
身为米兰‘3G’之一的Gianfranco Ferre,1944年出生于一个劳工家庭,高中毕业以后,便进入米兰的工艺技术学府攻读建筑系,同时取得学位。然而他对于时装领域的高度兴趣却是与日俱增,对Gianfranco Ferre来说,流行的服装和美丽的建筑本质上是应该是相同的,于是FERRE首先独自创立了珠宝与配件系列产品后,遂逐渐地向服装领域迈进
NAUTICA,一个来自大洋彼岸的品牌,源自拉丁文 “Nauticus” 这个航海词汇。带着清新的海洋气息,乘着海风,NAUTICA扬帆驶来.
1642年法皇路易十三时代,Tissot家族将其上祖之名“都彭”冠于姓氏上。1872年二十五岁的Simon Tissot-Dupont于繁华的巴黎——奢侈时尚精品结集的大都会,建立其个人事业。Simon Tissot决定专注于制造皮具及手提袋,成就卓越,更是首位将传统的行李箱冠以“公文包”之名,深受当时绅士贵族的欢迎及使用
半个多世纪以来,提到德国品牌AIGNER,人们便会想起它象征幸运的"马蹄铁"标志,而且会将它与严谨尊贵的"德国绅士"形象联系在一起;可今天,这位时尚界的长者在浦江之滨高举"年轻化"的旗帜,携手《情人》再度焕发青春的光彩。以品牌缔造者Etienne Aigner命名的国际知名品牌AIGNER,将马蹄铁为标志,代表了品质、自由、优雅和崇尚品味的生活方式。AIGNER以皮具的用料和设计而着称,逐渐扩展至男、女时装,配饰,手表,眼镜,香水等。 传说祈求幸运最有效的秘方,就是在口袋里放一只马蹄。就这样,这个传说被一位来自匈牙利的安格尔(Aigner)先生吸收改变,他在马蹄的中间加一杠以表示幸运永不流失,恰巧,马蹄加一杠形似“A”字母,有着永远领先的象征意味,从此,这个意义双重的马蹄标志成为安格尔公司特有的标志。

In 1990, Tom Ford joined Gucci, his arrival herald a revolutionary change in the beginning of Gucci.
Tom Ford became creative director
he introduced silk shirt,
subbranch(分店) in Rome.
In 1953, Gucci's brand reputation had been sun at high noon.
Gucci in 1947,
designed bamboo handle to replace
leather handle.
In 1921, he opened
Brand Logo GG
Bamboo handle(竹节手柄) Horse chain(马术链).
Gucci History
Beginning Reborn Summit
Байду номын сангаас
In1938,Guccio Gucci opened the first
In collaboration with Lapo Elkann, the Fiat 500 by Gucci, iconic italian car.
Gucci is named "European Company of the year 1998" by the European Bussiness
Press Federation

Gucci英文介绍作文Gucci is a luxury fashion brand that was founded in Florence, Italy in 1921. It is known for its high-quality leather goods, including handbags, shoes, and accessories.The brand has a strong celebrity following, with many famous faces seen wearing Gucci on the red carpet and in their everyday lives. Gucci's bold and distinctive designs have made it a favorite among fashion-forward individuals around the world.In recent years, Gucci has made a strong commitment to sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and support local communities. This dedication to ethical and responsible practices sets Gucci apart in the fashion industry.Gucci's iconic logo, featuring the interlocking double Gs, is instantly recognizable and represents the brand's heritage and prestige. The logo is often featuredprominently on its products, serving as a symbol of luxury and sophistication.Gucci's creative director, Alessandro Michele, has brought a fresh and eclectic vision to the brand, reimagining its classic designs with a modern twist. His bold and innovative approach has garnered widespread acclaim and kept Gucci at the forefront of fashion trends.Gucci's diverse range of products caters to a wide range of tastes and styles, from classic and timeless pieces to bold and avant-garde creations. Whether you're looking for a statement accessory or a wardrobe staple, Gucci has something to offer for every fashion enthusiast.。

在五六十年代,Gucci Bamboo手袋成为众多国际名人的至爱,刮起了 一阵竹节包的热风,甚至于竹节包成为了Gucci最受爱戴的包款和代名词。
凭借着不朽的设计,Gucci 产品迅速走红, 并深受国际知名影星和上流社会青睐。 60 年代中期,Gucci 推出了极具传奇色彩的 双 G 互扣标识,创造了又一个别致的 Gucci 时尚视觉标志。 随着伦敦、棕榈滩、巴黎和贝佛利山专卖店 的开业,Gucci 全球扩张的步伐在不断前进
Gucci 继续推动全球业务的扩展,并 根据 Aldo 的提议开始进军远东市场。 东京和香港专卖店相继开业。 公司首 次推出成衣系列。 品牌以大胆创新与意大利传奇工艺品 质的独特结合而闻名。 Gucci 的标识 推陈翻新,采用了新的款式及颜色,同 时推出了绒面印制的 GG 标志。
· Gucci,意大利时装品牌,由古驰奥·古驰在1921年于意 大利佛罗伦萨创办。现今古驰的产品包括时装、皮具、皮鞋、 手表、领带、丝巾、香水、家居用品及宠物用品等。 · 品牌定位为高档,时尚,奢侈型,风格主要以贵族文化、 年轻活力、时尚休闲以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世。 · 消费人群以25~38岁的高收入的群体为主。
1981 年,Gucci 在佛罗伦萨举办了首次 时装秀。 1982 年,Gucci 成为上市有限公司,由 Maurizio Gucci 接管,他拥有公司 50% 的 股权。 1987 年,巴林的一家投资公司开 始收购 Gucci。

