2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试题 (含答案)




2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1.(1分)It' no necsary to ind a frndho is th ame you()A.in B.as C.to D.fom2.(1分)Wrm wods an tuch ot onlyyor har but also .)A.me B.my C.yself D.mie3.(1分)he CCTV progra The Reers interest people of al ags.()A.thousnd B.tosands C.thuand of D.thoands of 4.(1分)Attnton,lease!Withotperssion,chilrenare ot allow lone ere.()A.to wim B.wimming C.sim D.wam5.(1分)﹣﹣﹣ould ucom a hel wih our book sale,Alice?.()A.ever min.B.I tink o.C.Sure,Idloe to D.ae a ood time6.(1分)Square Dancin s good exerise fo the ol,someime itake a t o nose.()A.If B.Athough C.Unil D.Beause7.(1分)ith he help of h ernetiformtion an everyconr o the world quickly.()A.get B.aise C.reah D.tun8.(1分)What good news! Xiga Wes Stati in nmeng i woyear.()A.uilds B.ll buildC.is buit D.ill be bult9.(1分)﹣﹣﹣hod yu hik ill e the wnero the 21st World Cupi Russia?﹣﹣﹣I guss thegoldedal wil Gemy()A.blog to B.ake up C.mae up D.tick to 10.(1分)﹣﹣Howdoyou fel abuyur hometown?﹣﹣t'sbeautifu,in wintr()A.narly B.eeply C.cleary D.epecialy11.(1分)﹣﹣Luis walkng thedo in the prk.﹣﹣﹣he e.Lsten! Sheis snging loudlyne room.)A.cn't B.ustn't C.neen't D.wo't12.(1分)﹣﹣Which shou e trt with,Waer orl or Sae Wold?﹣﹣﹣Eer s O,tmakes no tome.()A.mitake B.proise C.fference D.deision 13.(1分)﹣﹣Miss Yg,reyou this aternoon?'lketo ask you se questios.﹣﹣Ye,I wilait for yo in m offce.()A.afaid B.avalale C.absnt D.actve 14.(1分)Al of s wll ake hentraneexm or the sio high school in June.!()A.f curse B.Good ckC.Cogratuatons D.Yu'e wecome15.(1分)Excue me,I am oing a sury.Maykno o pay?About fve tme a eek.)A.wen yo chose WeCatB.wethe did youtryWe ChtC.how ofteyou useChatD.why do yprefer e hat三、完形填空(共15分,每小题15分)16.(15分)ays and nightwent b quikly,but tdesetsilllookedends.Besid hunger,hrst and fear f(9)wer awaysarundim lke ghosts,(0)achtime hewas lose to losing hope,he frce hmself to a ath pear that had be (11)."Not toad atleast I have apear"smll par ecae the(12)for hi srival().hree days latr(13)he sa a vilagenot farway,hlaughe witheien.He lt mletey relaxed﹣the "per"broght hi back to(14).A raveler was in large eet planig to wlkaross t n one mnt Twentymoreays passedthe jounhadbeen ging on."Soon I'llbebl to alk utof this deser," hetough gladl.utthe dsertws neer frienly trveers.In a shorttie,the came rng sandstor.He uridly is head ihthe clthes,prostate on te sand.A about tn minutes te adstrm.He shoo he lohesn stodup.At tat moment,h found hsf n a hoes sitution﹣the backpa wit ood and watr ws swept awy by the.A.wll baly terriy heavlyA.t on to byA.plad bat illed cveredA.bean stpped hd contnudA.sow deset sanstom smokeA.ight imposble safe imprtant (7).Creully Eaily Sdly Luckiy(8A.believe woner remmbr adise(9A.eath pain llness sand(1).Also And Or Howevr(11)A.mllng eaing keepng imagnng(1)A.hpe rle qustin pan(13)A aslng as eve if so tht as sn as4)A danger slep lie mind(15)A.nying othing somethg everythig四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案.(共30分,每小题10分)17.(10分)PrgramAPrgram cos:¥230for ember;¥250ornon mebers非员).Gps:Thr ar 2prgramsforyou tchoose from.ach progra nees a mst 15student.tes:COMEAD OINUS OW! DO'T MISS THECANC!!¥302 Both prorms will atONDAY laterif ther i a warnng of rainstrm.¥50n ugust 8.Were an yo get napplicatio fom?Tme:1:00am:00pmOn ptembe 8.In ur shop.A grl f 10Are you inteestedi aimals nd natre?W to enjoyour smme holiday and learn omhing intresin ad uefl?I our reurant.rgram BOe membr and on non﹣memb shouday fr th Sumer Pogram.A bo of 185How todo:Cm tour cene to get an appitionfom(中请表.Sendyor fr on or beforeJne25.2018.Dys Monay to WeesdayDts:July 1﹣18,20184On Augus .can joi the Sumr rogra.Ag Studnts agd 8161.NO FREEUCHES.ou ay eherbringa luch﹣bo or pay lnch n our restaurans.Tme:10:0am.4:0pmee cmes your CHANCE! Here i THRE﹣DAY SUMMER PROGRAMucan take prtinany activitie and mee wth nal,such asirfe,pandas tier ands on!More infomatn bout the prgram is aollws:When ll Program B star if thees arainstor n Agus,2018?¥80On Septmbr 9.18.(10分)A pper rob.Suporte.buld hs own fntasy worl.Peented.A aper eleant.Why dd Chen Yya pt o ch effor ntopper﹣folding?A papfoldin clubshoing the worsading boks i he libraryT adir or paper﹣folding lvers.Wha made Chen Yian itereted pper﹣oldng?A pper drgon.hch work d Cen iyan like bst?Chen an'tbor iththis taln.he e wa a ourth﹣gader,e found his brother's paer ﹣folding book.It got him interesed in i.Following the 50steps hown inhe boo,he aehis firt wok﹣﹣a pape elphantwitint hurs.incetenhe asredmany bs about paper﹣foligad ractidfolding paper i his par tie o far,i fantayworl hs manmembr suchs montrs nd robts.Head i faorieork lastear.It wa a paper drgntht had lmst 2,000stps.eetingL Changan.teacng how t old pperCh used o foldpper hiselfuntil he met LiChngnan an eighh﹣graeri hi school wholsove folding par.They et up a paper﹣foldig clu last year.Thir joy,their sholpnsred i.ith te nourageent and hemone provided,heyd apape﹣foling cass evry ednday tenoon.The cubsoon attracte a lot ostdents.owt h than20mbsThy shoed their wors and tght other studn how to fol papr.On February 4h his year,the ub lo held spee for te kds in Wenzhou ilen' Library.Reused.giing spechWhat does he uderlined wrd"ponsredman?Wht can you mke wt iece ofpaper?oo at hn Yiyn's work The4yearol oy nanzhou Forei Languge cool as anamazingtalnt for pper﹣olding H hs folded a "fnty worl"with his hands.A pae monter.hodng cmpetiionsTo make hmslf famousi he shol.19.(10分)eausehe failed hr scene test.Jliet as ope to my advic.Itwas Mnayateroon andwe ad nighs t studybeforethe test on Wednesdy.I gested an.Tomorrow night,you re goig to each he material t m.onight,ea the ut.Pepar to eah."ndertadingou knowemzgseem likethe bst way to study,but n fact ou can d betterin tests i yu ork otrying to undestan theaerl."Which cane th best tile fr te pase?In the wer' oinion,whichwa th keto est learing?Becausesheew nothingabout patin.A nexpected staskg herto teach me he untmakig hr che he bookOn Monday,stoppe my car in rotof my daughter Jliet' midde schol.e upedin th front seat,feeing dow.Seaskedmto l sty or hr sience tet.A Creatie FterWy did Jult fel own?paientebarrssedestioning.Whn false starts hapen th wier was.MemoizingorriedThe erline word it" in pargraph 5refr "".encorgin er o rad the unitBecause sh culdt ollow hrteacer.On Tusday afternoon,Juliet at own ith he Science bokfacingme said,"OkayDd,et's stuy." I waed r o tach me.But false artsappened.I couln't b to rd n her.So instead w srr wihme asinghe ome sile qesions.Shenew some but no oher.Wen sedidn'tkow he nsrs.I encaed er t chectboo.reparing for eachig五、综合填词根据句意及提示,在横线上填写道当的单词.(共6分,每小题1分)20.(1分)Mllystudies a he best frind Ma.(hard )21.(1分)hen Iwas fre I rell enjoyed around thtw (walk)22.(1分)We tke in ortraditonal hinesecltre.自量,骄傲)23.(1分)M grndfather kes b ting wel a exercisng regular(键康的)24.(1分)The tuents in teilage go ona ropey to the rer o schol.rɔs/ 25.(1分)Thi pic o sweet msi reminds s te beaut f the countrid.六、选词填空阅读短文,用方框中所给词填空,使短文通顺,连贯,方框中每词限用一次,有两个词多余.(共6分,每空1分)26.(6分)nce wo la bird lived ina nes togeter.cldwnterdy,a strog win wa blowing Suddnly,thereppre a le in teir nest,The cold indblew i rough te hleand go away hear air fro thenst.Tey startd feling.uteac of tem thouhttt te other ird would hehole.As rsult,noonedid it Soon the nowstartedt fall an the est h twolzy bids fet frezing.Bt nooe wasactive to work.n themring tey wee ounddeadinther nes.Lfe is the sameome eope never gt beus thir lazinss blowsout the chaces.Bn no lazy il eale ou tolie happy and sucesful lif.It's up yu.七、任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务.(共8分,每空2分)27.(8分)He wants to t more peope knoweiigpera.Puazar as decied what t d Now he iserforing aBijng OperaTalate the undrlie sentce into hinesehat is about the Monke ing n wo aguag,Ciesnd Eish Th Monky King i a he in a Chinese story Chiee peoplelove imverymch In te Bijing pera,Pouazar ats the MonkeyKin.He ris to ae friends ad eton well withhi lssates.I first saw eig Opera in Lonn in 199,an itut shocedm.It was reallyamazingsaysGaffar Ponar.tBejing Opera is not as pour sit ws beoe.The youngCinse nw penmor time on th Intrnet.hs makesPorazar r ad." ued to gt really angry at what wasapinto Beijng pera anda te Chines ople.Thi s part of yur culture.Yu ceated thi amazing thing.but nw you areforetig itthoingtway"Everythig eem difficult d far from wath haimagied.On stage,theBeijing Oper tor no onlt,they also in and ance ile efomng se dfficult ovemnt(动作).Whe Pourazr firsgot o China.Hecould't speakny Chines,ad h ne noting abt Beijig Opera.A thedt student n the eijing Opera school,eern or sowy thn is lssmate but he ddn'give up.Now,he canperor Beijing Opera like a pofssinal(业).Why id Pornar gie up s ork andme to Beijing Opa chool)八、书面表达(共15分)28.(15分)写要求:3.感想:Ton…我……写作点:3.00词左右,短文的开头已出不入总词.2.赛后活动:我Tony介节,下午带他加关午的其它活动,如……June th1.现场情况.人多挤,支龙舟队竞争激人们欢呼队员们闭队合,最终"队"获胜.odayis the rgonoat Festivl.2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1.(1分)It' no necsary to ind a frndho is th ame you()A.in B.as C.to D.fom【分析】不必到和你样的朋友.【解答】in在…的;s和…一样;to到;r从…根空格前面的词语是the se,因此可知这句话考查的是h sme as思是"一样"因此可知这句话的意是"不必找到和你的朋友."故选:2.(1分)Wrm wods an tuch ot onlyyor har but also .)A.me B.my C.yself D.mie【分析】心话不仅会触动你心灵也会动我的.【解答】me我,宾格my 我的,形容性物主代词;myslf自己,身词;ine我的名词性物代词.据"no on yo hear but lso "格后面没有词,所以要用词性物主代词来填空此可这句的意思"暖心话不仅会触你的心灵也会触动我的."故选:3.(1分)he CCTV progra The Reers interest people of al ags.()A.thousnd B.tosands C.thuand of D.thoands of【分析】央节目《朗读者》所有年龄段千万人感趣.【解答】thousand千,前面有具体数修饰时不能加;表概时候,如:要加S:housands 上万的.据句意可知:如今,成百万的农民离家去城市找工.故选:4.(1分)Attnton,lease!Withotperssion,chilrenare ot allow lone ere.()A.to wim B.wimming C.sim D.wam【分析】请注意!未经允许童不在这里独游泳.【解答】根据ithutpermisi,chidren re o allowed aonehee,可句考查语allow sb todo sth表示允许某人做事.故选:5.(1分)﹣﹣﹣ould ucom a hel wih our book sale,Alice?.()A.ever min.B.I tink o.C.Sure,Idloe to D.ae a ood time【分析】﹣﹣艾丽斯,你来帮我们的书吗?﹣然.我愿意.【解答】从不介意,B认如此,C当.我愿意,D玩得心根据句"艾丽,你能来帮忙我们的卖吗"可知,"当然.我愿意",它选语意不通.故选:6.(1分)Square Dancin s good exerise fo the ol,someime itake a t o nose.()A.If B.Athough C.Unil D.Beause【分析】尽管舞是一个很好的老人炼目但是有时候产生了太多的噪音.【解答】if如果;althoug尽until到;ec因为.根据"Squr ancng sood exeise forte old"以" ometme t mkes lotof noise."结合给出的四个选项,因此可知这句话的思是"尽广场是一个很好的老年人的锻炼项目但是有时候产太多的噪音."故选:7.(1分)ith he help of h ernetiformtion an everyconr o the world quickly.()A.get B.aise C.reah D.tun【分析】在互联网的帮助下信息以到达世界的每一个角.【解答】Aget to到达,gt得到,B提升育,筹集,C到,变得翻转;根预猜句意"在互联网帮下,信息以迅速到达世界的每一个角"知,要达".故选:8.(1分)What good news! Xiga Wes Stati in nmeng i woyear.()A.uilds B.ll buildC.is buit D.ill be bult【分析】好消息啊!孝感西站将于年内在云建成.【解答】语XiaganWest Statin和动词build被关系用被语,根据句意"感西站将于两内梦成."和时间状语可知,的是将要发生动作要用一般将来时的被动语态,其构为will be on.故选:9.(1分)﹣﹣﹣hod yu hik ill e the wnero the 21st World Cupi Russia?﹣﹣﹣I guss thegoldedal wil Gemy()A.blog to B.ake up C.mae up D.tick to【分析】﹣﹣你认为将罗斯第2届世界杯的冠军?﹣﹣我想金牌将属国.【解答】A属于,始从事,占用,C编造,D遵守,持据语意"我想金牌将属于德."用"属于".故选:10.(1分)﹣﹣Howdoyou fel abuyur hometown?﹣﹣t'sbeautifu,in wintr()A.narly B.eeply C.cleary D.epecialy【分析】﹣﹣你你的家乡怎么样?﹣﹣美丽,特别是在天时候.【解答】nearl几乎;eepy深;claly晰especialy特.根据"It's beautifl,in winte.结合给出的四项,因此可知这的思是"﹣﹣你觉得你的乡怎么样?﹣美丽,别是在冬天的候."故选:11.(1分)﹣﹣Luis walkng thedo in the prk.﹣﹣﹣he e.Lsten! Sheis snging loudlyne room.)A.cn't B.ustn't C.neen't D.wo't【分析】﹣﹣露西正公遛狗.﹣﹣不可能,听她正在房间大声唱歌.【解答】考查情态词.A不可能.B不允许.C不必D不将会.结合境"﹣﹣露正在园遛.﹣她_是,听她正在房间里大声唱歌.可知,表示否推测应是"不能"cn't.故选:12.(1分)﹣﹣Which shou e trt with,Waer orl or Sae Wold?﹣﹣﹣Eer s O,tmakes no tome.()A.mitake B.proise C.fference D.deision【分析】﹣我们应从里开始,水世界还是太空世界?﹣﹣哪个可以.我来说没区别.【解答】A误B诺言,C区,D;根据预猜句意"哪都可.我来说没有别."可知,要填"区".故选:13.(1分)﹣﹣Miss Yg,reyou this aternoon?'lketo ask you se questios.﹣﹣Ye,I wilait for yo in m offce.()A.afaid B.avalale C.absnt D.actve【分析】﹣﹣杨小,你今天午有空吗我想几个问题.﹣﹣好的,我会在公你.【解答】考查容词.A怕的B有空.C缺席的.D积极结合语﹣杨小姐,你今天午_吗?我想问几个问题.﹣﹣好的我会在办公室等你..知,应该是"有空的.故选:14.(1分)Al of s wll ake hentraneexm or the sio high school in June.!()A.f curse B.Good ckC.Cogratuatons D.Yu'e wecome【分析】我所人将在6月参高中的学考试.好运.【解答】查情.A.Of corse然;B.Good luc好运C.Congratulaton恭喜你;DYou're elome不客根据干All us wlltake the entrace xam for t snior hgh sol n June.可知应说好.故选:15.(1分)Excue me,I am oing a sury.Maykno o pay?About fve tme a eek.)A.wen yo chose WeCatB.wethe did youtryWe ChtC.how ofteyou useChatD.why do yprefer e hat【分析】﹣﹣起我正在调查.我能知你多久用一次微付费吗?﹣﹣周大约次.【解答】根据May I kno 可知,题考查宾语从句宾语从句中一般为陈述语,选项B是疑问语,以排除掉再根Aboutfiv tims aweek,可知问频率,用o oftn.故选:三、完形填空(共15分,每小题15分)16.