

会计内部控制中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)内部控制系统披露—一种可替代的管理机制根据代理理论,各种治理机制减少了投资者和管理者之间的代理问题(Jensen and Meckling,1976; Gillan,2006)。
内部机制包括董事会及其作用、结构和组成(Fama,1980;Fama and Jensen,1983),管理股权(Jensen and Meckling,1976)和激励措施,起监督作用的大股东(Demsetz and Lehn,1985),内部控制系统(Bushman and Smith,2001),规章制度和章程条款(反收购措施)和使用的债务融资(杰森,1993)。
外部控制是由公司控制权市场(Grossman and Hart,1980)、劳动力管理市场(Fama,1980)和产品市场(哈特,1983)施加的控制。
尽管有其相关性,但投资者不能直接观察,因此也无法得到内部控制系统设计和发挥功能的信息,因为它们都是组织内的内在机制、活动和过程(Deumes and Knechel,2008)。
由于投资者考虑到成本维持监控管理其声称的(Jensen and Meckling,1976),内部控制系统在管理激励信息沟通上的特性,以告知投资者内部控制系统的有效性,是当其他监控机制(该公司的股权结构和董事会)比较薄弱,从而为其提供便捷的监控(Leftwich et等, 1981)。

一、管理系统成本控制1. 确定需求:在建立管理系统之前,首先需要明确企业的实际需求。
2. 合理规划:在制定管理系统的建设方案时,要根据企业的实际情况进行合理规划。
3. 控制实施成本:在管理系统建设的实施过程中,要严格控制各项成本,包括人力成本、软件采购成本、培训成本等。
4. 提高效率:提高管理系统建设的效率也是控制成本的重要手段。
5. 精细管理:在管理系统建设过程中,要进行精细化管理,及时发现和解决问题,避免因疏漏导致成本的不必要增加。
二、管理系统效益评估1. 数据分析:建立管理系统后,需要通过数据分析来评估系统的效益。
2. 指标评估:制定科学合理的评估指标是评估管理系统效益的关键。
3. 绩效考核:将管理系统的效益纳入企业绩效考核体系中,与企业整体目标相结合,形成有效的激励机制,推动管理系统的持续改进和优化。
4. 用户反馈:管理系统的效益评估还需要考虑用户的反馈意见。
5. 持续改进:管理系统的效益评估是一个持续改进的过程。

成本系统控制在激烈的竞争环境中,了解每个产品或服务的成本,识别哪些是盈利的,哪些对间接费用和最终盈利能力有贡献,是十分重要的.因为,基于这些成本信息的管理决策和行为将影响到企业的盈利能力和生存如何获得一个有效的成本系统近年来,全球经济的一体化使企业面临着日益激烈的竞争.特别是中国加入WTO以后,随着国内市场的逐步开放,国外的技术、资金、先进的管理和服务理念大量进入,企业将可能面临着市场被瓜分和盈利空间逐步缩小的挑战.在如此激烈的竞争环境中,了解每个产品或服务的成本,识别哪些是盈利的,或至少哪些对间接费用和最终盈利能力是有贡献的,是十分重要的,因为基于这些成本信息的管理决策和行为将影响到企业的盈利能力和生存.因此,国内企业如果要保持并增强竞争优势,必须拥有一个有效的成本系统,支持帮助管理者寻求途径改善企业经营效率,提高竞争力.同时,由于竞争日益激烈和全球化,企业的生产经营环境也发生了巨大的变化.先进制造技术与信息技术的蓬勃发展,使企业的成本结构和管理模式大为改变.一些企业的成本系统,特别是传统的以数量为基础的成本系统,已不能适应当今自动化程度越来越高的新环境.新的成本计算方法和新的成本管理理念,如作业成本法ActivityBasedCosting,ABC,也正是在这种需求之下产生的.目前,国内外许多先进的企业都已经或准备实施新的成本系统如 ABC,以提高效率.当然,实施新的成本系统是需要成本的,比如投入大量的计算机设备和培训费用等,但更重要的是,如果依赖旧的成本系统,或许损失更大例如,成品定价、产品选择、供应商与客户的确定等决策的失误、错过改善经营效率的机会等.因此,成本系统是否需要更换是一个成本-收益的权衡问题.企业的管理者首先必须清楚:目前所依赖的成本系统是否有效是否严重扭曲了成本信息而左右了企业的管理决策和行为等等.然后考虑的问题才是如何改进或更新现有的成本系统.但并不是所有企业的管理者对上述问题都有明确的答案并意识到这些问题的重要性.有效成本系统的重要性一个有效的企业的成本系统,必须满足:1成本系统的设计以“准确定义和计量成本”为出发点;2正确反映企业的产品或服务和其成本之间的因果关系; 3成本系统得以恰当的运用.换句话说,一个有效的成本系统提供的信息应具有以下特点:首先,成本信息必须是相对准确的.成本信息应足够地接近并反映现实,而且不会导致管理人员做出错误的决策,当然,准确并不一定意味着成本精确到小数点后的五位.第二,成本信息必须是相关的.即成本信息必须以与决策相关的方式予以识别和存储.比如,一些决策需要建立在历史成本的基础之上,而另外一些决策则需建立在面向未来的现金流量的基础之上.这需要成本系统具有弹性,能够提供决策相关的信息.第三,成本信息必须支持各种类型的管理决策.一个设计良好的、有效的成本系统如作业成本制度对企业特别是处于竞争激烈的环境中的企业的重要作用还有:通过对成本动因的识别和对企业作业流程的透视,在成本控制、流程再造、全面质量管理、企业持续改善等方面,提供有价值的信息,从而使企业的作业与流程更加有效率.既然成本系统对企业来说这么重要,如果现有的成本系统的设计不能反映企业的生产经营,或者已经过时,而它的管理者又不清楚它的限制,则可能在决策、规划、控制时过于依赖现有的成本系统,从而对企业产生非常不利的结果.判断成本系统有效性的方法一般,管理人员可通过两种方法了解企业现行成本系统的有效性.第一种方法较为直接,需要对公司的成本系统进行深入的分析和研究;第二种方法则是通过考察是否出现了不恰当或过时成本系统的征兆来判断.直接检视产品、流程与成本系统的特点以判断成本系统是否有效这种检视方法,通过直接分析公司的产品、业务流程与成本系统设计的特点及相互关系来判断成本系统的有效性.内容如下:1检视公司流程及不同产品在不同流程的资源消耗的复杂程度和异质性;2考察成本系统如何将资源消耗分配至期间,即成本支出资本化和费用化如何划分;3考察成本的构成;直接和间接成本的区分;如何归集间接成本;采用何种分配基础将间接成本分配至产品/服务是否数量为基础;这些成本的归集与分配反映资源转化为产出的流程的程度如何4考察成本系统是否涵盖了企业全部的价值链5考察分配至产品或服务的成本,被会计准则影响的程度如何即该成本系统是否是为了外部报告而设计的通过综合考虑上述几点,将可发掘企业的成本系统在功能上是否适当以及是否足够.例如,一个企业生产多种产品,每个产品需要多个不同的生产工序,并且不同产品在不同的加工程序中的消耗加工程度不同.如果成本系统没有反映这些特点,则表明成本系统也许不能合理地反映资源转化为产出的过程.除了直接检查成本系统功能上的恰当性以外,还可直接检查企业成本系统的下列情况:6企业成本系统是否随着组织内外环境的变化而改变如果成本系统缺乏弹性,则容易成为过时的系统而不易发挥应有的管理功能.比如,当企业的生产线转变成自动化作业模式时,若成本系统不能反映上述变化或未有相应的改变,则企业必须思考其过时的可能性.7企业成本信息报告的周期多长成本系统是“成本控制导向”还是“成本管理导向”前者考察成本系统的及时性;后者则考察现行成本系统能否为企业事先的预防及规划而不是事后的控制提供有价值的信息.通过考察不恰当或已过时的成本系统的征兆评价现行成本系统的有效性前面的直接考察方法虽然可以产生有用的检查结果,但是,它有两项主要的局限性:第一,深入地分析企业的业务流程和成本系统的设计,成本昂贵.第二,企业成本系统是否得以恰当合理的利用,通过直接考察的方法很难得出有力的结论.因为,员工的接受程度、员工使用成本系统的情况、以及管理人员对成本信息的运用等可能都会大大影响成本系统的功用和成效.因此,公司管理人员耗费大量人力物力直接检查成本系统是否有效之前,他们应首先考虑采用非直接的方法对企业的成本系统进行评估.这种间接的检视方法,主要透过对成本系统因不足所产生的问题征兆,来评估现行成本系统的有效性.比如,企业的成本系统无法解释利润高低的理由,或者产生了无法解释的成本差异等,则表明企业的成本系统可能已经失效或不敷使用了.管理人员如果发现现行系统具有较多的问题征兆时,则应可以较自信地花费更大的精力进行更深入的直接调查,包括直接检查其成本系统的特性.不恰当或过时成本系统的征兆成本系统的问题征兆可能有内外两个主要来源:一是利用成本系统的信息进行决策并采取行动后的结果,来自公司层、竞争者、客户对成本系统的反应,为“外部征兆”.外部征兆又进一步划分为获利面、成本面、产品定价决策面,分别从产品账面获利性、成本、定价决策的三个角度归类.二是考察内部客户职能经理,如产品经理、工程师运用成本系统出现的问题,则称之为“内部征兆”.外部征兆获利面难加工的产品虽未调高价位,但成本系统仍显示其具有较高的盈利能力.一般来说,那些生产工艺复杂、或需要更多额外检查或返工的产品,相对于其它较易制造的产品,由于增加了作业,生产成本会较高.在未调高价位的情况下它的利润会偏低,甚至没有利润.如果企业现行的成本系统显示这些难加工的产品虽定价不高但仍具有较高的获利空间,则表示该系统也许没能报告真实的产品成本信息.产品利润难以或无法解释.有效的成本系统应可以让使用者明白产品或服务利润率高或低的理由,若企业不能根据成本系统提供的信息合理地解释产品或服务的利润时,则表示成本系统本身的设计已无法反映资源流向产品/服务的过程.经理人员想放弃被报告为有利润的产品.一般来说,产品经理应清楚产品生产的难易程度,而销售经理则应知道哪些产品的定价缺乏竞争性.因此,如果他们一致认为应该放弃的产品线,账面上却显示有利润,这很可能表示成本系统没有捕捉到产品生产及销售服务的复杂性引发的成本.产品组合包含更多被报告为具有较高利润的产品,但整体获利却未增加.一般而言,若产品组合中含有较多利润率高的产品,企业整体获利会提高.但如果实际情况相反,则可能意味着企业的成本系统提供的成本信息不准确.企业认为自己拥有高利润率的产品或服务市场,但竞争者却没有表现出很大的兴趣.如果管理层根据成本系统提供的信息发现,公司拥有超常报酬的产品或服务市场,这个市场尽管不具有高度的进入障碍,但竞争者却没有表现出很大的兴趣进入该市场,则很有可能是成本系统对某些产品或服务的成本低估了,企业原以为高利润的产品实际上是亏损产品.还有的企业可能发现竞争者购买自己生产的产品重新包装后出售.由于建立在错误的成本信息基础上,该企业的产品售价低于竞争者的生产成本.成本面存在大量且不能解释的成本差异.当成本系统产生许多不能解释的成本差异时,这表示系统可能无法反映公司产品的流程或产品组合的成本.经常延迟且困难解答大部分成本相关问题.有效的成本系统应该可以及时提供大部分的成本相关问题的答案,以供决策使用.但如果使用者经常需要等待很长时间才能获得问题的答案或者得不到答案,则表示该成本系统的功能存在问题,可能已无法满足管理需要.会计人员经常花费很多时间研究不同的成本问题.如果导致会计人员经常为了一些决策问题如大批量的外部采购决策额外花费很多时间进行专门的研究,这表明成本系统不能提供决策相关的成本信息,已不能满足当前的管理需要.产品定价决策面经常损失赢得定价较低高的竞标.一般而言,企业对于想取得的定单的报价会偏低,如果发现情况正好相反,企业经常损失赢得定价偏低高的竞标时,则企业的成本系统的设计或操作可能已发生问题了.当价格提高时,客户不会减少采购量.一般,顾客可能从来都不希望企业提高产品的售价.当一个企业意识到他们产品的定价太低而提高售价,但顾客对产品售价的提高并没有强烈的反应,或者虽有抱怨,但仍会采购差异不大的数量;或者企业的销售量只有轻微的萎缩,这表明市场印证了管理人员的直觉:成本信息可能是错误的.竞争者尤其是小规模的竞争者生产销售的产品,与企业大量生产销售的相同产品相比,定价明显偏低.一般情况下,当企业生产销售的产品数量比竞争对手量大时,由于具有规模优势,成本会降低,因此也就会以较低的产品定价,以提高市场占有率.但是,如果企业的成本系统将成本平均分摊给所有产品线,导致大批量生产的产品承担部分小批量产品的成本时,就无法看出大量生产的产品的低成本优势.因此如果企业大批量生产销售的产品成本或定价比小规模竞争者的定价还高时,则显示此成本系供应商对零件的报价比企业预期的低.需要进行“零件是自制还是外购”决策的企业可以通过将供应商的报价与自己的生产成本进行比较,来检查成本系统是否有效.如果供应商的报价与企业的生产成本差异很大,则表明企业的成本系统可能出现问题.例如,如果供应商的报价低于产品的变动成本,且没有信息表明供应商的生产更具效率,这时企业需要成立专门的小组来调查产品是否实际上可以如此低成本地自制,尽管成本系统提供的信息相反.内部征兆管理人员对预算和成本报告缺乏兴趣.预算和成本报告应具有一定的管理功能,如果企业的管理人员不重视预算和成本报告,则可能表明成本系统产生的信息不正确,该成本系统可能已过时或失去价值.经理和工程师使用私有的成本系统.一般,经理和工程师非常熟悉企业的运作过程,如果他们舍弃公司现有的成本系统而自行开发使用自认为能计算出较正确的成本的“系统”,这可能表明企业当前正式的成本系统已经过时了.需要强调的一点是,并不是说出现上述各个问题征兆,就一定表明企业的成本系统已过时.原因是每一种征兆的出现还可能是其它因素造成的结果.例如,“竞争者的价格不合理地低”,可能是因为竞争者拥有的成本系统已过时,但是,也有可能是企业本身的经营非常没有效率.相同地,如果企业的经理缺乏对公司成本信息的兴趣,这也许是因为他们没有足够的训练,而不是因为成本系统本身不好.但是,如果企业同时有多个问题征兆发生,那么,就有理由推断企业的成本系统有很大的概率可能性已不恰当或过时了.对企业成本系统有效性的调查为了对中国企业现行成本系统的有效性有更多的了解,我们进行了一个小规模的调查.根据过时成本系统可能具有的问题征兆,我们设计了一份调查问卷,选取了武汉及周遍地区的企业管理人员为调查对象,共取得有效问卷72份.受访者绝大部分来自内资企业,占%,其次是中外合资企业,占%.这些企业中有%的企业属于电子/通讯业,其次是一般制造业%和服务业.此外有超过2/3的企业的全职员工人数在500人以下,因此我们调查的对象以中小企业为主.受访者绝大多数是公司的高层或中层管理人员占%.全体受访人员中%的人员从事会计/财务职务,%的人员为企业的行政管理人员,%的人员从事市场/营销,其他占%.他们在被访公司的平均服务年限为年,在目前职位供职年限平均年.被访者具有一定的管理经验对于我们了解中国企业经营与决策依赖的成本系统所产生的“过时”征兆非常重要.因此,我们要求管理者回答“有多大权利支配公司分配给所在部门的资源”.72人中有69人进行了回答,平均回答的分数为回答范围是1~10,1表示无权,10表示全权.这表明被访人员有相当大的权利支配资源.我们还调查了被访者参与决策、营运或其它职务“的程度..有67位被访者回答了我们的问题,三个备选子项中”与公司之策略形成有关的决策“的平均回答为%,”与公司之例行公事、日常营运有关的决策“的平均回答为%,对”其它职务“的平均回答为%.总的来说,从上述被访者的职位、支配资源的权利以及服务年限等基本统计数据可以看出,他们有足够的资历来回答决策方面的相关问题.应该说明的是,如果按照被访者的职位如生产、销售、所在行业等因素对样本进行进一步的分组,可能会更好地洞察企业的成本系统的有效程度.调查结果及分析表中列出的是受访者对于其在过去的二年中,本身及公司内与受访者较熟悉的有类似职位和责任的其他人曾遇到各项不恰当或过时成本系统征兆频率的回答,按照遇到的频率由高至低排列.在“平均回答分数”一栏中,显示的是受访者对碰到这些征兆的频率的平均回答分数.我们使用的分数区间是1至5,1代表从未遇到,5则代表经常不断地遇到.因此平均分数越高,表示在过去的二年中越经常遇到某些征兆.值得注意的是,表中对每种征兆的回答人数小于样本量72.原因是尽管我们收到了72份有效问卷,但并不是每一位被访者都回答了我们全部的问题,有的被访者可能对所问及的某一问题从没有接触过.如果被访者对给定的征兆没有回答,或选择了选项“知识不足”或“不适用”,我们在计算回答分数.对于企业的管理者而言,使用公司的成本信息进行相关决策时,几乎都会至少“有时”经历到前面所提及的每一个不恰当或过时成本系统的征兆.在问卷提出的11 项征兆中,就有3项的平均回答分数在分以上,有4项的平均回答分数位于到之间.11项征兆中,10项的平均回答分数在2分“有时”或以上.表中显示,被访者最常遇到的问题是“发现竞争者的价格显得不切合实际地低”,平均回答分数是分.有%的被访者经常“4”分或经常不断地“5”分经历这种现象.还有其它一半以上的被访者有时或偶尔会遇见这种情况.当然,发现“竞争者的价格显得不切合实际地低”,并不一定是由于公司本身的成本系统不够完善而高估了自身产品的成本,还有可能是因为其它因素如竞争者倾销等导致了该结果.但如果企业管理者经常遇到此情况,且经过调查发现竞争者的产品或服务成本确实很低,而企业各方面的营运情况、产品/服务组合、规模等,皆与竞争者相差不远,则企业管理层就必须反省是否现行的成本系统的设计或运作产生了问题,才导致这种不合理的现象.其次,被访者也发现“顾客不会因为价格的上扬而大量减低采购量”,平均回答分数为分.有% 的被访者回答是“4”经常地.这种情况,可能显示样本中相当大比例的企业的成本系统低估了产品的成本.另外,“需要请会计部门进行特别的研究”,平均回答分数是分.%的被访者回答“经常地”或“经常不断地”;一半以上的被访者回答“有时”或“偶尔”.当企业的成本系统无法及时提供准确的成本资料,而导致了冗长的专门的研究程序时,该成本系统很可能需要更新了.另外,从表中还可以看出企业管理人员有时或经常“发现很难解释竞标输赢之理由”分、“发现拥有高利润率的产品市场,而竞争者却没有对该市场表现出很大的兴趣”分、“发现公司被报告出的产品成本,会随公司遵行新的财务会计规则而改变”分和“发现供应者的报价比预期的低”分.综上可以看出样本中许多企业目前的成本系统好象并没能有效地协助管理者制定策略性决策,如产品定价、竞标决策等.最后一点的发现是:有%的被访者表示他们“从未”“使用私自的成本会计信息,而不是公司正式的成本会计信息”分.这意味着企业的管理人员即使遇到了许多不恰当或过时成本系统可能的征兆,仍倾向于继续沿用公司正式的成本系统.当然,他们也许在实际的行动和决策中对成本信息作了主观的非正式的调整,但是,过时成本系统征兆的调查发现也表明,即使作了这些调整,他们也不足以补偿成本系统使用中带来的缺陷.前面的小规模的调查结果显示,当被调查的管理人员利用他们企业当前的成本信息从事相关的决策时,几乎都会或“经常”或“偶尔”地碰到许多问题,因此我们有理由推断,样本中的许多企业的成本系统已经不合适或过时了.但是,管理层似乎仍然依赖现有的成本系统从事关系到企业生存的战略管理决策.可以想象,制定的战略无论从理论上讲多完美,但如果该战略建立在错误的产品成本信息之上,在日益竞争激烈的市场环境中,企业必定会失败.。


