
w w w w w w w w w w w w w
As firm as a rock As mute as a fish As strong as a horse As brave as a lion As obstinate as a cow As white as snow As black as ink / pitch As changeable as the weather As wet as a drowned rat As blind as a bat As fat as a pig As proud as a peacock As fresh as a rose
Type One: like
w Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. w Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, and those within want to get out.
A figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another. (Webster‘s New World Dictionary)
All the world‘s a stage, And all men and women merely players; They have their exits and entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages… (Shakespeare, As you Like it ) The first clause sets up the basic comparison. The tenor and vehicle invoked by the first line are elaborated in the lines that follow. The metaphor makes possible for the literary writer to explain things vividly in great detail.

《英语修辞学》教学大纲修订单位: 韩山师范学院外语系执笔人: 张若兰一. 课程基本信息1. 课程中文名称:英语修辞学2. 课程英文名称:English Rhetoric3. 课程类别:任选4. 适应专业:英语(师范类)本科5. 总学时:366. 总学分:2二.本课程在教学计划中的地位、作用和任务《英语修辞学》是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门专业任意选修课。
三.教学内容与教学基本要求教学内容:Chapter One:Syntactic Devices (句法辞格) (6课时)本章内容包括:1.长句和短句(Long and short sentences);2.简单句(The simple sentence);3.复合句(The compound sentence);4.分枝句(Branching sentences);5.主动和被动句(The active and the passive voiced sentences);6.平衡句(Syntactic schemes of balance)----排比句(parallelism);对偶句(antithesis);逆转反复句(chiasmus);7.倒装句(Syntactic scheme of inversion)----省略句(ellipsis);局部省略句(fragmentary elliptical sentence);连词省略/散珠(asyndeton);跳脱(aposiopesis);8.添加句(Syntactic scheme of addition or insertion)----连词叠用(polysyndeton);修正法/换语(epanorthosis);注释法(exegesis);扩充法(exergasia) ;并列法(apposition) ;插入法(parenthesis);9.反复句(Syntactic scheme of repetition)---二项式(binomials);三项式(trinomials);多项式(catalogues);首语重复(syntactic anaphora);尾语重复(syntactic epiphorea);首尾语重复(syntactic framing);10.层进与突降(Syntactic scheme of climax and anticlimax)----(climax);(anticlimax or bathos)11.修辞问句(Rhetoric question);12.顿呼(Apostrophe)。

蔡岚岚Why Do We Learn Rhetoric?•To understand the author’s intention better.•To find out the common ways people know the world and ways people express themselves.•To appreciate the beauty, explicit or not, of the language.•To learn how to achieve an effective communication.Introduction to Rhetorical Devices1. Phonetic Devices1.1 Alliteration 头韵Eg. a rolling roadtongue twisters: She sells seashells on the seashore.Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.1.2 Euphony 谐音Eg. hate- late; powers- flowers1.3 Assonance 半谐音Eg. Thou still unravished br i de of qu i etness,Thou foster ch i ld of s i lence and slow t i me.(Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn)a coffin shop-- a coffee shop; a flowery dell-- a flowery cell1.4 Onomatopoeia 拟声Eg. dog: bay, snarl, growl, howl, whine…1.5 Homeoteleuton 叠韵: similarity in endingsEg. Instead of rivets there came an inva sion, an inflic tion, a visita tion.To Bertie, Jeeves is as incomprehen sible as he is indispens able.2. Lexical Devices2.1 Lexical Options2.1.1 Short Words and Long Words2.1.2 Common Words and Learned WordsEg. payment- liquidation; refer to- allude to; glasses- spectacles;name/ surname- cognomen2.1.3 Formal, Informal or Colloquial WordsEg. deception- trick- rip-off; residence- house- digs;commence- start/begin- kick off2.1.4 General or Specific WordsEg. (n.) the building- the library; big cities- Shanghai, New York, London;(adj.) a fine day- sunny, warm, cloudless(adv.) speak well- clearly, with perfect diction;(v.) walk- stroll, march, stride; stagger2.1.5 Concrete or Abstract Words2.1.6 Referential or Emotive Words2.1.7 Choice between Synonymous WordsEg. fat- stout; high- tall; wide- broad; thin- lean2.2 Choice of Abbreviations2.2.1 Acronyms2.2.1.1 initialism: UN; WTO2.2.1.2 part of a word: TV; ID2.2.1.3 an expression or sentence: DINK; ASAP(asap); AWOL(awol);MARLBORO2.2.1.4 number or similar sound: F2F; Gr82.2.2 Clippings2.2.2.1 first syllable: advertisement, laboratory, professor, automobile2.2.2.2 middle syllable: flu (influenza), fridge (refrigerator) last syllable: omnibus, telephone, internet, airplane2.2.3 Blendsbrunch: br eakfast+ l unch; digicam: dig ital+ cam era; newscast: news+ broad cast2.3 Lexical Repetition3. Syntactic Devices3.1 Long and Short Sentence3.2 The Simple Sentence3.3 The Compound Sentence3.4 The Complex Sentence3.5 Syntactic Scheme of Inversion3.6 Syntactic Scheme of Omission3.7 Syntactic Scheme of Addition or Insertion3.8 Syntactic Scheme of Repetition3.9 Syntactic Scheme of Climax and Anti-climax3.10 Rhetorical Question3.11 Apodioxis3.12 ApostropheGeneral principles and features of English & Chinese rhetoric1.英语关系词丰富,介词、连词、关系代词和关系副词等的充分利用,使英语成为一种更为形式的语言,即以形合为主的语言。

