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Introduction Writing Style Historical destiny Assessment Works Words
Firstly, Mark Twain was a writer who had the characteristics of United States. Twain is a true American writer - born and grown in the United States. He has his own ideas, created through his eyes and unique language. He has no shadow of Europe and Feudal culture at all. He is a local, western writers of the Americas.
近代幽默文学的泰斗! 代表美国文学的世界一流作家! 他是怀有赤子之心的顽童,亦是仗义执剑的骑士!
第一幅画在上世纪八十年代之前,这 是一名滑稽演员,诙谐幽默,插科打 诨,妙语不绝,逗得观众捧腹大笑。
在他去世前夕,他的肖像变了: 一身白色服装,一头银发,叼着 烟斗,斜靠在椅子上,庄重而又 慈祥,是一个大文豪在繁重的创 作之余偷得一点悠闲。
布鲁克斯炮制了第三幅:一个唯唯 诺诺、卑贱得神经虚弱的庸人,天 才的英气好像隐约可见,但湮没在 商业化的浓艳俗色之中。
德沃托很不满意这种画法,来了个 第四幅:才气横溢,粗犷豪放的西 部性格呼之欲出。
Introduction Writing Style Historical destiny Assessment Works Words
Short stories:
• My Late Senatorial Secretaryship • Advice to Little Girls • he Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County • The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg • The War Prayer • Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heave • A Literary Nightmare • The Stolen White Elephant • 1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors
• The Adventures of Tom Sawyer • The Prince and the Pauper • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court • The American Claimant • Tom Sawyer Abroad • Tom Sawyer, Detective • Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc • A Double Barrelled Detective Story • Edmund Burke on Croker and Tammany
Introduction Writing Style Historical destiny Assessment Works Words
Mark Twain wrote in his unpretentious, colloquial, and poetic style. He used vernacular language, dialect with spelling representing pronunciation. Part of this comes from his interest in humor. The directness of the language is a very influential point in Twain’s style. He combined humor and irony in his works ,which be filled with personal wit and funny words, he reflected the cruel society and selfish humanity by his keen perception. As one of America’s first and foremost realists and humorists,
• How to Tell a Story and Other Essays • Christian Science • Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences; Mark Twain's satiric essay on Cooper's prose and
第二,他的代表作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》,是一部美国名著,无论从社 会内容、思想意义,还是从艺术风格、语言技巧方面考虑,都是一部伟大 的小说,永远散发出“非常清新”的 “青春气息”
In addition , Mark Twain’s works had a lot of readers. His works aimed to bridge the ordinary readers to the elegant art, and as a power of art entered the serious literature.
As we know, Mark Twain was one of the greatest writers in America and in the world as well. He wrote many works which reflected America's social phenomenon. Especially the main characters and the plot reveal the truths at that time.
Mark Twain
----- Mirror of America
Introduction Writing Style Historical destiny Assessment Works Words
(1835Samuel Langhorne Clemens (18351910), better known by the pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is extensively quoted. During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty.
Mark Twain enjoyed immense public popularity. His keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature". He was the first real American writer, and he was called “Lincoln of the literature”.
第三,马克·吐温是雅俗共赏的典范。他的作品,读者不论年龄大小,也不论文 化修养高低,都喜欢读。这是因为他一些优秀作品具有众多的层次,又用群众 喜闻乐见的幽默形式表现出来。他亦庄亦谐的艺术风格既沟通了他与广大读者 之间的渠道,又以丰富的艺术含量进入严肃文学的领域。
Finally, Mark Twain succeed of his language skills. He just a primary and learned words form the common person. He created a new style of American literature language based on the popular language, opened a new generation of American literature.
四:马克·吐温的语言艺术是卓越的。他只读过小学,他的语言是从群众中学 来的活的语言。他在民间语言的基础上加工锤炼,进一步创造了美国的文学 语言,开了一代文风。
Introduction Writing Style Historical destiny Assessment Works Words
马克·吐温是19世纪美国现主义文学的主要奠基 人之一,他在现实主义小说语言风格方面为美国文 学的发展做出了卓越的贡献。用美国小说家和评论 家威廉·狄恩·豪威尔斯的话来说,他是“美国文学的 林肯”。马克·吐温是第一位用地道的美国口语写作 的美国作家,他的《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》为美国 小说的语言带来意义深远的变化,奠定了美国文学 口语化风格的基础。他那清新幽默的文笔,毫无雕 琢的朴素语言开创了美国小说口语化的先河,对后 世作家产生巨大影响。
Mark Twain usually wrote about his own personal experiences and things he knew about from firsthand experience. In his novel, one of the most successful writing styles is a combination of colloquial language and satire, it displays the major achievements of his art: writing in a rich and intricate style that supportቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd his intense scrutiny of complex human experience.
因为他的作品展现了美国特殊时期社会、人民的状态,所以说是美国的 一面镜子。
Because his works represented lots of social phenomena at the special time in America. Such as the relationship between people and society, between people themselves, especially between the Laws and the society
第一,马克·吐温是富于美国民族特色的作家。他是一个真正的美国作家—— 在美国土生土长,用自己的思想、自己的眼睛、自己的语言进行创作,在他 身上,欧洲的东西一点都看不见,封建文化最后一条碎片都不剩了。他是地 方的、西部的、又是美国大陆的作家。
Secondly, his novel "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," is a masterpiece in America. No matter the contents and ideas or the art style and language skills, this book is a great and classic novel.