. 这件事应该怎么办?我们还不知道。
2、下列标点符号使用正确的一项是(B )A. 我家住在江苏省、南京市。
B. “难道非得赶在今天办不行吗?父亲。
”C. 我没有亲见:听说,她,刘和珍君,那时是欣然前往的。
D. 小伙子大概有十七、八岁的样子。
3.对下列词语的解释,正确的一组是( C )A. 流连(留恋不舍离去)果不其然(果然不是这样)B. 声气(声音中带气)朋比为奸(互相勾结干坏事)C. 声望(名声、名气)身体力行(亲身体验,努力实行)D. 比附(比较、媲美)行将就木(快要进棺材了)4.对下列词语的解释,正确的一组是(C )A. 比邻(近邻、街坊)过犹不及(过失或不够都不好)B. 张榜(贴出文告)闻过则喜(听到以后就感到高兴)C. 道义(道德、正义)能说会道(善于言辞、很会说话)D. 果敢(勇敢而有决断)适逢其会(恰巧碰上那次聚会)5.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( C )有位作家说,要想使自己生活的扁舟轻驶,务必使它的仅限于必不可少之物,不然轻则无以进,重则可能压沉自己的生活之舟。
A.装载徜徉致使割爱B.承载徘徊导致舍弃C.装载徘徊致使舍弃D.承载徜徉导致割爱6.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( A )阅读优秀作品,其语言,感受其思想、艺术自然力,不仅可以大自然和人生的多姿多彩,还可以激发自然、热爱生活的感情。
A.品味体味珍爱B.品味体验珍惜C.品评体验珍爱D.品味体味珍惜7.下列句子中,加点成语使用最恰当的一句是( B )A.昨天晚上,忽然狂风大作,暴雨如注,我被振聋发聩的雷声惊醒了。
3、入学考试科目:高中起点专科:语文、数学、英语四川农业大学远程与继续教育学院目录语文 (1)数学 (12)英语 (22)语文一、选择题1、下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是()A、炽.热(zhì)跬.步(kuǐ) 修葺.(qì)B、引擎.(qíng) 忏.悔(chàn) 滂.沱(pāng)C、戕.害(qiāng) 攻讦.(jié) 肤.浅( fú)D、粳.米(gēng) 咄.咄逼人(duó) 狡黠.(xié)2、下列词语中加点字的读音全部相同的一组是()A、心扉.翡.翠成线斐.然咖啡.B、韶.华艄.公年高德劭.绍.兴C、汲.取级.别岌.岌可危极.限D、瑰.丽日晷.大家闺.秀规.章3、下列词语中加点字的读音全部不相同的一组()A、果脯.哺.育相辅.相成捕.风捉影B、沉疴.坎坷.苛.捐杂税百舸.争流C、潼.关瞳.孔灯影幢.幢憧.憬未来D、悼.念泥淖.尾大不掉.风姿绰.约4、下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组()A、山清水秀青山绿水震耳欲聋振聋发聩B、名不副实礼上往来呕心沥血如愿以偿C、故弄悬虚骚人墨客破釜沉舟不计其数D、和盘托出各行其事扬常而去自辟蹊径5、下列各组词语中,有两个错别字的一组()A、莘莘学子蓬头垢面虎视眈眈毛骨悚然B、如雷灌耳娇輮造作闲情逸致绵里藏针C、融汇贯通旁征博引仗义直言荼毒生灵D、揠旗息鼓世外桃园记忆尤新贻笑大方6、依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,正确的一项是()①据阿Q说,他是在举人老爷家里帮忙。
高升专复习资料1. They sell many kinds of ________ in the shop.A.watchsB.watchC.watchesD.watch’s2. The bridge is three hundred ________ long.A.feetB.footsC.footesD.feets3. In Britain the ________ are all painted red.A.letter boxesB.letters boxesC.letter’s boxesD.letters’ boxes4. He is a friend of ________.A. my sister’sB.I sisterC. me sisterD. me sisters’5. She looked ________ today and smiled ________ all the time.A.happy…happyB.happily…happilyC.happy…hap pilyD.happily…happy6. The number of articles published on smoking ________ surprising.A.isB.areC.wereD.have been7. I am ________ grateful for the advice you gave me.A.deepB.deeplyC.depthD.deepen8. Alice isn’t the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than ________.A.any of the girlsB.any other girlC.some the other girlsD.some of the other girls9. Where have you ________? Tom is looking for you.A.goneB.been toC.gone toD.been10. Who ________ the picture? It’s upside-down.A.hungB.hangC.hangedD.hanging11. Look at the clouds. It ________ rain.A.willB.shallC.is going toD.is12. “Have you finished your work?” “No, ________.”A.haven’tB.not yetC.already notD.don’t yet13. This story _______ in a small village in European.A.was taken placeB.took placeC.took the placeD.took the place of14. Half of the money ________ your brother.A.belong toB.belongC.belongs toD.belongs15. The thermos is used for _________ water hot.A.to keepB.keepingC.keepD.kept16. Ben had a broken arm ________ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.A.forB.soC.andD.but17. ________ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.A.AllB.EveryC.EveryoneD.Each18. ________ a few sheep behind the house.A.It isB.They areC.There areD.There is19. “________ paper do you read?”“I read‘China Daily’.”A.WhichB.HowC.How manyD.What20. It was raining ______ I got off the bus.A.whenB.whileC.thoughD.because21. Although it’s raining, ________ we are going t o see him this afternoon.A.butB.andC.thenD./22. “Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “________.”A.Yes, I’d like to watch TVB.No, I do not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radioD.I’d like to watch TV23. Don’t drink too much coffee in the evening, ________ you won’t fall asleep.A.andB.orC.butD.so24. It’s still early. How about ________ the piano for a while?A. to playB. playC. do you playD. playing25. Nothing can make me ________ it is a ________ story.A. to believe…realB. believe in…trueC. to believe in…trueD. believe…real26. “Alice couldn’t answer the question, could she?” “________.”A. No, she couldn’tB. No, she couldC. Yes, she couldn’tD. Yes, she answers27. All the desks in the classroom ________ dust.A.are covered withB.are cover withC.are covering withD.covered with28. These kinds of shoes ________ well.A.don’t sellB.are not soldC.won’t be soldD.were not sold29. I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room _______ yet.A.hasn’t been cleanedB.hasn’t cleanedC.isn’t been cleanedD.hasn’t being cleaned30. It is a fine day today. You _______ take a raincoat with you.