(20)2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标Ⅰ卷 英语试卷

B. Where to meet.
C. When to leave.
A. To keep the birds there for a whole year. B. To help students study the birds well. C. To prevent the birds
4. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. It’s warm.
B. It’s brown.
C. It’s smooth.
3. What are the speakers talking about?
20. What is the purpose of the scientists’ experiment?
A. What to drink.
the pressure fingers apply to each key. The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like
A. It requires no training before employment.
2020 年(黑吉辽宁琼豫晋新冀蒙滇甘黔青)新课标高考考生必备高考模拟试题 汇编(英语试卷)
2020 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题(新课标 第二十套)
A. Her wide reading.
B. Her leaders’ guidance. C. Her friends’ help.
英语试卷(选自 2019 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标Ⅰ卷)
persons with a disability.

由此可见,王阳明的“致良知”说A.推动了儒学思想世俗化B.尊崇了儒学的传统风尚C.显著提升了“四书”地位D.背离了理学的基本思想28. 1884年点石斋出版的石印本《申江胜景图》,将《吴淞火轮车》(如图6所示)作为新上海的一大胜景,并认为“维车之利,无间华夷,使人使马各有所宜。
这反映出当时A.经济结构渐趋优化B.民众的出行方式发生巨变C.上海成为经济中心D.中西方文明的碰撞与交流29. 1906年,中国第一个省级公共图书馆——湖南图书馆建立,1909年,国立京师图书馆开始筹建,其余各省图书馆也加紧筹建。

普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题英语参考答案第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力答案:1--5 BACBA6--7 CA 8--9 BA 10--12 CBC 13--16 BCBA 17--20 ACBA听力材料:Text 1W:What’s the weather forecast for the weekend?M:It’s going to be cold tonight and freezing on Saturday.W:What about on Sunday?M:It’s getting worse; it’s going to be windy and maybe even snowy.材料来源:http://wwwText 2M: Hey ,Mei Hong! How are you getting to Xi’an next week?W: I’m not sure yet. I may take the train but then again I might take the bus.M:Yeah, but the bus takes a long time. You could fly --- it’s not so expensive these days.材料来源:http://www.tmlText 3W:How was your morning jog?M:Very good. I feel quite refreshed now! You should come with me sometime---exercise is good for you!W:To be honest, I’d rather watch television! Where did you go?M:I just ran alongside the main road.材料来源:http://www.tmlText 4M: what kind of person do you consider yourself to be?W: I think I’m polite, careful, relaxed and shy.M: oh, I don’t think you’re shy! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party. http://www.eText 5W:Can I help you?M:Yes,I’d like to know if you have got any story books in English?W:Of course,we have. which one do you want to borrow?M:“A garden party”.材料来源:http://www.ehtmltext 6W: Hi, Geoff. What do you do in your free time?M: I like to play piano, go bowling, and chat online with my friends. And you?W: I like to hang out with friends, play games, and go swimming.M: Would you like to go out sometime?W: Sure, that’d be great. Where would you like to go?M: Anywhere with you!材料来源:Text 7M: May I ask you how much is the tour fee?W: It is two thousand two hundred Yuan per capita.M: What about children?W: The fee for children is one thousand one hundred, namely it is half-price for children.M: Can you give me a discount?W: I'm afraid it is busy season. How many people do you have?M: Four adults and one child.W: OK, we can give you ten percent of the price off.材料来源:http://www.mlText 8M:Where are you going this weekend?W:I’m going to Hainan.M:Oh really? It’ll be nice and warm there. Are you traveling alone?W: No, I will go there with my parents. We haven’t been together for years.M: Have you been there before?W:Yes, actually it’s my second visit. I was there alone on business last October.M:I see. What’s it like there?W:Well, the lifestyle is much more relaxed than here in the city. And the seafood is tastier!M:Well, have a great time!材料来源:http://www.-1.htmlText 9M: Hello, Gabrielle!W: Hello!M: How are you doing today?W: Good thanks.M: Now, Grabrielle, I hear that you are going back home to New ZealandW: That's right. I'm going home for summer vacation.M: OK. What are your plans?W: Probably a week relaxing ,going camping in North Island ,visiting some of my friends and then I'm going back to work.M: Oh, OK. Where do you work?W: I teach as an English teacher in Christchurch, in New Zealand.M: Oh, OK. And that's where you're from, naturally.W: That's right. I spent my childhood there and there are happy memories I can’t forget.M: Were you born there?W: I was, yeah!材料来源:http:lLuckily, you can do a few things to make homework less work.First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don't be afraid to ask questions about what's expected. It's much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night! If you want, you can also ask how long the particular homework assignment should take to complete so you can budget your time.Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. The more work you can get done in school, the less you'll have to do that night.Third, pace yourself. If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. It's a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.材料来源:第二部分阅读理解【文章大意】本文是一篇广告类说明文。

2019年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试数学模拟试卷(四)注意事项:1.本试题卷包括选择题、填空题和解答题三部分共19小题,共150分; 2.本卷考试时间:120分钟3.用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷中,答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚.一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题6分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 如果集合{}1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8U =,{}1,35,8A =,,{}2,4,8B =,那么(A U)B 等( )A. {}1,23,4,5,8,B. {}24,C. {}8,2D. {}2,4,7 2. 已知(1,2),(1,)a b x =-=,若a b ⊥,则x 等于( ) A.21 B. 21- C. 2 D. -2 3. 把函数y=x 2-1的图像按向量a =(2,3)平移,得到y=f (x )的图像,则f (x ) = ( )A. (x -2)2-4B. (x +2)2-4C. (x -2)2+2D. (x +2)2+2 4. 已知函数)1(156≠∈-+=x R x x x y ,那么它的反函数为 ( ) A. ()1156≠∈-+=x R x x x y 且 B. ()665≠∈-+=x R x x x y 且 C. ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-≠∈+-=65561x R x x x y 且 D. ()556-≠∈+-=x R x x x y 且 5. 不等式024<--x x •的解集是 ( ) A. {x|0<x<1} B. {x|2<x<4} C. {x|x<2或x>4} D. {x|-∞<x<0} 6. 已知点(1,cos )θ到直线sin cos 1x y θθ+=(0)2πθ<≤的距离为14,则θ等于 ( )A.6πB.4πC.3πD.2π7. 设f (x )是定义在(,)-∞+∞内的奇函数,且是减函数。

2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题(山东卷)基本能力测试本试卷分第I 卷和第II 卷两部分,共?页,满分100分。
第I 卷(共30分)注意事项:1. 第I 卷共30小题,全部为单项选择题,每小题1分,共30分。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
下列说法错误的是A .气象谚语有“露重见晴天”的说法,这是因为大气逆辐射弱,地表降温快B .人们经常说“大树底下好乘凉”,蒸腾作用是形成这种情况原因之一C .“横看成岭侧成峰”告诉我们所处的位置不同,对客观事物的认识就会有所不同D .庄子所说的“天地与我共生,万物与我为一”体现了人类中心论思想2.一天之中,阳光随时间推移不仅有亮度的变化,色彩也随之变化。
一般规律是 ①早晨光线有红色的倾向 ②中午光线最强,色彩感觉最弱③夕阳光线最冷 ④夜晚色调最暖A.②③B. ②④C.①③D.①②3.《阳关三叠》是古代歌曲的代表作品,歌词是选用著名诗人王维的作品《送元二使安西》,请选出正确的适合歌词“渭城朝雨浥轻尘”的节奏是 A. xx xx ︱ x x ︱ x - ‖B . xxx xx ︱ xxx xx ︱ xxx xx ︱ xx x0 ‖ C. x .x x – ︱x .x x –‖ D. xxxx x ︱xxxx x ︱x –‖4.随着科技进步,太空技术的迅速发展,太空垃圾也越来越多。
如图所示,某空间站看上去位于地平线上方,由于光在空气中发生了折射,所以空间站的实际位置应在图中的下方,现准备用一束激光射向该空间站,则应把激光器A .沿视线对着空间站瞄高一些B .沿视线对着空间站瞄低一些C .沿视线对准空间站直接瞄准D .条件不足,无法判别5.历史上许多文人墨客对月亮情有独钟,创作了大量富有想象的诗歌。

