
小编精心收集了简单经典的英文诗歌带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!简单经典的英文诗歌带翻译篇1春天 Springsound the flute!now it's mute.birds delightday and night.nightingalein the dale,lark in skymerrilymerrily merrily to welcome in the year.little boyfull of joy.little girlsweet and small.cock does crow,so do you.merry voice,infant noise,merrily merrily to welcome in the year.little lamb,here i am,come and lickmy white neck.let me pullyour soft wool.let me kissyour soft face.merrily merrily we welcome in the year. 把笛子吹起!现在它无声无息。
简单经典的英文诗歌带翻译篇2Lady Lazarusby sylvia plathi have done it again.one year in every teni manage it ——a sort of waling miracle, my skinbright as a nazi lampshade,my right foota paperweight,my face a featureless, finejew linen.peel off the napkino my enemy.do i terrify? ——the nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?the sour breathwill vanish in a day.soon, soon the fleshthe grave cave ate will beat home on meand i a smiling woman.i am only thirty.and like the cat i have nine times to die.this is number three.what a trashto annihilate each decade.what a million filaments.the peanut-crunching crowdshoves in to seethem upwrap me hand and foot——the big strip tease.gentlemen, ladiesthese are my handsmy knees.i may be skin and bone,nevertheless,i am the same, identical woman. the first time it happened i was ten.it was an accident.the second time i meantto last it out and not come back at all.i rocked shutas a seashell.they had to call and calland pick the worms off me like sticky pearls. dyingis an art, like everything else.i do it exceptionally well.i do it so it feels like hell.i do it so it feels real.i guess you could say i've a call.it's easy enough to do it in a cell.it's easy enough to do it and stay put.it's the theatricalcomeback in broad dayto the same place, the same face, the same brute amused shout:'a miracle!'that knocks me out.there is a charge.for the eyeing of my scars, there is a chargefor the hearing of my heart——it really goes.and there is a charge, a very large chargefor a word or a touchor a bit of bloodor a piece of my hair or my clothes.so, so, herr doktor.so, herr enemy.i am your opus,i am your valuable,the pure gold baby简单经典的英文诗歌带翻译篇3生如夏花(泰戈尔)Life, thin and light-off time and time againFrivolous tirelessoneI heard the echo, from the valleys and the heartOpen to the lonely soul of sickle harvestingRepeat outrightly, but also repeat the well-being ofEventually swaying in the desert oasisI believe I amBorn as the bright summer flowersDo not withered undefeated fiery demon ruleHeart rate and breathing to bear the load of the cumbersome BoredTwoI heard the music, from the moon and carcassAuxiliary extreme aestheticism bait to capture mistyFilling the intense life, but also filling the pureThere are always memories throughout the earthI believe I amDied as the quiet beauty of autumn leavesSheng is not chaos, smoke gestureEven wilt also retained bone proudly Qing Feng muscleOccultThreeI hear love, I believe in loveLove is a pool of struggling blue-green algaeAs desolate micro-burst of windBleeding through my veinsYears stationed in the beliefFourI believe that all can hearEven anticipate discrete, I met the other their ownSome can not grasp the momentLeft to the East to go West, Gu, the dead must not return to See, I head home Zanhua, in full bloom along the way all the wayFrequently missed some, but also deeply moved by wind, frost, snow or rainFivePrajna Paramita, soon as soon asShengruxiahua dead, as an autumn leafAlso care about what has生命,一次又一次轻薄过轻狂不知疲倦——题记一我听见回声,来自山谷和心间以寂寞的镰刀收割空旷的灵魂不断地重复决绝,又重复幸福终有绿洲摇曳在沙漠我相信自己生来如同璀璨的夏日之花不凋不败,妖治如火承受心跳的负荷和呼吸的累赘乐此不疲二我听见音乐,来自月光和胴体辅极端的诱饵捕获飘渺的唯美一生充盈着激烈,又充盈着纯然总有回忆贯穿于世间我相信自己死时如同静美的秋日落叶不盛不乱,姿态如烟即便枯萎也保留丰肌清骨的傲然玄之又玄三我听见爱情,我相信爱情爱情是一潭挣扎的蓝藻如同一阵凄微的风穿过我失血的静脉驻守岁月的信念四我相信一切能够听见甚至预见离散,遇见另一个自己而有些瞬间无法把握任凭东走西顾,逝去的必然不返请看我头置簪花,一路走来一路盛开频频遗漏一些,又深陷风霜雨雪的感动五般若波罗蜜,一声一声生如夏花,死如秋叶还在乎拥有什么。
