后翼弃兵 (The Queens Gambit)-第一季第五集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

后翼弃兵 (The Queens Gambit)-第一季第五集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语
后翼弃兵 (The Queens Gambit)-第一季第五集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Dark's nothing to be afraid of. 无需害怕黑暗

In fact, I'd go as far as saying there's nothing to be afraid of. 实际上我想说无需害怕任何事Anywhere. 任何地方

The strongest person is the person who isn't scared to be alone. 最坚强的人应该不畏惧孤独It's other people you got to worry about. 该担心的是其他人

Other people. They'll tell you what to do, how to feel... 其他人他们会告诉你怎么做怎么想Before you know it... 不知不觉

...you're pouring your life out in search of something 你就把生命倾注在追寻

other people told you to go look for. 其他人告诉你该寻找的东西了

Someday, you're gonna be all alone, 总有一天你会孤身一人

so you need to figure out how to take care of yourself. 所以你要懂得如何照顾自己

Hello. 喂

Beth Harmon? 贝丝·哈蒙

Yes. 是我

Uh, this is Harry Beltik. 我是哈利·贝尔蒂克

Uh, from the Kentucky State Tournament. 肯塔基州锦标赛的

No, I remember. 我记得

I hear you dropped one to Borgov. 我听说你输给了博尔戈夫

I wanted to give condolences. 我想向你表示同情

Thanks. 谢谢

What were you playing, White? 你是哪一方白棋吗

- Black. - Oh, it's-it's better that way. -黑棋 -那样还好

I mean, if you're gonna lose. 如果要输的话

Suppose so. 或许吧

What did you play? 你走了什么开局

Closed Sicilian. 封闭式西西里防御

Rossolimo? Really? 罗索里莫变例真的吗

I let him do it to me. 我任由他拿这招打败我的

That's a mistake. 这是个错误

Uh, look, I'm in Lexington for the summer, and I thought maybe... 听着


Maybe what? 也许什么

Would you like some training? 你想来点训练吗

I-I know... I know you're better than me. 我知道我知道你棋艺比我强

But if you're gonna play the Soviets, you need help. 但如果你要和苏联人对抗你需要帮忙Where are you? 你在哪

I'm on my way to the Phoenix Hotel. 我正要去凤凰酒店

I'm moving to an apartment on Thursday. I could come by then. 我周四会搬进公寓


Why don't you come over right now? 不如你现在就过来吧


Excuse me, miss. 不好意思小姐

What happened to that gawky kid who kicked my ass five years ago?


Apparently, she grew up. 看来她长大了

A.I. Deinkopf. AI·登科普夫

Middlegame Strategy. 《中局战术》

I've read that one. 我看过了

J .R. Capablanca, My Chess Career. JR·卡帕布兰卡《我的象棋生涯》

That one, too. 那本也看过了

Fornaut, Alekhine's Games 1938 to 1945. 福诺特《1938年至1945年阿列瀚的棋局》Yes. 看过

Meyer, Rook and Pawn Endings. 梅耶《车兵残局》

I know, you've read it. 我知道你看过了

No. 没有

But I have my own copy upstairs. 但我有自己的复印本

Well, some of these are gonna be new to you. 里面有些内容对你来说是新的

Capablanca played on intuition. 卡帕布兰卡都靠直觉下棋

And his natural gifts, which obviously were considerable. 而且他非常天赋禀异

Unlike Bogoljubov and Grtinfeld, who memorized everything. 不像博格伊波夫和格廷菲尔德记住一切

Yeah, I know how you feel about them. 对我知道你怎么看他们

I read your piece in Chess Review. 我看了《象棋天下》里你的文章

Nice cover photo, by the way. 对了封面拍得很好看

I see players at tournaments after their games have finished,


sitting there studying opening variation 坐着研究各种开局变例

or middle-game strategy, endgame theory. 或中局战术残局理论

- Like it would have made a difference. - You don't ever study? -好像能改变什么似的 -


I analyze games. 我会分析棋局

What actually happened, not what could have happened. 实际发生的而不是可能发生的

- And I play it by ear. - Like Capablanca. -然后我靠直觉下棋 -就像卡帕布兰卡一样

- He would have beaten Borgov. - Mmm, not every game. -他就能打败博尔戈夫 -也不是每次Mmm, every game that counted. 每个重要的比赛

- You think I'm a prima donna, don't you? - It's chess. -你觉得我自命不凡对吧 -这是象棋We're all prima donnas. 我们都自命不凡

So, I've replayed your match with Benny Watts a dozen times now.


Why? 为什么

- That's ancient history. - Well, it's not that ancient. -那都是很久以前的事了 -也不算吧

- I'm a different player now. - In some ways. -我现在棋风不同了 -有些方面是的

You're stubborn, so you get mad. 你很固执所以你会生气

When that happens, you can only see what's in front of you. 当你发怒时


Anger clears my head. 愤怒会清空我的脑子

Anger is a potent spice. 愤怒是种强劲的香料

A pinch wakes you up, too much dulls your senses. 一小撮能让人清醒太多就让人麻木Where'd you get that from, a fortune cookie? 这话你从哪听来的幸运饼干吗

Mrs. Grecco, my second grade teacher. 格雷克老师我二年级时的老师

But the point is still valid. You've got to stay open. 但传达的意思不变你得保持开放心态

If you get locked into one idea, 如果你固步自封

like this king knight pawn, say, it's death. 就像这个王翼马兵一样就是死局

Look. 你看

- Now, the knight pawn is pinned. - So? -这个马前兵被堵住了 -所以呢

So you got to move the king now, or you get stuck later. 所以你得移走王否则之后会被堵住I can see that, but-- 我知道但是

But look at the queen-side pawns, way over here. 但你看后翼兵在这边

- He could do this. - Try it. -他可以这么下 -你试试

See? 你瞧

It's a good sequence. 这走法不错

It's from Alekhine. 这是阿列瀚的

I'm saying I got it from a book. 我是说这招是从书上学来的

I know what you're saying. 我知道你什么意思

Let's eat. 我们吃东西吧

You're not the same person you were five years ago, either. 你也和五年前不同了

- No? - No. -是吗 -对

But I can't figure out what's different. 但我说不出来哪里不同

I've become more profound? 我更有深度了

That's not it. 不是

And I, um, got my teeth fixed. 我还修了牙

- Yeah, that's it. - Yeah. -对就是这个 -嗯

It's the teeth. It was driving me crazy. 是牙齿之前快把我逼疯了

I used my tuition money. 我用了学费

My parents are plenty ticked off about it. 我爸妈气坏了

It was worth it. 这钱花得值得

Uh, I should go. 我该走了

Uh, I'll leave my board here. 我把象棋留下

I'll take this. 三明治我拿走了

I'll be back in the morning with more books. 明早我再带点书过来Shit. 妈的

Oh, God. 天呐

No. 不

You see, I'm a little shy. 你瞧我有点害羞

Alright, what seems to be the trouble? 好吧你的问题是什么

Well, it's difficult to show you 现在向你展示症状

the symptoms at the moment, because... 会有些困难因为

it comes and it goes. 它来去不定

Oh, it comes and goes? 来去不定

Yes, it's so unfortunate. 对非常不幸

It's always the same whenever I see a doctor. 我每次看医生都是这样When... when I come, it goes, 我来看医生时病就走了

and when I go, it comes. 我走后病又回来了

Okay, tell me, what was your endgame? 好吧你说说你的残局是什么You just saw it. 你刚看到了

What was your plan? 你的计划呢

To beat you? 打败你

I don't know what it was. 我不知道是什么

Exactly, you're still just improvising. 没错你还是在临场发挥

I just wiped you out five times. 我刚打败了你五次

I'm a master, 我是个大师

and I've never played better in my life. 这是我这辈子下的最好的棋

So modest. 真谦虚

But I'm nowhere close to what you'll face in Paris. 但我压根比不上你要在巴黎交手的棋手

I could beat Borgov with a little more work. 我稍微下点功夫就能打败博尔戈夫

You can beat Borgov with a lot more work. 你要打败博尔戈夫需要下很多功夫

Years more work. 多年的努力

Borgov's not some Kentucky ex-champion like me. 博尔戈夫不是像我一样的肯达基州前冠军He is a world champion 他是个世界冠军

who could have beaten both of us when he was ten. 在他十岁时就能把我们俩都打得落花流水Do you even know his career? 你了解他的象棋生涯吗