D. A=1+ 1 2A
此时,不满足条件 k 2 ,退出循环,输出 A 的值为 1 , 2+ 1 2+ 1 2
观察 A 的取值规律可知图中空白框中应填入 A = 1 . 2+ A
9.记 Sn 为等差数列{an}的前 n 项和.已知 S4 = 0,a5 = 5,则( )
A. an = 2n - 5
分, 2R = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 ,即 R = 6 , \V = 4 pR3 = 4 p ´ 6 6 = 6p ,故选 D.
二、填空题: 本题共 4 小题,每小题 5 分,共 20 分。
13.曲线 y = 3(x2 + x)ex在点 (0, 0)处的切线方程为
【答案】 3x - y = 0
B. an = 3n -10
C. Sn = 2n2 - 8n
1 2
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
【考点】等差数列通项公式及其前 n 项和基本公式
⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩
= 4a1 +
a5 = a1
d 2
´4´3 =
4d = 5
,解得% a1
= -3
- 5 ,故选
10.已知椭圆 C 的焦点为 F1( -1, 0),F2(1, 0),过 F2 的直线与 C 交于 A,B 两点.若
由椭圆的定义有 2a = BF1 + BF2 = 4n ,\ AF1 = 2a - AF2 = 2n .

(7)设计由甲苯和乙酰乙酸乙酯(CH3COCH2COOC2H5)制备 的合成路线__________(无机试剂任选)。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 Li 7 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 S 32 Cl 35.5 Ar 40 Fe 56 I 127
3.实验室制备溴苯的反应装置如下图所示,关于实验操作或பைடு நூலகம்述错误的是
(3)根据H3BO3的解离反应:H3BO3+H2O H++B(OH)−4,Ka=5.81×10−10,可判断H3BO3是_______酸;在“过滤2”前,将溶液pH调节至3.5,目的是_______________。
【点睛】本题考查物质 性质,侧重分析与应用能力的考查,注意化学与生活的联系,把握物质性质、反应与用途为解答的关键。
2.关于化合物2−苯基丙烯( ),下列说法正确的是

龙葵碱的化学式为C45H73O15N,下列有关龙葵碱的说法正确的是()A.龙葵碱的相对原子质量为867 gB.龙葵碱中碳元素的质量分数最大C.龙葵碱中碳元素与氧元素的质量比为3∶1D.龙葵碱是由45个碳原子、73个氢原子、15个氧原子和1个氮原子构成的8.将铁粉放入硫酸锌和硫酸铜的混合溶液中,充分反应后过滤,滤液中一定有的阳离子是()A.Fe2+B.Fe2+、Zn2+C.Fe2+、Cu2+D.Fe2+、Zn2+、Cu2+9.除去下列物质中的杂质,所选用的试剂和操作方法都正确的是()10.下列图像能正确反应对应变化关系的是()A.加水稀释一定量浓盐酸B.实验室加热氯酸钾制取氧气C.向一定量水中加入硫酸铜固体D.向一定量氢氧化钠溶液中加入稀硫酸第Ⅱ卷非选择题(共50分)二、生活、生产应用题(本大题共5个小题。

7.陶瓷是火与土的结晶,是中华文明的象征之一,其形成、性质与化学有着密切的关系,下列说法错误的是A.“雨过天晴云破处”所描述的瓷器青色,来自氧化铁B.闻名世界的秦兵马俑是陶制品,由粘土经高温烧结而成C.陶瓷是应用较早的人造材料,主要化学成分是硅酸盐D.陶瓷化学性质稳定,具有耐酸碱侵蚀,抗氧化等优点【答案】A【解析】A 项氧化铁即三氧化二铁,红棕色。
下图为为少量HCl气体分子在253K冰表面吸附和溶解过程的示意图,下列叙述错误的是A.冰表面第一层中,HCl以分子形式存在B.冰表面第二层中,H+浓度为5×10-3mol·L-1(设冰的密度为0.9g·cm-3)C.冰表面第三层中冰的氢键网格结构保持不变D.冰表面各层之间,均存在可逆反应HCl H++Cl-【答案】D。

4. 考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。
1. 下列与细胞相关的叙述,正确的是A. 核糖体、溶酶体都是具有膜结构的细胞器B. 酵母菌的细胞核内含有DNA和RNA两类核酸C. 蓝藻细胞的能量来源于其线粒体有氧呼吸过程D. 在叶绿体中可进行CO2的固定但不能合成ATP2. 离子泵是一张具有ATP水解酶活性的载体蛋白,能利用水解ATP释放的能量跨膜运输离子。
下列叙述正确的是A. 离子通过离子泵的跨膜运输属于协助扩散B. 离子通过离子泵的跨膜运输是顺着浓度阶梯进行的C. 动物一氧化碳中毒会降低离子泵扩膜运输离子的速率D. 加入蛋白质变性剂会提高离子泵扩膜运输离子的速率3. 若除酶外所有试剂均已预保温,则在测定酶活力的试验中,下列操作顺序合理的是A.加入酶→加入底物→加入缓冲液→保温并计时→一段时间后检测产物的量B. 加入底物→加入酶→计时→加入缓冲液→保温→一段时间后检测产物的量C. 加入缓冲液→加入底物→加入酶→保温并计时→一段时间后检测产物的量D. 加入底物→计时→加入酶→加入缓冲液→保温→一段时间后检测产物的量4.下列与神经细胞有关的叙述,错误..的是A. ATP能在神经元线粒体的内膜上产生B. 神经递质在突触间隙中的移动消耗ATPC. 突触后膜上受蛋白体的合成需要消耗ATPD. 神经细胞兴奋后恢复为静息状态消耗ATP5. 在漫长的历史时期内,我们的祖先通过自身的生产和生活实践,积累了对生态方面的感性认识和经验,并形成了一些生态学思想,如:自然与人和谐统一的思想。

(3)步骤③中选用足量 H2O2,H2O2可以将Fe2+氧化为Fe3+,且H2O2的还原产物为H2O,不会引入新的杂质,故理由是:将Fe2+全部氧化为Fe3+,不引入新的杂质。因为H2O2本身易分解,所以在加入时需分量加入,同时为了防止Fe3+水解,溶液要保持pH小于0.5;
B.冰表面第二层中,H+浓度为5×10−3mol·L−1(设冰的密度为0.9 g·cm−3)

