
以下是为您准备的与北师大版二年级英语教案相关的资料,希望可以帮助到您!【篇一】一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1,Review.Review the sentence patterns and vocabulary presented in Grade 1.T: Can you chant: An elephant can walk, walk, walk walk.??Have students change the other words for it.Step2,Model the dialog.Present the flashcard for “see”。
Hold up the flashcard and model the word for students, have them repeat it for you.Repeat the procedure for “walk, climb, listen and read.”Hold up your mask for Mocky and say, “I can walk.” Point to your legs and walk around the classroom.Repeat the sentence and add, “Can you?”Now hold up the mask fo r Ann and say, “Ye s, I can.”Have students say the sentences after you.Use the mask and repeat the procedures. Let students ask and answer.Step3Talk about the story.Have students open their books at pages 50 and 51. Ask these questions about the pictures.Picture 1/2: What can Mocky do?Picture 3/4: What happens to Mocky?Picture 5: How is Ken helping Mocky now?Picture 6: What happens to Ann?Picture 10: What are Mocky, Ann and Ken doing now?Step4,Story.T: We are going to hear what the characters said.Play the tape, have Ss look at the pictures as the tape is played.Play the tape again, pausing at each new picture. Have Ss repeat the words before you move oin to the next picture.Explain that people often say “Be careful.” And “Look out.” When someone is going to do something dangerous. “It’s all right.” Means thay you think you can solve the problem. “What’s the matter?” is another way of asking what is wrong.Step5,HomeworkEncourage students to tell the story to their families.三、教学后记对于基本句子很单词同学们都能认读,但是课文掌握并不是很理想,一些句子的阅读有些困难,需要继续加强。

《Unit 7 Is it a pear?》第一课教案Teaching aims: Present the new words and sentence structures of this Unit.Get Ssto understand and read the dialogue.Teaching importance: The new sentence structure: “What’s this/that? It’s a/an...”Teaching difficulties: The new sentence structure:“Is it a/an…? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.Teaching tools: flashcards for this UnitPrepare the Student Book used last term.Teaching procedure:1.ReviewThe following exercise reviews some of the English expressions in Units 2 and 3.Display your copy of pages 14 and 15 of Book one. Show the children the pictures and ask what they remember of the story. You may have to prompt the children by asking specific questions about each picture.Tell the children, “In Unit 2, Mocky takes An n and Ken to meet Uncle Booky. Mocky says to them, ‘Come on!’ when they set out. What do we say when we want someone to come with us?” Elicit an appropriate expression in Chinese.Say, “Yes, and in English we say Come on!” Repeat the words Come on! and mime an appropriate gesture as you do so. Have the children do the same.Say, “Mocky says, ‘Oh, no!’ when he sees that the leopard is goingto eat a lemon. What is Mocky feeling?” The children can answer in Chinese.Say, “Yes, in English we say Oh, no! when we are surprised or frightened or worried.” Elicit a similar expression in Chinese. Have the children say Oh, no! with an appropriate expression on their faces.Display your copy of page 27 of Book One. Say, “Later in the story Mocky falls down and Ken says, ‘Oh! Poor Mocky.’” Ask, “What is Ken feeling?” Have the children answer in Chinese.Confirm their answer. “Yes, Ken feels sorry for Mocky. He says, ‘Oh! Poor Mocky.’” Have the children repeat Oh! Poor Mocky. with expression in their voices and on their faces.2.Model the dialogAsk the children what they say when they see something exciting or amazing. Tell them, “In English, we can say Wow!” Have the children repeat the word a few times, with expression on their faces.Ask the children what they say when they taste something really delicious. Tell them, “In English, we can say Oooh, yum!” Have the children repeat the words a few times.Ask the children what they say when they taste something very unpleasant. Tell them, “In English, we can say Yuk!” Allow the children to repeat the word a few times.Practice the expressions Oooh, yum! and Yuk! by asking, for example, “What do you think of the ice cream?” “Oooh, yum!”3.Talk about the storyStudent Book pages 2 and 3Have the children open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask thesequestions about the pictures:Picture 1: “Where are Mocky and Lulu?”Picture 2: “Who has a stall there?”“What does she sell?”Picture 3: “What does Lulu taste first?”“Does she like it?”Picture 4: “What does she taste next?”Picture 5: “What is the little fruit?”Picture 6/7: “What does Lulu try now?”Picture 8: “Does she like it?”4.StoryStudent Book pages 2 and 3Say, “Now we’re going to hear what the characters said.”Play the tape once without stopping.Play the tape again, pausing after each picture. Have the children repeat each sentence after hearing it on the tape.Divide the class into two groups. One group will be Mocky, the other group will be Lulu.Play the tape again. Stop the tape after each sentence. Have each group repeat the dialog for their character. Then the groups change roles.5.Set homeworkRemind the children to practice some of the new English expressions(Wow! Oooh, yum! and Yuk!) at home.《Unit 7 Is it a pear?》