
Writing skills
Question review skills
Comprehension of the question
Ensure that students understand the requirements and
expectations of the writing task
Paragraph development
Evaluate how well paragraphs are developed, including the
transitioning between ideas and topics
Argumentation and reasoning
Examine the logical development of arguments and how
PPT courseware for high school English writing eva
目 录
• Introduction • Writing skills • Common Error Analysis • Excellent Sample Analysis • Student Works Review • Writing Practice and Improvement
Clarity of the question
Analyze why the question is clear and specific, avoiding
ambiguity and fusion
Connection with the current
Evaluate while the topic is relevant to the current and

(一)增色词汇 1.masterpiece n.杰作 2.be directed by由……导演 3.learn from...从……中学习 4.be set in以……为背景 5.romantic scenes浪漫的场景 6.be based on以……为基础 7.play the part of扮演 8.special effects 特效 9.the fight scene 打斗场景 10.be popular with...受……欢迎
(二)精彩句型 1.The new Chinese TV series is making waves in China and abroad.There must be more stories behind the scenes. 这部新的中国电视剧在国内外掀起了波澜,其幕后一定有更多故事。 2.The action takes place on Peking rooftops,and in places as far away as the deserts of western China. 故事发生在北京的(建筑物)房顶上和遥远的中国西部的沙漠。 3.The film was adapted from a novel,which told that a couple adopted a flexible way to bring up their adopted son,who gradually adapted to his new family. 这部电影是由一部小说改编来的,它讲述的是,一对夫妇采用一种灵活的 方法来抚养他们收养的儿子,使他逐渐适应了他的新家庭。
【写作要求】 根据以下关于电影《哈利·波特》的简介,写一篇80词左右的英文影评。 1.根据英国作家J.K.Rowling的小说改编,由Chris Columbus执导。 2.哈利失去双亲,在姨母家受虐待,11岁生日时被邀请到Hogwarts魔法学 校上学。 3.Hogwarts是一个神奇莫测的魔幻世界,在那里哈利学习了魔法,经历了 许多冒险和神奇的事,并交了一些好朋友,同时学会了怎样获得真正的友谊, 学会了勇敢。 4.这是一部非常成功的电影,风靡全世界。通过这部电影,我们学会了相 信自己和帮助别人。

When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if I'd had lunch.________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ...
水果农场的生活 所闻、所说
给我(面包)装有水果的纸袋 挥手告别 我感谢了他们
所思 所做
After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag._______ ...
环境描写 袋子里有水果、$20(便签)
语言描写 便签内容
9 郭俊雄 When I caught sight of this sentence, I felt so warm
and happy.
10 刘思豪
The family were so kind. They were the rays of sunshine in my life, shining at the buttom of my heart.I will follow
( 非谓语作宾语 )
3. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the way most people hadn't bothered to help. ( 主从复合句--状语从句)
4. He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke English.

traditional Chinese art;
I am deeply interested in traditional Chinese art and I have received a good education in art, so I have a good knowledge of Chinese paintings.
要点完整;语言准确且多样;结构清晰; 逻辑连贯交际得体书写美观
好作文的写作步骤 (写作七步法)
审 题体裁时态人称要点
(2019 全国1卷)
体裁人称时态 要求
gallery, art center
A Chinese painting exhibition其它相关表达:中国画Chinese paintings, traditional Chinese art, the artworks.

Simple sentences, compound…
Master different types of sentence structures to enhance the sense of hierarchy and logic in expression.
• Appreciation and imitation of model essays • Common problems and solutions in writing • Summary, Review, and Outlook for the Future
Course Introduction and Objectives
Format specification
Follow the basic format and specifications of the application text, such as title, title, main text, and ending.
Content accuracy
Ensure the accuracy of the conveyed information and avoid misunderstandings or ambiguities.
Improving comprehensive English proficiency: Writing involves multiple aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures. Through writing training, students can enhance their comprehensive English proficiency.

