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Innovation also demands basic research. Today, the discoveries taking place in our federally financed labs and universities could lead to new treatments that kill cancer cells but leave healthy ones untouched. New lightweight vests for co ps and soldiers that can stop any bullet. Don’t gut these investments in our budget. Don’t let other countries win the race for the future. Support the same kind of research and innovation that led to the computer chip and the Internet; to new American jobs and new American industries.


And nowhere is the promise of innovation greater than in American-made energy. Over the last three years, we’ve opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration, and tonight, I’m directing my administration to open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources. (Applause.) Right now -- right now -- American oil

production is the highest that it’s been in eight years. That’s right -- eight years. Not only that -- last year, we relied less on foreign oil than in any of the past 16 years. (Applause.)

谈到创新的前途,没有任何一个领域能比美国能源产业更有希望。近三年来,我们进行了数百万英亩的石油和天然气勘探。今晚,我指示我的政府开发我国75%以上的潜在近海石油和天然气资源。(掌声)目前——目前——美国的石油产量达到8年来最高水平。是的,8年。不仅如此,去年,我们对外国石油的依赖比以往16 年中的任何一年都少。(掌声)

But with only 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves, oil isn’t enough. This country needs an all-out, all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy. (Applause.) A strategy that’s cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs.


We have a supply of natural gas that can last America nearly 100 years. (Applause.) And my administration will take every possible action to safely develop this energy. Experts believe this will support more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade. And I’m requiring all companies

that drill for gas on public lands to disclose the chemicals they use. (Applause.) Because America will develop this resource without putting the health and safety of our citizens at risk.

我们拥有满足美国将近100 年需要的天然气资源。(掌声)本届政府将采取一切可能措施安全地开发这种能源。专家认为,这将在10年内带来60 多万个就业岗位。我要求在公有土地上钻探天然气的所有公司将他们使用的化学物质成分公诸于众。(掌声)这是因为,美国在开发这种资源时不会把我国公民的健康与安全置于危险境地。

The development of natural gas will create jobs and power trucks and factories that are cleaner and cheaper, proving that we don’t have to choose between our environment and our economy. (Applause.) And by the way, it was public research dollars, over the course of 30 years, that helped develop the technologies to extract all this natural gas out of shale rock –- reminding us that government support is critical in helping businesses get new energy ideas off the ground. (Applause.)

