


《英语课前演讲瑜伽》 PPT课件
在这份课前演讲瑜伽PPT课件中,我们将探索瑜伽的世界,介绍瑜伽的起源、 益处以及不同的瑜伽体式。让我们一起开始这个充满活力与智慧的旅程吧!
1 起源悠久
2 综合锻炼
俯卧撑起上半身,伸展前胸和腹 肌,增加脊柱的灵活性。
坐在地上,将双脚放在一起,向 下压腿伸展髋部和大腿肌肉。
站立,前屈身体,伸展背部和后 腰,提高柔韧性。
1 获得平静
通过调整呼吸和集中注意 力,瑜伽可以帮助我们进 入专注和冥想的状态。
2 稳定身体
通过保持体式的稳定和平 衡,我们可以培养专注力 和内在的稳定性。
3 思维与身体
1 强身健体
瑜伽可以增强肌肉力量、 提高灵活性、改善身体姿 势和平衡。
2 释放压力
3 提升注意力
瑜伽练习有助于减轻压力、 缓解焦虑、平静思绪,提 升心理健康。
通过觉察呼吸和身体感受, 瑜伽可以增强专注力和注 意力。
3 提高心理集中力
瑜伽练习可以锻炼大脑的 集中力,帮助我们在学习 和工作中更加专注。
向后伸展胸部和肩部,改善圆 肩和驼背问题,提升身体姿势。
通过加强核心肌群,锻炼腹肌 和腰背部的力量,改善站姿和 身体平衡。
伸展颈部和肩部肌肉,缓解颈 肩僵硬和不正确坐姿带来的问 题。



Postures of Yoga
Part Two : The development
Dev500 CE)
4.Modern history
Preclassical era (500-200 BCE)
₱ With the lack of written records of the period, yoga from a primitive philosophy gradually become the spiritual aspect.
By group one
The Outline
A. The brief introduction of yoga B. The development of yoga C. The classification of yoga D. Yoga and modern life E. Suggestion for you F. Conclusion
因此,产生出了节食、禁欲,体位 法,七轮等,加上咒语、手印身印 尚师之结合,是后古典时期瑜伽的 精华。
Modern history
➢ Yoga’s development to today, has become a
physical and mental exercise spread the world going to law.
₱ Meditation(冥想) and Penance(苦行) is the practice of yoga center.
₱ From the beginning of the 5000 BC, about 3000 years of time is the original development of yoga.


Key Features
Flowing, continuous sequences of posts
Synchronization of Breath with Movement
Development of heat and endurance
Definition: Bikram yoga is a fixed sequence form of yoga practiced in a heated room It insists of 26 positions and two breaking exercises
Yoga resources individuals to take time for self-care, which can help reduce stress levels and improve overall well being
Enhancing self-care
Yoga can help individuals to find purpose and meaning in their lives, promoting a sense of direction and fulfillment that can reduce stress and anxiety
Modern Development: In the late 19th and early 20th centers, Yoga Began to gain popularity in the Western world This was due to the effects of figures like Swami Vivekananda, who traveled to the US and Europe to promote Yoga

英语瑜伽 English yoga

英语瑜伽 English yoga

Let’s practice
•What do you feel after practicing yoga? •What are the benefits of yoga?
• A:Why don't you try Yoga? • B:Can I lose weight by doing Yoga?
• Breath in/out 呼吸/呼出 • Relax • Keep your back straight 背伸直 • Open your shoulder/pelvis 盆骨 • Tighten your hips臀部, knees膝盖, calves 小腿, muscle肌肉 • Lift your chest挺胸 • Roll your shoulder back向后转动你的肩
• You need to have endurance to keep going .
• It helps you unwind. • I go swimming because it helps me unwind. • Yoga teaches us how to control ourselves.
loose and relaxed and you feel very, very calm and peaceful. Sometimes, people even fall asleep.
What is yoga?
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. In the 1980s, yoga became popular as a system of physical exercise across the Western world. Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core.