[英语小诗歌带翻译简单]诗歌英语英语小诗歌带翻译简单英语小诗歌带翻译简单简单英语小诗歌篇一Tears of Butterfly 蝴蝶的眼泪You’re a petal, speckled with sigh and sorrow You blossom early and wither at an late time You’re so busy kissing sweet scent that for the blank have no time to explain You’ve taken away a cut of injury on the twigs while leaving flowers with tears in a string While you’re dancing valley fails to keep you You belong to a dream, a dream of psychedelic of flying time After heavy grief has been stained by tears, a pair of gentle hands picks up you But a dream is so fragile that in tears I wake up I am mired in a season of sad adieu Holding a cocoon of the pre-life and watching with strained eyes over 你是一朵花的花瓣,洒满怨叹和忧伤在早些时候盛开,晚些时候离去你忙着吻别香息,来不及表述留白你挽走枝头一缕伤,留给花间一行泪山谷留不住舞动的你你属于梦,流光的迷幻之梦泪染千愁后,一双温柔手将你采摘而梦如此易碎,我在泪痕中醒来我深陷于一个伤别的季节捧着茧化的前尘,望穿逝水在《梁祝》的雅韵中,你翩翩舞蹈不远处的楼台啊,已长满了荒草简单英语小诗歌篇二DEVIL KING 译/ 云天You’re my devil king Your eyes glare like a knife cutting away my heart You are fearless Wandering in my soul Lights flashing ceaselessly Singing at me round after roun d You’re my devil king Your eyes like arrows Darting through my pride and disguise Your battling fervor Makes me find no hiding place In your roses Will I be injured againYou’re my devil king Your blood, my poison Your frost , my tear You’re my devil king My devil king Together let me and you Burn in the flames of roses 你是我的魔王目光如刀挖走了我的心房你肆无忌惮在我的灵魂里游荡还不停闪着光芒对我发出一阵阵吟唱你是我的魔王目光似箭穿越我的矜持与伪装你横冲直撞的激情让我何处躲藏在你的玫瑰花中我会不会再受伤你是我的魔王你的血我的毒你的霜我的泪你是我的魔王我的魔王让我和你一同在玫瑰之火中燃烧简单英语小诗歌篇三小巷ALLEY May or June the rain is gentle so is the wind in the sleepy alley myths are written all over the walls a woman, leaning against the window bathes herself in the afternoon sun at the other end of the alley a pair of eyes appear bright and hot as July gazing from May or June into the distant October or November beautiful lines are constantly being inscribed on the walls in the sleepy alley 五月或许六月细雨柔风吹进沉睡的小巷梦一样的神话写满一墙一位女子倚窗沐浴了午后的阳光一双明眸在巷的另一头七月般滚烫五月或许六月望到十月或许十一月的远方小巷的墙上多了一段美丽的诗行简单英语小诗歌篇四天上飘来雪的童话Spring SnowA snow of spring did come along last night And flew here a dream of fairy tale Along the carpet that was purely white We strolled amid peach blossoms in the dale Looking at the mountains where snow did glint Like a palace where snow princess did stand I forgot the dust world with all its dint And we went along the stream hand in hand To pluck red beans in North Land we would goAnd sow them in our hearts and let them grow 天上飘来雪的童话昨夜里的一场春雪飘来了童话的梦境沿着那洁白的地毯我们漫步桃花源垄望远山皑皑的白雪像白雪公主的琼宫忘却尘世间的喧闹我们牵手南国溪行去采撷红豆来北国种植在你我的心中简单英语小诗歌篇五When You Are Old 当你老了When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire,take down this book, And slowly read,and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true;But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur,a little sadly,how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead, And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. 当你老了,头白了,睡思昏沉,炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和回想它们过去的浓重的阴影;多少人爱你年轻环畅的时候爱慕你的美貌出于假意或真心,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,爱你老去的容颜的痛苦的皱纹。

