山西专升本考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是山西的著名景点?A. 五台山B. 云冈石窟C. 峨眉山D. 平遥古城答案:C2. 山西省的省会城市是?A. 太原B. 石家庄C. 郑州D. 西安答案:A3. 山西省的简称是什么?A. 晋B. 鲁C. 豫D. 陕答案:A4. 下列哪项不是山西的传统美食?A. 刀削面B. 油泼面C. 过油肉D. 煎饼果子5. 山西省的地理位置位于中国的哪个方向?A. 东北B. 西北C. 东南D. 西南答案:B6. 山西省的面积大约是多少?A. 15万平方公里B. 25万平方公里C. 35万平方公里D. 45万平方公里答案:B7. 下列哪项不是山西的非物质文化遗产?A. 晋剧B. 皮影戏C. 京剧D. 剪纸答案:C8. 山西省的气候类型是什么?A. 温带季风气候B. 亚热带季风气候C. 热带雨林气候D. 寒带气候答案:A9. 山西省的矿产资源中,哪种最为丰富?B. 石油C. 天然气D. 铁矿答案:A10. 山西省的人口数量大约是多少?A. 3000万B. 4000万C. 5000万D. 6000万答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 山西省的省花是____。
答案:牡丹2. 山西省的省树是____。
答案:油松3. 山西省的省鸟是____。
答案:褐马鸡4. 山西省的省会太原的别称是____。
答案:龙城5. 山西省的著名历史人物有____。
答案:关羽三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请简述山西的地理位置特点。
2. 请列举山西省的三大世界文化遗产。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述山西省在中国经济中的地位和作用。
2022-2023学年山西省太原市统招专升本教育理论自考测试卷(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.共产主义战士白求恩不远万里来到中国,支援中国的抗日战争,这表明白求恩具有的高尚情操是()A.理智的情操B.美的情操C.道德的情操D.理想的情操2.梦是在睡眠状态下产生的正常心理现象,它属于()A.有意想象B.无意想象C.再造想象D.创造想象3.许多国家公立学校的教师都是国家公务员,说明()A.教师的专业化程度高B.教师的经济地位高C.教师的政治地位高D.教师的职业声望高4.林黛玉的清高、率直、孤僻、内向、抑郁、敏感等特质,属于()A.共同特质B.首要特质C.中心特质D.次要特质5.十年树木,百年树人体现了教师工作的()A.创造性B.广延性C.长期性D.示范性6.中小学开设的研学旅行课程属于()A.活动课程B.学科课程C.选修课程D.分科课程7.某同学对绅士教育非常感兴趣,计划系统地学习绅士教育的相关内容,那么他应该看的名著是()A.《大教学论》B.《民主主义与教育》C.《教育漫话》D.《爱弥儿》8.较少依赖于文化和知识的内容,而决定于个人的禀赋的能力是()A.晶体智力B.流体智力C.一般能力D.特殊能力9.巴甫洛夫的高级神经活动类型和心理学中的气质类型之间有着对应的关系。
2023年山西专升本考试真题及答案解析下列哪一项是《史记》的作者?A. 鲁迅B. 茅盾C. 胡适D. 周作人答案:A解析:《史记》是我国第一部以人物为中心的纪传体通史,是一部伟大的历史著作,也是一部伟大的传记文学著作,被鲁迅称赞为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”。
“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”是对哪部作品的赞美?A. 《论语》B. 《孟子》C. 《史记》D. 《荀子》答案:C解析:这句话是鲁迅对《史记》的赞美,形容其历史价值和文学价值都非常高。
下列哪一项不属于四言诗?A. 柳永《八声甘州》B. 曹操《短歌行》C. 屈原《国殇》D. 李清照《声声慢》答案:D解析:“四言”指四字组成的诗句,四言诗指整首都是或基本是四字句写成的诗歌。
下列哪一项是李清照《声声慢(寻寻觅觅)》最突出的语言技巧?A. 比喻B. 夸张C. 叠字D. 拟人答案:C解析:李清照在这首词中大量使用了叠字,如“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”,这种语言技巧是其最突出的特点。
《苦恼》一文在刻画人物形象时主要运用了哪种手法?A. 肖像描写B. 环境烘托C. 白描手法D. 对话、细节与心理描写方法答案:D解析:《苦恼》这篇文章主要通过对话、细节与心理描写方法来刻画人物形象。
