HND 大综合 GU 答案

Section1Question 1:Part AGiven the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreement with another company.12Advantages:Firstly, the partnership agreements can provide Opal with technology assistance. It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnership not only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms’ well-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadvantages:As for the disadvantages, firstly, the own technology of Opal might be leaked because of the sharing of technology which may result in the loss of Opal’s competitive advantages. Secondly, in a partnership with others, the control power of Opal’s own company might be distributed because of the consideration of other partners’ benefits. Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.PART BIdentify and justify possible options the senior management may have which will enable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8Firstly, since Chinese market has enormous potential, Opal needs continue to invest in Chinese market to gain more market shares for its expansion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreements with more companies, to gain more comprehensive market information and share the technology and develop new products.Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation, Opal needs to keep the strong stance in relation to the environment, use more green and environmental materials to produce ‘environmentally friendly’ products and services, and keep offering a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chinese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expansion.Question 2PART AAssess the strengths and weaknesses of Opal as they seek to expanding in thecoming years. 12StrengthsFirstly, the further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘opening-up’ of the Chinese market is currently providing Opal with opportunities for further expansion.Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competing networks allowing access to a much larger market.Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stance in relation to the environment, and they were one of the first phone manufacturers in the world to offer a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme and offers environmentally friendly products and services.WeaknessesFirstly, the first hand-held phones were high priced because of the high research and development costs and the need for highly specialized production facilities. And this may cause the needs of a large amount of investment capital and the decrease in sales.Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resources and investment capital resources. It may not be able to meet the needs of cooperation with other companies.Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hinder the development and expansion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market and the fierce competition may hinder the expansion of Opal and increase a certain level of risk.PART BChoose two Key values highlighted in Appendix 3 and for each, explain how it has impacted upon the company’s activities. 8Firstly, the customer deserves service excellence.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and then the growth of sales and profits can be achieved.According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Development Section and Customer Care Department. With the rapid development of technology, the ServiceDevelopment Section is tasked to enhance the customer experience of the mobile and web-based services. And the Customer Care section is tasked to ensure that customer expectations are consistently met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excellent services.Secondly, we accept that while we are driven by technology we will always aspire to drive technology.The development of technology can provide Opal with higher tech-competitiveness, and help it to develop new products and expand to larger market. As for Opal, they continue invest in other innovative products and market research, and has been very successful in identifying market trends and then using the latest technological developments to satisfy customer needs. And, there is a Special projects section in Opal which requires significant investment and provides the leading-edge technology required for mobile and others.Section 2Question1PART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expand its business operations.Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal’s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secondly, issuing debentures are a useful way too. Debentures are loans made to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. However, the debenture holders need to repay the principles on time and they do not participate in the running of the companylike shareholders do.Thirdly, even though both issuing shares and dividends are appropriate for Opal, there still some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the company, but the dividend holders do not. And, the dividends holders need to repay the principle on time, while it won’t be necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get benefits from the dividends while the debenture holders can get them from the interests.PART B找到一类可以同时满足Opal 公司股东和Opal 在中国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息. 请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相关者要求的。

Sectio n1Questio n 1:Part AGive n the competitive n ature of the mobile telecom muni cati ons market an alyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreeme nt with ano ther compa ny .12Adva ntages:Firstly, the part nership agreeme ntsca n provide Opal with tech no logy assista nce」t allows Opal for the joint developme nt of new products and the shari ng of tech no logy. Secon dly, a Chin ese part nership not only gives Opal access to local kno wledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is importa nt whe n con duct ing bus in ess in China. Thirdly, local firms 'ell-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to en sure that product developme nt and customer service is specifically targeted at meet ing the local n eeds and dema nds of the local market. Fourthly, compa nies in part nership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadva ntages:As for the disadva ntages, firstly, the own tech no logy of Opal might be leaked because of the shari ng of tech no logy which may result in the loss of Opal'competitive adva ntages. Secon dly, in a part nership with others, the con trol power of Opal compa ny might be distributed because of the con siderati on of other part ners Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.PART Bs be iIden tify and justify possible opti ons the senior man ageme nt may have which will enable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8Firstly, since Chin ese market has eno rmous pote ntial. Opal n eeds con ti nue to in vest in Chin ese market to gai n more market shares for its expa nsion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreementswith more companies, to gain more comprehe nsive market in formatio n and share the tech no logy and develop new products.Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation. Opal needs to keep the strong stanee in relation to the environment, use more green and en vir onmen tal materials to produce ‘ en vir onmen 上&11卩血欣1祖蚁 and services,and keep offeri ng a comprehe nsive mobile phone recycli ng scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chin ese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expa nsion.Questio n 2PART AAssess the strengths and weaknesses of Opal as they seek to expanding in thecoming years. 12Stren gthsFirstly, the further deregulati on of the telecom muni cati ons markets en abled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘openin-up' of the Chinese market is curre ntly providi ng Opal with opport un ities for further expa nsion.Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competi ng n etworks allowi ng access to a much larger market.Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stance in relation to the en vir onment, and they were one of the first pho ne manu facturers in the world to offer a comprehe nsive mobile phone recycli ng scheme and offers en vir onmen tally frie ndly products and services.Weak nessesFirstly, the first han d-held phones were high priced because of the high research and developme nt costs and the n eed for highly specialized product ion facilities. And this may cause the n eeds of a large amount of inv estme nt capital and the decrease in sales.Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resourcesa nd inv estme nt capital resources. It may not be able to meet the n eeds of cooperati on with other compa ni es.Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hin der the developme nt and expa nsion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operati ng with in the Chin ese market and the fierce competiti on may hin der the expa nsion of Opal and in crease a certa in level of risk.PART BChoose two Key values highlighted in Appe ndix 3 and for each, expla in how ithas impacted upon the company ' s activities. 8Firstly, the customer deserves service excelle nce.