



• She wanted to break the "G-rated" image, and consequently, in 2005 she co-starred in the adult-themed Havoc and Brokeback Mountain, both requiring nude scenes. The Devil Wears Prada (2006), in which she starred opposite Meryl Streep, has become the highestgrossing film of her career.
Her acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress and Streep as her idol.People magazine named her one of 2001's breakthrough stars and in 2006 she was listed as one of the world’s 50 Most Beautiful People
• Becoming Jane, in which she stars as Jane Austen, was released in 2007. Her most recent movie, Get Smart, in which she plays the character, Agent 99, was released in June 2008.
• Today I am glad to tell something about my favourite actress Anne Hathaway . She became famous after The Princess Diaries (2001), which established her career. She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, and she had the lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (both 2004).




安妮-海瑟薇(anne hathaway)凭借《悲惨世界》(les miserables)获最佳电影女配角。


oh my gosh, this is happening. to the hollywood foreign press, thank you so much for having me in his room full of extraordinary artists that have changed my life with their work. thank you for this lovely blunt object that i will forevermore use as a weapon against self-doubt. and thank you for putting me, my work, in this category with great and gutsy actresses: amy [adams], nicole [kidman], helen [hunt] and sally [field]我有点晕。





sally, i have to thank you so much for being a vanguard against typecasting, because as the girl who started out as the princess of genovia [in the 'princess dairies'], i can't tell you how encouraging it was to know that the flying nun grew up to be norma rae and grew up to be mama gump [in 'forrest gump'] and grew up to be mary todd lincoln [in 'lincoln']," she said. "so thank you so much.莎莉,我必须深深地感谢你,你一直以来都站在反对演员角色固定化的前线,作为从“吉诺维亚公主”这个角色开始的小女孩,看着《修女飞飞》,变成《诺玛蕊》,变成阿甘的母亲,再变成玛丽-托德-林肯,我无法表法自己有多么激动,非常感谢你。



• 《蕾切尔的婚礼》是索尼经典于2008年出品的一
部剧情电影,影片由乔纳森· 戴米执导,安妮· 海 瑟薇、罗丝玛丽· 德薇特和德博拉· 温格等联袂主 演。影片于2008年9月3日在意大利威尼斯电影节 率先放映[1] 。 影片讲述刚从戒毒康复中心出来的凯姆去参加姐 姐婚礼的经历,并通过一系列碰撞去重新审视了 当代家庭伦理,亲属之间的感情关系。
• 影片《断背山》是一部2005年的美国爱情剧情片,改编自
安妮· 普露所著的同名短篇小说,由华人导演李安执导, 好莱坞著名影星杰克· 吉伦哈尔、希斯· 莱杰、米歇尔· 威姆 斯和安妮· 海瑟薇等倾情出演。影片于2005年12月9日在美 国上映[1] 。 影片讲述了1963年至1981年的美国怀俄明州,两个男人 之间情爱与性爱的复杂关系。该片在威尼斯电影节夺得金 狮奖,在第78届奥斯卡金像奖中获得八项提名,并夺得了 最佳导演、最佳改编剧本与最佳电影配乐三项大奖。影片 上映时形成一阵席卷全球的文化现象,对学术、时装和乡 村音乐等不同文化领域产生广泛影响,在社会上也掀起对 同性之爱的大讨论。
• 安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway ),1982年11月12日出
生于纽约州布鲁克林 ,美国电影女演员。安妮· 海瑟薇在 出演《公主日记》后被《人物》杂志封为2001年最佳新星。 2005年,安妮· 海瑟薇出演《断背山》。2006年,安妮· 海 瑟薇出演了《穿普拉达的女王》。2008年,安妮出演《蕾 切尔的婚礼》,并获得第81届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角的 提名。2010年,安妮· 海瑟薇凭借《爱情与灵药》入围金 球奖喜剧类最佳女主角。2012年,安妮· 海瑟薇出演《蝙 蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》。2013年,安妮· 海瑟薇凭借《悲 惨世界》中芳汀一角获得奥斯卡金像奖、金球奖等奖项的 最佳女配角。2015年3月5日,凭借《星际穿越》获第41 届美国科幻恐怖电影奖土星奖最佳女主角提名[1] .。

