英文导游词并附带中文解释平遥古城英语导游词Ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to visit the famous Pingyao County. Pingyao County is one of the cultural heritages of the world heritage list. Please keep the floor clean during the tour. If you have any questions, you can ask me.We first came to the first tourist spot: South Street. The composition of Pingyao County is crisscrossed four streets, eight small streets, seventy-two winding streets, and now we come to the South Street of four Avenue. You see, on both sides of the street, old and famous shops are flourishing traditional commercial streets. During the Qing Dynasty, South Street controlled more than fifty percent of the financial institutions in the country.West Street is known as the first street of Finance in Qing Dynasty, and it is a main street directly connected with East Street. And the EastAvenue North and South Street intersection, North Street is to the west central street.Eight small streets and seventy-two lanes are named in the nearby buildings or marked signs; someare named in the temple temple; some are named in acity in the city; and some streets and lanes have been unable to explore the source of the name.There are many beautiful legends in Pingyao County, such as sleeping aunts and drug wives, and burning Town Gods Temple. Please take a good tour of this beautiful ancient city.各位旅客,本次我们将要游览着名的平遥古城。
上海市部分著名建筑名称中外文对照表建筑中文名称外文名称卜内门大楼 The Brunner, Mond & Co.Building 三井洋行大楼 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha 三井银行大楼 Mitsui Bank三菱银行大楼 Mistubishi Bank 大世界 Great World上海电力公司大楼 Shanghai Power Company 上海华商纱布交易所楼 The Shanghai Cotton Exchange 上海邮政大楼 Shanghai Post Office Building 上海总会大楼 The Shanghai Club 上海总商会议事厅(上海电子元件研究所南楼) Chinese Chamber Of Commerce 上海特别市图书馆 Shanghai Library 上海特别市政府大厦 Government Office Building 上海特别市博物馆楼 Shanghai Museum 上海基督教青年会大楼 Y.M.C.A. Building 凡尔登花园,白费利花园(长乐村) Verdun Terrace, Beverly Gardens 大上海大戏院 Metropolis Theatre 大光明电影院 Grand Theatre大华公寓 Majestic Apts.大来大楼 Robert Dollar Building 大新公司 Sun Co., Ltd女青年会大楼 Y.M.C.A. Building 广学会大楼 Christian Literature Society Building 飞龙大楼 Joffre Arcade马立斯住宅(瑞金宾馆一号 Morriss Estate马勒住宅 Moller Mansion 中山医院院舍 The Liang Tsai Hall of the Chung SanMemorial Hospital, Shanghai 中央研究院 Institute of Science 中央造币厂厂房 Shanghai Central Mint 中汇银行大楼 New Chung Wei Bank Building 中行大楼 The Bank of China Hongkew Branch1中西女中 McGregor Hall in McTyiere School for Girls 中国通商银行大楼The Imperial Bank of China, CommercialBank of China中法学校校舍 Ecole Franco-Chinoise 中南大楼 The China & South SeaBank 元芳大楼Messrs. Maitland & Co.’s Premises 公共租界工部局大楼Shanghai Municipal Council Building 友利银行大厦,天祥洋行大楼 Union Insurance Company, Union Building,The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India,London & China太阳公寓 Sun Apts.巴黎公寓 Paris Apts.巴黎公寓 Paris Court日本领事馆(联合国救灾办公室) The Consulate of Japan 日清大楼 The Nishin Navigation Company 王伯群住宅 Residence of the KMT Minister of Transportation业广地产有限公司 The Shanghai Land Investment Co. 东方汇理银行大楼The Banque de L’ Indochine 东方饭店 Grand Hotel东亚银行 East Asia Bank兰心大戏院 Lyceum Theatre台湾银行大楼 The Bank of Taiwan 四川路桥 Szechuen Road Bridge 四行储蓄会大楼 The Joint Savings Society Bank 圣三一基督教堂 Holy Trinity Church,The AnglicanCathedral圣尼古拉斯教堂 The St.Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church 圣母大堂Russian Orthodox Mission Church 圣约翰大学校舍 St.John's University 圣沙勿略天主堂(董家渡天主堂) St.Francisoo Xavier Church 圣依纳爵新堂(徐家汇天主堂) St.Ignatius Cathedral 圣若瑟天主堂 St. Joseph Cathedral 外白渡桥 Gauden Bridge2外滩信号台 The Gutzlaff Signal Tower 正广和公司大楼 Calbeck Macgregor's Office 正广和汽水厂厂房 Messrs Calbeck Macgregor & CO.永安公司,新永安公司 Wing On Co., Ltd.永年人寿保险公司大楼 China Mutual Life Insurance Company 汇中饭店 Palace House Hotel,Palace Hotel 汇丰银行大楼 Hong Kong and Shanghai BankingCorporation汉弥登大楼 Hamilton House皮裘公寓 Bijou Apts.礼和洋行大楼 The Carlowitz & Co.礼查饭店 Astor House Hotel 亚尔培公寓,皇家花园,梅谷公寓(陕南村) Mico's Apts.,King Albert Apts.亚细亚大楼,史塔夫大楼,麦边大楼 Asia Petroleum Company,Staff Buildings,Ltd.,McBain Building 亚洲文会大楼 The North China Branch of the RoyalAsiatic Society交通银行大楼 Bank of Communications 会乐精舍 Willow Court先施公司 Sincere Co., Ltd. 光陆大楼,光陆大戏院 Capitol Theatre华安合群人寿保险公司大楼 China United Apts.华俄道胜银行大楼 The St.Petersburg Russo-Asiatic Bank 华懋公寓 Cathay Mansions 华懋饭店Sassoon House同孚大楼(吴江大楼) Yates Apts.吕班公寓 Dubail Apts.字林西报大楼 North China Daily News Building 安息堂 Catholic Church 扬子大楼 Yangtsze Insurance Building 毕卡地公寓(衡山宾馆) Picardie Apts.江湾体育场 Shanghai Recreation Ground 百乐门舞厅 Paramount Ballroom 百老汇大厦 Broadway Mansions3自由公寓 Liberty Apts. 西本愿寺上海别院 Shanghai Nishi Honganji 西园大厦 West Park Mansions 西侨青年会大楼 The Foreign Y.M.C.A.Building 达华公寓 Hubertus Court 克莱门公寓 Clements Apts. 宏恩医院楼 Country Hospital 杜月笙住宅Mr.Y.S. Doo’s Residence on Route Doumer and Henry 杜美新村 Doumer Terrace 杨氏公寓(永业大楼) Young Apts. 杨树浦水厂 Shanghai Water Works 杨树浦电厂 River Power Plant, Shanghai Power Co. 沙逊别墅Sassoon’s Villa 犹太人总会,飞星公司 The Jewish Club,Star Ricsha Company’sBuilding犹太教堂,欧黑尔?雪切尔犹太会堂 Ohel Weida Building, Ohel Rachel SynagogueAstrid Apts. 阿斯屈来特公寓(南昌大楼)Chartered Bank 麦加利银行大楼,Lester Hospital 麦加圈医院大楼,Medhurst Apartments 麦特赫斯脱公寓(泰兴大楼)Magy Apts. 麦琪公寓Paul Henry Apts. 亨利(亨雷)公寓Arcadia Hall 味莼园,张园国立上海医学院校舍 National Medical College of Shanghai 国立上海高级机械职业学校校舍(德国技术工Deutsche Ingenieurschule 程学院,同济德文医学堂)国华银行大楼 China State Bank 国际礼拜堂 Community Church 国际饭店(四行储蓄会大楼) Park Hotel 国泰大戏院 Cathy Theatre4建设大厦 Development Building 怡和洋行 Ewo Office and Flats, Jardine Matheson &Co.Ltd.怡泰大楼,格林油船大楼 The Glen Line Ltd., Glen Line SteamshipCo. Building, Glen Line Building 枕流公寓 Brookside Apts. 林肯公寓(曙光公寓) Lincoln Apts. 河南路桥 New Honan Road Bridge 河滨大楼Embankment Building 法邮大楼 Campagnie des Messageries Maritimes 法国太子公寓,道斐南公寓(建国公寓) Dauphine Apts. 法租界公董局 The Municipal Council 法国总会 Cercle Sportif Francais 英国领事馆 British Consulate General 迦陵大楼 Liza Hardoon Building 金城银行大楼 Kincheng Bank 俄罗斯领事馆 The Old Russian Consulate 修道院公寓 The Cloister 南京大戏院(上海音乐厅) Naking Theatre 南洋公学校舍 Engineering Building at Chiao Tung University总巡捕房 The Central Police Head Quarters 美孚洋行大楼(黄中大楼) Standard-Vacuum Oil Company 美国乡村总会 Columbia Country Club 美国花旗总会会所 American Club 美琪大戏院 Majestic Theatre 美童公学校舍 Shanghai American School 峻岭公寓,茂名公寓及附楼,格林文纳公寓 The Grosvernor House 泰山公寓 Tai Shan Apts. 海关大楼 Chinese Maritime Customs House 海格大楼 Haig Court 爱司公寓 Estrella Apts. 爱林登公寓 (常德公寓) Eddington House 诸圣堂 The All Saints Church5诺曼底公寓,东美特公寓 Normandie Apts. 都城饭店 Metropole Hotel培文公寓,培恩公寓 Bearn Apartments 密丹公寓 Midget Apts.清心女中 Pure Heart School for Chinese Girls 清心堂 Pure Heart Church 盖司康公寓,万国储蓄会公寓(淮海公寓) Cascoigne Apts.银行公会大楼 the Shanghai Chinese Banking Association 惠罗大楼Whiteaway Laidlaw & Co., Ltd. 普益大楼 Asia Realty Co. Building 景林堂Allen Nemorial Church 跑马总会 Administration Building& Member Stand of Race Club, Shanghai Hippodrom 新亚酒楼 New Asia Hotel新新公司 Sun-Sun Co., Ltd 福利大楼 Hall & Holtz Ltd. 福新面粉厂 Foo Sing Flour Mills 雷士德工学院院舍 Lester School & Technical Institute 雷士德医学研究院院舍 The Henry Lester Institute for Education and Research颐中大楼 Yee Tsoong Tobacca Co. , Ltd. 嘉道理住宅 Sir Elly Kadoorie’s House, Marble House 沐恩堂 Moore Memorial Church 赛华公寓(瑞华公寓) Savoy Apts.静安别墅 Bubbling Well Road Apts. 德义大楼 Denis Apts.德国花园总会 Deutscher Garter Club 德国邮局(电报大楼) Kaiserlich Deutsche Post 横滨正金银行 The Yokohama Specie Bank of Shanghai *本表由许洪根据字林西报《上海行号录》(英)、《上海行号路图录》等编制。
中国报道: 要把 “ 内陆向西开放试 验区”做 建设 、 基础产业发展 、 中小微 企业 生存等方 供医疗保健和休闲度假服务。 大做 强。 宁夏 是否需要更 多的政策配套 和 面还 需 要 更 多扶 持 。
还有一些海 湾国家希望在宁夏进行易
货贸易, 们缺石油及中间产 品, 我 他们缺 基
站在 宁 夏和 阿拉 伯 国家对 话
宁夏是中国五个少数民族 自 治区之一, 位 为宁夏清 真食品 今后进 入世界穆斯林市场创造
于中 西北 国 地区 部, 邻陕 东 毗 西省、 甘肃省 了有利条件。21年, 和内 01 银川至迪拜国际航线开通,
蒙古 自治区。总面积 6 4 . 万平方公里,辖 5 6 个 使宁 夏与阿 拉伯国 家的 经贸 往来更 加便 利。
厅= ) f
| 府 lI 费
良好 的发 展基础 , 硬件设 施足 以实 现中东 等阿拉伯国家的油气资源在宁夏转换 , 更好
特 别是土地政 策方面, 这几年来通 过 坛使我们与 阿拉伯 国家 的联系更密切 了。
“ 大银川” 建设、 生态移民搬迁工程等, 对 现在 “ 向西开放”即将成 为国家战略 , 可以
地满足我们国家对能源 的需求 。 现在我 国 土地实行 “ 小开发大保护”, 使得宁夏大面 说, 我们宁夏已经具备了很好 的基础。 近5%的原油依赖进 口, 中绝大部分通过 积的土地从生 产型置换成生态 保护型 , 5 其 得 “ 论坛搭台, 经济 唱戏 ” 举 办论 坛最 ,
海上渠道进入, 渠道 比较单一。 宁夏可以通 到了切实有效的保护。 下一步希望国家在土 终 目的是要落 实到项 目 , 上 落实到发展上。 过新丝绸之路 ( 新欧亚大陆桥 ) 从陆路上 地政 策上给予更多优惠条件。 , 另外, 随着更 目前 已经进 入实质性 合作 的, 大项 目有 沙
绿色城市健康生活 英语作文
![绿色城市健康生活 英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4f0ced4fc381e53a580216fc700abb68a982ade1.png)