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and the n the growth of sales and profits can be achieved.According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Developme nt Sectio n and Customer Care Departme nt. With the rapid developme nt of tech no logy, the ServiceDevelopme nt Secti on is tasked to enhance the customer experie nee of the mobile andweb-based services. And the Customer Care secti on is tasked to en sure that customer expectati ons are con siste ntly met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excelle nt services.Secon dly, we accept that while we are drive n by tech no logy we will always aspire to drive tech no logy.The developme nt of tech no logy can provide Opal with higher tech-competitive ness, and help it to develop new products and expa nd to larger market. As for Opal, they continue inv est in other inno vative products and market research, and has bee n very successful in ide ntify ing market trends and the n using the latest tech no logical developme nts to satisfy customer n eeds. And, there is a Special projects sect ion in Opal which requires sig nifica nt inv estme nt and provides the lead in g-edge tech no logy required for mobile and others.Sectio n 2Questio n1PART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expa ndits bus in ess operati ons.Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal ' s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secon dly, issu ing debe ntures are a useful way too. Debe ntures are loa ns made to compa nies that carry a fixed rate of in terest. However, the debe nture holders n eed to repay the prin ciples on time and they do not participate in the running of the compa ny like shareholders do.Thirdly, eve n though both issu ing shares and divide nds are appropriate for Opal, therestill some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the compa ny, but the divide nd holders do not. And, the divide nds holders n eed to repay the principle on time, while it won' tbe necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get ben efits from the divide nds while the debe nture holders can get them from the in terests.PART B找到一类可以同时满足Opal公司股东和Opal在中国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息.请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相关者要求的。

Unit 1 Living in HarmonyEnhance Your Language Awareness1.Text A amaze bunch bundle capacity commerce conquer display drop roast robstyle symbol vague figureText B appreciate participate shift slip1)My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people.2)Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.3)The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift .4)The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm.5)A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I'd like to post a letter.”6)The little girl's capacity for learning languages astonished me.7)How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?8)I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic.9)They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce .10)They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.11)In many cultures,the lion is the symbol of courage.12)Your help was greatly appreciated . We are very grateful to you for it.13)It's the first time the painting has been displayed to the public.14)During the exam,the naughty boy tried to slip a note to his classmate while the teacher wasn't looking.15)As the saying goes,conquer the desires,or they will conquer you.16)Before the dinner party,Mother has ordered a roast from the butcher.17)I didn't wait for you at home because I figured that you wouldn't come .2.Text A at knifepoint flag downhelp out pick up pull overrely on rise one's life run contrary totake a gamble (on)Text B in (rich) contrast to pull away stand out1)In this painting,a single red rose stands in rich contrast to the grassland.2)The factory workers are exposed to poisonous gases and many of them suffer from lung diseases.3)During the war,the soldier risked his life helping others to escape.4)Do trust me. You can rely on me to keep your secret.5)If you are attacked or robbed at knifepoint ,how would you react then?6)She is such an extraordinary girl that she always stands out in a crowd.7)Obviously,this foolish idea runs contrary to common sense(常识).8)I was very tired and had to flag down a taxi in order to get home early.9)The mother picks/picked up her children from the kindergarten at 5:00 p.m. every day.10)The publishers took a gamble on an unknown author,and the books have sold well.11)The driver waved to us as he pulled away .12)The driver pulled over to the side of the road to see what was wrong with his truck.TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English,using the words and expressions given in brackets.1)离婚的传言不过是为他的新电影炒作的手段而已。

题目:The underlined word "it" in the sentence "The
company has a policy of promoting employees from
within, and it has never had to advertise for external applicants"
A. to give a
title to
B. to have the
right to
C. to name
D. to show
respect for
题目:The word "eliminate" in the sentence "The
company has eliminated the need for paperwork by using digital technology" means _____. A. to remove
大学英语综合教程Unit课 后习题答案
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Unit 1Exercise 11.blasting off2.came across3. a sight to behold4.set out/off5.caught sight of6.rub shoulders with7.take off8.embark on9.make it10.set foot onExercise 21.Why don’t you take up jogging? It’s good for your health.2.I can’t stand sitting in traffic every day.3.Let’s put off the meeting until next week.4.She ended up selling all her belongings and traveling around the world.5.I’d rather you did the chores before going out.6.I have no clue how to solve this difficult problem.7.You should take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.8.Could you please turn down the music? It’s too loud.9.We need to come up with a solution as soon as possible.10.I’m so looking forward to the summer vacation. I need a break.Exercise 31.C2.B3.A4.D5.CUnit 2Exercise 11.I regret not taking your advice.2.She insisted on talking to the manager.3.We apologize for any inconvenience caused.4.I suggest going to the new restaurant downtown.5.He denied stealing the money.Exercise 21.It is compulsory for all students to attend the seminar.2.We had a heated discussion about the issue, but we reached a compromise in the end.3.Can you make an exception for me this time?4.The professor has a vast knowledge of the subject.5.The government should invest more in education. Exercise 31.D2.A3.C4.D5.BUnit 3Exercise 11.We cannot afford to be late for the meeting.2.He enjoys hiking in the mountains on weekends.3.She is likely to win the competition.4.We are determined to finish the project on time.5.The company is considering expanding its business overseas.Exercise 21.In my opinion, selling the company is the best option.2.I’m against the idea of building a new shopping mall in the neighborhood.3.We need to take into account the opinions of all stakeholders.4.The government needs to take immediate action to address the issue of pollution.5.It is essential to develop good communication skills for success in the workplace.Exercise 31.C2.B3.A4.D5.CUnit 4Exercise addicted to2.cope with3.give in4.grow up5.look up to6.put up with7.take after8.take up9.think highly come up withExercise 21.I can’t put up with his constant complaining anymore.2.It’s not easy to give up smoking, but it’s worth it.3.She takes after her mother in terms of appearance.4.I think highly of his dedication and hard work.5.I have to cope with a heavy workload at the moment, but it will get better.Exercise 31.D2.A3.B4.C5.DUnit 5Exercise 11.make sense2.make up one’s mind3.make progress4.make a difference5.make do with6.make an exception7.make a living8.make a mistake9.make the most of10.make itExercise 21.I finally made up my mind to quit my job and start my own business.2.The organization works to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children.3.Despite the difficulties, she managed to make a living as a freelance writer.4.We need to make the most of our time together and create lasting memories.Exercise 31.D2.C3.A4.B5.D总结本文档列出了全新版大学英语综合教程4每个单元的练习答案。

Section1Question 1:Part AGiven the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analysethe likely advantagesand disadvantagesto Opal of establishinga partnershipagreement with another company.12Advantages:Firstly, the partnership agreementscan provide Opal with technology assistance.It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnershipnot only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms 'well -reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadvantages:As for the disadvantages, firstly, the own technology of Opal might be leaked because of the sharing of technology which may result in the loss of Opal 'csompetitive advantages. Secondly, in apartnership with others, the control power of Opal company might be distributed because of the consideration of other partners Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.PART BIdentify and justify possible options the senior management may have which willenable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8Firstly, since Chinese market has enormous potential, Opal needs continue to invest in Chinese market to gain more market shares for its expansion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreementswith more companies, to gain more comprehensive market information and share the technology and develop new products.s be nThirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation, Opal needs to keep the strong stance in relation to the environment, use more green and environmental materials to produce‘ environmentally friendly ' products and services and keep offering a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chinese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expansion.Question 2PART AAssessthe strengthsand weaknessesof Opal as they seek to expanding in thecoming years. 