商务英语翻译 - 阮绩智新版

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A lot of our business work, such as taking orders, checking progress, contacting suppliers, requesting and giving advice, and hearing complaints, is done all over the telephone. (如接订单、检查进展情况、与供货商联系、征求和提出建议、处理投诉,都是通过电话进行。)

Since every day quite a few people transact business over the telephone, establishing a positive telephone image is obviously important to the success of the company.(所以树立良好的电话形象对公司的成败尤为重要。)

When making a business call,you don’t need to spend time talking around the subject. Just get to the point as you would in a business letter. (不需拐弯抹角。正如在商务书信中一样,开门见山,切入要点。)

4) A:Hello.This is David Taylor calling from the Sales Department of ABC Company.May I speak to your manager, please?B:I’ m very sorry. Our manager is tied up at the moment. If you leave your name and phone number, I’ll have him call you back as soon as he’s available.(非常抱歉,我们经理正忙得脱不开身。请留下你的姓名和电话号码,我请他有空就给你回电。)

5) A: Hello, Mr. Brown. What can I do for you?

B: I’ll be in China next week and I’m calling to see if you have any time to meet with me to discuss about your purchasing plan for next year. Will you be free sometime next week?我打电话是想看看你是否有空和我会面谈谈你们明年的采购计划。下周有空吗?

6) A: I’m sorry. Mr. Johnson has ju st gone out. May I ask who’s calling?


B: This is Harry Smith from ACE International. Could you tell me where I can reach him?(请你告诉我哪里能找到他?)A: I really have no idea when Mr. Johnson could be available in the office. Could you call back later or would you mind leaving a message? (您可以过一会儿再打来或者给他留言吗?)

B:I think it’s better for me to leave a message. But it’s important and urgent. Please make sure he gets this message. (我觉得还是留下一个口信比较好。不过这件事很要紧,请一定将留言传达给他。)

A: I see. I’m sure to pass your messages to Mr. Johnson. (我一定把您的留言传达给约翰逊先生。)

B: Good. Would you mind telling him that due to some sudden changes, do not fill out any orders for ABC Company until further notice? It’s very important. I’ll explain later. (由于意外变化,在进一步通知之前,请勿给ABC公司发货。事关重大,稍后我会做出解释。)

I’ll begin by talking about our sales figures last year, and then I’ll talk about our market share of our product in some major countries. Finally I’ll talk about our main customers and future plans. (然后谈谈我们产品目前在主要几个国家的市场份额,最后谈我们的主要客户及今后的计划。)

2) I realize you’ve got a full agenda so I intend to briefly run through the four P’s for the new videophone model the product, the place, the price and the promotion. (所以我只想简单地介绍一下新型可视电话的4个P,即有关产品、分销地点、定价、促销四个方面。)

I’m sure that you now share my enthusiasm for the new model. I have no doubt will not only open up a new sector of the market but ensure long-term growth and prosperity for our company. (我毫不怀疑,该产品不但会开辟一个新市场,而且还会确保我公司的长期发展和繁荣。)

4) We confidently believe that this new product represents a significant market opportunity for the company with its ability to open up a new sector of the residential market. (对于能在居民市场上开辟出新行业的公司来说这种新产品为他们带来莫大的市场机遇。)

5) Our company was established in 1980 and has now become a diversified company dealing mainly in international trade, international transportation, labor export, real estate and so on. (现在已经成为一家多元化企业,主要经营国际贸易、国际运输、劳务输出、房地产等。)

6) To keep up with overwhelming customer response, our company has expanded rapidly. We have improved our R&D department and enlarged our product lines to include washers and dryers, refrigerators, and microwave ovens. Our electric appliances are geared toward households with high efficiency but minimal space.(我们加强了研发部门,扩大生产线,增加产品项目,像洗衣机及烘干机、电冰箱、微波炉等产品。我们的电器是专门针对要求高效率,但空间有限的家庭用户设计的。)

7) To begin with, I’d like to give you a brief review of our research and development.

Moving right along, I’ll elaborate on how we designed our product. And then I’ll bring out our demonstration model so you can have a look. Finally, I’ll talk about the marketing strategy for this product. (我将阐述一下我们产品是怎样
