
TPO21Section 111.这段对话主要是讲一位新生在学校没有找到orientation的地点。
老师说:you can’t findyour orientation session? 于是答案在A和C当中,但是后来老师又告诉他,usually,they are in the auditorium。
但是男生表示他前几天去过了,那是general orientation。
他说:yes the general ones,I once went to one of those sessions earlier day, but now I need the one for my major, engineering. 这里就可以得出他找不到的是engineering department的orientation。
对话中,男生说,my schedule said the meeting was in Johnsonhall然而地图上画的这栋楼叫做Morgen Hall。
但是老实说this used to be Jonhson hall,the problem is they changed the name to morgen hall。
他说了I get the second one recently…最后重点在:I left that one in the dorm room. 也就是说他用的地图上的名字没有更新。
3.问这栋楼为什么更新名字,因为老师又说了:this building is renamed after one of outprofessors. She retired a few months ago. She is really well known in the world of physics. 这说明这位叫做morgen的人是很有名很重要的物理学家,所以以他命名。

2015年10⽉11⽇托福听⼒真题讲座1 哲学holism和reductionism的区别(两个学术研究的不同⾓度)⽤ants举例,先说D:每个ant有⾃⼰的task,每个⼩的part都发挥⾃⼰的作⽤。
再说蚁群有queen,但是queen主要是lay eggs⽽不是organize。
讲座2:植物学botany 讨论动物觅⾷与物种多样性,整个⽂章对⽐polar region与tropical region的动物。
Polar:⼀个动物吃多种⾷物,⽽且还migration,就是因为可以吃的东西选择少,不diverse,这些动物可以被称为generalist,举例foxTropical:动物可以吃东西选择多,⽽且climate stable所以吃⼀种就⾏,这样避免了animals之间的competition。
对话2:学⽣服务场景student和employee at theater的对话。
Employee说可以看哈姆雷特,同时推荐了season ticket给她,并告诉她三个好处:1. Cheep,因为有discount2. 可以卖extra ticket,但不保证座位在⼀起,因为这两部分票是分开卖的,⼥⽣说没有关系。

2020年11月21日托福独立口语机经考前补充历次考试时间: 2008-9-6CN,2008-12-20NA,2020-11-8CN题目: While choosing a house or an apartment to live in, what is the most important characteristic you care about? Why?历次考试时间: 2009-5-16CN,2020-12-10NA,2020-4-19CN题目: Describe the most important decision that you have ever made. Please include specific details in your answer.历次考试时间: 2020-4-2NA,2020-5-12CN,2020-6-8CN题目: Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. Please give some suggestions for the following recommendations. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. 如果你的一个朋友想开餐馆,你对food和location有什么建议?历次考试时间: 2009-8-7NA,2020-11-14CN题目: Describe an event that happened in the history, and explain why you want to learn more about the event. 描述一件你感兴趣的历史事件历次考试时间: 2020-11-6NA,2020-9-25CN题目: Why do you think it is hard for university student to manage time。

11月21日托福独立口语小范围预及参考答案1. You are a leader of a student organization. There isa freshman who is nervous in this environment. What would you do to help this student in this new environment?Personally, I would show him or her around the campus. Since I have firsthand experience about the university life, and I have unique perspectives about the campus and the school. By showing them around the library so they get a chance to know how to find reference when writing papers. Additionally, I can help them to be more adaptable to the academic environment. For example, I can give them advice/suggestion on what classes they should choose, and they should choose to take classes that are really interesting and easy to get a high grade in, also I will discourage them to take courses that are abstract and boring.2. A friend of yours is going to study at another university and he's worried that he won't be able to make any friends there. What suggestions would you give him and why?Personally, I would suggest him join all kinds of social activities, for example, like volunteer activities, fundraising, and going on field trip organized by the school. Also, he should joint clubs, like sports club, poem club, debating club, and even martial art club. In this way, he can interact with the club members. If he is lucky, he might come across someone who is from the same place of him or her. Additionally, he or she find someone who have the same hobby, you know, one has so much to talk about when meeting someone who have the same hobby.3. Describe a news article or story that you are interested in recently. Explain why you think it is interesting. Include reasons and details in the your response.Well, I would like to talk about a social event that took place in China just a few days ago. Actually,it was like a festival that young adults celebrate. It was on November 11th, and it called the Single's Day. On this day, e-commerce companies offer lots of promotion and sales on line, and it was so crazy on this day that basically everyone bought something, ranging from shampoo, and body wash to daily appliances, like freezer and washing machines. The sales figure of Alibaba, the major player in e-commerce, exceeded 9 billion US dollars thanks to the passion of the young singletons.4. Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on a campus playing field or auditing the lectures?Auditing class is the best to know the university better, since faculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by the university. Plus, when auditing class, one can tell if there are lots of class discussions or not, also, they get to know the size of the class. These are important factors when choosing a university since nobody wants to attend a school, whose class size are too big. 1. Is it better to grow up in a large family or a small family? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Personally, I prefer to live in a small family since you don't have to deal with too complicated relationships with lots of family members. For example, if there are lots of members in the family, one has to go the birthday party of every single person in the family and that can be really tiring. Also, a big family is very crowded and noisy. It is very inconvenient because one might have to wait for their turn to use the bathroom. You know, it is much easier for a smaller family to agree on big decision. Plus, in a small family, itis very quiet and peaceful, one does not have a lot of triviality to deal with, and it also provides the kids a quiet environment to study.2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: protecting the environment is just as important as developing the economy?Personally, I don't agree with that. Instead, I think protecting the environment is more important than develop the economy. Recently, there are rampant environment related diseases, like the lung problems caused by the haze and fog in big cities, problems. Plus, the global warming, pollution, and extinction are running wild on earth too. Also, we have to think of the future of our lives and the lives of the next generation. Actually, if the economy falls, there is still a big chance for it to pick up. However, if we don't protect the environment, and cherish the mother earth, it will be gone forever.3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: employees should be prohibited to listen to music at work.Well, personally, I think it's a very bad idea to prohibit music in workplace. Actually, listening to music is a very good way for people to release their negative emotions, like sadness, or sorrow, or even anger. Employees might forget about the pressure in life and thus have a higher efficiency in the workplace. Additionally, music keeps people refreshed and spurs creativity and innovation. So, that is why it is a common practice for high-tech to allow the play of music in their office, just so that they can create a relaxing environment and be more creative, and thus make more breakthroughs in their field.4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : Participating in a team sport is the best way for young people to learn cooperation.Personally, I couldn't agree more with this plan. To begin with, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends by playing team sports. Actually, my teammate and Istruggle together for a common goal, offer each other motivation along the way, and I feel that I care something bigger than myself during the game, and I think this is very meaningful. Plus, I realize when playing team sports, I cannot win the game without working closely with my teammates. Based on these reasons, I find playing team sports very helpful to develop cooperation.。

一、题目1Passage 1Narrator: In the first conversation, a student is talking to a professor about her upcoming presentation.Student: Professor Thompson, I need your advice on my presentation for next week. I'm really struggling with the content.Professor: Sure, I'd be happy to help. What seems to be the problem?Student: Well, I can't decide on a topic. I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure which one to choose.Professor: What are the ideas you're considering?Student: I was thinking about doing a presentation on renewable energy sources or the impact of climate change on wildlife habitats.Professor: Both topics are interesting. If I were you, I would go with the topic of renewable energy sources. It's a current issue and there's a lot of research available on that topic.Student: That's a good point. I think I'll follow your advice and focus on renewable energy sources. Thanks, Professor Thompson!Question: What does the student seek advice from the professor about?解析:这是一道比较简单的题目,考察学生对对话内容的听力理解。

具体的12月的托福听力真题内容有哪些呢?如何更好的练习这部分内容呢?下面小编为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考!2020年12月1日托福听力真题回忆及参考答案Conversation1.一个心理学学学生要dinninghall帮忙在餐桌贴标签,以协助新生交朋友2.学生问老师6th edition的生物课本能不能用求补充~Lecture1.爱因斯坦相对论,空间扭曲,发现一些plnet和jupiter类似,但是没有host star所以可能不是planet2.museum management,博物馆中摆放未完成的画,创造studio的感觉,让visitor可以看画作是怎么完成的3.一个物质,睡觉时抗噪音干扰能力更高,帮助大家有better learning ability。
4.日本对法国艺术的影响5.美国移民历史 poll、Push 两个factor2020年12月8日托福听力真题回忆及参考答案Conversation1.学生越过老师去申请了一个什么职务,但是实际上是要学校选举的2.老师推荐写澳大利亚自己开窍的印象派画家3.女生找教授问为什么自己上次交的作业分数低,教授说她交晚了,并说下次presentation女生还有机会提高分数,然后女生说自己想的演讲内容,最后说之后paper也想写这个主题,教授让她讲完presentation再补充4.音乐小组5.考古课作业陶器6.课堂作业团队合作咨询Lecture1.月球上可能有水2. 地形变化板块理论3.岩画4.气候变化反射理论5.心理学实验孩子合作2020年12月14日托福听力真题回忆及参考答案C1-工作得学分听力内容女生想找Nathan问一下自己无法参加在art museum当志愿者的第二个training session,因为这跟她的考试时间冲突。

