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2006年Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) or D). Choose the ONE answer that

the best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on

the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

41. Grey whales鲸have long been ________ in the north Atlantic and hunting was

an important cause for that.

A) extinct熄灭的; 耗尽的; 灭绝的

B) extinguished 熄灭, 偿清, 消灭

C) detained扣留, 阻止, 扣押

D) deprived贫困的; 被剥夺的

42. He was given major responsibility for operating the remote远程操作manipulator

操作者; 操纵器; 操纵者to ________ the newly launched发射satellite.

A) retreat撤退, 退却

B) retrieve重新得到, 收回; 检索

C) embody具体表达; 包含; 使具体化

D) embrace拥抱, 包含, 包围, 接受, 信奉

43. Foreign students are facing unprecedented空前的delays耽搁, 推迟, 延误, as visa

applications receive closer ________ than ever.

A) appraisal估计, 评估

B) scanning扫描, 搜索, 观测

C) retention保存, 保持(力), 记忆力, 保留物

D) scrutiny细看, 监视, 仔细检查,周密的调查,

44. If you are late for the appointment约会, 预约, 任命, 委派, 官职, 设备, you might

________ the interviewer and lose your chance of being accepted.

A) irrigate灌溉, 使潮湿

B) intrigue灌溉, 使潮湿,密谋; 私通; 激起...的兴趣

C) irritate使恼怒; 使过敏; 使烦躁

D) intimidate威胁, 恐吓, 胁迫

45. Children’s idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal ________ as they

have often seen in Disneyland.

A) cushions垫子, 橡皮软垫, 缓冲

B) costumes装束; 服装,给...穿上服装; 为...设计服装

C) skeletons骨架, 纲要, 骨骼

D) ornaments装饰, 修饰

46. Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have ________

about their safety.

A) preserved保存, 保藏; 保护; 防腐; 维护; 做蜜饯, 禁猎

B) survived活着, 继续存在,幸免于难, 艰难度过

C) suspended吊, 悬挂; 暂停, 悬浮, 中止

D) lingered逗留, 消磨, 徘徊, 漫步

47. This clearly shows that crops农作物and weeds野草have quite a number of

________ in common.

A) traits特色, 特性, 品质

B) traces痕迹; 丝毫, 微量; 遗迹; 图形

C) tracks行踪; 足迹; 轨道; 小径, 小道

D) trails痕迹; 足迹; 踪迹; 小道

48. From science to Shakespeare, excellent television and video programs are

available ________ to teacher.

A) in stock有库存; 有现货

B) in store必将到来, 快要发生, 贮藏着, 准备着

C) in operation (法律规章或计划)实施中,有效

D) in abundance充足, 大量, 丰富, 很多

49. When the Italian poet Dante was ________ from his home in Florence, he

decided to walk from Italy to Paris to search for the real meaning of life.

A) exerted发挥, 施以影响, 运用

B) expired期满, 断气, 呼气; 呼出

C) exiled放逐, 被放逐者, 流放

D) exempted使免除, 豁免

50. Habits acquired in youth-notably显著地, 特别地smoking and drinking-may

increase the risk of ________ diseases in a person’s later life.

A) consecutive顺序来的; 连续不断的

B) chronic长期的, 慢性的, 惯常的

C) critical指出缺点的; 批评的;

D) cyclical循环的, 周期的

51. F. W. Woolworth was the first businessman to erect直立的; 竖直的; 垂直的a true

skyscraper摩天大楼to ________ himself, and in 1929, A1 Smith, a former以前的governor省长; 州长; of New York, sought to寻求outreach 超越; 击败; 伸出him.

A) portray描写, 描绘, 饰演

B) proclaim宣告; 声明; 公布; 表明, 显示

C) exaggerate夸张; 夸大; 言过其实

D) commemorate纪念

52. To label their produce as organic器官的, 组织的, 有机的, farmers have to obtain

a certificate showing that no ________ chemicals have been used to kill pests害

虫on the farm for two years.

A) toxic有毒的, 中毒的

B) tragic悲惨的, 悲剧的

C) nominal名义上的, 名字的, 有名无实的

D) notorious声名狼藉的, 众人皆知的, 恶名昭张的

53. Ancient Greek gymnastics体操; 体育training programs were considered to be an

________ part of the children’s education.

A) intact尚未被人碰过的, 完整的, 原封不动的

B) integral积分, 整数,完整的, 整体的,

C) inclusive包含的; 包括的

D) infinite无限的, 无穷的

54. Researchers have found that happiness doesn’t appear to be anyone’s____; the

capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.
