
二、案例描述1. 某城市概况某城市位于我国东部沿海地区,总面积为X平方公里,常住人口为Y万人。
2. 交通拥堵现状(1)高峰时段交通拥堵严重。
三、问题分析1. 原因分析(1)道路资源不足。
2. 影响分析(1)影响市民出行效率。
四、解决方案1. 优化道路资源(1)增加道路里程。
2. 合理规划交通(1)优化道路规划。

(1) 什么是Case Interview?一般来说,Case Interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的Case Interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是Warm-up。
接下来才是真正的Case Interview。
简而言之,Case Interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。
你的面试官会给你提出一个Business Issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个Business Issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,Case Interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。
对于大学毕业,没有工作经验的学生来说,大多数情况下Case 不会很难,也不会需要你对那个行业有系统的了解。
Case Interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个Case Interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个Interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些Behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论Case。
(2) 为什么使用Case Interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。


在商业分析师(Business Analyst,简称BA)这个⾏业我⼲了不少年,认识了不少相似背景的同⾏,也认识了许多不同背景的同学。
接下来的⼏个⽉,欢迎⼤家持续关注!如果你也是BA⽼司机,欢迎私聊给我提提建议!不知道我是谁?Minnie硅⾕FLAG中⽼年商业分析师BitTiger.io商业分析师课程主讲⽼师在BA⾯试的准备过程中,不知道同学们有没有过如下的问题:啥叫case interview?我只听说过SQL。
为什么我的case interview(⼜双叒叕)挂了?到底什么叫business sense?......如果你有这样的问题,那么希望接下来的内容能够有帮助。
咨询业面试必看 case interview 及其经典案例分析

(1) 什么是Case Interview?一般来说,Case Interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的Case Interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是Warm-up。
接下来才是真正的Case Interview。
简而言之,Case Interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。
你的面试官会给你提出一个Business Issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个Business Issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,Case Interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。
Case Interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个Case Interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个Interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些Behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论Case。
(2) 为什么使用Case Interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。

案例面试Caseinterview八类类型介绍及分析工具第一篇:案例面试Case interview八类类型介绍及分析工具案例面试Case interview八类类型介绍及分析工具面试案例主要有以下8种类型,或者是其中2-3种的叠加。
Falling Profits Case这个类型的案例需要你挖掘分析出导致企业利润下降的可能因素。
考察的是面试者的分析能力,深入洞察事务的能力, 熟悉金融工具,交流能力及相关行业知识相关分析工具有:Market assessment, BCG matrix, product mix assessment.New Product Introduction这个类型的案例是要求你推荐一种新产品引进的策略。
相关分析工具有:4p理论,市场分析,竞争者分析,product portfolio assessmentEntering a New Market这个类型的案例需要你分析出加公司是否应该进入一个新的市场,是否需要发展一种新产品或新服务。
考察的是面试者的分析能力,对市场、供应链动态的理解、交流能力及相关行业知识相关分析工具有:Market assessment, product portfolio analysisEntering a New Geographic Market这个类型的案例需要你分析企业是否应该将业务拓展到新的国家或地区。
此类问题考察的是面试者的分析能力,对国际市场动态、当地通货情况、供应链动态的理解,及交流能力与相关行业知识相关分析工具有: Market assessment, supply chain analysis, competitor analysisWhere to Locate a New Facility(“Site Selection Case”)这个类型的案例需要你评估一下,公司应该在哪里添置新的工厂或设备,有时也需要你分析出公司的整体运营是否需要重新规划和部署。
把手教你做Case Interview

把手教你做Case Interview(一):Market Sizing 案例详解2015-06-16etesian Etesian亦莘Etesian亦莘etesian对咨询行业外部科普,为咨询新人解惑,与咨询顾问探讨与交流。
刚坐下,面试官就拿起手边的星巴克咖啡,问:“请你告诉我,楼下的Starbucks一天要卖掉多少杯咖啡?”——这就是最典型的market sizing问题。
从Pretalk到par面,Market Sizing 经常出现于各大咨询公司的各轮面试中。
简单来说,Market Sizing需要面试人估算某个领域的总数,可能是中国加油站的总数,可能是上海一共有多少台iphone,也可能是北京地铁一天要消耗掉多少张地铁票。
接下来,我会配合一个实例,一步一步呈现如何解决market sizing问题。

面试笑傲CaseInterview的分析框架大集合,让你秒懂自己弱在了哪里Case Interview是很多咨询面试的人最害怕的部分,其实说难也难,说不难也不难。
看完下文,熟记于心,你的Case Interview就成功了一半。
那究竟有些什么分析框架呢?基本的分析框架主要有:1Cost-Benefit 成本效益分析比如一个饮料制造商考虑是否应该上一个订单自动处理系统?这时候就需要采用成本效益分析。

1、What can you tell me about yourself ?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve ineachsport I participatedin. As a college student, I workedina clothing storepart-timeandfoundthatI couldsell things easily. Thesalewas important,butfor me,it was evenmore important tomake sure that the customer was satisfied. Itwas not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。