The Benefits of Yoga
First ,dynamic ,dynamic increase, to the brain and glands of yoga. 一、活力增加, 一、活力增加, 来处瑜伽对脑ond, the appearance and the mood of young: yoga reduce facial wrinkles, produces natural "face lift" effect .This is mainly attributed to handstand. 二、外观与心情的年轻 :瑜伽减少面部皱纹, 产生天然的“拉皮”效 果。这主要归功於倒立 。
Third, live longer: yoga affect all the conditions of brain, longevity and internal organs, organs, spine glands. 三、活得更久:瑜伽 影响所有长寿的条件 影响所有长寿的条件 :脑部、腺体、脊柱 :脑部、腺体、脊柱 与内部器官。 内部器官。
yoga 瑜伽
The yoga origins from India, 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。 is popular in the world. The 瑜伽是东方最古老的强身术之一 yoga is the East most ancient 。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的 builds up strength one of 观想和静定状态下, 观想和静定状态下,从直觉了悟 techniques. The yoga also is 生命的认知。瑜伽修持秘诀是理 生命的认知。 the Indian worthy peoples of 论和实践互相参证的法典。 论和实践互相参证的法典。 former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition. The yoga repairs holds the secret is the theory and the practice consults the card mutually the statute book.

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介ppt 适合班级小型演讲

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介ppt 适合班级小型演讲

• Clothes • It is time to practice yoga now! But what to wear?
• Music • The music must be soft, in other words, the pop or rock music is forbidden. The proper music can be the voice of nature.
Some classical postures to keep fit
• Have thin arms
• Have thin legs
• Have thin waist
• What’s more, practice yoge need Endurance and perseverance. Three days of fishing nets drying for two days is useless. • You must have the preparation to insist on what you really want, not only for yoga, but also for other things.
• The yoga origins from India, and now it is popular in all over the world. The yoga is the East most ancient builds up strength one of techniques.
the end
Thank you!!!
Have you tried yoga?

If you haven’t tried yoga yet,

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介 适合班级小型演讲

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介 适合班级小型演讲

➢ Have you tried yoga?
➢ If you haven’t tried yoga yet,
➢ do you want to have a try?
some preparation
It is really important, you should find the place which the air is fresh, the surroundings is quiet.
• You must have the preparation to insist on what you really want, not only for yoga, but also for other things.
the end
Thank you!!!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Hatha Yoga • Raja Yoga • Jnana Yoga • Bhakti Yoga • Karma Yoga
• Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina
• Reduces stress and tension • Improves and creativity • Improves circulation • Creates sense of well being and calm • Lose weight and keep fit
• Clothes
• It is time to practice yoga now! But what to wear?
• Music
• The music must be soft, in other words, the pop or rock music is forbidden. The proper music can be the voice of nature.

YOGA 瑜伽介绍

YOGA 瑜伽介绍

TantraYoga Ashtanga Yoga Iyengar Yoga
The physical part of the yoga is called Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is the most widely popular and practiced form of yoga in the world. As a branch of yoga, it concentrates on physical health and mental wellbeing through bodily postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
word “yoga” is from Sanskrit(梵文) which is an ancient language of India. It means to yoke(结合) or to unite the mind ,body and spirit.
different kinds of yoga
Five, improve eyesight and hearing
Six, mental mood: due to the improvement of the brain, which includes yoga glands nervous system components,Mental state of positive emotions naturally present. It makes you feel more confident and more warmly and optimistic.Daily life also can become more creative.