【第⼀篇】Heights ⾼度By Longfellow 翻译/秋⼦树The heights by great men reached and kept伟⼈所⾄⾼度,Were not attained by sudden flight,并⾮⼀蹴⽽就;But they, while their companions slept,同伴半夜酣睡时,Were toiling upward in the night.⾟勤攀登仍不辍。
【第⼆篇】the panther 豹his vision, from the constantly passing bars,has grown so weary that it cannot holdanything else. it seems to him there area thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world.隔着不时掠过的铁栏,他的⽬光已变得如此疲倦,再⽆法承受哪怕⼀眼。
【第三篇】if by life you were deceived假如⽣活欺骗了你——alexander puskinif by life you were deceived,don't be dismal, don't be wild!in the day of grief, be mildmerry days will come, believe.假如⽣活欺骗了你不要悲伤,不要⼼急忧郁的⽇⼦⾥需要镇静相信吧快乐的⽇⼦即将来临heart is living in tomorrow;present is dejected here;in a moment, passes sorrow;that which passes will be dear.⼼⼉永远向往着未来现在却常是忧郁⼀切都是瞬息⼀切都将过去⽽那过去了的就会成为亲切的回忆。

优美英语诗歌带翻译阅读【篇一】优美英语诗歌带翻译阅读”On a Bad Day”在糟糕的一天Every time my tears have ever fallenI keep ’em in my pocketFor a rainy daySo when it’s pouringI take them outsideI let the rain start washin’ my tears awayBut on a bad dayWhen hearts are breakingThere’s not enough rainTo carry all the tears awayEvery time I’m blueI take my feelingI hold it tighterI hold it tighterAnd I don’t let goWhen the sky gets whiterAnd the air is colderI throw my feeling to the falling snowEver ytime my heartMy heart starts breakingI take this painAnd I hold it downAnd I wait for the wailingWhen the wind is comin’And my pain is blowin’ through another town 每次我的眼泪飞落我把它们保存在口袋里等待一个雨天下大雨的时候我把它们取出让雨开始洗去我的眼泪但在糟糕的一天当心开始破碎没有足够的雨带走所有的眼泪每次感到忧伤我取出我的感觉我把它抓得更紧我把它抓得更紧不放手当天空变得更白空气变得更冷我把我的感觉扔向飘落的雪中每次我的心我的心开始破碎我取出伤痛抑制着它我等待呼啸当风来临的时候我的伤痛吹过另一个城镇【篇二】优美英语诗歌带翻译阅读Kiss Me Good-ByeBy Angela AkiYou say my love is all you need to see you through But i know these words are not quite tureHere is the path you’re looking for, an open door Go, if you must move on aloneI’m gonna make it on my ownKiss me good-bye,love’s memoryFollow your heart and find your destinyWon’t shed a tear for love’s mortalityFor you put the dream in my realityAs time goes by i know you’ll see this of meI loved you enough to let you go freeGo,I will give you wings to flyCast all your fears into the skyKiss me good-bye,love’s mysteryAll of my life I’ll hold you close to meWon’t shed a tear for love’s mortalityFor you put the dream in my realityKiss me good-bye,love’s memoryYou put dream in my reality吻别安吉拉·亚纪着你说你所需要的一切就是我的爱,这爱让你克服万千困苦这儿你正寻找的一条路,是敞开的一扇门前进吧,如果你非得独行我会把自己的一切安排得妥妥当当吻别吧,告别那爱的记忆心随你愿,主宰命运别为爱的消逝而黯然流泪你把梦想召进了我的现实岁月流逝,我相信,你将理解我的一片苦心我曾深爱过你,今又让你自由离去飞翔吧,我愿换做翅膀让你飞把你的泪水洒在天空里吻别,这就是爱的真谛这一生,我都要紧紧地抱住你别为爱的消逝而黯然流泪吻别吧,告别那爱的记忆你把梦想召进了我的现实【篇三】优美英语诗歌带翻译阅读By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept 在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣We sat down and wept by the watersOf Babel, and thought of the dayWhen our foe, in the hue of his slaughters,Made Salem’s high places his prey;And ye, oh her desolate daughters!Were scattered all weeping away.在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来悲痛地哭泣,我们想到那一天我们的敌人如何在屠杀叫喊中,焚毁了撒冷的高耸的神殿:而你们,呵,她凄凉的女儿!你们都号哭着四散逃散。