12StrengthsFirstly, the further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘ openin-gup'of the Chinese market is currently providing Opal with opportunities for further expansion.Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competing networks allowing access to a much larger market.Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stancein relation to the environment, and they were one of the first phone manufacturers in the world to offer a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme and offers environmentally friendly products and services.WeaknessesFirstly, the first hand-held phones were high priced because of the high research and development costs and the need for highly specialized production facilities. And this may cause the needs of a large amount of investment capital and the decrease in sales. Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resourcesand investment capital resources. It may not be able to meet the needs of cooperation with other companies.Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hinder the development and expansion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market and the fierce competition may hinder the expansion of Opal and increase a certain level of risk.PART BChoose two Key values highlighted in Appendix 3 and for each, explain how ithas impacted upon the company ' s activities. 8Firstly, the customer deserves service excellence.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and then the growth of sales and profits can be achieved. According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Development Section and Customer Care Department. With the rapid development of technology, the Service Development Section is tasked to enhance the customer experience of the mobile and web-based services. And the Customer Care section is tasked to ensure that customer expectations are consistently met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excellent services.Secondly, we accept that while we are driven by technology we will always aspire to drive technology. The development of technology can provide Opal with higher tech-competitiveness, and help it to develop new products and expand to larger market. As for Opal, they continue invest in other innovative products and market research, and has been very successful in identifying market trends and then using the latest technological developments to satisfy customer needs. And, there is a Special projects section in Opalwhich requires significant investment and provides the leading-edge technology required for mobile and others.Section 2Question1PART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expandits business operations.Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal 's capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secondly, issuing debentures are a useful way too. Debentures are loans made to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. However, the debenture holders need to repay the principles on time and they do not participate in the running of the company like shareholders do.Thirdly, even though both issuing shares and dividends are appropriate for Opal, there still some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the company, but the dividend holders do not. And, the dividends holders need to repay the principle on time, while it won' tbe necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get benefits from the dividends while the debenture holders can get them from the interests.PART B找到一类可以同时满足Opal 公司股东和Opal 在中国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息. 请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相关者要求的。

3)keeping warm inside the house in winter
3)anxious moments after the writer quit his job
4)writing freelance articles
1)their indoor a profit to invest in 2)device the improvement on a global scale 3)stacked temptation never dined out
It is applicable to work report, lecture and teaching
Changes in the Way We Live
1.The song is about taking a break from city life, escaping from the crowds. 2.According to the song, people living in cities can find relief out in the country when life bees too fast and they need more room to move. 3.The countryside also promises escape from the pollution of the city, somewhere to get some decent air to breathe far away from the smog. 4.From what we have heard we can see that the song is related to the theme of this unit – changes in the way we lives.

移动通信全球系统(GSM)于 1987 年通过的欧洲标准。这使得高品质的语音 通话,能够为客户跨越国际边界,短信,从而使用他们的手机在手机使用一个
世界性的热潮奠定了基础。 In the late 1980s and throughout the 90s further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Diamond to capitalize on a number of opportunities. The company continued to work closely with several of the former state telecoms firms in developing and operating mobile networks, further cementing its position as an influential player in the telecommunications market. Diamond’s main focus has remained in Europe, but they have ventured into the North and South American, and Asian marketplaces. The recent ’opening-up’ of the Chinese market is currently providing Diamond with opportunities for further expansion both in the provision of networks and in sales of mobile devices. This expansion has, and will continue to require substantial investment. In 1998 the owners sought fresh capital from existing share holders to allow them to take advantage of the expansion opportunities.
HND GU1 大综合1

GU.11.(a)Product mix means that the full set of all products offered for sale by a company. From the case, it shows that the product width of product mix of Barr’s is not wide enough. So:Advantage:The Barr’s product mix is very simple and specialized which likes the operational activities. Barr’s just only operates in the drinks market. However, the company has great subsection of products, and there are many product lines and items in it. Moreover, with the edgy humorous theme advertisement, the product s of Barr’s are well-known in many places.In the case, Barr’s produces many different brands, such as Irn-Bru, Tizer, Simply Citrus, Simply Clear, etc. It also operates the UK franchise for Orangina and for Lipton Ice Tea. For its products, Barr’s uses th e advertisement to maintain an up-to-date image. This will help Barr’s to gain economies of scale in promotion and operation, and build managerial expertise.To gain the profits, a number of different markets are targeted by the company. The product lines and items of the company have various focuses. For example, Tizer aims at the market of 13-15 years old boys. And Orangina aims at the market of 18-30 years old people.Disadvantage:Most products of the Barr’s are at the maturity stage. According to the ca se, for example: Irn-Bru is one old brand, it over 100 years old, it is up against the decline stage.Soft drink is one of rapidly changing markets; so many companies will be durative to research, and then put out new brand of drinks.From the case, Barr’s is very hard to set up a new brand, because its own brands such as Irn-Bru are accepted abroad very well. The company is not able to develop its own brand.While, Orangina, one franchise agreement, is not in a steady market, and the Lipton Ice Tea is just in the introduction of its product life cycle in the UK.(B).Price elastic, which is known as elastic demand, means the quantity demanded will change by larger percentage than price. That is to say, price elastic is much more sensitive than price.Price elasticity would influence the brand loyalty of Barr’s, so Barr’s need to improve its brand loyalty, which could makes price elasticity less sensitive. This will affect price changing on sales.According to the case, Barr’s uses advertising to maintain an up-to-date image for its products. Barr’s tries to build brand share and brand loyalty, Barr’s uses different strategies to market its Price Elastic Products and increase its promotion activities.Here is an example: in 2003, free Irn-Bru samples were given to concert goers at events in England by sales people who arrived in ‘Irn-Bru Scooterettes’ - scooters in Irn-Bru colors. This type of ‘guerilla campaign’ was also used successfully in 2002.One more: During 2002, Tizer, in conjunction with Alcan, ran a campaign in conjunction with schools whereby containers are provided in schools for recycling. Nearly 250 schools participated in the scheme which offered prizes including musical instruments.2.Competitors’ behaviour depends on market characteristic, which includes competitors and oligopoly.For one market, the total demand of market is fixed, and the competitors have a number of the market shares. So the impact of main competitors is very important to Barr’s. That is to say, competitors also want to attract the same range of customers.Because of the fixing total demand of market, they could rely on some extent others in the industry to help itsoverall growth. So Barr’s have well activity to confront the external environment.Barr’s uses a range of promotional activities to make considerable use of advertising. It is a vital part in maintaining an up to date image for its products, particularly as carbonated soft drinks, most of them are bought by young people.Barr’s is proud of its reputation for u sing innovative tactics alongside tried and tested methods. But there are some complaints to the advertising standards authority. However, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) did not uphold the complaint. They agreed with Barr’s view that the advert was intended to be humorous and that the idea in it was meant to be ridiculous and not