宏观经济学考试试卷(全英文) (1)


曼昆中级宏观经济学(英文) (1)

曼昆中级宏观经济学(英文) (1)
economic growth as well as micro foundation of macroeconomics. • The goal of this course to develop a more sophisticated understanding of macroeconomic concepts as well as enhance the students ability to think critically and analyze important macroeconomic issue.
Macroeconomics Chapter 1
Macroeconomics Chapter 1
Macroeconomics Chapter 1
Macroeconomics Chapter 1
Macroeconomics Chapter 1
没有单一的模型能够说明我们关注的所 有问题:
Why does the cost of living keep rising? Why are millions of people unemployed? Why are there recessions? Can
policymakers do anything? Should they? What is the government deficit? How does
对古典经济学理论的著名 批评:
总需求与总供给 41



Macroeconomics 1、2、3、¥4、Abby consumes only apples. In year 1, red apples cost 1 dollar each, green apples cost 2 dollar each, and Abby buys 10 red apples. In year 2, red apples cost 2 dollar, green apples cost 1 dollar, and Abby buys 10 green apples.pute a consumer price index for apples for each year. Assume that year 1is the base yearin which the consumer basket is fixed. How does your index change from year 1 to year 2pute Abby’s nominal spending on apples in each year. How do es it change from year 1 toyear 2ing year 1 as the base year, compute Abby’s real spending on apples in each year. Howdoes it change from year 1 to year 2d.Defining the implicit price deflator as nominal spending divided by real spending, computethe deflator for each year. How does the deflator change from year 1 to year 2Suppose that Abby is equally happy eating red or green apples. How much has the true cost of living increased for Abby Compare this answer to your answers to parts (a) and (d). What does this example tell you about Laspeyres and Paasche price indexesa.According to the CPI(消費物價指數), prices have doubled.)b. N-spending is the total value of output produced in each year. In Y1 and Y2, Abby buys 10 apples for $1 each, so her N-spending remains constant at $10.c. R-spending is the total value of output produced in each year valued at the prices prevailing in Y1,the base year,her R-spending equals her N-spending of $10. In year 2, she consumes 10 green apples that are each valued at their Y1 price of $2, so her real spending is $20.Hence, Abby’s real spending rises from $10 to $20.d.Thus, the implicit price deflator suggests that prices have fallen by half.e. If Abby thinks of red apples and green apples as perfect substitutes, then the cost of living in this economy has not changed.According to the CPI, however, the cost of living has doubled. In contrast to the CPI, the implicit price deflator estimates the cost of living has halved.Thus, the CPI, a Laspeyres index, overstates the increase in the cost of living and the deflator, a Paasche index, understates it.{This chapter of the text discusses the difference between Laspeyres and Paasche indices in more detail.5、α=.6、Suppose that an economy’s production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter 0.3#a. What fractions of income do capital and labor receiveb. Suppose that immigration increases the labor force by 10 percent. What happen to totaloutput The rental price of capital The real wagec. Suppose that a gift of capita form abroad raises the capital stock by 10 percent. Whathappens to total output(in percent). The rental price of capital The real waged. Suppose that a technological advance raises the value of the parameter A by 10 percent.What happens to total output The rental price of capital The real wage!7、Suppose that the money demand function takes the form(/)(,)/(5)d M P L i Y Y i ==a. If output grows at rate g, at what rate will the demand for real balances grow(assumingconstant nominal interest rates)b. What is the velocity of money in this economyc. If inflation and nominal interest rates are constant, at what rate, if any, will velocity growd. How will a permanent increase in the level of interest rates affect the level of velocity Howwill it affect the subsequent growth rate of velocity8、Consider an economy with the following Cobb-Douglas production function:123Y K LThe economy has 1000 units of capital and a labor force of 1000 workers.a.|b.Derive the equation describing labor demand in this economy as a function of thereal wage and the capital stock.c.If the real wage can adjust to equilibrate labor supply and labor demand, what isthe real wage In this equilibrium, what are employment, output, and the total amount earned by workersd.Now suppose that Congress, concerned about the welfare of the working class,passes a law requiring firms to pay workers a real wage of 1 unit of output. How does this wage compare to the equilibrium wagee.Congress cannot dictate how many workers firm hire at the mandated wage.Given this fact, what are the effects of this law Specifically, what happens to employment, output and the total amount earned by workersf.Will Congress succeed in its goal of helping the working class Explain.g.Do you think that this analysis provides a good way of thinking about aminimum-wage law Why or why not、9、One country , A, the capital share of GDP is 30 percent, the average growth in output is 3 percent per year, the depreciation rate is about 4 percent per year, and the capital-output rate is about . Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas, so the capital share is constant, and that country A has been in a steady state ;.a. What must the saving rate be in the initialb. Compare the capital-output ratio at the Golden Rule steady state to the capital-output ratio inthe initial state.c. What must the saving rate be to reach the Golden Rule steady state Doses it need to beincreased or decreased What policies might country A purse10、Two countries, Richland and Poorland, are described by the Solow growth model. They havethe same Cobb-Douglas production function , 1(,)F K L AK L αα-=, but with different quantities ofcapital and labor,. Richland save 32 percent of its income, while Poorland saves 10 percent. Richland has population growth of 1 percent per year, while Poorland has population growth of 3 percent.(The numbers in this problem are chosen to be approximately realistic descriptions ofrich and poor nations.) Both nations have technological progress at rate of 2 percent per year and depreciation at a rate of 5 percent per year.a.What is the per-worker production function f(k)b..c.Solve for the ratio of Richland’s steady-s tate income per worker to Poorland’s.(Hint: Theparameter αwill play a role in your answer.)d.If the Cobb-Douglas parameter αtakes the conventional value of about 1/3, how muchhigher should income per worker in Richland compared to Poorlande.Income per worker in Richland is actually 16 times income per worker in Poorland. Can youexplain this fact by changing the value of parameter αWhat must it be Can you think of any way of justifying such a value for this parameter How else might you explain the larger difference in income between Richland and Poorland8、Suppose that consumption depends on the level of real money balance ( on the grounds that real money balances are part of wealth). Show that if real money balances depend on the nominal interest rate, then an increase in the rate of money growth affects consumption, investment, and the real interest rate. Does the nominal interest rate adjust more than one-for-one or less than one-for-one to expected inflationThis deviation from the classical dichotomy and the Fisher effect is called the Mundell-Tobin effect. How might you decide whether the Mundell-Tobin effect is important in practi;概率小:3、Consider how each of the following events is likely to affect real GDP. Do you think the change in real GDP reflects a similar change in economic well-beinga. A hurricane in Florida forces Disney World to shut down for a month.b. Increased hostility between unions and management sparks a rash of strikesc. Firms throughout the economy experience falling demand, causing them to lay off workers.d. More high-school students drop out of school to take jobs mowing lawns.4、When the government subsidizes investment, such as with an investment tax credit, thesubsidy often applies to only some types of investment. This question asks you to consider the effect of such a change. Suppose there are two types of investment in the economy: business investment and residential investment. And suppose that the government institutes an investment tax credit only for business investment.a. How does this policy affect the demand curve for business investment The demand curve forresidential investmentb. Draw the economy’s supply and demand f or loanable funds. How does this policy affect thesupply and demand for loanable funds What happens to the equilibrium interest ratec. Compare the old and the new equilibria. How does this policy affect the total quantity ofinvestment The quantity of residential investment。



Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 2Chapter 6 Monitoring Jobs and the Price Level1) Which of the following statements is incorrect?A) The labor force is equal to the number of people employed plus the number of peopleunemployed.B) The working age population includes everyone over the age of 16.C) The unemployment rate is the number of persons who are unemployed divided by thelabor force then times 100.D) The labor-force participation rate is the labor force divided by the working-agepopulation then times 100.2) Which of the following is NOT included in the working-age population?A) discouraged workersB) people waiting to be called back to a job after being laid offC) retirees under the age of 55D) people in prison3) All people in the working-age population can be divided intoA) labor force participants.B) employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force.C) either over-employed or under-employed.D) potential employees.4) The ________ equals the number of ________.A) labor force; persons over 16 years oldB) labor force; unemployed and employed personsC) working age population; employed personsD) unemployment rate; people unemployed5) The labor force is defined as peopleA) who have a job or are looking for a job.B) in the working-age population who have a job.C) in the working-age population who have a full time job.D) who are 16 years of age or older.6) Which population category equals the sum of employed and unemployed people?A) working-age populationB) labor forceC) young and institutionalizedD) not in the labor force7) The ________ is the total number of people aged 16 years and older (and not in jail, hospital or institutional care) while the ________ is the number of people employedand the unemployed.A) labor force; working-age populationB) labor force participation rate; labor forceC) working-age population; labor forceD) working-age population; labor force participation rate8) The labor force is defined as the number ofA) people 16 and over.B) unemployed people.C) people with jobs, both part-time and full-time.D) people who are employed and unemployed.9) The labor force is defined as theA) number of people over 16 years of age.B) number of people who are working.C) sum of employed and unemployed people.D) number of people in blue-collar jobs.10) The labor force is defined as theA) number of employed people plus the number of unemployed people.B) number of people who are working.C) number of people who are working in labor-type jobs.D) number of union members who are working.11) The labor force includesA) only the number of people employed.B) discouraged workers.C) only the number of people unemployed.D) both employed and unemployed workers.12) The official unemployment estimatesA) include persons without a job who have made efforts in the last week to find a job.B) include persons without a job, whether they are actively searching for work or not.C) count discouraged workers as unemployed.D) count as unemployed people with part-time jobs who want full-time jobs.13) The unemployment rate is calculatedA) using a survey of 60,000 households.B) by totaling state unemployment claims.C) by totaling federal unemployment claims.D) by surveying unemployment offices around the country.14) Which of the following best fits the definition of unemployed?A) retired and not workingB) working less than a full work weekC) not working but looking for a jobD) not working and not looking for work15) Which of the following people would be considered unemployed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?I. Mrs. X retires from her job at the age of 55 and does not look for another job.II. Mr. Y was laid off from his job as a welder, but expects to be rehired in 8 months.A) I onlyB) II onlyC) both I and IID) neither I nor II16) Which of the following would NOT be considered unemployed?A) a new entrant to the labor forceB) a job leaver who is looking for a better jobC) an individual fired by her employerD) a newly retired worker17) Using the definition of unemployment, which of the following individuals would beunemployed?A) A full-time student quits school, enters the labor market for the first time, and searchesfor employment.B) Because of the increased level of automobile imports, an employee of General Motorsis laid off but expects to be called back to work soon.C) Because of a reduction in the military budget, your next door neighbor loses her job ina plant where nuclear warheads are made and must look for a new job.D) All of these individuals are unemployed.18) The unemployment rate equals 100 times the number ofA) unemployed workers.B) unemployed workers divided by the population.C) unemployed workers divided by the number of employed workers.D) unemployed workers divided by the labor force.19) The unemployment rate equals 100 timesA) (the number of unemployed workers)/(the number of employed + unemployedworkers).B) (the number of unemployed workers)/(the civilian population).C) (the number of unemployed workers)/(the U.S. population older than 16 years of age).D) (the number of unemployed + employed workers)/(U.S. population older than 16years of age).20) The unemployment rate equalsA) the total number of people without jobs in a given period.B) the percentage of the population not currently employed.C) the rate of change in unemployment figures from one period to another.D) the percentage of the labor force currently unemployed.。


6.Capital is greatly determined by investment.()
7.A higher nominal GDP of a nation means that the standard of living is better.()
8.Private saving is saving by government.()
(a)depreciation; (b)consumption;(c)net investment; (d)export
2.The overall supply of money is equal to central bank money times the()
3. Assume that the consumption function is C=100+0.8(Y-T),and the investment function is I=300-20r, and the government purchase G=400, T=400, the money demand function is L=Md/P=0.5Y-50r, the real money supply (ms)is 1000.
1) Please calculate the LM curve and IS curve.
2) Please tell us the equilibrium income and interest rate.
2.When exports is larger than imports, we say the foreign trade is balance.()

布兰查德宏观经济学第七版第7版英文版appendix (1)

布兰查德宏观经济学第七版第7版英文版appendix (1)

Macroeconomics, 7e (Blanchard)Appendix 1: An Introduction to National Income and Product Accounts25.1 Multiple Choice Questions1) If GDP exceeds GNP, we know with certainty thatA) a budget deficit exists.B) a trade surplus exists.C) a trade deficit exists.D) receipts of factor income from the rest of the world exceed payments of factor income to the rest of the world.Answer: DDiff: 12) If GDP is less than GNP, we know with certainty thatA) a budget deficit exists.B) a trade surplus exists.C) a trade deficit exists.D) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 23) Net national product (NNP) is equal toA) personal income minus taxes.B) GNP minus consumption of fixed capital.C) GDP plus consumption of fixed capital.D) national income plus consumption of fixed capital.Answer: BDiff: 24) Which of the following is not a component of consumption?A) nondurable goodsB) purchase of a new condominiumC) education expensesD) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 15) Changes in business inventories will be positive whenA) production exceeds sales.B) production is less than sales.C) a trade surplus exists.D) a budget surplus exists.Answer: ADiff: 2A) a trade surplus exists.B) GNP > GDP.C) GNP < GDP.D) the change in business inventories is positive.Answer: ADiff: 17) Which of the following is not included in National Income?A) indirect taxesB) wages and salariesC) net interestD) rental income of personsAnswer: ADiff: 28) Which of the following is included in National Income?A) indirect taxesB) consumption of fixed capitalC) proprietors' incomeD) all of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 29) Which of the following is not included in investment?A) the purchase of new equipment by firmsB) nondurable goodsC) the purchase of a new homeD) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 110) If GDP is more than GNP, we know with certainty thatA) a budget deficit exists.B) a trade surplus exists.C) a trade deficit exists.D) none of the aboveAnswer: DDiff: 211) Changes in business inventories will be negative whenA) production exceeds sales.B) production is less than sales.C) a trade surplus exists.D) a budget surplus exists.Answer: BDiff: 2A) a trade deficit exists.B) GNP > GDP.C) GNP < GDP.D) the change in business inventories is positive. Answer: ADiff: 1。