(15分)ays and nightwent b quikly,but tdesetsilllookedends.Besid hunger,hrst and fear f(9)A wer awaysarundim lke ghosts,(0)C achtime hewas lose to losing hope,he frce hmself to a ath pear that had be(11)D."Not toad atleast I have apear"smll par ecae the(12)B for hi srival().hree days latr(13)C he saa vilagenot farway,hlaughe witheien.He lt mletey relaxed﹣the "per" broghthi back to(14)B.A raveler was in large eet planig to wlkaross t n one mnt Twentymoreays passedthe jounhadbeen ging on D."Soon I'llbebl to alk utof this deser," hetough gladl.utthe dsertws neer frienly A trveers.In a shorttie,the came rng sandstor.He uridly A is head ihthe clthes,prostate on te sand.A about tn minutes te adstrm D.He shoo he lohesn stodup.At tat moment,h found hsf n a hoes sitution﹣the backpa wit ood and watr ws swept awy by the C.A.wll baly terriy heavlyA.t on to byA.plad bat illed cveredA.bean stpped hd contnudA.sow deset sanstom smokeA.ight imposble safe imprtant(7).Creully Eaily Sdly Luckiy(8A.believe woner remmbr adise(9A.eath pain llness sand(1).Also And Or Howevr(11)A.mllng eaing keepng imagnng(1)A.hpe rle qustin pan(13)A aslng as eve if so tht as sn as4)A danger slep lie mind(15)A.nying othing somethg everythig【分析】一个旅者一个内走出漠.二十多过去了程行得很顺.他认为他很快能走出这个沙漠.结果他由遇到了沙尘暴,背包里的物和被沙尘暴走了,只剩一个,他是靠着"他有只梨的"信持.这个事告诉我们:拥有希是胜的最好武器.永远不要告诉你"没么"因为有你努力去寻找,总找到一个"梨来帮助脱困境.【解答】13.D考查连及语境的解,as ong as只要een f即使,that为了assoon a一…………,这考查间语从句,三后,他一看到不远处的村庄就兴奋地了起.选:4.B考查词及语境的理解begin开,sto停,ide隐藏,ntiue继续,根据上文…prtt n the an.可知他摔倒沙漠里,结合下Hshook e cothe and stood up.他抖衣服爬了起来.由此可以推出这里指大约十分钟,沙尘停止了.故选:2C.考查介及语境的理解这里要用固定组e friend sb.对某人友.即:但沙漠对旅行者从不好.故选:9A.考查名词及语境解,death死亡,pai疼,illn疾,and沙子,根据上文ays and nhts went by qickl but the deetstll looked endls.知:沙漠仍有尽头.结合下文Besideshuer,hirt and fer of…were always a roun him ik ghsts.可以推断出这里指:饥、渴死亡的恐像一样绕在身.选:8A查动词及境的理解,belive相,wner想知remember记得,dvie建议,根据上文otoo bad,at et have a a还不太糟糕,至少我有一梨.由此可以推断出:他很乐观合下的描述可知:他相信他能走出漠.故:14.C.查名及境的理,aner危险,lep睡觉,lfe生活,命,mnd想法根前文可知:他差点走出漠,他靠着"他有只梨的"信念坚持下来,由此知这里指:他感到松,这只"梨"让他活来故选:6.B.查形词及语的解,right确的imprtant重要的,imposibe不可能的,safe 安全的,常识可知没食物和水离漠是不可能的,故:1考查词语境理解wel好terriby糟糕地,badly糟糕地,havil猛烈地,根据下"oonI'l be abe o wal outofths deet,e thought gldy.可知:他高兴地认为他自己能够出沙漠.此可以推断:二十多天过去,沙之行一直进展很顺.故选:1.A.考查名词及语境的理,ope希,rule规则,ustion问题plan划,根据文flt cpletelyrlaxedhe "pear" brough hi bak …可知里指:一只小梨成了生存的希故选:3.D.考查动词及境的理解,play玩,bat打,fll填充,or遮住据上文I a shr tim,her cae a trog sandsorm.知,他遇到了大的沙尘暴.由此可推断:他他的衣遮住他的头部,故选:5.B考查不定代词的用法,anthing任事情,nohing什,eerything切,somethn 某物,根据上文o keep peis thebest weap武)forvicty.知:希望是胜利的最好武器.此可以断出这指:永不要诉你"没什么",因为只有你力去寻找,你总能找一梨"来帮助你摆脱困境.选:四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案.(共30分,每小题10分)17.(10分)PrgramAPrgram cos:¥230for ember;¥250ornon mebers非员).Gps:Thr ar 2prgramsforyou tchoose from.ach progra nees a mst 15student.tes:COMEAD OINUS OW! DO'T MISS THECANC!!¥302 Both prorms will atONDAY laterif ther i a warnng of rainstrm.¥50n ugust 8.Were an yo get napplicatio fom?BTme:1:00am:00pmOn ptembe 8.In ur shop.A grl f 10Are you inteestedi aimals nd natre?W to enjoyour smme holiday and learn omhing intresin ad uefl?I our reurant.rgram BOe membr and on non﹣memb shouday B fr th Sumer Pogram.A bo of 185How todo:Cm tour cene to get an appitionfom(中请表.Sendyor fr on or beforeJne25.2018.Dys Monay to WeesdayDts:July 1﹣18,20184On Augus .D can joi the Sumr rogra.Ag Studnts agd 8161.NO FREEUCHES.ou ay eherbringa luch﹣bo or pay lnch n our restaurans.Tme:10:0am.4:0pmee cmes your CHANCE! Here i THRE﹣DAY SUMMER PROGRAMucan take prt inany activitie and mee wth nal,such asirfe,pandas tier ands on!More infomatn bout the prgram is aollws:When ll Program B star if thees arainstor n Agus,2018?C¥80On Septmbr 9.【分析】本文一自然探索旅游告,介了旅游的式、价格、时等.【解答】3.D.细理一个会和非会员参加活要少钱?.根据短文,¥230for mebers;¥20forno mebers会员23/人,非会员250人230+250= $80.故选.1.B.细节理解题结合Date Ju 16﹣8,2018,Auus 7﹣9,21可知是三故选B.C.细节理题结合Com to ourcentr o ge an appliationform中请表.知来们中心拿申请表故选C.5A节理解题.根短Bot rgrm will start ONE DY later f treis a wrning of rainsrms.,果遇到雨,动晚一天开,也就是迟到8月8日,故选.18.(10分)A pper rob.Suporte.buld hs own fntasy worl.Peented.A aper eleant.Why dd Chen Yya pt o ch effor ntopper﹣folding?DA papfoldin clubshoing the worsading boks i he libraryT adir or paper﹣folding lvers.Wha made Chen Yian itereted pper﹣oldng?CA pper drgon.hch work d Cen iyan like bst?AChen an'tbor iththis taln.he e wa a ourth﹣gader,e found his brother's paer ﹣folding book.It got him interesed in i.Following the 50steps hown inhe boo,he aehis firt wok﹣﹣a pape elphantwitint hurs.incetenhe asredmany bs about paper﹣foligad ractidfolding paper i his par tie o far,i fantayworl hs manmembr suchs montrs nd robts.Head i faorieork lastear.It wa a paper drgntht had lmst 2,000stps.eetingL Changan.teacng how t old pperCh used o foldpper hiselfuntil he met LiChngnan an eighh﹣graeri hi school who lsove folding par.They et up a paper﹣foldig clu last year.Thir joy,their sholpnsred i.ith te nourageent and hemone provided,heyd apape﹣foling cass evry ednday tenoon.The cubsoon attracte a lot ostdents.owt h than20mbsThy shoed their wors and tght other studn how to fol papr.On February 4h his year,the ub lo held spee for te kds in Wenzhou ilen' Library.Reused.giing spechWhat does he uderlined wrd"ponsredman?CWht can you mke wt iece ofpaper?oo at hn Yiyn's work The4yearol oy nanzhou Forei Languge cool as anamazingtalnt for pper﹣olding H hs folded a "fnty worl"with his hands.A pae monter.hodng cmpetiionsTo make hmslf famousi he shol.【分析】本文了一个喜欢折纸的小男孩事.个温州的男孩一楠喜欢折纸.个兴趣从他年级时候开始发掘去他完成了他喜欢的品﹣﹣﹣一条需要200个才的中国龙.他还创了纸俱乐部.陈一楠为发展兴趣并且能和他人分而感快乐,并且望越来越多的人会喜欢折艺术.【解答】.D.考查推理判断题.文段讲述陈欢折纸的起因he undhisrother'spae ﹣foldig book,以推这本书发他兴趣,故选:3.A.考查猜测题根上文They setupa ppr﹣foldingclubls year.可知他们年成俱乐部.结合下文Withe encoragementan th money proided,they hada pr﹣flding class every Wnsda atenon.可知:在得到和资的情况下,他们每期三下午都有一个纸叠课.由此可推断出sosod意思为spported支持.故选:知:他们每周三有一节纸课,们示的作品并其他学生如何折纸.在州少儿图书馆为孩们行了演讲.选:C.查理判断题根据he made hs favorite wk last yea可知是讲到他去年作了他最欢的作品,根据Itwa a paperdg tat ad almost2,000steps可知是一条有将近000的纸龙.故选:.A.查细节题,根文章最后一段It s reallyexcing odevelop y hobyandshe it itothrs at te sme tme said Cen,I ope more and mre peole ge to know paper﹣fodng an e th art.知:发展我爱好并与他分享它是非常令人兴奋的我希望越来多人认识到折和热爱这门艺术选:19.(10分)eausehe failed hr scene test.Jliet as ope to my advic.Itwas Mnayateroon andwe ad nighs t studybeforethe test on Wednesdy.I gested an.Tomorrow night,you re goig to each he material t m.onight,ea the ut.Pepar to eah."ndertadingou knowemzgseem likethe bst way to study,but n fact ou can d betterin tests i yu ork otrying to undestan theaerl."Which cane th best tile fr te pase?BIn the wer' oinion,whichwa th keto est learing?DBecausesheew nothingabout patin.A nexpected staskg herto teach me he untmakig hr che he bookOn Monday,stoppe my car in rotof my daughter Jliet' midde schol.e upedin th front seat,feeing dow.Seaskedmto l sty or hr sience tet.A Creatie FterWy did Jult fel own?Dpaientebarrssedestioning.Whn false starts hapen th wier was A.MemoizingorriedThe erline word it" in pargraph 5refr "C".encorgin er o rad the unitBecause sh culdt ollow hrteacer.On Tusday afternoon,Juliet at own ith he Science bokfacingme said,"OkayDd,et's stuy." I waed r o tach me.But false artsappened.I couln't b to rd n her.So instead w srr wihme asinghe ome sile qesions.Shenew some but no oher.Wen sedidn'tkow he nsrs.I encaed er t chectboo.reparing for eachig【分析】篇章主要介绍了者的女儿在学习中遇到了困他决定让女儿教他,种方法帮助他识记单元内容.【解答】1.B.考查细节理解题根a I ed to merize a ni bou th Rproductie Cycle f Pnts.d I an harly make it.可知:叶感到沮丧因为有难记住记住个关于植物生殖期的单.故选:.D.考查义猜测题,据Askng her to eh me wa an uusual idebu I waseermine to doit 知:要求我是一个不寻常的想法我决心去做.由此可知t代aski her t teac me the unit.故选:.D.考查细节理解题根据Yo knowmeorzing sem like the betway to stdy,butn fc ou ca do bettertests if you wor on ryig ouderstan te mtral.可:者认学习最好的方法是理解材料.故选:5.C.考查主旨大意篇文章主要介绍了者的女在学习中到了决定让女教他,用这种方法帮助他识记一个单的内容.故:五、综合填词根据句意及提示,在横线上填写道当的单词.(共6分,每小题1分)20.(1分)Mllystudies harder a he best frind Ma.(hard )【分析】茉莉要她最好的朋友丽学要更力一些.【解答】根据句中关词than,因此可这话查的词较级,合给出的语示,因此知这句话的意思是"莉要比最好的朋友玛丽学习要更努力一些."故harde.21.(1分)hen Iwas fre I rell enjoyed walking around thtw (walk)【分析】我有空的候我确实很喜欢绕着市走一走.【解答】根据空格前面词语ejy,此可这句话考查的是eojy的用法,eny后面要用动词,合给出的英语提示,因此知话的意思是"当我有空的时候,我确很喜欢绕着城一走"填walkng.22.(1分)We tke pride in ortraditonal hinesecltre.自量,骄傲)【分析】我为我们的中国文化而骄傲.【解答】自豪,骄傲rde,,take pride n…骄傲,动词短.故答案为pri.23.(1分)M grndfather kes healthy b ting wel a exercisng regular(键康的)【分析】我爷爷过吃和常锻炼来保持健康.【解答】健康的healhy形容做表语.故答案为ealhy.24.(1分)The tuents in teilage go ona ropey to cross the rer o schol.rɔs/【分析】这个子的学生经过一个索道过河流去上.【解答】根据给的标提示rɔs,因此这句话的意思是"这村子学要经过一个索道过流去上学.空格前是定式符号to,所以要用动词原形来填空.故填cros.25.(1分)Thi pic o sweet msi reminds s of te beaut f the countrid.【分析】这首悦的音乐我们想起村的美景.【解答】根据his pieceofetmusic reinds s﹣﹣thbeautyo the ountrside,可知句考查remain sb f sh示使想起.故填f.六、选词填空阅读短文,用方框中所给词填空,使短文通顺,连贯,方框中每词限用一次,有两个词多余.(共6分,每空1分)26.(6分)nce wo la bird lived ina nes togeter.On cldwnterdy,a strog win wa blowing Suddnly,thereppre a le in teir nest,The cold indblew i rough te hleand go awayhear air fro thenst.Tey startd feling cold.uteac of tem thouhttt te other ird would repair hehole.As rsult,noonedid it Soon the nowstartedt fall an entered the est h twolzy bids fet frezing.Bt nooe wasactive enough to work.n themring tey wee ounddeadinther nes.Lfe is the sameome eope never gt success beus thir lazinss blowsout the chaces.Bn no lazy il eale ou tolie happy and sucesful lif.It's up yu.【分析】这一篇生感悟类阅读主要介绍两只懒惰在冬天来临谁也不去修鸟巢.结冻了.活是一样的有些人永远不会成功,因为们的懒惰冲垮了机会不偷你上福和成功的生.这取决于你自己.【解答】.entered.词.不,始下落,__了鸟巢.".根据所给单词可知,应该是"进入".般去时态,填动词过去式enterd.1..考查介词.句意"一个寒冷的冬日.根据所给单词,可知,体一天介词n.enough.考查搭配.句意但是没有人__积极地工作.".根据所,,e+容词+enuh to do st足够…做某事固搭配修饰形容词位于面,用enoug.3pai.考动词.句"但他们每个人都认为另一只鸟会__这个洞"根据第一行Sudenly,thee apeared ahole in their nest突然,他们巢里出现了个洞.单词,知,应该是"修.态动词old后用形epair.6uces.考查名.句意有些人永远不会_,为他们的懒惰冲了机会.".根据一句eig nt azy wll eable outo livea hapy and succesfulife不懒会使你过上幸福而功生活.及所给词,知,该是"成功".ge suce得成功.这用做不可数名词success.七、任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务.(共8分,每空2分)27.(8分)He wants to t more peope knoweiigpera.Puazar as decied what t d Now he iserforing aBijng OperaTalate the undrlie sentce into hinese①A ②Chat is about the Monke ing n wo aguag,Ciesnd Eish Th Monky King i a he in a Chinese story Chiee peoplelove imverymch In te Bijing pera,Pouazar ats the MonkeyKin.He ris to ae friends ad eton well withhi lssates.I first saw eig Opera in Lonn in 199,an itut shocedm.It was reallyamazingsaysGaffar Ponar.tBejing Opera is not as pour sit ws beoe.The youngCinse nw penmor time on th Intrnet.hs makesPorazar r ad." ued to gt really angry at what wasapinto Beijng pera anda te Chines ople.Thi s part of yur culture.Yu ceated thi amazing thing.but nw you areforetig itthoingtway"Everythig eem difficult d far from wath haimagied.On stage,theBeijing Oper tor no onlt,they also in and ance ile efomng se dfficult ovemnt(动作).Whe Pourazr firsgot o China.Hecould't speakny Chines,ad h ne noting abt Beijig Opera.A thedt student n the eijing Opera school,eern or sowy thn is lssmate but he ddn'give up.Now,he canperor Beijing Opera like a pofssinal(业).Why id Pornar gie up s ork andme to Beijing Opa chool)你们创造了这个奇妙的事物,但是现在却正在遗忘它,抛弃它.【分析】本文要讲述了GhafarPouazr对中国京剧门艺术的认识和他认为在的年轻花在互联网上时间多而忘记自己国家文重要部分,他正在为京做些什么.【解答】你创造了这奇的事物,是在却在遗忘它,抛弃它.英译汉题.ceated创this azing thin这个奇妙物.but 但是,表转折,forgettng it遗忘hown it away 抛弃它.故可.C.细节理解题.根一句Now he i erfomin aBiingOpera现在他在演京剧,可推出他在广关于京剧故选He wnts to lt more peop know Beiin Opera他想的人了解京歌剧.可得案.Becue hethuht Bejing Opera wa amazing细节理题.题问的" Purna为什么放弃工来到北京京学校"根据境"Ifirs sa Beijing pra in Lndon in 3,an itjut socked me.I ws real amazig,"sas Ghffa Ponazar.19我第一在敦过京剧,这让我很震,真是太棒了"Ghaffar oazar说.可得答案.八、书面表达(共15分)28.(15分)写要求:3.感想:Ton…我……写作点:3.00词左右,短文的开头已出不入总词.2.赛后活动:我Tony介节,下午带他加关午的其它活动,如……June th1.现场情况.人多挤,支龙舟队竞争激人们欢呼队员们闭队合,最终"队"获胜.odayis the rgonoat Festivl.For the reason that Tony has a strong interest in Chinese traditional culture.I invited him to come to watch the dragon boat races which was held in Huaiyin Park this morning When we arrived,it was crowded.There were 16 colorful dragon boats floating in the river.During the race,the dragon boat teams competed with each other,while people on each bank cheered up.Both Tony and I felt the exciting atmosphere.At last,the Courage Team won.After the competition,I introduced the Dragon Boat Festival to Tony and welcomed him to many other activities about the festival.We went to learn how to make zongzi and admire a picture exhibition.At the end of the day,tired as we were,we felt excited.Tony thought our traditional Chinese culture was so amazing and I am proud of my great motherland.【分析】分句型:There were 6 colorul draonbtsfoatig n the rer河里漂浮着16只彩斓的舟.这里threbe示某处有某物be动词有时态和单复数的变.【解答】June1thToday is the DagonBoat stiva.For therason tht Tony as a rong intrest i Chie traditonal cultur.I nvite hmo ce to wt the dagon boa ac hich as hed in Huayin Park tis morning.(引话题)Wen wearivd i as crowdd高句型).Tereer16 colofl drgon boa flting n th rive高分句).Dingth re,th agonboat team compted wt ech oher,hileeople oneacbank ceere up.BotToy nd fet the exciting atosphere.A last,the CorageTeam won.(现场情况)At the end o the da,tird a we were,wefelecited.ony hught ourtrditonal hinese。



