德国HBM AED9101D传感器


德国柯雷技术 910型多功能数字核辐射仪 说明书

德国柯雷技术 910型多功能数字核辐射仪 说明书









应用910型多功能数字核辐射仪,可广泛用在制药厂,实验室,发电厂,采石场,紧急状况营救站,金属处理厂,油田和供油管道装备,环境保护,警察局等部门,用于:检查地下水,镭污染检查地下钻管和设备的放射性检查周围环境的氡辐射铯污染检查石材等建筑材料的放射性检查瓷器餐具玻璃杯等的放射性检查局部的辐射泄露和核辐射污染检查有核辐射危险的填埋地和垃圾场检查个人的贵重财产和珠宝的有害辐射检测从医用到工业的X射线仪的X射线强度产品特点带射线选择开关最大值保持功能显示平均时间可调自动存储采样数据可进行辐射计量值累计只需要每5年进行一次校准小型化抗冲击设计,携带方便符合人机工程学原理,手感舒适USB电脑接口,功能丰富的分析软件数据可数值实时远传到电脑显示和分析大easy-to-read 屏幕的高清晰LCD 显示USB电脑连接自动存储记录数据分析软件αβγ射线选择开关数值实时远传电脑显示大屏幕高清晰LCD 显示技术参数测量射线种类α、β、γ和Χ射线测量量程辐射剂量率:0.01µSv/h-1000µSv/h脉冲剂量率:0-30,000cpm,0-5,000cps 辐射剂量累计值:0.001µSv-999999Sv脉冲剂量累计值:0-999999灵敏度1µSv/h的Co-60射线环境下,108个脉冲或1000cpm/mR/hr 阿尔法射线- 从4.0兆伏特贝塔射线- 从0.2兆伏特伽玛射线- 从0.02兆伏特X射线- 从0.02兆伏特射线选择开关对αβγΧ射线进行组合选择传感器卤素填装GM探测器输出端口USB电脑连接口(专用USB线延长线可选,可延长到100米)平均时间默认32秒,可在2秒和120秒之间手动或自动可调显示大屏幕6位数字LCD,带棒图显示,可显示如下数据:辐射剂量率、脉冲剂量、率辐射剂量累计值、脉冲剂量累计值、时间、日期、报警值、标定校正因子、最大辐射剂量率校正可直接调整校正因子报警功能可自由设定报警值,缺省设置为5μSv/hr精度<15%存储功能可存储2千个数据,手动或自动存储软件可让数值实时远传到电脑中,进行显示、分析、记录探测器工作温度-40℃到 75℃重量250克尺寸L 170毫米, W 74毫米, H 30毫米电源3节AAA电池,可连续工作30天质量认证European CE,US FCC15质量保证期主机一年数值实时远传到电脑中,进行显示和分析选项:USB电缆 5米USB延长器和电缆 50米USB延长器和电缆 100米汉化中文电脑软件汉化中文电脑软件附录1 常见问题解答1.910型核辐射仪是否适合我用?我们有4大基本类型顾客。

德国Dr.-Ing. S. Haussmann校准设备KBE1介绍

德国Dr.-Ing. S. Haussmann校准设备KBE1介绍




























PRIMEDIC TM普美康TMXD100除颤监护仪技术参数除颤●除颤模式:体外手动,带自动除颤功能(AED)运行方式:异步,同步●除颤能量: 140 ~ 360焦耳(自动模式)5 ~ 360焦耳(手动模式)病人阻抗:20—200欧姆●除颤脉冲:双相直线方波,电流控制调节(CCD)●脉冲长度:正相11.25毫秒,负相3.75毫秒●充电时间:200J小于6秒,360J小于12秒,心电图●导联:I, II, III, aVR, aVF, aVL心率:30 –300 次/分钟报警:30 –300 次/分钟VF/VT识别分析时间:7 ~ 12秒VF阈:0.2毫伏心搏停止阈:< 0.2毫伏●起搏器识别●异物识别监护屏监护屏类型:高分辨率的LCD显示屏监护屏尺寸:115 x 86 mm (对角线144 mm, 5.7")分辨率:320 x 240点阵(点阵大小0.36 x 0.36 mm)显示内容:心率、除颤次数、识别VF / VT次数、复苏时间长短日期、时间、电池能量打印机:类型:热敏分辨率:200dbi纸宽:58毫米●打印通道:三通道打印打印宽度:50毫米●进纸速度:25/50毫米/秒●打印模式:自动,在线,记忆打印能量供应AkuPak蓄电池:镍镉,12 V / 1.4 Ah放电次数:360焦耳60次,监护5小时内置电源变压器:100 – 240 V,50 / 60 Hz数据管理●通用可取出存储卡:256MB 标配(10.8小时带语音录音或96小时不带语音录音)●语音录音功能●心电图浏览器读取软件(标配)其他运行条件:0 – 55 °C, 30 – 95 %相对湿度,无冷凝700 hPa – 1060 hPa 持续运行存储条件:- 30 – 70 °C, 20 – 95 %相对湿度,无冷凝500 hPa – 1060 hPa尺寸:33 x 17 x 28 cm (宽x 厚x 高)重量: 5.3公斤(不含能量供应单元)德国PRIMEDIC TM普美康TM XD100除颤监护仪标准配置单XD100 除颤监护仪基本套包括:数量·单位PRIMEDIC™ XD100主机1台PRIMEDIC™AkuPak蓄电池1块电源线1根SavePads除颤导线1副SavePads一次性除颤电极片1对3极心电图病人导线1副心电电极片1包SaveCard存储卡512M1块电脑阅读软件1份仪器使用说明书1份用户反馈单1份导电膏1支打印纸1卷。



(一)德国HBM数字式称重传感器的特点:•额定负载:30t•精度等级:D1,C3•认证:OIML,NETP,GOS,PTB•保护等级:IP68(IP69K)•数字输出信号(RS-485/4-线) ,信号传输距离不小于1000米。


•简单安装•IP68不锈钢材料,激光焊接•按照OIML R60最大到3000d分度•按照EN 45 501符合电磁兼容要求•内置过压保护•防护等级达到IP68(1米水柱中测试100小时)和IP69K(高压水柱冲洗)水平•抗疲劳强度不低于100万次。











德国科宝KOBOLD Messring GmbH是一家世界领先的工业自动化控制仪表生产企业,公司自1980年由Mr.Klaus J.Kobold先生创立,科宝集团下辖KOBOLD, HEINRICHS等子品牌,以精密的德国制造技术生产的测量仪表迅速赢得了市场,年增长率超过10%。









0. 目录页码1. 安全指南 32. 仪器说明 53.准备工作13 3.1 蓄电池的充电133.2 心脏除颤仪/心电图监护器的配置(启动莱单)144.心脏除颤仪的操作16 4.1 心脏除颤仪的启动和关闭/自我检测16 4.2 同步和异步驱动16 4.3 能量选择17 4.4 充入能量18 4.5 电极的放置19 4.6 能量的释放194.7 儿童专用电极205.心电图监护器的操作21 5.1 心电图导联的选择21 5.2 信号强度的调节22 5.3 心缩期音的音量22 5.4 心率报警的启动225.5 滤波器235.6 心电图电极的放置246. SpO2-监护器的操作(仅DM30型号)256.1 SpO2-传感器的联接256.2 选择正确的SpO2-传感器276.3 调节SpO2警报287. 打印机的操作297.1 记录心电图信号297.2 每次放电后自动记录输出(自动打印) 307.3 存储器数据的打印317.4 安装打印纸32 8.PRIMEDIC起搏模块的操作338.1 起搏模块的联接338.2 起搏-/除颤电极的置放348.3 起搏器的开启和关闭368.4 操作方式的调节388.5 刺激频率的调节398.6 刺激强度的调节398.7 起搏的开始和停止408.8 起搏过程中进行除颤/通过枕电极除颤429. PRIMEDIC体内除颤(I/D)模块的操作439.1 体内除颤模块的联接439.2 体内除颤用勺电极的联接449.3 通过勺电极进行除颤4410. PRIMEDIC遥控除颤(R/D)模块的操作4510.1遥控除颤模块的联接4510.2 枕电极的置放4610.3 遥控除颤导线的联接4610.4 通过枕电极进行遥控除颤4711. 充电器的使用4712. 可换蓄电池的使用4812.1 蓄电池的更换4912.2 在充电器上同时对蓄电池充电5013. 维护和保养 5114. 废弃处理5215. 技术数据、配件和图示5315.1 PRIMEDIC DEFI-MONITOR DM10和DM30的技术数据53 15.2 配件5615.3 图示5716. 保修条款5817. 附录59A1蓄电池部件的一般指南和规定59A2使用心脏除颤仪的一般指南和规定61A3使用血氧饱和度检测的一般指南67A4对电压一时间函数的说明69A5对监护器图象和输出的说明71A6安全技术检验75PRIMEDIC是Metrax GmbH, Rottweil的注册商标1.安全指南您所购买的PRIMEDIC DEFI-MONITOR是根据在紧急情况下使用的高要求而设计的。