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.mayD.needn’t31. Paul is working hard these days. He _______ pass the exam this time.A.has toB.shallC.mayD.need32. It’s snowing now. You’d better _______ at home.A.stayedB.to stayC.stayD.staying33. _______ you please _______ a minute?A.Would…waitB.Do…waitC.Shall…waitD.May…wait34. “_______ I go out and play now?” “No, you mustn’t.”A.NeedB.MayC.ShallD.Will35. ________ was the population in China by the end of last year?A.How muchB.WhatC.How manyD.Which36. “________ paper do you read?” “I read‘China Daily’.”A.WhichB.HowC.How manyD.What37. He never has lunch at the factory, ________ he?A.hasB.hasn’tC.doesD.doesn’t D.Yes, she answers38. Everything is ready for the test, ________?A.aren’t theyB.are theyC.isn’t itD.is it39. Two of the boys ________ while playing football.A.hurtB.were hurtingC.got hurtD.had been hurt40. We often use signs as well as words to tell people _________.A.what to doB.to do howC.how to doD.to do what41. I often visited the British Museum ______ I was staying in London.A. untilB. whileC. duringD. throughout42. Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.A. becauseB. so thatC. forD. since43. ______ needs further discussion whether we'll build a library or not.A. WeB. HeC. ItD. The thing44. People in the west make ______ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relativesand friends.A. thatB. itC. thisD. as45. The computer center, ______ last year, is very popular among the students in thisschool.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened46. I don’t know ______ or not he will come to the party tomorrow evening.A. weatherB. ifC. thatD. whether47. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______.A. it what to do withB. what to do it withC. what to do with itD. to do what with it48. Whistling the merry tune, ______.A. his bike was being repairedB. his bike was repaired by JackC. Jack was repairing his bikeD. Jack's bike was being repaired49. ______ little water is not enough for ______ many people.A. Such, soB. So, soC. Such, suchD. So, such50. The singer was ______during the performance.A.at her betterB.at her bestC.betterD.on her best51. ________teacher has gone to America. ________ of them are still in Shanghai.A.Both…BothB.Both…NeitherC.N either…BothD.Neither...neither52. The boy has to look after himself, because his parents ________ abroad.A.are bothB.both areC.are allD.all are53. John can speak English and Mary can speak English ________.A.alsoB.eitherC.as alsoD.as well54. ________ human beings ________ animals can live without air.A.Not only…but alsoB.Both…andC.Either…orD.Neither…nor55. When did you______from your trip last year?A.arrive atB.get backC.go aheadD.returned back56. He was born in the north, but_____in the south.A.brought upB.grew upC.picked upD.came up57. Grandma is ill. I have to_____her at home.A.take hold ofB.take care ofC.pay attention toD.put my heart into58. She is so kind that everyone here_____her_____ their sister.A.looks after…asB.looks for…asC.looks on…asD.look up…as59. Everybody looked ________ at the sick boy.A.sadlyB.sadC.unhappyD.worried60. The Chinese people first _____ paper in the world.A.inventedB.discoveredC.madeD.did61. My mother won’t allow me to travel ________.A.aloneB.lonelyC.one manD.along62. I like to _____ others playing basketball.A.watchB.seeC.lookD.notice63. I _____ a lot more time in writing English than before.A.spendB.costC.takeD.put64. You must keep _____ in the reading-room.A.stillB.quietC.quiteD.quietly65. “Did you _____ my English book yesterday?"