Green Cities: The Pathway to a HealthyLifestyleIn the 21st century, the quest for a healthy lifestyle has become synonymous with seeking out environments that promote well-being and sustainability. Green cities, with their focus on eco-friendly infrastructure, urban greening, and sustainable urban planning, are emerging as the new frontiers of healthy living. These cities not only providea refreshing change from the concrete jungles of the past but also offer a comprehensive lifestyle that harmonizeswith nature.The core of green cities lies in their commitment to sustainability. This commitment manifests in variousaspects of urban life, from transportation to housing. For instance, many green cities encourage the use of public transportation, cycling, and walking, reducing carbon emissions and air pollution. These cities also prioritize the construction of green spaces, such as parks and gardens, which not only beautify the urban landscape but alsoprovide a sanctuary for wildlife and a respite for city dwellers.The benefits of green cities extend far beyond environmental sustainability. There is a strong correlation between green spaces and improved mental health. Access to nature and green areas has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while promoting a sense of community and social cohesion. Green cities also foster a culture of health and well-being, with an emphasis on preventive healthcare, physical activity, and healthy eating.Moreover, green cities are economically viable. By investing in sustainable infrastructure and eco-friendly technologies, these cities create jobs, drive innovation, and attract tourists and investors. The green economy,which encompasses renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism, among others, is a growing sector that offers significant economic opportunities.In conclusion, green cities are not just a trend; they are a necessary evolution in urban planning and development. They offer a comprehensive approach to healthy living, encompassing environmental sustainability, mental well-being, and economic viability. As we move forward into thefuture, it is crucial that we prioritize green cities and continue to invest in sustainable urban development. By doing so, we can create cities that not only thrive butalso nurture the health and happiness of their residents.**绿色城市:健康生活的路径**在21世纪,追求健康生活方式已经与寻找能够促进福祉和可持续性的环境紧密相连。
澜韵园 Case De Esplanade 东方春晓 Top Lake V iew翠湖雅居 The Lakeside 金水湾 Golden Lough独墅苑 Dushu Terrace 莱茵花园 Rhein Garden都市天域 Horizon Resort 都市花园 Orchard Manors白领公寓 Bai Ling Mansion 四季新家园 Four Seasons Park湖左岸 Landmark Skylight 师惠乐章 The Spring’s Symphony湖畔花园 Lakeview City 加城湖滨公寓 Jiacheng Apartment By the Lake星海人家 XinHai Home 万杨香樟 Xiangzhang Apartment新加花园 Xinjia Garden 新馨花园 Xin Xin Garden苏都花园 Sudu Garden 嘉怡苑 Jia Y i Y uan in Xindu Plaza东湖大郡 Grand Town by the Lake 嘉湖阁 The Lakeview朗琴湾 Langqinwan Garden 新城花园 Xincheng Garden加城国际天翔花园韶山花园高尔夫花园名城映象东湖春之韵玲珑湾花园 Bayside Garden 华庭苑金湖湾Lakeshore garden中海湖滨一号Lakeside Palace中海半岛华俯The Royal Peninsula和乔丽晶Chateau Regency天域Horizon Resort青湖丽苑Green Lake Garden专家公寓Castle on Lakeside枫情水岸The Living Bank百合花公寓 Baiheua Buiding 御花园 Rengent on the park狮山峰汇 Top of Mansion 今日家园 Garden V illa锦华苑 Regent Shishan 嘉多利花园 Jia Duo Li Garden时代花园 Jin Ri Garden 格林花园 Green Garden狮山丽舍 Shi Shan Li She 名城花园 Mingcheng Garden美之苑 The Fair Garden 金枫苑 Sunny Bank挹翠华庭 The Scenic Palace 金龙花园 Jin Long Garden锦丽苑 Jin li Garden雅戈尔未来城younger future city参考价格住宅:USD/Month(美金/月)园区:别墅 1000—5000元高档住宅:750元----2500元中档住宅:500—1000元一般住宅300-500元新区:别墅: 870元—3750元高档住宅:750元---1500元中档住宅:450—750元一般住宅250-450元相城区:别墅:560元—1900元高档住宅:300元--560元中档住宅:250--300元一般住宅200-250元天域 2办公房:人民币园区:厂房:13元/平米--16元/平米、写字楼:30元/平米 -- 70元/平米商铺门(视地段定价)新区:厂房:12元/平米--15元/平米、写字楼:30元/平米 -- 70元/平米商铺门(视地段定价)相城区:厂房:9元/平米--14元/平米、写字楼:20元/平米 -- 35元/平米商铺门(视地段定价。
绿色城市,健康生活作文英语(中英文实用版)英文版:Title: Green City, Healthy LifeA green city is a place where people and nature coexist in harmony, with a focus on environmental sustainability and the well-being of its residents.A healthy life, on the other hand, is one that is balanced and filled with activities that promote physical and mental wellness.In a green city, the environment is of utmost importance.Trees and plants are abundant, providing clean air and a natural habitat for various species.The city is designed in a way that minimizes pollution and promotes recycling and reuse of resources.This not only helps to protect the environment but also ensures a sustainable future for generations to come.In such a city, residents lead healthy lives.They have access to clean and safe drinking water, hygienic living conditions, and healthcare facilities.The presence of green spaces encourages outdoor activities like jogging, cycling, and walking, promoting physical fitness and reducing the risk of lifestyle diseases.Moreover, a green city fosters a sense of community and social interaction.People are more likely to engage in outdoor activities and events, getting to know their neighbors and building strongrelationships.This sense of belonging and togetherness contributes to a happy and fulfilling life.A green city also prioritizes mental health.The presence of nature has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility.Access to parks, gardens, and other green spaces provides a peaceful retreat for residents, allowing them to unwind and rejuvenate.In conclusion, a green city is a haven that promotes both environmental sustainability and healthy living.It is a place where people can enjoy a high quality of life, with access to clean air, water, and healthcare, while also being connected to nature and their community.中文版:标题:绿色城市,健康生活绿色城市是一个人与自然和谐共存的地方,它以环境可持续性和居民福祉为重点。
介绍健康建筑英语作文Title: The Importance of Healthy Buildings。
In recent years, the concept of healthy buildings has gained significant attention due to its profound impact on human health and well-being. A healthy building is designed, constructed, and maintained to support the health and productivity of its occupants while minimizing negative environmental effects. In this essay, we will explore the key aspects of healthy buildings and why they are essential for our overall well-being.First and foremost, healthy buildings prioritize indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can lead to various health issues such as respiratory problems, allergies, and even more severe conditions like asthma. To ensure optimal air quality, healthy buildings are equipped with efficient ventilation systems that continuously bring in freshoutdoor air while expelling stale air. Additionally, advanced air filtration systems are employed to removepollutants and allergens, thus creating a healthier indoor environment for occupants.Furthermore, natural lighting plays a crucial role in the design of healthy buildings. Exposure to natural light has been proven to enhance mood, regulate circadian rhythms, and promote productivity. Therefore, healthy buildings incorporate ample windows and skylights to maximize natural light penetration into interior spaces. This not only reduces the reliance on artificial lighting but alsocreates a more visually appealing and comfortable environment for occupants.Moreover, the materials used in construction can significantly impact indoor environmental quality. Many conventional building materials contain harmful chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can off-gas and contribute to indoor air pollution. In contrast, healthy buildings utilize low-emission materials that are free from toxic substances, thus minimizing health risks for occupants. Additionally, sustainable materials such as recycled steel, bamboo, and reclaimed wood are oftenpreferred for their environmental benefits and positive impact on indoor air quality.In addition to physical health, healthy buildings also prioritize mental and emotional well-being. Biophilic design principles, which incorporate elements of natureinto the built environment, are commonly employed to create spaces that evoke a sense of calmness and connection to the natural world. Features such as indoor plants, green walls, and nature-inspired artwork not only enhance aesthetics but also promote relaxation and stress reduction among occupants.Furthermore, healthy buildings are designed to encourage physical activity and social interaction. Incorporating amenities such as gyms, walking trails, and communal gathering spaces encourages occupants to stay active and engage with one another, fostering a sense of community and belonging. By promoting social interaction and physical activity, healthy buildings contribute to overall mental and emotional well-being.In conclusion, healthy buildings are essential for promoting the health, productivity, and well-being of occupants. By prioritizing indoor air quality, natural lighting, sustainable materials, and biophilic design principles, these buildings create environments that support physical, mental, and emotional health. As the awareness of the importance of healthy buildings continues to grow, it is crucial for architects, designers, and developers to incorporate these principles into their projects to create spaces that nurture and enhance the lives of those who inhabit them.。
