



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 搜索引擎网络爬虫设计与实现毕业设计- 网络中的资源非常丰富,但是如何有效的搜索信息却是一件困难的事情。



多线程网络爬虫程序是从指定的 Web 页面中按照宽度优先算法进行解析、搜索,并把搜索到的每条 URL 进行抓取、保存并且以 URL 为新的入口在互联网上进行不断的爬行的自动执行后台程序。

网络爬虫主要应用 socket 套接字技术、正则表达式、 HTTP 协议、windows 网络编程技术等相关技术,以 C++语言作为实现语言,并在VC6.0 下调试通过。


本网络爬虫是一个能够在后台运行的以配置文件来作为初始URL,以宽度优先算法向下爬行,保存目标 URL 的网络程序,能够执行普通用户网络搜索任务。

搜索引擎;网络爬虫; URL 搜索器;多线程 - Design and Realization of Search Engine Network Spider Abstract The resource of network is very rich, but how to search the1 / 2effective information is a difficult task. The establishment of a search engine is the best way to solve this problem. This paper first introduces the internet-based search engine structure, and then illustrates how to implement search engine ----network spiders. The multi-thread network spider procedure is from the Web page which assigns according to the width priority algorithm connection for analysis and search, and each URL is snatched and preserved, and make the result URL as the new source entrance unceasing crawling on internet to carry out the backgoud automatically. My paper of network spider mainly applies to the socket technology, the regular expression, the HTTP agreement, the windows network programming technology and other correlation technique, and taking C++ language as implemented language, and passes under VC6.0 debugging. In the chapter of the spider design and implementation, besides a detailed exposition of the core technology in conjunction with the multi-threaded network spider to illustrate the realization of the code, it is easy to understand. This network spide...。



搜索引擎设计与实现外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and DesignIntroductionThe Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many similarities with existing distributed file systems. However, the differences from other distributed file systems are significant. HDFS is highly fault-tolerant and is designed to be deployed onlow-cost hardware. HDFS provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications that have large data sets. HDFS relaxes a few POSIX requirements to enable streaming access to file system data. HDFS was originally built as infrastructure for the Apache Nutch web search engine project. HDFS is part of the Apache Hadoop Core project.Assumptions and GoalsHardware FailureHardware failure is the norm rather than the exception. An HDFS instance may consist of hundreds or thousands of server machines, each storing part of the file system’s data. The fact t hat there are a huge number of components and that each component has a non-trivial probability of failure means that some component of HDFS is always non-functional. Therefore, detection of faults and quick, automatic recovery from them is a core architectural goal of HDFS.Streaming Data AccessApplications that run on HDFS need streaming access to their data sets. They are not general purpose applications that typically run on general purpose file systems. HDFS is designed more for batch processing rather than interactive use by users. The emphasis is on high throughput of data access rather than low latency of data access. POSIX imposes many hard requirements that are not needed for applications that are targeted for HDFS. POSIX semantics in a few key areas has been traded to increase data throughput rates.Large Data SetsApplications that run on HDFS have large data sets. A typical file in HDFS is gigabytes to terabytes in size. Thus, HDFS is tuned to support large files. It should provide high aggregate data bandwidth and scale to hundreds of nodes in a single cluster. It should support tens of millions of files in a single instance.Simple Coherency ModelHDFS applications need a write-once-read-many access model for files. A file once created, written, and closed need not be changed. This assumption simplifies data coherency issues and enables high throughput data access. AMap/Reduce application or a web crawler application fits perfectly with this model. There is a plan to support appending-writes to files in the future.“Moving Computation is Cheaper than Moving Data”A computation requested by an application is much more efficient if it is executed near the data it operates on. This is especially true when the size of the data set is huge. This minimizes network congestion and increases the overall throughput of the system. The assumption is that it is often better to migrate the computation closer to where the data is located rather than moving the data to where the application is running. HDFS provides interfaces for applications to move themselves closer to where the data is located.Portability Across Heterogeneous Hardware and Software PlatformsHDFS has been designed to be easily portable from one platform to another. This facilitates widespread adoption of HDFS as a platform of choice for a large set of applications.NameNode and DataNodesHDFS has a master/slave architecture. An HDFS cluster consists of a single NameNode, a master server that manages the file system namespace and regulates access to files by clients. In addition, there are a number of DataNodes, usually one per node in the cluster, which manage storage attached to the nodes that they run on. HDFS exposes a file system namespace and allows user data to be stored in files. Internally, a file is split into one or more blocks and these blocks are stored in a set of DataNodes. The NameNode executes file system namespace operations like opening, closing, and renaming files and directories. It also determines the mapping of blocks to DataNodes. The DataNodes are responsible for serving read and write requests from the file system’s clients. The DataNodes also perform block creation, deletion, and replication upon instruction from the NameNode.The NameNode and DataNode are pieces of software designed to run on commodity machines. These machines typically run a GNU/Linux operating system (OS). HDFS is built using the Java language; any machine that supports Java can run the NameNode or the DataNode software. Usage of the highly portable Java language means that HDFS can be deployed on a wide range of machines. A typical deployment has a dedicated machine that runs only the NameNode software. Each of the other machines in the cluster runs one instance of the DataNode software. The architecture does not preclude running multiple DataNodes on the same machine but in a real deployment that is rarely the case.The existence of a single NameNode in a cluster greatly simplifies the architecture of the system. The NameNode is the arbitrator and repository for all HDFSmetadata. The system is designed in such a way that user data never flows through the NameNode.The File System NamespaceHDFS supports a traditional hierarchical file organization. A user or an application can create directories and store files inside these directories. The file system namespace hierarchy is similar to most other existing file systems; one can create and remove files, move a file from one directory to another, or rename a file. HDFS does not yet implement user quotas or access permissions. HDFS does not support hard links or soft links. However, the HDFS architecture does not preclude implementing these features.The NameNode maintains the file system namespace. Any change to the file system namespace or its properties is recorded by the NameNode. An application can specify the number of replicas of a file that should be maintained by HDFS. The number of copies of a file is called the replication factor of that file. This information is stored by the NameNode.Data ReplicationHDFS is designed to reliably store very large files across machines in a large cluster. It stores each file as a sequence of blocks; all blocks in a file except the last block are the same size. The blocks of a file are replicated for fault tolerance. The block size and replication factor are configurable per file. An application can specify the number of replicas of a file. The replication factor can be specified at file creation time and can be changed later. Files in HDFS are write-once and have strictly one writer at any time.The NameNode makes all decisions regarding replication of blocks. It periodically receives a Heartbeat and a Blockreport from each of the DataNodes in the cluster. Receipt of a Heartbeat implies that the DataNode is functioning properly. A Blockreport contains a list of all blocks on a DataNode.Replica Placement: The First Baby StepsThe placement of replicas is critical to HDFS reliability and performance. Optimizing replica placement distinguishes HDFS from most other distributed file systems. This is a feature that needs lots of tuning and experience. The purpose of a rack-aware replica placement policy is to improve data reliability, availability, and network bandwidth utilization. The current implementation for the replica placement policy is a first effort in this direction. The short-term goals of implementing this policy are to validate it on production systems, learn more about its behavior, and build a foundation to test and research more sophisticated policies.Large HDFS instances run on a cluster of computers that commonly spread across many racks. Communication between two nodes in different racks has to go through switches. In most cases, network bandwidth between machines in thesame rack is greater than network bandwidth between machines in different racks.The NameNode determines the rack id each DataNode belongs to via the process outlined in Rack Awareness. A simple but non-optimal policy is to place replicas on unique racks. This prevents losing data when an entire rack fails and allows use of bandwidth from multiple racks when reading data. This policy evenly distributes replicas in the cluster which makes it easy to balance load on component failure. However, this policy increases the cost of writes because a write needs to transfer blocks to multiple racks.For the common case, when the replication factor is three, HDFS’s placement policy is to put one replica on one node in the local rack, another on a different node in the local rack, and the last on a different node in a different rack. This policy cuts the inter-rack write traffic which generally improves write performance. The chance of rack failure is far less than that of node failure; this policy does not impact data reliability and availability guarantees. However, it does reduce the aggregate network bandwidth used when reading data since a block is placed in only two unique racks rather than three. With this policy, the replicas of a file do not evenly distribute across the racks. One third of replicas are on one node, two thirds of replicas are on one rack, and the other third are evenly distributed across the remaining racks. This policy improves write performance without compromising data reliability or read performance.The current, default replica placement policy described here is a work in progress. Replica SelectionTo minimize global bandwidth consumption and read latency, HDFS tries to satisfy a read request from a replica that is closest to the reader. If there exists a replica on the same rack as the reader node, then that replica is preferred to satisfy the read request. If angg/ HDFS cluster spans multiple data centers, then a replica that is resident in the local data center is preferred over any remote replica.SafemodeOn startup, the NameNode enters a special state called Safemode. Replication of data blocks does not occur when the NameNode is in the Safemode state. The NameNode receives Heartbeat and Blockreport messages from the DataNodes. ABlockreport contains the list of data blocks that a DataNode is hosting. Each block has a specified minimum number of replicas. A block is considered safely replicated when the minimum number of replicas of that data block has checked in with the NameNode. After a configurable percentage of safely replicated data blocks checks in with the NameNode (plus an additional 30 seconds), the NameNode exits the Safemode state. It then determines the list of data blocks (if any) that still have fewer than the specified number of replicas. The NameNode then replicates these blocks to other DataNodes.The Persistence of File System MetadataThe HDFS namespace is stored by the NameNode. The NameNode uses a transaction log called the EditLog to persistently record every change that occurs to file system metadata. For example, creating a new file in HDFS causes the NameNode to insert a record into the EditLog indicating this. Similarly, changing the replication factor of a file causes a new record to be inserted into the EditLog. The NameNode uses a file in its local host OS file system to store the EditLog. The entire file system namespace, including the mapping of blocks to files and file system properties, is stored in a file called the FsImage. The FsImage is stored as a file in the NameNode’s local file system too.The NameNode keeps an image of the entire file system namespace and file Blockmap in memory. This key metadata item is designed to be compact, such that a NameNode with 4 GB of RAM is plenty to support a huge number of files and directories. When the NameNode starts up, it reads the FsImage and EditLog from disk, applies all the transactions from the EditLog to the in-memory representation of the FsImage, and flushes out this new version into a new FsImage on disk. It can then truncate the old EditLog because its transactions have been applied to the persistent FsImage. This process is called a checkpoint. In the current implementation, a checkpoint only occurs when the NameNode starts up. Work is in progress to support periodic checkpointing in the near future.The DataNode stores HDFS data in files in its local file system. The DataNode has no knowledge about HDFS files. It stores each block of HDFS data in a separate file in its local file system. The DataNode does not create all files in the same directory. Instead, it uses a heuristic to determine the optimal number of files per directory and creates subdirectories appropriately. It is not optimal to create alllocal files in the same directory because the local file system might not be able to efficiently support a huge number of files in a single directory. When a DataNode starts up, it scans through its local file system, generates a list of all HDFS data blocks that correspond to each of these local files and sends this report to the NameNode: this is the Blockreport.The Communication ProtocolsAll HDFS communication protocols are layered on top of the TCP/IP protocol. A client establishes a connection to a configurable TCP port on the NameNode machine. It talks the ClientProtocol with the NameNode. The DataNodes talk to the NameNode using the DataNode Protocol. A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) abstraction wraps both the Client Protocol and the DataNode Protocol. By design, the NameNode never initiates any RPCs. Instead, it only responds to RPC requests issued by DataNodes or clients.RobustnessThe primary objective of HDFS is to store data reliably even in the presence of failures. The three common types of failures are NameNode failures, DataNode failures and network partitions.Data Disk Failure, Heartbeats and Re-ReplicationEach DataNode sends a Heartbeat message to the NameNode periodically. A network partition can cause a subset of DataNodes to lose connectivity with the NameNode. The NameNode detects this condition by the absence of a Heartbeat message. The NameNode marks DataNodes without recent Heartbeats as dead and does not forward any new IO requests to them. Any data that was registered to a dead DataNode is not available to HDFS any more. DataNode death may cause the replication factor of some blocks to fall below their specified value. The NameNode constantly tracks which blocks need to be replicated and initiates replication whenever necessary. The necessity for re-replication may arise due to many reasons: a DataNode may become unavailable, a replica may become corrupted, a hard disk on a DataNode may fail, or the replication factor of a file may be increased.Cluster RebalancingThe HDFS architecture is compatible with data rebalancing schemes. A scheme might automatically move data from one DataNode to another if the free space on a DataNode falls below a certain threshold. In the event of a sudden high demand for a particular file, a scheme might dynamically create additional replicas and rebalance other data in the cluster. These types of data rebalancing schemes are not yet implemented.Data IntegrityIt is possible that a block of data fetched from a DataNode arrives corrupted. This corruption can occur because of faults in a storage device, network faults, or buggy software. The HDFS client software implements checksum checking on the contents of HDFS files. When a client creates an HDFS file, it computes a checksum of each block of the file and stores these checksums in a separate hidden file in the same HDFS namespace. When a client retrieves file contents it verifies that the data it received from each DataNode matches the checksum stored in the associated checksum file. If not, then the client can opt to retrieve that block from another DataNode that has a replica of that block.Metadata Disk FailureThe FsImage and the EditLog are central data structures of HDFS. A corruption of these files can cause the HDFS instance to be non-functional. For this reason, the NameNode can be configured to support maintaining multiple copies of the FsImage and EditLog. Any update to either the FsImage or EditLog causes each of the FsImages and EditLogs to get updated synchronously. This synchronous updating of multiple copies of the FsImage and EditLog may degrade the rate of namespace transactions per second that a NameNode can support. However, this degradation is acceptable because even though HDFS applications are very data intensive in nature, they are not metadata intensive. When a NameNode restarts, it selects the latest consistent FsImage and EditLog to use.The NameNode machine is a single point of failure for an HDFS cluster. If the NameNode machine fails, manual intervention is necessary. Currently, automatic restart and failover of the NameNode software to another machine is not supported.SnapshotsSnapshots support storing a copy of data at a particular instant of time. One usage of the snapshot feature may be to roll back a corrupted HDFS instance to apreviously known good point in time. HDFS does not currently support snapshots but will in a future release.Data OrganizationData BlocksHDFS is designed to support very large files. Applications that are compatible with HDFS are those that deal with large data sets. These applications write their data only once but they read it one or more times and require these reads to be satisfied at streaming speeds. HDFS supports write-once-read-many semanticson files. A typical block size used by HDFS is 64 MB. Thus, an HDFS file is chopped up into 64 MB chunks, and if possible, each chunk will reside on a different DataNode.StagingA client request to create a file does not reach the NameNode immediately. In fact, initially the HDFS client caches the file data into a temporary local file. Application writes are transparently redirected to this temporary local file. When the local file accumulates data worth over one HDFS block size, the client contacts the NameNode. The NameNode inserts the file name into the file system hierarchy and allocates a data block for it. The NameNode responds to the client request with the identity of the DataNode and the destination data block. Then the client flushes the block of data from the local temporary file to the specified DataNode. When a file is closed, the remaining un-flushed data in the temporary local file is transferred to the DataNode. The client then tells the NameNode that the file is closed. At this point, the NameNode commits the file creation operation into a persistent store. If the NameNode dies before the file is closed, the file is lost.The above approach has been adopted after careful consideration of target applications that run on HDFS. These applications need streaming writes to files. If a client writes to a remote file directly without any client side buffering, the network speed and the congestion in the network impacts throughput considerably. This approach is not without precedent. Earlier distributed file systems, e.g. AFS, have used client side caching to improve performance. A POSIX requirement has been relaxed to achieve higher performance of data uploads.Replication PipeliningWhen a client is writing data to an HDFS file, its data is first written to a local file as explained in the previous section. Suppose the HDFS file has a replication factor of three. When the local file accumulates a full block of user data, the client retrieves a list of DataNodes from the NameNode. This list contains the DataNodes that will host a replica of that block. The client then flushes the data block to the first DataNode. The first DataNode starts receiving the data in small portions (4 KB), writes each portion to its local repository and transfers that portion to the second DataNode in the list. The second DataNode, in turn starts receiving each portion of the data block, writes that portion to its repository and then flushes that portion to the third DataNode. Finally, the third DataNode writes the data to its local repository. Thus, a DataNode can be receiving data from the previous one in the pipeline and at the same time forwarding data to the next one in the pipeline. Thus, the data is pipelined from one DataNode to the next.AccessibilityHDFS can be accessed from applications in many different ways. Natively, HDFS provides a Java API for applications to use. A C language wrapper for this Java API is also available. In addition, an HTTP browser can also be used to browse the files of an HDFS instance. Work is in progress to expose HDFS through the WebDAV protocol.FS ShellHDFS allows user data to be organized in the form of files and directories. It provides a commandline interface called FS shell that lets a user interact with the data in HDFS. The syntax of this command set is similar to other shells (e.g. bash, csh) that users are already familiar with. Here are some sample action/command pairs:FS shell is targeted for applications that need a scripting language to interact with the stored data.DFSAdminThe DFSAdmin command set is used for administering an HDFS cluster. These are commands that are used only by an HDFS administrator. Here are some sample action/command pairs:Browser InterfaceA typical HDFS install configures a web server to expose the HDFS namespace through a configurable TCP port. This allows a user to navigate the HDFS namespace and view the contents of its files using a web browser.Space ReclamationFile Deletes and UndeletesWhen a file is deleted by a user or an application, it is not immediately removed from HDFS. Instead, HDFS first renames it to a file in the /trash directory. The file can be restored quickly as long as it remains in /trash. A file remains in/trash for a configurable amount of time. After the expiry of its life in /trash, the NameNode deletes the file from the HDFS namespace. The deletion of a file causes the blocks associated with the file to be freed. Note that there could be an appreciable time delay between the time a file is deleted by a user and the time of the corresponding increase in free space in HDFS.A user can Undelete a file after deleting it as long as it remains in the /trash directory. If a user wants to undelete a file that he/she has deleted, he/she cannavigate the /trash directory and retrieve the file. The /trash directory contains only the latest copy of the file that was deleted. The /trash directory is just like any other directory with one special feature: HDFS applies specified policies to automatically delete files from this directory. The current default policy is to delete files from /trash that are more than 6 hours old. In the future, this policy will be configurable through a well defined interface.Decrease Replication FactorWhen the replication factor of a file is reduced, the NameNode selects excess replicas that can be deleted. The next Heartbeat transfers this information to the DataNode. The DataNode then removes the corresponding blocks and the corresponding free space appears in the cluster. Once again, there might be a time delay between the completion of the setReplication API call and the appearance of free space in the cluster.译文:Hadoop分布式文件系统:架构和设计一、引言Hadoop分布式文件系统(HDFS)被设计成适合运行在通用硬件(commodity hardware)上的分布式文件系统。