成本控制中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:COST CONTROLRoger J. AbiNaderReference for Business,Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed.Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accountingmethods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations.Control of the business entity , then, is essentially a managerial and supervisory function .Control consiets of those actions necessary to assur e that the entity’s resources and operations are focused on attaining established objectives , goals and plans. Control, exercised continuously, flags potential problems so that crises may be prevented. It also standardizeds the quantity of output , and provides managers with objective information about employee performance . Management compares actual performance to predetermined standards and takes action when necessary to correct variances from the standards.Keywords : Cost control, Applications, Control reports, Standards, Strategic Cost control, also known as cost management or cost containment, is a broad set of cost accountingmethods and management techniques with the common goal of improving business cost-efficiency by reducing costs, or at least restricting their rate of growth. Businesses use cost control methods to monitor, evaluate, and ultimately enhance the efficiency of specific areas, such as departments, divisions, or product lines, within their operations.During the 1990s cost control initiatives received paramount attention from corporate America. Often taking the form of corporate restructuring, divestmentof peripheral activities, mass layoffs,or outsourcing,cost control strategies were seen as necessary to preserve—or boost—corporate profits and to maintain—or gain—a competitive advantage. The objective was often to be the low-cost producer in a given industry, which would typically allow the company to take a greater profit per unit of sales than its competitors at a given price level.Some cost control proponents believe that such strategic cost-cutting must be planned carefully, as not all cost reduction techniques yield the same benefits. In a notable late 1990s example, chief executive Albert J. Dunlap, nicknamed "Chainsaw Al" because of his penchant for deep cost cutting at the companies he headed, failed to restore the ailing small appliance maker Sunbeam Corporation to profitability despite his drastic cost reduction tactics. Dunlap laid off thousands of workers and sold off business units, but made little contribution to Sunbeam's competitive position or share price in his two years as CEO. Consequently, in 1998 Sunbeam's board fired Dunlap, having lost confidence in his "one-trick" approach to management.COST CONTROL APPLICATIONSA complex business requires frequent information about operations in order to plan for the future, to control present activities, and to evaluate the past performance of managers, employees, and related business segments. To be successful, management guides the activities of its people in the operations of the business according to pre-established goal and objectives. Management’s guidance takestwo forms of control: (1) the management and supervision of behuvior , and (2) the evaluation of performance.Behavioral management deals with the attitudes and actions of employees. While employee behavior ultimately impacts on success, behavioral management involves certain issues and assumptions not applicable to accounting's control function. On the other hand, performance evaluation measures outcomes of employee's actions by comparing the actual results of business outcomes to predetermined standards ofsuccess. In this way management identifies the strengths it needs to maximize, and the weaknesses it seeks to rectify. This process of evaluation and remedy is called cost control.Cost control is a continuous process that begins with the proposed annual budget. The budget helps: (1) to organize and coordinate production, and the selling, distribution, service, and administrative functions; and (2) to take maximum advantage of available opportunities. As the fiscal year progresses, management compares actual results with those projected in the budget and incorporates into the new plan the lessons learned from its evaluation of current operations.Control refers to management's effort to influence the actions of individuals who are responsible for performing tasks, incurring costs, and generating revenues. Management is a two-phased process: planningrefers to the way that management plans and wants people to perform, while controlrefers to the procedures employed to determine whether actual performance complies with these plans. Through the budget process and accounting control, management establishes overall company objectives, defines the centers of responsibility, determines specific objectives for each responsibility center, and designs procedures and standards for reporting and evaluation.A budget segments the business into its components or centers where the responsible party initiates and controls action. Responsibility centersrepresent applicable organizational units, functions, departments, and divisions. Generally a single individual heads the responsibility center exercising substantial, if not complete, control over the activities of people or processes within the center and controlling the results of their activity. Cost centersare accountable only for expenses, that is, they do not generate revenue. Examples include accounting departments, human resources departments, and similar areas of the business that provide internal services. Profit centersaccept responsibility for both revenue and expenses. For example, a product line or an autonomous business unit might be considered profit centers. If the profit center has its own assets, it may also be considered an investment center,for which returns on investment can be determined. The use of responsibility centers allows management todesign control reports to pinpoint accountability, thus aiding in profit planning.A budget also sets standards to indicate the level of activity expected from each responsible person or decision unit, and the amount of resources that a responsible party should use in achieving that level of activity. A budget establishes the responsibility center, delegates the