Song of More SugarWu WenyingWhere comes sorrow? Autumn on the heartOf those who part.See the banana treesSigh without rain or breeze!All say that cool and nice is night,But I won’t climb the heightFor fear of the moon bright.My years have passed in dreamsLike flowers on the streams.The swallow gone away,In alien land I still stay.O willow twigs, long as you are,Why don’t you gird her waist and bar Her way from going afar?经典的英语小诗带翻译篇二张炎《南浦·春水》波暖绿粼粼,燕飞来,好是苏堤才晓。
前度刘郎归去后,溪上碧桃多少?Southern WatersideSpring WaterZhang YanWaves warm up and turn green,When flying swallows seen,The bank begins to wake.Fish swim and leave round traces in the lake,The fallen flowers flowing away.Why does the eastern breeze not clear its way?Under the bridge where no visit is paid.A little leaflike boat comes out of willows’ shade.I turn my head to find the green pool gleamJust like the fragrant grass in a dream.With clouds the creek flows out of the hill,Though washed from year to year,The flowers are fragrant still.When the roadside has just turned green,I shall remember the lonely village unseen,Where I came with peer on peer.Where are the drinking night and singing day!All, all have passed away.Since the fairies are gone,How many peaches on the tree have grown!经典的英语小诗带翻译篇三张炎《壶中天》扬舲万里,笑当年底事,中分南北。

下⾯是由带来的英语诗歌及翻译赏析,欢迎阅读!【篇⼀】英语诗歌及翻译赏析 永远向前 Keep Walking Here we stand together,Dressed in our pain, Covered with scars From wounds we did not ask for Or deserve. 我们再次并肩⽽⽴, 痛苦缠⾝, 伤痕累累 此等伤痛既⾮⾃讨苦吃 也⾮罪有应得 So what now? 现在⼜该如何? We can't go back And relive our lives. We can't take back The innocence we lost Or make the sadness we felt Into happiness 我们⽆法回到过去 重启⼈⽣。
我们⽆法找回 早已失去的纯真 或将我们的悲伤 变为欢乐。
【篇⼆】英语诗歌及翻译赏析 If 如果 If you can keep your head when all about you, 如果所有⼈都失去理智,咒骂你, Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; 你仍能保持头脑清醒; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, 如果所有⼈都怀疑你, But make allowance for their doubting too; 你仍能坚信⾃⼰,让所有的怀疑动摇; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, 如果你要等待,不要因此厌烦, Or, being lied about,don’t deal in lies, 为⼈所骗,不要因此骗⼈, Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating, 为⼈所恨,不要因此抱恨, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise; 不要太乐观,不要⾃以为是; If you can dream — and not make dreams your master; 如果你是个追梦⼈——不要被梦主宰; If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim; 如果你是个爱思考的⼈——光想会达不到⽬标; If you can meet with triumph and disaster. 如果你遇到骄傲和挫折。

下⾯是由©⽆忧考⽹带来的优秀英⽂⼩诗带翻译,欢迎阅读!【篇⼀】优秀英⽂⼩诗带翻译 If I could save time in a bottle the first thing that I\'d like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away just to spend them with you If I could make days last forever if words could make wishes come true I\'d save every day like a treasure and then again I would spend them with you 如果我能把时间存⼊⼀个瓶⼦, 我要作的第⼀件事就是, 把每⼀天都存下来直到永恒, 再和你⼀起慢慢度过。
如果我能把时间化作永恒, 如果我的愿望能⼀⼀成真, 我会把每天都像宝贝⼀样存起来, 再和你⼀起慢慢度过。
【篇⼆】优秀英⽂⼩诗带翻译 Thank you for comforting me when I\'m sad Loving me when I\'m mad Picking me up when I\'m down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am 当我⽣⽓时你护著我, 当我沮丧时你拉拔我。