(1)Business Case Interview(商业案例)下面我们用一个真实的Business Case Interview的详细过程来结束这部分讨论,同时让大家体会一下一个真实的成功的Case Interview应该注意什么地方:(你走进了一个房间,然后你的面试官正坐在桌子旁边。
)面试官:Nice meeting you. Please take a seat.应聘者:Thanks.(然后坐下)面试官:Ok. This Interview will last around 45 minu tes. We will have a short conversation, followed by a Case in Chinese, is that clear?应聘者:Yes. That’s fine with me.面试官:Ok. First please generally introduce yourself.应聘者: (自我介绍)面试官:Ok. I can see from your resume that you were the vice president of XXX organization. Can you provide me some detail about what you have done?应聘者: Sure. (然后开始讲述)(然后再进行5-10分钟左右的Behavior Interview)面试官:好。
我们的一个客户,是一个全球著名的skin care公司,他们旗下的一个很著名的skin care brand进入中国之后,销量一直不好。
因此,可以从两个方面考虑:第一:What’s the most attractive consumer segment? 第二:What’s the most favorite channels to attract the segment?应聘者:那我需要一些时间思考一下。
ZZCase Interview经典分析

一.Case Interview1.类型介绍(1) 什么是Case Interview?一般来说,Case Interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的Case Interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是Warm-up。
接下来才是真正的Case Interview。
简而言之,Case Interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。
你的面试官会给你提出一个Business Issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个Business Issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,Case Interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。
Case Interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个Case Interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个Interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些Behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论Case。
(2) 为什么使用Case Interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。
CaseInterview3.txt -

第三部分第三部分: : : 何为案例面试何为案例面试何为案例面试? ? ? 为何使用案例面试为何使用案例面试为何使用案例面试??案例面试是咨询公司招募员工时经常采用的方式案例面试是咨询公司招募员工时经常采用的方式,,一般而言一般而言,,案例问题是饶有趣味性趣味性,,迷惑性和进取性的面试工具惑性和进取性的面试工具,,用于对申请者进行多方面的考评用于对申请者进行多方面的考评。
面试官给出面试官给出case case case,,并不是要让你难堪或者出丑并不是要让你难堪或者出丑,,也不是想看到你直冒冷汗也不是想看到你直冒冷汗((有时候压力面试时候的确会令人紧张不堪试时候的确会令人紧张不堪,,但还是考察重压之下处理问题的能力但还是考察重压之下处理问题的能力),),),他的目他的目的在于的在于::1. . 测试你的分析能力测试你的分析能力2. . 测试你逻辑思维和组织答案的能力测试你逻辑思维和组织答案的能力3. . 观察你的思考过程观察你的思考过程4. . 评估你在压力下保持冷静和自信的程度以及沟通的技能评估你在压力下保持冷静和自信的程度以及沟通的技能5. . 发现你的个性发现你的个性发现你的个性,,是否是否chemistry fit chemistry fit chemistry fit,,符合公司文化6. . 看你是否真的喜欢解决问题看你是否真的喜欢解决问题看你是否真的喜欢解决问题((是否听到是否听到case case case后会两眼放光后会两眼放光后会两眼放光))7. . 确定咨询工作是否适合你确定咨询工作是否适合你我自己也做过不少的我自己也做过不少的case interview case interview case interview,,总结了一下自己总结了一下自己、、同学以及朋友所参加的case interview erview,,我觉得在案例面试中制胜的法宝有以下几点我觉得在案例面试中制胜的法宝有以下几点::1. . 倾听问题倾听问题善于倾听是咨询顾问最基本的一个技能善于倾听是咨询顾问最基本的一个技能,,弄清楚客户真正的要求是什么弄清楚客户真正的要求是什么,,有时候一个词就可以改变整个案例可以改变整个案例。

在进行案例面试时,应聘者需要注意以下几点:1. 理解问题:在面试开始时,应聘者需要仔细阅读问题描述,并确保对问题的理解准确。
2. 提出假设:在分析问题之前,应聘者可以先提出一些假设,以帮助自己更好地理解问题和制定解决方案。
3. 分析问题:在分析问题时,应聘者可以运用各种工具和方法,如SWOT分析、五力模型、价值链分析等,来帮助自己全面地理解问题,并找出问题的关键因素。
4. 制定解决方案:在制定解决方案时,应聘者需要考虑到问题的各个方面,包括市场、竞争、财务等。
5. 沟通能力:在整个面试过程中,应聘者需要清晰地表达自己的思路和观点,并能够与面试官进行良好的沟通。
案例面试的评估标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 问题分析能力:评估应聘者对问题的分析能力和逻辑思维能力。
2. 解决方案的可行性:评估应聘者制定解决方案的能力。
3. 沟通能力:评估应聘者的沟通能力和表达能力。
4. 团队合作能力:评估应聘者在团队合作中的能力。
在准备案例面试时,应聘者可以通过以下几个途径提高自己的能力:1. 阅读案例分析书籍:可以通过阅读相关的案例分析书籍,了解不同行业的案例,并学习分析问题的方法和技巧。