姓名:张彩娇班级:环艺三班学号:20101621330 Gucci is a very famous brand that only rich people can reach it. It is one of the most luxury articles in the world top ranking. It involves many kinds of products including fashion dress, leather product, shoes, watch, tie, perfume etc. The products branded Gucci are famous for its top grade, luxury and sexy. In many people's eyes, It stands for their status and richness.Fashion girls are always pursuing products like Gucci. As a leading brand of fashion and leather goods, its name is synomynous with style and luxury. It was founded in 1921 by fashion designer Guccio Gucci. Now, Gucci owns almost 300 stores worldwide and an annual revenue in excess of US.2.5 billion. The group has become a major force in the industry by acquiring other brands such as Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney and Yves Saint Laurent. According to ‘Business Week’ magazine Gucci was in 41st position on the 2009 "Top Global 100 Brands". Gucci is also the biggest-selling Italian brand in the world. Its outstanding quality and exceptional beauty are totally attractive to fashion girls or ladies.Within a few years time, the label enjoys such success as it attracts a sophisticated international clientele, who seek out the equestrian-inspired collection of bags, trunks, gloves, shoes and belts. The horsebit and stirrup motifs were born of this world and become enduring symbols of the fashion house, and of an increasingly innovative design aesthetic.Gucci continues its expansion abroad with stores opening. With the development of science and technical, more people can afford to buy one or more luxury goods like Gucci.Frida GianniniCreative Director of GucciFrida Giannini's unique talent and passionate disposition has fuelled her rise as an international designer for one of the most recognized luxury fashion brands.Born in Rome in 1972, she studied fashion design at Rome's Fashion Academy before apprenticing in a small ready to wear house. In 1997, she landed a job at Fendi where she worked as a ready to wear designer for three seasons before being named designer for Fendi leather goods. In September 2002, she joined Gucci as Handbag Design Director. Two years later, she was appointed to the unprecedented role of Creative Director of Accessories in charge of bags, shoes, luggage, small leather goods, silks, fine jewelry, gifts, watches and eyewear. She took on the position with her trademark confidence and conviction, and has brought a powerful point-of-view to the house's accessories.By reinterpreting iconic elements from Gucci's past, such as the "Flora" scarf patterns and equestrian imagery, she has infused a rich heritage with new energy and modern sex appeal.In March 2005, she was named Creative Director of Gucci Women's ready-to-wear, in addition to her responsibilities for all accessories. In January 2006, she also became in charge of men's wear, thus becoming the sole Creative Director of the label. Her fresh and joyous vision combined with her savvy interpretation of the Gucci legacy has delighted fashion followers around the world. She has also been embraced by Hollywood, where her designs frequently grace the red carpet.Frida approaches her life as passionately as she does work. Her humor, intelligence and fine-tuned aesthetic instincts shine through all of her designs. She has the same appreciation for a 1950s Raphael arm chair as she does for a new wave David Bowie album cover.Through her frequent travels she constantly expands her range of inspirations and cultural experiences. Her well-rounded lifestyle makes her appreciate the needs of the modern Gucci woman. She balances the demands of a brilliant career with the laughter and intimacy of family and friends. Crediting her warm and optimistic personality to the sunny Roman way of life, Frida is a true embodiment of Italian style.Like the brand she designs for, Frida has chosen to base in Florence both her professional and private life. She works in Gucci's offices in the town and resides with her husband in a 15th century apartment in the centre of Florence.History1920sIn 1921, Guccio Gucci opens a leather goods company and small luggage store in his native Florence. Having spent years working in London's Savoy Hotel, he had absorbed the refined aesthetic of English nobility, and introduces this sensibility in Italy through exclusive leather goods created and produced by the master craftsmanship of Tuscan artisans.1930sWithin a few years time, the label enjoys such success as it attracts a sophisticated international clientele, who seek out the equestrian-inspired collection of bags, trunks, gloves, shoes and belts. The horsebit and stirrup motifs were born of this world and become enduring symbols of the fashion house, and of an increasingly innovative design aesthetic.1940sFaced with a shortage of standard materials during the difficult years of Fascist dictatorship in Italy, Gucci establishes itself as an enterprise synonymous with exceptional creativity and resourcefulness. The "Bamboo Bag" is introduced, becoming one of the first of Gucci's many iconic products. A favorite of royalty and celebrity alike, the bag is still available today.1950sDuring the 1950s, the trademark green-red-green web, which is derived from the saddle girth, becomes a great success and remains one of the most familiar identifiers of the brand. With stores opening in Milan and New York, Gucci starts to build a global presence as a symbol of modern luxury.Guccio Gucci dies in 1953. His sons Aldo, V asco, Ugo and Rodolfo take over the business. 1960sGucci introduces products that are cherished by the most iconic figures of the time and become renown for timeless design. Jackie Kennedy carries the Gucci shoulder bag, which is known today as the ‘Jackie O’. Liz Taylor, Peter Sellers and Samuel Beckett wear the unstructured, unisex 'Hobo Bag.' The classic moccasin with horsebit hardware becomes part of the permanent collection at the Costume Institute, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The Flora silk print scarf is created for Grace Kelly.Gucci continues its expansion abroad with stores opening in London, Palm Beach, Paris and Beverly Hills.In the mid 60s, Gucci adopts the legendary interlocking double 'G' logo.1970sGucci continues its global expansion, true to the original aspirations of Aldo, now targeting the Far East. Stores open in Tokyo and Hong Kong. The company increases and diversifies production, carrying out significant research on new more luxurious materials and innovative approaches to design never tabling the legendary quality and craftsmanship synonymous with the brand. The great classics are revamped in new shapes and colors, and new product categories are introduced. 1980sIn 1982, Gucci becomes a public limited company, and leadership is passed to Rodolfo's son, Maurizio Gucci, who holds 50 percent of the shares. In 1984, Domenico De Sole becomes president of Gucci America. Investcorp, a Bahrain-based investment company, purchases the remaining 50 percent belonging to Aldo Gucci and his descendants in the late 80s.1990sGucci is relaunched to global renown through a groundbreaking mix of tradition and innovation. Tom Ford becomes creative director of Gucci in 1994 and infuses the luxury brand with a sense of daring and provocation that resonates with celebrity and accomplished elite. The stiletto, and silk cut-out jersey dresses with metallic hardware details become icons of Ford's unique vision. Domenico De Sole is appointed CEO in 1995, and Gucci makes the highly successful transformation to a fully public company. Gucci is named "European Company of the year 1998" by the European Business Press Federation for its economic and financial performance, strategic vision and management quality. In 1999, Gucci enters into a strategic alliance with Pinault-Printemps-Redoute and transforms itself from a single brand company into a multibrand group.2000sAfter De Sole and Ford left their posts in 2004, Mark Lee is appointed President and CEO of Gucci division in 2005. Today, creative direction of Gucci is the responsibility of Frida Giannini and Gucci continues to explore its roots. "La Pelle Guccissima" - an entirely original, heat-printed signature leather - has been launched under Giannini’s directio n, and is destined to become the label's next icon, expressing in its workmanship and impeccable quality a strength that is singularly Gucci's.Gucci Gucci by GucciGucci by Gucci is a 450-page tour through our history and tradition. It is a celebration of the commitment to luxury and style, which has made the Gucci name synonymous with Italian craftsmanship, outstanding quality and exceptional beauty.The book tells the story of our brand through photographs of our iconic products and the celebrities whose passion for Gucci have enhanced the brand image throughout our history. Many of these photographs have never been published before.A special limited edition version of the Gucci by Gucci book, featuring a slipcase in "La Pelle Guccissima," will be sold at Gucci boutiques.。