下面是给大家整理的搜索引擎英语作文,供大家参阅!搜索引擎英语作文篇1从最直接的网民体验;;搜索速度来说,Google总是比中文搜索引擎百度慢半拍.即使在Google宣布进入中国之后,其主页无法打开的现象仍然时有发生,这是令许多曾是Google忠实用户的网民倒戈百度的主要原因.在mp3搜索、贴吧等个性化的服务方面,百度对中国用户的需求了解的要比Google深入得多.From the experience of netizen-search speed,Google is a little slower than Baidu.Even when Google claims to come to China,some home page can't be open still happen.This makes some fans of Google begin to use Baidu.In MP3 searching,Placard...individual service,Baidu meets national customer's requirement a lot than Google.从搜索技术角度来看,Google一直以过硬的搜索技术为荣,在英文搜索方面确实如此.但是中文作为世界上最复杂的语言之一,在搜索技术方面与英文存在着很大的不同,而Google目前的搜索表现尚不尽如人意.From the search technic,Google is proud of its advantagein searching technic.It's the truth in English searching,but in Chineses- the complex language in the world,there's much difference.At present it can't be satisfied.搜索引擎英语作文篇2Google is an American public corporation,earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search,e-mail,online mapping,office productivity,social networking,and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.The Google headquarters,the Googleplex,is located in Mountain View,California.As of December 31,2008,the company has 20,222 full-time employees.Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4,1998.The initial public offering took place on August 19,2004,raising US$1.67 billion,making it worth US$23 billion.Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments,acquisitions,and partnerships.Environmentalism,philanthropy and positive employee relations have been important tenets during the growth of Google,the latter resulting in being identified multiple times as Fortune Magazine's #1 Best Place toWork.The unofficial company slogan is "Don't be evil",although criticism of Google includes concerns regarding the privacy of personal information,copyright,censorship and discontinuation of services.According to Millward Brown,it is the most powerful brand in the world.搜索引擎英语作文篇3如果你想搜索信息在互联网上,你可以使用搜索引擎。

网络爬虫 毕业论文

网络爬虫 毕业论文
































关键词:双语平行语料;多语言网站;筛选AbstractBilingual parallel corpus is a very important resource for many tasks, especially in the field of Natural Language Processing(NLP). In Natural Language Processing, machine translation is very dependent on parallel corpus. The quality of machine translation directly depends on the quantity and quality of parallel corpus. Therefore, obtaining a large number of bilingual parallel corpus is an urgent problem to be solved.This article mainly proposes a complete set of bilingual corpus acquisition technology. The technology is intended to find multi-language websites from confusing internet websites, and then obtain website pages and extract parallel corpora. The existing technology is difficult to get and crawl all the multi-language websites in large-scale existing on the Internet. If you are looking for a multilingual site at random, you will waste a lot of time detecting common web pages. Based on this, it is necessary to provide a method for discovering all-language multilingual websites and obtaining parallel corpus according to the above technical problems. By using open source datasets and language tagging methods, URLs of candidate multilingual websites are obtained, and then with open sourced tool we quickly acquires parallel corpus. Although this method can quickly obtain parallel corpus, the quality of the corpus varies. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a bilingual parallel corpus obtained by judging and to screen the mechanism of bilingual parallel corpus with lower quality.Keywords: Bilingual parallel corpus; Multilingual websites; filter前言双语平行语料对于许多任务来说是一种十分重要的资源,尤其是在自然语言处理的领域,有着丰富的使用。