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway

Anne •Hathaway 安妮海瑟薇I:Today in our Big Star,we‟ll show you a pretty woman. So there she comes!W: Yep,It‟s Anne Jacqueline Hathaway.she was born in Brooklyn, New York. Her father, Gerald Thomas Hathaway, is a lawyer, and her mother, Kathleen Ann, is an actress who inspired Hathaway to follow in her footsteps. The family moved to Millburn, New Jersey when she was six years old. Hathaway has an older brother, Michael, and a younger brother, Thomas. She is of mostly Irish and French ancestry, with distant Native American and German roots.I:1982年11月12日安妮•海瑟薇出生于美国纽约布鲁克林区,在新泽西州长大。





I :Ivy是很喜欢这个笑容灿烂的好莱坞新星!那我们还是先来听一首来自安妮主演的《The Princess‟ Diaries》中的歌曲《stupid cupid》。



• 《悲惨世界》的主题是写人类与邪恶之间不懈的 斗争,人类本性是纯洁善良的,将一同走向幸福 ,但要经过苦难的历程。书中穿插当时法国革命 动乱的背景和拿破仑滑铁卢战役的描写,以及当 时法国社会的很多细节都有论及,比如俚语,下 水道和女修道院等情况,雨果在书中都分有独立 章节描写。故事情节错综复杂,设计巧妙,跌宕 起伏。雨果力图表现严刑峻法只能使人更加邪恶 ,应根据人道主义精神用道德感化的方法处理, 他借主人公之口说道“最高的法律是良心”。他写 道:“将来人们会把犯罪看作一种疾病,由一批特 殊的医生来医治这种病。医院将取代监狱。”为了 这部书,雨果前后构思了40年,到晚年才完成。 他自称这是“一部宗教作品”
She became famous after The Princess Diaries (2001), which established her career. Her acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress and Streep as her idol.
• 长篇小说《悲惨世界》是雨果最重要的作品。在 这部小说中,雨果刻划了从拿破仑在滑铁卢的失 败直到反对七月王朝的人民起义这一阶段的历史 面貌,绘制了一幅规模庞大的社会和政治生活的 图画。书中描述了在逃犯冉•阿让和流落街头的妇 女芳汀,还有她的女儿珂赛特三位中心人物的悲 惨遭遇。深刻揭示了资本主义社会中善良纯朴的 劳动人民注定要陷入受压迫、受歧视、受凌辱境 地的必然命运,愤怒地谴责和控诉了造成这一切 不合理和不公平现象的原因。


源自《真实》(Get Real)
2011年第1届喜剧奖最佳女主角提名《爱情与灵药》 安妮.海瑟薇-公主日记 2011年第68届金球奖音乐喜剧类最佳女主角提名《爱情与灵药》 2010年华盛顿影评人协会最佳女主角提名 《爱情与灵药》 2009伦敦影评圈电影金像奖年度最佳女主角提名《蕾切尔的婚礼》 2009年美国青少年观众票选大奖提名《结婚大作战》
The combine of Julia Roberts and Audrey Hepburn
The first work of art is Get Real
The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement
Nicholas Nickleby(尼古拉斯.尼贝尔)
2009年金卫星奖剧情类最佳女主角提名 《蕾切尔的婚礼》 2008年圣路易斯影评人协会最佳女主角提名《蕾切尔的婚礼》 美国青少年观众票选大奖 Choice Movie Rumble(提名) 结婚大作 战(2009) 2008年独立精神奖最佳女主角提名《蕾切尔的婚礼》 安妮的红毯秀(10张)
2008年奥斯汀影评人协会奖最佳女主角提名 《成为简· 奥斯汀》 2008年威尼斯电影节最佳女主角提名《蕾切尔的婚礼》 2007年英国独立电影奖最佳女演员提名 《成为简· 奥斯汀》 2005年演员工会奖最佳女配角《断背山》 2001年 MTV电影奖 突破女演员(提名) 《公主日记》 2000年青年艺术家奖最佳表演奖提名 电视剧《真实》
Ella Enchanted(魔法 灰姑娘)
詹姆斯· 弗兰科
安妮· 海瑟薇
The Eighty_third Academy Award ceremony



