
四下Unit1first floor一楼second floor二楼teachers'office教师办公室library['laɪbrəri]图书馆playground['pleɪgraʊnd]操场computer room计算机房art room美术教室music room音乐教室next to['neksttə]紧邻homework['həʊmwɜːk]作业class[klɑːs]班;班级forty[ˈfɔːti]四十way[weɪ]方向fly[flaɪ]放(风筝等)love[lʌv]爱四下Unit2breakfast['brekfəst]早餐English class英语课lunch[lʌntʃ]午餐music class音乐课PE class体育课dinner['dɪnə]正餐get up['getʌp]起床go to school去上学go home回家go to bed上床睡觉over['əʊvə]结束now[naʊ]现在;目前o'clock[əˈklɒk]……点钟kid[kɪd]小孩thirty['θɜːti]三十hurry up快点come on[ˈkʌmɒn]快;加油just a minute稍等一会儿四下Unit3cold[kəʊld]冷的cool[kuːl]凉的warm[wɔːm]温暖的hot[hɒt]热的sunny['sʌni]阳光充足的windy['wɪndi]多风的cloudy['klaʊdi]阴天的snowy[snəʊi]下雪的rainy['reɪni]多雨的outside['aʊt'saɪd]在户外be careful小心weather['weðə]天气New York['njuːleɪd]纽约how about……怎么样?degree[dɪˈɡriː]度world[wɜːld]世界London['lʌndən]伦敦Moscow[ˈmɒskəʊ]莫斯科Singapore[ˌsɪŋgəˌpɔː]新加坡Sydney['sɪdni]悉尼四下Unit4tomato[tə'meɪtəʊ]西红柿potato[pə'teɪtəʊ]马铃薯green beans豆角carrot['kærət]胡萝卜horse[hɔːs]马cow[kaʊ]母牛;奶牛sheep[ʃiːp]绵羊hen[hen]母鸡these[ðiːz]这些yum味道很好animal['ænɪməl]动物those[ðəʊz]那些garden['gɑːdn]花园;菜园farm[fɑːm]农场goat[ɡəʊt]山羊eat[iːt]吃四下Unit5clothes[kləʊðz]衣服pants[pænts]裤子hat[hæt]帽子dress[dres]连衣裙skirt[skɜːt]女裙coat[kəʊt]外套;大衣sweater['swetə]毛衣sock[sɒk]短袜shorts[ʃɔːts]短裤jacket['dʒækɪt]夹克衫shirt[ʃɜːt]衬衫yours[jʊəz]你的;你们的whose[huːz]谁的mine[maɪn]我的pack[pæk]收拾(行李)wait[weɪt]等待四下Unit6glove[glʌv]手套scarf[skɑːf]围巾umbrella[ʌm'brelə]雨伞sunglasses['sʌnglɑːsɪz]太阳镜pretty['prɪti]美观的;精致的expensive[ɪks'pensɪv]昂贵的cheap[tʃiːp]便宜的nice[naɪs]好的try on[ˈtraɪɒn]试穿size[saɪz]尺码;号of course[ɒv//kɔːs]当然too[tuː]太;过于just[dʒʌst]正好;恰好how much多少钱dollar[ˈdɒlə]元(美元等)sale[seɪl]大减价more[mɔː]更多的。

四年级下册单元词汇表1、first[fɜ:st] floor 一楼2、second ['sekənd] floor 二楼3、teacher’s office ['ɒfɪs] 教师办公室4、library ['laɪbrəri]n. 图书馆5、playground ['pleɪgraʊnd]n. 操场6、computer[kəm'pju:tə(r)] room 计算机房7、art [ɑ:t] room 美术教室8、music['mju:zɪk] room 音乐教室9、next to [nekst tu:]prep. 紧邻;在……近旁10、homework ['həʊmwɜ:k]n. 作业11、class [klɑ:s]n. 班级12、forty ['fɔ:ti]num. 四十13、way [weɪ] n. 方向14、breakfast[ˈbrekfəst]n. 早餐;早饭15、English class 英语课16、lunch [lʌntʃ]n. 午餐;午饭17、music class 音乐课18、PE [ˌpi:'i:] class 体育课19、dinner ['dɪnə(r)] n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐20、get up [ɡet ʌp] 起床21、go [gəʊ] to school 去上学22、go home [həʊm] 回家23、go to bed 上床睡觉24、over ['əʊvə(r)]adv. 结束25、now [naʊ] adv. 现在;目前26、o'clock [əˈklɒk]adv. (表示整点)……点钟27、kid [kɪd]n. 小孩28、thirty ['θɜ:ti]num. 三十29、hurry ['hʌri] up 快点30、come [kʌm] on 加油31、just [dʒʌst] a minute ['mɪnɪt] 稍等一会儿32、cold [kəʊld]adj. 寒冷的;冷的33、cool [ku:l]adj. 凉的;凉爽的34、warm [wɔ:m]adj. 温暖的;暖和的35、hot [hɒt]adj. 热的;烫的36、sunny ['sʌni]adj. 阳光充足的37、windy ['wɪndi]adj. 多风的;风大的38、cloudy ['klaʊdi]adj. 阴天的;多云的39、snowy ['snəʊi]adj. 下雪(多)的40、rainy ['reɪni]adj. 阴雨的;多雨的41、outside [ˌaʊt'saɪd] adv. 在户外42、be careful ['keəfl] 小心43、weather ['weðə(r)]n. 天气44、New York [jɔ:k] 纽约45、how about [hau əˈbaut] ……怎么样?……情况如何?46、degree [dɪˈgri:] n. 度;度数47、world [wɜ:ld] n. 世界48、London ['lʌndən]n. 伦敦49、Moscow ['mɒskəʊ]n. 莫斯科50、Singapore [ˌsɪŋgə'pɔ:] n. 新加坡(市)51、Sydney ['sɪdnɪ]n. 悉尼52、fly [flaɪ]v. 放(风筝等)53、love [lʌv]n. (写信结尾的热情问候语)爱你的54、tomato [tə'mɑ:təʊ]n. 西红柿55、potato [pə'teɪtəʊ]n. 土豆56、green beans ['bi:nz] 豆角;四季豆57、carrot [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜58、horse [hɔ:s]n. 马59、cow [kaʊ]n. 母牛;奶牛60、sheep [ʃi:p]n. 羊;绵羊61、hen [hen] n. 母鸡62、these [ði:z]adj&pron. (this的复数形式)这些63、yum [jʌm] (表示味道或气味非常好)64、animal ['ænɪml]n. 动物65、those [ðəʊz]adj&pron. (that的复数形式)那些66、garden ['gɑ:dn]n. 花园;菜园67、farm [fɑ:m]n. 农场68、goat [gəʊt] n. 山羊69、eat [i:t]v. 吃70、clothes [kləʊðz]n. 衣服;服装71、pants [pænts] n. 裤子72、hat [hæt]n.(常指带檐的)帽子73、dress [dres]n. 连衣裙74、skirt [skɜ:t] n.裙子75、coat [kəʊt]n. 外衣;大衣76、sweater ['swetə(r)]n. 毛衣77、sock [sɑk] n.短袜78、shorts [ʃɔ:ts]n. 短裤79、jacket ['dʒækɪt]n. 夹克衫80、shirt [ʃɜ:t] n. (尤指男士)衬衫81、yours [jɔ:z] pron.&adj. 你的;你们的82、whose [hu:z] pron. 谁的83、mine [maɪn] pron. 我的84、pack [pæk] v. 收拾行李85、wait [weɪt] v.等待86、glove[ɡ'lʌv]n. (分手指的)手套87、scarf[skɑ:f]n. 围巾;披巾88、umbrella [ʌm'brelə]n. 雨伞89、sunglasses[ˈsʌnglɑ:sɪz]n. 太阳镜90、pretty['prɪti]adj. 美观的;精致的91、expensive[ɪkˈspensɪv] adj.昂贵的;花钱多的92、cheap [tʃi:p] adj.花钱少的;便宜的93、nice[naɪs]adj. 好的94、try on 试穿95、size[saɪz]n.尺码;号96、of course [ɔv kɔː(r)s] 当然97、too[tu:]adv. 太;过于98、just [dʒʌst]adv. 正好;恰好99、how much 多少钱100、eighty[ˈeɪti] num.八十101、dollar[ˈdɒlə(r)] n. 美元102、sale [seɪl] n. 特价销售;大减价103、more[mɔ:(r)]adj. 更多的104、us[əs]pron. 我们。

