

Receptionist Service Procedures and TermsCheck-In procedures一、Smile and GreetingGood morning /afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam! Welcome to St. Merry Hotel. How may I help you?二、Ask whether have a reservationDo you have a reservation? / May I have yourconfirmation letter?三、Find the reservationSir/Madam, may I know your reservation is booked by whose / which company?四、Check the reservation informationLet me check your reservation, Mr./Ms. xx , you have booked a ….. roomfor..… days, Is that correct?(we can confirm the Company name if booked through Company,we can confirm the room rate if it’s not confidential, we also need confirm the special request with guest such as no smoking ,extra bed,etc)五、Collect ID/Passport1、May I have your ID card /passport (for registration),please?六、PSB、C/I system processingUse guest’s last name,Mr./Ms.xx,please wait a moment.七、Double Check informationMr./Ms. xx, here is your Registration card, your room no is.., room rate is..,andyourdeparture date will be on …,may I have your signature here,thank you.八、CollectDepositMr./Ms. xx, According to your reservation, the deposit is RMBXXX? You would like to pay it by cash or credit card?If guest pay by credit card, ask guest for his / her credit card “May I have your credit card, please”九、Issue Key card and return credit card,ID/passport, deposit voucher(if guest pay by cash) back toguestMr./Ms.xx,here is your passport,credit card and key card,your room is on …floor. Please retrieve your deposit by return this Deposit Voucher while checking out (if guest pay by cash).Our colleague will show you to your room.十、WishMr. /Ms. xx, please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.It is our pleasure to serve you and hope youenjoy your stay with us. This way to the lift, please.C/O procedures一、GreetingGood morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam, how may I help you?(If the guest want to C/O, ask ) Is there any other guest or luggage in your room?二、Inform HSKP and Ask consumptionMr./Ms. xx,do you have any consumptionfor theMini-bar?三、Confirm the billMr./Ms. xx,here is your bill, please check …, and may i have your signature here, please.四、PaymentMr./Ms.xx,How would you like to settle yourbill,by cash orcredit card?五、Bill and invoiceMr./Ms. Do you need a copy of your room bill / a receipt (fapiao)?May I have the title of your receipt?六、Offer helpMr./Ms. xx,Have you check the safety box of your room is empty ? Is there anything else can I help you?七、FarewellMr./Ms.xx, thank you for staying with us,we look forward to welcomingyou next time. Wish you have a pleasant journey.。

最后,希望您把在这里获得的愉快经历告诉更多的朋友,期待您的再次光临,谢谢!总经理Dear Guest:Welcome to the Golden World Hotel!All of us very grateful for you patronage and hope you enjoy your stay at our hotel. This 《Service Directory》will inform you various service and facilities of our hotel. If you need more help, please contact with our relevant departments, all of us already stand by and surely you will get the excellent service at any time.You are our concern in the Golden World Hotel during you stay. We shall try our best to offer the perfect service for you, If there is any more comments or suggestion, please contact us promptly or fill in questionnaire form on the desk of your room.We wish, during you stay with us joviality experience wise up to your friends and we hope we will have the pleasure of serving you again.General Manager先进可靠的通讯系统Advanced Communication System酒店通讯设计先进,服务周全。

最完整的中英文酒店服务指南(上)大堂服务GRAND LOBBY SERVICES1.大堂副理 Assistant Manager TEL 8000位于酒店大堂内,24小时为您提供服务。
The Assistant Manager in the lobby will beat your service at any time.2.问讯∕留言Information ∕ Message TEL 8000如您离开酒店而需与来人或来电联系时,请把您的去处及留言告之总服务台。
You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be intouch with telephone message or visitors when you are out.3.预订∕接待Reservation ∕ Reception TEL 8001酒店接待处24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务。
The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation andregistration any time.4.收银∕结账 Cashier TEL 8002位于大堂总服务台,24小时为您提供住宿期间的房费、餐费及其他费用的结算服务。
It’s located at the Front Desk in the lobby. We will provide the 24-hourcheck-out service of your fees during your stay.5.外币兑换 Foreign Currency Exchange TEL 8002位于总服务台收银处,为您提供18小时外币兑换服务。
服务时间:06:00- 24:00It’s located at the Cashier desk. We will also provide the service ofexchanging foreign currency.Service Hours:06:00am-12:00pm6.信用卡 Credit Card TEL 8002欢迎您在酒店使用以下信用卡:银联系列卡、长城卡、牡丹卡、建行龙卡、金穗卡、维萨卡、万事达卡、运通卡、大莱卡、JCB卡。

酒店前厅部SOP(Standard Operating Procedures)1. 引言本文档旨在明确酒店前厅部的标准操作流程(SOP)。
2. 接待流程2.1 抵店登记1.欢迎客人到酒店前厅部。
2.2 办理入住手续1.提供入住登记表格,并询问客人是否需要其它服务(如接送机服务、行李托运等)。
2.3 入住流程1.引导客人前往房间,协助搬运行李。
2.4 退房流程1.确认客人要求退房,并了解退房时间。
3. 客户服务3.1 电话服务1.接听来电,提供标准化问候语。
3.2 行李服务1.主动为客人提供行李搬运、寄存等服务。
3.3 到站接待服务1.提前了解客人到达信息,安排接待人员。

