瑜伽英文介绍 ppt(精品)




Postures of Yoga
Part Two : The development
Dev500 CE)
4.Modern history
Preclassical era (500-200 BCE)
₱ With the lack of written records of the period, yoga from a primitive philosophy gradually become the spiritual aspect.
By group one
The Outline
A. The brief introduction of yoga B. The development of yoga C. The classification of yoga D. Yoga and modern life E. Suggestion for you F. Conclusion
因此,产生出了节食、禁欲,体位 法,七轮等,加上咒语、手印身印 尚师之结合,是后古典时期瑜伽的 精华。
Modern history
➢ Yoga’s development to today, has become a
physical and mental exercise spread the world going to law.
₱ Meditation(冥想) and Penance(苦行) is the practice of yoga center.
₱ From the beginning of the 5000 BC, about 3000 years of time is the original development of yoga.


Key Features
Flowing, continuous sequences of posts
Synchronization of Breath with Movement
Development of heat and endurance
Definition: Bikram yoga is a fixed sequence form of yoga practiced in a heated room It insists of 26 positions and two breaking exercises
Yoga resources individuals to take time for self-care, which can help reduce stress levels and improve overall well being
Enhancing self-care
Yoga can help individuals to find purpose and meaning in their lives, promoting a sense of direction and fulfillment that can reduce stress and anxiety
Modern Development: In the late 19th and early 20th centers, Yoga Began to gain popularity in the Western world This was due to the effects of figures like Swami Vivekananda, who traveled to the US and Europe to promote Yoga


讲师:XXX 时间:20XX/XX
目录 C O N T E N T S
01 瑜伽简介 02 历史发展
02 派别分类 04 练习的好处
英文:Yoga, 印地语:योग
瑜伽源于古印度,是古印度六大哲学派别中的一系,探寻“梵我合一” 的道理与方法。
古典 瑜伽
现代 瑜伽
瑜伽分为两大类 一个是古典瑜伽,一个是现代瑜伽
由公元前1500年《吠 陀经》笼统的记载下 来,到了《奥义书》 明确的记载瑜伽,到 《薄伽梵歌》出现, 完成了瑜伽行法与吠 檀多哲学的合一。
由《瑜伽经》以后,为后古典 瑜伽。主要包括了“瑜伽奥义 书”,密教和诃陀瑜伽。产生 出了节食、禁欲,体位法,七 轮等,加上咒语、手印身印尚 师之结合,是后古典时期瑜伽 的精华。
从印度传至欧美、亚太、 非洲等等,因为它对心 理的减压以及对生理的 保健等明显作用而备受 推崇。同时不断演变出 了各种各式的瑜伽分支 方法。
减压养心,释放身心,全身舒畅, 心绪平静;
修复受损组织,使身体组织得到 充分的营养;
提高学习及工作效率的最 佳休息法、锻炼法;
瑜伽,不仅只是一套流行或时髦的健身运动这么简单。 瑜伽是一个非常古老的能量知识修炼方法,集哲学、 科学和艺术于一身。 古代的瑜伽信徒发展了瑜伽体系,可以控制心智和情 感,以及保持健康的身体。
由公元前5000年开始,直 到梨俱吠陀的出现为止, 约有3000多年的时期,是 瑜伽原始发展。