普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试——化学(王后雄终级押题卷1)可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 0 16 C135.5 Ca 40 Fe 56 Cu 64 I 1277.研究表明,地球上的碳循环,光合作用是必不可少的(如下图所示)。
下列叙述正确的是A.石油与煤是可再生能源B. C02是煤、石油形成淀粉、纤维素等的催化剂C.光合作用将太阳能转化为化学能D.图中所出现的物质中的淀粉与纤维素为同分异构体8.下列有关仪器使用方法或实验操作正确的是A.用胶头滴管向试管里滴加溶液,滴管都不能插人液面下B.用向上排空气法可以收集NO气体C.用pH试纸测定氯水的pHD.乙醇和乙酸乙酯可用饱和Na2C.03.液鉴别9.苯甲醇是重要的化工原料。
下列有关苯甲醇的说法错误的是A.与乙酸、浓硫酸混合加热可发生酯化反应B.能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色C.与氧气通过灼热的铜网可以生成苯甲醛D.若含有少量甲醇,则可以通过加水分液除去10.下列叙述正确的是A.28 g氮气与32 g氧气中,含有相同的质子数B.同等质量乙酸和甲醛中,电子数相同C. 1 mol —02H 与 1 mol 18〇H-,中子数比为 1:1D.1 mol环丙烷与1 mol丙烯,共价键数目不同11.用氮化镓(GaN)和铜作电极,稀硫酸溶液作电解质溶液的原电池来模拟人工光合系统,该装置可以C02和H20为原料合成CH4。
下列推断正确的是A.这四种原子中,Y原子的半径最大B. Y与X组成的化合物均溶于水显酸性C.电解R和Y组成的化合物能得到R单质D.四种元素形成的氢化物中,Z的氢化物最稳定13.硫酸亚铁铵[(NH4)2Fe(S04)2],俗名为莫尔盐、摩尔盐,简称FAS,是一种蓝绿色的无机复盐。

2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学模拟测试一、选择题 1.122ii+=- ( ) A.112i +B.112i --C.112i -+D.112i -2.已知集合{}10M x x x =>≤或,{}22N y y x =+=,则M N ⋂=( )A.{}110x x x >-<≤或 B.{}120x x x >-<≤或 C.{}1x x <-D.{}120x x x >-≤≤或 3.八卦的形成源于《河图》《洛书》,它用代表阳,用代表阴,用这两种符号,组成八种不同形式,每一种形式都命为一卦,分别为乾、坤、震、巽、坎、离、艮、兑,比如乾卦是,坤卦是,坎卦是。
在八卦中任选一卦,则这一卦至少含有两条的概率是( ) A.34B.12C.38D.584.已知1F 、2F 是双曲线22221x y a b-=(0a >,0b >)的两焦点,以线段12F F 为一直角边作等腰直角三角形12MF F ,若另一直角边的中点在双曲线上,则双由线的离心率是( )11+C.12+D.125.设x ,y 满足约束条件360200,0x y x y x y --≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪≥≥⎩,则目标函数23z x y =+的最大值为( )A.28B.18C.26D.246.已知一个圆锥的母线长为4,且其侧面积是其轴截面面积的4倍,则该圆锥的高为( ) A.πB.32π C.23π D.2π 7.若a 、b 、c 均为正数,且4714a b c ==,则( )A.1112a b c-=B.1112b c a-=C.1112c a b-=D.1112c b a-=8.已知函数()2sin y x ωϕ=+(ω+∈N ,2πϕ<)的图象经过点()0,1,且在区间()0,π恰有两个零点,则该函数图象的一条对称轴方程可能为( ) A.3x π=B.16x π=C.2x π=-D.12x π=9.如图,这是函数()y f x =在区间,22ππ⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭上的大致图象,则()f x 可能是 ( )A.()ln sin f x x =B.()()ln cos f x x =C.()sin tan f x x =-D.()()tan cos f x x =-10.已知1247111646T =⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⋅⋅⋅⨯,若右边的框图是计算T 的程序框图,则框图中①和②处可以分别填入( )A.10i ≤?,m m i =+B.10i ≤?,1m m i =++C.11i ≤?,m m i =+D.11i ≤?,1m m i =++11.在各项均为正数的等比数列{}n a 中,()()224634n n n n n a a a a a ++++++=,其前n 项和为n S ,若存在第m 项,使得34m m m S a ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,则m 等于( )A.4B.8C.16D.3212.下图是某多面体的三视图,图中每个小正方形的边长为1,则这个多面体的外接球的半径为( )A.3B.C.3D.3二、填空题13.等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,411a =,10100S =,则10a =______。
2019年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试(王后雄终极押题)理科综合试题(押题卷1) Word版含答案

下列相关叙述中,正确的是A.流经该庭院生态系统的总能量是b + cB.年龄组成为稳定型的禽畜种群密度将不变C.畜禽传递给分解者的能量是i中的一部分D.通过图中数据无法得出植物的呼吸散失量29.(10分)如图所示是某植物叶肉细胞内光合作用和细胞呼吸的物质变化示意图。

2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
1. 关于峰顶附近空气对流运动的表述,正确的是A. 其热源为阳坡的冰雪面B. 其水汽来源为峰顶附近的碎石面C. 其对流运动的上升气流类似谷风D. 上升气流带来强大的高空西风2. 从珠峰旗云的状态不仅可以知道当天的天气,还可以预测未来1-2天内珠峰地区的天气状况。
当旗云形状紊乱,且有丝状云(如上右图)出现时,下列表述正确的是A. 对流旺盛,易形成大雪天气,不宜登山B. 西风风力较大,不宜登山C. 对流弱,天气晴朗,适宜登山D. 西风风力较小,适宜登山3. 登山运动员在珠峰大本营(海拔5200米)附近发现很多碎石,攀登至冰雪面时发现有冰川裂缝,形成珠峰大本营附近碎屑堆积物和冰雪面冰川裂缝的作用力分别是A. 冰川侵蚀、地壳运动B. 风力堆积、冰川侵蚀C. 冰川堆积、冰川侵蚀D. 冰川堆积、流水侵蚀【答案】1. C 2. B 3. C【解析】试题分析:1. 读图可知,图中7500米处以上气流上升,而此处为碎石面,太阳出来以后,碎石面很快被烤热,所以热源来自于碎石面,另外,阳坡的冰雪面反射强烈,温度低,A错。