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES标准操作程序POLICY NO. SUBJECT编号标题FO-DM-001 Duty Check List工作检查表FO-DM-002 Bomb Threat炸弹威胁FO-DM-003 Car Accident交通事故FO-DM-004 VIP Check in重要客人入住FO-DM-005 Accident – Guest意外—客人FO-DM-006 Guest Complaints and Disputes客人抱怨和争执FO-DM-007 Request for Doctor/ Hospitalization求医要求/住院治疗的要求FO-DM-008 Fights争斗FO-DM-009 Fire火灾FO-DM-022 Lost & Found丢失和发现FO-DM-024 Safety Box保险箱FO-DM-028 Incoming Faxes/ Email at night time夜间接受传真/电子邮件FO-DM-030 Valuables贵重物品保管FO-DM-031 Guest Birthday客人生日FO-BC-002 Incoming faxes接收传真FO-BC-005 Meeting Room Rental会议室租用FO-BC-006 Outgoing Fax发送传真FO-BC-007 DHL / EMS/Courier Services DHL特快专递FO-CON-002 Baggage Service for Arrivals行李抵达服务FO-CON-003 Baggage Service for Departure行李离店服务FO-CON-004 Baggage Service for group Arrivals团队行李抵达服务FO-CON-005 Baggage Serviceforg roup Departure团队行李离开服务FO-CON-006 Baggage Storage行李贮存服务FO-CON-007 Brochures, Maps and Directions指引册,地图,导游册FO-CON-008 Flags旗帜FO-CON-009 All Incoming Items所有收入条款FO-CON-010 Newspapers报纸FO-CON-011 Outgoing Items外送物件FO-CON-013 Rooming Guest陪同客人进房间FO-CON-014 Shuttle Bus班车FO-CON-015 Outdated mail, faxes and parcels过期的邮件,传真和包裹FO-CON-016 Paging Service呼叫服务FO-CON-017 postal express service邮政快递服务FO-CON-018 Taxi booking and arrangement出租车预订及安排FO-CON-019 Trolley手推车服务FO-CON-020 Umbrella雨伞服务FO-CON-AR-001 Airport send off机场送行FO-CON-AR-002 Airport Pick Up机场接客FO-CON-AR-003 Airport Lost Luggage行李丢失FO-CON-AR-004 VIP Arrive-Limousine接重要客人-豪华轿车FO-CON-AR-005 VIP Arrive-( By Taxi )接重要客人(用出租车)FO-CON-AR-006 Mobile Phone移动电话FO-CON-DRICER-001 House Use/ Complimentary Vehicle酒店自用/免费用车FO-CON-DRIVER-002 Limousine Availability大型轿车使用率FO-CON-DRIVER-003 Limousine Cleaning & Maintenance大型轿车清洁和保养FO-CON-DRIVER-004 Mileage/ Petrol Control运程/汽油控制FO-CON-DRIVER-005 Limousine Request用车申请FO-CON-DRIVER-006 The Responsibility of Driver司机责任保证FO-EF-007 Guest Preference客人爱好FO-EF-008 Executive Floor Check In行政楼层入住FO-EF-009 Hosting招待FO-FD-010 Computer Down计算机系统崩溃FO-FD-011 Foreign Currency Exchange外币兑换FO-FD-016 Internal Trace Report内部事务报告FO-FD-017 Key Control钥匙控制FO-FD-018 Lost & Found at Check In失物招领FO-EFM-012 VIP Check In重要客人入住FO-EFM-016 Alleged Theft偷窃FO-EFM-017 Guest Complaints and Disputes客人抱怨和争执FO-EFM-018 Complimentary / House Use免费房使用FO-EFM-020 Request for Doctor / Hospitalization求医要求/住院治疗FO-EFM-023 Lost and Found失物招领FO-EFM-024 Safety Deposit Boxes Key Inventory保险箱钥匙清单FO-EFM-025 Safety Box保险箱FO-EFM-027 Valuables贵重物品保管FO-EFM-028 In-House Clinic酒店医疗中心FO-EFM-029 Guest Birthday客人生日FO-EFM-030 Guest Join-In Authorization会员加盟授权FO-EFM-031 Guest Comments客人意见FO-EFM-032 Booking at other Plaza Royale Hotel豪廷酒店网络内约定3FO-EFM-033 Hotel Events酒店活动FO-TEL-001 Telephone Control DDD/IDD国际/国内长途电话控制FO-TEL-002 Call Accounting System电话记费系统FO-TEL-003 Call Barring and Unbarring电话禁呼和解禁FO-TEL-004 Do Not Disturb Feature请勿打扰事宜FO-TEL-005 Guest Locator Feature为客人接电话至指定地点FO-TEL-006 Incoming Calls接听来电FO-TEL-007 Operator Assisted Calls接线员辅助呼叫FO-TEL-008 PABX Adcom Fax System专用交换机传真系统FO-TEL-009 PABX Adcom Mail System专用交换机邮件系统FO-TEL-010 Public Address Paging System公共提示标志FO-TEL-011 Wake up Call叫醒服务FO-TEL-012 Personal calls私人电话FO-001 Baggage Service行李服务FO-002 Business Center Service商务中心FO-003 Engineering Service工程服务FO-004 Handling Guest Complaints处理客人投诉FO-005 Handling Incoming Calls处理来电FO-006 Housekeeping Service客房服务FO-007 Room Service-Incoming Call客房送餐来电FO-008 In-Room Dining Order客房用餐预订FO-009 Runner Service特殊服务Front Office Terms to Know前厅部须知A.H.&M.A. American Hotel and Motel Association.美国饭店及汽车旅馆协会Accommodate A promise of a room for a guest – if not in that hotel,then a commitment to find a room elsewhere.对客人保证客房的承诺Adjoining Rooms Two or more rooms side by side without a connectingdoor between them. In other words, rooms can be adjoiningwithout being connecting.两间或两间以上并排的、之间没有房门直接联系的房间。
酒店服务指南(中英文版) (1)

服务指南THE SERVICE GUIDE目录总经理致辞大堂服务LOBBY SERVICES1.大堂经理Assistant Manager2.问讯∕留言Informatio n ∕ Message3.预订∕接待Reservation ∕ Reception4.收银∕结账Cashier5.信用卡Credit Card6.退房时间Check-out Time7.客房门卡Room Card8.行李服务Luggage Service9.大堂保险箱Lobby Safe box10.商务中心Business Center11.残疾人士设施Handicapped Facilities12.着装Dressing13.停车Parking客房服务GUEST ROOM SERVICES1.客房中心Housekeeping Center2.房间清洁服务Room Cleaning3.房间夜床服务Turn-down Service4.洗衣服务Laundry Service5.小酒吧Mini-Bar6.房间加床服务Extra Bed7.送餐服务Room Service8.擦鞋服务Shoes-shine Service9.叫醒服务Wake-up Call10.电话Telephone11.电吹风Hair Dryer12.电熨斗/烫衣板Iron / Iron Board13.房间保密/电话免打扰Keep the Room Number Secret/Avoid Being Disturbed 14.失物招领Lost And Found15.电视节目TV Channel16.网上漫游Internet Service17.空气调节Air Conditioner18.电源总开关Energy Saver19.电源说明Power Supply20.紧急情况Emergency餐饮服务FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES1.宴会预订Banquet Reservation2.中餐厅Chinese Restaurant3.送餐服务Room Service娱乐服务ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE1. 商务区Business district (CBD)2.量贩区ktv Volume area ktv康乐服务RECREATION SERVICE康乐中心The recreation center安全指南SAFETY DIRECTORY1.遵守措施comply with the measures2.宾客注意事项Guest’s Notices3.安保Safeguard4.火警Fire Prevention5.火警须知Fire alarm notice电话指南TELEPHONE DIRECTORY1.拨打客房电话Room to Room Calls2.拨打外线电话Outside Calls3.国内直拨电话DDD Calls4.国内、国际直拨须知IDD&DDD Service Guide客房物品有偿价格表GEST ROOM ITEMS PAID A PRICE LIST尊敬的宾客:欢迎阁下光临湛江富丽华大酒店!我们本着“安全至上、客人第一”的服务宗旨,谒尽全力,热诚为阁下提供最周到的服务,令您真正感到宾至如归。