hbm测试方法哎呀,咱今天就来说说这 hbm 测试方法。

你知道吗,这就好比是一场奇妙的探索之旅!想象一下,我们就像是勇敢的探险家,要去揭开 hbm 的神秘面纱。


在 hbm 测试里,这些工具可能就是一些专业的仪器设备啦。














在 hbm 测试中,每一个步骤都要严谨认真,就像工匠打造一件精美的艺术品一样。




总之呢,hbm 测试方法可不简单,需要我们有足够的细心、耐心和智慧。


大家可得加油哦,好好去探索这个神奇的 hbm 世界!怎么样,是不是觉得很有意思呀?那就赶紧行动起来吧!。

FMD911~1航空航天 压力传感器

FMD911~1航空航天 压力传感器

介质 过载安全 压力接口 接液部件材料 壳体材料
气体,液体 1500 psi 1/8-27 NPT 内螺纹 17-4 PH 不锈钢 不锈钢
范围代码 BN BP BR CJ
范围 50 psid 75 psid 100 psid 150 psid
范围代码 CL CP CR CT
范围 200 psid 300 psid 500 psid 750 psid
内部放大器 2k. 4 mA 至 20 mA (2 线 )
压力接口 5h. 1/8-27 NPT 内螺纹地 609.6 mm [2ft], 1/2 NPT 至 14 NPT
9a. 1 0 点(5 上 /5 下)20% 增量,
在 20℃时 [68oF]
溢出端口 1/8-27 NPT 每件 2 处 仅供参考
与适配器兼容 1/8-27 NPT 内螺纹
压力接口 1/8-27 NPT 每件 2 处
安装孔 1/4-28/ 仅供参考 NPT ×5/16 in DP
保证 霍尼韦尔保证生产的产品不会使用有缺陷的材料和不完善的工艺。 霍尼韦尔的标准产品都承诺遵守该保证,由霍尼韦尔另行注明的除 外。对于质量保证细节请参考订单确认或咨询当地的销售办事处。 如果产品在质量保证期间返回霍尼韦尔,霍尼韦尔将免费修复或更 换被确认有缺陷的产品。 上述内容为买方唯一的补偿方法并代替其他的明言或隐含的包括 适销性和合用性保证。霍尼韦尔对衍生的,特殊的或间接的损失 不承担任何责任。 当我们通过文献和霍尼韦尔网站提供个人应用协助时,应由客户 决定产品应用的适应性。 规格可能未经通知进行更改。我们相信提供在此处的信息是精确 和可靠的,但不承诺对其使用负责。

D-27 1

D-27 1

D-271⁄8DIN THERMOCOUPLE METERThe DP24-T is an accurate, reliable, economical digital panel meter for use with thermocouples J, K, T, E, R, S, N, or J DIN. Simple front-panel programming allows selection of max or min (peak or valley) temperatures. The DP24-T has plug-in screw terminalconnections for thermocouple input and power as well as external display hold switches. Its compact depth of only 104 mm (4.10")allows for panel mounting in tight areas. After scaling, the frontkeypad can be locked out to avoidunauthorized changes and anoptional bezel without “buttonholes”can be snapped into place.SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy:±0.5°C (0.9°F) @ 25°C (77°F)Resolution:1.0 or 0.1°(-100 to 1000)Thermocouple Inputs:J, K, T, E, R, S, N, J DIN Operating Temp:0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temp: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Display:Red or green LED, 4-digit, 14.2 mm (0.56") highRelative Humidity: 95% @ 40°C (104°F), non-condensingConnections:Plug-in screw terminalsPower RequirementsVoltage: 115 Vac ±15% standard (230 Vac or 10 to 32 Vdc isolated optional)Frequency:50 or 60 HzPower Consumption:2 W maxMechanical SpecificationsDimensions:96 W x 48 H x 104mm D (3.78 x 1.89 x 4.10")Panel Cutout: 92 W x 45 mm H (3.62 x 1.77"), 1⁄8DINDepth Behind Panel:100 mm (3.94")Weight:312 g (11 oz)shown smaller than actual size.power, $225 + 95 = $324.48.00 (1.89)ߜ5-Year Warranty ߜEasy to UseߜSingle-Button °C/°FSelectionߜMin or Max Recall ߜDisplay Hold andBlankingCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

佰誉达 PCR20D 使用说明书

佰誉达 PCR20D 使用说明书

PCR20D使用说明书【仅供参考设计,非标准产品】BEYD佰誉达PCR雷达传感器版本V3.02021/07/13为客户创造价值目录概述 (2)1.主要技术参数 (2)2.PCR雷达优劣势 (2)3.实物图及尺寸 (3)4.接口说明 (3)5.测量距离与精度 (4)6.使用说明(以与上位机通讯为例) (4)概述PCR20D是以A111雷达传感器为受控芯片,以STM32M4内核的芯片为主控MCU的一种高精度测距模块,可以实现0.2~12.5米范围内测距功能,精度可达毫米级。




2.PCR雷达优劣势PCR雷达超声波红外一致性好√×√不易受相同频段信号干扰√×√不易受照明环境干扰√√×不易受污垢、灰尘等覆盖干扰√√×体积小巧,无须开孔√××盲区短小√×√可穿透水××√3.实物图及尺寸正面反面尺寸:40.5mm x26.5mm x1.6mm.4.接口说明①SW下载接口;如图中所示,从左至右分别是GND、SWD、SCLK、VCC(3.3V)引脚,当有SW更新时,可以用STLink或者JLink由此下载。






