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Thanksgiving Day was near. The 1 (one) grade teacher gave her class some fun homework —to draw a picture of something for which they were 2 (thank).

Most of the class drew a turkey or other 3 (tradition) things used for celebration. But Douglas drew a different kind of picture. He drew a hand. Just an empty hand.

Douglas was a different boy. He was poor and 4 (happy). As other children played, Douglas was likely to stand close by the 5 (teacher) side.

His classmates were 6 (surprising) at his picture. Some children guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raise (饲养) turkeys. 7 (Other) guessed it was the hand of God, for God 8 (feed) us.

The teacher asked him which hand it was. The little boy said in a low voice, “It’s 9 (your).”

She recalled (回忆) the times she had 10 (take) his hands and walked with him here and there. How often had s he said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how 11 (hold) your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand.

Tears came into the teacher’s12 (eye). (二)

Although I have grown up, I act like a small child 1 (sometime). I don’t like growing up to be an adult. Things become 2 (difficult) in the world of adults.

One day, I went to buy a Christmas card. After I went into the shop, the shopkeeper showed me where to find the cards. I met a young mother and her baby there.

There were a lot of 3 (toy) on the shelf. The young mother passed by the shelf closely so that the little girl 4 (be) able to pick up a toy. However, it seemed too difficult for the little girl 5 (pick) up a toy. Then the young mother stopped. She picked up a toy for her child and made her happy.

The big smile on the face of the little girl made me 6 (thinking) of my childhood. When I was a small child, my parents came along whenever I needed 7 (they). They solved almost every problem for me. I seemed to get 8 (lose)in that happy memory. Suddenly, the young 9 (mother) words brought me back to reality.

“Dear, one day, when you become an adult, I hope you can manage your own life,” she said to the little girl. The words 10 (wake) me up. I was no longer a small child. I should learn to be independent (独立的) and face problems 11 (brave) by myself. And my parents would certainly be 12 (pride) of me. (三)

IPones(网络手机) may be the most popular mobile phones in the world now. Not only 1 (adult) like to use them, but little children also like to use them.

Natasha Sykes, is a mother of two in 2 (American). When her daughter, Kelsey, was only two years old, she became 3 (interest) in her father’s iPhone.

“She 4 (press) the button (按钮) and the phone lit up. It seemed to be 5 (amaze) for her,” said Natasha. “Then she got serious about the phone. She always 6 (cry) for it. It seemed like she also wanted an iPhone.”

IPhons are easy to use. So it is not difficult for little children 7 (use) them. Many applications(功能) on iPhones 8 (design) for children who are too young to go to school. For example, children can learn more about the animals in the world by 9 (watch) the videos on the phones.

10 (How), parents are very worried about this. They don’t know whether they should give their children iPhones. There are two 11 (mainly) reasons. One is that they are afraid that children may destroy the phones. Another reason is that they are not sure whether iPhones can really 12 (use) as educational tools (工具). (四)

My family was not rich. I went to a school where 93% of the students 1

(come) from poor families. This school 2 (know) for its poor education.

It was very easy for me 3 (drop) out of school, just like some of the other

students. I might have been 4 (exact) like that if one thing in my life

hadn’t happened.

At the 5 (begin) of the second grade, my aunt bought 6 (I) the

first Harry potter book. It was 7 (such) interesting that I read it again and again. It encouraged me 8 (discover) the story behind J.K. Rowling’s success. I learned how she had started with nothing and then become one of the 9 (rich) women in the world. She had a great influence on me.

From then on, I began to work 10 (hardly) in school and started to receive As in every subject.

I began to find out more about the world that I lived in. I worked hard and wished that I would be able to have the same story as J.K. Rowling one day.

Today, I’m the manager of a big company. I’m 11 (write) this story to tell you that you should try your best to 12 (success), no matter what the situation is.


My name is Joey and I’m 15 years old. I was not a good boy before. I 1 (fail) almost every exam I took and I liked to play with bad 2 (child).

Everything changed after I met a man 3 (name) John. John was a friend of my mother. He told me that if I could do well in exams, 4 (keeping) away from those bad children and do at least 60 hours of community service (社区服务), he would allow me 5 (join) the “2Xtreme Dream” trip. The “2Xtreme Dream” was a trip to Southern Russia to climb Europe’s tallest mountain, Mt. Elbrus.

The trip was 6 (pay) for by a charity (慈善机构). 10 children 7 (age) from 14 to 19 took part in the trip. They all had their own stories. Some of them even had 8 (many) terrible experiences than I did. However, after we 9 (set) out on the trip, we all changed a lot. We worked together to get to the top of the mountain. We made 10 (friend) with each other. And we did things for the local orphans (孤儿). “Life is like a mountain; every step you take is a step to success,” John told us.

11 (be) at the top of the mountain was the best feeling I had ever had. I realize that I 12