五星酒店前台接待中英文标准操作流程SOPSTANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURES标准工作程序RECEPTIONIST前台接待FRONT DESKSTANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE Task No DescriptionFD01 Awaiting room handling 等候房间 FD02 Billing instruction handling 账目说明 FD03 Blocking rooms for arrivals 房间预留 FD04 Bucket check 检查登记卡FD05 Cash deposit collection 收取现金押金Check-in with TA voucher 持旅行社入住卷入住FD06程序FD07 Extension stay 处理延住 FD08 Flight reconfirmation 重复确认机票FD09 Generating report 总报告FD10 Greeting and welcoming guests 问候并欢迎客人 FD11 Group check in 团队登记 FD12 Guest location客人方位FD13 Handling confidential screen call request 处理客人保密和筛选电话要求FD14 Handling expected check out 处理预计离店客人FD15 Handling guest enquiries and introducing处理客人查询并介绍店内设施 facilitiesFD16 Handling in-house amenities 处理客人欢迎品 FD17 Handling late check-out request 处理延迟退房的要求FD18 Handling message 处理留言FD19 Handling of complaints 处理投诉FD20 Handling of guest compliments 处理客人致意FD21 Handling wake-up calls requests 处理叫醒电话的要求FD22 Key authorization 钥匙的授权FD23 Lost Found procedure 失物招领程序Loss of safe deposit box key 保险箱的钥匙丢FD24失的处理FD25 Maintaining Communication Log Book 使用交班本FD26 Preparation for guest arrivals 为客人到达做好准备FD27 Printing arrival reports and registration cards打印来客报告和登记卡FD28 Registering a walk-in guest 散客登记FD29 Registering guest with confirmed reservation 为确定的预订房间的客人登记FD30 Room change procedure 调房程序FD31 Safety deposit box 保险箱服务FD32 Taking reservation 办理预定FD33 Travel agency voucher 旅行社入住卷DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 01号码 TASK Awaiting room handling工作职责等候房间 1 of 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED OperaWorkstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Register for the guest为客人登记Search for vacant dirty room在系统中找空房Ask room controller for room cleaning请房态控制员确认干净房间Make registration for the guest according to the registration procedure为客人登记If vacant clean room is not available immediately search for vacant dirty room at first and call the Housekeeping to rush rooms Enough time for cleaning room如果当时没有干净空房首先在系统中找空房脏房马上通知客房部打扫Invite guest for welcome drink by saying Mr Mrs XX the room we blocked to you is under cleaning and Housekeeping has been informed forrushing room and it may take about 30 minutes May I invite you to have a complimentary drink in our Lobby Lounge and I will let you know as soon as the room is available邀请客人在大堂酒廊喝一杯免费饮料等候并告知打扫房间大约需要的时间房间打扫好后马上通知客人Let guest have time idea Show our sincerity to serve guestCourtesy compensation for guest waiting Let guest feel our humility 让客人感受到我们真诚的服务PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOUPOSITION FOM 批准人职位 SIGNATUREDATEPOSITION FOM 签字日期职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 01 号码 TASK Awaiting room handling工作职责等候房间 2 of 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO 工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Check and call room controller随时与房态员确认房间状况Check in system系统登记Keep monitoring the room status in the computer在系统中随时检查房态As soon as the room status is changed to the vacant clean send the room key and welcome booklet to the guest personally By saying MrMrs XX I am sorry to have kept you waiting Now the room is ready the room number is XX Thank you for your understandingApologize for the waiting and introduce the GSA-Concierge to escort the guest to the roomCheck in the room in the system immediately房间一打扫好后马上把钥匙送给客人并对客人的等候表示歉意行李马上送到客人房间并在系统中登记入住房间Get updated room status at first time在第一时间得到更新的房态Efficiency service action will let guest feel our sincerity and humility提供快捷的服务Roomconnect with the telephone line Anticipate guest request系统登记房间使电话线马上接通PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 02 号码 TASK Billing instruction handling 工作职责账目说明 1 of 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Clarify the billing instruction确认付账说明Collect deposit or imprint credit card收取押金Billing instruction can be clarified as following Guest A pays for guest B by cash or credit card Both guests are indifferent rooms付账说明可如下A客人给B客人付账两个客人在不同房间Modify AB guest remarks accordingly if they get room change or early departureA或B客人如有提前离房或换房需随时更新其备注Sufficient deposit should be collected or take the imprint of credit card voucher and get enough approval amount for credit card payment which should cover the two rooms estimated consumption收取足够押金以确保足够两个房间住店期间所发生的费用Tick on the registration card under Bill instruction YES Note the guest hisher signature is approved to pay guest B s bill Help the guest A to fill up the following items at the back of the registrationGuest A tick on YES under bill authorizationGuest B s name and room numberPayment instruction帮助客人填全付款说明书Different handling ways to different billing instruction Make sure precise service根据不同付账说明采取不同的服务Deposit policy should be appliedCare about hotel benefit应用押金收取的政策保障酒店利益Always do more for the guest为客人多做PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 02号码 TASK Billing instruction handling账目说明 2 of 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera 工作职责Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Collect deposit收取现金押金Take the imprint credit card刷卡付押金If paid by the credit card take EDC voucher of the credit card and attach with the guest A s registration card如果付信用卡做押金将信用卡授权卡单附在A客人登记卡后Non-registered guest A pays for in-house guest B by cash Collect enough cash deposit from guest A which should cover the estimated consumption of guest BPolitely invited guest A to sign payment authorization form on theGuest Business Card and leave contact telephone No店外的A客人为住店的B客人付现金押金收取足够的现金请A客人在B客人的登记卡上签付款授权书并留下Non-registered guest A pays for in-house guest B by credit cardTake the imprint of Guest A s credit card with one blank credit card voucherPolitely invite guest A to sign on the credit card voucher and paymentauthorization on guestB s registration cardDeposit policy should be appliedCare about hotel benefit应用押金收取的政策保障酒店利益PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 02号码 TASK Billing instruction handling工作职责账目说明 3 of 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO 工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Make remarks备注店外的A客人为住店的B客人付信用卡作为押金印空白的信用卡单请A客人在空白信用卡单上签字在B客人的登记卡上签付款授权书并留下随后将客人签过字的空白信用卡签购单保存在值班经理保险箱并在系统中做备注提醒员工Write down the notice on the registration card and key in the notice in the system like PB outside Mr A VISA4500XXXX voucher in DM Safe 123在登记卡上填全付款说明并根据情况写明备注并在系统中做相应的注明To alert other GSAKeep consistent service is one point of Xxx Hotel Hospitality提醒员工注意PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 DEPARTMENTFront Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 03号码 TASK Block rooms for arrivals page 1 of 3工作职责房间预留 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DOWHY 操作明细工作目的Block rooms priori to the guests who have special requests ie connecting room cornor room etc预留VIP房间Block rooms for early arrivals为早到的客人预留房间Let room controller block rooms for VIP one day before Block rooms from the reservation screen using in Opera to search for the desired room type由Room controller为VIP提前一天预留房间在Opera内使用从预定屏中预留房间以寻求所需房间的类型Block only vacant clean room for early arrivals为早到的客人预留干净的空房间Inform relevant departments for the various amenities requested For example flowers and fruits basket通知有关部门提供所需的各种欢迎品例如鲜花果篮Input DNC in the instruction field in reservation screen for staff special attention在预定屏备注栏输入 DNC 以提请员工注意As far as possible block vacant clean rooms one day before尽可能提早一天预留干净空房To ensure that VIP guests have their priority room blockage so that specific needs will be met as well as to block the best rooms for them 确保VIP客人享有预留房间的优先权以便满足其具体需求并为其预留最好的房间We will ensure our procedures are customer friendly and easy for the customer and staff我们要保证我们的服务程序有益于客人并方便员工To allow each departments to take the necessary actions to prepare the room for the guest让每一个部门采取必要的举措为客人准备好房间To alert everyone that the room blocked should not be changed because items may have been placed in the room提醒各位因为房间内各项备品已放置所以不可更换To ensure that the rooms are ready check-in immediately when guests arrive earlyBY MICHAEL 确保当客人较早到达时可以立即登记入住 PREPAREDZHENGAPPROVED BY MR JAME XI 起草人批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate 职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 03号码 TASK Block rooms for arrivals page 2 of3工作职责房间预留 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation 所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DOHOW TO DO 工作程序操作明细 WHY工作目的Block rooms with no arrival times为未知抵达时间的客人预留房间Block rooms with other know arrival times 为其他已知抵达时间的客人预留房间If vacant dirty rooms are blocked inform housekeeping immediately providing them with the expected time of arrivals 如预留的空房未清洁立即通知客房部以使他们在客人到达的预计时间内做好准备Block vacant clean rooms first for on day arrival 先在当日预留干净的空房If not available block vacant dirty rooms and inform housekeepingimmediately providing them with the expected time of arrivals如果没有干净的空房则预留未清洁的空房并立即通知客房部以使他们在客人到达的预定时间内做好准备Use discredtion and take note of expected arrival times when blocking dirty rooms谨慎处理当预留未清洁房间时记载客人到达的预计时间Inform housekeeping about each room blocked and the expected arrival times通知客房部关于每一间已预留的房间和客人抵达的预计时间So that housekeeping can clean these rooms first in order to ensure that the rooms are ready for the guest to check in客房部首先将这些房间清洁以确保为登记的客人预先准备好房间Guest may check n at any time客人可以随时登记住房So that housekeeping can clean these rooms first in order to ensure that the rooms are ready for the guest to check in以使客房部首先将这些房间清洁以确保为登记的客人预先准备好房间So that vacant clean rooms may be available for any walk-ins以便使任何走进来的客人均有可用的干净空房间In order for housekeeping to schedule the maids to clean the rooms according to the arrival times以便客房部根据抵达时间安排服务员打扫房间 PREPARED BYMICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 03号码 TASK Block rooms for arrivals page3 of 3工作职责房间预留 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation工作台 WHAT TO DO 所需设备工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Block back to back rooms预留尚未退房的房间Block rooms for elderly guests or disabled guest为年老的客人或残疾客人预留房间Block rooms for single female executives为单身的女商人预留房间Do so only s a last resort Use this method for very late arrival But allow sufficient time for housekeeping to clean the rooms takingintoconsideration the time for them to end their shift只有在别无选择时才如此用于特别推迟抵达的客人给与客房部充足的时间以打扫房间充分考虑到他们完成工作的时间Block rooms on lower floors as well as near to elevator and emergency exits预留房间在低楼层靠近电梯和紧急安全出口Block handicapped rooms为残疾客人优先预留残疾房Block rooms without connecting doors unless specifically requested 除非特殊要求否则预留无连通门的房间Current guest in the room may extend stay or have an unexpected delayed check out目前住在客房内的客人可能延长居留时间或推迟退房结账For easy exit in the event of emergencies as well as for guest抯convenience可以方便客人在紧急事件中容易进出安全出口A connecting door in the room of a single female executive may be perceived as an element of insecurity for them as well as to prevent the unlikely event of someone else opening the connecting door accidentally 单身女商人住在有连通门的房间被视为非安全因素也已防止有偶然打开连通门而发生不愉快事件We will do more for the customer in every customer contact要利用每次同客人接触的机会为客人提供超前的服务PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD04 号码 TASK Bucket check 工作职责检查登记卡 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED OperaWorkstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DOHOW TO DO 工作程序操作明细 WHY工作目的To print in house report打印住店客人报表Checking bucket against in house report 按报表检查登记卡Verify and correct all guest details 证实所有客人细节Leave note to Team Leader留交班记录给次日领班Use the computer and generate the printing by the overnight shift GSA员工使用电脑打印出报表夜班Using the in house report check each registration card with the in house rooming report使用住店客人报告与所有登记卡一一对照检查Check each registration card against guest folioDetails such asnumber of paxRate and rate codeBilling instructions根据客人档案核查每一份登记卡如人数房价和房价代码账目说明等Sort out all room discrepancy correct all wrong key-in information before closing the system date在夜审前修改所有错误信息If there is something not solvedLeave the details note regarding those mistakes if has to the next day Team LeaderTeam Leader will do the follow up将错误的细节留给次日领班以便继续跟进For reference供参考To ensure that all in house registration cards available and are placed accordingly in the bucket by room number Take care of guest information确保所有登记卡根据房号次序放置在登记卡盒中无一遗漏并确认报表中和登记卡中客人信息相符To ensure accuracy of record so as to provide precise service 确保纪录的准确性Proper shift hand over良好的交班制PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG 起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU 批准人POSITIONFOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service 部门Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 05号码 TASK Cash depositcollection工作职责收取现金押金 1 of 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIREDOpera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO 工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Calculate amount of deposit 计算押金额Tell guest deposit amount告知客人总额Receive money from guest收取现金Calculate amount of deposit accurately amount of deposit shouldcover the room charge during guest staying and estimated miscellaneous consumptionFormula is Room rate per night x total room nights x 15 total amount of deposit根据公式计算客人在店期间预计消费的额度房费入住天15 注此为参考数据会根据房价面确定收取押金额If guest pay deposit for extension ask for estimated departure date before calculate deposit如果客人为延住付押金确定延住天数Politely tell guest deposit amount we should collect by saying MrMrs XX would you please pay RMB XX as deposit which include your room charge and other miscellaneous charge until you check out If there deposit rest we will refund them to you upon check out礼貌告知客人总额结账时押金多退少补Use two hands to receive money from guest and carefully andefficiency count it in front of guest any question on the money eg amount of money unacceptable money contact guest immediately As well as say MrMrs XX I have received your RMB XX deposit thank you After you finish counting and accept itProtect hotel benefit and accurate deposit amount can let us have guideline for collecting deposit保护酒店利益Get detail information can assist us to provide precise service 得到确定信息Clearly describe the accurate deposit amount we will collect to let guest have clear understanding and also explain the reason why this amount collected by us Anticipate for guest request and caring about guest inquiry清楚告知客人押金总额和收取此金额的解释Any question regarding money solve it immediately with guest and in front of guest Clearly confirm with guest how much you receive from guest by speaking out to guest Avoid any dispute occurred in future PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 05号码 TASK Cash deposit collection工作职责收取现金押金 2 of 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIREDOpera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Key into the system and write the cash deposit receipt押金输入系统开押金收据给客人Describe deposit terns to guest向客人解释押金条款Double check the posting to make sure you key in correctly再次检查系统中输入的准确性Extend for guest in computer在系统中延期用双手接过现金在客人面前清点清楚如果金额数不对或对不可接受的钱币必须立即当面同客人讲清Key into the system at once and write the cash deposit receipt for the guest right now then ask guest sign on the receipt Finally sign your own signature押金收据须客人和员工双方签字确认并立即将押金输入系统Clearly describe deposit refund terms to guest by saying MrMrs XX would you please read these clause to see if it is correct thank you 向客人解释押金收取及退还的具体条款After guest leave front desk double check deposit into computer immediately客人离开柜台后立即再次确认系统中输入的准确性If guest pay deposit for extension extend for guest in computer and make the new key after collecting deposit如客人为延住客人确保在系统中为客人延住并作新钥匙任何有关现金的问题必须当面立即解决避免以后发生不必要的纠纷Let guest clearly understand terms content to avoid any dispute in future让客人清楚理解避免今后纠纷发生Avoid forgetting posting so as to affect any upset to guest caused by deposit谨防忘记输入电脑Update information in computer更新信息PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 05 号码 TASK Cash deposit collection工作职责收取现金押金 3 of 3 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation 所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Note 注意If guest pay foreign currency as deposit客人付外币作为押金Calculate amount of deposit accurately the same as aboveExchange rate should follow the foreign currency exchange list人民币押金总额计算同上所述外币总额依照每天外汇牌价计算得出Foreign currency can not settle bill directly unless exchange to RMB or change other payment method upon COPolite explain to guest the foreign currency will only be kept at Front Desk during stay as deposit外币不可直接用于结算除非在退房时兑换成人民币或改用其他方式结算向客人礼貌的解释外币只是作为押金在入住期间存放前台Write a formal foreign currency receipt and pass one copy to guest State that the foreign currency will be returned to guest after settling bill with receipt开据外币押金收据给客人客人结清账目后凭收据退还外币押金The foreign currency deposit should be sealed in envelope withdetails on the cover including guest name room no duration which foreigncurrency and amount by FD SA then kept in Service Manager Safe Deposit Box during guest stay外币押金由收取押金的前台员工放在信封中密封将细节客人姓名房号入住期间外币种类金额在信封上注明交给服务经理在客人入住期间存放在保险箱内CO message should be left Pay USD20000 as deposit kept by SM在离店信息中输入收取美金200元作为押金存放宾客服务经理处Make sure to count and check the foreign currency in front of the guestbefore collecting Avoid any dispute occurred in future 确保在收取现金前在客人面前检查外币和数清金额避免今后发生争执PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOMSIGNATUREDATE 职位签字日期 POSITON GMSIGNATUREDATE 职位签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 06 号码 TASK Check in with TA voucher 工作职责持旅行社入住券入住 1 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUIREDOpera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Greets guest问候Identify guest who come with luggage or briefcase and inquire guest name with smile and eye contact得到客人姓名Collect the room voucher by two hands and check reservation in computer收取入住单Greets guest upon guest approach front desk counter with smile by saying Nin Hao welcome to Traders Hotel Kun ShanMay I help you SirMadam使用标准用语问候客人If guest has reservation politely inquire guest name by saying May I have your last name sirMadam得到客人姓名后查询预定Find out reservation immediately in computer politely require guest room voucher and confirm the information including guest name arrival and departure date room type and payment etc If fail to find out try other way eg use guest company name or travel agency name to check in computer By saying Mr XX May I have your company name or may I know thecompany you made your booking with If still fail to find let the guest check in first and follow up after check in找到预定后收取入住单确认入住单上的信息是否与系统中一致如果用名字无法查到预定使用旅行社或公司名字查找如果仍无法找到预订先为客人登记随后再跟进Note Never say to guest Noreservation even if reservationcan not be found in computer Useguest company contract rate and guest preference to check in guest at firstPresent our courtesy and kindly service at first time 留下良好的第一印象Clarify guest is walk in guest or with reservation So that you can check the reservation in computer确认客人是否有预定Locate reservation immediatelly try to provide efficiency service to guest at first time and every single time为客人提供有效快捷的服务Be flexibility 灵活PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITIONFOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 06号码 TASK Check in with TA voucher 工作职责持旅行社入住券入住 2 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUIREDOpera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Confirm room type with politely manner and smile eye contact确认房态Advise guest from getting R card告知客人去取登记单注意不要同客人讲没有预订即使预定无法找到使用客人公司价根据客人喜好先为客人登记入住If VIP or Golden Circle guest refer to GRO immediately By saying Mr XX please wait for a moment our guest relation officer will show you the way to the room Or if GRO is busy follow Golden Circle s standard to service the guest如果是贵宾或金环会成员立即通知宾客关系主任接待如他她繁忙根据接待贵宾标准工作程序接待客人Confirm room type and period with guest according to reservation by clearly descriptionBy saying Mr XX you have booked our deluxe king size room is it correct同客人确认房态和入住天数By saying Just one moment Mr XX I m just going to get youregistration card Draw out pre-registered registration card and prepared rwelcome booklet from reservation form holding box去取登记单时告知客人If guest request non-smoking room please follow up in the system and key in the guest profile so we can meet guest s needs in the future Clearly confirm detail with guest to avoid making guest feel confusedmeanwhile let guest feel our genuine service 确认细节时刻人感受我们真诚的服务In order to avoid the guest confusion and show care 避免客人产生误会PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENGAPPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU 起草人批准人 POSITIONFOMSIGNATUREDATE 职位签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest Service Associate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 06 号码 TASK Check in with TA voucher 工作职责持旅行社入住券入住 3 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation 所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Check in guest in computer在系统中办理入住手续Collect ID card Business card for registration收取证件和名片登记Fill registration card填写登记单Confirm and collect the payment付款方式If very frequent guest no need confirm type and rate all the time do according to the profileIf there is detail profile in the system do not collect business card again客人的要求应被记入系统使客人下次光临时我们提前满足其要求常客不需要每次都确认细节资料很全的客人不须再要名片Check in guest in computer在系统中办理入住手续Politely collect guest ID cardBusiness card for registration Use two hands to receive guest ID cardbusiness card By saying Mr XX may I have your passport and business card for reference Thank you礼貌的要求证件和名片登记Clearly neatly accurately and efficiency fill in the registration card for guest清楚整齐准确快速填写登记单Politely collect payment from guest by saying Mr XX how would you liketo settle your incidental paymentIf it is credit card quickly take in print If paid by cash collect 500 RMB per day for cash deposit 收取杂费押金五百元Avoid forgetting check in guest in computer 避免忘记在系统中登记Fill in registration for guest to show our Asian hospitality 帮助客人填写登记单Avoid to letting guest wait for too long time Do more for our customerin every customer contact避免使客人等候太久Advance deposit should be collected to protect hotel benefit 押金收取保障酒店利益PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITION FOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 06号码 TASK Check in with TA voucher工作职责持旅行社入住券入住 4 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Opera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Confirmation information with guest确认信息Present welcome booklet and necessary items to guest 分发钥匙Inform the GSA-concierge通知礼宾部Ask if guest need any thing help提供更多服务Offer Service Center information if need 如需要提供服务中心信息Complete check in完成登记Confirm guest name room number arrival date depature date with guest 确认所有入住信息Use two hands to present welcome booklet and necessary items toguest用双手给客人分发钥匙Inform SA-Concierge the room number通知礼宾部客人房号Ask if guest need any else help by saying MrMrs XX Is there anything else I can do for you询问客人是否需要更多帮助Identify GSA-reception self and offer guest service center extension number by saying MrMrs XX our guest service center extension is 3 please call us anytime if you need our help前台员工介绍自己并提供服务中心电话分机Introduce GSA-concierge to guest and wish guest a pleasant stay By saying MrMrs XX this is Jack from concierge he will show you to the room wish you have a pleasant stay介绍礼宾部员工给客人并祝客人入住愉快Care for guest understanding on every detail information让客人了结所有相关信息Do more for the guest为客人多做Anticipate new guest request to help new guest familiar with the hotel service center预见客人需求Use team work to consistently serve guest运用团队精神为客人提供持续的服务PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITIONFOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期DEPARTMENT Front Desk部门前厅部 JOB TITLE Guest ServiceAssociate职称前台职员 TASK NO FD 06 号码 TASK Check in with TAvoucher工作职责持旅行社入住券入住 5 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUIREDOpera Workstation所需设备工作台 WHAT TO DO 工作程序 HOW TO DO操作明细 WHY工作目的Sign on registration card签字Get approval code for credit card 信用卡授权Do routing in the system在系统中做routingAttach TA voucher with RC附入住卷在登记卡单后Attach items附卡单GSA-reception sign on registration card前台员工在登记卡上签字确认If the guest pays by credit card input credit card number into EDC machine to get approval code upon guest check inIf the credit card is declined ask guest to change payment by saying MrMrs XX I am very sorry to inform you that after checking with the bank we can t get approval code for your credit card would you please change to another payment thank you使用EDC要取信用卡相应授权如果EDC不接受客人信用卡要求客人换卡或更改付款方式Do routing according to the bill instruction in the system after check-in system根据付款说明在系统中做做账目说明Attach TA voucher with RC and pass to Credit Mananger on daily basis to get authorization附入住卷在登记卡单后交给信贷部经理授权挂账Attach registration card with EDC voucher together将信用卡授权卡单附在登记卡后For future using公安局登记制度Check the credit card limit检查信用卡额度We dont tell guest hisher credit card is declined because we should give guest faceUnder this situation we should be very careful to talk to guest在信用卡不被接受的情况下不要直接同客人讲信用卡被拒收应小心措辞要求客人更换付款方式If the billing has been paid by theTA to avoid divulge room rate to the gust以防在结账时将旅行社应付费用让客人得知Credit Manager will double check it again to make sure everything is correct信贷部经理复查所有相关资料确保无差错For filing存档PREPARED BY MICHAEL ZHENG起草人 APPROVED BY MR RAY ZHOU批准人 POSITIONFOM职位 SIGNATUREDATE签字日期 POSITON GM。


