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英语2012. 04









1. - Do you have _______QQ number.

- No. Can you tell me how to get_______?

A. a; it

B. the; it

C. /; one

D. a; one

2. - What happened to her ________that cold winter evening?

-I don't know, and I'm also curious _______it.

A./; of

B. in; about

C. on; about

D. on; for

3. - Mr Smith, would you please speak a little more_______?

- Sorry. I thought you could follow me.

A. loudly

B. slowly

C. clearly

D. politely

4. - Now we can easily order train tickets online.

- Yes, but you must be as _______as possible about the correct websites.

A. careful

B. aware

C. serious

D. smart

5. - Don't try to _______a word out of me, Mary.

- I've known it, even if you don't tell me.

A. hear

B. find

C. get

D. kick

6. - Put away all your things on the desk. There won't be enough _______for my computer.

- OK. I'll do it at once.

A. place

B. room

C. area

D. surface

7. - What time does the first train to Beijing leave?

- Wait a minute. I'm just_______.

A. turning up

B. picking up

C. catching up

D. looking up

know when an idiom is being used, you can't easily understand what you read.

-I think so.

A. Unless

B. Until

C. If

D. Once

9. - Where is the cinema? I'm totally_______.

- Please try _______that way.

A. lost; to go

B. lost; going

C. losing; to go

D. losing; going

10. - How's your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

-It _______be, but it_______ heavily.

A. used to; has polluted

B. ought to; was polluted

C. should; is being polluted

D. can; is polluted

11. - Doctor, how are the twins going?

- Don't worry. _______of them needs_______.

A. Neither; to be operated

B. Either; being operated

C. None; to be operated on

D. Neither; operatin g on

12. - Many people are worried that so many college graduates each year can't find a job.

-_______is no need to worry about it as the gover nment is now making every _______to provide more jobs.

A. It; effort

B. It; measure

C. There; effort

D. Ther e; effect

13. -I think _______ask Tim for some advice.

-_______. Last time when I turned to him, he refused to help.

A. you'd rather; I think so

B. you'd better; I'd rather not

C. you have to; I'd rather not

D. you'd better; I think so

14. Kate was not sure_______.

A. that she should go through the third gate

B. if she should go through the third gate or not

C. which gate should she go through

D. which gate she should go through

15. - Mr Smith, please teach me how to draw on the computer today.

- Oh, . You have to get familiar with the keyboard first.

A. Learn to walk before you run

B. It's never too old to learn

good beginning is half done D. The early bird catches the worm



It was a cold a fternoon. Ginny and I were walking home after work 16 suddenly a young man asked us, "Do you want a hug(拥抱)?”He carried a sign in his hand which read "Free Hugo". I looked 17 and noticed there were other young people with him. They all lifted their handmade signs high. The message was the same on all of them - Free Hugs!

"Sure!" Ginny smiled and hugged him with all the 18 she had in her heart,

"WOW!" he shouted. "That is the best hug I've had all day!"

Then the young man looked at me and asked, '6How about a hug?"

"You got it!" I walked into his 19 arms. We held a hug briefly(简短地)and parted at once.

Ginny and I stepped back and watched the "free huggers" hug those who 20 them. All of the young peo ple offered hugs to them.

Not all the people accepted their offers, but the fact was that those who opened their arms in return, walked away with 21 on their faces.

I felt warmth in my heart. So warm that it 22 as if it were not a cold winter day. At that time, Ginny and I were going through 23 times. We had little money and were heavily in debt(负债). We were stressed and 24 ,but that afternoon, for a short moment, we 25 all our problems because of a hug with love.

It took a simple hug to make everyone smile and make everything better.

16. A. as B. when C. while D. until

17. A. out B. down C. back D. round

18. A. strength B. interest C. love D. feelings

19. A. open B. warm C. special D. strong

20. A. received B. attracted C. admired D. accepted

21. A. kindness B. shyness C. smiles D. expressions

22. A. came B. sounded C. looked D. seemed

23. A. busy B. different C. tough D. lonely