2019年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语模拟试卷(一)I. Listening Comprehension(略)II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in eachblank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word thatbest fits each blank.Rescue a Raccoon(浣熊)A disoriented five-month-old raccoon hurries across a busy road in Greenbrae, California.Somehow the animal and her mom have become separated, a nd now the(21)_________(frighten) babyhas no idea what to do. Suddenly a car approaches.Unable to see the animal, the driver accidentally runs over her hind leg. The raccoonfalls to the ground where she lies helpless.Other motorists, who saw the accident, pull over to check on the injured animal.One concerned witness is Marco Berger, who works for a nearby wildlife hospitalcalled WildCare. Berger calls anearby branch of the Marin Humane Society, an organization that, among other things,transports (22) _________(injure) wildlife tocare centers. About 10 minutes later, rescue officers arrive on the scene.They use a net to lift up the little raccoon, then load her into an animal ambulance (23) _________rush her to WildCare.At the hospital, head veterinary technician Nat Smith gives the raccoon a checkup.An X-rayof her leg reveals that the thighbone is completely broken. If the bone(24)_________ (not repair), she’llnever be able to run, climb, or search for food in the wild. The good news is that the leg (25) _________be fixed with surgery.Almost immediately after (26) _________ (wake) up from the surgery, thea day she’s able towalk on her leg,” raccoon shows signs ofimprovement. “WithinSmith says. A week and a half later, the raccoon has become so active that WildCarestaff decide to move the animal to a 12-foot-by-12-foot outdoor enclosure(27) _________trees for her to climb.Within two months, the young raccoon is ready (28) _________ (release). Afterone final checkup,she’s loaded into a pet carrier and driven to a forested area near (29) _________she w as found. As soon as the carrier door is opened, the raccoon (30)________ (run) into the woods. “She’s ready to take onthe wild,” says Smith. Section BDirections: Complete the following passage b y using the words in the box. Eachword can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. appearanceB. attemptedC. convincedD. demonstrationE. desertedF. desperateG. excuseH. nationalI. physicalJ. processK.reluctantA Real Page-turner?In 1981, a man who claimed to have special psychic powers amazed TV audiences across the US with a simple______31____: using only the power of hismind, James Hydrick turned over the pagesof a book. Later, on the same show, hemade a pencil spin around without touching it. Hydrick became a(n) ____32_____celebrity overnight, and ordinary people in the street started discussingthe ability to move____33_____objects using only your mind. “telekinesis”—career took off, and in addition to his _____34____ on TV, he also Hydrick’sbecame a successful martial arts teacher. He even claimed that he could pass on hisspecial gift of telekinesis to his young students. Naturally, there were hundreds of youngsters who were _____35____ to learn, and happy to pay for lessons.Unfortunately for Hydrick, not everybody was entirely _____36____. JamesRandi, an American magician, was publicly skeptical about Hydrick’sclaims andinsisted that his “paranormal” powers were really just magic tricks. When Randi and Hydrick appeared o n a TV show together, Randi placed small, very light pieces ofplastic around the book just before Hydrick _____37____ his performance. Hydrick’sparanormalpowers____38_____ him, and he was unable to turn even asingle page. Although he invented a complicated _____39____, the real reason for hisfailure was simple: he could only turn the pages by blowing air from his mouth, andhe couldn’t do this without blowing away all the pieces of plastic and in the_____40____ revealing his secret. Hydrick’s career ended suddenly, and he later confessed to a newspaper that he had never possessed any special powers.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrasesmarked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits thecontext.“We didn’t really find a good role model of any country doing things sustainably,says Daniel O’Neill at the University of Leeds, UK. “We need to do things in acompletely different way if we are to have any hope of achieving a good life for allpeople on the planet.”O’Neill and his colleagues _____41____ each country’s sustainability by addingup how it used, produced or affected seven things. These were water, phosphorus,nitrogen, carbon dioxide emissions, landuse change, ecological footprint and material consumption.The team also used 11 measures to assess whether citizens had good lives. Somewere_____42____ needs or expectations like nutrition, access to energy and long lifeexpectancy. The others_____43____ social stability, like income, education, equality,social support and employment prospects.A(n) ____44_____ country would score zero for resource overshoot and 11 forcitizen well-being: everyone’s needs would be met and no natural resourcesdestroyed.Rich countries overshoot their limits to feed their lifestyles. “The USAtransgresses(超越)all seven planetary boundary indicators, but ... scores relatively____45_____on the social targets, achieving nine out of 11,”says team member Julia Steinberger at the University of Leeds. The UK did_____46____ breaking fivecould be described as ‘well-offboundaries, but reaching eight social targets.“Theyover-consumers’”, she says.However, South Africa transgresses the same natural boundaries as the UK, but_____47____only one social target: nutrition. “It is a dysfunctional over-consumer”,says Steinberger, “because its consumption doesn’t seem to _____48____ a better life. Some poor countries, like Malawi and Senegal, keep within planetaryboundaries, butreach none of the social targets.A few countries are better at balancing well-being and ____49_____. Theyinclude Sri Lanka—which goes beyond no natural limits—Vietnam and Moldova._____50___, none meets all the well-being targets.“The _____51____ provides a critical reminder of the tremendous challengefacing humanity,” says Johan Rockstrom of Stockholm University in Sweden.“We can no longer _____52____ that simply letting the market decide what isbest for us will lead to anything but disaster,” says Steinberger.s poorer countries should_____53____ basic needs, which can O’Neill’s team saybe met without overshooting limits. Citizens of rich countries should rethink whatfor every ecologicalthey need. “Life satisfaction” scores improved only marginallylimit broken, so ____54_____ luxuries could have big environmental benefits.“Some of the strongest determinants of life satisfaction are good health; strongfamily and community relationships; economic security in the form of employment orhigher incomes; and relative rather than absolute _____55____ with respect to the restof one’s society,” says Steinberger. “There’s a lot we can learn about how to move to lower material forms of life satisfaction.”41. A. kept B. criticised C. praised D. rated42. A. specific B. temporary C. basic D. optional43. A. endangered B. promoted C. reflected D.changed44. A. ideal B. rich C. poor D. foreign45. A. highly B. lowly C. disappointingly D. unexpectedly46. A. well B. similarly C. creatively D. otherwise47. A. misses B. cancels C. sets D. achieves48. A. result in B. depend on C. care about D. point out49. A. reliability B. independence C. sustainability D. productivity50. A.Initially B.Moreover C.Therefore D. However51. A. description B. analysis C. balance D. limitation52. A. deny B. predict C. pretend D. worry53. A. discover B. prioritise C. neglect D. monitor54. A. scaling back on B. keeping up withC. running out ofD. looking forward to55. A. harmony B. security C. health D. wealthSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)olgograd, in the south of Russia, but inI loved most of the two years I’d spent in Vthose last few months Irealised that what made me enjoy it was partly the knowledgethat I’d soon be returning home, to the family and friends, and the milder weather London had to offer. The time I spent in V olgograd had been a real eye-opener as faras experiencing a different culture was concerned. When I first arrived, I was eager to make friends, and went out of my way to be polite wherever I could. Most of the time,my attempts to strike up conversation were met with icy stares and one-word replies. I started to think that Russians were a cold people, and I was unlikely to ever make any new friends.ry at the “I think you’re not having a good time here,” saidLudmilla, the secreta school where I was working. “You will come for dinner with my family on Sunday, I won’t take no for an answer.”WhenI turned up, flowers and wine in hand, I was enveloped in warm handshakes, inviting hugs, warm laughter and murmurs of(very pleased to meet you). The meal was eaten and a few toasts “ochenpriyatna” were drunk. Then I know Russians are actually warm, friendly people, but just too proud to wear their hearts on their sleeves with people they don’t know.Another thing I learnt about Russians is the way the men show their respect for women, both young and old. One day, I had a rather unfortunate incident on the bus. Iwas sitting there, deeply absorbed in the book I was reading, when I started to notice a quiet murmuring all around me. I looked around, and noticed how the people to myleft and behind me were looking across at me and whispering to each other. In front ofme was a young woman. Just when I was about to ask, in my broken Russian if something was wrong, a man in front of me got up and offered his seat to the young woman, whose face transformed in an instant to an angelic smile as she accepted, andsat down. My face turned red. I got off at the next stop and walked the extra six blocks home.Now, back in London, I had suddenly found myself in the same position. There Iwas on the bus, and a young woman got on. Looking round, I noticed with a panicthat there were no other seats free. Proud of what I learnt, I eagerly leapt to my feetand offered my seat. When she looked surprised and told me she was “OK, thanks”, I was ashamed. Once more, I got off early and walked. It was going to take a while toget back into the swing of things.56. According toParagraph 1, what made the writer enjoy the last few months in Volgograd?A. His eye-opening experience there.B. His attempts to strike up conversations.C. The thought that he would return to London soon.D. The fact that he had a better knowledge of V o lgograd.57. After having dinner with Ludmilla, the writer found that_________.A. Russians are not unfriendly by natureB. Russians love to invite people to dinnerC. Russians prefer not to talk much at homeD. Russians like communicating with strangers58. How did the writer feel when he saw a man gave up his seat to the young woman?A. He felt misunderstood.B. He felt ashamed.C. He felt annoyed.D. He felt frightened.59. What information does the writer intend to convey in the last paragraph?A. Women in London needed special care.B. London was not as familiar to him as he thought.C. The bus service in London was far from satisfactory.D. People in London were less polite than those in V o lgograd.