酒店打印服务标准操作规程G UEST E XPECTATION 客人期望:I have a presentation to deliver. I expect staff to be able to access my removable drive (“thumb” or USB) or floppy disk or transfer it from my lap top, to print out the document.I expect this service to be available at all times.我须要发送一份展示材料。
Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答:1.The guests want to have a good quality service. 客人希望得到高质量的服务。
2.They want access to a printing machine any time they need to. 他们希望在他们需要时可以随时使用打印机。
3.I feel confident in delivering the service to our guests, because I knowwhat to do. 因为我了解如何操作,我有信心为客人提供服务。
4.We are able to increase the GSTS score by delivering serviceprofessional. 凭借专业化的服务,我们可以提高客人满意度。
Summary questions问题小结:1.What is the standard method of greeting visitors to the business centre? Is it necessary to stand? 问候到商务中心来的客人的标准方式是什么?须要起身站立吗?2.Do I always have to check before accepting work? What would you check for on a disk? 接受任务之前总是须要核查任务吗?如何检查光盘?3.Why do I have to tell the guest about the charges in advance? Are there price differences for color and black and white? Which price should be told to the guest?4.为什么须要预先向客人告知收费标准?彩色打印和黑白打印的收费有区别吗?我们应该告知客人哪种价格?5.I am doing my Job well, why do I have to check my work quality work with the guest?我操作得很好,为什么还须要和客人一起检查文件质量呢?6.How are print jobs presented? 如何做打印工作?7.Who delivers print jobs to guests and how long should it take? 由谁将打印件送交给客人?需要花多长时间?8.What 3 details are required to be logged after the job is completed? 完成服务后,须要登记哪3项详细资料?9.What if the guest is from outside and wants to pay by cash but I have no change and I am alone in the BC? 如果店外客人用现金支付,我没有零钱且只有我自己在岗,应该怎么办?10.When is the folio posted if it is an in house guest? 对于住店客人,应该何时挂帐?11.Why do I have to Bid Farewell and thank the guest to use our Services? 为什么我要向客人告别且感谢客人使用我们的服务。