文字要简短明了,避免使用大段文 字。
字体颜色要与背景色形成对比,避 免看不清。
记叙文:注意叙事顺序,情节曲折,人物塑造 议论文:论点明确,论据充分,论证严密 说明文:抓住事物特征,条理清晰,语言准确 应用文:格式规范,语言得体,内容符合要求
逐句分析,提炼句式、词汇 和表达方式
总结范文写作技巧,引导学 生掌握写作要领
字体大小:根据幻灯片布局和观众距离调整,确保清晰易读 字体颜色:与背景色形成对比,突出重点内容,避免使用刺眼颜色 文字排版:遵循简洁明了原则,避免文字堆积和混乱布局 文字数量:精简文字内容,突出重点,避免过多文字干扰观众理解
文字与图片结合,增加视觉冲击力 图片选择要符合主题,清晰度高 图片与文字排版要简洁明了,易于理解 色彩搭配要合理,避免过于花哨或单调
回顾本节课所学的 单词和短语。
复习本节课所学的 语法和句型。
强调本节课的重点 和难点。
总结本节课所学的 写作技巧和方法。
作业内容:根据本节课所学内容,写一篇80-100词的英语作文。 作业要求:认真审题,结合本节课所学知识,注意语法和单词的拼写,书写工整。 上交时间:下节课上课前提交,逾期不候。 奖励机制:对完成出色的同学进行表扬和奖励。

Verbs are used in different tensions to show time relationships Understanding when to use each tense is critical for accurate expression of time related ideas
Vocabulary usage
A writer should choose precision and appropriate words to accommodate their means It is important to understand the meaning and usage of different words and phrases to enhance the clarity of writing
Incorporate both narrative and argumentative essay writing into the practice sessions Narrative essays focus on storytelling, while argumentative essays center around presenting a point of view and defending it with evidence
Through peer evaluation, students can learn to apply different writing styles and viewpoints, improve their critical thinking ability, and enhance their communication and cooperation skills

句子1 翻译
句1:学生会将要举办一次英语演讲比赛。目的: 增长环保知识和提高英语口语。主题:“保护环 境, 节约能源”。
The Students’ Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest to increase our knowledge about the environment and iTmhperothveem适更oue当加riss调顺:p“o整畅PkreonteEcnt goluisrhe.nvironment and save our energy”.
英语作文写作 What makes
a good essay?
1. 话题词汇、短语错误 积累少
2. 词汇、短语、句型贫乏
3. 句子语法错误
4. 连贯性差
1.取悦评卷人: 有清晰的整体脉络, 有自然的段间衔接. 经典的用词用句, 有整齐美观的书写. 2.经典的用句: 感叹句,倒装、强调、虚拟、省略句、定 语从句,名词性从句,名人名言。
学生会 _T_h_e_S_t_u_d_e_n_ts’ Union
参加 __ta_k_e_p_a_r_t_in_/_p_a_r_ti_cipate in
保护 _p_r_o_te_c_t_(v_t_) protection(n)
环境 _e_n_v_ir_o_n_m__en_t__(n_)_e_n_v_ir_o_n_m_e_n_t_a_l _(_a_dj)
中文没有主语 时:要补充主 语再翻译。
句子4、5 翻译
句4: 奖项:3个一等奖, 6个二等奖和12个三等奖。

What is the ideal length for an English composition in the college entrance examination? The ideal length for an English composition depends on the specific requirements of the exam, but generally, it should be between 150-250 words
Motivation and funding: Encourage students to continue in their writing practice and provide positive feedback to boost their confidence
Critique of language use: Assess the language proficiency of students and provide guidance on improving their vocabulary, grammar, and presence structure
Writing format guidance
Instrument students on the appropriate format for different types of writing, such as essays, letters, and narrativscriptive Composition
This type of composition is focused on describing a person, place, thing, or event in detail It requires the student to use rich and vivid language to create a sense of presence and importance

Para.1: The 29th Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing with a great success. I hear you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums. I would like to contribute the following suggestions to you.
4. 逐字翻译问题 The stadiums can open to people for do exercise use.
The stadiums can be opened to people for doing exercises. 演示课件
5. 词性混淆问题 It can creative money.. It can create/bring in money. Many people can use them to strong our body. Many people can use them to strengthen our
• Dear editor,
• I am Li Hua, a reader of your paper.
• ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………
Beijing were held successfully. The 29th Olympic Games which were hosted in
Beijing were held successfully.