(三)简答题1. 简述教师口语的性质。

普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材现代英语修辞学Moder n English Rhetor ic胡曙中编著上海外语教育出版社图书在版编目(CIP)数据现代英语修辞学/胡曙中编著.—上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004ISBN7-81095-185-8Ⅰ.现…Ⅱ.胡…Ⅲ.英语修辞教材Ⅳ.H315中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2004)第014498号早在1982年,我的导师杨小石先生有意要编一本适合我国英语专业使用的英语修辞学教材,为此,他邀请了包括我在内的三位教师一起参加编写,我们商定了编写大纲,也作了具体的分工。
在这儿,我想概括一下本书的各章内容和目的:第0章导论解释英语修辞的种种意义,并说明本书的目的———对英语修辞现象的描述、应用和阐释第1章影响修辞活动的要素论述信息、使用场合、受话者之间的关系,说明语气如何反映其间的关系第2章词汇的修辞描述英语选字遣词的修辞规律及其应用第3章句子的修辞描述英语连词组句的修辞规律及其应用第4章 段落的修辞 描述英语段落构成的修辞规律及其应用第5章 语篇的修辞 描述英语语篇构成的修辞规律及其应用第6章 语篇的种类 描述语篇的种类及其特点第7章 语体 描述作为修辞活动综合体的语体特征第8章 修辞手段 描述修辞布局和辞格的规律第9章 理论阐释 简述主要的英语修辞理论第10章 传统与发展 回顾英语修辞学的传统,预测其发展本书主要适合英语专业高年级学生和研究生使用。

《英语修辞学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息1.课程编号:325025062.课程名称:英语修辞学3.英文名称:English Rhetoric4. 课程简介:《英语修辞学》是为英语专业本科高年级开设的一门专业选修课,适用于英语专业教师教育方向和应用翻译方向,于第五学期开设,主要讲授英语修辞的基本原理及其应用,以及各类英语文体的语言风格特征,旨在引导学习者全面认识英语的语体特征、文体风格及其修辞要求和技巧,从本质上了解英语语体,掌握各类文体的修辞手段和语言特点,熟悉各种修辞手法,各类英语的功能,掌握语言使用中的“常规”和变异及其在各种文体中所表现出的规律,提高语言使用中的修辞与文体意识,使学习者具备一定的文学批评和对各类文体的分析和鉴赏水平。

develop a presentation on one area of rhetoric. You can provide us with a handout, plus any additional materials you think will be useful for the goal of your presentation.
1. What is rhetoric?
• 3. (derogatory)Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or empty: 【贬】华丽的词藻,花言巧语, 浮夸之词 His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.
definition and development
• Rhetoric originated in speaking.
• Plato maintained that rhetoric was the expression of truth and the art of rational discourse rather than the art of eloquent expression. • (Aristotle, in the 4th c. B.C.) • first defined rhetoric as the art of persuasion, equivalent to argumentation as people understand today. • Arguments should include four sections: • 1.the introduction; • 2.the outline or narration of the subject; • 3.the proofs for and against the case; • 4. the summary.