酒店服务指南(中英)大堂效劳GRAND LOBBY SERVICES1.大堂经理Assistant Manager2.问讯∕留言Informatio n ∕ Message3.预订∕接待Reservation ∕ Reception4.收银∕结账Cashier5.外币兑换Foreign Currency Exchange6.信誉卡Credit Card7.退房时间Check-out Time8.客房门卡Room Card9.行李效劳Luggage Service10.大堂保险箱Lobby Safe box11.商务中心Business Center12.商场Shopping Center13.残疾人士设备Handicapped Facilities14.擦鞋效劳Shoe-Shine Service15.花店Flower Shop16.租车Car Hire17.着装Dressing18.停车Parking19.行政楼层接待处Executive Floor Reception\GUEST ROOM SERVICES1.客房中心Housekeeping Center2.房间清洁效劳Room Cleaning3.房间夜床效劳Turn-down Service4.洗衣效劳Laundry Service5.小酒吧Mini-Bar6.房间加床效劳Extra Bed7.送餐效劳Room Service8.擦鞋效劳Shoes-shine Service9.叫醒效劳Wake-up Call10.饮用水Drinking Water11.Telephone12.电吹风Hair Dryer13.冰块Ice Cube14.电熨斗/烫衣板Iron / Iron Board15.房间保密/ 免打扰16.失物招领Lost And Found17.电视节目TV Channel18.网上遨游Internet Service19.空气调理Air Conditioner20.电源总开关Energy Saver21.电源说明Power Supply22.无烟楼层Non-smoking floor23.医疗效劳Clinic Service24.环境维护Environmental Protection25.紧急状况EmergencyFOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES1.宴会预订Banquet Reservation2.大堂吧Lobby Bar3.中餐厅Western Restaurant4.行政酒廊Executive Lounge5.中餐厅Chinese Restaurant6.日韩餐厅Japanese & Korean Restaurant7.洗浴自助餐厅Bath buffet Restaurant8.会议室Conference Room9.送餐效劳Room Service会馆效劳HEALTH& ENTERTAIMENT SERVICE1.洗浴Bathe2.游泳馆Swimming Pool3.健身房Gymnasium Center4.电影厅Film Hall5.休息厅Lounge6.游乐区Game Area7.棋牌室Chess and Mahjong Room8.SPA理疗室平安指南SAFETY DIRECTORY1.遵守措施2.宾客本卷须知Guest’s Notices3.安保Safeguard4.火警Fire Prevention5.火警须知Fire alarm notice指南TELEPHONE DIRECTORY1.拨打客房Room to Room Calls2.拨打外线Outside Calls3.国际直拨DDD Calls4.国际直拨IDD Calls5.国际、国际直拨须知IDD&DDD Service Guide6.国际、国际长途区号IDD&DDD DIRECTORY附表客房物品有偿价钱表宝龙国际饭店热忱欢迎阁下莅临尊崇的宾客:欢迎您下榻张家口宝龙国际饭店!您的到来,我们饭店全体员工都感到十分荣幸,此«效劳指南»为您详细引见了饭店的各项效劳及设备。