普亚体检中心体检须知Healthway Medical Center Health Screening Notice体检时间:2007年月日上午8:00—10:30Time: Day Month Year AM 8:00—10:30体检地点:普亚体检中心--浦东世纪大道1090号斯米克大厦1楼2楼(崂山东路口),详见附件《公交地图》Venue: Healthway Medical Center –First and Second Floor Cimic Tower, No. 1090 Central AVE (Laoshan Dong Rd)公交路线:地铁二号线东昌路站3号出口(往世纪大道、崂山西路方向出口)、01、119、574、581、584、781、787、791、792、872、980、981、隧道四线等;Public Transportation: Line 2 Subway, Dongchang Rd Station, 3rd Exit (to Central AVE, Laoshan Dong Rd), 01, 119, 574, 581, 584, 781, 787, 791, 792, 872, 980, 981,Tunnel No. 4, etc.联系人:温小凤 136********Contact Person: Xiaofeng Wen 136********一、体检前注意事项:Notices before health screening1.体检前一天不要吃过多油腻、不易消化的食物,不饮酒,不要吃对肝、肾功能有损害的药物;2.体检前一天要注意休息,避免剧烈运动和情绪激动,保证充足睡眠,以免影响体检结果;3.体检当日不要穿连裤袜,如有近视,请佩戴有框眼镜;4.体检前一天晚上8点以后禁食,10点以后禁水,5.体检当日早晨应禁食、禁水保持空腹;1.One day before health screening, please avoid having oily or indigestible dietand no alcohol. Please do not take any medication which will damage the liver or kidney function.2.One day before health screening, ensure enough sleeping time; avoid hardexercises.3.At the day of health screening, please do not wear panty-hose. Please wear glasses(no contact lens) if you are myopia.4.One day before health screening, absolute diet after 8 pm and absolute water after10 pm5.In the morning of health screening, no breakfast and water.二、体检中注意事项: Notice of health screening1.所有参加体检人员到达体检中心后请到前台报出单位和自己的姓名,领取体检手册参加体检(门口有护士小姐迎宾导引);2.孕妇或计划怀孕者请不要做X光检查;3.参加体检的人员做餐前项目检查之前(B超和抽血检查等)请不要吃任何东西;4.抽血检查时医生拔出针后,请自行用棉球按压针眼2-3分钟,防止血肿;5.我们在餐饮区为您准备了早餐,请您在餐前项目检查完毕后光临;6.用完食物后请保持环境的清洁,请勿在体检场所抽烟;7.餐后依据体检表内容进行各科检查,不要漏检,以免影响最后体检的结果;8.胸透时尽量不要佩戴各种饰物如项链、胸针等,以免影响检查效果;9.体检过程中任何时候您有任何疑问,请与您身边的导检护士小姐联系;10.若主检医生建议需做其它增选项目检查时,请与您身边的客户服务人员联系;11.所有体检项目检查完毕后,请您将体检表交给前台后方可离开,请不要带走;12.体检中请保持安静,以免干扰医生的检查工作;1.Please tell the company and name to the nurses at the front desk; pickup the health screening manual (nurses will be at the front door)2.DO NOT UNDERTAKE THE X-RAY TEST IF PREGNANCY OR PREPARE TO BE PREGNACY3.Do not take food or water before undertaking preprandial items(ultrasound and blood test)4.Please press the pinprick with cotton ball for 2 to 3 minutes afterphlebotomize5.After preprandial items, please have breakfast at coffer bar.6.Please keep cleaning after taking breakfast and no smoke at HealthwayMedical Center.7.Please follow the instruction of the health screening list; do not leaveout any item.8.Please avoid wearing accouterment, such as necklace or brooch, when youundertake chest x-ray. It may affect the results.9.Please ask the nurses around you, when you have any enquire.10.Please notice the customer service staff around you, when the checkingdoctor suggests you to add item.11.After all items, please return your health screening manual to the frontdesk. Do not take the health screening manual away.12.Please be quite when undertake the health screening. Do not disturb thedoctors.。
Jianguomen Area建国门区域Henderson Centre 恒基中心Jian Guo Apartment 建国公寓Ya Bao Apartment 雅宝公寓Oriental Plaza 东方广场Royal Palace 贡院六号Lee Garden 丽苑公寓China World Trade Center Area国贸区域Cheng Yuan Plaza 成远大厦Global Trade Mansion 世贸国际公寓SOHO New Town 现代城SOHOThe St. Regis Beijing 国际俱乐部公寓Luxury Apartment 丽舍(apartamentos en Beijing) New Town Apartment 现代城Regent Court 丽晶苑The Ascott Beijing 雅诗阁The Kerry Residence 嘉里公寓Yan Hua Court 燕华苑Ritan Area日坛区域Diyang Apartment 迪阳公寓Fairview Garden 怡景园Palace Apartments 京华豪园Jing Guang Area京广中心区域Bauhinia Court 紫荆豪庭Chaoyang Garden 朝阳园Golden Lake Gardern 锦湖园公寓Sunshine 100 阳光100Goldfield Plaza 金地国际花园Blue Castle 蓝堡国际公寓China Central Place 华贸中心He Qiao Lizhi Hotel Apt. 和乔丽致Part 5:Sanlitun Area三里屯区域East Gate Plaza 东环广场East Lake Villas Apartment 东湖别墅Embassy House 万国公寓Estoril Court 爱德苑Julong Gardern 聚龙花园Lian Bao Apartment 联宝公寓One World Apartments 世芳豪庭Pacific Century Place 盈科中心Sun City 阳光都市Seasons Park 海晟名苑Part 6:Chaoyang Park朝阳公园区域Lakeside Garden 清境明湖Parkview Tower 景园Boya Garden 博雅园JingDa International ApartmentPalm Spring 棕榈泉国际公寓Beijing Golf Palace 北京高尔夫公寓Park Avenue 公园大道Park Apartments 天安豪园Greenlake Garden 碧湖居Greenlake Place 观湖国际Part 7:Lufthansa Area燕莎区域Concordia Plaza 嘉和丽园First Shanghai Centre 第一上海中心San Quan Apartment 三全公寓Landmark Palace 亮马名居Somerset Fortune Garden 福景苑King’’s Garden Villas 京润水上花园Guang Ming Apartment 光明公寓Beijing Garden 北京花园Upper East Side 阳光上东Kempinski Apartment 凯宾斯基公寓Part 8:Lido Area丽都区域Chateau Regency 和乔丽晶Hong Yuan Apartment 宏源公寓Greenland Garden 嘉林花园Hairun International Apartment 海润国际公寓Star City 星城国际Richmond Park 丽都水岸Lido Courts 丽都公寓Part 9:International Exhibition Area国展区域Beijing International Friendship Garden 国际友谊花园Hengchuan Apartment 恒川公寓Phoenix Town 凤凰城Part 10:Northern Area北部区域Hui Yuan International Apartments 汇源国际公寓Sunshine Plaza 阳光广场Purple Jade Villas 紫玉山庄Y onghe Villa 雍和别墅Wangjing Area望京区域MORE>>Wangjing AreaCLOSE TO WAB(京西国际学校区域) MORE>>Beijing Riviera 香江花园Lane Bridge Villa 长岛澜桥Cathay View 观唐Quanfa Garden 泉发花园Grand Hills 大湖山庄CLOSE TO ISBBeijing Eurovillage 欧陆苑Gahood Residential-Commercial Villa 嘉浩商住别墅Le Leman Lake Villas 莱蒙湖River Garden Villas 裕京花园Captial Paradise 名都园Beijing Y osemite 优山美地AIRPORT EXPRESSW AY (机场高速区域)Dynasty Garden 丽斯花园Legend Garden Villas 丽京花园Merlin Champagne Town 美林香槟小镇Chateau Regalia 丽高王府Rits Garden 丽嘉花园SHUNYI COUNTY (顺义区域)Dragon Villa 龙苑别墅Lakeside Villas 枫桥别墅Woodlands Garden 华中园For rent MORE>>Close to Dong Si Area 250sqmJiaodaokou area 交道口四合院Small Courtyard in Dongsiliutiao 东四六条小院棕榈泉Palm Springs富力爱丁堡Chateau Edinburgh华贸中心China Central Place蓝堡国际Blue Castle International Apartments 金地国际花园Gemdale International Garden新城国际Central Park北京高尔夫Beijing Golf Palace公园大道Park Avenue碧湖居Green Lake Garden星河湾Star River海晟(sheng)名苑Seasons Park阳光上东Upper East Side温莎大道Windsor Avenue博雅园Bo Y a Garden东方梅地亚Oriental Media万达广场Wanda Plaza嘉里中心Kerry Center万通中心Wantone Center京汇大厦The Exchange Beijing尚都国际The Spaces世贸天阶The Place天阶大厦the place tower时尚大厦trends tower大厦(双子座)LG Mansion Twins Tower富尔大厦Full Tower凯德大厦Capital Land财富中心Fortune Plaza人寿大厦china life tower丰联广场Full Link Plaza新保利大厦New Poly Plaza通用时代中心写字楼G.T International Center 银泰中心Yintai Centre国贸大厦China World Tower凯恒中心(一期)Metro World Center(1 Phase)海晟国际公寓Cosmoplite Boutique Apartment 凯恒中心Metro world center中国海洋大厦China Nation Offshore Oil Plaza 东湖别墅East Lake Villa 观湖国际GuanHu Garden泛海国际居住区Ocean wide International Residential 中国红街China View首开幸福广场The International Wonderland塞万提斯学院Instituto Cervantes北京侨福芳草地park view green世界城world city百富国际广场majestic plaza北京国际中心Beijing world center长安驿Center Service Apartment盈科中心Pacific Century Place文联大厦WenLian Plaza凯富大厦Comfort Plaza瑞辰国际中心RICHEN INTERNA TION CENTER天安豪园PARK APARTMENT景园大厦PARKVIEW TOWER9号公寓PARKW AY COURT NO。