1. 分辨率umed10a的分辨率达到了惊人的1920x1080像素,这意味着它能够显示出非常清晰和细腻的图像。


2. 刷新率umed10a的刷新率为60Hz,这意味着它能够以每秒60帧的速度更新图像。


3. 亮度umed10a的亮度范围广泛,可以根据实际需要进行调节。



4. 对比度umed10a的对比度较高,可以显示出更丰富和细腻的图像细节。



5. 响应时间umed10a具有非常短的响应时间,只有几毫秒。



6. 视角umed10a具有广阔的视角范围,可以在不同的角度下提供清晰和准确的图像。


7. 色彩表现umed10a能够准确还原图像的色彩,具有广色域和高色彩饱和度。


8. 耗电量umed10a具有低耗电量的特点,不仅能够节约能源,还能够降低使用成本。



Installation and Maintenance Manual[Auto Switch (Solid State)]Series D-M9N , D-M9P , D-M9B(Complies with the basic safety principles in accordance withISO 13849)The intended use of this product is to detect a position of a magnet in a pneumatic cylinder.Validated D-M9 components according to ISO 13849:For the part numbers of validated D-M9 products refer to Doc. No. D-*S-SMQ0018.This manual contains essential information for the protection of users and others from possible injury and/or equipment damage.•Read this manual before using the product, to ensure correct handling, and read the manuals of related apparatus before use.•Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.•These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by label of “Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger”, followed by important safety information which must be carefully followed.•To ensure safety of personnel and equipment the safety instructions in this manual and the product catalogue must be observed, along with other relevant safety practices.•Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.Caution Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk, which if notavoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk, whichif not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Danger Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.This product is class A, group 1 equipment that is only intended for use inan industrial environment as described by EN55011.Common Auto Switch PrecautionsDesign and SelectionWarning(1) Check the specifications.If the auto switch is used with an excessive load or used outside of thespecifications, it may cause damage or malfunction.The product cannot be guaranteed if is used outside of the specification range.(2) Caution for use in an interlock system.When an auto switch is used in an interlock system which requires high reliability,provide a double interlock system, for example a mechanical protection system, forextra safety, or by also using another switch (sensor) together with the auto switch.Check the product regularly in order to confirm normal operation.(3) Do not disassemble, modify (including changing the printed circuitboard) or repair.An injury or failure can result.Caution(1) Pay attention to the length of time the auto switch will operate at anintermediate stroke position.When an auto switch is placed at an intermediate stroke position, and a load isdriven during the time when the piston passes, the auto switch will operate, but ifthe piston speed is too great, the operating time will be shortened, and the loadmay not operate correctly.The maximum piston speed is:V [mm/s] =Auto switch operating range [mm]×1000Load operating time [ms](2) Take precautions when multiple actuators are used close together.When using two or more actuators with auto switches in close proximity to eachother, maintain a minimum separation distance of at least 40 mm. (If the separationdistance is specified for the actuator series, then use that value).The auto switches may malfunction due to magnetic field interference.Use of a magnetic screen plate (MU-S025) or commercially available magneticscreening tape can reduce the interference of magnetic fields.(3) Provide sufficient space for maintenance.When designing an application, allow sufficient clearance for maintenance andinspection.(4) Never mount the actuator with auto switch in a location that will be usedas a footrest.The product may be damaged if excessive force is applied by stepping or climbingonto it.(5) Design the circuit to prevent reverse current during open circuitconditions or when the product is forced to operate for functional checks.Reverse current can cause product damage or malfunction.(6) Precautions for mounting an auto switchWhen n number of auto switches is specified for mounting, this indicates themaximum number of auto switches based on the physical dimensions of theactuator.The detection distance varies depending on the auto switch mounting structureand the auto switch body dimensions. For this reason, the switch may not alwaysbe mounted at the required detection distance or at the required position.(7) Limitations of the detection position.There will be mounting positions or surfaces where the auto switch cannot bemounted due to physical interference (e.g. rear side of the foot bracket), dependingon the mounting conditions of the actuator.Select an auto switch after confirming that the switch mounting position does notinterfere with the mounting bracket (e.g. trunnion, reinforcement ring).Mounting and AdjustmentCaution(1) Do not drop or apply impact.The auto switch may be damaged or malfunction if it is dropped, bumped or appliedwith excessive impact (1000 m/s2 or more).(2) Observe the required tightening torque for mounting an auto switch.If an auto switch is tightened beyond the specified tightening torque, the autoswitch, mounting screws, or mounting bracket may be damaged.Tightening below the specified tightening torque will allow the auto switch to moveout of position.(3) Do not carry an actuator by the auto switch lead wire.This may cause a broken lead wire or damage to the auto switch internal elements.(4) Use only the screws installed in the auto switch body for mounting theauto switch.If other screws are used, the auto switch may be damaged.(5) Mount the auto switch at the centre of its operating range.Auto switches should be mounted so that the most sensitive position is at thecentre of the operating range.Mounting the auto switch close to the edge of its operating range (close to theborder of ON/OFF operation) may cause unstable operation.(The auto switch mounting positions shown in the actuator catalogue indicate theoptimum position at the end of stroke).Some actuator and cylinder series have their own setting methods. In such cases,follow the instructions given.(6) Check and adjust the actual auto switch operation during installation.The auto switch may not operate in the correct actuator mounting position due tothe installation environment.Also check and adjust the auto switch operation when used in intermediate strokepositions, according to the operating environment.WiringCaution(1) Check the insulation of the wiring.Check that there is no faulty wiring insulation (short circuits, faulty groundconnections, improper insulation between terminals, etc.), as this may damage theauto switch due to over current.(2) Do not route the auto switch wiring in the same place as power cablesor high voltage cables.Otherwise auto switch malfunction may result due to noise and inrush current.(3) Avoid repeatedly bending or stretching the lead wire.Broken lead wires will result if bending stresses or tensile forces are applied to thelead wires.Stress and tensile forces applied to the connection between the lead wire and autoswitch increases the possibility of disconnection.Secure the lead wire to reduce any movement in the area where the lead wireconnects with the auto switch.The standard of bending radius becomes R20 to 40 mm.(4) Be sure to confirm the load condition (e.g. connection and currentvalue) before power is supplied.Operating EnvironmentWarning(1) Do not use the auto switch in the presence of explosive gases.Auto switches are not designed with an explosion proof construction. Fire or anexplosion may result.Contact SMC for information regarding ATEX compliant products.Caution(1) Do not use in a location where magnetic fields are generated.Auto switches will malfunction or the magnets inside actuators will becomedemagnetized.(2) Do not use in an environment where the auto switch will be continuallyexposed to water.Although auto switches satisfy the IEC standard IP67 construction, do not use inapplications continually exposed to water splashes or spray. Otherwise, insulationfailure or malfunction may result.(3) Do not use in an environment where oil or chemical splashes canoccur.If auto switches are used in an environment with coolants, cleaning solvents, oils orchemicals for even a short time, they may be adversely affected by insulationfailure, malfunction due to swelling of the potting resin, or hardening of the leadwires.(4) Do not use in an environment where there are cyclic temperaturechanges.Temperature cycles other than normal temperature changes can adversely affectthe auto switch internally.(5) Avoid accumulation of iron debris or close contact with magneticsubstances.When a large amount of iron waste such as machining chips or spatter hasaccumulated, or a magnetic substance (something attracted by a magnet) isbrought into close proximity with the actuator, it may cause the auto switch tomalfunction due to a weakening of the magnetic force inside the actuator.(6) Contact SMC for information regarding auto switch water resistance,elasticity of lead wires, applications in welding sites, etc.(7) Do not use in direct sunlight.(8) Do not mount the auto switch in locations where it is exposed to radiantheat.(9) The auto switch is CE marked, but not immune to lightning strikes. Takemeasures against lightning strikes in the system.MaintenanceWarning(1) Removal of equipment, and exhausting the compressed air.When equipment is to be removed, first confirm that measures are in place toprevent losing control of the equipment or workpieces from falling, etc. Turn off thepower supply, stop the air supply and exhaust all compressed air from the system.Before restarting the equipment, confirm that measures are taken to preventsudden movement.(2) Never touch the terminals while the power is on.Otherwise electric shock, malfunction and damage to the product can result.Caution(1) Perform the following maintenance regularly to avoid possible dangerdue to unexpected auto switch malfunction.1) Securely tighten the auto switch mounting screws.If the screws have become loose and the required mounting position has beenlost, re-adjust the auto switch to the correct mounting position and re-tighten thescrews.2) The mounting screw is not tamper proof therefore it is foreseeable that misusecould result in system malfunction.3) Check that there is no damage to the lead wire.If damage to the lead wire is found, replace the auto switch, or repair the leadwire, to avoid faulty insulation.4) Check the detecting position setting.Confirm that the auto switch most sensitive position is at the centre of theoperating range (red LED range).Some actuator and cylinder series have their own setting methods. In suchcases, follow the instructions given.(2) Do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner, alcohol etc. to clean theauto switch.This may damage the surface of the body or erase the markings on the body.For heavy stains, use a cloth soaked with diluted neutral detergent and fullysqueezed, then wipe up the stains again with a dry cloth.Solid state Auto switchDesign and SelectionCaution(1) Wiring should be kept as short as possible.Do not use a cable longer than 100 m.For long wire lengths, we recommend a ferrite core should be attached to bothends of the cable, to reduce noise.(2) Do not use a load which generates a surge voltage.When a load which generates a surge voltage is to be directly driven, operate suchas a relay or solenoid, use an auto switch with built-in surge protection.(3) Pay attention to the internal voltage drop of the switch.In general, the internal voltage drop will be greater with a 2-wire solid state autoswitch than with a reed type auto switch.When auto switches are connected in series, the voltage drop will be "n" timeslarger when "n" auto switches are connected.Even though an auto switch may operate normally, the load may not operate.Note that a 12 VDC relay is not applicable.(4) Pay attention to the leakage current.<2-wire type>With a 2 wire solid state auto switch, current (leakage current) flows to the load tooperate the internal circuit even when the switch is in the OFF state.Current to operate load (OFF condition) > Leakage currentIf the criteria given in the above formula are not met, the auto switch will not resetcorrectly (stays ON).Use a 3 wire type auto switch if this specification cannot be satisfied.In addition, leakage current flow to the load will be "n" times larger when "n" autoswitches are connected in parallel.(5) The solid state auto switch output will be unstable for 50 ms after poweris supplied.During the time after supplying power, the input device (e.g. PLC, relay) mayconsider the ON position as OFF output or the OFF position as ON output.Please set up the application to consider the signals will be invalid within 50 msafter power is supplied.Perform a similar setting when using the SMC AHC system (Auto Hand Changingsystem) MA series.WiringCaution(1) Do not short-circuit the load.The auto switch will be damaged if the load is short-circuited.(2) Avoid incorrect wiring.1) If connections are reversed on a 2-wire type auto switch, the switch will not bedamaged if protected by a protection circuit, but the switch will always stay in anON state.However, it is still necessary to avoid reversed connections, since the switchcould be damaged by a load short circuit in this condition.2) If connections are reversed (power supply wire + and -) on a 3-wire type autoswitch, the switch will be protected by a protection circuit. However, if the bluewire is connected to the power supply (+) and the black wire is connected to thepower supply (-), the auto switch will be damaged.(3) Please note the correct stripping direction when removing the cablesheath. The insulator may be split or damaged depending on thedirection used.Recommended tool:Description Part numberWire stripper D-M9N-SWY*: For 2-wire type auto switches, a round wire stripper ( 2.0) can be used.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSOperating EnvironmentCaution(1) Do not use in a location where surges are generated.When there are units (solenoid lifter, high frequency induction furnace, motor, etc.) which generate a large amount of surge in the area around the actuator with solid state auto switches, this may cause damage to the auto switch internal circuit.Switch modelNo.D-M9N D-M9P D-M9B Wiring 3 wire 2 wire Output NPN PNP -Application IC circuit / Relay / PLC24 VDC Relay / PLCPower voltage 5/12/24 VDC (4.5 to 28 VDC) - Currentconsumption10 mA or less -Load voltage 28 VDC or less - 24 VDC (10 to 28 VDC)Load current 40 mA or less2.5 to 40 mAInternal voltage drop 0.8 V or less at 10 mA load current (2V or less at 40 mA)4 V or lessCurrent leakage 100 A or less at 24 VDC0.8 mA orlessOperating time 1 ms or lessIndicator lightOperating position: Red LED lights up Optimum position: Green LED lights up (D-M9 W only)Electrical entrysystemGrommetLead wire Oil-proof heavy-duty vinyl cord 2.7 x 3.2 oval, 0.15 mm2, 2 wire (D-M9B), 3 wire (D-M9N/D-M9P)Impactresistance1000 m/s2Vibration resistance10 to 150 Hz, at the smaller amplitude,1.5 mm or 20 m/s2 in X,Y,Z directions for 2 hours each(De-energized)Insulationresistance50 M or more at 500 VDC megaWithstand voltage1000 VAC for 1 minute(between terminals and housing)Ambienttemperature-10o C to 60o CProtection structure IEC60529 standard IP67, JISC0920D-M9D-M9 VInstallationWarning•Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.MountingEach actuator has a specified mounting bracket for mounting the autoswitch."How to mount / Mounting bracket" depends on the actuator type and thetube I.D. Please refer to the actuator catalogue.When an auto switch is mounted for the first time, ensure that the actuatoris a type including a built in magnet, and select a bracket corresponding tothe actuator.• Setting the detecting position1) Set the actuator at the end of stroke.2) Mount the auto switch in the position where the red LED is ON(detecting position for the actuator end of stroke).3) Based on the A and B dimensions in the actuator catalogue, set theswitch.• HysteresisEnvironmentWarning•Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.•Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact. Check theproduct specifications.*1: For the D-M9 (V) single colour auto switch the green LED is removed.The number shown in brackets [ ] indicates the connector pin number.D-M9D-M9 VExternal dimensions of Pre-wired connectorD-M9 A,BPCD-M9 DPCM2.5 mounting screwtightening torque shouldbe 0.05 to 0.15 NmWhen detection failure occurs (stay ON/OFF), please follow the flow chart below.A: Switch output parts failure (replace) B: Check wiring and correct faultC: Replace switch 2 wires --> 3 wires D: Switch failureE: Replace cylinder. Detectable magnet field inadequate (No magnet) F: Replace PLC input board or replace switch 2 wires --> 3 wiresLoad specification checks1) On voltage > Load voltage – Internal voltage drop 2) Off current > Leak currentLimitations of useAny use in an EN ISO 13849 system must be within the specified limits and application condition. The user is responsible for the specification, design, implementation, validation and maintenance of the safety system (SRP/CS)ContactsAUSTRIA (43) 2262 62280-0 LATVIA(371) 781 77 00 BELGIUM (32) 3 355 1464 LITHUANIA (370) 5 264 8126 BULGARIA (359) 2 974 4492 NETHERLANDS (31) 20 531 8888 CZECH REP. (420) 541 424 611 NORWAY (47) 67 12 90 20 DENMARK (45) 7025 2900 POLAND (48) 22 211 9600 ESTONIA (372) 651 0370 PORTUGAL (351) 21 471 1880 FINLAND (358) 207 513513 ROMANIA (40) 21 320 5111 FRANCE (33) 1 6476 1000 SLOVAKIA (421) 2 444 56725 GERMANY (49) 6103 4020 SLOVENIA (386) 73 885 412 GREECE (30) 210 271 7265 SPAIN (34) 945 184 100 HUNGARY (36) 23 511 390 SWEDEN (46) 8 603 1200 IRELAND (353) 1 403 9000 SWITZERLAND (41) 52 396 3131 ITALY(39) 02 92711UNITED KINGDOM(44) 1908 563888URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe) SMC Corporation,Akihabara UDX15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPAN Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2013 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.。

