会计学专业 会计师事务所审计风险管理研究--以瑞华会计师事务所为例

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Study on Audit Risk Management of Accounting Firms -- Take Ruihua Accounting Firm as an Example


In the process of economic development,the number and scale of domestic companies in China are constantly growing,and with the separation of ownership and management of companies becoming the n orm,the audit demand is increasing and the audit work is becoming more and more complex,which undo ubtedly increases the audit risk of accounting firms.At the same time,the public has high expectations of the audit work of accounting firms.However,in recent years,the audit failure cases at home and abroad are constantly reminding us that it is urgent to strengthen the management of audit risk.This paper mainl y studies the audit risk and management of accounting firms,taking the case of Ruihua accounting firm a s the entry point,analyzes the causes of audit risk of accounting firms in China,and the strategies to prev ent audit risk.This paper will first introduce the purpose and methods of this research,then elaborate the t heoretical basis of this research,and analyze the sources of audit risk from both internal and external aspe cts.The following is the case part,which introduces the relevant cases of Ruihua accounting firm,states t he basic situation of Ruihua accounting firm,and analyzes the problems and causes of Ruihua's current a udit risk management from the case of Ruihua auditing huaze cobalt and nickel.Based on the case of Rui hua,this paper further discusses the causes of audit risk in accounting firms in China,and finally conclud es that the audit risk can be reduced from the audit subject,audit object and the overall audit environment .

Key words: accounting firm; Audit risk management; Audit risk


摘要 .................................................................. I Abstract ............................................................... II 一、绪论 . (1)

(一)研究目的和意义 (1)

(二)本文主要研究内容和研究方法 (1)

二、文献综述 (2)

(一)会计师事务所审计风险研究的基本理论 (2)

(二)会计师事务所审计风险出现的原因 (2)

(三)审计风险防范措施 (2)

三、审计风险管理概述 (3)

(一)审计风险的概念 (3)

(二)审计风险的特征 (3)

(三)审计风险的类别 (4)

(四)审计风险模型 (4)

四、审计风险来源分析 (5)

(一)影响审计风险的内部因素 (5)

(二)影响审计风险的外部因素 (5)

五、案例研究——以瑞华会计师事务所为例 (6)

(一)瑞华会计师事务所基本情况 (6)

(二)瑞华会计师事务所案例介绍 (6)

(三)瑞华会计师事务所审计风险管理现状 (7)

(四)瑞华会计师事务所审计风险出现的原因 (7)

六、我国会计师事务所审计风险管理现状及存在问题的原因 (9)

(一)我国会计师事务所审计风险管理现状 (9)

(二)我国会计师事务所审计风险出现的原因 (9)

七、会计师事务所审计风险防范措施 (10)

(一)关于审计主体方面的措施 (10)

(二)关于审计客体方面的措施 (10)

(三)关于应对整体审计环境的措施 (11)

八、结论 (11)

参考文献 (13)

致谢 (14)