(B)Between 1991 and 1994 Nick Pope worked at the British Ministry of Defence investigating UFOs. He received 2,300 reports each year, of which around 90% couldbe explained. For the other 10% he could find no explanation.Sighting AThe first call came from a police officer. He and his colleague had been on aroutine patrol the night before and had seen a UFO. The officer was often on duty atnight and was used to the sights and sounds of the darkness. B ut what he and hiscolleague had seen was like nothing they had come across before. This was noshooting star, no meteor. Two bright lights, with a third, fainter one, were flying inperfect formation across the sky. I questioned the officer carefully over the phone.From what he told me about their colour and movement, they were not aircraft lightsor fireballs. They were simply unidentifiable. As the morning wore on, the calls camethick and fast from other parts of the country. Most sightings had occurred between1:00 and 1:30 am with particular concentration at 1:10 am. One of the sightings wasfrom a man with vast experience of aeroplanes and mathematics. He had watched theobjects flying low over the coast and had timed their passage between two points onthe shoreline; he was able to calculate their speed at about 1,100 mph.Sighting BThere is usually a delay between a sighting and when a witness decides to contactsighting, things were rather moreIn the case of the “Capital” someone “official”.immediate. The call came from Capital Radio’s headquarters in London and the voicewas very excited. The caller was staring out of his window, giving me a commentaryon a UFO about to land in Regents Park. There was hysteria in his voice. “It’s almos down ... it looks a bit like—like a big kite, but it can’t be. It’s down! It’s down! Mwas a pause. The voice seemed lessGod, people are gathering around it ...”There, can it? Oh, the people are putting it back in a box. It is apanicked. “It can’t be a kitekite. Sorry for having wasted your time.” He hung up. Goodness knows how upset he had been in those few mad minutes. Goodness knows how embarrassed he is at thememory of it.60. What is the passage mainly about?A. The UFOs that Nick Pope has ever seen.B. The investigation that Nick Pope did into UFOs.C. The reports about the UFOs that Nick Pope received.D. The explanations that Nick Pope proposed about UFOs.61. What can be learned from Sighting A?A. The object’s colour was similar to fireballs but different from aircraft lights.B. The object flew less fast than other UFOs that people had witnessed.C. The two police officers had thought the object was a shooting star.D. 1:10 am was the time that the object was seen by most people.62. What conclusion can be drawn from Sighting B?A. The witness mistook what he saw for a UFO.B. The witness should have confirmed what he saw first.C. The witness felt excited even when he hung up the phone.D. The witness was in Regents Park when a UFO appeared.(C)A lone humpback whale travelled more than 9,800 kilometres from breedingareas in Brazil to those in Madagascar, setting a record for the longest mammalmigration ever documented.Humpback whales are known to have some of the longest migration distances ofall mammals, and this huge journey is about 400 kilometres farther than the previoushumpback record. The finding was made by Peter Stevick, a biologist at the Collegeof the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine.The whale’s journey was unusual not only for its length,but also because i ttravelled across almost 90 degrees of longitudefrom west to east. Typically, humpbacks move in a north-south direction between cold feeding areas and warmbreeding grounds—and the longest journeys which have been recorded until nowhave been between breeding and feeding sites.The whale, a female, was first spotted off the coast of Brazil, where researchers photographed its tail fluke. Two years later, a tourist on a whale-watching boatsnapped a photo of the humpback near Madagascar.team used an extensive international To match the two sightings, Stevick’scatalogue of photographs of the undersides of tail flukes, which have distinctive markings. Researchers r outinely compare the markings in each new photograph tothose in the archive.The scientists then estimated the animal’s shortest possible route: an arc skirtingthe southern tip of South Africa and heading northeast towards Madagascar. The minimum distance is 9,800 kilometres, says Stevick, but this is likely to be an underestimate, because the whale probably took a detour to feed on krill in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica before reaching its destination.“Most h umpback-whale researchers focus on their efforts on the Northern Hemisphere because the Southern Ocean nearAntarctica is a tough environment and it is hard to get to,”explained Rochelle Constantine, who studies the ecology of humpback whales at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. But, for whales, oceans in the Southern Hemisphere are wider and easier to travel across, says Constantine. Scientists will probably observe more long-distance migrations in the Southern Hemisphere as satellite tracking becomes increasingly common, she adds.Daniel Palacios, an oceanographer a t the University of Hawaii at Manoa, says that the record- breaking journey could indicate that migration patterns are shifting as populations begin to recover from near-extinction and the population increases. B ut the reasons why the whale did not follow the usual migration routes remain a mystery. She could have been exploring new habitats, or simply have lost her way. “We generally think of humpback whales as very well studied, but then they surprise ussays. “Undoubtedly there are a lot of things we still with things like this,” Palaciosdon’t know about whale migration.”63. In what way was the whale’s journey considered unusual?A. It covered a long distance from west to east.B. A female whale rather than a male one completed it.C. The whale moved from its breeding ground to its feeding area.D. No one had ever spotted the whale other than at its destination.64. Why did the researchers compare the markings on tail flukes?A. There is a vast collection of such markings.B. The markings there last by far the longest.C. No two whales share the same markings.D. The markings are easiest to photograph.65. What can be inferred from the passage?A. More evidence should have been provided that the whale had ever arrived atMadagascar.B. South Hemisphere can provide more information about humpback whales’ migration.C. The whale’s actual route might well have been shorter than the scientists had estimated.urvive.D. North Hemisphere’s environment is becoming tougher for whales to s66. What is the passage mainly about?A. A female whale was spotted twice in the Southern Ocean.B. Research on whales’ migration has seen a breakthrough.C. Whales’migration routes vary with the climate change.D. A whale surprises researchers with her journey.Section CDirections:Complete the following passage b y using the sentences g iven below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Most people didn’t watch, as there were only about 100television sets in Britain at that time.B. Besides, with his efforts, the idea inspired other inventors to go further.C. The first country to change from analogue to digital television was the USA inJune 2009.D. But not many people know that Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian inventor, invented the first “electronic” television in 1929.E. It was not until the late 20th century that TV became a household product.F. Technology started to develop faster and faster in the second half of the 20th century.Television—Past and FutureEveryone knows that Scotsman John Logie Baird invented the first television: inthe early 1920s, he made a basic television which transmitted pictures, but he didndevelop his idea further._______67_____. People often call him “the father of television”as his invention became the basis of all modern televisions.The BBC (the British Broadcasting Corporation) made its first TV programmes in1936._______68______. There were programmes for only two hours a day—except Sundays, w hen they didn’tshow any programmes at all! As well as news and sports, cookery programmes were popular even in the 1930s; Frenchman Marcel Boulestinbecame the first TV chef in 1937. The first TV advertisement, in 1941, was for aBulova clock: it lasted 20 seconds and the company paid just $9 to show it during abaseball game in New York. ______69______ Colour TV came to the USA in the1950s, to Japan in 1960 and to Europe and South America in the late 1960s and early1970s. Meanwhile, in 1967 people all over the world watched as The Beatles sang onthe programme Our World, the first-ever satellite TV programme. The world’s firstappearvideo recorders came from Japan in the mid-1970s, but DVD players didn’tuntil November 1996, also made by Japanese companies.From 2005, it became possible to watch TV on your mobile phone, thanks to 3G technology.____70______Canada and Japan did the same in 2011. People watched the first TV programme nearly 70 years ago. After the huge changes in television broadcasting inthe 20th century, who knows what the next 80 years will bring?IV. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. S ummarize in no more than 60 words themain idea of the passage a nd how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.Reading the SignsMost experts agree that it only takes between 90 seconds and four minutes todecide what we think about someone. And in fact, 80% of the time, we reach a conclusion about someone based on body language, before that person has evenopened their mouth! Of course, what you say later will matter, and this is your responsibility. However, you do need to get the body language right straight away orpeople won’t stay around long enough to find out how fascinating you really are!originate from a specificor “no”,Many gestures, such as how you say “yes” country,but others are universal. For example, all people wrinkle their noses and raise their top lip to show dislike or criticism. Everyone knows what a smile is, too, and when you’re only pretend ing to smile. This is because muscles around the eyes are linked to the emotional part of your brain, so they only work when you really mean it.There are also signals to tell us whether someone is attracted to us. This preference is shown by enlarged pupils and they will blink more often. Admirers willalso mirror your behavior, often unconsciously. So if you lean forward or take a sip ofa drink, you will find that they will do the same. However, there is another gesture weare probably unaware of, but which is used by every culture on Earth and which some experts claim is the most instantly recognizable non-verbal human greeting. When we first see someone we find attractive, our eyebrows rise and fall and if they feel the same,they raise their eyebrows, t oo. It’s not surprising if you have never noticed this, since the whole process only lasts about a fifth of a second!However, don’t make judgments about people on just one thing! Look for at least four signals. Sitting with their arms crossed might look as if someone is being defensive, but it might really mean they’re feeling cold!V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given inthe brackets.72. 适量的运动有助于睡眠。