Time: generally speaking, people are using the morning, noon and sunset, or bedtime to practise yoga posture.In posture.In real yogi, 4-6 o'clock in yogi, the morning is the best time to practice yoga,Because of this, the atmosphere around the sound purity, intestines and stomach, basic stop.Brain active, easy access to the deep practice yoga.
道具:练瑜珈当然以使用专业 道具: 的瑜珈垫为好, 的瑜珈垫为好,当地面太硬或 不平坦的时候, 不平坦的时候,铺上地毯或对 折的毛毯也可。不要在过硬的 折的毛毯也可。 地板或太软的床上进行练习, 地板或太软的床上进行练习, 同时注意不能让脚下打滑。 同时注意不能让脚下打滑。初 学者也可使用一些道具来辅助 练习某些姿式,可用的道具如瑜 练习某些姿式 可用的道具如瑜 珈砖、瑜珈绳,甚至墙壁、桌 瑜珈绳,甚至墙壁、 椅等等。 椅等等。
地点:练习瑜珈最好能在干净、舒适的房间里,有足够的伸展 地点:练习瑜珈最好能在干净、舒适的房间里,有足够的伸展 身体的空间, 避免靠近任何家具。房间内空气清新、流通, 身体的空间 避免靠近任何家具。房间内空气清新、流通,并 且能自由地吸入氧气 最好摆上绿色植物或鲜花, 吸入氧气。 绿色植物或鲜花 且能自由地吸入氧气。最好摆上绿色植物或鲜花,也可播放轻 柔的音乐来帮助松弛神经。 柔的音乐来帮助松弛神经。
Four, disease resistance: yoga exercises a strong physique, it can also increase physique, immune.The immune.The strengthening of the resistance can deal with such as cancer from cold to all sorts of serious disease. 四、增加疾病抵抗力 :瑜伽锻炼出一副健 壮的体格, 壮的体格,免疫能力 也增加。这个加强的 抵抗力可以对付从感 冒到诸如癌症的各种 冒到诸如癌症的各种 各样的严重病症。 各样的严重病症。



• 瑜伽起源于印度,距今有五千多年的历史文化被人们称为“世界的瑰 宝 • 瑜伽境界 • ”。瑜伽发源印度北部的喜马拉雅山麓地带,古印度瑜伽修行者在大 自然中修炼身心时,无意中发现各种动物与植物天生具有治疗、放松、 睡眠、或保持清醒的方法,患病时能不经任何治疗而自然痊愈。于是 古印度瑜伽修行者根据动物的姿势观察、模仿并亲自体验,创立出一 系列有益身心的锻炼系统,也就是体位法。这些姿势历经了五千多年 的锤炼,瑜伽教给人们的治愈法,让世世代代的人从中获益。 • 关于瑜伽的记载最早出现在《吠陀经》的印度经文中,大约在公元前 300年时,瑜伽之祖帕坦伽利在《瑜伽经》中阐明了使身体健康、精 神充实的修炼课程,这门课程被其系统化和规范化,构成当代瑜伽修 炼的基础。帕坦伽利提出的哲学原理被公认为是通往瑜伽精神境界的 里程碑。
• •
• •
• 瑜伽易保持空腹状态练习 • 在自己极限的边缘温和地伸展身体,千万不要用 力推拉牵扯 • 如果在练习的过程中出现体力不支,或身体颤抖, 请即刻收功还原,不要过度坚持。
• 一般说来,瑜伽每天都可以练,生理期也是可以 的,但是要避免倒立以及腰腹部力量的练习,以 免造成经血倒流。适当的瑜伽有利于缓解月经不 调。
• 由公元前1500年《吠陀经》笼统的记载下来,到了《奥义书》明确的 记载瑜伽,到《薄伽梵歌》出现,完成了瑜伽行法与吠檀多哲学的合 一,使瑜伽这一民间的灵修实践变为正统,由强调行法到行为、信仰、 知识三者并行不悖。 • 大约在公元前300年时,印度大圣哲帕坦伽利(英文:Patanjali,印 度文:पतंजलि)创作了《瑜伽经》,印度瑜伽在其基础上真正成形, 瑜伽行法被正式订为完整的八支体系。帕坦伽利被尊为瑜伽之祖。 • 瑜伽之祖帕坦伽利(Patanjali),一般认为他诞生于公元前约200至 500年间的印度拉尔(Ra'r'h)地区。传说中, 帕坦伽利的母亲哥妮 卡(Gonika')是个饱学的瑜伽行者,她一直希望将所学传给一位贤 能之士但未能如愿。哥妮卡心理想说她的生命所剩无几,她就向太阳 神祈求,希望可以赐给她一位所寻觅的贤者。她双手捧水闭眼向太阳 神祷告,正当她要献水给太阳神时,她睁眼看到手中有一条小蛇,小 蛇瞬间化成人形,向她说:“我想做你的孩子。”哥妮卡答应了,并 为他取名Patanjali。Pat的意思是掉落,an‗jali的意思是双手合十,因 为帕坦伽利就像由天掉落至她手中的人,所以就取名为Patanjali(印 度文:पतंजलि)。