第二课教案PreparationYou will need:any six flashcards from previous Units.nguage drillChoose any six flashcards from previous Units. Hold up the first card so that the children cannot see the picture. Give one or two clues about the object on the card, for example, “It’s something big. It floats on water, etc.” Have the children try to guess what it is.Model the question Is it a (bike)? Have them repeat the question with different English words. Answer, “No, it isn’t.” or “Yes, it is.”Make the clues less clear for each card. The children then have to ask more Is it a (bike)? questions.2.Words to learnStudent Book page 4Have the children open their books at page 4. Draw their attention to the “Words to learn” exercise at the top of the page.Play the tape. Stop the tape after each new vocabulary word. Ask the children to repeat it. Do this a second time.Play the tape straight through. While it is playing, hold up your copy of the page and point to each fruit as it is named.Hold up your copy of the page. Point to each fruit in turn. Ask, “What is it?” If the children cannot answer, ask, “Is it a lemon?” etc. The children shou ld answer, “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isn’t.” Then repeat, “What is it?” Elicit, “It is a (nut).”Play the guessing game outlined in the first part of the lesson. This time, use only the words for fruit in “Words to learn”.3.Listen to thisStudent Book page 4Display your copy of the page and point to the bottom half. Tell the children, “Mocky says, ‘What’s this?’” Point to the picture of a banana. Elicit the answer, “It’s a banana.”Repeat for the other two pictures.Display your copy of the page. Point to the first sentence. Read the words as you point to each one.Have the children repeat the sentence and touch each word.Ask, “Is it a peach?” Elicit, “No, it isn’t.”Read the next sentence and have the children repeat it as before.Ask, “Is it a banana?” Elicit, “Yes, it is.”Read the third sentence together. Ask, “Is it a strawberry?” Elicit, “No, it isn’t.”Tell the children that you are going to play a tape. Explain that you want them to put a check (??)beside the answer in their books that matches the answer on the tape.Play the first question and answer. Check that the children have chosen the correct sentence.Repeat the procedure for pear and lemon.4.Play the gameStudent Book page 5Hold up a pen. Say, “Is this a pen?” Elicit, “Yes, it is.” Now indicate an item farther away. Say, “Is that a (ruler)?”Put the children into pairs to practice each question and answer.Have the class open their books at “Play the game”. Still in pairs, have the children ask and answer questions about the numbered items, forexample, What’s this? It’s a (ball). Is this a hat? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.When you say the number of an object in Chinese, they say its name together in English. If they are uncertain of the English name for some objects,you could say the word and have the children repeat it.Extend this activity by asking the children to find any items in the picture that begin with the letter b (ball, banana, book). Repeat for the letter c (computer, cup).5.Set homeworkAsk the children to practice structures:What’s this/that? It’s a ... Is it a ...?Yes, it is./No, it isn’t《Unit 7 Is it a pear?》第三课教案PreparationYou will need:flashcards for the vocabulary introduced in this Unit.1.ReviewThis is a vocabulary review. Use the flashcards for this Unit.Hold up each of the flashcards in turn. Ask the children, “Is it a (nut)?” Elicit, “Yes, it is.” If necessary, give the answer to the first question. Have the children repeat it.Hold up each of the four cards in turn. Ask, “What’s this?” Elicit, “It’s a (pear).”Choose one child to hold up the cards in turn again. This time, ask, “What’s that? Is it a (nut)?” Deliberately give the wrong name for some of the fruit. Elicit No, it isn’t. It’s a (lemon). or Yes, it is.2.Talk togetherStudent Book page 6Display your copy of the page. Direct the children’s attention to the top of the page.Say, “Now we can read what we said.”Read the words in the speech bubbles aloud, pointing to the words as you do so. Have the children repeat the words after you.3.Listen and numberStudent Book page 6Have the children open their books at page 6. The children will number each pair of sentences on a picture.Play the tape two sentences at a time. Stop after each pair. Ask, “Which picture matches those sentences?” Have the children touch the matching picture.Play the tape a second time. This time have the children number the pictures in the order they hear on the tape.4.Sounds and lettersStudent Book page 7Draw the children’s attention to the top of the page.Play the tape for baby and ball. Ask, “Do these words have the sound /b/?”Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud.Repeat the procedure for the/p/words.5.Listen and writeStudent Book page 7Have the children look at the two rows of pictures at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the first picture and ask, “What’s this?” The children should answer, “It’s a peach.” Write the letter p in the blank.Play the tape for peach. Draw the children’s attention to the word under the picture. Say, “Which letter is missing?” Elicit from the children p.Play the tape again and this time have children write the letter p on the line to complete the word.Repeat the procedure for the other words. Have the children write the letters in the blanks.6.Set homeworkStudent Book pages 6 and 7Tell the children to color the pictures on pages 6 and 7.