安妮海瑟薇个人资料及相关电影安妮-海瑟薇英文名:Anne Hathaway中文名:安妮-海瑟薇出生日期:1982年11月12日出生地:纽约星座:天蝎座身高:173CM学历:东海岸自由艺术学院最爱的书:Either Beloved (Toni Morrison)工作愿望:英语教授或心理学者人生目标:在百老汇唱歌演员作品穿普拉达的魔鬼 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)小红帽的真实故事 Hoodwinked (2005)断臂山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)浩劫 Havoc (2005)公主日记2:皇室婚约 Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, The (2004) 魔法灰姑娘 Ella Enchanted (2004)天堂的彼端 Other Side of Heaven, The (2001)公主的日记 The Princess Diaries (2001)代表作品:《公主日记》《公主日记2:皇室婚约》《魔法灰姑娘》《Havoc》3年前的《公主日记》使天蝎少女安妮-海瑟薇一夜成名,头戴皇冠的她仿佛就是赫本和罗伯茨的重合再生,2004年,一脸灿烂笑容的海瑟薇携《公主日记2:皇室婚约》回来了!在续集中公主继承了王位,并且与一位“白马王子”走进婚姻的殿堂,从此过上了幸福快乐的生活。




穿普拉达的女王 英文介绍

穿普拉达的女王  英文介绍
Anne Hathaway(安妮· 海瑟薇 ), Hollywood actress. (好莱坞女星)Her Representative works(代表作):Les Miserable's(悲惨世界),Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境),The Princess Diaries (公主日记)and The Devil Wears Prada (穿普拉达的女王)。
Between friendship and status, she chose friendship.
After that, she tried to find a new job. Could she succeed? What do you think?
What’s more, she forgot her original dream.
Andy chose to caught the chance, which made another girl lose her own dream.
In the car, they quarreled.
• 安迪:那如果我不想做这些呢? 米兰达:噢,别犯傻了--所有人都想做这个, 他们都梦想着成为“我们”的一员。
In the film,she played the role of Emily . She is Miranda’s chief assistant. And, she is yearning Paris.
• It is said if some girls could stay at the American’s famous magzine Run away for one year, they will be popular in any magziplayed the role of Andy Sachs . she was a struggling girl , and always stick to her dream.




即将步入30岁的她对自己信心满满:―我的30岁正当年‖~Until the recent Hollywood blockbuster The Dark Knight Rises, no one would have imagined Anne Hathaway landing the classic role of the sexy, smart Cat woman–neither did she。


―I didn’t think they would revisit that character, because Michelle Pfeiffer’s performance (in the1992 Batman Returns) had been so iconic,‖ Hathaway told Entertainment Weekly。



With two big projects out this year, The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables, HathawayisHollywood’s golden girl. And it’s not only because of hersignature smile and natural beauty. Determination and hard work played a big role, too。




The most fascinate feature of this film is that it magically enlarge the instant to a scene of our lives and show it to us all vividly .

The film has its unique way of defining love .That is :it doesn’t like other films that solely sing the praises of love ,in contrast ,it points out that ,love is a mixture of happiness and sorrow. Love is a strong feeling rising from the bottom of our heart, not just mean companies of our date.

Байду номын сангаас WORKS
《美梦成真》"Get Real" (1999) TV Series 《公主日记》The Princess Diaries (2001) 《天堂的另一面》The Other Side of Heaven (2001) 《尼古拉斯· 尼克比》Nicholas Nickleby (2002) 《魔法灰姑娘》Ella Enchanted (2004) 《公主日记2:皇家婚约》The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)

Her acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress and Streep as her idol. People magazine named her one of 2001's breakthrough stars and in 2006 she was listed as one of the world’s 50 Most Beautiful People