to be taken seriously.The ASA considered that the claim would be regarded as nonsensical humour. The company has the particular advertising which is be famous for the most people. Most of the customers are interested in the advertisement. Barr’s tailors its advertising and promotional activities very closely to the situation of the brand involved. A significant factor was the help obtained by Barr’s from government agen cies, particularly Scottish Trade International, which is responsible for encouraging Scottish based companies to export. The goods of the Barr’s that they sell abroad give an income into this country. And exports must be added on, so the government of Russian always help the company to acquire the good income.However, the Russian economy collapsed, and despite a successful advertising campaign in 1999 essence sales to Russia in 2001 fell. Because Barr’s began exporting Irn-Bru directly to Russia in 1994 when the market opened up to western firms after the fall of the communist regime. Previously, goods like soft drinks were not readily available and awareness of all brands was low.In February 2002, Barr’s concluded a new franchise agreement with the Peps i Bottling Group, the largest franchise bottler for Pepsi-Cola in the world. Irn-Bru is produced at its bottling plants in Russia and is distributed through PBG’s extensive distribution netword. This arrangement seems to be working well: at the end of its first year, in 2003, Irn-Bru sales accounted for almost 1% of the Russian market.In addition, the company has changed promotional methods to make use of the internet. For example, Barr’s has gained exclusive rights for the provision of drinks at tourist attractions in Scotland, such as the Falkirk Wheel and the Lomond Shores development at Loch Lomond.Tizer has sponsored the ITV show. It has developed special characters like ‘Ed the Head’ who have become associalted by consumers with the product. This sponsorship is regarded as particularly efficient as this TV show has the greatest proportion of the target market viewing at any one time.3. (a)The stakeholder is any group shares of the interest with the company. The company of Finsbury Growth Trust plc has the shares of 4.01%, so the company is the stakeholder. The stakeholder include the governments, suppliers and employees. The information which it needs will depend on its organisational goals, and they should know they can take which level of degree of risk.In the case, we have no idea of the objective of the company, so it is hard to say which information will be valuable for the stakeholder. But according to my idea, the following information will be interested:The investment of the new machinery. It can arouse a large cash outflow, so that the capital will be influenced. They will also be interested in dividends. Because this will influence earnings that it gets and how much it can pay its unit holders. For the Barr’s, the dividends are steady.The promotional campaigns are paid attention. It will influence demand for products, gradually influence the achievements.Another piece of information is the franchise agreements. It will influence the Barr’s earnings when they start and end.They will take care of the complaints made to the advertising Standards Authority. It may affect the demand forBarr’s products.(b)The main users of financial statements will use financial information to assist decision-making. Users of financial information can be split into 2 categories: internal and external users.Internally, management and employees study the information provided by the financial and management accounting statements. Existing shareholders, who will check the company’s performance, are al so considered internal users of financial information.According to the case, the shareholder is the external user, he will receive a share of any profits in return for the investments. Shareholders are primarily interested in the value of their shares and the return on their investment. They will use this information to help decide whether to remain a shareholder in this business or to sell their shares and invest elsewhere.Profitability ratios will be of ultimate interest to shareholders, in particular, it is a ratio known as return on capital employed. Barr’s managers are internal users, they will use the accounting information to compare performance. They will use all sources of financial information.In the case, I will choose the profit after tax, which could meet the requirements of each of the two companies. The profit after tax is the revenues minus the expenditure, and then minus the taxation, this part is the profit after tax. As the shareholder, there are some advantages to measure it:It could be used to monitor whether it has invested in terms of its objectives, these may relate to companies which have stable earnings.Whether it’s previous share purchasing decisions should be reviewed.Whether it’s a suitable share profile among several co mpanies could be implemented. It can be seen as the bench mark to scale the investment of the company.The measure also can reconsider whether it is suitable for investment. If the profit after tax is not so good, the company is able to sell the shares.As the Barr’s, it could use it to monitor the year to year progress of the company. And it also can monitor the effectiveness of its profit sharing schemes.4.According to analyse the case, Barr’s already has three partnership agreements, such as those with Pernod Ricard, with Unilever in the UK, and with Pepsi in Russia. If Barr’s concludes another partnership agreement with another company, these are maybe several advantages and disadvantages.Advantages:The company has a long-standing aim that is about increasing the sales of southern border. Sales there have been rising, while comparing with the sales in Scotland the quantity is still very low. So Barr’s has to change its marketing mix, the company extends its product lines and items, which could help the company to get much more profits, and gain larger market share.Branding is highly significant in the soft drinks market. It means that companies should have adequate funds spending on propagandizing their products, and most of customers who have purchased are full of satisfaction. At the same time, they have to be able to produce in sufficient quantities to gain economies of scale in production. The company want to enter the French market to open up new markets, so that Barr’s could acquire further profits. Moreover, Barr’s wants to promote its production to abroad for being a well-known company.These partnership arrangements, known as franchise agreements, normally last for a specified period of time such as five years. Barr’s has the UK franchis e for Orangina and for Lipton Ice Tea.Disadvantages:Concluding a new agreement, Barr’s should get more capital to support the promotional activitieson new products. And one more problem is building own brand. In the case, Barr’s uses the advertisement t o maintaining brand awareness, which is as a vital part in maintaining an up-to-date image for its products. This should cost large number of capital. Advertising and promotional activities are used for growing and increasing the famous level of a new bran d. Barr’s may change attention from efforts to building its own new brands such as Simply Citrus.However, Barr’s is still a small company, and its resources are too thin for spreading, so Barr’s should be overstretched. In the case, Barr’s just operates the drinks market, so Barr’s could beat into some other areas of markets, such as selling furniture, selling electrical machines, etc.5.Barr’s has clearly forms of structure. Now I will analyse the structure from finance and marketing. The Barr’s only have one horizontal hierarchy. The hierarchy is an integrating and coordinating device intended to bring together among the activities of individuals, teams, groups and departments.The company has clear roles and responsibilities. Barr’s controls costs o f raw materials, like sugar, it is through rigorous procurement and purchase methods. Finance uses to maintain and control on costs. While marketing is about creating an impact, finance may be able to adjudicate between spending in demands of operations and in marketing.Barr’s is traditional company with traditional values and this may fit well within a traditional structure. The traditional organisational structure is a less effective structure.Analysing the case, if Jonathan Kemp, the Director of Market Department, wants to do some promotional activities and advertising, it is hard to get enough money, because it will conflict between Finance and Market. Finance Department maintains on cost, and adjusts spending demand.In soft drink market, marketing is expensive. And Finance maybe could provide the capital. Under such structure, it is hard to be changed. The appointment of two new young directors, Jonathan and Roger suggests that the company may need to develop more quickly than it has.So in my opini on, a brand based structure may help Barr’s to achieve its further development and ensure the organisation of Barr’s appearing its commitment to brands. In such new structure, communication between Finance and Marketing will be much easier than in the current structure. A brand based structure could help ensure funds allocated to the requirements of marketing each brand more closely.