今天,古琦分店遍布全球,涉及服饰、皮件、饰 品和香水等各式产品,深受全球时尚人士追捧。
广受爱戴的Gucci图案-- Flora的绚丽诞生,全因一次 特别的定制委托。1966年,摩纳哥王子雷尼尔与王妃格 蕾丝凯莉携手光临Gucci米兰店,二人选购了一个绿色的 Bamboo竹柄手提包后,Rodolfo Gucci坚持邀请格蕾丝 凯莉王妃挑选一份礼物。盛情难却,王妃最终选了一条围 巾。而此刻,Rodolfo却感到有点难为情,他意识到 Gucci缺乏了一个足以衬托这位高贵客人的独特设计。他 立即联络著名绘画师Vittorio Accornero,请他尽力设计 一条最美丽的花卉图案围巾。翌日,Accornero带着他的 画作回来,这就是“Flora”-- 一幅色彩缤纷的花卉图 像,而它注定会在之后的日子里绽放无比璀璨的动人光芒。
二战结束后,由于原材料匮乏,古琦 在1947年设计出以竹节替代皮手柄的 提包,这一设计至今仍堪称经典。到 50年代,源自马肚带的红绿红条纹被 古琦用作配件装饰图样,遂成为这个 品牌的又一标志设计
1953年,古琦的品牌声誉已如日中天。这 一年,古琦欧·古琦去世,而公司的纽约分 店也在同年开张,它标志着古琦开始向全 球市场出击。60年代,随着古琦伦敦、巴 黎和佛罗里达棕榈滩分店的成立,这个代 表时尚与品位的意大利名牌在世界最主要 市场站稳了脚跟。到60年代末,“GG”正 式成为古琦的品牌标识。
上世纪初,意大利(意大利还有著名童装品牌米 提诺)人古琦欧·古琦旅居伦敦和巴黎,耳濡目染 下,他对当地时尚人士的衣着品位渐有心。1921 年返回佛罗伦萨后,他开了一家专门经营高档行 李配件和马术用品的商店,出售由当地最好工匠 制作的精美皮具,并在上面打上古GUCCI)标志。 仅几年时间,这家店就吸引了一批国内外有背景 的客户。这一巨大成功,促使古琦欧·古琦于1938 年在罗马开了第一家分店。

Gucci漆皮高跟鞋融合了06秋冬鞋款设计及橡 胶厚底会是款舒适好穿且实用度更高的基本款 高跟鞋。
5.转型期 5.转型期
1994年,汤姆·福特被任 命为古琦集团全产品创意总监, 次年3月,他推出使其声誉鹊起 的绸缎衬衫、马海毛上衣和天鹅 绒裤装,塑造出集现代、性感、 冷艳于一身的崭新形象。汤 姆·福特大刀阔斧整顿古琦,将 这一传统品牌改变为崭新的摩登 代言者,使古琦成为年轻族的时 尚代表。在90年代欧美奢侈品 牌转型的风潮中,古琦在重新定 义自己在时尚界的地位方面无疑 是做得最成功的。
1.风格概述 1.风格概述
从1921年创立之初,Gucci一直走的是贵族化 路线,作风奢华且略带硬朗的男子气概。1947年 Gucci竹制手把的竹节包问世,接着,带有创办人 名字缩写的经典双G标志、衬以红绿饰带的的帆布 包和相关皮件商品也陆续问世,Gucci成为和LV并 列世界上最常被仿冒的商品。附有马衔环的 Moccasin鞋、为Grace Kelly设计的Flower Scarf, 屡屡获得好评,佩戴Gucci已经代表着一种社会地 位和象征。
1.简介 2.品牌档案 3.品牌思路 4.时尚消费 5.发展历程 6.品牌LOGO 7.品牌产品
“Gucci王国”由Guccio Gucci创立于30年代。他 在佛罗伦萨开了第一家店,推出了一系列标志性产 品,其中包括著名的竹包。GUCCI从此享誉国际时 装界。随着时间的流逝,这家著名的服装店被赋予 了了奢华、性感、现代的品质。它是现代奢华的终 极之作。1970年,这个品牌开始涉足香水行业。从 那以后,它推出如:Envy香水、淡香水、男士香水 和后来推出的Envy me2香水等性感、魅力非凡的香 水。

GucciFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchThis article is about the line of clothing. For the rapper, see Gucci Mane.‹ Whether to make the |reason= mandatory for the {{cleanup}} template is being discussed. See the request for comment to help reach a consensus.›This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. (Consider using more specific cleanup instructions.) Please help improve this article if you can. The talk page may contain suggestions. (May 2010)The House of Gucci, better known simply as Gucci(Italian pronunciation: [ˈɡuttʃi]), is an Italian fashion and leather goods label, part of the Gucci Group, which is owned by French company PPR.[1] Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in Florence in 1921.[2]Gucci generated circa € 4.2 billion in revenue worldwide in 2008 according to BusinessWeek magazine and climbed to 41st position in the magazine's annual 2009 "Top Global 100 Brands" chart created by Interbrand.[3]Gucci is also the biggest-selling Italian brand.[3]Gucci operates about 278 directly operated stores worldwide (as of September 2009) and it wholesales its products through franchisees and upscale department stores.[4][edit] HistoryThe neutrality of this section is disputed. Please see the discussion on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved.(October 2010)From modest beginnings at the end of the 19th century, the Gucci[5][6][7][8] company became one of the world’s most successful manufacturers of high-end leather goods, clothing, and other fashion products. As an immigrant in Paris and then London, working in exclusive hotels, young Guccio Gucci (1881–1953) was impressed with the luxurious luggage he saw sophisticated guests bring with them. Upon returning to his birthplace of Florence, a city distinguished for high-quality materials and skilled artisans, he established a shop in 1920 that sold fine leather goods with classic styling. Although Gucci organized his workrooms for industrial methods of production, he maintained traditional aspects of fabrication. Initially Gucci employed skilled workers in basic Florentine leather crafts, attentive to finishing. With expansion, machine stitching was a production method that supported construction.Together with three of his sons, Aldo Gucci (1905–1990), Vasco Gucci (1907–1975), and Rodolfo Gucci (1912–1983), Gucci expanded the company to include stores in Milan and Rome as well as additional shops in Florence. Gucci’s stores featured such finely crafted leather accessories as handbags, shoes, and his iconic ornamented loafer as well as silks and knitwear in a signature pattern. The Gucci loafer is the only shoe in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.The company made handbags of cotton canvas rather than leather during World War II as a result of material shortages. The canvas, however, was distinguished by a signature double-G symbol combined with prominent red and green bands. After the war, the Gucci crest, which showed a shield and armored knight surrounded by a ribbon inscribed with the family name, became synonymous with the city of Florence.Aldo and Rodolfo Gucci further expanded the company’s horizons in 1953 by establishing officesin New York City. Film stars and jet-set travelers to Italy during the 1950s and 1960s brought their glamour to Florence, turning Gucci’s merchandise into international status symbols. Movie stars posed in Gucci’s clothing, accessories, and footwear for lifestyle magazines around the world, contributing to the company’s growing reputation.Gucci shop on Strøget in Copenhagen, DenmarkGucci’s distinctive lines made its products among the most frequently copied in the world in the early 2000s. Pigskin, calf, and imported exotic animal skins were subjected to various methods of fabrication. Waterproof canvas and satin were used for evening bags. Bamboo was first used to make handbag handles by a process of heating and molding in 1947, and purses made with a shoulder strap and snaffle-bit decoration were introduced in 1960. In 1964 Gucci’s lush butterfly pattern was custom-created for silk foulards, followed by equally luxuriant floral patterns. The original Gucci loafer was updated by a distinctive snaffle-bit ornament in 1966, while the ―Rolls-Royce‖ luggage set was introduced in 1970. Watches, jewelry, ti es, and eyewear were then added to the company’s product lines. A particularly iconic touch, introduced in 1964, was the use of the double-G logo for belt buckles and other accessory decorations.[9]The company prospered through the 1970s, but the 1980s were marked by internal family disputes that brought Gucci to the brink of disaster. Rodolfo’s son Maurizio took over the company’s direction after his father’s death in 1983, and dismi ssed his uncle Aldo—who eventually served a prison term for tax evasion. Maurizio proved to be an unsuccessful president; he was compelled to sell the family-owned company to Investcorp, a Bahrain-based company, in 1988. Maurizio disposed of his remaining stock in 1993. Tragically, Maurizio was murdered in Milan in 1995, and his former wife, Patrizia Reggiani, was convicted of hiring his killers. Meanwhile, the new investors promoted the American-educated Domenico De Sole from the position of family attorney to president of Gucci America in 1994 and chief executive in 1995.The company had previously brought in Dawn Mello in 1989 as editor and ready-to-wear designer in order to reestablish its reputation. Well aware of Gucci’s tarnished image and the value o f its name brand, Mello hired Tom Ford in 1990 to design a ready-to-wear line. He was promoted to the position of creative director in 1994. Before Mello returned to her post as president of the American retailer Bergdorf Goodman, she initiated the return of Gucci’s headquarters from the business center of Milan to Florence, where its craft traditions were rooted. There she and Ford reduced the number of Gucci products from twenty thousand to a more reasonable five thousand. There were seventy-six Gucci stores around the world in 1997, along with numerous licensing agreements. Ford was instrumental in the process of decision-making with De Sole when the Gucci Group acquired Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche, Bottega Veneta, Boucheron, Sergio Rossi, and, in part-ownership with Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga. By 2001 Ford and De Sole shared the responsibility for major business decisions, while Ford concurrently directed design at Yves Saint Laurent as well as at Gucci.The French conglomerate Pinault-Printemps-Redoute, however, gained ownership of 60 percent of the Gucci Group’s stock in 2003. Women’s Wear Daily then announced the departure of both Domenico De Sole and Tom Ford from the Gucci Group when their contracts expired in April 2004. The last spring collection under the direction of Ford and De Sole was a critical and commercial success. Amid widespread speculation in the fashion press about Ford’s heir, the company announced in March 2004 that he would be replaced by a team of younger designerspromoted from the ranks of the company’s staff.In 2005, Frida Giannini was appointed as the creati ve director for women’s ready-to-wear and accessories, previously joining Gucci in 2002. In 2006, she also became the creative director for men's ready-to-wear and the entire Gucci label.[10][edit] CorporateGucci store at nightA turnaround of the company devised in the late 1980s made Gucci a global contender and notable fashion label. In October 1995 Gucci went public and had its first initial public offering on the AMEX and NYSE for $22 per share. November 1997 also proved to be a successful year as Gucci acquired a watch licensee, Severin-Montres, and renamed it Gucci Timepieces. The firm was named "European Company of the Year 1998" by the European Business Press Federation for its economic and financial performance, strategic vision as well as management quality. Gucci world offices and headquarters are in Florence, Milan, Paris, London, Hong Kong, Japan, and New York. PPR headquarters are in Paris.[edit] New managementThis section appears to be written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by rewriting promotional content from a neutral point of view and removing any inappropriate external links. (June 2010)Gucci New Bag in 2011In 1989, Maurizio managed to persuade Dawn Mello, whose revival of New York's Bergdorf Goodman in the 1970s made her a star in the retail business, to join the newly formed Gucci Group as Executive Vice President and Creative Director Worldwide. At the helm of Gucci America was Domenico De Sole, a former lawye r who helped oversee Maurizio’s takeover of ten 1987 and 1989. The last addition to the creative team, which already included designers from Geoffrey Beene and Calvin Klein, was a young designer named Tom Ford.Raised in Texas and New Mexico, he had been interested in fashion since his early teens but only decided to pursue a career as a designer after dropping out of Parsons School of Design in 1986 as an architecture major. Dawn Mello hired Ford in 1990 at the urging of his partner, writer and editor Richard Buckley.In the early 1990s, Gucci underwent what is now recognized as the poorest time in the company's history. Maurizio riled distributors, Investcorp shareholders, and executives at Gucci America by drastically reining in on the sales of the Gucci Accessories Collection, which in the United States alone generated $110 million in revenue every year. The company’s new accessories failed to pick up the slack, and for the next three years the company experienced heavy losses and teetered on the edge of bankruptcy. Maurizio was a charming man who passionately loved his family's business, but after four years most of the company's senior managers agreed that he was incapable of running the company. His management had had an adverse effect on the desirability of the brand, product quality, and distribution control. He was forced to sell his shares in the company to Investcorp in August 1993. Dawn Mello returned to her job at Bergdorf Goodman less than a year after Mauriz io’s departure, and the position of creative director went to Tom Ford, then just 32 years old. Ford had worked for years under the direction of Maurizio and Mello and wanted to take the company’s image in a new direction. De Sole, who had been elevated to President andChief Executive Officer ofGucci Group NV, realized that if Gucci was to become a profitable company, it would require a new image, and so he agreed to pursue Ford’s vision.In early 1999 the luxury goods conglomerate LVMH, headed by Bernard Arnault, increased its shareholdings in Gucci with a view to a takeover. Domenico De Sole was incensed by the news and declined Arnault’s request for a spot on the board of directors, where he would have access to Gucci’s confidential earnings reports, strategy meetings, and design concepts. De Sole reacted by issuing new shares of stock in an effort to dilute the val ue of Arnault’s holdings. He also approached French holding company Pinault-Printemps-Redoute(PPR) about the possibility of forming a strategic alliance. Francois Pinault, the company’s founder, agreed to the idea and purchased 37 million shares in the company, or a 40% stake. Arnault’s share was diluted to a paltry 20%, and a legal battle ensued to challenge the legitimacy of the new Gucci-PPR partnership, with the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom representing Gucci. Courts in the Netherlands ultimately upheld the PPR deal, as it did not violate that country's business laws. The second largest shareholder is Crédit Lyonnais with 11%. As of September 2001 a settlement agreement was put into place between Gucci Group, LVMH, and PPR.Following Ford's departure, Gucci Group retained three designers to continue the success of the company's flagship label: John Ray, Alessandra Facchinetti and Frida Giannini,[11]all of whom had worked under Ford's creative direction. Facchinetti was elevated to Creative Director of Womenswear in 2004 and designed for two seasons before leaving the company. Ray served as Creative Director of Menswear for three years. 32-year-old Giannini, who had been responsible for designing men's and women's accessories, currently serves as Creative Director for the entire brand.Frida Giannini, formerly Creative Director of accessories, is named sole Creative Director in 2006. In 2009, Patrizio di Marco replaces Mark Lee as CEO of Gucci.[edit] Children's lineGucci’s president and chief executive officer Patrizio di Marco revealed that Gucci is set to launch a children’s line in June 2010. The line will initially be unveiled in Italy and to 40 stores around the world. Frida Giannini serves as the creative director of the line. Giannini has been applauded on her fresh, feminine take on contemporary fashion. Born in Rome in 1972 to an architect father and art history professor mother she studied fashion design at Rome's Fashion Academy. Once she completed her education she went on to apprentice at a small-scale fashion house. In 1997 Giannini began a career at fashion house Fendi, where after just three seasons of designing for ready-to-wear she was promoted to designer of leather goods. In 2002 she moved to Gucci as director of handbags, and in 2004 was promoted to designer of all accessories. A year later in 2005 the designer was promoted to creative director of women's ready-to-wear at Gucci, in addition to her role as designer of accessories. In 2006 Giannini was named creative director of the label when she became responsible for design of menswear. In addition to clothing design, she has also developed retail concepts for Gucci stores, and creative control of advertising.[edit] Automobile cultureThe interior of the AMC Hornet Sportabout with the Gucci package[edit] American Motors CorporationAldo Gucci expanded into new markets including an agreement with American Motors Corporation (AMC). The automaker merged the worlds of couture and automobiles with the GucciAMC Hornet.[12]Starting in October 1971,[13]the 1972 and 1973 model year Hornet compact "Sportabout" station wagons became one of the first American cars to offer a special luxury trim package created by a famous fashion designer.[14] Although coming from Italy where sleek sports cars are more revered, Gucci put his special touch efforts on the Hornet station wagon with a a rear lift gate and60.8 cubic feet (1,722 l) of cargo space inside.[15] The Gucci versions came with the designer's signature red and green trim colors on well-padded beige-upholstered seating and on the interior door panels. The Gucci crest appeared on the inside front door panels and on the front fenders, while the "GG" trademark was on the headliner. Exterior color selections were limited to Snow White, Hunter Green, Grasshopper Green, and Yuca Tan.[16]General MotorsIn 1979 and 1980, a Miami-based aftermarket company offered the Cadillac Seville by Gucci edition. The exterior included a "facing double G" Gucci logo, an emblem actually featuring Guccio Gucci’s initials,[9] as a hood ornament and the c-pillar covered vinyl roof. The interior had a headliner of the logo and headrests adorned with the logo as well. The dashboard carried the "Gucci script" logo in bold lettering. Inside the trunk was a full set of Gucci luggage.Ford Motor CompanyA 1989 Gucci Series Lincoln Town Car was scheduled to be offered, per pricing guides, but never came to fruition. Lincoln offered Emilio Pucci, Bill Blass, Gianni Versace, Hubert de Givenchy, and Valentino designer editions during the 1970s and 1980s.FiatFor 2011, marking the celebration of both the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and Gucci's 90th anniversary, Gucci and Fiat unveiled the special edition 500 by Gucci. Available in two versions; Black and White. The black version has detailing in shiny chrome with an interior that contrasts sharp black and white for a contemporary and racy feel, whilst the white version complete with satin chrome detailing and ivory and black interior creates a softer look PartnershipsGucci has had a partnership with UNICEF since 2005.[17]Gucci stores worldwide donate a percentage of the sales for special collections made specifically for UNICEF to go toward the United Nations Children's Fund. The annual Gucci Campaign to Benefit UNICEF supports education, healthcare, protection and clean water programs for orphans and children affected by HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. For the campaign in 2009, Michael Roberts promoted a children's book, "Snowman in Africa" with proceeds going to UNICEF. In five years, Gucci donated over $7 million to UNICEF. Gucci is the largest corporate donor to UNICEF's "Schools for Africa" that was established in 2004 by UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, and the Hamburg Society. Its goal is to increase access to basic schooling for all, with a special emphasis on children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and children living in extreme poverty.RecordIn 1998 Guinness World Records cited the Gucci "Genius Jeans" as the most expensive pair of jeans in existence. These jeans were distressed, ripped and covered with African beads and were offered for sale for US$3,134 in Milan.[18]This record has since been surpassed in June 2005 by Levi Strauss & Co.'s 115-year-old 501 jeans that was sold to an anonymous Japanese collector for $60,000.[19]。