一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分)1.The government reports that "GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter." This statement means that GDP increaseda. by 6.4 percent for the year.b. at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter.c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter.d. at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter.2.A Brazilian company produces soccer balls in the United States and exports all of them. If the price of the soccer balls increases, the GDP deflatora. and the CPI both increase.b. is unchanged and the CPI increases.c. increases and the CPI is unchanged.d. and the CPI are unchanged.3.The price of CD players increases dramatically, causing a 1 percent increase in the CPI. The price increase will most likely cause the GDP deflator to increase bya. more than 1 percent.b. less than 1 percent.c. 1 percent.d. It is impossible to make an informed guess without more information.4.A nation's standard of living is measured by itsa. real GDP.b. real GDP per person.c. nominal GDP.d. nominal GDP per person.5.In 2002 President Bush imposed restrictions on imports of steel to protect the U.S.steel industry.a. This is an inward-oriented policy which most economists believe have adverseeffects on growth.b. This is an inward-oriented policy which most economists believe have beneficial effects ongrowth.c. This is an outward-oriented policy which most economists believe have adverse effects on growth.d. This is an outward-oriented policy which most economists believe have beneficial effects ongrowth.6.Generally when economists and the text talk of the "interest rate," they are talking about thea. real interest rate.b. current nominal interest rate.c. real interest rate minus the inflation rate.d. equilibrium nominal interest rate.7.An increase in the budget deficita. makes investment spending fall.b. makes investment spending rise.c. does not affect investment spending.d. may increase, decrease, or not affect investment spending.8.Norne Corporation is considering building a new plant. It will cost them $1 million today to build it and it will generate revenues of $1,121 million three years from today. Of the interest rates below, which is the highest interest rate at which Norne would still be willing to build the plant?a. 3 percentb. 3.5 percentc. 4 percentd. 4.5 percent9.Recent entrants into the labor force account for abouta. 1/2 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/5 of the time with peopleleaving the labor force.b. 1/3 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/2 of the time with peopleleaving the labor force.c. 1/4 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/2 of the time with peopleleaving the labor force.d. 1/4 of those who are unemployed. Spells of unemployment end about 1/5 of the time with peopleleaving the labor force10.Which of the following best illustrates the unit of account function of money?a. You list prices for candy sold on your Web site, , in dollars.b. You pay for your WNBA tickets with dollars.c. You keep $10 in your backpack for emergencies.d. None of the above is correct.11.Current U.S. currency isa. fiat money with intrinsic value.b. fiat money with no intrinsic value.c. commodity money with intrinsic value.d. commodity money with no intrinsic value.12.Velocity in the country of Shem is always stable. In 2002, the money supply was $200 billion and the GDP price deflator was four times as high as it was in the base year. In 2003, the money supply increased to $240 billion, the price level increased by 15 percent, and nominal GDP equaled $1,200 billion. By how much did real GDP increase between 2002 and 2003?a. 20 percentb. 4.35 percentc. 2.17 percentd. There is not enough information to answer the question.13.Shoeleather costs refer toa. the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.b. the distortion in resource allocation created by distortions in relative prices dueto inflation.c. resources used to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.d. the distortion in incentives created by inflation by taxes that do not adjust forinflation.14.International tradea. raises the standard of living in all trading countries.b. lowers the standard of living in all trading countries.c. leaves the standard of living unchanged.d. raises the standard of living for importing countries and lowers it for exporting countries.15.Which of the following would be U.S. foreign portfolio investment?a. Disney builds a new amusement park near Rome, Italy.b. Your economics professor buys stock in companies located in Eastern European countries.c. A Dutch hotel chain opens a new hotel in the United States.d. A citizen of Singapore buys a bond issued by a U.S. corporation.16.A Venezuelan firm purchases earth-moving equipment from a U.S. company and pays for it with domestic currency. This transactiona. increases U.S. net exports, and increases Venezuelan net capital outflow.b. increases U.S. net exports, and decreases Venezuelan net capital outflow.c. decreases U.S. net exports, and increases Venezuelan net capital outflow.d. decreases U.S. net exports, and decreases Venezuelan net capital outflow.17.At the equilibrium interest rate in the open economy macroeconomic model, the amount that people want to save equals the desired quantity ofa. net capital outflow.b. domestic investment.c. net capital outflow plus domestic investment.d. foreign currency supplied.18.In an open economy,a. net capital outflow = imports.b. net capital outflow = net exports.c. net capital outflow = exports.d. None of the above is correct.19.In the open-economy macroeconomic model, the real exchange rate is determined in the market where dollars are exchanged for foreign currency by the equality of the supply of dollars, which comes froma. U.S. national saving and the demand for dollars for U.S. net exports.b. U.S. net capital outflow and the demand for dollars for U.S. net exports.c. domestic investment and the demand for U.S. net exports.d. foreign demand for U.S. goods and U.S. demand for foreign goods.20.If a government increases its budget deficit, then interest ratesa. rise and the trade balance moves toward surplus.b. rise and the trade balance moves toward deficit.c. fall and the trade balance moves toward surplus.d. fall and the trade balance moves toward deficit.21.Investment spending decreases when the price levela. rises causing interest rates to rise.b. rises causing interest rates to fall.c. falls causing interest rates to rise.d. falls causing interest rates to fall.22.An increase in the price level and a decrease in real GDP in the short run could be created bya. an increase in the money supply.b. an increase in government expenditures.c. a fall in stock prices.d. bad weather in farm states.23.Which part of real GDP fluctuates most over the course of the business cycle?a. consumptionb. government expendituresc. investmentd. net exports24.According to liquidity preference theory, the price level and interest rate area. positively related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.b. inversely related as are the interest rate and aggregate demand.c. positively related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are inverselyrelated.d. inversely related while the interest rate and aggregate demand are positivelyrelated.25.Which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the right?a. an increase in the price levelb. an increase in the money supplyc. a decrease in the price leveld. a decrease in the money supply26.If the Fed conducts open-market sales, the money supplya. increases and aggregate demand shifts right.b. increases and aggregate demand shifts left.c. decreases and aggregate demand shifts right.d. decreases and aggregate demand shifts left.27.Some economists argue thata. monetary policy should actively be used to stabilize the economy.b. fiscal policy should actively be used to stabilize the economy.c. fiscal policy can be used to shift the AD curve.d. All of the above are correct.28.The lag problem associated with monetary policy is due mostly toa. the fact that business firms make investment plans far in advance.b. the political system of checks and balances that slows down the process of determining monetarypolicy.c. the time it takes for changes in government spending to affect the interest rate.d. All of the above are correct.29.A. W. Phillips' findings were based on dataa. from 1861-1957 for the United Kingdom.b. from 1861-1957 for the United States.c. mostly from the post-World War II period in the United Kingdom.d. mostly from the post-World War II period in the United States.30.Which of the following is true concerning the long-run Phillips curve?a. Its position is determined primarily by monetary factors.b. If it shifts right, long-run aggregate supply shifts right.c. It cannot be changed by any government policy.d. its position depends on the natural rate of unemployment.二、判断题(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)31.The government component of GDP includes salaries paid to Army generals but not Social Security benefits to the elderly.32.An increase in the saving rate does not permanently increases the growth rate of real GDP per person.33.In ten years when you are the owner of a major U.S. corporation, if your corporation opens and operates a branch in a foreign country you will be engaging in foreign direct investment.34.Corporations receive no proceeds from the resale of their stock.35.According to the rule of 70, if you earn an interest rate of 3.5 percent, your savings will double about every 20 years.36.The value of a stock depends on the ability of the company to generate dividends and the expected price of the stock when the stockholder sells her shares.37.A minimum wage above equilibrium creates a labor surplus.38.According to the theory of efficiency wages, firms operate more efficiently if they can pay wages that are below the equilibrium level.39.The use of money allows trade to be roundabout.40.The quantity theory of money can explain hyperinflations but not moderate inflation.41.In every economy, national saving equals domestic investment plus net capital outflow.42.In the open-economy macroeconomic model, net exports represent the quantity of dollars demanded in the foreign-currency exchange market.43.Although trade policies do not affect a country's overall trade balance, they do affect specific firms and industries.44.If speculators bid up the value of the dollar in the market for foreign-currency exchange, aggregate demand would shift to the left.45.In response to a decrease in output the economy would revert to its original level of prices and output whether the decrease in output was caused by a decrease in aggregate demand or a decrease in aggregate supply.46.John Maynard Keynes advocated policies that would increase aggregate demand as a way to decrease unemployment caused by recessions.47.An increase in the money supply shifts the aggregate supply curve right.48.Unemployment insurance and welfare programs work as automatic stabilizers.49.In the long run, the inflation rate depends primarily on money supply growth.50.Although monetary policy cannot reduce the natural rate of unemployment, other types of policies can.三、名词解释(每小题 2分,共 10 分)51.catch-up effect:52.depreciation:53.capital flight:54.recession:55.automatic stabilizers:四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分)56.Compare and contrast the population theories of Malthus and Kremer.57.Using a graph representing the market for loanable funds, show and explain what happens to interest rates and investment if a government goes from a deficit to a surplus.58.Which two of the Ten Principles of Economics imply that the Fed can profoundly affect the economy?59.The U.S. Treasury Department issues inflation-indexed bonds. What areinflation-indexed bonds and why are they important?60.Make a list of things that would shift the long-run aggregate supply curve to the right.61.Illustrate the classical analysis of growth and inflation with aggregate demand and long-run aggregate supply curves.62.How does a reduction in the money supply by the Fed make owning stocks less attractive?63.Why and in what way are fiscal policy lags different from monetary policy lags?五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10分)64. Suppose government spends $3 billion to buy police cars. Explain why aggregate demand might increase by more than $3 billion. Explain why aggregate demand might increase by less than $3 billion.65. In 1939, with the U.S. economy not yet fully recovered from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt proclaimed that Thanksgiving would fall a week earlier than usual so that the shopping period before Christmas would be longer. Explain this decision, using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.《宏观经济学》答题纸一、选择题 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.21. 22. 23. 24. 25.26. 27. 28. 29. 30.二、判断题(正确用“T”;错误用“F”;每小题 1分,共 20 分)31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.三、名词解释(每小题 2分,共 10 分) 51.catch-up effect: 52.depreciation:53.capital flight:54.recession:55.automatic stabilizers:四、简答题( 8题中任选6题;每小题 5分,共 30 分;答题时请标明题号)五、讨论题(2题中任选1题;每小题 10 分,共 10 分;答题时请标明题号)《宏观经济学》试卷A参考答案1.c2.c3.d4.b5.a6.a7.a8.b9.b 10.a 11.b 12.b 13.c 14.a 15.b 16.b 17.c 18.b 19.b 20.b 21.a 22.d 23.c 24.c 25.b 26.d 27.d 28.a 29.a 30.d31.T 32.T 33.T 34.T 35.T 36.T 37.T 38.F 39.T 40.F 41.T 42.T 43.T 44.T 45.F 46.T 47.F 48.T 49.T 50.T51.the property whereby contries that start off poor tend to grow more rapidly than countries that start off rich.52.a decrease in the value of a currency as measured by the amount of foreign currency it can buy.53.a large and sudden reduction in the demand for assets located in a country.54.a period of declining real incomes and rising unemployment.55.changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recessionwithout policymakers having to take any deliberate action.56.The difference is that Malthus predicted that population growth would be greater than growth in the ability to increase output. He believed that people would continue to populate the earth until output reached a subsistence level. On the other hand Kremer argues that population growth increased productivity allowing people to improve their standard of living despite growing population. Kremer argues that with more population comes more innovations. The improvements in technology more than offset any adverse impact of the increase in population on the standard of living.57. As shown in the graph below, the economy starts in equilibrium at point E0 with interest rate r0 and equilibrium quantity of saving and investment at q0. If the government succeeds in obtaining a surplus, there will be more public saving in the economy at each interest rate, and the supply of loanable funds curve will shift from S0 to S1. The new equilibrium will be at E1, with a lower interest rate, r1 and a higher quantity of saving and investment, q1. Hence, if the federal government succeeds in having a surplus, interest rates will fall and investment will increase.Market for Loanable Funds58. 1. Prices rise when the government prints too much money.2. There is a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.59. Inflation-indexed bonds are bonds whose interest and principal payments are adjusted upward for inflation, guaranteeing their real purchasing power in the future. They are important because they provide a safe, inflation-proof asset for savers and they may allow the Treasury to borrow more easily at a lower current cost.60. Examples in the text (or variations) include increased immigration, a decrease in the minimum wage, more generous unemployment insurance, an increase in the capital stock, an increase in the average level of education, a discovery of new mineral deposits, technology, and removal of barriers to international trade.61.See graph.Over time technological advances cause the long-run aggregate supply curve to shift right. Increases in the money supply cause the aggregate demand curve to shift right. Output growth puts downward pressure on the price level, but money supply growth contributes to rising prices.62. The reduction in the money supply raises the interest rate. So the return on bonds increases relative to the return on stocks. The increase in the interest rate also causes spending to fall so that revenues and profits fall making shares of ownership in corporations less valuable.63.The fiscal policy lags are mostly a matter of waiting to implement the policy. By the time the president and Congress can agree to and pass legislation changing expenditures or taxes, the recession may have ended. The Federal Reserve can act to change the money supply quickly, but it may take some time before the effects of an increase in the money supply work their way through the economy.64. 当政府支出30亿美元购买警车时,直接投资增加警车生产企业的利润,这种增加又使该企业雇佣更多工人,并增加生的。