Based-task Writing太白中学刘亚琴Teaching goals: Enable students to learn how to write an article.Teaching important and difficult points: Check the mistakes in students’ article. Teaching methods: Discussion, cooperative learning.Teaching aids: a computer and a pptTeaching procedures and waysStep1 lead-inStep2 Check the answer题目:假定你是中学生李华。
写作要点:1.表示对客人的欢迎;2. 介绍此项活动(如活动目的、内容等);3. 表达对客人的祝愿。
写作要求:1.词数不少于100词;2. 称呼已经给出,请写欢迎词正文;3. 不能用真实姓名和学校名称。
Dear American guests,On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week activities.As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today. The purpose of this programme is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story telling and so on . The Show will beg in at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Centre. Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you.18-23分黄云张银娟秦青李琼李文兴杨欢王阳赵天云朱媛张敏李爱琴郑茹李岚唐文丽崔红王娇张萌赵彤彤24分彭瑶梅赵林鑫周筱Mistake Correction in Spellings1.I am lucky to introtuce …2. …and Ping-Pong gams…3. The most important is English speach…4. This acitivity…Mistake Correction in Passage1.It’s benefit from communicating culture.(任永刚)I benefit from…2. I will greet you on my school behalf.(任永刚)I will greet you on behalf of our school.2.We take part in English Talent Show can improve students’ English. (黄云)We take part in English Talent Show to improve our English.4. I am express ours warm welcome to you.(张银娟严飞)I would like to express our warm welcome to you.5. This English Week activities consist to many interesting project. ( 杨欢)… consist of many interesting programs.6. Thanks for your come to…(杨欢)Thanks for coming to…7. Such as English spoken…(李莹莹秦青)Such as spoken English…8. We are lucky to invite you take part in this activity and we will appreariate if you can give us some advices. (李琼)We are lucky to invite you to take part in this activity and we will appreciate it if you can give us some advice.9. Due to our school English Talent Show students’ English level is high.(李岚)Due to our school English Talent Show, students’ English level has improved gradually10. I’m very thank you. (杨锐花)Thank you very much.11. In order to making… (李莹莹)In order to make…12. I think I’m very luckily.I think I’m very lucky.13. The key of this activity…The key to this activity…14. Our school develop a variety of English activity. (崔红)There are a variety of English activities in our school.15. The Talent Show, whose goal is improve our English communication.(彭瑶梅) The Talent Show , whose goal is to improve our English skills is very interesting. 16. We are hope you are happily.(王澜波)We hope you are happy.Excellent sentences in the passage1.Only in this way can I learn a lot of knowledge well. (黄云)2.I’m lucky to represent our warm welcome to you.(李文兴)3.I’m on behalf of our school to express our warm welcome to you.(赵林鑫)4.There is no denying the fact that this activity is very interesting.5. We not only talk about things we are interested in to practice our oral Englishbut also exchange our experience in English study. (李爱琴)6. Only after you attend this activity will you know the interest of this activity (it).(周筱)7. We are very glad to express our warm welcome to you. (周筱)StepⅢ Homework跟踪训练用正确的引导状语从句的连词(词组)填空1.It seemed only several minutes __ 1.2.It has been three years _3.Work hard,4.,_5.I was about to leave _6.The composition is all right,Ⅱ.句型转换1.Don't forget what your teacher says.(使用状语从句)1.=_,don't forget.2.To his surprise,the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句)=①_=②_=③_3.Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in China? Could you tell us?(变为复合句)=Could you tell us _ if/whether _ Mr.Brown _ enjoys _ living in China?4.Jim is not a student.Tom is not a student,either.(合并为一个句子)=_5.When does the train leave?I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)=6.He lives in a big house,there stands a tree in front of the house. (变为复合句)=He lives in a big house,__Step3 Homework。