The Anatomy of a Large-ScaleHypertextual Web Search EngineSergey Brin and Lawrence Page{sergey, page}@Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305AbstractIn this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is available at /To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. Search engines index tens to hundreds of millions of web pages involving a comparable number of distinct terms. They answer tens of millions of queries every day. Despite the importance of large-scale search engines on the web, very little academic research has been done on them. Furthermore, due to rapid advance in technology and web proliferation, creating a web search engine today is very different from three years ago. This paper provides an in-depth description of our large-scale web search engine -- the first such detailed public description we know of to date.Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with using the additional information present in hypertext to produce better search results. This paper addresses this question of how to build a practical large-scale system which can exploit the additional information present in hypertext. Also we look at the problem of how to effectively deal with uncontrolled hypertext collections where anyone can publish anything they want.Keywords: World Wide Web, Search Engines, Information Retrieval,PageRank, Google1. Introduction(Note: There are two versions of this paper -- a longer full version and a shorter printed version. The full version is available on the web and the conference CD-ROM.)The web creates new challenges for information retrieval. The amount ofinformation on the web is growing rapidly, as well as the number of new users inexperienced in the art of web research. People are likely to surf the web using its link graph, often starting with high quality human maintained indices such as Yahoo!or with search engines. Human maintained lists cover popular topics effectively but are subjective, expensive to build and maintain, slow to improve, and cannot cover all esoteric topics. Automated search engines that rely on keyword matching usually return too many low quality matches. To make matters worse, some advertisers attempt to gain people's attention by taking measures meant to mislead automated search engines. We have built a large-scale search engine which addresses many of the problems of existing systems. It makes especially heavy use of the additional structure present in hypertext to provide much higher quality search results. We chose our system name, Google, because it is a common spelling of googol, or 10100and fits well with our goal of building very large-scale search engines.1.1 Web Search Engines -- Scaling Up: 1994 - 2000Search engine technology has had to scale dramatically to keep up with the growth of the web. In 1994, one of the first web search engines, the World Wide Web Worm (WWWW) [McBryan 94] had an index of 110,000 web pages and web accessible documents. As of November, 1997, the top search engines claim to index from 2 million (WebCrawler) to 100 million web documents (from Search Engine Watch). It is foreseeable that by the year 2000, a comprehensive index of the Web will contain over a billion documents. At the same time, the number of queries search engines handle has grown incredibly too. In March and April 1994, the World Wide Web Worm received an average of about 1500 queries per day. In November 1997, Altavista claimed it handled roughly 20 million queries per day. With the increasing number of users on the web, and automated systems which query search engines, it is likely that top search engines will handle hundreds of millions of queries per day by the year 2000. The goal of our system is to address many of the problems, both in quality and scalability, introduced by scaling search engine technology to such extraordinary numbers.1.2. Google: Scaling with the WebCreating a search engine which scales even to today's web presents many challenges. Fast crawling technology is needed to gather the web documents and keep them up to date. Storage space must be used efficiently to store indices and, optionally, the documents themselves. The indexing systemmust process hundreds of gigabytes of data efficiently. Queries must be handled quickly, at a rate of hundreds to thousands per second.These tasks are becoming increasingly difficult as the Web grows. However, hardware performance and cost have improved dramatically to partially offset the difficulty. There are, however, several notable exceptions to this progress such as disk seek time and operating system robustness. In designing Google, we have considered both the rate of growth of the Web and technological changes. Google is designed to scale well to extremely large data sets. It makes efficient use of storage space to store the index. Its data structures are optimized for fast and efficient access (see section 4.2). Further, we expect that the cost to index and store text or HTML will eventually decline relative to the amount that will be available (see Appendix B). This will result in favorable scaling properties for centralized systems like Google.1.3 Design Goals1.3.1 Improved Search QualityOur main goal is to improve the quality of web search engines. In 1994, some people believed that a complete search index would make it possible to find anything easily. According to Best of the Web 1994 -- Navigators, "The best navigation service should make it easy to find almost anything on the Web (once all the data is entered)." However, the Web of 1997 is quite different. Anyone who has used a search engine recently, can readily testify that the completeness of the index is not the only factor in the quality of search results. "Junk results" often wash out any results that a user is interested in. In fact, as of November 1997, only one of the top four commercial search engines finds itself (returns its own search page in response to its name in the top ten results). One of the main causes of this problem is that the number of documents in the indices has been increasing by many orders of magnitude, but the user's ability to look at documents has not. People are still only willing to look at the first few tens of results. Because of this, as the collection size grows, we need tools that have very high precision (number of relevant documents returned, say in the top tens of results). Indeed, we want our notion of "relevant" to only include the very best documents since there may be tens of thousands of slightly relevant documents. This very high precision is important even at the expense of recall (the total number of relevant documents the system is able to return). There is quite a bit of recent optimism that the use of more hypertextual information can help improve search and other applications [Marchiori 97] [Spertus 97] [Weiss 96] [Kleinberg 98]. In particular, link structure [Page 98] and link textprovide a lot of information for making relevance judgments and quality filtering. Google makes use of both link structure and anchor text (see Sections 2.1 and 2.2).1.3.2 Academic Search Engine ResearchAside from tremendous growth, the Web has also become increasingly commercial over time. In 1993, 1.5% of web servers were on .com domains. This number grew to over 60% in 1997. At the same time, search engines have migrated from the academic domain to the commercial. Up until now most search engine development has gone on at companies with little publication of technical details. This causes search engine technology to remain largely a black art and to be advertising oriented (see Appendix A). With Google, we have a strong goal to push more development and understanding into the academic realm.Another important design goal was to build systems that reasonable numbers of people can actually use. Usage was important to us because we think some of the most interesting research will involve leveraging the vast amount of usage data that is available from modern web systems. For example, there are many tens of millions of searches performed every day. However, it is very difficult to get this data, mainly because it is considered commercially valuable.Our final design goal was to build an architecture that can support novel research activities on large-scale web data. To support novel research uses, Google stores all of the actual documents it crawls in compressed form. One of our main goals in designing Google was to set up an environment where other researchers can come in quickly, process large chunks of the web, and produce interesting results that would have been very difficult to produce otherwise. In the short time the system has been up, there have already been several papers using databases generated by Google, and many others are underway. Another goal we have is to set up a Spacelab-like environment where researchers or even students can propose and do interesting experiments on our large-scale web data.2. System FeaturesThe Google search engine has two important features that help it produce high precision results. First, it makes use of the link structure of the Web to calculate a quality ranking for each web page. This ranking is called PageRank and is described in detail in [Page 98]. Second, Google utilizes link to improve search results.2.1 PageRank: Bringing Order to the WebThe citation (link) graph of the web is an important resource that has largely gone unused in existing web search engines. We have created maps containing as many as 518 million of these hyperlinks, a significant sample of the total. These maps allow rapid calculation of a web page's "PageRank", an objective measure of its citation importance that corresponds well with people's subjective idea of importance. Because of this correspondence, PageRank is an excellent way to prioritize the results of web keyword searches. For most popular subjects, a simple text matching search that is restricted to web page titles performs admirably when PageRank prioritizes the results (demo available at). For the type of full text searches in the main Google system, PageRank also helps a great deal.2.1.1 Description of PageRank CalculationAcademic citation literature has been applied to the web, largely by counting citations or backlinks to a given page. This gives some approximation of a page's importance or quality. PageRank extends this idea by not counting links from all pages equally, and by normalizing by the number of links on a page. PageRank is defined as follows:We assume page A has pages T1...Tn which point to it (i.e., are citations). The parameter d is a damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1. We usually set d to 0.85. There are more details about d in the next section. Also C(A) is defined as the number of links going out of page A. The PageRank of a page A is given as follows:PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))Note that the PageRanks form a probability distribution over web pages, so the sum of all web pages' PageRanks will be one.PageRank or PR(A) can be calculated using a simple iterative algorithm, and corresponds to the principal eigenvector of the normalized link matrix of the web. Also, a PageRank for 26 million web pages can be computed in a few hours on a medium size workstation. There are many other details which are beyond the scope of this paper.2.1.2 Intuitive JustificationPageRank can be thought of as a model of user behavior. We assume there is a "random surfer" who is given a web page at random and keeps clicking on links, never hitting "back" but eventually gets bored and starts onanother random page. The probability that the random surfer visits a page is its PageRank. And, the d damping factor is the probability at each page the "random surfer" will get bored and request another random page. One important variation is to only add the damping factor d to a single page, or a group of pages. This allows for personalization and can make it nearly impossible to deliberately mislead the system in order to get a higher ranking. We have several other extensions to PageRank, again see [Page 98].Another intuitive justification is that a page can have a high PageRank if there are many pages that point to it, or if there are some pages that point to it and have a high PageRank. Intuitively, pages that are well cited from many places around the web are worth looking at. Also, pages that have perhaps only one citation from something like the Yahoo! homepage are also generally worth looking at. If a page was not high quality, or was a broken link, it is quite likely that Yahoo's homepage would not link to it. PageRank handles both these cases and everything in between by recursively propagating weights through the link structure of the web.2.2 Anchor TextThe text of links is treated in a special way in our search engine. Most search engines associate the text of a link with the page that the link is on. In addition, we associate it with the page the link points to. This has several advantages. First, anchors often provide more accurate descriptions of web pages than the pages themselves. Second, anchors may exist for documents which cannot be indexed by a text-based search engine, such as images, programs, and databases. This makes it possible to return web pages which have not actually been crawled. Note that pages that have not been crawled can cause problems, since they are never checked for validity before being returned to the user. In this case, the search engine can even return a page that never actually existed, but had hyperlinks pointing to it. However, it is possible to sort the results, so that this particular problem rarely happens.This idea of propagating anchor text to the page it refers to was implemented in the World Wide Web Worm [McBryan 94] especially because it helps search non-text information, and expands the search coverage with fewer downloaded documents. We use anchor propagation mostly because anchor text can help provide better quality results. Using anchor text efficiently is technically difficult because of the large amounts of data which must be processed. In our current crawl of 24 million pages, we had over 259 million anchors which we indexed.2.3 Other FeaturesAside from PageRank and the use of anchor text, Google has several other features. First, it has location information for all hits and so it makes extensive use of proximity in search. Second, Google keeps track of some visual presentation details such as font size of words. Words in a larger or bolder font are weighted higher than other words. Third, full raw HTML of pages is available in a repository.3 Related WorkSearch research on the web has a short and concise history. The World Wide Web Worm (WWWW) [McBryan 94] was one of the first web search engines. It was subsequently followed by several other academic search engines, many of which are now public companies. Compared to the growth of the Web and the importance of search engines there are precious few documents about recent search engines [Pinkerton 94]. According to Michael Mauldin (chief scientist, Lycos Inc) [Mauldin], "the various services (including Lycos) closely guard the details of these databases". However, there has been a fair amount of work on specific features of search engines. Especially well represented is work which can get results by post-processing the results of existing commercial search engines, or produce small scale "individualized" search engines. Finally, there has been a lot of research on information retrieval systems, especially on well controlled collections. In the next two sections, we discuss some areas where this research needs to be extended to work better on the web.3.1 Information RetrievalWork in information retrieval systems goes back many years and is well developed [Witten 94]. However, most of the research on information retrieval systems is on small well controlled homogeneous collections such as collections of scientific papers or news stories on a related topic. Indeed, the primary benchmark for information retrieval, the Text Retrieval Conference [TREC 96], uses a fairly small, well controlled collection for their benchmarks. The "Very Large Corpus" benchmark is only 20GB compared to the 147GB from our crawl of 24 million web pages. Things that work well on TREC often do not produce good results on the web. For example, the standard vector space model tries to return the document that most closely approximates the query, given that both query and document are vectors defined by their word occurrence. On the web, this strategy often returns very short documents that are the query plus a few words.For example, we have seen a major search engine return a page containing only "Bill Clinton Sucks" and picture from a "Bill Clinton" query. Some argue that on the web, users should specify more accurately what they want and add more words to their query. We disagree vehemently with this position. If a user issues a query like "Bill Clinton" they should get reasonable results since there is a enormous amount of high quality information available on this topic. Given examples like these, we believe that the standard information retrieval work needs to be extended to deal effectively with the web.3.2 Differences Between the Web and Well Controlled CollectionsThe web is a vast collection of completely uncontrolled heterogeneous documents. Documents on the web have extreme variation internal to the documents, and also in the external meta information that might be available. For example, documents differ internally in their language (both human and programming), vocabulary (email addresses, links, zip codes, phone numbers, product numbers), type or format (text, HTML, PDF, images, sounds), and may even be machine generated (log files or output from a database). On the other hand, we define external meta information as information that can be inferred about a document, but is not contained within it. Examples of external meta information include things like reputation of the source, update frequency, quality, popularity or usage, and citations. Not only are the possible sources of external meta information varied, but the things that are being measured vary many orders of magnitude as well. For example, compare the usage information from a major homepage, like Yahoo's which currently receives millions of page views every day with an obscure historical article which might receive one view every ten years. Clearly, these two items must be treated very differently by a search engine.Another big difference between the web and traditional well controlled collections is that there is virtually no control over what people can put on the web. Couple this flexibility to publish anything with the enormous influence of search engines to route traffic and companies which deliberately manipulating search engines for profit become a serious problem. This problem that has not been addressed in traditional closed information retrieval systems. Also, it is interesting to note that metadata efforts have largely failed with web search engines, because any text on the page which is not directly represented to the user is abused to manipulate search engines. There are even numerous companies which specialize in manipulating search engines for profit.4 System AnatomyFirst, we will provide a high level discussion of the architecture. Then, there is some in-depth descriptions of important data structures. Finally, the major applications: crawling, indexing, and searching will be examined in depth.4.1 Google ArchitectureOverviewIn this section, we will give ahigh level overview of how thewhole system works as pictured inFigure 1. Further sections willdiscuss the applications anddata structures not mentioned inthis section. Most of Google isimplemented in C or C++ forefficiency and can run in eitherSolaris or Linux. In Google, the web crawling (downloading of web pages) isdone by several distributed crawlers. There is a URLserver that sends lists of URLs to be fetched to the crawlers. The web pages that are fetched are then sent to the storeserver. The storeserver then compresses and stores the web pages into a repository. Every web page has an associated ID number called a docID which is assigned whenever a new URL is parsed out of a web page. The indexing function is performed by the indexer and the sorter. The indexer performs a number of functions. It reads the repository, uncompresses the documents, and parses them. Each document is converted into a set of word occurrences called hits. The hits record the word, position in document, an approximation of font size, andcapitalization. The indexer distributes these hits into a set of "barrels", creating a partially sorted forward index. The indexer performs another important function. It parses out all the links in every web page and stores important information about them in an anchors file. This file contains enough information to determine where each link points from and to, and the text of the link.Figure 1. High Level Google ArchitectureThe URLresolver reads the anchors file and converts relative URLs into absolute URLs and in turn into docIDs. It puts the anchor text into the forward index, associated with the docID that the anchor points to. It also generates a database of links which are pairs of docIDs. The links database is used to compute PageRanks for all the documents.The sorter takes the barrels, which are sorted by docID (this is a simplification, see Section 4.2.5), and resorts them by wordID to generate the inverted index. This is done in place so that little temporary space is needed for this operation. The sorter also produces a list of wordIDs and offsets into the inverted index. A program called DumpLexicon takes this list together with the lexicon produced by the indexer and generates a new lexicon to be used by the searcher. The searcher is run by a web server and uses the lexicon built by DumpLexicon together with the inverted index and the PageRanks to answer queries.4.2 Major Data StructuresGoogle's data structures are optimized so that a large document collection can be crawled, indexed, and searched with little cost. Although, CPUs and bulk input output rates have improved dramatically over the years, a disk seek still requires about 10 ms to complete. Google is designed to avoid disk seeks whenever possible, and this has had a considerable influence on the design of the data structures.4.2.1 BigFilesBigFiles are virtual files spanning multiple file systems and are addressable by 64 bit integers. The allocation among multiple file systems is handled automatically. The BigFiles package also handles allocation and deallocation of file descriptors, since the operating systems do not provide enough for our needs. BigFiles also support rudimentary compression options.4.2.2 RepositoryThe repository contains the fullHTML of every web page. Each pageis compressed using zlib (seeRFC1950). The choice ofcompression technique is atradeoff between speed andFigure 2. Repository Data Structure compression ratio. We chose zlib'sspeed over a significant improvement in compression offered by bzip. The compression rate of bzip was approximately 4 to 1 on the repository as compared to zlib's 3 to 1 compression. In the repository, the documents are stored one after the other and are prefixed by docID, length, and URL as can be seen in Figure 2. The repository requires no other data structures to be used in order to access it. This helps with data consistency and makes development much easier; we can rebuild all the other data structures from only the repository and a file which lists crawler errors.4.2.3 Document IndexThe document index keeps information about each document. It is a fixed width ISAM (Index sequential access mode) index, ordered by docID. The information stored in each entry includes the current document status, a pointer into the repository, a document checksum, and various statistics. If the document has been crawled, it also contains a pointer into a variable width file called docinfo which contains its URL and title. Otherwise the pointer points into the URLlist which contains just the URL. This design decision was driven by the desire to have a reasonably compact data structure, and the ability to fetch a record in one disk seek during a searchAdditionally, there is a file which is used to convert URLs into docIDs. It is a list of URL checksums with their corresponding docIDs and is sorted by checksum. In order to find the docID of a particular URL, the URL's checksum is computed and a binary search is performed on the checksums file to find its docID. URLs may be converted into docIDs in batch by doing a merge with this file. This is the technique the URLresolver uses to turn URLs into docIDs. This batch mode of update is crucial because otherwise we must perform one seek for every link which assuming one disk would take more than a month for our 322 million link dataset.4.2.4 LexiconThe lexicon has several different forms. One important change from earlier systems is that the lexicon can fit in memory for a reasonable price. In the current implementation we can keep the lexicon in memory on a machine with 256 MB of main memory. The current lexicon contains 14 million words (though some rare words were not added to the lexicon). It is implemented in two parts -- a list of the words (concatenated together but separated by nulls) and a hash table of pointers. For various functions, the list of words has some auxiliary information which is beyond the scope of this paper to explain fully.4.2.5 Hit ListsA hit list corresponds to a list of occurrences of a particular word in a particular document including position, font, and capitalization information. Hit lists account for most of the space used in both the forward and the inverted indices. Because of this, it is important to represent them as efficiently as possible. We considered several alternatives for encoding position, font, and capitalization -- simple encoding (a triple of integers), a compact encoding (a hand optimized allocation of bits), and Huffman coding. In the end we chose a hand optimized compact encoding since it required far less space than the simple encoding and far less bit manipulation than Huffman coding. The details of the hits are shown in Figure 3.Our compact encoding uses two bytes for every hit. There are two types of hits: fancy hits and plain hits. Fancy hits include hits occurring in a URL, title, anchor text, or meta tag. Plain hits include everything else.A plain hit consists of a capitalization bit, font size, and 12 bits of word position in a document (all positions higher than 4095 are labeled 4096). Font size is represented relative to the rest of the document using three bits (only 7 values are actually used because 111 is the flag that signals a fancy hit). A fancy hit consists of a capitalization bit, the font size set to 7 to indicate it is a fancy hit, 4 bits to encode the type of fancy hit, and 8 bits of position. For anchor hits, the 8 bits of position are split into 4 bits for position in anchor and 4 bits for a hash of the docID the anchor occurs in. This gives us some limited phrase searching as long as there are not that many anchors for a particular word. We expect to update the way that anchor hits are stored to allow for greater resolution in the position and docIDhash fields. We use font size relative to the rest of the document because when searching, you do not want to rank otherwise identical documents differently just because one of the documents is in a larger font.。