What to expect in a BCG interviewAt BCG, we look for something beyond intellect. In the interview, we want to learn who you are as well as how you think. So each interview has two parts: the personal discussion and the case.The personal discussion is our way of getting to know you. There is no fixed format or agenda, but interviewers often focus the discussion on an experience or a period of your life. There is very little that can be done to prepare, so relax and use the time to help us get to know you better.The case interview makes up the greater part of the interview time. The best preparation is to familiarize yourself with types of analysis you may employ and practice generating sound, defensible hypotheses. To help you, we've assembled several resources as well as some tips to prepare for the case interview.Cases:1. Finding revenue growth in the medical software industryStep 1: Actively listen to the caseYour client is GenCo, a large, international, diversified company with a health care division that produces a wide variety of medical instruments and related services. Five years ago, it expanded into the health care software industry by purchasing MedCount, which markets administrative systems to large U.S. hospitals. These systems are designed primarily for back-office functions; they are not designed for managing patients or providing other physician and technical support. Since it was purchased, the software division has failed to deliver the growth needed to justify the multiple GenCo paid for it. GenCo feels it has already squeezed margins as much as possible, and now is looking for new sales opportunities. MedCount turned to BCG to help identify potential ways to increase revenues. How would you approach this problem?Step 2: Establish your understanding of the caseFirst, let me make sure I understand the problem. The parent company produces medical devices and services, but before the acquisition was not involved in health care software. The company it purchased, MedCount, sells only administrative systems software to large hospitals. It is now looking for opportunities to increase revenues.That is correct.Could I take a moment to jot down a few thoughts?Sure, that would be fine.Step 3: Set up the frameworkI would suggest using the following framework: First, I'd want to understand the market size and growth rates for MedCount's market and related software markets. Next, I would like to explore the competition and their market shares. Third, I would like to examine customer requirements and then, given those external conditions, look at the division's capabilities to understand how well prepared it is to meet the needs of the marketplace.That sounds fine. So what do you want to know about the market?Step 4: Evaluate the case using the frameworkWell, the first hurdle would be to identify the markets the company would be interested in. Besides administration systems, what other types of medical software systems do large hospitals purchase?There are many software systems, but for the sake of time, the team focused on three primary markets: administration systems, patient administration, and physician support systems.What do those systems do?Patient administration includes systems like admissions and tracking. Physician support systems are more specialized, for individual physician procedures.I would like to know how large each market is and how fast each is growing. I would use secondary sources such as press releases, analyst reports, and published market studies, to obtain this information.Great! That is what we did during the market study. Our information revealed the following market sizes and growth rates.From a size and growth perspective, physician support systems looks like a very attractive market. I'd like to know a little about the customers themselves. The client is currently targeting large hospitals. Approximately what percentage of the market do they represent?We were unable to get an exact breakdown, but we know that these hospitals make up the vast majority of the total medical software market.That would make sense, since the more sophisticated procedures at a hospital might necessitate more advanced software solutions. I know that there have been a lot of changes in the industry as a result of managed care. I don't know much about the industry, so I would want to look at market studies and press clippings to get a better sense of the hospital market in general and any technology or software trends more specifically.Okay. Let's say that you did that and were presented with this summary of market trends:∙Consolidation in the industry, with three to four large hospital networks dominating 45 percent of the market∙Cost controls instituted, particularly as these large hospital networks acquire smaller hospitals (centralization of functions being a key cost issue)∙Many hospitals seeking to consolidate their vendor base∙With regard to technology, many hospitals upgrading their older systemsIf hospitals are consolidating vendors, perhaps our client has an advantage in being part of a larger medical company. Maybe the client could also gain some advantages by expanding into other software segments. Are the people responsible for purchasing software at the hospital the same for all three segments?Like all things, it differs by hospital, but the larger hospital networks, have tried to consolidate their purchasing not only within but also across hospitals.Is the decision maker for medical software the same as for medical instrumentation and devices?In some cases, the head of purchasing influences both decisions, but the person who makes the final choice is different. Software decisions are usually made by the hospital IT function, and those for instrumentation by the medical staff.I think I have a pretty good understanding of the market for now. Let's look at competition next. We could identify all the competitors and build up the market shares using a combination of public data and estimates.Well, let's assume that you don't have an infinite amount of time to look at all the competitors. You can only look at the top five competitors in each market. You are given the following data:Administration Systems Sales ($M)Growth (%)MedCount7004%HCS Software Systems1007%Morningside Software803%Admin Systems Solutions 702%HTI Software5015%Patient Administration Sales ($M)Growth (%)HTI 3005%Registration Software Solutions2404%Signup Software603%HCS Software Systems3016%Patient Software20-1%Physician Support Sales ($M)Growth (%)HCS Software Systems15016%Physician Support Systems10011%Medical Technology Inc2518%HTI2032%MedSys 5 15%Very interesting. The first thing I would note from the data is that the market concentrations are very different. In administrative systems, the top five competitors control 66 percent of the market and in patient administration, they control 65 percent. But in the physician support market, they control only 25 percent.I would want to know what gross margins look like in each of these markets as well. I might turn to analyst reports and look at competitors' financial statements to deduce whether they are making money in each market.Gross margins vary, of course, but the analyst reports have margins of 25 to 30 percent for administrative systems and for patient administration. For physician support, the margins tend to be higher, more like 45 to 50 percent.I see that two competitors, HTI and HCS Software Systems, have very large revenue growth in all threesectors, although they each dominate one. I would want to look at their financials, annual reports, and press releases to find out a bit more about their strategy in each of these areas.You'd find that they recently entered these noncore markets. Why might they have done that?Perhaps, like our client, each had a strong position in its own segment, HTI in patient administration and HCS Software Systems in physician support. Maybe they too decided to branch out into the other segments to find additional growth.That is a very good hypothesis. Let's say there is evidence in the sources you consult that supports your assertion.Well, if that were true, these two companies could be a threat not only in the other two segments, but also in our client's segment, administrative systems. It looks as if the client is slowly losing market share in its segment, since it is growing more slowly than its market.Good observation.The market and competitor trends could also suggest that the client may want to enter these other markets. In particular, the physician support market looks attractive, given it has high growth and lack of a dominant competitor. The higher gross margins may provide attractive returns on the necessary investment in software development. However, the patient administration market may also be attractive. Although it is more concentrated and offers lower margins than physician support, the client may be able to enter this segment with a smaller up-front investment. Given the trend toward upgrading existing computer systems, it may be important for MedCount to have a product offering in each of the three market segments. That should not be too difficult, since the company is already in the software industry.Perhaps, but you should think a little more closely about these types of software. Are all software systems alike?Well, let me