
1. 雷神托尔(Thor) - 带给我们盛大的酒会《北欧神话》中的主要角色之一,雷神托尔常常被描绘为一个善战且力大无穷的战士。
2. 猫女(Catwoman) - 追求自由与神秘作为蝙蝠侠系列漫画中的人物,猫女以她神秘的形象和敏捷的身手而闻名。
3. 弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein) - 赋予我们勇敢的面对恐惧弗兰肯斯坦是文学作品《科学怪人》中的主要人物,他以他独特的外貌和人性复制的故事而闻名。
4. 丑肃因犯罪(The Joker) - 表达狂欢与颠覆作为蝙蝠侠系列漫画的反派角色之一,丑肃因犯罪以他破坏性的行为和反叛精神而备受瞩目。
5. 女巫(Witch) - 传承神秘和魔法的儿女女巫是万圣节中最经典的形象之一。

2.科技发展使人类社会和人类本身都感到 应接不暇,怪物在某种意义上正代表着正在 发展和渗透进人类社会的科学技术。我们可 以看到,作者忧虑的心情充分表现于作品, 阴郁的情调贯穿全书,并投射入文字当中。 比如作品中的四次暴风雨,正是预示着变革 的来临。读罢整部作品,我们会发现作者有 一种非常紧张、躁动的心情。
从此阴影便开始笼罩在了弗兰肯斯坦身上。 怪物杀死了他的弟弟,又嫁祸于女仆。弗兰 肯斯坦赶到现场后,终于发现这些都系怪物 所为,于是开始了对怪物的追逐,一直追到 阿尔卑斯山上。怪物认为自己没有受到公平 的待遇,得不到爱。“我要获得一切”。因 此它要求弗兰肯斯坦再为它造一个女人,然 后两人一同隐居。
双重性格——善与恶。长期受人嫌恶、岐视 和迫害会使人变得邪恶而干出种种坏事,甚 至发展到不可收拾的地步。它还为英语添加 了一个新的单词Frankenstein,一个最终毁 了它的创造者的东西。
1.在作品中,作者所塑造的怪物本来心地 善良,乐于助人,最后却发展为一个社会秩 序的破坏者,变成了一个地地道道的魔鬼, 但即便如此却仍保有一定的良知;而弗兰肯 斯坦本人开始认为自己的行为没有任何错误, 后来逐渐变得内疚,最后终于勇于承担责任, 与怪物进行决斗。
一刹那,他突然产生了犹豫:如果它们真的 恋爱繁衍,又会给人类带来多么大的麻烦? 如果女怪物不愿与男怪物一起隐居怎么办? 于是他马上毁掉了女怪物。怪物看到这一切 后暴跳如雷,对人类社会和自己的前途彻底 绝望,杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的好友,又在婚礼 那天杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的新娘。而这时弗兰 肯斯坦也愤怒了,两人开始了互相追杀,一 直追逐到北极……
典范英语10 弗莱克斯坦故事介绍

© 2009 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved
Frankenstein wanted fame as a scientist. He wanted to find the secrets of life so that all people live with out the fear of death.
But something went wrong----his creation was a monster, ugly and strong. Even Frankenstein could not look on his creation with love---but only with fear. No one gave the monster a chance. All he looked for was friendship until he found that
Lonely and desperate Blind and kind brave Dark-haired pretty girl
The sister
Pretty and gentle
Robert Walton: Ship captain who takes Victor aboard in the Arctic. He listens to and writes down Victor’s strange story.
© 2009 Eyeblaster. All rights reserved
• "Frankenstein" (The Modern Prometheus) is first "science fiction" in western literature, which is born in the Geneva lake by the Mary Shelley (Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley) hand. Originally published in 1818, more popular versions are published in 1831 as the third edition, which belongs to the Gothic novels influenced by the romantic influence. Later, some scholars think that the origin of the story can be viewed as a horror fiction or science fiction. The origin of the novel Frankenstein, is also the mad doctor in the story.