2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1.(1分)It's not necessary to find a friend who is the same you.()A.in B.as C.to D.from2.(1分)Warm words can touch not only your heart but also.()A.me B.my C.myself D.mine3.(1分)The CCTV program The Readers interests people of all ages.()A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of4.(1分)Attention,please!Without permission,children are not allowed alone here.()A.to swim B.swimming C.swim D.swam5.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Could you come and help with our book sale,Alice?.()A.Never mind.B.I think so.C.Sure,I'd love to D.Have a good time6.(1分)Square Dancing is good exercise for the old,sometimes it makes a lot of noise.()A.If B.Although C.UntilD.Because7.(1分)With the help of the Internet,information can every coner of the world quickly.()A.get B.raiseC.reach D.turn8.(1分)What good news!Xiaogan West Station in Yunmeng in two years.()A.builds B.will buildC.is built D.will be built9.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Who do you think will be the winner of the21st World Cup in Russia?﹣﹣﹣I guess the gold medal will Germany()A.belong to B.take up C.make up D.stick to10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣How do you feel about your hometown?﹣﹣﹣It's beautiful,in winter.()A.nearly B.deeply C.clearly D.especially11.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Lucy is walking the dog in the park.﹣﹣﹣She be.Listen!She is singing loudly in her room.()A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.won't12.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Which should we start with,Water World or Space World?﹣﹣﹣Either is OK,it makes no to me.()A.mistake B.promise C.difference D.decision13.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Miss Yang,are you this afternoon?I'd like to ask you some questions.﹣﹣﹣Yes,I will wait for you in my office.()A.afraid B.available C.absent D.active14.(1分)All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.!()A.Of course B.Good luckC.Congratulations D.You're welcome15.(1分)Excuse me,I am doing a survey.May I know to pay?About five times a week.()A.when you choose WeChatB.whether did you try We ChatC.how often you use WeChatD.why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空(共15分,每小题15分)16.(15分)A traveler was in a large desert,planning to walk across it in one month.Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on (1)."Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert,"he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly(2)travelers.In a short time,there came a strong sandstorm.He hurriedly(3)his head with the clothes,prostrate on the sand.After about ten minutes,the sandstorm(4).He shook the clothes and stood up.At that moment,he found himself in a hopeless situation﹣the backpack with food and water was swept away by the(5).As we know,it seems(6)to leave the desert without food and water (7),he had a pear left.He held it in his hands tightly."Not too bad,at least I have a pear.I(8)I can walk out of the desert."Days and nights went by quickly,but the desert still looked endless.Besides,hunger,thirst and fear of(9)were always around him like ghosts,(10),each time he was close to losing hope,he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been(11)."Not too had,at least I have a pear."A small pear became the(12)for his survival(生存).Three days later,(13)he saw a village not far away,he laughed with excitement.He felt completely relaxed﹣the"pear"brought him back to(14).To keep hope is the best weapon(武器)for victory,so never tell you"(15)"because only if you try to search,you can always find a"pear"to pull you out of trouble.(1)A.well B.badly C.terribly D.heavily(2)A.at B.on C.to D.by(3)A.played B.beat C.filled D.covered(4)A.began B.stopped C.hid D.continued(5)A.snow B.desert C.sandstorm D.smoke(6)A.right B.impossible C.safe D.important(7)A.Carefully B.Easily C.Sadly D.Luckily(8)A.believe B.wonder C.remember D.advise(9)A.death B.pain C.illness D.sand(10)A.Also B.And C.Or D.However(11)A.smelling B.eating C.keeping D.imagining(12)A.hope B.rule C.question D.plan(13)A.as long as B.even if C.so that D.as soon as (14)A danger B.sleep C.life D.mind(15)A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案.(共30分,每小题10分)17.(10分)Let's learn about nature!Are you interested in animals and nature?Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?Here comes your CHANCE!Here is a THREE﹣DAY SUMMER PROGRAM!You can take part in many activities and meet with animals,such as giraffes,pandas tigers,and so on!More information about the program is as follows:Age:Students aged8﹣16Groups:There are2programs for you to choose from.Each program needs at most15students.Program ADates:July16﹣18,2018Days:Monday to WednesdayTime:10:00am﹣4:00pmProgram BDates:August7﹣9,2018Days:Tuesday to ThursdayTime:10:00am.﹣4:00pmProgram cost:¥230for members;¥250for non﹣members(非会员).How to do:Come to our center to get an application form(中请表).Send your form on or before June25.2018.Notes:1.NO FREE LUNCHES.You may either bring a lunch﹣box or pay for lunch inour restaurants.2.Both programs will start ONE DAY later if there is a warning of rainstorms.COME AND JOIN US NOW!!DON'T MISS THE CHANCE!!(1)How many days are there in a Summer Program?A.2B.3C.4D.5(2)can join the Summer Program.A.A kid of7B.A girl of10C.A boy of18D.A man of22(3)One member and one non﹣member should pay for the Summer Program.A.¥230B.¥250C.¥460D.¥480(4)Where can you get an application form?A.In our shop.B.In our school.C.In our center.D.In our restaurant.(5)When will Program B start if there is a rainstorm on August7,2018?A.On August8.B.On August9.C.On September8.D.On September9.18.(10分)What can you make with pieces of paper?Look at Chen Yiyan's work! The14﹣year﹣old boy in Hangzhou Foreign Language School has an amazing talent for paper﹣folding.He has folded a"fantasy world"with his hands.Chen wasn't born with this talent.When he was a fourth﹣grader,he found his brother's paper﹣folding book.It got him interested in it.Following the50steps shown in the book,he made his first work﹣﹣a paper elephant within two hours.Since then,he has read many books about paper﹣folding and practised folding paper in his spare time.So far,his fantasy world has many members,such as monsters and robots.He made his favorite work last year.It was a paper dragon that had almost2,000steps.Chen used to fold paper himself until he met Li Changnan,an eighth﹣grader in his school who also loved folding paper.They set up a paper﹣folding club last year.To their joy,their school sponsored it.With the encouragement and the money provided,they had a paper﹣folding class every Wednesday afternoon.The club soon attracted a lot of students.Now it has than 20members.They showed their works and taught other students how to fold paper.On February14th this year,the club also held a speech for the kids in Wenzhou Children's Library.It is really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time,"said Chen,"I hope more and more people get to know paper﹣folding and love the art(1)What made Chen Yiyan interested in paper﹣folding?A.A paper﹣folding clubB.Meeting Li Changnan.C.Wenzhou Children's LibraryD.His brother's paper﹣folding book(2)Which work did Chen Yiyan like best?A.A paper monster.B.A paper elephant.C.A paper dragon.D.A paper robot.(3)What does the underlined word"sponsored"mean?A.Supported.B.Prevented.C.Refused.D.Introduced.(4)Which of the following activities did the chub hold?①holding competitions②showing their works③giving a speech④reading books in the library⑤teaching how to fold paper⑥having paper﹣folding classesA.①②⑤⑥B.①③④⑤C.②③⑤⑥D.②③④⑥(5)Why did Chen Yiyan put so much effort into paper﹣folding?A.To develop paper﹣folding art.B.To build his own fantasy world.C.To admire more paper﹣folding lovers.D.To make himself famous in the school.19.(10分)On Monday,I stopped my car in front of my daughter Juliet's middle school.She jumped in the front seat,feeling down.She asked me to help her study for her science test."Dad I need to memorize a unit about the Reproductive Cycle of Plants.And I can hardly make it.""You know memorizing seems like the best way to study,but in fact you can dobetter in tests if you work on trying to understand the material."Juliet was open to my advice.It was Monday afternoon and we had two nights to study before the test on Wednesday.I suggested a plan."Tomorrow night,you are going to teach the material to me.Tonight,read the unit.Prepare to teach."Asking her to teach me was an unusual idea but I was determined to do it.Studies show teaching somebody else is a very useful way to lean,Even if you don't do the teaching.the act of preparing to teach leads to more learning than just trying your best to memorize the material.On Tuesday afternoon,Juliet sat down with her Science book facing me said,"Okay Dad,let's study."I wanted her to teach me.But false starts happened.I couldn't be too hard on her.So instead we starred with me asking her some simple questions.She knew some but not other.When she didn't know the answers.I encouraged her to check the book.She started checking things that didn't make sense.And she was actively seeking to test her understanding.I was happy to see it.She wasn't memorizing,she was trying to make sense of things,which was exactly what I had hoped she would do.(1)Why did Juliet feel down?A.Because she failed her science test.B.Because she had trouble memorizing a unit.C.Because she knew nothing about planting.D.Because she couldn't follow her teacher.(2)In the writer's opinion,which was the key to best learning?A.MemorizingB.TestingC.Questioning.D.Understanding(3)The underlined word"it"in paragraph5refers to"".A.making her check the bookB.using simple questions to test herC.encouraging her to read the unitD.asking her to teach me the unit(4)When false starts happened,the writer was.A.patientB.worriedC.nervousD.embarrassed(5)Which can be the best title for the passage?A.A Creative FatherB.An Unexpected TestC.Learning from TeachingD.Preparing for Teaching五、综合填词根据句意及提示,在横线上填写道当的单词.(共6分,每小题1分)20.(1分)Molly studies than her best friend Mary.(hard)21.(1分)When I was free,I really enjoyed around the town.(walk)22.(1分)We take in our traditional Chinese culture.(自量,骄傲)23.(1分)My grandfather keeps by eating well and exercising regularly(键康的)24.(1分)The students in the village go on a ropeway to the river to school./krɔs/25.(1分)This piece of sweet music reminds us the beauty of the countryside.六、选词填空阅读短文,用方框中所给词填空,使短文通顺,连贯,方框中每词限用一次,有两个词多余.(共6分,每空1分)26.(6分)entered;good;enough;looked;On;repair;success;cold Once,two lazy birds lived in a nest together.(1)a cold winter day,a strong wind was blowing.Suddenly,there appeared a hole in their nest,The cold wind blew in through the hole and got away the warm air from the nest.They started feeling(2).But each of them thought that the other bird would (3)the hole.As a result,no one did it.Soon the snow started to fall and(4)the nest.The two lazy birds felt freezing.But no one was active (5)to work.In the morning they were found dead in their nest.Life is the same.Some people never get(6)because their laziness blows out the chances.Being not lazy will enable you to live a happy and successful life.It's up to you.七、任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务.(共8分,每空2分)27.(8分)"I first saw Beijing Opera in London in1993,and it just shocked me.It was really amazing,"says Ghaffar Pounazar.The32﹣year﹣old British gave up his work in London and came to a Beijing Opera school.Since then,Ghaffar Pourazar has worked hard on this art.On stage,the Beijing Opera actors not only act,they also sing and dance while performing some difficult movements(动作).