No. 不知道

Well... 这个

Read it. 看看

Read the games from Leningrad, 1962. 看看他在列宁格勒1962年下的棋

Look at the way he plays rook-pawn endings. 看看他如何应对车兵残局

Look at the games with Luchenko and Spassky. 看看他和卢申科与斯帕斯基的棋局

You might learn something. 你或许能学到点东西

No, this way. 不对是这边


Right. 好吧

"Look at the games with Luchenko and Spassky, "看看他和卢申科与斯帕斯基的棋局

you might learn something." Fuck. 你或许能学到点东西" 妈的

"I'm a master." "我是个大师"

It was so bad. 太烂了

Summer's coming. 夏天要来了

Radio's a little loud, don't you think? 收音机声音有点响了你不觉得吗

Come on. 来嘛

I'll turn it down after this. I just... 这首歌之后我就调轻我只是

I love this song. 我很喜欢这首歌

*Sun lights up the day time* *太阳照亮白昼*

*Moon lights up the night* *月亮照亮黑夜*

Are you coming? 你来吗

"If you already in a fight, you want the first blow to be the last." "如果你已经处在战斗中


"And you better be the one to throw it." "而且最好是你的一招"

"Few things are as mentally brutal as chess." "很少有什么像象棋一般耗费脑力" "Attackers may sometimes regret their moves, "进攻者有时会后悔走错棋

but it is much worse to forever regret 但更令人悔恨终身的是

an opportunity you allowed to pass you by." 放走进攻机会"

So, it's not always about attacking. 所以不一定要节节进攻

Sometimes, it's much better to take a piece back. 有时退一步是更好的选择

So, this is Smyslov versus Botvinnik. 这是斯密斯洛夫对战博特文尼克的棋局

Now, as you can see, 你能看到

Botvinnik should have taken the pawn with the queen. 博特文尼克本可以用后吃掉对方的兵He must have been very tired, 他肯定累坏了

or someone must have drugged his tea. 或者有人在他的茶里下药了

Anyway, I always thought that was interesting. 反正我总觉得这步走得很有意思

"I know I'm a good player, "我知道自己是出色的棋手

but now I'm up aganist people half my age." 但现在我的对手都比我小一半"

"I don't know how long I can keep winning." "我不知道自己还能赢多久"

"I can fight against anyone but time." "我可以与任何人对弈唯独无法对抗时间" I'm moving out of the hotel tomorrow. 我明天就从酒店搬出去了

Into my apartment. 搬进公寓

Play pawn to king five. 走兵到王线第五格

Humor me. 试试嘛

- That's unusual. - Yeah. -很独特的走法 -对

Player named Mikinas came up with that one. 一个叫米基纳斯的棋手想的招数How far away is it? 有多远

The apartment. 你的公寓

New Circle Road. 新环路

I won't be coming by so much. 我没法经常过来了

It's not so far away. 也不是很远

No, but I'll be taking classes, 对但我要上课

and I should probably get a part-time job. 而且我该找个兼职

You could move in here if you want. 如果你愿意可以搬进来

You know, for free. 免费的

Really? 真的吗

Yeah. 对

Really. 真的

- Sorry, I... - Uh... no. No. -抱歉我... -不没关系

I-I just wasn't ready. 我只是没准备好

I'm ready now. 现在我准备好了

Now or never. 机不可失

So, um... 那么

should I stay here or go back to my room? 我该留在这还是回我的房间

Whatever you want. 随便你

Okay. 好

Good night. 晚安

Good night. 晚安

Beth? 贝丝

Beth Harmon? 贝丝·哈蒙

Margaret Neil. 我是玛格丽特·尼尔

Well, Margaret Johnson now. 现在改名叫玛格丽特·约翰逊了

Fairfield High? 费尔菲尔德高中

Margaret. Right. Hi. 玛格丽特对你好

Mike and I tied the knot right after graduation. 迈克和我毕业后就结婚了Congratulations. 恭喜

Not long after, we were blessed with this little one. 不久后我们就有了这个小家伙

What's her name? 她叫什么

Jean, after Mike's grandmother. 简跟迈克的祖母一样

I read about you. 我读到了你的事

The chess and the traveling. 象棋和旅行

It must be exciting. 肯定很有趣

It is. 是的

Being around all those boys is a real thrill. 在那么多男孩身边非常刺激

You wanted to know what the boys were like, 你之前问我那些男孩都什么样

if I dated any of them. 我是否跟他们约会过

That time I came over to your house with the Apple Pis. 就是我去你家参加苹果派聚会的时候Gosh! 天呐

That seems, uh... 那感觉

like a million years ago, doesn't it? 都是几百年前的事了对吧

I should probably get my errands done, before this one gets... 我该去办事了免得这个小家伙I should probably get my errands done, before this one gets... 莱克斯酒行

really fussy, and the window of opportunity, 变得不耐烦而且机会的窗口

as we like to say, slams shut. 如常言所说关上了

It was nice to see you. 很高兴见到你

You, too. 我也是

I think there's more to life than chess. 我觉得象棋不是生命的唯一

Yeah, one of my heroes is Philidor. 我的一个偶像是费里多

This French musician, used to play chess blindfolded in Paris and London. 法国音乐家


Diderot wrote him a letter. 狄德罗给他写了一封信

Now, you know Diderot? 你知道狄德罗吗

French Revolution? 法国大革命吗

Yeah, it's close enough. 嗯差不多

So, uh, Philidor was doing blindfold exhibitions 费里多一直致力于下盲棋

and burning out his brain, 绞尽脑力

or whatever it was they thought you did 或无论别人觉得你在

in the 18th century. Anyway... 18世纪会做的事总之

Diderot wrote to him and said something like, 狄德罗给他写了一封信说了这样的话

"It's foolish to run the risk of going mad for vanity's sake." "冒着陷入疯狂的风险追求虚荣


Now, I think about that sometimes, 我有时会想起这句话

when I'm analyzing my ass off over a chess board. 在我拼命分析棋局的时候

I, um... I saw your picture on the cover of Chess Review, 我


and those pictures Townes took in Las Vegas, 还有陶恩斯在拉斯维加斯拍的照片

for the Lexington paper. 出版在莱克星顿报纸上

They were beautiful. 非常美

- I thought maybe the two of you were-- - No, we weren't. -我以为也许你们俩 -不没有Truth is... 事实是

I was waiting for you to come back. 我在等你回来

You're the reason I got my teeth fixed. 我是为了你修牙的

Didn't Koltanowski use to play blindfolded all the time? 科塔诺夫斯基不也一直下盲棋吗And he wasn't crazy. 他没疯

No, no, no, he's-he's not. It was, um... 对他确实没疯那个

It was Morphy who went crazy, and Steinitz. 发疯的人是墨菲还有斯坦尼茨

Morphy thought people were trying to steal his shoes. 墨菲总觉得别人要偷他的鞋子Well, maybe he thought shoes were bishops. 或许他觉得鞋子是象