Green Cities, Healthy LivesIn today's fast-paced world, the concept of a greencity is becoming increasingly important. Green cities are not just about having more trees and parks; they are about promoting a healthy, sustainable, and environmentally friendly way of life. As we move towards a more urbanized future, it is crucial that we prioritize green spaces and sustainable practices to ensure a better quality of lifefor all.Green cities provide a range of benefits to residents. Firstly, they improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thus reducing the risk of respiratory diseases. Secondly, green spaces act as natural noise buffers, reducing stress and improving mental well-being. Furthermore, being surrounded by greenery has been linked to lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. To create a green city, it is essential to prioritize sustainable transportation. Public transportation, cycling, and walking paths should be easily accessible and encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint. Encouraging theuse of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can also help reduce the environmental impact of cities.In addition to sustainable transportation, green cities should also promote recycling and waste reduction. Implementing proper waste management systems and encouraging residents to recycle can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, thus reducing the environmental impact of cities.Moreover, green cities should prioritize the use of green building materials and sustainable design principles. This not only reduces the environmental impact of construction but also ensures that buildings are energy-efficient and contribute to the overall sustainability of the city.Green cities also play a crucial role in promoting healthy living. With more green spaces and opportunitiesfor physical activity, residents are encouraged to be more active and lead healthier lives. Additionally, the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers' markets and community gardens ensures that residents have access to healthy food options.In conclusion, green cities are not just about improving the environment; they are about creating a healthy, sustainable, and inclusive society. Byprioritizing green spaces, sustainable practices, and healthy living, we can ensure a better quality of life for all while protecting our planet for future generations.**绿色城市,健康生活**在当今快节奏的世界中,绿色城市的概念变得越来越重要。
复兴酒店英文介绍作文简单英文回答:The Renaissance Hotels brand is a global lifestylehotel brand created by Marriott International in 1989. The brand is known for its focus on art, design, and culture, and its unique approach to hospitality. Renaissance Hotels are located in vibrant, urban destinations around the world, and they offer guests a unique blend of comfort, style, and local flair.The Renaissance brand philosophy is based on the idea that travel should be more than just a stay in a hotel. It should be an opportunity to experience the culture and character of the destination. Renaissance Hotels are designed to reflect the local culture and provide guestswith a truly immersive experience. The hotels feature artwork by local artists, and they offer programming thatis inspired by the local community.Renaissance Hotels offer a variety of room types to accommodate the needs of every traveler. The rooms are spacious and well-appointed, and they feature modern amenities such as flat-screen TVs and complimentary Wi-Fi. The hotels also offer a variety of dining options, from casual cafes to fine-dining restaurants.The staff at Renaissance Hotels is dedicated to providing guests with a memorable experience. The staff is friendly and helpful, and they are always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that guests have a great stay.Renaissance Hotels are a great choice for travelers who are looking for a unique and memorable hotel experience. The hotels are located in vibrant, urban destinations, and they offer guests a unique blend of comfort, style, and local flair.中文回答:万豪国际集团在1989年创立了复兴酒店,这是一个全球性的时尚生活酒店品牌。
健康城市英文作文Living in a healthy city means having access to clean air and water, safe and walkable streets, and plenty of green spaces to exercise and relax in. It's about having easy access to fresh, healthy food and healthcare services, and feeling a sense of community and belonging.A healthy city is one where people can easily bike or walk to work, school, or the store, and where public transportation is convenient and affordable. It's a place where people of all ages and abilities can be active and engaged in their community, and where everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle.In a healthy city, the environment is a top priority, and efforts are made to reduce pollution, conserve energy, and protect natural resources. People are encouraged to recycle and compost, and businesses are held accountablefor their impact on the environment.A healthy city is one where everyone has access to quality healthcare, regardless of their income or background. It's a place where people feel safe and supported, and where mental health services are readily available to those who need them.In a healthy city, there are plenty of opportunities for social interaction and community engagement. There are community centers, parks, and public spaces where people can come together to socialize, exercise, and participate in cultural and recreational activities.Ultimately, a healthy city is one where the well-being of its residents is the top priority. It's a place where people can live, work, and play in an environment that supports their physical, mental, and emotional health.。
绿色城市健康生活九年级英语作文Green City, Healthy LivingHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 9th grader here in Green City. I love living here because it's such an eco-friendly place that really promotes healthy living for everyone. Let me tell you all about the awesome green initiatives and programs we have going on.First up, our city has put a huge emphasis on walkability and bike-friendly streets. There are safe walking paths and bike lanes everywhere you go, making it super easy to get around without needing a car. My friends and I bike to school every day and then meet up at the park after to hang out. It's not only better for the environment, but it keeps us active and healthy too!Speaking of parks, we have so many beautiful green spaces here in Green City. The big central park has miles of walking trails, playgrounds, sports fields, and even an outdoor fitness circuit. There are also smaller neighborhood parks within walking distance of most houses. My favorite is the one near my house with the cool skate park! In the summers, they have free yoga and zumba classes in the park too which are a blast.Our city has done a great job making locally grown produce available too. We have community gardens where residents can rent a plot to grow their own veggies. And there are farmer's markets every weekend during growing season where local farmers sell their fresh fruits and veggies. My mom and I go every Saturday morning to stock up for the week. The food is so fresh and delicious! Lots of restaurants here source ingredients from local farms too so the food is really high quality.Green City also makes it easy to recycle and compost. We have big recycling bins for bottles, cans, paper and plastic that get picked up every week. And there are drop-off sites around town for compostable food waste and yard waste. At school, we even have a gardening club that uses the composted soil to grow plants and veggies for the cafeteria! Pretty cool right?Another awesome thing is that many buildings here have green roofs covered in plants and vegetation. They help absorb rainwater, provide insulation, and create habitats for birds and insects. My school just got a green roof last year on the new science wing. Doesn't it look so much nicer than a typical black tar roof? Some buildings even have solar panels or wind turbines to generate renewable energy.Our shopping areas in Green City are designed to be pedestrian-friendly too. Instead of huge parking lots, they have parallel parking along the streets and lots of benches and green space. That way you can easily walk from the shops to the restaurants and entertainment instead of having to drive everywhere. It cuts down on emissions and creates a fun community atmosphere. On the first Friday of each month, they close off the main street to cars and have a big festival with live music, street food, and market vendors.Transportation is another area where Green City is super eco-conscious. The public transit system is great with reliable buses, light rail, and even a bike share program. Lots of people use it to get around instead of driving. My parents actually only have one car because it's so easy to take transit or bike places. Oh and we also have free charging stations around town for electric vehicles.In school, we learn a ton about sustainability and taking care of the environment. We even have a special "Green Leaders" program where students can get trained and lead educational activities around environmental issues. As part of that, I got certified as a Student Recycling Ranger! My job is to go aroundduring lunch and remind everyone what can be recycled or composted. We try our best to produce as little trash as possible.One of my favorite events of the year is the annual Green City EcoFair. It's basically this huge outdoor festival celebrating the environment. There are booths from local green businesses and organizations teaching about renewable energy, zero waste living, organic gardening, you name it. They have live music, plant sales, eco-friendly product vendors...it's awesome. And of course there's tons of delicious sustainable food too. Every year they do a trash sort competition to see which school can properly sort their recyclables and compostables the fastest. Our school has won two years in a row!Well, that's a little glimpse into why Green City is such an amazing place for healthy, sustainable living. We're very fortunate to have such a community that values environmental protection and green practices. From the walkable neighborhoods to renewable energy to urban gardening, there are so many fantastic programs in place. I feel really proud to live in such an eco-friendly city that prioritizes the health of both people and planet. Here's to many more green years ahead!。