concomitant responsibilities, and determines the decision points within an organization.The planning process provides for two types of control mechanisms:Feedforward: providing a basis for control at the point of action (the decision point); andFeedback: providing a basis for measuring the effectiveness of control after implementation.Management's role is to feedforwarda futuristic vision of where the company is going and how it is to get there, and to make clear decisions coordinating and directing employee activities. Management also oversees the development of procedures to collect, record, and evaluate feedback.Therefore, effective management controls results from leading people by force of personality and through persuasion; providing and maintaining proper training, planning, and resources; and improving quality and results through evaluation and feedback.Control reports are informational reports that tell management about an entity's activities. Management requests control reports only for internal use, and, therefore, directs the accounting department to develop tailor-made reporting formats. Accounting provides management with a format designed to detect variations that need investigating. In addition, management also refers to conventional reports such as the income statement and funds statement, and external reports on the general economy and the specific industry.Control reports, then, need to provide an adequate amount of information so that management may determine the reasons for any cost variances from the original budget.A good control report highlights significant information by focusing management's attention on those items in which actual performance significantly differs from thestandard.Because key success factors shift in type and number, accounting revises control reports when necessary. Accounting also varies the control period covered by the control report toencompass a period in which management can take useful remedial action. In addition, accountingdisseminates control reports in a timely fashion to give management adequate time to act before the issuance of the next report.Managers perform effectively when they attain the goals and objectives set by the budget. With respect to profits, managers succeed by the degree to which revenues continually exceed expenses. In applying the following simple formula, managers, especially those in operations, realize that they exercise more control over expenses than they do over revenue.While they cannot predict the timing and volume of actual sales, they can determine the utilization rate of most of their resources, that is, they can influence the cost side. Hence, the evaluation of management's performance and its operations is cost control.For cost control purposes, a budget provides standard costs. As management constructs budgets, it lays out a road map to guide its efforts. It states a number of assumptions about the relationships and interaction among the economy, market dynamics, the abilities of its sales force, and its capacity to provide the proper quantity and quality of products demanded.Accounting plays a key role in all planning and control. It does this in four key areas: (1) data collection, (2) data analysis, (3) budget control and administration, and (4) consolidation and review.The accountants play a key role in designing and securing support for the procedural aspects of the planning process. In addition, they design and distribute forms for the collection and booking of detailed data on all aspects of the business.Although operating managers have the main responsibility of planning, accounting compiles and coordinates the elements. Accountants subject proposed budgets to feasibility and profitability analyses to determine conformity to accepted standards andpractices.Management relies on such accounting data and analysis to choose from several cost control alternatives, or management may direct accounting to prepare reports specifically for evaluating such options. As the Chainsaw Al episode indicated, all costs may not be viable targets for cost-cutting measures. For instance, in mass layoffs, the company may lose a significant share of its human capitalby releasing veteran employees who are experts in their fields, not to mention by creating a Decline in morale among those who remain. Thus management must identify which costs have strategic significance and which do not.To determine the strategic impact of cost-cutting, management has to weigh the net effects of the proposed change on all areas of the business. For example, reducing variable costs related directly to manufacturing a product, such as materials and transportation costs, could be the key to greater incremental profits. However, management must also consider whether saving money on production is jeopardizing other strategic interests like quality or time to market. If a cheaper material or transportation system negatively impacts other strategic variables, the nominal cost savings may not benefit the company in the bigger picture, e.g., it may lose sales. In such scenarios, managers require the discipline not to place short-term savings over long-term interests.One trend in cost control has been toward narrowing the focus of corporate responsibility centers, and thereby shifting some of the cost control function to day-to-day managers who have the most knowledge of and influence over how their areas spend money. This practice is intended to promote bottom-up cost control measures and encourage a widespread consensus over cost management strategies.Control of the business entity, then, is essentially a managerial and supervisory function. Control consists of those actions necessary to assure that the entity's resources and operations are focused on attaining established objectives, goals and plans. Control, exercised continuously, flags potential problems so that crises may be prevented. It also standardizes the quality and quantity of output, and provides managers with objectiveinformation about employee performance. Management compares actual performance to predetermined standards and takes action when necessary to correct variances from the standards.译文:成本控制成本控制成本控制,也被称为遏制成本或管理成本,一个广阔的成本管理技术,它的经济增长目标是降低成本提高企业效率。

xxxxxx 大学本科毕业设计外文翻译Project Cost Control: the Way it Works项目成本控制:它的工作方式学院(系): xxxxxxxxxxxx专业: xxxxxxxx学生姓名: xxxxx学号: xxxxxxxxxx指导教师: xxxxxx评阅教师:完成日期:xxxx大学项目成本控制:它的工作方式在最近的一次咨询任务中,我们意识到对于整个项目成本控制体系是如何设置和应用的,仍有一些缺乏理解。
如果最终的结果确实不符合基线计划,你可能不得不改变计划.更有可能的是,会 (或已经) 有范围变更来改变参考基线,这意味着每次出现这种情况你必须改变基线计划。

成本控制外文翻译企业成本控制外文翻译有英文原文和翻译英文:36863字符中文:10000多字企业的特点与内部控制重大弱点对萨班斯法案第404评估Stephen Bryan威克森林大学巴布科克管理学院Steven Lilien纽约州立大学巴鲁学院摘要著名的萨班斯法案(SOX)要求公司评估其内部控制的财务报告并且报告存在的重大错误,这些重大错误石油公公会计监督委员会规定的。