古驰品牌专区(Gucci)品牌简介古驰(Gucci),意大利时装品牌,由古奇欧·古驰(Guccio Gucci)在1921年于意大利佛罗伦萨创办。
1938年古驰先生于意大利佛罗伦萨Via Condotti 开设首间古驰专门店,开始其时装霸业。
当中捧场者包括著名好莱坞影星奥黛丽·赫本及当时的美国第一夫人杰奎琳·肯尼迪(Jackie Kennedy)。
古驰最辉煌的时期可说是由汤姆·福特(Tom Ford) 于1994年开始担任古驰创意总监的日子。
Tom Ford被形容为当代最才华洋溢的时装设计师,在时装界享有很高的名望及权力,风头一时无两。
如95年古驰秋冬时装秀,名模Kate Moss在T台上以一身古驰天鹅绒低腰裤及丝质衬衫,配衬粗黑眼线的look,迅速成为国际明星名人模仿的对象。

一、品牌简介 二、品牌历史 三、品牌风格 四、设计师 五、经典系列 六、经典元素 七、服装概览 八、定位人群
1921年,Guccio Gucci 在家乡佛罗伦萨 创办了一家经营皮具和小型行李箱的店铺。
1930年代, Gucci 推出了独特的马衔扣图 案 ——成为品牌的不朽标志,GUCCI品牌大 获成功。
2、竹节包。Gucci Bamboo手袋的原设计为线条 严谨、手工精细的小号手袋,采用猪皮皮革,缀 有弯曲的竹节手柄。于1947年诞生,旋即成为 Gucci精湛工艺的典范。
GG logo的演变
Guccio Gucci的首字母缩写标识最早出现在60年代, 当时以双G或单G的设计出现,作为佛罗伦萨Via delle Caldaie 大街Gucci 工厂设计生产的手袋方形钓扣。不久 后,GG标识演变成钻石型图案,被织入最畅销的棉质帆 布旅行袋,GG这个首字母缩写标识伴随着明星大腕、社 会各名流频频亮相,很快便令Gucci品牌蜚声全球。
• 今天,Frida Giannini(弗里达 贾娜妮) 将品牌带向了运动风格,包括网眼T恤、篮 球短裤、田径裤和暴露的三角形bra。
• Giannini在艺术家Erté的新艺术风格插画中 寻找灵感,同时使用了真丝提花或是金银 线制成的巨大的、卷曲的花朵图案,装饰 在大部分的单品上,看起来几乎在发着微 光。
new jackie 系列
3、new jackie金属香槟色真 皮肩背包,棉质提花衬里
4、new jackie浅米色、黑色 编织图案,配以黑色真皮滚 边,亚麻衬里
1、 new jackie浅米色、乌木色菱形 格纹织物,配以金属香槟色真皮滚 边,亚麻衬里