《Unit 7 Is it a pear?》第四课教案PreparationPhotocopy Drillcard Master 7(page 160)onto light card. Cut it up to make a set of drillcards.You will need:flashcards for vocabulary introduced in this Unit.1.Trace the wordsStudent Book page 8Hold up the flashcard for banana. Ask, “What is it?” Elicit from the children “It’s a banana.”Have the children open their books at page 8. Show your copy of the page. Draw their attention to the first sentence. Say, “We are going t o write what we said just now.” Have the children trace the phrase a banana.On the second box, have the children copy the phrase a banana by themselves.Repeat the procedure for the other sentences.2.Find and circleStudent Book page 8Draw the children’s attention to the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the picture of the lemon and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit, “It’s a lemon.” Point to the word lemon and have the children circle the word.Repeat the procedure for the other pictures of fruit.Explain to the children that they can find all the fruit names in the puzzle.Put the children into pairs. Tell them that together they must find the other fruit names in the puzzle and circle them out.Check that the children find all the words and circle them correctly.3.Uncle Booky’s BlackboardStudent Book page 9Hold up the What’s and this? drillcards. Read the sentence aloud. Have the children repeat the words after you. Do the same with the What is drillcard.Repeat the procedure, substituting that? for this?Have two children stand in front of the class. Have one child hold up the It is a drillcard, and the other child hold up a flashcard for this Unit. Together they make a sentence, It is a (pear).Point to each card in turn and say the words as you point. Repeat with two other children holding up the It’s a drillcard and a differentflashcard.Repeat the two procedures. Have the children say the words.Choose four different children. Give one child the Is it a drillcard. Give each of the other children a “fruit” drillcard.Have two of the children form a sentence, Is it a (nut)? Read the words to the class as you point to each word. Hold up the appropriate flashcard next to the drillcard. Elicit the answer, “Yes, it is.”Repeat the procedure, but this time have the children say the words as you point to each one.Now hold up the banana flashcard. Say, “Is it a pear?” Elicit the answer, “No, it isn’t/is not.”Repeat the procedure for the other flashcards. Occasionally hold up the matching flashcard. Make sure that all the children change to Yes, it is.Have the children open their books at page 9. Say, “Now we will read these words together.” Encourage the children to touch the words as they read them. Use all possible combinations.4.Guess and sayStudent Book page 9Ask the children to take out their small fruit flashcards in this unit.Put children in pairs. Have each pair mix their cards together and then spread them face down on the desk.Student A puts his/her hand on one card and asks student B to guess. Student B says, “Is it a (lemon)? ” Student A flips over the card and answers, “No, it isn’t. It’s a (pear).” or “Yes, it is.”Continue the game until all the cards are flipped over. Then thetwo students change their roles.5.Set homeworkAsk the children to finish tracing words on page 8.《Unit 7 Is it a pear?》第五课教案1.ReviewReview the flashcards for this unit. Hold up one of the flashcards and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit, “It’s a pear.”Repeat this for peach, lemon, orange, nut, strawberry, banana.2.Read and check ()Student Book page 10Have the children turn to page 10. Display your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. Then point to the question Is it a lemon?. Read the words aloud as you point to each one. Elicit the answer, “Yes, it is.”Now ask the children to point to the answer in their books. Have them read the words with you.Repeat the procedure for the other pictures. Check each answer.Put the children into pairs. Have one child in each pair ask the other child the first question. The other child then checks () the box beside the correct answer.Have the children change roles for the second question, and so on. Repeat until every child has asked and answered all questions.Now hold up your copy of the page and read the questions and the correct answers. Have the children check their own answers.3.Let’s chantStudent Book page 11Use pictures or real objects to review the following words: orange, pear, apple, lemon, nut, strawberry, kite, bird. Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real object.Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.Play the tape for the whole rhyme. Have children listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.Have children point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.4.An additional activity: Match the namesTeacher’s Book page 28Photocopy the page and give each child a copy.Ask the students to say the words and color the pictures.Have the children use their fingers to follow the ant trail between the pictures and the words.Note: An additional activity is provided at the end of Unit 7 through Unit 11. You can decide to use or not to use according to your own situation.5.Set homeworkStudent Book page 10Explain to the children that you want them to:ask their families about the fruit, using the structure Is this a(pear)?, and the correct English names.color the pictures on page 10.