think about that for a moment. I suspect patient administration would have relatively low entry barriers. From your earlier description, these systems appear to be pretty basic, dealing primarily with admissions and patient tracking However, the entry barriers in physician support might be higher, since these systems are more complex and there are probably multiple systems for the various physician procedures. I guess it would be harder to get into those types of systems.That would make sense.Since the company might want to go into only some of the segments, I would want to know how important it is to have products in all three segments. Do we know if the competitors are marketing their products as a bundle?How might you find that out?Since it would be difficult to talk to a competitor directly, I would probably target a competitor's customer, particularly one that just converted from our client's software.Let's say you get an interview with a customer that recently switched to HTI. You discover that the competitor was offering it a better pricing deal and service for software products in all three segments.How were MedCount's software and service perceived in relation to those of competitors?The customer thought that its administrative systems were adequate, "the old standby," but not stellar.Were there any other key reasons it switched from MedCount's system?When it decided to upgrade its systems, it tried to contact MedCount, but could never get a representative to describe its options.Interesting. How did HTI perform?The HTI representative had heard that the company was considering switching software vendors and provided a sales representative to pitch HTI's administrative product the next day.It definitely sounds as if there was a problem with the sales function and that customer relations need to be improved, particularly for the larger hospital chains. There also seems to be an advantage from both a marketing and sales perspective in having multiple software products. I would want to confirm those views by doing further interviews.Let's say further interviews support those assumptions.Since we have already looked at the external conditions, I would like to move on to the client itself. I'd like to know more about its marketing and selling organization as well as its software development skills.So far, we know that our client offers administrative software and that there may be a problem with sales and marketing. Could you tell me a little about the marketing department?The marketing department is organized regionally. Teams are assigned to hospitals within each state or geographic region, such as New England.That could explain some of the problems with MedCount's marketing and sales. If hospital purchasing is centralized, the marketing organization may be outdated. Does the company have any teams dedicated to the four or five biggest hospital networks?No, there are no dedicated teams. They talked about doing that for a while, but it conflicted with the regional structure it had in place.With regard to software, does the company feel it has any strengths or weaknesses?It feels that their administrative product is very strong ("best of breed") and is the dominant technology. Also, the product is modular in design, which allows for easier upgrades. Although the company has never branched out into other market segments, the software developers believe that certain modules could be used to build the foundation for other administrative software programs. The company feels customer support is also an area in which it excels.Step 5: Summarize and make recommendationsLet's start with our client's market. The client dominates the administrative software market, which is fairly large but growing slowly, and the company appears to be slowly losing market share. Patient administration is also growing relatively slowly. Both markets are relatively concentrated and appear to offer lower margins than physician support. The physician support market is large and less concentrated, and could potentially provide higher margins, but would require a larger investment. The hospital market itself is becoming more concentrated and is pushing to consolidate vendors. The purchasing agent is often the same for the three types of software.Looking at our client's competitors, two, HTI and HCS Software Systems, appear to be particularly threatening. Each has a dominant position in one segment and is branching out into other areas. They appear to be marketing their products and services as a bundle and are using service as a key point of differentiation.The client offers only one type of system and appears to have some weaknesses in its marketing organization, particularly in marketing to the larger hospital networks, which offer the most promising market opportunities.How would you recommend proceeding?The first priority should be to fix the marketing organization, particularly for the large hospital networks. MedCount will have trouble expanding into new markets if it can't defend its current position and shore up its existing customer relationships. There should be a team dedicated to each of the major chains. The client should also look at improving customer tracking so that it is clear when its customers are going to upgrade. There should also be clear contacts so that the customer can easily keep in touch with MedCount.Next, I would recommend that the client explore entering the other market segments by leveraging its dominant position in administrative systems. At first glance, patient administration does not appear to be very attractive, with slow growth, low margins, and large, dominant competitors. There appears to be some advantage, however, in having products across the product range. I would recommend that we interview some of MedCount's existing customers to better understand their needs and future IT requirements. If the customer base is interested in one software provider for both back-office administration and patient administration functions, this segment looks promising.If the client does decide to enter this market, it should look at the lowest-cost method of entry, either developing a product internally or acquiring a competitor. The modular design of its existing administrative software suggests internal development of the patient administration product may be the way to go, but we would need a more thorough comparison of the internal development and acquisition options, including both cost and time to market. I think that physician support offers our client an exciting growth opportunity, given its high margins, high growth, and fragmented competition. I would definitely think about an acquisition strategy, since the client may lack the technical capabilities to enter this specialized market. I would recommend going for one of the larger companies, as that would give the client a stronger position. Smaller companies would probably not offer an important enough position in the market. More research would be needed, however, for us to better understand the intricacies of the market and each potential acquisition.Those are very interesting conclusions. Thank you.2. Increasing profits in jet fighter manufacturingStep 1: Actively listen to the caseYour client is a U.S. defense contractor that manufactures the Mohawk Light Fighter Jet for the British Royal Air Force. The company has produced the $20 million fighter jet for the past 12 years. The British government has decided to put the contract out to bid, however, and to win the program, the client's purchasing agents have estimated, the company will need to cut its costs by 5 percent. It has asked BCG to help it reduce costs.Step 2: Establish understanding of the caseLet me first clarify the question. The client manufactures a $20 million jet and, because of competitive forces, has to reduce its cost by 5 percent. Is BCG's role also to verify the purchasing department's estimate?No, you can assume that the purchasing estimate is correct. BCG's role is to find the cost savings to meet that estimate.Could I take a few minutes to think about the case?Sure, please do so.Step 3: Set up the frameworkFirst, I would like to understand the cost structure of the jet to see what we should look at first. Next, I would like to look at major factors driving the costs we are targeting. Finally, I would like to explore potential ideas to reduce cost.That sounds like a very logical approach. Let's proceed.Step 4: Evaluate the case using the frameworkBecause the time for the interview is limited, I think we should try to identify those areas most responsible for the cost of the jet.Time is limited on real projects as well, so I think that would be a good idea! You have the following cost information for the jet. How would you interpret it?The major cost driver for the jet appears to be purchased materials. Within manufacturing, direct labor is a fairly large component of cost, as are program management and corporate overhead within overhead. I think we would want to concentrate most on materials, however, since that's where most of the costs can be found.That sounds like a good place to start. Where would you look within materials?I see that materials are broken down into purchased subassemblies, components, and raw materials. I understand what raw materials would be, but what would be