外文资料WSCE: A Crawler Engine for Large-Scale Discovery of Web ServicesEyhab Al-Masri and Qusay H. MahmoudAbstractThis paper addresses issues relating to the efficient access and discovery of Web services across multiple UDDI Business Registries (UBRs). The ability to explore Web services across multiple UBRs is becoming a challenge particularly as size and magnitude of these registries increase. As Web services proliferate, finding an appropriate Web service across one or more service registries using existing registry APIs (i.e. UDDI APIs) raises a number of concerns such as performance, efficiency, end-to-end reliability, and most importantly quality of returned results. Clients do not have to endlessly search accessible UBRs for finding appropriate Web services particularly when operating via mobile devices. Finding relevant Webservices should be time effective and highly productive. In an attempt to enhance the efficiency of searching for businesses and Web services across multiple UBRs, we propose a novel exploration engine, the Web Service Crawler Engine (WSCE). WSCE is capable of crawling multiple UBRs, and enables for the establishment of a centralized Web services’repository which can be used for large-scale discovery of Web services. The paper presents experimental validation, results, and analysis of the presented ideas.1. IntroductionThe continuous growth and propagation of the internet have been some of the main factors for information overload which at many instances act as deterrents for quick and easy discovery of information. Web services are internet-based, modular applications, and the automatic discovery and composition of Web services are an emerging technology of choice for building understandable applications used for business-to-business integration and are of an immense interest to governments, businesses, as well as individuals. As Web services proliferate, the same dilemma perceived in the discovery of Web pages will become tangible and the searching for specific business applications or Web services becomes challenging and time consuming particularly as the number of UDDI Business Registries (UBRs) begins to multiply.In addition, decentralizing UBRs adds another level of complexity on how to effectively find Web services within these distributed registries. Decentralization of UBRs is becoming tangible as new operating systems, applications, and APIs are already equipped with built-in functionalities and tools that enable organizations orbusinesses to publish their own internal UBRs for intranet and extranet use such as the Enterprise UDDI Services in Windows Server 2003, WebShpere Application Server, Systinet Business Registry, jUDDI, to name a few. Enabling businesses or organizations to self-operate and mange their own UBRs will maximize the likelihood of having a significant increase in the number of business registries and therefore, clients will soon face the challenge of finding Web services across hundreds, if not thousands of UBRs.At the heart of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a service registry which connects and mediates service providers with clients as shown in Figure 1. Service registries extend the concept of an application-centric Web by allowing clients (or conceivably applications) to access a wide range of Web services that match specific search criteria in an autonomous manner.Without publishing Web services through registries, clients will not be able to locate services in an efficient manner, and service providers will have to devote extra efforts in advertising their services through other channels. There are several companies that offer Web-based Web service directories such as WebServiceList [1], RemoteMethods [2], WSIndex [3], and [4]. However, due to the fact that these Web-based service directories fail to adhere to Web services’ standards such as UDDI, it is likely that they become vulnerable to being unreliable sources forfinding relevant Web services, and may become disconnected from the Web services environment as in the cases of BindingPoint and SalCentral which closed their Web-based Web service directories after many years of exposure.Apart from having Web-based service directories, there have been numerous efforts that attempted to improve the discovery of Web services [5,6,9,21], however, many of them have failed to address the issue of handling discovery operations across multiple UBRs. Due to the fact that UBRs are hosted on Web servers, they aredependent on network traffic and performance, and therefore, clients that are looking for appropriate Web services are susceptible to performance issueswhen carrying out multiple UBR search requests. To address the above-mentioned issues, this work introduces a framework that serves as the heart of our Web Services Repository Builder (WSRB) architecture [7] by enhancing the discovery of Web services without having any modifications to exiting standards. In this paper, we propose the Web Service Crawler Engine (WSCE) which actively crawls accessible UBRs and collects business and Web service information. Our architecture enables businesses and organizations to maintain autonomous control over their UBRs while allowing clients to perform search queries adapted to large-scale discovery of Web services. Our solution has been tested and results present high performance rates when compared with other existing models.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section two discusses related work. Section three discusses some of the limitations with existing UBRs. Section four discusses the motivations for WSCE. Section five presents our Web service crawler engine’s architecture. Experiments and results are discussed in Section six, and finally conclusion and future work are discussed in Section seven.2. Related WorkDiscovery of Web services is a fundamental area of research in ubiquitous computing. Many researchers have focused on discovering Web services through a centralized UDDI registry [8,9,10]. Although centralized registries can provide effective methods for the discovery of Web services, they suffer from problems associated with having centralized systems such as single point of failure, and bottlenecks. In addition, other issues relating to the scalability of data replication, providing notifications to all subscribers when performing any system upgrades, and handling versioning of services from the same provider have driven researchers to find other alternatives. Other approaches focused on having multiple public/private registries grouped into registry federations [6,12] such as METEOR-S for enhancing the discovery process. METEOR-S provides a discovery mechanism for publishing Web services over federated registries but this solution does not provide the means for articulating advanced search techniques which are essential for locating appropriate business applications. In addition, having federated registry environments can potentially provide inconsistent policies to be employed which will have a significant impact on the practicability of conducting inquiries across them. Furthermore, federated registry environments will have increased configuration overhead, additional processing time, and poor performance in terms of execution time when performing service discovery operations. A desirabl e solution would be a Web services’ crawler engine such as WSCE that can facilitate the aggregation of Web service references, resources, and description documents, and can provide clients with a standard,universal access point for discovering Web services distributed across multiple registries.Several approaches focused on applying traditional Information Retrieval (IR) techniques or using keyword-based matching [13,14] which primarily depend on analyzing the frequency of terms. Other attempts focused on schema matching [15,16] which try to understand the meanings of the schemas and suggest any trends or patterns. Other approaches studied the use of supervised classification and unsupervised clustering of Web services [17], artificial neural networks [18], or using unsupervised matching at the operation level [19].Other approaches focused on the peer-to-peer framework architecture for service discovery and ranking [20], providing a conceptual model based on Web service reputation [21], and providing keyword-based search engine for querying Web services [22]. However, many of these approaches provide a very limited set of search methods (i.e. search by business name, business location, etc.) and attempt to apply traditional IR techniques that may not b e suitable for services’ discovery since Web services often contain or provide very brief textual description of what they offer. In addition, the Web services’ structure is complex and only a small portion of text is often provided.WSCE enhances the process of discovering Web services by providing advanced search capabilities for locating proper business applications across one or more UDDI registries and any other searchable repositories. In addition, WSCE allows for high performance and reliable discovery mechanism while current approaches are mainly dependent on external resources which in turn can significantly impact the ability to provide accurate and meaningful results. Furthermore, current techniques do not take into consideration the ability to predict, detect, recover from failures at the Web service host, or keep track of any dynamic updates or service changes.3. UDDI Business Registries (UBRs)Business registries provide the foundation for the cataloging and classification of Web services and other additional components. A UDDI Business Registry (UBR) serves as a service directory for the publishing of technical information about Web services [23]. The UDDI is an initiative originally backed up by several technology companies including Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba [24] and aims at providing a focal point where all businesses, including their Web services meet together in an open and platform-independent framework. Hundreds of other companies have endorsed the UDDI initiative including HP, Intel, Fujitsu, BEA, Oracle, SAP, Nortel Networks, WebMethods, Andersen Consulting, Sun Microsystems, to name a few. E-Business XML (ebXML) is another service registry standard that focuses more on the collaboration between businesses [27]. Although commonalities between UDDI and ebXML registries present opportunities for interoperability between them [26], theUDDI remains the de facto industry standard for Web service discovery [21]. Although the UDDI provides ways for locating businesses and how to interface with them electronically, it is limited to a single search criterion. Keyword-based search techniques offered by UDDI will make it impractical to assume that it can be very useful for Web services’ discovery or composition. In addition, a client does not have to endlessly search UBRs for finding an appropriate Web service. As Web services proliferate and the number of UBRs increases, limited search capabilities are likely to yield less meaningful search results which makes the task of performing search queries across one or multiple UBRs very time consuming, and less productive.3.1. Limitations with Current UDDIApart from the problems regarding limited search capabilities offered by UDDI, there are other major limitations and shortcomings with the existing UDDI standard. Some of these limitations include: (1) UDDI was intended to be used only for Web services’ discovery; (2) UDDI registration is voluntary, and therefore, it risks becoming passive; (3) UDDI does not provide any guarantees to the validity and quality of information it contains; (4) the disconnection between UDDI and the current Web; (5) UDDI is incapable of providing Quality of Service (QoS) measurements for registered Web services, which can provide helpful information to clients when choosing appropriate Web services, (6) UDDI does not clearly define how service providers can advertise pricing models; and (7) UDDI does not maintain nor provide any Web service life-cycle information (i.e. Web services across stages). Other limitations with the current UDDI standard [23] are shown in Table 1.Although the UDDI has been the de facto industry standard for Web services’ discovery, the ability to find a scalable solution for handling significant amounts of data from multiple UBRs at a large-scale is becoming a critical issue. Furthermore, the search time when searching one or multiple UDDI registries (i.e. meta-discovery) raises several concerns in terms performance, efficiency, reliability and the quality of returned results.4. Motivations for WSCEWeb services are syntactically described using the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) which concentrates on describing Web services at the functional level. A more elaborate business-centric model for Web services is provided by the UDDI which allows businesses to create many-to-many partnership relationships and serves as a focal point where all businesses of all sizes can meet together in an open and a global framework. Although there have been numerous standards that support the description and discovery of Web services, combining these sources of information in a simple manner for clients to apprehend and use is not currently present. In order for clients to search or invoke services, first they have to manually perform search queries to an existing UBR based on a primitive keyword-based technique, loop through returned results, extract binding information (i.e. through bindingTemplates or via WSDL access points), and manually examine their technical details. In this case, clients have to manually collect Web service information from different types of resources which may not be a reliable approach for collecting information about Web services. What is therefore desirable is a Web services’ crawler engine such as WSCE that facilit ates the aggregation of Web service references, resources, and description documents and provides a well defined access pattern of usages on how to discover Web services. WSCE facilitates the establishment of a Web services’ search engine in which service providers will have enough visibility for their services, and at the same time clients will have the appropriate tools for performing advanced search queries. The crucial design of WSCE is motivated by several factors including: (1) the inability to periodically keep track of business and Web service life-cycle using existing UDDI design, which can provide extremely helpful information serving as the basis for documenting Web services across stages; (2) the inherent search criterion offered by UDDI inquiry API which would not be beneficial for finding services of interest; (3) the apparent disconnection between UBRs from the existing Web; and (4) performance issues with real-time search queries across multiple UBRs which will eventually become very time consuming as the number of UBRs increases while UDDI clients may not have the potential of searching all accessible UBRs. Other factors of motivation will become apparent as we introduce WSCE.5. Web Service Crawler Engine (WSCE)The Web Service Crawler Engine (WSCE) is part of the Web Services Repository Builder (WSRB) [7,11] in which it actively crawls accessible UBRs, and collects information into a centralized repository called Web Service Storage (WSS). The discovery of Web services in principle can be achieved through a number of approaches. Resources that can be used to collect Web service information may vary but all serve as an aggregate for Web service information. Prior to explaining the details of WSCE, it is important to discuss current Web service data resources that can be used for implementing WSCE.5.1. Web Service ResourcesFinding information about Web services is not strictly tied to UBRs. There are other standards that support the description, discovery of businesses, organizations, service providers, and their Web services which they make available, while interfaces that contain technical details are used for allowing the proper access to those services. For example, WSDL describes message operations, network protocols, and access points to addresses used by Web services; XML Schemas describe the grammatical XML structure sent and received by Web services; WS-Policy describes general features, requirements, and capabilities of Web services; UDDI business registries describe a more business-centric model for publishing Web services; WSDL-Semantics (WSDL-S) uses semantic annotations that define meaning of inputs, outputs, preconditions, and effects of operations described by an interface.WSCE uses UBRs and WSDL files as data sources for collecting information into the Web Service Storage (WSS) since they contain the necessary information for describing and discovering Web services. We investigated several methods for obtaining Web service information and findings are summarized below:• Web-based: Web-based crawling involved using an existing search engine API to discover WSDL files across the Web such as Google SOAP Search API. Unfortunately, a considerable amount of WSDL files crawled over the Web did not contain descriptions of what these Web services have to offer. In addition, a large amount of crawled Web services contain outdated, passive, or incomplete information. About 340 Web services were collected using this method and only 23% of the collected WSDL files contained an adequate level of documentation.• File Sharing: File sharing tools such as Kazaa and Emule provide search capability by file types. A test was performed by extracting WSDL files using these file sharing tools, and approximately 56 Web services were collected. Unfortunately, peer-to-peer file sharing platforms provide variable network performances, the amount of information being shared is partial, and availability of original sourcescould not be guaranteed at all times.• UDDI Business Registries: Craw ling UBRs was one of the best methods used for collecting Web service information. There are several UBRs that currently exist that were used for this method including: Microsoft, XMethods, SAP, National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), among others. Using this method, we were able to retrieve 1248 Web services and collect information about them.Another possible method for collecting Web service information is to crawl Web-based service directories or search engines such as Woogle [19], WebServiceList [1], RemoteMethods [2], or others. However, due to the fact that there is no public access to these directories that contain Web service listings, we excluded this method from WSCE. In addition, majority of the Web services listed within these directories were already available through the Web (via wsdl files) or listed in existing UBRs. Unfortunately, many of these Web-based service directories do not adhere to the majority of Web services’ standards, and therefore, it becomes impractical to us e them for crawling Web services. Although the above-mentioned methods provide possible ways to collect Web service information, UBR sremain the best existing approach for WSCE. However, there are some challenges associated with collecting information about Web services. One of these challenges is the insufficient textual description associated with Web services which makes the task of indexing them very complex and tricky at many instances. To overcome this issue, WSCE uses a combination of indexing approaches by analyzing Web services based on different measures that make the crawling of Web services much more achievable.5.2. Collection of Web ServicesCollecting Web services’ data is not the key element that leads to an effective Web services’ discovery, but how this data is stored. The fact that Web services’ data is spread all over existing search engines’ databases, accessible UBRs, or file sharing platforms does not mean that clients are able to find Web services without difficulties. However, ma king this Web services’ data available through a standard, universal access point that is capable of aggregating this data from various sources and enabling clients to execute search queries tailored to their requirements via a Web services’ search engine interface facilitated by a Web services’ crawler engine or WSCE is a key element for enhancing the discovery of Web services and accelerating their adoption.Designing a crawler engine for Web services’ discovery is very complex and requires special attention particularly looking at the current Web crawler designs. When designing WSCE, it became apparent that many of the existing information retrieval models that serve as basis for Web crawlers may not be very suitable when it comes to Web services due to key differences that exist between Web services andWeb pages including:• Web pages often contain long textual information while Web services have very brief textual descriptions of what they offer or little documentation on how it can be invoked. This lack of textual information makes keyword-based searches vulnerable to returning irrelevant search results and therefore become a very primitive method for effectively discovering Web services.• Web pages primarily contain plain text which allows sear ch engines to take advantage of information retrieval methods such as finding document and term frequencies. However, Web services’ structure is much more complex than those of Web pages, and only a small portion of plain text is often provided either in UBRs or service interfaces.• Web pages are built using HTML which has a predefined or known set of tags. However, Web service definitions are much more abstract. Web service interface information such as message names, operation and parameter names within Web services can vary significantly which makes the finding of any trends, relationships, or patterns within them very difficult and requires excessive domain knowledge in XML schemas and namespaces.Applying Web crawling techniques to Web service definitions or WSDL files, and UBRs may not be efficient, and the outcome of our research was an enhanced crawler targeted for Web services. The crawler should be able to handle WSDL files, and UBR information concurrently. In addition to that, the crawler should be able to collect this information from multiple registries and store it into a centralized repository, such as the Web Service Storage (WSS).WSS serves as a central repository where data and templates discovered by WSCE are stored. WSS represents a collection or catalogue of all business entries and related Web services as shown in Figure 2. WSS plays a major role in the discovery of Web services in many ways: first: it enables for the identification of Web services through service descriptions and origination, processing specification, device orientation, binding instructions, and registry APIs; second: it allows for the query and location of Web services through classification; third: it provides the means for Web service life-cycle tracking; fourth: it provides dynamic Web service invocation and binding; fifth: it can be used to execute advanced or range-based search queries; sixth: it enables the provisioning of Web services by capturing multiple data types, and seventh: it can be used by businesses to perform Web service notifications. The WSS also takes advantage of some of the existing mechanisms that utilize context-aware information using artificial neural networks [18] for enhancing the discovery process 5.3. WSCE ArchitectureWSCE is an automated program that resides on a server, roams across accessible UDDI business registries, and extracts information about all businesses and theirrelated Web services to a local repository or WSS [11]. Our approach in implementing this conceptual discovery model shown in Figure 2 is a process-per-service design in which WSCE runs each Web service crawl as a process that is managed and handled by the WSCE’s Event and Load Manager (ELM). The crawling process starts with dispensing Web services into the Ws ToCrawl queue. WSCE’s Seed Ws list contains hundreds or thousands of business keys, services keys, and the corresponding UBR inquiry location.WSCE begins with a collection of Web services and loops through taking a Web service from WsToCrawl queue. WSCE then starts analyzing Web serviceinformation located within the registry, tModels, and any associated WSDL information through the Analysis Module. WSCE stores this information in the WSS after processing it through the Indexing Module. After completion, WSCE adds an entry of the Web service (using unique identifier such as serviceKey) into VisitedWs queue.5.3.1. Building Crawler Queues: WsToCrawlConceptually, WSCE examines all Web services from accessible UBRs through businessKeys and serviceKeys and checks whether any new businessKeys orserviceKeys are extracted. If the businessKey or serviceKey has already been fetched, it is discarded; otherwise, it is added to the WsToCrawl queue. WSCE contains a queue of VisitedWs which includes a list of crawled Web services. In cases the crawler process fails or crashes, information is lost, and therefore, Event and Load Manager (ELM) handles such scenarios and updates the WsToCrawl through the Extract Ws component.5.3.2. Event and Load ManagerEvent and Load Manager (ELM) is responsible for managing queues of Web services that are to be fetched and checks out enough work from accessible UBRs. This process continues until the crawler has collected a sufficient number of Web services. ELM also keeps track of Web-based fetching through WSDL files. ELM also determines any changes that occurred within UBRs and allows the fetching of newly or recently modified information. This can provide extremely helpful information that serve as the basis for documenting services across stages for service life-cycle tracking. In addition, ELM is able to automate registry maintenance tasks such as moderation, monitoring, or enforcing service expirations. ELM uses the GetWs component to communicate with Extract Ws and WSS for parsing and storing purposes.5.3.3. Request WsRequest Ws component begins the fetching process by querying the appropriate UBR for collecting basic business information such as businessKey, name, contact, description, identifiers, associated categories, and others. Request WS component makes calls to the Indexing and Analysis Modules for collecting business related information. This information is then handled by ELM which acts as a filter and an authorization point prior to sending any information to the local repository, or WSS. Once business information is stored, Extract Ws is used to extract business related Web services. Request Ws enables WSS to collect business information which can later be used for performing search queries that are business related.5.3.4. Extract WsExtract Ws receives all serviceKeys associated with a given businessKey. Extract Ws parses Web service information such as serviceKey, service name, description, categories, and others. It also extracts a list of all associated bindingTemplates. Extract Ws parses all technical information associated with given Web services, discovers how to access and use them. The Extract Ws depends on the Analysis Module to determine any mapping differences between bindingTemplates and information contained within WSDL files stored in WSS.5.3.5. Analysis ModuleAnalysis Module (AM) serves two main purposes: analyzing tModels withinUBRs and WSDL file structures. In terms of tModels, AM extracts a list of entries that correspond to tModels associated with bindingTemplates. In addition, AM extracts information on the categoryBag which contains data about the Web service and its binding (i.e. test binding, production binding, and others). AM discovers any similarities between analyzed tModel and other tModels of other Web services of the same or different business entities. In addition, AM examines information such as the tModelKey, name, description, overviewDoc (including any associated overview URL), identifierBag, and categoryBag for the purpose of creating a topology of relationships to similar tModels of interest.AM analyzes the syntactical structure of WSDL files to collect information on messages, input and output parameters, attributes, values, and others. All WSDL files are stored in the WSS and ELM keeps track of file dates (i.e. file creation date). In cases an update is made to WSDL files, ELM stores the new WSDL file and archives the old one. Archiving WSDL files can become very helpful for versioning support for Web services and can also serve Web service life-cycle analysis. AM also extracts information such as the type of system used to describe the data model (i.e. any XML schemas, UBL, etc…), the location of where the service provider resides, how to bind WSDL to protocols (i.e. SOAP, HTTP POST/GET, and MIME), and groups of locations that can be used to access the service. This information can be very helpful for developers or businesses for efficiently locating appropriate business applications,enhancing the business-to-business integration process, or for service composition.5.3.6. Indexing ModuleIndexing Module (IM) depends on information retrieval techniques for indexing textual information contained within WSDL files, and UBRs. IM builds an index of keywords on documents, uses vector space model technique proposed by Salton [25] for finding terms with high frequencies, classifies information into appropriate associations, and processes textual information for possible integration with other processes such as ranking and analysis. IM enables WSCE to provide businesses with an effective analysis tool for measuring e-commerce performance, Web service effectiveness, and other marketing tactics. IM can also serve many purposes and allows for the possible integration with external components (i.e. Semantic Web service tools) for building ontologies to extend the usefulness of WSCE.6. Experiments and ResultsData used in this work are based on actual implementations of existing UBRs including: Microsoft, Microsoft Test, , and SAP. To compare performance of existing UBRs (in terms of execution time) to the WSRB framework, we measured the average time when performing search queries. The ratio has a direct effect on measurements since each UBR contains different number of Web services published. Therefore, only the top 10% of the dataset matched is used. Results are。