德国HBM AED9101D传感器

德国HBM  AED9101D传感器

AD103C amplifier board
Dimensions (in mm; 1 mm = 0.03937 inches)
6 4.4
PG9 (3x) 137
B3559-1.0 en
Data Sheet
AED9101D AD103C mV/V m VDC $3, nominal $2 40 4000 6‐wire circuit v100 5 RS‐232, RS‐422, RS‐485 v15 v1000 32 ASCII/binary 38.4 0 89 1000 01 2 30 t3 10 30 v100 1) -10 +40 -20 +60 -25 +85 190 x 65 x 40 440 (without AD10x) IP65
Accessories, to be ordered separately
Legal‐for‐trade digital scale display (see separate data sheet) 1‐DWS2103 Documentation 1‐FIT‐AED‐DOC (CD‐ROM with operating manual and AED panel program AED_Panel32)
Measuring amplifier Measurement signal input Transducer connection: SG transducer (full bridge) Transducer connection type Length of transducer cable Bridge excitation voltage Interfaces: Hardware (selected by slide‐switch) Length of communications cable RS‐232 RS‐422, RS‐485 Max. number of bus nodes (RS-485) Diagnosis bus (RS‐485 2‐wire) Protocol Baud rate, max. Node address Length of communications cable, max. Trigger input Input voltage range, LOW Input voltage range, HIGH Input voltage range at High level = 30 V Power supply: Supply voltage Current consumption (without load cell) Temperature range: Nominal (rated) temperature Operating temperature Storage temperature Dimensions Weight, approx. Degree of protection per EN 60529 (IEC 529)