“No, I didn’t. Did you it to Jane?”A.borrow…borrowB.borrow…lendC.lend…lendD.lend…borrow66. They ________ every minute of it at the party yesterday.A.enjoyedB.pleasedC.playedD.wanted67. I saw my dog ________ a cat yesterday.A.run awayB.runC.set outD.run after68. I saw my dog_____ a cat yesterday.A. run awayB.runC.set outD.run after69. Li Ping’s father told him never to_____ the study of English.A.give outB.give upC.give inD.give back70. As a student we should ________ manners.A.doB.takeC.makeD.have71.“Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”“No, I don’t________ you.”A. agree toB. agree withC. get on withD. go on with72. It’s not right to ________ people when they are in troub le.A. laughB. laugh onC. laugh atD. laugh for73. I can’t go to the cinema with you. I must ________ the lessons first.A. go onB. go overC. go downD. go into74. We will speak to her about it ________ next week.A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timesD. some time75. Don’t stand there in the doorway. Please ________ come in ________ go out.A. either…orB. neither…norC. so…thatD. and…or76. When the parents were at work, they ________ to look after the baby.A. took turnsB. wont onC. worried aboutD. took interest in77. Knock at the door, before you ________ the room.A. enter intoB. come inC. go toD. enter78. “What do you ________ the film?” “Oh, it’s very interesting.”A. think aboutB. think ofC. get ready forD. ring up79. The machine made a terrible ________ so we couldn’t________ each other.A.noise…hearB.voice…hearC.sound…listenD.shout…listen80. He ________ the same mistake again and again.A.didB.madeC.hadD.tried81. She ________ a cold for three weeks.A.has caughtB.has gotC.has takenD.has had82. There are ________ no trees in this poor area.A.hardlyB.nearlyC.mostlyD.almost83. He said he would give me the money, but he ________ hasn’t given it to me.A.yetB.stillC.alreadyD.too84. The doctor ________ an operation to a very sick worker.A.gaveB.didC.madeD.took85. I hope that I can hear from you ________A.quicklyB.fastC.fastlyD.soon86. I believe that she will catch up with others ________A.fastB.fastlyC.quickD.quickly87. I like to ________ others playing basketball.A.watchB.seeC.lookD.notice88. She ________ a bag of sweets on the floor.A.droppedB.fallC.fellD.felt89. The man________ himself before the police came.A.was hangedB.hungC.had hungD.hanged90. Rob ots can’t completely ________ humans though they are very clever.A.take the place ofB.take placeC.insteadD.instead of91. Why not ________ your pretty blue dress? It’s your birthday.A.put upB.put onC.put downD.put into92. Li Ping’s father told him never to ________ the study of English.A.give outB.give upC.give inD.give back93. What time are you going to ________ tomorrow?A.set upB.set outC.set downD.put up94. Have you ________ the race?A.left forB.set out forC.asked forD.entered for95. My friend is visiting us next week, and I will ________ Shanghai.A.see him offB.show him aroundC.give him a messageD.ring him up96. Do your best and I’m sure you will________ your classmates.A.keep offB.keep away fromC.keep up withD.keep on97. Which hobby group do you ________ ?A.join inB.take part inC.belong toD.take place98. The baby often ________ in the middle of the night.A.wakes upB.brings upC.gets upD.picks up99 The girl ________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.A.looked afterB.looked forC.looked aroundD.looked at 100. As soon as he entered the classroom, Paul ________ his coat.A.put upB.give upC.took offD.turn on。
