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(3) 数字的译法
Exercise 10 New Opportunities in China's Economic Cooperation with Other Countries 一、解说 1、Exercise 10 ∽悦拦 骋状 砺薏亍せ袈泶脑谥泄 难萁病吨泄 酝饩煤献鞯男禄 帷贰Q萁舶 ǎ骸袄止鄣睦碛伞薄ⅰ凹际酢薄ⅰ敖 鹑诠叵怠薄ⅰ霸谥泄 耐蹲省薄ⅰ爸泄 诠 獾耐蹲省薄ⅰ靶枰 朔 睦 选薄ⅰ胺闹贰薄ⅰ俺隹诳刂啤薄ⅰ巴 蚪坏馈被褂小敖崧邸钡燃 覆糠帧?BR>罗伯特·霍马茨生平介绍: Robert D. Hormats is Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs (International) and Managing Director of Goldman, Sachs & Co. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1982 as a Vice President in the Investment Banking Division and a Director of Goldman Sachs International. Mr. Hormats served as Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs at the Department of State from 1977 to 1979, Ambassador and Deputy U.S. Trade Resentative from 1979 to 1981 and Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from 1981 to 1982. He served as a Senior Staff Member for International Economic Affairs on the National Security Council from 1969 to 1977 during which time he was Senior Economic Advisor to Dr. Henry Kissinger, General Brent Scowcroft and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Mr. Hormats was a recipient of the French Legion of Honor in 1982 and Arthur Fleming Award in 1974. Mr. Hormats is a board member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Engelhard Hanovia, Inc., and Human Genome Sciences, Inc. He is also a member of the Board of Visitors of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the Columbia University School of International Affairs. He is a member of the Advisory Boards of Foreign Policy and International Economics magazines. He was appointed by President Clinton in 1993 to the Board of The U.S.-Russia Investment Fund. Mr. Hormats publications include American Albatross: The
instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这些 人争取过来。 7、China's imports from the US, which amounted to $900 million in 1978, rose to nearly $ 3 billion in 1982. which amounted to $900 million in 1978为非限制性定语从句, 不能用前置法翻译非限制性定语从句时,可用后置法或别的方法翻译。 有时可以用后置法翻译,在译文中把原文从句后置,不重复关系代词所 代表的含义,译成并列分句。如: After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直到深夜。 译文: 中国从美国的进口额,1978年为9亿美元,到了1982年增加到近30亿美 元。 8、Total Chinese trade has also risen dramatically , from 1978 to 1983 Chinese exports increased from roughly $10 billion to $22 billion, while imports increased from $ 10 billion to just over $ 21 billion. 中国的总贸易额也显著增长,从1978年到1983年,中国的出口额从大约 100亿美元增加到220亿美元,进口额从100亿美元增长到210多亿美元。 注意译文与原文之间的差异,原文中的关系词while是不能少的,而译 文中不需要译出。原因见上面的第3的解释3)。 9、joint ventures between the US and Chinese investors中美合资 企 10、China's Strong Economic Performance: 中国在经济上的出色表 现 注意:Strong译为“出色”。英汉语言的搭配能力不同,要根据具 体的情况进行意译。如:put on a coat, put on a hat两个put意义一 样,但分别译为“穿外衣”和“戴帽子”,因此翻译时一定要看目标语 的搭配能力与习惯。 11、decided on 选定,决定 12、It is aimed at adjusting the pace of modernisation to China's resource capabilities and its goal of major increases in employment, providing incentives for agricultural and industrial productivity; strengthening light, labour intensive industries, using technology to modernise and promote the
