国际商务交际 Unit 3
unit 3 商务礼仪(Business Ritual)

1.忌用左手。握手时须用右手,尤其在和外国人握 手时,慎用左手与之相握,如果是右手有手疾或太 脏,需用左手代替右手时,应先声明原因并致歉。 2.忌戴手套。与人握手时,不可戴着手套。 3.忌不专心。施握手礼时应专心致志,面带微笑看 着对方,切忌左顾右盼、心不在焉。 4.忌坐着握手。除非是年老体弱或者身体有残疾的 人,握手双方应当站着而不能坐着握手。 5.忌顾此失彼。在握手时如果有几个人,而你只同 一个人握手,对其他人视而不见,这是极端不礼貌 的。同一场合与多人握手时,与每个人握手的时间 应大致相等,若握手的时间明显过长或过短,也有 失礼仪。
握手时除了注视对方和面带微笑外,还应注 意应由老人、贵宾、上级先伸手,如果你过 于主动就显得不礼貌。 握手时身体稍往前倾,不能挺胸昂头。当老 者伸手时,应急步趋前,用双手握住对方的 手,招呼“欢迎您”、“见到您很高兴”等 热情洋溢的话语。 两对男女相遇,应先是女士与女士先握手, 再由女士分别与男士握手,最后再是男士与 男士握手。
握手时的力度要适当,可握得稍紧些,以示 热情,但不可太用力。男士握女士的手应轻 一些,不宜握满全手,只握其手指部位即可。 如果下级或晚辈与你的手紧紧相握,作为上 级和长辈一般也应报以相同的力度,这容易 使晚辈或下级对自己产生强烈的信任感,也 可以使你的威望、感召力在晚辈或下级之中 得到提高。与老人、贵宾、上级握手,不仅 是为了表示问候,还有尊敬之意。
谈判中表达方式要婉转 谈判中应当尽量使用委婉语言,这样易于被对 方接受。比如,在否决对方要求时,可以这样说: “您说的有一定道理,但实际情况稍微有些出入” 然后再不露痕迹地提出自己的观点。这样做既不会 有损了对方的面子,又可以让对方心平气和地认真 倾听自己的意见。 其间,谈判高手往往努力把自己的意见用委婉 的方式伪装成对方的见解,提高说服力。在自己的 意见提出之前,先问对手如何解决问题。当对方提 出以后,若和自己的意见一致,要让对方相信这是 他自己的观点。在这种情况下,谈判对手有被尊重 的感觉,他就会认为反对这个方案就是反对他自己, 因而容易达成一致,获得谈判成功。

Unit 3Standardizing the Structure规范合同结构Topical Highlights单元要点Theme Presentation主题描述1.Preamble of a Contract合同的前言2.Main Body of a Contract合同的正文3.Final Clauses合同的结尾Useful Words and Phrases常用词语Reflections and Practice思考与实践BACKTheme Presentation主题描述国际商务合同种类繁多,标的各异,但就其结构而言,一般由三部分组成:前言、正文、结尾。
1. Preamble of a Contract 合同的前言国际商务合同的前言部分,主要包括两方面的内容:其一,主要载明合同当事人的名称或者姓名、国籍、主营业务或者住所(the corporate or personal names of the parties to the contract and their nationalities, principal places of business or residential addresses);其二,合同签订的日期、地点(the date and place of signing of the contract)。
【例1】本合同由中国ABC公司,——总公司设于中国上海(以下简称卖方)与美国XYZ公司,——总公司设于美国纽约州纽约市(以下简称买方)于1998年3月29日订立于中国上海,双方同意按下述条件买卖下列货物:This contract is made this 29th day Of March.1998 in Shanghai, China by and between ABC Corporation, China (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”), a______ Corporation having their principal office in Shanghai, China who agrees to sell, and XYZ Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer"), a_______ Corporation having their principal office in New York, N. Y. , USA, who agrees to buy the following goods On the terms and conditions as below:【例2】合同号码:(经合字)第0081号签约日期:1998年3月29日签约地点:中国上海卖方:中国ABC公司地址:中国上海——街——号公司属国:中华人民共和国电传:传真:邮编:电子信箱:买方:美国XYZ公司地址:美国纽约州纽约市——街——号公司属国:美利坚合众国电传:传真:邮编:电子信箱:Contract Number: JH Zi,No.0081Date of Execution of Contract:March,29,1998 Place of Execution of Contract: Shanghai, China.Seller: ABC Corporation, China.Address: No——,——St.,Shanghai, China.Country of Corporation: People's Republic of ChinaTelex:Fax:Postcode:E-mail:Buyer: XYZ Corporation, USAAddress: No——,——St., New York, N. Y. USACountry of Corporation: United States of AmericaTelex:Fax:Postcode:E-mail:2. Main Body of a Contract 合同的正文国际商务合同的正文部分是合同的实质性条款,通常由以下内容组成:(1)The type of contract and the categories and scope of the object of the contract(合同的类型和合同标的的种类、范围)起草这部分内容,应注意下列问题:第一,合同的类型是指合同是属于国际货物销售合同(contract for international sale of goods)、专有技术许可证合同(license/know-how contract)、成套设备技术引进合同(contract for introduction of complete plant and technology)还是其他合同(other contracts);第二,合同标的是指合同当事人各方权利、义务所指向的对象,没有标的或标的不明确的合同是无法履行的。