Yeah, maybe. 对或许吧

Beth? 贝丝

Let's play chess. 我们下棋吧

Okay. 好

Two packs of Chesterfields, please. 两包契斯特菲尔德香烟谢谢

Two packs of Chesterfields, please. 《象棋天下》

This, too. 还有这个

Sure you wouldn't rather just steal it? 你确定不直接偷走吗

You gonna be there? 你会去吗

That tournament? 那个锦标赛

Yes. 会

Good luck. 祝你好运

Keep it. 留着吧

For the first time. 为第一次买单

Whoa, that doesn't look right. Your knight is hanging. 这看起来不对你的马情况不妙You're missing it. It's a much stronger move than it looks. 你没看出来


Okay, watch. 看好了

The knight takes, 马吃子

and the pawn moves up. 兵走上

If he didn't move it up, the bishop would be locked in. 如果不走那象就被困住了

When he does... 等对方这么做时

...the other pawn falls. 另一个兵就保不住了

- What about the other bishop here? - For Christ's sakes, Harry. -那这边的象呢 -天呐哈利It's check once the pawn moves, and the knight trades. 一旦走兵马换象就直接将军了Can't you see that? 你看不出来吗

No, I can't. I can't find it that fast. 不不行我没法这么快看出来

Well, wish you could. 真希望你可以

You're too sharp for me. 你对我要求太高了

You're too sharp for me. 《象棋天下》

Breakfast is almost ready. 早餐就快好了

I have taught you everything I know. 我已经教会了你我知道的一切

Which, admittedly, is not a lot. 说实话并不多

I've got to start studying. 我得开始学习了

I'm supposed to be an electrical engineer, not a chess bum. 我该成为一个电气工程师


Where are you gonna go? 你要去哪

I'm moving to that apartment. 我要搬去那个公寓

It's closer to the university. 离大学近

- I'm gonna leave you-- - You're wrong, you know. -我要给你 -你错了

You've taught me a lot. 你教会了我很多

I'm really glad you called. 我很开心你打给了我

I'm glad I could be here with you, you know? 我也很开心能在这陪你

After you lost your mom. 在你母亲去世后

It's more than that. 不仅如此

You've really helped me. 你真的帮了我

I guess you've helped me, too. 我想你也帮了我

You've helped me realize something. 你帮我认识到一件事

What? 什么

That I don't love chess. 我并不爱象棋

No, it's okay. 不没关系

I just don't love it as much as I once did. 我只是没有以前那么喜爱了

I'm not obsessed with it the way one has to be to win it all. 我不痴迷于象棋


The way you are. 就像你那样

I'm gonna leave you... 我要给你

this. 这个

You have a lot in common. 你们有很多共同点


Really? 真的吗

Morphy was a lawyer or something, in New Orleans. 墨菲是个律师什么的吧在新奥尔良You look at his games, 你看看他的棋局

the way he played. 他的步法

He sacrificed knights and bishops 他愿意牺牲马和象

like he had a dozen instead of two, 好像他有一打而不只是两个

and then he'd move in on the king so fast, 然后他会迅速进攻对方的王

his opponents would just freeze up. 让对手直接石化

It's too bad Morphy and Capablanca 真遗憾墨菲和卡帕布兰卡

hadn't been alive at the same time. 没有生活在同一个时代

They could've played each other. 他们可以对弈

Yeah, it's too bad Morphy 是啊很遗憾墨菲

fell into a muttering paranoia and died. 变成了喃喃自语的偏执狂最后去世了

He would stay up all night, in Paris, before his games, 他在巴黎比赛的前一天会整宿不睡drinking in cafes, and talking with strangers. 喝着咖啡和陌生人交谈

And then he'd play the next day like a shark. 然后第二天像鲨鱼一般下棋

Well-mannered, well-dressed, moving the pieces 彬彬有礼衣冠楚楚用那如女士般的with these small, ladylike hands. 纤细的手指移动棋子

Crushing one European master after another. 打败一个又一个的欧洲特级大师

You know what they called him? 你知道人们怎么称呼他吗

"The pride and the sorrow of chess." "象棋届的骄傲与悲伤"

And then he retired at 22. 然后他22岁就退役了

- And you think that's gonna be me? - I think that is you. -你觉得我会那样吗 -


I think maybe... 我想或许

it's always been you. 一直以来都是你

Be careful, Beth. 小心贝丝

Be careful, Beth. 俄亥俄州美国锦标赛

全美象棋锦标赛俄亥俄州 1967年美国锦标赛

Why, hello, Beth. 好啊贝丝

Why, hello, Benny. 好啊本尼

I read about your game with Borgov. 我看到了你和博尔戈夫的棋局

That must have felt terrible. 肯定感觉糟透了

- I felt like a fool. - I know that feeling. -我感觉像个傻子 -我能感同身受

Helpless. 无助

It all goes, and you just... 再下也毫无意义你只是

push wood. 在推小木头

Who have you got up first? 你的第一个对手是谁

Manfredi. 曼弗雷迪

That shouldn't take too long. 应该用不了多久

Highest-rated players in the whole fucking country, 整个国家等级分最高的选手们and yet here we are at some second-rate university, 却在这个二流的大学里下棋playing on cheap plastic boards with cheap plastic pieces.


If this were a golf or tennis tournament, 如果这是高尔夫或网球锦标赛

we'd be surrounded by reporters, as opposed to... 我们肯定会被记者簇拥而不是...whoever these people are. 无论这些是什么货色

You should see the places they play in the Soviet Union. 你该看看苏联下象棋的地方I'm planning on it. 我正有此意

You have to get past me first. 你得先打败我

I'm planning on that, too. 我也正有此意

I'm planning on that, too. 本尼·瓦茨伊丽莎白·哈蒙

I'm planning on that, too. 第一天

I'm planning on that, too. 第二天

I'm planning on that, too. 第三天

I'm planning on that, too. 瓦茨

I'm planning on that, too. 哈蒙

Now, most players, they lack the courage in their convictions. 多数选手


The key is to not be tentative. 关键在于不能踌躇不决

You have to play with absolute confidence. 下棋时你必须拥有绝对的自信

I can tell, on the first move, 从第一步我就能看出

whether someone's got that or they don't, 对方是否有那个信心和勇气

just from how they move that first piece. 仅从他们第一步棋的步法就能看出

What advice would you give to any young chess players 对那些想追随你脚步的年轻象棋选手who wanna follow in your footsteps? 你有什么建议吗

I'd tell them to read my book. 我会让他们读我的书

Obviously. 显然

Yeah, play through all the games. 对把里面的棋局都下一边

You know, I'd tell them to get in shape. 我还希望他们保持身材

Most people, they think about chess players, 多数人他们想到象棋选手

they think about people who look like you. 就想到你这样的人

Harmon! 哈蒙

Wait up. 等等

Found you a reporter, I see. 看来你找到了记者

Funny. Ha. 真有趣

What did you do to that poor guy you played in the third round?