(A) There are several main factors affecting the demand for Irn-Bru in the UK.The soft drinks market is sensitive to price, in the case, owing to the value of the pound was high against the Euro and a knock-on effect, Barr’s was forced to cut prices to wholesalers by 30%.For some products, tastes and fashion is very important. In the case, Tizer was re-launched in 1993 and in late 1996, another redesign was introduced. A further re-launch in 2003, this time it is more close to its target market. Weather as one more factors, could influence the demand. In the case, in a very poor summer, in 2002, sales of soft drinks are low, s o Barr’s gets low profit.Advertising and promotion is vital in influencing tastes, and increasing people’s awareness of Barr’s products, e.g. Irn-bru sponsorships.(b) Due to the value of the pound was high against the Euro, prices of other goods affect demand of UK, and it forces reducing in price to maintain sales levels. In the case, Barr’s cuts prices to wholesalers by 30%.Weather conditions could affect cash flow. In the case, in 2002, in a very poor summer, sales of soft drinks are low, so it reduces the cash inflow.Promotion could increase demand; it could help get higher sales and profits.A knock-on effect on sales revenue and costs could affect profits directly.(c)Price and other determinants could affect the demand curve.If prices rise from P1 to P2, the quantity will moves along the demand curve from A to B, this means quantity will decrease from Q1 to Q2.If prices fall from P1 to P2, the quantity will moves along the demand curve from B to A, this means quantity will increase from Q2 to Q1.In the case, when the value of pound is high against the Euro, the demand of soft drinks in the UK is decreased, so Barr’s has to cuts prices.Consumers like the tastes and increasing of consumer’s income will shift the demand curve to the right. Howe ver, if the weather is not hot and decreasing of consumer’s income will shift the demand curve to the left. In the case, the summer of 2002 is not hot; it causes the demand decreased, so Barr’s profits are lower than other years.7. (a) Advantages:Barr’s h as a good reputation especially in Scotland. In the case, Irn-Bru that is over 100 years old is the leading brand in Scotland, and one of the top 100 in the UK.From the finance statement, Barr’s has a good profit, dividends record is very steady, and net cash inflow is healthy. This shows the management of Barr’s is making a useful decision, and the liquidity of the company is good, so that Barr’s has money for further investment, and lead stakeholders to keep on holding the shares, or buy more.Barr’s i s focus on a single soft drinks market, and it has a record of investing in its brands. It also has built a reputation for innovative advertising. In the case, Barr’s uses promotional activities and advertising to maintain an up-to-date image for its products. And used for maintaining brand awareness in Scotland, and growing and increasing brand awareness in England.Barr’s has well-motivated staff.Disadvantages:In the highly competitive market, Barr’s is still a small company, and it is very vulnerable. I n the case, Irn-Bru is in the mature stage of its product life cycle in Scotland, so it is hard for further growth in that place.It is not easy to get established in England, it should cost a long time to beat in a new market. And Barr’s depends on carbonated soft drinks too much, although it has a small water product.Franchising is short term, and is a risky operation, while Barr’s has three franchise agreements.(b) Barr’s should find some ways to rebuild its product mix. In the case, Barr’s depends up on the Irn-Bru too much, and it does not other main brand to be depended on.Barr’s had better to end the franchise of Orangina in the next year. In the case, such product aims at adults, which is a good target, but this franchise does not work very well, so it could be ended.Barr’s could develop new markets for Irn-Bru. In the case, Irn-Bru in England is developing slowly, so like Russia these new markets will have a good value to development.Barr’s is a traditional company, and it does very successfully. So Roger White may have to retain the benefits of the old style to keep on competing.In my opinion, I think the company is the traditional company, it has traditional ideas and manage methods, while it has own advantages. Roger White may have to find ways to maintain the benefits of the old style family business in order to make sure it can continue to compete.The company should develop new products at immature stage or growth stage of the product life cycle. So that it could have successful sales and the profit contribution will increase rapidly.For the Irn-Bru, they should find ways to re-invigorate the product mix of the company. They should design morefashion products for the adults and old people, for which more and more people will know the brands, and the market of Barr’s will be larger.A G Barr has held the UK manufacturing and distribution franchise since 1995, and the current deal lasts until 2007. So they should do good preparing for it. This product appeals to adults and is good for this reason but its market is static.。

全新版大学英语第四册综合教程课后习题答案(2)Unit1Part II Text A lexf Organization VocabularyI. 1. 1) alliance 2) heroic3) stroke 4)limp5) minus 6) regions7) declarations 8) siegeAppendix I - $9 9) raw 10) retreat11) have taken their toll 12) In the case of 13) campaign 14) at the cost of 15) has been brought to a halt2. 1) is faced with5) picking up2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on6) falling apart 7) cut back 8) take over3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future.The border dispute between the two countries resulted in thousands of casualties.Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard.The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date / obsolete.4. 1) At that time, the enemy forces were much superior to ours, so we had to give up theoccupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases.Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization.The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks.II. More Synonyms in Context1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium and in the no-man's-land between the trenches.2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off.3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words.4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weathe- 90 - Appendix IIII. UsageBut often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health.A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks―and nobody knew anything about it. It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at workDon't sit too close to the fire to keep warm―you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. In those days people believed inmarrying young and having children early. Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. ■Structure1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by 30 percent.To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans.We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christmas.2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile.By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. ■4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 2. stand in the way 4. catching... off his guard 6. declaration 8. drag on 10. die from (A)1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with11. a halt(B)1. In2. since3. the4. and5. it6. that/who7. of/about 8. across9. to 10. lost11. to 12. with13. buried 14. in15. than 16. between 17. from 18. to19. downAppendix I - 91 CII. TranslationThe offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalioncommander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.。

1.P l a n n i n g—A c t i o n P l a nI spend 4 months to complete this report and make 3 year plan for them,In this project divided into three parts,planning,developing and evolution.In the plan I will introduce some basic information, such as the resources and strategies, I will use my report, structure, time for my report, I how to arrange a time to finish my report, and help resources. I will introduce some of the key factors in the situation, summary customer financial demand include deposit, loan demand, protection needs. Suggestions for improvement, potential suppliers, I will list relevant products and services, and benefit-need analysis, comparison between suppliers, for tax position, I'll give you areason to choose. In the evaluation, an evaluation standard, in this part there is a standard to evaluate the financial planning can help clients to understand my planning more clearly, the changes made to the project than the original plan, and the effectiveness of the process. The last is the conclusion, in which I can ensure that the final financial plan for my clients.2 .Developing—case study report2.1 Key factors in case study1. Fundament situation of clientsDavid Collins, who is 73 years old, he is a retired former Army Colonel.Martha Collins, Davids' wife,aged 70 and also retired, was formerly a legal secretary. Both of them keep in very good health and enjoy a good standard os living form their generous pensions.5,According to the case ,taking some assumption(1)Inflation rateAccording to this year report,the highest inflation rate is 4.4% in February,but the governmentControls great,so the rate fall to 1.9% just under the expectation. From my perspective, the inflation rate will be 3%during 2011 to 2013(2)Emerge cash available:Considering the Collin`s both senior,so they must keep some emerge cash to resolve accident.I argue they could keep £40,000.(3)Life expenses:I maintain the couple life expenses are £3600.(4)Bills:Collin is bill are £4800.(5)Traveling expenses:They traveling expenses are £3000(6)Some other expenditure is £1000.