在新课导入环节,将整个故事总结成一段介绍,呈现给学生:“One stormy night, Frankenstein suddenly heard a loud and terrible scream, which came from the wedding room. He rushed immediately into the room, only to find that a monster was ready to hurt his newly-wedded wife. He fired at the monster but missed him. The monster killed his wife and ran away from the window,leaving his wife lying in blood...”然后,播放《弗兰肯斯坦》的电影片段。

沃尔顿船长 沃尔顿船长不仅是读者了解弗兰肯斯坦及怪物故事的关键媒介,而且还是一位与弗兰肯斯坦性格 有着诸多相似之处的人物。沃尔顿在小说开篇给姐姐萨维尔夫人的信中,提到了从儿童时代起就 对航海探险事业产生的狂热追求:“那时我的学业荒废了,但我酷爱阅读这些(海上探险的)书 籍。我夜以继日地一卷卷地读着”。随后当有机会进行航海探险时,他更是日以继夜地学习海上 探险的相关知识。他说:“每到夜晚,我便学习数学、医学理论,以及自然科学中那些对海上探 险者最为实用的学科。”正是在这种对内心世界永不满足的追求精神驱使下,他踏上前往北极探 险的旅程。 怪物 无名无姓的怪物是弗兰肯斯坦从藏尸间盗来的人体的各个部分拼凑而成的。他的外表是它一切痛 苦的根源。世人见它无一不被吓跑或攻击它;而它只能隐藏行迹,终日游离于人类社会之外。
作家生活在整个西方社会经历深刻历史变化的时期,当时,英、法、美等国相继完成了工业革命, 科学技术文明空前发达,天文、地理、物理、生物等学科也有了很大的发现。经过科学理性洗礼 的广大民众普遍盲从科学并对科技改变世界抱有各种幻想,他们迷信科学知识是一件魔力无边的 法宝,它“永远能为你提供精神食粮,使你不断探索,发现奇迹”。 玛丽·雪莱的父亲威廉·葛德文是政治家哲学家,母亲玛丽·沃尔斯通克拉夫特则是女性主义运 动的先驱、《女权辩护》一书的作者,她的家里常有各领域的学术界人士出入,而其父葛德文的 崇拜者更是络绎不绝,雪莱就曾是这些年轻的崇拜者之一。他们谈古论今,话题多种多样,但谈 论更多的是对当时许多问题的思考,而其中一个突出的问题就是人类如何看待科学技术的迅猛发 展。科学技术的巨大进步与成功在令人欢欣鼓舞的同时,又让人陷入恐慌和沉思之中。

2021年12月23日报道,《弗兰肯斯坦》预计2022年5月18至6月30日,在上海首演及开启全国巡演 。 2022年,在新一轮疫情肆虐之时,被迫取消上海首演的计划,在北京重新建组,以线上线下两线三地推进 排练 。 2022年5月报道,《弗兰肯斯坦》计划6月16日至6月18日参加2022阿那亚戏剧节,后因新冠疫情的影响, 原定于2022年6月30日-7月10日举办的阿那亚戏剧节宣布取消 。 2022年6月22日至7月3日,由袁弘、郑云龙、闫楠、王茂蕾领衔主演的舞台剧舞台剧《弗兰肯斯坦》中文 版在北京保利剧院进行首轮演出 。 2022年7月4日,上海站正式宣布定档:9月16日至25日《弗兰肯斯坦》登陆上海大剧院大剧场 。 2022年7月29日,宣布8月31日至9月4日受邀出演 “2022国家大剧院戏剧季” 。 2022年8月21日,宣布9月10日至9月11日在深圳滨海艺术中心演出 。因疫情延期,10月17日重新定档 2022年11月5日 。10月26日,宣布2022年11月4日在深圳滨海艺术中心演出加场 。
01 剧情简介
03 演出信息 05 相关事件
02 主创团队 04 数字藏品
《弗兰肯斯坦》是北京奥哲维文化传播有限公司和大麦“当然有戏”联合制作的舞台剧。首次以中英主创班 底联合创作,中文演绎,由多米尼克·德罗姆执导,王亚彬编舞,青年作曲家魏濛、舞美设计沈力等组成中方主创 团队。



弗兰肯斯坦通过创造生物的技术,为后来的生物 科技和基因工程提供了启示。
弗兰肯斯坦中的异形和怪物主题对后来的科幻作 品产生了深远影响,成为许多电影、电视剧和文 学作品的灵感来源。
弗兰肯斯坦中的创造生命的思想对现代生物工程和遗传学 的发展产生了影响,推动了人类对生命科学的探索。
在经历了人类的追捕和仇恨后, 弗兰肯斯坦对人类产生了深深的
弗兰肯斯坦开始反思自己的创造 ,意识到生命的复杂性和脆弱性
弗兰肯斯坦是创造生命的人,但他的创造物却带 来了灾难。
面对道德困境,人们往往会做出不同的选择。这些选择反映了人性 的多样性和复杂性。
通过面对和解决道德冲突,人们可以获得成长和进步,更加深入地 理解人性的本质。
弗兰肯斯坦的创造物被社会所排斥和孤立,反映了人与社会之间关 系的复杂性和矛盾性。
科学家维克多·弗兰肯斯坦出于对生命 的渴望和对死亡的恐惧,决定创造一 个生命。
维克多·弗兰肯斯坦使用了当时先进的 科学知识,如生物学和电学,来完成 他的创造。
通过拼凑尸体碎片,维克多·弗兰肯斯 坦成功地创造了名为“弗兰肯斯坦” 的生物。

弗兰肯斯坦的故事提醒我们,科 技的发展必须考虑到伦理和道德 的约束,不能盲目追求科技进步
科技的发展应该服务于人类,而不 是控制或危害人类。弗兰肯斯坦的 故事警示我们关注科技对人类的影 响。
弗兰肯斯坦的故事启示我们,科技 的发展需要与人文精神相结合,科 技的进步不能脱离人类的价值观和 伦理原则。
许多人认为弗兰肯斯坦是科学怪 人的创造者,其作品具有很高的 文学价值,对后来的科幻文学产
故事中的一些观点和描绘方式在 当时引发了争议,甚至被视为不
弗兰肯斯坦的故事提出了许多道 德困境,例如科学家是否有权创 造生命,以及由此产生的后果和
当时的社会观念强调秩序、权威 和传统,而科学探索则开始挑战 这些观念。
英国浪漫主义时期的女作家,出生在知识分子家庭,其父威 廉·戈德温是哲学家。
玛丽·雪莱的早期作品多为诗歌和小说,反映了她对社会的关 注和批判。
玛丽·雪莱受到恐怖小说和哥特式小说的启发,以及当时流行的科学实验和电击实验的影 响。
弗兰肯斯坦的故事被视为科幻文学的 开端,为后来的科幻小说提供了灵感 和框架。
作者通过分段和倒叙的方式,使故事 更加引人入胜,这种叙事技巧在后来 的文学作品中得到了广泛应用。

1…Captain!Something is moving on the ice.Look over there!‟The sailor stood at the top of the mast,high above the Captain.His hand pointed away from the ship,across the miles of ice that covered the sea.The Captain looked to the north,where the sailor was pointing.He saw something coming fast towards the ship across the ice.He put his telescope to his eye,and through it he could see the shapes of ten dogs pulling a sledge over the ice.He could also see the driver of the sledge—a huge figure,much bigger than a man.The sledge came nearer and nearer to the sea.Soon it was only a quarter of a mile from the ship.No one needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the driver.Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice and disappeared.At that moment another sledge appeared.It,too,was moving fast,and was clearly chasing the first sledge.This driver was a smaller figure,more like an ordinary man.Faster and faster the dogs ran;then the second sledge also disappeared behind the mountain of ice.Two hours passed.The sledges did not appear again.Nothing moved on the ice.Soon night came,and in the night there was a storm.In the morning,the sailors saw that great pieces of ice were floating round the ship.Suddenly the sailor on the mast shouted again:…Captain,I can see a man on the ice.‟The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that was floating near the ship.A man was sitting on the ice,and near him was a broken sledge.The man was nearly dead from cold and could not walk.The sailors carried him carefully onto the ship,and took him to the Captain,who said:…Welcome to my ship.I am the Captain and my name is Robert Walton.‟…Thank you,Captain Walton,‟ the man said.…My name is Frankenstein,Victor Frankenstein.‟Then he fainted and said no more.Two days passed before the man was strong enough to talk and then the Captain asked him to tell his story.…I am trying to catch someone,‟ said Frankenstein.…That is why I have come so far north on the ice.‟…We saw you following someone,‟ the Captain said.…He was huge,much bigger than a man.We saw his sledge just in front of you on the night before the storm.‟…I am pleased you all saw that huge figure,‟ Frankenstein said.…Perhaps that will help you to believe my story.‟During the days,while the Captain worked on the ship,Frankenstein wrote down his story,and each evening he read what hehad written to the Captain.Here is Victor Frankenstein's story.1“船长,有东西在冰面上移动!瞧那儿?”那个船员高高地站在船长头顶的桅杆顶上。