①When Pourazar first got to China.He couldn't speak any Chinese,and he knew nothing about Beijing Opera.As the oldest student in the Beijing Opera school,he learned more slowly than his classmates,but he didn't give up.Now,he can perform Beijing Opera like a professional(专业人士).But Beijing Opera is not as popular as it was before.The young Chinese now spend more time on the Internet.This makes Pourazar very sad."I used to get really angry at what was happening to Beijing Opera and at the Chinese people.This is part of your culture.You created this amazing thing.but now you are forgetting it,throwing it away."Pourazar has decided what to do.②Now he is performing a Beijing Operathat is about the Monkey King in two languages,Chinese and English.The Monkey King is a hero in a Chinese story.Chinese people love him very much.In the Beijing Opera,Pourazar acts the Monkey King.(1)从下面四个选项中选出能填入文中①和②处的最佳选项.A.Everything seemed difficult and far from what he had imagined.B.He felt quite excited about Beijing Opera.C.He wants to let more people know Beijing Opera.D.He tries to make friends and get on well with his classmates.(2)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese(3)Why did Pournzar give up his work and come to a Beijing Opera school)八、书面表达(共15分)28.(15分)本周一是端午节,你校外教Tony对中国文化很感兴趣,你陪他去槐荫公园观看了龙舟比赛.请根据以下提示写一篇日记.写作要点:1.现场情况.人多拥挤,16支龙舟队竞争激烈,人们欢呼,队员们闭队合作,最终"勇气队"获胜.2.赛后活动:我给Tony介绍端午节,下午带他参加有关端午节的其它活动,如……3.感想:Tony……,我……写作要求:1.短文内容必须包括所有要点、语句通顺,条理清晰;2.省略号处须作适当发挥(1﹣2句即可);3.100词左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数.June18thToday is the Dragon Boat Festival.2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1.【考点】7B:常用介词的辨析.【分析】不必找到和你一样的朋友.【解答】in在…的里面;as和…一样;to到;from从…根据空格前面的词语是the same,因此可知这句话考查的是结构the same as意思是"与…一样"因此可知这句话的意思是"不必找到和你一样的朋友."故选:B.2.【考点】62:物主代词.【分析】暖心的话不仅会触动你的心灵也会触动我的.【解答】me我,宾格;my我的,形容词性物主代词;myself我自己,反身代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词.根据"not only your heart but also."空格后面没有名词,所以要用名词性物主代词来填空,因此可知这句话的意思是"暖心的话不仅会触动你的心灵也会触动我的."故选:D.3.【考点】A9:数词的用法.【分析】央视节目《朗读者》让所有年龄段千千万万人感兴趣.【解答】thousand千,前面有具体数词修饰时,不能加S;表示大概数目的时候,如:要加S:thousands of成千上万的.根据句意可知是:如今,成百万的农民离开家乡去城市找工作.故选:D.4.【考点】DC:动词的固定搭配.【分析】请注意!未经允许,儿童不得在这里单独游泳.【解答】根据Without permission,children are not allowed alone here,可知句子考查短语allow sb to do sth表示允许某人做某事.故选:A.5.【考点】LP:情境对话.【分析】﹣﹣艾丽斯,你能来帮忙我们的卖书吗?﹣﹣当然.我愿意.【解答】A从不介意,B我认为如此,C当然.我愿意,D玩得开心;根据前句"艾丽斯,你能来帮忙我们的卖书吗?"可知,要填"当然.我愿意",其它选项语意不通.故选:C.6.【考点】C2:从属连词.【分析】尽管广场舞是一个很好的老年人的锻炼项目,但是有时候产生了太多的噪音.【解答】if如果;although尽管;until直到…;because因为.根据"Square Dancing is good exercise for the old"以及"sometimes it makes a lot of noise."结合给出的四个选项,因此可知这句话的意思是"尽管广场舞是一个很好的老年人的锻炼项目,但是有时候产生了太多的噪音."故选:B.7.【考点】DH:动词词义辨析.【分析】在互联网的帮助下,信息可以迅速到达世界的每一个角落.【解答】Aget to到达,get得到,B提升,养育,筹集,C到达,D变得,翻转;根据预猜句意"在互联网的帮助下,信息可以迅速到达世界的每一个角落."可知,要填"到达".故选:C.8.【考点】G3:一般将来时的被动语态.【分析】多好的消息啊!孝感西站将于两年内在云梦建成.【解答】主语Xiaogan West Station和动词build是被动关系,要用被动语态,根据句意"孝感西站将于两年内在云梦建成."和时间状语可知,表达的是将要发生的动作,要用一般将来时的被动语态,其构成为will be done.故选:D.9.【考点】E1:动词短语.【分析】﹣﹣你认为谁将是俄罗斯第21届世界杯的冠军?﹣﹣我想金牌将属于德国.【解答】A属于,B开始从事,占用,C编造,D遵守,坚持;根据语意"我想金牌将属于德国."可知,要用"属于".故选:A.10.【考点】9B:副词的词义辨析.【分析】﹣﹣你觉得你的家乡怎么样?﹣﹣很美丽,特别是在冬天的时候.【解答】nearly几乎;deeply深地;clearly清晰地;especially特别.根据"It's beautiful,in winter."结合给出的四个选项,因此可知这句话的意思是"﹣﹣你觉得你的家乡怎么样?﹣﹣很美丽,特别是在冬天的时候."故选:D.11.【考点】DB:情态动词.【分析】﹣﹣露西正在公园遛狗.﹣﹣她不可能是,听!她正在房间里大声唱歌.【解答】考查情态动词.A不可能.B不允许.C不必.D不将会.结合语境"﹣﹣露西正在公园遛狗.﹣﹣她__是,听!她正在房间里大声唱歌.".可知,表示否定推测,应该是"不可能".用can't.故选:A.12.【考点】48:名词的词义辨析.【分析】﹣﹣我们应该从哪里开始,水上世界还是太空世界?﹣﹣哪个都可以.对我来说没有区别.【解答】A错误,B诺言,C区别,D决定;根据预猜句意"哪个都可以.对我来说没有区别."可知,要填"区别".故选:C.13.【考点】83:形容词词义辨析.【分析】﹣﹣杨小姐,你今天下午有空吗?我想问你几个问题.﹣﹣好的,我会在办公室等你.【解答】考查形容词.A害怕的.B有空的.C缺席的.D积极的.结合语境"﹣﹣杨小姐,你今天下午__吗?我想问你几个问题.﹣﹣好的,我会在办公室等你.".可知,应该是"有空的".故选:B.14.【考点】LP:情境对话.【分析】我们所有人将在6月参加高中的入学考试.好运.【解答】考查情境对话.A.Of course当然;B.Good luck好运.C.Congratulations 恭喜你;D.You're welcome不客气.根据题干All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.可知应说好运.故选:B.15.【考点】K5:宾语从句.【分析】﹣﹣对不起,我正在做调查.我能知道你多久用一次微信付费吗?﹣﹣一周大约五次.【解答】根据May I know可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,选项BD是疑问语序,所以排除掉;再根据About five times a week,可知这里询问频率,用how often.故选:C.三、完形填空(共15分,每小题15分)16.【考点】N1:记叙文.【分析】一个旅行者计划在一个月内走出沙漠.二十天多过去了,旅程进行得很顺利.他认为他很快能走出这个沙漠.结果他由遇到了沙尘暴,他背包里的食物和水被沙尘暴刮走了,只剩下一个梨,他是靠着"他还有只梨的"信念坚持下来.这个故事告诉我们:拥有希望是胜利的最好武器.永远不要告诉你"没什么",因为只有你努力去寻找,你总能找到一个"梨"来帮助你摆脱困境.【解答】1.A.考查副词及语境的理解,well好,terribly糟糕地,badly糟糕地,heavily猛烈地,根据下文"Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert,"he thought gladly.可知:他高兴地认为他自己能够走出沙漠.由此可以推断出:二十多天过去了,沙漠之行一直进展很顺利.故选:A.2.C.考查介词及语境的理解,这里要用固定词组be friendly to sb.对某人友好.即:但是沙漠对旅行者从来不友好.故选:C.3.D.考查动词及语境的理解,play玩,beat打,fill填充,cover遮住,根据上文In a short time,there came a strong sandstorm.可知,他遇到了强大的沙尘暴.由此可以推断出:他匆忙用他的衣服遮住他的头部,故选:D.4.B.考查动词及语境的理解,begin开始,stop停止,hide隐藏,continue继续,根据上文…prostrate on the sand.可知他摔倒在沙漠里,结合下文He shook the clothes and stood up.他抖动衣服爬了起来.由此可以推断出这里指:大约十分钟的一,沙尘暴停止了.故选:B.5.C.考查名词及语境的理解,snow雪,desert沙漠,sandstorm沙尘暴,smoke 烟,根据上文…there came a strong sandstorm.可知这里指:他背包里的食物和水被沙尘暴刮走了.故选:C.6.B.考查形容词及语境的理解,right正确的,important重要的,impossible 不可能的,safe安全的,根据常识可知:没有食物和水离开沙漠是不可能的,故选:B.7.D.考查副词及语境的理解,carefully仔细地,easily容易地,sadly难过地,luckily幸运地,根据下文"Not too bad,at least I have a pear.还不太糟糕,至少我有一梨.由此可以推断出这里指:他认为自己是幸运的,因为他至少有一个梨.故选:D.8.A.考查动词及语境的理解,believe相信,wonder想知道,remember记得,advise建议,根据上文Not too bad,at least I have a pear.还不太糟糕,至少我有一梨.由此可以推断出:他很乐观.结合下文的描述可知:他相信他能走出沙漠.故选:A.9.A.考查名词及语境的理解,death死亡,pain疼痛,illness疾病,sand沙子,根据上文Days and nights went by quickly,but the desert still looked endless.可知:沙漠仍然没有尽头.结合下文Besides,hunger,thirst and fear of…were always around him like ghosts.可以推断出这里指:饥饿、口渴及死亡的恐惧像幽灵一样围绕在我身上.故选:A.10.D.考查连词及语境的理解,however然而,根据…,each time he was closeto losing hope,he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had…可知这里表示转折关系,意思为:然而,每次他几乎失去希望,他强迫自己盯着他保存的梨.故选:D.11.C.考查动词及语境的理解,smelling闻,eating吃,keeping保持,保存,imagining 想象,根据下文"Not too had,at least I have a pear."可知这里指:他强迫自己盯着他保存的梨.故选:C.12.A.考查名词及语境的理解,hope希望,rule规则,question问题,plan计划,根据下文He felt completely relaxed﹣the"pear"brought him back…可知这里指:一只小梨成了他生存的希望.故选:A.13.D.考查连词及语境的理解,as long as只要,even if即使,so that为了,as soon as一……就……,这里考查时间状语从句,三天后,他一看到不远处的村庄,就兴奋地笑了起来.故选:D.14.C.考查名词及语境的理解,danger危险,sleep睡觉,life生活,生命,mind想法,根据前文可知:他差点走不出沙漠,他是靠着"他还有只梨的"信念坚持下来,由此可知这里指:他感到很轻松,这只"梨"让他活了过来.故选:C.15.B.考查不定代词的用法,anything任何事情,nothing什么也没有,everything 一切,something某物,根据上文To keep hope is the best weapon(武器)for victory.可知:拥有希望是胜利的最好武器.由此可以推断出这里指:永远不要告诉你"没什么",因为只有你努力去寻找,你总能找到一个"梨"来帮助你摆脱困境.故选:B.四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案.(共30分,每小题10分)17.【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读.【分析】本文是一则自然探索旅游广告,介绍了旅游的方式、价格、时间等.【解答】1.B.细节理解题,结合Dates:July16﹣18,2018,August7﹣9,2018可知是三天,故选B.2.B细节理解题.多少岁的人可以参加三日游活动?.根据短文Students aged8﹣16,活动成员对象是8﹣16岁的学生,故答案选B.3.D.细节理解题.一个会员和一个非会员参加活动要多少钱?A.根据短文,¥230for members;¥250for non﹣members会员230/人,非会员250/人,230+250=$480.故选D.4.C.细节理解题.结合Come to our center to get an application form(中请表).可知来我们中心拿申请表,故选C.5.A.节理解题.根据短文Both programs will start ONE DAY later if there is a warning of rainstorms.,如果遇到暴风雨,活动晚一天开始,也就是推迟到8月8日,故选A.18.【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读.【分析】本文讲了一个喜欢折纸的小男孩的故事.一个温州的男孩陈一楠从小就喜欢折纸.这个兴趣从他四年级的时候开始发掘.去年他完成了他最喜欢的作品﹣﹣﹣一条需要2000个步骤才能完成的中国龙.他还创立了折纸俱乐部.陈一楠为能发展兴趣并且能和他人分享而感到快乐,并且希望越来越多的人会喜欢折纸艺术.【解答】1.D.考查推理判断题.文段讲述陈喜欢折纸的起因,he found his brother's paper﹣folding book,可以推测这本书激发了他的兴趣,故选:D.2.C.考查推理判断题.根据he made his favorite work last year可知是讲到他去年制作了他最喜欢的作品,根据后面It was a paper dragon that had almost2,000steps.可知:它是一条有将近2000步的纸龙.故选:C.3.A.考查语义猜测题,根据上文They set up a paper﹣folding club last year.可知:他们去年成立折纸俱乐部.结合下文With the encouragement and the money provided,they had a paper﹣folding class every Wednesday afternoon.可知:在得到鼓励和资金的情况下,他们每星期三下午都有一个纸折叠课.由此可以推断出:sponsored意思为supported支持.故选:A.4.C.考查排序题,根据短文第三段With the encouragement and the money provided,they had a paper﹣folding class every Wednesday afternoon.The clubsoon attracted a lot of students.Now it has than20members.They showed their works and taught other students how to fold paper.On February14th this year,the club also held a speech for the kids in Wenzhou Children's Library.可知:他们每周三有一节折纸课,他们展示他们的作品并教其他学生如何折纸.在温州少儿图书馆为孩子们举行了演讲.故选:C.5.A.考查细节理解题,根据文章最后一段It is really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time,"said Chen,"I hope more and more people get to know paper﹣folding and love the art.可知:发展我的爱好并与他人分享它是非常令人兴奋的.我希望越来越多的人认识到折纸和热爱这门艺术.故选:A.19.【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读.【分析】这篇文章主要介绍了作者的女儿在学习中遇到了困难,他决定让女儿教他,用这种方法帮助他识记一个单元的内容.【解答】1.B.考查细节理解题,根据Dad I need to memorize a unit about the Reproductive Cycle of Plants.And I can hardly make it.可知:朱丽叶感到沮丧因为她有困难记住记住一个关于植物生殖周期的单元.故选:B.2.D.考查细节理解题,根据You know memorizing seems like the best way to study,but in fact you can do better in tests if you work on trying to understand the material.可知:作者认为学习最好的方法是理解材料.故选:D.3.D.考查语义猜测题,根据Asking her to teach me was an unusual idea but I was determined to do it.可知:要求她教我是一个不寻常的想法,但我决心去做.由此可知it指代asking her to teach me the unit.故选:D.4.A.考查推理判断题,根据But false starts happened.I couldn't be too hard on her.So instead we starred with me asking her some simple questions.She knew some but not other.When she didn't know the answers.I encouraged her to check the book.可知:当错误发生了,作者没有对她太苛刻.,问他一引起简单的问题,不知道答案,作者鼓励她检查课本.由此可以推断出:作者很有耐心.故选:A.5.C.考查主旨大意题,这篇文章主要介绍了作者的女儿在学习中遇到了困难,他决定让女儿教他,用这种方法帮助他识记一个单元的内容.故选:C.五、综合填词根据句意及提示,在横线上填写道当的单词.(共6分,每小题1分)20.【考点】3A:单词填空.【分析】茉莉要比她最好的朋友玛丽学习要更努力一些.【解答】根据句中的关键词than,因此可知这句话考查的形容词的比较级,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是"茉莉要比她最好的朋友玛丽学习要更努力一些."故填harder.21.【考点】3A:单词填空.【分析】当我有空的时候,我确实很喜欢绕着城市走一走.【解答】根据空格前面的词语是enjoy,因此可知这句话考查的是eojoy的用法,enjoy后面要用的动名词,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是"当我有空的时候,我确实很喜欢绕着城市走一走."故填walking.22.【考点】R1:翻译填空.【分析】我们为我们传统的中国文化而骄傲.【解答】自豪,骄傲pride,名词,take pride in以…骄傲,动词短语.故答案为pride.23.【考点】R1:翻译填空.【分析】我爷爷通过吃得好和经常锻炼来保持健康.【解答】健康的healthy,形容词,做表语.故答案为healthy.24.【考点】3A:单词填空.【分析】这个村子的学生要经过一个索道穿过河流去上学.【解答】根据给出的音标提示/krɔs/,因此可知这句话的意思是"这个村子的学生要经过一个索道穿过河流去上学."空格前面是不定式符号to,所以要用动词原形来填空.故填cross.25.【考点】R2:完成句子.【分析】这首悦耳的音乐使我们想起乡村的美景.【解答】根据This piece of sweet music reminds us﹣﹣the beauty of the countryside,可知句子考查remain sb of sth表示使…想起.故填of.六、选词填空阅读短文,用方框中所给词填空,使短文通顺,连贯,方框中每词限用一次,有两个词多余.(共6分,每空1分)26.【考点】PF:选词填空.【分析】这是一篇人生感悟类阅读,主要介绍两只懒惰的鸟在冬天来临时谁也不去修补鸟巢.结果被冻死了.生活是一样的.有些人永远不会成功,因为他们的懒惰冲垮了机会.不偷懒会让你过上幸福和成功的生活.这取决于你自己.【解答】1.On.考查介词.句意"在一个寒冷的冬日".根据所给单词,可知,具体某一天,用介词On.2.cold.考查形容词.句意"它们开始感到__.".根据上一句The cold wind blew in through the hole and got away the warm air from the nest寒风从洞中吹来,把巢里的暖气吹走了.及所给单词,可知,应该是"冷的".系表结构.填形容词cold.3.repair.考查动词.句意"但他们每个人都认为另一只鸟会__这个洞.".根据第一行Suddenly,there appeared a hole in their nest突然,他们的巢里出现了一个洞.及所给单词,可知,应该是"修补".情态动词would后用动词原形repair.4.entered.考查动词.句意"不久,雪开始下落,___了鸟巢.".根据所给单词,可知,应该是"进入".一般过去时态,填动词过去式entered.5.enough.考查搭配.句意"但是没有人__积极地工作.".根据所给单词,可知,be+形容词+enough to do sth足够…做某事.固定搭配.修饰形容词且位于后面,用enough.6.success.考查名词.句意"有些人永远不会___,因为他们的懒惰冲垮了机会.".根据下一句Being not lazy will enable you to live a happy and successful life 不懒惰会使你过上幸福而成功的生活.及所给单词,可知,应该是"成功".get success获得成功.这里用做不可数名词success.七、任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务.(共8分,每空2分)27.【考点】P5:任务型阅读.【分析】本文主要讲述了Ghaffar Pounazar对中国京剧这门艺术的认识和喜爱,他认为现在的年轻人花在互联网上的时间太多而忘记了自己国家文化的重要部分,他正在为京剧做些什么.【解答】(1)①A.细节理解题.根据语境When Pourazar first got to China当Pourazar第一次到中国的时候,因为是第一次来中国,可推测出对他来说有困难,并且与想象的不一样,故选择Everything seemed difficult and far from what he had imagined一切似乎都很困难,远没有他想象的那么遥远.可得答案.②C.细节理解题.根据后一句Now he is performing a Beijing Opera现在他正在表演一部京剧,可推测出他在推广关于京剧,故选He wants to let more people know Beijing Opera他想让更多的人了解北京歌剧.可得答案.。