四年级下册全部英语单词often/'ɔːfən/经常every/'evri/每一,每个的week/wiːk/周;星期Monday/'mʌndeɪ/星期一raise/reɪz/升起national/ˈnæʃən(ə)l/国家的,全国性的,民族的flag/flæɡ/旗;标志;旗舰national flag国旗meeting/'miːtɪŋ/会,会议Tuesday/'tjuːzdi/星期二Wednesday/'wenzdi/星期三Thursday/'θɜːzdi/星期四Friday/'fraɪdi/星期五clean/kliːn/弄干净,擦干净Saturday/'sætədi/星期六Sunday/'sʌndi/星期日stand/stænd/站,立door/dɔː/门Well done做得很好bright/braɪt/明亮的,灿烂的close/kləʊz/关;闭turn off/ˈtɜːnɒf/关(电灯,收音机,自来水等)fan/fæn/(口语,电影,运动等的)迷all right好的math/mæθ/(美式拼法)数学English/'ɪŋglɪʃ/英语,英国人worry/'wʌri/(使)担忧music/'mjuːzɪk/音乐;乐曲Chinese/'tʃaɪ'niːz/中国的,n中国人,语文art/ɑːt/美术,艺术品PE体育help/help/帮助science/'saɪəns/(自然)科学interesting/'ɪntərɪstɪŋ/有趣的,有意思的Ms/mɪz/女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女名)by car乘坐小汽车work/wɜːk/工作on foot步行aunt/ɑːnt/姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母plane/pleɪn/飞机ship/ʃɪp/船,轮船place/pleɪs/地点,地方train/treɪn/火车kitchen/'kɪtʃɪn/厨房shopping list购物清单need/niːd/需要,必需chicken/ˈtʃɪkɪn/鸡肉fruit/fruːt/水果tea/tiː/茶juice/dʒuːs/果汁;suppermarket超市with/wɪð/和toy/tɔɪ/玩具;玩物these/ðiːz/这些Teddy Bear泰迪熊seventy/ˈsevənti/七十hundred/'hʌndrəd/百sixty/ˈsɪksti/六十eighty/ˈeɪti/八十ninety/ˈnaɪnti/九十weather/'weðə/天气snow/snəʊ/雪,下雪cold/kəʊld/冷的,寒冷的coat/kəʊt/外套,上衣rain/reɪn/下雨but/bʌt/但是warm/wɔːm/暖和的,热情的today/tə'deɪ/今天sunny/'sʌni/晴朗的,阳光充足的take/teɪk/拿走,带走cloudy/'klaʊdi/多云的,阴天的windy/'wɪndi/刮大风的;多风的favorite/ˈfeɪvərɪt/特别喜爱的人(或物) season/'siːzn/季节why/hwaɪ/(表示惊讶,不耐烦等)为什么summer/'sʌmə/夏天,夏季hot/hɒt/热的,辣的long/lɒŋ/长的vacation/vəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/假期,休假autumn/'ɔːtəm/秋天,秋季cool/kuːl/凉快的winter/'wɪntə/冬天,冬季wonderful/'wʌndəfəl/极好的,精彩的will/wɪl/将,会,要live/lɪv/居住the UK英国visit/'vɪzɪt/访问,参观,拜访Big Ben大本钟The Great Wall长城homework/'həʊmwɜːk/家庭作业basketball/'bæskɪtbɔːl/蓝球。

教学过程Step 1: Warm-up1.教师播放英文歌曲活泼课堂气氛,学生跟唱。
Step 2: PresentationRead aloud1.找学生描述一下这四幅图Where are they?What can you see in the picture?然后听录音,找学生画知名词的复数形式和物主代词。
I’d like five (apple) and two (pear), please.4.分角色表演学生依据上面的四段文字,分角色朗读并表演。
Listen and tick, Read, write and say1.教师引导学生描述图片。
(按发音规章)Step 3: Practice1.模拟情景,即兴表演教师利用图片(例如:课本67页中任意两个图片)为素材,教师用英语创设肯定的情景,让学生到前面表演小对话。

四年级英语下册知识点第一单元:一、对应词my ?your I ?you our?your this ? that here ?thereyes?no come?go teacher?student boy?girl his?her二、知识点1、表示在几楼上,要用介词on,如on the first floor.在一楼。
The first表示第一的,序数词在使用时前面一定要加the,表示事物的排列顺序。
2、介绍离自己近的事物时用this is ….,介绍离自己比拟远的事物时用that is…如:This is my computer. 这是我的计算机。
That is your computer.那是你的计算机。
3、how many…?多少?用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面只能跟名词的复数形式。
如How many books do you have?你有多少本书?4、当表示有一个时,名词的前面可以用a或者an.元音前用an , 辅音前用a.如 an apple 一个苹果an orange一个橙子a pear 一个梨 a dog一只狗5、当用Is this…? Is that…?提问时,一般用肯定答复是:Y es, it is .否认是: No , it isn’t. 第二单元:1、同义词:supper ===dinner 晚饭2、say (第三人称单数)??says3、同义句:What time is it? ===What’s the time?如今几点了?4、Let’s…后面直接跟动词的原形。
如:Let’s go! 让我们走吧!Let’s clean the classroom.让我们清扫教室吧!5、It’s time for …后面跟名词。
如:It’s time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。
It’s time for English class.该上英语课了。
It’s time to…后面跟动词。

四年级下册英语单词holiday ['hɔlədi] 假日photo ['fəutəu] 照片year [jə:, jiə] 年look [luk] 看起来grandpa ['ɡrændpɑ:] 爷爷younger ['jʌŋɡə] 更年轻tell [tel] 告诉、讲truth [tru:θ]事实、真相secret ['si:krit] 秘密sing [siŋ] 唱歌teenager ['ti:n,eidʒə] 十几岁的少年baby ['beibi] 婴儿person ['pə:sən] 人birthday ['bə:θdei]生日excited [ik'saitid] 激动的happy ['hæpi]高兴的forget [fə'get]忘记something ['sʌmθiŋ] 某些东西really ['riəli, 'ri:li] 真正地joke [dʒəuk] 开玩笑、笑话give [ɡiv]给her [hə:, ] 她、她的card [kɑ:d] 卡片song [sɔŋ, sɔ:ŋ] 歌曲blow [bləu]吹candle ['kændl]蜡烛cut [kʌt] 砍、切eat [i:t] 吃party ['pɑ:ti] 聚会listen ['lisən] 听radio ['reidiəu] 无线电guitar [ɡi'tɑ:] 吉他still [stil] 仍然work [wə:k] 工作paint [peint]画、涂色read [ri:d] 读ready ['redi] 准备yet [jet] 仍然again [ə'ɡen, ə'ɡein] 再一次fish [fiʃ] 钓鱼fun [fʌn] 有趣的事、人sea [si:] 海musical ['mju:zikəl] 音乐的instrument ['instrumənt, 'instrəment] 器械model ['mɔdəl] 模型dance [dɑ:ns, dæns]跳舞、舞蹈lake [leik] 湖enjoy [in'dʒɔi] 享受、、、、、、的乐趣slowly ['sləuli] 慢慢地get [ɡet] 得到、获得baton ['bætən]接力棒fast [fɑ:st, fæst]快的catch [kætʃ] 抓住wave [weiv] 挥动across [ə'krɔs, ə'krɔ:s] 横过field ['fi:ld] 运动场地、田野fall [fɔ:l] 落下、降下team [ti:m] 对winner ['winə] 获胜者high [hai] 高的pupil ['pjupəl] 学生reporter [ri'pɔ:tə] 记者good [ɡud] 好的setter ['setə] 创造者medal ['medəl] 奖章gold [ɡəuld] 金record [ri'kɔ:d, 'rekɔ:d] 记录low [ləu] 低的badly ['bædli] 坏、不好的favourite ['feivərit] 最喜欢的sure [ʃuə, ] 肯定地parent ['pεərənt] 父母亲will [wil, 弱wel]将、会play [plei] 戏剧boring ['bɔ:riŋ] 厌烦的wrong [rɔŋ, rɔ:ŋ] 错的part [pɑ:t] 部分、角色important [im'pɔ:tənt] 重要的interesting ['ɪntrəstɪŋ] 有趣的uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] 制服fairy ['fεəri] 仙女gentleman ['dʒentlmən] 男士concert [kən'sə:t, 'kɔnsə:t] 音乐会programme ['Prutɡræm, -ɡrəm] 节目news [nju:z, nu:z] 新闻cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] 卡通、漫画show [ʃəu] 展览、展示coffee ['kɔfi] 咖啡coke 英[kəʊk]美[kok] 可乐porridge ['pɔridʒ, 'pɔ:-] 粥noodle ['nu:dl] 面条bun [bʌn] 小圆包、馒头best [best] 最好的piece [pi:s] 片toast ['təust] 烤面包bowl [bəul] 碗bottle ['bɔtl] 瓶cup [kʌp] 杯tea [ti:] 茶plate [pleit] 碟water ['wɔ:tə, 'wɔ-] 水juice [dʒu:s] 汁fried [fraɪd] 油炸的chips [tʃips] 炸薯条sandwich ['sænwidʒ] 三文治delicious [di'liʃəs] 好吃的dumpling ['dʌmpliŋ] 饺子horrible ['hɔrəbl] 可怕的starter ['stɑ:tə] 第一道菜know [nəu] 知道cabbage ['kæbi dʒ]洋白菜、包心菜soup [su:p] 汤salad ['sæləd]色拉、凉拌菜either 英['aɪðə;]美['iðɚ] 也nothing ['nʌθiŋ] 没事pasta ['pɑ:stɑ:, 'pæs-] 意大利粉hamburger ['hæmbə:ɡə] 汉堡problem ['prɔbləm] 问题menu ['menju:, mə'nju:] 菜单roast [rəust] 烤的dessert [di'zə:t] 甜品tomato [tə'mɑ:təu, tə'mei təu] 西红柿beef [bi:f] 牛肉beefsteak[biːf'steɪk] 牛扒chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] 巧克力chicken ['tʃikin] 鸡肉vendor ['vendɔ:] 小贩customer ['kʌstəmə] 顾客carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜dollar ['dɔlə] 元kilo ['ki:ləu] 公斤half [hɑ:f, hæf]半anything ['eniθiŋ] 任何事情else [els] 别的fresh [freʃ] 新鲜的cost [kɔst] 花费cent [sent] 分change [tʃeindʒ] 零钱potato [pə'teitəu] 马铃薯pepper ['pepə] 辣椒mushroom ['mʌʃru:m, -rum]蘑菇broccoli ['brɔkəli] 西兰花onion ['ʌnjən] 洋葱vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] 蔬菜fruit [fru:t] 水果next [nekst] 下一个pizza ['pi:tsə]意大利薄饼grape [ɡreip] 葡萄banana [bə'nɑ:nə, bə'næ nə ] 香蕉cheap [tʃi:p] 便宜的。