曼昆宏观经济学英文题库In the vast ocean of economic concepts, the principles of macroeconomics serve as the guiding stars. They illuminate the path to understanding the broader economic landscape, from fiscal policy to monetary influences.The study of macroeconomics is not just about crunching numbers; it's about interpreting the patterns of economic growth, inflation, and unemployment. It's about grasping the interconnectedness of these elements and how they shape the world we live in.One of the key lessons from macroeconomics is that economies are not static; they are dynamic systems that respond to a myriad of factors, from government interventions to global market forces.The role of central banks in a macroeconomic context is pivotal. They are the stewards of monetary policy, tasked with the delicate balance of controlling inflation and promoting economic stability.Fiscal policy, on the other hand, is the government's toolkit for influencing the economy through taxation and spending. It's a powerful tool, yet one that must be wielded with care to avoid unintended consequences.Unemployment is a critical macroeconomic indicator,reflecting not just the health of the job market but also the well-being of society. It's a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address effectively.Inflation, the silent thief that erodes purchasing power, is a constant concern for macroeconomists. It's a delicate dance to maintain price stability while promoting economic growth.The global economy is a complex web of interdependencies. International trade and finance are integral parts of macroeconomics, showing how economies are increasingly linked in a globalized world.In conclusion, the study of macroeconomics is a journey through the intricate workings of economies. It's a fieldthat demands a deep understanding of both theory and practice, with implications that reach far beyond the classroom intothe real world.。



1.MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. (1 point each,40 points total)1) Which of the following are parts of the business cycles? 1) _______A) inflation and recession B) peak and potential GDPC) real GDP and potential GDP D) recession and expansion2) Macroeconomic policy tools include 2) _______A) unemployment policy and inflation policy.B) monetary policy and fiscal policy.C) monetary policy and unemployment policy.D) fiscal policy and unemployment policy.3) Fiscal policy involves 3) _______A) the use of interest rates to influence the level of GDP.B) the use of tax and money policies by government to influence the level of interest rates.C) the use of tax and spending policies by the government.D) decreasing the role of the Federal Reserve in the everyday life of the economy.4) Fiscal policy might be used to increase long-term growth in real GDP by 4) _______A) motivating an increase in investment. B) encouraging saving.C) reducing unemployment. D) Both answers A and B are correct.5) When U.S. imports exceed U.S. exports, the United States experiences 5) _______A) a decrease in potential GDP. B) a government budget deficit.C) inflation. D) an international deficit.6) The largest component of income is 6) _______A) proprietors' income. B) corporate profits.C) compensation of employees. D) net interest.7) Which of the following transfer payments is included in GDP? 7) _______A) veteran's benefits B) welfare paymentsC) Social Security payments D) none of the above8) Net domestic product equals gross domestic product minus 8) _______A) depreciation. B) net exports. C) inflation. D) investment.9) U.S. investment is financed from 9) _______A) private saving, government budget deficits and borrowing from the rest of the world.B) private saving, government budget surpluses and borrowing from the rest of the world.C) private borrowing, government budget deficits and lending to the rest of the world.D) private saving and borrowing from the rest of the world only.10) The labor force is defined as the number of 10) ______A) people with jobs, both part-time and full-time.B) unemployed people.C) people 16 and over.D) people who are employed and unemployed.11) Unemployment caused by the fluctuation of the business cycle is called ________ unemployment. 11) ______A) frictional B) structuralC) recession-related D) cyclical12) ______12) To calculate the unemployment rate, which of the following are necessary pieces of information?I. the number of unemployed personsII. the populationIII. the number of people in the labor forceIV. the working age populationA) I and IV B) I and II C) I and III D) I, II III and IV13) A classical economist believes that 13) ______A) the economy is self-regulating and always at full employment.B) the economy is self-regulating and will normally, though not always, operate at fullemployment if monetary policy is not erratic.C) if the economy was left alone, it would rarely operate at full employment.D) the economy is self-regulating and will normally, though not always, operate at fullemployment if fiscal policy is not erratic.14) Which of the following shifts both the LAS and SAS curves? 14) ______A) a simultaneous change in both the price level and the money wage rateB) a change in the price levelC) an advance in technologyD) a change in the money wage rate15) When the quantity of money in the economy increases, the 15) ______A) aggregate demand curve shifts rightward.B) wealth effect is no longer operable.C) aggregate demand curve does not shift but the economy moves along it.D) long-run aggregate supply curve shifts leftward.16) A Keynesian economist believes that 16) ______A) the economy is self-regulating and always at full employment.B) the economy is self-regulating and will normally, though not always, operate at fullemployment if monetary policy is not erratic.C) if the economy was left alone, it would rarely operate at full employment.D) the economy is self-regulating and will normally, though not always, operate at fullemployment if fiscal policy is not erratic.17) ______17) In the short run, the intersection of the aggregate demand and the short-run aggregate supplycurves,A) determines the equilibrium level of real GDP.B) is a point where there is neither a surplus nor a shortage of goods.C) determines the equilibrium price level.D) All of the above answers are correct.18) ______18) As the real interest rate increases, the quantity of investment ________. Therefore, theinvestment demand curve plotted against the real interest rate is ________.A) decreases; downward sloping B) increases; upward slopingC) decreases; upward sloping D) increases; downward sloping19) Savings is an important economic growth variable because 19) ______A) it provides a fund for wages needed from any unexpected population growth.B) it helps the economy maintain the current level of total expenditures when a recessionbegins.C) it can finance new investment and capital formation.D) All of the above answers are correct.20) Banks create money whenever they 20) ______A) accept a deposit.B) lend excess reserves to a borrower.C) receive interest on existing loans.D) receive monthly payments on their loans.21) ______21) A bank with $100 million in deposits has $15 million of cash in the bank, $10 million in depositswith the Fed, and $15 million in government securities in its vault. Its total reserves equalA) $10 million. B) $40 million. C) $15 million. D) $25 million.22) ______22) If the Fed wants to fight inflation, it might ________ the quantity of money, which in the shortrun shifts the ________.A) decrease; AD curve rightward B) increase; AS curve leftwardC) decrease; AD curve leftward D) increase; AD curve rightward23) If the Federal Reserve is seeking to increase aggregate demand in the short run, it should 23) ______A) raise the discount rate. B) raise the required reserve ratio.C) increase the quantity of money. D) sell government securities.24) According to the quantity theory of money, 24) ______A) a decrease in the quantity of money will decrease the velocity of circulation.B) an increase in the quantity of money will increase real output.C) an increase in the quantity of money will decrease real output.D) a decrease in the quantity of money will decrease the price level.25) If the inflation rate is higher than expected, then 25) ______A) borrowers gain at the expense of lenders because of the low interest rate.B) lenders gain at the expense of borrowers because of the low interest rate.C) borrowers gain at the expense of lenders because of the high interest rate.D) lenders gain at the expense of borrowers because of the high interest rate.26) ______26) If people correctly anticipate an increase in inflation so that their money wage rate adjustsimmediately, then, assuming the economy is initially at potential GDP,A) only the price level rises with no change in real GDP.B) both the price level and real GDP increase.C) only real GDP increases with no change in the price level.D) neither the price level nor real GDP increase.27) ______27) Suppose the economy of Argentina experiences high anticipated inflation. As a result, we canexpectA) an increase in transactions costs. B) increases in real GDP.C) increased uncertainty. D) Both answers A and C are correct.28) The multiplier is 28) ______A) the ratio of the equilibrium level of real GDP to the change in induced expenditures.B) the ratio of the change in real GDP to the change in autonomous expenditures.C) the ratio of the change in autonomous expenditures to the change in real GDP.D) the ratio of the change in induced expenditures to the change in autonomous expenditures.29) ______29) When disposable income equals $800 billion, planned consumption expenditure equals $600billion, and when disposable income equals $1,000 billion, planned consumption expenditureequals $760 billion. What is the marginal propensity to save?A) 0.20 B) 0.64 C) 0.80 D) 0.2530) According to the real business cycle (RBC) theory, recessions are the result of 30) ______A) a fall in growth rate of productivity.B) a decrease in growth rate of the quantity of money.C) an increase in investment.D) an increase in growth rate of the quantity of money.31) According to the new Keynesian theory, 31) ______A) unanticipated changes in aggregate demand change real GDP.B) anticipated changes in aggregate demand change real GDP.C) the money wage rate is sticky at least in the short run.D) All of the above answers are correct.II.32) Another severe depression is unlikely to occur because of I. bank deposit instab le internati onal currency markets. III. the Fed's role as a lender of last resort. 32) ______ A) I and III B) II and III C) III only D) I and II33) If the federal government adopted a contractionary fiscal policy then 33) ______A) aggregate demand would decrease and real GDP would increase.B) aggregate demand and real GDP would both decrease.C) aggregate demand and real GDP would both increase.D) aggregate demand would increase and real GDP would decrease.34) If the government enacts a contractionary fiscal policy, it might 34) ______A) increase taxes. B) increase government purchases.C) increase the government budget deficit. D) None of the above answers is correct.35) The categories of federal government expenditures, listed from largest to smallest, are 35) ______A) purchases of goods and services, debt interest, and transfer payments.B) debt interest, transfer payments, and purchases of goods and services.C) transfer payments, debt interest, and purchases of goods and services.D) transfer payments, purchases of goods and services, and debt interest.36) The crowding out effect refers to 36) ______A) private investment crowding out government saving.B) government investment crowding out private investment.C) government spending crowding out private spending.D) private saving crowding out government saving.37) An advantage of automatic stabilizers over discretionary fiscal policy is that 37) ______A) only the President is involved in implementing automatic stabilizers instead of both thePresident and Congress.B) automatic stabilizers are not subject to all the same time lags that discretionary fiscal policyis.C) automatic stabilizers require only a simple majority of Congress to pass whereasdiscretionary fiscal policy requires a two-thirds majority to pass.D) automatic stabilizers can be easily fine-tuned to move the economy to full employment.38) Which of the following is a problem in pursuing a monetary policy based on feedback rules? 38) ______A) Fixed rules are illegal.B) Feedback rules are illegal.C) The lag between a change in the quantity of money and its effect on economic activity maybe long.D) None of the above answers is correct.39) Currently the Fed targets 39) ______A) neither the federal funds rate nor the monetary base.B) the price level.C) both the monetary base and the federal funds rate simultaneously.D) the federal funds rate.40) ______40) Suppose the United States is in a recession. If the Fed decreases interest rates because of this fact,the Fed is conducting aA) nondiscretionary policy. B) feedback-rule policy.C) fixed-rule policy. D) flexible-rule policy.2.TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. (1 point each, 20 points total)41) A recession occurs when real GDP decreases for at least 6 months. 41) ______42) Changes in the amount of government purchases is an example of fiscal policy. 42) ______43) ______43) To calculate GDP using the expenditure approach, in part it is necessary to add exports andsubtract imports.44) To measure economic welfare, one needs only to measure the growth in real GDP. 44) ______45) ______45) If a worker is temporarily laid off because the economy is in a recession, frictionalunemployment increases.46) The CPI is the average price of all goods and services produced within the economy. 46) ______47) The wealth effect points out that consumption decreases when people's real wealth decreases. 47) ______48) ______48) If there is an increase in technology, the long-run aggregate supply curve shifts rightward, butthe short-run aggregate supply curve does not shift.49) The long-run aggregate supply curve is upward sloping. 49) ______50) The nominal interest rate is approximately equal to the real interest rate minus the inflation rate. 50) ______51) The expected profit rate rises with business cycle expansions, technological advances, and tax51) ______cuts.52) When the Fed controls the quantity of money, it is regulating financial institutions. 52) ______53) A depository institution creates liquidity and pools risk. 53) ______54) If the Fed sells bonds in the open market, net exports will increase. 54) ______55) Unanticipated inflation causes income to be redistributed between borrowers and lenders. 55) ______56) There is a negative relationship between nominal interest rates and the inflation rate. 56) ______57) The most accurate forecast that can be made is called a rational expectation. 57) ______58) When planned aggregate expenditure is greater than real GDP, inventories decrease. 58) ______59) Induced taxes increase the size of the government purchases multiplier. 59) ______60) A tax cut decreases government saving and can thereby crowd out investment. 60) ______3.Short Answer. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. (10 points)61) Compare and contrast the Keynesian and Monetarist theories explaining the business cycle.4. Calculation problems( 10 points)62) The tables above give the purchases of an average consumer in a small economy. (These consumers purchase only shampoo and pizza.) Suppose 2003 is the reference base period.a) What is the cost of the CPI basket in 2003 and 2004?b) What is the CPI in 2003 and in 2004?c) What is the inflation rate in 2004?5. Extended problems( 20 points)63) In the economy of Jokey Island, autonomous consumption expenditure is $60 million, and the marginalpropensity to consume is 0.6. Investment is $110 million, government purchases are $70 million, and there are no income taxes. Investment and government purchases are constant they do not vary with income.The island does not trade with the rest of the world.a) Draw the aggregate expenditure curve.b) What is the island's autonomous aggregate expenditure?c) What is the size of the multiplier in Jokey Island's economy?d) What is the island's aggregate planned expenditure and what is happening to inventories when realGDP is $800 million?e) What is the economy's equilibrium aggregate expenditur。