使用代词指代上一句中旳名词 反复使用上一句中旳词 使用连接词 使用平行构造
表并列补充关系旳: what is more, besides, also, as well, moreover, furthermore, in addition,
表因果关系旳: since, as, because (of), for, so, thus, therefore, as a result, so that,
lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your website. Now she’s going to be three. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.
表条件关系旳: if, on the condition (that), as long as, unless, or else,
表转折对比关系旳: but, however, yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, different from, in contrast to, despite, in spite of, whereas, unlike, nevertheless, not only…but also, here…there, years ago…today, this…that, the former…the latter, then…now, the first…whereas the second, once…now, on one hand…on the other hand, some …, others …

常用的连词有or , either…or…..,otherwise, or else(否则), 等连接.如:
Either you are mad or I am. You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus.
Will he still be there or will he have gone away? Take this bus or else you won’t get there in time.
She is a student. He has become an engineer.
It tastes sweet.
His face goes red.
注意:系动词除了be 动词外,还包括become, turn, look, seem, appear, sound, taste, smell, remain, prove, keep, fall.
并列句:由并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句 连在一起的句子叫做并列句。
He helps me and I help him. He not only gave us a lot of advice , but also helped us to study English.
注意:不同的并列连词表示并列分句之间的不同关系, 根据并列分句之间的关系不同,并列分句可以分为四种。
Once, she teached in India for many years . In 1950, she set up the Missionaries of charity to help the poor in Calcutta. She devoted to help the poor 、 the patiences、the homeless persons and the dead persons. Because of those, in 1979, she got the Nobel peace prize in 1997. she died in India.

It is important to understand the basic rules of English grammar, such as subject verb agreement, use of positions, and correct placement of commands PowerPoint presentations can break down these rules into easy to understand slides with examples and exercises to help students master them
Argumentative Writing: Practice and Feedback
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Applied Writing
Letters and Emails
Resumes and Cover Letters
The courseware uses a variety of examples and practical exercises to make learning more interesting and effective
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I have trouble in math (I have trouble with math/ I have trouble in studying math) my speaking English (my spoken English)
My life combines with happiness and sadness (My life is combined with happiness and sadness/ My life combines happiness with sadness) It is sparing no efforts in studying can make a progress (It is sparing no efforts in studying that makes progress/ Sparing no efforts in studying can make progress)
There was a time when I got bad grades, which make me feel sad (There was a time when I got bad grades, which made me feel sad)
First, I think my life is not changed too much so far. (First, I think my life has not changed too much so far)
nearly condition (recent/present/current condition) Finally, I will success (Finally, I will succeed) But now, my study is not well (But now, my study is not good)
Write a composition on the topic “I have a dream”
I’m pleased to tell you about my self (myself) I think doctor is a very pround work (proud) painess (pain)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Read English texts every morning Write neatly and beautifully Practice often Avoid Chinglish Use different types of sentences Use transitional words Divide the composition into 3,4 parts No mistakes
Now I have made great progress The food it has
studying hard to get will feel
My lifMe iys lcifoemcboimnebdinwesithahpappinpeinsessws iathndsasdandensesss Making
“By othTerhs’efayulct,awniswe mrietnecborerettcet trheir own” 它Y山ou之石ca,n可w以r攻ite玉better
has not changed which made me
I’m still busy with
to tell I feel happy everyday I read my spoken English
make a progress (make progress) informations (information) The foods in the canteen is tasty (The food in the canteen is tasty)
istpiasrsinpgarninogenffooretfsfocratns tmhaktemgarkeeast gprreoagtrepsrsogress
information myself
proud pain suncoetIegIhdohaoavdveetrtorouubblele(iwn)itshtumdaymtinhagkme aptrhogCroeussld