欢迎来到《yoga瑜伽》的PPT课件。在这个课件中,我们将探索瑜伽的起源 与发展、哲学和原则、不同风格和流派,以及瑜伽的好处与益处。让我们一 起步入这个令人心灵愉悦的旅程吧!
瑜伽起源于古印度的灵性实践,可追溯到几千 年前的历史。
瑜伽被传承给后代的同时也吸引了无数的瑜伽 修行者和大师。
1 身心健康
2 灵活性与平衡
瑜伽可以减轻压力、提高睡眠质量,增强 免疫系统,促进身心的整体健康。
通过各种瑜伽姿势,我们可以增强身体的 灵活性和平衡能力。
3 注意力与专注
4 内心宁静
瑜伽练习可以增强注意力和专注力,提高 工作和学习的效率。
冥想和深呼吸的练习可以帮助我们平静内 心,获得深层的宁静。
瑜伽强调身体和心灵之间的紧密联系,鼓励 以合一的方式来生活。
冥想是瑜伽修行中至关重要的一部分,通过 专注的力量,我们能够超越杂念,获得内心 的宁静。
通过呼吸练习,我们可以调整情绪、提高注 意力,并获得身心平衡。
瑜伽教导我们要尊重他人、充满爱心和正直, 并以此为指导原则去面对生活中的各种挑战。
注重身体姿势和呼吸控制,旨在提高 力量、灵活性和平衡。
结合了动态的流动动作和特定呼吸技 巧,致力于提高身体的耐力和柔韧性。



Yoga-- Relive, RevitalizeNowadays, yoga is growing on more and more girls on our campus. Why is it so hot?Yoga concentrates on combining breathing with physically stretching muscles. It is about the release of negative energy and replacing it with positive energy. Not only does yoga relieve and give rest to tired muscles; it also revitalizes body and soul. It provides the body with the means to deal with daily stress. Here is a description of yoga for the purpose of relieving stress.The wheel (chakrasana)Lie down with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.Place your hands palms down on either side of your head. Your fingertips point to your feet.To acquire an equal distribution ofweight, lift your buttocks slightly andfeel yourself supported by your feetand your hands. Breathe in and liftyour torso until your back is fullyarched.Tuck your head in and face the wallbehind you. Breathe calmly. Do notstay in the position for too long.When you are ready to come down, breathe in and lift your head slowly so that you are facing the ceiling. Exhale and slowly bend your elbows and knees while gently uncurling the spine. Do not crash to the floor and hurt yourself. Stay in control at all times.In addition to energizing, this exercise also assists in digestive efficiency and toning the abdomen. It is therefore a good exercise for those who are trying to lose weight. The wheel also dramatically increases suppleness.TIPS:do not try the postures unless you have practiced yogabefore, or without the help of a yoga instructor. 《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学着作。