He looked like he wanted to kill himself. 他看起来都要自杀了

Which poor guy are you talking about? 你说的是哪个可怜人

Touche. 说的有理

Some of us have been, 我们哥几个

uh, heading down to the student union, 打算去学生会活动中心

having a couple beers, playing some speed chess. 喝几杯啤酒下几盘快棋

You should join us. 你一起来吧

No, thanks. I have to study. 不谢了我要学习

Thought I'd go back to the dorms, read your book. 我想着回宿舍看你的书

You know, get in shape. 保持身材

You do realize that we have the whole day off tomorrow? 你知道我们明天一整天都没事吧Can I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗

Depends on whether or not the answer will give you an edge. 却决于答案是否会给你优势Seriously? 真的假的

Are you that nervous? 你有那么紧张吗

- Was that the question? - No! What's with the knife? -什么问题 -不刀是干什么的

What do you mean? 什么意思

I mean, why do you carry it around? 你为什么到处带着走

This is for protection. 这是为了保护

- From what? - Whatever. -防什么 -以防万一

Study hard. 你好好学习

Beth! 贝丝

Beth Harmon, this is Danny Weiss and Dave Friedman. 贝丝·哈蒙


Nice to meet you. 幸会

Actually, we met. You beat me the other day. 其实我们见过了那天你打败了我

Me, too. Rather badly, in fact. 我也是我还输得很惨

- Sorry. - Don't be. -抱歉 -不必

After I finished weeping in my room, I replayed the game. 我在房间里哭完后重现了棋局Learned a lot from it, so thank you. 学到了很多谢谢

- You're welcome. - Beth, take a look at this. -不客气 -贝丝你看看这个

It's White's move. 该白棋走了

What would you do? 你会怎么下

Typical mid-game Ruy Lopez. 典型的西班牙开局后的中局

Well, yeah, we know that, but what's the move? 对我们知道但你会怎么走

- You see? - Maybe you're right. -你瞧 -或许你是对的

No, I know I'm right, and Beth sees things the same way I do. 不我知道我是对的


The pawn move is too weak, right? 走兵太弱了对吧

The pawn move only works if he plays his bishop. 只有他走象走兵这招才有用Exactly. 没错

- Bye, boys. - Whoa, hold on. -再见小伙子们 -等等

How about some speed chess? 下几盘快棋吧

Or we could play some skittles, or blitz, 或随便下下或闪电战

or bughouse? 或四人象棋

No, I'm just gonna get some coffee, 不我就是来拿杯咖啡

and then I'm gonna go back and study. 然后我就要回去学习了

Well, Weiss will get you some coffee, won't you, Weiss? 维斯能帮你拿咖啡对吧维斯Yeah. 当然

Sugar, cream? 糖奶油

Yes. 都要

- Thank you. - Uh, get me an apple juice. -谢谢 -给我个苹果汁

But not one of those, uh, crappy plastic cups. 不要那种用塑料杯装的

Get me a-a milk glass. 要玻璃瓶的那种

Yeah, sure. 好没问题

Please, sit. 坐吧

Fine. 行

One game. 就一局

- Got it? - All right. -听到了吗 -好

Okay. 好的

Shall we say... 那不如

five bucks a game? 五块一局

I haven't even had my coffee. 我都还没喝上咖啡呢

Well, look, here it comes right now. 你瞧这不马上就来了吗

- There you go. - Thank you. -给你 -谢谢

All right, you take a sip of that coffee, 你喝一口咖啡

and I'll punch your clock. 我开启你的棋钟

Go ahead. 来吧

Again? 再来一局吗

Again? 再来一局吗

Again? 再来一局吗

Again? 再来一局吗

- I need to see proof. - Calling me a liar? -我需要证据 -你是说我骗人吗

It's gonna be you or me. 不是你就是我

Are you trying to psych me out? 你是想吓坏我吗

No, I don't need to do that to beat you. 不我不需要那样也能打败你

Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday, okay? 听着昨天很抱歉

I wasn't trying to hustle you. 我不是想坑你

- Weren't you? - Come on, Beth. -不是吗 -拜托贝丝

You're the best player here. 你是这里最优秀的棋手

And I've been watching your games. You... 而且我一直在看你的棋局你...

You attack like Alekhine. 你的进攻方式像阿列瀚

You held me off well enough yesterday. 你昨晚可把我杀得片甲不留

But that doesn't count. That's speed chess. 但那不算那是快棋

I'm better at speed chess than you. I play a lot of it in New York. 我本来快棋就下得比你好我在纽约经常玩

- You beat me in Las Vegas. - That was a while ago. -你在拉斯维加斯也击败了我 -


You were too hung up on doubling my pawns. 你那时只想着要提放我的叠兵

I don't think I could get away with that again. 我觉得我没法再用这一招了

Do you ever go over games in your head? 你会在脑海里复盘棋局吗

When you're alone. Play all the way through them? 当你一个人从头到尾下一遍

Doesn't everybody? 大家不都是吗

Well, I never thought you'd let me trade queens. 我真没想到你会让我换后

I didn't think so, either. 我也没想到

Thirty moves, man, Jesus. 30步就完了天呐

That many? 有那么多步吗

Looks like you can outdrink me, too. 看来你酒量也比我好

I really appreciate the way you're taking this. 我很谢谢你能输得起

- I'm raging inwardly. - Well, it doesn't show. -我内心在狂怒 -反正看不出来

Should never have played that goddamn bishop pawn. 就不该走象兵

- No, probably not. - What are you gonna do about Borgov? -是啊或许是不该 -


I don't know. 我不知道

I don't even have a passport. Or the right clothes. 我都没有护照或合适的衣服

I hear it's pretty cold in Paris that time of year. 我听说巴黎这个时候挺冷的

I'm not talking about Paris. I'm talking about Moscow. 我说的不是巴黎是莫斯科

What, do they not deliver mail in Kentucky? 怎么肯塔基州都不送信吗

What's in Moscow? 莫斯科怎么了

The Moscow Invitational. 莫斯科邀请赛

The US winner gets invited. You didn't know that? 美国冠军会被邀请你不知道吗

- Yes, ma'am. - A couple more, please. -女士 -再来两瓶谢谢

Uh, no, thanks. I'm still on my first. 不谢了我第一瓶还没喝完

Well, I'll drink them both. 那我就都喝了

Easy there, tiger. 悠着点猛虎

How do I get to Moscow if I go? 如果我打算去该怎么去莫斯科

Well, I mean, when I went, 我去的时候

the Federation paid for my ticket, and then this church group 政府付了机票钱然后一个教会covered the rest of it. 负责了剩下的支出


1.Muddy Puddles 泥水坑 It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. 今天下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能去外面玩耍。 Daddy,it's stopped raining. 爸爸,雨停了。 Can we go out to play? 我们可以出去玩了吗? Alright, run along you two. 好的,你们两个一起去吧。 Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里玩。 I I love muddy puddles. 我喜欢在泥坑里玩。 Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Sorry, Mummy. 对不起,妈咪。 George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. 乔治也喜欢跳在泥泞的水坑。 George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 乔治。如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. 佩奇喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。 George, let's find some more puddles. 乔治,让我们找到一些更多的水坑。 Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 佩奇和乔治玩得很开心。 Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. 佩奇发现一个小水坑。乔治发现了一个大水坑。 Look, George. There's a really big puddle. 你看,乔治。有一个真正的大水坑。 George wants to jump into the big puddle first. 乔治希望第一个跳大水坑。 Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. 停止,乔治。我必须检查一下这个对你来说是不是安全的。很好。它很安全。Sorry, George. It's only mud. 对不起,乔治。那只是泥而已。 Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治很爱在泥泞的水坑里跳。 Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy! Goodness me.


mǐ qímiào miào wū

mǐ qímiào miào wū hái zǐmen ,dàjiāhǎo ,wǒ shì米nī ,他shì米qí,wǒ men 一qǐ shuō一下qímiào de zhòu yǔ ba :mǐ sī kǎ ,mòsī kǎ ,mǐlǎo shǔ 。 náchūnǐmen de huàbǐ gěi wǒ men túsècǎi ba : mǐ nīde ěr duo shìhēi sède ,tóu bùde húdiéjiéshìlǜsè de ,hǎo piào liàng ,zuǐ ba shìfěn sède ,jiémáo shìhēi sède ,yī fu shìzǐ sède 。 mǐ qítóu shàng de mào zǐshìmòlǜ sède ,ěr duǒ shìhēi sède ,xiǎo bízǐyě shìhēi sède 。tā de yī fu shìlán sè de 。 mǐqíhémǐnī de shǒu tào dōu shìhuáng sède 。 米nī yào你bāng tā画一个yuèliàng,在lǜ yóu you地草地上画sì duǒ白yě花,画一zhī kuài lè de小鸡在chuī zhe 水pào ,小水pào shìjúsède ,画一kuài huī sède土地,zài土地lǐjié出了一个大xī guā。 米nī 和米qíde qiāo qiāo huàshì:米奇哥哥,sìshìsì,shíshìshí,shísìshìshísì,sìshíshìsìshí,shísìbùdúsìshí,sìshíbùdúshísì。你zhī dào 了ma ? 家长指导:请孩子预习an en in 后,根据拼音的提示做这份有趣的作业。作业分为三个小部分:1,根据拼音的提示给米奇和米妮涂上颜色;2,根据拼音提示在图上画上米妮喜欢的景物;3,猜猜米妮对米奇说了什么悄悄话? 注意:一定是要孩子自己拼读后,再做。拼读过程不能由家长代替。