PEP四年级下册英语课文及翻译Unit 1 Our schoolA Let’s learnplayground操场library图书馆teacher’s office 教师办公室garden花园canteen食堂Where is the canteen食堂在哪里?It’s on the first floor.它在一楼。
Let’s doGo to the garden. Water the flowers.Go to the library. Read a story-book.Go to the cinema. Eat some noodles.Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in your homework.Go to the playground. Play football.Let’s talkChen: Welcome to our school! 欢迎来我们的学校。
This is the teacher’s office.这是教室办公室。
That is my classroom.那是我的教室。
Visitor: How many students are there in your class你们班有多少个学生?Chen: Forty-five.四十五。
Visitor: Do you have a library你们有图书馆吗?Chen: Yes.Visitor: Do you have lunch at school你们在学校吃午饭吗?Chen: Yes! The canteen is on the first floor. This way , please.是的。
Look! This is our playground.看!这是我们的操场。
Visitor: Oh! Your school is beautiful.哦!你们的学校很漂亮。

Unit One 第一单元 My school 我的学校主情境图Look! That's the playground. 看!那是操场。
Where's the library? 图书馆在哪里?It's next to the art room. 在美术教室的旁边。
Oh, no! That's my library! 哦,不!那是我的图书馆。
Is this the teachers' office? 这是教师办公室吗?No, it isn't. It's the computer room. 不,不是。
Do you have an art room? 你们有美术教室吗?Yes. It's on the second floor. 是的。
A Let's talk 一起说一说Excuse me. Where's the teachers' office? 麻烦你。
教师办公室在哪里?It's on the second floor. 在二楼。
OK. Thanks. 哦,谢谢。
Hi. Is this the teachers' office? 嗨,这是教师办公室吗?No, it isn't. 不,不是。
The teachers' office is next to the library. 教师办公室在图书馆的旁边。
Hi, Miss White! Here's my homework. 嗨,怀特老师!这是我的家庭作业。
Thank you, Mike. 谢谢你,迈克。
Bye, Miss White. 再见,怀特老师。
Let's learn 一起学Where's the library? 图书馆在哪里?It's on the first floor. 它在一楼。

四年级英语下册重点知识点归纳四年级英语下册重点知识点第一单元:一、对应词my–your I–you our—your我的-你的我-你我们的-你们的this– that here –there这个-那个这儿-那儿yes—no come—go his—herteacher—studentboy—girl二、知识点1、表示在几楼上,要用介词on,如onthe first floor.在一楼。
2、介绍离自己近的事物时用this is…., 介绍离自己比较远的事物时用thatis…如:This is my computer.这是我的计算机。
That is yourcomputer.那是你的计算机。
如Howmany books do you have?你有多少本书?4、当表示有一个时,名词的前面可以用a或者an.元音前用an, 辅音前用a.如 anapple一个苹果anorange一个橙子a pear 一个梨adog一只狗5、当用Is this…? Isthat…?提问时,一般用肯定回答是:Yes,it is .否定是: No , it isn’t.第二单元:1、同义词:supper ===dinner晚饭2、say(第三人称单数)――says3、同义句:What time is it? ===What’sthe time?现在几点了?4、Let’s…后面直接跟动词的原形。
如:Let’sgo! 让我们走吧!Let’s clean theclassroom.让我们打扫教室吧!5、It’s time for…后面跟名词。
如:It’s time fordinner. 该吃晚饭了。
It’s time for Englishclass.该上英语课了。
It’s time to…后面跟动词。

四年级英语下册Unit 1 My Neighbourhood1.across from 对面2. next to 紧邻3.between 在…之间4. restaurant 餐馆5. post office 邮局6.bank 银行7. grocery 食品杂货店8.turn left 向左转9.turn right 向右转10.go straight 直行11.crossroads 十字路口12. neighbourhood 街坊;附近13.send 寄;发送14.get 得到15.money 钱16.get to 到达17.before 在…之前18.leave 离开19. toy 玩具20.hospital 医院21.bookshop 书店22.school 学校23.supermarket 超市24. ball 球25.drugstore 药店26.arrive in 到达(后接大地点)arrive at 到达后接小地点27.reach 到达后面可直接接地点28.in the neighbourhood 在街区里,在附近29.get there 到那30.take(the) medicine 吃药31.coffee shop 咖啡店32.gas station 加油站33.go away 走开34. go home 回家1. Excuse me . How can I get to the post office? 打扰一下。
我怎样才能到达邮局?2. Go straight . It's on your right. It's next to the restaurant. 直走。
on one's /the right 在右边3. Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. It's between the bookshop and the grocery.直走,在第一个十字路口左转。