瑜伽简介 英文 PPT

瑜伽简介 英文 PPT

For children, learning yoga can develop their self-discipline, enhance their physical and mental health as well. Regular practice can enable young people to keep their natural flexibility for many years.
4 to 6 o'clock in the early morning.
Within 3 hours after meals, not to practice yoga postures. About 1 hour before exercise, eating a small amount of liquid food or drink.
For teenagers, learning yoga can keep their youthful flexibility and give them the inner strength to say no to negative influences.
For older people, gentle yoga exercises allow them to retain mobility and may relieve problems such as arthritis and poor circulation.
A Popular Sport
1 2 3 4
Origin Benefits Advices Some gestures
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幻灯片3 1he yoga origins from India, is popular in the world. The yoga is the East most ancient builds up strength one of techniques. It produces in the B.C.E., is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition. The yoga repairs holds the secret is the theory and the practice consults the card mutually the statute book.At present the yoga has become the fashion the most front, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style.Ancient times the yoga attention mind and human body superego, the modern yoga pursued the body and mind balance and the health is graceful. The yoga function is simply wonderful. Because it is inside and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function. Also is in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga said simply is by the breath law, the body posture law, contemplates composes. Is in under one kind of natural health environment, is following the melodious music, is directing own body with the thought, affable smooth practice each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieved the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function.The function of yoga is internal and external concurrently repaired to the hu man body .It is also in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga is simply consist of the breather valve , yoga asana and mantra meditation . It is under a kind of natural healthy environment, following the melodious music and directing own body with the thought. Affable smooth practices each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieves the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function.瑜伽对人体的作用是内外兼修的。




T h e e f f e c t o f y o g a i s n o t o n l y m y s t e r i o u s,b u t a l s o w i d e s p r e a d i n t h e p u b l i c.I t d o e s n o t n e e d t o j u m p g r e a t l y o r s l i g h t l y,t h e p r a c t i c e f r e q u e n c y i s a f f a b l e,m o r e o v e r t h em o v e m e n t i n t e n s i t y i s m o d e r a t e.I n t r a n q u i l,a f f a b l e a n d a u s p i c i o u s a t m o s p h e r e,y o g a b r i n g s t h e p e o p l e h e a l t h y,b e a u t y,s e l f-c o n f i d e n t a n d h a p p i n e s s.幻灯片6T h e p o s t u r e o f y o g a i s l i k e l y s o f t g y m n a s t i c s a n d e x q u i s i t e d a n c e.I t i s o n e k i n d o f s p i r i t u a l G y m n a s t i c s,c a u s i n g t h e p e o p l e t o l e a r n t o p a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i r o w ni n t r i n s i c w o r l d,s e l f-u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d s e l f-i m p r o v e m e n t.T h e y o g a c a n o p t i m i z e t h e e n v i r o n m e n t w h i c h t h e h u m a n s u r v i v e s,a d a p t e d t o t h e s u r v i v a l o u t s i d ec i r c u m s t a n c e s(l i v i n g c o nd i t i o n s,i n te r p e r s o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p).T h e y o g a c o l l e c t s m e d i c i n e,t h e s c i e n c e a n d t h e p h i l o s o p h y.I t i s a c o n t e n tw i d e s p r e a d s c i e n c e a n d l e t s t h e p e o p l e a c h i e v e t h e i n t r i n s i c e n e r g e t i c h a p p i n e s sa n d t h e w i s d o m.M e a n w h i l e,b o t h h u m a n'sc o n s c i o u s n e s s a nd t he d i s p o s i t i o n c a nb e i m p r o v e d.T h e p e o p l e h a v e t h e h e a l t h y s t a t u r e,b e a u t i f u l s k i n a n d ac h i e v e sh e a l t h y f o u n d a t i o n b e a u t y,s t a t i c s t a t e p h y s i c a l b e a u t y,i n t r i n s i c b e a u t i f u l(b e a u t i f u l m a k i n g s)a n d w h o l e b e a u t y w h i c h i n c l u d e f i v e l e v e l b e a u t i f u l p u r s u e.幻灯片8幻灯片9瑜伽不但效果神奇,而且广泛的适用于大众练习。



幻灯片10T h e B e n e f i t s o f Y o g aF i r s t,d y n a m i c i n c r e a s e,t o t h e b r a i n a n d g l a n d s o f y o g a.一、活力增加,来处瑜伽对脑部与腺体的作用。

幻灯片11S e c o n d,t h e a p p e a r a n c e a n d t h e m o o d o f y o u n g:y o g a r e d u c e f a c i a l w r i n k l e s,p r o d u c e s n a t u r a l"f a c e l i f t"e f f e c t.T h i s i s m a i n l y a t t r i b u t e d t o h a n d s t a n d.二、外观与心情的年轻:瑜伽减少面部皱纹,产生天然的“拉皮”效果。