《Unit 7 Is it a pear?》第六课教案1.Uncle Booky’s storytimeStudent Book page 12Tell the children that they are going to listen to a story.Play the tape, ask the children to listen to the story with their books closed.Have the children open their books, and look at the pictures.Ask them to look for familiar words in the story.Have children read the story silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.It doesn’t matter if they don’t know the words. The requirement for this part is to understand the story.2.I spyThis game reviews the beginning sounds of some of the vocabulary introduced in Units 1 through 7. It also reviews the structures Is it a(desk)?, No, it isn’t., and Yes, it is.Display some of the flashcards from Unit 1 through 7 around the room.Tell the children they will play a game called I spy. Explain that you will secretly write down the English for one of the flashcards and you want them to guess what it is. Tell the children that the only clue you will give them is the beginning letter of the object’s English name.Have the children say, “Is it a (book)?” each time they make a guess. Answer only: “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isn’t.”For example, begin by saying, “I spy something beginning with the letter (C).”When a child guesses correctly, show him or her the piece of paperwith the name written on it. Then write the name on the board.Repeat the procedure, choosing another flashcard for something with a different beginning letter.You could divide the class into teams and keep score on the board to make the game more competitive. Give one point for each correct answer.If the children appear confident in playing this game, allow a child to stand in your place and choose a flashcard. Have the child whisper its English name to you so that you can write it down. Then have the child say, “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isn’t.” in answer to the other children’s questions.3.BingoUse this game to review the vocabulary introduced in Unit 7.Tell the children to take out their student cards and get ready for the game.See Unit 1, page 24, for the rules and procedure.4.Snap!This game reviews new vocabulary and letters introduced in Unit 7. It is best played in pairs.Ask the children to take out their small flashcards for Unit 7.See Unit 1, page 24, for the rules and procedure.5.Self-assessmentStudent Book page 13Have the children do this part by themselves. Children should assess themselves according to their own situation. They should be encouraged to compare their results with their classmates and learn from each other.Children could work in pairs to do the first activity. One childpoints to a picture, the other says the name. The first child checks his/her answer in the box below each picture. Then they change their roles. Children can also do this part individually.Have children do the second part individually. Encourage them to compare their results with his/her classmates.6.My notes and teacher’s notesStudent Book page 13This activity is to help children have a look at what they have done in this unit. Ask them to assess themselves according to the items in My Notes individually. Explain to them that the stars here only indicate how well they have done in their learning and they should not be changed to scores.The teacher should evaluate the children positively in the part of Teacher’s Notes. The purpose is to have children realize that they are making progress and to help them build up a sense of achievement and confidence. Stickers provided at the end of the Teacher’s Book can be used here.《Unit 8 Are these tomotoes?》第一课教案Teaching aims: Present the new words and sentence structures of this Unit.Get Ssto understand and read the dialogue.Teaching importance: The new sentence structure: “What’re these/those? They are...”Teaching difficulties: Get Ss to understand the plural nouns. Teaching tools: Prepare gameboards and cards.You will need:flashcards for the vocabulary introduced in Units 2 and 5.Teaching procedure:1.ReviewUse this activity to review structures introduced in Unit 7, and the vocabulary introduced in Units 2 and 5.Hold up the flashcards one by one. Ask, “What’s this?” Elicit the answer, “It’s a (pen).”Hold up the card again. Ask, “Is it a (car)?” giving the wrong word. Elicit, “No, it isn’t. It’s a (computer).”2.Model the dialogBorrow three pens, pencils, and rulers from the children.Hold up one pen and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit the answer, “It’s a pen.” Repeat the procedure for pencil and ruler.Hold up a pen and repeat the question, “What is this?”Now hold up two or three p ens and say, “What are these?”Repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.Now have the children repeat each sentence as you hold up first one object, and then more than one. Explain that we use these when we are referring to more than one object.Now place one pen at one end of the table, and a group of pens at the other. Make sure the children can see them clearly. Move away from the table. First point to the single pen. Say, “What’s that?” Have the children repeat the question and give the answer.Now point to the group of pens. Say, “What are those?” Repeat the question as the children listen. Then have the children say the words as you point first to the single pen and then to the group.Repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.Choose a child to hold up some pens and have the child ask, “What are these?” You answer, “They are pens.” Repeat your answer and emphasize the final /s/.Choose another child to repeat the procedure with pencils. This time you answer, “They’re pencils.” Explain that They are and They’re mean the same thing.3.Talk about the storyStudent Book pages 14 and 15Have the children open their books at the story. Display your copy of the page and ask these questions about the pictures:Picture 1:“Where are Ann, Ken, and Mocky?”