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Step 1复习摩擦音

(二)摩擦音(10个) 摩擦音是发音时,气流开始部分受到阻碍,随后气流从缝隙中泄出,发出声音。

1、/f/ 是清辅音,/v/浊辅音。 发音要决:下齿轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成音

/f/ 例词:fat fast face fine life fire phone father

/v/ 例词:of love view vine very violin leave ,

2 、/θ/ 是清辅音,/e/ 是浊辅音。发音要决:舌尖轻触上齿背,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成音,

/θ/ 例词:both cloth three thing mouth hanks birthday

/ð/ 例词:that than these bathe mother

3 、/s/ 是清辅音,/z/ 是浊辅音。发音要决:舌抬起,靠近上齿龈,气流由舌端和齿龈间泻出摩


/s/ 例词:sun ice sea sell same face snake mouse

/z/ 例词:zoo eyes nose knees prize music

4 、/ ʃ / 是清辅音,/ ʒ /是浊辅音。发音要决:舌尖和舌端向上齿龈后部抬起,舌身靠近硬颚开成


/ ʃ / 例词:she sure wash ship sheep share shake shop fish

/ ʒ / 例词:pleasure usually

5、/h/ 是清辅音。发音要决:口张开气流不受阻碍,自由溢出口腔,在通过声门时产生轻微摩擦,

/ h / 例词:he hen hat hill high hair horse

6 、/r/ 是浊辅音,发音要决:舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌前部下陷,略成凹型,双唇稍向前突出,


/ r / 例词:run red rain free race write read

Step 2学习破擦音(6个)鼻辅音(3个)半元音(2个)半元音(2个)舌侧音(1个)破擦音(6个) 破擦辅音是由一个爆破音和一个摩擦音组成。

1 、/ tʃ / 是清辅音。/dʒ /是浊辅音。发音要决:舌间和舌端抬起。贴住上齿龈后部形成阻碍,双唇稍向前突出,气流冲破这个阻碍后,通过舌和齿龈间的窄缝摩擦成音。

/ tʃ / 例词:watch child China chair cheap lunch

/ dʒ / 例词:Jane jeep gem joke bridge orange

2 、/ts/ 是清辅音。/dz/ 是浊辅音。发音要决:舌尖抵上齿龈形成阻碍,舌尖略下降气流泻出口腔

/ ts/ 例词:pats cats shirts skates students

/dz/ 例词:seeds cards hands roads

3 、/tr/ 是清辅音,/[dr/ 是浊辅音。 发音要决:舌尖抵上齿龈后部形成阻碍,舌身取发/r/的姿势,气流冲破阻碍发出短促的[t]或[d]之后立即发/r/。

/tr/ 例词:train tree trip

/dr/ 例词:drive drip dress dream

鼻辅音(3个) 发三个鼻辅音时气流在不同的位置,程度不同地受阻,最后都通过鼻腔泄出,其中最难的音为/m /,其次应注意/m/在单词末尾时应闭嘴,另外/n/不能与/l/混淆。

1 /m/是浊辅音、发音要决:双唇闭合,软鹗下垂气流从鼻腔泻出,

/m/ 例词:me home came some mouth game many 。 2 、/n/是浊辅音,发音要决:舌尖紧抵下齿龈形成阻碍,软鹗下垂气流从鼻腔泻出。

/ n / 例词:son run thin neck noon knife number

3 、/ ŋ / 是浊辅音,发音要决:舌后部抬起,抵住软鹗,气流从鼻腔泻出。

/ ŋ / 例词:Sing king song thing strong bring


1 、/ j / 发音要决:舌前部尽量向硬鹗抬起,双唇平展口微开,气流从口腔泻出,可有轻微摩擦声带振动,一经发出立即向后面的元音滑动,一起发/j/

/ j / 例词:yes yard year yellow 。

2 、/ w / 发音要决:舌后部向软鹗抬起,双唇收圆并向前突出气流从口腔泻出声带振动,一经发


/ w / 例词:wheat wheel way wood

舌侧音(1个) /l/ 发音有两种,清晰的/l/ 和含糊的/l/,清晰的/l/出现在元音前面,含糊的/l/ 出现在辅音前面或词尾。

1 、清晰的/ l / 例词:letter lesson lion lamp 发音要决:舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前部向硬颚抬起。气流从舌的两端泻出口腔[l]是浊辅音。

2 、含糊的/ l / 例词:ball girl tall bottle 发音要决:舌端紧贴上齿龈后部,舌前部下陷气流从舌的两端泻出口腔[l]是浊辅音。

3、区分鼻音[n]和舌侧音[l] 例词:/n/ nine now night know [l] line law light lown Step3练习


1. sweater bread tea breakfast

2. number some photo puppet

3. toy boy goat coin

4. jacket rabbit panda stamp


1. plane stand elephant orange

2. love old cold hello

3. chess she red vest

4. lunch uncle number hungry


1. thirty her turkey thirsty

2. where there wear pear

3. flower trousers blouse house

4. when watch between write


1. ( ) A. that B. thirty C. Thursday D. math

2. ( ) A. fast B. radio C. cake D. shape

3. ( ) A. stove B. open C. go D. gloves

4. ( ) A. mouth B. thank C. three D. this 五、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的的一项。

1. black ( ) A. come B. grandma C.chair

2. moon ( ) A. who B. open C.woman

3. art ( ) A. what B. garden C.apple

4. teach ( ) A. learn B. tea C.sweater

5. dance ( ) A. rabbit B. afternoon C.day


一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

( )1. The Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year and people in the USA celebrate Christmas.

A. /; the

B. /; /

C. the; /

D. the; the

( )2. I can meet him the morning October 2nd.

A. on; in

B. in; of

C. on; of

D. in; in

( )3. We usually go to visit my parents the Chinese New Year holiday.

A. around

B. inside

C. across

D. between

( )4. It that our Chinese teacher is coming to see you.

A. looks

B. seems

C. feels

D. listens

( )5. It is for you to read English in the morning if you want to learn it well.

A. different

B. important

C. special

D. difficult

( )6. —do you usually do at weekends?

— I usually do homework, watch TV or help my parents with the housework.

A. How

B. What

C. Why

D. Where

( )7. —do you go to school every day?

— On foot. I think walking is good for my health.

A. How

B. Why

C. When

D. Where

( )8. —subject do you like best, Chinese, English or Maths?

— English. And I am good at speaking it.

A. Which

B. Whose

C. How

D. Why

( )9. Children always get from their parents on the Spring Festival.

A. good masks

B. moon cakes

C. red packets

D. rice dumplings

( )10. The Chinese enjoy fireworks when some good things happen (发生) in their families.

A. set off

B. letting off

C. set up

D. setting up

( )11. I want to a dragon at the Dragon Boat Festival.

A. dress at

B. dress in as

C. dress up

D. dress up as

( )12. I want to buy bananas, but I don’t have money (钱).