T10FRotor StatorConnecting elemente. g. MODULFLEX couplingConnecting element e. g. cardan shaftD 23.T10F .90 enT10FTorque flangesInstallation exampleSpecial features •Extremely short design •High permissible dynamic loads•High permissible transverse forces and bending moments •Very high torsional stiffness •Contactless•Selectable calibration signal •Integral speed measurement (option)Specifications2)Factory settings version KF1 (no switching possible)4)Each type of irregular stress can only be permitted with its given limit values (bending moment, lateral or axial load, exceeding the nominal torque) if none of the others can occur. Otherwise the limit values must be reduced. If for instance 30% of the bending limit moment and also 30% of the lateral limit force are present, only 40% of the axial limit force are permitted, provided that the nominal torque is not exceeded. With the permitted bending moments, axial and lateral limit forces, measuring errors of about 1% of the nominal torque can occur.5)With T10F/50Nm the nominal torque may be exceeded by 100%, with T10F/100Nm up to 10kNm the nominal torque may not be exceeded.6)Relative undulations within the range of the adapter flange in accordance with DIN 45670/VDI 2059.7)See restricted values with speed measuring system.Dimensions (in mm; 1mm=0.03937inches)Screw fitting of the rotor1)With optional speed module 14mm; due to intermediate flange 6mm longer screws must be used.Accessories, to be ordered separately:423G–7S cable socket, 7-pole, straight cable entry, for torque output (connector 1, 3),order no. 3–3101.0247423W–7S cable socket, 7-pole, 90° cable entry, for torque output (connector 1, 3),order no. 3–3312.0281423G–8S cable socket, 8-pole, straight cable entry, for speed output (connector 2), order no. 3–3312.0120423W–8S cable socket, 8-pole, 90° cable entry, for speed output (connector 2), order no. 3–3312.0282Raw cable Kab8/00–2/2/2, order no. 4–3301.0071IM–C 01.01–POD。