而乔布斯的邻居里森(Lisen)8月29日在博客上发表文章,回忆了她眼里的邻居史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的普通一面。


《弗兰肯斯坦》叙事人称特点探究作者:张陆来源:《文学教育》2009年第11期18世纪西方文坛上流行的文学样式是哥特式小说,它开始于1765年贺拉斯·沃尔波尔(Horace Walpole)创作的《奥特朗托城堡》,结束于1824年詹姆斯·霍格(James Hogg)的《一个获释罪者的秘密回忆和自由》。
《弗兰肯斯坦》可以说是英国哥特式小说中一部里程碑似的作品,它的作者是女作家玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelly),这部作品不仅是哥特小说中的力作,同时后人也认为它开创了科幻小说的先河。

1. 弗兰肯斯坦
2. 怪物
3. 伊丽莎白

一、万圣节的文学作品1.1 弗兰肯斯坦《弗兰肯斯坦》是英国作家玛丽·雪莱创作的一部经典小说。
1.2 睡美人《睡美人》是出自格林童话故事集的一篇故事,也许你会怀疑它与万圣节有什么关联。
1.3 卡尔加里队长和奥德拉·沃鲁克美国作家华盛顿·欧文的小说《卡尔加里队长和奥德拉·沃鲁克》讲述了万圣节之夜两个人之间的恋情。
二、万圣节的诗歌创作2.1 《万圣节夜》19世纪的英国诗人约翰·济慈创作了一首名为《万圣节夜》的诗歌。
2.2 《呻吟的村落》英国诗人艾伦·波伊创作的诗歌《呻吟的村落》是一首充满了想象力和恐怖感的作品。
2.3 《万圣节》美国诗人罗伯特·佩斯利创作的《万圣节》通过形象的描绘和诗歌的语言表达了该节日的浪漫和神秘感。

科幻小说《弗兰肯斯坦》的主题解读龙源期刊网 /doc/893383725.html,科幻小说《弗兰肯斯坦》的主题解读作者:陈欣来源:《世纪之星·交流版》2016年第11期[摘要]玛丽·雪莱的第一部反乌托邦生态小说《弗兰肯斯坦》开创了科幻小说新的文学样式。
[关键词]《弗兰肯斯坦》;科技;自然;和谐统一玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelley)的第一部反乌托邦生态小说《弗兰肯斯坦》(Frankenstein)在英国文学史上有其特殊的地位和价值,它开创了科幻小说这一新的文学样式,年轻的作者也因为这部作品而为世人耳熟能详,被称之为科幻小说之母。

1‘Captain! Something is moving on the ice.Look over there!’The sailor stood at the top of the mast, high above the Captain. His hand pointed away from the ship, across the miles of ice that covered the sea.The Captain looked to the north, where the sailor was pointing. He saw something coming fast towards the ship across the ice. He put his telescope to his eye, and through it he could see the shapes of ten dogs pulling a sledge over the ice. He could also see the driver of the sledge—a huge figure,much bigger than a man.The sledge came nearer and nearer to the sea. Soon it was only a quarter of a mile from the ship.No one needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the driver.Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice and disappeared. At that moment another sledge appeared. It, too,was moving fast, and was clearly chasing the first sledge. This driver was a smaller figure, more like an ordinary man.Faster and faster the dogs ran;then the second sledge also disappeared behind the mountain of ice.Two hours passed. The sledges did not appear again. Nothing moved on the ice. Soon night came, and in the night there was a storm. In the morning,the sailors saw that great pieces of ice were floating round the ship.Suddenly the sailor on the mast shouted again:‘Captain, I can see a man on the ice.’The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that was floating near the ship. A man was sitting on the ice, and near him was a broken sledge. The man was nearly dead from cold and could not walk. The sailors carried him carefully onto the ship, and took him to the Captain, who said:‘Welcome to my ship.I am the Captain and my name is Robert Walton.’‘Thank you, Captain Walton,’ the man said.‘My name is Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein.’Then he fainted and said no more.Two days passed before the man was strong enough to talk and then the Captain asked him to tell his story.‘I am trying to catch someone,’ said Frankenstein.‘That is why I have come so far north on the ice.’‘We saw you following someone,’ the Captain said.‘He was huge, much bigger than a man. We saw his sledge just in front of you on the night before the storm.’‘I am pleased you all saw that huge figure,’ Frankenstein said.‘Perhaps that will help you to believe my story.’During the days, while the Captain worked on the ship,Frankenstein wrote down his story, and each evening he read what he had written to the Captain.Here is Victor Frankenstein's story.2I was born in Switzerland, in the town of Geneva. My parents loved each other very much, and I learnt from the example of their love.I learnt that to love and to be patient are the most important things in the world.My mother hoped to have a daughter after I was born, but forfive years I was the only child. And then my mother found a sister for me.She was helping a family in which there were fivechildren. They were very poor,and the children were thin and hungry. One of the children was a little girl, with golden hair and blue eyes Her name was Elizabeth. My mother took the little girlinto our family,and Elizabeth became the daughter that my mother had always wanted. As I grew older, my love for Elizabeth became stronger all the time.Later my mother had two other sons, Ernest and William.A young woman called Justine came to live in the house to help my mother with the children. We loved her as much as she loved us.The years passed happily, and