2019年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语模拟试卷(二)I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.For one week. B.For less than a week.C.For two weeks.D.Hard to say.2.A.Go to her sister’s wedding ceremony. B.Stay at home.C.Go to George’s birthady party.D.Go to George’s house-warming party.3.A.50dollars. B.40dollars. C.60dollars. D.55dollars.4.A.She feels bored with the idea. B.She thinks ballet is funny.C.She will not go with the men anywayD.She shows interest in the show.5.A.Snowy. B.Sunny. C.Windy. D.Cloudy.6.A.She hasn’t seen Monet’s paintings for ten yearsB.She hasn’t been to the museum for long.C.She has been interested in Monet’s paintings for ten yearsD.She used to own one of Monet’s paintings.7.A.Father and daughter B.Friends.C.Husband and wife.D.Boss and his employee.8.A.The man is not interested in the game this weekend.B.The man is not interested in the team that will play this weekend.C.The man doesn’t want to mention the game,D.The man is not interested in watching any game.9.A.She would seen Ellen at last.B.She saw Ellen for the last time not long ago.C.She has many people to see before Ellen.D.She wouldn’t like to see Ellen at all.10.A.The woman is sorry for not being able to spend the holiday with the man.B.The man is a bit annoyed because the woman didn’t tell him her plan for the winter holiday.C.The man is sorry about not being able to go to Malaysia.D.The woman is excited about spending the winter holiday in Malaysia without the man. Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear several longer conversation(s)and short passage(s),and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s)and the passage(s).The conversation(s)and the passage(s)will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions11through13are based on the following passage.11.A.70. B.80. C.130. D.15.12.A.On Tuesdays. B.On Wednesdays.C.On Sundays.D.On Mondays.13.A.The English Family club.B.The painting club.C.The sports club.D.The music club.Questions14through16are based on the following passage.14.A.Because they haven’t as much interest in finding the cure as in space travel.B.Because there are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.C.Because it is not economical to find a cure for each type of cold.D.Because they believe people can recover without treatment.15.A.They reveal the seriousness of the problem.B.They indicate how fast the virus spreads.C.They tell us what kind of medicine to take.D.They show our body id fighting the virus.16.A.It can actually does more harm than good.B.It causes damage to some organ of our body.C.It works better when combined with other remedies.D.It helps ue to recover much sooner.Questions17through20are based on the following conversation.17.A.It lasts till today. B.It lasted about ten years.C.It’s not mentioned in the conversation.D.It lasts forever.18.A.The commercial success of several boys and girls.B.The funny daily stories that happened to a group of lose friends.C.How people in Manhattan made their living.D.American culture,mainly the coffee culture.19. A.It always received positive reviews from the critics.B.It enjoyed a high rate of watching.C.It was used as a tool for English learning all over the world.D.It became a cultural phenomenon.20.A.They may go to the“Centra Park”for a cup of coffee.B.They may open a new coffee shop together.C.They may start practicing English with each other.D.They may go to the woman’s place to enjoy the show.II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill m the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Is This Art?Have you ever looked at a painting and thought“I could do better than that”?Have you ever seen a film without any story or characters?Or heard a piece of music(21)________doesn’t quite sound like music?If you can answer“yes”to any of these questions,the chances are that(22) ________you were looking at,watching or listening to was something“avant-garde”.One of the most famous examples of avant-garde art comes from the world of music.John Cage's piece of music4,33n consists of4minutes and33seconds of silence.It was written by Cage,a leading American member of the avant-garde,in1952.It was divided into three movements,(23)________(perform)without a single note being played.(24)________the composer,the musicis actually the sounds the listener hears while“listening”to the performance.These might include, of course,listeners(25)________(ask)each other how they know when the piece ends.Cinema has always had avant-garde directors.Possibly the best known is Andy Warhol.(26)________better known as a painter,between1963and1968Warhol made more than60 films,nearly(27)________of them experimental.One film,Eat,consists of a man eating a mushroom for45minutes,while Sleep shows poet John Giomo sleeping for6hours.Empire is8hours long and only shows the Empire State Building as the sun(28)________(set)at dusk.You could eat a lot of popcorn in8hours.Some people love avant-garde art and some hate it.Some believe avant-garde artists are geniuses,while others tend(29)________(think)they're pretentious.However,whether you love them or hate them,you will probably have to accept that these people are just no(30)________ (passionate)about their art than Michaelangelo,Beethoven or Orson Welles were in their day.Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can onlybe used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.associationsB.characteristicsC.dinersD.experiencedE.exploitF.implicationsG.interpretH.playI.previouslyJ.processedK.simplyHow sound and colour influence the taste of foodThe sound people hear while they are eating food can change the way they think it tastes, scientists have discovered.In fact,researchers have also found that changing the colour of a food can influence the flavour____31____by consumers.Food manufacturers are now hoping to ____32____the findings in an attempt to make their foods more appealingIt was____33____thought that the sense of taste and smell were the only human senses that played a role in experiencing flavour.Professor Charles Spence,a sensory psychologist at Oxford University,is a leading expert in his field.He believes that it is possible to change the flavor of food simply by exciting people's sense of hearing.For example,listening to waves hitting the sea shore can make____34____detect seafood flavours.Professor Spence has also discovered that____35____changing the colour of a food can influence the way it tastes.He found that by changing a drink from yellow to a deep red,it is possible to make it taste up to12per cent sweeter than it really is.He said:This colour has strong ___36_____with very ripe fruit.’Flavour is not just as simple as the way something tastes,as all the other senses come into ____37____and some can dominate the way the brain will____38____a food.Ice cream activates a part of the brain which is just behind the eyes and is where emotions are____39____. By melting,it changes its physical____40____and creates contrasts that continually keep your senses interested.So next time you are in a restaurant or a supermarket,or just sitting down at home to eat something,think about whether your choices have been influenced by sound or colour.You may be surprised!III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.An internet troll is someone who posts insulting comments in an online chat room, social-networking site or blog.Their aim is not to contribute to the discussion,but to ____41____people or make them angry.Sometimes the comments are fairly___42_____.For example,a troll might visit a website that is dedicated to fighting global warming and post a comment like'Global warming is a myth made up by second-rate scientists who just want to further their own careers.'Some visitors to the website might think that the opinion is genuine and start___43_____.This is exactly what the troll wants:to start a fight.However,many trolls are far more dangerous and post comments that are deeply hurtful.In 2011,45-year-old Nicola Brookes left a message of support for a reality TV contestant on Facebook.The contestant had received hate mail on Facebook and,feeling_____44___for the young man,Ms Brookes left a message on his Facebook page,saying simply:‘Keep your chin up, Frankie,theyMl move on to someone else soon/They did move on to someone else—Ms Brookes—within minutes.More than100cruel messages were left in just24hours,and a(n) ___45_____Facebook page was set up in her name.Racist trolling probably has the highest profile cases.When Premier League footballer Fabrice Muamba collapsed on the field during a match in2012,racist messages appeared on Twitter taking pleasure in his_____46___and laughing at him.