Establish ground rules that permit the orderly transaction of business.
Control the discussion to ensure that it is relevant, that a few members do not monopolize the discussion, and that all members have an opportunity to be heard.
González: So, perhaps we could call our meeting to order. Before we begin, I should like to say that I hope the meeting will be constructive and have a positive outcome. The purpose is to resolve a few problems which have been caused by the recent merger of our two companies. Perhaps I could start by asking Mr. Banks for a few words? Banks: Sure. I share Sir González's hopes for a constructive meeting. I also hope that some ways will be found for working a little more closely together than we have up to now and therefore getting better results both for us at Delco and for you at Duo. Maggie: Agreed.
国际商务谈判,课件,Unit 3

Unit Three Establishing positions
7. Watch Version 2 again. Make a list of the different ways in which Andrew involves the Levien team in his presentation.
He encourages interruptions and questions. Andrew and Karen work as a team. He shows he is in control, but flexible enough to change direction.
Unit Three Establishing positions
6. Watch Version 2. How has Andrew’s style changed?
His style is now inclusive. He involves Levien in the presentation. He makes good contact with his audience.
Unit Three Establishing positions
2. What is the best way to make sure you get feedback on your position?
Simply ask for it. Make sure when you are presenting that you check frequently that the audience is following and has an opportunity to ask questions and comment.


九年级英语知识点总结unit3九年级英语知识点总结Unit 3在九年级的英语学习中,Unit 3是一个重要的单元,该单元主要涵盖了关于商务交流的内容。
例如,我们可以用以下语句开始一封邮件:“Dear Mr./Ms. X,”,并在结束时使用“Sincerely”或“Best regards”等表达方式。
例如,我们可以用“I would like to inquire about…”来表达自己的询问,用“I am writing to apologize for…”来表示道歉,用“I am pleased to inform you that…”来传达好消息等。
例如,当我们接到对方电话时,我们可以用“Hello, this is [Your Name]. How can I help you?”来接电话;当我们需要询问对方是否有空时,我们可以用“Are you available on [date/time]?”来询问等。

求职(Employment Communication)包括分析自我,分析市场,获取就业信息,准备简历到最后的面试成功等内容。

We Win
Dud Buy!!!!!!
Bargaining Skills
Cut down considerably from the asking price.
Never express how much you like the things you want to buy. Try to find and point out as many flaws as possible in the product.试图
市场:通常是一个图——一个价格,交货 期——这是你的理想的位置在任何谈判。
compromi se
Negoti ation
• When we buy somethings , bargaining is necessary. • Bargaining is to discussing the conditions of a sale , agreement , etc. , to try to get a lower price.当我们
中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 3 Negotiating and Signing up a Contract.ppt

此外,注重关系文化的管理者常常希望举行一个由各自执行总裁参加 的正式签字仪式。
就后续交流(follow up)而言,美国文化强调“把人和事区分开来”, 感兴趣的主要为实质性问题,所以往往不太注重后续交流。但是在注 重个人关系的文化中,保持与大多数外国客户的后续交流被视作国际 商务谈判的重要部分。在合同签订很久以后,仍然会进行信件、图片 和互访等交流。
谈判常常由三个因素构成:谈判的当事人、谈判的标的(target)和谈判 背景(background)。由于不同文化下的商务谈判风格差异很大,所以 在国际商务谈判中,应针对不同文化背景的商业伙伴(business associate),强化基于文化差异的谈判管理。
谈判前:了解可能出现的文化差异(cultural difference)。倾听(listening) 是商务谈判的一项重要活动。谈判者的首要任务就是收集信息,从而 增强创造力。这就意味着应指派专门成员负责“倾听”、“记笔记”。 商务谈判是一个沟通过程,单个谈判者再好的理由也可能敌不过众人 点头,而且团队式谈判要比个人式谈判更容易收集详细的信息。
另外,谈判方式也因文化而异。美国文化倾向于众人一起来“敲定一个 协议(finalize an agreement)”;而日本文化喜欢先与每个人单独谈,如果 每个人都同意的话,再安排范围更广的会谈;俄罗斯人喜欢累计的方法, 和一方先谈,达成一项协议,然后前面的两方再邀请第三方,如此进行 下去。
谈判时限的控制也很重要。不同文化具有不同的时间观念。如北美文化 的时间观念很强,对美国人来说时间就是金钱。而中东和拉丁美洲文化 的时间观念则较弱,在他们看来,时间应当是被享用的。因此,在国际 商务谈判中,对时间观念的差异应有所准备。
谈判准备工作包括:谈判背景,对人和形势的评估;谈判过程中需要核 实的事实,议事日程,最佳备选方案和让步策略。其中谈判背景又包含: 谈判地点、场地布置、谈判单位、参谈人数、听众、交流渠道和谈判时 限。所有这些准备必须考虑到可能的文化差异。例如,场地布置方面的 文化差异对合作可能会有微妙的影响。在等级观念较重的文化中,如果 房间安排不当、较随便,可能会引起对方的不安甚至恼怒。
剑桥商务英语(初级)课件:BEC Unit3