(7)The rent of three-bedroom townhouse in a fairly popular part of town is £12000aftertoestate is such that this may lead to the payment of inheritance tax. They are anxious to avoid this.2.3 Suggestions for improvementAccording to David and Martha is financial needs ,I make this suggestions for three parts savings,Mortgage and their protection needs.Saving:For helping the couple know more about the risk of saving and the profit of saving,I make a list and a diagram.The types of savin Risk Profit interest rateChequy Account low low 0%Saving Account low low 0.50%Capital bonds middle middle 2.50%Income bonds middle middle 1.75%Treasury stock hight hight 10%Premium bonds low low 0.90%I will do some adjustment in their savings portfolio.I insist the couple leave £4000 in their Chequeand£££££a nursingStrategy 3:The couples buy the second house and the couple pay full, because they are not young to burden such loan, they do not suit have liability in this age .living in the house two years because they near to Jeanette is home and Jeannette don not married, so she can could company the couples and gives them best care and rent the first house. Nevertheless Jeannette is not younger, so I maintain that the couples go to the nursing house in the third years, that can save two years capital spending in nursing house, So the couple will not worry that their financial will be drained to pay for the costs.Strategy 4The couple mortgage their three bedroom house and loan 70% of the value of the three bedroom house. Their three bedroom value is £310000,so they can loan £210000 to the bank and the two bedroom house is £250000 the couple could pay 30% of the second house which is £80000 and I recognize the repayment will be handle by their grandchildren who are graduated. That means Jack and Church and I recommend that couple transfer the three bedroom to their another 2 children.ProtectionI make three strategies in Mortgage,if the couples choose 1 or 3 ,I insist their can registerto theirthe21stfour private banks in the United Kingdom, ranked third, is the world's largest banks. Barclays Capital, Barclays's investment banking department in 2008, the acquisition of old U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers. The first quarter of 2012, Barclays Capital, M & A, second in Asia. 1896 Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, the Lanza Bull Fremont companies, banks merged the shares of Barclays Bank. After the merger and continue to other banks, the increasing scale of its current name in 1917. Operate a wide range of financial services, including clearing, investment, insurance, leasing, export credits, property management. London six clearing banks to issue credit cards in the UK in 1966. Has a number ofsubsidiaries of Barclays International Bank, Barclays Finance Corporation in the international community has a number of branches, and investing in Spain, Bermuda, Belgium, the big banks, the formation of a large international consortium of banks. In the domestic shipbuilding, shipping, machine manufacturing industry and the Press Trust ofCity BankMidland BankMidland Bank Plc was one of the Big four banking groups in the United Kingdom formost of the 20th century. It is now part of HSBC The bank was founded as the Birmingham and Midland Bank in Union Street, Birmingham England in August 1836. It expanded in the Midlands absorbing many local banks, and merged with the Central Bank of London Ltd in 1891, becoming the London City and Midland Bank. After a period of nationwide expansion, including the acquisition of many smaller banks, the name Midland Bank Ltd was adopted in 1923. By 1934 it was the largest deposit bank in the world. It was listed on the London Stock Exchange and was once a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index but in 1992 it was taken over by HSBC Holdings plc.2.5 Relevant products and services2.6 Benefit-needs analysisIn this sector,I will give a lot of data and chat to analysis Collin`s benefit-needs.The chat of Collin is portfolio before adjustmentTh e ch at of Col lin is por tfoli o aft er adjustt: ann ual inco me ann ual exp endi I tocouple have no need to repay the loans. Their ability still zero.are 90.8%(2011),1.7%(2012),38.3%(2013),2.6%(2014)respectively.2.7 Comparison among providersFirstly, I will compare the mortgage loan repayment in different banksBank name type Rate Max LTV% Monthly repayment Repayment periodBarclays 2year fixed 2.98% 70% £941.11 20years HSBC 2year fixed 3.89% 70%£1.020 20years Now I will focus on the format above to do the SWOT analysis to 2 banks respectively SWOT graphStrength:the repayment is lower Opportunities:max LTV%can reach 70%Weak: web information is less Threaten:the form is simpleHSBCStrength:web information is adequate Opportunities:the form is detail,max LTV% reach 70%Weak: the repayment is higher Threaten:the rate also higherFor the collin is family, they must more concentrate on monthly repayment, Barclays monthly repayment is £941.11 which is lower than that HSBC bank.So I recommendtheare££250madethan the combined, currently £650000Death within the seven year periodAccording Potential Exempt Transfers, If gifts are made that affect liability to IHT and the giver dies less than seven years later, a special relief known as taper relief may be available. The relief reduces the amount of tax payable on a gift.So i will draw the graph to show that clearly.Years after gift IHT payable0-3years 40%3-4yaers 32%4-5years 24%5-6years 16%6-7years 8%7years later exemption2.9 Justification for selectionsIn order to minimizing the inheritance tax, the Collin is must do several method to avoid the inheritance tax.Transfer the ownership of two housesCollin is should use their elder grandchildren is named Jack and Chuck to buy the twoLife insurance senior people like Collins is very urgent and necessary to.The comparison of the policy, the insurance cover the growing health care costs due to common diseases and disorders, to ensure a one-time compensation to compensate for the loss of the family.Understanding of the couple is cautious investors through questionnaires,By sorting out the most reputable insurance providers, enabling comparison of the policy, the insurance cover the growing health care costs due to common diseases and disorders, to ensure a one-time compensation to compensate for the loss of the family.I plan to avoid all the risk, they also don't want to get any risk, I this plan can make noi asafourth results.Buy some insuranceAt the beginning of the financial plan, I just asked the Corinth buy insurance because they are over 70 years of age, the insurance can not only protect their health can also avoid inheritance. But in the end considering the better to avoid inheritance I also suggested that Collins bought some Child Trust Fund as a gift to their grandchildren, because they have a 14-year-old grandson, the age limit for the Children's Trust Fund, so buy the Children's Trust Fund is always a good way .customers continue to report and planning. Understand their requirements, I have done a comprehensive analysis of background information on the couple and their family members and the collection of relevant data. Later, I came up with a complete blueprint for complex financial plan, after a week to consider the plan proposed the name of the customer to buy a house, their daughter, rather than buy their own homes so as not to inherit the house. Directional contour generation, focused on providing financial products. There is no doubt, I chose the most famous parts of the world's financial institutions such as Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS, legal and general and sincere. , The choice of financial products, the benefit-needs analysis, ratio analysis and financial analysis of the specificnumbers are involved. Later, I did a lot reference to genetic information and related tax provisions of exemption followed to improve the core strategy to address the inheritance tax.Finally, I suggest that Collins will continue to drink we keep in touch, according to the changing environment to constantly adjust the financial plan.Encountered in a timely manner to address and adjust.。