高升复料1.They sell many kinds of ________ in the shop.D.watch?s2.The bridge is three hundred ________ long.3.In Britain the ________ are all painted red.A.letter boxesB.letters boxesC.letter?s boxesD.letters? boxes4.He is a friend of ________.A. my sister?sB.I sisterC. me sisterD. me sisters?5.She looked ________ today and smiled ________ all the time.A.happy ⋯ happy⋯ happilyC.happy ⋯ hapily D.happily ⋯ happy6.The number of articles published on smoking ________ surprising.D.have been7.I am ________ grateful for the advice you gave me.8.Alice isn?t the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than ________.A.any of the girlsB.any other girlC.somethe other girls D.someof the other girls9.Where have you ________? Tom is looking for you.B.been toC.gone to10.Who ________ the picture? It?s upside-down.11.Look at the clouds. It ________ rain.12.“ Have you finished your work?” “ No, ________.”A.haven?tB.not yetC.already notD.don?t yet13.This story _______ in a small village in European.A.was taken placeB.took placeC.took the placeD.took the place of14.Half of the money ________ your brother.A.belong to C.belongs to15.The thermos is used for _________ water hot.A.to keep16.Ben had a broken arm ________ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.17.________ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.18.________ a few sheep behind the house.A.It isB.They areC.There areD.There is19.“ ________ paper do you read?”“ I read,China Daily?.”C.How many20.It was raining ______ I got off the bus.21.Although it?s raining, ________ we are going ot see him this afternoon.D./22.“ Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “ ________. ”A.Yes, I?d like to watch TVB.No, I do not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radioD.I?d like to watch TV23.24.It?s still early. How about ________ the piano for a while?A. to playB. playC. do you playD. playing25. Nothing can make me ________ it is a ________ story.A. to believe⋯ realB. believe in⋯ trueC. to believe in⋯ trueD. believe⋯ real26.“ Alice couldn?t answer the question, could she?” “ ________.”A. No, she couldn?tB. No, she couldC. Yes, she couldn?tD. Yes, she answers27.All the desks in the classroom ________ dust.A.are covered withB.are cover withC.are covering withD.covered with28.These kinds of shoes ________ well.29.I?m sorry you can?t go in now. The room_______yet. A.hasn?t been cleanedB.hasn?t cleanedC.isn?t been cleanedD.hasn?t being cleaned30.It is a fine day today. You _______ take a raincoat with you.A.mustn?tB.can?t D.needn?t31.Paul is working hard these days. He _______ pass the exam this time.A.has to32.It?s snowing now. You?d better _______ at home.B.to stay33._______ you please _______ a minute?A.Would ⋯ wait⋯ wait⋯ wait⋯ wait34.“ _______ I go out and play now?”“ No, you mustn?t.”35.________ was the population in China by the end of last year?A.How much C.How many36.“ ________ paper do you read?”“ I read,China Daily?.”C.How many37.He never has lunch at the factory, ________ he?B.hasn?t D.doesn?t D.Yes, she answers38.Everything is ready for the test, ________?A.aren?t theyB.are theyC.isn?t itD.is it39.Two of the boys ________ while playing football.B.were hurtingC.got hurtD.had been hurt40.We often use signs as well as words to tell people _________.A.what to doB.to do howC.how to doD.to do what41.I often visited the British Museum ______ I was staying in London.A. untilB. whileC. duringD. throughout42. Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.A. becauseB. so thatC. forD. since43. ______ needs further discussion whether we'll build a library or not.A. WeB. HeC. ItD. The thing44.People in the west make ______ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relativesand friends.A. thatB. itC. thisD. as45.The computer center, ______ last year, is very popular among the students inthis school.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened46. I don?t know ______ or not he will come to the party tomorrow evening.A. weatherB. ifC. thatD. whether47. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______.A. it what to do withB. what to do it withC. what to do with itD. to do what with it48. Whistling the merry tune, ______.A. his bike was being repairedB. his bike was repaired by JackC. Jack was repairing his bikeD. Jack's bike was being repaired49. ______ little water is not enough for ______ many people.A. Such, soB. So, soC. Such, suchD. So, such50. The singer was ______during the performance.A.at her betterB.at her best D.on her best51.________teacher has gone to America. ________ of them are still in Shanghai.A.Both ⋯ BothB.Both ⋯ NeitherC.Neither ⋯ BothD.Neither...neither52.The boy has to look after himself, because his parents ________ abroad.A.are bothB.both areC.are allD.all are53.John can speak English and Mary can speak English ________.C.as alsoD.as well54.________ human beings ________ animals can live without air.A.Not only ⋯ but alsoB.Both ⋯ andC.Either ⋯ orD.Neither ⋯ nor55.When did you______from your trip last year?A.arrive atB.get backC.go aheadD.returned back56.He was born in the north, but_____in the south.A.brought upB.grew upC.picked upD.came up57.Grandma is ill. I have to_____her at home.A.take hold ofB.take care ofC.pay attention toD.put my heart into58.She is so kind that everyone here_____her_____ their sister.A.looks after⋯ asB.looks for⋯ asC.looks on⋯ asD.look up ⋯ as59.Everybody looked ________ at the sick boy.60.The Chinese people first _____paper in the world.61.My mother won?t allow me to travel ________.C.one man62.I like to _____ others playing basketball.63.I _____ a lot more time in writing English than before.64.You must keep _____ in the reading-room.65.“ Did you my English book yesterday?"“ No, I didn?t. Did you it to Jane?”A.borrow ⋯ borrowB.borrow ⋯ lendC.lend ⋯ lendD.lend ⋯ borrow66.They ________ every minute of it at the party yesterday.67.I saw my dog ________ a cat yesterday.A.run away C.set out D.run after68.I saw my dog_____ a cat yesterday.A. run away C.set out D.run after69.Li Ping?s father told him never to_____ the study of English.A.give outB.give upC.give inD.give back70.As a student we should ________ manners.71.“ Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”“ No, I don?t________ you.”A. agree toB. agree withC. get on withD. go on with72.It?s not right to ________ people when they are in trouble.A. laughB. laugh onC. laugh atD. laugh for73.I can?t go to the cinema with you. I must ________ the lessons first.A. go onB. go overC. go downD. go into74.We will speak to her about it ________ next week.A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timesD. some time75.Don?t stand there in the doorway. Please ________ come in ________ go out.A. either⋯ orB. neither⋯ norC. so ⋯ thatD. and ⋯ or76.When the parents were at work, they ________ to look after the baby.A. took turnsB. wont onC. worried aboutD. took interest in77.Knock at the door, before you ________the room.A. enter intoB. come inC. go toD. enter78.“ What do you ________the film?” “ Oh, it?s very interesting.”A. think aboutB. think ofC. get ready forD. ring up79.The machine made a terrible ________ so we couldn?t________ each other.⋯⋯ hear⋯⋯ listen80.He ________ the same mistake again and again.81.She________ a cold for three weeks.A.has caughtB.has gotC.has takenD.has had82.There are ________ no trees in this poor area.83.He said he would give me the money, but he ________ hasn?t given it to me.84.The doctor ________ an operation to a very sick worker.85.I hope that I can hear from you ________86.I believe that she will catch up with others ________87.I like to________ others playing basketball.88.She ________ a bag of sweets on the floor.89.The man________himself before the police came.A.was hanged C.had hung90.Robots can?t completely ________humans though they are very clever.A.take the place ofB.take place D.instead of91.Why not ________ your pretty blue dress? It?s your birthday.A.put upB.put onC.put downD.put