we had everything that we needed. At school I met another very fine person. His name wasHenry Clerval, and he was very clever. My family also liked him very much, so he was a welcome visitor to our house.I studied very hard at school.I wanted to know the secrets of life, and, most of all, I wanted to know how to make living things.I read all the books that I could find.One day,some-thing happened that added a new idea to the ideas that I al-ready had.I was fifteen at the time, and we were on holiday in the mountains. There was a wild storm, and with it came the most frightening thunder and lightning that I had ever seen in mylife. About twenty metres in front of our house was a great tree.Suddenly a huge fork of lightning hit the tree.After a few seconds, there was nothing left of it except a black piece of wood two metres high. The lightning had destroyed it.I saw how strong electricity was. I began to read all the books that I could find about electricity and its terrible power.维克多的故事开始了3For seventeen years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became very ill,and soon she knew that she was dying. Just before she died,she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room. She held our hands and said:‘My children, I am very happy because you love each other,and because one day you will get married. Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth. Will you take my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you will look after them when I have gone.’My mother died, and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly Elizabeth was brave and helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother's death.The time came for me to go to university.I did not want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go. It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me. And so I had to go alone.On my first day at the university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university. He ended his talk by saying:‘Some of you will become the great scientists of tomorrow. You must study hard and discover everything that you can. That is why God made you intelligent—to help other people.’After the professor's talk,I thought very carefully.I remembered the storm when I was fifteen. I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree.I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life.I decided to work on these two things. I did not know then that my work would destroy me and the people that I loved.I started work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist.The professor helped me very much, and other importantscientists who were his friends helped me,too. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day's holiday during the next two years. I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short.After two years I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was better than anything in theuniversity. My machine would help me answer the most importantquestion of all. How does life begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death.I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them. In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead.Day after day, month after month, I followed death.It was a dark and terrible time.Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life. I knew that I could put life into a body that was not alive.I worked harder and harder now. I slept for only a short time each night, and I did not eat much food.I wrote to my family less often. But they loved me and did not stop writing to me.They said they understood how busy I was. They did not want me to stop work to write or to see them. They would wait until I had more time. They hoped to see me very soon.The professors realized that I was doing very important work,and so they gave me my own laboratory. There was a small flat above the laboratory, where I lived, and sometimes I stayed inside the building for a week and did not go out.Above the laboratory I built a very tall mast. It was 150metres high, and higher than the tallest building in the city.The mast could catch lightning and could send the electricity down to my machine in the laboratory. I had never forgotten the lightning that had destroyed the tree. There had been so much power in the electricity of that lightning. I believed I could use thatelectricity to give life to things that were dead.I will say no more than that. The secret of my machine must die with me. I was a very clever scientist, but I did not realize then what a terrible mistake I was making.4In my laboratory I made a body. I bought or stole all the pieces of human body that I needed, and slowly and carefully, I put them all together.I did not let anybody enter my laboratory or my flat while I was doing this awful work. I was afraid to tell