Section 1: Listening Comprehension1. What are some effective strategies for improving listening skills?- Use authentic materials: Listening to native speakers and real-life situations can enhance comprehension.- Practice note-taking: Summarizing main points will help with understanding.- Listen actively: Engage with the audio by predicting, summarizing, and reflecting on what you hear.- Start with easier content: Gradually increase the difficulty of the listening materials.2. How can I improve my listening speed?- Regular listening practice: The more you expose yourself to English,the faster you will become at processing the language.- Focus on key words: Train yourself to listen for important information rather than every single word.- Use online resources: Websites and apps offer various listening exercises that can help improve speed.Section 2: Speaking Skills1. How can I improve my pronunciation?- Mimic native speakers: Pay attention to their intonation, rhythm, and stress patterns.- Use online resources: Many websites provide pronunciation exercises and audio clips for practice.- Record yourself: Compare your pronunciation with native speakers and identify areas for improvement.- Seek feedback from others: Ask a native speaker or a language teacher to provide constructive criticism.2. How can I become more fluent in speaking?- Practice speaking regularly: Engage in conversations with native speakers or language partners.- Focus on communication, not accuracy: Don't worry about making mistakes; the more you speak, the more fluent you will become.- Use idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs: Incorporate these into your speech to sound more natural and fluent.Section 3: Reading Comprehension1. How can I improve my reading speed?- Practice speed reading techniques: Skim the text for main ideas and only focus on details when necessary.- Increase vocabulary: The more words you know, the quicker you will comprehend the text.- Read regularly: Make reading a habit to build your reading stamina and speed over time.2. How can I understand difficult texts?- Read actively: Highlight key points, make notes, and ask yourself questions while reading.- Look up unfamiliar words: Use a dictionary or online resources to expand your vocabulary.- Break it down: Divide the text into smaller chunks for easier understanding, and then connect the main ideas.Section 4: Writing Skills1. How can I improve my essay writing?- Plan before you start: Outline the main points and structure of your essay.- Practice writing regularly: The more you write, the better you will become.- Seek feedback: Ask your teacher or peers to review your essays and provide suggestions for improvement.- Read model essays: Analyze well-written essays to understand effective writing techniques.2. How can I enhance my grammar and vocabulary in writing?- Read extensively: Exposure to various texts will help improve grammar and vocabulary usage.- Use grammar and vocabulary exercises: Online resources and textbooks offer practice exercises.- Keep a vocabulary notebook: Record new words and review them regularly.- Edit and revise: Always proofread your writing for grammar and vocabulary errors before submitting it.Conclusion:通过本文提供的答案,希望可以解决大学英语教材综合教程中的常见问题,帮助学生们在听力、口语、阅读、写作等方面取得更好的进步。

Section1Question 1:Part AGiven the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreement with another company.12 Advantages:Firstly, the partnership agreements can provide Opal with technology assistance. It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnership not only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms’ well-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadvantages:As for the disadvantages, firstly, the own technology of Opal might be leaked because of the sharing of technology which may result in the loss of Opal’s competitive advantages. Secondly, in a partnership with others, the control power of Opal’s own company might be distributed because of the consideration of other partners’ benefits. Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.PART BIdentify and justify possible options the senior management may have which will enable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8Firstly, since Chinese market has enormous potential, Opal needs continue to invest in Chinese market to gain more market shares for its expansion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreements with more companies, to gain more comprehensive market information and share the technology and develop new products.Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation, Opal needs to keep the strong stance in relation to the environment, usemore green and environmental materials to produce ‘environmentally friendly’ products and services, and keep offering a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chinese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expansion.Question 2PART AAssess the strengths and weaknesses of Opal as they seek to expanding in the coming years. 12StrengthsFirstly, the further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘opening-up’ of the Chinese market is currently providing Opal with opportunities for further expansion.Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phonesto competing networks allowing access to a much larger market. Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stance in relation to the environment, and they were one of the first phone manufacturers in the world to offer a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme and offers environmentally friendly products and services.WeaknessesFirstly, the first hand-held phones were high priced because of the high research and development costs and the need for highly specialized production facilities. And this may cause the needs of a large amount of investment capital and the decrease in sales.Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resources and investment capital resources. It may not be able to meet the needs of cooperation with other companies. Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hinder the development and expansion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market and the fierce competition may hinder the expansion of Opal and increase a certain level of risk.PART BChoose two Key values highlighted in Appendix 3 and for each, explain how it has impacted upon the company’s activities. 8 Firstly, the customer deserves service excellence.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and then the growth of sales and profits can be achieved.According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Development Section and Customer Care Department. With the rapid development of technology, the Service Development Section is tasked to enhance the customer experience of the mobile and web-based services. And the Customer Care section is tasked to ensure that customer expectations are consistently met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excellent services.Secondly, we accept that while we are driven by technology we will always aspire to drive technology.The development of technology can provide Opal with higher tech-competitiveness, and help it to develop new products and expand to larger market. As for Opal, they continue invest in other innovative products and market research, and has been very successful in identifying market trends and then using the latest technological developments to satisfy customer needs. And, there is a Special projects section in Opal which requires significant investment and provides the leading-edge technology required for mobile and others.Section 2Question1PART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expand its business operations.Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal’s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secondly, issuing debentures are a useful way too. Debentures are loans made to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. However, the debenture holders need to repay the principles on time and they do not participate in the running of the company like shareholders do.Thirdly, even though both issuing shares and dividends are appropriate for Opal, there still some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the company, but the dividend holders do not. And, the dividends holders need to repay the principle on time, while it won’t be necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get benefits from the dividends while the debenture holders can get them from the interests.PART B找到一类可以同时满足Opal 公司股东和Opal 在中国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息. 请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相关者要求的。

大学英语综合教程U n i t教程答案Unit TwoMan and TechnologyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit.Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)productivity2)phenomenon3)isolation4)gradual5)opponent6)advent7)genetic8)universal9)extremeAs a person, we must have independent thoughts and personality.10)nasty11)boom12)formal13)survey14)Similarly15)modify16)rough2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned inthis unit. Do you understand their meanings Do you know how to use them in the proper context Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)at the same time2)are stuck with3)for certain4)make no difference5)on average6)when it comes to7)are better off8)built into9)come to mind10) close to11)in favor of▆ Increasing Your Word Power1.You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but aredifferent in usage. Reflect on the differences in usage between the words in each group and fill in each blank with a proper one. Change the form if necessary.▆ Answers:1)exterior2)external3)delightful4)pleasant5)separate6)isolate7)company8)companion9)acquire10)learn11)ripe12)mature2. Fill in each blank with one of the words listed below in theappropriate form, paying special attention to the meaning andspelling.▆ Answers:1)accept2)oppression3)loss4)excerpts5)depression6)loose7)except8)expectations9)lose10)suppress3.Words that come from the same root may be said to belong to the samefamily. Getting acquainted with each member of the family is a sure way to increase your word power. Now complete the following table with words of the same family. You may consult a dictionary ifnecessary.▆ Answers:1)technology2)eternity3)miracle4)relevance5)analysis6)luxurious7)leisurely / leisured8)subjective9)prosperous10)innovativeGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTask 1: Complete the following sentences with appropriate connectives listed in the following table.▆ Answers:1)Whatever2)Although / Though3)whereas4)However5)though / although6)Granted / Granting that7)as8)WhileTask 2: Translate the following sentences into English.