11月21日托福听力答案解析Conversation 1讲一个女生在杂志上看到一个关于iceberg的文章,觉得很有意思,就来问professor,想用这个做project,professor表示赞成鼓励,后来又讲了一个air beam,这个东西的特点和它的名字有关,最后professor询问女生去不去某个活动,女生表示不太想去。
-TPO部分对应参考(TPO2-C1)Lecture 1讲的是玛雅毁灭的原因,有一种说法是干旱。
后来说研究了很多wetland anima,发现大多数都有数量下降。
-TPO部分对应参考(TPO32-L3)-TPO对应词汇environmentalprotection 环境保护environmentally-friendly环保的preservev.保护,保存污染:pollute,pollution, pollutantcontaminantn.污染物contaminatev.污染ecosystem生态系统ecologyn.生态学antisepticadj.防腐的atmosphericpollution大气污染preservev.保护disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏,havedisastrous effect on…对。
有灾难性的影响危害植物:vegetation植被,deforestation森林消失tropicalrain forest热带雨林landslide山体滑坡, mudslide泥石流危害环境:Landscape自然风景carbondioxide二氧化碳,acidrain酸雨(erode腐蚀)greenhouseeffect温室效应(worsening,deteriorate, deterioration恶化)globalwarming全球变暖unleadedpetrol无铅汽油Lecture 2讲的是很难确定一些物种是不是endangered。