下面是店铺带来的唯美英文诗歌带翻译阅读,欢迎阅读!唯美英文诗歌带翻译阅读篇一Following a dream追逐梦想When I was a younger, I used to dream about becoming a fireman.当我还年轻的时候,我曾梦想要成为一名消防队员。
I thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around,我想哇,到处跑会很好,and help people put out fires.还可以帮助人们扑灭大火。
As I got older, I want to be like my father.而随着我逐渐长大,我想成为像我父亲那样。
He taught in a university, and I always look up him.他在大学里教书,我总是非常尊敬他。
So that's what I became a teacher.那就是我成了一名教师的原因。
My father and I have different styles, as do all teachers.尽管都是教师,但我的父亲和我风格迥异。
And we're both teachers and I'm happy.我们都是教师,我很高兴。
In many ways, I feel that I'm living my dream, I am luck.在许多方面,我觉得自己梦想成真,我感到很幸运。
Sometimes the dreams we've when we're younger,有时候当我们年轻的时候会拥有梦想,well, life may push it in another direction.嗯,人生有可能会朝着另一个方向发展。

The Red CliffDu MuA broken halberd, long buried in the sand,for hundreds of years the metal remains.Let me pick it up—rinsed and polished,it tells of the Kingdoms long perished.Had the east wind refused Duke Zhou the favour,the two beautiful sisters of the Qiao familyWould have been locked up in the Bronze Bird Tower,entertaining Cao Cao, Zhou's implacable foe.简短英语诗歌带翻译篇二《饮酒看牡丹》刘禹锡今日花前饮,甘心醉数杯。
With Peonies in BloomLiu Yu-xiToday, with these flowers before me, I'll drink!Don't mind if I have a couple more—ah! getting mellow—If only—if only they wouldn't say: "Our bloom is not for you, old man!"简短英语诗歌带翻译篇三《秋风引》刘禹锡何处秋风至?萧萧送雁群。
Whisper of AutumnLiu Yu-xiWhence arises the autumn wind that speed the wild geese on their way south? This morning itblows into the courtyard, moon, you ought to go away, too, instead of hovering about.He would not be the first to hear it, if he were not a lonely stranger among strangers.简短英语诗歌带翻译篇四《西塞山怀古》刘禹锡王浚楼船下益州,金陵王气黯然收。

小编精心收集了著名英文诗带中文翻译,供大家欣赏学习!著名英文诗带中文翻译篇1anecdote of the jar 坛子轶事by wallace stevens 作者:华莱士.史蒂文斯i placed a jar in tennessee,and round it was, upon a hill,it made the slovenly wildernesssurround that hill.我把一只圆形的坛子放在田纳西的山顶。
the wilderness rose up to it,and sprawled around, no longer wild,the jar was round upon the groundand tall and of a port in air.荒野向坛子涌起,匍匐在四周,不再荒凉。
it took dominion everywhere,the jar was gray and bere,it did not give of bird or bush,like nothing else in tennessee.它君临四界这只灰色无釉的坛子它不曾产生鸟雀或树丛,与田纳西别的事物都不一样。
著名英文诗带中文翻译篇2the pasture 牧场罗伯特·弗洛斯特robert frosti'm going out to clean the pasture spring;i'll only stop to rake the leaves away(and wait to watch the water clear, i may):i sha'n't be gone long.--you come too.我这就去清理牧场边的水泉,我停下来只为将枯叶扒干净,我或许会等着看泉水又变清:我不会去太久??你也来吧。