小猪佩奇 第五季 第一集 英文字幕

Peppa Pig Season 5 Episode 1 Potato city Peppa and her family are going to Potato City. What is potato city mummy? It is a theme park, Peppa. Where the magic of vegetables never ends. It sounds a bit boring. It will be fun. Potato city, here we come. Here we are. The family have arrived at a field of potatoes. Is this potato city? And it looks like we pick the right day to visit. There are no crowds. Are you sure this is the right place, daddy pig? It just looks like a farmer’s field to me. Excuse me, is this potato city? No, that’s potato city. It isn’t quite what I was expecting. It is fantastic! How many tickets? Two adults and two children please, Miss Rabbit. Busy, isn’t it? Busy? No. This is quiet for Potato City. Have a lovely day! Peppa’s frien ds have come to Potato City, too. Hello, everyone! Hello, Peppa. And this is Mr. Potato himself. Welcome to Potato City, where the magic of vegetables never ends! Woo! See how vegetables grow! Learn how they keep us fit and healthy, and get shot into space by the potato rocket! Wee! Peppa and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket. George wants to ride on the potato rocket too. Are you sure George? It looks a bit high. Daddy pig doesn’t like heights. Moo, hurry up Daddy Pig. Oh, I am not getting on. George is too small to go on his own. Oh, ok. Make it quick.


中班音乐活动设计 米奇妙妙屋 友谊幼儿园田芳设计意图: 《指南》中指出:兴趣是幼儿最好的老师。游戏是幼儿最喜欢的活动,孩子们对动画片《米奇妙妙屋》特别感兴趣。动画片《米奇妙妙屋》内容精彩,是由一个个益智性的小故事组成的,很符合幼儿的年龄特点,幼儿在观看的同时能促进其想象力、创造力等能力的发展。对于其中的一些音乐律动也特别感兴趣。结合《指南》中指出中班幼儿已经能够可以用拍手、踏脚等身体动作或可敲击的物品敲打节拍和基本节奏。我设计了本次以游戏贯穿始终的活动,通过创设一个个有趣的游戏情境,结合多媒体教学,让幼儿充分感受节奏活动带来的快乐,培养对音乐活动的兴趣。同时培养幼儿对于节奏的感知、辨别、和表现的能力。 活动目标 1、在游戏中能够掌握音乐节奏×-×-∣××××∣,感受节奏活动带来的乐趣。 2、在有趣的情境中,能根据不同的节奏信号表现相应的节奏动作。 3、乐意与老师、同伴一起快乐地做游戏,培养幼儿活泼开

朗的性格。 活动准备 多媒体课件、“闪烁的小星”音乐、指示牌、米奇头饰等。 活动过程 一、和米奇做游戏——你好,米奇! 1、向幼儿介绍“米奇”。 教师导语:“小朋友,我们班来了许多客人老师,一起向客人老师问好。今天还有一位你们非常喜欢的一个朋也来了,想知道它是谁吗?闭上眼睛,它马上就会出现。 2、引导幼儿用不同的方式和它打招呼。 “怎样和米奇打招呼呢?”幼儿自己说。今天我们要来电特别的,用有节奏的语言来和米奇打招呼。 (1)教师引导幼儿用××××∣×—×—∣节奏和米奇打招呼(米奇米奇∣你—好—) (2)请幼儿用同样的节奏和客人老师、和同伴打招呼,练习这个节奏。 二、听听走走做游戏——妙妙屋,我来了! 1、听一听:在音乐伴奏下,初步感知玩节奏的快乐。 教师导语:米奇有个妙妙屋,里面可好玩呢,你们想不想去呢,(想)太好了,男孩女孩排排队。小朋友,路上我们还会遇到一些可爱的朋友,经过一些有趣的地方,千万跟紧老师


01 muddy puddIes I'm Peppa Pig. This is my Iittle brother, George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig. Muddy Puddles. It is raining today. So, Peppa and George Cannot play outside. Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? Alright, run along you two. Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Sorry, Mummy. George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. George, let's find some more puddles. Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. Look, George. There's a really big puddle. George wants to jump into the big puddle first. Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. Sorry, George. It's only mud.

小班韵律活动 米奇妙妙屋 教案及说课稿

小班韵律活动:米奇妙妙屋 设计意图: 小班幼儿思维的特点决定了他们喜欢在动物模仿和游戏情景中学习。但是,小班幼儿情绪体验比较少,在思想的表达和情感的流露上有时还有些拘谨,此外,他们的节奏感、动作协调能力又比较差,为了创设一种轻松、活泼的气氛,使幼儿能根据音乐的节奏自然而然的参与进来,并在轻松愉快的情绪中大胆地表现,通过师幼互动,运用形象生动的肢体动作配合轻快的节奏,以鼓励、赏识的方法来调动幼儿的积极性,主动性和创造性,使幼儿愉快地投入整个活动中。这样就会更适合小班幼儿的年龄特点和发展需要。因此,我选择了《米奇妙妙屋》这节课。 说活动目标: 根据以上对教材的分析,结合小班幼儿的年龄特点,以及发展情况,我从三个方面提出了活动目标: 1、掌握音乐节奏xxxx|x-x-|,并能用身体的不同部位来表现节奏。 2、在有趣的情境中,能根据不同的节奏信号表现相应的节奏动作。 3、乐意与教师、同伴一起快乐的做游戏,感受节奏游戏带来的乐趣。 说重难点 根据目标,我把活动的重点定位于学习节奏xxxx|x-x-|,并能用身体的不同部位来表现节奏 活动难点定位于:积极参加游戏活动,体验游戏“爬山”的愉快的心情以及"过森林" 的紧张的情绪。 说活动准备 为了更好地服务于本次的活动目标,以及重难点的解决和突破,我为本次活动以下准备 经验准备:大部分的幼儿都看过看过“米奇妙妙屋”的动画节目,熟悉《闪烁的小星》音乐旋律。 物质准备:ppt 场景准备:幼儿围坐半圆形。 说教学法 学法:游戏法、实践体验法(让幼儿在玩中学、学中玩) 根据小班幼儿的年龄特点,本次活动我主要运用了多媒体教学法、演示法、游戏法等教学方法。那么,为什么要采用以上方法呢? 多媒体教学法:通过课件中形象的画面内容直接刺激幼儿的视觉器官,能使教学由难变易,活动开展得生动活拨,从而激发幼儿参与的兴趣,使教学重点自然解决。 采用演示法是因为能引导幼儿有目地的、仔细的观察教师的动作,并能模仿。 游戏法:启发幼儿积极思维,使活动呈现了趣味性。让幼儿融入游戏,学中玩,玩中学,也是突破难点的最有效方法。