世界服装十大品牌1 路易威登LV Louis Vuitton创始人: Louis Vuitton发源地:法国成立年份: 1854年产品线:皮具产品 (包括手袋、行李箱、公事包等)、时装成衣、鞋履、腕表、高级珠宝、书写用品及配饰路易-威登革命性地创制了平顶皮衣箱,并在1854年于巴黎开了第一间店铺,创造了LV图案的第一代,从此后,它一直是LV皮件的象征符号,至今历久不衰。
2 爱马仕 HERMES创始人:Thierry HERMES 蒂埃利·爱马仕设计风格:精致完美,高贵优雅,手工制作,品位高尚。

Gucci◆古琦(GUCCI) 品牌档案:中文名:古琦,曾用“古驰”做中文名。
英文名:GUCCI国家:意大利创建年代:1906年创建人:古驰欧·古驰(GUCCIo GUCCI) 先生GUCCI 设计师:自Tom Ford 离去之后,Alessandra Fachinetti 曾短暂的担任过GUCCI 设计师,仅2季之后,就换为意大利设计师弗里达·贾娜妮(Frida Giannini),一直至今。
设计风格:奢华、性感、夸耀、带一丝丝摇滚味道◆古琦(GUCCI) 品牌识别和品牌LOGO :1. 竹节手柄:优雅的GUCCI竹节手柄包,取材于大自然,所有的竹子都从中国及越南进口,大自然材料以及手工烧烤技术成就其不易断裂的特点。
2. 马术链:在20世纪初的意大利马匹是主要代步工具,因此制造马具的人比较多,GUCCI 是其中的佼佼者。
3. 著名的“双G”Logo及醒目的红与绿色作为GUCCI的象征出现在包包、手袋、钱包等GUCCI产品上,这也是GUCCI最早的经典LOGO设计。
◆古琦(GUCCI) 品牌介绍:古琦(GUCCI) 是意大利殿堂级时尚品牌。
GUCCI 是意大利语,标准中文名为“古琦”,曾用“古驰”做中文名,也有译为“古奇”、“古姿”。
古琦集团(GUCCI Group) 是全球最著名的奢侈品集团,古琦集团(GUCCI Group) 总部位于意大利弗罗伦萨,经营高级男女时装、香水、包包皮具、鞋履、手表、家居饰品、宠物用品等昂贵的奢侈品。
古琦(GUCCI) 品牌作为古琦集团(GUCCI Group) 最享有盛名的时装品牌,以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,古琦(GUCCI) 的“双G”logo,以“身份与财富之象征”的品牌形象,成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿。

NAUTICA,一个来自大洋彼岸的品牌,源自拉丁文 “Nauticus” 这个航海词汇;带着清新的海洋气息,乘着海风,NAUTICA扬帆驶来.
1642年法皇路易十三时代,Tissot家族将其上祖之名“都彭”冠于姓氏上;1872年二十五岁的Simon Tissot-Dupont于繁华的巴黎——奢侈时尚精品结集的大都会,建立其个人事业;Simon Tissot决定专注于制造皮具及手提袋,成就卓越,更是首位将传统的行李箱冠以“公文包”之名,深受当时绅士贵族的欢迎及使用
Burberry 巴宝莉
Burberry由当时只有二十一岁的英伦小伙子Thomas Burberry一手创立,Burberry成为了一个最能代表英国的品牌;Burberry早期是发展户外服饰的,早于一八八零年,Thomas便发明了一种防水透气的布料, Gabardine,并于一八八八年取得专利为当时的英国军官设计及制造雨衣,英皇爱德华七世其后更下令以Burberry这款雨衣作为英军军服之一;而一九一一年,Burberry再凭藉为首位征服南极的旅行家Ronald Amunden提供旅行服饰而扬名于世;
DAMA SpA公司创建于1921年,并于1957年被现在的所有者接管;1977年,公司推出了Paul&Shark品牌,以鲜明的鲨鱼标识其男装,体现了自由、休闲和优雅的风格; Paul&Shark产品完全由意大利制造;公司的生产结构一体化,直接控制Paul&Shark产品制造的每个环节;
Chanel 香奈尔
步入二十年代,Chanel设计了不少创新的款式,例如针织水手裙tricot sailor dress 、黑色迷你裙 little black dress、樽领套衣等;而且,Coco从男装上取得灵感,为女装添上多一点男儿味道,一改当年女装过份艳丽的绮靡风尚;例如,将西装褛 Blazer 加入女装系列中,又推出女装裤子;不要忘记,在二十年代女性只会穿裙子的;

自Karl Lagerfeld接管Chanel以来,最吸引人最令人震惊的要算是TomFord接手Gucci的故事了。
在1994年Tom Ford被任命为创意总监之前,Gucci家族已经由于经营管理不善而陷入困境濒临破产……
在GUCCI的时尚王国中,有最受全球媒体宠爱、年轻又才华洋溢的设计师Tom Ford,更有包括麦当娜、玛莉亚凯莉、葛妮斯派特罗、伊丽莎白赫莉、布莱德彼特,还有汤姆汉克斯夫妇等阵容最坚强的影星死忠爱用者。

中文名:古琦,曾用“古驰”做中文名。 中文名:古琦,曾用“古驰”做中文名。也有译为 古奇” 古姿” “古奇”、“古姿”。 英文名: 英文名:GUCCI 国家: 国家:意大利 创建年代:1921年 创建年代:1921年 创建人:古驰欧· 创建人:古驰欧·古驰 (Guccio Gucci) 先生 GUCCI 设计师:自 Tom Ford 离去之后, 设计师: 离去之后, Alessandra Fachinetti 曾短暂的担任过GUCCI 设计师, 曾短暂的担任过GUCCI 设计师, 季之后,就换为意大利设计师弗里达· 仅2季之后,就换为意大利设计师弗里达·贾娜妮 (Frida Giannini),一直至今。 Giannini),一直至今。 设计风格:奢华、性感、夸耀、带一丝丝摇滚味道. 设计风格:奢华、性感、夸耀、带一丝丝摇滚味道. Gucci中文译名为古琦或古驰、古姿。 Gucci中文译名为古琦或古驰、古姿。 中文译名为古琦或古驰
为庆祝品牌成立85周年.Gucci的 为庆祝品牌成立85周年.Gucci的 85周年 掌舵人Frida Giannini设计推出了限 掌舵人Frida Giannini设计推出了限 量版手袋系列。该系列中很多颜色、 量版手袋系列。该系列中很多颜色、 图案及质料都是为此次85 85周年而特别 图案及质料都是为此次85周年而特别 设计的.从图案到款式. 设计的.从图案到款式.均在向品牌 的经典设计取经。 的经典设计取经。两款独家图案 Bridle及 Web. Bridle及Tartan Web.设计灵感均来 Gucci制作马术用品的历史 制作马术用品的历史。 自Gucci制作马术用品的历史。其 Bridle图案由经典的Horsebit及 图案由经典的Horsebit 中.Bridle图案由经典的Horsebit及 马缰绳图案组成. Web则印 马缰绳图案组成.而Tartan Web则印 有品牌著名的红绿Webbing条纹图案, Webbing条纹图案 有品牌著名的红绿Webbing条纹图案, 鲜艳夺目。另外, 鲜艳夺目。另外,部分手袋还选用鳄 鱼皮和蛇皮等名贵皮革制成, 鱼皮和蛇皮等名贵皮革制成,手工精 细。