湖北省孝感市2018年中考英语试题听力部分(略)笔试部分选择题二、单项选择1. It’s not necessary to find a friend who is the same you.A. inB. asC. toD. from2. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also .A. meB. myC. myselfD. mine3. The CCTV program The Readers interests people of all ages.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of4. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed alone here.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam5. ---Could you come and help with our book sale, Alice?---- .A. Never mind.B. I think so.C. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time6. Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.A. IfB. AlthoughC. UntilD. Because7. With the help of the Internet, information can every comer of the world quickly.A. getB. raiseC. reachD. turn8. What good news! Xiaogan West Station in Yunmeng in two years.A. buildsB. will buildC. is builtD. will be built9. ---Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?--I guess the gold medal will GermanyA. belong toB. take upC. make upD. stick to10. - --How do you feel about your hometown?---It's beautiful, in winter.A. nearlyB. deeplyC. clearlyD. especially11. ---Lucy is walking the dog in the park.---She be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn'tD. won’t12. --- Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?--- Either is OK, it makes no to me.A. mistakeB. promiseC. differenceD. decision13. --- Miss Yang, are you this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions. --- Yes, I will wait for you in my office.A. afraidB. availableC. absentD. active14. ----All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.---- !A. Of courseB. Good luckC. CongratulationsD. You’re welcome15. ----Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know to pay?---- About five times a week.A. when you choose WeChatB. whether did you try We ChatC. how often you use WeChatD. why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on___16___. "Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert," he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly___17___travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. He hurriedly______18______his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, the sandstorm_____19_____. He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the____20____.As we know, it seems ___21___ to leave the desert without food and water.____22____, he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. "Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I______23______I can walk out of the desert.”Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fearof_____24_____were always around him like ghosts,______25______, each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been_____26_____. "Not too had, at least I have a pear.”A small pear became the____27____for his survival(生存). Three days later,_____28_____he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed-the "pear” brought him backto___29___.To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory, so never tell you“_____30_____" because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.16. A. well B. badly C. terribly D. heavily17. A. at B. on C. to D. by18. A. played B. beat C. filled D. covered19. A. began B. stopped C. hid D. continued20. A. snow B. desert C. sandstorm D. smoke21. A. right B. impossible C. safe D. important22. A. Carefully B. Easily C. Sadly D. Luckily23. A. believe B. wonder C. remember D. advise24. A. death B. pain C. illness D. sand25. A. Also B. And C. Or D. However26. A. smelling B. eating C. keeping D. imagining27. A. hope B. rule C. question D. plan28. A. as long as B. even if C. so that D. as soon as29. A danger B. sleep C. life D. mind30. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案。