2机经仅解决破题问题,看过不准备,中了也没用——准备好答案,背熟,实属正道也!3最后,奉劝各位托福小主,不要把机经当投机,否则,too young too simple, sometimes naive.♌♋目录Task 1 (2)Task 2 (13)Task 3 (28)Task 4 (34)Task 5 (41)Task 6 (47)Task11.Talk about one of your family members who has similar traits as you. Describethat trait.I would like to talk about my beloved mother who has much in common with me. Both of us are adventurous, humorous and warm-hearted. First of all, she is the most adventurous person I have ever seen. She is not afraid of taking risks at all. This May, she invested all of her saving in the stock market. Unlike others, she made quite a fortune. As a 50-year-old woman, she is eager to try various extreme sports, such as sky-diving, surfing as well as scuba-diving. Besides, she is so humorous that she would easily cheer me up. Last but not least, she is always willing to help others when they are in trouble, even she has never met them before.2.Choose one of the following natural environments and explain why you wouldlike to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Well personally I prefer to live in a forest instead of living in a desert or in a plain because I think the climate there is better for me since if I live in a desert, that'll be way too hot for me. and if I live in a plain, i think there's gonna be a lot of wind going on and that is really uncomfortable. Um, but more importantly, I think living in a forest enables me to meet a lot of animals and plants. and personally I'm really into biology and i want to become a biologist in the future. so if i could live there and observe those animals, maybe i could do some research about them.3.Talk about one activity you will do in the near future. Explain why you want todo this activity.An activity I would like to participate in is volunteer teaching. My friend David did it last weekand he told me how great it was. They went to a small, under-developed village that‟s far fromthe city. David was assigned to teach them English. He taught them some basic greeting skillswhich they thought was fun.During class breaks, they gathered outside to play sports. Somekicked around a soccer ball, some played badminton and some played Ping-Pong. Everyone had agood time. Before they left, we made some donations to the school. People donated money, booksand school supplies. I would to join them next time.4.Talk about the biggest change in your country over the past twenty years. Pleaseinclude specific examples and details in your explanation.During the past twenty years, there have been many changes taken place in my country- China. The biggest change is the generalization of new technology. Take internet as an example, my parents never thought about booking restaurants or buying books only by using one finger pressing on the screen. Nowadays, we use internet to search the knowled ge we don‟t understand, buy film ticket in a lower price, and hand out homework at weekend…… We are doing the things which our parents haven‟t expected. Citizens‟ lives become more and more convenient after digital technology come into popular in China.5.An environmental group is planning to organize an activity to help protect theenvironment. What activity do you suggest and why?It is a fact that the earth is suffering from severe environmental problems. Measures should be taken to protect our environmen t. I‟d like to suggest an activity. I would invite many people who want to contribute to protecting the environment to go cycling around the west lake. Each bicycle would have a flag with some slogans concerning environment protection on it. There are two reasons why I would do this. Firstly, cycling is an eco-friendly activity. And it‟s beneficial to our health. If more people choose to go to work or go to school by bicycle, the environment will be much better. Besides, West Lake is the most popular tourist attraction in HZ. It would be really easy to draw a lot of people‟s attention.6.Describe how cellphones change people‟s lives. Please give your answer withspecific examplesand detailsI think cellphone has changed our lives in the following ways. First people do everything nowadays on their cellphone. Take myself for example. All my class schedules are on my phone. Sometimes I take audio notes in a class that might be going to fast for me which helps enormously. Also, when it comes to communication, cellphones are extremely important for us if not crucial. Especially in the case of an emergency, we can call or send text messages to get help or stay in touch with their loved ones.7.What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in a fast-food restaurant?At present, people are too busy with their work or study to spend a time enjoying a meal. Hence, fast-food restaurants have been more and more popular. There are two obvious advantages of eating fast food. The first one would be saving time. Most Chinese employees have only one hour lunch break. If they could finish their meal as soon as possible, they will have more time to take a nap so that they would work more efficiently in the afternoon. Another reason might be fast food is not only tasty, but also economical. On the other hand, eating fast food has its disadvantage. The dishes cooked in fast-food restaurants are not as healthy as that cooked at home. It doesn‟t contain enough nutrition. What‟s worse, sometimes, it is harmful for our health, since the oil used in those restaurants.8.Your school has a program that allows students to visit workplaces. What placewould you choose to observe and learn about? 1. A science laboratory 2. A business office 3. A Television studio.Without a doubt, I would definitely visit a television studio. There are several reasons for it. First of all, I am a big fan of watching TV. It would be a fantastic experience to observe how a TV program is made. Secondly, I have a dream that one day I will be an influential TV presenter in China. But I have no idea how hard it is to be an excellent one. I guess I could learn a lot if I have a chance to observe in person. For example, I could learn how to prepare in advance, how to work with the camera and how to behave when accident happens. Last but not least, I might be able to make some friends who are working in the studio.9.What is the most effective way to resolve disagreements between friends?It is pretty common for people to have disagreements with each other. There are quite a few ways to resolve disagreements between friends, such as trust, honesty and respect. I guess the most effective way would be respect each other no matter how different your idea is from each other. For instance, Every summer, I would travel with my best friend Jessie. last time, we had a disagreement on the destination we would visit. She was looking forward to visit France because of shopping while I was eager to visit Japan due to the seafood. We didn‟t try to convince each other, but respect eac h other‟s choice. Eventually, we went to Thailand which is a great place for shopping and enjoying tasty food.10.What personal quality do you admire the most? Creativity, courage orintelligence?To be honest, it is not easy for anybody to possess these three personal qualities. Personally, the one I admire the most is creativity. There are two reasons for it. Firstof all, creativity is the quality I need the most. I have been educated in the same way with most of students in China. It is difficult for me to think differently from others. When it comes to finding a job, it is barely possible for me to stand out. Secondly, creativity could make people produce amazing works. Well, I am a big fan of painting.I have been learning painting for over a decade. Due to lack of creativity, all those painting created by me look mediocre compared to those created by talented young painters.11.Which of the following professions should be paid a higher salary: nurse, policeofficer or teacher? Choose one and explain why.Personally, I would probably say teacher should be paid a higher salary. There are several reasons for it. First of all, it is extremely difficult to be a qualified teacher. A teacher has to be knowledgeable so that he could solve a variety puzzles for the students. He has to be humorous at the same time. Otherwise, it is easy for students to feel bored in class. Besides, Chinese students are usually under a great deal of pressure. Well, Chinese parents attach much importance to the score their children could get, especially in the most significant exam, college entrance exam. Hence, in order to help them to get a more decent score, teachers have to pay much attention to every single student in China. However, the size of Chinese class is usually quite big, about 40 students in each class.12.Describe one family member who has different characteristics from othermembersI would like to talk about my beloved mom who is adventurous, humorous and warm-hearted. First of all, she is the most adventurous person I have ever seen in my life. She is not afraid of taking risks at all. This May, she invested all of her saving in the stock market. Unlike others, she made quite a fortune. As a 50-year-old woman, she is eager to try various extreme sports, such as sky-diving, surfing as well as scuba-diving. Besides, she is so humorous that she would easily cheer me up. Sometimes, I would feel depressed or upset, it is easy for her to cheer me up with a funny story made up by her. Last but not least, she is always willing to help others when they are in trouble.13.What are the benefits of talking to older family members?Well, Chinese people attach much importance to the family. In our culture, senior citizens in every family are just like treasure, because we can benefit a lot from them. First of all, old people usually have rich life experience. It is definitely a great idea to ask them for help when we come across some obstacles, frustrations and difficulties.They are always willing to give you a hand. Besides, older family members are usually wiser than young people. They could give you some useful advice when you feel confused about life. I still remember last time when I broke up with my girlfriend, it was my grandpa that helped me through that rough period of time. That‟s why I take so much delight in chatting with my grandparents.14.If your university is planning to improve its campus. Which do you think needs tobe improved the most: the swimming pool, the cafeteria, or the dormitory?I suggest that the university school improve the dormitory most. It‟s mainly because a good-condition dormitory can provide students a relaxing and comfy space which helps them concentrate better when they need to do their assignments in their dormitory. Last semester, the dormitories in my university got renovation, and a majority of students claimed that it‟s easier for them to focus on study with new the equipment like air conditioners. In addition, the improvement in dormitories will definitely attract new students applying for the university, which helps the university got more excellent students.15.Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it isimportant.The present I‟d like to describe is a book about keeping a healthy life, which I sent to my mum as a birthday gift. It‟s significant for a couple of reason. For one thing, the book may help my mum improve her health condition by giving some useful suggestions on her diet. It contains the introduction of various food and their nutrients. Also the book shows how to develop a healthy diet in an accessible way. Moreover, the part about regular excises brings benefits to my mu m‟s health as well. The book recommends some simple excises that are not physical demanding but effective, so it‟s a wonder gift for my mum.16.If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students,what kind of activity would you recommend and why?I strongly recommend that the high school should organize basketball matches for the students. The most important reason is that basketball matches will help students build up their stamina, which brings great benefits to their study and the activities will certainly encourage more students to take part in sports rather than spend all day long on their academic study, which leads to a poor health condition and low efficiency in study. Second, Basketball matches are able to help students learn cooperation and competition, which are essential for them when they get started to work.17.Which one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car.Personally, I would probably learn how to play the piano. Firstly, learning how to play the piano is definitely a good way to cultivate myself. I could not only enjoy the music created by prominent pianists, but also learn much about music itself. In addition, if I am really good at playing the piano, I could perform in front of a large number of pe ople. It could give me a sense of achievement. What‟s more, it‟s easy for me to make a great deal of money, being a qualified piano teacher. Last but not least, I would be able to make some friends who have much in common with me. That‟s why I am so jealous of those people who can play the piano.15. What is better, independent learning or studying in groups? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.I suppose studying in groups has more advantages than independent learning. The first reason I need to mention is that studying in groups helps students get their visions expanded. When they have discussions with others, they can get new insights from other group members. In my Chinese Literature class, I always get new understanding about the works or the characters thanks to the opinions of my group members. Additionally, I believe studying in groups is helpful for students to develop their communication skills. They will be more sociable and learn how to get along with others.16.Which of the following groups would you like to join? Campus newspaper, hikingclub or dorm improvement committee.Without a doubt, I would like to join hiking club. There are several reasons for it. First and most important one is I am a big fan of nature. It offers a great opportunity for me to get close to nature, enjoying the sunshine, breathing fresh air as well as listening to birds‟ singing. Besides, in this club, I am able to make some friends who have much in common with me. it will be great to go hiking with some people regularly. You won‟t feel bored while hiking. You could also encourage each other when having difficulty going to the top. Furthermore, hiking is beneficial to my health. it could also give me a sense of achievement after I reach the top of a mountain.17.Your school is going to help the community. Which of the following would youprefer? 1) clean litters and trash 2)plant trees and flowers 3)teach childrenknowledge about the environment.I prefer to teach children some knowledge about the environment. On the one hand, children are the backbones of our future. It is much more effective to make them aware of the importance of protecting our environment rather than cleaning the street for them. After teaching them some knowledge, they might have some ideas on what kind of behaviors would do harm to our environment and some measured could be taken to protect it. The environment would be much better if students in the world are aware of it. On the contrary, if students know nothing about it, they would still keep littering or spitting in the street. It doesn‟t help at all, even though we clean the trash and plant some trees for them.18.How do you improve the education system of your country.Personally, quite a few measures could be taken to improve our education system. Firstly, everybody in China should attach less importance to the results of exams. Students from primary school, even from kindergarten suffer a lot from it. They have to spend extra time studying in order to get a higher score. It is a shame for them not to have any time to enjoy the only childhood they have. Besides, people could be educated in different ways. People are born differently. They are interested in different things. We should encourage them to chase their dreams instead of forcing them to do anything they dislike, or even hate. Furthermore, we could encourage them to be compassionate and independent.19.What kind of food do you recommend to add to the menu in your schoolcafeteria? Explain you answer in details.Personally, I would recommend to add western food, such as burgers, steak as well as spaghetti to the menu in our cafeteria. There are several reasons for it. First of all, we have been eating Chinese food every day. Although it tastes great and contains much nutrition, it feels fantastic to add any kind of food to the menu. Besides, I am a big fan of western food, especially burgers. I could dine in Mcdonalds every day. Furthermore, students could invite someone they like to enjoy a steak in the cafeteria at night. There is no need for them to go out anymore, which saves a lot of time and trouble. They could concentrate more on the date.20.Do you agree or disagree that it is a good idea for university to ask a student toleave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details. From my perspective, I don‟t agree with this idea. Everyone may do something wrongin his life time and some of the university students are still not mature enough, so there‟s possibilities for them to make mistak es. Nowadays education plays an important role in individual development, if university ask a student to leave school because cheating for one time, it‟s no doubt that the university creates an undue pressure on the student and it may do harm to the future of the student because this fragment of memory will be hard to release. I think school should only give the student admonition if he cheated for the first time.21.What are the advantages and disadvantages of requiring students to evaluate theirprofessors at the end of the semester? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.The advantage of students evaluating their professors is that the professors can improve their teaching after carefully reading the feedbacks from their students and school can also make some adjustment. Last year, my classmates and I thought our Chinese teacher wasn‟t responsible for us at all and wrote our opinions in the questionnaire; the school changed our Chinese teacher to a much better one afterwards. T he disadvantage is that there‟s some possibility that some students are not mature enough so they may revenge their teachers for their strictness and make trouble for the school.22.Describe a day that you enjoyed the most or was the most special to you. Includereasons and details to support your response.well the most important day for me is the college graduating ceremony last summer because that's the last day i spent at school and after that, i would say goodbye to all my student life. and I still remember that in this ceremony, a lot of professors and students gave speeches and we received the diplomas individually and after that we went out and took pictures with classmates and professors around the campus. And that is seriously the last day I remember i spent at school and after that I would be on a new page and i felt really excited about it.23.做志愿者Community service which one do you prefer (1) 帮助图书馆中人用计算机查书籍;(2) read for young children;(3) 把书和杂志整理到书架上.As for me, I prefer to read for kids. First of all, many adults are so busy that they don‟t have time to read for their kids. As we all know, it‟s hard for a kid to read all he wants because there may be some words he doesn‟t understand. I want to help them to get to know new knowledge through listening. What‟s more, I love being with kids because they always bring me new ideas which I never thought about before. And also, I feel satisfied after doing things for them.24.Describe a special gift you given to a friend and explain why it is important.Please include reasons and details to support your response.Well, I gave a diary to my best friend Fiona before she went to the US to study. I began to write this thing when I was a first year student in high school. I kept it for three years. I put pretty much everything happened between us into this thing, like the days when we flew to Japan for summer vacation without telling our parents, and when we spent 5 hours in a shopping center shopping around but not buying anything, and also the days when we had argument with each other and decided not to talk to each other any more. So it could be a good memory for both of us and it could also help her recall those good old days.25.What is your favorite place outdoors to do exercise on a nice day and why? Pleaseinclude details and examples in your explanation.Personally i prefer to go the park to do some sports when the weather is very good. That's mainly because i really like badminton. so um i need a really large place to hit the balls and stuff. so the park is really large enough for me to play badminton. Besides, when I feel really tired, I could just go to the other side of the park and watch others play and that is really interesting because they are really good players there. and i could really learn a lot of skills and techniques by just watching there.26.Imagine that you have to give up watching TV for one month. What would be themost difficult thing for you and why? Please include reasons and examples in your explanation.well if i have to stop watching tv for a month, the most difficult part for me is to find other ways to relax. I mean im now a high school student in China and I am in the third year, in the last year. So I have to spend at least ten hours at school attending classes, doing papers and homework and stuff, so i'm actually very stressed out and watching tv provides me a very good opportunity to relax to have a break. so if I couldn't do that, I have to find other ways like hanging out with my friends to relax.27.Talk about an object, tool, or piece of equipment that you depend on in your dailylife. Explain how it makes your life easier.I have to mention that I depend on my cell phone so much in my daily life. When cell phone wasn‟t that popular, I never thought about reading books or booking food only using a cell phone. It makes my life much more convenient after having it. Take my personal experience as an example, this summer when I was joining a training class, I only had a short 30-minute-break at noon and there‟s no time for me to godow nstairs to buy lunch, I used my phone to book different restaurants‟ meals everyday, so my cell phone helped me save a lot of time and meanwhile i had delicious food every day.28.Choose ONE of the forms of the technology in the list and tells why it changes(has had great impact) people's lives in your country?a) The airplane b)The computer c)The TelevisionPersonally, i think computers have the most important impact on people's lives in China .That's mainly because it makes our study, work as well as the social life more convenient than before. Take the study for instance, i used to write all my papers by hands, and it'll take me at least um two hours to finish just one paper and now with the computer, and with the software like office like words and Excel and stuff, it's so easy for me to type all the materials and the content into the computer and send it to the professors by emails.29.Describe a skill you are good at. Explain why this skill is important to you.I‟m good at photographing and this skill is ve ry important for me. First of all, I like traveling and I enjoy capturing the charming moment in order to turn it to eternity. Through taking photos of majestic mountains such as Alps mountain, and beautiful lakes like Kanas lake, the process improved my a esthetic appreciation. What‟s more, I love the time when I‟m viewing the photos I took with my parents. I can always gain satisfaction when seeing those fine arts and recollect the memory of the trips.32. Talk about a way that helps you to relax. Explain why this helps you to relax.Playing volleyball helps me to relax. First of all, it‟s a way to let off steam by striking the ball vigorously. I can not only ease my mind after playing it but can also gain energy from doing sport. It really motivated me a lot. What‟s more, I have opportunities to meet people who all have the same hobby, which is playing volleyball, and talk to them, get to know them. Making friends and talking to them is a way for me to relax myself. All in all, playing volleyball brings me a refreshed feeling.33.One of your friends has suddenly received a large amount of money and has askedyou for advice on how to handle this money. What advice would you give to your friend? Give reasons for your answerI will suggest her that she should divide the large amount of money into 2 parts. The first part can be use to buy a comfortable house for her parents and bring them to travel. Her parents spent a lot of time taking care of her when she was a child and now it‟s time to let them relax and sho w filial obedience to them. She can donate anotherpart of money to the charitable fund called shepherd‟s field Children‟s house. The children in that place are all orphans and every time I went there, they just called me “mom” and I feel impressed because of their poor life. In that matter, I advise her to donate the money to that fund.34.Suppose you have a friend who is coming to your city for a tourist visit. Whatsuggestions would you give your friends?First of all, I would suggest her that she should bring a map of Beijing. As we all know, Beijing is the capital of China and there are many place of interests which worth visiting. It would be much more convenient if she bring a map because the traffic system in Beijing is a kind of sophisticated and that would save her a lot of time. What‟s more, summer has just past. Although it‟s still warm during the day, the night in Beijing is a little bit cold. So I would advise her to bring several hoddies so as not to catch a cold.35.If you had the opportunity to travel to the moon, would you choose to go and why?Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.If I had the chance to go to the outer space, I would definitely choose not to do it because I think for one thing, this is gonna be very expensive, you know with all the equipment and stuff and I don't think i could afford it. But i think more importantly, um for me taking a space shuttle and flying to the outer space is not really safe. What if I got there and meet a bunch of aliens, and what if it's running out of the oxygen tanks. That'll be a lot of problems going on the way and what if i died and i think my parents would be very sad about it.36.Which one of the following factor do you think is most important when it comesto traveling. Low cost, good weather, or various activities?well the most important factor I could consider when travelling is weather because I mean the whole point of travelling is to do stuff outside . So if it's bad weather like it's raining or snowing , i would end up staying at the hotel room and do nothing, which would definitely ruin my holiday. um for example, last month i flew to Sanya, a city in Hainan to spend my winter vacation. and I was supposed to enjoy the beautiful sunshine on the beach. But it was actually raining all day for like three days. So I did nothing and I just stayed in my hotel room.37.What do you think is the most significant benefit that internet brings to our life?Explain why you think this benefit is import. Include reasons and details to support your response.。

