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油 用 亚 麻
一、亚麻纺织品 1. Flax textiles
• 亚麻纤维是天然的束纤维,其纺织品具有吸湿性好、保暖 性强、抗拉力高、抗腐、耐热、无静电等几大特点,还具
• Flax fiber is natural bundle fiber.It’s textile products have characteristics of good hygroscopicity, excellent keeping warm property, high tensile strength, anti- decompose, heatresistance and no static electricity, ect. • Besides flax fiber possesses holy,generous,hygiene and natural style which is called“fiber Queen”.
Alpha linolenic acid :Alpha linolenic acid mainly exists in flax seed,it’s content can reach more than 60%.While the content of other bulk oil’s is below 10%. Alpha linolenic acid has been popular in the world for many years as functional food. 1. Health care function to prevent from coronary heart disease,cerebral thrombosis and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Anti-cancer effect. Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect.
亚麻服装比其它衣料能减少人体的排汗,吸水速度比绸缎、人造丝、棉布快数倍,与皮肤接触即形成 毛细现象,是皮肤的延伸。 The linen clothes can reduce human's perspiration comparing to other materials,whose
absorption rate several times faster than silk, rayon and cotton cloth.They can form

Flax car cushion has become a main industry in Lanxi County of Heilongjiang province. Requirements and demands for flax car cushion and other knitting products are very strong in China.At present domestic retain quantity of car exceeds 50 million,and annual growth is 7 million,while the production capacity of flax car cushion is less than 5 million,about 10 percent of demands. The potential market is about 50 billion yuan. Lanxi flax products are exported to Russia, USA, Japan, Southeast Asia and other places. Therefore, Lanxi is also known as the Oriental Normandy(The French flax growing area).

亚麻座垫在黑龙江省兰西县已经成为支柱产业。我国汽车坐垫等编织品需求旺盛, 目前国内乘用车保有量超过5000万辆,且年增量达700万辆,而亚麻汽车坐垫的 生产能力不足500万套,仅占需求量的1/10左右,潜在的市场空间为500亿元左 右。 兰西亚麻制品远销俄罗斯、美国、日本、东南亚等地,因此兰西也被称为东方的

Flax is a kind of herbaceous bast fiber crop which belongs to Linaceae linen. Flax includes fiber, oil and dual-purpose type. The entire flax plant can be used . Multipurpose exploitation of flax has
capillary phenomenon while contacting with skin.So they are the extension of skin.

亚麻这种天然的透气性、吸湿性和清爽性,使其成为自由呼吸的纺织品,常温下能使人体室感温度 下降4-8℃,被称为“天然空调”。

Flax becomes free breathing textiles because of it’s natural permeability, hygroscopicity and cool quality. It can decrease body feeling temperature by 4 to 8 centigrade under normal conditions ,which is called“Natural air conditioner”.

亚麻纤维无纺布在生产上也被广泛应用。用麻纺厂废弃的短纤维为原料制成的麻纤维无纺布,再 配合浸渍附着不同的肥料或天然抗虫抗菌物质,具有培肥土壤,防治病虫害,易降解的特性。麻 地膜具有保温、保湿、透气性好、抑制杂草生长等特性,有良好的增产作用,易于分解。

Non-woven fabric of flax fiber has also been widely applied in production.The fabric is made with short waste fiber coupled with the impregnated attachment of different fertilizer or natural anti –


Flax textile can also be used to make curtain, tablecloth, bedding, wallpaper
and so on, which can adjust the indoor temperature and humidity appropriately.


Wearing Linen shirt in winter can make people warm and comfortable, so wearing linen clothes next to the skin will be warm in winter and cool in summer,which is very popular by consumers at home and abroad.
2. 3.
5. 6.
纤、油兼用亚麻 纤 用 亚 麻
already produced products in the market. Fiber is
used in textile.Seed is used in diet and exctracted oil which is valuable healthy food. Shives is for making board and decorative appliances.
Multipurpose utilization of flax
Reporter:Researcher Fengzhi Guan
October 2013

亚麻属亚麻科亚麻属草本韧皮纤维作物。栽培亚麻 分为纤维用型、油用型和麻油兼用型。 亚麻全身都 是宝,亚麻系列产品的多用途开发已初具规模。纤 维用于纺织、种子直接食用或榨油是非常宝贵的保 健食品,麻屑用于制板、做装饰用品等。
三、亚麻籽的综合利用 3.Comprehensive utilization of flaxseed
• 亚麻籽油:随着科学技术的进步,人们发现亚麻籽中含有许多对人体有益的营养成分和活性物质, 亚麻籽是极具开发价值的食品和药物资源。亚麻籽的含油率一般在35%-45%,属于高含油的油料 作物。亚麻籽油的脂肪酸组成为:饱和脂肪酸9%-11%,油酸13%-29%,亚油酸15%-30%,α亚麻酸40%-60%。 Linseed oil:With the progress of science and technology,many beneficial nutritious and active substances in flaxseed are found. Flaxseed is a kind of valuable food and pharmaceutical resources for development. Flax seed’s oil rate is about 35%45%,belongs to the high oil type in oilseed crops. Fatty acid composition of linseed oil is: saturated fatty acid 9%-11%,oleic acid 13%-29%,linoleic acid 15%-30%,and alpha linolenic acid 40%-60%.

பைடு நூலகம்

α-亚麻酸:α-亚麻酸主要存在于亚麻籽仁中,含量可达60%以上。而其它 大宗油脂中α-亚麻酸的含量都在10%以下。α-亚麻酸作为功能食品早已风 靡全球多年。
1. 具有防治冠心病及脑血栓等心脑血管病的保健作用 2. 具有抗癌作用 3. 具有抗过敏及抗炎症作用 4. 促进视力和增强脑记忆作用 5. 抗抑郁作用 6. 抗衰老、预防老年痴呆症
pest or bacterial substances possessing characteristics of soil fertility, pest control and easy
degradation. Fiber plastic cloth has the characteristic of good keeping warm, moisture,air permeability , inhibition weeds’growth ,good increasing yield effect and Easy decomposition.
二、纺织品具有很好的装饰功能 2. Flax textiles’ excellent decorative function
• 亚麻纺织品不仅可以做服装,还可以作鞋垫、拖鞋、帽子、袜子、背 包和围巾等,具有很好的装饰功能。
Flax textile can not only make clothing,but make shoepad,slippers,cap,socks,backpack,scarf and so on,which has excellent decorative function.