孝感市2018年中考英语试题(含答案和解释听力MP3)孝感市mail your writing to readers@chinadailyRules At least mail Let me tell you what we did on 5th March If you have the chance in China, I hope you can join usLi Hua孝感市2018年高中阶段学校招生考试英语参考答案及评分说明Ⅰ.情景反应1.B2.A3.C4.A5.CⅡ.对话理解6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A10.C11.C12.B13.A14.A15.CⅢ.短理解16.B17.A18.C19.B20.AⅣ.选择填空21.A 22.C23.B24.D25.D26.C27.B28.B29.A30.D31.D32.A33.C34.B35.BⅤ.完形填空36.A37.C38.A39.D40.B41.C 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.BⅥ.阅读理解46.B 47.D 48.D 49.B50.A51.C 52.A53.B 54.A 55.C56.A 57.B58.D59.C 60.DⅦ.填写单词61.third/best/worst62.her63.east64.from65.opening66.expensive/dear67.take68.carefullyⅧ.句型转换69 doesn’t do 70 Are any 71 Holong 72 didn’t untilIX 综合填空73 too many 74 because 75 to follo76 must 77 either 78 strictⅩ.任务型阅读任务一结果,一些青少年忘记了如何手写汉字。

任务二The teachers and parents (只写出其中一项扣1分) 任务三Middle school students (只写students扣1分)任务四Something about the Chinese Characters Dictation petitionXI 书面表达 (one possible version)Dear Mary,Thank you for your last E-mail Let me tell you what we did on 5th MarchAs a member of volunteers, I got up early because I was too excited to sleep In the morning, we volunteers brought some flowers and fresh fruit As we arrived at the Happiness Nursing Home, we sent them our best wishes too Hohappy they were!Then we cleaned the windows and swept the floor for them After that, some of us performed activities for them, such as singing songs and dancing Some of us read newspaper for them Some of us chatted with them When it was time for us volunteers to leave, they were grateful for our kindnessFrom this meaningful activity, I found that we are supposed to care for the old and respect them In our daily life, we should offer our seats to them on buses And we should treat our own grandparents more kindlyIf you have the chance in China, I hope you can join usLi Hua评分说明1.选择题部分凡与答案不符的,不给分。



绝密★启用前湖北孝感市2018年初中毕业生学业考试英 语(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)选择题(共85分)听力部分(25分)一、听力部分(共三节)第一节 (共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)听下面4个问题。

每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



1. A. Some old books. B. It’s Jim’s. C. Big and clean.2. A. About food. B. Mr. Smith. C. In the classroom.3. A. By plane. B. It’s tiring.C. In the USA. 4. A Very nice.B. For about 3 hours.C. At 2 this afternoon.第二节 (共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)听下面8段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



5. Where are the two speakers? A. In a department store. B. On a playground. C. In a clothing factory.6. What does the father mean? A. He doesn’t like music. B. He doesn’t like the question. C. The music doesn’t sound good.7. Why does the woman suggest Betty should look at the computer? A. She owns it.B. She can help with it.C. She is very outgoing. 8. What’s the relatio nship between the two speakers? A Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient. 9. How does the man like the panda? A. It’s cute. B. It’s not cute. C. It’s just so-so. 10. Who will open up the gift?A. The man.B. The woman.C. Ted.11. Which place does the man like better?A. Neither.B. Hawaii.C. Mexico. 12. What time did the train leave?A. At 9:10.B. At 9:15.C. At 9:20.第三节 (共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白。



湖北省孝感市2018年中考英语试题听力部分(略)笔试部分(95分)选择题(60分)二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)26.If s not necessary to find a friend who is the same _________ you.A.inB.asC.toD.from27.Warm words can touch not only your heart but also _________ .A.meB.myC.myselfD.mine2& The CCTV program The Readers interests __________ people of all ages.A .thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of29.Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed __________ a lone here.A.to swimB.swimmingC.swimD.swam30.■一Could you come and help with our book sale, Alice?A・ Never mind.B.I think so.C.Sure, Fd love toD.Have a good time31 • _______ Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.A.IfB.AlthoughC.UntilD.Because32.With the help of the Internet, information can ________ every comer of the world quickly・A.getB.raiseC.reachD.turn33.What good news! Xiaogan West Station ________ in Yunmeng in two years.A .buildsB.will buildC.is builtD.will be built34.…Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?-一I guess the gold medal will _____ GermanyA・ belong toB.take upC.make upD.stick to35・-一How do you feel about your hometown?■一It's beautiful, ___ in winter.A.nearlyB.deeplyC.clearlyD.especially36.-一Lucy is walking the dog in the park.■一She __ be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A.can'tB.mustn'tC.neednlD.won"37.™ Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?…Either is OK, it makes no_______ to me.A.mistakeB.promiseC.differenceD・ decision3& Miss Yang,are you ______ this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions.■— Yes, I will wait for you in my office.A.afraidB.availableC.absentD.active39.——All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.A.Of courseB.Good luckC CongratulationsD.You5re welcome40. __________________________________________ ——Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know _____________________________________________ to pay?——About five times a week・A.when you choose WeChatB.whether did you try We ChatC.how often you use WeChatD.why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空(共15分,每小题1分)A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on 41 H Soon Fll be able to walk out of this desert/1 he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly 42 travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm・He hurriedly _________________ 43 ______ his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After aboutten minutes, the sandstorm 44 He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the 45 .As we know, it seems 46 to leave the desert without food and water. 47 , he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. n Nol loo bad, at least I have a pea匚I _________________ I can walk out of the desert/5Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of 49 __________________ were always around him like ghosts. 50 ____________ , each time he was closeto losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been 51 ”Not too had, at least I have a pear/5A small pear became the _____ 52 _____ f or his survival(生存).Three days later, ____ 53 _____ h e saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed-the u pear^ brought him back to 54To keep hope is the best weapon(武器)for victory, so never tell you44 55 because only if you try to search, you can always find a H pear n to pull you out of trouble.41. A. well B. badly C. terribly D. heavily42. A. at B. on C. to D. by43. A. played B. beat C. filled D. covered44. A. began B. stopped C. hid D. continued45. A. snow B. desert C. sandstorm D. smoke46. A. right B・ impossible C. safeD・important47. A. Carefully B. Easily C. Sadly D. Luckily48. A. believe B. wonder C. remember D. advise49. A. death B. pain C. illness D.sand50.A. Also B. And C. Or D. However 51. A. smelling B ・ eating C ・ keeping D. imagining 52. A. hope B. rule C. question D. plan 53. A. as long as B. even if C. so that D ・ as soon as 54.A danger B. sleep C. life D. mind 55. A. anythingB ・ nothingC. somethingD. everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案。



英语试卷 第1页(共30页) 英语试卷 第2页(共30页)绝密★启用前湖北孝感市2018年初中毕业生学业考试英 语(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)选择题(共85分)听力部分(25分)一、听力部分(共三节)第一节 (共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)听下面4个问题。

每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



1. A. Some old books. B. It’s Jim’s. C. Big and clean.2. A. About food. B. Mr. Smith. C. In the classroom.3. A. By plane. B. It’s tiring.C. In the USA. 4. A Very nice.B. For about 3 hours.C. At 2 this afternoon.第二节 (共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)听下面8段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



5. Where are the two speakers? A. In a department store. B. On a playground. C. In a clothing factory.6. What does the father mean? A. He doesn’t like music. B. He doesn’t like the question. C. The music doesn’t sound good.7. Why does the woman suggest Betty should look at the computer? A. She owns it.B. She can help with it.C. She is very outgoing. 8. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient. 9. How does the man like the panda? A. It’s cute. B. It’s not cute. C. It’s just so -so. 10. Who will open up the gift?A. The man.B. The woman.C. Ted.11. Which place does the man like better?A. Neither.B. Hawaii.C. Mexico. 12. What time did the train leave?A. At 9:10.B. At 9:15.C. At 9:20.第三节 (共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白。