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES标准操作程序POLICY NO. SUBJECT编号标题FO-DM-001 Duty Check List工作检查表FO-DM-002 Bomb Threat炸弹威胁FO-DM-003 Car Accident交通事故FO-DM-004 VIP Check in重要客人入住FO-DM-005 Accident – Guest意外—客人FO-DM-006 Guest Complaints and Disputes客人抱怨和争执FO-DM-007 Request for Doctor/ Hospitalization求医要求/住院治疗的要求FO-DM-008 Fights争斗FO-DM-009 Fire火灾FO-DM-022 Lost & Found丢失和发现FO-DM-024 Safety Box保险箱FO-DM-028 Incoming Faxes/ Email at night time夜间接受传真/电子邮件FO-DM-030 Valuables贵重物品保管FO-DM-031 Guest Birthday客人生日FO-BC-002 Incoming faxes接收传真FO-BC-005 Meeting Room Rental会议室租用FO-BC-006 Outgoing Fax发送传真FO-BC-007 DHL / EMS/Courier Services DHL特快专递FO-CON-002 Baggage Service for Arrivals行李抵达服务FO-CON-003 Baggage Service for Departure行李离店服务FO-CON-004 Baggage Service for group Arrivals团队行李抵达服务FO-CON-005 Baggage Serviceforg roup Departure团队行李离开服务FO-CON-006 Baggage Storage行李贮存服务FO-CON-007 Brochures, Maps and Directions指引册,地图,导游册FO-CON-008 Flags旗帜FO-CON-009 All Incoming Items所有收入条款FO-CON-010 Newspapers报纸FO-CON-011 Outgoing Items外送物件FO-CON-013 Rooming Guest陪同客人进房间FO-CON-014 Shuttle Bus班车FO-CON-015 Outdated mail, faxes and parcels过期的邮件,传真和包裹FO-CON-016 Paging Service呼叫服务FO-CON-017 postal express service邮政快递服务FO-CON-018 Taxi booking and arrangement出租车预订及安排FO-CON-019 Trolley手推车服务FO-CON-020 Umbrella雨伞服务FO-CON-AR-001 Airport send off机场送行FO-CON-AR-002 Airport Pick Up机场接客FO-CON-AR-003 Airport Lost Luggage行李丢失FO-CON-AR-004 VIP Arrive-Limousine接重要客人-豪华轿车FO-CON-AR-005 VIP Arrive-( By Taxi )接重要客人(用出租车)FO-CON-AR-006 Mobile Phone移动电话FO-CON-DRICER-001 House Use/ Complimentary Vehicle酒店自用/免费用车FO-CON-DRIVER-002 Limousine Availability大型轿车使用率FO-CON-DRIVER-003 Limousine Cleaning & Maintenance大型轿车清洁和保养FO-CON-DRIVER-004 Mileage/ Petrol Control运程/汽油控制FO-CON-DRIVER-005 Limousine Request用车申请FO-CON-DRIVER-006 The Responsibility of Driver司机责任保证FO-EF-007 Guest Preference客人爱好FO-EF-008 Executive Floor Check In行政楼层入住FO-EF-009 Hosting招待FO-FD-010 Computer Down计算机系统崩溃FO-FD-011 Foreign Currency Exchange外币兑换FO-FD-016 Internal Trace Report内部事务报告FO-FD-017 Key Control钥匙控制FO-FD-018 Lost & Found at Check In失物招领FO-EFM-012 VIP Check In重要客人入住FO-EFM-016 Alleged Theft偷窃FO-EFM-017 Guest Complaints and Disputes客人抱怨和争执FO-EFM-018 Complimentary / House Use免费房使用FO-EFM-020 Request for Doctor / Hospitalization求医要求/住院治疗FO-EFM-023 Lost and Found失物招领FO-EFM-024 Safety Deposit Boxes Key Inventory保险箱钥匙清单FO-EFM-025 Safety Box保险箱FO-EFM-027 Valuables贵重物品保管FO-EFM-028 In-House Clinic酒店医疗中心FO-EFM-029 Guest Birthday客人生日FO-EFM-030 Guest Join-In Authorization会员加盟授权FO-EFM-031 Guest Comments客人意见FO-EFM-032 Booking at other Plaza Royale Hotel豪廷酒店网络内约定FO-EFM-033 Hotel Events酒店活动FO-TEL-001 Telephone Control DDD/IDD国际/国内长途电话控制FO-TEL-002 Call Accounting System电话记费系统FO-TEL-003 Call Barring and Unbarring电话禁呼和解禁FO-TEL-004 Do Not Disturb Feature请勿打扰事宜FO-TEL-005 Guest Locator Feature为客人接电话至指定地点FO-TEL-006 Incoming Calls接听来电FO-TEL-007 Operator Assisted Calls接线员辅助呼叫FO-TEL-008 PABX Adcom Fax System专用交换机传真系统FO-TEL-009 PABX Adcom Mail System专用交换机邮件系统FO-TEL-010 Public Address Paging System公共提示标志FO-TEL-011 Wake up Call叫醒服务FO-TEL-012 Personal calls私人电话FO-001 Baggage Service行李服务FO-002 Business Center Service商务中心FO-003 Engineering Service工程服务FO-004 Handling Guest Complaints处理客人投诉FO-005 Handling Incoming Calls处理来电FO-006 Housekeeping Service客房服务FO-007 Room Service-Incoming Call客房送餐来电FO-008 In-Room Dining Order客房用餐预订FO-009 Runner Service特殊服务Front Office Terms to Know前厅部须知A.H.&M.A. American Hotel and Motel Association.美国饭店及汽车旅馆协会Accommodate A promise of a room for a guest – if not in that hotel,then a commitment to find a room elsewhere.对客人保证客房的承诺Adjoining Rooms Two or more rooms side by side without a connectingdoor between them. In other words, rooms can be adjoiningwithout being connecting.两间或两间以上并排的、之间没有房门直接联系的房间。


STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURES标准工作程序FRONT DESKSTANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURETask No. DescriptionFD01 Awaiting room handling 等候房间FD02 Billing instruction handling 账目说明FD03 Blocking rooms for arrivals 房间预留FD04 Bucket check 检查登记卡FD05 Cash deposit collection 收取现金押金FD06 Check-in with TA voucher 持旅行社入住卷入住程序FD07 Extension stay 处理延住FD08 Flight reconfirmation 重复确认机票FD09 Generating report 总报告FD10 Greeting and welcoming guests 问候并欢迎客人FD11 Group check in 团队登记FD12 Guest location 客人方位FD13 Handling confidential / screen call request 处理客人保密和筛选电话要求FD14 Handling expected check out 处理预计离店客人FD15 Handling guest enquiries and introducing facilities 处理客人查询并介绍店内设施FD16 Handling in-house amenities 处理客人欢迎品FD17 Handling late check-out request 处理延迟退房的要求FD18 Handling message 处理留言FD19 Handling of complaints 处理投诉FD20 Handling of guest compliments 处理客人致意FD21 Handling wake-up calls requests 处理叫醒电话的要求FD22 Key authorization 钥匙的授权FD23 Lost & Found procedure 失物招领程序FD24 Loss of safe deposit box key 保险箱的钥匙丢失的处理FD25 Maintaining Communication Log Book 使用交班本FD26 Preparation for guest arrivals 为客人到达做好准备FD27 Printing arrival reports and registration cards 打印来客报告和登记卡FD28 Registering a walk-in guest 散客登记FD29 Registering guest with confirmed reservation 为确定的预订房间的客人登记FD30 Room change procedure 调房程序FD31 Safety deposit box 保险箱服务FD32 Taking reservation 办理预定FD33 Travel agency voucher 旅行社入住卷。