四年级下册英语单词表1. alligator 短吻鳄2. airport 机场3. ambulance 救护车4. apple 苹果5. artist 艺术家6. astronaut 宇航员7. autumn 秋天8. baby 婴儿9. backpack 背包10. banana 香蕉11. baseball 棒球12. basketball 篮球13. beach 海滩14. bear 熊15. bee 蜜蜂16. bicycle 自行车17. birthday 生日18. blackboard 黑板19. boat 小船20. book 书21. bridge 桥22. broccoli 西兰花23. butterfly 蝴蝶24. camera 相机25. carrot 胡萝卜26. cat 猫27. chair 椅子28. chicken 鸡肉29. chocolate 巧克力30. church 教堂31. circus 马戏团32. city 城市33. classroom 教室34. clock 时钟35. cloud 云36. coat 外套37. computer 电脑38. cookie 饼干39. cow 奶牛40. crab 螃蟹41. crayon 蜡笔42. crocodile 鳄鱼43. cup 杯子44. dairy 牛奶制品45. dance 舞蹈46. day 天47. deer 鹿48. desert 沙漠49. dino park 恐龙公园50. dinosaur 恐龙51. doctor 医生52. dog 狗53. dolphin 海豚54. dragonfly 蜻蜓55. drawing 绘画56. duck 鸭子57. eagle 老鹰58. elephant 大象59. elevator 电梯60. email 电子邮件61. engine 引擎62. eraser 橡皮63. explorers 探险家64. eye 眼睛65. face 脸66. family 家庭67. farm 农场68. feather 羽毛69. ferry 渡轮70. fire 火71. firefighter 消防员72. fish 鱼73. flashlight 手电筒74. flower 花75. food 食物76. football 橄榄球77. forest 森林78. fountain 泉水79. fox 狐狸80. frog 青蛙81. fruit 水果82. garden 花园83. giraffe 长颈鹿84. girl 女孩85. globe 地球仪86. goose 鹅87. grape 葡萄88. grass 草89. guitar 吉他90. hamburger 汉堡包91. hand 手92. happy 快乐93. hat 帽子94. helicopter 直升机95. hippopotamus 河马96. hockey 曲棍球97. holiday 假期98. home 家99. honeybee 蜜蜂100. horse 马101. hospital 医院102. hotdog 热狗103. hotel 酒店104. house 房子105. ice cream 冰激凌106. ice skating 滑冰107. igloo 冰屋108. insects 昆虫109. jacket 夹克110. jellyfish 水母111. juice 果汁112. jump 跳跃113. kangaroo 袋鼠114. key 钥匙115. kindergarten 幼儿园116. kitchen 厨房117. koala 考拉118. ladybug 瓢虫119. lake 湖120. leaf 叶子121. lemonade 柠檬水122. library 图书馆123. lion 狮子124. lizard 蜥蜴125. lobster 龙虾126. lunchbox 午餐盒127. mailman 邮递员128. map 地图129. market 市场130. math 数学131. microphone 麦克风132. milk 牛奶133. monkey 猴子134. moon 月亮135. mop 拖把136. morning 早晨137. mosquito 蚊子138. motorcycle 摩托车139. mountain 山140. mouse 老鼠141. movie 电影142. museum 博物馆143. music 音乐144. nail 钉子145. name 名字146. necklace 项链147. nest 巢148. newspaper 报纸149. night 夜晚150. noodle 面条151. nurse 护士152. ocean 海洋153. octopus 章鱼154. office 办公室155. omelette 煎蛋卷156. onion 洋葱157. opera 歌剧158. orange 橙子159. owl 猫头鹰160. paint 颜料161. panda 熊猫162. pants 裤子163. paper 纸164. park 公园165. parrot 鹦鹉166. pencil 铅笔167. penguin 企鹅168. pepper 胡椒粉169. pet 宠物170. piano 钢琴171. picture 图画172. pizza 披萨173. planet 星球174. playground 操场175. police 警察176. popcorn 爆米花177. post office 邮局178. potato 土豆179. princess 公主180. pumpkin 南瓜181. purse 皮包182. rabbit 兔子183. race 赛跑184. radio 收音机185. rainbow 彩虹186. restaurant 餐厅187. rhinoceros 犀牛188. rice 饭189. river 河流190. road 道路191. robot 机器人192. rock 石头193. roller coaster 过山车194. rose 玫瑰195. rug 地毯196. sailboat 帆船197. salad 沙拉198. sand 沙子199. sandwich 三明治200. school 学校201. scissors 剪刀202. scooter 滑板车203. sea 海204. shark 鲨鱼205. sheep 绵羊206. ship 大船207. shirt 衬衫208. shoe 鞋子209. shop 店210. shorts 短裤211. shower 淋浴212. shovel 铲子213. skateboard 滑板214. ski 滑雪215. skirt 裙子216. sky 天空217. sled 雪橇218. smart 聪明的219. snacks 小吃220. snake 蛇221. snowman 雪人222. sock 袜子223. sofa 沙发224. song 歌曲225. soup 汤226. spider 蜘蛛227. spoon 汤匙228. sports 运动229. spring 春天230. squirrel 松鼠231. stairs 楼梯232. star 星星233. statue 雕像234. steak 牛排235. sticker 贴纸236. strawberries 草莓237. street 街道238. submarine 潜艇239. subway 地铁240. summer 夏天241. sun 太阳242. sunglasses 太阳镜243. superhero 超级英雄244. sweater 毛衣245. swim 游泳246. swing 秋千247. tablet 平板电脑248. taco 墨西哥卷饼249. tea 茶250. teacher 老师251. teddy bear 熊玩具252. telephone 电话253. television 电视254. tent 帐篷255. theater 剧院256. tiger 老虎257. time 时间258. toast 烤面包片259. toilet 厕所260. tomato 番茄261. toy 玩具262. tractor 拖拉机263. traffic light 交通信号灯264. train 火车265. tree 树266. truck 卡车267. trumpet 小号268. turtle 海龟269. umbrella 雨伞270. vacuum cleaner 吸尘器271. vegetable 蔬菜272. violin 小提琴273. volcano 火山274. volleyball 排球275. waiter 服务员276. walk 步行277. wall 墙278. wallet 钱包279. watch 手表280. water 水281. waterfall 瀑布282. watermelon 西瓜283. weather 天气284. whale 鲸鱼285. wheel 轮子286. windmill 风车287. window 窗户288. winter 冬天289. wolf 狼290. woman 女人291. wood 木材292. word 单词293. worm 蠕虫294. xylophone 木琴295. yacht 游艇296. yard 院子297. year 年298. yellow 黄色299. yogurt 酸奶300. zebra 斑马。

小学四年级英语下册期末复习知识点Unit1 Our school 我们的学校一、词汇(一)四会词语即听说读写computer 计算机board 板黑板fan 风扇light 灯this 这个is 是my 我that那个your 你的teacher's desk 办公桌picture 图画、照片wall 墙floor 地板yes 是的it它(二)三会词语即听说认读playground 操场garden 花园teacher's office教师办公室library 图书馆canteen 餐厅art room 美术室computer room 电脑室washroom 盥洗室music room 音乐教室gym 体育馆TV room (三)短语Go to the garden.Water the flowers.去花园。
Go to the the library. Read a story-book.去图书馆阅读故事书。
Go to the the canteen. Eat some noodles.去餐厅吃点面条。
Go to the the teacher's office. Hand in the homework.去老师办公室交作业。
Go to the the playground. Play the football.去操场踢足球。
二、句型 1、问句Where is the canteen? 餐厅在哪里 Where 是对地点的提问。
答句It’s on the first / second floor. 在一/二楼。
2、This is the teacher’s office. 这个是教师办公室。
This is+…这个是… 3、That is my classroom. 那个是我们教室That is…那个是… 4、How many students are there in your class? 在你班里有多少个学生How many 是对数量的提问答句中必须有数字。

四年级英语(下)单元知识点Unit 1 My school一.重点词汇:1. first floor 一楼2. second floor 二楼3. computer room 计算机房4. art room 美术教室5. music room音乐教室6. playground 操场puter 电脑8. TV room 电视机房9.garden 花园10. next to 紧邻,在…近旁11.teacher’s desk 讲台12. teacher’s office 教师办公室13. forty 四十14. yes 是、是的15. library 图书馆16. it 它17. homework 家庭作业18. this 这、这是19. picture 图画、照片20. way方向21.welcome 欢迎22. is 是23.my 我的23. our 我们的24. your 你的、你们的(对应词)my(我的)--your(你的)I(我)--you(你);our(我们的)--your(你们的);this(这,这个)--that(那,那个);here(这儿)--there(那儿);yes(是的)--no(不是);come(来)--go(去);teacher(老师)--student(学生);boy(男孩)--girl(女孩);his(他的)--her(她的);二.句型:1.–Where is the teacher s’ office?教师办公室在哪里?-It’s on the first floor.它在一楼。
2.Is this the art room?这是美术教室吗?Yes , it is. 是的,它是。
The teachers’ office is next to the library.教师办公室与图书馆相邻.3.–How many students are there in your class?-There are five. 在你的班级有多少学生?有五个。