下列哪一项是《论语》中的句子?A. “远人不服,则修文德以来之”B. “彼以艰苦忍耐之力,冒其逆而突过之”C. “孟尝君怪其疾也,衣冠而见之”D. “住在富人区的她”答案:A解析:“远人不服,则修文德以来之”这句话出自《论语》,意思是当远方的人不归服时,就修明政治、文化,用它来吸引他。
下列哪部作品不属于四言诗?A. 曹操《短歌行》B. 屈原《国殇》C. 李清照《声声慢》D. 柳永《八声甘州》答案:C解析:四言诗是指整首都是或基本是四字句写成的诗歌。
A.公而忘私B.坚持真理C.舍生取义D.孤高自傲8、在先秦诸子散文中,文学性最强,想象最丰富,最富有浪漫主义色彩的是______ A.《论语》B.《老子》C.《孟子》D.《庄子》9、《窦娥冤》是元代剧作家______的代表作。
山西省专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 中国历史上著名的“一国两制”构想是哪位领导人提出的?A. 邓小平B. 毛泽东C. 周恩来D. 朱德2. 世界上最大的内陆国家是?A. 哈萨克斯坦B. 蒙古C. 尼泊尔D. 阿富汗3. 以下哪个选项不是山西省的著名旅游景点?A. 平遥古城B. 五台山C. 云冈石窟D. 峨眉山4. 以下哪个不是山西省的主要矿产资源?A. 煤炭B. 铁矿C. 铝土矿D. 石油5. 以下哪个不是山西省的国家级非物质文化遗产?A. 晋剧B. 剪纸C. 皮影戏D. 京剧6. 世界上最早的纸币“交子”出现在哪个朝代?A. 唐朝B. 宋朝C. 元朝D. 明朝7. 以下哪个不是山西省的特产?A. 老陈醋B. 汾酒C. 汾阳核桃D. 龙井茶8. 以下哪个不是山西省的历史文化名人?A. 王勃B. 李白C. 王之涣D. 杜甫9. 以下哪个不是山西省的国家级重点文物保护单位?A. 应县木塔B. 太原晋祠C. 悬空寺D. 故宫10. 以下哪个不是山西省的国家级自然保护区?A. 五台山B. 恒山C. 壶口瀑布D. 五台山答案:1-5 A A D C B6-10 B D D C C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 山西省的省会是________。
2. 山西省是中国重要的能源基地,以________和________最为著名。
3. 五台山是中国四大佛教名山之一,位于山西省的________市。
4. 山西省的简称是________。
5. 山西省的省花是________。
6. 山西省的省鸟是________。
7. 山西省的著名历史人物有________、________等。
8. 山西省的著名民间艺术有________、________等。
9. 山西省的著名小吃有________、________等。
10. 山西省的著名旅游景点有________、________等。
答案:1. 太原2. 煤炭、铝土矿3. 忻州4. 晋5. 牡丹6. 褐马鸡7. 王勃、李白8. 晋剧、剪纸9. 刀削面、老陈醋10. 平遥古城、云冈石窟三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述山西省的地理位置和自然环境特点。
2022-2023学年山西省太原市统招专升本职业技能自考真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、多选题(10题)1.夏天炎热多汗,汗渍容易残留在衣物上,尤其颈部、防下、后背等部位,导致衣物发黄,特别是棉质衣物,这一问题更为严重。
A.使用沾湿的毛巾遮住口鼻,顺风逃离B.如果火势突然减弱,则可以放心休息C.选择低洼地或坑洞躲避D.伺机逆风突破林火包围8.关于电冰箱,以下说法不正确的是( )A.电冰箱内温度比较低,这是制冷装置中液体蒸发吸热B.电冰箱散热器摸起来烫手,这主要是电流的热效应造成的C.夏天,打开电冰箱门看到的“白烟”是冰箱内蔬菜、水果等蒸发产生的水蒸气D.家用电冰箱的耗电功率通常超过1000 瓦9.下列属于我国世界遗产中的文化遗产的有()。
专升本山西试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据题目所给的四个选项中,选择最符合题意的一项。
A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四答案:B2. 以下哪个选项不是山西的著名景点?A. 平遥古城B. 五台山C. 壶口瀑布D. 张家界答案:D3. 山西省的省会是?A. 太原B. 大同C. 临汾D. 长治答案:A4. 以下哪个成语与山西无关?A. 桃李满天下B. 一言九鼎C. 一诺千金D. 一箭双雕答案:D5. 山西的简称是什么?A. 晋B. 陕C. 甘D. 宁答案:A6. 以下哪个不是山西的特产?A. 老陈醋B. 汾酒C. 刀削面D. 龙井茶答案:D7. 山西省的地理位置是?A. 华北平原B. 黄土高原C. 东北平原D. 长江三角洲答案:B8. 以下哪个不是山西的历史文化名人?A. 司马光B. 关羽C. 王羲之D. 杜甫答案:C9. 山西省的气候类型是?A. 温带季风气候B. 亚热带季风气候C. 热带季风气候D. 寒带气候答案:A10. 以下哪个不是山西的矿产资源?A. 煤炭B. 铁矿C. 石油D. 稀土答案:D二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 山西省的省花是________。