宏观经济学英⽂题Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 2Chapter 6 Monitoring Jobs and the Price Level1) Which of the following statements is incorrect?A) The labor force is equal to the number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed.B) The working age population includes everyone over the age of 16.C) The unemployment rate is the number of persons who are unemployed divided by the labor force then times 100.D) The labor-force participation rate is the labor force divided by the working-age population then times 100.2) Which of the following is NOT included in the working-age population?A) discouraged workersB) people waiting to be called back to a job after being laid offC) retirees under the age of 55D) people in prison3) All people in the working-age population can be divided intoA) labor force participants.B) employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force.C) either over-employed or under-employed.D) potential employees.4) The ________ equals the number of ________.A) labor force; persons over 16 years oldB) labor force; unemployed and employed personsC) working age population; employed personsD) unemployment rate; people unemployed5) The labor force is defined as peopleA) who have a job or are looking for a job.B) in the working-age population who have a job.C) in the working-age population who have a full time job.D) who are 16 years of age or older.6) Which population category equals the sum of employed and unemployed people?A) working-age populationB) labor forceC) young and institutionalizedD) not in the labor force7) The ________ is the total number of people aged 16 years and older (and not in jail, hospital or institutional care) while the ________ is the number of people employedand the unemployed.A) labor force; working-age populationB) labor force participation rate; labor forceC) working-age population; labor forceD) working-age population; labor force participation rate8) The labor force is defined as the number ofA) people 16 and over.B) unemployed people.C) people with jobs, both part-time and full-time.D) people who are employed and unemployed.9) The labor force is defined as theA) number of people over 16 years of age.B) number of people who are working.C) sum of employed and unemployed people.D) number of people in blue-collar jobs.10) The labor force is defined as theA) number of employed people plus the number of unemployed people.B) number of people who are working.C) number of people who are working in labor-type jobs.D) number of union members who are working.11) The labor force includesA) only the number of people employed.B) discouraged workers.C) only the number of people unemployed.D) both employed and unemployed workers.12) The official unemployment estimatesA) include persons without a job who have made efforts in the last week to find a job.B) include persons without a job, whether they are actively searching for work or not.C) count discouraged workers as unemployed.D) count as unemployed people with part-time jobs who want full-time jobs.13) The unemployment rate is calculatedA) using a survey of 60,000 households.B) by totaling state unemployment claims.C) by totaling federal unemployment claims.D) by surveying unemployment offices around the country.14) Which of the following best fits the definition of unemployed?A) retired and not workingB) working less than a full work weekC) not working but looking for a jobD) not working and not looking for work15) Which of the following people would be considered unemployed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?I. Mrs. X retires from her job at the age of 55 and does not look for another job.II. Mr. Y was laid off from his job as a welder, but expects to be rehired in 8 months.A) I onlyB) II onlyC) both I and IID) neither I nor II16) Which of the following would NOT be considered unemployed?A) a new entrant to the labor forceB) a job leaver who is looking for a better jobC) an individual fired by her employerD) a newly retired worker17) Using the definition of unemployment, which of the following individuals would be unemployed?A) A full-time student quits school, enters the labor market for the first time, and searchesfor employment.B) Because of the increased level of automobile imports, an employee of General Motorsis laid off but expects to be called back to work soon.C) Because of a reduction in the military budget, your next door neighbor loses her job ina plant where nuclear warheads are made and must look for a new job.D) All of these individuals are unemployed.18) The unemployment rate equals 100 times the number ofA) unemployed workers.B) unemployed workers divided by the population.C) unemployed workers divided by the number of employed workers.D) unemployed workers divided by the labor force.19) The unemployment rate equals 100 timesA) (the number of unemployed workers)/(the number of employed + unemployedworkers).B) (the number of unemployed workers)/(the civilian population).C) (the number of unemployed workers)/(the U.S. population older than 16 years of age).D) (the number of unemployed + employed workers)/(U.S. population older than 16 years of age).20) The unemployment rate equalsA) the total number of people without jobs in a given period.B) the percentage of the population not currently employed.C) the rate of change in unemployment figures from one period to another.D) the percentage of the labor force currently unemployed.。