2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1. It's not necessary to find a friend who is the same________you.()A inB asC toD from2. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also________.()A meB myC myselfD mine3. The CCTV program The Readers interests________people of all ages.()A thousandB thousandsC thousand ofD thousands of4. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed ______ alone here.A to swimB swimmingC swimD swam5. ﹣﹣﹣Could you come and help with our book sale, Alice?________.()A Never mindB I think soC Sure, I'd love toD Have a good time6. ________Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.()A IfB AlthoughC UntilD Because7. With the help of the Internet, information can ______ every coner of the world quickly.A getB raiseC reachD turn8. What good news! Xiaogan West Station________ in Yunmeng in two years.()A buildsB will buildC is builtD will be built9. ﹣﹣﹣Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?﹣﹣﹣I guess the gold medal will________Germany()A belong toB take upC make upD stick to10. ﹣﹣﹣How do you feel about your hometown?﹣﹣﹣It's beautiful,________in winter.()A nearlyB deeplyC clearlyD especially11. ﹣﹣﹣Lucy is walking the dog in the park.﹣﹣﹣She ________ be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.()A can'tB mustn'tC needn'tD won't12. —Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?—Either is OK, it makes no ________ to me.A afraidB promiseC differenceD decision13. Miss Yang, are you ______ this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions.A afraidB availableC absentD active14. All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.________!()A Of courseB Good luckC CongratulationsD You're welcome15. ﹣Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know________ to pay?﹣About five times a week.()A when you choose WeChatB whether did you try We ChatC how often you use WeChatD why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空(共15分,每小题15分)16. A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on(1)_______. "Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert, " he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly(2)_______travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. He hurriedly(3)_______his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, the sandstorm(4)_______. He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation﹣the backpack with food and water was swept away by the(5)_______.As we know, it seems(6)_______to leave the desert without food and water(7)_______, he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. "Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I(8)_______I can walk out of the desert."Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still lookedendless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of(9)_______were always around him like ghosts, (10)_______, each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been(11)_______. "Not too had, at least I have a pear."A small pear became the(12)_______for his survival(生存). Three days later, (13)_______he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed ﹣the "pear" brought him back to(14)_______.To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory, so never tell you"(15)_______" because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.(1)A wellB badlyC terriblyD heavily(2)A atB onC toD by(3)A playedB beatC filledD covered(4)A beganB stoppedC hidD continued(5)A snowB desertC sandstormD smoke(6)A rightB impossibleC safeD important(7)A CarefullyB EasilyC SadlyD Luckily(8)A believeB wonderC rememberD advise(9)A deathB painC illnessD sand(10)A AlsoB AndC OrD However(11)A smellingB eatingC keepingD imagining(12)A hopeB ruleC questionD plan(13)A as long asB even ifC so thatD as soon as(14)A dangerB sleepC lifeD mind(15)A anythingB nothingC somethingD everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案.(共30分,每小题10分)17. Let's learn about nature!Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?Here comes your CHANCE! Here is a THREE﹣DAY SUMMER PROGRAM! You can take part in many activities and meet with animals, such as giraffes, pandas tigers, and so on! More information about the program is as follows:Age: Students aged 8﹣16Groups: There are 2programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most15students.Program ADates: July 16﹣18, 2018Days: Monday to WednesdayTime: 10: 00am﹣4: 00pmProgram BDates: August 7﹣9, 2018Days: Tuesday to ThursdayTime: 10: 00am.﹣4: 00pmProgram cost: ¥230for members; ¥250for non﹣ members(非会员).How to do: Come to our center to get an application form(中请表).Send your form onor before June 25. 2018.Notes:1. NO FREE LUNCHES. You may either bring a lunch﹣box or pay for lunch in our restaurants.2. Both programs will start ONE DAY later if there is a warning of rainstorms.COME AND JOIN US NOW!! DON'T MISS THE CHANCE!!(1)How many days are there in a Summer Program?________A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.(2)________can join the Summer Program.A A kid of 7.B A girl of 10.C A boy of 18.D A man of 22.(3)One member and one non﹣member should pay________for the Summer Program.A ¥230.B ¥250.C ¥460.D ¥480.(4)Where can you get an application form?________A In our shop.B In our school.C In our center.D In our restaurant.(5)When will Program B start if there is a rainstorm on August 7, 2018?________A On August 8.B On August 9.C On September 8.D On September 9.18. What can you make with pieces of paper? Look at Chen Yiyan's work! The 14﹣year﹣old boy in Hangzhou Foreign Language School has an amazing talent for paper﹣folding. He has folded a "fantasy world" with his hands.Chen wasn't born with this talent. When he was a fourth﹣grader, he found his brother's paper﹣folding book. It got him interested in it. Following the 50steps shown in the book, he made his first work﹣﹣a paper elephant within two hours. Since then, he has read many books about paper﹣folding and practised folding paper in his spare time. So far, his fantasy world has many members, such as monsters and robots. He made his favorite work last year. It was a paper dragon that had almost 2, 000steps.Chen used to fold paper himself until he met Li Changnan, an eighth﹣grader in his school who also loved folding paper. They set up a paper﹣folding club last year. To theirjoy, their school ________ it. With the encouragement and the money provided, they had a paper﹣folding class every Wednesday afternoon. The club soon attracted a lot of students. Now it has than 20members. They showed their works and taught other students how to fold paper. On February 14th this year, the club also held a speech for the kids in Wenzhou Children's Library.It is really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time, " said Chen, " I hope more and more people get to know paper﹣folding and love the art(1)What made Chen Yiyan interested in paper﹣folding?________A A paper﹣folding club.B Meeting Li Changnan.C Wenzhou Children's Library.D His brother's paper﹣folding book.(2)Which work did Chen Yiyan like best?________A A paper monster.B A paper elephant.C A paper dragon.D A paper robot.(3)What does the underlined word "sponsored" mean?________A Supported.B Prevented.C Refused.D Introduced.(4)Which of the following activities did the chub hold?________①holding competitions②showing their works③giving a speech④reading books in the library⑤teaching how to fold paper⑥having paper﹣folding classesA ①②⑤⑥.B ①③④⑤.C ②③⑤⑥.D ②③④⑥.(5)Why did Chen Yiyan put so much effort into paper﹣folding?________A To develop paper﹣folding art.B To build his own fantasy world.C To admire more paper﹣folding lovers.D To make himself famous in the school.19. On Monday, I stopped my car in front of my daughter Juliet's middle school. She jumped in the front seat, feeling down. She asked me to help her study for her science test. "Dad I need to memorize a unit about the Reproductive Cycle of Plants. And I can hardly make it.""You know memorizing seems like the best way to study, but in fact you can do better in tests if you work on trying to understand the material."Juliet was open to my advice. It was Monday afternoon and we had two nights to study before the test on Wednesday. I suggested a plan. "Tomorrow night, you are going to teach the material to me. Tonight, read the unit. Prepare to teach."Asking her to teach me was an unusual idea but I was determined to do it. Studies show teaching somebody else is a very useful way to lean, Even if you don't do the teaching. the act of preparing to teach leads to more learning than just trying your best to memorize the material.On Tuesday afternoon, Juliet sat down with her Science book facing me said, "OkayDad, let's study." I wanted her to teach me. But false starts happened. I couldn't be too hard on her. So instead we starred with me asking her some simple questions. She knew some but not other. When she didn't know the answers. I encouraged her to check the book.She started checking things that didn't make sense. And she was actively seeking to test her understanding. I was happy to see it. She wasn't memorizing, she was trying to make sense of things, which was exactly what I had hoped she would do.(1)Why did Juliet feel down?________A Because she failed her science test.B Because she had trouble memorizing a unit.C Because she knew nothing about planting.D Because she couldn't follow her teacher..(2)In the writer's opinion, which was the key to best learning?________A MemorizingB TestingC Questioning.D Understanding.(3)The underlined word "it" in paragraph 5refers to "________".A making her check the bookB using simple questions to test herC encouraging her to read the unitD asking her to teach me the unit.(4)When false starts happened, the writer was________.A patientB worriedC nervousD embarrassed.(5)Which can be the best title for the passage?________A A Creative FatherB An Unexpected TestC Learning fromTeaching D Preparing for Teaching.五、综合填词根据句意及提示,在横线上填写道当的单词.(共6分,每小题1分)20. Molly studies________than her best friend Mary.( hard )21. When I was free, I really enjoyed________around the town.(walk)22. We take ______ in our traditional Chinese culture.(自豪,骄傲)23. My grandfather keeps________by eating well and exercising regularly(键康的)24. The students in the village go on a ropeway to________the river to school. / krɔs/25. This piece of sweet music reminds us________the beauty of the countryside.六、选词填空阅读短文,用方框中所给词填空,使短文通顺,连贯,方框中每词限用一次,有两个词多余.(共6分,每空1分)26.Once, two lazy birds lived in a nest together.(1)________a cold winter day, a strongwind was blowing. Suddenly, there appeared a hole in their nest, The cold wind blew in through the hole and got away the warm air from the nest. They started feeling(2)________. But each of them thought that the other bird would(3)________the hole. As a result, no one did it. Soon the snow started to fall and (4)________the nest. The two lazy birds felt freezing. But no one was active(5)________to work. In the morning they were found dead in their nest.Life is the same. Some people never get(6)________because their laziness blows out the chances. Being not lazy will enable you to live a happy and successful life. It's up to you.七、任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务.(共8分,每空2分)27. "I first saw Beijing Opera in London in 1993, and it just shocked me. It was reallyamazing," says Ghaffar Pounazar.The 32﹣year﹣old British gave up his work in London and came to a Beijing Opera school. Since then, Ghaffar Pourazar has worked hard on this art.On stage, the Beijing Opera actors not only act, they also sing and dance while performing some difficult movements(动作). ________ When Pourazar first got to China. He couldn't speak any Chinese, and he knew nothing about Beijing Opera. As the oldest student in the Beijing Opera school, he learned more slowly than his classmates, but he didn't give up. Now, he can perform Beijing Opera like a professional(专业人士).But Beijing Opera is not as popular as it was before. The young Chinese now spend more time on the Internet. This makes Pourazar very sad. "I used to get really angry at what was happening to Beijing Opera and at the Chinese people. This is part of your culture. ________"Pourazar has decided what to do. ________ Now he is performing a Beijing Operathat is about the Monkey King in two languages, Chinese and English. The Monkey King is a hero in a Chinese story. Chinese people love him very much. In the Beijing Opera,Pourazar acts the Monkey King.(1)从下面四个选项中选出能填入文中________和________处的最佳选项.________A________CA. Everything seemed difficult and far from what he had imagined.B. He felt quite excited about Beijing Opera.C. He wants to let more people know Beijing Opera.D. He tries to make friends and get on well with his classmates.(2)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese________(3)Why did Pournzar give up his work and come to a Beijing Opera school)________八、书面表达(共15分)28. 本周一是端午节,你校外教Tony对中国文化很感兴趣,你陪他去槐荫公园观看了龙舟比赛.请根据以下提示写一篇日记.写作要点:1.现场情况.人多拥挤,16支龙舟队竞争激烈,人们欢呼,队员们闭队合作,最终"勇气队"获胜.2.赛后活动:我给Tony介绍端午节,下午带他参加有关端午节的其它活动,如……3.感想:Tony……,我……写作要求:1.短文内容必须包括所有要点、语句通顺,条理清晰;2.省略号处须作适当发挥(1﹣2句即可);3.100词左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数.June 18thToday is the Dragon Boat Festival.________________________2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷答案1. B2. D3. D4. A5. C6. B7. C8. D9. A10. D11. A12. C13. B14. B15. C16. ACDBCBDAADCADCB17. BBDCA18. DCACA19. BDDAC20. harder21. walking22. pride23. healthy24. cross25. of26. On,cold,repair,entered,enough,success27. ①,You created this amazing thing. but now you are forgetting it, throwing it away.,②,①,②,①A ②C,你们创造了这个奇妙的事物,但是现在却正在遗忘它,抛弃它.,Because he thought Beijing Opera was amazing.28. For the reason that Tony has a strong interest in Chinese traditional culture.I invited him to come to watch the dragon boat races which was held in Huaiyin Park this morning When we arrived,it was crowded.There were 16 colorful dragon boats floating in the river.During the race,the dragon boat teams competed with each other,while people on each bank cheered up.Both Tony and I felt the exciting atmosphere.At last,the Courage Team won.,After the competition,I introduced the Dragon Boat Festival to Tony and welcomed him to many other activities about the festival.We went to learn how to make zongzi and admire a picture exhibition.,At the end of the day,tired as we were,we felt excited.Tony thought our traditional Chinese culture was so amazing and I am proud of my great motherland.。



2018湖北孝感中考英语听力部分(略)笔试部分(95分)选择题(60分)二、单项选择(共15分. 每小1分)26.(2018·湖北孝感) I t’A. inB. asC. toD. from26. B 考查介词。

本题中the same as 为固定搭配,意为:和...一样。


27. (2018·湖北孝感)A. meB. myC. myselfD. mine27.D 考查人称代词。

句中but also后面的部分应该与not only后面的your heart对应,所以是my heart, 空格后并没有名词,所以空格处用名词性物主代词。


28. (2018·湖北孝感) The CCTV program The Readers interestsA. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of28. D 考查数词。

thousand和hundred等此类单词,跟在具体数字后无需加s, 放在of前需用复数形式,thousands of表示成千的。


29. (2018·湖北孝感)Attention, please! Without permission, children are notallowed_A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam29.A 考查非谓语。

关于allow的用法主要有:allow sb. to do sth.或是be allowed sb. to do sth.句中用的是allow的被动形式,需要用to swim,意为:被允许去游泳。


30. (2018·湖北孝感)— Could you come and help with our book sale. Alice?A. Never mindB. I think soC. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time30.C 考查情景交际。



最大最全最精的教育资源网湖北省孝感市2018 年中考英语试题听力部分(略)笔试部分选择题二、单项选择1. It ’ s not necessary to find a friend who is the same you.A.inB.asC.toD.from2. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also.A.meB.myC.myselfD.mine3. The CCTV program The Readers interests people of all ages.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of4. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed alone here.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam5. ---Could you come and help with our book sale, Alice?----.A. Never mind.B. I think so.C. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time6.Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.A. IfB. AlthoughC. UntilD. Because7. With the help of the Internet, information can every comer of the world quickly.A. getB. raiseC. reachD. turn8. What good news! Xiaogan West Station in Yunmeng in two years.A.buildsB.will buildC.is builtD.will be built9. ---Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?--I guess the gold medal will GermanyA. belong toB. take upC. make upD. stick to10. - --How do you feel about your hometown?---It's beautiful,in winter.A. nearlyB.deeplyC.clearlyD.especially11. ---Lucy is walking the dog in the park.---She be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A. can’tB. mustn’tC.needn'tD.won ’t12. --- Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?--- Either is OK, it makes no to me.A.mistakeB.promiseC.differenceD.decision13. --- Miss Yang, are you this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions. ---Yes, I will wait for you in my office.A. afraidB. availableC. absentD. active14. ----All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.----!A. Of courseB. Good luckC.CongratulationsD.You ’ re welcome15. ----Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know to pay?----About five times a week. A.when you choose WeChat B.whether did you try We ChatC. how often you use WeChatD. why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey hadbeen going on___16___. "Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert," he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly___17___travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. Hehurriedly______18______his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, thesandstorm_____19_____. He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopelesssituation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the____20____.As we know, it seems ___21___ to leave the desert without food and water.____22____, he had a pear left. He held itin his hands tightly. "Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I______23______ I can walk out of the desert.”Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fearof_____24_____were always around him like ghosts,______25______, each time he was close to losing hope, heforced himself to stare at the pear that he had been_____26_____ . "Not too had, at least I have a pear.”A small pear became the____27____for his survival( 生计 ). Three days later,_____28_____he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed- the "pear brought”him back to ___29___.To keep hope is the best weapon(武器 ) for victory, so never tell you _____30“" because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.16.A. well B. badly C. terribly D. heavily17.A. at B. on C. to D. by18.A. played B. beat C. filled D. covered19.A. began B. stopped C. hid D. continued20.A. snow B. desert C. sandstorm D. smoke21.A. right B. impossible C. safe D. important22.A. Carefully B. Easily C. Sadly D. Luckily最大最全最精的教育资源网23.A. believe B. wonder C. remember D. advise24.A. death B. pain C. illness D. sand25.A. Also B. And C. Or D. However26.A. smelling B. eating C. keeping D. imagining27.A. hope B. rule C. question D. plan28.A. as long as B. even if C. so that D. as soon as29.A danger B. sleep C. life D. mind30.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,而后依据其内容选择最正确答案。



2018湖北孝感中考英语解析人:李天泽审核:刘丹丹听力部分(略)笔试部分(95分)选择题(60分)二、单项选择(共15分. 每小1分)26.(2018·湖北孝感) I t’A. inB. asC. toD. from26. B 考查介词。

本题中the same as 为固定搭配,意为:和...一样。


27. (2018·湖北孝感)A. meB. myC. myselfD. mine27.D 考查人称代词。

句中but also后面的部分应该与not only后面的your heart对应,所以是my heart, 空格后并没有名词,所以空格处用名词性物主代词。


28. (2018·湖北孝感) The CCTV program The Readers interestsA. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of28. D 考查数词。

thousand和hundred等此类单词,跟在具体数字后无需加s, 放在of前需用复数形式,thousands of表示成千的。


29. (2018·湖北孝感)Attention, please! Without permission, children are notallowed_A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam29.A 考查非谓语。

关于allow的用法主要有:allow sb. to do sth.或是be allowed sb. to do sth.句中用的是allow的被动形式,需要用to swim,意为:被允许去游泳。


30. (2018·湖北孝感)— Could you come and help with our book sale. Alice?A. Never mindB. I think soC. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time30.C 考查情景交际。