湘少版-四年级下英语单词表Unit 1new英音[njuː]美音[nuː]adj. 新的,新鲜的;更新的;初见的adv. 新近cap英音[kæp]美音[kæp]n. 盖;帽子vt. 覆盖;胜过;给…戴帽;加盖于vi. 脱帽致意behind英音[bɪˈhaɪnd]美音[bɪˈhaɪnd]prep. 落后于;支持;晚于n. 屁股adv. 在后地;在原处beside英音[bɪˈsaɪd]美音[bɪˈsaɪd]prep. 在旁边;与…相比;和…无关between英音[bɪˈtwiːn]美音[bɪˈtwiːn]prep. 在…之间adv. 在中间glasses英音[ˈɡlɑːsɪz]美音[ˈɡlæsɪz]n. [轻] 眼镜;玻璃(glass的复数形式);双筒望远镜v. 把…装入玻璃容器内;给…装上玻璃(glass的第三人称单数形式)Unit 5watch英音[wɒtʃ]美音[wɑːtʃ]n. 手表;监视;守护;值班人vt. 观察;注视;看守;警戒vi. 观看,注视;守侯,看守cook英音[kʊk]美音[kʊk]n. 厨师,厨子vt. 烹调,煮vi. 烹调,做菜sleep英音[sliːp]美音[sliːp]n. 睡眠vi. 睡,睡觉play英音[pleɪ]美音[pleɪ]n. 游戏;比赛;剧本vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛vi. 演奏;玩耍;上演;参加比赛eat英音[iːt]美音[iːt]vt. 吃,喝;腐蚀;烦扰vi. 进食;腐蚀,侵蚀drink英音[drɪŋk]美音[drɪŋk]n. 酒,饮料;喝酒vt. 喝,饮;吸收;举杯庆贺vi. 喝酒;饮水;干杯watch英音[wɒtʃ]美音[wɑːtʃ]n. 手表;监视;守护;值班人vt. 观察;注视;看守;警戒vi. 观看,注视;守侯,看守Unit 2spring英音[sprɪŋ]美音[sprɪŋ]n. 春天;弹簧;泉水;活力;跳跃adj. 春天的vt. 使跳起;使爆炸;突然提出;使弹开vi. 生长;涌出;跃出;裂开summer英音[ˈsʌmə(r)]美音[ˈsʌmər]n. 夏季;全盛时期adj. 夏季的vi. 避暑;过夏天autumn英音[ˈɔːtəm]美音[ˈɔːtəm; ˈɑːtəm]n. 秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期adj. 秋天的,秋季的winter英音[ˈwɪntə(r)]美音[ˈwɪntər]n. 冬季;年岁;萧条期adj. 冬天的;越冬的vi. 过冬Unit 3river英音[ˈrɪvə(r)]美音[ˈrɪvər]n. 河,江lake英音[leɪk]美音[leɪk]n. 湖;深红色颜料;胭脂红vt. (使)血球溶解vi. (使)血球溶解boat英音[bəʊt]美音[boʊt]n. 小船;轮船vi. 划船cloud英音[klaʊd]美音[klaʊd]n. 云;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑vt. 使混乱;以云遮敝;使忧郁;玷污vi. 阴沉;乌云密布sky英音[skaɪ]美音[skaɪ]n. 天空;顶点vt. 把…投向空中;把…挂得过高vi. 踢或击高空球;把桨叶翘得过高;飞涨mountain英音[ˈmaʊntən]美音[ˈmaʊntn]n. 山;山脉sun英音[sʌn]美音[sʌn]n. 太阳vt. 使晒vi. 晒太阳moon英音[muːn]美音[muːn]n. 月亮;月球;月光;卫星vi. 闲荡;出神vt. 虚度star英音[stɑː(r)]美音[stɑːr]n. 星,恒星;明星;星形物adj. 明星的,主角的;星形的vt. 用星号标于;由…主演,由…担任主角vi. 担任主角Unit 4write英音[raɪt]美音[raɪt]vi. 写,写字;写作,作曲;写信vt. 写,书写;写信给;著述busy英音[ˈbɪzi]美音[ˈbɪzi]adj. 忙碌的;热闹的;正被占用的vt. 使忙于read英音[riːd]美音[riːd]n. 阅读;读物adj. 有学问的vi. 读;读起来vt. 阅读;读懂,理解draw英音[drɔː]美音[drɔː]n. 平局;抽签vi. 拉;拖vt. 画;拉;吸引paint英音[peɪnt]美音[peɪnt]vt. 油漆;绘画;装饰;涂色于;描绘;(用语言,文字等)描写;擦脂粉等vi. 油漆;描绘;绘画;化妆n. 油漆;颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰dance英音[dɑːns]美音[dæns]n. 舞蹈;舞会;舞曲adj. 舞蹈的;用于跳舞的vt. 跳舞;使跳跃vi. 跳舞;跳跃;飘扬sing英音[sɪŋ]美音[sɪŋ]n. 演唱;鸣声;呼啸声vt. 唱;用诗赞颂;唱着使vi. 唱歌;歌颂;鸣叫;呼号Unit 6skip英音[skɪp]美音[skɪp]n. 跳跃;跳读vt. 跳过;遗漏vi. 跳跃;跳绳;遗漏;跳读basketball英音[ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]美音[ˈbæskɪtbɔːl]n. 篮球;篮球运动football英音[ˈfʊtbɔːl]美音[ˈfʊtbɔːl]n. 足球,橄榄球vi. 踢足球;打橄榄球table tennis英音['teɪb(ə)l'tenɪs]美音[ˈteɪbl tenɪs]n. 乒乓球运动Unit 7today英音[təˈdeɪ]美音[təˈdeɪ]n. 今天;现今adv. 今天;现今Saturday英音[ˈsætədeɪ]美音[ˈsætərdeɪ]n. 星期六Tuesday英音[ˈtjuːzdeɪ]美音[ˈtuːzdeɪ]n. 星期二music英音[ˈmjuːzɪk]美音[ˈmjuːzɪk]n. 音乐,乐曲class英音[klɑːs]美音[klæs]n. 阶级;班级;种类;班;等级adj. 极好的;很好的,优秀的,出色的vt. 分类;把…分等级;把…归入某等级,把…看作(或分类、归类);把…编入某一班级vi. 属于…类(或等级),被列为某类(或某级)Wednesday英音[ˈwenzdeɪ]美音[ˈwenzdeɪ]n. 星期三Friday英音[ˈfraɪdeɪ]美音[ˈfraɪdeɪ]n. 星期五tomorrow英音[təˈmɒrəʊ]美音[təˈmɑːroʊ]n. 明天;未来adv. 明天;未来地(等于to-morrow)Sunday英音[ˈsʌndeɪ]美音[ˈsʌndeɪ]n. 星期日;礼拜日Monday英音[ˈmʌndeɪ]美音[ˈmʌndeɪ]n. 星期一Thursday英音[ˈθɜːzdeɪ]美音[ˈθɜːrzdeɪ]n. 星期四Unit 8come fromv. 来自;出身;归因于from英音[frəm; frɒm]美音[frəm; frʌm; frɑːm]prep. 来自,从;由于;今后China英音[ˈtʃaɪnə]美音[ˈtʃaɪnə]n. 中国n. china,瓷器adj. 中国的;中国制造的adj. china,瓷制的the USA美国;美利坚合众国;现在我们有美国的大哥Australia英音[ɒˈstreɪliə]美音[ɔːˈstreɪliə]n. 澳大利亚,澳洲Canada英音[ˈkænədə]美音[ˈkænədə]n. 加拿大(北美洲国家)France英音[frɑːns]美音[fræns]n. 法国;法郎士(姓氏)the UK(等于the United Kingdom)英国country英音[ˈkʌntri]美音[ˈkʌntri]n. 国家,国土;国民;乡下,农村;乡村;故乡adj. 祖国的,故乡的;地方的,乡村的;国家的;粗鲁的;乡村音乐的Unit 9how much英音[haʊ mʌtʃ]美音[haʊ mʌtʃ]conj. 多少help英音[help]美音[help]n. 帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;补救vi. 帮助;有用;招待want英音[wɒnt]美音[wɑːnt]n. 需要;缺乏;贫困;必需品vt. 需要;希望;应该;缺少vi. 需要;缺少yuan英音[juˈɑːn]美音[juˈɑːn]n. 元(中国货币单位)knife英音[naɪf]美音[naɪf]n. 刀;匕首vt. 用刀切;(口)伤害vi. 劈开;划过crayon英音[ˈkreɪən; ˈkreɪɒn]美音[ˈkreɪən; ˈkreɪɑːn]n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画brush英音[brʌʃ]美音[brʌʃ]n. 刷子;画笔;毛笔;争吵;与某人有效冲突;灌木丛地带;矮树丛;狐狸尾巴vi. 刷;擦过;掠过;(经过时)轻触vt. 刷;画;ball英音[bɔːl]美音[bɔːl]n. 球;舞会vt. 捏成球形vi. 成团块toy car玩具车;玩具汽车;玩具小汽车Unit 10feet英音[fiːt]美音[fiːt]n. 脚(foot的复数形式);尺;韵脚with英音[wɪð]美音[wɪð; wɪθ]prep. 用;随着;支持;和…在一起finger英音[ˈfɪŋɡə(r)]美音[ˈfɪŋɡər]n. 手指;指针,指状物vt. 伸出;用手指拨弄vi. 用指触摸;拨弄knee英音[niː]美音[niː]n. 膝盖,膝vt. 用膝盖碰Unit 11ticket英音[ˈtɪkɪt]美音[ˈtɪkɪt]vt. 加标签于;指派;对…开出交通违规罚单hurry英音[ˈhʌri]美音[ˈhɜːri]n. 匆忙,急忙v. 仓促(做某事);催促;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理late英音[leɪt]美音[leɪt]adj. 晚的;迟的;已故的;最近的adv. 晚;迟;最近;在晚期his英音[hɪz]美音[hɪz; ɪz]pron. 他的shirt pocket衬衣口袋Unit 12any英音[ˈeni]美音[ˈeni]adj. 任何的;所有的;丝毫pron. 任何;任何一个;若干adv. 稍微;少许money英音[ˈmʌni]美音[ˈmʌni]n. 钱;货币;财富so英音[səʊ]美音[soʊ]conj. 所以;因此adv. 如此,这么;确是如此pron. 这样buy英音[baɪ]美音[baɪ]n. 购买,买卖;所购的物品vi. 买,采购vt. 购买;获得;贿赂some英音[sʌm]美音[sʌm; səm]adj. 一些;某个;大约;相当多的pron. 一些;若干;其中的一部分;(数量不确切时用)有些人adv. 非常;相当;<美>稍微tea英音[tiː]美音[tiː]n. 茶叶;茶树;茶点vt. 给…沏茶vi. 喝茶;进茶点coffee英音[ˈkɒfi]美音[ˈkɔːfi]n. 咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色juice英音[dʒuːs]美音[dʒuːs]n. (水果)汁,液;果汁water英音[ˈwɔːtə(r)]美音[ˈwɔːtər]n. 水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水vt. 使湿;供以水;给…浇水vi. 加水;流泪;流口水。