7) In theUnited States, GDP is typically measured
A) monthly.
B) quarterly.
C) daily.
D) weekly.
8) If Nike, an American corporation, produces sneakers inThailandthis would
A) count as part of U.S. GDP since it is aU.S.corporation.
B) count for bothThailand's GDP and U.S. GDP.
C) add toThailand's GDP but not to U.S. GDP.
D) is generally less any time period.
2) Gross domestic product is a measure of the total value of all
A) sales in an economy over a period of time.
B) sum of wage and salary compensation of employees and corporate profits
C) value of all final and intermediate goods and services produced by the economy excluding those goods exported to foreign nations
D) market value of final goods and services produced by the economy



Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 2Chapter 5 Measuring GDP and Economic Growth1) Gross domestic productA) includes all the goods and none of the services produced in an economy in a giventime period.B) measures the value of the aggregate production of goods and services in a countryduring a given time period.C) measures the value of labor payments generated in an economy in a given time period.D) is generally less than federal expenditure in any time period.2) Gross domestic product is a measure of the total value of allA) sales in an economy over a period of time.B) consumer income in an economy over a period of time.C) capital accumulation in an economy over a period of time.D) final goods and services produced in an economy over a period of time.3) Gross domestic product (GDP) is the ________ in a given time period.A) value of personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, and federal government expendituresB) sum of wage and salary compensation of employees and corporate profitsC) value of all final and intermediate goods and services produced by the economyexcluding those goods exported to foreign nationsD) market value of final goods and services produced by the economy4) Gross domestic product (GDP) measures theA) number of final goods and services produced in the economy in a given time period.B) number of final goods and services sold in the economy in a given time period.C) market value of old and new final goods and services sold in the economy in a given time period.D) market value of final goods and services produced in the economy in a given time period.5) GDP is defined as the market value of all ________ in a given time period.A) final goods produced in a countryB) final goods and services produced by citizens of a particular country regardless ofwhere in the world they are locatedC) final goods and services produced in a country by only the citizens of the countryD) final goods and services produced in a country6) In the GDP definition, market value refers toA) valuing production in production units.B) not counting intermediate products.C) valuing production according to the market price.D) when the production took place.7) In the United States, GDP is typically measuredA) monthly.B) quarterly.C) daily.D) weekly.8) If Nike, an American corporation, produces sneakers in Thailand this wouldA) count as part of U.S. GDP since it is a U.S. corporation.B) count for both Thailand's GDP and U.S. GDP.C) add to Thailand's GDP but not to U.S. GDP.D) add to neither U.S. GDP nor Thailand's GDP.9) The word "final" in the definition of GDP refers toA) not counting intermediate goods or services.B) the time period when production took place.C) valuing production at market prices.D) counting the intermediate goods and services used to produce GDP.10) A loaf of bread purchased by one of your instructors would be best described asA) an intermediate good.B) a financial asset.C) a used good.D) a final good.11) In 2006, Ozzie purchased a 1999 Ford Escort from his neighbor for his son,purchased a 1999 "one owner" Camry from Larchmont Toyota for his wife, bought a 2006 new Ford for himself, and sold his 1993 Dodge Caravan to his teenage nephew.Which, if any, of these transactions will be included in GDP in 2004?A) all four transactionsB) all three purchases but not the saleC) the purchase of the Ford and the CaravanD) only the purchase of the Ford12) Which of the following expenditures associated with the production of a newhigh-performance SUV will be directly included in GDP?A) the sale of bonds to finance the construction of the assembly plantB) the purchase of used welding robots to assemble to vehiclesC) the purchase of new tires to be installed on the new vehiclesD) the purchase of new machine tools to manufacture the engines13) Intermediate goods are excluded from GDP becauseA) their inclusion would involve double counting.B) they represent goods that have never been purchased so they cannot be counted.C) their inclusion would understate GDPD) the premise of the question is incorrect because intermediate goods are directlyincluded in calculating GDP.14) A ton of coal purchased by your local utility to burn to make electricity would be bestdescribed asA) an intermediate good.B) a financial asset.C) a used good.D) a final product.15) Which of the following expenditures is for an intermediate good?A) The government buys new tires for its military vehicles.B) A U.S. tire firm sells new tires to Canada.C) General Motors buys new tires to put on the cars it's building.D) You buy new tires for your used car.16) GDP does not directly include intermediate goods becauseA) intermediate goods are not valuable.B) intermediate goods are not useful to consumers.C) that would count the intermediate goods twice.D) that would understate the true size of GDP.17) The calculation of the final goods and services sold in an economy would NOTincludeA) the purchase of a lawnmower by a household.B) General Motors' purchases of tires for new automobiles.C) Ford Motor Company's purchase of a new industrial robot to be used to produce cars.D) the purchase of a service by a household.18) In computing GDP, it is essential toA) avoid double counting.B) include government transfer payments.C) include government tax revenues.D) count all intermediate products directly as they are produced.19) Double counting (counting the same thing twice) in GDP accounting is avoided bynot includingA) net exports.B) intermediate goods.C) illegal activities.D) depreciation.20) GDP counts only final goods and services because thisA) method avoids including any goods that are produced this year and sold next year.B) method avoids double counting of goods going through several stages of production.C) amount can be more easily determined in the marketplace.D) method avoids understating the value of GDP produced during a given year.。