答案:牡丹12. 著名的山西面食有________、________等。
答案:刀削面、拉面13. 山西的省会太原的别称是________。
答案:龙城14. 山西省的省树是________。
答案:松树15. 山西省的省石是________。
答案:煤炭16. 著名的山西历史人物________,是三国时期的名将。
答案:关羽17. 山西省的省鸟是________。
答案:褐马鸡18. 山西省的省歌是________。
答案:《山西好风光》19. 山西省的省会太原的著名景点有________。
答案:晋祠20. 山西省的著名历史事件________,是中国历史上的重要事件之一。
答案:平型关大捷三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)21. 请简述山西的地理位置和地形特点。
这种观点主要反映了教育的哪种功能______ A.政治功能B.经济功能C.文化功能D.生态功能3、学校美育的主要任务有哪些?4、能力的个别差异不包括能力类型的差异。
他当时的情绪状态属于______ A.激情B.应激C.心境D.悲伤8、打乱传统的按年龄编班的做法,而按学生的能力或学习成绩编班,这是______ A.外部分组B.内部分组C.设计教学法D.道尔顿制9、学习完《赵州桥》一课后,老师让学生观察自己家乡的古建筑,了解它们的历史,并把自己喜欢的古建筑画下来,再进行创造性想象,并配上文字说明,同学们展现了不一样的家乡风貌。
山西专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据题目所给的选项,选出正确答案。
A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四2. 下列哪项不是山西的著名景点?A. 五台山B. 云冈石窟C. 壶口瀑布D. 张家界3. 山西的简称是什么?A. 晋B. 陕C. 甘D. 宁4. 山西省的省会是哪里?A. 太原B. 大同C. 临汾D. 运城5. 下列关于山西历史的说法,哪项是错误的?A. 山西是中华文明的发源地之一。
B. 山西曾是古代晋国的所在地。
C. 山西的煤炭资源丰富。
D. 山西是中国的首都。
6. 以下哪个不是山西的特产?A. 老陈醋B. 汾酒C. 刀削面D. 龙井茶7. 山西的地理特征是什么?A. 多山B. 平原C. 沙漠D. 湖泊8. 山西的气候类型是什么?A. 温带季风气候B. 热带雨林气候C. 温带大陆性气候D. 寒带气候9. 山西的人口数量是多少?A. 3000万B. 4000万C. 5000万D. 6000万10. 山西的省花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 菊花C. 梅花D. 兰花二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 山西省位于中国_______地区。
12. 山西的省会太原,是中国_______城市之一。
13. 山西的_______资源丰富,被誉为“煤海”。
14. 山西的_______是中国四大佛教名山之一。
15. 山西的_______是中国古代著名的石窟艺术宝库。
16. 山西的_______是中国著名的历史文化名城。
17. 山西的_______是中国传统医学的发源地之一。
18. 山西的_______是中国著名的民间艺术形式。
19. 山西的_______是中国著名的传统手工艺品。
20. 山西的_______是中国著名的传统美食。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)21. 简述山西的地理位置和地形特征。
22. 描述山西的历史文化特点。
23. 列举山西的几项非物质文化遗产。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)24. 论述山西在中国历史上的重要地位。
1. 下列不属于五岳之一的是:
A. 泰山
B. 黄山
C. 衡山
D. 华山
答案:B. 黄山
2. 党的基本路线是:
A. 实事求是
B. 解放思想、实事求是、团结一致向前看
C. 实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦
D. 开展社会主义现代化建设
答案:B. 解放思想、实事求是、团结一致向前看
3. 山西省位于中国的哪个地理区域?