绿色城市健康生活英语作文九年级Green City, Healthy LivingHi there! My name is Emma and I'm in 9th grade. Today I want to talk to you about the importance of green cities and healthy living. It's something that I've become really passionate about over the past few years.You see, when I was younger, I didn't really think too much about the environment or being healthy. I just kind of went along with whatever my parents said or did. But as I've gotten older and learned more in school, I've realized how crucial it is that we take care of our planet and our bodies.One of the biggest issues facing many cities today is pollution and a lack of green spaces. Think about it - areas with lots of factories, cars, and buildings tend to have dirtier air and fewer parks or trees. That's not a very healthy environment to live in! Pollution from vehicles and industries releases harmful gases and particles into the air that we breathe. Yuck!Breathing in dirty air isn't good for anyone, but it can be especially bad for kids whose bodies are still developing. Things like asthma, lung problems, and other respiratory issues can be triggered or worsened by polluted city air. No thank you!Parks, trees, and other green spaces help filter out some of those nasty pollutants and give us fresh, clean oxygen to breathe instead. That's why I think every city needs more public parks, gardens, trees along streets, and other natural areas. It makes the air so much healthier and nicer to be outside in.Green spaces also provide awesome opportunities for outdoor exercise and activities. My family and I love going to the park to hike the trails, ride our bikes, throw a frisbee, or just relax on the grass. Getting outside and being active is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy.Too many kids these days spend way too much time inside, either watching TV, playing video games, or staring at their phones and tablets. While those things are fun in moderation, they're not good for you if that's all you do. Our bodies need exercise and physical activity to grow properly and avoid issues like obesity, bone or muscle problems, and other health conditions.That's why cities should focus on having plenty of green spaces, parks, playgrounds, sports fields, hiking and biking trails, and other recreational areas. Giving kids (and adults!) opportunities and safe places to play, be active, and enjoy nature is so important. Exercise helps our hearts, lungs, muscles andoverall fitness while also reducing risks like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers when we maintain an active lifestyle.I try to get at least 60 minutes of activity every day, even if it's just going for a walk, riding my bike, or playing basketball in the driveway with my friends. My parents are really good about encouraging my brothers and me to put down our phones and tablets and go play outside as much as possible.Another reason green spaces are so awesome is they help save energy and prevent other environmental problems. Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide, provide shade on hot days to reduce the need for air conditioning, and prevent soil erosion with their root systems. Parks and greenery also help absorb rainwater so there is less runoff and flooding in cities.That's why I'm such a big fan of cities creating more green spaces by planting trees, building parks, using greenroofs on buildings, turning abandoned lots into community gardens, and preserving existing natural areas. It makes the whole city healthier and more sustainable.I think another key part of green cities is focusing on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal instead of fossil fuels that pollute the air. My school recently installed some solar panels which is really cool. More citiesshould put solar panels on buildings, have wind turbines, and use geothermal heating and cooling systems. It's much better for the environment than burning coal or gas for electricity.Cities should also invest in better public transit systems so fewer people have to drive cars that pollute the air. I'm lucky that my city has a pretty good bus and light rail system for getting around. When my family does have to drive somewhere, we have an electric vehicle which doesn't give off any direct emissions. I hope more cities create policies to encourage walking, biking, public transit and electric vehicles rather than everybody driving gas-powered cars everywhere.Those are just some of my thoughts on why green cities that are focused on parks, nature, clean energy, and outdoor activities are so important for our health and the health of the planet. I'm really concerned about issues like air pollution, climate change, and environmental destruction because I want to be able to live in a clean, healthy world as I get older.I think it's up to my generation to really prioritize protecting the environment and making our cities as green and sustainable as possible. We're the future, after all! I try to do my part by recycling, conserving energy, eating sustainable foods, and spending as much time as I can outdoors being active. Gettingoutdoors in green spaces is one of my favorite things - it's so peaceful and refreshing.My dream is that cities of the future have much more greenery like huge parks, trees lining every street, greenroofs covering buildings, and solar panels everywhere you look. I imagine we'll be getting around mostly by walking, biking, or Taking efficient public transit systems. Highways full of cars guzzling gas will be a thing of the past! Instead, there will be wide bike lanes, trails, and very few vehicles on the roads since most people will work from home or locally thanks to technology.Residential neighborhoods will have community gardens and greenspaces integrated right into housing developments so everyone has access to nature and outdoor spaces near their homes. Tall buildings will have trees and vertical gardens growing on them to increase greenery. The air will be fresh and clean since we'll be using renewable energy sources that don't pollute.Living this kind of green, healthy lifestyle will allow kids like me to run around outside, play sports, breathe clean air, and have a much lower risk of diseases and health problems. We'll beable to grow up strong and fit in safe environments surrounded by nature. Doesn't that sound amazing?Those are just some of my ideas for creating green cities that promote healthy living through responsible environmental policies and urban planning. I know it won't happen overnight, but I really hope communities start focusing a lot more on these issues that are so crucial for the future of our planet and public health.I'm just one kid, but I'm going to do my part by continuing to live an active, eco-friendly lifestyle. I'll recycle, conserve energy, take public transit, spend time in nature, and encourage my friends and family to adopt healthy, sustainable habits too. I also plan to get involved in community environmental groups and local politics when I'm older so I can have a voice in making positive changes. If we all work together, we can absolutely build greener, healthier cities for ourselves and future generations. The time to act is now!。