future. But there are also difficulties to be solved. 我们有理由感到乐观,并预期未来的贸易及经济关系将会发展,但也 有困难尚待解决。 b. In many of these areas, particularly agriculture, the results have been very positive. Food production is increasing rapidly. 中国在许多领域里,特别是在农业上已经获得良好的效果,粮食迅速增 产。 以上两个类例都是这样:译成一个句子,更紧凑。 译文: 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,而美国是最发达的大国, 两国之间的双边贸易已有显著的发展。 5、Today, two way trade is something in the order of $ 6 billion and increasing. of the order of = in the order of (BrE): approximately大约, in the order of 常常与something 用在一起。 例如: a. There were of (in) the order of 300 people at the festival. 节日活动大约有300人参加。 b.“How much is the project going to cost?” “Something in the order of 5000 pounds.” “这项计划要花多少钱?” “大约5000英镑。” 译文: 如今,两国双边贸易大约为60亿美元,并且还在增加。 6、The result, I believe, is that we have built the beginnings of a sound foundation for future commercial and financial ties. built the beginnings of a sound foundation for:如果逐字翻 译,此短语译成“为...建立坚实的基础的开始”,显然译文达不 到“达”的标准,难以理解,因此要运用翻译技巧(词类转换)进行处 理。把名词the beginning转换成相应意义的副词“初步”,译文就通 顺了。 译文: 我相信,我们已经为今后的贸易与金融关系初步打下了坚实的基础。 类例: When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his
第4章 Unit 4 Economy 1. 经济文章选篇。其特点是:着重说明经济形势,提出主张和建议, 以大量数据说明问题。所用语言视场合而定,文件的语言正式而精练, 演讲的语言则要比较易于上口。 2. 语言对比: (1)经济术语。经济领域有大量的专门术语。如: two way trade双向贸易 lucrative export markets 获利的出口市场 foreign exchange 外汇 commercial opportunities商业机会 export opportunities 出口机会 potential exports潜在市场 (2)有些普通词语在经济文章中有特殊含义。经济术语有特殊的用 法和搭配。 例1) The result, I believe, is that we have built the beginnings of a sound foundation for future commercial and financial ties. 我相信我们已经为今后贸易与金融关系初步打下了坚实的基础。 例2) There are more than 20 joint ventures between the US and Chinese investors. 现在有20多家中美合资企业。 (3)数字及有关的术语和量词。数字很容易出错,因此要特别仔细核 对。和数字有关的动词、介词、形容词、副词也很重要。如“增加 了”和“增加”表示的意思是不一样的。by用来表示增加或减少的幅 度。表示倍数时汉语与英语不一样。 汉语: 1)甲比乙...(形容词或副词)n倍:不包括基数。 2)甲是乙n倍:包括基数。 英语: 1) "n+ times + adj.比较级+than"式:包括基数; 2) "n+ times + as + adj. + as"式:包括基数; 3) "verb (e.g. increase, grow, rise, be raised, etc.) + n + times"式:包括基数。 3. 考核要求:翻译中有处理下列问题的能力: (1) 所选经济文章的特点及理解方面的难点 (2) 本单元出现的经济术语
Biblioteka Baidu
Foreign Debt Dilemma and Reforming the International Monetary System. Other publications include articles in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, American Banker and The Financial Times. He was visiting lecturer at Princeton University in 1983. 2、本练习经济术语: bilateral trade双边贸易 two way trade双向贸易 investment投资 total trade 总贸易额 commercial and financial ties贸易与金融关系 commercial and financial relationships贸易与金融关系 labour intensive industries劳动密集型企业 technological transformation of existing industries现有企业的 技术改造 joint venture 合资企业 imports 进口额 exports 出口额 productivity生产率 resource capabilities资源潜力 3、本练习数量的表达法: something in the order of 6 billion大约为60亿美元 amount to 总数达 roughly $10 billion大约100亿美元 4、China is the world's largest developing nation and the US is the world's most developed large nation. Bilateral trade between the two has grown imssively. 1)英汉翻译要注意不能忽视英语原文中的动词时态、语态,才能正确 地表达。本句中的两个分词developing 和developed在翻译时要体 现“现在分词”的“进行”的特点和“过去分词”的“完成”的特点。 2)imssively:显著地 下文中还有同义词:dramatically 3)英语一般一对主谓(宾)结构构成一个句子,如果几个句子构成一 个复合句,中间要有连接词。而汉语可以几个小句在一起构成一个复合 句,中间没有连接词也可,靠逻辑意义连接。本注释点的两个句子在逻 辑上相关性较大,可以译成一个汉语句子。 下文有类例,如: a. There are reasons to be optimistic and to expect that commercial and financial relationships will grow in the