I'm sure that most of you have heard of this movie,and maybe some of you have already seen it in the theater.Then you must be impressed by this sexy catwoman.Today I'd like to show you sth about her---anne hathaway.Anne Jacqueline Hathaway, born November 12th 1982, is an American actress.Once described as a combination of Julia Roberts and Audrey Hepburn, Anne Hathaway has proved to be an appealing, versatile performer, tackling a number of comedic and dramatic roles.Hathaway got a role on a short-lived television series in 1999.But Hathaway's first big break as an actress came in 2001.In 2001,Anne won the lead role by accidentally falling off her chair during her audition for The Princess Diaries.The role brought her a lot of mainstream attention and earned her nominations for a Teen Choice Award and an MTV Movie Award.Hathaway returned to the role for the 2004 sequel, The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. That same year, she played the title character in Ella Enchanted, a twist on the Cinderella story and received mostly positive reviews.In 2005, Hathaway departed from making family friendly films with Brokeback Mountain.The Academy Award-winning film,directed by Ang Lee, featured Hathaway in a supporting role as Lureen, whose husband is in love with another man. She earned strong reviews for her portrayal of a strong, sexy Texan woman.Her big screen success continued with The Devil Wears Prada, a film adaptation of the best-selling novel. Hathaway played a struggling journalist who takes a job at a fashion magazine.A more mature and sophisticated Hathaway in the movie made her a worldwide hit.By the way,Anne was deadly beautiful in that film.Since then, Hathaway has widened her territory by portraying different characters: Jane Austin in Becoming Jane,Kym the drug addict in Rachel Getting Married which gained Hathaway a nomination for Best Actress in the Academy Award,and not least, the graceful WhiteQueen in Alice in Wonderland,directed by Tim Burton.从那时起,海瑟薇开始尝试各种不同角色,以拓宽自己的戏路。



The Charms of Anne HathawayIn the world of cinema, few names resonate as brightly as Anne Hathaway. Her journey from a small-town girl to a globally renowned actress has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her dedication, talent, and resilience have earned her a place among the elite in the film industry. Her story is an inspiration to many, a reminder that with hard work and perseverance, dreams can indeed come true.Born in Brooklyn, New York, Anne Hathaway had a knack for performing from a very young age. She made her debut on stage at the age of seven, appearing in a local production of "Les Misérables." It was then that she realized her love for acting and knew that she wanted to pursue it as a career. However, it wasn't an easy ride. She facedrejection and doubts, but never gave up. Her perseverance and dedication to her craft eventually paid off when she was cast in her breakout role as Mia Thermopolis in the hit movie "The Princess Diaries."From then on, Anne's career skyrocketed. She starred in numerous blockbusters, including "Ella Enchanted," "The Devil Wears Prada," and "Love and Other Drugs." Herperformance in "Les Misérables" as Fantine wasparticularly noteworthy, as she sang and acted her heart out, earning her numerous accolades, including an Academy Award nomination. Her dedication to her roles and her willingness to push herself beyond her comfort zone have made her a favorite among directors and audiences alike.But Anne Hathaway is not just an actress. She is also a philanthropist and an advocate for various causes. She has been involved with organizations like the United Nations and has spoken out about important issues like poverty, education, and gender equality. Her commitment to making a difference in the world is as admirable as her acting skills.Off-screen, Anne is known for her down-to-earth personality and her relatable nature. She is often seen as a role model for young girls, not just for her success in the entertainment industry but also for her kindness and humility. She has a knack for connecting with people and making them feel seen and heard. Her charm and wit have won her legions of fans across the globe.In conclusion, Anne Hathaway is not just a talented actress but also a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her journey from a small-town girl to a globally renowned star is a testament to the power of dreams and determination. Her dedication to her craft, her philanthropic efforts, and her down-to-earth personality have made her a role modelfor many. Anne Hathaway's story is a reminder that with hard work and perseverance, we can all achieve our dreams. **安妮·海瑟薇的魅力**在电影界,很少有名字能像安妮·海瑟薇那样熠熠生辉。



பைடு நூலகம்
he Dark Knight Rises 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起)
2013年,安妮·海瑟薇凭借《悲惨世界》中 芳汀一角获得奥斯卡金像奖、金球奖
Anne Jacqueline Hathaway
Thanks for watching~
----One of the most beautiful women in the world
Biography (个人简介)
Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York.Her father,is a lawyer, and her mother, Kathleen Ann , is an actress who inspired Hathaway to follow in her footsteps. Hathaway's acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn,and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress. People magazine named her one of 2001's breakthrough stars and she first appeared on list of the world's 50 Most Beautiful People in 2006.