Characteristics of Firms with Material Weaknesses in Internal Control: An Assessment of Section 404 of Sarbanes OxleyStephen BryanBabcock Graduate School of ManagementWake Forest UniversitySteven LilienBaruch CollegeCity University of New YorkAbstract The legislation known as Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) requires firms to assess their internal controls over financial reporting and to report material weaknesses, as defined by the Public Accounting Oversight Board. Based upon early evidence, we find that firms with materialweaknesses are, on average, both smaller and worse performers than their matched industry counterparts. We also find that firms with material weaknesses, on average, have higher betas, suggesting a higher discount by the market for these firms. From a macro-economic view, the total market value of firms with reported material weaknesses is only 1.28% of the market value of the S&P 500 firms. Finally, although we document negative stock returns on the date of the announcement of the material weakness, over a narrow interval, the returns are insignificant. Identifying small firms that collectively constitute a minor portion of the economy at a very high cost to all public firms seems out of balance. Whether SOX will yield benefits to corporations through better operations, reduced cost of capital, or other means remains to be seen. Moreover, if these benefits materialize, whether they should, in effect, be legislated is a matter of debate. Although some maintain that SOX will reduce earnings management, firms continue to manage earnings through pro forma earnings. Furthermore, although t he SEC’s Reg G, also enacted as part of SOX legislation, makes the “managed disclosure system” through pro forma earnings more transparent, it fails to exercise control over the reconciliation process that firms use both to set and to meet analyst earnings estimate.。

附录A(外文翻译)施工项目成本控制1 引言项目是企业的形象窗口和效益的源泉。
2 施工项目成本控制大纲施工项目成本控制,指在成本形成的过程中,对施工所消耗的人力、物力的费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时预防、发现和纠正偏差从而把各项费用控制在计划成本的预定目标之内,以保障企业的生产效益。
3 施工企业成本控制原则施工企业成本控制以成本控制为中心,其是企业成本管理的基础和核心,项目经理部在对施工项目进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则:1)成本最低化原则。

1)《The Role of Quantity Surveyors in Sustainable Construction》该文研究了数量调查师在可持续建筑中的作用,并深入探讨了数量调查师在项目的可持续性评估、营建阶段和运营阶段的角色和责任。
中文翻译:数量调查师在可持续建筑中的作用2)《Cost engineering》该文研究了造价工程的理论和实践,并提供了一系列工具和方法用于项目成本的控制和评估。
中文翻译:造价工程3)《Construction cost management: learning from case studies》该文通过案例分析的方式来探讨建筑项目成本管理的实践。
中文翻译:建筑项目成本管理:案例学习4)《Project Cost Estimation and Control: A Practical Guide to Construction Management》该书是一本实用指南,详细介绍了在工程起始阶段进行项目成本估算的方法和技巧,以及如何在项目执行阶段进行成本控制。

企业成本控制外文文献翻译作业成本法2014年译文3300多字XXX high-XXX of cost control。
The article then presents several cost control strategies that can be used by high-tech enterprises。
including cost n。
cost avoidance。
and XXX of effective cost control in the success of high-tech enterprises.nHigh-XXX when it comes to cost control。
These challenges arise from the nature of the industry。
XXX change。
high levels of n。
and the need for XXX。
high-XXX maintaining high levels of quality and XXX.XXX StrategiesOne of the most common cost control strategies used by high-XXX。
Some of the areas where cost n can be achieved include manufacturing。
research and development。
and marketing and advertising.Cost XXXAnother cost control strategy used by high-tech XXX。
high-tech enterprises may avoid unnecessary costs by using open-source are instead of proprietary are。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:我们需要战略成本管理文献、资料英文题目:We need strategic cost management 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文:We need strategic cost managementWe need strategic cost management? As noted earlier, the global financial crisis continues to wantonly slightly, off-season already unsolicited, but also to a year was bad, but even worse this year, Xi. Improve efficiency, reduce costs, many companies have become one of the ultimate weapon. Consequently, from Europe to the Americas, from global to domestic, sounded a dismissal, caused many large and small vibration. Various enterprises began Wujin their own property, to control expenditure, lowering of standards, so these are all related to the cost of this topic.In fact, the companies cut costs, all costs should not be without identification, "indiscriminate white uniform." If a business manager to every expenditure appears to cut off the excess, it is likely this weakened the competitiveness of enterprises and thus affects the business, results of more harm than good. Therefore, managers should be the perspective of corporate strategy to control costs and avoid damage to the value of those core elements of the decision. Consequently, cost-plus strategy, it leads to strategic cost management topics.He suggested approach for dedicating resources to supplier cost management may seem cost prohibitive. However, the organizations studied unanimously agree that they receive extremely high returns on their investments in supplier cost management efforts. The money spent on supplier cost management efforts. The money spent on supplier should-cost analysis, supplier development, and other tools and approaches pays for itself many times over in terms of reducing costs and bottom-line prices paid to suppliers. for large fortune 500 companies, successful strategic cost management may mean the addition of dedicated personnel to focus on supplier cost management. for smaller organizations which might not have as great an on-going need, or as great an asset base.So, what is strategic cost management? Strategy can be defined as the establishment of their fundamental long-term goals and to achieve the goals to take the necessary action planning and resource allocation, is to guide the overall plans and strategies. The so-called strategic cost management from a strategic perspective to study the formation and control costs. In established under the principle of corporate strategy, in terms of cost management for the strategic choice and design, it will lead to the final delivery of business products and services to lower costs, not every part of Shang Du Zhuiqiu lowest cost. Includes two levels of content: one from a cost perspective, the selection and optimization of business strategy; Second, the implementation of cost control strategies. Strategic cost management thinking on strategic cost management theoretical framework of the general and summary, which determines the strategic cost management theory and methodology to start the basic ideas.In the background of the crisis under the cost-cutting, more Xuyao follow strategic cost management thinking, to have a choice cut, not important link in the conduct of large Ke Yi drastic cuts; and the related core competitive Li's Guanjianyaosu, but not rule out the possibility of expanding into so targeted, there are tight with loose, smart, cost-cutting, a square is not only lower costs, but also without prejudice to the company health and even enhance the core competitiveness of the ideal choice.The basic tools of strategic cost management cost management strategy has three elements: value chain analysis, strategic positioning analysis and cost driver analysis. They also analyzed in the framework of strategic management and cost factors closely related to the three basic analysis tools.