into92.Li Ping?s father told him never to ________ the study of English.A.give outB.give upC.give inD.give back93.What time are you going to ________ tomorrow?A.set upB.set outC.set downD.put up94.Have you ________ the race?A.left forB.set out forC.asked forD.entered for95.My friend is visiting us next week, and I will ________Shanghai.A.see him offB.show him aroundC.give him a messageD.ring him up96.Do your best and I?m sure you will________your classmates.A.keep offB.keep away fromC.keep up withD.keep on97.Which hobby group do you ________ ?A.join inB.take part inC.belong toD.take place98.The baby often ________ in the middle of the night.A.wakes upB.brings upC.gets upD.picks up99 The girl________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.A.looked afterB.looked forC.looked aroundD.looked at 100.As soon as he entered the classroom, Paul ________ his coat.A.put upB.give upC.took offD.turn on。
成人高等教育招生考试复习资料高升专目录成考高中起点语文复习 (1)一、《语文》主观题怎么做可以拿高分? (1)二、文言文如何复习? (1)三、诗歌阅读如何复习? (1)四、做病句题应当注意什么? (1)五、高起点《语文》备考建议 (1)六、高考作文话题 (2)七、语文作文素材集锦 (6)八、成考语文预测试卷及答案 (13)成考高中起点英语复习 (18)一、考试常用短语 (18)二、复习重点 (19)三、成考高起点英语模拟试题 (23)成考高中起点数学复习 (29)第一部分文史、理工科必修基本知识 (29)一、集合与简易逻辑 (29)二、函数: 研究函数的问题一定要注意定义域优先的原则。
(29)三、数列 (32)四、三角函数 (33)五、平面向量 (33)六、不等式 (33)七、直线和圆的方程 (34)八、圆锥曲线方程 (34)九、直线、平面、简单几何体 (36)十、排列组合和概率 (37)第二部分理科选修内容基本知识 (38)十一、概率与统计 (38)十二、极限 (39)十三、导数 (40)十四、复数 (41)第三部分文科选修内容基本知识 (41)十一、抽样方法、总体分布的估计与总体的期望和方差 (41)十二、导数及应用 (42)第四部分难点归纳 (42)第五部分数学(理工类)预测试卷 (46)第六部分数学(文史类)预测试卷 (51)成考高中起点语文复习一、《语文》主观题怎么做可以拿高分?先说关于主观题,主观题在语文考试当中一部分是阐释题,一部分是作文题,阐释题包括现代文学阅读和古代诗文阅读,其次就是作文了。
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高升专复习资料1. They sell many kinds of ________ in the shop.A.watchsB.watchC.watchesD.watch’s2. The bridge is three hundred ________ long.A.feetB.footsC.footesD.feets3. In Britain the ________ are all painted red.A.letter boxesB.letters boxesC.letter’s boxesD.letters’ boxes4. He is a friend of ________.A. my sister’sB.I sisterC. me sisterD. me sisters’5. She looked ________ today and smiled ________ all the time.A.happy…happyB.happily…happilyC.happy…hap pilyD.happily…happy6. The number of articles published on smoking ________ surprising.A.isB.areC.wereD.have been7. I am ________ grateful for the advice you gave me.A.deepB.deeplyC.depthD.deepen8. Alice isn’t the tallest girl in her class, but she is taller than ________.A.any of the girlsB.any other girlC.some the other girlsD.some of the other girls9. Where have you ________? Tom is looking for you.A.goneB.been toC.gone toD.been10. Who ________ the picture? It’s upside-down.A.hungB.hangC.hangedD.hanging11. Look at the clouds. It ________ rain.A.willB.shallC.is going toD.is12. “Have you finished your work?” “No, ________.”A.haven’tB.not yetC.already notD.don’t yet13. This story _______ in a small village in European.A.was taken placeB.took placeC.took the placeD.took the place of14. Half of the money ________ your brother.A.belong toB.belongC.belongs toD.belongs15. The thermos is used for _________ water hot.A.to keepB.keepingC.keepD.kept16. Ben had a broken arm ________ the motorcyclist had a broken leg.A.forB.soC.andD.but17. ________ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.A.AllB.EveryC.EveryoneD.Each18. ________ a few sheep behind the house.A.It isB.They areC.There areD.There is19. “________ paper do you read?”