瑜伽英文介绍Yoga第一篇:瑜伽英文介绍YogaYoga--Relive, Revitalize Nowadays, yoga is growing on more and more girls on our campus.Why is it so hot?Yoga concentrates on combining breathing with physically stretching muscles.It is about the release of negative energy and replacing it with positive energy.Not only does yoga relieve and give rest to tired muscles;it also revitalizes body and soul.It provides the body with the means to deal with daily stress.Here is a description of yoga for the purpose of relieving stress.The wheel(chakrasana)Lie down with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.Place your hands palms down on either side of your head.Your fingertips point to your feet.To acquire an equal distribution of weight, lift your buttocks slightly and feel yourself supported by your feet and your hands.Breathe in and lift your torso until your back is fully arched.Tuck your head in and face the wall behind you.Breathe calmly.Do not stay in the position for too long.When you are ready to come down, breathe in and lift your head slowly so that you are facing the ceiling.Exhale and slowly bend your elbows and knees while gently uncurling the spine.Do not crash to the floor and hurt yourself.Stay in control at all times.In addition to energizing, this exercise also assists in digestive efficiency and toning the abdomen.It is therefore a good exercise for those who are trying to lose weight.The wheel also dramatically increases suppleness.TIPS: do not try the postures unless you have practiced yoga before, or without the help of a yoga instructor.第二篇:Yoga瑜伽Yoga is an ancient health-art developed and perfected over the centuries by wise men in ancient India.It works like magic because it can take years off your face, years from your body, and add years to your life.Not only does yoga make you look and feel younger and healthier, but it gives your body superb health.Yoga encourages your body to take every last possible atom of nutritional value from the food you eat, to get every second of refreshment and rest from your sleep, and to attain relief trom little aches and pains.Yoga has the amazing power to relax and refresh you, soothe your nerves, calm your mind, gives you serenity, strength and inner stamina.It prevents the premature gray in your hair, the ugly wrinkles on your face, tightens those sagging muscles that give you that “tired look”, brings back the sparkle in your eyes, and gives that wonderful sensation of feeling “fit as a fiddle”.Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the world today and there are many different styles of yoga being taught and practiced.Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures, each has a particular emphasis.Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of yoga.NO.1 Hatha Yoga,哈他瑜伽, it is an ancient classical language of India, “ha” means “sun” and “tha” means “moon”.This type of yoga is gentle and relatively slow paced.It focuses on poses and controlled breathing, emphasizing concentration, endurance and elasticity.It is the most popular type of yoga and is a good place to start if you are completely new.NO.2 Ashtanga Yoga(阿斯汤瑜伽).Ashtanga Yoga is commonly called power yoga because it focuses on powerful flowing movements, such as push-ups and lunges, which take strength and stamina.Ashatanga Yoga may be appropriate for those who have successfully recovered from a back injury and arelooking for a more strenuous practice, and people who are already athletic, such as runners and cyclists, who want to add flexibility, balance and concentration to their exercise routines.No.3 Bikram Yoga高温瑜伽 Bikram Yoga is also known as hot yoga, because it is done in a room heated to 105 degrees with humidity around 40%.This type of yoga is excellent for increasing flexibility and loosening muscles because the heat helps tissues to stretch and clean the body of toxins, but is not appropriate for those with cardiovascular disease because of the strain placed on the body when vigorously exercising in the heat 第三篇:英语作文Yoga瑜伽Yoga could be described as the ancient science of good health and living, that has been practiced for centuries, not just in the country that it originated in, but all across the world.In the last few years, yoga has become increasingly popular in China.This is because yoga is used by people, for weight loss, stress reduction, strength increase, improved flexibility, better immunity, additional energy and so on.There are several celebrities who tout吹嘘Yoga as the key factor for an improvement in the physical, emotional, mental and social states.It is a well known fact that if practiced regularly and in the right manner, yoga can have a very positive effect on your body.However, it is important to note, that in case this science is not practiced correctly because of the lack of guidance and the supervision by a qualified trainer, there could be several problems that arise out of that, , which are usually referred to, as yoga negative effects.These effects include a sprained ankle,muscle pulls,neck aches,pain in the knee, severe back pain,wrist pain and so on.Moreover, there is a particular form of yoga, known as hot yoga, where a sequence of 26 poses isperformed in a particular order, in an environment that has been heated to 100 degrees F[ˈfærənhaɪt].华氏度 This form of yoga is great for weight loss and increase in flexibility.However, since the high temperature puts the body under undue stress, there have been a few cases of shock, nausea [ˈnɔ:ziə]恶心, fatigue [fəˈti:g]疲劳and injuries that were reported after practicing Hot yoga.Therefore,if you intend to practice yoga to gain some benefitst,please do it in a proper and moderately way, in which the negative effects of yoga can be decreased most.第四篇:瑜伽英文您好!爱尚瑜伽会馆开设的课程项目有:1.哈他瑜伽(Hatha Yoga)(75分钟)2.平衡瑜伽(Balance Yoga)(75分钟)3.流瑜伽(Flow Vinyasa Yoga)(75分钟)4.阿斯汤伽瑜伽(Ashtanga Yoga)(75分钟)5.阴瑜伽(Yin Yoga)(75分钟)6.舞韵瑜伽(Dance Yoga)(75分钟)7.肚皮舞(Belly Dance)(60分钟)8.高温瑜伽(Bikram Hot Yoga)(60分钟)9.商卡排毒瑜伽(SK Clean Yoga)(90分钟)第五篇:练习HOT YOGA瑜伽对身体益处多练习HOT YOGA瑜伽对身体益处多HOT YOGA高温瑜伽不是瑜伽训练经验丰富者的专利,它其实特别适合初次走进瑜伽房的练习者。