(A) of the value chain analysis of each end product from initial raw materials into the hands until it reaches the final consumer, intermediate to go through numerous interrelated operating procedures, these operating procedures is both a product of the production process, but it is also a value formation and value-added process to form the value chain (Value-chain). Value chain analysis can be divided into industry specific value chain analysis, value chain analysis and value chainanalysis of competitors. Through the analysis of the industry value chain, we understand the position of enterprises in industry and trade situation and prospects; through its own analysis of the value chain, eliminate non-value-added factors, we can not affect the decline in cost competitiveness of the premise; by value chain analysis of the competitors, you can know ourselves and insight into the situation, and the resulting business cost management strategies.(B) the strategic positioning analysis. Strategic positioning means of selecting the means of competition, and compete with rivals. Enterprises should first of all the internal and external environment in which their own detailed investigation of; then Queding enterprises are entering the Xing Ye Ying, based on the market by Shige Yijisuoxu Kaifa of products; finally determine to what strategy to ensure that enterprises in the selected industry, market and product stand firm in the defeat, to obtain profits above the industry average. To illustrate, such as cost leadership strategy, which is all a strategy most clearly? Under the guidance in this strategy, Enterprise's goal is to become of its properties to low-cost, Sheng Chan (services) Chang Shang, that is, offerings (or service) features, little quality difference in the conditions, cutting costs gain a competitive edge. If enterprises can create and maintain a comprehensive cost leader. That is as long as the price control in the industry average or close to the average level, we can obtain better than average results of operations. With opponents equal to or lower price, the cost leader in low-cost advantage will translate into higher earnings. The difference between strategic requirements of enterprises leading the extensive attention on some aspects of customers in unique within the industry, or the difference in cost is difficult to further expand the circumstances, the production of more powerful than the competition, better quality, service and better products to show the difference between operating . Of course, this difference should the buyer want or willing to accept. If a leader can be different, you can get the price premium paid, or in a certain price to sell more products, or cyclical, seasonal market access, such as shrinking the buyer loyalty during the corresponding benefits. Requirements between the logic of a leading strategic business choices that are conducive to competition and make theirown unique nature of the business, focusing on innovation. In addition to these, other common gathering strategies targeted strategic positioning, life cycle strategy and integration strategy and so on.(C) Cost Driver Analysis. Cost drivers is the driving force caused by production costs and causes of occurrence. Strategic cost driver is mainly a strategic cost management perspective, research on the company's cost structure and cost behavior of long-term impact of cost drivers. Theory of competitive strategy to create a business management scientist Michael * Porter will be divided into ten areas of these factors, namely economies of scale, learning curve, production capacity, use the form, contact, mutual relations, joint, select the time, independent policy, geography factor in location and form of government. Some scholars further strategic structural cost drivers and cost driver is divided into two types of implementation of cost drivers. The case of structural cost control, such as Southwest Airlines in response to competition, positioning its service route rather than the full route in a particular short-distance flights to avoid engaging in large-scale airport operations, to cancel dinner, reservation and other special services, and the establishment of automatic ticketing system and other measures to reduce costs. The results of many of its daily flights and low issue price attracted a lot of short-range travelers, lead to the establishment of the final cost.Source:Shank. J.K and V. Govindarajan,1993.”We need strategic cost management” . Harvard business review. August.pp.112-135.译文:我们需要战略成本管理我们需要战略成本管理?就像之前提到的,全球的金融危机继续,金融危机的时段过去后,提高效率,降低成本,已成为许多公司的最终武器。

文献出处: RICHARD C. Enterprise Cost Control Strategies: The Case of High-tech Enterprise [J]. The Journal of International Finance, 2014, 6(12): 13-29.(本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库)原文Enterprise Cost Control Strategies: The Case of High-tech EnterpriseRICHARD CAbstractSince 1980s, trends like globalization, technological innovation, and information technology have changed the way companies are managed. On the one hand, the development of information technology brings companies more advanced management tools to reduce costs and increase productivity; on the other hand, globalization of markets is increasing the intensity of competition among industries. In order to survive in the competitive environment, companies must have long-term strategic plan, implement effective management and improve competitiveness. Accounting information, especially cost accounting information plays an important role in developing and implementing the company’s strategy. In practice, many companies find that the competitive advantages depend on three factors: cost, quality, product development and on time deliveries. Cost management has a broad focus. It is not just the cost accounting reporting and the accounting system. It is also the approaches and activities of a company in short--run and long--run planning that increase value for customers and lower costs of products and services. Strategic cost management focuses on higher productivity, shorter production runs, larger product quantity and higher product quality.Key Words: Cost management, Cost control, Strategic domain, Strategic method, Cost information system.1 IntroductionIn practice, many companies find that the competitive advantages depend on three factors: cost, quality, product development and on time deliveries. Costmanagement has a broad focus. It is not just the cost accounting reporting and the accounting system. It is also the approaches and activities of a company in short--run and long--run planning that increase value for customers and lower costs of products and services. Strategic ost management focuses on higher productivity, shorter production runs, larger product quantity and higher product quality. There are distinct differences both on concept and practice between strategic cost management and conventional cost management in high-tech companies. The purpose of this thesis is to do research on the cost management in high-tech companies and find more effective cost control methods that enable high-tech companies to reduce operating risk, improve competitiveness and succeed in competitive business world.2. Research methods and thoughtsIn this thesis, the author uses both theoretical research method and case study method. The author mainly uses typical cases when she employs case study method. For example, by analyzing the 3-year product life cycle income statements and cost reports of A information technology company, the author indicates that cost control in high-tech companies is not limited to production