人教版小学四年级英语下册知识点归纳人教版(PEP)小学四年级英语下册知识点归纳Unit 1一、词汇first floor一楼second floor二楼teachers’office教师办公室library图书馆playground操场computer room计算机房art room美术教室music room音乐教室next to紧邻;在……近旁homework作业class班;班级forty四十way方向二、句子1. Look! That’s the playground.看!那是操场。
2. Where’s the library?藏书楼在那里?It’s next to the art room.它紧邻美术教师。
3. Is this the teachers’office?这是教师办公室吗?No, it isn’t. It’s the computer room.不,它不是。
4. Do you have an art room?你们有美术课堂吗?-Yes. It’s on the second floor.是的。
5. Where’s the teachers’office?教师办公室在那里?It’s on the second floor.它在二楼。
6. Excuse me.打扰一下。
7. The teachers’office is next to the library.教师办公室紧邻图书馆。
8. Here’s my homework.这是我的作业。
9. Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.欢送来到我们的黉舍!这是我的课堂。
10. How many students are there in your class?你们班里有几何逻辑学生?Forty-five students.四十五名学生。
11. Do you have a library?你们(黉舍)有藏书楼吗?-- Yes, we do.是的,我们有。

小学英语四年级下教案篇一一.教学内容:p38 letsquo;s talk二.教学目标:1.听、说、认读主要语言结构:what are these? are these...?并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。
三.知识与技能:认读主要语言结构:what are these? are these...?。
四.过程与方法:情景教学法五.教学重点:句型what are these? are these…?及其简略回答。
(i like…do you like…?)2.教师说谜语,引导学生用are they…?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。
a、they are red. they look like apples, but they arensquo;t apples. what are they?b、they are tender and GREen. what are they?c、they are long and orange. rabbits like eating them. what are they?学生猜对了,教师回答yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读;? 如果猜错了,教师回答no, they arensquo;t. 再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。
(二)教学新课1.教师请学生将装有蔬菜卡片的盒子盖好放到桌子上,然后走到同学们中间,随意指着几个盒子问:are these…?,并引导学生根据实际用yes, they are. / no, they arensquo;t.回答。
如果学生回答的是no, they arensquo;t. 教师要继续问:what are these?并引导学生用they are …回答。