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介ppt 适合班级小型演讲

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介ppt 适合班级小型演讲

• Clothes • It is time to practice yoga now! But what to wear?
• Music • The music must be soft, in other words, the pop or rock music is forbidden. The proper music can be the voice of nature.
Some classical postures to keep fit
• Have thin arms
• Have thin legs
• Have thin waist
• What’s more, practice yoge need Endurance and perseverance. Three days of fishing nets drying for two days is useless. • You must have the preparation to insist on what you really want, not only for yoga, but also for other things.
• The yoga origins from India, and now it is popular in all over the world. The yoga is the East most ancient builds up strength one of techniques.
the end
Thank you!!!
Have you tried yoga?

If you haven’t tried yoga yet,

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介 适合班级小型演讲

YOGA 瑜伽专题的英文简介 适合班级小型演讲

➢ Have you tried yoga?
➢ If you haven’t tried yoga yet,
➢ do you want to have a try?
some preparation
It is really important, you should find the place which the air is fresh, the surroundings is quiet.
• You must have the preparation to insist on what you really want, not only for yoga, but also for other things.
the end
Thank you!!!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Hatha Yoga • Raja Yoga • Jnana Yoga • Bhakti Yoga • Karma Yoga
• Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina
• Reduces stress and tension • Improves and creativity • Improves circulation • Creates sense of well being and calm • Lose weight and keep fit
• Clothes
• It is time to practice yoga now! But what to wear?
• Music
• The music must be soft, in other words, the pop or rock music is forbidden. The proper music can be the voice of nature.



Contents●History●Development●Faction Category●Yoga's eight branch of law●Action●Yoga Basic Action Series●Cultivation equipment●History瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。





•The yoga origins from India, which is popular in the world. The yoga is one of the most ancient builds-up techniques. It produces in the B.C.E.,yoga is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition.•At present the yoga has become a fashion activity, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style.●Development古代瑜伽注重心灵与肉体的超越自我,现代瑜伽则追求身心平衡和健康优雅。



Time: generally speaking, people are using the morning, noon and sunset, or bedtime to practise yoga posture.In posture.In real yogi, 4-6 o'clock in yogi, the morning is the best time to practice yoga,Because of this, the atmosphere around the sound purity, intestines and stomach, basic stop.Brain active, easy access to the deep practice yoga.
道具:练瑜珈当然以使用专业 道具: 的瑜珈垫为好, 的瑜珈垫为好,当地面太硬或 不平坦的时候, 不平坦的时候,铺上地毯或对 折的毛毯也可。不要在过硬的 折的毛毯也可。 地板或太软的床上进行练习, 地板或太软的床上进行练习, 同时注意不能让脚下打滑。 同时注意不能让脚下打滑。初 学者也可使用一些道具来辅助 练习某些姿式,可用的道具如瑜 练习某些姿式 可用的道具如瑜 珈砖、瑜珈绳,甚至墙壁、桌 瑜珈绳,甚至墙壁、 椅等等。 椅等等。
地点:练习瑜珈最好能在干净、舒适的房间里,有足够的伸展 地点:练习瑜珈最好能在干净、舒适的房间里,有足够的伸展 身体的空间, 避免靠近任何家具。房间内空气清新、流通, 身体的空间 避免靠近任何家具。房间内空气清新、流通,并 且能自由地吸入氧气 最好摆上绿色植物或鲜花, 吸入氧气。 绿色植物或鲜花 且能自由地吸入氧气。最好摆上绿色植物或鲜花,也可播放轻 柔的音乐来帮助松弛神经。 柔的音乐来帮助松弛神经。
Four, disease resistance: yoga exercises a strong physique, it can also increase physique, immune.The immune.The strengthening of the resistance can deal with such as cancer from cold to all sorts of serious disease. 四、增加疾病抵抗力 :瑜伽锻炼出一副健 壮的体格, 壮的体格,免疫能力 也增加。这个加强的 抵抗力可以对付从感 冒到诸如癌症的各种 冒到诸如癌症的各种 各样的严重病症。 各样的严重病症。