____47____,Muamba made a complete recovery.The effects of such attacks can be terrible,especially for people who are being targeted precisely because they admitted to a vulnerability(弱点)in the first place.So____48____do trolls post messages that cause such distress?Some of them are sad, lonely people with their own problems who___49_____the attention their posts attract.They behave badly online because they feel_____50___normal standards of polite and considerate behaviour.They are in a virtual world and do not have to face their victims.They say things that they would never dare to say____51____.Finally,trolls believe that they can remain unknown and that no one will ever____52____who they are.That is about to_____53___,however.When Nicola Brookes first approached the police and made a complaint,they told her there was nothing they could do.So she contacted lawyers and began legal action to force Facebook to disclose the identities of the trolls who had been tormenting(折磨)her.She____54____the case and is free to pursue private prosecutions(起诉) against those responsible for tormenting her.With trolls facing____55____and possible prosecution in future,hopefully they will think twice before posting insulting messages.41.A.entertain B.locate C.upset D.welcomermative B.convincing C.harmless D.unfairughing B.arguing C.proving D.applauding44.A.anxiety B.sympathy C.dissatisfaction D.hope45.A.appealing plex C.famous D.fake46.A.misfortune B.distress C.feeling D.violence47.A.Occasionally B.Strangely C.Generally D.Thankfully48.A.why B.how C.when D.where49.A.fear B.enjoy C.hold D.give50.A.liberated from B.curious about C.satisfied with D.dependent on51.A.for sure B.on stage C.in person D.with confidence52.A.wonder B.discover C.say D.remember53.A.return B.happen C.collapse D.change54.A.lost B.filed C.won D.forgotpetition B.wealth C.embarrassment D.exposureSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)After bouncing my rental car across several miles of red-dirt roads I walked for nearly another mile down the beach to a deserted valley.It was comforting to think that at the very least I was finally out of cell-phone range.However,even on Kauai,Hawaii’s‘Garden Island’,complete escape wasn’t all that easy to achieve.Noisy helicopters full of tourists flew overhead like so many dragonflies.Every20 minutes or so the comforting sounds of wind and water were broken by the noise of a speeding tour boat racing to complete another lap around the island.Worst of all,not more than fiveminutes by car from the resort where I was staying,the Atomic Clock Internet Cafe signaled with promises of instant email.I felt uncomfortable every time I drove by the Atomic Clock Cafe.1am a technology reporter for an online magazine—my life is driven and dominated by email.I'm drowned in it, usually400or500messages a day.The main reason for my visit to Kauai was to unplug, disconnect,log off,and get away from it all.No cell phone,no electronic organiser,no laptop. And definitely,no email.Yes,my plan was to lie on the beach and not check my email.My friends and family were outraged as they could not understand how I could bear to live without email.But they didn't understand.In my job,I am online,permanently.Cyberspace is more familiar to me than my backyard.While I am awake,my email is always on.I don't like to be without it for too long.A few hours away from it,and I start to tremble.I am,however,no stranger to beaches and their relaxing qualities and so I knew,even when arriving well after dark at the comfortable cottage in the town of Waimea,that the island of Kauai gave me a good chance of beating my addiction to electronic devices.Maybe it was full moon lighting the black-sand beach not10metres from my door.Or the mango trees casting shadows across the veranda(阳台).Or the driftwood piled in loose heaps foras far as I could see along the shore.Without question,the long,slow sound of the waves rolling in calmed my restless soul,and I found I could,in fact,log off.56.Why did the writer come to Kauai?A.To get away from the modem technology.B.To work for the Atomic Clock Internet Cafe.C.To write reports on technological development.D.To find whether there is an alternative to email.57.What can we learn about the writer?A.He wrote articles about reasons around the world.B.He enjoyed beach activities like boat racing.C.He was eager to work in his backyard.D.He spent much time working online.58.The word“outraged”(paragraph4)is closest in meaning to“__________”.A.relievedB.shockedC.amusedD.offended59.The writer described the scenery in the last paragraph in order to.A.argue against his friends’doubt of KauaiB.propose a possible destination of his tripC.highlight the beauty of the beach of KauaiD.show Kauai produced a relaxing atmosphere(B)Read the following two blogs and answer the questions that follow.Our buses drive me to distractionI’ve had it up to here with buses!To be more precise,I am sick to death of the service offered by our local bus company and which dares to call itself Reliabus—a misnomer if ever there was one,since its exhaust-fume-coughing,atmosphere-choking buses are anything but reliable.Nine times out of ten they arrive late,and when they do eventually turn up,there's no guarantee you'll get on.I've lost count of the times I have watched as a full-to-bursting number26—which I try to catch home from college---sails past the bus stop(another misnomer),leaving weary travellers like myself to wait for at least another20minutes until the next one comes along.Unless of course that’s full as well,in which case we have to wait even longer.Why don’t they lay on more buses!It annoys me to think that they are turning people away from travelling by public transport, encouraging them to use their cars and causing traffic jams in our already heavily congested town centre.I wrote them an email and gave them a piece of my mind If you're as fed up as I am,why not do the same?They might just sit up and take notice.Leave me alone!If there’s one thing that gets on my nerves,it’s people who keep trying to sell me things I don’t want.It drives me mad when Tm in the middle of my dinner or watching a film and some smooth-talking idiot phones up and asks me if Tm interested in new kitchen units,a subscription to a book club or a superfast internet connection.No,I’m not,thank you very much,and if I was, I’d get in touch with you!I very nearly burnt the house down the other day answering one of their ridiculous calls.I forgot I’d left something frying in the kitchen—just got back to the blackened remains in time.It’s even worse outside of the home—sometimes you can’t move for people handing out fliers in the street,advertising computer classes or urging you to buy this,that or the other.Theypush one into your face,and if you don’t take it,they give you a nasty look and you can hear them swearing and muttering under their breath about you as you walk away.Not nice at all.60.Both the two blogs are meant to________.A.address a problemB.ask for sympathyC.make a complaintD.clarify a misunderstanding61.By“another misnomer”(paragraph1),the blogger actually means________.A.the bus seldom stops thereB.20minutes'wait is too longC.she is often too late to catch the busD.public transport is not a good choice62.What annoys the blogger according to the second blog?A.The bad quality of kitchen appliances.B.The endless phone calls to sell something.C.The terrible experiences of cooking for the family.D.The attitudes that her colleagues have towards her.