next to
[nekst tu:]
prep. 紧接着,相邻,次于
n. 公园;家园;邸园;停车场
police station
[pəˈli:s steiʃən]
n. 餐馆,饭店
turn left
n. 邮筒;邮箱
make a phone call
[meik ei fəun kɔ:l]
pay phone
[pei fəun]
n. 投币式公用电话
send a short message
[send ei ʃɔ:t 'mesidʒ]
send an e-mail
['vizit ði 'laibrəri]
watch a soccer match
[wɔtʃ ei 'sɔkə mætʃ]
n. 澳洲;澳大利亚
Big Ben
[biɡ benkænədə]
n. 加拿大
cherry blossom
across from
[əˈkrɔ:s frɔm]
n. 面包店
n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;
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四年级(下)英语一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Now _______ (taste) the strawberry. How ______ (do) it taste?2.What ______ you _______ (have)? I have two _______ (glass) of water juice.3.Please ________ (look) and ________ (guess),4.What _______ Peter ________ (have)? He ______ (have) some grapes.5.___________ (not taste) this phum. It is sour. How about these _______ (cherry)?6.Look at the bicycle. It ______ (be) yellow and blue.7.Do you like ________ (cherry)? Yes, I do.8.How many ____________ (butterfly) are there on the folwer? Two.9.I like __________(ride) a bicycle on sunny days.10.What _______ (do) your brother __________ (have)? He ________ (have) some sweets.11.Those ________ (cherry) are crunchy. You can _______ (taste) them.12.Mark likes ________ (drink) watermelon juice.13.Do you like apples? The red _______ (one) are for you.14.This box of sweets _______(be) sour. __________ (not eat) them.15.Danny _______ (like) the bird, he __________ (not like) the fox.16.______ (this) are _______ (fox). They _______ (like) grapes.17._____________ (how many) jam ___________ (there be) in the bowl?二、按要求改写句子1.This is a watermelon. ( 划线提问) ______ is _______?2.Those are lemons.(划线提问) ________ are _________?3.They like cherries. (否定句) They _______ ________ cherries.4.Alice likes hamburgers. ( 否定句) Alice _______ _______ hamburgers.5.They are apples. (用oranges改选择疑问句)_______________________________________________________6.Are these red strawberries sweet? (肯定句) _______________________________________7.Can Alice smell an apple? (肯定句)Alice _______ ________ an apple.8.I like green grapes. I like purple grapes. (选择疑问句)______ ______ ________ green grapes _______ purple grapes?9.Kitty has three glasses of juice.( 提问)_______ _______ ________ of juice ________ Kitty _______?10.The watermelon tastes sweet.(划线提问) ________ ________ the watermelon ________?11.The egg smells nice.( 划线提问) ________ ________ the egg _______?12.The cherries taste sweet.(否定句) The cherries ________ ________ sweet.三、用适当的词完成句子1.________ the apple.How does it smell? It is _________.2.Do you like bananas _______ apples? I like apples.3.________ grapes are purple.But these grapes are green.四、回答问题1.What do you have? (一杯柠檬汁) __________________________________.2.I have some skirts.(一般疑问句) _______ you ______ ________ skirts?五、阅读短文,根据首字母填空One day,Mr fox is walking in the forest. He s______ a big and tall vine. There are many g______ on it. They are big and p_______. “They must be s_______ and juicy.”Mr fox thinks. Now he’s u_______ the vine. He’s jumping high, but they’re so high that he c______ get them. Mr fox is a_______ and says:”They must be s_______.”六、默写1.西瓜__________________2.葡萄_________________________3.李子__________________4.樱桃___________复数:___________5.草莓__________________ 复数________________6.闻____________________7.尝____________________________8.一杯西瓜汁_______________9.一杯樱桃汁__________________10.看一看,猜一猜__________________________________________11.它是一个桃子还是一个苹果?______________________________________12.我想它是一个苹果。
______________________________________________13.硬的_________ 14.软的__________ 15.尖的____________ 16.厚的__________ 17.粗糙的________18.光滑的_____________ 19.粗的__________ 20.薄的________________ 21.甜的_____________ 22.酸的__________ 23.苦的________________24.咸的_____________25.闭上你的眼睛。
_______________________________________________26.它味道怎么样?______________________________________________27.一些水果_____________________ 28.在Alice的家____________ 29.你喜欢红色的(苹果)还是绿色的(苹果)?_____________________________________________________30.绿色的那一个怎么样?___________________________________________________31.爽脆的______________ 32.多好的葡萄啊!___________________33.在一枝高高的葡萄藤上______________________________________34.它们一点也不甜。
______________________________________一、选择填空:()1.Can I have ______ lemon juice? OK. Here you are.A.aB.anyC.some()2.______ a soft scarf! I like it very much.A.HowB.WhatC.Where()3.There is ______ in the fruit blow.A. a big red appleB. a red big appleC. a big and red apple()4.this bottle is full_______ milk.A.toB.withC.of()5.________some orange juice for you.A.Here’reB.HereC.Here’s二、按要求改写句子1.My school bag is big.(改为否定句,意思不变)______________________________________________________2.The oranges are very sour.(对划线部分提问)______________________________________________________3.The fox likes the grapes.(改为一般疑问句)______________________________________________________4.Alice has a big watermelon.(对划线部分提问)______________________________________________________5.My dress is long. My dress is short.(改为选择疑问句)______________________________________________________三、写出划线单词的反义词1.This isn’t a sharp knife. It’s a _________ one.2.My book is thin,yours is ________.3.Touch it ,is it ________? No, it’s smooth.4.In winter, it’s cold and ________, but in summer, it’s ________ and wet.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空ura _______(want) ________(buy) a new skirt.2.The boy can ______(read) the book. He likes______(read) books.3.This is ______(we) teacher. You can call_______(he) Mr Zhang.4.Whose ________(tooth) are sharp? The_______ (tiger).5.How much_______(be) a packet of sweets?6.How ______(do) the strawberridw taste? ________(it) are sweet.7.Joe ______(want) ________ (buy) some fruit.8.There ______(be) a lot of apple juice here. ________(who) apple juice is this?9.These _______(knife) are Peter’s. They are not blunt.10.Who else would like_______(join)?11.Our father ________ (not like) playing football_______(like) swimming.12.How ______ your child______(feel)? He _____(feel) happy.13._________(there be) two apples in your bag?14.What ______ your sister ______(do)? She _______(ride) her bicycle now.一、按要求改写句子1.That knife is sharp.(选择疑问句) ______ that knife ______ ______ _______?2.My books are thin.(选择疑问句) _______ _______ books ______ or ______?3.This is Sue’s doll.(划线提问) ______ _______ _______ ________?4.That’s her bicycle.(划线提问) ______ _______ _______ ________?5.Close your eyes.(改为否定句)__________________________________6.The plums taste sweet.(改为一般疑问句)________________________________________7.The watermelons taste sweet.(划线提问)_________________________________________8.Those are his new socks.(划线提问) _______ ________ ________are those?9.These sweathers are Sue’s.(划线提问) ______ are ______ _______?10.The banana is smooth.(划线提问) _______ _______ ________ _______ _______?11.Those are their new shoes.(划线提问) _______ new shoes _____ _____?12.She likes cherries.(否定句) She _______ ________ cherries.13.Ben’s apples are big.(选择疑问句) ___________________________________?14.This knife is Danny’s.( 划线提问) ______ ______ ______ _______?15.Kitty needs a picture.(否定句) Kitty ______ _______ a picture.16.Peter likes playing badminton.(划线提问) ______ _______ Peter ______?17.I’m washing my hair now.(I改成the girl)The girl _______ _______ ________ hair now.二、完成句子,每格一词1.Judy _____ find her purse. Where is it ? It is _____ the door.三、写出同类词1.Betty likes biscuits and ___________.四、用单词的适当形式填空1.Can he father__________(drive)a car? Yes, he can.2.Lucy __________(not have) a new cap.3.Peter likes cats. Brt he___________(not like) dogs.4.What _________ your sisters __________(do)? They are nurses.5.My brother Jim _________(have) some cakes,but I have some________(loaf) of bread.6.____________(there be) any bottles of juice on the table. But_______(Peter) friend has some.7.Let’s _______(join) the club with Peter.8.Kitty’s friend ______ (like) playing table tennis. Look, she ______(play) it now.9.There ________(be) any tea in the cup.10.______ ______ (there be)any cola in the bottle.But ______(there be) some juice.11.That cute dog _______ (run) fast. Look, he ______(run) on the grass.12.Those _______(baby) skirts are nice. I want a new ______(one) too.13.One of the _______(sister) is tall. Another _______(sister) is short.14.Is your aunt ______(ride) a bicycle in the yard? No,she isn’t.15.Let’s _______(join) the football club together.16.What ______(animal) do you ______(like)? I like ______(mouse)17.What food ______ your parrot _______(eat)? It ________(eat) _______(corn).18.This _______ (postman) shirt is new. I want some new ______ (one) too.19.It’s a ______(rain) day. The dog ______(walk) down the road now.20. These ______ like dresses. That _______ likes shirts.(child)21.Cat food ______(smell) nice. Dog food _______(not taste).22.I would like _______(plant) trees in March with my friends. We all like ______(plant) trees.23.There ________(not be) much food for the dog.24.The _____(mouse) are in the hole. The cat cannot _______(catch) them.25.Jane ______(have) a dog. She often _____(take) it to maths camp.26._______(there be) any cola in the bottle. But _______(there be) some juice.27.That cute dog _____(run) fast. Look, he _______(run) on the grass.28.Those ______(baby) skirts are nice. I want a new ______(one) too.29.One of the ______(sister) is tall. Another ______(sister) is short.30.Is your aunt ______(ride) a bicycle in the yard? No, she isn’t.31.Tom’s mother _________(wash) her hair in the living room now.32.The black shape shadow _______(run) after Henry now.e and help _______(we) first.34.What ______ you _____(do) ? I’m watching TV.35.Where are you ______(sister)? They _________(dance) in the hall.36.There is _______(many) sand and _______(many) shells on the beach.37.The Browns ______(be) in the sitting-room. They _______(watch) TV.38.What is he ______(do)? He often ______(do) his homework in his bedroom. Nowhe _________(write) a letter in the living room.39.There are many _____(cherry) on the table. One of the ______(cherry) _____(be)bad.40.Ben likes ______(write) and ______(draw),but he can’t ______(swim).41.Ben likes ______ (make) models and ______(chat) on the Intermet.42.The old man never ______(watch) TV at night.五、按要求改变句型1.The cows like eating grass.(一般疑问句) _______ the cows ______ eating grass?2.The plant house is near the restaurant.(划线提问) _______ the plant house?3.The cherry is sweet and juicy.(划线提问) _____ _____ the cherry ______?4.My parents like walking on the beach.(划线提问)______ _______ your prents like__________?5.Are these knives sharp?