“What are they going to do?”Picture 2: “What is Mocky looking at?”Picture 3: “What is Mocky holding?”Pictures 4/5/6: “What other vegetables does Mocky find?”Picture 7: “What does Mocky do with the vegetables?”Picture 8: “Which vegetables are these?”Picture 9: “What does Mocky do?”“Is Ken pleased with Mocky?”Picture 10: “Who chases Mocky?”4.StoryStudent Book pages 14 and 15Say, “Now we’re going to hear what the characters said.”Play the tape, pausing at each new picture. Have the children repeat the words before you move on to the next picture.Play the tape again, this time without stopping.Divide the class into three groups. One group will be Mocky, the second group will be Ken, and the third group will be Ann. You read the vendor’s line.Play one sentence at a time and point to the matching story picture. Have each group repeat its character’s sentence.5.Set homeworkTell children that you want them to:find some of the vegetables at home (beans, cabbages, carrots, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes)tell their families the English names for the vegetables.《Unit 8 Are these tomotoes?》第二课教案PreparationYou will need:the“vegetable”flashcards listed.1.ReviewHold up one of the flashcards and ask, “What are these?” Have the children repeat the question after you. Now elicit the correct answer, “They are/They’re (beans).”Repeat the procedure for the other six flashcards.Choose two children to come to the front of the class. Have one child hold up a flashcard and ask, “What are these?” and the other child answer, “They’re (onions).” After they have presented three cards,choose two more children and repeat the procedure.Pin up one of the six flashcards. Move away and point to the flashcard. Say, “What are those?” Elicit the correct answer.2.PluralsHold up the beans flashcard. Ask, “What are these?” Make sure the children say the final /s/ in They’re beans.Explain to the children that, when we talk about more than one thing, we usually add an s at the end of the word.Draw one tomato and one mushroom on the board. Point to the tomato and have the children say tomato. Then hold up the flashcard and have them say tomatoes, emphasizing the final /s/sound.Repeat the procedure for mushroom/s.3.Words to learnStudent Book page 16Have the children open their books at page 16.Display your copy of the page. Play the tape once. Point to the picture of each vegetable as it is named.Play the tape again. Have the children touch the correct picture as they hear each vegetable’s name.Without the tape, read the words together. Encourage the children to touch each word as they say it.Read the names again, and this time have the children repeat the words.4.Listen to thisStudent Book page 16Display your copy of the page. Point to the picture. Say, “Who is talking to Mocky?” The children should answer Ken.Point to the first speech bubble. Read it aloud to the children, pointing to each word as you say it. Have the children repeat the sentence after you. Repeat the procedure for the second speech bubble.Now point to each basket of vegetables. Ask, “What are these?”Elicit the corr ect answer, “They are/They’re (tomatoes).”Have the children open their books. Play the tape, pausing after each pair of sentences. Have them repeat Ken’s question, then point to the correct vegetables.5.Teach the songStudent Book page 17Use the flashcards of the vocabulary being reviewed.Hold up the flashcard for potatoes. Say, “Are these potatoes?” Elicit “Yes, they are.”Ask the question again and encourage the children to answer, “Yes, they are potatoes.”Now hold up the flashcard again. Say, “Are these cabbages?” Elicit,“No, they aren’t.”Repeat the question and encourage the children to answer, “No, they aren’t cabbages.”Repeat these procedures for the other flashcards.These new structures will prepare the children for the song.Have the children turn to page 17. Tell the children they are going to learn another song. Read the words aloud to the children, pointing to each word as you do so.Play the first two lines of the song and encourage the children to join in by singing and clapping. Play the rest of the song, two lines at a time,and encourage the children to join in.6.Sing the songStudent Book page 17Play the song from the beginning. Encourage the children to sing along and to clap in time.7.Set homeworkTell the children you want them to sing the song to their familiesUnit 8 Are these tomotoes?》