process but also includes product life cycle cost control. Besides, through MeiDi Air Conditioner zero inventory control case, the author concludes that high-tech companies can use Just-in-time production system to reduce procurement costs, increase inventory turnover rate and reduce inventory level so as to control total inventory costs. In addition, the author chooses W company as an example to prove that Activity-based Costing is a useful method for high-tech companies to control costs.Based on the characteristics of high-tech companies, the author concludes that conventional cost management is no longer suitable for the development of high-tech companies. Companies can use strategic cost management to improve competitiveness. In this thesis, the author first clarifies high-tech company’s cost control target. Next the author identifies the keyissues of cost control and points out some practical cost control methods that some high-tech companies currently use. Finally, the uthor believes it is necessary to establish a complete cost control information system to fulfill the cost control goals.3. Structure of the thesisThere are four chapters and about 57,000 words in this thesis. Cost management of high-tech companies. This chapter focuses on characteristics of high-tech company’s cost management and strategic cost management. In this chapter, the author defines the high-tech company, analyzes the characteristics of high-tech company, points out the limitation of conventional cost management, and proves that implementing strategic cost management can help high-tech company to identify competitive and obtain advantages .Identification of key issues in strategic cost control. The author first defines the term of cost control as a broad cost management concept, includes all the efforts to reduce costs. Next, the author analyzes and sets the strategic cost control goal. Then, the author identifies key issues of strategic cost control. These key issues include cost driver analysis, total product life cycle costs control, human capital control and product quality cost control.Application of strategic cost control method in high-tech companies. Cost management is not practiced in isolation. It is an integral part of general management strategies and their implementation. For example, Just-in-time production system is a comprehensive production and inventory management system. Companies can effectively control costs by combining Just-in-time production system and value chain analysis. Meanwhile, in order to control total costs of the product life cycle, company should emphasize the up-stream cost control. And target costing is very useful to control total costs of the product life cycle. Next, by analyzing high-tech company’s production environment and characteristics, the author suggests high-tech company also needs to control operation costs. At last, the author uses bothtraditional costing and ABC methods to compute W high-tech corporation’s operating income, indirect costs and profits. By comparing the difference of the results, the author concludes that ABC method is more accurate for the high-tech company to calculate costs. The operation cost control based on ABC method is more likely to satisfy the need of strategic cost management.4. Strengths of the thesisA new research perspective. The process of traditional research on cost control goes like this: definition of cost control — components of cost control —cost control principles —cost control process and methods. However, the author of this thesis first determines the cost control goals of high-tech companies. Based on the goals, the author clarifies the key issues of cost control and then chooses several practical cost control methods to do research. Finally, the author emphasizes that cost control must be supported by information system.New definition. In this thesis, cost control is same as cost management. It includes all the activities that could reduce product costs, such as product esigning, product producing, and marketing. It is necessary that all the departments coordinate together to conduct effective cost control.Focus on strategic cost management. Cost control is not only to reduce costs, it is also related to competition strategy, technology strategy, human capital management strategy and organization structure design. The company’s long-term goal is to obtain sustainable competitiveness. For high-tech companies, it is necessary to invest more money to produce better and differentiated products. Although the costs may rise with new product development, the companies can achieve their strategic goals by offering superior and unique products or service to customers.译文企业成本控制策略:以高新技术企业为例作者:理查德·科勒摘要20 世纪80 年代,人类开始进入信息社会时期。

成本控制英文作文英文:Cost control is an essential part of any business, and it is something that I take very seriously. There are a few key strategies that I use to keep costs under control.Firstly, I always try to negotiate the best possible prices with my suppliers. This means doing research to find out what the going rate is for the products or services I need, and then using that knowledge to negotiate a fair deal. I also try to establish long-term relationships with my suppliers, as this can often lead to better prices and more favorable terms.Secondly, I keep a close eye on my expenses and track them carefully. This means using tools like spreadsheets and accounting software to monitor my spending, and making adjustments as needed to stay within my budget. I also try to identify areas where I can cut costs without sacrificingquality, such as by switching to more affordable suppliers or finding ways to streamline my operations.Finally, I make sure to involve my team in the cost control process. This means educating them on the importance of managing costs, and encouraging them to come up with their own ideas for how we can save money. By working together, we can identify new opportunities for cost savings and make sure that everyone is committed to keeping our expenses under control.中文:成本控制是任何企业的重要组成部分,我非常重视这个问题。

业绩,也称为效绩,绩效、成效等,反映的是人们从事某一活动所取得的成绩或成果, 经营业绩是企业在一定时期内利用其有限的资源从事经营活动取得的成果,表现为企业经营效益和经营者业绩两方面。
它是评价理论方法在经济领域的具体应用, 它是在会计学和财务管理的基础上,运用计量经济学原理和现代分析技术而建立起来的剖析企业经营过程,真实反映企业现实经济状况,预测企业未来发展前景的一门科学。
建立和推行企业经营业绩评价制度,科学的评判企业经营成果,有助于正确引导企业经营行为, 帮助企业寻找经营差距及产生的原因,提高经济效益。

第一部分外文翻译中文对照部分企业购买和支付的内部会计控制系统设计Lars Ny bergSpeech by Mr Lars Ny berg, Deputy Governor of the Severs Risks bank, at HQ Bank, 15October 2008.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia摘要本文讨论了采购和付款的基本系统的内部会计控制,并根据其业务流程,详细说明了实施相关的控制点控制措施。
企业采购项目所需的用户部门根据他们的应用程序和批准的负责人负责采购批准; 2.查询和确定供应商。
公司采购部门和有关主管部门应当参与调查过程和确定供应商; 3.采购合同和审计。
公司采购部门应该准备下订单或合同和授权的部门或官审查、批准或适当的审计; 4.采购、验收。
企业采购、检验和会计记录功能应该被分离,以确保真实性的数量的采购和采购价格、质量、合规、采购记录和会计精度; 6.执行支付处理和支付。

成本系统控制具有以下几个方面的重要作用:1. 提高成本的透明度:通过建立成本核算体系和分析方法,及时获得真实、准确的成本信息,使管理者能够清晰地了解企业的各项成本情况,从而有针对性地采取措施进行成本控制。
2. 强化成本控制意识:成本系统控制的实施可以促使企业管理者和员工们更加重视成本问题,树立节约意识,从而在各个环节上提高效率,减少浪费,实现成本的有效控制。
3. 实现成本优化:通过成本核算和分析,可以发现和排除各种浪费和低效率现象,找出造成成本增加的原因,从而进行成本削减和优化,提高企业的经济效益。
二、成本系统控制的实施步骤1. 成本分类和核算:首先,需要对企业的成本进行分类,并设立适当的成本核算科目,确保对各项成本进行准确的核算。
2. 成本预算管理:根据历史数据和未来的业务计划,制定合理的成本预算,对各项成本进行合理分配和控制,确保企业在控制成本的同时实现经济效益的最大化。
3. 成本控制措施的制定:通过成本核算和分析,找出各个环节存在的问题和隐患,并制定相应的成本控制措施。