9部好看的数学动画,提高孩子的数学思维能力---数学老师推荐 一、米奇妙妙屋(2006) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 《米奇妙妙屋》是迪斯尼推出的一部家喻户晓的动画片。可以让孩子在欢乐的氛围中,学习数学、形状和逻辑思维等能力,寓教于乐。符合孩子的认知特点,互动性比较强,孩子能比较好地融入。每集20分钟左右,适合3~6岁孩子观看。 二、数学城小兄妹 Team Umizoomi Season 1 (2010) 美国国尼克公司制作的一套音乐幻想儿童动画系列,该动画片讲述马克斯、莉莉和咕,怪物热爱数学,用它来解决日常生活中的障碍。色彩感极强,适应学龄前儿童心理,采用二维和三维电脑动画,辅以真人效果,将图案、数字和形状的知识融入动画,帮助幼儿用数学方法解决日常生活问题。自2010年1月在美国尼克频道和苹果iTunes上首播,到现在已经播出了4季了。 数学思维:帮助幼儿用数学方法解决日常生活问题。 适合年龄:3-6岁集数时长:20集/24分钟 语言:英语,中文字幕 三、怪物数学小分队 Monster math Squad (2012) 加拿大动画片。讲述马克斯、莉莉和咕这几个热爱数学的小怪物,用数学知识解决日常生活中困难的故事。对于小孩子学习英语、数学都是很好的题材。这动画的人物是由常见的简单几何形状构成的,非常有趣。 数学思维:帮助孩子发展强大的数学逻辑思维和解决问题的技能。 适合年龄:3-6岁集数时长:50集/12分钟 语言:英语、中文字幕 四、数学荒岛历险记 数学荒岛历险记(2010) 这部动画片根据李毓佩教授的原著的《荒岛历险》改编。美丽的数学岛上,有一个神奇的愿望之码。只要将“咔布”生产出的数字和“加减乘除”身上的符号正确填入其中,就可以实现任何愿望。博士为了实现统治世界的野心,一心想

小猪佩奇英文视频work and play字幕

1、work and play it is a lovely sunny morning。Ah!What a nice day for doing nothing!Daddy pig loves doing nothing。 Daddy,aren't you going to work today? No,Peppa,it's Saturday. Daddy pig doesn't wok on Saturdays. Daddy pig,you'll be late for work! But it is Saturday,mummy pig ,isn't it? No.It's Thurssday! Oh! Daddy pid works on Thursdays. See you later. Bye bye. Poor daddy,having to work!Lucky mummy,you can play at home all day. I'm not playing. I'm woking on my computer. George wants to play the Happy Mrs. Chicken game. George,we can play the Happy Mrs. chicken game after I finish my work. Oh! Mummy sheep and Suzy have come to pick up Peppa for playgroup. Hello Peppa! Hello Suzy!

Have a good day at the play group. Bye bye mummy.Work hard... Mrs sheep. do you work or do you play? I'm going to be working very hard today...I'm off to the gym. What do you do at the gym? Rumming,jumping and skipping. Mummy,that's not work.That's play. Peppa and Suzy have arrived at the play group. Hello everyone! Hello Peppa,Hello Suzy! Ah ho,Children!Today,we would play shops! Woo! Who wants to be shopkeeper? Me,me,me! Peppa and Suzy can be shopkeepers. Everyone else can be customers. Peppa and Suzy are going to run a pretend shop. What do we have to do ? I'll take the money Suzy and you can start the shelves. OK. Danny dog is the first customer.


新修订幼儿园阶段原创精品配套教材 中班音乐《米奇妙妙屋》活动教案教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 The lesson plan of the middle class music "Mickey Mouse" 教师:风老师 风顺第二幼儿园 编订:FoonShion教育

中班音乐《米奇妙妙屋》活动教案 活动目标:1、在有趣的游戏情境中,听懂不同的音乐节奏的信号并表现相应的动作。2、乐意与老师、同伴一起快乐地唱唱跳跳做游戏。活动准备:相关媒体制作米奇玩具一个活动过程: 一、蹦蹦跳跳大声唱——你好,米奇!1、师:“小朋友,今天有一位你们非常喜欢的动物明星来看你们了,我们一起喊三、二、一把它请出来好吗?”(请出米老鼠)2、孩子们用不同的方式和它打招呼。师:“谁来了?”(教师引导孩子用不同词汇打招呼,夸夸米奇。)小结:米老鼠多神气多可爱呀,现在我们一起来夸夸米奇好吗?3、歌表演:我爱米老鼠(引导幼儿大声夸,大胆跳:“大声夸它才会高兴噢”)4、媒体:“小朋友一起大声唱歌真好听,真响亮,瞧,米奇真的来了。”(媒体) 二、听听走走做游戏——妙妙屋,我来了!1、欣赏录像师:“米奇邀请你们去它的妙妙屋玩,你们想去吗?路上我们还会遇到一些可爱的朋友,经过一些有趣的地方,千万跟紧老师哦,别一个人掉队了。”(幼儿边唱边

跳来到小树林,和媒体互动。)师:“这是谁?来一起问个好吧”引导幼儿用有节奏的儿歌大声念诵:“**,**,早上好,和各种动物朋友打招呼!”2、媒体出现一座山师:“走了这么多的路,我们一起休息一下吧,看看,我们到哪儿了?”师:“愿意和老师一起爬山吗?看看,我是怎么上山的?现在我在山脚下了哦,往哪里爬?听听音乐怎么样的”(倾听上行音乐和下行音乐。幼儿和老师一起听着音乐上山、下山。)3、请出小鼓来帮忙孩子掌握节奏。师:“小鼓说话的时候我们就要爬山了,小鼓说的快我们就跑得快,上山。小鼓说的慢,我们就跑的慢,下山。4、出示小铃。教师变化不同的节奏型,幼儿听见铃声就拍出节奏,听到鼓声就踏出节奏,一路跑跑走走来到米奇妙妙屋。鼓:* * * * * *** **** 铃:* * * * * * * * * **** *三、边唱边跳一起来——我跟米奇学本领!1、媒体出现画面:“看,米奇妙妙屋到了!”2、欣赏媒体“妙妙屋的表演”。师:“刚才,他们跳打拍子的舞蹈,是用身体哪个地方打拍子的?”“用脚打了几次拍子?”3、幼儿和媒体共同互动学跳。5、引导幼儿可以改变各个身体部位打拍子,边唱边跳 FoonShion教育研究中心编制 Prepared by foonshion Education Research Center


Peppa Pig 小猪佩奇 Peppa:I’m Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 我是佩奇,这是我的弟弟乔治。这是我的妈妈。这是我的爸爸。 Muddy Puddles 泥坑 It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. 今天外面下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能在外面玩。 Peppa:Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? 佩奇:爸爸,现在雨停了,我们能出去玩吗? Daddy Pig:Al right, run along you two. 猪爸爸:好的,你们两个去玩吧。 Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里玩。 Peppa:I love muddy puddles. 佩奇:我最喜欢在泥坑里玩了。 Mummy Pig:Peppa, if you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 猪妈妈:佩奇,如果你要在泥坑里跳,你必须得穿上靴子才行。 Peppa: Sorry, Mummy. 佩奇:对不起,妈妈。 George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. 乔治也喜欢在泥坑里跳。 Peppa: George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.


