2014中西文化对比期末复习 (1)

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1. What is the Chinese learner who wants to talk business with an American really missing? C.Cultural context

2. The low-context communicator expect what the high-context communicator say to be informative, so they often B.misinterpret the meaning of formal or fixed phrases.

3. The physical forms (such as design and the arrangement of furniture ) B.influence, our perceptions of situations and play a role in molding our behavior by directing our attention and by positioning us in relation to other participants.

4. German’s duty is to follow the rules that C create order ,for an American the man’s duty might be to solve problem by talking about them and finding a solution acceptable to everyone.

5. American culture can be classified as low contact, which means that perceiving at a distance as with sight is emphasized over perceiving close up as A. with touch ?

6. Vision is a B.synthesis , a combination of what is recorded on the retina of the eye and information from other senses.

7. Which can be discussed suitably between westerners and strangers in their home country? C.Jobs

8. In Chinese culture, we consider kissing as A. a somewhat sacred behavior .

9.An American professor needed to borrow some books from another university’s library. What should he do? D.He telephoned to know some special procedures to use that library, then go to the library.

10. Learning language is a necessary but sufficient first step toward becoming an affective B.cross cultural communicator.

11. A D.high-context communication or message is one in which most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message.

12. In the American academic sub-culture there is a special A.linguistic code for recommending students for further study that includes special meanings for phrases that include the word "recommend" .

13. To use a Chinese dictionary,the reader must know the significance of A.214 radicals. So good art is always high-context ;bad


14. D. 2meters is the distance a salesman or an employment interviewer is likely to use.

15. In high-context cultures people turn to D.matchmakers for help in managing relationships and situations.

16. One way to explore the concept of self in various cultures is to look at how people are c. named.

17. Americans are quicker to suggest that new acquaintances and business associates address them by theirB. personal names than would be the case for people in practically any other culture.

58. At first sight ,the Chinese gardens seemed B.colorless as they do not have as many bright flowers as western gardens usually do. 19. As listeners they have the burden of C.interpreting meanings without being able to easily check to find out if their interpretations are correct.

20. With C.greater awareness of your own culture,you will better understand the meaning systems of other cultures and will be better able to adapt to them.

21. In Arab culture people distinguish what is public and what is private, what is male and female, and what is inside and what is outside.

22. Well-educated Chinese show their anger almost entirely with their eyes.

23. The traditional Western belief about human nature is that humans are basically evil.

24. People everywhere name colors but use different color categories.

25. In future-oriented societies time is linear, while in past-oriented societies time is cyclical .

1. Whatever national or D.subculture we are talking about, moving closer or moving away frequently carries a specific meaning.

2. In the levels of cross-cultural awareness,cultural differences are B. frustrating in level two and believable in level three.

3. Hanvey in his book suggests that there are B. four distinct types or levels of cross-cultural awareness.

4. In talking about the categories built into a language, the simplest place to begin is with the C name things are given.

5. Like the other codes we have considered, language shapes our B.perceptions and influences our behavior .

6. Under the influence of Social Darwinism , people think cultures evolve from a low level to higher levels. Which is the basement of civilization level? A.barbarism

7. In which country the layout of cities are arranged in the grid pattern ? the United States

8. Who made the famous statement,“We shape our buildings and they in turn shape us”, which means culture is built into physic al structures and these structures do carry messages and influence how we behave? B.Winston Churchill

9. In Chinese there are more words for describing D.relationships than in English.

10. Germans may feel that they are the best in matters of efficiency,method,and organization and may be perfectly willing to share their

A.expertise on these issues with non-Germans.

11. Which sentence can explain the native American saying,“you do not understand me until you walk a mile in my moccasins?” C.The different culture is believable as lived experience.

12. Later the American guy learned that the phrase the Chinese man used was” jiayou” (加油),which is used to B.cheer on someone

13. American typically Tense their muscles and avoid eye contact as a way of showing that the physical contact is involuntary and does not mean intimacy.

14. Low-context communicators pay little attention to messages sent B.non-verbally.

15. In C.France we had to look for signs to the city center. we followed those signs,found the center,and oriented ourselves from there.

16. C Japanese has an elaborate vocabulary for describing shapes and space, so we should not be surprised that Japanese speakers are more sensitive to differences in shape and to characteristics of space than other speakers are.

17. Dances are catalogues of the movements of a culture.

18. American young people are sometimes very B. practical about their dating relationships but expect to marry someone they truly love

19. To most Westerners A.silence is the absence of communication,which makes them uncomfortable.

20. The power of C. smell to remind us of the past p robably plays a part in people’s emotional attachment to a local place and their childhood homes.

21. The power distance emphasizes the emotional and social distance between people who occupy different places in a hierarchy.

22. According to some experts, the Chinese culture is called a shame culture, while the western culture is called a guilt culture.

23. People who have good posture usually appear more self-confident.

24. Americans are very aware of scents and smells, judging others by the type and intensity of scents detected.

25. America and Britain both have two major political parties,but party loyalty is Weak in the America and strong in Britain.