介绍安妮海瑟薇的英语作文Title: Anne Hathaway: A Talented ActressAnne Hathaway, born on November 12, 1982, in Brooklyn, New York, is an acclaimed American actress known for her versatility and charismatic performances. With a career spanning over two decades, Hathaway has enchanted audiences worldwide with her remarkable talent and charm.Hathaway's journey to stardom began with her role in the Disney film "The Princess Diaries" in 2001. Her portrayal of Mia Thermopolis, a young girl who discovers she is a princess, won the hearts of many and established her as a leading actress in Hollywood. Following her initial success, Hathaway continued to challenge herself with diverse roles, demonstrating her range as an actress.One of Hathaway's most notable performances was in the 2006 film "The Devil Wears Prada," where she played the aspiring journalist Andy Sachs opposite Meryl Streep. Her role in the film showcased her ability to hold her own against seasoned actors and further solidified her status as a rising star.In 2008, Hathaway showcased her dramatic skills in "Rachel Getting Married." Her portrayal of a recovering addict trying to reconnect with her family earned her an AcademyAward nomination for Best Actress. This role proved that Hathaway was not just a pretty face but a serious actress with depth and emotional range.Hathaway's talent reached new heights when she starred as Selina Kyle/Catwoman in "The Dark Knight Rises" in 2012. Her performance was widely praised, and she received critical acclaim for bringing a complex and multifaceted character to life.Her crowning achievement came in 2013 when she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in "Les Misérables." Hathaway's moving performance as Fantine, a struggling factory worker turned prostitute, was both heartbreaking and inspiring.Off-screen, Hathaway is known for her activism and philanthropy. She is an advocate for gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights, and she has been involved with several charitable organizations, including UN Women and World of Children.In conclusion, Anne Hathaway is more than just a talented actress; she is a role model who uses her fame to make a positive impact on the world. With her impressive body of work and her dedication to social causes, Hathaway continues to bea beloved figure in the entertainment industry.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]。



♥ 3、Anne acted as the
major role in the film named Nicholas Nick shell《尼古拉 斯.尼贝尔》in 2002;and starred in the film named Cinderella magic《魔法灰姑 ♥ 4、Anne Hathaway starred in Rachel„s 娘》 in2004, these films Wedding(蕾切尔的婚礼) made her be a well-known actress in2008.What‟s more
Her movies
The Princess Diaries
♥During her audition(试镜) for 2001„s The Princess Diaries, Anne won the lead role, in part, by accidentally falling off her chair. ♥The Princess Diaries ,which established her career, tells the story of civilians becoming the princess.
♥played as a struggling journalist ♥adapted from a best selling novel ♥more mature and sophisticated
Becoming Jane Austin The film tells a romantic love story about Jane Austin.
♥ 2、Anne Hathaway became really so popular in the Princess Diaries 《公主日记》in 2001; And she come back inThe Princess Diaries2---- Royal Engagement 《皇家婚约》in 2004. The exhibition of The Princess Diaries cinema was sweeping the world cinemas.



安妮.海瑟薇Anne Hathway初一十班——李珏莹安妮·海瑟薇,美国电影和舞台剧演员,父亲是位律师,母亲则是歌手兼演舞台剧演员.她在大学里主修英文,副修妇女研究,她说过,如果当不成演员,她会想当一位文学家或是心理学家.在《公主日记》的试镜时,安妮意外地从椅子上摔了下来,结果反而被导演一眼相中,得到了扮演主角米娅的机会,并一举成名.安妮拥有灿烂明媚的笑容和高雅端正的气质,还带有一点点的调皮可爱,被誉为“茱莉亚·罗伯茨和奥黛莉·赫本”的综合体。

安妮.海瑟薇档案❆英文名:Anne Hathway❆国籍:美国❆生日:1982年11月12日❆出生地:纽约布鲁克林❆星座:天蝎座❆身高:173cm❆毕业院校:纽约大学❆主要影视作品:《美梦成真》《魔法灰姑娘》《公主日记》《公主日记2:皇室婚约》《天堂的另一面》《尼古拉斯.尼克比》《一天》成长经历程星路历程1999年,只有17岁的安妮·海瑟薇在短命的电视系列剧《Get Real》中初次登台安妮时尚街拍(20张),反响平平,到现在也没几个人记得这部安妮·海瑟薇的荧屏处女作。









• Becoming Jane, in which she stars as Jane Austen, was released in 2007. Her most recent movie, Get Smart, in which she plays the character, Agent 99, was releass interior design and reading as pastimes.She has cited Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead(1943) as her favorite novel .
• She wanted to break the "G-rated" image, and consequently, in 2005 she co-starred in the adult-themed Havoc and Brokeback Mountain, both requiring nude scenes. The Devil Wears Prada (2006), in which she starred opposite Meryl Streep, has become the highestgrossing film of her career.
• Today I am glad to tell something about my favourite actress Anne Hathaway . She became famous after The Princess Diaries (2001), which established her career. She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, and she had the lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (both 2004).