the difference between components and subassemblies?A subassembly functions on its own. An example is the pilot night vision system. A component is a smaller part, such as a part of the engine.I know that governmental agencies often have very strict guidelines about purchasing that could affect the cost of materials.For the sake of this case, you can assume that the British Ministry of Defense, MOD, allows "commercial off-the-shelf" purchases, which means that the client is free to purchase from whomever it wants, as long as it can ensure that the parts meet MOD quality guidelines.I see that purchased subassemblies comprise more than 70 percent of materials. How many suppliers are there for these subassemblies?There are seven suppliers of major subassemblies that go into the fighter jet.That seems like a relatively small number. Are there more suppliers that are qualified to do this type of work?The manufacture of these parts requires a substantial investment in R&D, engineering, and infrastructure. It would be very costly for new suppliers to make the required investment, particularly if the client is trying to reduce the price it pays to the subassembly manufacturers.Since there are only a few subassembly suppliers, and the investment hurdle would preclude bringing in competing manufacturers, it would be difficult to reduce the price paid. Perhaps we should look elsewhere for savings.But remember, if your client loses the contract, it will lose its customer unless it is teamed with the competing bidder. Even then, if the competitor is underbidding your client, there will be even less room for it to profit.Perhaps it would have an incentive to reduce its costs in order to maintain the contract. Are the majority of its costs in materials as well?How could you find that out?I would want to interview the purchasing and engineering personnel of the different subcontractors in order to understand their cost structures. If we had a better understanding of their economics, our client might be able to reduce cost across the board, allowing it to compete more effectively for the contract without killing everyone's margins.Let's say that purchased materials average approximately 70 percent of the price paid to most of the manufacturers.If the cost of subassemblies represents 40 percent of the jet cost and 70 percent of that is purchased materials, total purchased materials would be approximately 28 percent of the cost for subassemblies. Purchases of raw materials and components represent another 15 percent, for a total of around 43 percent of the cost of the jet. If our client could reduce the cost of raw materials by 20 percent, it could reduce the cost of the jet by more than 8 percent, more than enough to offset the 5 percent reduction it would need to win the contract.That sounds reasonable, but 20 percent is a very lofty goal. How would you go about doing that?First, I would look at the number of suppliers. Are there a large number of suppliers to the subassembly manufacturers?The client estimates that there are approximately 125 suppliers of raw materials and components among the manufacturers of the subassemblies and itself.Well, that sounds like a large number of suppliers. Of course, they could be providing very specialized materials to the subassembly manufacturers. Are these suppliers providing customized or more commodity products?About 80 percent of these products are commodities, such as sheet metal and wire harnesses. Even some of the electronics, such as printed wire boards and circuitry, are fairly generic.That sounds promising, but I would need to know whether these commodities are interchangeable, so that our client could concentrate spending with fewer suppliers. Are there many commonalities among the parts used by the different subassembly manufacturers? We could talk to their engineers and look at the designs and bills of material to determine how much overlap there is.Let's say that you did this and discovered that approximately 30 percent of the cost of raw materials is from similar materials used across the subassembly manufacturers.It seems safe to assume that the client would need more commonality to be successful in concentrating its purchasing and reducing costs. Do the engineers believe that the percentage of overlap could be increased if the designs were modified?They believe they could increase that percentage substantially, particularly with basic materials such as screws and sheet metal, but also in other more customized areas.That's great news, but we would still need to know whether the subcontractors are using the same suppliers. We could analyze the number of suppliers for each of the areas of overlap.Good suggestion. Although there are some common suppliers, the analysis indicates that the subassembly manufacturers tend to use different suppliers.Step 5: Summarize and make recommendationsOur client needs to reduce costs by 5 percent. The largest area of opportunity appears to be in purchased materials, the majority of which comprise subassemblies manufactured by seven subcontractors. By looking at its purchases in total, the client can target approximately 40 percent of costs. To achieve the 5 percent cost reduction, it would need to reduce costs by 15 to 20 percent. It could try to do that by increasing commonality in the design of the subassemblies and components and by shifting volume to a smaller number of suppliers.Considering that the majority of the raw materials and components are purchased commodities, do you think the 15-20 percent cost reduction is achievable?Well, I know that typically have lower margins than more customized products. I suspect it may be challenging to hit the client's savings target by focusing only on these purchases. But since raw materials and components represent about 40 percent of costs and there is an opportunity to concentrate purchasing, I think we should start here.Where else could you look for savings?If I look back at the cost data on the jet, direct labor is another large cost component. As a contingency, we could look into that area as well. I've read that other companies use outsourcing to lower their manufacturing costs-perhaps our client could do the same. For example, it might want to increase its use of purchased subassemblies and reduce the amount of direct manufacturing it does. Of course this would work only if it could drive direct labor costs below the offsetting cost of these subassemblies. The client will be working closely with the subassembly suppliers to implement its purchasing initiative. This may give it an opportunity to explore the suppliers' capabilities at the same time.That's an interesting suggestion. How would you recommend the company pursue both of the initiatives you have discussed?I would look first to combine purchases across the subassembly suppliers with our client's purchases. I suspect that the client and the subassembly suppliers will need to share a great deal of information, including engineering drawings and specifications, with potential suppliers of the raw materials and components. The Internet could prove to be a very effective medium for forming a single "virtual" purchasing department to consolidate both the flow of information and purchase orders across the companies. Our client might also want to use a bidding system for those materials that are true commodities.Next, I would turn to the engineering departments and form cross-company teams to look for areas in which to increase commonality of design. At the same time, those teams could explore opportunities to use more purchased subassemblies and decrease the client's direct labor costs.That sounds great, and is very similar to a project we did. I would caution you, however, to examine the upfront costs involved in your recommendations, both for the redesign and for the implementation of the purchasing system, before going ahead.3. Crafting a distribution strategy for a sugar cereal manufacturerStep 1: Actively listen to the caseYour client is the sugar cereal division of Foods Inc., a U.S.-based distributor and manufacturer of packaged foods. According to the division president, Foods Inc.'s traditional strength has been with grocery stores, which still account for the majority of its $1.1 billion in sugar cereal sales. But Big M Mart, a discount chain, has been growing at a healthy rate of almost 15 percent per year and has now become Food Inc's largest customer. Your client is not sure how to react, and has asked BCG for assistance with its distribution strategy.Step 2: Establish your understanding of the caseFirst, let me make sure I understand the problem. Our client specializes in sugar cereals, and has traditionally distributed through grocery stores. Sales to Big M Mart, a discount chain, have been growing at 15 percent per year, and the chain has recently become the largest distributor of the client's product nationwide. We are here to help evaluate the distribution strategy in light of Big M Mart's growth.That is correct.Could you explain to me how grocery stores differ from discount stores?Sure. Grocery stores generally specialize in food, as well as selling some household goods and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. Discount stores, on the other hand, offer food alongside a wide variety of merchandise, including。