第三课教案PreparationYou will need:flashcards for vocabulary introduced in this Unit.nguage drillHold up a flashcard of bea ns. Point to the card in your hand. Ask, “Are these potatoes?” Give the answer, “No, they are not.”Have the children repeat the question after you, and then give the answer.Introduce No, they aren’t. Explain that aren’t and are not mean the same thing.Now put the card on a chair. Point to the card and ask, “Are those potatoes?” Have the children repeat the question and then give the answer.Repeat the procedure, but this time use the flashcard for potatoes. Elicit the answer, “Yes, they are.”Use the other flashcards in a class drill, following the steps above.2.Talk togetherStudent Book page 18the pictures at the top of the page. Say, “Now we can read what we said.” Display your copy of the page and then read aloud the words in the speech bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it.Read the words again, and have the children repeat them after you. Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they say them. If time allows, the children could substitute other vegetable names for onions.3.Listen and numberStudent Book page 18Draw the children’s attention to the bottom half of the page. Explain that you want them to number each sentence on the tape on its picture. Play the tape, one sentence at a time. After each sentence, say, “Which picture matches that sentence?” Have the children touch the matching picture. Watch that the children choose correctly.Play the tape again. This time have the children number the pictures in the correct order.4.Sounds and lettersStudent Book page 19Draw the children’s attention to the pictures on top of the page. Play the tape for taxi and tomatoes. Ask, “Do these words have the sound /t/? ”Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud.Repeat the procedure for the /d/ words.5.Match the soundsStudent Book page 19。
北京版-英语-二年级下册-Unit 1 what time is it?教案

What time is it?教学目标:1,掌握并能应用单词“o’clock”及句型“What time is it? ”“It is 7 o’clock.””It is time to do sth.”2,使学生能运用所学语言知识在创设的情景中熟练的交际,并应用于生活。
教学重点:1,学会读整点的钟,并会提问:“What time is it?”,以及作答。
2,掌握有关学生生活的一些单词短语,如go to school, have lunch 等。
教学难点:4,对新句型“What time is it? ”“It is 7 o’clock.”“It is time to do sth.”的理解与运用。
教学过程:Step 1: warm-up(热身活动)(一)介绍自己的朋友,让同学们猜他是谁。
(设计意图:此处引出张鹏的目的一来引出英文歌曲,二来为后面引出breakfast, lunch, dinner, music class, P.E. class, English class.作伏笔,为后文设置悬念。
)(二)带领学生唱英文歌曲《Ten Little Indian Boys---十个印第安小男孩》(设计意图:播放歌曲动画,加上简单的肢体动作,调动学生学习的主动积极性,由歌曲复习数字,为后面时间表达的教学做准备。
首先,教师展示幻灯片上的数字,鼓励学生举手发言读出其英语发音;接着,全班齐声从1数到12.Step 2:Presentation(呈现新知)(一)Question(提问):问学生从刚才的歌曲中学到了什么,引导学生用数字numbers 来回答。
)教师提问:What can we know from the clock?当学生回答正确后,切换到下张幻灯片“time”。

北师大版二年级下册英语教案【三篇】(*)一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1,Re*iew.Re*iew the sentence patterns and *ocabulary presented in Grade 1.T: Can you chant: An elephant can walk, walk, walk walk.??Ha*e students change the other words for it.Step2,Model the dialog.Present the flashcard for “see”。
Hold up the flashcard and model the word for students, ha*e them repeat it for you.Repeat the procedure for “walk, climb, listen and read.”Hold up your mask for Mocky and say, “I can walk.”Point to your legs and walk around the classroom.Repeat the sentence and add, “Can you?”Now hold up the mask for Ann and say, “Yes, I can.”Ha*e students say the sentences after you.Use the mask and repeat the procedures. Let students ask and answer.Step3Talk about the story.Ha*e students open their books at pages 50 and 51. Ask these questions about the pictures.Picture 1/2: What can Mocky do?Picture 3/4: What happens to Mocky?Picture 5: How is Ken helping Mocky now?Picture 6: What happens to Ann?Picture 10: What are Mocky, Ann and Ken doing now?Step4,Story.T: We are going to hear what the characters said.Play the tape, ha*e Ss look at the pictures as the tape is played.Play the tape again, pausing at each new picture. Ha*e Ss repeat the words before you mo*e oin to the next picture.Explain that people often say “Be careful.” And “Look out.” When someone is going to do something dangerous. “It’s all right.” Means thay you think you can sol*e the pr oblem. “What’s the matter?” is another way of asking what is wrong.Step5,HomeworkEncourage students to tell the story to their families.三、教学后记对于基本句子很单词同学们都能认读,但是课文掌握并不是很理想,一些句子的阅读有些困难,需要继续加强。

【特色教学】二年级下册英语教案UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MYSHIRT lesson14 北京版教学内容:本课为北京版二年级下册英语UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT的lesson14,教学内容主要包括学习描述物品位置的关键句型“Whereis my shirt?”以及相关词汇,如“in the bedroom, on the chair, under the bed”等。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课关键句型及相关词汇,并能灵活运用所学知识描述物品位置。
2. 能力目标:通过本课的学习,学生能够提高英语听说能力,增强语感,培养观察力、想象力和创造力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养合作精神,增强自信。
教学难点:1. 正确运用所学词汇描述物品位置。
2. 理解并熟练运用关键句型“Where is my shirt?”进行问答。
教具学具准备:1. 教具:PPT课件、教学录音、视频素材、图片素材、单词卡片等。
2. 学具:学生用书、练习册、彩色笔、剪刀、胶水等。
教学过程:1. 热身导入教师与学生用英语进行日常交流,如问候、谈论天气等,营造轻松愉快的英语学习氛围。
2. 新课展示利用PPT课件展示本课故事情节,引导学生关注故事中物品位置的变化。
通过听力练习,让学生熟悉关键句型“Where is my shirt?”及相关词汇。
3. 互动交流分组进行角色扮演,让学生在模拟真实场景中运用所学知识描述物品位置。
4. 巩固提高设计趣味小游戏,如“宝藏猎人”,让学生在游戏中运用所学知识寻找宝藏。

二年级英语下册教案UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT 北京版教学内容本单元主要围绕“WHERE IS MY SHIRT”这一主题展开,教学内容包括认识衣物类单词,如shirt、pants、skirt等,以及学习询问和回答衣物位置的句型,如“Where is my shirt?”和“It's in the drawer.”。
教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的衣物类单词,如shirt、pants、skirt等,并能运用句型“Where is my shirt?”和“It's in the drawer.”进行询问和回答。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学词汇和句型,在日常生活中进行简单的英语交流。