安妮海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway_英语作文_1

安妮海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway_英语作文_1

安妮海瑟薇Anne HathawayWhen I was in primary school, my English teacher showed us a movie in the class. The story told about an ordinary girl turned out to be a princess and she had to learn how to be a princess. It was such a funny film, we laughed happily. I was so impressed by the actress Anne Hathaway, she was not only beautiful, but she was also played so well. Since then, I watch many of her films. Hathaway proves herself, she tells people that she is a good actress. People are easily attracted by her perfect outlook and ignore her hard-working at the beginning, but now they have seen her ability. The movies that Hathaway plays are the hot movies, she is becoming more and more popular. Every time when I see her new movie, I will be very excited and she never lets her fans down.当我在初中的时候,我的英语老师在班上给我们展示了一部电影。

安妮海瑟薇简介 英文

安妮海瑟薇简介 英文

Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. She made her acting debut in the 1999 television series Get Real, but her first prominent role was in Disney's family comedy The Princess Diaries (2001) starring opposite Julie Andrews, which established her career. She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, and she had the lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (both 2004).
Who is your favorite movie star? And why?
Thanks for your listening. And there are three movies I would commend to you :
Becoming Jane
The devil wears Prada Especially one of my best favorite movies is: Les Misèrables.
Award for the Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in 85t主日记 ( 2001) ▪ 公主日记2:皇室婚约 ( 2004) ▪ 魔法灰姑娘 ( 2004) ▪ 历劫俏佳人 ( 2005) ▪ 断背山 ( 2005) ▪ 穿普拉达的女王 ( 2006) ▪ 成为简· 奥斯汀 ( 2007) ▪ 新娘战争 ( 2009) ▪ 结婚大作战 ( 2009) ▪ 爱情与灵药 ( 2010) ▪ 情人节 ( 2010) ▪ 一天 ( 2011) ▪ 东京衰仔 ( 2011) ▪ 里约大冒险 ( 2011) ▪ 悲惨世界 ( 2012) ▪ 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 ( 2012)
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即将步入30岁的她对自己信心满满:―我的30岁正当年‖!Until the recent Hollywood blockbuster The Dark Knight Rises,
no one would have imagined Anne Hathaway landing the classic
role of the sexy, smart Cat woman–neither did she。


―I didn’t think they would revisit that character, because Michelle Pfeiffer’s performance ( in the1992 Batman Returns) had been so iconic,‖ Hathaway told Entertainment Weekly。



With two big projects out this year, The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables, Hathaway is
Hollywood’s golden girl. And it’s not only because of her signature smile and natural bea uty. Determination and hard work played a big role, too。



Even just getting into Cat woman’s trademark outfit was no mean feat.
―It was a psychological
terrorist,‖ said Hathaway, who appeared on the cover of Allure magazine’s July issue.
―I didn’t
understand how you could be thin and strong. I went into the gym for 10 months and di dn’t come out。






Right after losing weight for Cat
woman, the actress also had to cut her long hair for her role as Fantine in Les Miserables. ―There’s no need mentioning what long hair means to a woman, but I’m
glad it turned out to be a new breakthrough,‖ she told Allure magazine。




Hathaway’s two big breaks as an actress came in 2001 and 2006. After acquiring fame th rough
The Princess Diaries (2001); a more mature and sophisticated Hathaway in The Devil W ears Prada (2006) made her a worldwide hit。



Since then, Hathaway has widened her territory by portraying different characters: Jane Austin in
Becoming Jane (2007); Kym the drug addict in Rachel Getting Married (2008), which gained
Hathaway a nomination for Best Actress in the Academy Award; and not least, the gracef ul White Queen in Alice in Wonderland (2010)。



Although only a few months away from turning 30, Hathaway is relaxed because she thin ks it is the age when actresses start ―kicking ass‖。



―I think it’s the beginning of a process that really blossoms when you hit 30. It’s when yo u stop
apologizing for who you are. That’s such a freedom,‖ she told Marie Clare magazine earli er this year。




‖海瑟薇在今年早些时候接受《Marie Clare》杂志采访时表示。

She added that it is also an age when she will put less pressure on herself。


―Success is such a subjective thing. Certainly when I was starting out, I just had this unb elievable pressure to get jobs,‖ Hathaway said.
―But that has changed. Now I do it with hope。