New Words & Expressions
• contract n. & vt. 订合同,合同、契约 • take delivery of 收货, 提取货物 • merge vi. & vt. 合并 • fleet 舰队 • budget airline 低价航空公司 budget 廉价的 • go public 上市,公开发售股票 • entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的 • entrepreneur n. 企业家
Reading: The Man behind McDonald’s 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人
• IN 1954, TWO BROTHERS ran a small, but busy, restaurant in San Bernardino, California.
• The restaurant featured a limited menu that included: hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks and milkshakes. The milkshakes were very popular and the restaurant had purchased ten special “Multi-mixer” milkshake makers. Each one could mix five milkshakes at a time.
• Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owners of the restaurant. He saw how they prepared the food using equipment that they had invented. The service in the restaurant was fast and the prices were inexpensive.
unit three (国际商务英语)

Golden rules for making telephone calls
Plan your call by making notes beforehand.— before the call Talk slowly and clearly. Listen carefully to what the other person says. Note down important details (numbers, spellings, dates and times)—during the call Check back that you have understood important details correctly. Follow up the call with a fax, e-mail or letter, confirming the details.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The phone’s ringing. Why don’t you ___ the receiver. I am afraid she isn’t available at the moment. Can you ___later? Can you ___ their number in the directory, please? I am afraid she is with a client, shall I __you __ to her secretary? Hello? Are you still there? I think we were ___ for a moment. Mr. Green never seems to be in his office. I have been trying to ___ to him all morning. Could you ___ for a moment? I will just find out for you. If the telephonist says “ thank you so much for calling” and plays me that awful electronic music again, I will ___. If you get a wrong number, its polite to say “ I am sorry, I have dialled the wrong number” before you ___. If an American telephonist asks “ Are you through?, she wants to know if you call ____.
商务英语综合教程第三册课件 Unit 3 International trade

(2)The strong economic complementarity between China and Africa offers us broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation.
这不是,事实 上,两国都从迅速发展的中美贸易中获得了巨大的 利益。
Company Logo
Unit 3 International Trade (5)
at the expense of 以…为代价;由…支 付费用
(1)One country’s success need not come at the expense of another.
Company Logo
Unit 3 International Trade (3)
Notes of Text
• 1. must ascend the mountain’s crest; it dwarfs all peaks under my feet: 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。
• 2. RMB exchange rate: 人民币汇率 • 3. IPR: Intellectual property
中美贸易之所以能迅速发展,根本原因在于两国经 济具有极大的互补性。这种互补性,很大程度上来 自两国资源条件、经济结构以及消费水平存在着很 大的差异。
Unit 3 International Trade (7)
Complementarity n. 互补性;补充;补足 (1)The fast growth of the Chinese
商务时文贯通BEC必考词-Unit 3【声音字幕同步PPT】

The European insurance market is an important
part in the process of integration. warehouse
If necessary, please warehouse the goods. The company owns 3450 square meters standard three-dimensional logistics warehouse.
letters of credit or negotiable instruments. unconditional
News freedom, as a political right, is relative and conditional instead of
being absolute or unconditional.
definite Any investment project must have very
definite and short payback periods. revocable
A revocable letter of credit is subject to
amendment or cancellation at any moment
It took us three days to accomplish this tough task. substitute
You would substitute when the manager is away.
facilitate You could facilitate the process
国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 3 Dress to Impress