托福TPO21听力Conversation2文本Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and her public relations professor.Student: Hi, professor Gordin. I really learned a lot from your lecture, the one about analyzing all those different segments of the population. Oh, the official term is audience, right? I never imagine that one company could have over thirty audiences to communicate with.Professor: Yeah, a lot of students are taken aback by this, and some public relations consultants don’t figure it out until they’ve worked in the field a while.Student: Everyone thinks, public relations, eh, PR is easy, but there’s a lot to it. You really got to know what you are doing.Professor: Absolutely. So, Stacy, your email implied that you needed my advice about graduate school?Student: No, since my undergraduate degree will be in public relations, I’ve already decided to get a master’s degree in marketing. Sorry, I wasn’t clear. My issue is, I have got two require courses and two electives. I am trying to figure out which elective course is to take. My advisor suggested economics and accounting, but I am not really sure.Professor: About?Student: Well, I endured accounting and economics in high school and barely stayed awake, they were so ...Professor: Ok, Ok. I hear you. Eh... you say you wanted a master’s in marketing, you have got one more semester tillgraduation. Have you taken any marketing courses yet?Student: No, I figured I’ve got the marketing basis already since I have taken every PR in communication courses offered here.Professor: Well, there’s some overlap between PR and marketing, but there are important differences too. Marketing focuses on selling your product or service, eh, you know, attracting customers through advertising, and also building relationships with customers. That’s what a marketing department does. PR is all about, it involvesrelationships too.That’s why I am saying the two fields overlap. But in PR, you are developing relationships with a wider range of audiences.Student: Right. Like employees, suppliers, the media. I do understand this in theory, but aren’t you still selling your product, just in a different way?Professor: Not necessarily. Ok, do you remember that PR strategy I alluded to the other day? The one our university uses, a strategy that doesn’t overlap its marketing strategy?Student: You mean how the university invites local residents to attend certain lectures and classes for free?Professor: Yeah, this cultivates a sense of good will and helps the university avoid becoming isolated from the larger community. Bringing neighbours into our classrooms is good PR, but it is not marketing since our neighbours aren’t our customers, for the most part.Student: That’s why I want to focus on marketing in graduate school. Wouldn’t having expertise in PR and marketing giving me more career options?Professor: Yeah, but you’ll also want to enjoy your work. Sofor you electives, why don’t you take advertising principles and intro to marketing, which I teach? This way, you’ll find out if marketing is something you really want to pursue. Graduate School tuition is expensive, and these courses will give you a good overview of the field before committing yourself.Student: I wish my advisor had suggested those courses.Professor: Well, I am someone who has worked in both marketing and PR, so I can offer a different perspective than someone who only teaches.托福TPO21听力Conversation2题目1.Why does the woman go to see the professor?A. To ask which elective courses he will be teaching next semester.B. To get more advice on which elective courses to take next semester.C. To find out the difference between public relations and marketingD. To get help deciding whether to pursue a graduate degree in marketing。

3、细节题主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。
比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。
参考答案高 三 英 语 试 题 2020年11月