Case_Interview案例面试案例面试(Case Interview)是一种常见的面试方式,特别在咨询、金融和科技行业中被广泛采用。
二、案例面试类型1. 市场调研案例:此类案例要求应聘者对市场进行调研,分析竞争对手、消费者需求以及市场趋势。
2. 运营优化案例:这类案例要求应聘者分析企业的运营流程,找出潜在问题并提出改进方案。
3. 财务分析案例:此类案例要求应聘者对财务数据进行分析,并提出相应的财务建议。
4. 战略规划案例:这类案例要求应聘者对企业的战略进行分析,并提出相应的战略规划。
三、应对策略1. 理清思路:在面对案例面试时,应聘者首先要理清思路,明确问题的关键点。
2. 数据分析:案例面试通常会提供大量数据,应聘者需要具备数据分析的能力。
3. 结构化思维:在回答问题时,应聘者需要采用结构化思维,将问题拆解成多个子问题,并逐一解决。
4. 沟通表达:案例面试不仅考察应聘者的分析能力,还考察其沟通和表达能力。

• Interpersonal skills • Communication skills • Organizational skills
Key Questions
Is the candidate relaxed and confident? Is the candidate engaging? Is the candidate a good listener? Is the candidate asking insightful, clarifying questions? Is the candidate good at organizing the information provided? Is the candidate good at developing a framework for analyzing the information? Is the candidate stating assumptions clearly? Is the candidate comfortable discussing the multifunctional aspects of the case? Is the candidate examining the organizational and cultural issues as well as the functional and strategic? Is the candidate approaching the problem at the right level of detail? Is the candidate thinking creatively? Is the candidate demonstrating analytical horsepower?