Macroeconomics 1、2、3、4、Abby consumes only apples. In year 1, red apples cost 1 dollar each, green apples cost 2 dollar each, and Abby buys 10 red apples. In year 2, red apples cost 2 dollar, green apples cost 1 dollar, and Abby buys 10 green apples.pute a consumer price index for apples for each year. Assume that year 1isthe base year in which the consumer basket is fixed. How does your index change from year 1 to year 2pute Abby’s nominal spending on apples in each year. How does it change fromyear 1 to year 2ing year 1 as the base year, compute Abby’s real spending on apples in eachyear. How does it change from year 1 to year 2d.Defining the implicit price deflator as nominal spending divided by real spending,compute the deflator for each year. How does the deflator change from year 1 to year 2Suppose that Abby is equally happy eating red or green apples. How much has the true cost of living increased for Abby Compare this answer to your answers to parts (a)and (d). What does this example tell you about Laspeyres and Paasche price indexesa.According to the CPI(消費物價指數), prices have doubled.b. N-spending is the total value of output produced in each year. In Y1 and Y2, Abbybuys 10 apples for $1 each, so her N-spending remains constant at $10.c. R-spending is the total value of output produced in each year valued at the pricesprevailing in Y1,the base year,her R-spending equals her N-spending of $10. In year 2, she consumes 10 green apples that are each valued at their Y1 price of $2, so her real spending is $20.Hence, Abby’s real spending rises from $10 to $20.d.Thus, the implicit price deflator suggests that prices have fallen by half.e. If Abby thinks of red apples and green apples as perfect substitutes, then the cost of living in this economy has not changed.According to the CPI, however, the cost of living has doubled. In contrast to the CPI, the implicit price deflator estimates the cost of living has halved.Thus, the CPI, a Laspeyres index, overstates the increase in the cost of living and the deflator, a Paasche index, understates it.This chapter of the text discusses the difference between Laspeyres and Paasche indices in more detail.5、6、Suppose that an economy’s production function is Cobb-Douglas with parameter α=.0.3a. What fractions of income do capital and labor receiveb. Suppose that immigration increases the labor force by 10 percent. What happento total output The rental price of capital The real wagec. Suppose that a gift of capita form abroad raises the capital stock by 10 percent.What happens to total output(in percent). The rental price of capital The real waged. Suppose that a technological advance raises the value of the parameter A by 10percent. What happens to total output The rental price of capital The real wage7、Suppose that the money demand function takes the form(/)(,)/(5)d M P L i Y Y i ==a. If output grows at rate g, at what rate will the demand for real balancesgrow(assuming constant nominal interest rates)b. What is the velocity of money in this economyc. If inflation and nominal interest rates are constant, at what rate, if any, willvelocity growd.How will a permanent increase in the level of interest rates affect the levelof velocity How will it affect the subsequent growth rate of velocity8、Consider an economy with the following Cobb-Douglas productionfunction:123Y K LThe economy has 1000 units of capital and a labor force of 1000 workers.a.Derive the equation describing labor demand in this economy as afunction of the real wage and the capital stock.b.If the real wage can adjust to equilibrate labor supply and labor demand,what is the real wage In this equilibrium, what are employment, output, and the total amount earned by workersc.Now suppose that Congress, concerned about the welfare of the workingclass, passes a law requiring firms to pay workers a real wage of 1 unit of output. How does this wage compare to the equilibrium wage d.Congress cannot dictate how many workers firm hire at the mandated wage.Given this fact, what are the effects of this law Specifically, what happens to employment, output and the total amount earned by workerse.Will Congress succeed in its goal of helping the working class Explain.f.Do you think that this analysis provides a good way of thinking abouta minimum-wage law Why or why not9、One country , A, the capital share of GDP is 30 percent, the average growth in output is 3 percent per year, the depreciation rate is about 4 percent per year, and the capital-output rate is about . Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas, so the capital share is constant, and that country A has been in a steady state ;.a. What must the saving rate be in the initialb. Compare the capital-output ratio at the Golden Rule steady state to thecapital-output ratio in the initial state.c. What must the saving rate be to reach the Golden Rule steady state Doses it needto be increased or decreased What policies might country A purse10、Two countries, Richland and Poorland, are described by the Solow growth model.They have the same Cobb-Douglas production function , 1(,)F K L AK L αα-=, but withdifferent quantities of capital and labor,. Richland save 32 percent of its income, while Poorland saves 10 percent. Richland has population growth of 1 percent per year, while Poorland has population growth of 3 percent.(The numbers in this problem are chosen to be approximately realistic descriptions of rich and poor nations.) Both nations have technological progress at rate of 2 percent per year and depreciation at a rate of 5 percent per year.a. What is the per-worker production function f(k)b. Solve for the ratio of Richland’s steady -state income per worker to Poorland’s.(Hint: The parameter αwill play a role in your answer.)c. If the Cobb-Douglas parameter α takes the conventional value of about 1/3, how much higher should income per worker in Richland compared to Poorlandd.Income per worker in Richland is actually 16 times income per worker in Poorland.Can you explain this fact by changing the value of parameter What must it be Can you think of any way of justifying such a value for this parameter How else might you explain the larger difference in income between Richland and Poorland8、Suppose that consumption depends on the level of real money balance ( on the grounds that real money balances are part of wealth). Show that if real money balances depend on the nominal interest rate, then an increase in the rate of money growth affects consumption, investment, and the real interest rate. Does the nominal interest rate adjust more than one-for-one or less than one-for-one to expected inflationThis deviation from the classical dichotomy and the Fisher effect is called the Mundell-Tobin effect. How might you decide whether the Mundell-Tobin effect is important in practi概率小:3、Consider how each of the following events is likely to affect real GDP. Do you think the change in real GDP reflects a similar change in economic well-beinga. A hurricane in Florida forces Disney World to shut down for a month.b. Increased hostility between unions and management sparks a rash of strikesc. Firms throughout the economy experience falling demand, causing them to lay offworkers.d. More high-school students drop out of school to take jobs mowing lawns.4、When the government subsidizes investment, such as with an investment tax credit,the subsidy often applies to only some types of investment. This question asks you to consider the effect of such a change. Suppose there are two types of investment in the economy: business investment and residential investment. And suppose that the government institutes an investment tax credit only for business investment.a. How does this policy affect the demand curve for business investment The demandcurve for residential investmentb. Draw the economy’s supply and demand for loanable funds. How does this policyaffect the supply and demand for loanable funds What happens to the equilibrium interest ratec. Compare the old and the new equilibria. How does this policy affect the totalquantity of investment The quantity of residential investment。



Macroeconomics, 8e (Parkin) Testbank 2Chapter 5 Measuring GDP and Economic Growth1) Gross domestic productA) includes all the goods and none of the services produced in an economyin a giventime period.B) measures the value of the aggregate production of goods and services ina country during a given time period.C) measures the value of labor payments generated in an economy in a given time period.D) is generally less than federal expenditure in any time period.2) Gross domestic product is a measure of the total value of allA) sales in an economy over a period of time.B) consumer income in an economy over a period of time.C) capital accumulation in an economy over a period of time.D) final goods and services produced in an economy over a period of time.3) Gross domestic product (GDP) is the ________ in a given time period.A) value of personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, and federal government expendituresB) sum of wage and salary compensation of employees and corporate profitsC) value of all final and intermediate goods and services produced by theeconomy excluding those goods exported to foreign nationsD) market value of final goods and services produced by the economy4) Gross domestic product (GDP) measures theA) number of final goods and services produced in the economy in a given time period.B) number of final goods and services sold in the economy in a given time period.C) market value of old and new final goods and services sold in the economyin a given time period.D) market value of final goods and services produced in the economy in a given time period.5) GDP is defined as the market value of all ________ in a given time period.A) final goods produced in a countryB) final goods and services produced by citizens of a particular countryregardless of where in the world they are locatedC) final goods and services produced in a country by only the citizens of the countryD) final goods and services produced in a country6) In the GDP definition, market value refers toA) valuing production in production units.B) not counting intermediate products.C) valuing production according to the market price.D) when the production took place.7) In the United States, GDP is typically measuredA) monthly.B) quarterly.C) daily.D) weekly.8) If Nike, an American corporation, produces sneakers in Thailand this wouldA) count as part of U.S. GDP since it is a U.S. corporation.B) count for both Thailand's GDP and U.S. GDP.C) add to Thailand's GDP but not to U.S. GDP.D) add to neither U.S. GDP nor Thailand's GDP.9) The word "final" in the definition of GDP refers toA) not counting intermediate goods or services.B) the time period when production took place.C) valuing production at market prices.D) counting the intermediate goods and services used to produce GDP.10) A loaf of bread purchased by one of your instructors would be best described asA) an intermediate good.B) a financial asset.C) a used good.D) a final good.11) In 2006, Ozzie purchased a 1999 Ford Escort from his neighbor for hisson, purchased a 1999 "one owner" Camry from Larchmont Toyota for his wife, bought a 2006 new Ford for himself, and sold his 1993 Dodge Caravan to his teenage nephew. Which, if any, of these transactions will be included in GDP in 2004?A) all four transactionsB) all three purchases but not the saleC) the purchase of the Ford and the CaravanD) only the purchase of the Ford12) Which of the following expenditures associated with the production ofa new high-performance SUV will be directly included in GDP?A) the sale of bonds to finance the construction of the assembly plantB) the purchase of used welding robots to assemble to vehiclesC) the purchase of new tires to be installed on the new vehiclesD) the purchase of new machine tools to manufacture the engines13) Intermediate goods are excluded from GDP becauseA) their inclusion would involve double counting.B) they represent goods that have never been purchased so they cannot be counted.C) their inclusion would understate GDPD) the premise of the question is incorrect because intermediate goods aredirectly included in calculating GDP.14) A ton of coal purchased by your local utility to burn to make electricitywould be best described asA) an intermediate good.B) a financial asset.C) a used good.D) a final product.15) Which of the following expenditures is for an intermediate good?A) The government buys new tires for its military vehicles.B) A U.S. tire firm sells new tires to Canada.C) General Motors buys new tires to put on the cars it's building.D) You buy new tires for your used car.16) GDP does not directly include intermediate goods becauseA) intermediate goods are not valuable.B) intermediate goods are not useful to consumers.C) that would count the intermediate goods twice.D) that would understate the true size of GDP.17) The calculation of the final goods and services sold in an economy wouldNOT includeA) the purchase of a lawnmower by a household.B) General Motors' purchases of tires for new automobiles.C) Ford Motor Company's purchase of a new industrial robot to be used to produce cars.D) the purchase of a service by a household.18) In computing GDP, it is essential toA) avoid double counting.B) include government transfer payments.C) include government tax revenues.D) count all intermediate products directly as they are produced.19) Double counting (counting the same thing twice) in GDP accounting isavoided by not includingA) net exports.B) intermediate goods.C) illegal activities.D) depreciation.20) GDP counts only final goods and services because thisA) method avoids including any goods that are produced this year and sold next year.B) method avoids double counting of goods going through several stages of production.C) amount can be more easily determined in the marketplace.D) method avoids understating the value of GDP produced during a given year.THANKS致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。