《英语修辞学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码020259课程中文名称英语修辞学课程英文名称English Rhetoric课程性质专业必修学分/学时 2/36适用专业英语专业先修课程无推荐教材(参考书)《英语辞格导论》, 张金泉、周丹主编,华中科技大学出版社,2013年版二、课程简介本课程在吸收、借鉴修辞研究的新方法、新成果的基础上,比较系统的介绍了英语修辞理论及常用修辞手法,使学生掌握英语修辞学及修辞手法的基本知识,提高英语语言素养,作为英语专业高年级课程,本课程具有实践性和实用性。
四、教学进度表讲(章)次各讲标题名称讲授学时教学周安排备注第一讲绪论 2 1第二讲音韵修辞格 4 2-3第三讲语义修辞格 22 4-15 期中考试占2学时第四讲句法修辞格 4 16-17第五讲总结 2 18(注:以讲或章为单位对教学内容做出学时要求安排。
英语修辞学(Rhetoric) (1)

English Figures of Speech
英语修辞的一般规律与特点 General principles and features of English rhetoric
1. 关系词丰富,介词、连词、关系代词和关系副词 关系词丰富,介词、连词、 等的充分利用,使英语成为一种更为形式的语言, 等的充分利用,使英语成为一种更为形式的语言, 即以形合为主的语言。而汉语是以意合为主的语言。 即以形合为主的语言。而汉语是以意合为主的语言。
4. 英语被动句用得多,汉语主动句用得多。这更说明了英语 英语被动句用得多,汉语主动句用得多。 物称倾向” 的“物称倾向”。 An illustration is furnished by an editorial in the Washington Post (January 17, 1962). 华盛顿邮报》 《华盛顿邮报》(1962年1月17日)的一篇社论提供了一个 年 月 日 例子。 例子。 It has been known for a long time that there is a first relationship between the heart and liver. 长期以来,大家知道心脏和肝脏的关系是最重要的。 长期以来,大家知道心脏和肝脏的关系是最重要的。 The challenge from the Third World has always been foreseen by our shipping companies. 我国的海运公司总能预见来自第三世界的挑战。 我国的海运公司总能预见来自第三世界的挑战。
The three uses of similes:
Descriptive描述型明喻; Illuminative启示型明喻 ; Illustrative说明型明喻;
英语修辞学 Lecture 1 Introduction of English Rhetoric

词语修辞格: Semantic Figures of Speech
Synaesthesia 通感 hyperbole/overstatement understatement 低调陈述 Irony 反语 Oxymoron 矛盾修饰法 Paradox 隽语 Euphemism 委婉语 pun 双关
Category 1
交际修辞(Communicative Rhetoric): 无论说话或写作,把思想感情表达得明白、 通顺,要求在选词择句时,语意明确、文理 通顺、结构妥贴、语言平易好懂,这样才能 正确地说明客观事物,表达主观意愿,完成 交际任务。 美学修辞(Aesthetic Rhetoric):要求语 言表现得生动、形象,富于说服力和感染力, 最大限度地发挥语言的表达功能,给人以美 的享受。
Parallelism/parallel structure Repetition 反复 Antithesis 对照/对偶 层进 Climax Anti-climax 突降 Ellipsis 省略 Inversion / anastrophe 倒装
Category 2
Passive rhetoric: How to choose the proper words and sentences to express the ideas, and make the language: accuracy, euphonic, and coherent. Active rhetoric: How to apply the figures of speech properly so as to make the content more exact, vivid and lively. It mainly concerns the usage of the figures of speech.
Lecture one 英语修辞学绪论 Introduction

I came, I saw, I conquered.
2.We eat books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
1.1 Etymology of Rhetoric
Francis Christensen: Grammar maps out the possible; rhetoric narrows the possible down to the desirable and effective. 伍海伦《英文修辞手册》论述: Grammar is the law of language, considered as language; rhetoic is the art of language, considered as thought. Grammar tells what is correct; rhetoric tells what is effective ans pleasing.
Kennedy: Don‟t ask what our country can do for you, just ask what you can do for your country.
Chuchill: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. Richard Nixon: Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.