品牌标志中英文对译隶属公司产地品牌简介古驰 Gucci 历峰集团意大利始人Guccio Gucci古琦欧·古琦于1923年创立Gucci。
米索尼Missoni 服饰意大利品牌线:1、米索尼(Missoni),1958年 2、米索尼·尤莫(Missoni Uomo),1985年3、米索尼·运动装(Missoni Sports),1985年针织系列为世界顶级产品高田贤三KENZO 服饰法国高田贤三这位日本籍的法国时装设计师用自己的名贤三命名的KENZO品牌,已经不仅仅是时装业的精品,在化妆品、香水领域一们是大名鼎鼎。
当高田贤三还是青年的时候,他远赴巴黎开始他的国际时装设计师生涯,他有备而来,已经在日本对服装有了深入的研究,虽然,他设计的服务对象从东方人转为西方人,但丝毫没有碍障,而从此,他开始了不以国界为设计范畴的国际性工作雅格狮丹Aquascutum 服饰英国英国Aquascutum「雅格狮丹」于1851年在伦敦创立。
鳄鱼Lacoste 服饰法国在国际市场众多的服装品牌中,将一第张嘴的鳄鱼绣在上衣左胸前的服装最引人注目,虽然其售价不菲,但相当抢手,它行销世界80个国家,每年销量约2500万套(件)。

• 1913年,Prada在意大利米兰的市中心创办了首 家精品店,创始人Mario· Prada(马里奥· 普拉达) 所设计的时尚而品质卓越的手袋、旅行箱、皮质 配件及化妆箱等系列产品,得到了来自皇室和上 流社会的宠爱和追捧。今天,这家仍然备受青睐 的精品店依然在意大利上层社会拥有极高的声誉 与名望,Prada产品所体现的价值一直被视为日 常生活中的非凡享受。
• Prada is an Italian fashion brand that produces high-end luxury goods for men and women. It was started in 1913 by the Prada brothers Mario and Martino. They opened a leather goods store in Milan, Italy, specializing in handbags, suitcases and trunks(大衣箱). The company took off in 1979 when Mario Prada‟s granddaughter Miuccia took over the company and moved from travelling trunks to fashion goods. She opened stores in fashionable areas all across Europe. In 1985, she released the iconic(图标的) Prada handbag and the brand became a status(身份,地位,情形) symbol. Four years later, she released her first collection of clothes and the company was a global success. Prada became a household(家喻户晓的) name for richer business people. Its success relies on the simplicity and functionality of its products. Miuccia often called her designs “uniforms” for women.

品牌标志中英文对译隶属公司产地品牌简介古驰 Gucci 历峰集团意大利始人Guccio Gucci古琦欧·古琦于1923年创立Gucci。
米索尼Missoni 服饰意大利品牌线:1、米索尼(Missoni),1958年 2、米索尼·尤莫(Missoni Uomo),1985年3、米索尼·运动装(Missoni Sports),1985年针织系列为世界顶级产品高田贤三KENZO 服饰法国高田贤三这位日本籍的法国时装设计师用自己的名贤三命名的KENZO品牌,已经不仅仅是时装业的精品,在化妆品、香水领域一们是大名鼎鼎。
当高田贤三还是青年的时候,他远赴巴黎开始他的国际时装设计师生涯,他有备而来,已经在日本对服装有了深入的研究,虽然,他设计的服务对象从东方人转为西方人,但丝毫没有碍障,而从此,他开始了不以国界为设计范畴的国际性工作雅格狮丹Aquascutum 服饰英国英国Aquascutum「雅格狮丹」于1851年在伦敦创立。
鳄鱼Lacoste 服饰法国在国际市场众多的服装品牌中,将一第张嘴的鳄鱼绣在上衣左胸前的服装最引人注目,虽然其售价不菲,但相当抢手,它行销世界80个国家,每年销量约2500万套(件)。