介绍最美东莞西城楼英语作文Dongguan Xicheng Tower, also known as West City Tower, is a historical landmark in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China. 东莞西城楼,又称西城楼,是中国广东省东莞市的一个历史地标。
Standing at the heart of the city, this ancient tower has witnessed the growth and development of Dongguan over the centuries. 这座古老的城楼耸立在城市的中心,见证了东莞市几个世纪以来的发展和成长。
With its unique architectural style and cultural significance, the West City Tower is a popular tourist destination for visitors from all over the world. 以其独特的建筑风格和文化意义,西城楼是全球游客向往的热门旅游目的地。
One of the most striking features of the West City Tower is its traditional Lingnan architectural style. 西城楼最引人注目的特色之一是其传统的岭南建筑风格。
The tower is adorned with intricate carvings and colorful paintings that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. 塔楼上装饰着精美的雕刻和丰富多彩的绘画,反映出该地区丰富的文化遗产。
Visitors can admire the intricate details of the architecture while learning about the history and significance of the West City Tower. 游客可以欣赏建筑物的复杂细节,同时了解西城楼的历史和意义。
介绍东莞西城楼的英语作文Introducing the West City Tower in DongguanDongguan is a bustling city in the heart of China's Pearl River Delta region, known for its thriving manufacturing and technology industries. Nestled within this vibrant urban landscape stands the West City Tower, a remarkable architectural marvel that has become an iconic landmark of the city. This towering structure not only serves as a symbol of Dongguan's progress and modernity but also offers a unique perspective on the city's rich history and cultural heritage.The West City Tower is a striking 72-story skyscraper that rises majestically above the surrounding skyline. Designed by renowned architects, the tower's sleek and modern design seamlessly blends traditional Chinese elements with contemporary architectural styles. The building's façade is adorned with intricate patterns and motifs that pay homage to the region's cultural legacy, creating a visually stunning and harmonious integration of old and new.One of the most remarkable features of the West City Tower is its observation deck, which offers visitors a breathtaking panoramicview of Dongguan and the surrounding region. Situated at an impressive height of 300 meters, the observation deck provides a unique vantage point from which to witness the city's vibrant energy and rapid transformation. Visitors can gaze out over the bustling streets, marveling at the juxtaposition of modern high-rises and historic structures that dot the landscape.Beyond its architectural significance, the West City Tower is also a hub of cultural and commercial activity. The tower's lower levels house a vast array of retail and dining establishments, catering to the diverse needs and tastes of both locals and visitors. From high-end boutiques and gourmet restaurants to lively entertainment venues, the West City Tower has become a one-stop destination for those seeking a comprehensive urban experience.One of the tower's most impressive features is its state-of-the-art multimedia exhibition center, which offers visitors an immersive and educational journey through the history and development of Dongguan. Through interactive displays, multimedia presentations, and engaging exhibits, visitors can explore the city's rich cultural heritage, its transformation from a rural town to a thriving industrial hub, and the stories of the people who have shaped its evolution.The West City Tower also serves as a hub for business and commerce, housing the offices of numerous multinational corporations and localenterprises. The tower's strategic location and modern amenities make it an attractive destination for companies seeking to establish a presence in the heart of Dongguan's bustling business district. The building's efficient design, advanced infrastructure, and comprehensive range of facilities cater to the needs of both small startups and established corporations, contributing to the city's reputation as a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.Beyond its commercial and cultural significance, the West City Tower also plays a vital role in the city's sustainable development efforts. The building's energy-efficient design, which incorporates advanced green technologies and renewable energy sources, has earned it numerous accolades and recognition from environmental organizations. The tower's commitment to sustainability not only reduces its environmental impact but also serves as a model for other developments in the region, demonstrating the city's dedication to creating a more sustainable and livable future.In conclusion, the West City Tower in Dongguan is a remarkable architectural and cultural landmark that embodies the city's dynamic transformation and its aspirations for the future. From its striking design and panoramic views to its vibrant cultural and commercial offerings, the tower has become a symbol of Dongguan's progress, innovation, and commitment to sustainability. As visitors explore the tower and immerse themselves in its rich tapestry of history, culture,and modernity, they will undoubtedly be left with a deeper appreciation for the city's remarkable story and its continued evolution as a leading global center of industry, technology, and urban development.。
welcome to,阜阳英语作文
![welcome to,阜阳英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b18624c7dbef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e9951e76e98.png)
welcome to,阜阳英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Welcome to Fuyang!Fuyang is a beautiful city located in Anhui Province, China. It is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and stunning natural scenery. Whether you are a tourist looking to explore new destinations or a student embarking on a study abroad program, Fuyang has something to offer for everyone.As you arrive in Fuyang, you will be greeted by friendly locals who are eager to welcome you to their city. The hospitality of the people in Fuyang is truly heartwarming, and you will feel right at home from the moment you step foot in the city.One of the highlights of Fuyang is its vibrant culture. The city is home to a number of traditional festivals and events that showcase the local customs and traditions. From the colorful Lantern Festival to the lively Dragon Boat Race, there is always something exciting happening in Fuyang.In addition to its cultural attractions, Fuyang also boasts stunning natural scenery. The city is surrounded by lush greenery,serene lakes, and majestic mountains that offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Take a leisurely hike through the picturesque countryside, or enjoy a relaxing boat ride on one of Fuyang's scenic lakes.For those interested in history, Fuyang has a wealth of historical sites to explore. Visit the ancient Ming Dynasty tombs, walk along the historic city walls, or admire the intricate architecture of the city's temples and pagodas. Each site has its own story to tell, giving you a glimpse into Fuyang's rich past.If you are a food lover, Fuyang will not disappoint. The city is renowned for its delicious local cuisine, which features a wide variety of dishes made with fresh, flavorful ingredients. Whether you're craving spicy Sichuan hotpot, savory dumplings, or sweet pastries, you'll find plenty of options to satisfy your taste buds in Fuyang.As you navigate the bustling streets of Fuyang, you will be captivated by the city's energy and vitality. From vibrant marketplaces to modern shopping centers, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Take a stroll along the bustling pedestrian streets, browse the shops for unique souvenirs, or sample the local street food – the possibilities are endless.In conclusion, Fuyang is a city that has something to offer for everyone. Whether you are drawn to its cultural attractions, natural beauty, or culinary delights, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience in this charming city. So pack your bags, book your ticket, and get ready to explore all that Fuyang has to offer. Welcome to Fuyang – we can't wait to show you around!