经典英语诗歌带翻译欣赏阅读英语诗歌往往寄托着作者浓烈的情感,有些诗歌既唯美动人,又感人肺腑,今天店铺在这里为大家介绍一些经典英语诗歌带翻译欣赏,希望大家会喜欢这些英语诗歌!经典英语诗歌带翻译篇一我记得初遇你时那美妙的一瞬I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers:Appeared you in mine front,Some like appears briefly fantasy,Has like the chaste America’s angel.我记得那美妙的一瞬,在我的面前出现了你,有如昙花一现的幻想,有如纯洁至美的精灵。
In that hopeless sad suffering,Makes noise in that in ostentatious life puzzle,Nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentlesound,I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.在那无望的忧愁的折磨中,在那喧闹的浮华生活的困扰中,我的耳边长久地响着你温柔的声音,我还在睡梦中见到你可爱的倩影。
Many years have passed by, storm smileHas scattered the former days dream,Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound,Also has your that angel resembles the beautiful figure.许多年过去了,暴风骤雨般的激情。
In the remote place, in the gloomy life which imprisons,My day such calmly dissipates,The insincere person, does not have the poem the inspiration, Without the tear, does not have the life, also does not havethe love.在穷乡僻壤,在囚禁的阴暗生活中,我的日子就那样静静地消逝,没有倾心的人,没有诗的灵感,没有眼泪,没有生命,也没有爱情。

店铺整理了著名的英文诗歌带汉语翻译,欢迎阅读!著名的英文诗歌带汉语翻译篇一first desire serenade最初的愿望小曲the first desire serenadein delicated green morning,i will be a heart.a heart.在鲜绿的清晨,我愿意做一颗心。
in mature night,i will be a yellowhammer.a yellowhammer.在成熟的夜晚,我愿意做一只黄莺。
(o my soul,dye the color of orange.o my soul,dye the color of love.)(灵魂啊,披上橙子的颜色。
)in the active morning,i will be myself.a heart.在活泼的清晨,我愿意做我。
in quitet night,i will be my voice.a yellowhammer.在沉寂的夜晚,我愿意做我的声音。
o mu soul,dye the color of orange.o my soul,dye the color of love.灵魂啊,披上橙子的颜色吧!灵魂啊,披上爱情的颜色吧!戴望舒译著名的英文诗歌带汉语翻译篇二the hollow men 空心人原文及翻译the hollow menmistah kurtz-he dead.a penny for the old guy库尔兹先生——他死了给老盖一个便士吧。
we are the hollow menwe are the stuffed menleaning togetherheadpiece filled with straw. alas!our dried voices, whenwe whisper togetherare quiet and meaninglessas wind in dry grassor rats' feet over broken glassin our dry cellar我们是空心人我们是填塞起来的人彼此倚靠着头颅装满了稻草。

店铺整理了简短的英语诗歌带翻译,欢迎阅读!简短的英语诗歌带翻译篇一Dreams 梦想---Langston HughesHold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For if dreams die 梦想若是消亡Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀That can never fly. 再也不能飞翔Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For when dreams go 梦想若是消丧Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野,Frozen only with snow 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长简短的英语诗歌带翻译篇二ASLEEP-by George MacDonaldThe Sum is gone down,And the moon's in the sky;But the sun will come up,And the moon be laid by.The flower is asleep,But it is not dead;When the morning shines,It will lift it's head.When winter comes,It will die---no,no,It will only hide,From the frost and the snow.Sure is the summer.Sure is the sun;The night and the winter,Are shadows that run.眠——麦克唐纳太阳已经落山,月亮挂在天边;太阳会再度露面,月儿却消逝不见。

小编精心收集了长篇英文诗歌朗诵大全加翻译,供大家欣赏学习!长篇英文诗歌朗诵大全加翻译篇1The Chimney Sweeper—William Blake扫烟囱的小男孩——威廉·布莱克When my mother died I was very young,And my father sold me while yet my tongueCould scarcely cry 'Weep! weep! weep! weep!'So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.我母亲死的时候,我还小,我父亲把我卖给了别人,我当时还不大喊得清“扫呀,扫呀,”就这样白天扫你们的烟囱,晚上在烟灰里睡觉。
There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,That curled like a lamb's back, was shaved; so I said,'Hush, T om! never mind it, for, when your head's bare,You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.'有个小汤姆,头发卷得像羊毛,剃光的时候,哭得好伤心,好难受,我就说:“小汤姆,别哭,光了头,烟灰就不会糟蹋你的头发了。
”And so he was quiet, and that very night,As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight!That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,Were all of them locked up in coffins of black.他平静了下来,当天夜里,汤姆睡着了,梦见了这样的情景,迪克、乔、南德,杰克等千千万万个扫烟囱小孩统统被锁进了黑棺材。

