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On Symbolism in The Snows of Kilimanj


1.1 About the writer and the story

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was born in Oak Park, Illinois. At the age of seventeen, he started a job as a writer in Kansas City. During the First World War, he became a health care provider in Italian army . He once got seriously wounded when he serviced at the front.Therefore, he had to spend much time recovering in the hospital with the help of the Italian government, After his coming back to the United States, he reported news there , very soon be sent back to Europe and other incidents reported in the Greek Revolution .

In the 1920s , Hemingway went to Paris. And his first famous work the sun still rises ( 1926 ) was published.. And the book Farewell to Arms " ( 1929 ) was written about one that feels disappointed in the war as an ambulance officer and his deserters . Actually Hemingway’s personal experiences also reflect in the book when he was a correspondent in Spain. One of the most ambitious novel, Whom the Bell Tolls " ( 1940 ) has brought a strong effect on the society. Lately , the most brilliant and successful story , "Old Man" ( 1952 ) , which describes an brave fisherman’s experience on the sea, and particularly introduces the fighting process between the fish and the sea, and his

victory failed.

Hemingway was a great athlete like depicting soldiers , hunters , bullfighters , tough , in a honesty but wild way sometimes primitive and contemporary society. He could not find hope and confidence under this confrontation .It is not difficult to find that most of his prose is direct. And he trended to use understatement in short stories. And most stories included in the men no women " ( 1927 ) and the first 49 stories ( 1938 ) and so on . Hemingway passed away in Idaho at the year of 1961.

It is well seen that Ernest Hemingway was known for his writing style : symbolism and Iceberg principle . Ernest Hemingway is a typical representative of the United States —after World War I "lost generation. The excellent work The Snows of Kilimanjaro," is full of interesting and amazing mystical symbols.

The Snows of Kilimanjaro is written about that Harry’s legs got injured in the wilderness. Harry is dying because of lack of enough medical care. The threat of death is nothing, while it shows that people 's attitude towards death , which manifestants of

the Hemingway's love theme . Hemingway lived through the two world wars. In his body are over two hundred pieces of shrapnel inside. Ernest Hemingway, and even read his obituary has its unique feeling of death: "death has a kind of beauty, a kind of quiet, a kind of deformation ,will not make me afraid."! “Africa’s highest and famous mountain " --, snow on mountain Kilimanjaro, and "froze on the mountain on the leopard", Hemingway is a symbol of this feeling body. Hemingway seems that even in the end of life and rigid state, there is still primitive, majestic and noble beauty; Fearless in the face of death, perhaps in the threat of war, intense competition and a strong heavy material may depressed, prospects, false hope individuals themselves may reflect only a force of personality . "Death" of "image" in the novel the hero, harry, to change his mind, and it is the end and fixed Hemingway in this way. Under the threat of upcoming death, Harry' s knowing about psychology , frankly, separation and underdevelopment, fascinated. If the image of "hills like white elephants" include implication of all surface narration in the novels, and the plot of "the snow of Kilimanjaro" is arranged very well ,all surfaces pointing to determine significance.

1.2 About symbolism

The term symbolism originates from the Greek Symbolon, its meaning in the Greek means "a board (or a pottery) is divided into two and a half, host and each party holds one of, meet again together for showing affection or pledge. After many times, its righteousness became "as a concept in a form the habit of representative", namely to representatives of any ideas or things that can express some things and concepts of symbol . It is used in analogy with the usual people are different, it involves the essence of things with a

deep meaning but different from metaphor. It is the late 19th century in France and in several countries of Western art trend.

Symbolism is classified into two parts according to the period. One︰ before the latter half of the 19th century French poetry produced in the genre. The poet

Baudelaire,Rimbaud,and Mallarme were very popular . Baudelaire's sonnet first made famous symbolism and theory.After symbolism in a war of world literature trend, climax in the

20 s, 40 s almost approaching the end. Its main characteristic is: create a morbid beauty, inner "real" highest performance, using the symbol implies that an experience-feeling in illusion, with musicality increase effects of meditation.

Symbolic systems or creative use of arbitrary symbols to represent different abstract representations of concepts or relationships between objects and their narrow definition

of context and definition of terms. Narrowly , "symbolism is defined that the application for using any iconic representation with a special traditional sense. In literature, symbolism refers to the use or may allow a wider range of applicability of prose meaning beyond the abstraction may describe literally. In fact, most or all of the novel - a symbolic use of rhetorical devices in the core concepts and objects of their work meaning. For instance, Joseph Conrad is fond of using a wide range of symbolic meaning, representing the theme applied to larger contemporary political and social environment..