搜索应用英语作文模板英文回答:1. Introduction。

In the fast-paced digital age, search engines have become an indispensable tool for accessing information quickly and efficiently. With countless search engines to choose from, it can be challenging to find the one that best meets your needs. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a definitive overview of the top search engines available today, along with tips and tricks to optimize your search experience.2. Google Search。

Google Search is the undisputed leader in the search engine market, with a global market share of over 90%. Its advanced algorithms and vast index of web pages make it the go-to choice for most users. It offers a wide range offeatures, including:Personalized results: Google tailors your searchresults based on your browsing history and preferences.Image and video search: Google has dedicated sections for searching for images and videos.Instant results: Google displays search results as you type, making it faster to find what you're looking for.Auto-suggest: Google suggests search terms as you type, saving you time and effort.3. Bing Search。


Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroomuse is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.g and Browsing Behavior of
Advanced Search Engine Users
One way to help all users of commercial Web search engines be more successful in their searches is to better understand what those users with greater search expertise are doing, and use this knowledge to benefit everyone. In this paper we study the interaction logs of advanced search engine users (and those not so advanced) to better understand how these user groups search. The results show that there are marked differences in the queries, result clicks, post-query browsing, and search success of users we classify as advanced (based on their use of query operators), relative to those classified as non-advanced. Our findings have implications for how advanced users should be supported during their searches, and how their interactions could be used to help searchers of all experience levels find more relevant information and learn improved searching strategies.



毕业论文题目网络爬虫技术探究英文题目Web Spiders Technology Explore信息科学与技术学院学士学位论文毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。


















通过实现这一爬虫程序,可以搜集某一站点的URLs,并将搜集到的URLs 存入数据库。


ABSTRACTSPIDER is a program which can auto collect informations from internet. SPIDER can collect data for search engines, also can be a Directional information collector, collects specifically informations from some web sites, such as HR informations, this paper, use JAVA implements a breadth-first algorithm multi-thread SPDIER. This paper expatiates some major problems of SPIDER: why to use breadth-first crawling strategy, and collect URLs from one web site, and store URLs into database.【KEY WORD】SPIDER; JA V A; Breadth First Search; multi-threads.目录第一章引言 (1)第二章相关技术介绍 (2)2.1JAVA线程 (2)2.1.1 线程概述 (2)2.1.2 JAVA线程模型 (2)2.1.3 创建线程 (3)2.1.4 JAVA中的线程的生命周期 (4)2.1.5 JAVA线程的结束方式 (4)2.1.6 多线程同步 (5)2.2URL消重 (5)2.2.1 URL消重的意义 (5)2.2.2 网络爬虫URL去重储存库设计 (5)2.2.3 LRU算法实现URL消重 (7)2.3URL类访问网络 (8)2.4爬行策略浅析 (8)2.4.1宽度或深度优先搜索策略 (8)2.4.2 聚焦搜索策略 (9)2.4.3基于内容评价的搜索策略 (9)2.4.4 基于链接结构评价的搜索策略 (10)2.4.5 基于巩固学习的聚焦搜索 (11)2.4.6 基于语境图的聚焦搜索 (11)第三章系统需求分析及模块设计 (13)3.1系统需求分析 (13)3.2SPIDER体系结构 (13)3.3各主要功能模块(类)设计 (14)3.4SPIDER工作过程 (14)第四章系统分析与设计 (16)4.1SPIDER构造分析 (16)4.2爬行策略分析 (17)4.3URL抽取,解析和保存 (18)4.3.1 URL抽取 (18)4.3.2 URL解析 (19)4.3.3 URL保存 (19)第五章系统实现 (21)5.1实现工具 (21)5.2爬虫工作 (21)5.3URL解析 (22)5.4URL队列管理 (24)5.4.1 URL消重处理 (24)5.4.2 URL等待队列维护 (26)5.4.3 数据库设计 (27)第六章系统测试 (29)第七章结论 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢 (34)外文资料原文 (35)译文 (51)第一章引言随着互联网的飞速发展,网络上的信息呈爆炸式增长。

















