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)1. — Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate

Easter Day?

—No. This is the first time I ’ve celebrated festival. A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the

D. /; a


)2. — Have you found the poor dog yet? — Yes. But he was when we found him. The bad weather killed him.

A. dying

B. died

C. dead

D. die

( )3. You should learn to think while reading. Usually, behind the lines

the writer ’s true meaning. A. lie B. lies

C. have

D. has


)4. — Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province

__________the Dai people were having!

— Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival. A. What fun B. How fun

C. What a fun

D. How a fun


)5. — The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. —Don ’t worry. I am sure our team will win! A. if

B. that

C. whether

D. why

( )6. —Could you tell me something about Valentine

’s Day in Japan? — Well, not only adults

children celebrate it.

A. but

B. and

C. although

D. because


)7. — Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant? —Maybe. We ’ll go there if the show

before 6. But I don

’t know if


any free tables then.

A. will end; were

B. will end; will be

C. ends; were

D. ends; will be


)8. — Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party? —Well, I don

’t know

A. that I can finish my work by then

B. if can I finish the work by then

C. whether I can finish the work by then

D. that can I finish the work by then (

)9. — I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day. —

. And we will miss you.

A. Enjoy yourself

B. You ’re welcome

C. That ’s interesting

D. The same to you (

)10.The disease was __________ in the small town.





( )11. —I don’t believe the toy is made hand.

The patterns (图案) are really fine.

—I don’t believe it, either. But no machine is used during the whole process.

A. for

B. with

C. by

D. in

( )12. I’ll finish the job, how long it takes.

A. until

B. unless

C. no matter

D. even though

( )13. —Kate’s allowed to chat on WeChat with her friends at home, she?

— Yes. Her parents think she is old enough.

A. doesn’t

B. isn’t

C. does

D. is

( )14. I can’t tell when the house was built , but it must be very old.

A. exactly

B. differently

C. quickly

D. simply

( )15. — Do you often e-mail your friends?

— No. I use WeChat more often, but I e-mail my friends.

A. have to

B. would like to

C. used to

D. get to

( )16. — James, can you tell me ?

—Paul? I haven’t seen him for years. He used to be a shy and quiet boy.

A. what is Paul like

B. what Paul is like

C. what does Paul like

D. what Paul likes

( )10. — The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.

—You never say no before you try.

A. Forget it!

B. I’m sorry.

e on!

D. Pardon me?


Few people knew Zhang Liang in the past.H e was almost a 1 outside the fashion world before he and his 5-year-old son Tiantian took part in last year’snew TV show “Where Are We Going, Dad?” Now, his name stands for “good d ad” in China.Zhang Liang, 32, is a model. On the TV show, together with four other dad-child pairs, they went on a 72-hour trip every week. Zhang Liang is t

he youngest of the 2 fathers. But he has stood out as the most popular one. He is tall and handsome. He makes great food, but people 3


parenting(养育技巧)most. He 4 his son almost like a friend.On the show,

when Tiantian 5 to protect his egg and lied about it, Zhang told him it was

OK to just say sorry. When T iantian’s

clothes were 6 in the snow, Zhang sto