3. 情感目标:培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高他们的自信心和合作意识。
教学难点1. 学生对衣物类单词的发音和记忆可能存在困难。
2. 学生对句型“Where is my shirt?”和“It's in the drawe r.”的理解和运用可能不够熟练。
3. 学生在进行英语交流时,可能会受到母语的干扰,表达不够准确。
教具学具准备1. 教师准备PPT课件,包含本单元的单词和句型。
2. 学生准备本子和笔,以便记录和练习。
3. 教师准备衣物实物或图片,用于教学和游戏活动。
教学过程1. 导入:教师通过展示衣物实物或图片,引导学生复习已学的衣物类单词,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课呈现:教师通过PPT课件,呈现本单元的新单词和句型,引导学生跟读和模仿。
3. 操练:教师组织学生进行各种游戏和活动,如“猜猜我在哪里”、“找衣物”等,帮助学生巩固所学知识。
4. 应用:教师创设情境,引导学生运用所学句型进行角色扮演,提高他们的英语交流能力。
板书设计UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT重点词汇:shirt、pants、skirt等重点句型:Where is my shirt?It's in the drawer.作业设计1. 听力作业:学生听录音,跟读本节课的单词和句型。

3. 缺乏运用英语的环境。

【精彩教学】二年级下册英语教案UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT lesson13 北京版教学内容:本课为北京版二年级下册英语UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT中的lesson13。
教学内容主要围绕询问和描述物品位置展开,包括常用方位词如in、on、under、behind等,以及相关句型如"Where is my shirt?"和"It's under the chair."等。
教学目标:1. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课所学的单词和句型,并能运用到实际情境中。
2. 学生能够理解并运用方位词描述物品位置,提高英语表达能力。
3. 学生能够通过本课的学习,培养观察能力、思维能力和合作意识。
教学难点:1. 学生能够正确运用方位词描述物品位置。
2. 学生能够熟练运用句型"Where is my shirt?"和"It's under the chair."进行询问和回答。
3. 学生能够理解并运用相关词汇如shirt、chair、table等。
教具学具准备:1. 教师准备PPT、教学卡片、实物等教学辅助工具。
2. 学生准备教材、笔记本、彩色笔等学习用品。
教学过程:1. 导入教师通过出示实物或图片,引导学生复习已学的方位词和句型。
教师通过提问方式,激发学生的兴趣,如"Where is my book?"等。
2. 新课展示教师通过PPT展示本课的主要教学内容,包括单词、句型和图片。
3. 实践活动学生分组进行角色扮演,运用本课所学句型进行询问和回答。
4. 巩固练习教师设计一些练习题,帮助学生巩固所学知识。

1. 熟练掌握课本中的基础英语词汇和语法知识;
2. 提高听、说、读、写综合运用英语语言的能力;
3. 培养学生的英语研究兴趣和口头表达能力;
4. 培养学生的合作意识和团队合作能力。
1. 教学目标的达成情况;
2. 学生研究情况和参与度;
3. 教学方法的有效性和适用性;
4. 存在的问题和需要改进的地方;
5. 对学生和教师的建议。

Unit 1 What time is it?Lesson 4教学目标1、能够准确理解和认读本单元的词汇和时间表达方式。
2、能够在情境中利用询问时间的主要句型“What time is it?'' ''It's... It's time to ...'' ’‘ When do you ...''进行语言交流,并根据实际情况合理回答问题。
3、能够根据字母a 在单词中的发音规则,进行单词的拼读,在此基础上进行阅读训练。
2、能够在情境中利用询问时间的主要句型“What time is it?'' ''It's... It's time to ...'' ’‘ When do you ...''进行语言交流,并根据实际情况合理回答问题。
3、能够根据字母a 在单词中的发音规则,进行单词的拼读,在此基础上进行阅读训练。
2、学习并能够正确地在情境中使用本单元的交际用语:What time is it? It’s …It’s time to…和When do you…? 并能够恰当的回答。
3、能够正确认读/a/在单词中的发音,包含short /a/ 的单词和句子。

二年级下册英语教案 Unit 1 What time is it? Lesson 2 北京版教学内容本课为北京版二年级下册英语教科书Unit 1的Lesson 2,主题为询问和表达时间。
课程内容包括核心句型"What time is it?"以及回答,例如"It's 8 o'clock." 同时,学生将学习数字11至20的英文表达,并能用所学数字正确表达钟表时间。
通过本课的学习,学生能够了解并运用基本的时间词汇,如"morning", "afternoon"等,并能结合生活实际进行简单对话交流。
教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够听懂、会说并会读本课的核心句型,正确运用数字11至20表达时间。
2. 过程与方法:通过图片、实物展示和情景模拟等多种教学方法,让学生在真实语境中学习和使用英语表达时间。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生的时间观念,增强学生用英语进行日常交流的自信心和兴趣。
教学难点1. 学生准确记忆并运用数字11至20的英文表达。
2. 学生理解并能正确运用时间相关的词汇,如"quarter", "half"等。
3. 学生在实际情景中灵活运用所学句型和词汇进行询问和回答时间。
教具学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、时钟模型、时间卡片。
2. 学具:学生自备小钟或时间学习玩具。
教学过程1. 导入:通过复习前一课的内容,如询问和回答时间的基本句型,自然过渡到新课的学习。
2. 新课展示:使用多媒体课件展示本课核心句型和词汇,结合时钟模型进行教学,让学生直观理解时间表达。
3. 互动练习:组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟真实场景,练习询问和回答时间。
4. 小组合作:分组进行时间表达游戏,强化学生对数字和时间词汇的记忆和应用。
北京版-英语-二年级下册-Unit 1 What time is it 教学设计

lead in the theme of thislesson “time”.【ppt】2. To ask the students tosing a song together.【ppt】◆Sing the song together.入本课主题“time”。
Presentation22 minutes1. To say, “Do you haveyour own clocks? Pleasetake them out. Let’s play agame.”Then to introducethe rule to the whole class.【ppt】2(1). To say “Look. Thereare five clocks. What timeare they? Let’s look at it oneby one.” and then to lead thestudents to say the specifictime of each clock.(2) To ask the students toopen their books to page 8and do the exercise “Listen◆Play a game.◆Listen and say.◆Answer the questions.◆Listen to the tape anddo the exercise.在活动中复习功能句“Whattime is it?It’s…It’s timeto…”;激活已知,听辨时间,为下面的练习作预热。
and number”. Then to playthe tape.(3) To check the answers.【ppt】3(1). To create a certaincontext by explaining thatGuoguo has a summer campin Xiamen. To say, “There isa ticket in Guoguo’s hand.”And to explain the details ofthe ticket, such as name,destination and flightnumber. To elicit the timeon the ticket by asking thestudents “When doesGuoguo go to Xiamen?”Then to introduce theinformation on thedeparture board. To ask thestudents to help Guoguo tofind her plane.【ppt】3(2). To say “Now, look atyour tickets. If you were in◆Check the answers.◆Listen to the teachercarefully.◆Try to find out theinformation ofGuoguo’s ticket.◆Help Guoguo to findher plane.创设情境,培养学生获取文本关键信息的能力。

二年级下册英语教案UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT lesson13北京版教学内容本节课是《北京版小学英语二年级下册》Unit Four "Where is my shirt?" 的第十三课时。
教学内容主要围绕衣物位置的表达,包括衣物类单词如shirt、pants、socks、shoes等,以及询问和回答衣物位置的核心句型 "Where is my?" 和 "It's in/on/under"。
教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够正确听、说、认读衣物类单词,并运用句型询问和回答衣物位置。
2. 过程与方法:通过图片展示、游戏互动和角色扮演等活动,提高学生的英语听说能力,并培养他们的观察力和记忆力。
3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生爱护衣物、整理个人物品的良好习惯,并激发他们学习英语的兴趣。
教学难点1. 正确运用介词in、on、under表达衣物位置。
2. 学生在实际对话中灵活运用句型进行问答。
教具学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、单词卡片、教学录音带。
2. 学具:衣物实物或图片、学生用书。
教学过程1. 导入:通过播放英文儿歌,营造英语学习氛围,复习已学衣物单词。
2. 新课展示:利用多媒体课件展示衣物图片,教授新单词和句型,并进行角色扮演,让学生在实践中学习。
3. 小组活动:学生分组,用衣物图片进行 "Where is my?" 的问答练习,加强口语交流。
4. 游戏环节:设计"寻找衣物"游戏,巩固单词和句型的运用,提高学生的学习兴趣。
作业设计1. 学生完成练习册中与本课相关的练习题。
2. 家长协助孩子用所学句型进行家庭物品位置的英语描述。