Crawling the web is deceptively simple: the basic algorithm is (a)Fetch a page (b) Parse it to extract all linked URLs (c) For all the URLs not seen before, repeat (a)–(c). However, the size of the web (estimated at over 4 billion pages) and its rate of change (estimated at 7% per week) move this plan from a trivial programming exercise to a serious algorithmic and system design challenge. Indeed, these two factors alone imply that for a reasonably fresh and complete crawl of the web, step (a) must be executed about a thousand times per second, and thus the membership test (c) must be done well over ten thousand times per second against a set too large to store in main memory. This requires a distributed architecture, which further complicates the membership test.A crucial way to speed up the test is to cache, that is, to store in main memory a (dynamic) subset of the “seen” URLs. The main goal of this paper is to carefully investigate several URL caching techniques for web crawling. We consider both practical algorithms: random replacement, static cache, LRU, and CLOCK, and theoretical limits: clairvoyant caching and infinite cache. We performed about 1,800 simulations using these algorithms with various cache sizes, using actual log data extracted from a massive 33 day web crawl that issued over one billion HTTP requests. Our main conclusion is that caching is very effective – in our setup, a cache of roughly 50,000 entries can achieve a hit rate of almost 80%. Interestingly, this cache size falls at a critical point: a substantially smaller cache is much less effective while a substantially larger cache brings little additional benefit. We conjecture that such critical points are inherent to our problem and venture an explanation for this phenomenon.1. INTRODUCTIONA recent Pew Foundation study [31] states that “Search engines have become an indispensable utility for Internet users” and estimates that as of mid-2002, slightly over 50% of all Americans have used web search to find information. Hence, the technology that powers web search is of enormous practical interest. In this paper, we concentrate on one aspect of the search technology, namely the process of collectingweb pages that eventually constitute the search engine corpus.Search engines collect pages in many ways, among them direct URL submission, paid inclusion, and URL extraction from nonweb sources, but the bulk of the corpus is obtained by recursively exploring the web, a process known as crawling or SPIDERing. The basic algorithm is(a) Fetch a page(b) Parse it to extract all linked URLs(c) For all the URLs not seen before, repeat (a)–(c)Crawling typically starts from a set of seed URLs, made up of URLs obtained by other means as described above and/or made up of URLs collected during previous crawls. Sometimes crawls are started from a single well connected page, or a directory such as , but in this case a relatively large portion of the web (estimated at over 20%) is never reached. See [9] for a discussion of the graph structure of the web that leads to this phenomenon.If we view web pages as nodes in a graph, and hyperlinks as directed edges among these nodes, then crawling becomes a process known in mathematical circles as graph traversal. Various strategies for graph traversal differ in their choice of which node among the nodes not yet explored to explore next. Two standard strategies for graph traversal are Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS) – they are easy to implement and taught in many introductory algorithms classes. (See for instance [34]).However, crawling the web is not a trivial programming exercise but a serious algorithmic and system design challenge because of the following two factors.1. The web is very large. Currently, Google [20] claims to have indexed over 3 billion pages. Various studies [3, 27, 28] have indicated that, historically, the web has doubled every 9-12 months.2. Web pages are changing rapidly. If “change” means “any change”, then about 40% of all web pages change weekly [12]. Even if we consider only pages that change by a third or more, about 7% of all web pages change weekly [17].These two factors imply that to obtain a reasonably fresh and 679 completesnapshot of the web, a search engine must crawl at least 100 million pages per day. Therefore, step (a) must be executed about 1,000 times per second, and the membership test in step (c) must be done well over ten thousand times per second, against a set of URLs that is too large to store in main memory. In addition, crawlers typically use a distributed architecture to crawl more pages in parallel, which further complicates the membership test: it is possible that the membership question can only be answered by a peer node, not locally.A crucial way to speed up the membership test is to cache a (dynamic) subset of the “seen” URLs in main memory. The main goal of this paper is to investigate in depth several URL caching techniques for web crawling. We examined four practical techniques: random replacement, static cache, LRU, and CLOCK, and compared them against two theoretical limits: clairvoyant caching and infinite cache when run against a trace of a web crawl that issued over one billion HTTP requests. We found that simple caching techniques are extremely effective even at relatively small cache sizes such as 50,000 entries and show how these caches can be implemented very efficiently.The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the various crawling solutions proposed in the literature and how caching fits in their model. Section 3 presents an introduction to caching techniques and describes several theoretical and practical algorithms for caching. We implemented these algorithms under the experimental setup described in Section 4. The results of our simulations are depicted and discussed in Section 5, and our recommendations for practical algorithms and data structures for URL caching are presented in Section 6. Section 7 contains our conclusions and directions for further research.2. CRAWLINGWeb crawlers are almost as old as the web itself, and numerous crawling systems have been described in the literature. In this section, we present a brief survey of these crawlers (in historical order) and then discuss why most of these crawlers could benefit from URL caching.The crawler used by the Internet Archive [10] employs multiple crawlingprocesses, each of which performs an exhaustive crawl of 64 hosts at a time. The crawling processes save non-local URLs to disk; at the end of a crawl, a batch job adds these URLs to the per-host seed sets of the next crawl.The original Google crawler, described in [7], implements the different crawler components as different processes. A single URL server process maintains the set of URLs to download; crawling processes fetch pages; indexing processes extract words and links; and URL resolver processes convert relative into absolute URLs, which are then fed to the URL Server. The various processes communicate via the file system.For the experiments described in this paper, we used the Mercator web crawler [22, 29]. Mercator uses a set of independent, communicating web crawler processes. Each crawler process is responsible for a subset of all web servers; the assignment of URLs to crawler processes is based on a hash of the URL’s host component. A crawler that discovers an URL for which it is not responsible sends this URL via TCP to the crawler that is responsible for it, batching URLs together to minimize TCP overhead. We describe Mercator in more detail in Section 4.Cho and Garcia-Molina’s crawler [13] is similar to Mercator. The system is composed of multiple independent, communicating web crawler processes (called “C-procs”). Cho and Garcia-Molina consider different schemes for partitioning the URL space, including URL-based (assigning an URL to a C-proc based on a hash of the entire URL), site-based (assigning an URL to a C-proc based on a hash of the URL’s host part), and hierarchic al (assigning an URL to a C-proc based on some property of the URL, such as its top-level domain).The WebFountain crawler [16] is also composed of a set of independent, communicating crawling processes (the “ants”). An ant that discovers an URL for wh ich it is not responsible, sends this URL to a dedicated process (the “controller”), which forwards the URL to the appropriate ant.UbiCrawler (formerly known as Trovatore) [4, 5] is again composed of multiple independent, communicating web crawler processes. It also employs a controller process which oversees the crawling processes, detects process failures, and initiates fail-over to other crawling processes.Shkapenyuk and Suel’s crawler [35] is similar to Google’s; the different crawler componen ts are implemented as different processes. A “crawling application” maintains the set of URLs to be downloaded, and schedules the order in which to download them. It sends download requests to a “crawl manager”, which forwards them to a pool of “downloader” processes. The downloader processes fetch the pages and save them to an NFS-mounted file system. The crawling application reads those saved pages, extracts any links contained within them, and adds them to the set of URLs to be downloaded.Any web crawler must maintain a collection of URLs that are to be downloaded. Moreover, since it would be unacceptable to download the same URL over and over, it must have a way to avoid adding URLs to the collection more than once. Typically, avoidance is achieved by maintaining a set of discovered URLs, covering the URLs in the frontier as well as those that have already been downloaded. If this set is too large to fit in memory (which it often is, given that there are billions of valid URLs), it is stored on disk and caching popular URLs in memory is a win: Caching allows the crawler to discard a large fraction of the URLs without having to consult the disk-based set.Many of the distributed web crawlers described above, namely Mercator [29], WebFountain [16], UbiCrawler[4], and Cho and Molina’s crawler [13], are comprised of cooperating crawling processes, each of which downloads web pages, extracts their links, and sends these links to the peer crawling process responsible for it. However, there is no need to send a URL to a peer crawling process more than once. Maintaining a cache of URLs and consulting that cache before sending a URL to a peer crawler goes a long way toward reducing transmissions to peer crawlers, as we show in the remainder of this paper.3. CACHINGIn most computer systems, memory is hierarchical, that is, there exist two or more levels of memory, representing different tradeoffs between size and speed. For instance, in a typical workstation there is a very small but very fast on-chip memory, a larger but slower RAM memory, and a very large and much slower disk memory. In anetwork environment, the hierarchy continues with network accessible storage and so on. Caching is the idea of storing frequently used items from a slower memory in a faster memory. In the right circumstances, caching greatly improves the performance of the overall system and hence it is a fundamental technique in the design of operating systems, discussed at length in any standard textbook [21, 37]. In the web context, caching is often mentionedin the context of a web proxy caching web pages [26, Chapter 11]. In our web crawler context, since the number of visited URLs becomes too large to store in main memory, we store the collection of visited URLs on disk, and cache a small portion in main memory.Caching terminology is as follows: the cache is memory used to store equal sized atomic items. A cache has size k if it can store at most k items.1 At each unit of time, the cache receives a request for an item. If the requested item is in the cache, the situation is called a hit and no further action is needed. Otherwise, the situation is called a miss or a fault. If the cache has fewer than k items, the missed item is added to the cache. Otherwise, the algorithm must choose either to evict an item from the cache to make room for the missed item, or not to add the missed item. The caching policy or caching algorithm decides which item to evict. The goal of the caching algorithm is to minimize the number of misses.Clearly, the larger the cache, the easier it is to avoid misses. Therefore, the performance of a caching algorithm is characterized by the miss ratio for a given size cache. In general, caching is successful for two reasons:_ Non-uniformity of requests. Some requests are much more popular than others. In our context, for instance, a link to is a much more common occurrence than a link to the authors’ home pages._ Temporal correlation or locality of reference. Current requests are more likely to duplicate requests made in the recent past than requests made long ago. The latter terminology comes from the computer memory model – data needed now is likely to be close in the address space to data recently needed. In our context, temporal correlation occurs first because links tend to be repeated on the same page – we foundthat on average about 30% are duplicates, cf. Section 4.2, and second, because pages on a given host tend to be explored sequentially and they tend to share many links. For example, many pages on a Computer Science department server are likely to share links to other Computer Science departments in the world, notorious papers, etc.Because of these two factors, a cache that contains popular requests and recent requests is likely to perform better than an arbitrary cache. Caching algorithms try to capture this intuition in various ways.We now describe some standard caching algorithms, whose performance we evaluate in Section 5.3.1 Infinite cache (INFINITE)This is a theoretical algorithm that assumes that the size of the cache is larger than the number of distinct requests.3.2 Clairvoyant caching (MIN)More than 35 years ago, L´aszl´o Belady [2] showed that if the entire sequence of requests is known in advance (in other words, the algorithm is clairvoyant), then the best strategy is to evict the item whose next request is farthest away in time. This theoretical algorithm is denoted MIN because it achieves the minimum number of misses on any sequence and thus it provides a tight bound on performance.3.3 Least recently used (LRU)The LRU algorithm evicts the item in the cache that has not been requested for the longest time. The intuition for LRU is that an item that has not been needed for a long time in the past will likely not be needed for a long time in the future, and therefore the number of misses will be minimized in the spirit of Belady’s algorithm.Despite the admonition that “past performance is no guarantee of future results”, sadly verified by the current state of the stock markets, in practice, LRU is generally very effective. However, it requires maintaining a priority queue of requests. This queue has a processing time cost and a memory cost. The latter is usually ignored in caching situations where the items are large.3.4 CLOCKCLOCK is a popular approximation of LRU, invented in the late sixties [15]. An array of mark bits M0;M1; : : : ;Mk corresponds to the items currently in the cache of size k. The array is viewed as a circle, that is, the first location follows the last. A clock handle points to one item in the cache. When a request X arrives, if the item X is in the cache, then its mark bit is turned on. Otherwise, the handle moves sequentially through the array, turning the mark bits off, until an unmarked location is found. The cache item corresponding to the unmarked location is evicted and replaced by X.3.5 Random replacement (RANDOM)Random replacement (RANDOM) completely ignores the past. If the item requested is not in the cache, then a random item from the cache is evicted and replaced.In most practical situations, random replacement performs worse than CLOCK but not much worse. Our results exhibit a similar pattern, as we show in Section 5. RANDOM can be implemented without any extra space cost; see Section 6.3.6 Static caching (STATIC)If we assume that each item has a certain fixed probability of being requested, independently of the previous history of requests, then at any point in time the probability of a hit in a cache of size k is maximized if the cache contains the k items that have the highest probability of being requested.There are two issues with this approach: the first is that in general these probabilities are not known in advance; the second is that the independence of requests, although mathematically appealing, is antithetical to the locality of reference present in most practical situations.In our case, the first issue can be finessed: we might assume that the most popular k URLs discovered in a previous crawl are pretty much the k most popular URLs in the current crawl. (There are also efficient techniques for discovering the most popular items in a stream of data [18, 1, 11]. Therefore, an on-line approach might work as well.) Of course, for simulation purposes we can do a first pass over our input to determine the k most popular URLs, and then preload the cache withthese URLs, which is what we did in our experiments.The second issue above is the very reason we decided to test STATIC: if STATIC performs well, then the conclusion is that there is little locality of reference. If STATIC performs relatively poorly, then we can conclude that our data manifests substantial locality of reference, that is, successive requests are highly correlated.4. EXPERIMENTAL SETUPWe now describe the experiment we conducted to generate the crawl trace fed into our tests of the various algorithms. We conducted a large web crawl using an instrumented version of the Mercator web crawler [29]. We first describe the Mercator crawler architecture, and then report on our crawl.4.1 Mercator crawler architectureA Mercator crawling system consists of a number of crawling processes, usually running on separate machines. Each crawling process is responsible for a subset of all web servers, and consists of a number of worker threads (typically 500) responsible for downloading and processing pages from these servers.Each worker thread repeatedly performs the following operations: it obtains a URL from the URL Frontier, which is a diskbased data structure maintaining the set of URLs to be downloaded; downloads the corresponding page using HTTP into a buffer (called a RewindInputStream or RIS for short); and, if the page is an HTML page, extracts all links from the page. The stream of extracted links is converted into absolute URLs and run through the URL Filter, which discards some URLs based on syntactic properties. For example, it discards all URLs belonging to web servers that contacted us and asked not be crawled.The URL stream then flows into the Host Splitter, which assigns URLs to crawling processes using a hash of the URL’s host name. Since most links are relative, most of the URLs (81.5% in our experiment) will be assigned to the local crawling process; the others are sent in batches via TCP to the appropriate peer crawling processes. Both the stream of local URLs and the stream of URLs received from peer crawlers flow into the Duplicate URL Eliminator (DUE). The DUE discards URLs that have been discovered previously. The new URLs are forwarded to the URLFrontier for future download. In order to eliminate duplicate URLs, the DUE must maintain the set of all URLs discovered so far. Given that today’s web contains several billion valid URLs, the memory requirements to maintain such a set are significant. Mercator can be configured to maintain this set as a distributed in-memory hash table (where each crawling process maintains the subset of URLs assigned to it); however, this DUE implementation (which reduces URLs to 8-byte checksums, and uses the first 3 bytes of the checksum to index into the hash table) requires about 5.2 bytes per URL, meaning that it takes over 5 GB of RAM per crawling machine to maintain a set of 1 billion URLs per machine. These memory requirements are too steep in many settings, and in fact, they exceeded the hardware available to us for this experiment. Therefore, we used an alternative DUE implementation that buffers incoming URLs in memory, but keeps the bulk of URLs (or rather, their 8-byte checksums) in sorted order on disk. Whenever the in-memory buffer fills up, it is merged into the disk file (which is a very expensive operation due to disk latency) and newly discovered URLs are passed on to the Frontier.Both the disk-based DUE and the Host Splitter benefit from URL caching. Adding a cache to the disk-based DUE makes it possible to discard incoming URLs that hit in the cache (and thus are duplicates) instead of adding them to the in-memory buffer. As a result, the in-memory buffer fills more slowly and is merged less frequently into the disk file, thereby reducing the penalty imposed by disk latency. Adding a cache to the Host Splitter makes it possible to discard incoming duplicate URLs instead of sending them to the peer node, thereby reducing the amount of network traffic. This reduction is particularly important in a scenario where the individual crawling machines are not connected via a high-speed LAN (as they were in our experiment), but are instead globally distributed. In such a setting, each crawler would be responsible for web servers “close to it”.Mercator performs an approximation of a breadth-first search traversal of the web graph. Each of the (typically 500) threads in each process operates in parallel, which introduces a certain amount of non-determinism to the traversal. More importantly, the scheduling of downloads is moderated by Mercator’s politenesspolicy, which limits the load placed by the crawler on any particular web server. Mercato r’s politeness policy guarantees that no server ever receives multiple requests from Mercator in parallel; in addition, it guarantees that the next request to a server will only be issued after a multiple (typically 10_) of the time it took to answer the previous request has passed. Such a politeness policy is essential to any large-scale web crawler; otherwise the crawler’s operator becomes inundated with complaints. 4.2 Our web crawlOur crawling hardware consisted of four Compaq XP1000 workstations, each one equipped with a 667 MHz Alpha processor, 1.5 GB of RAM, 144 GB of disk2, and a 100 Mbit/sec Ethernet connection. The machines were located at the Palo Alto Internet Exchange, quite close to the Internet’s backbone.The crawl ran from July 12 until September 3, 2002, although it was actively crawling only for 33 days: the downtimes were due to various hardware and network failures. During the crawl, the four machines performed 1.04 billion download attempts, 784 million of which resulted in successful downloads. 429 million of the successfully downloaded documents were HTML pages. These pages contained about 26.83 billion links, equivalent to an average of 62.55 links per page; however, the median number of links per page was only 23, suggesting that the average is inflated by some pages with a very high number of links. Earlier studies reported only an average of 8 links [9] or 17 links per page [33]. We offer three explanations as to why we found more links per page. First, we configured Mercator to not limit itself to URLs found in anchor tags, but rather to extract URLs from all tags that may contain them (e.g. image tags). This configuration increases both the mean and the median number of links per page. Second, we configured it to download pages up to 16 MB in size (a setting that is significantly higher than usual), making it possible to encounter pages with tens of thousands of links. Third, most studies report the number of unique links per page. The numbers above include duplicate copies of a link on a page. If we only consider unique links3 per page, then the average number of links is 42.74 and the median is 17.The links extracted from these HTML pages, plus about 38 million HTTPredirections that were encountered during the crawl, flowed into the Host Splitter. In order to test the effectiveness of various caching algorithms, we instrumented Mercator’s Host Splitter component to log all incoming URLs to disk. The Host Splitters on the four crawlers received and logged a total of 26.86 billion URLs.After completion of the crawl, we condensed the Host Splitter logs. We hashed each URL to a 64-bit fingerprint [32, 8]. Fingerprinting is a probabilistic technique; there is a small chance that two URLs have the same fingerprint. We made sure there were no such unintentional collisions by sorting the original URL logs and counting the number of unique URLs. We then compared this number to the number of unique fingerprints, which we determined using an in-memory hash table on a very-large-memory machine. This data reduction step left us with four condensed host splitter logs (one per crawling machine), ranging from 51 GB to 57 GB in size and containing between 6.4 and 7.1 billion URLs.In order to explore the effectiveness of caching with respect to inter-process communication in a distributed crawler, we also extracted a sub-trace of the Host Splitter logs that contained only those URLs that were sent to peer crawlers. These logs contained 4.92 billion URLs, or about 19.5% of all URLs. We condensed the sub-trace logs in the same fashion. We then used the condensed logs for our simulations.5. SIMULATION RESULTSWe studied the effects of caching with respect to two streams of URLs:1. A trace of all URLs extracted from the pages assigned to a particular machine. We refer to this as the full trace.2. A trace of all URLs extracted from the pages assigned to a particular machine that were sent to one of the other machines for processing. We refer to this trace as the cross subtrace, since it is a subset of the full trace.The reason for exploring both these choices is that, depending on other architectural decisions, it might make sense to cache only the URLs to be sent to other machines or to use a separate cache just for this purpose.We fed each trace into implementations of each of the caching algorithmsdescribed above, configured with a wide range of cache sizes. We performed about 1,800 such experiments. We first describe the algorithm implementations, and then present our simulation results.5.1 Algorithm implementationsThe implementation of each algorithm is straightforward. We use a hash table to find each item in the cache. We also keep a separate data structure of the cache items, so that we can choose one for eviction. For RANDOM, this data structure is simply a list. For CLOCK, it is a list and a clock handle, and the items also contain “mark” bits. For LRU, it is a heap, organized by last access time. STATIC needs no extra data structure, since it never evicts items. MIN is more complicated since for each item in the cache, MIN needs to know when the next request for that item will be. We therefore describe MIN in more detail. Let A be the trace or sequence of requests, that is, At is the item requested at time t. We create a second sequence Nt containing the time when At next appears in A. If there is no further request for At after time t, we set Nt = 1. Formally,To generate the sequence Nt, we read the trace A backwards, that is, from tmax down to 0, and use a hash table with key At and value t. For each item At, we probe the hash table. If it is not found, we set Nt = 1and store (At; t) in the table. If it is found, we retrieve (At; t0), set Nt = t0, and replace (At; t0) by (At; t) in the hash table. Given Nt, implementing MIN is easy: we read At and Nt in parallel, and hence for each item requested, we know when it will be requested next. We tag each item in the cache with the time when it will be requested next, and if necessary, evict the item with the highest value for its next request, using a heap to identify itquickly.5.2 ResultsWe present the results for only one crawling host. The results for the other three hosts are quasi-identical. Figure 2 shows the miss rate over the entire trace (that is, the percentage of misses out of all requests to the cache) as a function of the size of the cache. We look at cache sizes from k = 20 to k = 225. In Figure 3 we present the same data relative to the miss-rate of MIN, the optimum off-line algorithm. The same simulations for the cross-trace are depicted in Figures 4 and 5.。