高三英语试题(参考答案)2020.11第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)1.A2.B3.B4.A5.A6.B7.A8.C9.B10.C 11.C12.A13.A14.C15.B16.C17.C18.B19.B20.A 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)21-23DCB24-27CDBA28-31DBAC32-35DBCA第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)36-40BADFE第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)41-45BCABC46-50DACCB51-55ADBAB第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56what57to perform58as59dating60other61has been passed62actually63numbers64better65society第四部分书面表达(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)Dear Penny,How is everything going these days?In response to your questions,I am more than delighted to introduce two of the most symbolic colors in China.Without doubt,the first one is red,a symbol of joy and celebration.Therefore,it is traditional for Chinese brides to wear a red wedding dress.In addition,white is conventionally associated with sadness,usually seen at the funerals.However,as time changes,white can also signify purity.That's why many brides wear white in their wedding ceremonies,as is often the case in your country.Hopefully my introduction to colors in China is of great value for your essay.Wish you all the best.Yours,Li Hua 第二节(满分25分)My face pressed against the window and I found it hard to breathe.The car pulled in front of the house,and out of it emerged my precious daughter,making her way up the steps.Tears stinging(使刺痛)my eyes,I threw open the door,pulled her inside and hugged her tightly.The dream was just too real and I could hardly believe I was now having my daughter in my hug.I wondered if it was because my pray was answered.Then through my blurred vision(模糊的视野)I saw a lady stepping out of the car.“Mom,she gave me a ride home."Becki said.“My car broke down on the highway and without her help,I would never have made it home in my high heels."she continued, exposing her blistered(起泡的)ankles.My heart shuddered(一想起就怕/担心/难受)at the thought of how painfully Becki staggered(踉跄)along the dark highway.She must be an angel for Becki!I approached the lady and invited her inside.Now,I was definitely grateful to her for extending a helping hand.听力原文Text1M:I’m going swimming in the lake on Sunday.Do you want to come?W:Isn’t it going to be cloudy?M:That doesn’t matter because it will be25degrees.W:OK.I went swimming last Saturday when it was raining.It was funnier than swimming on a sunny day!Text2M:Emma!What are you doing outside?Aren’t you enjoying the party?W:Parties aren’t really my thing.I’ll head home soon.M:I will go back too.I’ve got a meeting tomorrow morning.Text3M:Hello,Maria.W:Hi,Mike.Are you having your breakfast?M:No.I’m helping my dad move the furniture in my bedroom.Then we’re going to paint the walls.W:OK.I’ll send you a text later.Have fun painting.Text4M:Do you want to go to the concert this evening?W:Yeah.We could go and eat something first.M:All right.Why don’t I wait for you outside the bookstore at about six?W:OK.I’ll meet you there when I finish work.Then we can look for a cafébefore the concert.Text5W:That’s the first film I’ve seen with an interval.It was hard to work out what was happening and the break even made me forget the actors’names.M:Indeed.They kept playing the same song,but it added to the atmosphere.Text6W:How did your appointment go?M:Yeah,fine.They didn’t need to do anything.W:Great!So your eyes are all OK then?M:The sight test is next week,actually,Mum.I was having my teeth checked today.W:Oh,yes.Your dad made the appointments this time,so I couldn’t remember who you wereseeing first.He should be back from the doctor’s any minute.M:So are you making the dinner tonight?W:I am,and it’s your favorite—noodles.M:Great!Text7W:Ben.Did you see the program last night about the Olympic Games?It was brilliant.I learnt so much!M:Did you?I thought it was quite boring.In fact,I’m not really interested in sports programs.W:But you love sports.You play football and tennis and basketball and…M:Yes,I enjoy playing sports,but I hate watching them on TV.W:Oh,so what kind of TV programs do you like?M:To be honest,I don’t watch much TV.I prefer watching movies on my notebook computer.Text8W:What do you think of the airport?M:Well,it’s far from downtown and when the traffic is bad,it can take an hour and a half to get there.The city really needs to build a new airport that is closer to the city.W:Do you usually drive to the airport?M:No.I usually take the airport bus.It’s clean and comfortable,and it’s a lot cheaper than driving because you don’t have to pay for parking.But my wife prefers taking the subway.W:Is there much to do there while you wait for your flight?M:Sure.There are a couple of stores that sell souvenirs and magazines.There are also a couple of fast-food places and the service there is nice.W:How long does it take to check in?M:It doesn’t take long.They’re pretty efficient.Text9W:Hey Jack,can I ask you something?M:Sure,what’s up?W:Is something wrong with the system?I’ve been trying to get in for the past10minutes but it’s been kicking me out.M:It’s all fine for me.What do you mean,“kicking you out”?W:I’m putting in my password and it tells me the system’s offline.I’ve tried every single combination I can think of but nothing works.M:That’s strange.My computer’s been fine.Have you tried calling IT?W:I did,but no one picked up the phone.M:Oh,right,they’ve got a meeting right now—but you can interrupt them if it’s an emergency. W:I know.I just didn’t want to disturb others if it’s something simple.Besides,I’ve got a couple of phone calls to make today so I can make them now while I wait.M:They’d better be long phone calls,then.From what Tom told me,their meeting’s going to last three hours.W:Three hours!What sort of meeting is this?M:It’s that planning meeting about the factory they mentioned,isn’t it?Yeah,you’d better go and interrupt them.They’re going to be in there all day.Text10M:Selling your things online helps you get rid of those you don’t need,and it can also be a greatsource of income.One thing you need to consider carefully is the platform on which you are going to advertise. Most big platforms in the field are so popular with sellers,not just because they can give you access to a bigger pool of potential customers,but also because they offer insurance,both to the seller and the buyer.The disadvantage,however,is that you will need to pay some money for using the platform. You can use some platforms that either charge a smaller fee for advertising or even no fee at all—but,in that case,what you will need to keep in mind is your safety,especially if the value of the product you’re selling is high.It’s always best to meet the buyer during the day at a public place such as a coffee shop,a library,or a supermarket parking lot—anywhere monitored by security cameras is good.A few more things to keep in mind:always be accurate with your descriptions of the things you are selling.The last thing you want is to be accused of cheating and banned from the website. Moreover,be careful with your personal information:do not give out your full name and don’t give out your home address or cell phone number unless you have to,and have a separate e-mail address for selling online.Remember that a smart,prepared seller is a happy seller.。

托福TPO21口语Task5听力文本: Listen to a conversation between two students. (man) Hey, Sara, when does your play open? The one you wrote and directing? (woman) In one week. (man) And how's it coming along? (woman) Well, the rehearsal had been going pretty well, there's just one problem. (man) What's that? (woman) We have a guy named Bill playing one of the supporting roles, one of the minor characters.(man) OK? (woman) And he just can't remember his lines. All the other characters have their parts memorized except Bill. We'll be in the middle of rehearsing a big scene and he'll forget what he is supposed to say next. I thought he'd eventually improve but now I'm not sure he'll be ready for opening night. (woman) Well, I could replace him. There are other actors on campus, actors who could play the part. (man) Yeah, since it's such a minor role, another actor could probably learn the part in time. (woman) That's true. It's just that I don't know how he’d feel about that. Removing him from the play could hurt his feelings and he was really looking forward to being in it. (man) I see, well, could you, I mean, maybe another thing you could do is spent time with him, after rehearsals, you know, work with him to help him learn to remember his lines. (woman) Yeah, I could do that. But there are other parts of the production I try to take care of after rehearsals. So it’ll take away from other things that I need to do before opening night. 托福TPO21口语Task5题目: Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation. 托福TPO21口语Task5满分范文: Well, the woman's problem is that her play will be in the middle of rehearsing a big scene but one of the supporting roles couldn't remember his lines. Accordingly, there are two solutions for the woman's problem: first she could replace the actor, and second, she could spend some time with him and help him learn to remember his lines. I think the woman should choose the second solution for two reasons. Firstly, replacing a character during the rehearsal just before the opening night is kind of cruel for the actor no matter how minor an role he plays. After all, it takes everyone's spare time and effort to get together aiming for the final show, not only the main roles but the minor ones. Secondly, I guess it'll take more time to find someone new to replace and even longer time for the new to fit in the whole team. So comparatively, do him a little favor and help him remember his lines after rehearsals would show the real team spirit and definitely will work. (178 words) 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO21口语Task5听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。
托福听力 TPO听力题目与答案1-37全套汇总(附译文)

托福听力: TPO听力题目与答案1-37全套汇总(附译文)目前托福TPO内容已经更新到37套,很多同学在使用TPO听力内容时不是缺少音频资料就是内容不全,针对大家使用TPO听力内容的诸多不方便,小编特给出一份托福TPO 听力题目与答案1-37全套汇总(附译文)资料,同学们可以拿去好好练习一下,进而也可对比一下与之前内容的不同,所增加的套题与之前的区别。
托福TPO听力题目与答案1-37全套汇总(附译文)内容如下:1.Why does the student go to see the librarian?To sign up for a seminar on using electronic sources for researchTo report that a journal is missing from the reference areaTo find out the procedure for checking out journal articlesTo ask about how to look for resources for a class paper2.What does the librarian say about the availability of journals and articles in the library?They are not easy to find if a professor put them on reserveMost of them are accessible in an electronic formatMost of them can be checked out for three weeksPrinted versions from the past three years are located in the reference section3.What does the librarian suggest the student should do to save time?Choose an easier research topicConcentrate on five journalsRead the summaries of the articles firstInstall a new program on her home computer4.What can be inferred about why the woman decides to use the computer in the library?She thinks she might need additional help from the manShe does not have a computer at homeShe has to hand in her assignment by the end of the dayShe will be meeting a friend in the library later on5.Why does the woman say thisShe had forgotten about the informationShe is surprised she was not aware of the informationShe is annoyed that the information was published only recentlyShe is concerned that the librarian gave her incorrect informationStudentHi, um…, I really hope you can help me.LibrarianThat’s why I’m here. What can I do for you?StudentI’m supposed to do a literature review for my psychology course, but I’m… having a hard time finding articles. I don’t even know where to start looking.LibrarianYou said this is for your psychology course, right? So your focus is on …StudentDream Interpretation.LibrarianWell, you have a focus, so that’s already a good start. Hmmm… well, there’re a few things… oh wait… have you checked to see if your professor put any material for you to look at on reserve?StudentAha, that’s one thing I did know to do. I just copied an article, but I still need three more on my topic from three different journals.LibrarianLet’s get you going on looking for those then. We have printed versions of twenty or so psychology journals in the Reference Section. These are ones published within the last year. Now that I think about it… there’s a journal named Sleep and Dreams.StudentOh, yeah, the article I just copied is from that journal, so I’ve got to look in other sources.正确答案,D。