一.C ase Interview1.类型介绍(1) 什么是Case Interview?一般来说,Case Interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的Case Interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是Warm—up。
在这一部分,你可能需要自我介绍,然后大致回答一下面试官针对简历以及个人选择提出的一些问题.接下来才是真正的Case Interview。
简而言之,Case Interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试.但是和大多数其他面试不同,这是一个互动的过程.你的面试官会给你提出一个Business Issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个Business Issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,Case Interview是没有绝对正确的答案的.面试官看重的不是答案,而是从面试过程当中你表现出来的分析能力和创造力。
对于大学毕业,没有工作经验的学生来说,大多数情况下Case不会很难,也不会需要你对那个行业有系统的了解.Case Interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个Case Interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个Interview持续45分钟,包括10—15分钟的warm-up以及一些Behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论Case。
(2) 为什么使用Case Interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。
第十一讲.Case Interviews Market Entry案例分析

根据安索夫矩阵(波士顿矩阵),市场进 入问题有两种变化: • 在新的市场中引入现有产品(市场开
• 在市场进入案例中应用的逻辑——实现路径: ➢ 进入新市场通常有三个关键方法: ✓ 从头开始能力建设 ✓ 通过合资企业 ✓ 通过并购 • 根据这些数据,如果你认为合资不是一个好主意,建议一个替代方案(产品差
• 在市场进入案例中应用的逻辑——评估财务方面影响: ➢ 进入壁垒:市场的进入壁垒是哪些?(投资成本,技术门槛,规模要求?) ➢ 成本:预计的固定成本和可变成本是什么? ➢ 收入:产品的预期价格是多少(定价策略)?预计销量是多少(市场定位)? ➢ 多少年后,客户会达到收支平衡的财务状态,投资回报率是多少?(要明白,
1. Market Entry类案例解题思路及框架 2. Market Entry类案例实战训练 3. 咨询案例实战建议
• Market entry就是“进入市场”。这个市场可以指的是地理边界上 的市场(比如,一家美国的汽车公司要不要进入中国),也可以指 一个行业(分析现在互联网巨头究竟该不该大力做金融),又或者 是业务上的扩张(一家做涂料半成品的公司想沿产业链向下游延伸 究竟合不合适)

Case Interview In Point—通往咨询的必经之路(1)第一部分. 认识咨询,认识自我第一部分我觉得还是老规矩,先谈谈Why consulting? Why hires you? 这两个问题。
但是说到能力的锻炼和成长, 咨询和投行的确是很锻炼人的地方, 而咨询和投行不一样的地方就在于投行还是偏向于金融财务领域的服务,投行主要帮助公司筹钱、融资、兼并与收购,而咨询可以接触到不通职能领域的服务,如战略、营销、运营、组织架构、兼并收购、IT架构设计和实施等等,而且相对而言,咨询工作没有投行工作累(其实都是属于很累的工作,只是相对而言,差别就在于咨询平均周工作量在80小时,而投行在100小时左右)。
我个人觉得选择咨询业的原因有以下几点1.有机会同很多睿智的人一起工作并向他们学习2.在一种声望显赫的环境中培养一系列广泛、受欢迎的工作技能3.不断的培训,不断的学习4.有机会接触不同的行业5.被顶尖商学院录取的可能性将增大6.收入丰厚7.有着良好的职业发展前景8.增强思考问题和解决问题的能力9.有机会和大公司的管理层直接对话,出谋划策等等以上我的观点只是解决了why consulting的问题,那why hires you呢?你到底具有什么样的素质,让咨询公司的Partner决定聘用你呢?我个人认为咨询公司物色的是“低风险的”人选。
第一讲.Case Interviews 内容及流程