科巴 ESD9110 雷达 激光探测器使用手册说明书

科巴 ESD9110 雷达 激光探测器使用手册说明书

button for CITY ®for 360°UltraBright™ Data Display brightness for easy reading. (Also turns VG-2 Alert ®on and off.*)*Press and hold for 2 seconds to access these functionsSmartMute™12V DCAUTO MUTE of audio alerts.ON-OFF/VOLUME controlindicatorsignal strength, laser andCITY/HIGHWAY mode indicatorsA1Table of ContentsImportant information about...Federal Laws, Safety Alert ®/Strobe Alert ™, Safe Driving,Security of Your Vehicle, Customer Support..................................................................................A1Installation ..................................................................................................................................2-4Operation–Getting Started ............................................................................................................5Operation–Settings ......................................................................................................................6-12Highway/City Mode ................................................................................................................6UltraBright ™Data Display Brightness ..........................................................................................7Muting an Alert ......................................................................................................................8Auto Mute Mode ....................................................................................................................8SmartMute ™............................................................................................................................9-11VG-2 Alert ®Audio Setting ........................................................................................................12Detection ....................................................................................................................................13-16Signals Detected ....................................................................................................................13Audio Alerts ............................................................................................................................13Visual Display ........................................................................................................................13-15Instant-On Detection ................................................................................................................16Responding to Alerts ................................................................................................................16Understanding Radar and Laser ......................................................................................................17-19Maintenance and Service ..............................................................................................................20-21Limited 1-Year Warranty ................................................................................................................22Specifications ..............................................................................................................................23Optional Accessories ....................................................................................................................24Order Form ..................................................................................................................................25Important information about...Federal Laws Governing the Use of Radar DetectorsIt is not against federal law to receive radar transmissions with your Cobra ®radar detector. The Communications Act of 1924guarantees your right to receive radio transmissions on any frequency. Local laws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may be enforced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action.Safety Alert®Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents. It is only intended to alert the motorist that an emergency vehicle equipped with a Cobra ®Safety Alert ®transmitter is within range as defined by that product.Please call local fire and police departments to learn if coverage exists in your area.Safe DrivingMotorists, as well as operators of emergency or service vehicles, are expected to exercise all due caution while using this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws.Security of Your VehicleBefore leaving your vehicle, always remember to conceal your radar detector in order to reduce the possibility of break-in and theft.Customer SupportIn this user's manual, you should find all the information you need to install and operate your ESD-9110. If you require further assistance after reading throughthis manual, Cobra ®Electronics offers the following customer support services:Automated Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 773-889-3087.Customer Service Operators are available at 773-889-3087 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.Questions can be faxed to 773-622-2269.Automated Technical Assistance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week via e-mail at:*********************On-line answers to frequently asked questions can be found at: .WARNINGModifications or parts substitutions not approved by Cobra Electronics Corporation may violate FCC Rules and void your authority to operate this equipment.1O NWhere to Mount Your UnitYou will get optimum performance from your ESD-9110 if you mount it at a point approximately in the center of the vehicle,as low as possible on the front windshield without obstructing the unit's view of the road either to the front or rear. You can also mount it directly on the dashboard.1I N S gently push or pull on the bracket1I N SDashboard Mounting1.Place the detector on the dashboardto find a location where the unit hasa clear, level view of the road. Theangle can NOT be adjusted aftermounting.2.Remove the paper backing from oneside of the hook-and-loop fastener.2RT E DYou will hear 3 beeps and the letter "h" will appear in the display indicating thatmodeWhen changing the settings on your ESD-9110, please keep in mind:• Buttons can have multiple functions.• All settings will be stored in memory when the power is turned off and recalled when the power is turned back on.Highway/City ModeSetting your ESD-9110 to City mode delays all X band audio alerts until the signal strength reaches level 3. (A single beep will sound when the signal is first detected.)This will reduce false alerts while you are driving in or near urban areas where there are many sources for conflicting X bandYou can cycle through the settings by repeatedly pushing the DIM buttonThe factory setting is Bright.Press and releaseDI M B U T T O N P R E S S A N D R E L E A S E D I M B U T T O NP R E S S A N D R E L EA S ED I M BU T T ONP R E S S A N D R E L E A S EDarkBrightDimAuto Mute ModeAuto Mute will automatically reduce theaudio volume of all alerts after 4 secondsfor as long as the signal is detected.The factory setting for Auto Mute is ON.MUTE buttonPress and releaseSmartMute™SmartMute™ is a unique new feature of thein memory and recalled each time the poweris turned on.What to Remember While Using SmartMute™SmartMute™ works with both City and Auto Mute modes.Whenever your engine revs are below the activation point, the dot next to the large character on the right side of the display will remain lit. Above the activation point,If, for any reason, the unit stops sensingyour engine's revs, SmartMute™ willindicate an error and automatically turn off.The rev point you set will be stored in theunit's memory when power is turned off, andrecalled each time the power is turned on.The rev point must be reset if you useyour ESD-9110 in a different vehicle.Important:When initially choosing yourSmartMute™ activation point, a settingof approximately 300 to 600 RPMs aboveidle is recommended. You can reset theactivation point at any time to fit yourindividual preferences and driving style.1.3.2.Setting the SmartMute™Activation PointYour ESD-9110 must be installed in yourvehicle.Caution:Do not attempt to set the revpoint while driving. Your vehicle shouldbe parked and idling.SmartMute™must be turned on.You will hear a series of beepsas you follow these steps:O P E R AT I O N•S E T T I N G S D E T E C T I O NVG-2 Alert®Audio SettingThe ESD-9110 is undetectable by policeVG-2 detection devices, and will alert youwhen such a device is in use near yourvehicle. During the alert, the unit continuesto detect other signals. You can choosewhether or not you want your unit tosound VG-2 alerts.The factory setting is VG-2 Audio On.Signals DetectedThe tables on the following pages showyou the types of signals your ESD-9110will detect, as well as the visual alerts itprovides for each one.Audio AlertsA distinctly different alert tone is used foreach type of signal detected (includingseparate tones for each laser signal). ForX, K, and Ka band radar signals, the toneswill repeat faster as you approach thesignal source. The repeat rate of the tonesgives you useful information about thesignal detected. (See Responding to Alerts,page 16.)Visual DisplayAn indication of the type of signaldetected will appear in the UltraBright™Data Display. During X, K and Ka alerts, DIM buttonPress and hold for 2 secondsD E T E C T I O ND E T E C T I O N* your ESD-9110 provides LaserEye ®360°detection of these signals20-20™ and Ultra-Lyte™ are trademarks of Laser Technology, Inc.ProLaser™ and ProLaser III™ are trademarks of Kustom Signals, Inc.10 Band™, Strobe Alert™ and SmartMute™ are trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation.Safety Alert ®Traffic Warning System,VG-2 Alert ® and LaserEye ®are registered trademarks of Opticom™ is a trademark of 3M Corporation.Tomar ®is a registered trademark of TOMAR Electronics, IncInterceptor VG-2™ is a trademark of TechniSonic Industries LTD.U N D E R S TA N D I N G R A D A R & L A S E RD E T E C T I O N 1716Radar SpeedMonitoring SystemsThree band frequencies have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use by speed monitoring radar equipment:X band 10.525 GHz K band 24.150 GHzKa band 33.400-36.00 GHzYour ESD-9110 detects signals in all three radar bands.VG-2VG-2 is a "detector detector" that works by detecting low-level signals emitted by most radar detectors. Your ESD-9110 does not emit signals that can be detected by VG-2, but does detect VG-2 signals and will alert you when a device is in use near your vehicle.Safety Alert ®Traffic Warning SystemFCC-approved Safety Alert ®transmitters emitmicrowave radar signals that indicate the presence of a safety-related concern.Depending on the frequency of the signal emitted, it can indicate a speedingemergency vehicle or train, or a stationary road hazard.Because these microwave signals are within the K band frequency, most conventional radar detectors will detect Safety Alert ®signals as standard K band radar. Your ESD-9110, however, is designed to differentiate between standard K band and Safety Alert ®signals, and give separate alerts for each.Safety Alert ®technology is relatively new.Safety Alert ®transmitters can be found in limited numbers in all 50 states, but the number is growing. Depending on your location, you may not receive these alerts regularly and may often encounter emergency vehicles, trains, and road hazards without being alerted. As the number of transmitters increases, these alerts will become more common. When you receive such an alert, please watch for emergency vehicles ahead of you,on cross streets, and behind you. If you see an emergency vehicle approaching, please pull over to the right side of the road and allow it to pass.Responding To AlertsInstant-On DetectionYour ESD-9110 is designed to detect instant-on speed monitoring signals, which can suddenly appear at full strength.You should take appropriate action immediately whenever an alert is given.U N D E R S TA N D I N G R A D A R&L A S E RStrobe Alert™Special strobes mounted on the light bars of authorized emergency vehicles (fire trucks, police cars, ambulances) automatically change traffic signals as the vehicle approaches an intersection. These strobes and the special strobe detectors located on the traffic signals, introduced fairly recently by 3M and Tomar, are already in use in more than 1000 cities nationwide. Cobra’s exclusive Strobe Alert™detector will detect these special strobes and give an Emergency Vehicle alert.When you receive such an alert, please watch for an approaching emergency vehicle and pull over to allow it to pass. To inquire about coverage in your area, contact your local fire and police departments.LIDAR (laser)The correct name for the technology that mostpeople refer to as laser is actually LIDAR,which stands for Light Detection and Ranging.LIDAR operates much like radar. Its signalspreads out like a radar signal, though not asquickly. Unlike radar, LIDAR must have a clearline of sight to its target vehicle throughoutthe entire measurement interval. Obstructionssuch as sign posts, utility poles, tree branches,etc., will prevent valid speed measurement.1918U N D E R S TA N D I N G R A D A R&L A S E RM A I N T E N A N C E & S E R V I C E M A I N T E N A N C E & S E R V I C E2120Maintenance of Your Radar DetectorYour ESD-9110 is designed and built to give you years of trouble-free performance without the need for service. No routine maintenance is required.If your unit does not appear to be operating properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps:Make sure the power cord is properly connected.Make sure the socket of your vehicle's cigarette lighter is clean and free of corrosion.Make sure the power cord's cigarette lighter adapter is firmly seated in your cigarette lighter.Check the power cord fuse. (Unscrew the ribbed end cap of the cigarette lighter adapter and examine the fuse. If required, replace it with a 1-amp fuse only.)ServiceYou can receive technical assistance with your unit through one of our customer support services:Automated Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 773-889-3087.Customer Service Operators are available at 773-889-3087Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.Questions can be faxed to 773-622-2269.Automated Technical Assistance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week viae-mailat:*********************On-line answers to frequently asked questions can be found at: .If you suspect that your unit requires service, please call 773-889-3087 BEFORE shipping it to Cobra.®This will ensure that you receive service as quickly as possible.If you are asked to send your unit to the Cobra ®factory, please follow these steps:1.Send the complete unit, including power cord. (It is not necessary to include the mounting bracket.)2. For warranty repair, enclose some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a photocopy or carbon copy of a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned.3. Enclose a typed or clearly written description of the problem you are having with your unit, plus the name and address where you want the unit returned.4. Pack the unit securely to prevent damage during transit. If possible, use the original packing materials.5. Ship prepaid and insured using a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express,or first class mail with delivery confirmation. Ship to: Cobra Factory ServiceCobra Electronics Corporation 6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, IL 60707 USA 6. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us about the status of your service. Call 773-889-3087 for assistance.If your unit is under warranty, it will either be repaired or replaced upon receipt, depending on the model. If your unit is out of warranty, you will receive a letter informing you of the repair or replacement charge.23WA R R A N T Y22S P E C I F I C AT I O N SCOBRA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONwarrants that its Cobra ®10 Band™ Radar/Laser Detectors, and the component parts thereof, will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for period of one (1) year from the date of first consumer purchase. This warranty may be enforced by the first consumer purchaser, provided that the product is utilized within the U.S.A.Cobra ®will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective 10 Band™ Radar/Laser Detectors,products or component parts upon delivery to the Cobra ®Factory Service Department, accompanied by proof of the date of first consumer purchase,such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt.You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship the product for warranty service, but the return charges will be at Cobra's expense, if the product is repaired or replaced under warranty.This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply;1) to any product damaged by accident; 2) in the event of misuse or abuse of the product oras a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs; 3) if the serial number has been altered,defaced or removed; 4) if the owner of the product resides outside the U.S.A. All implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to the length of this warranty.Cobra ®shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or other damages; including,without limitation, damages resulting from loss of use or cost of installation.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois 60707This radar detector is covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents:5,497,148; 5,594,432; 5,612,685; 6,078,279; 6,094,148. Additional patents may be listed inside the product or pending.10O R D E R F O R M25For credit card orders fill out order form and fax to: 773.622.2269or call 773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu)8:00 am - 6:00 pm, M-F, CST.Make check or money order payable to:Cobra Electronics6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, IL 60707 USA Attn: Accessories Dept.To order online,please visit our website at: and click “shop Cobra ®”Please print clearlyNameAddress (No P .O. Box)City StateZipTelephone ( )Credit Card No.Exp. DateCircle One: Visa MasterCard Discover Customer SignatureAllow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Offer valid in Continental U.S. only.O P T I O N A L A C C E S S O R I E S 24You can find these fine accessories at your local Cobra ®dealer. If you wish, you can order directly from Cobra.®To order by phone Call 773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu 8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F CST. )To order by mail or fax Please fill out order form on next page, and mail/fax directly to Cobra.®To order onlineGo to and click on “shop Cobra.®”Windshield Mounting Bracket Includes suction cups 545-139-N-001Straight 12V DC Power Cord Includes plug and fuseCurled 12V DC Power Cord Includes plug and fuse420-026-N-001Dual Port Power Adapter Includes adjustable plug (upto 90˚)and fuse CLP-2BPrinted in Korea Part No. 480-015-P©2002 Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, IL 60707 USA The Cobra®line of quality products includes:CB radiosmicroTALK®radiosRadar/Laser DetectorsSafety Alert®Traffic Warning SystemsAccessoriesHighGear™AccessoriesFor more information orto order any of our products,please visit our website:Click “shop Cobra®”Nothing comes close to a Cobra™。