1.迪士尼-米奇妙妙屋 适合年龄:2~5岁 简介:美国Disney出品,《米奇妙妙屋》与其他学龄前儿童动画片不同的地方在于,它在讲故事的过程中,会与看故事的小朋友一起互动,通过简单的一问一答方式,让小朋友亲历米奇的奇妙探险之旅,从而训练幼儿早期数学与逻辑分析能力,具体包括:形状、尺度、数字,关联等的认识。 2.迪士尼-小熊维尼侦探系列 适合年龄:2~6岁 简介:美国Disney出品,内容贴近生活,温馨幽默。配音的语速较缓,很适合低龄儿童。就像主题歌所唱:有新奇刺激的历险故事、好听音乐,给你无限惊喜之余,更让你明白友情的神奇力量,以及朋友互相帮助的喜悦。 3.米菲兔系列 适合年龄:2岁以上 简介:米菲兔卡通,以造型可爱的米菲兔为主角,并以环绕在周遭的事物为主题,故事简单、内容多元且丰富,除了故事本身可以强化儿童在认知与情感上的学习外,搭配简易歌曲二教唱,亦能在儿童观赏的同时,增添许多乐趣。 4.天线宝宝 适合年龄:1~3岁 简介:天线宝宝(teletubbies)节目是全球著名的电视媒体BBC(英国)推出的儿童栏目,讲述四个可爱的天线宝宝的日常生活,现今风靡全球四十多个国家,它常涵盖了儿童所有身心发展的特点,使婴幼儿语言,智力,动作等方面得到最好的指导,它以动画、故事、游戏的形式让儿童百看不厌。 5.爱探险的朵拉 适合年龄:2~8岁 简介:美国出品,专为2-8岁儿童及妈妈们设计的中英双语节目,是目前美国市场上最成功的互动教学动画片。 6.大熊贝儿蓝色的家

适合年龄:2-10岁 简介:一部趣味十足的主题式情景导引之儿童卡通剧,被美国迪士尼频道评为第一名儿童教育片,本剧通过生活化的互动式形象表达方法,引导孩子培养抽象的联想能力,教导孩子学会适当的情绪表达能力,是专为增进儿童认知、行为习惯、心理素质而精心设计的。本片获“儿童类最佳导演奖”“最佳成音技术”两项艾美奖,最佳学龄前幼儿影集艾美奖提名,本片原作者曾获儿童类杰出导演成就奖。 7.巧虎 适合年龄:1~6岁 简介:采用“连动学习+多元游戏”模式,通过配套结合的各种教具来达到连动学习的效果,商品由读本、父母用书、DVD影像教材和教具(玩具)等组成,利用不同的媒介特征,将要教导的内容,通过平面、立体、听觉、视觉等多元方式进行传达,配合学习主题,设计新鲜有趣的动手游戏来引导学习,在培养小朋友各项能力的同时,也促进养成独立学习、独立思考、独立生存的个性。 8.海绵宝宝 适合年龄:2岁以上 简介:《海绵宝宝》是美国动画片史上最受孩子们喜爱的动画系列片之一,该片曾获得全美儿童电视动画片收视冠军,每个月都有近6000万观众收看,除了儿童观众以外,还有一半观众为成年人,并于2004年获得美国电视评论家最佳儿童节目奖。 9.迪斯尼动物王国 适合年龄;1岁以上 简介:给孩子看的动物世界,全实景拍摄,23种动物,每种有20多分钟的内容,从各种动物的外部特征、出生、成长到哺食等生活习性一一作了详细的介绍。 10.大红狗 适合年龄:3~7岁 简介:故事甜蜜温馨、幽默有趣,人物稚朴可爱。它把分享、公正、尊重、合作、责任感、诚实、和善、自信、友爱、乐于肋人的故事给孩子们娓娓道来,没有些许说教的痕迹,每个故事都是结合孩子在成长过程中遭遇的种种问题,引导孩子以正确的观念和态度去面对和解决问题,这对于孩子的成长有正面而积极的影响。


I’m Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 我是佩奇,这是我的弟弟乔治。这是我的妈妈。这是我的爸爸。 Peppa Pig 小猪佩奇 Gardening! 种植 Garden 英[?ɡɑ?dn] 美[?ɡɑ?rdn] n.园圃,花园,果园,菜园;庭园;园子;公园 v.做园艺工作;种植花木 Peppa and George are playing at Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house. 佩奇和乔治在猪奶奶和猪爷爷家里玩。 (佩奇传球给爷爷) Peppa: Grandpa! Catch! 佩奇:爷爷,接住! Grandpa Pig: Catch! What's this?(乔治抱着恐龙玩具跑到爷爷面前) 猪爷爷:接住了!这是什么? George:Dine-SaW! Grrrrr! 乔治:恐龙!咯…… Grandpa Pig: A dinosaur! 猪爷爷:恐龙啊! Peppa: Grandpa, what are you doing? 佩奇:爷爷,你在做什么? Grandpa Pig: I'm planting these seeds.([si?d] 种子) 猪爷爷:我在播种。 sow [s??] 播种 Peppa: Seeds? What do seeds do?

佩奇:种子?种子是做什么的? Grandpa Pig:Seeds grow into plants. I just make a little hole and put the seed in. Then I cover it with earth and water it. Everything in my garden grows from tiny seeds like these. 猪爷爷:种子会长成植物。我先挖个小坑把种子放进去。然后盖上土并浇水。我花园里所有的东西,都是从这样小的种子长成的。 cover 英[?k?v?(r)] 美[?k?v?r] v.掩蔽;遮盖;盖;覆盖;撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等) n.覆盖物;掩蔽物;套子;罩子;躲避处;避难所;庇护所;(书刊的)封面,封皮 earth英[??θ] 美[??rθ] n.世界;地球;陆地;地面;大地;土;泥;泥土 water 英[?w??t?(r)] 美[?w??t?r] n.水; (尤指)江,河,湖,海;(某一江、河、湖、海的)水域 v.给…浇水;灌溉;充满眼泪;流口水 Peppa: Even the big apple tree? 佩奇:即使大苹果树也是吗? Grandpa Pig: Oh! Yes! This tiny seed... will grow into a little apple tree, like this. 猪爷爷:哦,是的!这小小的种子……会长成一棵小苹果树,像这棵。Peppa: and George:Oooh. 佩奇和乔治:哦~ Grandpa Pig: And that little apple tree will grow into a big apple tree like this. Ouch! Mmmm ! And inside this apple are more seeds. (一颗苹果掉到了猪爷爷头上,猪爷爷吃了起来) 猪爷爷:然后这些小苹果树会长成这样大的苹果树。嗷~嗯~这颗苹果里有很多这样的种子。 Peppa: To make more apple trees! 佩奇:可以长出更多的苹果树! Grandpa Pig: Exactly! 猪爷爷:说的没错! Peppa: Grandpa! Grandpa! I want to plant a seed!


《巴布工程师》 是英国BBC于1999年开始播出的著名卡通节目,已在世界上140多个国家播出。在英国的学前教育节目评级中获得最高的级别。巴布在德国学前儿童教育节目中排第2位。在英国被确认为是学龄前儿童最喜欢的的角色。在美国、日本、德国、澳大利亚等国家收视率排第一。曾在中央少儿频道中午12点25分播出,香港本港台和国际台长期播出。 工程师巴布和温妮所在的工程师团队,齐心协力完成很多任务,如果要问他们怎么样,他们的回答肯定是:“我们都很棒!” 这个团队倡导合作精神,具有环保意识,工作时充满了乐趣。瞧,压路机罗利、挖土机思库、小吊车罗迪、搅拌机狄丝……他们在工程师巴布的带领下,一会儿去修路,一会儿去修灯,一会儿去建巴士站,一会儿去救小动物……他们会踢足球、会唱歌,还会养小动物,真是一个个奇妙、可爱的小伙伴,就像我们身边的每一个孩子一样! 《倒霉熊》 是一部出自韩国人之手的可爱的北极熊Backkom的幽默搞笑短片,全集共分八大部和一个剧场版。其中的主角“倒霉熊”是韩国EBS电台制作的一个卡通形象。在相继推出了流氓兔、Dinga猫之后,韩国的动画界一直致力于打造下一个有代表性的韩国卡通形象。片中的主人公是一个长在北极的胖胖的小熊,他的好奇心很强。他从遥远的北极来到了繁华的城市,从此便发生了很多令人啼笑皆非的故事,令人们在开怀大笑的同时还会为倒霉熊的单纯而感动。 倒霉熊2002年“诞生”于韩国,2008年在韩国的人气已经超过了“流氓兔”。这只傻傻的北极熊已经走进了美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利等50多个国家的电视荧幕,给全世界几十亿的观众们带来了欢乐。在网上,倒霉熊的网络搜索条目达到了惊人的1360万。它还为韩国动画赢得了一系列荣誉,并于2006年摘得韩国动画片最高奖。韩国电子产品“酷比魔方”也用其作为产品的测试软件。 有意思的是,这只倒霉熊不但引起了观众们的极大兴趣,世界各大主流媒体还先后发表过对于“倒霉熊热播”现象的评论。美国《纽约时报》把《倒霉熊》上升到了政治的高度,他们认为美国对伊拉克的政策正如这个倒霉熊练跑步机时所期待的,前面总会晃动着胜利的幻想,但是结局注定是失败的。俄罗斯《消息报》则认为倒霉熊是孤独的俄罗斯的象征。俄罗斯要想重新找回伟大国家的梦想,只有像倒霉熊一样,依靠永不气馁的精神,自力更生才能成功。而法国《费加罗报》则通过倒霉熊指代法国年轻人就业前景的危机,绝妙地讽刺了法国年轻一代新生力量满脑子对美好未来的憧憬,对个人事业的向往,初出茅庐,野心勃勃,但是等待他们的只有对自己造成伤害的结局。 《托马斯和他的朋友们/托马斯和朋友们》 一个小小火车头满载教育意义的故事,一路陪伴孩子健康成长!启发学习兴趣,培养动手动脑,如何与人相处,开发儿童健康全面的思维!英国学龄前儿童节目中的“头名状元”,自1984年以来,被翻译成45种语言、影响力遍及130多个国家地区! 《托马斯和朋友》透过故事中的小错误与误会引发思考,全面“启发学习兴趣”;只有自己真正的去参与一些事情,“培养动手动脑”才能懂得更多生活的常识;“如何与人相处”?看看这些火车头是怎么解决互相之间的碰撞和矛盾吧;从这些性格不同的火车头朋