优美的英语诗歌带翻译3篇英语诗歌是值得我们平时闲暇时候读读的,小编今天就给大家分享一下英语诗歌,仅供参考英语诗歌一我不去想是否能够成功既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 I care not whether I can succeed.Since in choice of the distance,I simply travel in wind and rain.I care not whether I can win love.Since in deep love with a rose,I just unbosom myself bravely.我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料之中 I care not whether hit by wind and rain.Since my goal is to reach the horizon,Only my back is in face of the world.I care not whether future is smooth or muddy,If only I have passion for life,Everything will go as expected.英语诗歌二Faith begins by believing in your heart that what is right has a chance.信念始于内心对机缘深信不疑。
Faith is knowing in your heart that good can overcome evil, that the sun can shine in a rainstrom.信念是心底深信善良能战胜邪恶,太阳会在暴风雨中升起。
Faith is peaceful and comforting, because it comes from within where no one can invade your private dreams.信念平静而给人慰藉,它源于心灵深处,在那里,无人能窥探只属于你的秘密。

经典英文版外国诗歌欣赏阅读带翻译英语诗歌往往寄托着作者浓烈的情感,有些诗歌既唯美动人,又感人肺腑,今天店铺在这里为大家介绍一些经典英文版外国诗歌欣赏,希望大家会喜欢这些英语诗歌!经典英文版外国诗歌欣赏篇一Written In March 写于三月(1)The cock is crowing, 公鸡在啼;The stream is flowing, 小溪在流,The small birds twitter, 雉鸟在鸣,The lake doth glitter, 湖水也在闪烁The green fields sleep in the sun; 绿野安眠在阳光下;The oldest and youngest 老的、小的Are at work with the strongest; 和健壮的一起工作着;The cattle are grazing, 牛儿忙吃草,Their heads never raising; 一直不抬头;There are forty feeding like one! 虽有四十头,看似一头样!(2)Like an army defeated 犹如战败的军队,The snow hath retreated, 雪已融退,And now doth fare ill 这阵更是败惨On the top of the bare hill; 在愈见光秃秃的山坡上;The ploughboy is whooping--anon--anon 耕童时时在田垄呼喊There's joy in the mountains; 笑谑充满山林,There's life in the fountains, 喷泉洋溢生命,Small clouds are sailing, 浮云飘过,Blue sky prevailing, 蓝天尽显,The rain is over and gone. 雨过天晴。

小编精心收集了经典英文诗歌带中文翻译,供大家欣赏学习!经典英文诗歌带中文翻译篇1The Challenge 挑战Let others lead small lives, but not you.让别人去过渺小的生活,而不是你。
Let others worry about small problems, but not you.让别人去担心小问题,而不是你。
Let others argue over small things, but not you.让别人去为小事情争论不休,而不是你。
Let others complain about small losses, but not you.让别人去为小损失而牢骚漫天,而不是你。
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.让别人去为小小的伤痛而哭泣,而不是你。
Let others dwell on small distractions, but not you.让别人去为小事而分心,而不是你。
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.让别人把自己的未来放在其他人手里,而不是你Because you’re destined for big things.因为你生来就是做大事的人经典英文诗歌带中文翻译篇2郁郁葱葱的爱情My love is like the grassesHidden in the deep mountains.Though its abundance increase,There is none that knows.我的爱情犹如青草,藏在深山。
经典英文诗歌带中文翻译篇3有你在身边真好It's your loving and your caringAnd knowing that you're nearThat gentle touch you haveMake my troubles disappear是你的爱意和呵护,知道你就在我的身边,还有你的温柔和体贴,让我所有的麻烦全部不见。

