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题型有:1. What problem did the speakers encounter?2. How did the man find the website designer?3. What did the part-time web designer explain about the situation?4. What did the woman suggest they do in the end?


A.Their BBS was not as good as what they had thought before.

B.Their progress in the website-design was hindered for lack of fund.

C.Their full-time website designer was too busy to complete her task.

D.Their temporary website designer was not qualified to do the BBS.


解析:根据选项可以预测出问题:他们遇到了什么困难?话题与BBS,website-design, website designer有关,因此听到对话中提及problems with the BBS 时就要注意后文的具体解释:part-time web designer是主要问题所在,即D中的temporary website designer。她不会建BBS这一信息在对话中反复出现,此题不难作答。知识模块:听力


A.She was a close relative of his colleague.

B.She was recommended by someone he knows.

C.She was assigned to help with his program.

D.She was chosen after being interviewed.




A.She complained that she was given too much work

B.She admitted that she had been dishonest.

C.She owed it to miscommunication between them.

D.She insisted that she had made a terrific website.


解析:根据选项可以大致预测出问题是“她”对某事的态度。当女士问男士是否询问过兼职网站设计员为何一开始没表明自己能力不够时,男士用间接引语引述她的理由是communication problem,即C中的miscommunication。知识模块:听力


A.Resort to the Part-time Job Center.

B.Turn to their professor for help.

C.Hire a professional with better pay.

D.Pay her full fees for better work


解析:选项为动词原形,一般考打算、建议、要求。在对话最后,男士说了两条打算,女士提了一条建议,A与后者一致,为答案。C有一定的干扰性,但原文中没有with better pay的依据。知识模块:听力

听力原文:M: I didn’t see you in creative writing class today. What happened?W: Oh, just a dentist appointment. That’s all. Say, did we get a new assignment for next week?M: Yeah. A really interesting one, actually. We’re supposed to write a short story that has some sort of limitation or, or, constraints imposed on it. W: What do you mean? Like rhyming in a poem? M: Well, that’ll be an idea But what we write has to be prose, like prose poetry. Just to make rhyme in a poem is too easy, I guess. I think Prof. Eliot really wants to challenge us, to put our creativity to the test. W: Well, did she give any hints about what she has in mind? M: Not really, but I may have an idea of the kind of thing she’s looking for. I just finished a really strange book by some French guy. He wrote a whole book without even using a single e. W: A whole book without a single e? How’s it possible? But, wait a minute. I didn’t know you can read French. M: I can’t I read the English translation. But get this. There’s not one e in that either. W: No way. Think of the words you couldn’t use. M: I know, but that translator manages it. I got the book at home if you want to check out for yourself.[8]What’s really amazing to me is that leaving e in French is no easy job and doing it in English is gonna involve a complete different group of words. It’s a real work of mind. W: Sometime you have to show me that book. But right now I’d better get going on the writing for next week. 5. Why didn’t the woman attend the creative writing class today?6. What are the speakers assigned to write?7. Why did the man mention a book by a French author?8. What point does the man make about the letter e?


A.She had to borrow books.

B.She had to think of words.

C.She had to see a dentist

D.She had to finish an assignment.


解析:选项均是She had to开头,可推测题目与不得不做某事有关。对话一开始男士就说在创意写作课上没看到女士,问她出了什么事,女士说只是因为与牙医有约,可见她当时得去看牙医,故答案是C。知识模块:听力


A.A story in prose.

B.A poem that rhymes.

C.A translation of a short literary work
