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牛津译林版8B语法知识点汇总Unit 1


1 和…玩play with sb

2 不再…not…any more

3 不同时期的交通工具transport at different ti mes

4 阳光镇的变化

the changes to Sunshine Town

5 非常了解这个地方know the place well

6 从那时起since then

7 自从2005年以来since 2005

8 自从去年以来since last year

9 自从三个星期前以来

since three weeks ago

10 搬家move house

11 搬到南京move to Nanjing

12 搬进一座新公寓move to/ into a new fla t

13 在…南部in the southern part of

14 结婚get married

15 和某人结婚

be/ get married to sb/ marry sb

16 变化很大change a lot

17 在过去in the past

18 在现在at present

19 这些年以来over/ during the years 20 把…变成…turn…into…

21 在周末at weekends

22 打牌play cards

23 下中国象棋play Chinese chess

24 愉快的假期pleasant holiday

25 玩得很开心have a pleasant time

26 水污染water pollution

27 噪音污染noise pollution

28 过去经常做某事used to do sth

29 像以前一样经常地…as often as before 30 把…排进/ 倒进…dump…into…

31 一个很严重的问题

a very serious problem

32 采取行动做某事take action to do sth 33 减少污染reduce the pollution

34 在某种程度上in some ways

35 顺便问一下by the way

36 在去…的路上on the way to…

37 挡路in the way

38 开阔的空间/ 户外活动场所open space

39 不时地,偶尔from time to time

40 从…搬出去move out of…

41 事实上,实际上in fact

42 一处自然景点地方

a place of natural beaut y

43 一个新的火车站

a new railway station


借…borrow sth from sb 45借给某人…/把…借给…lend sb sth= lend st

h to sb

46 例如for example/ such as

47 在使用中be in use= be in servic e

48 带…去…take sb to …

49 一所小学

a primary school

50 我也是Me, too.

51 独自地on one’s own= by onesel f= alone

52 空余时间free time

53 有同感have the same feeling

54 青山环绕green hills around 55 清新的空气fresh air

56 良好的环境

a good environment

57 发展缓慢less development

58 离…远be far (away) from

59 离…近be close to…

60 给…造成许多麻烦

cause many problems for…

61 近期照片recent photos

62 在近几年中in recent years

63 …的反义词the opposite of…

64 有好运have good luck

65 把…扔掉throw sth away

66 一个真正的问题

a real problem

67 写一篇有关阳光镇的文章write an article on Suns hine Town

68在过去的一个世纪over the past century

69关于北京的过去和现在about Beijing’s past and present

70感冒have a cold

71 患重感冒have a bad cold 72 受到某人的来信

hear from sb= receive a letter from

73 乘飞机旅行travel by plane/ by air

74 享受阳光和沙滩

enjoy the sun and the b each





He has lived here since he came to Nanjing. 自从来到南京,他就住在这里。

I have lost my mobile phone. 我的手机丢了。

现在完成时常和already、ever、just、never、recently、yet 等副词以及since、for引导的