anybody my terrible secret.I had wanted to make a beautiful man, but the face of the creature was horrible. Its skin was thin and yellow, and its eyes were as yellow as its skin. Its long black hair and white teeth were almost beautiful, but the rest of the face was very ugly.Its legs and arms were the right shape, but they were huge.I had to use big pieces because it was too difficult to join small pieces together. My creature was two and a half metres tall.For a year I had worked to make this creature, but now it looked terrible and frightening. I almost decided to destroy it.But I could not. I had to know if I could put life into it.I joined the body to the wires from my machine. More wires joined the machine to the mast. I was sure that my machine could use electricity from lightning to give life to the body. I watched and waited.Two days later I saw dark clouds in the sky, and I knew that a storm was coming. At about one o'clock in the morning thelightning came.My mast began to do its work immediately, and the electricity from the lightning travelled down the mast to my machine. Would the machine work?At first nothing happened. But after a few minutes I saw the creature's body begin to move.Slowly, terribly, the body came alive. His arms and legs began to move, and slowly he sat up.The dead body had been an ugly thing, but alive, he was much more horrible. Suddenly I wanted to escape from him. I ran out of the laboratory, and locked the door. I was filled with fear at what I had done.For hours I walked up and down in my flat. At last I lay down on my bed, and fell asleep. But my sleep was full of terrible dreams,and I woke up suddenly. The horrible thing that I had created was standing by my bed. His yellow eyes were looking at me; his mouth opened and he made strange sounds at me. On his yellow face there was an awful smile.One of his huge hands reached towards me…Before he could touch me, I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs into the garden. I stayed there all night, but I could not think clearly.I was afraid. And when morning came, I went out into the town and began to walk about.I did not notice where I was walking, but soon I came to the station. A train from Geneva had just arrived, and the passengers were leaving the station. One of them ran towards me when he saw me. It was my dear friend Henry Clerval.He was very pleased to see me. He took my hand and shook it warmly.‘My dear Victor!’ he said.‘What a lucky chance that you are here at the station. Your father, and Elizabeth and the others,are very worried about you, because you have not visited them for a long time. They ask me to make sure that you are well. And I have very good news. My father has agreed to let me study at the university, so we shall be able to spend a lot of time together.’I was very happy to hear this news, and for a moment I for-got my fears.I took Henry back to my flat and asked him to wait outsidewhile I went in to look. I was afraid that the creature was still there. But he had disappeared.At that time I did not think of other people, and what the creature could do to them.I took Henry into the flat and cooked a meal for us.But Henry noticed how thin I was,and that I was laughing too much and could not sit still.Suddenly he said:‘My dear Victor, what is the matter with you?Are you ill? Has something awful happened?’‘Don't ask me that,’ I cried. I put my hands over my eyes.I thought I could see the horrible creature there in front of me. I pointed wildly across the room, and shouted:‘He can tellyou. Save me! Save me!’ I tried to fight the creature,but there was nothing there. Then I fainted and fell to the floor.Poor Henry! I do not know what he thought. He called a doctor and they put me to bed. I was very ill for two months,and Henry stayed and looked after me. His loving care saved me from death.I wanted to go home and see my family as soon as possible.When I was well enough,I packed my clothes and books.All my luggage was ready, and I was feeling very happy when the postman arrived with some letters.One of the letters ended my short time of happiness.5The letter was from my father in Geneva, and this is what he wrote:My dear Victor,I want you to know before you arrive home that an awful thing has happened.Your dear youngest brother,William,is dead. He was murdered. It happened last Thursday evening when Elizabeth and I and your two brothers, Ernest and William, went for a walk outside the city. William and Ernest were playing. William had hidden fromErnest, and Ernest asked Elizabeth and me to help find William. We all began to search for him, but we couldn't find him. We searched all night. At five in the morning I found him. He was lying on the grass, white and still. I could see the marks of fingers on his neck—the murderer had strangled him.Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck.On the chain was a very small picture of your mother.We all think that someone murdered William to steal the gold chain.Poor Elizabeth is terribly unhappy at William's death. She thinks he died because she let him wear the chain. Hurry home, my dearVictor. You are the only one who can help Elizabeth, and we all need you.With all our love,Your FatherHenry helped me to catch the train. The journey seemed very long, and it was late at night before the train reached Geneva. I decided to spend the night in a village outside the town and go home early in the morning. I wanted to see the place where William had died.As I started my walk, a storm broke and lightning lit the sky. The police had put posts round the place where the murderer had strangled William,so I found it easily.I cried sadly as I stood there. My poor brother had been a kind and happy boy, and we hadall loved him.Again the lightning lit the sky, and I saw a huge figure standing in the rain. When I saw it, I knew at once what it was.It was the creature that I had made.What was he doing there?But although I asked myself the question, I knew the answer. He had murdered my brother. I was sure that I was right.I decided to try and catch him.But as I moved, he ran to-wards the mountains. He ran much faster than any man. He climbed the mountain easily, reached the top, and disappeared.I stood there in the dark and the rain, and knew that I had created a monster. And he had murdered my brother.6At first I decided to tell the police my story. But would they believe me? I had been very ill. When the police learnt about my illness, they would think the monster was just one of my bad dreams. I decided that I could not tell anybody.I went home to my family and they were very pleased to see me. Then they told me that the police had found themurderer. Perhaps you will think that this was good news,but I have not told you who the police had arrested.As I went into the house,I noticed that one person did not come to meet me. It was Justine,the young woman who looked after the children and who was like a sister to us. And it was Justine that the police had arrested.A few days after the murder, the police had searched the house and had found the gold chain in Justine's coat pocket.Everyone in the family knew that Justine had not murdered William. I knew who the murderer was, but I could not tell anyone. We were sure that Justine would be free after the trial, because nobody could believe that she was a murderer.But we were wrong.The trial did not go well for Justine. There were a number of strange facts that were difficult to explain, and the judge decided that she was the murderer. The punishment for murder was death. We argued and cried. We said she could not murder anyone. But nothing could change the judge's order.So I got up early and went to the judge's house and told him about the monster. He did not believe me. He thought I was lying in order to save Justine's life.In the prison Justine waited quietly for death. We spent many hours with her, and she spoke calmly and kindly to us.She was happy because we believed that she had not killed William. And she was almost looking forward to death, be-cause then she would be with William and our dear mother in a place of peace.Her love and gentleness added to my great unhappiness. I knew she was going to die because of me. I knew my brother had died because of me. I had brought nothing but sadness and misery to my family.I took a boat and went out on Lake Geneva. Why didn't I end my life then? Two things stopped me. My father was old and another death would probably kill him. And I had to stay alive—to keep my family safe from the monster.Fear for my family and hate for my monster were with me day and night. I became ill again, and Elizabeth's love could not help me. I needed o escape for a while—to leave my unhappiness behind me.So I went to walk alone in the Alps. I hoped the wild beauty of the mountains would help me.Slowly I became calmer among the beautiful mountains. I learnt to sleep again, and for days I did not see anybody. Then onemorning I saw a figure coming towards me faster than any man could go. It jumped easily over the rocks and I saw with horror the monster that I had created. On his face was a look of deep sadness,but also of evil. At first I could not speak be-cause I hated him so much. But at last I said:‘You are an evil creature. I shall kill you if I can, because you have killed two people that I love.’The monster's yellow eyes looked at me.‘I am the unhappiest creature in the world, but I shall fight for my life,’ hesaid.‘I am bigger and stronger than you, but I will not start the fight. I shall always be gentle to you because you are my king and creator. You made me, and you should love me and be kind to me,like a father. William and Justine died because you did not love me. Why did you create me if you were not ready to love me?’