4. 成本评价与分析:建立成本评价体系,对各项成本进行全面评价与分析,了解成本的构成和变化趋势,分析成本费用中各个环节的比重和影响因素,为成本控制提供依据。
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原文:Assessment of cost control systemsThe most important function that facilitates construction organizations to accomplish profit maximization is cost control. However, the absence of a well established cost control system has caused failures to many Thai contractors especially during the current economic recession period. To comprehensively understand cost control systems in practice, this study theoretically assessed effectiveness as well as the deficiencies of the 'traditional' systems the 'effective' systems. In addition, by contrasting what are found in 'effective' systems but not found in 'traditional' systems, critical attributes most contributing to the systems' successfulness were identified so that the improvement steps can be suitably prioritized. The validated findings indicated remarkable contrasts between 'traditional' and 'effective' systems. Two critical aspects, including advancement of cost control framework and systematic participation of site personnel in cost control, were found to be the major differences. Interestingly, similar conditions were encountered in various countries such as Greece, Pakistan and Australia; hence suggestions from this study could be internationally useful.In actuality, contractors perceive cost control as a pre-requisite factor towards profit maximization. An unprecedented growth in the Thai construction industry since the late 1980s had rotated the market to be the contractors' in which high profit margin could be facilely accommodated in bid quotation. A roll of forthcoming projects continually offered and contracted without intermission thus allowed contractors to luxuriate in advanced payment and credit from suppliers. This healthy cash flow situation, unfortunately, could be predominant over real profit materialization. Actual symptoms of unsystematic cost control in most Thai construction companies have been concealed until apparent recessionof the economy in 1997. Severe declination of the Thai GDP and construction growth rates shown has given rise to business failures in many organizations. Equally worse, for the others surviving, extremity of nightmares in the ultimately low-demand market is still unpredictable.Cost control systemDespite extensive literatures reviewed in cost control, an integrated view of the system was not portrayed. The system functions were mostly discussed in isolated fashion, for instance, estimating budgeting, monitoring and analysing, and reporting. Furthermore, most previous research works concentrated more on theoretical concepts rather than operation in the real-complicated environment.Applying a synergetic approach, the integrated view of the cost control system is proposed to enhance value of past efforts. As a main framework, the cost control system in this paper is defined as a kind of information system that aims to provide management with timely and accurate cost information so that timely proper corrective actions can be taken. In addition, management information can be stored in a historical database and, in turn, serves as a feedback for future estimation. The system consists of three main parts, namely, cost control framework, cost control functions and management information.To solidify a specific set of objectives, a pre-survey of existing cost control systems in Thai large-scale construction organizations was primarily conducted. A contact list of the top 100 organizations in terms of turnover was achieved through collaboration with the Thai Contractors Association (TCA). Each contract ever handled by these organizations covers a project area equivalent to over 30000 or has approximate value of more than 100 million Baht (3 million $US). Introductory letters were sent to the top 100 contractors requesting assistance on the preliminary survey of their cost control systems. Telephone interviews were followed up. Two focal points regarding the recent development of cost controlsystem and the system's ability to indicate the on-going cost status of each work item were investigated.The result elaborated indicated that the cost control systems in most organizations have not been changed much from the past. Out of 100 organizations, only five have initiated a development plan and only two of them have successfully implemented their cost control systems. Based upon this finding, two types of the system can be categorized. First, the 'traditional' system, commonly found in most organizations, is the system that has never been seriously developed and implemented. Secondly, the 'effective' system is the system that has been seriously and continuously improved until management information that facilitates decision making for timely and proper corrective actions as well as estimating process in future projects can be obtained. This type of system, unfortunately, is exceptionally found in a few organizations.ObjectivesTo achieve better understanding of how the existing systems in real practices are being operated and thereby formulate focal aspects for improvement, the specific objectives of this paper were to: • Conduct a compa rative assessment between 'traditional' and 'effective' cost control systems in accordance with the integrated system view including cost control framework, cost control functions and management information.• Identify critical attributes that most contrib ute to the system successfulness by contrasting what are found in 'effective' systems but not found in 'traditional' systems.MethodologyQualitative research, particularly 'case study', that persuades through rich depiction and strategic comparison across cases (Firestone, 1987), was chosen as the key methodology in this study. For cases sampling, the 'theory based' and 'typical case' strategies proposed by KUZEL (1992)and Patton (1980) was ground for selecting the cases of 'effective' and 'traditional' cost control systems, respectively. Besides, the 'multiple case' strategy (Yin, 1991) that can add confidence to findings was also applied. Because of the classified nature of cost information, most organizations, unfortunately, were reluctant to allow researchers an in-depth investigation. Two organizations that qualified as 'traditional' systems were volunteers and the two organizations that qualified as 'effective' systems were persuaded to participate in the assessment. The profiles of the sampled organizations are shown in Table 2. It should be noted that the names of the cases have been changed by randomly assigned the sequence A, B, C, D for confidentiality and unbiased analysis.Measure identification and system assessmentBased on the integrated view of the cost control system shown in, this section selectively elaborates substantial aspects and essence of each component, thereby identifying measures that enable system evaluation. To maintain continuity, comparative discussion of the assessed results among the four cases is also presented. This section consists of two main parts including (1) cost control framework, and (2) cost control functions and management information.Cost control frameworkThis part consists of three substantial factors, namely Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Cost