A. in介词,在…里面;B. as连词或介词,像…一样、作为;C. to介词,到;D. from介词,从。

根据固定词组the same as像…一样,可知此处选择as。



A. me人称代词宾格,我;B. my形容词性物主代词,我的;C. myself反身代词,我自己;D. mine名词性物主代词,我的。



本题mine指代my heart。



A. thousand名词,千;B. thousands 名词复数,前;C. thousand of表达错误;D. thousands of成千上万的,表示约数概念,后跟名词复数,符合本题含义。



swim代词,游泳;to swim不定式形式;swam过去式。



湖北省孝感市2018年中考英语试题听力部分(略)笔试部分选择题二、单项选择1. It’s not necessary to find a friend who is the same you.A. inB. asC. toD. from2. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also .A. meB. myC. myselfD. mine3. The CCTV program The Readers interests people of all ages.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of4. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed alone here.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam5. ---Could you come and help with our book sale, Alice?---- .A. Never mind.C. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time6. Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.A. IfB. AlthoughC. UntilD. Because7. With the help of the Internet, information can every comer of the world quickly.A. getB. raiseC. reachD. turn8. What good news! Xiaogan West Station in Yunmeng in two years.A. buildsB. will buildC. is builtD. will be built9. ---Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?--I guess the gold medal will GermanyA. belong toB. take upC. make upD. stick to10. - --How do you feel about your hometown?---It's beautiful, in winter.A. nearlyB. deeplyC. clearly11. ---Lucy is walking the dog in the park.---She be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn'tD. won’t12. --- Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?--- Either is OK, it makes no to me.A. mistakeB. promiseC. differenceD. decision13. --- Miss Yang, are you this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions. --- Yes, I will wait for you in my office.A. afraidB. availableC. absentD. active14. ----All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.---- !A. Of courseB. Good luckC. CongratulationsD. You’re welcome15. ----Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know to pay?---- About five times a week.A. when you choose WeChatB. whether did you try We ChatC. how often you use WeChatD. why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on___16___. "Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert," he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly___17___travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. Hehurriedly______18______his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, thesandstorm_____19_____. He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the____20____.As we know, it seems ___21___ to leave the desert without food and water.____22____, he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. "Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I______23______I can walk out of the desert.”Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fearof_____24_____were always around him like ghosts,______25______, each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been_____26_____. "Not too had, at least I have a pear.”A small pear became the____27____for his survival(生存). Three days later,_____28_____he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed-the "pear” brought him back to___29___.To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory, so never tell you“_____30_____" because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.16. A. well B. badly C. terribly D. heavily17. A. at B. on C. to D. by18. A. played B. beat C. filled D. covered19. A. began B. stopped C. hid D. continued20. A. snow B. desert C. sandstorm D. smoke21. A. right B. impossible C. safe D. important22. A. Carefully B. Easily C. Sadly D. Luckily23. A. believe B. wonder C. remember D. advise24. A. death B. pain C. illness D. sand25. A. Also B. And C. Or D. However26. A. smelling B. eating C. keeping D. imagining27. A. hope B. rule C. question D. plan28. A. as long as B. even if C. so that D. as soon as29. A danger B. sleep C. life D. mind30. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案。



(真题)湖北省孝感市2018-2019学年中考英语试题附答案湖北省孝感市2018年中考英语试题听力部分(略)笔试部分(95分)选择题(60分)二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)26. It’s not necessary to find a friend who is the same you.A. inB. asC. toD. from27. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also .A. meB. myC. myselfD. mine28. The CCTV program The Readers interests people of all ages.A .thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of29. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed alone here.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam30. ---Could you come and help with our book sale, Alice?---- .A. Never mind.B. I think so.C. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time31. Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.A. IfB. AlthoughC. UntilD. Because32. With the help of the Internet, information can every comer of the world quickly.A. getB. raiseC. reachD. turn33. What good news! Xiaogan West Station in Y unmeng in two years.A .buildsB. will buildC. is builtD. will be built34. ---Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?---I guess the gold medal will GermanyA. belong toB. take upC. make upD. stick to35. - --How do you feel about your hometown?---It's beautiful, in winter.A. nearlyB. deeplyC. clearlyD. especially36. ---Lucy is walking the dog in the park.---She be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn'tD. won’t37. --- Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?--- Either is OK, it makes no to me.A. mistakeB. promiseC. differenceD. decision38. --- Miss Yang, are you this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions.--- Yes, I will wait for you in my office.A. afraidB. availableC. absentD. active39. ----All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.---- !A. Of courseB. Good luckC CongratulationsD. You’re welcome40. ----Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know to pay?---- About five times a week.A. when you choose WeChatB. whether did you try We ChatC. how often you use WeChatD. why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空(共15分,每小题1分)A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on 41 . "Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert," he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly 42 travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. He hurriedly 43 his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, the sandstorm 44 . He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the 45 .As we know, it seems 46 to leave the desert without food and water. 47 , he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. "Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I 48 I can walk out of the desert.”Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of 49 were always around him like ghosts, 50 , each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been 51 . "Not too had, at least I have a pear.”A small pear became the__52 for his survival(生存). Threedays later, 53 he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed-the "pear”brought him back to__54 .To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory, so never tell you“55 " because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.41. A. well B. badly C. terribly D. heavily42. A. at B. on C. to D. by43. A. played B. beat C. filled D. covered44. A. began B. stopped C. hid D. continued45. A. snow B. desert C. sandstorm D. smoke46. A. right B. impossible C. safe D. important47. A. Carefully B. Easily C. Sadly D. Luckily48. A. believe B. wonder C. remember D. advise49. A. death B. pain C. illness D. sand50.A. Also B. And C. Or D. However51. A. smelling B. eating C. keeping D. imagining52. A. hope B. rule C. question D. plan53. A. as long as B. even if C. so that D. as soon as54. A danger B. sleep C. life D. mind55. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案。



2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语试卷二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1. It's not necessary to find a friend who is the same________you.()A.inB.asC.toD.from【答案】B【考点】介词辨析【解析】不必找到和你一样的朋友.【解答】in在…的里面;as和…一样;to到;from从…根据空格前面的词语是the same,因此可知这句话考查的是结构the same as意思是"与…一样"因此可知这句话的意思是"不必找到和你一样的朋友."故选:B.2. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also________.()A.meB.myC.myselfD.mine【答案】D【考点】物主代词【解析】暖心的话不仅会触动你的心灵也会触动我的.【解答】me我,宾格;my 我的,形容词性物主代词;myself我自己,反身代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词.根据"not only your heart but also ."空格后面没有名词,所以要用名词性物主代词来填空,因此可知这句话的意思是"暖心的话不仅会触动你的心灵也会触动我的."故选:D.3. The CCTV program The Readers interests________people of all ages.()A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of【答案】D【考点】数的表达【解析】央视节目《朗读者》让所有年龄段千千万万人感兴趣.【解答】thousand千,前面有具体数词修饰时,不能加S;表示大概数目的时候,如:要加S:thousands of 成千上万的.根据句意可知是:如今,成百万的农民离开家乡去城市找工作.故选:D.4. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed ______ alone here.A.to swimB.swimmingC.swimD.swam【答案】A【考点】动词不定式固定搭配【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】A 考查固定搭配。



2018年湖北省孝感市中考英语真题及参考答案..听力部分.(略)笔试部分(95分)选择题(60分)二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)..26. It’s not necessary to find a friend who is the same y.ou.A. inB. asC. toD. from27. Warm words can touch not only your heart but also .A. meB. myC. myselfD. mine28. The CCTV program The Readers interests people of all ages.A .thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of29. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed alone here.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam30. ------- .A. Never mind.B. I think so.C. Sure, I'd love toD. Have a good time31. Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.A. IfB. AlthoughC. UntilD. Because32. With the help of the Internet, information can .A. getB. raiseC. reachD. turn33. What good news! Xiaogan West Station in Yunmeng in two years.A .buildsB. will buildC. is builtD. will be built34. ---Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?---I guess the gold medal will GermanyA. belong toB. take upC. make upD. stick to35. - --How do you feel about your hometown?---It's beautiful, in winter.A. nearlyB. deeplyC. clearlyD. especially36. ---Lucy is walking the dog in the park.---She be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn'tD. won’t37. --- Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?--- Either is OK, it makes no to me.A. mistakeB. promiseC. differenceD. decision38. --- Miss Yang, are you this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions.--- Yes, I will wait for you in my office.A. afraidB. availableC. absentD. active39. ----All of us will take the entrance exam for the senior high school in June.---- !A. Of courseB. Good luckC Congratulations40. ----Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know to pay?---- About five times a week.A. when you choose WeChatB. whether did you try We ChatC. how often you use WeChatD. why do you prefer We Chat三、完形填空(共15分,每小题1分)A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on 41 . "Soon I'll be able to walk out of this desert," he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly 42 travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. He hurriedly 43 his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, the sandstorm 44 . He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the 45 .As we know, it seems 46 to leave the desert without food and water. 47 , he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. "Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I 48 I can walk out of the desert.”Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of 49 were always around him like ghosts, 50 , each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been 51 . "Not too had, at least I have a pear.”A small pear became the__52 for his survival(生存). Three days later, 53 he "pear”brought him back to__54 .To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory, so never tell you“55 " because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.41. A. well B. badly C. terribly D. heavily42. A. at B. on C. to D. by43. A. played B. beat C. filled D. covered44. A. began B. stopped C. hid D. continued45. A. snow B. desert C. sandstorm D. smoke46. A. right B. impossible C. safe D. important47. A. Carefully B. Easily C. Sadly D. Luckily48. A. believe B. wonder C. remember D. advise49. A. death B. pain C. illness D. sand50.A. Also B. And C. Or D. However51. A. smelling B. eating C. keeping D. imagining52. A. hope B. rule C. question D. plan53. A. as long as B. even if C. so that D. as soon as54. A danger B. sleep C. life D. mind55. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything四、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案。


12.﹣﹣﹣Which should we start with,Water World or Space World?
﹣﹣﹣Either is OK,it makes no________ to me.()
6. ________Square Dancing is good exercise for the old,sometimes it makes a lot of noise.()
7. With the help of the Internet, information can ______ every coner of the world quickly.
Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless.Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of(9)_______were always around him like ghosts,(10)_______, each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been(11)_______.“Not too had, at least I have a pear.”
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(共5分,每小题1分)1. A. How do you do? B. Fine, thanks. And you? C. How are you?2. A. He is a teacher. B. He is reading. C. He is kind.3. A. It’s beautiful. B. It’s hot. C. It’s white.4. A. Here you are. B. Yes, you could. C. Thank you.5. A. I think so. B. I hope so. C. Thanks a lot.Ⅱ.对话理解根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。


(共10分,每小题1分)6. A. Because his radio is too old.B. Because his radio is too noisy.C. Because his radio is broken.7. A. To the park. B. To the hospital. C. To the school.8. A. America. B. England. C. Australia.9. A. It’s 287-3546. B. It’s 279-3546. C. It’s 278-3546.10. A. Five. B. Four. C. Six.听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。

11. A. Last week. B. Last month. C. Last year.12. A. London. B. New York. C. Sydney.听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。

13. A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.14. A. 2 kilometers. B. 3 kilometers. C. 4 kilometers.15. A. A quarter. B. An hour. C. Half an hour.Ⅲ.短文理解根据你所听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案。


(共5分,每小题1分)16. A. In March. B. In April. C. In May.17. A. Went fishing. B. Went hiking. C. Went shopping.18. A. A purse. B. A bag. C. A backpack.19. A. The post office. B. The supermarket. C. The police station.20. A. Only $200. B. More than $2000. C. More than $1,000,000.笔试部分(100分)(选择题60分)Ⅳ.选择填空(共20分,每小题1分)21. In Nanjing, we stayed at a very nice hotel. But I can’t remember ________ name of it.A. theB. aC. anD. /22. — There is a wrong word in line _________.— Where?— In the ________ line.A. two; twoB. two; secondC. second; twoD. second; second23. All the _______ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday.A. manB. menC. womanD. women24. Anna hasn’t come to school today. I think she ________ be ill.A. canB. has toC. mayD. should25. — ________ do you go for a trip with your family?—About once a year.A. How oftenB. How soonC. How muchD. How long26. Look, Tina is waiting _________ the bus stop.A. forB. atC. inD. to27. Is William’s lifestyle _________ David’s?A. the sameB. same asC. same toD. the same as28. — The books are so nice, which one can I take?—Oh, you can take _________ of them. I’ll keep none.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. either29. The sign with the words “_________” is often found in a hospital or a library.A. KEEP QUIETB. NO PHOTOSC. NO PARKINGD. STOP30. — What a beautiful factory! I want to work in it.— Well, workers _________ very much here.A. needB. are needingC. are neededD. will need31. Yang Fen ________ every Saturday afternoon volunteering in an old people’s home.A. costsB. takesC. paysD. spends32. Bob, you watched the fashion show last night, ________ ?A. weren’t youB. didn’t youC. haven’t youD. won’t you33. We must do everything we can _________ waste water from running into rivers.A. keepB. keptC. to keepD. keeping34. — Emma, who are you taking _________ of at home?— My grandma, she got hurt in an accident.A. placeB. partC. seatD. care35. — Can you stay here longer?— _________. But I have to be back tomorrow.A. I’d love toB. I’m afraid notC. I’m sorry, I can’tD. No, thank you36. The skirt _________ is made of silk is very expensive. I can’t afford it.A. whatB. /C. thatD. it37. _______ Switzerland is very small, ________ it is the land of watch and it is very rich.A. Though; butB. Because; soC. Because; /D. Though; /38. ________, you will succeed in the singing competition.A. Hurry upB. Take it easyC. Look outD. Be careful39. — Tommy, do you know if Frank ________ to the zoo this Sunday if it ________?—Sorry, I have no idea.A. will go; is fineB. goes; is fineC. will go; is going to be fineD. goes; will be fine40. — Could you tell me _______? I must find him.—Sorry. I don’t know. But he was here just now.A. where Tom wasB. where has Tom goneC. where Tom isD. where can I find TomⅤ.完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)Mr. Green works in an office in Chicago. 41 Saturday, he went to the office to do some work. When he got on the elevator, it stopped between the 42 . Mr. Green could not get out of the elevator. He started to 43 , but no one 44 him. Then Mr. Green remembered that it was a holiday in America. No one was going to come to work 45 Tuesday.There was 46 for him to do. He had to wait. With nothing to eat 47 drink, Mr. Green slept for most of the time. Early Tuesday morning, his 48 came to work and found the elevator was not working. When the elevator was 49 , Mr. Green came out. He was cold, weak, and tired. He had been in the elevator for about sixty-four 50 ! Now Mr. Green says, “I will only use elevators if they have a telephone in them.”41. A. On B. One C. All D. None42. A. buildings B. rooms C. steps D. floors43. A. speak B. say C. shout D. laugh44. A. saw B. heard C. came D. talked45. A. until B. on C. by D. since46. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything47. A. and B. for C. or D. but48. A. wife B. teachers C. parents D. workmates49. A. closed B. opened C. clean D. empty50. A. hours B. days C. minutes D. weeksⅥ.阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案。
