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1 我要点儿开水泡茶。

2 不要喝河里的水,可以喝凉开水。

3 即将生产的那种彩电并不比进口的差。

4 我有许多事情要做,不能参加后天九点举行的会议。

5 背着一个篮子,他开始爬山了。(carry)

6 背在妈妈的背上,这个小孩睡着了。

7 请填好表格,写下你的姓名和地址。

8 我觉得特别疲倦,因此吃完饭我就上床了。

9 他一认出他童年时期的那位朋友,就走过去向他问好。

10 他认出了她,可是假装没看到她。

11 正在修理的那台收音机是谁的?

12 正在翻译成英语的那本小说是一位青年作家写的。

13 我觉得有人溜进了我的房间。

14 那孩子听到有人一步一步地在上楼梯。

15 你每隔多久叫人把房间油漆一次?

16 你的衣服是自己做的还是叫别人做的?

17 关掉水龙头,别让水浪费掉。

18 老师们让孩子们在草地上玩。


1 I want some boiling water to make tea.

2 Don’t drink the water in the river, you can /may drink cold boiled water.

3 The TV sets to be produced will be as good as those imported from abroad.

4 I have a lot of things to do, so I don’t be able to attend the meeting to be held at nine the day after tomorrow.

5 Carrying a basket on his back, he began to climb the hill.

6 Carried on its mother’s back, the baby fell asleep.

7 Please fill in the form, giving your name and address.

8 Being very tired, I went to bed soon after super.

9 Recognizing the old friend of his in his childhood, he went over to say hello to him.

10 Having recognized her, he pretended not to have seen her.

11 Whose is the radio being repaired?

12 The novel being translated into English was written by a young writer.

13 I felt somebody steal into my room.

14 The child heard someone coming upstairs step by step.

15 How often do you have your room painted?

16 Did you make your clothes yourself or have them made?

17 Turn off the tap. Don’t have the water running to waste!

18 The teachers let the children play on the grass.

1.中国是一个发展中国家,属于第三世界(the Third World) China is a developing country, belonging to the Third World.

2.没有士兵在操练. (定语)

There are no soldiers drilling.


A child learning to walk often falls.

4.在这里干活的人都来自农村. (定语)

The men working here are all from the countryside.

5.那天向我们讲话的那个人到日本去了. (定语)

The man speaking to us has gone to Japan.

6.有许多学生在车站等着欢迎外籍教师. (定语)

There are a lot of students waiting to welcome the foreign teachers.

7.他在大学里学习的那个妹妹是个党员(定语) .

His sister studying at college is a Party member.

8.他妹妹在大学里学习,她是个党员. (和上句比较)

His sister, studying at college, is a Party member.

9.我昨天在河边遇到了麦克,他在钓鱼. (定语)

Yesterday at the riverside I met Mike , fishing.

10 .史密斯先生昨天作的报告非常有趣(定语)

The lecture given by Mr. Smith was very interesting.

11.这些实习生(trainees)制造的机器运转良好. (定语)

The machines made by the trainees work very well.


The present given to his son was a dictionary.


Some of them, born and brought up in the countryside, have never seen a train.


The building being built will be served as our dining- hall.


We met him at the time and place given.


The instrument used at that time was new.


These are used cars.


Yesterday I received a letter written in English.


Have you seen the building built in the 1970s?


Those interested in the lecture are welcome to attend it in time.

21.这些是历史遗留(leave over)下来的问题.

These are problems left over in history.