易修改实用PPT 瑜伽健身养生模板

易修改实用PPT 瑜伽健身养生模板

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研究生英语综合教程上 unit5瑜伽课件

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5瑜伽课件
Reading Focus – Language Point ➢ Yoga is not a competitive sport; it does not matte
r how a person does in comparison with others, b ut how aware and disciplined one becomes with o ne's own body and limitations.
也有一些人反对瑜伽,因为勤奋忙碌的美国人很难相 信这项要他们放慢速度、集中精力进行深呼吸的运动 会比举重或慢跑更有效。
Yoga should be done with an open, gentle, and n oncritical mind: when one stretches into a positio n, it can be thought of as accepting and working on one's limits.
zziness, or fatigue.
做瑜伽必须保持姿势的正确,一旦感到疼痛、头晕或疲劳 就必须停止。
Dizziness ['dɪzənɪs] n. 头晕; 头昏眼花
Fatigue 美 [fə'tig] n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役 vt. 使疲劳;vi. 疲劳
The mental component of yoga is just as import ant as the physical postures. Concentration and awareness breath should not be neglected.Conc entration andawareness breath should not be ne glected.

瑜伽概述 ppt课件

瑜伽概述 ppt课件

一、智瑜伽 二、昆达利尼瑜伽
三、业瑜伽 四、信仰瑜伽
五、哈他瑜伽 六、王瑜伽
达到神圣知识,以期待与梵合一。智瑜伽认为, 知识有低等和高等之别。寻常人所说的知识仅 仅局限于生命和物质的外在表现。这种低等知 识可以通过直接或间接的途径获得。然而智瑜 伽所寻求的的知识,则要求瑜伽者转眼内向, 透过一切外在事物的本质,去体验和理解创造 万物之神 - 梵。通过朗读古老的、被认为是天 启的经典,理解书中那些真正的奥义,获得神 圣的真谛。瑜伽师凭借瑜伽实践提升生命之气,
专注于杜绝愚昧杂念,启发对梵的敬仰之心, 以期与梵同在。信仰瑜伽认为智、业、信仰是相 互联系的。知识是生活的基础,行为是生活的表 现。一个人如果没有知识,会陷入极大的盲目性, 行为也失去了了依托。但无论是知识,还是行为, 都应该受到信仰之心的指导,否则,知识便成了 粗朴无用的知识,行为便成了低劣愚昧的行为。 信仰瑜伽师奉行“以仁爱之心爱人,以虔诚之心 敬神”,出没于山林或身居闹市,终身目的是纯 洁自己的灵魂,杜绝杂念,把精神寄寓于梵中。
二、瑜伽流传五千年或 更多,是印度悠久智慧的结晶。瑜伽的起源 最早可以追溯到印度河文明时期,至少可追 溯到公元前三千年以前。五千年来,它一直 是体现印度文化的一个重要组成部分,历史 时代多次变迁,在各阶层流传,甚至于在12 世纪末彻底灭亡。在7世纪开始转入我国西藏 后,自12世纪开始,中国西藏成为瑜伽新的 摇篮。传说古印度高达8000米的圣母山上, 有人修成圣人,亦有人成为修行者,他们将 修炼秘密传授给有意追求者,因而沿传至 今。
一词意思为“日月”、“阴阳”,所以可译 为“日月瑜伽”。哈他瑜伽认为:人体主要包括 了两个重要体系,一为精神、心理的体系;一为 肌体、生理的体系。因此它把人体本身视为修炼 瑜伽的基础和根本。构成哈他瑜伽练习的主要部 分有体位法和调息法,此外还包括净身术、庞达 等。体位法是调节人体各部分的平衡;调息法是 吐纳运气,除去体内污秽和神经系统的滞碍。哈 他瑜伽适合初学者练习。