“I read‘China Daily’.”A.WhichB.HowC.How manyD.What20. It was raining ______ I got off the bus.A.whenB.whileC.thoughD.because21. Although it’s raining, ________ we are going t o see him this afternoon.A.butB.andC.thenD./22. “Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “________.”A.Yes, I’d like to watch TVB.No, I do not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radioD.I’d like to watch TV23. Don’t drink too much coffee in the evening, ________ you won’t fall asleep.A.andB.orC.butD.so24. It’s still early. How about ________ the piano for a while?A. to playB. playC. do you playD. playing25. Nothing can make me ________ it is a ________ story.A. to believe…realB. believe in…trueC. to believe in…trueD. believe…real26. “Alice couldn’t answer the question, could she?” “________.”A. No, she couldn’tB. No, she couldC. Yes, she couldn’tD. Yes, she answers27. All the desks in the classroom ________ dust.A.are covered withB.are cover withC.are covering withD.covered with28. These kinds of shoes ________ well.A.don’t sellB.are not soldC.won’t be soldD.were not sold29. I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room _______ yet.A.hasn’t been cleanedB.hasn’t cleanedC.isn’t been cleanedD.hasn’t being cleaned30. It is a fine day today. You _______ take a raincoat with you.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.mayD.needn’t31. Paul is working hard these days. He _______ pass the exam this time.A.has toB.shallC.mayD.need32. It’s snowing now. You’d better _______ at home.A.stayedB.to stayC.stayD.staying33. _______ you please _______ a minute?A.Would…waitB.Do…waitC.Shall…waitD.May…wait34. “_______ I go out and play now?” “No, you mustn’t.”A.NeedB.MayC.ShallD.Will35. ________ was the population in China by the end of last year?A.How muchB.WhatC.How manyD.Which36. “________ paper do you read?” “I read‘China Daily’.”A.WhichB.HowC.How manyD.What37. He never has lunch at the factory, ________ he?A.hasB.hasn’tC.doesD.doesn’t D.Yes, she answers38. Everything is ready for the test, ________?A.aren’t theyB.are theyC.isn’t itD.is it39. Two of the boys ________ while playing football.A.hurtB.were hurtingC.got hurtD.had been hurt40. We often use signs as well as words to tell people _________.A.what to doB.to do howC.how to doD.to do what41. I often visited the British Museum ______ I was staying in London.A. untilB. whileC. duringD. throughout42. Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.A. becauseB. so thatC. forD. since43. ______ needs further discussion whether we'll build a library or not.A. WeB. HeC. ItD. The thing44. People in the west make ______ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relativesand friends.A. thatB. itC. thisD. as45. The computer center, ______ last year, is very popular among the students in thisschool.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened46. I don’t know ______ or not he will come to the party tomorrow evening.A. weatherB. ifC. thatD. whether47. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______.A. it what to do withB. what to do it withC. what to do with itD. to do what with it48. Whistling the merry tune, ______.A. his bike was being repairedB. his bike was repaired by JackC. Jack was repairing his bikeD. Jack's bike was being repaired49. ______ little water is not enough for ______ many people.A. Such, soB. So, soC. Such, suchD. So, such50. The singer was ______during the performance.A.at her betterB.at her bestC.betterD.on her best51. ________teacher has gone to America. ________ of them are still in Shanghai.A.Both…BothB.Both…NeitherC.N either…BothD.Neither...neither52. The boy has to look after himself, because his parents ________ abroad.A.are bothB.both areC.are allD.all are53. John can speak English and Mary can speak English ________.A.alsoB.eitherC.as alsoD.as well54. ________ human beings ________ animals can live without air.A.Not only…but alsoB.Both…andC.Either…orD.Neither…nor55. When did you______from your trip last year?A.arrive atB.get backC.go aheadD.returned back56. He was born in the north, but_____in the south.A.brought upB.grew upC.picked upD.came up57. Grandma is ill. I have to_____her at home.A.take hold ofB.take care ofC.pay attention toD.put my heart into58. She is so kind that everyone here_____her_____ their sister.A.looks after…asB.looks for…asC.looks on…asD.look up…as59. Everybody looked ________ at the sick boy.A.sadlyB.sadC.unhappyD.worried60. The Chinese people first _____ paper in the world.A.inventedB.discoveredC.madeD.did61. My mother won’t allow me to travel ________.A.aloneB.lonelyC.one manD.along62. I like to _____ others playing basketball.A.watchB.seeC.lookD.notice63. I _____ a lot more time in writing English than before.A.spendB.costC.takeD.put64. You must keep _____ in the reading-room.A.stillB.quietC.quiteD.quietly65. “Did you _____ my English book yesterday?"