Corporate Attire
Corporate attire is the written or unwritten dress code of an organization.
It suggests a formal, conservative dress style.
Attention to detail, impeccable grooming, and a well-fitted suit are a must to make a lasting good impression.
Two levels of business attire
Business professional
the most conservative corporate dress
InformaΒιβλιοθήκη business professional
a more relaxed version of the business professional look
Casual work attire
Special Business Occasions
The Company Party The Office Party The Cocktail Party
The Appeal of Accessories
For Women For Men
Country-specific dress etiquette
The business professional look
The business professional look includes a conservative suit in a solid or pinstriped pattern.
商务英语 Unit 3 Travel

Reading 1: Free flight offer
Emirates Airline (shortened form: Emirates) is a major airline in the Middle East, and a subsidiary of The Emirates Group. It is the national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Emirates operates an international network from its hub at Dubai International Airport, spanning North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. The airline operates over 1,990 passenger flights per week, to 101 destinations in 61 countries across 6 continents. The company also operates four of the world's longest non-stop commercial flights from Dubai to Los Angeles, São Paulo, Houston, and San Franciish English?
American gasoline truck parking lot vacation cab baggage round trip subway flight attendant freeway line schedule British petrol lorry car park holiday taxi luggage return trip tube steward/stewardess motorway queue timetable Travel
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
of Beijing
March 30 11:00 a.m.
March 30 3:00 a.m.
2 hours ahead 6 hours behind
of Beijing
Building your skills
Task 3 Different people have different objectives in a telephone call. Please f ind out the objectives of these people`s calls in the situations below. The f irst one is done for you as an example.
2. To arrange to get the rest of the delivery sent as soon as possible. 3. To complain about the poor service (possible). Situation 2
A user of HB printers, makes a call to HB customer helpline, as he keeps suffering from a problem of paper jams.
1. What are the problems they have? 2. How can problem like this be avoided?
Starting up
1. What are the problems they have? The main problem is lack of preparation. The caller in Shenzhen has not checked the time in New York is 2 a.m .. There is a time difference of 12 hours!
Learning about communication
What is his/her telephone number?
What is/are your purpose(s)?
Who are you going to call?
Have you checked the time?
Have you listed the main points you
·How to be polite, helpful, orderly and natural
Preparing for
Starting up
Task 1 Pair work. Look at the cartoon and discuss with your partners the following questions.
Unit 3
Making Telephone Calls
01 Preparing for calls 02 Opening phone calls 03 Structuring telephone
Skills overview
Preparing for calls
·Making desk preparation ·Checking time in other time zones ·Identifying call objectives ·Listing main points
New York
March 30 9:00 March 29 9:00
March 30 2:00 a.m.
March 30 10:00 a.m.
12 hours 7 hours behind 1 hour ahead
behind Beijing
Learning about communication
Call Preparation
A successful phone call depends mostly on the preparation, no matter whether it is outgoing or incoming. The lack of preparation, particularly in the international context, may somewhat result in a loss of business. When making a call, you should try to guess what the other person might say or ask. This is subconscious preparation. But there are more conscious things to do, like getting together any information you need and having the right f ile nearby, your calendar, notepaper and pen ready. You might also need some particular stuff on the computer screen, sales f igures, a client list, etc. All that is what you call desk preparation, which is very important. Then in addition you may need to check recent correspondence, knowing exactly what’s going on so as to understand the situation or the relationship. Above all, you will have to check the name of the person you are going to call and the telephone number, think about the purpose of the call, what you expect from the call and what you may need to ask or need to say. If the call is an international one, you had better check the time before dialing, as there is a time difference for different time zones. If you are making the call in a foreign language, it is suggested that you write down all the key points and prioritize them. Below is a preparation checklist for your reference.
case of non-availability?
a) Call back/be called back — when? b) Leave a message c) Speak to someone else d) Write or fax information
Building your skills
want to communicate on the phone?
What do you think the other
person will say or ask you? How will you respond?
Have you got the following available?
2. How can problem like this be avoided? One should always check the time when calling different time zones. The earth is divided into 24 time zones, each of which is about 15° wide. Each time zone is one hour different to the next. Within each zone all clocks are set to the same time. This is the case all over the world — there are very few exceptions, such as Australia, where there are half-hour zones. The middle line, or meridian, is located in Greenwich in London. All time zones are based around Greenwich Mean Time. Each time zone to the west of Greenwich is on an earlier time zone, while those to the east of Greenwich are on a later time. Directly around the world from Greenwich is the International Date Line, where the time zones meet. The Date Line is 12 time zones to the east of Greenwich and 12 time zones to the west. Therefore, instead of a one-hour time difference, there is a 24-hour time difference. People who cross this line do not need to change their watch, but they need to change the date.