摘要网络爬虫(Web Crawler),通常被称为爬虫,是搜索引擎的重要组成部分。






关键词:网络爬虫;Linux Socket;C/C++;多线程;互斥锁IAbstractWeb Crawler, usually called Crawler for short, is an important part of search engine. With the high-speed development of information, Web Crawler-- the search engine can not lack of-- which is a hot research topic those years. The quality of a search engine is mostly depended on the quality of a Web Crawler. Nowadays, the direction of researching Web Crawler mainly divides into two parts: one is the searching strategy to web pages; the other is the algorithm of analysis URLs. Among them, the research of Topic-Focused Web Crawler is the trend. It uses some webpage analysis strategy to filter topic-less URLs and add fit URLs into URL-WAIT queue.The metaphor of a spider web internet, then Spider spider is crawling around on the Internet. Web spider through web link address to find pages, starting from a one page website (usually home), read the contents of the page, find the address of the other links on the page, and then look for the next Web page addresses through these links, so has been the cycle continues, until all the pages of this site are crawled exhausted. If the entire Internet as a site, then you can use this Web crawler principle all the pages on the Internet are crawling down..Keywords:Web crawler;Linux Socket;C/C++; Multithreading;MutexII目录摘要 (I)第一章概述 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 网络爬虫的历史和分类 (1)1.2.1 网络爬虫的历史 (1)1.2.2 网络爬虫的分类 (2)1.3 网络爬虫的发展趋势 (3)1.4 系统开发的必要性 (3)1.5 本文的组织结构 (3)第二章相关技术和工具综述 (5)2.1 网络爬虫的定义 (5)2.2 网页搜索策略介绍 (5)2.2.1 广度优先搜索策略 (5)2.3 相关工具介绍 (6)2.3.1 操作系统 (6)2.3.2 软件配置 (6)第三章网络爬虫模型的分析和概要设计 (8)3.1 网络爬虫的模型分析 (8)3.2 网络爬虫的搜索策略 (8)3.3 网络爬虫的概要设计 (10)第四章网络爬虫模型的设计与实现 (12)4.1 网络爬虫的总体设计 (12)4.2 网络爬虫的具体设计 (12)4.2.1 URL类设计及标准化URL (12)4.2.2 爬取网页 (13)4.2.3 网页分析 (14)4.2.4 网页存储 (14)4.2.5 Linux socket通信 (16)4.2.6 EPOLL模型及其使用 (20)4.2.7 POSIX多线程及其使用 (22)第五章程序运行及结果分析 (25)5.1 Makefile及编译 (25)5.2 运行及结果分析 (26)III第六章总结与展望 (30)致谢 (31)参考文献 (32)IV第一章概述1.1 课题背景网络爬虫,是一种按照一定的规则,自动的抓取万维网信息的程序或者脚本。





关键字:爬虫、搜索引擎AbstractThe paper,discussing from the application of the search engine,searches the importance and function of Web spider in the search engine.and puts forward its demand of function and design.On the base of analyzing Web Spider’s system strtucture and working elements.this paper also researches the method and strategy of multithreading scheduler,Web page crawling and HTML parsing.And then.a program of web page crawling based on Java is applied and analyzed.Keyword: spider, search engine目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)一、项目背景 (4)1.1搜索引擎现状分析 (4)1.2课题开发背景 (4)1.3网络爬虫的工作原理 (5)二、系统开发工具和平台 (5)2.1关于java语言 (5)2.2 Jbuilder介绍 (6)2.3 servlet的原理 (6)三、系统总体设计 (8)3.1系统总体结构 (8)3.2系统类图 (8)四、系统详细设计 (10)4.1搜索引擎界面设计 (10)4.2 servlet的实现 (12)4.3网页的解析实现 (13)4.3.1网页的分析 (13)4.3.2网页的处理队列 (14)4.3.3 搜索字符串的匹配 (14)4.3.4网页分析类的实现 (15)4.4网络爬虫的实现 (17)五、系统测试 (25)六、结论 (26)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)一、项目背景1.1搜索引擎现状分析互联网被普及前,人们查阅资料首先想到的便是拥有大量书籍的图书馆,而在当今很多人都会选择一种更方便、快捷、全面、准确的方式——互联网.如果说互联网是一个知识宝库,那么搜索引擎就是打开知识宝库的一把钥匙.搜索引擎是随着WEB信息的迅速增加,从1995年开始逐渐发展起来的技术,用于帮助互联网用户查询信息的搜索工具.搜索引擎以一定的策略在互联网中搜集、发现信息,对信息进行理解、提取、组织和处理,并为用户提供检索服务,从而起到信息导航的目的.目前搜索引擎已经成为倍受网络用户关注的焦点,也成为计算机工业界和学术界争相研究、开发的对象.目前较流行的搜索引擎已有Google, Yahoo, Info seek, baidu等. 出于商业机密的考虑, 目前各个搜索引擎使用的Crawler 系统的技术内幕一般都不公开, 现有的文献也仅限于概要性介绍. 随着W eb 信息资源呈指数级增长及Web 信息资源动态变化, 传统的搜索引擎提供的信息检索服务已不能满足人们日益增长的对个性化服务的需要, 它们正面临着巨大的挑战. 以何种策略访问Web, 提高搜索效率, 成为近年来专业搜索引擎网络爬虫研究的主要问题之一。
















二、参考文献[1]Winter.中文搜索引擎技术解密:网络蜘蛛 [M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2004年.[2]Sergey等.The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine [M].北京:清华大学出版社,1998年.[3]Wisenut.WiseNut Search Engine white paper [M].北京:中国电力出版社,2001年.[4]Gary R.Wright W.Richard Stevens.TCP-IP协议详解卷3:TCP事务协议,HTTP,NNTP和UNIX域协议 [M].北京:机械工业出版社,2002 年1月.[5]罗刚王振东.自己动手写网络爬虫[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2010年10月.[6]李晓明,闫宏飞,王继民.搜索引擎:原理、技术与系统——华夏英才基金学术文库[M].北京:科学出版社,2005年04月.三、设计(研究)内容和要求(包括设计或研究内容、主要指标与技术参数,并根据课题性质对学生提出具体要求。

毕业论文 爬虫

毕业论文 爬虫

























Discussion on Web Crawlers of Search Engine
Abstract-With the precipitous expansion of the Web,extracting knowledge from the Web is becoming gradually important and popular.This is due to the Web’s convenience and richness of information.To find Web pages, one typically uses search engines that are based on the Web crawling framework.This paper describes the basic task performed search engine.Overview of how the Web crawlers are related with search engine.