(肯定句) _________________________6.There are two volleyball chubs in our school.( 划线提问)______ _______ _________ _______ are there in your school?7.Our friend has some cherries.(一般疑问句) __________________________8.The cake is sweet and nice.(划线提问) _______________________________9.I like parrots best(最).( 意思相同) ______ are my ______ _____.10.Ginger eats a bowl of cat food every day.( 划线提问)______ ______ ______ of cat food _______ Ginger ______ every day?11.Ella wants to shake the tree.(否定句) Ella _____________________.12.The tortoises like meat.(划线提问) _______ ________ the tortoises _______?13.I like tortoises best.(同义词) Tortoises are my _______ _______.14.My friend goes swimming every Sunday.( 划线提问) ______________________15.The tortoise likes meat.(否定句) The ______ ______ _______ meat.16.This baby wants to walk.(改成复数句) _____ ______ ______ to walk.17.Are these knives sharp?肯定句_________________.18.The dog eats bones.(划线提问) ________________________?19.I’m washing my hair now.(I改成the girl)The girl ______ _______ ______ hair now.20.Kitty is reading a book in the living room.(对划线部分提问)______ _____ Kitty ______ in the living room?21.We usually chats with our parents.(改为现在进行时)We _________ _________ with our parents now.22.Ben and I are making a model plane together.(改为一般疑问句,否定回答)______ Ben and _____ _____ a model plane together? No, _____ ______. 23.You are washing your face.( 用hands 改选择疑问句)_____________________________________________________?24.The students are having a Chinese lesson in the classroom.(划线提问)_____ are the student ______ in the classroom?25.The plums are sweet and nice.(划线提问)_____ _____ the plums taste?六、选择填空( )1._______ is run. I like to ______ in the swimming pool.A.Swim,swimB.Swimming,swimC.Swimming,Swimming( )2.Enjoy ______ in the swimming class! A.you B.your C.yourself( )3.What’s next to the box? _______ a cat. A.It’s B.That’s C.There’s ( )4.The sun ______ in the evening. A.go down B.rises C.goes down ( )5.Kitty never ______ football. A.play B.plays C.playing( )6.This pair of swimming goggles _______ new and nice.A.isB.areC.has( )7.______ his teachers have any cherries? A.Does B.Do C.Are( )8.Look at the ______ food. It’s for ________.A.cats;catsB.cat;catC.cat,cats( )9.I often _______ TV with my parents,but now we _______ at the stars.A.watch…lookB.watch…are lookingC.are watching…look( )10.Listen! The babies _________. A.cires B.cry C.are crying( )11.How many ____ are there in a year? A.holiday B.holidays C.holidies ( )12.Grandma sometimes ______ stories at night. Now she _______ a fairly tale.A.telling…tellsB.tells…is tellingC.tells…telling( )13.Look at the book. It isn’t thin. It’s _____A.fatB.thickC.tall()14.I often ______ my teeth at 6:30. A.brush B.brushes C.am brushing ( )15.__________ bottles of juice are there in the canteen? There are thirty-one.A.WhoseB.How manyC.How much( )16.My mum is back home _____ work. A.to B.from C.of( )17.Danny has a new bell ______ his bicycle. A.for B.at C.with( )18.I’m sorry. ________. A.All right B.OK. C.That’s all right. ( )19.The Chen take a walk ______ o’clock in the evening. A.on B.in C.at ( )20.The shorts ______ for his cousin. A.is B.are C.am( )21.Kitty eats lunch at home ______ Sunday. A.in B.every C.at( )22.I go to school _____ Monday to Friday. A.at B.from C.on( )23.There _____ any string on the table. A.are B.aren’t C.isn’七、完成句子,每格一词1.Mark likes animals. He wants to be a _______.ly shakes the tree. The _______ fall down.3.八、连词成句,然后正确抄写句子where are you Maggie im in the hathroom_______________________________________________________九、介词填空1.Peter is talking ________ Alice in the classroom.2.My fatehe is shaking hands _______ Mr Fang.3.The baby wants ________ drink milk.4.Old MacDonald feeds ducks _____ corn.5.Don’t walk _______ the grass.6.Do warm-up exercises ________ you go into the swimming pool.7.The boys like playing table tennis ________ school.8.一、按要求改变句型1.My father usually ________(brush) his teeth at half past six.Now it’s half past six. He __________(get) up.2.Let’s ________(go) and _______(ask) him.3.______ Alice often _______(skate) on the ice?Yes,she dose. She likes _____(skate).4.My mother often ______(sing) and ________(dance) on Sundays.5.What _____(be) on the floor? There _____(be) some water.6.It’s six forty-five.(同义词) It’s ______ _______ ______ _______.7.It’s ten thirty.(同义词)It’s ______ _______ _______.8.What _____ Ben _____(do) now? He _______ (make) a model plane in hisbedroom. He often ______ (make) it on Satruday afternoon.9. Peter never _______(watch) TV in the evening. He often ______(read) books.10.How _____ Tim ______ feel? He is thirsty.11.Linda usually ______ (play) the violin at 7:00 p.m..12.Peter sometimes ______ (go) fishing at weekends.13.二、介词填空1. The Chens are having a holiday ______ the beach.2. Is there a bench _____ the tree and the umbrella?3. Our teacher likes chatting _______ us after class.4.Sometimes my aunt goes to the beach ______ Friday.5.What time do you go to bed? I go to bed ______ nine thirty.6.Do you go to the park ______ weekends?7.______ Monday afternoon, he often goes to the school library.8.Peter goes to school ______ Monday________ Friday.三.按要求改变句子1. It’s time to have breakfast.(同义词) It’s time _____ _____.2. Mr Li is reading a book in the garden.(对划线部分提问)______ Mr Li ______ in the garden?3. Kitty is doing a puzzle in the bedroom.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ Kitty doing a puzzle?4. It’s therr fifteen.(换种说法). It’s ______ ______ ______ ______.5. She brushes her teeth twice a day. (一般疑问句)_______ she ______ her teeth twice a day?6.The Chens are having dinner in the living room.(划线提问)_______ are the Chens ______ in the living room.7.Alice is asleep.(否定句,意思不变)Alice ______ _______.8.It’s six thirty.(换种说法,句意不变) It’s ______ ______ six.9.The little bird needs some water.(一般疑问句,并否定回答)______ the little bird ______ ______ water? ______, _____ ______.10.Kitty sits in front of me.(意思不变)______ ______ ______ _______.11.Danny is asleep.(否定句,意思不变)Danny ______ ______.12.Tom, put the battery in your clock.(改为现在进行时)Tom_________ _______ the battery in _______ clock.13.It’s time to go to school.( 同义词) It’s _______ ______ ________.14.These are Joe’s rubbers.(划线提问) ________ ______ _______ ________?15.Sally usually _____ her ______ in the bedroom.16.Danny has three sketchbooks. (对划线提问) ___________________?17.Tom’s painting a picture in the yard.(划线提问) _______ Tom _____ a _____?18.There are fifty students in the gym.(对划线提问) ______________________?19.I always play Chinese chess with my classmates on Tuesday afternoon.(否定句)I______ ______ ______Chinese chess with my classmates on Tuesday afternoon.20.Sally goes to see a film at seven o’clock every Saturday.(划线提问)_____ _____ ______Sally ______ to see a film every Saturday?21.Your brother has a music show in the hall.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)_____ your brother _____ a music show in the hall? _____ _____ ______.22.Jill and Joe always sing in the afternoon.(对划线提问)23.Kitty is reading a fairy tale in the classroom.(对划线提问)24.Ted does his homework at six.(一般疑问句,并肯定回答)_________________________________? __________________.25.The music sounds nice.(划线提问)_____ _____ the music ______?26.It is time for Music class. (同义词)It’s time ______ _____ a Music class.27.There are some triangles in the room.(划线提问)28.Can he play the drum? (用now改为现在进行时)______ he _____ the drum now?29.The girls are playing the piano in the music room.(划线提问)_____ ______ tge girls ______ in the music room?30.My aunt can play the piano.( 划线提问) ______ _____ _____ aunt ______?31.I hear a triangle.(一般疑问句) ______ you _____ a triangle?32.Pepole buy traditional food for the Spring Festival.(划线提问)______ ______ people _______ for the Spring Festival?33.Kitty often goes to the park at weekends.(划线提问)_______ _______ Kitty often _______ at weekends?34.They are having lunch in a restaurant.(划线提问)_______ ______ they _______ in a restaurant?四、完成句子,每格一词1.Alice likes watching television. She ______ TV every evening.2.Teachers’ Day is on the _____ of September. _______ Day is on June the first.3._______ is the first day of a week. _______ is the first month of a year.四、选择填空( ) 1. I take a bath in the _______.A. living roomB.kitchenC.bathroom( ) 2.My clock stoppen ______ ten o’clock last night.A.atB.inC.to( ) 3.The old man isn’t ______. He’s sleeping. A.wake B.awake C.waking ( ) 4.My mother ______ dinner every day. A.is cooking B.cook C.cooks ( ) 5.An old tortoise lives ______ a small pond. A.by B.on C.at( ) 6.Would you like ______ pineapples? A.any B.much C.some()7.五、用所给词的正确形式填空1._______ (be) there a teacher and ______(some) students in the playground? – Yes.2.Danny and Kitty usually _________(watch) TV at night. But now they ______(read) books.3.Ben, ______(be) quiet. It’s _______(noise) outside. I can’t hear the TV.4.Here _____(come) a bear. It is yellow.5.These ______(pond) are for ______(we).6._____ the bird _____(like) the pond?7.This pair of scissors ______(be) hard and sharp.8.Look, some children ________(make) a wind-bell.9.Ginger is ______(wake). He _____(feel) hungry.10.Peter can ____(fly) the kite in the park.Look! He ______(fly) now.11.Let’s go _______(fish) by the pond. OK.12.What _____ you ______ (do) now? I ________ (sing) in my bedroom.13.______ Tommy ______(clean) his room now? No, he ______.14.I can’t do ________ (I) homework. It’s too _______ (noise) outside.15.Kitty can’t do the _______ (puzzle). She is _______ (puzzle).16.What ______ your brother usually ______ (do)? He usually ______(watch) TV.But now he ________(read) a newspaper.17.I always _____(swim) in the sea in summer. My sister always _____(swim) in the swimming pool in summer.18.I usually _____(do) my homework in the bedroom.But my brother _____ (do) hishomework in the living room.19.The baby never _____(walk) by herself. But she _______ (walk) by herself now.20.Sometimes Mum _____(read) the newspaper after dinner. Sometimes she_____(chat) with Dad after dinner.21.My little brother ______ (like) _______ (drink) cola.22.An old tortoise _______ (live) near the sea. Look! It _________(swim) now.23.My father usually _______(wash) his face at half past six.24.What _____ Sally ______ (do) now? She _______(skip).25.It’s two fifteen. The children ________ (have) a Music class.26.The Lis ______(be) not at home. They ______(have) a holiday in Beijing now.27.How ______ Tim _______ (feel)? He is thirsty.28.________(there be) any people in the city.29.Kitty usually ______ (watch) fireworks after dinner.。