篇2Welcome to FuyangWelcome to Fuyang, a beautiful city located in the heart of Anhui province in China. Fuyang is a city with a rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and a warm and welcoming community. Whether you are a visitor or a resident, Fuyang has something to offer everyone.One of the most iconic landmarks in Fuyang is the Yingzhou District, known for its breathtaking scenery and ancient architecture. The Yingzhou District is a must-visit for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the history and culture of Fuyang. Take a stroll through the winding streets, explore the charming tea houses, and marvel at the peaceful gardens that dot the district.If you are a nature lover, Fuyang has plenty to offer you as well. The city is surrounded by lush green mountains and scenic rivers, making it the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Take a hike through the Fuyang Grand Canyon, paddle down the Xin'an River, or simply relax in one of the many parks scattered throughout the city.For those who enjoy shopping and dining, Fuyang has a bustling city center filled with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. From traditional street markets to modern malls, there is something for everyone in Fuyang. Be sure to sample some of the local cuisine, such as the famous Fuyang hotpot or the delectable Fuyang dumplings.But perhaps the best part of Fuyang is its people. The residents of Fuyang are known for their warmth and hospitality, and are always eager to welcome visitors with open arms. Whether you are exploring the city alone or with friends, you are sure to make lasting memories and friendships in Fuyang.In conclusion, Fuyang is a city that truly has it all – from stunning natural beauty to rich cultural heritage to friendly locals. So come and visit Fuyang, and experience all that this charming city has to offer. Welcome to Fuyang – we can't wait to show you around!篇3Welcome to FuyangHello everyone, welcome to Fuyang! Fuyang is a beautiful city located in Anhui Province, China. It is known for its rich culture, historical sites, and natural scenery. Whether you are a tourist or a new resident, Fuyang has something for everyone to enjoy.As you explore the city, you will be greeted by friendly locals who are always eager to share their stories and traditions with visitors. The city is filled with ancient temples, traditional villages, and charming gardens that reflect Fuyang's long history and cultural heritage. One of the must-see attractions in Fuyang is the Yingzhou District, where you can visit the famous Yingzhou Pagoda and take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque Ying River.For nature lovers, Fuyang offers plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. You can hike through the lush forests of Mount Huangshan, explore the scenic waterways of the Xin'an River, or simply relax in one of the city's many parks and gardens. Fuyang is also home to a variety of wildlife, including rare bird speciesand endangered plant species, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.In addition to its natural beauty, Fuyang is also a hub of cultural events and festivals throughout the year. From traditional Chinese opera performances to contemporary art exhibitions, there is always something exciting happening in the city. Be sure to check out the Fuyang Folk Culture Museum, where you can learn about the region's history and customs through exhibits and interactive displays.When it comes to food, Fuyang is a food lover's paradise. The city is famous for its delicious local cuisine, which includes dishes like braised pork belly, steamed buns, and tea-smoked duck. Be sure to visit the bustling night markets and street food stalls to sample some of the city's most popular snacks and specialties.Overall, Fuyang is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Whether you are interested in history, culture, nature, or food, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city. So come and experience the charm and beauty of Fuyang for yourself – you won't be disappointed! Welcome to Fuyang, where adventure awaits at every corner.。
介绍最美东莞西城楼英语作文Dongguan Xicheng Tower is one of the most beautiful and iconic landmarks in Dongguan, China. Located in the heart of the city, this magnificent tower stands tall and proud, showcasing the perfect blend of modern architecture and traditional Chinese design.The Xicheng Tower is a symbol of Dongguan's rapid development and prosperity. It offers a stunning panoramic view of the entire city, with its sleek glass walls and futuristic design. The tower is especially breathtaking at night when it is illuminated by colorful lights, creating a mesmerizing sight that attracts countless visitors and tourists.Not only is the Xicheng Tower a visual spectacle, but it also serves as a cultural and historical hub. The tower houses a museum that showcases the rich history and heritage of Dongguan, allowing visitors to delve into the city's past and gain a deeper understanding of its roots.Surrounding the Xicheng Tower is a lush and beautifully landscaped garden, providing a serene and tranquil escapefrom the hustle and bustle of the city. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the garden, admiring the blooming flowers, serene ponds, and intricate sculptures that adorn the area.In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the Xicheng Tower also serves as a hub for various cultural and artistic events. Throughout the year, the tower hosts art exhibitions, musical performances, and cultural festivals, attracting art enthusiasts and performers from all over the world.Overall, the Xicheng Tower is a true gem of Dongguan, offering a perfect blend of modernity, history, and natural beauty. It is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the vibrant culture and rich heritage of Dongguan.东莞西城楼是中国东莞市最美丽和标志性的地标之一。
The Splendor of Dongguan's West City GateTowerNestled in the heart of Dongguan, the West City Gate Tower stands as a proud symbol of the city's rich history and vibrant culture. Rising gracefully against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers, the tower embodies the perfect harmony of past and present, offering a glimpse into the city's storied past while also showcasing its forward-looking spirit.Built during the Ming Dynasty, the West City Gate Tower was originally designed as a军事防御structure, protecting the city from invaders. Over the centuries, it has witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties, the ebb and flow of history, yet it stands tall, unyielding to the test of time. Its sturdy exterior, adorned with intricate carvings and ornate tiles, tells a story of craftsmanship and dedication, reflecting the pride and spirit of the people who built it.Today, the West City Gate Tower has transformed into a cultural landmark, inviting visitors from near and far to explore its secrets and embrace its allure. Step inside thetower, and one is transported to a different world. The interior is a maze of hallways and chambers, each one meticulously preserved to retain its original charm. The wooden beams and columns, the intricate carvings on the walls, and the grandeur of the ceiling all contribute tothe air of dignity and respect that fills the space.But the tower's charm doesn't end here. The views from the top are truly breathtaking. Standing on the battlements, one can take in a panoramic view of the city, watching asthe skyscrapers meld with the older buildings, creating a unique urban landscape that is both modern and traditional. It's a view that captures the essence of Dongguan, a city that has managed to maintain its roots while also embracing change and progress.The West City Gate Tower is not just a monument to the past; it's also a symbol of hope for the future. It reminds us that while we may be shaped by our history, we are not bound by it. We can carry forward the lessons of the past while embracing the opportunities of the present and future. In conclusion, the West City Gate Tower of Dongguan is much more than just a building. It's a time capsule, abridge between the past and the present, a testament to the resilience and adaptability of a city and its people. It's a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to understand the rich tapestry of Dongguan's history and culture.**东莞西城楼塔的辉煌**在东莞的心脏地带,西城楼塔骄傲地屹立着,象征着这座城市丰富的历史和充满活力的文化。
