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Asking the way


1.ask the way: 问路

e from: 来自……(在说来自哪里,即属于哪里人时,也可以说:be from , 例如:I come from China.= I am from China.)(Where is she from?=__________________)

3.live in sp(某地): 住在( I have a friend. He lives in China, but comes from Japan.) live with sb(宾)

4.visit the History Museum: 参观历史博物馆(回忆want 的用法)

5. He doesn’t know (not know)the way. the way to sp (去某地的路) on one’s way to sp________

6.ask sb(宾) to do sth ask sb the way to sp ___________s ask sb how to get to sp (如果get 的后面是具体的地名,那么地名的前面一定要加to, 例如:get to the shopping center, get to the middle school….., ) get there/here(为什么没有to?)_____________

7. Can you tell me the way to …..? : 你能够告诉我去……的路吗?

8. Let me see. 让我想想。(在不同的语言环境里,see 有不同的意思。例如:Can you tell me how to read this word? Which one? Let me see. 这里的see的意思就是:看。)Let me have

a look.

9.go along this street: 沿着这条路走(along 沿着,go along Zhongshan Road, 路名的首字母要大写)

10.turn left/right: 向左/右转on the left/right__________________. on your left: 在你的左边

11.at the third crossing: 在第三个交叉口(这里的“在”要用at, 序数词的前面一定要用到the)

12.You can’t miss it. 你不会错过它的。(miss : 错过,想念,怀念We miss our friends.)

13.How far: 多远from here: 从这儿How far is A from B?_____________ It’s about a kilometer away: 大概一公里远(three kilometers away: 三公里远,about: 大概)a long walk: 一段很长的路

14.to get there faster: 为了更快的到达那里(这里的“to”是表示目的的:为了)

15.take a bus: 乘公共汽车(take a bus, take bus No.1, 不可以只说take bus.)No.(完全)_______ go to sp by bus= take a bus to sp

I go to school by bus. =_______________________________.

16.How many stops are there? 有多少站?( stop: 这里是指停站) at the bus stop: 在公共汽车站

17.over there: 在那里,over here: 在这里

18.every five minutes: 每五分钟(every one hour, 这里的hour 就不需要加s, 因为是one)

19.the post office: 邮局

20.on Zhongshan Road 在中山路上on Beijing Road 在北京路in Beijing Street 在北京街in front of…. 在……前面(in front of the shopping mall --- 在购物中心前面,in front of the classroom –在教室前面。注意:in the front of……和in front of …..的区别:in the front of …. 所说的事物包含在另一事物内部,in front of ….所说的事物不包括在另一事物内部,看看下两个句子在意思上的区别:I am standing in the front of the classroom 和I am standing in front of the classroom.

21.get on: 上车get off: 下车at the third stop_______________

22.very much: 非常,非常地---Thank you/Thanks. ----You’re welcome./That’s all right./Not at all./That’s OK.

23.tell sb(宾). about sth./sb(宾).: 告诉某人关于某事/某人We want to tell you about going to shopping. tell sb (not ) to do sth


24.Yang Ling is showing a map to her friend. 杨凌正在给她的朋友展示一张地图show sth. to sb/show sb. sth.--- 展示某物给某人Can you show the letter to him?=_________________ He wants to show the picture to me. =_________________________________

25.look at sth/sb(宾).: 看某事/某人Loot at this house. Look at that girl. a map of the town/city/country一张城镇/城市/国家的地图buy some presents for my friends: 为我的朋友买些礼物buy sth for sb=buy sb sth shopping centre: 购物中心middle school: 中学(high school --- 高中,primary school--- 小学,kindergarten –幼儿园)train station: 火车站(bus station: 公共汽车站)

26.visit sb/sp__________. a book about animals: 一本关于动物的书(关于:about )

27.want to + 动词原形:想做某事(I want to be a teacher. He wanted to see a movie last night. )

28.see --- saw, steal --- stole, run --- ran, come --- came, get—got stop—stopped, go—went be —was/were swim—swam, have—had, do/does—did, tell—told, take--took 时间状语:a moment ago, just now, last night, last week, yesterday last Sunday afternoon….

29.see a man behind me

30.out of….: 从….出来(He ran out of the book store. He walked out of the school. )

31.follow sb along the street: 沿街跟着他( Don't follow me, please.) stop thief: 抓贼,抓住贼( thief --- 复数--- thieves) Come to help 过来帮忙run along sp _______

32.start to + 动词原形: 开始做某事( Let’s start to sing. He will start to learn English next week.)

33.stop the thief 抓住小偷get my purse back: 拿回我的手提包

34.the Bank of China 中国银行at the hotel: 在酒店Go along Guangzhou Road 沿着广州路走Where am I now? 我现在在哪里?

35.Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house. 把女衬衫上的老鼠赶出房子。



Excuse me, can you tell me the way to..., please ?还可以问:

Can you show me the way to.... ?

Can you tell me how to get to... ?

Can you tell me how I can get to....?

How can I get there?

How can I get to....?

Where's....? Which is the way to....?

Is the …near here?

How many stops are there?


Go along this street, and then turn…at the…crossing. The…is on your...

It's over there./It's near the.../Go down the street./It's on...Road.

It’s in...Street./You can take bus No... .and get off at the....stop./ Go along....Road, turn right/left at.... Road. Then go along...Road.

The place is on your right/left.

Well, to get there faster, you can....

2.路程问答法:How far is it from here? It’s about....metres / kilometres away./

It’s about...minutes’ walk from here.