瑜伽简介 英文 PPT

瑜伽简介 英文 PPT

For children, learning yoga can develop their self-discipline, enhance their physical and mental health as well. Regular practice can enable young people to keep their natural flexibility for many years.
4 to 6 o'clock in the early morning.
Within 3 hours after meals, not to practice yoga postures. About 1 hour before exercise, eating a small amount of liquid food or drink.
For teenagers, learning yoga can keep their youthful flexibility and give them the inner strength to say no to negative influences.
For older people, gentle yoga exercises allow them to retain mobility and may relieve problems such as arthritis and poor circulation.
A Popular Sport
1 2 3 4
Origin Benefits Advices Some gestures
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瑜伽神奇的效果,超凡脱俗 的感觉和无限的魅力,一次 一又一次的得到了人们的验 证。世界各地的明星,政要 都把瑜伽当成首选的健身美 体项目。就连美国好莱坞明 星麦当娜都非常痴迷瑜伽, 由于练习瑜伽,即使生过孩 子以后还保持着非常完美的 体型。
瑜伽哲学,它包含了许多哲理,让人们了解人生/生命的真谛,学会如何做人。瑜伽 是东方心灵治学,通过调试内心活动,可清除人潜意识的垃圾,消除烦恼,是一减 压和心灵美容的良方。
瑜伽的姿势像柔软体操,优美的舞 蹈。它更是一种心操,使人们学会 关注自己的内在世界,认识自我提 升自我。 瑜伽可以优化人生存的内 环境,以适应生存的外环境(生活 环境,人际关系)。
The yoga collects medicine, the science and the philosophy. It is a content widespread science and lets the people achieve the intrinsic energetic happiness and the wisdom.Meanwhile, both human's consciousness and the disposition can be improved. The people have the healthy stature, beautiful skin and achieves healthy foundation beauty, static state physical beauty, intrinsic beautiful (beautiful makings) and whole beauty which include five level beautiful pursue.
The philosophy of yoga has contained many philosophy, lets the people understand the true meaning of life, learn that how to be a people. The yoga is Eastern mind doing scholarly research through the debugging innermost feelings activity.It may eliminate the human subconscious trash, eliminate the worry. It is effective prescription that can reduce pressure and improve heart beauty.
yoga 瑜伽
The yoga origins from India and is popular in 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。瑜伽是东方 the world. The yoga is one of the East most 最古老的强身术之一。瑜伽也是印度先贤在 ancient strength techniques. The yoga is 最浓沉的观想和静定状态下,从直觉了悟生 also the Indian worthy people of former times 命的认知。瑜伽修持秘诀是理论和实践互相 in the view which sinks thickly wanting with 参证的法典。 the static stable technology condition and from intuition aware life cognition. The secret of yoga is the theory and the practice consulting the card mutually the statute book.
The posture of yoga is likely soft gymnastics and exquisite dance. It is one kind of spiritual Gymnastics, causing the people to learn to pay attention to their own intrinsic world, self-understanding and self-improvement. The yoga can optimize the environment which the human survives, adapted to the survival outside circumstances (living conditions, interpersonal relationship).
瑜伽到内在的精 神幸福和智慧,人的意识和性格都能得到 改善。我们不仅是知性的、感性的,而且 要理性的去实践“它”。使人们拥有健美 的身材、靓丽的肌肤,达到健康基础美, 静态形体美,内在美(气质美),整体美 五个层次的美的追求。
The yoga mysterious effect, the unusual refined feeling and the infinite charm obtain people’s confirmation over and over. The world star of each place, the main points of administration regard the yoga as the first choice of building body. American Hollywood star Macdanna are extremely infatuated the yoga.As a result of practice yoga, even if she had a child ,she also maintain the extremely perfect state.