A. 华北地理区域
B. 华东地理区域
C. 华南地理区域
D. 西南地理区域
答案:A. 华北地理区域
1. 山西省的省会是_______。
2. 山西省以_______为界与内蒙古自治区相接。
3. 山西省著名的古建筑——悬空寺位于_________。
1. 简述山西省的自然地理特点。
2. 介绍山西省的传统文化。
2024年山西省成考(专升本)经济学考试真题一、单选题1、根据凯恩斯的货币需求理论,当收入水平上升时,会引起______ A.投机动机的货币需求增加B.交易动机的货币需求增加C.预防动机的货币需求减少D.边际消费倾向增大2、如果一项投入品的平均产量高于其边际产量,则______A.随着投入的增加,边际产量增加B.边际产量将向平均产量趋近C.随着投入的增加,平均产量一定增加D.平均产量将随投入的增加而降低3、关于产权明晰化,说法正确的是______A.不利于规范交易行为B.不利于提高合作效率C.不利于提高资源的配置效率D.有利于提高资源的配置效率4、关于现代公司制企业的特征,以下说法正确的是______A.生产决策自由灵活B.周期短见效快C.责权利不明确D.所有权与管理权分离5、资本积累的源泉是______A.物质资料生产B.剩余价值C.扩大再生产D.可变资本6、生产的第Ⅲ区间不是最优生产区间,原因是______ A.固定资本没有充分利用B.边际产量大于0C.边际产量小于0D.劳动要素不是免费的7、社会资本简单再生产的基本实现条件是______A.I(v+m)=ⅡcB.I(c+v+m)=Ic+ⅡcC.Ⅱ(c+v+m)=I(v+m)+Ⅱ(v+m)D.I(v+△v+m/x)=Ⅱ(c+△c)8、某商品的需求收入弹性大于1,则该商品属于______ A.低档品B.正常品C.必需品D.奢侈品9、资本与货币的根本区别在于是否______A.作为流通手段B.作为支付手段C.购买生产要素D.带来剩余价值10、下述情况中,可能会降低资本周转速度的是______A.缩短生产时间B.增加固定资本在生产资本中所占的比重C.缩短流通时间D.增加流动资本在生产资本中所占的比重11、股份公司的特征包括______A.股东承担无限责任B.所有权与经营权合一C.股东承担有限责任D.法人只享有权利,不承担义务12、如果LM曲线的斜率为正,当投资增加时,会引起______A.收入减少,利率上升B.收入增加,利率上升C.收入减少,利率下降D.收入增加,利率下降13、《国富论》的作者是______A.亚当·斯密B.大卫·李嘉图C.约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯D.阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔14、对一般的商品来说,当其供给不变时,如果其需求增加,则该商品的______ A.均衡价格上升和均衡数量减少B.均衡价格上升和均衡数量增加C.均衡价格下降和均衡数量减少D.均衡价格下降和均衡数量增加15、经济效率最高的市场是______A.完全竞争市场B.完全垄断市场C.垄断竞争市场D.寡头垄断市场16、“一带一路”是指______A.丝绸之路经济带、新丝绸之路B.丝绸之路经济带、21世纪海上丝绸之路C.古丝绸之路经济带、新丝绸之路D.古丝绸之路经济带、21世纪海上丝绸之路17、社会资本实现扩大再生产的基本条件是______A.I(v+m)=Ⅱ(c)B.I(v+△v+m/x)=Ⅱ(c+△c)C.Ⅱ(v+m)=I(c)D.Ⅱ(v+△v+m/x)=I(c+△c)18、垄断资本主义国家的政府,私人银行和企业在国外直接投资办厂的行为是______ A.借贷资本输出B.生产资本输出C.国家资本输出D.私人资本输出19、关于委托—代理问题,说法正确的是______A.在企业里,股东是代理人,经理是委托人B.信息是完全的,所以合同是完备的C.代理人可能会为实现个人利益最大化而损害委托人的利益D.合同比激励机制更有效20、在其他情况保持不变时,中央银行在公开市场上买进政府债券,会引起______ A.货币供给量增加,利率上升B.货币供给量增加,利率下降C.货币供给量减少,利率上升D.货币供给量减少,利率下降21、马克思说:“罗马的奴隶是由锁链,雇佣工人是由看不见的线系在自己的所有者手里。
山西省专升本试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 山西省的省会城市是:A. 太原B. 大同C. 长治D. 临汾答案:A2. 以下哪项不是山西省的著名旅游景点?A. 平遥古城B. 五台山C. 云冈石窟D. 兵马俑答案:D3. 专升本考试中,下列哪项科目不属于公共课?A. 英语B. 数学C. 计算机D. 物理答案:D4. 以下哪个选项是山西省的简称?A. 晋B. 陕C. 甘D. 宁答案:A5. 专升本考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 200分C. 300分D. 400分答案:C6. 山西省位于我国的哪个地区?A. 东北B. 西北C. 华北D. 西南答案:C7. 以下哪项不是山西省的特产?A. 老陈醋B. 汾酒C. 龙井茶D. 红枣答案:C8. 专升本考试的报名时间通常是在每年的哪个月份?A. 1月B. 4月C. 7月D. 10月答案:B9. 山西省的省花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 菊花C. 月季D. 玫瑰答案:B10. 以下哪项不是山西省的历史文化名城?A. 太原B. 大同C. 洛阳D. 平遥答案:C二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 山西省的矿产资源中,以下哪些是主要的?A. 煤炭B. 石油C. 铁矿D. 铜矿答案:A, C2. 专升本考试中,以下哪些科目是常见的专业课?A. 英语B. 数学C. 汉语言文学D. 计算机科学与技术答案:C, D3. 山西省的非物质文化遗产中,以下哪些是著名的?A. 晋剧B. 皮影戏C. 剪纸D. 泥塑答案:A, B, C4. 山西省的著名历史人物中,以下哪些是真实的?A. 关羽B. 诸葛亮C. 狄仁杰D. 王之涣答案:A, C5. 山西省的著名山脉中,以下哪些是存在的?A. 太行山B. 五台山C. 秦岭D. 恒山答案:A, D三、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. 山西省的省会城市是______。
答案:太原2. 山西省的简称是______。
答案:晋3. 专升本考试的总分是______分。
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2016年山西专升本考试|答案+7=第一部分: 听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)Part I Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.Short Conversations1. A) Give a speech in Professor Jones class. B) See Professor Jones after class.C) Postpone her meeting with Professor Jones. D) Go to the beach with her friends.2. A) Anything but some meat. B) Some fruit only. C) Nothing. D) Some meat and fruit.3. A) The man. B) The woman’s mother. C) The baker. D) The woman.4. A) By plane. B) By ship. C) By car. D) By bus.5. A) 76 B) 67 C) 59 D) 696. A) He stopped smoking. B) He still smokes.C) He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. D) He smokes10 cigarettes a day.7. A) It was better. B) It was a disaster. C) It was not good enough. D) It was great.8. A) Sales clerk and customer. B) Doctor and patient.C) Waitress and customer. D) Teacher and student.Long Conversation 1Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) They’re roommates. B) They’re families. C) They’re cousins. D) They’re friends.10. A) She easily got nervous while speaking in front of others. B) She missed her psychology class.C) She had not finished her homework. D) She failed the English exam.11. A) Go to psychology class. B) Get fully prepared before speaking in public.C) Try to forget about people while speaking in public.D) Never speak in public.12. A) Men become nervous more than women. B) Children become nervous more easily than adults.C) It’s common for women to get nervous. D) Women become nervous more than men.Long Conversation 2Questions 13 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A) Expensive. B) Interesting. C) Waste of time. D) Boring.14. A) Because he has nothing else to do. B) Because it helps him to get a job in the future.C) Because he loves studying. D) Because he is interested in business management.