▆ Answers for reference:1)Though it was raining hard, yet they went on playing football.2)You will have to attend the commencement whether you are free orbusy.3)She leaves her bedroom windows open, however cold it is.4)We will make a trip even if / though the weather is bad.5)No matter who / Whoever you are, you must abide by the law.6)Difficult as the job was, they decided to accept it.7)No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I’m wrong.8)She seems to have a ready answer, whenever / no matter when I askher a question.ClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1)emphasize2)opposite3)improved4)luxuries5)benefited6)obviously7)consciously8)fractures9)eternal10)groundbreaking11)entitled12)correlation13)depends14)exclusivelyc:\iknow\docshare\data\cur_work\&imgrefurl=&h=285&w=193&sz=10&tbnid=NswmDWJwta wJ:&tbnh=109&tbnw=74&start=18&prev=\images?q=translation+&hl=zh-Translation1.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words andexpressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actualwork, he seems to be quite ignorant.2)The latest survey shows /showed that the majority of the citizenssupport / supported the government’s plan to build a new library. 3)The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientificand technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.4)I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title justwon’t come to mind for the moment.5)He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelvehours every day on average.6)Is it necessary to know his height To me, it is not relevant towhether he can be a good lawyer or not.7)The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space andis convenient to use.8)These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coinis that their job is more dangerous.9)Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same timeshe studies philosophy as her second major.10)What is most important is that you must find out and solve theproblems by yourselves. It makes no difference whether I go there or not.2.Translate the following passage into English.▆ Answers for reference:Nowadays, many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable in previous eras.With the development of science and technology, people’s standard of living is getting higher and higher. People’s life expectancy has soared, too.However, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than they used to be. It can be seen that there is no close correlation between people’s income and their happiness. Happiness cannot, after all, be bought with money.Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive, and the more time they live on earth, the better off they feel they’ll be. What is impo rtant is that material wealth is far from enough. People need spiritual happiness, too.Theme-Related WritingWrite an essay of no less than 150 words about a technological invention. Your writing should cover the following points:1) a brief description of the invention2) the positive impact of the invention on people’s life3) the negative impact of the invention on people’s life4) your opinion▇ Sample essay:The Impact of the Mobile Phone on People’s Lives Among the many technological inventions, the mobile phone impresses me most.The mobile phone brings considerable convenience to our lives. It not only enables us to keep in touch with each other almost anytime and anywhere but also helps us solve problems or do business efficiently. In emergencies, a mobile phone can even be a life-saver. Besides, itsmulti-functions add ease and color to our lives. With a mobile phone, we can receive mail, read news, listen to music, play games, and take pictures.Yet, the mobile phone has its disadvantages, too. Most of us have experienced the nuisance of unwanted or wrong calls. We are inconvenienced by calls on occasions when we least expect one. Besides,the technology infrastructure to support mobile communication has consumed valuable natural resources and caused significant environmental problems. It is reported that electromagnetic radiation waves from the phone may result in health problems.Despite its negative side, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh its disadvantages. I believe that with advances in science and technology, improved and safer models of mobile phones will surely serve us still better. (184 words)。
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S e c t i o n 1 Question 1:Part AGiven the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreement with another company.12Advantages:Firstly, the partnership agreements can provide Opal with technology assistance. It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnership not only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of accept ability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms’ well-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadvantages:As for the disadvantages, firstly, the own technology of Opal might be leaked because of the sharing of technology which may result in t he loss of Opal’s competitive advantages. Secondly, in a partnership with others, the control power of Opal’s own company might be distributed because of the consideration of other partners’ benefits. Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.PART BIdentify and justify possible options the senior management may have which will enable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8Firstly, since Chinese market has enormous potential, Opal needs continue to invest in Chinese market to gain more market shares for its expansion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreements with more companies, to gain more comprehensive market information and share the technology and develop new products.Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation, Opal needs to keep the strong stance in relation to the environment, use more green and environmental materials to produce ‘environmentally friendly’ products and services, and keep offering a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chinese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expansion.Question 2PART AAssess the strengths and weaknesses of Opal as they seek to expanding in the coming years. 12StrengthsFirstly, the further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘opening-up’ of the Chinese market is currently providing Opal with opportunities for further expansion.Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competing networks allowing access to a much larger market.Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stance in relation to the environment,and they were one of the first phone manufacturers in the world to offer a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme and offers environmentally friendly products and services.WeaknessesFirstly, the first hand-held phones were high priced because of the high research and development costs and the need for highly specialized production facilities. And this may cause the needs of a large amount of investment capital and the decrease in sales.Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resources and investment capital resources. It may not be able to meet the needs of cooperation with other companies.Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hinder the development and expansion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market and the fierce competition may hinder the expansion of Opal and increase a certain level of risk.PART BChoose two Key values highlighted in Appendix 3 and for each, explain how it has impacted upon the company’s activities. 8Firstly, the customer deserves service excellence.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and then the growth of sales and profits can be achieved.According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Development Section and Customer Care Department. With the rapid development of technology, the Service Development Section is tasked to enhance the customer experience of the mobile and web-based services. And the Customer Care section is tasked to ensure that customer expectations are consistently met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excellent services.Secondly, we accept that while we are driven by technology we will always aspire to drive technology.The development of technology can provide Opal with higher tech-competitiveness, and help itto develop new products and expand to larger market. As for Opal, they continue invest in other innovative products and market research, and has been very successful in identifying market trends and then using the latest technological developments to satisfy customer needs. And, there is a Special projects section in Opal which requires significant investment and provides the leading-edge technology required for mobile and others.Section 2Question1PART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expand its business operations.Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal’s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secondly, issuing debentures are a useful way too. Debentures are loans made to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. However, the debenture holders need to repay the principles on time and they do not participate in the running of the company like shareholders do.Thirdly, even though both issuing shares and dividends are appropriate for Opal, there still some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the company, but the dividend holders do not. And, the dividends holders need to repay the principle on time, while it won’t be necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get benefits from the dividends while the debenture holders can get them from the interests.PART B找到一类可以同时满足Opal 公司股东和Opal 在中国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息. 请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相关者要求的。