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Unit 2Home Alone

Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading (1)

Period Two Language Points (7)

Period Three Word power & Grammar and usage (14)

Period Four Task (14)

Period Five Project (14)

Writing (14)

Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading


A fifteen-year-old boy named Justin Foster in Dover,New Hampshire went missing three days ago.1.________ was not until the lunchtime the next day that he was found missing.His mother became 2.________(worry) and asked her husband 3.________(call) the police.People offered various explanations for his 4.________(appear).Kelly,his sister said that Justin 5.________return home the night before and even heard him put on his favourite CD,and just then she happened to see a large spaceship 6.________(fly) outside,so she thought Justin must 7.________(take) away by aliens.Some people also said that they themselves experienced this kind of thing.But Detective Sam Peterson,who took charge 8.________the case,said that there was really no hard 9.________(evident) that aliens took him and that they wouldn't give up until they found out 10.________ had happened.

【答案】 1.It 2.worried 3.to call 4.disappearance 5.did 6.flying7.have been taken 8.of9.evidence10.what


1.Do you believe ________ unexplained things such as UFOs and Yetis?

2.Police in America have stepped ________ their search ________ a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover,New Hampshire.

3.This incident has received great interest due ________ reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits ________ the time the boy disappeared.

4.I didn’t see him,but I heard him put ________ his favourite CD.

5.I pulled ________ the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside.

6.Mr. Foster was working that night ________ his road construction job,and was not home when these events occurred.

7.When Justin did not show ________ for lunch the next day,Mrs. Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police.

8.The aliens took me ________ the UFO so that they could do research ________ me.

9.Sometimes people make ________ such amazing stories.There’s really no hard evidence that aliens took him ________ from his home.

10.While we have not dismissed the idea,we are looking ________ other possibilities as well.


1.Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.



________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:坐在沙发上的是我的姐姐,她在那儿看电视。

______________________________________,who is watching TV over there.

2.Since Mrs. Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend,she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream,and sent her back to bed.



________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:既然如此,再没有什么可以说的了。