教学内容:本课为二年级下册英语北京版教材中Unit 1 What time is it?的第四课时。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课所学的词汇和句型,并能运用所学知识进行简单的日常交流。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学知识询问和回答时间,并能表达自己的日常活动时间安排。
教学难点:1. 学生能够熟练运用所学词汇和句型进行时间询问和回答。
2. 学生能够准确表达自己的日常活动时间安排。
3. 学生能够理解并运用所学知识进行实际交流。
教具学具准备:1. 教师准备:PPT课件、教学录音机、教学卡片、教学视频等。
2. 学生准备:课本、练习本、彩色笔等。
教学过程:1. 导入:教师通过图片、视频等素材引导学生复习已学知识,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 新课呈现:教师通过PPT课件呈现本课的主要教学内容,引导学生学习新词汇和句型。
3. 操练:教师组织学生进行各种形式的练习,如角色扮演、小组讨论等,帮助学生熟练掌握所学知识。
4. 应用:教师创设真实的生活场景,引导学生运用所学知识进行实际交流。
6. 作业布置:教师布置课后作业,巩固所学知识。
板书设计:1. 教学Unit 1 What time is it? Lesson 42. 教学内容:词汇、句型、日常活动时间安排3. 教学重点:时间询问和回答、日常活动时间安排的表达作业设计:1. 听力练习:听懂并模仿录音中的对话。
2. 口语练习:运用所学句型和同学进行时间询问和回答的练习。
3. 书面练习:完成练习册上的相关练习。
4. 创作练习:设计自己的日常活动时间安排表,并用所学知识进行描述。

北京课改版二年级下册英语全册教案及教学反思北京课改版二年级英语下册《WHAT TIME IS IT》Lesson1教案设计Objectives and Requi rements:1. LanguageTarget:What time is it?It‘s eleven o’clock.Is it twelve o‘clock?Yes,it is.2. VocabularyKey:one o’clock,two o‘clock,three o’clock,four o‘clock,five o’clock,six o‘clock,seven o’clock,eight o‘c lock,nine o’clock,ten o‘clock,eleven o’clock,twelve o‘clock Sounds and words:ride,kite,bike,rice,white,light3. Materials:Picture cards 49-60,ball / s oft object,digital watch / clock,chalk / maker,paper cards,paper / plastic bag,dice,hole punch / scissors,paper二、Procedure:1. Conversation1) Getting readyA. (Hold a soft ball or soft object.) One!(Toss the ball to a student.)B. Prompt the student to say Two. And toss the ball to the next student who says Three. Model if necessary.C. Continue up to twelve.D. Write the word o’clock on the board and have Ss repeat.E. Now add o‘clock after the numbers, e.g. one o’clock,two o‘clock. Point to the numbers around a clock.F. Using the soft ball or object,toss it around as you and the Ss say the hours of the day.G. T:(Pointing to the 1 on a clock.) What time is it?Ss:It’s one o‘clock.Model if necessary.2) Using the bookA. T:(Point a watch or a clock.) What’s this?Ss:It‘s a watch / clock.B. Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat after each sentence.C. Play the tape again and have Ss follow along.D. T:Get into groups of three. One plays Gogo,one plays Tony and one plays the shopkeeper.Point out w ho the shopkeeper is in the picture.E. Have Ss listen and speak their roles as the tape plays.2. Vocabulary1) Getting readyA. Hold up each Picture Card and say the time.B. Listen and repeat the time.C. Say each time again in random order.2) Using the bookA. Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat each time phrase. Point to each picture as you say it.B. T:(Point to the eleven o’clock picture.) What time is it?Ss:It‘s eleven o’clock.C. Hold the book up and point to other time pictures and have Ss answer.3. Practice 11) Getting readyA. T:(Point to Picture A.) What time is it?B. Generate responses and do the same for the other three pictures.2) Using the bookC. Play the tape for num ber 1,and then pause. T:Which picture is it?D. While Ss are responding,gradually move your hand to Picture B. B is No.1.E. Continue with the other three,pausing after each one.4. Practice 21) Place Picture Cards around the room in various places.2) Walk around the room posing Qs to Ss.Move around the room quickly and pose Qs to keep Ss focused.3) T:(Point to a Pictu re Card.)What time is it?Ss:It‘s …o’clock.4) Model responses if necessary.5) Invite a student to take your place.5. HomeworkRecite and write the textbook北京课改版二年级英语下册《WHAT TIME IS IT》Lesson2教案设计知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:Get up、have a class、have lunch、play games、watch TV、go to bed二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下到句型:1.一When do you+动词短语?-I...2.一Do you+动词短语?-Yes,we do.3.-When does your father/mother+动词短语?-He/She...情感目标一、引导学生养成合理安排时间、规律生活的好习惯。
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(二) 本单元主要内容和相关上位知识分析
句型有:What time is it?及其回答;时间的整点与非整点表达It’s o’clock. It’s …thirty;以及询问什么时间做某事的问句When do you have your dancing lessons?及其回答。
另外,学生在上学期已经初步接触到了let’s …表建议的句式。
并学习了动词词组:go home .
本单元关于日常活动的话题,期中在一年级下册的第二单元What do you do?及二年级上册的第一单元what day is today?中都有涉及。
1.a clock 与o’clock发音相同,易混淆。
2. 疑问词what time与when易混淆
2.学生能够听懂、会说并认读seven o’clock, seven thirty, nine twenty, five fifty, one forty等表示时间的短语和go home, get up, go to school, go to bed等动词短语。
5.学生能够演唱歌曲The Clock。
2. 懂得礼貌待人,注重礼仪
3. 激发学习英语的兴趣,培养“用”的习惯。
L5:What’s for breakfast?
We have bread, milk, eggs and fruits.
L6: Can I have fish and rice, please?
Yes. Here you are.
L7: I’m hungry/ thirsty.
Have an orange/ a glass of water.
(二) 本单元主要内容和相关上位知识分析
5课句型是关于早餐吃什么的句式:What’s for breakfast today? 6课表示意愿,想吃什么,请求对方的一般疑问句:Can I have… ? 7课力求让孩子表达自己的情况,I’m hungry. I’m thirty.本单元词汇包括:饮料:tea, coffee, soy milk, juice, 食物:cookies, egg, bread, noodles, tofu, meat, fish 形容词:thirsty, hungry, tired 蔬菜:vegetable, 量词短语:a piece of, a cup of , a glass of等。
上位知识词汇:学生一年级学过一些与食物相关的单词:cake, jam, hot dog, jello, fish, chicken, egg, nut, ice cream, coke, milk, yogurt, grades, orange, apple, banana, peach ……上位知识句型:学生
学过某人有某物的句子:I have…… 在一年级的韵文中简单接触过表示某物所外位置的句子:The foot is on the wood. The wood is under the foot. The dog is on my bed. 接触过一些方位介词。
1. 每课书都以饮食为学习主线,是对饮食单词的逐步积累,对饮食话题的逐步展开,完善,层层递进。
2. 本单元内容与第三单元Welcome to my house中的Can I use … ?的句式相似,做好铺垫有利于第三单元的学习。
1. 学生对食物的单复数会比较容易疏忽。
2. 学生句子表达不准确:Can I have …, please? 时会丢单词。
3. a piece of , a cup of, a glass of 与饮料词汇的搭配不恰当。
2.学生能够听懂、会说并认读fish and rice, hamburger等表示食物的单词、短语和be back, sit down等动词短语。