1.Please label each of the following statements true, false or uncertain. Explain briefly.(20 Points, 2 points for each question)(1)If a high unemployment rate discourages workers from looking for work, theunemployment rate can be a poor indicator of labor market conditions. To assess the situation, one must also look at the participation. (true)(2)The rate of inflation computed using the CPI is a better index of inflation than the rate ofinflation computed using the GDP deflator.(uncertain)(3)The propensity to consume has to be positive, but otherwise it can take on any positivevalue. (F)(4)An increase of one unit in government spending leads to an increase of one unit inequilibrium output.(F)(5)The central bank can increase the supply of money by selling bonds in the market forbonds.(F)(6)By construction, bonds prices and interest rates always move in opposite directions.(T)(7)An increase in government spending decreases investment.(uncertain)(8)An increase in output at a constant interest rate can only be achieved using amonetary-fiscal policy mix.(T)(9)It may be in the best i nterest of employers to pay wages higher than their workers’reservation wage. (F)(10)Expansionary monetary policy has no effect on the level of output in the medium run.T2.Suppose that money demand is given byM d=$Y (0.35-i)Where $Y is $100, Also, suppose that the supply of money is $20, assume equilibrium in financial markets.a)what is the interest rate?b)If the federal Reserve Bank wants to increase i by 10%, at what level should it set thesupply of money? (10 points, 5 points for each question)3.Suggest a policy mix to achieve the following objectives: (10 points, 5 points for each question )a)Increase Y while keeping i constant.b)Decrease the fiscal deficit while keeping Y constant. What happens to i? toinvestment?4. Suppose that the f irm’s markup over costs is 5%, and the wage-setting equation is W=P(1-u), where u is the unemployment rate.a)What is the real wage as determined by the pricing-setting equation?b)What is the natural rate of unemployment?c)Suppose that the markup of prices over costs increases to 10%. What happens to thenatural rate of unemployment? Explain the logic behind your answer. (20 Points, 5 points for each question)5. Using AD-AS model to show the effects of an increase in consumer confidence on the position of the AD, AS, IS, and LM curves in the medium run. Then show the effect on output, the interest rate, and the price level, also in the medium run. Assume that before the changes, the economy was at the natural level of output. (20 Points)6. Suppose that the economy can be described by the following three equations: (20 points, 5 points for each question)%)5(1--=--t t t u ππ%)3(4.01--=--yt t t g u ut m t yt g g π-=a) What is the natural rate of unemployment for this economy?b) Suppose that the unemployment rate is equal to the natural rate, and that the inflation rateis 8%. What is the growth rate of output? What is the growth rate of the money supply? c) Suppose that conditions are as in (b), when in year t, the authorities use monetary policyto reduce the inflation rate to 4% in year t and keep it there. What must happen to the unemployment rate in years t, t+1, t+2, …? What must happen to the rate of growth of output in years t, t+1, t+2, …? What must be the rate of nominal money growth in years t, t+1, t+2, …?。



《宏观经济学》测试题及答案第一套一、名词解释:1. GDP(Gross Domestic Product):指一个国家或地区在一定时期内所有经济单位生产的最终产品和服务的市场价值总和。

2. 通货膨胀(Inflation):是指一段时期内,一般价格水平的持续上涨,表示货币购买力的下降。

3. 货币政策(Monetary Policy):中央银行通过控制货币供应量和利率来影响经济活动,以实现稳定物价、促进经济增长和充分就业等目标的政策。

4. 凯恩斯主义(Keynesianism):由经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯提出的一种经济理论,强调政府通过财政政策干预经济,以解决市场经济中的有效需求不足问题。

5. 汇率(Exchange Rate):是指一种货币与另一种货币之间的相对价格,用于衡量两国货币的相对价值。

二、填空题:1. 宏观经济学研究的对象是______经济行为和总量问题。

答案:整个社会2. IS-LM模型中的IS曲线表示______和______之间的关系。

答案:利率和投资;国民收入3. 菲利普斯曲线描述了______和______之间的关系。

答案:失业率;通货膨胀率4. AS-AD模型中的AD曲线表示______和______之间的关系。

答案:总需求;价格水平5. GDP核算有三种方法,分别是______、______和______。

答案:生产法;收入法;支出法三、单项选择题:1. 下列哪一项不是宏观经济政策的主要目标?A. 稳定物价B. 充分就业C. 经济增长D. 均衡汇率答案:D. 均衡汇率2. 当经济出现过度需求时,政府应采取何种政策?A. 扩张性财政政策B. 紧缩性财政政策C. 扩张性货币政策D. 紧缩性货币政策答案:B. 紧缩性财政政策3. 在开放经济中,资本完全流动的情况下,如果实行固定汇率制度,以下哪种政策可能无效?A. 财政政策B. 货币政策C. 直接管制D. 外汇储备政策答案:B. 货币政策4. 下列哪一项不属于总供给曲线向右移动的原因?A. 劳动生产率提高B. 技术进步C. 成本降低D. 工资增加答案:D. 工资增加5. 当一国出现国际收支逆差时,以下哪种政策可能会导致本国货币贬值?A. 提高利率B. 降低利率C. 减少政府支出D. 增加税收答案:B. 降低利率四、多项选择题:1. 下列哪些因素可能导致总需求曲线向右移动?A. 政府减税B. 中央银行增发货币C. 消费者预期未来价格上涨D. 利率上升答案:A、B、C2. 下列哪些属于扩张性财政政策工具?A. 增加政府支出B. 减少税收C. 提高法定准备金率D. 发行国债答案:A、B、D3. 下列哪些情况可能导致LM曲线向右移动?A. 货币供给增加B. 货币需求减少C. 利率上升D. 国民收入增加答案:A、B4. 下列哪些因素可能导致菲利普斯曲线向上移动?A. 预期通货膨胀率上升B. 劳动生产率提高C. 失业率下降D. 工资刚性增强答案:A、D5. 下列哪些措施可以缓解通货膨胀压力?A. 提高利率B. 减少政府支出C. 增加税收D. 降低法定准备金率答案:A、B、C五、判断题:1. GDP是衡量一个国家经济规模和经济增长速度的重要指标。
























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(a)shift to the left.(b)shift to the right.
(c)not change.(d)not be certain.
7.Thefollowings are the contents of macroeconomics excluding( ).
(a)Measuring the size of the economy.(b)IS-LM model.
PartⅢ Identify the true orfalse questions
(10 questions,1 point for each, 10 points in all)
1.A tax cut has direct impact on spending. ()
(a)depreciation; (b)consumption;(c)net investment; (d)export
2.The overall supply of money is equal to central bank money times the()
9. According to theKeynesian Cross,nationalincome is determined by( )
(a) pricelevel.(b)supply.(c)demand.(d) aboveall.
10.When the LM curve is ( ), monetary policy fails in affect interest rate and then output.
(3 questions,7pointsfor each,21pointsin all)
1.Please analyze the factors that influence the slope of LM curve
2. Please tell us some uses of National Income Statistics.
6.Capital is greatly determined by investment.()
7.A higher nominal GDP of a nation means that the standard of living is better.()
8.Private saving is saving by government.()
3.Open market operation:
4. Liquidity trap
PartⅡSingle Choice
(10 questions,2 pointsfor each,20 pointsin all)
1. One part of the investment expenditure of the firms is to buy new capital goods and machinery for production. It is called()

PartⅠInterpretation of Terms
(4terms, 5 pointsfor each ,20pointsin all )
(c)government spendingmultiplier.(d)money multiplier.
3.In The General Theory, Keynes conjectured that average propensity to consume(APC) falls as()rises.
1) Please calculate the LM curve and IS curve.
2) Please tell us the equilibrium income and interest rate.
(a)investment; (b)consumption;(c)income; (d)output
4.The consumption function captures the behavior of()
(a)consumers; (b)firms;(c)government; (d)foreign sector
1.Let us assume that a country producedsuch products as the following, please calculate the real and nominal GDP in the year of 2010and 2011. The base year is 2010. And tell us the GDP deflator of the year 2010,and 2011.
(c)Cost theory.(d)the theory of national income determination.
8.The value of real GDP is based on the prices of the( )year.
(a)base(b)current(c)base or current (d)last
3. Assume that the consumption function is C=100+0.8(Y-T),and the investment function is I=300-20r, and the government purchase G=400, T=400, the money demand function is L=Md/P=0.5Y-50r, the real money supply (ms)is 1000.
5. If we know the marginal propensity to saving is 0.3, then it means the marginal propensity to consume is ( )
(a)0.6; (b)0.7;(c)0.8;(d)0.9
6.If the government raises spending, the LM curve will()
9.National income is a measure of the total flow of earnings of the factor-owners through the production of goods & services.()
10.Investment is the expenditure that all the firms build plants, buy equipments and hold the stocks.()
2.When exports is larger than imports, we say the foreign trade is balance.()
3.In Keynesian Cross, the government spending and investment are fixed. ()
Soft -drink
2.Assume that in a two-sector economy the consumption function is C=3000+0.8Y,and investment I=1000, please tell us theequilibriumincome and theinvestmentmultiplier.
4.A simultaneous increase in government spending by $1 and lump-sum taxes by $1 will increase a equilibrium income by $1. ()
5.If T(tax)>G(government spending), the government is running a budget deficit.()
3.If investment is entirely unresponsive to the interest rate(I=e--dr, d=0), what is the effect of fiscal policy?Graphically.
(3questions,9points forquestion 1,10 points for question 2 and 3,29pointsin all)