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some question. Both the passage and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choice marked A)、B)、C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer. Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestion 15 to 17are based on the conversation you have just heard.15. A). A letter of invitation. B). A letter of recommendation.C). A letter of introduction. D). A letter of application.16. A). 1997 B). 1992 C). 1990 D). 200017). A). Brigitte once changed her job. B). Brigitte has never been to Dublin.C). Brigitte is going to get married in Dublin. D). Brigitte is a native English speaker.Passage TwoQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard.18. A). A college in Switzerland. B). A college in Sweden. C). A college in Britain. D). A college in America.19. A). That all the students agreed to accept Elizabeth.B). That most of the students didn’t mind whether to accept her or not.C). That some felt proud to have a woman student on the campus.D). That some thought Liza’s idea very interesting.20. A). Because a famous politician supported her.B). Because he thought her idea was interesting.C). Because he took proud in training the world’s first woman doctor.D). Because he was forced to do so.第二部分:词汇和语法结构(本大题共30小题,每小题分,共15分) Part II Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A) B) C) and D).Choose the answer that best completes. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line thought the center.21. Marry has come; I will put ___________plate on the dining table.A) a further B) a spare C) an extra D) more22. After interviewing several workers, she came to a (an) ___________that their working conditions were very poor.A) observation B) illustration C) conclusion D) qualification23. He is a student of great intelligence and diligence. ___________, he is a top student in the class.A) Undoubtedly B) Fortunately C) Nevertheless D) In spite24. Silk and nylon look alike but they ___________ in origin and cost.A) refer B) infer C) differ D) prefer25. What we would like you to know is that we greatly ___________your timely help.A) compliment B) appreciate C) thank D) attach26. Mr. Brown had an unusual ___________: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, andended up as a school teacher.A) position B) occupation C) profession D) career27. It was ___________of you to get up to catch the first bus so that you could avoid trafficreasonable B) sensible C) sentimental D) sensitive28. Her beauty can not ___________her stupidity.A) make out of B) make for C) make at D) make up for29. Community service can ___________ anything from gardening to helping in old people’shomesA) involve B) ask C) insist D) remain30. There seems to be an electrical problem. I’ll get someone to ___________it.A) look at B) look into C) look upon D) look out31. After the war, Germany became one of Europe’s most ___________ countries.A) prosperous B) improved C) swift D) interested32. New computers are soon out of date since newer models are ___________ constantly.A) turned up B) turned over C) turned down D) turned out33. The scene in the movie ___________him of his childhood.A) recalled B) remembered C) recollected D) reminded34 The football match was televised ___________from the Worker’s Stadium.A) live B) living C) alive D) lively35. Color-blind people often find it difficult to___________ blue and green.A) compare B) contrast C) distinguish D) separate36. Mike’s uncle insists ___________ in this hotel.A) that he not stay B) staying not C) not to stay D) that he would not stay37. The office