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1.It is ________ world of wonders, ________ world where anything can happen.

A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a




2.They haven’t made ________contact with each ot her since they had ________quarrel two weeks ago.

A.the; the B.不填; a C.a; the D.不填; the



考查冠词的用法。句意“他们自从两周前吵架后就没再联系过。”make contact with sb.“和某人有联系”;have a quarrel with sb.“和某人吵架”。故选B。

3.Smoking, which may be ________ fun for some people, is ________ cause of discomfort for the people around him.

A./; a B.a; a C.a; / D.a; the




4.----- Do you go to ______ church every Sunday?

----- Yes. I believe _______God blesses me all _____ time.

A.the;/; the B./ ; /; / C.a; /; the D./; /; the



考查冠词,第一空不填,表示go to church“去教堂”,第二空不填,上帝前面不加冠词,第三空填the,all the time“一直”,句意是:|你每个星期天做礼拜吗?|是的,我相信上帝会一直保佑我的。选D。

5._______ unexpected heavy rain usually causes _______ great change.

A.The; the B.An; 不填C.An; the D.The; a





6.The carnival celebrations in Venice are ________ good chance to have _______ fun. A./; the B.a; a C.the; / D.a; /



考查冠词的用法。第一空是泛指一次好机会,所以用不定冠词a,第二空为固定短语have fun 玩的高兴,所以选D。

7.It was __________ great shock to the world that a French airplane got missing over

__________ Atlantic Ocean on June 1st, 2009.

A.a; /B.the; the C.a; the D./; the




8.In my opinion, Tony is _____ success because he has bought _____ third car though he already has two.

A.a ; a B.a ; the C./ ; the D./ ; a



考查冠词。句中success为成功的人,为可数名词;a third car有一辆小汽车,故选A。

9.He wrote ______ song, which turned out to be rather popular with ______ young. A.the; the B.a; 不填C.a; the D.the; 不填



考查冠词,第一空是泛指一首歌,所以用不定冠词a,第二空考查:the +形容词表示一类人,句意:他写了一首歌在年轻人中变得非常流行。所以选C。

10.Students should keep in mind that there’s something more important than _______ fashion for them to seek after in _______ life.

A./; the B./; / C.the; / D.the; the



fashion意思是:时尚、时髦。不可数名词,前面不需要冠词。in life 意思是:在生活中。B 为正确选项。

11.The parents were shocked by______news that their son needed______operation on his


A.A; / B.the; / C.the; an D.a; an





12.In ______ hottest reality show Running Man III,Luhan is ______ only new member.A.a; 不填B.a; an

C.the; the D.the; 不填




13.An engineer has designed _______ robot that can work in _______ deep sea to clean waste. A.a; the B.a; a C./; the D.the; /




14.Little Brown lives in _____ A-shaped house near the town. It is easy for him to attend

______ school.

A.the; 不填B.不填; a C.an; a D.an; 不填



考查冠词。a A-shaped house一座A型的房子,attend school上学,故选D。

15.Last year our team went to Seattle and won ______ second place. Personally, I think the team that was ______ champion cheated.

A./, the B.the, the

C.a, the D.the, /


【解析】考查冠词。句意:去年我们的队去西雅图,赢了第二。就我个人而言,我认为,冠军队作弊了。固定搭配:second place第二名;the champion冠军。故选A。