一、部分顶尖品牌1. LV LOUIS VUITTON 路易·威登法国品牌◆正确读音:[Lu-e Vju-'Tong]◆路易·威登集团(Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, LVMH集团) 由贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault) 先生将全球著名的皮件公司路易·威登(Louis Vuitton) 与酒业家族酩悦·轩尼诗(Moët Hennessy )于1987年合并而成,旗下拥有50多个著名品牌,是当今世界最大的奢侈品集团。
LVMH 集团主要包括以下五个领域:葡萄酒及烈酒(Wines & Spirits)、时装及皮革制品(Fashion & Leather Goods)、香水及化妆品(Perfumes & Cosmetics)、钟表及珠宝(Watches & Jewelry)、精品零售(Selective Retailing)。
2. PRADA 普拉达意大利品牌◆正确读音:[PRA-DA]◆普拉达(Prada) 品牌档案:创始人:Mario Prada设计师:1913年马里奥·普拉达(Mario Prada) ;70年代开始缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia Prada)品牌线:PRADA、Miu Miu (副线)品类:服装、内衣、皮件、配件普拉达(Prada) 官方网址:/3. GUCCI 古奇意大利品牌◆读音:(GU:-CHI)◆古琦(Gucci) 品牌档案:中文名:古琦,曾用“古驰”做中文名。
英文名:GUCCI国家:意大利创建年代:1921年创建人:古驰欧·古驰(Guccio Gucci) 先生GUCCI 设计师:自Tom Ford 离去之后,Alessandra Fachinetti 曾短暂的担任过GUCCI 设计师,仅2季之后,就换为意大利设计师弗里达·贾娜妮(Frida Giannini),一直至今。
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姓名:张彩娇班级:环艺三班学号:20101621330 Gucci is a very famous brand that only rich people can reach it. It is one of the most luxury articles in the world top ranking. It involves many kinds of products including fashion dress, leather product, shoes, watch, tie, perfume etc. The products branded Gucci are famous for its top grade, luxury and sexy. In many people's eyes, It stands for their status and richness.Fashion girls are always pursuing products like Gucci. As a leading brand of fashion and leather goods, its name is synomynous with style and luxury. It was founded in 1921 by fashion designer Guccio Gucci. Now, Gucci owns almost 300 stores worldwide and an annual revenue in excess of US.2.5 billion. The group has become a major force in the industry by acquiring other brands such as Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney and Yves Saint Laurent. According to ‘Business Week’ magazine Gucci was in 41st position on the 2009 "Top Global 100 Brands". Gucci is also the biggest-selling Italian brand in the world. Its outstanding quality and exceptional beauty are totally attractive to fashion girls or ladies.Within a few years time, the label enjoys such success as it attracts a sophisticated international clientele, who seek out the equestrian-inspired collection of bags, trunks, gloves, shoes and belts. The horsebit and stirrup motifs were born of this world and become enduring symbols of the fashion house, and of an increasingly innovative design aesthetic.Gucci continues its expansion abroad with stores opening. With the development of science and technical, more people can afford to buy one or more luxury goods like Gucci.Frida GianniniCreative Director of GucciFrida Giannini's unique talent and passionate disposition has fuelled her rise as an international designer for one of the most recognized luxury fashion brands.Born in Rome in 1972, she studied fashion design at Rome's Fashion Academy before apprenticing in a small ready to wear house. In 1997, she landed a job at Fendi where she worked as a ready to wear designer for three seasons before being named designer for Fendi leather goods. In September 2002, she joined Gucci as Handbag Design Director. Two years later, she was appointed to the unprecedented role of Creative Director of Accessories in charge of bags, shoes, luggage, small leather goods, silks, fine jewelry, gifts, watches and eyewear. She took on the position with her trademark confidence and conviction, and has brought a powerful point-of-view to the house's accessories.By reinterpreting iconic elements from Gucci's past, such as the "Flora" scarf patterns and equestrian imagery, she has infused a rich heritage with new energy and modern sex appeal.In March 2005, she was named Creative Director of Gucci Women's ready-to-wear, in addition to her responsibilities for all accessories. In January 2006, she also became in charge of men's wear, thus becoming the sole Creative Director of the label. Her fresh and joyous vision combined with her savvy interpretation of the Gucci legacy has delighted fashion followers around the world. She has also been embraced by Hollywood, where her designs frequently grace the red carpet.Frida approaches her life as passionately as she does work. Her humor, intelligence and fine-tuned aesthetic instincts shine through all of her designs. She has the same appreciation for a 1950s Raphael arm chair as she does for a new wave David Bowie album cover.Through her frequent travels she constantly expands her range of inspirations and cultural experiences. Her well-rounded lifestyle makes her appreciate the needs of the modern Gucci woman. She balances the demands of a brilliant career with the laughter and intimacy of family and friends. Crediting her warm and optimistic personality to the sunny Roman way of life, Frida is a true embodiment of Italian style.Like the brand she designs for, Frida has chosen to base in Florence both her professional and private life. She works in Gucci's offices in the town and resides with her husband in a 15th century apartment in the centre of Florence.History1920sIn 1921, Guccio Gucci opens a leather goods company and small luggage store in his native Florence. Having spent years working in London's Savoy Hotel, he had absorbed the refined aesthetic of English nobility, and introduces this sensibility in Italy through exclusive leather goods created and produced by the master craftsmanship of Tuscan artisans.1930sWithin a few years time, the label enjoys such success as it attracts a sophisticated international clientele, who seek out the equestrian-inspired collection of bags, trunks, gloves, shoes and belts. The horsebit and stirrup motifs were born of this world and become enduring symbols of the fashion house, and of an increasingly innovative design aesthetic.1940sFaced with a shortage of standard materials during the difficult years of Fascist dictatorship in Italy, Gucci establishes itself as an enterprise synonymous with exceptional creativity and resourcefulness. The "Bamboo Bag" is introduced, becoming one of the first of Gucci's many iconic products. A favorite of royalty and celebrity alike, the bag is still available today.1950sDuring the 1950s, the trademark green-red-green web, which is derived from the saddle girth, becomes a great success and remains one of the most familiar identifiers of the brand. With stores opening in Milan and New York, Gucci starts to build a global presence as a symbol of modern luxury.Guccio Gucci dies in 1953. His sons Aldo, V asco, Ugo and Rodolfo take over the business. 1960sGucci introduces products that are cherished by the most iconic figures of the time and become renown for timeless design. Jackie Kennedy carries the Gucci shoulder bag, which is known today as the ‘Jackie O’. Liz Taylor, Peter Sellers and Samuel Beckett wear the unstructured, unisex 'Hobo Bag.' The classic moccasin with horsebit hardware becomes part of the permanent collection at the Costume Institute, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The Flora silk print scarf is created for Grace Kelly.Gucci continues its expansion abroad with stores opening in London, Palm Beach, Paris and Beverly Hills.In the mid 60s, Gucci adopts the legendary interlocking double 'G' logo.1970sGucci continues its global expansion, true to the original aspirations of Aldo, now targeting the Far East. Stores open in Tokyo and Hong Kong. The company increases and diversifies production, carrying out significant research on new more luxurious materials and innovative approaches to design never tabling the legendary quality and craftsmanship synonymous with the brand. The great classics are revamped in new shapes and colors, and new product categories are introduced. 1980sIn 1982, Gucci becomes a public limited company, and leadership is passed to Rodolfo's son, Maurizio Gucci, who holds 50 percent of the shares. In 1984, Domenico De Sole becomes president of Gucci America. Investcorp, a Bahrain-based investment company, purchases the remaining 50 percent belonging to Aldo Gucci and his descendants in the late 80s.1990sGucci is relaunched to global renown through a groundbreaking mix of tradition and innovation. Tom Ford becomes creative director of Gucci in 1994 and infuses the luxury brand with a sense of daring and provocation that resonates with celebrity and accomplished elite. The stiletto, and silk cut-out jersey dresses with metallic hardware details become icons of Ford's unique vision. Domenico De Sole is appointed CEO in 1995, and Gucci makes the highly successful transformation to a fully public company. Gucci is named "European Company of the year 1998" by the European Business Press Federation for its economic and financial performance, strategic vision and management quality. In 1999, Gucci enters into a strategic alliance with Pinault-Printemps-Redoute and transforms itself from a single brand company into a multibrand group.2000sAfter De Sole and Ford left their posts in 2004, Mark Lee is appointed President and CEO of Gucci division in 2005. Today, creative direction of Gucci is the responsibility of Frida Giannini and Gucci continues to explore its roots. "La Pelle Guccissima" - an entirely original, heat-printed signature leather - has been launched under Giannini’s directio n, and is destined to become the label's next icon, expressing in its workmanship and impeccable quality a strength that is singularly Gucci's.Gucci Gucci by GucciGucci by Gucci is a 450-page tour through our history and tradition. It is a celebration of the commitment to luxury and style, which has made the Gucci name synonymous with Italian craftsmanship, outstanding quality and exceptional beauty.The book tells the story of our brand through photographs of our iconic products and the celebrities whose passion for Gucci have enhanced the brand image throughout our history. Many of these photographs have never been published before.A special limited edition version of the Gucci by Gucci book, featuring a slipcase in "La Pelle Guccissima," will be sold at Gucci boutiques.。