(C)The goings-on in the consulting room have become more transparent(透明的)recently. Thank goodness.We know more than the lines supplied by the movies in which the therapist knows all and gives wisdom to those who,sitting on a couch,consult with them.Therapists are interested in how the individual,the couple or the family experiences and understands their difficulties.That has to be a starting place.We can be of value if our first port of call is to listen,to gradually feel ourselves into the shoes of the other,to absorb the feelings that are being conveyed and to think and then to say some words.The thinking and talking that I do inside the consulting room is at odds with many features of ordinary conversation.Not that it is mysterious,but it isn't concerned with traditional ways of sharing or identifying.The therapist makes patterns and theorises,but they are also reflecting on the words that are spoken,how they are delivered and how the words,once spoken,affect the speaker and the therapist themselves.Words can give voice to previously unknown feelings and thoughts.That’s why it’s called thetalking cure.But just as words reveal so,too,can they obscure,and this gets us to the listening and feeling part of the therapy.Whatever and however the words are delivered,they will have an impact on me as a therapist.I might feel hopeless,I might feel energised,I might feel pushed away, I might feel demanded of,I might feel pulled to find solutions.The influence of the other is what makes any relationship possible or impossible.A therapist is trained to reflect on how those who consult with them affect them.As I try to step into the shoes of the other and then out again,my effort is to hold both those experiences,plus an awareness of my ease or discomfort with what I encounter in the relationship.Feelings are the bread and butter of our work in the consulting room.They inform or modify our ideas and they enable us to find an emotional bridge to what can so hurt for the people we are working with.Along with the more commonly thought-about theories and ideas we have about the psyche,they are an essential part of the therapist^toolkit,certainly for me.The talking cure means talking,yes.It also means the therapist is listening,thinking and feeling.63.In which way is the thinking and talking the writer does different from ordinary conversation?A.It may not be understood by patients.B.It is full of terms used by most therapists.C.It is a good reflection of traditional talking.D.It involves thinking about how people speak.64.The word t4obscureM(paragraph3)is closest in meaning to________.A.cancelB.clarifyC.confirmD.conceal65.Which of the following is the writer most likely to agree with?A.Patients'influence has been neglected by therapists for too long a time.B.Therapists need to think from their own perspectives as well as patients'.C.It is no easy job for therapists to realize how uncomfortable their patients are.D.Therapists had better push away those negative emotions acquired from patients.66.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.Awareness of feelingsB.It’s good to talk—and listenC.Theories that help therapistsD.What is the point of being a therapistDirections:Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A.It’s too expensive for common people to afford.B.Actually,Miao’s room is so popular that you have to book three months in advance.C.It’s only one dollar a night.D.Miao says that to live in his jail cell,people don’t have to be a criminal,but there are a number of rules that need to be followed.E.More like a psychological New York City experience.F.Despite the strict rules,guests are given a key to the cage to let themselves in and out as they please.One Dollar a Night in New YorkWhen it comes to finding a place to stay for a night in New York,things don't always come cheap.However,artist Miao Jiaxin,a Shanghai native who moved to New York in2006,is offering people the chance to stay in his apartment in Brooklyn.______67__________.Guests can easily book Miao's room on the Internet.Nevertheless,although they will be housed in his apartment,it appears to have more in common with a jail cell than a regular bedroom as a cage in the center of the room is where guests will stay.__________68______________Guests must stay m the cage for three hours each morning. ''From9a.m.to12p.m.,you can't access the Internet,and there are no electronic devices,books, radio,pens or craftwork.You can't talk to anybody.You can't do Yoga or any other exercises.And you can't even sleep,writes Miao.If you break any of those rules above,you will be fined100 dollars.Meanwhile,the cage is monitored and recorded by two cameras and the activity of guests is filmed for the whole time they stay in the cell.________69________________They can enjoy great views of New York on the roof deck outside the room.The room is inspired by the alienation(疏离感)Miao felt as a new immigrant—feelings he believes are universal.“It’s not for fun.It’s for an experience.___________70_____________’’IV.Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage.Summarize in no more than60words the main idea of the passage and how it is e your own words as far as possible.e-learning:Hazy past—better future?How much of an effect does technology have on students'learning?A significant one,it seems,according to experts.Currently available technologies,the most important of which are computers and the Internet,apparently provide a learning environment in which problem-solving and intellectual enquiry can flourish.The process of learning in the classroom may become significantly more effective as students can deal with information on the computer.Or so the theory goes.My own viewpoint is rather different,Tm afraid.Computers have been around for two decades as part of school equipment.There are,of course,obstacles like costs to overcome,but it's just a matter of time and effort.This is because schools have done what every organization does when it sees an innovation--it applies the innovation to its existing model,which adds cost but doesn't transform the standard classroom.We have,during that period,spent over$60billion on them,but in my view they seem to have had little or no effect on learning in schools.Content is king and the mode of delivery is irrelevant.If a teacher makes the subject matter interesting,it does not matter what,if any,equipment is used.However,change is on the horizon.I think student-centred learning will become the norm and transform puters will pave the way for far more independent learning. Students who currently don't have access to schools or teachers are now able to get online.They can study from home thanks to the fact that more learning programmes are being written for learners who are forced by their circumstances to be self-sufficient.This would prove especially beneficial in those areas of the world where quality education is limited or extremely expensive. Therefore,in a few years'time we could have a completely different conversation about technology and its impact on learning.V.TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.72.最近你收到过汤姆的来信吗?(hear)73.没人知道他昨天缺席这个重要会议的原因。

【考点】植物生长过程中的物质变化【考查能力】理解能力4.【答案】D【解析】兴奋在神经纤维上以电信号的形式传导,在突触部位以电信号-化学信号-电信号的形式传递,A 正确;惊吓刺激可以通过图像、声音、接触等刺激作用于视觉、听觉或触觉感受器,B正确;由题中信息:兴奋经过反射弧中的传出神经作用于肾上腺髓质,使其分泌肾上腺素,从而加快心跳,说明神经系统可通过内分泌活动间接调节心脏活动。
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