2017年托福听力考前训练试题及答案2By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been introduced into the American colonies through books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and traveling colonists who brought back copies (and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance with European art institutions.By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century, painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related tasks as varnishing, gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, and signs. The terminology by which artists were described at the time suggests their status: "limner" was usually applied to the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760's; "painter" characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface. By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the classics rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons. Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronage to allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliensand Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and political engravings as appropriate artistic subjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a sufficient number of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste —a necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new republic.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) European influence on colonial American painting(B) The importance of patronage to artist(C) The changing status of artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century(D) Subjects preferred by artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century.2. The word "outbreak" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) cause(B) beginning(C) position(D) explanation3. The word "undergone undergo 经历" in line 6 is closest in meaning to(A) led to(B) transformed(C) preferred(D) experienced4. According to the passage , before the American Revolution the main task of limners was to(A) paint wheel carriages(B) paint portraits(C) varnish furniture(D) paint flat surfaces5. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England(A) considered artists to be superior to painters(B) barely painted portraitists(C) were often very wealthy(D) imitated English painters6. The word "consorted 结交" in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) made decisions(B) studies(C) agreed(D) associated7. The word "sufficient充足的,充分的" in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) adequate(B) temporary(C) friendly(D) expensive8. According to the passage , artists such as Copley, West and Peal signed their paintings(A) increased the monetary value of the paintings(B) made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintings(C) supported the artists' image of professionalism(D) distinguished colonial American artists from European artists9. The author mentions James Bowdoin III and William Byrd in line 17 as examples of which of the following?(A) Art gallery owners who displayed only European art(B) Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudes toward art(C) Artists who gave financial support to other artists(D) Patrons whose helped to encourage artisans to become artists10. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?(A) Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely to develop great art.(B) The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.(C) The value of colonial American paintings decreased after the Revolution.(D) Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving culture of the new nation.CBDBA DACBD语法补充倒装句的主谓一致,后决定前①there be 句型There + be + n.表係主由主決定係eg:(There are) no (known) society (in which) (left-handed) people predominate.答案: A there arethere is②between , among 等介词位于句首引起的倒装Between/ Among ...+ be + n.表係主由主決定係eg:65.Between the foothills of (the) Andes and (the) Pacific Ocean (are) a dry coastal strip带averaging about 30 miles (in width).答案: C areis66. (Among) the (favorite) attractions (at the) National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. are the (film) presented on the five-story-tall screen.答案: D filmfilms2017年托福听力考前训练试题及答案3Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or a business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects. Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise wayand then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question "What will I do after graduation?" A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abroad for a year.A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on long-range goals, a graduating studentmight revise the question above to "What will I do after graduation that will lead to successful career?"1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) A tool to assist in making complex decisions.(B) A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions(C) Research on how people make decisions(D) Differences between long-range and short-range decision making2. The word "essential" in line 7 is closest in meaning to(A) introductory(B) changeable(C) beneficial(D) fundamental3. The word "pertinent有关的,相关的" in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) relevant(B) preceding 在先的,前面的,在前的(C) insightful 富有洞察力的(D) responsive4. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?(A) Listing the consequences of each solution(B) Calculating a numerical summary of each solution(C) Deciding which consequences are most important(D) Writing down all possible solutions5. According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that(A) has the fewest variables to consider(B) uses the most decision worksheets(C) has the most points assigned to it(D) is agreed to by the greatest number of people6. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 1 by means of(A) describing a process(B) classifying types of worksheets(C) providing historical background(D) explaining a theory7. The author states that "On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once (lines 17-18) to explain that(A) most decisions involve seven steps(B) human mental capacity has limitations(C) some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions(D) people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice8. The word "succinct简洁的"in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) creative(B) satisfactory(C) personal(D) concise9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?(A) Proponents (line 5)(B) Optimal (line 5)(C) Variables (line 17)(D) Long-range goals (line 25)10. The word "it" in line 24 refers to(A) worksheet(B) problem(C) distinction(D) decision11. The word "revise修订,修改,修正" in line 26 is closest in meaning to(A) ask(B) explain(C) change(D) predictADADC ABDBB C语法补充百分比结构most/ half/ rest/ majority/ some/ one percent/ one-third/ three-quarters + of + Noun. + V (V單複數由Noun.定)n1+of+n2+v 谓语由n1决定eg:Approximately fifty percent of the (package) (utilized) in the United States are for (foods) and (beverages)答案: A packagepackages2017年托福听力考前训练试题及答案4Matching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration, from town and farm to city, within the United States. The country had been overwhelmingly rural at the beginning of the century, with less than 5 percent of Americans living in large towns or cities. The proportion of urban population began to grow remarkably after 1840, increasing from 11 percent that year to 28 percent by 1880 and to 46 percent by 1900. A country with only 6 cities boasting a population of more than 8,000 in 1800 had become one with 545 such cities in 1900. Of these, 26 had a population of more than 100,000 including 3 that held more than a million people. Much of the migration producing an urban society came from smaller towns within the United States, but the combination of newimmigrants and old American "settlers" on America's "urban frontier" in the late nineteenth century proved extraordinary.The growth of cities and the process of industrialization fed on each other. The agricultural revolution stimulated many in the countryside to seek a new life in the city and made it possible for fewer farmers to feed the large concentrations of people needed to provide a workforce for growing numbers of factories. Cities also provided ready and convenient markets for the products of industry, and huge contracts in transportation and construction —as well as the expanded market in consumer goods —allowed continued growth of the urban sector of the overall economy of the Untied States.Technological developments further stimulated the process of urbanization. One example is the Bessemer converter (an industrial process for manufacturing steel), which provided steel girders for the construction of skyscrapers. The refining of crude oil into kerosene, and later the development of electric lighting as well as of the telephone, brought additional comforts to urban areas that were unavailable to rural Americans and helped attract many of them from the farms into the cities. In every era the lure of the city included a major psychological element for country people: the bustle and social interaction of urban life seemed particularly intriguing to those raised in rural isolation.1. What aspects of the United States in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Technological developments(B) The impact of foreign immigrants on cities(C) Standards of living(D) The relationship between industrialization and urbanization2. The word "influx注入,涌入" in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) working(B) processing 调整,加工,处理,冲洗,理赔,工艺设计…(C) arrival(D) attraction3. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss(A) foreign immigration(B) rural life(C) the agricultural revolution(D) famous cities of the twentieth century4. What proportion of population of the United States was urban in 1900?(A) Five percent(B) Eleven percent(C) Twenty-eight percent(D) Forty-six percent5. The word "extraordinary不平常的,特别的" in line 12 is closet in meaning to(A) expensive(B) exceptional(C) supreme(D) necessary6. The phrase "each other" in line 13 refers to(A) foreign immigrants and domestic migrants(B) farms and small towns(C) growth of cities and industrialization(D) industry and transportation7. The word "stimulated" in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) forced(B) prepared(C) limited(D) motivated8. Why does the author mention "electric lighting" and "the telephone" in line 23?(A) They contributed to the agricultural revolution(B) They are examples of the conveniences of city life(C) They were developed by the same individual.(D) They were products of the Bessemer converter.9. The word "them" in line 25 refers to(A) urban areas(B) rural Americans(C) farms(D) cities10. The word "era" in line 25 is closest in meaning to(A) period of time(B) location(C) action(D) unique situation11. The word "intriguing有吸引的" in line 27 is closest in meaning to(A) profitable(B) attractive(C) comfortable(D) challengingDCADB CDBBA B。

2024年全年托福考试时间(具体)安排2024年全年托福考试时间安排1月:06日 13日 20日 27日2月:03日3月:02日 06日 10日 16日 23日4月:06日 13日 17日 21日 27日5月:11日 15日 18日 26日6月:02日 08日 12日 16日 22日 26日 30日7月:06日 10日 13日 20日 21日 24日8月:17日 21日 24日9月:01日 04日 07日 08日 14日 15日 18日 21日 22日10月:12日 16日 19日 26日 27日 30日11月:02日 03日 09日 13日 17日 24日12月:01日 08日 14日 18日 28日托福考试的题型1、托福口语。