-1975年,研制出世界上最小的感烟探测器-1980年,开发出探头自带CPU的诊断探测技术-1993年,研制出世界上最早的复合探测器-1996年,与IBM合作开发出能连接控制不同厂家的楼宇自动化系统通用接口的智能显示终端-2002年,研发出双光电智能技术,能可靠分辨黑烟、白烟、水蒸气和尘埃等物质,使报警准确性加强-2006年,率先在全球推出了集探测、闪光、电笛和语音为一体的四合一IQ8 探测器系列,开创了世界安防领域的技术新纪元无论在工业应用领域还是在专业技术领域esser都是您最理想的合作伙伴目录第一章简介 (1)1.1 概述 (2)1.2 产品特点 (2)人性化的操作平台 (2)灵活的编程方式 (2)准确的事件记录 (2)实时模拟量曲线显示 (2)丰富的联动控制关系 (2)离线编程和CRT图形显示终端 (3)完善的自动补偿功能 (3)离线编程软件 (3)开放式的网络接口 (3)清晰显示 (3)第二章FAP9800智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) (4)2.1 主要性能 (5)2.2 电气参数 (5)2.3 系统容量 (5)2.4 系统配置 (6)2.5 MCU-16C总线手动控制卡 (7)2.6 POM-8C多线控制卡 (7)2.7 网络接口卡/网络显示器E98-NIC (8)2.8 系统应用原理图 (8)2.9 系统配线要求 (9)系统回路总线 (9)DC 24V电源线 (9)网络通讯总线 (9)楼显通讯总线 (9)模块与后端设备连线 (9)第三章探测设备 (10)3.1 E981371型智能光电烟感探测器 (11)3.2 E981271型智能温感探测器 (12)3.3 E986201智能编址型手动报警按钮 (13)3.4 探测器的安装与布线 (15)3.5 便携式地址编码器 (16)第四章模块 (17)4.1 E988614智能监视模块 (18)4.2 E988615控制模块 (19)4.3 E988680普通探测器接口模块 (20)4.4 E988612短路隔离模块 (20)4.5 模块的安装与布线 (22)第五章楼层显示器 (23)5.1 E98-LCD液晶楼层显示器 (24)5.2 LDM-64C智能模拟式显示驱动卡、LDM-64CH楼层模拟火灾显示器 (25)第六章安舍E98智能火灾报警网络系统 (27)6.1 概述 (28)6.2 MCS图文软件系统,功能强大 (29)第一章简介1.1 概述FAP9800型火灾报警控制器(以下部分内容简称为控制器)是德国安舍公司最新推出的新一代智能火灾报警控制器。



Sensor Selection GuideSensing for Building ApplicationsCO 2SensorsThe Honeywell CO 2 sensor includes state-of-the-art non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology plus a corrosion-free-designed sensing chamber that provides accurate and stable CO 2 readings for years, avoiding costly and inconvenient re-calibration. A patented gold-plated sensing chamber eliminates a primary source of dirt. Paired with a Honeywell economizer, theHoneywell CO 2 sensor can triple year-round savings over “cooling only” economizing. The sensor is used in demand control ventilation applications to maintain acceptable levels of CO 2 in the space.Differential Pressure SensorsAll Honeywell differential pressure sensors offer field selectable 4-20 mA, 0-5 Vdc and 0-10 Vdc outputs, uni- and bi-directional outputs, push button and digital inputs to zero the output, and configurable pressure ranges. Use P7640 dry media sensors in applications where you want measure extremelylow pressure, such as clean rooms, hospitals, fume hoods and computer rooms. Use the PWT Series to monitor and control pump differential pressure, chiller/boiler differential pressure drop and CW/HW system differential pressure.Enthalpy SensorsHoneywell enthalpy sensors are used with Honeywell economizer logic modules to permit the use of outdoor air as the first stage of cooling in HVAC systems. Thelong-lasting solid-state sensing elements are accurate and stable over time. Maximum economizer savings are achieved when two enthalpy sensors are connected to one economizer logic module for differential enthalpy changeover control.Specify Honeywell Sensors And SaveHoneywell sensors have always been competitively priced, and today Honeywell sensors continue to be one of the industry’s best values. Add in the fact that their ease-of-installation increases your productivity and you’ll see that Honeywell sensors are the smart, cost-effective choice.2Honeywell’s complete line of sensor's cover all necessary control applications and mounting options, making Honeywell your best sensor source.Temperature SensorsYou can count on Honeywell temperature sensors for the latest technology, accurate performance and reliability. Honeywell temperature sensors feature solid-statecomponents and are impervious to dust and dirt.They cover a variety of applications that will fit your needs from averaging, immersion and outdoor sensors to duct-mount, wall mount and strap-on sensors.Current Sensors And SwitchesHoneywell current switches can detect whether current is flowing and then transmit the status to a building management system, DDC or PLC controller. Honeywellcurrent transmitters measure the level of operating current and can be used to monitor equipment or drive other equipment with a modulating output. Both current switches and transmitters can be used to detect a motor failure, belt loss or slippage, or a mechanical failure to help prevent further damage and reduce downtime. Because Honeywell current sensors are rated at up to 250 amps, you can meet high-amp applications without the need for a transformer. And Honeywell offers current switches with a very low trip point of 0.20 amps.Humidity SensorsHighly accurate, stable humidity transducers designed for use with HVAC controllers, thermostats and direct digital controllers, Honeywell humidity sensors feature a ceramic technology that’s affected by condensation. Applications include room comfort, rooftop units, air handlers, air conditioning and anywhere relative humidity is tightly controlled.Dew Point SensorsSuitable for mounting on flat and round surfaces, the Honeywell dew point sensor is used to regulate cooling performance, switch cooling systems ON and OFF, andsignal if the temperature is approaching the dew point.YOUR BeST SeNSOR SOURCe3thermostats and non-Honeywell thermostats with remote setpoint.* F or accessing virtually any point in thecontroller, balancing from wall module, etc. **TR75s also have over twice as much memory capacity for parameters as TR71's.4GeNeRAL TeMPeRATURe SeNSORST775-SENS-STRAPT775-SENS-OATT775-SENS-WRT775-SENS-WT50021579-001aFor use with T7350 applications. bFor use with W7100.* May be used with Duct Mounting Kit- Part # 50053060-001GeNeRAL TeMPeRATURe SeNSORS5NOTE: 20K ohms NTC sensors are used with excel 10, 15, 50, 100 and 500. See controller product data sheets for details. PT1000 sensors are used with excel 15, 100, 500, and 600. See controller product data sheets for details. PT3000 sensors are used on certain excel and Microcell products. See controller product data sheets for details. 3K ohm NTC sensors are used on W7100, W7459, W7215, W7212 an dall economizer modules. 10K ohms NTC Type II sensors are used with TB7600, TB7300, and TB7600 Series communicating thermostats. 10K ohms NTC Type III sensors are used with WeBs-AX I/OModules.C7041PC7041JC7041BTB-WALLC7041DC7041FC7041R6CURReNT SeNSORSSplit CoreSolid Core7HUMIDITY , DeW POINT, CO 2and PReSSURe SeNSORSH7655B, H7625B, H7635BC7600B, H7655AC7262A1008C7232BHSS-DPSAutomation and Control Solutions In the US: Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422-3992In Canada: Honeywell Limited 35 Dynamic Drive Toronto, Ontario M1V 63-9285 PR October 2013© 2013 Honeywell International Inc.P7640BHUMIDITY , DeW POINT, CO 2and PReSSURe SeNSORS (CONT.)50035430PWT250Follow us on Twitter: @honeywellcproYouTube:@honeywellcpro。