Market Sizing Operamp;A Pricing
Case Interview一般为一对一、一对多两种形式进行,其中一对一形式中 有两轮 interview(由两个不同的面试官负责),每一interview持续45分 钟
Case 有中文+英文case,具体公司可能会有不同
Case interview 全流程
Warm-up +
1. 什么是case interview? 2. 为什么要使用case interview? 3. Case interview考察哪些能力和素质? 4. Case interview有哪些面试类型?
什么是case interview?
Case Interview 主要由Warm-up (自我介绍、简历及个人选择相关的问 题)及Case分析(商业问题)2大部分组成
小case(20min) &
为什么要使用case interview?
Case interview考察哪些能力和素质?
领导 能力
分析 能力
演讲 技巧
Case interview有哪些主要类型?
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一.C ase Interview1.类型介绍(1) 什么是Case Interview?一般来说,Case Interview主要针对咨询公司面试而言。
咨询公司的Case Interview可以分成两个部分,一开始先是Warm-up。
接下来才是真正的Case Interview。
简而言之,Case Interview就是现场对一个商业问题进行分析的面试。
你的面试官会给你提出一个Business Issue,并且会让你给出分析和意见。
而你的任务是向面试官有逻辑的提出一些问题以使得你能够对这个Business Issue有更全面,更细致的了解,并且通过系统的分析最后给出建议。
一般而言,Case Interview是没有绝对正确的答案的。
对于大学毕业,没有工作经验的学生来说,大多数情况下Case 不会很难,也不会需要你对那个行业有系统的了解。
Case Interview一般是一对一的,一轮会有两个Case Interview,由两个不同的面试官来负责,每个Interview持续45分钟,包括10-15分钟的warm-up以及一些Behavior questions,剩下的30分钟就是讨论Case。
(2) 为什么使用Case Interview?由于咨询师在工作上的不少时间都是在和客户以及同事进行相互的沟通,同时咨询工作本身的特点要求咨询师必须具备一系列的特质才能够成功。
因此,一个互动性很强,和实际联系很紧以及要求分析能力较高的Case Interview可以很好的衡量面试者的这些素质。
(3) Case Interview考察哪些能力和素质咨询师常常需要独立工作,并且带领团队和客户去达成共同的目标,因此领导力对于一个成功的咨询师来说是很重要的。
✧咨询业的核心就是分析-根据事实提出假设,把数据break down,然后形成一套分析框架,并且最后得出结论和建议。
✧在Case Interview中,面试官有时会刻意营造一种很tough的氛围,比如不断challenge 你,或者不断否定你的回答,这不代表你做的不好,而是他们在故意考察你能够面对压力冷静思考。
(4) Case Interview的类型以及特点Case Interview一般分成三类,guesstimates, Business Cases和brainteasers。
✧这种问题也常被称作market sizing,就是需要你在没有什么细节提供给你的时候估计一个市场的大小,比如:请估计北京中关村家乐福一天的客流量。
和所有的Case Interview一样,你不需要得出一个正确的答案,关键是考察你如何把一个大的问题分解成小的问题来回答。
✧最常见的Business Case Interview是面试官给你描述一个案例背景,然后问你该如何分析这个问题。
常见的背景有市场进入(market entry),利润下降(profit decline),行业分析(industry analysis),销量下降(sales decline)等。
一般来说,每一个45分钟的Case Interview要不会包含一个长的Business Case,要不会有两个Case,其中一个必然是guesstimate,另外的一个有可能是brainteaser,也有可能是一个短的Business Case。
2.面试技巧和Behavior Interview不同,Case Interview并不认为通过对你过去的了解能够对你未来的行为有一个很好的预测,相反,Case Interview的核心理念是让你在面试现场来体现你所具有的特长。
Behavior Interview和Case Interview的关系,就好比是大家平时成绩和考研的关系:有些人可以通过自己以往的很好的平时成绩保送,而有些人则需要考试来一次定江山。
Case Interview的难度往往很大,其原因在于在现场的面试过程当中,你会把你的大部分精力集中在分析问题,因此你的很多习惯,比如用词、小动作,以及面对困难时候的冷静以及胆量,都不可能顾及到。
因此在Case Interview的时候,一个真实的你就被完全展现在面试官的眼前。
在具体讨论各种技巧之前,我们首先需要强调一点:在Case Interview的时候面试官并不需要你得到一个正确的答案,他们更看重你的分析问题的能力和方法。
如前所述,咨询公司的Case Interview有三类:Business Cases, guesstimates和brainteasers。
对于这三类采用的方法和技巧还是比较不一样的,因此我们对三种类型的Case Interview分别进行分析:(1) Business Cases面试官在给你一个Business Case的时候一般只会做一个总体的介绍,就是告诉你这个案例发生的背景(比如时间,地点,产品,客户等),以及你需要解决的问题。
一般对于申请公司entry level职位的应聘者而言,案例一般就是以下的几类,而且也不会很复杂:销量下降(Sales Decline),利润下降(Profit Decline),行业分析(Industry Analysis),方案评估(option evaluation)。
我们把在Business Case Interview里面所有的技巧和主意事项归结为“MAFIA”法则:M inutiaA ttentionF rameworkI nteractionA nalysis➢M - Minutia(细节)在做Business Case的时候,为了把Case做的更完美,有许多的细节你是需要注意的,主要有下面的这些:✧当面试官开始向你阐述这个案例的时候,一定要在纸上记录有关的信息,尤其是关键的背景资料和数据。
假设你是客户,你是更信得过一个听完你的困境就告诉你解决方案的咨询师呢,还是一个通过结构化分析给出结论的咨询师?✧在面试过程当中一定要保持和面试官的eye contact,尤其是在回答问题的时候,这是自信和权威的表现。
➢ A – Attention(专注)在Case Interview的时候,需要你对面试官提供的信息进行很迅速的梳理,把重要的信息提取出来进行集中分析最后得出结论,因此需要你十分集中精力的去接受,理解和分析你得到的信息。
因此在Case Interview 的时候,面试官也会提供给你足够的信息来考察你对于信息的处理能力。
数据在break-even analysis,以及分析趋势,分析投资回报等等都会十分关键。