“No, I didn’t. Did you it to Jane?”A.borrow…borrowB.borrow…lendC.lend…lendD.lend…borrow66. They ________ every minute of it at the party yesterday.A.enjoyedB.pleasedC.playedD.wanted67. I saw my dog ________ a cat yesterday.A.run awayB.runC.set outD.run after68. I saw my dog_____ a cat yesterday.A. run awayB.runC.set outD.run after69. Li Ping’s father told him never to_____ the study of English.A.give outB.give upC.give inD.give back70. As a student we should ________ manners.A.doB.takeC.makeD.have71.“Are foreign languages much more interesting than science?”“No, I don’t________ you.”A. agree toB. agree withC. get on withD. go on with72. It’s not right to ________ people when they are in troub le.A. laughB. laugh onC. laugh atD. laugh for73. I can’t go to the cinema with you. I must ________ the lessons first.A. go onB. go overC. go downD. go into74. We will speak to her about it ________ next week.A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timesD. some time75. Don’t stand there in the doorway. Please ________ come in ________ go out.A. either…orB. neither…norC. so…thatD. and…or76. When the parents were at work, they ________ to look after the baby.A. took turnsB. wont onC. worried aboutD. took interest in77. Knock at the door, before you ________ the room.A. enter intoB. come inC. go toD. enter78. “What do you ________ the film?” “Oh, it’s very interesting.”A. think aboutB. think ofC. get ready forD. ring up79. The machine made a terrible ________ so we couldn’t________ each other.A.noise…hearB.voice…hearC.sound…listenD.shout…listen80. He ________ the same mistake again and again.A.didB.madeC.hadD.tried81. She ________ a cold for three weeks.A.has caughtB.has gotC.has takenD.has had82. There are ________ no trees in this poor area.A.hardlyB.nearlyC.mostlyD.almost83. He said he would give me the money, but he ________ hasn’t given it to me.A.yetB.stillC.alreadyD.too84. The doctor ________ an operation to a very sick worker.A.gaveB.didC.madeD.took85. I hope that I can hear from you ________A.quicklyB.fastC.fastlyD.soon86. I believe that she will catch up with others ________A.fastB.fastlyC.quickD.quickly87. I like to ________ others playing basketball.A.watchB.seeC.lookD.notice88. She ________ a bag of sweets on the floor.A.droppedB.fallC.fellD.felt89. The man________ himself before the police came.A.was hangedB.hungC.had hungD.hanged90. Rob ots can’t completely ________ humans though they are very clever.A.take the place ofB.take placeC.insteadD.instead of91. Why not ________ your pretty blue dress? It’s your birthday.A.put upB.put onC.put downD.put into92. Li Ping’s father told him never to ________ the study of English.A.give outB.give upC.give inD.give back93. What time are you going to ________ tomorrow?A.set upB.set outC.set downD.put up94. Have you ________ the race?A.left forB.set out forC.asked forD.entered for95. My friend is visiting us next week, and I will ________ Shanghai.A.see him offB.show him aroundC.give him a messageD.ring him up96. Do your best and I’m sure you will________ your classmates.A.keep offB.keep away fromC.keep up withD.keep on97. Which hobby group do you ________ ?A.join inB.take part inC.belong toD.take place98. The baby often ________ in the middle of the night.A.wakes upB.brings upC.gets upD.picks up99 The girl ________ but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.A.looked afterB.looked forC.looked aroundD.looked at 100. As soon as he entered the classroom, Paul ________ his coat.A.put upB.give upC.took offD.turn on。