2 机经仅解决破题问题,看过不准备,中了也没用——准备好答案,背熟,实属正道也!3最后,奉劝各位托福小主,不要把机经当投机,否则,too young too simple,sometimes naive. ♌♋温馨提示刘文娟目录独立写作 (2)综合写作 (60)独立写作1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology designed to makeour life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.Score 5:It cannot be denied that technology enables people to live a better and more convenient life today. People have been enjoying high-tech products such as smart phones, car navigation system, and laptops, to name a few. However, it does not mean that those high-tech tools make our life easier now than in the past. In fact, technology makes our life far more complicated today as illustrated in the following parts.High-tech tools can save lots of labor work, but sometimes they are not as “smart” as we expect. I would like to use car navigation system as an example. In the past, people could only refer to printed maps to find ways to their destinations. Nowadays, car navigation system can automatically find the right path for us. It seems that car navigation system is far more convenient than printed maps. However, in order to install the system, we need to download the digital maps before ahead and make sure that our destinations are recognizable.If the system fails to recognize the destination, it sometimes does not stop navigating, but lead us to somewhere else. Once I was driving from California to a Native American Reservation in Arizona, the car navigation failed to find the right path and led me to a small town that I had never heard of. Fortunately, I found a gas station and the employees there showed me the correct way. My own experience shows that high-tech products might not be always as reliable as we expect.Another example of how technology has made our life more complicated is online shopping.Nowadays, more and more people choose to shop clothes online, so to save time and efforts.Admittedly, shopping online is convenient to some extent compared with going to a shopping mall, because we could stay at home and check out with several clicks. All we need to do then is to wait until our new clothes are delivered to us. However, many people had terrible shopping experience in that the colors and designs of those clothes are not exactly the same as they are described online. Moreover, the size might not fit us, which is not expected either.In this case, we need to follow a complicated returning process, completing forms needed for returning and going to the local express service to send the clothes back. The process of returning is extremely daunting, which usually takes a long time for us to get our money back.Based on the above discussion, it could be concluded that sometimes technology is not as convenient as we expect. Should we just refuse to use high-tech products? I do not think so. I believe that modern technology is still developing, and it will definitely make our life more and more comfortable and convenient in the future.Score 4:It cannot be denied that technology enables people to live a better and more convenient life today. However, it does not mean that those high-tech tools make our life easier now than in the past. In fact, technology makes our life far more complicated for the following reasons.High-tech tools can save lots of labor work, but sometimes they are not as “smart” as we expected. I would like to use car navigation system as an example. In the past, people could only refer to printed maps to find ways to their destinations. Nowadays, car navigation system can automatically find the right path for us. However, in order to use the navigation system, we need to download the digital maps before ahead and to make sure that our destinations are recognizable. Once when I was driving from California to a Native American Reservation in Arizona, the car navigation failed to find the right path. Luckily, I found a gas station and the employees there showed me the way. My own experience shows that high-tech products might not be always as reliable as we expect.Another example of how technology has made our life more complicated is online shopping.Nowadays, more and more people choose to shop clothes online, so to save time and efforts.Admittedly, shopping online is convenient to some extent compared with going to a shopping mall because we could stay at home and check out with a several clicks. All we need to do then is to wait until our new clothes are delivered to us. However, many people had terrible shopping experience in that the colors and designs of those clothes are not exactly the same as they are described online. Moreover, the size might not fit us, which is not expected either.In this case, we need to follow a complicate returning process, completing forms needed for returning and going to the local express service to send the clothes back. The process of returning is extremely daunting and sometimes it takes a long time for us to get our money back.Based on the above discussion, it could be concluded that sometimes technology is not as convenient as it should be. Should we just refuse to use high-tech products? I do not think so.I believe that technology is still developing, and it will definitely make our life more andmore comfortable and convenient in the future.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for a business tosucceed, it mustput more money in advertising.Score 5:In order to gain profits and occupy a larger portion of market, companies have developed many ways to increase their market share, including spending money onadvertising. Some people believe that a company cannot achieve success unless they invest more money on advertising. However, the effectiveness and influence of an advertisement does not solely depend on how much money was put in it; also, there are several circumstances that a business should cut down its budgets on advertising and invest more on other projects.To begin with, low-cost advertisements could be attractive enough for customers and help companies to occupy a large portion of the market. For instance, there are advertisements of Coca-Cola everywhere around the world, and Coca-Cola seems to be the most competitive brand among companies selling beverages. Coca-Cola’s advertisements are perceived as more interesting and attractive than the ones of Pepsi and other companies of the same kind. It is the idea and content of Coca-Cola’s advertisement matter instead of how much money being put into the advertisement. A simple cartoon with fancy ideas which come from ordinary people instead of a celebrity designer may have greater influence than scenes that got shot on famous spots with post-processing.Moreover, some small companies in lack of the money to create widespread advertisements need to invest on other things first such as the quality of their products and marketing. When it comes to shops that sell cookies, for example, they should improve the flavors of their products first. Then, letting customers taste their free samples may be a better strategy than those posters on walls for advertising. In addition, sometimes companies suffering from crisis should put more money on human resources and adjusting the configuration of different departments within the companies. Unless they have solved the crisis, they have no reason to emphasize too much on advertising.Based on the above discussions, a company has many choices other than investing more on advertising to make a business to be successful. Admittedly, advertising investment is so important that it is often a decisive factor to the success of a company; however, it is not always the predominant factor.Score 4:In order to achieve profits, companies have developed many ways to increase their market share, including spending money on advertising. Some people believe that a company must put more money into advertising in order to achieve success. However, there are several circumstances that a business should cut down its budgets on advertising and invest more on other projects.To begin with, low-cost advertisements could be attractive enough for customers and help companies to occupy a large portion of the market. For instance, there are advertisements of Coca-Cola everywhere around the world, which seem to be the most competitive brand among companies selling beverages. Coca-Cola’s advertisements are perceived as more interesting and attractive than the ones of Pepsi and other companies of the same kind. It is the idea and content of the advertisement matter instead of how much money being put into the advertisement. A simple cartoon with fancy ideas which come from ordinary people instead of a celebrated designer may have greater influence than scenes thatgot shot on famous spots with all kinds of post-processing.Moreover, some small companies in lack of the money to create widespread advertisements need to invest on other things first such as the quality of their products and marketing. When it comes to shops that sell cookies, for example, they should improve the flavors of their products first. Then, letting customers taste their free yummy cookies may bea better strategy than those posters on walls printed with yummy samples. In addition,sometimes companies suffering from crisis should put more money on human resources and adjusting the configuration of different departments within the companies. Unless they have solved the crisis, they have no reason to focus their attention and pay more on advertising.Based on the above discussions, a company has many choices other than investing more on advertising to make a business to be successful. Admittedly, advertising investment is so important that it is often a decisive factor to the success of a company; however, it is not always the predominant factor.3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Workers would be muchhappier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.Score 5:In today’s workplace, employees are assigned with more demanding tasks than in the past. It is common that workers sometimes need to complete multiple types of task rather than to repeat the same type of task. Despite the fact that doing repeated works is easier for most employees, I believe that employees would be happier if different types of tasks are distributed to them.Working on different types of tasks could help workers develop a sense of belonging in the company, which will make workers become more self-motivated to do their assignments, and thus become much happier. While working on multiple types of tasks, workers could develop varied skills, meet with colleagues from different departments, and learn about the company’s cultures and values as well. During this process, it is very likely that workers find themselves an indispensible part in the company, and then develop a sense of belonging. As a result, workers become more self-motivated and more willing to devote themselves to their work. In this sense, workers will definitely feel much happier because they are self-driven when doing their assignments.Furthermore, working on various types of tasks, workers have more opportunities to get promoted and therefore earn higher salaries, which will undoubtedly lead to happiness. As it is mentioned in the previous paragraph, employees’ skills related to different ty pes of tasks could be improved if they continue working on those tasks. Once employees become professionals in multiple fields, the company will offer them more promotion opportunities, compared with those who are simply skillful in a single field. In this sense, employees could earn higher salaries and become much happier.Admittedly, it is easier for one to repeat one type of task all the time. However, if workers keep repeating the same task everyday, they will feel bored and less motivated soon. It seems that workers have to meet with the same group of people and follow the same procedure.There is little hope to receive more training and develop new skills, let alone to get promoted.It is not difficult to imagine that workers will become unhappy in this situation.To sum up, working on different types of tasks could enable workers to become more motivated and to earn higher salaries in the future. Therefore, workers would be much happier while doing those tasks, compared with repeating the same task all the time.Score 4:Nowadays, employees are assigned with more difficult tasks than in the past. Sometimes, workers need to complete multiple types of task rather than repeat the same type of task.Although doing repeated works is easier for most employees, I believe that employees would be happier if different types of tasks are assigned to them.Working on different types of tasks could help workers develop a sense of belonging in the company, which will make workers become more self-motivated to do their assignments.While working on those tasks, workers could develop varied skills, meet with different colleagues, and learn about the company’s cultures and values as well. During this process, workers will find themselves an indispensible part in the company, and develop a sense of belonging. Thus, workers become more self-motivated and will definitely feel happy.Furthermore, doing various types of tasks, workers have more opportunities to get promoted and therefore earn higher salaries. As it is mentio ned in the previous paragraph, employees’ skills of different types of tasks could be improved if they keep working on those tasks. Once they become professionals in completing those tasks, the company will offer them more promotion opportunities, compared with those who are simply skillful in a single field. In this sense, employees could earn higher salaries and become much happier.Admittedly, it is easier for one to repeat one type of task all the time. However, if workers keep repeating the same task everyday, they will feel bored and less motivated soon. It seems that workers have to meet with the same group of people and follow the same procedure everyday. There is little hope to receive more training and develop new skills, let alone to get promoted. It is not difficult to imagine that workers will become unhappy in this situation.To sum up, working on different types of tasks could enable workers to become more motivated and to earn higher salaries in the future. Therefore, workers would be much happier while doing those tasks, compared with doing the same task all the time.4.The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to theyoungerpeople than they are to the older people.Score 5:Today’s celebrities, such as e ntertainers and athletes, usually show up on TV or post their viewpoints through the Internet, thus young people who tend to make more use of modern technology have more opportunities to hear the voice of those celebrities. Compared withyoung people, the older usually have their own role models, and might not be influenced by celebrities today. Some people believe that the opinions of celebrities are more important to younger people than to the older people. However, I believe that the older should value the celebrities’ opinions as well.To begin with, it is a good way to help older people keep themselves updated through learning from entertainers and athletes. Keeping learning updated news as well as viewpoints of those celebrities could benefit older people in many ways. For example, more shared topics between the old and the young could be created. To illustrate, older people could get familiar with what today’s young people are interested in and thus can discuss with their children or even grandchildren about the hot topics. Through those talks and discussions, the generation gap between the old and the young will gradually disappear; the old will not feel isolated from the younger generation. As a result, they might even feel more energetic than before spending more time with young people. It is not exaggerated to say that watching news and TV shows of celebrities could help the old to maintain mental health to a certain extent.Moreover, many old people are referred to as “stubborn” because they only b elieve what they have learned from their experience in the past. With the development of the society and modern technology, everything changes fast, thus some rules and principles in the past do not work the way as they used to do. It is advisable for the old to learn the views and opinions of the young generation, and avoid sticking to the old-fashioned rules. In addition, entertainers and athletes, who are different from politicians, usually tend to speak for ordinary people rather than political parties. Therefore, I believe that their viewpoints towards certain social issues could represent the voice of the people. In this sense, it is at least not harmful for the old to learn from the celebrities.To sum up, it is beneficial for old people to learn from celebrities’ opinions, which could benefit their mental health and could keep them informed and updated.Score 4:Today’s celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, usually show up through TV and the Internet, thus young people who tend to make more use of modern technology have more opportunities to hear the voice of those celebrities. Compared with young people, the older usually have their own role models, and might not be influenced by celebrities today. Some people believe that the opinions of celebrities are more important to younger people than to the older people. However, I believe that the older should value the celebrities’ opinions as well.To begin with, it is a good way to help older people keep themselves updated through learning from entertainers and athletes. Keeping learning updated news as well as viewpoints of those celebrities could benefit older people in many ways. For example, more shared topics between the old and the young could be created. To illustrate, older people could get familiar with what today’s young people are interested in and thus could discuss with their children or even grandchildren about the hot topics. Through those talks and discussions, the generation gap between the old and the young will gradually disappear; the old will not feel isolated from the younger generation. As a result, they might even feel more energetic than before spending more time with young people.Moreover, many old people are refer red to as “stubborn” because they only believe what they have learned from their experience in the past. With the development of the society and modern technology, everything changes fast, thus some rules and principles in the past do not work the way as they used to do. It is advisable for the old to learn the views and opinions of the young generation, and avoid sticking to the old-fashioned rules. In addition, entertainers and athletes, who are different from politicians, usually tend to speak for ordinary people rather than political parties. Therefore, I believe that their viewpoints towards certain social issues could represent the voice of the people. In this sense, it is at least not harmful for the old to learn from the celebrities.To sum up, it is beneficial for old people to learn from celebrities’ opinions, which could benefit their mental health and could keep them informed and updated.5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societytodayexpect young people to follow are too strict.Score 5:Nowadays, young people need to follow rules at home, in schools and universities, as well as workplace. It seems that those rules that society expects them to follow are sometimes too overwhelming and strict that impose lots of pressure on young people. However, I do believe that rules are vital for youngsters in their life.At home, parents usually require children to follows some rules to ensure their children’s safety or to help children develop a sense of responsibility. From the perspective of young people, it seems annoying sometimes that parents force them to get back home before midnight, for example. However, in some communities that are not safe, it is dangerous for the young, especially female to hang out too late. Another example is that many parents ask their children to do some housework after school. Despite the fact that nowadays students have intensive learning schedule even after school, doing housework could definitely benefit them because the young could learn how hard it is to keep a house organized and sense the difficulties of their parents. Gradually, they could develop a sense of responsibility towards their families, which could benefit their future study and work.In schools, universities, and workplace, young people still need to follow some rules that seem to be strict but necessary. In East Asian, young people should pay special attention to their language use when talking to people who are older or of higher social status, which is a way to show respect to these two groups of people. For example, a respectful form of addressing senior citizens and people of higher social status need to be used in daily communications. Though some young people find it daunting to switch from one form of language use to another, they could learn to be humble working with professors at school or cooperating with colleagues at work.Based on the above discussion, the rules that young people need to follow in nowadays’ society, though strict, are necessary to a certain extent. They could help young people become more independent and humble in their future study or work.Score 4:Young people need to follow rules at home, in schools and universities, as well as workplace.It seems that those rules that society expects them to follow are sometimes too overwhelmingthat elicit lots of pressure on young people. However, I do believe that rules are vital for youngsters in their life.At home, parents usually require children to follows some rules to ensure their children’s safety or to help children develop a sense of responsibility. From the perspective of young people, it seems annoying sometimes that parents force them to get back home before midnight. However, in some communities that are not safe, it is dangerous to hang out too late. Another example is that many parents ask their children to do some housework after school. Despite the fact that nowadays students are facing great pressure from academic study, doing housework could definitely benefit them because the young could learn how hard it is to keep a house organized and sense the difficulties of their parents. Gradually, they could develop a sense of responsibility towards their families, which could benefit their future study and work.In schools, universities, and workplace, young people still need to follow some rules which seem to be too strict but necessary. In East Asian, young people should pay special attention to their language when talking to people who are older or of higher social status, which is a way to show respect to these two groups of people. For example, a respectful form of addressing senior citizens and people of higher social status need to be used in daily communications. Though some young people find it daunting to switch from one form of language use to another, young people could learn to be humble working with professors at school or cooperating with colleagues at work.Based on the above discussion, the rules that young people need to follow in nowadays’ society, though strict, are necessary to a certain extent. They could help young people become more independent and humble in their future study or work.6. A leader should have strong opinions and not change his or her mind about thoseopinions.Score 5:Some people believe that a leader should hold strong opinions and should not change them even when others disagree with them because this is an important way to show a strong leadership. However, I believe that in today’s workplace, the democratic style does have its place in business. Therefore, sometimes a leader should provide his or her team members with opportunities to express their opinions. If necessary, a leader should change his or herTo start with, a leader’s primary task is to stimulate and motivate their colleagues to come up with creative ideas, which benefit teamwork to a large extent. In workplace, most tasks require teamwork where everyone in the team needs to contribute. The role of a leader is to stimulate all his or her team members to express their opinions rather than to become a dictator who make every decision on his or her own. It is not exaggerated to say that sometimes team members are always the source of innovative ideas and plans, which could definitely benefit the company. In order to motivate the team members, a leader should not only create an atmosphere that everyone could feel free to speak up but also respect thethoughts of his or her colleagues.Moreover, it happens that sometimes a leader’s decision could be wrong and will exert negative influence on the team’s work. As everyone knows, no one is perfect and people do make mistakes. If a leader hold strong opinions that might result in setbacks, and he or she refuses to change, the whole team’s project will be affected by his or her dictation. As a result, the team members will become reluctant to contribute to the team and might even quit the current job for a better one. On the contrary, if the leader is humble enough to change their opinions and listen to others’ suggestions, the team could avoid future loss. More importantly, the team members will look up to the leader because he or she has an open mind and is wil ling to accept others’ opinions.As I have read from an article published online, “decision making is when the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote”. Nowadays, a leader should encourage his or her colleagues to actively participate in the decision-making process, and should change their opinions when it is necessary.Score 4:Some people believe that a leader should hold strong opinions and should not change them even when others disagree with them. However, I bel ieve that in today’s workplace, the democratic style does have its place in business. Therefore, sometimes a leader should provide his or her team members with opportunities to express their opinions. If necessary, a leader should change his or her opinions as well.In workplace, most tasks require teamwork where everyone in the team needs to contribute. The role of a leader is to stimulate all his or her team members to express their opinions and motivate them to work on their assignments rather than to become a dictator who make every decision on his or her own. It is not exaggerated to say that sometimes team members are always the source of creative ideas and plans, which could definitely benefit the company. In order to motivate the team members, a leader should not only create an atmosphere that everyone could feel free to speak up but also respect the thoughts of his or her colleagues. Moreover, it happens that sometimes a leader’s decision could be wrong and will exert negative influence on the team’s work. As everyone knows, no one is perfect and people do make mistakes. If a leader hold strong opinions that might result in setbacks, and he or she refuse to change, the whole team’s project will be affected by his or her dictation. As a result, the team members will become less motivated in their work and might even leave the company for another to find a better job. On the contrary, if the leader is humble enough to change their opinions and listen to others’ suggestions, the team could avoid future l oss. More importantly, the team members will look up to the leader because he or she has an open mind and is willing to accept others’ opinions.Based on the above discussion, a leader should not hold strong opinions and should change their opinions when it is necessary. Nowadays, a leader should encourage his or her。

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2020年11月21日托福听力答案解析Conversation 1
讲一个女生在杂志上看到一个关于iceberg的文章,觉得很有意思,就来问professor,想用这个做project,professor表示赞成鼓励,后来又讲了一个air beam,这个东西的特点和它的名字相关,最后professor询问女生去不去某个活动,女生表示不太想去。
-TPO部分对应参考 (TPO2-C1)
Lecture 1
后来说研究了很多wetland anima,发现绝大部分都有数量下降。
environmentalprotection 环境保护
pollute,pollution, pollutant
disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, havedisastrous effec t on…对。
tropicalrain forest热带雨林
landslide山体滑坡, mudslide泥石流
(worsening,deteriorate, deterioration恶化) globalwarming世界变暖
Lecture 2
然后又说它是一种C开头的种类,这个种类的生物都是在salt water里出生,生活在fresh water,并且回到salt water产卵。
livingorganism 生物
bacterium(pl.bacteria) 细菌
chimpanzeen. 黑猩猩
monkeyn. 猴子