It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to deliver the closing remarks of our International Experience Center. Over the past few days, we have had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a world of diverse cultures, traditions, and experiences. This event has been a truly enriching journey, and I am confident that each and every one of us has gained invaluable insights and memories.Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the organizers, volunteers, and staff members who have made this event possible. Your dedication, hard work, and passion have truly broughtthis dream to life. Without your unwavering commitment, we would not have been able to create such a memorable experience for all of us.As we reflect on the past few days, it is important to acknowledge the incredible diversity of cultures that we have encountered. The International Experience Center has been a microcosm of the world, where we have had the chance to explore and appreciate the rich tapestry of human civilization. From the vibrant street food of various countries to the traditional music and dance performances, each culture has left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.One of the highlights of this event has been the interactive workshops and seminars. We have had the opportunity to engage with experts and enthusiasts from different fields, learning about their expertise and insights. These sessions have not only broadened our horizons but also inspired us to explore new possibilities and pursue our passions with greater determination.In the cultural exchange sessions, we have had the chance to interact with people from different countries and backgrounds. These interactions have been incredibly valuable, as they have allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the world and its inhabitants. We have learned about the challenges and triumphs that people face in their daily lives, and we have realized that despite our differences, we all share a common humanity.The International Experience Center has also been a platform for fostering global citizenship and promoting peace and understanding amongpeople of different cultures. Through various activities and discussions, we have learned the importance of empathy, tolerance, and respect for others. We have come to understand that diversity is not a threat but a strength, and that embracing our differences can lead to a more harmonious and inclusive world.During our time here, we have also had the opportunity to explore the local community and its rich cultural heritage. We have visitedhistorical sites, museums, and art galleries, gaining a deeper appreciation for the local culture and its contribution to the global tapestry. These experiences have not only enriched our knowledge butalso deepened our connection with the local community.As we come to the end of this incredible journey, it is important to reflect on the lessons we have learned and the experiences we have gained. Here are some key takeaways that I believe will resonate withall of us:1. Embrace diversity: The world is a melting pot of cultures, and it is our responsibility to embrace and appreciate this diversity. By understanding and respecting others, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society.2. Learn from others: We have the opportunity to learn from the experiences and expertise of people from different cultures. By being open-minded and curious, we can expand our knowledge and skills, and become more well-rounded individuals.3. Foster global citizenship: As global citizens, it is our duty to promote peace, understanding, and cooperation among people of different cultures. By working together, we can address the challenges that confront us and create a better future for all.4. Value cultural heritage: The cultural heritage of each community is a treasure that should be preserved and celebrated. By appreciating and respecting our cultural roots, we can contribute to the rich tapestry of human civilization.5. Be an ambassador of cultural exchange: We have the power to bridge the gap between cultures and promote mutual understanding. By sharing our own experiences and perspectives, we can inspire others to do the same.As we leave the International Experience Center, let us carry with us the lessons we have learned and the memories we have created. Let us use this experience as a catalyst for personal growth and as a source of inspiration to make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion, the International Experience Center has been an extraordinary journey of discovery, learning, and growth. It has been a testament to the power of cultural exchange and the importance of fostering global citizenship. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this event, and I am confident that each and every one of us has been transformed in some way.Thank you for your participation, your enthusiasm, and your dedication. Let us continue to embrace diversity, learn from others, and work together to create a more inclusive and harmonious world.God bless, and farewell.[Applause]。
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Garden house 花园洋房
• Main structure of the city is constructed by cross axis由两条交叉轴线构成城市主要结构 • Due to the site a Parallel ZONNING has been planned因地制宜规划平行分区
16. Medical college Complex医科大学 17. Labs实验室 18. R&D center医科研发中心 19. Social sport club公众运动俱乐部 20. Library图书馆 21. Museum博物馆 (健康博物馆) 22. Lake park & Garden house湖景公园和花园洋房 23. Sports park & Garden house体育公园和花园洋房 24. Apartment(Middle class)公寓楼(中档) 25. Apartment(High class)公寓楼(高档) 26. Town house(High class)联排别墅(高档) 27. Luxury Resort house豪华独栋别墅 28. Golf course & Garden house高尔夫球场和花园洋房 29. School+Nursery学校、幼儿园、健康师培训基地 30. Mosque清真寺 31 7star Hotel七星级酒店 32. Mixed Street综合街区 5 SINO International Health Care City 希诺国际健康城
Extention Area 项目朝向
0.5 0 1
2 km
China Health Care City 中国健康疗养城
24 24 29 14 13 12 11 10 5 30 22 11 9 29 15 24 24 2 1 3 21 17 24 18 19 4 7 29 20 16 23 24 24
An OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITY for R&D researchers 研发中心工作人员户外运动场
A mediation center where you can enjoy a health resort, golf course and a modern and traditional clinic 健康疗养、休闲度假、高尔夫、现代和传统疗法一站式服务 WELCOME TOWN 迎宾区
3. Introduction of a strong cross axis through the city两轴交汇,通达全城
4. Introduction of a differentiated pattern to suit the program (ORGANIC, ENGINEERING PATTERN) 多元组团,有机联系
• Residential zone (Luxury resort & garden house, High class townhouse, High class apartment, Mid class apartment)住宅区(豪华别墅和花园洋房,高级联排别墅, 中高档公寓) • Medical zone ( Wellness, Hospital, R&D)医疗区(康复中心、医院、研发中心) • CBD zone (Commercial zone, Office zone, Culture zone, Mix zone)中央商务区 (商业区,商务区,文化区,综合区) • Golf Course zone (18holl)高尔夫球场(18洞) • Public facilities, other facilities zone公共设施,其他功能区
25 24 25
29 27
6 26 28
32 26
25 27
27 31
0 250
m 1000
1. Administrative official offices行政办公楼 2. Conference center会议中心 3. Exhibitions center展览中心 4. Shopping malls & Retail购物商场和店铺 5. 5 stars Hotel(CBD)五星级酒店(中央商务区) 6. Hotel apartment酒店式公寓 7. 4 stars Hotel(CBD)四星级酒店(中央商务区) 8. Wellness mall(Old town) 仿古城(传统医学动态实效 博艺馆) 9. General hospital综合医院 10. Specialist hospital专科医院 11. Wellness park保健园区 (含敬老院) 12. Resort hotel度假酒店 13 Resort (Healing garden)花园式疗养度假村 14. Boutique hotels精品酒店 15. 5 stars Hotel(Golf course)五星级酒店(高尔夫球场)
5. Composition of an independent Island City形成一个功能齐全的城市
6. Utilizing water features to enrich the city’s internal space 打造一个独具特色的水城
SINO International Health Care City 希诺国际健康城
SINO International Health Care City Project 希 诺 国 际 健 康 城 项 目
Residential zone住宅区
Luxury villa,豪华别墅 Luxury town house,豪华联排别墅 High class apartment,高档公寓 Mid class apartment中档公寓
Golf course zone高尔夫球场
Medical 医疗 Center for Medical Wellness treatment 医学保健中心
CBD 中央商务区
Medical 医疗 Center of R&D 研发中心
• •
Location位置: Ningxia, Yinchuan宁夏银川 Area 面积: 11,070,000㎡
Huanghe黄 河
Hedong Airport 河东机场
Disease Prevention and Control Center 疾病预防控制中心 Court法院 Culture Park文化公园 Hospital医院 Court法院 Government政 府 Transportation Bureau交通局 Senior High School高中
Shopping mall购物中心 Hotel & Hotel apartment 酒 店 , 酒 店 式 公寓 Cinema电影院 Retail商业店铺 Outdoor arcade步行街
Medical zone医疗区
Wellness疗养院 Hospital医院 R&D研发中心
• Total Residence总共: 17,400units套
Luxury resort & garden house type豪华别墅和花园洋房: 1,500 units套 High class townhouse type高档联排别墅: 900 units套 High class apartment高档公寓: 8,000 units套 Mid class apartment中档公寓: 7,000 units套