Peppa Pig-Teddy's Day Out

I’m Peppa pig. This is my little brother George. This is mommy pig and this is daddy pig. Teddy’s Day Out Peppa and her family are going out for the day. Daddy pig’s made picnic. Daddy: Peppa, George, have you got your stuff ready? Peppa: Yes, I’m taking teddy. George: Dinosaur. Mommy: If you take your toys, you must look after them. Peppa: Yes mommy. Daddy: Are we all ready? All: Yes, daddy pig! Daddy: Then let’s go. George: Dinosaur! George has left Mr. Dinosaur behind. Mommy: Oh, George, you should take more care of Mr. Dinosaur. George: Dinosaur! Daddy: Are we all absolutely sure we haven’t forgotten anything else? All: Yes, daddy pig! Peppa: Teddy! I’ve left teddy! Daddy: Where did you leave teddy? Peppa: I think on the kitchen table. Mommy: Peppa, you really must take more care of teddy. Peppa: Teddy! Daddy: Here we go again. All ready? All: Yes, daddy pig! Daddy: Here we goooo~! This is the picnic area. Daddy: we are here! All: Hurrah! Daddy: Ah! I love this picnic spot. It’s so quiet and peaceful.


米奇妙妙屋Mickey Mouse Clubhouse第二季前9 集字幕及语言点: 1、Fancy Dancin' Goofy 00:20:38 Welcome to our clubhouse. 00:20:40 [Pluto barking] hey, look. it's my old pal pluto. 00:20:45 [Barking] ha ha! easy, fella. easy. 00:20:51 He's pretty excited, and you know why? 00:20:53 We're havin' a big fancy dance at the clubhouse today, and all our friends are invited, including you. 00:21:01 [Music playing] ooh, gosh. 00:21:10 Now, that's some fancy dancin'. 00:21:13 [Doorbell chimes] say, someone's at the door. 00:21:16 Hmm. I wonder who it is. 00:21:21 Hiya, mickey. 00:21:23 comin' to the fancy dance? 00:21:25 Yep, and here's a fancy dance I could do. 00:21:31 Watch me. 00:21:32 [Music playing] ?? step, step, hop, shake ?? 00:21:35 ?? step, step, hop, shake ?? 00:21:37 [ruff] ha ha ha ha! 00:21:38 Gee, that's swell, donald. 00:21:41 ?? Step, step, hop, shake ?? 00:21:43 ?? step, step, hop-- ?? 00:21:45 [doorbell chime] hey. 00:21:50 Hi, everybody. 00:21:51 Whoow! wh-whoa! 00:21:53 [Crash, horse neighs] hey, what's the big idea? 00:21:59 Heh heh. hey, goof. you all right? 00:22:01 guess I'm kind of excited about the fancy dance today. 00:22:05 Clarabelle cow and I are comin' to the dance together. 00:22:09 Aw, good for you, goof. 00:22:11 [Telephone rings] ooh. that's the clubhouse phone. 00:22:14 Gee, I wonder who's callin'. 00:22:16 [Ring] hello. 00:22:18 Well, hi, clarabelle. 00:22:19 yeah, and-- hmm? goofy? why, sure. he's right here. 00:22:27 Hello, clarabelle. 00:22:29 Hello, goofy. 00:22:30 I'm getting all dressed up for the fancy dance. 00:22:34 I hope you dress up, too. 00:22:37 Uh--[gulps] sure thing, clarabelle. 00:22:39 Oh, and I especially like ties with purple polka dots. 00:22:44 Heh heh. can't wait to dance with you. 00:22:47 Bye-bye. 00:22:52 Gawrsh. ties with purple polka dots? 00:22:55 Well, I don't have a tie with purple polka dots. 00:22:59 Clarabelle wants me to dress up for the fancy dance, but I'm not dressed up. 00:23:04 Aw, don't worry, goofy. 00:23:06 We'll help you dress up. 00:23:07 But there's another problem. 00:23:09 Clarabelle can't wait to dance with me.

米奇妙妙屋 分集名称+歌曲

第1集牧羊女黛西 第2集给米妮的惊喜 第3集小红鸟归巢 第4集唐老鸭的热气球赛第5集布鲁托的球 第6集唐老鸭与魔豆 第7集米奇去钓鱼 第8集高飞登上火星 第9集青蛙王子唐老鸭 第10集米妮的生日 第11集黛西的舞蹈 第12集米奇送暖 第13集米奇捉迷藏第14集布鲁托的最佳表现第15集米奇寻宝记 第16集戴西上天了 第17集小红帽米妮 第18集布鲁托当保姆 第19集唐老鸭丢失的狮子第20集魔术师高飞 第21集戴西医生 第22集米奇救圣诞老人第23集米奇寻找彩虹颜色第24集沉睡的米妮 第25集唐老鸭打嗝 第26集高飞的可爱动物园

《米奇妙妙屋》片头 嘿,大家好,是我,米老鼠。 哎,要不要进我的妙妙屋? 哦!太好了,我们走! 哦!我差点儿忘了! 要让妙妙屋出现,我们必须要念奇妙的咒语!米斯嘎-穆斯噶-米老鼠! 跟我说一次!米斯嘎-穆斯噶-米老鼠! M I C K E Y M O U S E ! (就是我!) M I C K E Y M O U S E ! 米奇妙妙屋,开启!快进来非常好玩。 米奇妙妙屋,开启!点名! 唐老鸭? 在这!黛西? 有! 高飞? 哟呵!布鲁托? 汪!汪! 米妮? 哦,有!米奇? 我在这! 米奇妙妙屋,开启!快进来非常好玩。M I C K E Y M O U S E ! 这是米奇妙妙屋!好!

《小鸟归巢》 欢迎来到米奇妙妙屋! 听起来是拼图时间到了! 不知道今天要拼的是什么? (吧吧吧拼图,拼个图案,试试看!)嗯,这个图看起来对吗? 不!呵呵,这个图不对。 我们再试一次。 (吧吧吧拼图,拼个图案,试试看!)嗯,你觉得这个图看起来对吗?啊,没错! 你知道它是什么? 小鸟! 对!哈哈哈哈哈……太好了!