小编精心收集了关于优秀的英文诗歌带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 关于优秀的英文诗歌带翻译篇1天使蛋是纯白的百合花在梦的壳上The angel has eggs lily-whiteOn the liliad hull as a dream kite.内心的爱碰撞出第一道闪电呼唤的呢语唤醒第一把荒火The endocentric love has burst outAs a flash of lightning rush out.The calling language wakens,The first fire is burning in the wild.第一次我拥有了与花的香眠第一次我成为一个完整的人First timeI owned with floral of fragrant kissed,And it is the first timeI become a complete person as an artist.你让你的花开我的水流向原乡闪电注入了无限欢乐诞生地暗香浮动You have your flower full blossomed,My water current runs into the original country.The lightning infuses into infinite happiness,We bear a dark joss-stick floating as a witness.拥抱你——幸福如此简单May we embrace each other as you like——Such is the happiness in brief.关于优秀的英文诗歌带翻译篇2The Deep-sea PearlThe love of my life came notAs love unto others is cast;For mine was a secret wound---But the wound grew a pearl, at last.The divers may come and go,The tides, they arise and fall;The pearl in its shell lies sealed,And the Deep Sea covers all.深海的珍珠我生命中的爱情已经萠动,可是它却有些与众不同;我的爱最终结成一颗珍珠,他的根源是我隐秘的伤痛。

英语诗歌朗诵带翻译三篇【篇一】英语诗歌朗诵带翻译LinesI have been cherish’d and forgivenBy many tender-hearted,’Twas for the sake of one in HeavenOf him that is departed.Because I bear my father’s nameI am not quite despised,My little legacy of fameI've not yet realized.And yet if you should praise myselfI'll tell you, I had ratherYou'd give your love to me, poor elf, Your praise to my great father.无情诗多少人对我动了芳心,然后又把我忘却干净;她们爱我原因只有一个,那就是我父亲的在天之灵。
【篇二】英语诗歌朗诵带翻译In the GardenIn the garden there strayedA beautiful maidAs fair as the flowers of the morn; The first hour of her lifeShe was made a man’s wife,And was buried before she was born 在那座花园中就在那座花园中,有一位沦落的姑娘;美丽如清晨的花朵,初次把禁果品尝;她一旦做了人妻,还未出生就被埋葬。
【篇三】英语诗歌朗诵带翻译When You Are OldWhen you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.待到你到了暮年待到你到了暮年,头发花白, 疲惫困倦;手捧诗卷拥炉而坐,打着瞌睡慢慢翻看;常常消失字影,时时落入梦幻;昔日眼带阴郁或温柔,不时在脑海中闪现。
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the ripple of time warped by our longing.
There, as if we were painted
by some unknown impressionist.
Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,
I wander along a long
Solitary lane in the rain,
Hoping to encounter
A girl like a bouquet of lilacs
Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.
when you came to visit me;
crossing the states midway,
the straggled belts of little roads;
hitchhiking with your portable typewriter.
The campus, an academy of trees,
Spring Beauties
Ruth Stone
The abandoned campus,
empty brick buildings and early June
A Lane in the Rain
Dai Wangshu
A Lane in the Rain
Dai Wangshu
Silently she comes closer,
Closer,giving me
A Lane in the Rain
A glance like a sigh;
Then she floats past
Like a dream,
Dreary and blank like a dream.
Like a lilac
Floating past in a dream,
the girl floats past me;
Silently she goes further and further,
To the crumbling wall,
Out of the lane in the rain.
In the mournful melody of the rain,
Her color has faded,
Her fragrance has disppeared,
Vanished into the void;
Even her glance like a sigh,
Melancholy like lilacs.
Alone holding an oil-paper umbrel怨的姑娘。
We sat among them.
Your long fingers, thin body,
and long bones of improbable genius;
some scattered gene as Kafka must have had.
Your deep voice, this passing dust of miracles.
That simple that was myself, half conscious,
as though each moment was a page
where words appeared; the bent hammer of the type
struck against the moving ribbon.
I wander along a long
Solitary lane in the rain,
Hoping to pass
A girl like a bouquet of lilacs
Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.
A girl
The color of lilacs,
A Lane in the Rain
The fragrance of lilacs,
The worries of lilacs,
Feeling melancholy in the rain,
A Lane in the Rain
Plaintive and hesitating.
under which some hand, the wind's I guess,
had scattered the pale light
of thousands of spring beauties,
petals stained with pink veins;
secret, blooming for themselves.