‘We are enemies,’ I said.‘Leave me now,or let us fightuntil one of us is dead.You are a murderer. How can I be kind to you?’‘You say I am a murderer,’ the monster said,‘but you want to kill your own creature. Isn't that wrong,too? I ask you to do one thing for me—listen.Come with me to a warmer place, and listen to my story.Then you can decide.’I thought carefully about what he had said.It was true that I had given him life but I had not given him love.I decided to go with him and listen to his story.He took me to a mountain hut where he lit a fire. We sat down by the fire and he began to tell me his story.7After I had left the laboratory, I escaped into the country outside the town. I soon felt hungry and thirsty,and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river. I drank from the river and then lay down and went to sleep.At first my eyes and ears did not work very well,but after a while I began to see and hear clearly.One day, snow began to fall. Of course, I had never walked in snow before, and I found that it made my feet very cold. I realized that I needed food and a place to get warm.Soon I saw a small hut where an old man was cooking his breakfast over a fire. When the old man saw me, he shouted loudly and ran away as fast as he could. I did not understand what the man was doing, but I wanted to be near the fire. So I sat down in the warm, and ate the man's breakfast. Then I walked across empty fields for some hours until I reached a village. I went into one of the houses, but there were children inside. They began to scream when they saw me, and their mother fainted. The whole village came to see what was the trouble. Some of the people ran away when they saw me, but the others shouted and threw stones at me.They wanted to kill me. I was badly hurt, but I escaped and ran into the open country.Later, I found an empty hut, which was built against the wall of a small house. I was afraid to go into the house after what had happened in the village, so I hid in the hut. There I was safe,and could escape from the cold, and hide from people who wished to hurt me.And then I found that there was a small hole in the wall between the hut and the house.Through this hole I could see in-to the room next to the hut. Three people lived in the house—a beautiful girl,an old man, and a young man.Day after day I watched the three people.I saw how kind they were to each other. I wanted so much to go into the house and be with them, but I knew I must stay in the hut. I could not forget how the village people had hurt me when I tried to go into the house there.Each night, after the people in the house had gone to bed,I stole some of their food for myself. But soon I realized that the old man was blind. And I realized too that often the three of them did not have enough to eat.I saw the two young people put extra food on the blind man's plate, although they were hungry themselves.When I saw that,I stopped stealing their food.Their life was already hard enough, so I went back to the wild fruit in the woods. I tried to help them in other ways, too.During the night I cut firewood for them, and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day. I was very happy to see how much this pleased the young man.After a while I began to understand some of the noises that the people made to each other. The first words that I under-stood were words li ke ‘fire’,and‘bread’. I also learnt that the three people called each other by names. The girl was Agatha, the young man was Felix, and the old man was called Father. I tried to make the noises that they made, and slowly I began to speak.The two young people were very beautiful. One day I saw my own face in the water of the river. It was a terrible face.I understood why people were frightened, why they shouted and threw stones. I knew then that I could not let these beautiful people see me. They would be frightened by my horrible face and body.Summer was coming, and I continued to watch and learn. I also continued to help the two people and their father, and did many jobsfor them in the night. They were always surprised in the morning when they saw what I had done.I heard them talk about the ‘good creature’ who did these‘wonderful’things.But the family were often sad, and I wished I could make them happy.I looked forward to the time when I could speak well enough to talk to them. And I was happy because I was sure I would soon have three good friends.8One day in summer a lady on horseback rode up to the house and knocked on the door. She had dark hair,and was very beautiful. The family were all very pleased to see her. I soon learnt that her name was Sophie.She could not speak the family's