was in darkness ___________ the light over his desk.A) besides B) except C) except for D) rather than38. The old lady sat in an armchair, her cat ___________ beside her.A) lay B) lying C) lied D) laying39. I appreciate ___________ to your home.A) to have invited B) to be invited C) having invited D) being invited40. We are living in an age ___________many things are done on the computer.A) that B) which C) whose D) when41. We could do nothing but ___________till he came back.A) waiting B) wait C) to wait D) waited42. ___________is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.A) As B) Which C) It D) That43. The driver admitted that not only___________, but he didn’t have a driving license either.A) he was not insured B) he was insured not C) was he not insured D) was not he insured44. She hardly ever leaves the house after ten at night, ___________A) nor does she B) does she C) so does she D) doesn’t she45. The reason Beethoven went away to the country is___________ he was gradually goingdeaf.A) since B) that C) because D) as46. She wanted to know what ___________at the meeting.A) has happened B) was happened C) had happened D) had been happened47. Nobody but Smith and John ___________ in the lab yesterday.A) were B) had been C) was be D) was48. Mary has just bought herself ___________ dress.A) a cotton expensive blue B) an expensive blue cottonC) a blue expensive cotton D) a cotton blue expensive49. Such an idea would never occur ___________ me.A) to B) with C) from D) on50. Alice, ___________where to find the book, asked her mother where the book was.A) with no knowledge B) never know C) not knowing D) not to know第三部分:阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共30分). Part III Reading ComprehensionSectionA.Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choice marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneStrange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty four time zones, one hour apart. You can have days with more than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five of twenty-three hours.If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line. By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, today becomes yesterday, traveling west, it is tomorrow!51. The difference in time between zones is _________ .A) more than seven days B) twenty-four hours C) one hour D) seven days52. From this selection, it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean ______.A) is in one time zone B) cannot be crossed in five daysC) is divided into five time zones D) is divided into twenty-four zones53. If you cross the Atlantic Ocean going east,you set your clock ______.A) ahead one hour in each new time zone B) head by twenty-three hoursC) back one full day for each time zone D) ahead one hour for the whole trip54.. The International Date Line is the name for _______.A) any time zone in the Pacific Ocean B) any point where time changes by one hourC) the point where a new day begins D) the beginning of any new time zonePassage TwoMost people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialist advice is available to help you choose the most suitable breed of dog. But in part, the decision depends on common sense. Different dogs were originally developed to perform specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose a breed that has the right size and characteristicsYou must also be ready to devote a good deal of time to train the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless live in the country and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and so are satisfactory with their place which is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection.新明教育400-004-8804The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.55. Which of the following is Not true according to the passageA) Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.B) It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.C) You should decide what kind of dog you want.D) You can always get help from the specialists.56. What is mentioned as a consideration in buying a dogA) The price of the dog.B) The color of the dog.C) Whether the dog will fit the environment.D) Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.57. Why does the writer say a dog is a more demanding pet than a catA) It must be looked after carefully. B) It demands more food and space.C) It needs more love and care. D) It must be trained so that it won’t bite.58. Why is it advised to buy a baby dog under three months oldA) It’s easier to buy a baby dog under three months old.B) They are less likely to run away.C) They are less likely to be shy with human beings.D) It’s easier for them to form a relationship with their masters.Passage ThreeStudents who want to attend an American college or university must explain how they will pay for their education. They have to show that they will be able to pay for each year of have to consider not only the tuition, the cost of classes, but also meals and a place to live, known as room-and-board. They also need money for books , supplies ,social activities and other things. 电话:Educational advisers say foreign students should keep enough money in a local bank to pay for at least two months of spending. So how much will it cost every year to study at an American school Generally speaking, the answer is: a lot. The University of Washington says foreign students are paying more than thirty-six thousand dollars this year. Its website says the University of Washington does not offer financial assistance to international is generally true of American schools, especially at the undergraduate level. It means foreign students are faced with a heavy financial burden.The international application for the university includes a Statement of Financial Responsibility that must be signed. Students must also provide a bank letter or statement from within the past six months. And they have to name anyone who will help with payments. These people must send proof from a bank to show that they have the money.The government or employer may be able to help you pay all or some college costs. A good idea is to ask at least eighteen months before you want to start classes in the United time should be ensured to go through procedures.59. Which statement is true according to the first paragraphA) Foreign students in America can hardly support themselves.B) They should show that they are able to pay the first year of their study.C) Room-and-board refers to the expense on meals and accommodation.D) Students intending to attend an American college or university should explain who will pay for their education.60. According to educational advisers, how many months of expense should be ensured byforeign studentsA) At least two months. B) At least six months. C) At least twelve months. D) At least eighteen months.61. What is Not included in the international application for the universityA) A signed Statement of Financial Responsibility.B) A name list of anyone who will offer help for payments.C) A bank statement issued in the past six months.D) Proofs from banks showing that the students have got the money.62. American universities _________ to international students at the undergraduate levelA) sometimes offer partial financial assistance. B) occasionally offer financial assistance.C) generally do not offer financial assistance. D) always offer financial assistance.Section B.Directions: Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第四部分翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) Part IV TransalationSection ADirections: Put the following sentences into of them are taken from the passages you have just read.新明医学400-004-880471 Traveling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________72 Different dogs were originally developed to perform specific tasks.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________73 A dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________74 This is generally true of American schools, especially at the undergraduate level.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________75 The government or employer may be able to help you pay all or some college costs.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________Section BDirections: Put the following sentences intoEmglish.76 我喜欢农村生活胜过城市生活。