关键词: 网页解析;JAVA;链接;信息抽取Scraping of the page all links in the Java codeAbstractThe Internet is a large, widely distributed, global information service center, it involves news, advertisement, consumption information, financial management, education, government, electronic commerce and many other information services. But the Internet inherent in the open, dynamic and heterogeneous sex, make quickly and accurately obtain the network information has certain difficulty.The purpose of this article is to analyze the content of the website, which resolves the hyperlink and the corresponding text message, andthen through the website URL and the text content of the feedback,design the scraping of the page links to this program.Scraping of the page all links is a program to collect informationon the Internet. Collected by search engines can crawl the web link in the network information, this approach has generated page is simple, quick advantage, improve the readability of web security, generated pages are also more conducive to the designer to use.Key words: Page analysis; JAVA; link; information extii目录摘要 ..................................................................... . (I)ABSTRACT ........................................................... . (II)1 绪论 ..................................................................... . (1)1.1 课题背景 ..................................................................... .................................................. 1 1.2 网页信息抓取的历史和应用 ..................................................................... ................. 1 1.3 抓取链接技术的现状...................................................................... .. (2)1.3.1 网页信息抓取的应用 ..................................................................... . (3)1.3.2 网页信息提取定义 ..................................................................... .......................... 4 2 系统开发技术和工具 ..................................................................... ................................... 7 2.1 项目开发的工具 ..................................................................... .. (7)2.1.1 Tomcat简介...................................................................... . (7)2.1.2 MyEclipse简介 ..................................................................... ................................ 7 2.2 项目开发技术 ..................................................................... (8)2.2.1 JSP简介...................................................................... . (8)2.2.2 Servlet简介 ..................................................................... (10)2.3 创建线程...................................................................... . (11)2.3.1 创建线程方式 ..................................................................... .. (11)2.3.2 JAVA中的线程的生命周期 ..................................................................... . (12)2.3.3 JAVA线程的结束方式 ..................................................................... (12)2.3.4 多线程同步...................................................................... .................................... 12 3 系统需求分析...................................................................... ............................................. 14 3.1 需求分析 ..................................................................... ................................................ 14 3.2 可行性分析 ..................................................................... .. (14)3.2.1 操作可行性...................................................................... (14)3.2.2 技术可行性...................................................................... (14)3.2.3 经济可行性 ..................................................................... (15)3.2.4 法律可行性...................................................................... .................................... 15 3.3 业务分析 ..................................................................... ................................................ 15 3.4 功能需求 ..................................................................... ................................................ 17 4 概要设计...................................................................... ..................................................... 18 4.1 运行工具 ..................................................................... ................................................ 18 4.2 抓取网页中所有链接的体系结构 ..................................................................... . (18)4.3 抓取网页中链接工作过程...................................................................... ................... 19 4.4 页面的设计 ..................................................................... (20)4.4.1 页面的配置...................................................................... (20)4.4.2 系统主页面...................................................................... .................................... 21 5 系统详细设计与实现 ..................................................................... ................................. 24 5.1 抓取链接工作 ..................................................................... ........................................ 24 5.2 URL解析 ..................................................................... ............................................... 25 5.3 抓取原理 ..................................................................... (26)5.3.1 初始化URL..................................................................... (26)5.3.2 读取页面...................................................................... . (27)5.3.3 解析网页...................................................................... ........................................ 27 5.4 URL读取、解析 ..................................................................... .. (29)5.4.1 URL读取...................................................................... (29)5.4.2 URL解析...................................................................... ....................................... 30 6 系统测试...................................................................... ..................................................... 336.1 软件测试简介 ..................................................................... ........................................ 33 6.2 软件测试方法 ..................................................................... ........................................ 33 6.3 测试结果 ..................................................................... ................................................ 34 结论 ..................................................................... .. (38)参考文献 ..................................................................... (39)致谢 ..................................................................... .. (40)外文原文 ..................................................................... (41)外文译文 ..................................................................... (45)1 绪论1.1 课题背景随着互联网的飞速发展,网络上的信息呈爆炸式增长。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

















第一个网络爬虫,马修格雷浏览者,写于1993年春天,大约正好与首次发布的OCSA Mosaic网络同时发布。












一个URL 解析器进程读取链接文件,并将相对的网址进行存储,并保存了完整的URL到磁盘文件然后就可以进行读取了。



斯坦福Web Base项目组已实施一个高性能的分布式爬虫,具有每秒可以下载50到100个文件的能力。








Web Fountian爬虫程序分享了魔卡托结构的几个特点:它是分布式的,连续,有礼貌,可配置的。






































































外文译文原文:Discussion on Web Crawlers of Search EngineAbstract-With the precipitous expansion of the Web,extracting knowledge from the Web is becoming gradually im portant and popular.This is due to the Web’s convenience and richness of information.To find Web pages, one typically uses search engines that are based on the Web crawling framework.This paper describes the basic task performed search engine.Overview of how the Web crawlers are related with search engine Keywords Distributed Crawling, Focused Crawling,Web CrawlersⅠ.INTRODUCTION on the Web is a service that resides on computers that are connected to the Internet and allows end users to access data that is stored on the computers using standard interface software. The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information,an embodiment of human knowledge Search engine is a computer program that searches for particular keywords and returns a list of documents in which they were found,especially a commercial service that scans documents on the Internet. A search engine finds information for its database by accepting listings sent it by authors who want exposure,or by getting the information from their “Web crawlers,””spiders,” or “robots,”programs that roam the Internet storing links to and information about each page they visit Web Crawler is a program, which fetches information from the World Wide Web in an automated manner.Webcrawling is an important research issue. Crawlers are software components, which visit portions of Web trees, according to certain strategies,and collect retrieved objects in local repositories The rest of the paper is organized as: in Section 2 we explain the background details of Web crawlers.In Section 3 we discuss on types of crawler, in Section 4 we will explain the working of Web crawler. In Section 5 we cover the two advanced techniques of Web crawlers. In the Section 6 we discuss the problem of selecting more interesting pages.Ⅱ.SURVEY OF WEB CRAWLERSWeb crawlers are almost as old as the Web itself.The first crawler,Matthew Gray’s Wanderer, was written in the spring of 1993,roughly coinciding with the first release Mosaic.Several papers about Web crawling were presented at the first two World Wide Web conference.However,at the time, the Web was three to four orders of magnitude smaller than it is today,so those systems did not address the scaling problems inherent in a crawl of today’s Web Obviously, all of the popular search engines use crawlers that must scale up to substantial portions of the Web. However, due to the competitive nature of the search engine business, the designs of these crawlers have not been publicly described There are two notable exceptions:the Goole crawler and the Internet Archive crawler.Unfortunately,the descriptions of these crawlers in the literature are too terse to enable reproducibility The original Google crawler developed at Stanford consisted of fivefunctional components running in different processes. A URL server process read URLs out of a file and forwarded them to multiple crawler processes.Each crawler process ran on a different machine,was single-threaded,and used asynchronous I/O to fetch data from up to 300 Web servers in parallel. The crawlers transmitted downloaded pages to a single Store Server process, which compressed the pages and stored them to disk.The page were then read back from disk by an indexer process, which extracted links from HTML pages and saved them to a different disk file.A URLs resolver process read the link file, relative the URLs contained there in, and saved the absolute URLs to the disk file that was read by the URL server. Typically,three to four crawler machines were used, so the entire system required between four and eight machines Research on Web crawling continues at Stanford even after Google has been transformed into a commercial effort.The Stanford Web Base project has implemented a high performance distributed crawler,capable of downloading 50 to 100 documents per second.Cho and others have also developed models of documents update frequencies to inform the download schedule of incremental crawlers The Internet Archive also used multiple machines to crawl the Web.Each crawler process was assigned up to 64 sites to crawl, and no site was assigned to more than one crawler.Each single-threaded crawler process read a list of seed URLs for its assigned sited from disk int per-site queues,and then used asynchronous I/O to fetch pages fromthese queues in parallel. Once a page was downloaded, the crawler extracted the links contained in it.If a link referred to the site of the page it was contained in, it was added to the appropriate site queue;otherwise it was logged to disk .Periodically, a batch process merged these logged “cross-sit” URLs into the site--specific seed sets, filtering out duplicates in the process.The Web Fountain crawler shares several of Mercator’s characteristics:it is distributed,continuousthe authors use the term”incremental”,polite, and configurable.Unfortunately,as of this writing,Web Fountain is in the early stages of its development, and data about its performance is not yet available.Ⅲ.BASIC TYPESS OF SEARCH ENGINECrawler Based Search EnginesCrawler based search engines create their listings automaticallyputer programs ‘spider’ build them not by human selection. They are not organized by subject categories; a computer algorithm ranks all pages. Such kinds of search engines are huge and often retrieve a lot of information -- for complex searches it allows to search within the results of a previous search and enables you to refine search results. These types of search engines contain full text of the Web pages they link to .So one cann find pages by matching words in the pages one wants;B. Human Powered DirectoriesThese are built by human selection i.e. They depend on humans to create listings. They are organized into subject categories and subjects do classification of pages.Human powered directories never contain full text of the Web page they link to .They are smaller than most search engines.C.Hybrid Search EngineA hybrid search engine differs from traditional text oriented search engine such as Google or a directory-based search engine such as Yahoo in which each program operates by comparing a set of meta data, the primary corpus being the meta data derived from a Web crawler or taxonomic analysis of all internet text,and a user search query.In contrast, hybrid search engine may use these two bodies of meta data in addition to one or more sets of meta data that can, for example, include situational meta data derived from the client’s network that would model the context awareness of the client.Ⅳ.WORKING OF A WEB CRAWLERWeb crawlers are an essential component to search engines;running a Web crawler is a challenging task.There are tricky performance and reliability issues and even more importantly, there are social issues. Crawling is the most fragile application since it involves interacting with hundreds of thousands of Web servers and various name servers, which are all beyond the control of the system. Web crawling speed is governed not only by the speed of one’s own Internet connection ,but also by thespeed of the sites that are to be crawled.Especially if one is a crawling site from multiple servers, the total crawling time can be significantly reduced,if many downloads are done in parallel.Despite the numerous applications for Web crawlers,at the core they are all fundamentally the same. Following is the process by which Web crawlers work:Download the Web page.Parse through the downloaded page and retrieve all the links.For each link retrieved,repeat the process The Web crawler can be used for crawling through a whole site on the Inter-/Intranet You specify a start-URL and the Crawler follows all links found in that HTML page.This usually leads to more links,which will be followed again, and so on.A site can be seen as a tree-structure,the root is the start-URL;all links in that root-HTML-page are direct sons of the root. Subsequent links are then sons of the previous sons A single URL Server serves lists of URLs to a number of crawlers.Web crawler starts by parsing a specified Web page,noting any hypertext links on that page that point to other Web pages.They then parse those pages for new links,and so on,recursively.Web Crawler software doesn’t actually move around to different computers on the Internet, as viruses or intelligent agents do. Each crawler keeps roughly 300 connections open at once.This is necessary to retrieve Web page at a fast enough pace. A crawler resides on a single machine. Thecrawler simply sends HTTP requests for documents to other machines on the Internet, just as a Web browser does when the user clicks on links. All the crawler really does is to automate the process of following links.Web crawling can be regarded as processing items in a queue. When the crawler visits a Web page,it extracts links to other Web pages.So the crawler puts these URLs at the end of a queue, and continues crawling to a URL that it removes from the front of the queue.Resource ConstraintsCrawlers consume resources: network bandwidth to download pages,memory to maintain private data structures in support of their algorithms,CUP to evaluate and select URLs,and disk storage to store the text and links of fetched pages as well as other persistent data.B.Robot ProtocolThe robot.txt file gives directives for excluding a portion of a Web site to be crawled. Analogously,a simple text file can furnish information about the freshness and popularity fo published objects.This information permits a crawler to optimize its strategy for refreshing collected data as well as replacing object policy.C.Meta Search EngineA meta-search engine is the kind of search engine that does not have its own database of Web pages.It sends search terms to the databases maintained by other search engines and gives users the result that come from all the search engines queried. Fewer meta searchers allow you to delve into the largest, most useful search engine databases. They tend to return results from smaller add/or search engines andmiscellaneous free directories, often small and highly commercial Ⅴ.CRAWLING TECHNIQUESFocused CrawlingA general purpose Web crawler gathers as many pages as it can from a particular set of URL’s.Where as a focused crawler is designed to only gather documents on a specific topic,thus reducing the amount of network traffic and downloads.The goal of the focused crawler is to selectively seek out pages that are relevant to a predefined set of topics.The topics re specified not using keywords,but using exemplary documents Rather than collecting and indexing all accessible Web documents to be able to answer all possible ad-hoc queries, a focused crawler analyzes its crawl boundary to find the links that are likely to be most relevant for the crawl,and avoids irrelevant regions of the Web This leads to significant savings in hardware and network resources, and helps keep the crawl more up-to-date. The focused crawler has three main components;: a classifier which makes relevance judgments on pages,crawled to decide on link expansion,a distiller which determines a measure of centrality of crawled pages to determine visit priorities, and a crawler with dynamically reconfigurable priority controls which is governed by the classifier and distiller The most crucial evaluation of focused crawling is to measure the harvest ratio, which is rate at which relevant pages are acquired and irrelevant pages are effectively filtered off from the crawl.This harvest ratio must be high ,otherwise the focusedcrawler would spend a lot of time merely eliminating irrelevant pages, and it may be better to use an ordinary crawler instead.B.Distributed CrawlingIndexing the Web is a challenge due to its growing and dynamic nature.As the size of the Web sis growing it has become imperative to parallelize the crawling process in order to finish downloading the pages in a reasonable amount of time.A single crawling process even if multithreading is used will be insufficient for large - scale engines that need to fetch large amounts of data rapidly.When a single centralized crawler is used all the fetched data passes through a single physical link.Distributing the crawling activity via multiple processes can help build a scalable, easily configurable system,which is fault tolerant system.Splitting the load decreases hardware requirements and at the same time increases the overall download speed and reliability. Each task is performed in a fully distributed fashion,that is ,no central coordinator exits.Ⅵ.PROBLEM OF SELECTING MORE “INTERESTING”A search engine is aware of hot topics because it collects user queries.The crawling process prioritizes URLs according to an importance metric such as similarityto a driving query,back-link count,Page Rank or their combinations/variations.Recently Najork et al. Showed that breadth-first search collects high-quality pages first and suggested a variant of Page Rank.However,at the moment,search strategies are unable to exactly selectthe “best” paths because their knowledge is only partial.Due to theenormous amount of information available on the Internet a total-crawlingis at the moment impossible,thus,prune strategies must be applied.Focusedcrawling and intelligent crawling,are techniques for discovering Webpages relevant to a specific topic or set of topics.CONCLUSIONIn this paper we conclude that complete web crawlingcoverage cannot be achieved, due to the vast size of the whole and toresource ually a kind of threshold is set upnumber of visited URLs, level in the website tree,compliance with a t。
