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nd take spe cial supervisi
s. Four to devoti on, as, do play a role in
qualifyi ng. Official Communi
st dut y. To fulfill the party's pur
problem-solving le
soli d foundation for further
corre ctive action. B to make change. For
che ck put of problem, through e
stablished re ctification Tai
wan a ccount, a
heights of the Communist on pr oblem -orie nted,
s through the motions. To strengt
hen t he consciousness
n, stick t o the spiritual of problems and insisted
es, address, so
preci sion to find t he problem, laying a
nd t hat know that modifie
pose, maintai che cked swing.
d, while focuse
n for the pe opl e themselve s, and de dicati on, devoti on, maintai
n pi one er, pi oneering a nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active at the w
arni ng education for traction, truly de
ep inve stigation i nto change , modificati
on. A
on, and on a ccount PIN,, appr
oach, insi sted do si de learn side modified, a
party members ' advanced grass-r
oots party organizati
quire s a com bination
of actual a nd controlled, focused a
nd really
ons, outsta ndi ng party w orkers, and put the pi
nd lea ding cadres a
bove the county level
shall focus
on furt her refinement to t
he pr oblems. Spe
cific to every party member and ev
ery cadre , also re
of outstanding
o advanced m
odels, establi sh a re prese ntative, advanced a
nd typical of the time
s, and guide the br oad masses of party member
s to emulate.
In honor of the 95 anniversary of foundi
on i n order t o solve t he pr oblem, if it doe
s not solve t
he problem, it will form, goe
nd spirit of per
sistence, honesty in politics, strict statesma
one er trees.
put yourself in,
people se e thing s, see , with their ow n spe cific
d on put "two lear
n a do" learning e
on soluti on of fuzzy ideal
s and beli efs waver, consci
ousness, purpose of the
party weak se
nse,honesty and self-discipli
zations at all lev
els should give full play t
ell-off extra practice, make contri
butions. T he i nce ntive function of party organi
Learni ng educati
on programme for party-buil
ding in our city actua lly proposed to focus
se virtues, practi
cing t he Socialist core value
s, vigorously carry forwar
d the spirit of Jiao Yul
u, Hong qi Canal spirit a
nto. Learni ng to teachEducati
ng as an opportunity to award i
n recogniti on of a number
ne awareness is
not strong,
depressed, six issues of ethi
cal misconduct study contents
spe cific pr ogrammes for all party members a
the party's fine style
, carry forward t
he traditional Chine
Third, the "reform" efforts for example, be sure to change i
probl ems to learn
Constituti on Party rules, seri