英语修辞学课后答案第一章1、2.I think Game of Thrones is ________ TV series of the year. [单选题] * A.excitingB.more excitingC.most excitingD.the most exciting (正确答案)2、You cannot see the doctor _____ you have made an appointment with him. [单选题] *A. exceptB.evenC. howeverD.unless(正确答案)3、The classmates can' t()Alice from her twin sister. [单选题] *A. speakB. tell(正确答案)C. talkD. say4、Mr. Brown ______ the football match next week.()[单选题] *A. is seeingB. seesC. sawD. is going to see(正确答案)5、The blue shirt looks _______ better on you than the red one. [单选题] *A. quiteB. moreC. much(正确答案)D. most6、—Could you please make the bed?—______.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I wasB. No, I don’tC. Sure, I’ll do it(正确答案)D. No, that’s no problem7、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need8、Tom’s sister is a nurse. I met _______ in the street yesterday . [单选题] *A. sheB. hersC. himD. her(正确答案)9、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] *A.in advanceB.in vainC.in return(正确答案)D.in turn10、—Are these your sheep? [单选题] *A)on grass at the foot of the hill.(正确答案)B. feedC.is fedD. is feeding11、Jack can speak Japanese, and his brother can _______ speak Japanese. [单选题] *A. tooB. also(正确答案)C. eitherD. as well12、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care13、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] *A. bestB. better(正确答案)C. goodD. well14、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] *A. visitB. make(正确答案)C. missD. take15、Don’t ______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worriedB. worry(正确答案)C. worried aboutD. worry about16、Researchers have spent five years collecting data()the study is based. [单选题] *A. on thatB. in whichC. in thatD. on which(正确答案)17、______ the morning of September 8th, many visitors arrived at the train station for a tour.()[单选题] *A. FromB. ToC. InD. On(正确答案)18、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] *A. Be careful(正确答案)B. Be careful toC. Be careful forD. Be careful with19、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither20、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time21、You wouldn' t have caught such ____ bad cold if you hadn' t been caught in ____?rain. [单选题] *A. a, /B. a, aC. a,the(正确答案)D. /, /22、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] *A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)23、Thank you very much. You gave us ____ our factory needed. [单选题] *A. informationB. informationsC. the information(正确答案)D. the informations24、()late for the meeting again, Jack! 一Sorry, I won t. [单选题] *A.Don’tB. Be notC.Don't be(正确答案)D.Not be25、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] *A. happilyB. nearlyC. loudly(正确答案)D. hardly26、We can see ______ stars at night if it doesn’t rain. [单选题] *A. a thousand ofB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of(正确答案)27、I’m looking forward to hearing from you _______. [单选题] *A. recentlyB. soon(正确答案)C. quicklyD. fast28、Two()in our school were sent to a remote village to teach for a month. [单选题] *A. women teachers(正确答案)B. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman teacher29、I could ______ control my feelings and cried loudly when I heard the bad news. [单选题] *A. hardly(正确答案)B. ?reallyC. clearlyD. nearly30、For the whole period of two months, there _____ no rain in this area. Now the crops are dead [单选题] *A. isB. wasC. has been(正确答案)D. have been。

10.6 Personification
10.7 Parody
10.8 Synesthesia
10.9 Transferred epithet
Chapter 11 Logical Figures of Speech
*11.1 Allegory
*11.2 Allusion
11.3 Hyperbole
11.4 ent
11.5 Irony
11.6 Innuendo
11.7 Euphemism
7.7 Pun
Chapter 8-9 Syntactic Figures of Speech
11.8 Oxymoron
*11.9 Analogy
11.10 Paradox

英语修辞学1-4Ex答案gg《英语修辞学》第一章----第四章练习答案Tell what figures of speech each sentence contains.1. You might as well expect a leopard to change its spots as expect him to give up smoking.(simile)2. I stayed on Hong Kong island and found myself in a different world, where surprising quiet and the green smell of lush foliage is just steps away from the business district.(Jane Wooldridge: Hong Kong) (synaesthesia)3. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. (kate Chopin: The Dream of an Hour) (synaesthesia)4. How all my own territory would be altered, as if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike. (simile)(I had never realized until Mike’s leaving) How much my own life would be affected, as if it had been destroyed by a landslide, which took away everything I used to enjoy, leaving behind only the pain from missing Mike.我的世界里,就像发生了天崩地裂,除了迈克的离去,其余所有的记忆都被冲走了。

李树德 冯奇《英语修辞简明教程》,复旦大学出版社,2003
吕煦 《实用英语修辞》, 清华大学出版社,2004
张秀国 《英语修辞学》, 清华大学出版社,2005
What is rhetoric? What is a figure of speech? Are they the same?
Definition of rhetoric: Chinese
张弓《现代汉语修辞学》: 修辞是为了有效地表达意旨、交流思想而适应现
实语境,利用民族语言各因素以美化语言。 北京大学语言学教研室《语言学名词解释》: 修辞是指最有效地运用语言,使语言很好地表达
思想感情的一种技巧。研究这种技巧的学问,就 叫修辞学。换言之,修辞学是以修辞的规律、方 法和语言手段的表现为研究对象的科学。
Definition of rhetoric
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (1972):
Rhetoric is the art or science of using words effectively in speaking or writing, especially of literary composition.
胡曙中 《英汉修辞比较研究》,上海外语教育出版社,1993
胡曙中 《现代英语修辞学》,上海外语教育出版社,2004
黄任 《英语修辞与写作》,上海外语教育出版社,1996
郭秀梅 《实用英语修辞学》,江苏人民出版社, 1985
李冀宏 《英语常用修辞入门》,世界图书出版公司,2ategory 1: (Western Rhetoric) Communicative Rhetoric

Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.第一部分:Figures of Resemblance and RelationshipSimile(明喻) Metaphor(暗喻) (隐喻) Metonymy(转喻) (借代)Synecdoche(提喻)Personification(拟人)Antonomasia (换称)一Simile(明喻)Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. Simile is a comparison between two different things that resemble each other in at least one way. In formal prose the simile is a device both of art and explanation, comparing an unfamiliar thing to some familiar thing (an object, event, process, etc.) known to the reader.1. Simile通常由三部分构成:本体(tenor or subject),喻体(vehicle or reference)和比喻词(comparative word or indicator of resemblance)。

➢ 4. Assessment: Exam
Total grades = 20% of Regular Grades + 80%of the Final Exam
* Regular Grades consists of 10% of class attendance and 10% of
manipulate [ mə'nipjuleit ] others.
现代英语修辞学研究的是人类使用符号互相交流的能 力,这种能力是人类所持有的,人类使用符号来构建自 己的世界,来认识自我,来和其他人一起互动,使生活 更有意义。
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• 通过对语言材料的选择、调整、修饰,使语言美化, 更好地交流思想,表情达意。所谓“调整”,主要 指依据题旨(subject) 情境 (occasion / context)的需要,对词语、句式、段落篇章作恰当 地选择和安排;所谓“修饰”,主要指恰当地选择 一些修辞手段、修辞方法,增强语言表达的艺术效 能。调整的目的,就是要求语言准确、鲜明,没有 丝毫的模糊,也没有丝毫的歧义,使人家清楚、明 白。 -- 杨鸿儒《当代中国修辞学》
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Ⅰ About the Course
➢ 1. Optional course of English Major ➢ 2. Learners: Seniors of English Major ➢ 3. Main content:
General idea about English rhetoric a brief and interesting survey of the history of rhetoric with emphasis on several major classical rhetoricians and their theories and application
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Ⅰ About the Course
➢ 1. Optional course of English Major ➢ 2. Learners: Seniors of English Major ➢ 3. Main content:
General idea about English rhetoric a brief and interesting survey of the history of rhetoric with emphasis on several major classical rhetoricians and their theories and application
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Ⅱ Definition of Rhetoric ➢ Whoever does not study rhetoric will become a victim
of it. ---Ancient Greek wall inscription
➢ Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. ---Francis Bacon
➢5. Text Book
➢6. Reference Books
黄 任:《英语修辞与写作》,上海外语教育出版社,1999. 张秀国:《英语修辞学》,清华大学出版社、北京交通大
学出版社,2005 李鑫华:《英语修辞格详论》,上海外语教育出版社,2000
Communicative rhetoric the choice of words, the choice of sentences, paragraph and essay construction
Aesthetic rhetoric: figures of speech (phonetic, syntactic, semantic, logic)
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The study of rhetoric goes back to ancient Greece, when speakers began to practice the art of persuasion in courts law. The ancients realized that presentation is as important, or perhaps more important, as facts.
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Plato and Aristotle
2.1 Origin of Western Rhetoric
It is said that the “art of rhetoric” originated in Syracuse锡拉库扎 (意大利西西里岛东部一港市), a Greek colony on the island of Sicily, in about 465 B.C.. When the dictators on the island were overthrown and democracy was established, people went to court to claim the ownership of the land which had been taken from them during the dictator’s reign. However, the Greek system required that citizens represent themselves in court instead of hiring attorneys to speak on their behalf as we can today. Therefore, the rhetoric came into being to “make the best possible case and to represent it persuasively to the jury” (Hu Shuzhong, 2011:433). Probate court 遗嘱检验法庭
• the foundation of rhetoric
• more than ordinary speech but a special kind of public speaking (a special purpose, a special way, a special time)
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2.2 rhetoric and oratory
Oratory: Oratory had been practiced long before the ancient rhetoricians developed a theory and a vocabulary for rhetoric.
English Rhetoric
Chapter One Introduction to English Rhetoric
Contents of This Chapter Ⅰ. About the Course Ⅱ.Definition of Rhetoric Ⅲ.Classification of Rhetoric Ⅳ. Purpose of learning rhetoric Ⅴ. Arrangement and Requirements
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➢ 4. Assessment: Exam
Total grades = 20% of Regular Grades + 80%of the Final Exam
* Regular Grades consists of 10% of class attendance and 10% of