编号:HZF078:XБайду номын сангаасXX

Ramada 前台服务标准一、C/I标准:1.Good morning/afternoon/evening,Welcome to Ramada plaza nan jing;“早上好,欢迎光临南京华美达怡华酒店”2.How may I help you?可以为您效劳吗?(如客人回答Yes,I have a reservation,是的我有预定)3.May I have your name sir?(客人回答XXX)4.Would you please spell your name for me?能拼写一下您的名字吗?5.Just a moment, let me check it for you.请稍等6.Yes,Mr XXX,you booked a single room with breakfast for two nights.XXX先生,您预定了一间单人间,含一份早餐,住两个晚上.(同时把打印好的登记单双手递给客人,并用手指出房价)7.Would you please sign your name here? Thank you,Mr XXX请您签名(指一下登记单让客人签字,客人签好后,说谢谢并称呼客人姓)8.May I have your passport for a moment?可以看一下您的护照吗?(按要求在登记单上填写完整,核实无误后,双手递还给客人.)9.Mr XXX, How would you like to pay? Pay by credit card or cash?XXX先生,您是刷卡还是付现金呢?(客人如选择刷卡)10.May I have your credit card for a moment. Thank you ,Mr XXX this is your roomNo. And this is your room rate ,please sign your name on it。

酒店前厅复印服务标准操作规程G UEST E XPECTATION 客人期望:If I ask for copies to be produced, I expect them to be of good quality and logically sequenced and checked. I expect to have my original returned in good condition and I expect employees to be competent in handling the photo copy machine.如果我需要复印服务,希望复印质量高,有逻辑顺序并已经核查。
Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答:1.The guest wants to have a good quality copy of any size. 客人希望得到任意大小的高质量的复印件。
2.I feel confident in delivering the service our guests expect. 我有信心给予客人期望得到的服务。
3.We are able to increase the GSTS score by delivering serviceprofessional. 我们能够通过提供专业化的服务提高客人满意度调查分数。

POLICIES & PROCEDURE程序制度制度POLICY 商务中心复印服务编号REF. NO.SOP-FO-2执行职位POSITION RESPONSIBLE 所有人员涉及部门DEPT. CONCERNED所有分部政策POLICY:1.0 目的1.1保证商务中心为客复印服务工作正常运行。
2.0 适用范围2.1 规定商务中心文员复印服务工作程序。
3.0 职责3.1负责为客人做好复印等服务工作。
4.0 相关文件:无5.0作规范序号工作流程责任人工作要求验收标准文件/记录12 12 4 5 与客人确认要求 询问客人 开始复印 完成打印 商务文员 商务文员商务文员商务文员商务文员商务文员商务文员商务文员●站立面带微笑欢迎客人并请客人入坐。
● 经询问客人确定是需要复 印服务后,向客人说明收费标准并询问付款方式。
● 与客人确认复印数量及 纸张需要。
● 如果复印数量较多,询 问客人是否愿意在此等候还是需要将复印好的文件送到指定地点。
● 如果复印多套文件,询 问客人是否需要将文件分别装订或使用曲别针分类。
● 调整复印机以确保复印的文件干净、清晰。
● 检查原件,取下订书订或曲别针以保护复印机镜面。
● 将原件放在复印好的文件上,送还客人。
●双手递上并让客人能分清哪些是原件,哪些是●《 杂项单》●《 杂项单》 ●《 杂项单》 ●《工作笔记本》 ●《工作笔记本》 ●《工作笔记本》 ●《工作笔记本》 ●《工作笔记本》6.0相关记录6.1《工作笔记本》6.2《杂项单》3。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
If I ask for copies to be produced, I expect them to be of good quality and logically sequenced and checked. I expect to have my original returned in good condition and I expect employees to be competent in handling the photo copy machine.
Why is this task important for you and our guests?
1.The guest wants to have a good quality copy of any size. 客人希望得
2.I feel confident in delivering the service our guests expect. 我有信
3.We are able to increase the GSTS score by delivering service
professional. 我们能够通过提供专业化的服务提高客人满意度调查分数。