System Sensor 7251 DH智能空气管道火警传感器商务VD6186说明书

System Sensor 7251 DH智能空气管道火警传感器商务VD6186说明书

Bell Canada, a company that supplies innovative solutions and services, had a problem. It needed smoke detectors that would provide reliable, very early warning to protect its telecommunications rooms – high-asset areas with high air flow. Because these areas are very sensitive to particulates, even small traces of smoke could cause significant damage and operations disruptions.Bell Canada turned to System Sensor, which had the product to do the job: its new laser-based model 7251 DH* intelligent air duct smoke detector, the company’s latest addition to its high-sensitivity detection line-up. The product combines the System Sensor high-sensitivity laser sensor with its industry-leading duct smoke detection capability.The detector not only provides very early warning; it screens out false alarms with a set of sophisticated logic algorithms. It was created to work in areas like telecommunications rooms and computer server rooms, which have high air flow and several air changes per hour.These types of environments are different than a static air environment where fire generates smoke that rises to the ceiling in a concentrated form. In a telecommunication center, the high air flow causes air mixing and smoke dilution. That makes detection by any means other than high-sensitivity detection slow and less responsive. NFPA 76, Standard for the Fire Protection ofTelecommunication Facilities , requires Very Early Warning Fire Detection to detect small, incipient-stage malfunctions that could lead to fire conditions. A manual response in this early stage normally terminates the malfunction.At elevated air flows and in some other locations, the smoke does not have an opportunity to rise to ceiling-based detection. This makes the detection of the air flow at return grilles a very important part of the smoke detection system. Very Early Warning Fire Detection requirements for return air call for an air aspiration port or spot detector for every 4 square feet of return grille area. This often results in an overabundance of detection technology in vulnerable placement areas.Telecommunication equipment spaces are frequently tight. Placing spot detection or air aspiration tubing in front of air handling equipment to monitor the air flow often creates issues with potential injury and equipment damage. It can also create interference with HVAC equipment maintenance if the narrow aisles become partially obstructed.System Sensor responded to Bell Canada’s request for Very Early Warning Fire Detection performance with the conventional duct detection configuration. Once the new duct detection technology was listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada, Bell Canada installed the duct-detection system in one of thefacilities that had recently been upgraded to laser spot detection. The ceiling-mounted detectors were installed to comply with NFPA 76 prescriptive requirements. The return air early detection system design was based on NFPA 76 performance-based requirements. To determine how well the new system worked, Bell Canada conducted the performance-based testing requirements outlined in NFPA 76 Annex B.Very early warning fire protectionThe DNRHS high sensitivity duct smoke detector provides very early warning of fires to protect high-value assets and mission critical operations from fire and the spread of damaging smoke through air management systems. The detector’s intelligent laser sensor can detect miniscule amounts of smoke at air velocities from 300 to4,000 feet per minute – ideal for environments with high-velocity, high-volume air changes. And its unique pivoting housing fits both square and rectangular footprints, so you can be sure the detector will fit your installation.For more information, visit /flex.©2010 System Sensor. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice.HVCS00200 • 6/10 • #2429* T he 7251 DH has been upgraded to and replaced by the InnovairFlex ™ DNRHS high sensitivity ductsmoke detector.Case Study: Bell CanadaLaser Duct Smoke Detectors。

Endress+Hauser K-9U 非接触超声水位传感器说明书

Endress+Hauser K-9U 非接触超声水位传感器说明书

NON-CONTACT ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER K-9U S imple Compact Sensor with Target Calibration and LED Status IndicatorsU 4 Measurement Ranges up to 8 m (26') with 1 or 2" (25 to 50 mm) Transducer MountingU 5 cm (2") Minimum Beam Width for Applications with Restricted SpaceU 5 cm (2") Deadband Optimizes the Filling Capacity of Small VesselsU P C/ABS Enclosure Rated NEMA 6 (IP67) with Optional NEMA 4X (IP65)U F ail-Safe Intelligence with Diagnostic Feedback for Easy Troubleshooting The LVU100 Series is a general purpose 2-wire ultrasonic transmitter. It provides non-contact level measurement up to 8 m (26'), and is well suited for handling ultrapure, corrosive, slurry or waste liquids. The LVU100 Series transmitter is often used in atmospheric bulk storage,IBC tote, 55-gallon drum and waste sump applications. Media examples include acetic acid and resin.SPECIFICATIONS Range: LVU104: 5 cm to 1.2 m (2" to 4') LVU109: 10 cm to 3 m (4" to 9.8') LVU116: 10 cm to 5 m (4" to 16.4') LVU126: 20 cm to 8 m (8" to 26.2')Accuracy: LVU104: 3 mm (0.125") L VU109/116/126: ±0.2% of span in air Resolution: LVU104/109: 0.5 mm (0.019") LVU116/126: 1 mm (0.039")LVU104, shown smaller than actual size.LVU100 SeriesBeam Width: LVU104/109: 5 cm (2") dia. LVU116/126: 7.6 cm (3") dia.Deadband: LVU104: 5 cm (2") LVU109/116: 10 cm (4") LVU126: 20 cm (8")LED Indication: Power, calibration and diagnostics Memory: Non-volatile Supply Voltage: 12 to 28 Vdc Loop Resistance: 500 Ω @ 24 Vdc Signal Output:4 to 20 mA, 2-wire Signal Invert: 4 to 20 mA or 20 to 4 mA Calibration: Target, calibration wire Fail-Safety: Reverts to 22 mA Process Temperature: -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)Temperature Compensation: Automatic Electronics Temperature: -40 to 71°C (-40 to 160°F)Pressure: 30 psi (2 bar) @ 25°C, ****************(0.115bar)per°C above 25°C Enclosure Rating: NEMA 6 (IP67), NEMA 4X (IP65) optional Enclosure Material: PC/ABS FR Transducer Material: PVDF Cable Jacket Material: PP Cable: 3-conductor, shielded 3 m (10')Conduit Entrance: Dual, 1⁄2 NPT on NEMA 4 (IP65) version Process Mount: LVU104/109: 1 NPT or 1" G LVU116/126: 2 NPT or 2" G Mounting Gasket: FKM Classification: General purpose CE compliance For NEMA 4X (IP65) rated enclosure add “-NEMA4” to the model number for additional cost. (cable not included with this model).Ordering Examples: LVU116, 2-wire transmitter,5 m (16.4') range, 2 NPT mounting, NEMA6 (IP67) enclosure with 3 m (10') cable.LVU104-NEMA4, 2-wire transmitter, 1.2 m (4') range, 1 NPT mounting, optional NEMA 4X (IP65) enclosure.。

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Basic AED9101D
Basic device for AD103C
Special features
- For static and dynamic applications
- RS ‐232, RS ‐422 or RS ‐485 interfaces
- Test report available for 10,000 digits, class III - Trigger input
- 10 … 30 V supply voltage range - Degree of protection IP65 - EMC protection
- Diagnostic bus for analysis and additional display
Dimensions (in mm; 1 mm = 0.03937 inches)
PG9 (3x) 137
B3559-1.0 en
device AED9101D
AD103C amplifier board
D a t a S h e e t
Measuring amplifier
AD103C Measurement signal input mV/V
±3, n ominal ±2
Transducer c onnection:
SG transducer (full bridge) Ω
40 ⋯ 4000 Transducer connection t ype 6‐wire circuit Length of transducer cable m
S100 Bridge excitation voltage
Hardware (selected by slide ‐switch)
Length of communications cable RS ‐232
RS ‐422, RS ‐485
Max. number of bus nodes (RS-485)
RS ‐232, RS ‐422, RS ‐485
m S15 m
S1000 32
Diagnosis bus (RS ‐485 2‐wire)
Baud rate, max. kbit/s 38.4 Node address
0 ⋯ 89 Length of communications cable, m ax. m
1000 Trigger input
Input voltage range, LOW V 0 ⋯ 1 Input voltage range, HIGH
V 2 ⋯ 30 Input voltage range at High level = 30 V mA
Power supply:
Supply voltage
V DC 10 ⋯ 30 Current consumption (without load cell) mA
S100 1)
Temperature range:
Nominal (rated) temperature Operating temperature ︒C
-10 ⋯ +40 -20 ⋯ +60 Storage temperature
-25 ⋯ +85 Dimensions mm 190 x 65 x 40 Weight, approx.
440 (without AD10x)
Degree of protection per EN 60529 (IEC 529)
1) Current consumption S 100 mA +
Excitatio n voltage U B = 5 V
Bridge resistance R B
Product numbers
1‐AED9101D = Basic device AED9101D 1‐AD103C
= Amplifier board AD103C (see separate data sheet)
Accessories, to be ordered separately
Legal ‐for ‐trade digital scale display (see separate data sheet) 1‐DWS2103 Documentation
1‐FIT ‐AED ‐DOC (CD ‐ROM with operating manual and AED panel program AED_Panel32)
Modifications r eserved.
All product descriptions are for general information only. They are not to be understood as a guarantee of quality or durability and do not constitute any liability whatsoever.
B 3559-1.0 e n。