language, and each eveningFelix taught her some words. This was a very great help to me,because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before. Felix taught Sophie from books about what had happened in the world in the past.So I learnt about the Greeks and Romans,and about Christ, and about the first white menin America and the sad story of the Indians. I could not understand why men who knew all about good and evil could hate and kill each other.I learnt other things too. I learnt that people think it is very important to have money and to come from a good family.I learnt of the love between mother and father and child. And I realized that I had no family. The more I learnt, the more I thought,and the more unhappy I became.Soon I discovered who Sophie was. The two families had met in France after Sophie and her father arrived there from Turkey, theirown country. Sophie's father was put in prison by the French, but Felix and his father helped him to escape and leave France. When the French discovered this,Felix and his family lost all their lands and money, and had to leave France for ever. Now I knew why they were so sad, and why they were poor.But that was not all. Sophie and Felix loved each other, and Sophie's father had promised that they could marry.Then,when he learnt that Felix had lost all his money, he broke his promise. But Sophie loved Felix very much,so she took some money and escaped from her father to search for Felix.I had learnt to love these good people and I could not wait another day to introduce myself. I decided to speak first to the father, because he was blind, and would not be frightened by my terrible face and body.One day the three young people went for a walk while the old man rested. When they had gone, I went to the door of the house and knocked on it.The old man told me to enter, and to sit down.‘Thank you,’ I said.‘I am a traveller, and I'm tired and sad. I have no family or friends. The people that I want to have as my friends have never seen me.If they don't take me into their home, I shall be alone in the world.’‘Don't be so sad,’ the old man said.‘You will find that the hearts of men are full of love. If these friends are good people,they will welcome you.’‘They are kind, and the best people in the world,’ Isaid.‘But when they meet me, they may not see a kind creature whohas helped them. Instead they may see a monster, and they will hate me.’‘That mustn't happen,’the old man said.‘My family and I have had our difficult times, and we'll help you.’‘You are a very good man,’ I said,‘and if you help me, I shall be able to live with my friends and enjoy their love.’At that moment I heard the young people returning from their walk.I caught the old man's hand, and cried,‘Now is the time!Save me and help me! You and your family are the friends that I am talking about.’Then the door opened, and in came Felix, Sophie, and Agatha.Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw me.Agatha fainted, and Sophie ran out of the house.Felix ran forward and pulled me away from his father.He threw me to the ground and hit me again and again with his heavy stick.I did not lift a hand against him.I did not want to hurt him—or any of them. My heart was heavy, and all hope left me. I ran out of the house and later returned silently to my hut. Nobody saw me.9Isat in my dark hut, and felt both angry and sad. One half of me wanted to hurt the people who had hurt me.The other half of me still loved them. In the end I decided to try to speak to the old man again. I fell into an unhappy sleep,but when I woke in the morning, the family had gone. They had left the house during the night.I knew the name of only one other person. Although I had seen you, Frankenstein, for only a few moments, I knew that I belonged to you.When I had left your house,I had picked up a small。
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• 《弗兰肯斯坦》梗概 作品以四封信为 开篇。 这些信件叙述了作者在北极探 险时所遇到的一个怪人讲述的故事。
• 原来,这个人是瑞士贵族弗兰肯斯坦,他曾留 学德国,研究电化学和生命,发现了死亡的秘 密,于是决定着手制造生命。他先从尸体中寻 找材料,然后进行组装,最后借助电化学方法 予以激活。但是,本来全都是由好材料制造的 、高达8 英尺的怪物在被赋予了生命之后,却 变得奇丑无比,弗兰肯斯坦被吓得昏了过去, 醒来之后发现怪物已经失踪。 其实怪物刚刚 诞生时还是十分热爱这个世界的,他躲藏在山 里并学会了使用火,并遇到隐居在山中的一位 盲爷爷和一对青年男女,由此受到感动,开始 热爱人类社会。
• 这严重地伤害了怪物的自尊心,他冷静后 想到,自己与其向别人求情,还不如去找 缔造者。但它刚一出现在大街上,就受到 了很多人的打骂,屡屡遭到大家的厌恶和 恐惧,甚至有人朝它开枪。怪物终于丧失 了最后一丝善良,认为这一切都来源于它 的制造者。 从此阴影便开始笼罩在了弗兰 肯斯坦身上。怪物杀死了他的弟弟,又嫁 祸于女仆。弗兰肯斯坦赶到现场后,终于 发现这些都系怪物所为,于是开始了对怪 物的追逐,一直追到阿尔卑斯山上。
• 柴,怪物白天趁青年男女外出时偷偷帮助盲 爷 爷 打 并偷出书来自学了阿拉伯语和法语等 各种语言,阅读了《少年维特之烦恼》等大 量文学和哲学名著,于是开始渴望艺术和爱 情。但他同时又十分感慨自己现在的情况, 认为“撒旦才代表我目前的处境”,强烈地 希望能够改变现状。于是怪物潜入这一家中 ,发现只有盲爷爷在家,便与之海阔天空地 聊了起来;这时青年男女突然归来,小伙自己没有受到公平的待遇,得不 到异性的爱。“我要获得一切”。因此它 要求弗兰肯斯坦再为它造一个女人,然后 两人一同远离人世。 弗兰肯斯坦开始同 意了,但在造好通电的那一刹那,他突然 产生了犹豫:如果它们真的恋爱繁衍,又 会给人类带来多么大的麻烦?于是他马上 毁掉了女怪物。怪物看到这一切后暴跳如 雷,对人类社会和自己的前途彻底绝望, 杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的好友,又在婚礼上杀 死了弗兰肯斯坦的新娘。