Code and Earned Value Concept. The essence of these factors was widely discussed by many researchers. It is well accepted that these factors must be appropriately employed as a critical frame for cost control system. With well-established framework, management can systematically manage the project in small manageable fashion and will not be overwhelmed by information explosion during construction phase. A pattern of proper cost control framework is illustratedWork breakdown structureA task-oriented family tree of activities widely known as WBS is indispensable for project cost control. Unemployment or improper design of this structure can cause a chain of deficiencies in all cost control functions. Commencing with estimating and budgeting, work items may be duplicated, overlooked, or shelter inadequate details. This ineffective control reference, therefore, cannot be served as a guideline for systematic monitoring as well as comprehensive analysing. Finally, an evaluation of project outcome and establishment of historical cost data can also be ineffective.Systematic structureThe project must be partitioned into manageable elements of work for which budgets and expenditures can be systematically controlled. Formation of the WBS must begin by subdividing, or partitioning the project objective into successively smaller work elements until the lowest level to be reported on or controlled is reached.Compliance with accounting codeWhen an accounting system is integrated within the cost control system, not only data processing can be substantially speeded up but also many frauds can be avoided. For instance, the account payable checking system can directly verify whether invoices of each work item are still under-budget and should be paid or not. Furthermore, account reports generated at head office and job cost reports generated at site can be crosschecked for ensuring accuracy.Cost statusIf the company employs the earned value concept, cost status at a given progress can be identified. The cost status can be defined as Cost status = earned value — total actual expenditure used to accomplish a given earned progress; when (Positive value = underrun, negative value = overrun), and Earned value = budget unit price x actual quantity in placeBy identifying the cost status, management gains an insight on whether and how much, at a given progress, the total actual expenditure of each item has been over or under the established budget. At a given progress, the cost status can be identified before the finishing of the work item so that timely proper corrective actions can be taken before being too late. Significantly, an effective report format should contain both: (1) comparison among actual quantity in place or percent progress, budget and total actual expenditure that is used to accomplish the earned progress, and (2) calculated earned value and cost status.Cost control functionsReferring to the previous part, the assessment of the control framework probably enables the author to summarize effectiveness as well as deficiencies of each audited system. However, to acquire more confidence and a richer picture, assessment of each control function has to be taken into account. Subjected to research constraints, efforts spent in this section did not try to cope with all excessive detail in real practices, yet it valuably covers all critical aspects.This part broke down into seven sub-sections consisting of one supported function estimating and six functions for cost control budgeting, monitoring, analysing, reporting, corrective action, and post-evaluating. The cost control function breakdown structure shown illustrates major components in each function.Advancement of cost control frameworkThe results indicated that control framework applied in the 'effective' system incorporated more advanced theoretical framework than the 'ineffective' system. Three critical advancements were found to be successful contributions for effective system functions. First, one integrated control frame (WBS and CBS) sheltering adequate level of detail facilitates monitoring of actual expenditures of each work item in terms of activity progress. Secondly, incorporated with application of theearned value concept, cost status can be identified before finishing of each work item, thus allowing timely and proper corrective actions. Thirdly, the integration of an accounting system within the cost control system not only substantially synchronizes on-site and head office data transferring but also ensures accuracy and consistency of the control mechanism.Systematic participation of site personnel in cost controlAnother critical difference between 'effective' and 'ineffective' systems is systematic participation of site personnel in cost control. The 'effective' system involving participation of project manager (site) in the decision for budget allocation enables in achieving a realistic budget and transferring the goals of the company to on-site management. Then, clarity of site responsibilities in monitoring, analysing and reporting the cost status do motivate site personnel to consciously exercise corrective actions on daily basis.In view of the whole system, the results of the case studies clearly showed that both organizations with 'ineffective' control framework also do not encourage the site participation programme. Practically, the head office does not let site personnel know the budget and assigns them control only in terms of quantity. For cost monitoring, analysing and reporting, the responsibility is taken by accountants who can generate information based on bills and invoices. As a result, the generated cost information cannot reflect the real on-site situation and cannot provide great benefits to management to take proper and timely corrective actions. On the other hand, the others with 'effective' control framework also have systematic participation of site personnel in cost control, which undoubtedly contributes to the goal achievement. To improve the 'ineffective' system, the first appropriate pace would fall in advancing the cost control framework. After this advancement is significantly improved, the concentration can be switched to the systematicparticipation of site personnel in cost control so that a more effective system can be achieved.Although this study has focused on cost control practices in Thailand, a developed theoretical assessment framework would be of use to the international community. In addition, common practices have been interestingly found in various countries. Earned value concept has not been applied in Greek construction organizations. Pakistani construction companies collect feedback data only through monthly cost bills. The lack of any truly site-based control system was significantly found in Australia. It is apparent that conditions in these countries are still very much near the Thai, therefore, the suggestions of this study would be widely applicable. However, to confidently generalize these findings, more case studies in different countries need to be undertaken.Source:Reinhardt,2001.“Engineering,Construction and Architectural Management.” Harvard business review”. August.pp.368-380.译文:评估成本控制系统成本控制最重要的功能是有利于施工组织完成利润最大化。